% \iffalse meta-comment % A LaTeX Class for CNXML % Copyright (c) 2006 Michael Kohlhase, all rights reserved % this file is released under the % Gnu Library Public Licences (LGPL) % % The development version of this file can be found at % https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/kwarc/projects/stex/sty/cnx.dtx % \fi % % \iffalse %\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] %\ProvidesClass{cnx}[2006/01/10 v0.1 LaTeX Bindings for CNXML] % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{url,array,float} \usepackage[show]{ed} \makeindex \floatstyle{boxed} \newfloat{exfig}{thp}{lop} \floatname{exfig}{Example} \begin{document}\DocInput{cnx.dtx}\end{document} % % \fi % %\CheckSum{443} % % \changes{v0.1}{2005/12/06}{Initial Version} % \changes{v0.2}{2006/01/11}{Namespaces now work} % % \GetFileInfo{cnx.cls} % % \MakeShortVerb{\|} %\def\scsys#1{{{\sc #1}}\index{#1@{\sc #1}}} % \def\stex{{\raisebox{-.5ex}S\kern-.5ex\TeX}} % \def\sTeX{\stex} % \def\xml{\scshape{XML}} % \def\cnxml{\scshape{CNXml}} % \def\connexions{\scshape{Connexions}} % \def\element#1{{\ttfamily{#1}}} % \def\snippet#1{{\ttfamily{#1}}} % \def\cnxlatex{CNX\LaTeX} % \def\mathml{{\scshape{MathML}}} % \def\latexml{\hbox{{\LaTeX}ML}} % \title{{\cnxlatex}: A {\LaTeX}-based Syntax for Connexions Modules\thanks{Version {\fileversion} % (last revised {\filedate})}} % \author{Michael Kohlhase\\ % Jacobs University, Bremen\\ % \url{http://kwarc.info/kohlhase}} % \maketitle % % \begin{abstract} % We present {\cnxlatex}, a collection of {\LaTeX} macros that allow to write % {\connexions} modules without leaving the {\LaTeX} workflow. Modules are authored in % {\cnxlatex} using only a text editor, transformed to PDF and proofread as usual. In % particular, the {\LaTeX} workflow is independent of havin access to the {\connexions} % system, which makes {\cnxlatex} attractive for the initial version of single-author % modules. % % For publication, {\cnxlatex} modules are transformed to {\cnxml} via the {\latexml} % translator and can be uploaded to the {\connexions} system. % \end{abstract} %\newpage %\section{Introduction} % % The Connexions project is a\ednote{continue; copy from somewhere...} % % The {\cnxml} format --- in particular the embeded content {\mathml} --- is hard to write % by hand, so we provide a set of enviroments that allow to embed the {\cnxml} document % model into {\LaTeX}. % %\section{The User Interface} % % This document is not a manual for the Connexions XML encoding, or a practical guide how % to write Connexions modules. We only document the {\LaTeX} bindings for {\cnxml} and will % presuppose experience with the format or familiarity with\ednote{cite the relevant stuff % here}. Note that formatting {\cnxlatex} documents with the {\LaTeX} formatter does % little to enforce the restrictions imposed by the {\cnxml} document model. You will need to % run the {\latexml} converter for that (it includes DTD validation) and any CNX-specific % quality assurance tools after that. \ednote{talk about Content {\mathml} and cmathml.sty % somewhere} % % The {\cnxlatex} class makes heavy use of the |KeyVal| package, which is part of your % {\LaTeX} distribution. This allows to add optional information to {\LaTeX} macros in the % form of key-value pairs: A macro |\foo| that takes a KeyVal argument and a regular one, % so a call might look like |\foo{bar}| (no KeyVal information given) or % |\foo[key1=val1,...,keyn=valn]{bar}|, where |key1|,\dots,|keyn| are predefined keywords % and values are {\LaTeX} token sequences that do not contain comma characters (though % they may contain blank characters). If a value needs to contain commas, then it must be % enclosed in curly braces, as in |\foo[args={a,comma,separated,list}]|. Note that the % order the key/value pairs appear in a KeyVal Argument is immaterial. % % \subsection{Document Structure} % % \begin{exfig} %\begin{verbatim} % \documentclass{cnx} % \begin{document} % \begin{cnxmodule}[name=Hello World,id=m4711] % \begin{ccontent} % \begin{cpara}[id=p01] Hello World\end{cpara} % \end{ccontent} % \end{cnxmodule} % \end{document} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{A Minimal {\cnxlatex} Document}\label{fig:minimal} %\end{exfig} % % The first set of {\cnxlatex} environments concern the top-level structure of the % modules. The minimal Connexions document in {\LaTeX} can be seen in % Figure~\ref{fig:minimal}: we still need the {\LaTeX} document environment, then % \DescribeEnv{cnxmodule} % the |cnxmodule| environment contains the module-specific information as a KeyVal % argument with the two keys: |id| for the module identifier supplied by the % {\connexions} system) and |name| for the title of the module. % % \DescribeEnv{ccontent} % The |content|envionrment delineates the module content from the metadata (see % Section~\ref{sec:metadata}). It is needed to make the conversion to {\cnxml} simpler. % % \DescribeEnv{c*section} % {\cnxml} knows three levels of sectioning, so the {\cnxlatex} class supplies three as % well: |csection|, |csubsection| and |csubsubsection|. In contrast to regular % {\LaTeX}, these are environments to keep the tight connection between the % formats. These environments take an optional KeyVal argument with key |id| for the % identifier and a regular argument for the title of the section (to be transformed into % the {\cnxml} {\element{name}} element). % % \DescribeEnv{cpara, cnote} % The lowest levels of the document structure are given by paragraphs and notes. The % |cpara| and |cnote| environment take a KeyVal argument with the |id| key for % identification, the latter also allows a |type| key for the note type (an unspecified % string\ednote{what are good values?