default namespace = "" namespace a = "" ## ## SVG 1.1 Shape Module ## file: svg-shape.rng ## ## This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML. ## Copyright 2001, 2002 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved. ## ## $Id: svg-shape.rng,v 1.1 2003/07/15 07:11:10 dean Exp $ ## ## ## Shape ## ## path, rect, circle, line, ellipse, polyline, polygon ## ## This module declares markup to provide support for graphical shapes. ## [ xml:lang = "en" ] grammar { ## ## a list of points ## Points.datatype = xsd:string a:documentation [ "\x{a}" ~ " SVG.Shape.class\x{a}" ~ " " ] SVG.Shape.extra.class = notAllowed SVG.Shape.class |= path | rect | circle | line | ellipse | polyline | polygon | SVG.Shape.extra.class a:documentation [ "\x{a}" ~ " path: Path Element\x{a}" ~ " " ] SVG.path.content = SVG.Description.class*, SVG.Animation.class* path = element path { attlist.path, SVG.path.content } attlist.path &= SVG.Core.attrib, SVG.Conditional.attrib, SVG.Style.attrib, SVG.Paint.attrib, SVG.Color.attrib, SVG.Opacity.attrib, SVG.Graphics.attrib, SVG.Marker.attrib, SVG.Clip.attrib, SVG.Mask.attrib, SVG.Filter.attrib, SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib, SVG.Cursor.attrib, SVG.External.attrib, attribute d { PathData.datatype }, attribute pathLength { Number.datatype }?, attribute transform { TransformList.datatype }? a:documentation [ "\x{a}" ~ " rect: Rectangle Element\x{a}" ~ " " ] SVG.rect.content = SVG.Description.class*, SVG.Animation.class* rect = element rect { attlist.rect, SVG.rect.content } attlist.rect &= SVG.Core.attrib, SVG.Conditional.attrib, SVG.Style.attrib, SVG.Paint.attrib, SVG.Color.attrib, SVG.Opacity.attrib, SVG.Graphics.attrib, SVG.Clip.attrib, SVG.Mask.attrib, SVG.Filter.attrib, SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib, SVG.Cursor.attrib, SVG.External.attrib, attribute x { Coordinate.datatype }?, attribute y { Coordinate.datatype }?, attribute width { Length.datatype }, attribute height { Length.datatype }, attribute rx { Length.datatype }?, attribute ry { Length.datatype }?, attribute transform { TransformList.datatype }? a:documentation [ "\x{a}" ~ " circle: Circle Element\x{a}" ~ " " ] = SVG.Description.class*, SVG.Animation.class* circle = element circle {, } &= SVG.Core.attrib, SVG.Conditional.attrib, SVG.Style.attrib, SVG.Paint.attrib, SVG.Color.attrib, SVG.Opacity.attrib, SVG.Graphics.attrib, SVG.Clip.attrib, SVG.Mask.attrib, SVG.Filter.attrib, SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib, SVG.Cursor.attrib, SVG.External.attrib, attribute cx { Coordinate.datatype }?, attribute cy { Coordinate.datatype }?, attribute r { Length.datatype }, attribute transform { TransformList.datatype }? a:documentation [ "\x{a}" ~ " line: Line Element\x{a}" ~ " " ] SVG.line.content = SVG.Description.class*, SVG.Animation.class* line = element line { attlist.line, SVG.line.content } attlist.line &= SVG.Core.attrib, SVG.Conditional.attrib, SVG.Style.attrib, SVG.Paint.attrib, SVG.Color.attrib, SVG.Opacity.attrib, SVG.Graphics.attrib, SVG.Marker.attrib, SVG.Clip.attrib, SVG.Mask.attrib, SVG.Filter.attrib, SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib, SVG.Cursor.attrib, SVG.External.attrib, attribute x1 { Coordinate.datatype }?, attribute y1 { Coordinate.datatype }?, attribute x2 { Coordinate.datatype }?, attribute y2 { Coordinate.datatype }?, attribute transform { TransformList.datatype }? a:documentation [ "\x{a}" ~ " ellipse: Ellipse Element\x{a}" ~ " " ] SVG.ellipse.content = SVG.Description.class*, SVG.Animation.class* ellipse = element ellipse { attlist.ellipse, SVG.ellipse.content } attlist.ellipse &= SVG.Core.attrib, SVG.Conditional.attrib, SVG.Style.attrib, SVG.Paint.attrib, SVG.Color.attrib, SVG.Opacity.attrib, SVG.Graphics.attrib, SVG.Clip.attrib, SVG.Mask.attrib, SVG.Filter.attrib, SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib, SVG.Cursor.attrib, SVG.External.attrib, attribute cx { Coordinate.datatype }?, attribute cy { Coordinate.datatype }?, attribute rx { Length.datatype }, attribute ry { Length.datatype }, attribute transform { TransformList.datatype }? a:documentation [ "\x{a}" ~ " polyline: Polyline Element\x{a}" ~ " " ] SVG.polyline.content = SVG.Description.class*, SVG.Animation.class* polyline = element polyline { attlist.polyline, SVG.polyline.content } attlist.polyline &= SVG.Core.attrib, SVG.Conditional.attrib, SVG.Style.attrib, SVG.Paint.attrib, SVG.Color.attrib, SVG.Opacity.attrib, SVG.Graphics.attrib, SVG.Marker.attrib, SVG.Clip.attrib, SVG.Mask.attrib, SVG.Filter.attrib, SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib, SVG.Cursor.attrib, SVG.External.attrib, attribute points { Points.datatype }, attribute transform { TransformList.datatype }? a:documentation [ "\x{a}" ~ " polygon: Polygon Element\x{a}" ~ " " ] SVG.polygon.content = SVG.Description.class*, SVG.Animation.class* polygon = element polygon { attlist.polygon, SVG.polygon.content } attlist.polygon &= SVG.Core.attrib, SVG.Conditional.attrib, SVG.Style.attrib, SVG.Paint.attrib, SVG.Color.attrib, SVG.Opacity.attrib, SVG.Graphics.attrib, SVG.Marker.attrib, SVG.Clip.attrib, SVG.Mask.attrib, SVG.Filter.attrib, SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib, SVG.Cursor.attrib, SVG.External.attrib, attribute points { Points.datatype }, attribute transform { TransformList.datatype }? }