# /=====================================================================\ # | Metadata for LaTeXML | # |=====================================================================| # | Not Part of LaTeXML: | # | Copyright (c) 2005 Michael Kohlhase | # | Released under the Gnu Public License (GPL) | # |=====================================================================| # | Michael Kohlhase #_# | # | http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML/ (o o) | # \=========================================================ooo==U==ooo=/ default namespace = "http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML" dc.class = Creator | Contributor | Title | Subject | Description | Publisher | Date | Type | Identifier | Source | Language | Relation | Rights | license metadata = element metadata {Common.attribs,(dc.class)*} Creator = element Creator {Common.attribs,(text|Inline.class)*} Contributor = element Contributor {Common.attribs,(text|Inline.class)*} Title = element Title {Common.attribs,(text|Inline.class)*} Subject = element Subject {Common.attribs,(text|Inline.class)*} Description = element Description {Common.attribs,(text|Inline.class)*} Publisher = element Publisher {Common.attribs,(text|Inline.class)*} Date = element Date {Common.attribs,(text|Inline.class)*} Type = element Type {Common.attribs,(text|Inline.class)*} Identifier = element Identifier {Common.attribs,(text|Inline.class)*} Source = element Source {Common.attribs,(text|Inline.class)*} Language = element Language {Common.attribs,(text|Inline.class)*} Relation = element Relation {Common.attribs,(text|Inline.class)*} Rights = element Rights {Common.attribs,(text | Inline.class)*} license = element license {Common.attribs,(attribution|noncommercial|sharealike|noderivativeworks)*} attribution = element attribution {Common.attribs} noncommercial = element noncommercial {Common.attribs} sharealike = element sharealike {Common.attribs} noderivativeworks = element noderivativeworks {Common.attribs}