}). % % % \subsection{Mathematics} % % Mathematical formulae are integrated into text via the {\LaTeX} math mode, i.e. wrapped % in |$| characters or between |\(| and |\)| for inline mathematics and wrapped in |$$| or % between |\[| and |\]| for display-style math. Note that {\cnxml} expects Content % {\mathml} as the representation format for mathematical formulae, while run-of-the-mill % {\LaTeX} only specifies the presentation (i.e. the two-dimensional layout of % formulae). The {\latexml} converter can usually figure out some of the content {\mathml} % from regular {\LaTeX}, in other cases, the author has to specify it e.g. using the % infrastructure supplied by the |cmathml| package. % % \DescribeEnv{cequation} % For numbered equations, {\cnxml} supplies the {\element{equation}} element, for which % {\cnxlatex} provides the |cequation| environment. This environment takes a KeyVal % argument with the |id| key for the (required) identifier. % % % \subsection{Statements} % % {\cnxml} provides special elements that make represnet various types of claims; we % collectively call them statements. % % \DescribeEnv{cexample} % The |cexample| environment and |definition| elements take a KeyVal argument with key % |id| for identification. % % % \DescribeEnv{crule, statement, proof} % In {\cnxml}, the {\element{rule}} element is used to represent a general assertion % about the state of the world. The {\cnxlatex} |rule|\ednote{we have called this % ``crule'', since ``rule'' is already used by {\TeX}.} environment is its {\cnxlatex} % counterpart. It takes a KeyVal attribute with the keys |id| for identification, |type| % to specify the type of the assertion (e.g. ``Theorem'', ``Lemma'' or ``Conjecture''), % and |name|, if the assertion has a title. The body of the |crule| environment contains % the statemnt of assertion in the |statement| environment and (optionally) a proof in % the |proof| environment. Both take a KeyVal argument with an |id| key for % identification. % %\begin{exfig} %\begin{verbatim} % \begin{crule}[id=prop1,type=Proposition] % \begin{statement}[id=prop1s] % Sample statement % \end{statement} % \begin{proof}[id=prop1p] % Your favourite proof % \end{proof} % \end{crule} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{A Basic crule Example}\label{fig:crule} %\end{exfig} % % \DescribeEnv{definition, cmeaning} A definition defines a new technical term or concept % for later use. The |definition| environment takes a KeyVal argument with the keys |id| % for identification and |term| for the concept (definiendum) defined in this form. The % definion text is given in the |cmeaning| environment\footnote{we have called this % |cmeaning|, sinc |menaning| is already taken by {\TeX}}, which takes a KeyVal argument % with key |id| for identification. After the |cmeaning| environment, a |definition| can % contain arbitrarily many |cexample|s. % %\begin{exfig} %\begin{verbatim} % \begin{definition}{term=term-to-be-defined, id=termi-def] % \begin{cmeaning}[id=termi-meaning] % {\term{Term-to-be-defined}} is defined as: Sample meaning % \end{cmeaning} % \end{definition} %\end{verbatim} % \caption{A Basic {\tt{definition}} and {\tt{cmeaning}} Example}\label{fig:def-cmean} %\end{exfig} % % \subsection{Connexions: Links and Cross-References} % % As the name {\connexions} already suggests, links and cross-references are very % important for {\connexions} modules. {\cnxml} provides three kinds of them. Module % links, hyperlinks, and concept references. % % \DescribeMacro{cnxn} % Module links are speficied by the |\cnxn| macro, which takes a keyval argument with % the keys |document|, |target|, and |strength|. The |document| key allows to specify % the module identifier of the desired module in the repository, if it is empty, then % the current module is intended. The |target| key allows to specify the document % fragment. Its value is the respective identifier (given by its |id| attribute in % {\cnxml} or the |id| key of the corresponding environment in {\cnxlatex}). Finally, % the |strength| key allows to specify the relevance of the link. % % The regular argument of the |\cnxn| macro is used to supply the link text. % % % \DescribeMacro{link} % Hyperlinks can be specified by the |\link| macro in {\cnxlatex}. It takes a KeyVal % argument with the key |src| to specify the URL of the link. The regular argument of % the |\link| macro is used to supply the link text. % % % \DescribeMacro{term} % The |\term| marcro can be used to specify the\ednote{continue, pending