% % SKTDOC.SKT % % Revision 1.0 1996/02/13 Charles Wikner wikner@nacdh4.nac.ac.za % Revision 1.1 1996/03/05 added skt*.tfm files to distribution % Revision 2.0 1996/11/27 major upgrade. % % Copyright 1996 & 2002 Charles Wikner % This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms % of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN % archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % version 1 of the License, or any later version. % % % This is the documentation source file. % \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[larger,iitalic,uitalic]{skt} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{pstricks} % If not using pstricks, then comment out this line % ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ \providecommand{\lightgray}{} % default when pstricks not used \font\bigskt=skt10 at 46mm \pagenumbering{skt} {\skt [0- 1+ 2+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 10+]} %\makeatletter\def\@skt#1{{\bf\small Beta - }{{}\skt\number #1}}\makeatother%%% %\addtolength{\columnsep}{-44pt} \parindent 0pt \addtolength{\parskip}{2mm} \tolerance=500 \raggedbottom \hyphenpenalty=9999 % The following commands etc. are used by the sa.myoga table only. \newcounter{entrycount} \setcounter{entrycount}{0} \newcommand{\entrynumber}[1]% {\stepcounter{entrycount}% \makebox[7mm][r]{\theentrycount}% \makebox[1mm][l]{\textsuperscript{#1}}} \newcommand{\sing}[3]% {\mbox{\entrynumber{#1} \makebox[14mm][l]{#2}{#3}}\par} \newcommand{\dual}[4]% {\mbox{\entrynumber{#1} \makebox[14mm][l]{#2}{#3}}\par% \hspace*{23.5mm}\mbox{#4}\par} \begin{document} {\Large \textbf{Sanskrit for \LaTeXe \hfill Version 2}\par}%%% \vfill \vspace{1mm} {\large \textbf{Introduction}\par} The package contains the font files and pre-processor for printing Sanskrit text in both {\skti devanaagarii} and transliterated Roman with diacritics. Some features of the {\skti devanaagarii} font:\\[2mm] \makebox[8mm][c]{$\bullet$} Font available in three weights and two slopes.\\ \makebox[8mm][c]{$\bullet$} The i-hooks connect to the consonants at the correct positions.\\ \makebox[8mm][c]{$\bullet$} Accents for all {\skti Veda\/}s ({\skti .Rgveda}, {\skti Saamaveda}, {\skti Taittiriiya}), etc.\\ \makebox[8mm][c]{$\bullet$} Accent marking in colour or grey shading.\\ \makebox[8mm][c]{$\bullet$} Choice of character forms (e.g.~{\skt a\,/\,[40+]a}) and {\skti sa.myoga} (e.g.~{\skt [40-]~nca\,/\,[121+]~nca[121-]}).\\ \makebox[8mm][c]{$\bullet$} Range of intra- and inter-syllable spacing.\\ \makebox[8mm][c]{$\bullet$} Dynamic option selection. Some features of the transliterated Roman:\\[2mm] \makebox[8mm][c]{$\bullet$} Full accent marking and stacking in basic transliteration mode.\\ \makebox[8mm][c]{$\bullet$} Four `cases' (as per S\,M\,Katre) in technical transliteration mode.\\ \makebox[8mm][c]{$\bullet$} Each transliteration mode has four styles: Roman/italic $\times$\ bold/normal. Indebtedness to the earlier work of Frans Velthuis and Dominik Wujastyk is acknowledged: the overall structure and encoding is based upon theirs. \vspace{3.5mm} {\large \textbf{Upgrading from Version 1}\par} Every file in this package differs greatly from the Version~1 release, so all need to be replaced, and all related pixel files (e.g.~\verb+skt*.pk+) should be deleted. While this is essentially a major upgrade to Version~1, there are some changes that impact on the users' files (those with a \verb+.skt+ extension): \makebox[8mm][c]{$\bullet$} The accent marking symbols, \verb+<+ and \verb+>+, have changed.\\ \makebox[8mm][c]{$\bullet$} The punctuation marks \verb+! ` ' [ ]+ no longer pass through as Roman.\newline\hspace*{8mm}\ (But see page 12 for producing them in version 2.)\\ \makebox[8mm][c]{$\bullet$} The option file (\verb+skt.opt+) is no longer used; instead the selection of\newline\hspace*{8mm}\ options is included anywhere within the \verb+.skt+ file.\\ \makebox[8mm][c]{$\bullet$} Any direct access of the skt font (e.g. \verb+\symbol{128}+) should be checked\newline\hspace*{8mm}\ against the new font map.