The math module defines LaTeXML's internal representation of mathematical content, including the basic math container \elementref{Math}. This element is considered inline, as it will be contained within some other block-level element, eg. \elementref{equation} for display-math. This class defines the content of the \elementref{Math} element. Additionally, it could contain MathML or OpenMath, after postprocessing. These elements comprise the internal math representation, being the content of the \elementref{XMath} element. Outer container for all math. This holds the internal \elementref{XMath} representation, as well as image data and other representations. Attributes for \elementref{Math}. display or inline mode. display inline reconstruction of the \TeX\ that generated the math. more semantic version of \attr{tex}. a textified representation of the math. Content model for \elementref{Math}. The role that this item plays in the Grammar. an open delimiter to enclose the object; an close delimiter to enclose the object; an open delimiter to enclose the argument list, when this token is applied to arguments with \elementref{XMApp}. a close delimiter to enclose the argument list, when this token is applied to arguments with \elementref{XMApp}. characters to separate arguments, when this token is applied to arguments with \elementref{XMApp}. Can be multiple characters for different argument positions; the last character is repeated if there aren't enough. trailing (presumably non-semantic) punctuation. an annotation placed by the parser when it suspects this token may be used as a function. Internal representation of mathematics. Attributes for \elementref{XMath}. Content model for \elementref{XMath}. General mathematical token. Attributes for \elementref{XMTok}. The name of the token, typically the control sequence that created it. A more semantic name corresponding to the intended meaning, such as the OpenMath name. The OpenMath CD for which \attr{meaning} is a symbol. Various random styling information. NOTE This needs to be made consistent. The font, size a used for the symbol. The size for the symbol, not presumed to be meaningful(?) The color (CSS format) for the symbol, not presumed to be meaningful(?) An encoding of the position of this token as a sub/superscript, used to handle aligned and nested scripts, both pre and post. It is a concatenation of (pre|mid|post), which indicates the horizontal positioning of the script with relation to it's base, and a counter indicating the level. These are used to position the scripts, and to pair up aligned sub- and superscripts. NOTE: Clarify where this appears: token, base, script operator, apply? NOTE: How is this used? Content model for \elementref{XMTok}. Generalized application of a function, operator, whatever (the first child) to arguments (the remaining children). The attributes are a subset of those for \elementref{XMTok}. Attributes for \elementref{XMApp}. The name of the token, typically the control sequence that created it. A more semantic name corresponding to the intended meaning, such as the OpenMath name. An encoding of the position of this token as a sub/superscript, used to handle aligned and nested scripts, both pre and post. (See \elementref{XMTok} for details) Content model for \elementref{XMApp}. Parallel markup of content (first child) and presentation (second child) of a mathematical object. Typically, the arguments are shared between the two branches: they appear in the content branch, with \attr{id}'s, and \elementref{XMRef} is used in the presentation branch Attributes for \elementref{XMDual}. Content model for \elementref{XMDual}. Various spacing items, generally ignored in parsing. The attributes are a subset of those for \elementref{XMTok}. Attributes for \elementref{XMHint}. Content model for \elementref{XMHint}. Text appearing within math. Attributes for \elementref{XMText}. An encoding of the position of this token as a sub/superscript, used to handle aligned and nested scripts, both pre and post. (See \elementref{XMTok} for details) Content model for \elementref{XMText}. Wrapper for a sequence of tokens used to assert the role of the contents in its parent. This element generally disappears after parsing. The attributes are a subset of those for \elementref{XMTok}. Attributes for \elementref{XMWrap}. A more semantic name corresponding to the intended meaning, such as the OpenMath name. An encoding of the position of this token as a sub/superscript, used to handle aligned and nested scripts, both pre and post. (See \elementref{XMTok} for details) Content model for \elementref{XMWrap}. Wrapper for an argument to a structured macro. It implies that its content can be parsed independently of its parent, and thus generally disappears after parsing. Attributes for \elementref{XMArg}. An encoding of the position of this token as a sub/superscript, used to handle aligned and nested scripts, both pre and post. (See \elementref{XMTok} for details) Content model for \elementref{XMArg}. Structure sharing element typically used in the presentation branch of an \elementref{XMDual} to refer to the arguments present in the content branch. Attributes for \elementref{XMRef}. Content model for \elementref{XMRef}. Math Array/Alignment structure. Attributes for \elementref{XMArray}. top bottom Content model for \elementref{XMArray}. A row in a math alignment. Attributes for \elementref{XMRow}. Content model for \elementref{XMRow}. A cell in a row of a math alignment. Attributes for \elementref{XMCell}. indicates how many columns this cell spans or covers. indicates how many rows this cell spans or covers. specifies the alignment of the content. specifies the desired width for the column. records a sequence of t or tt, r or rr, b or bb and l or ll for borders or doubled borders on any side of the cell. whether this cell corresponds to a table head or foot. Content model for \elementref{XMCell}.