Chuck's % investigation. } % % % \subsection{Metadata}\label{sec:metadata} % % Metadata is mostly managed by the system in {\connexions}, so we often do not need to % care about it. On the other hand, it influences the system, so if we have work on the % module extensively before converting it to {\cnxml}, it may be worthwile specify some of % the data in advance. % % \begin{exfig} %\begin{verbatim} % \begin{metadata}[version=2.19, % created=2000/07/21,revised=2004/08/17 22:07:27.213 GMT-5] % \begin{authorlist} % \cnxauthor[id=miko,firstname=Michael,surname=Kohlhase, % email=m.kohlhase@iu-bremen.de] % \end{authorlist} % \begin{keywordlist}\keyword{Hello}\end{keywordlist} % \begin{cnxabstract} % A Minimal CNXLaTeX Document % \end{cnxabstract} % \end{metadata} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Typical {\cnxlatex} Metadata}\label{fig:metadata} %\end{exfig} % % \DescribeEnv{metadata} % The |metadata| environment takes a KeyVal argument with the keys |version|, |created|, % and |revised| with the obvious meanings. The latter keys take ISO 8601 norm % representations for dates and times. Concretely, the format is % {\snippet{CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss}} where ``{\snippet{CC}}'' represents the century, % ``{\snippet{YY}}'' the year, ``{\snippet{MM}}'' the month, and ``{\snippet{DD}}'' the % day, preceded by an optional leading ``{\snippet{-}}'' sign to indicate a negative % number. If the sign is omitted, ``{\snippet{+}}'' is assumed. The letter % ``{\snippet{T}}'' is the date/time separator and ``{\snippet{hh}}'', % ``{\snippet{mm}}'', ``{\snippet{ss}}'' represent hour, minutes, and seconds % respectively. % % % \DescribeEnv{authorlist, maintainerlist} % The lists of authors and maintainers can be specified in the |authorlist| and % |maintainerlist| environments, which take no arguments. % % \DescribeMacro{cnxauthor,maintainer} % The entries on this lists are specified by the |\cnxauthor| and |\maintainer| % macros. Which take a KeyVal argument specifying the individual. The |id| key is the % identifier for the person, the |honorific|, |firstname|, |other|, |surname|, and % |lineage| keys are used to specify the various name parts, and the |email| key is used % to speficy the e-mail address of the person. % % % \DescribeEnv{keywordlist, keyword} % The keywords are specified with a list of |keyword| macros, which take the respective % keyword in their only argument, inside a |keyword| environment. Neither take any % KeyVal arguments. % % % \DescribeEnv{cnxabstract} % The abstract of a {\connexions} module is considered to be part of the metadata. It is % specified using the |cnxabstract| environment. It does not take any arguments. % % % \subsection{Exercises} % % \DescribeEnv{cexercise, cproblem, csolution} % An exercise or problem in {\connexions} is specified by the |cexercise| environment, % which takes an optional keyval argument with the keys |id| and |name|. It must contain % a |cproblem| environment for the problem statement and a (possibly) empty set of % |csolution| environments. Both of these take an optional keyval argument with the key % |id|. % % \subsection{Graphics, etc.} % % \DescribeMacro{cfigure} For graphics we will use the |cfigure|\ednote{probably better % call it {\tt{cgraphics}}} macro, which provides a non-floating environment for % including graphics into {\cnxml} files. |cfigure| takes three arguments first an % optional {\cnxml} keys, then the keys of the |graphicx| package in a regular argument % (leave that empty if you don't have any) and finally a path. So % \begin{center} % |\cfigure[id=foo,type=image/jpeg,caption=The first FOO]{width=7cm,height=2cm}{../images/foo}| % \end{center} % Would include a graphic from the file at the path |../images/foo|, equip this image with % a caption, and tell {\latexml} that\ednote{err, exactly what does it tell latexml?} the % original of the images has the MIME type |image/jpeg|. % % \StopEventually{\ednotemessage} % %\section{The Implementation} % % We first make sure that the |KeyVal| and |graphicx| packages are loaded. % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \RequirePackage{keyval} \RequirePackage{graphicx} % \end{macrocode} % % The next step is to declare (a few) class options that handle the paper size; this is % useful for printing. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{letterpaper} {\setlength\paperheight {11in}% \setlength\paperwidth {8.5in}} \DeclareOption{a4paper} {\setlength\paperheight {297mm}% \setlength\paperwidth {210mm}} \ExecuteOptions{letterpaper} \ProcessOptions % \end{macrocode} % Finally, we input all the usual size settings. There is no sense to use something else, % and we initialize the pagenumbering counter and tell it to output the numbers in arabic % numerals (otherwise label and reference do not work). % \begin{macrocode} \input{size10.clo} \pagenumbering{roman} % % \end{macrocode} % Now comes the equivalent for {\latexml}: this is something that we will have throughout % this document. Every part of the {\TeX/\LaTeX} implementation has a {\latexml} % equivalent. We keep them together to