\\ \makebox[8mm][c]{$\bullet$} Any direct use of the \verb+\Z*+ commands which are defined in the style file,\newline\hspace*{8mm}\ should be checked against their new definitions. \vspace{5mm} {\large \textbf{Illustrations of Input and {\sktX Devanaagarii} Output}\par} The following brief samples demonstrate the available styles of {\skti devanaagarii\/} font and their encoding. In this mode upper case characters are disallowed. Note that the `larger' option has been selected so that, in this 12pt document, the {\skti devanaagarii\/} is printed at 14pt. \verb+{\+\verb+sktb te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|}+\hspace{2mm} {\sktb te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|}\\[1mm] \verb+{\+\verb+skt te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|}+\hspace{2mm} {\skt te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|}\\[1mm] \verb+{\+\verb+sktf te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|}+\hspace{2mm} {\sktf te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|}\\[1mm] \verb+{\+\verb+sktbs te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|}+\hspace{2mm} {\sktbs te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|}\\[1mm] \verb+{\+\verb+skts te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|}+\hspace{2mm} {\skts te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|}\\[1mm] \verb+{\+\verb+sktfs te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|}+\hspace{2mm} {\sktfs te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|} The intra- and inter-character spacing options give six steps of horizontal density; the extremes are: \vspace{-1mm} \begin{center} {\skt [1- 2- 3-] naiva ki.mcitkaromiiti yukto manyeta tattvavit|}\\[2mm] {\skt [1+ 2+ 3+] naiva ki.mcitkaromiiti yukto manyeta tattvavit|[1- 2- 3-]} \end{center} \vspace{-1mm} {\large\bf Illustrations of Basic Transliteration\par} The same input may also be used to produce transliterated output. Note that the `\verb+iitalic+' option is selected, but not `\verb+xitalic+'. {\skt [6+]} \verb+{\+\verb+sktx te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|}+\hspace{.8mm} {\sktx te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|} \verb+{\+\verb+sktX te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|}+\hspace{.8mm} {\sktX te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|} \verb+{\+\verb+skti te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|}+\hspace{.8mm} {\skti te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|} \verb+{\+\verb+sktI te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|}+\hspace{.8mm} {\sktI te_ja_svi naa_vadhii!tamastu|} It can be seen from the above examples that \verb+sktX+ is a boldface version of \verb+sktx+ (i.e.~also upright), and that \verb+sktI+ is similarly a boldface version of \verb+skti+ (also italic). The only difference between \verb+sktx/X+ and \verb+skti/I+ is that they may be independently selected as italic in the style file options. \pagebreak The Western accent marking system may also be used:\\[2mm] \verb+{\+\verb+skti tejasvi' naava'dhii`tamastu|}+\hspace{.8mm} {\skti tejasvi' naava'dhii`tamastu|} In this basic transliteration mode (\verb+sktx/X+ or \verb+skti/I+) uppercase characters are allowed: these do not affect the transliteration encoding, but facilitate the printing of capital letters, for example:\\[2mm] \verb+{\+\verb+sktI Bhaarate Raamo vasati}+\hspace{5mm} {\sktI Bhaarate Raamo vasati} \vspace{4mm} {\large\bf Illustrations of Technical Transliteration\par} As in the basic transliteration mode, there are four font styles selected through \verb+sktt/T+ or \verb+sktu/U+; however, in this mode only the Western accent marking is allowed. This technical (grammatical) mode follows the style of S\,M\,Katre in his translation of the {\skti A.s.taadhyaayii}, having four `cases' of letters. Uppercase is used to indicate {\sktT _I_T\/} letters (e.g.~{\skti pratyaahaara\/} {\sktT aC\/}): note that in this mode a {\skti mahaapraa.na spar"sa\/} (e.g.