ensure that they do not get out of sync. % \begin{macrocode} %<*ltxml> # -*- CPERL -*- package LaTeXML::Package::Pool; use strict; use LaTeXML::Package; RequirePackage('keyval'); % \end{macrocode} % We set up the necessary namespaces, the first one is the default one for {\cnxml} % \begin{macrocode} RegisterNamespace('cnx'=>"http://cnx.rice.edu/cnxml"); RegisterNamespace('md'=>"http://cnx.rice.edu/mdml/0.4"); RegisterNamespace('bib'=>"http://bibtexml.sf.net/"); RegisterNamespace('m'=>"http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"); % \end{macrocode} % For {\latexml} we also have to set up the correct document type information. The first line % gives the root element. The second gives the public identifier for the CNX DTD, then we % have its URL, and finally the CNX namespace. % \begin{macrocode} DocType("cnx:document", "-//CNX//DTD CNXML 0.5 plus LaTeXML//EN", "../dtd/cnxml+ltxml.dtd", '#default'=>"http://cnx.rice.edu/cnxml", 'md'=>"http://cnx.rice.edu/mdml/0.4", 'bib'=>"http://bibtexml.sf.net/", 'm'=>"http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", 'ltx'=>"http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML"); % \end{macrocode} % % And finally, we need to set up the counters for itemization, since we are defining a % class file from scratch.\ednote{this will have to change, when Bruce updates to the next % version (0.6?)} % % \begin{macrocode} NewCounter('@itemizei', 'document', idprefix=>'I'); NewCounter('@itemizeii', '@itemizei', idprefix=>'I'); NewCounter('@itemizeiii', '@itemizeii', idprefix=>'I'); NewCounter('@itemizeiv', '@itemizeiii',idprefix=>'I'); NewCounter('@itemizev', '@itemizeiv', idprefix=>'I'); NewCounter('@itemizevi', '@itemizev', idprefix=>'I'); NewCounter('enumi', '@itemizei', idprefix=>'i'); NewCounter('enumii', '@itemizeii', idprefix=>'i'); NewCounter('enumiii','@itemizeiii', idprefix=>'i'); NewCounter('enumiv', '@itemizeiv', idprefix=>'i'); # A couple of more levels, since we use these for ID's! NewCounter('enumv', '@itemizev', idprefix=>'i'); NewCounter('enumvi', '@itemizevi', idprefix=>'i'); DefMacro('\theenumi', '\arabic{enumi}'); DefMacro('\theenumii', '\alph{enumii}'); DefMacro('\theenumiii', '\roman{enumiii}'); DefMacro('\theenumiv', '\Alph{enumiv}'); NewCounter('equation', 'document', idprefix=>'E'); DefMacro('\theequation', '\arabic{equation}'); DefMacro('\textwidth','16cm'); % \end{macrocode} % % And another thing that is now needed: % % \begin{macrocode} Let('\thedocument@ID','\@empty'); % % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Document Structure} % % Now, we start with the document structure markup. The |cnxmodule| environment does not % add anything to the {\LaTeX} output, it's attributes only show up in the {\xml}. There % we have a slight complication: we have to put an |id| attribute on the |document| % element in {\cnxml}, but we cannot redefine the |document| environment in % {\LaTeX}. Therefore we specify the information in the |cnxmodule| environment. This % means however that we have to put in on the |document| element when we are already past % this. The solution here is that when we parse the |cnxmodule| environement, we store the % value and put it on the |document| element when we leave the |document| environment % (thanks for Ioan Sucan for the code). % % \begin{environment}{cnxmodule} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{cnxmodule}{name}{\def\cnx@title{#1}} \define@key{cnxmodule}{id}{} \newenvironment{cnxmodule}[1][]{\setkeys{cnxmodule}{#1}}{} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('cnxmodule','name','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('cnxmodule','id','Semiverbatim'); DefEnvironment('{document}','#body', beforeDigest=> sub { AssignValue(inPreamble=>0); }, afterDigest=> sub { $_[0]->getGullet->flush; return; }); DefEnvironment('{cnxmodule} OptionalKeyVals:cnxmodule', "&KeyVal('#1','name')\n#body\n", afterDigestBegin => sub { AssignValue('cnxmodule_id', KeyVal($_[1]->getArg(1), 'id')->toString, 'global'); }); Tag('cnx:document', afterClose => sub { $_[1]->setAttribute('id', LookupValue('cnxmodule_id')); }); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{ccontent} % The |ccontent| environment is only used for transformation. Its optional |id| attribute % is not taken up in the {\LaTeX} bindings. % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \newenvironment{ccontent}{}{} % %<*ltxml> DefEnvironment('{ccontent}',"#body"); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{c*section} % The sectioning environments employ the obvious nested set of counters. % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \newcounter{section} \define@key{sectioning}{id}{} \newenvironment{csection}[2][]% {\stepcounter{section}\strut\\[1.5ex]\noindent% {\Large\bfseries\arabic{section}.~{#2}}\\[1.5ex] \setkeys{sectioning}{#1}} {} \newcounter{subsection}[section] \newenvironment{csubsection}[2][] {\refstepcounter{subsection}\strut\\[1ex]\noindent% {\large\bfseries{\arabic{section}.\arabic{subsection}.~#2\\[1ex]}}% \setkeys{sectioning}{#1}}% {} \newcounter{subsubsection}[subsection] \newenvironment{csubsubsection}[2][] {\refstepcounter{subsubsection}\strut\\[.5ex]\noindent {\bfseries\arabic{section}.\arabic{subsection}.\arabic{subsubsecction}~#2\\[.5ex]}% \setkeys{sectioning}{#1}}{} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('sectioning','id','Semiverbatim'); DefEnvironment('{csection}OptionalKeyVals:sectioning{}', "\n" . "?#2(#2\n)()" . "#body\n\n"); DefEnvironment('{csubsection}OptionalKeyVals:sectioning{}', "\n" . "?#2(#2\n)()" . "#body\n\n"); DefEnvironment('{csubsubsection}OptionalKeyVals:sectioning{}', "\n" . "?#2(#2\n)()" . "#body\n\n"); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{cpara} % For the || element we have to do some work, since we want them to be % numbered. This handline is adapted from Bruce Miller's |LaTeX.ltxml| % numberd. % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{para}{id}{} \newenvironment{cpara}[1][]{\setkeys{para}{#1}}{\par} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('para','id','Semiverbatim'); DefEnvironment('{cpara} OptionalKeyVals:para','#body'); sub number_para { my($document,$node,$whatsit)=@_; # Get prefix from first parent with an id. my(@parents)=$document->findnodes('ancestor::*[@id]',$node); # find 1st id'd parent. my $prefix= (@parents ? $parents[$#parents]->getAttribute('id')."." : ''); # Get the previous number within parent; Worried about intervening elements around para's, but... my(@siblings)=$document->findnodes("preceding-sibling::cnx:para",$node); my $n=1; $n = $1+1 if(@siblings && $siblings[$#siblings]->getAttribute('id')=~/(\d+)$/); $node->setAttribute(id=>$prefix."p$n"); } Tag('cnx:para',afterOpen=>\&number_para); DefConstructor('\par',sub { $_[0]->maybeCloseElement('cnx:para'); },alias=>"\\par\n"); Tag('cnx:para', autoClose=>1, autoOpen=>1); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{cnote} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{note}{id}{} \define@key{note}{type}{\def\note@type{#1}} \newenvironment{cnote}[1][]% {\setkeys{note}{#1}\par\noindent\strut\hfill\begin{minipage}{10cm}{\bfseries\note@type}:~}% {\end{minipage}\hfill\strut\par} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('note','id','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('note','type','Semiverbatim'); DefEnvironment('{cnote}OptionalKeyVals:note','#body'); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \subsection{Mathematics} % % \begin{environment}{cequation} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{equation}{id}{} \newenvironment{cequation}[1][]% {\setkeys{equation}{#1}\begin{displaymath}} {\end{displaymath}} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('equation','id','Semiverbatim'); DefEnvironment('{cequation} OptionalKeyVals:equation', "" . "" . "#body" . "", mode=>'display_math'); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \subsection{Rich Text} % % In this section, we redefine some of {\LaTeX} commands that have their counterparts in % {\cnxml}. % % \begin{environment}{quote} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{cquote}{id}{} \define@key{cquote}{type}{} \define@key{cquote}{src}{} \newenvironment{cquote}[1][]{% \setkeys{cquote}{#1}\begin{center}\begin{minipage}{.8\textwidth}}{\end{minipage}\end{center}} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('cquote','id','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('cquote','type','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('cquote','src','Semiverbatim'); DefEnvironment('{cquote} OptionalKeyVals:cquote', "#body"); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{footnote} % \begin{macrocode} %<*ltxml> DefConstructor('\footnote[]{}',"#2"); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{emph} % \begin{macrocode} %<*ltxml> DefConstructor('\emph{}',"#1"); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{displaymath, eqnarray} % We redefine the abbreviate display math envionment and the |eqnarray| and |eqnarray*| % environments to use the {\cnxml} equation tags, everything else stays the same. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*ltxml> DefConstructor('\[', "" . "" . "" . "#body" . "" . "" ."", beforeDigest=> sub{ $_[0]->beginMode('display_math'); }, captureBody=>1, properties=> sub { RefStepID('equation') }); DefConstructor('\]' ,"",beforeDigest=> sub{ $_[0]->endMode('display_math'); }); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{displaymath} % We redefine the abbreviate display math envionment to use the {\cnxml} equation tags, % everything else stays the same.\ednote{check {\tt{LaTeX.ltxml}} frequently and try to % keep in sync, it would be good, if the code in LaTeXML.ltxml could be modularized, % so that the {\tt{cnx}}/{\tt{ltx}} namespace differences could be relegated to % config options} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*ltxml> DefConstructor('\[', "" . "" . "" . "#body" . "" . "" ."", beforeDigest=> sub{ $_[0]->beginMode('display_math'); }, captureBody=>1, properties=> sub { RefStepID('equation') }); DefConstructor('\]' ,"",beforeDigest=> sub{ $_[0]->endMode('display_math'); }); DefMacro('\eqnarray', '\@@eqnarray\@start@alignment'); DefMacro('\endeqnarray', '\@finish@alignment\end@eqnarray'); DefMacro('\csname eqnarray*\endcsname', '\@@eqnarray*\@start@alignment'); DefMacro('\csname endeqnarray*\endcsname', '\@finish@alignment\end@eqnarray'); DefConstructor('\@@eqnarray OptionalMatch:* AlignmentBody:\end@eqnarray', sub { my($document,$star,$body,%props)=@_; $document->openElement('cnx:equation',refnum=>$props{refnum},id=>$props{id}); $document->openElement('ltx:Math',mode=>'display'); $document->openElement('ltx:XMath'); constructAlignment($document,$body,attributes=>{name=>'eqnarray'}); $document->closeElement('ltx:XMath'); $document->closeElement('ltx:Math'); $document->closeElement('cnx:equation'); }, mode=>'display_math', beforeDigest=>sub { alignmentBindings('rcl'); }, properties=> sub { ($_[1] ? RefStepID('equation') : RefStepCounter('equation')); }, afterDigest=>sub { $_[1]->setProperty(body=>$_[1]->getArg(2));}, # So we get TeX reversion=>'\begin{eqnarray#1}#2\end{eqnarray#1}'); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{displaymath} % We redefine the abbreviate display math envionment to use the {\cnxml} equation tags, % everything else stays the same.\ednote{check {\tt{LaTeX.ltxml}} frequently and try to % keep in sync, it would be good, if the code in LaTeXML.ltxml could be modularized, % so that the {\tt{cnx}}/{\tt{ltx}} namespace differences could be relegated to % config options} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \newcommand{\litem}[2][]{\item[#1]\label{#2}} % %<*ltxml> Tag('cnx:item', autoClose=>1); DefConstructor('\item[]',"?#1(#1)"); DefConstructor('\litem[]{}',"?#1(#1)"); DefConstructor('\itemize@item[]', "?#1(#1)", properties=>sub{ RefStepItemCounter(); }); DefConstructor('\enumerate@item[]', "?#1(#1)", properties=>sub{ RefStepItemCounter(); }); DefConstructor('\description@item[]', "?#1(#1)", properties=>sub{ RefStepItemCounter(); }); AssignValue(itemlevel=>0); DefEnvironment('{itemize}', "#body", properties=>sub { beginItemize('itemize'); }); DefEnvironment('{enumerate}', "#body", properties=>sub { beginItemize('enumerate'); }); DefEnvironment('{description}', "#body", properties=>sub { beginItemize('description'); }); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % The next set of commands and environemnts are largely presentational, so we just skip % them. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*ltxml> DefEnvironment('{center}','#body'); DefEnvironment('{minipage}{}','#body'); DefEnvironment('{small}','#body'); DefEnvironment('{footnotesize}','#body'); DefEnvironment('{tiny}','#body'); DefEnvironment('{scriptsize}','#body'); % % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*ltxml> DefConstructor('\ref Semiverbatim', "&LookupValue('LABEL@#1')"); % % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Statements} % % \begin{environment}{cexample} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{example}{id}{} \define@key{example}{name}{\def\example@name{#1}} \newenvironment{cexample}[1][]{\setkeys{example}{#1} {\@ifundefined{example@name}{}{\noindent\bfseries{\example@name}}}} {} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('example','id','Semiverbatim'); DefEnvironment('{cexample}OptionalKeyVals:example', "#body"); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{cexercise} % The |cexercise|, |cproblem| and |csolution| environments are very simple to set up for % {\LaTeX}. For the {\latexml} side, we simplify matters considerably for the moment by % restricting the possibilities we have on the {\cnxml} side: We assume that the content % is just one || element for the || and || % elements.\ednote{relax this when we have automated the generation of {\tt{cnx:para}} % elements} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \newcounter{cexercise} \define@key{cexercise}{id}{} \define@key{cexercise}{name}{\def\cexercise@name{#1}} \newenvironment{cexercise}[1][]{\setkeys{cexercise}{#1} {\@ifundefined{cexercise@name}{}{\stepcounter{cexercise}\noindent\bfseries{\cexercise@name~\arabic{cexercise}}}}} {} \define@key{cproblem}{id}{} \newenvironment{cproblem}[1][]{\setkeys{cproblem}{#1}}{}{} \define@key{csolution}{id}{} \newenvironment{csolution}[1][]{\setkeys{csolution}{#1}}{\par\noindent\bfseries{Solution}}{} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('cexercise','id','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('cexercise','name','Semiverbatim'); DefEnvironment('{cexercise}OptionalKeyVals:exercise', "" . "#body" . ""); DefKeyVal('cproblem','id','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('cproblem','name','Semiverbatim'); DefEnvironment('{cproblem}OptionalKeyVals:cproblem', "" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'name')(&KeyVal(#1,'name')\n)()" . "#body" . ""); DefKeyVal('csolution','id','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('csolution','name','Semiverbatim'); DefEnvironment('{csolution}OptionalKeyVals:cproblem', "" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'name')(&KeyVal(#1,'name')\n)()" . "#body" . ""); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{crule} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{rule}{id}{} \define@key{rule}{name}{\def\rule@name{#1}} \define@key{rule}{type}{\def\rule@type{#1}} \newenvironment{crule}[1][]{\setkeys{rule}{#1}% {\noindent\bfseries{\rule@type:}\@ifundefined{rule@name}{}{~(\rule@name)}}}% {} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('rule','id','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('rule','name','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('rule','type','Semiverbatim'); DefEnvironment('{crule}OptionalKeyVals:rule', "\n" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'name')(&KeyVal(#1,'name')\n)()" . "\n#body\n" . "\n"); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{statement} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{statement}{id}{} \newenvironment{statement}[1][]{\setkeys{statement}{#1}}{} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('statement','id','Semiverbatim'); DefEnvironment('{statement}OptionalKeyVals:statement','#body'); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{proof} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{proof}{id}{} \newenvironment{proof}[1][]{\setkeys{proof}{#1}}{} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('proof','id','Semiverbatim'); DefEnvironment('{proof}OptionalKeyVals:proof','#body'); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{definition} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{definition}{term}{} \define@key{definition}{id}{} \define@key{definition}{seealso}{} \newenvironment{definition}[1][]{\setkeys{definition}{#1}{\noindent\bfseries{Definition:}}}{} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('definition','id','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('definition','term','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('definition','seealso','Semiverbatim'); DefEnvironment('{definition}OptionalKeyVals:definition', "\n" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'term')(&KeyVal(#1,'term')\n)()" . "\n#body\n" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'seealso')(&KeyVal(#1,'term')\n)()" . "\n"); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{cmeaning} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{meaning}{id}{} \newenvironment{cmeaning}[1][]{\setkeys{meaning}{#1}}{} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('meaning','id','Semiverbatim'); DefEnvironment('{cmeaning}OptionalKeyVals:meaning','#body'); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \subsection{Conexxions} % % \begin{macro}{cnxn} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{cnxn}{document}{\def\cnxn@doc{#1}} \define@key{cnxn}{target}{\def\cnxn@target{#1}} \define@key{cnxn}{strength}{} \newcommand{\cnxn}[2][]% keys, link text {\setkeys{cnxn}{#1}{\underline{#2}}\footnote{{\ttfamily\@ifundefined{cnxn@doc}{\cnxn@doc}{}\#\cnxn@target}}} \newcommand\@makefntext[1]{\parindent 1em\noindent\hb@xt@1.8em{\hss\@makefnmark}#1} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('cnxn','document','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('cnxn','target','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('cnxn','strength','Semiverbatim'); DefConstructor('\cnxn OptionalKeyVals:cnxn {}','#1'); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{link} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{link}{src}{} \newcommand{\link}[2][]{\setkeys{link}{#1}\underline{#2}} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('link','src','Semiverbatim'); DefConstructor('\link OptionalKeyVals:link {}','#2'); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{cfigure} % The |cfigure| only gives us one of the possible instances of the |
| % element\ednote{extend that}.\ednote{do more about required and optional keys in % arguments.} In {\LaTeX}, we just pipe the size information through to % |includegraphics|, in {\latexml}, we construct the {\cnxml} structure\ednote{what do % we do with the graphicx information about size,... CSS?} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{cfigure}{id}{\def\cf@id{#1}} \define@key{cfigure}{type}{} \define@key{cfigure}{caption}{\def\cf@caption{#1}} \newcounter{figure} \newcommand{\cfigure}[3][]{% cnx_keys, graphicx_keys, path \begin{center}% \includegraphics[#2]{#3}% \setkeys{cfigure}{#1}% \@ifundefined{cfigure@caption}{}{{\par\noindent Figure\refstepcounter{figure}} {\arabic{figure}}: \cf@caption% \protected@edef\@currentlabel{\arabic{figure}}% \@ifundefined{cf@id}{}{\label{\cf@id}}}% \end{center}} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('cfigure','id','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('cfigure','name','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('cfigure','type','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('cfigure','caption','Semiverbatim'); DefConstructor('\cfigure OptionalKeyVals:cfigure Semiverbatim Semiverbatim', "" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'name')(&KeyVal(#1,'name')\n)()" . "" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'caption')(&KeyVal(#1,'caption')\n)()" . ""); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{ccite} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{ccite}{src}{} \newcommand{\ccite}[2][]{\setkeys{ccite}{#1}\emph{#2}} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('ccite','src','Semiverbatim'); DefConstructor('\ccite OptionalKeyVals:ccite {}','#2'); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{term} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \newcommand{\term}[1]{{\bfseries\underline{#1}}} % %<*ltxml> DefConstructor('\term[]{}',"#2"); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Metadata} % % \begin{environment}{metadata} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{metadata}{version}{} \define@key{metadata}{created}{} \define@key{metadata}{revised}{} \newsavebox{\metadatabox} \newenvironment{metadata}[1][]% {\noindent\hfill\begin{lrbox}{\metadatabox} \begin{minipage}{.8\textwidth}% {\Large\bfseries CNX Module: \cnx@title\hfill\strut}\\[2ex]}% {\end{minipage}\end{lrbox}\fbox{\usebox\metadatabox}\hfill} % \newenvironment{metadata}[1][]% % {\noindent\strut\hfill\begin{lrbox}{\metadatabox}\begin{minipage}{10cm}% % {\strut\hfill\Large\bfseries CNX Module: \cnx@title\hfill\strut}\\[2ex]}% % {\end{minipage}\end{lrbox}\fbox{\usebox\metadatabox}\hfill\strut\\[3ex]} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('metadata','version','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('metadata','created','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('metadata','revised','Semiverbatim'); DefEnvironment('{metadata}OptionalKeyVals:metadata', "\n" . "&KeyVal('#1','version')\n" . "&KeyVal('#1','created')\n" . "&KeyVal('#1','revised')\n" . "#body\n" . ""); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{authorlist} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \newenvironment{authorlist}{{\bfseries{Authors}:~}}{\\[1ex]} % %<*ltxml> DefEnvironment('{authorlist}',"#body"); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{maintainerlist} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \newenvironment{maintainerlist}{{\bfseries{Maintainers}:~}}{\\[1ex]} % %<*ltxml> DefEnvironment('{maintainerlist}',"#body"); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{macro}{cnxauthor} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \define@key{auth}{id}{} \define@key{auth}{honorific}{\def\auth@honorific{#1}} \define@key{auth}{firstname}{\def\auth@first{#1}} \define@key{auth}{other}{\def\auth@other{#1}} \define@key{auth}{surname}{\def\auth@sur{#1}} \define@key{auth}{lineage}{\def\auth@line{#1}} \define@key{auth}{email}{} \newcommand{\cnxauthor}[1][]{\setkeys{auth}{#1}\auth@first~\auth@sur,} % %<*ltxml> DefKeyVal('auth','id','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('auth','firstname','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('auth','surname','Semiverbatim'); DefKeyVal('auth','email','Semiverbatim'); DefConstructor('\cnxauthor OptionalKeyVals:auth', "\n" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'honorific')(&KeyVal('#1','honorific')\n)()" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'firstname')(&KeyVal('#1','firstname')\n)()" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'other')(&KeyVal('#1','other')\n)()" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'surname')(&KeyVal('#1','surname')\n)()" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'lineage')(&KeyVal('#1','lineage')\n)()" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'email')(&KeyVal('#1','email')\n)()" . "\n"); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{maintainer} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \newcommand{\maintainer}[1][]{\setkeys{auth}{#1}\auth@first~\auth@sur,} % %<*ltxml> DefConstructor('\maintainer OptionalKeyVals:auth', "\n" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'honorific')(&KeyVal('#1','honorific')\n)()" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'firstname')(&KeyVal('#1','firstname')\n)()" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'other')(&KeyVal('#1','other')\n)()" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'surname')(&KeyVal('#1','surname')\n)()" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'lineage')(&KeyVal('#1','lineage')\n)()" . "?&KeyVal(#1,'email')(&KeyVal('#1','email')\n)()" . "\n"); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{environment}{keywordlist} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \newenvironment{keywordlist}{\bfseries{Keywords}:~}{\\[1ex]} % %<*ltxml> DefEnvironment('{keywordlist}',"\n#body\n"); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{macro}{keyword} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \newcommand{\keyword}[1]{#1,} % %<*ltxml> DefConstructor('\keyword {}',"#1"); % % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{environment}{cnxabstract} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \newenvironment{cnxabstract}% {\par\noindent\strut\hfill\begin{minipage}{10cm}{\bfseries{Abstract}:~}}% {\end{minipage}\hfill} % %<*ltxml> DefEnvironment('{cnxabstract} OptionalKeyVals:cnxabstract', "\n#body\n\n"); 1; % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % \Finale \endinput % \iffalse %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: doctex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: % \fi