~{\skti Bha\/}) must have the `{\skti h\/}' in the same case as the previous letter. In the example given above, \verb+Bhaarate+ would produce an error: it needs to be \verb+bhaarate+ or \verb+BHaarate+. The uppercase letters in this mode are slightly smaller than those in the basic transliteration mode. In this mode only, letters may also be preceded by the underscore character `\verb+_+'. The effect that this has depends upon the case of the following letter: if the letter is lowercase, it will be underlined to indicate that its presence is for the sake of pronunciation only (e.g.~{\sktT jh_aL}\/); before an uppercase letter, it will reduce the size of the uppercase letter to the height of the lowercase letters to indicate technical words (e.g.~{\sktT _I_T\/}). For example, the {\skti Paa.nini suutra\/}\\[2mm] {\skt cajo.h ku ghi.n.nyato.h|| 7| 3| 52||}\\[2mm] may be encoded in the technical mode as\\[3mm] \verb+{\+\verb+sktT c_a-j-o.h kU GH_I_T=.NyaT-o.h}+ to produce\\[2mm] {\sktT c_a-j-o.h kU GH_I_T=.NyaT-o.h}\\[3mm] This translates as: A substitute {\sktT kU\/} replaces {\sktT c\/} or {\sktT j\/} before {\sktT .NyaT\/} or [affixes]\newline\hspace*{35mm}with {\sktT GH\/} as an {\sktT _I_T\/} marker. \vspace{5mm} \clearpage {\large \textbf{Vedic Accent Marking}\par} Since the significance of the {\skti devanaagarii} accent marking may differ between {\skti Veda\/}s (e.g.~{\skt a!} is {\skti svarita} in {\skti .Rgveda}, but {\skti udaatta} in {\skti Kaa.thaka\/}), the character used for encoding is, where possible, vaguely similar to the form used in the {\skti devanaagarii}, and this form is largely retained in the transliterated output. \vspace{\fill} {\skt [6+ 7+]} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1}%{1.2} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \multicolumn{4}{c}{{\skti .Rgveda\/} etc.~marking system:} \\[.5mm] \multicolumn{4}{c}{use option~6 to enable these in}\\[-.5mm] \multicolumn{4}{c}{the basic transliteration mode.} \\[2mm] \hline input & skt & skti & sktt \\ \hline \verb+a!+ & {\skt a!} & {\skti a!} & error \rule{0mm}{6.5mm} \\ \verb+a!!+ & {\skt a!!} & {\skti a!!} & error \rule{0mm}{6.5mm} \\ \verb+a_+ & {\skt a_} & {\skti a_} & {\small see note} \rule{0mm}{5.5mm}\\ \verb+a"1+ & {\skt a"1} & {\skti a"1} & error \rule{0mm}{7.5mm}\\ \verb+a"3+ & {\skt a"3} & {\skti a"3} & error \rule{0mm}{7.5mm}\\ \verb+a.1+ & {\skt a.1} & {\skti a.1} & error \rule{0mm}{5.5mm}\\ \verb+a.3+ & {\skt a.3} & {\skti a.3} & error \raisebox{-2.5mm}{\rule{0mm}{10mm}}\\ \hline \multicolumn{4}{c}{Note: {\smaller The underscore character is} \rule{0mm}{6mm}}\\[-.8mm] \multicolumn{4}{c}{{\smaller is used differently in technical mode.}}\\ \multicolumn{4}{c}{Western (and technical) marking.}\rule{0mm}{12mm} \\[2mm] \hline input & skt & skti & sktt \\ \hline \verb+a^+ & {\skt a^} & {\skti a^} & {\sktt a^} \rule{0mm}{7mm} \\ \verb+a'+ & error & {\skti a'} & {\sktt a'} \\ \verb+a`+ & error & {\skti a`} & {\sktt a`} \\\hline \end{tabular} % \hspace{\fill} % \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \multicolumn{4}{c}{{\skti Saamaveda} and other accents: }\\[.5mm] \multicolumn{4}{c}{use option~7 to enable these in}\\[-.5mm] \multicolumn{4}{c}{the basic transliteration mode.} \\[2mm] \hline input & skt & skti & sktt \\ \hline \verb+a<1>+ & {\skt a<1>} & {\skti a<1>} & error \rule{0mm}{7mm} \\ \verb+a<2>+ & {\skt a<2>} & {\skti a<2>} & error \rule{0mm}{6mm} \\ \verb+a<3>+ & {\skt a<3>} & {\skti a<3>} & error \rule{0mm}{6mm} \\ \verb+a<2r>+ & {\skt a<2r>} & {\skti a<2r>} & error \rule{0mm}{6mm} \\ \verb+a<2u>+ & {\skt a<2u>} & {\skti a<2u>} & error \rule{0mm}{6mm} \\ \verb+a<3k>+ & {\skt a<3k>} & {\skti a<3k>} & error \rule{0mm}{6mm} \\\hline \verb+a<!!>+ & {\skt a<!!>} & {\skti a<!!>} & error \rule{0mm}{7mm} \\ \verb+a<u>+ & {\skt a<u>} & {\skti a<u>} & error \rule{0mm}{5mm} \\ \verb+a<w>+ & {\skt a<w>} & {\skti a<w>} & error \rule{0mm}{5mm} \\ \verb+a<_>+ & {\skt a<_>} & {\skti a<_>} & error \rule{0mm}{5mm} \\ \verb+a<.>+ & {\skt a<.>} & {\skti a<.>} & error \rule{0mm}{5mm} \\ \verb+a<..>+ & {\skt a<..>} & {\skti a<..>} & error \rule{0mm}{5mm} \\ \verb+a<!>+ & {\skt a<!>} & {\skti a<!>} & error \rule{0mm}{5mm} \\ \verb+a<^>+ & {\skt a<^>} & {\skti a<^>} & error \rule{0mm}{5mm} \\ \verb+a<s>+ & {\skt a<s>} & {\skti a<s>} & error \rule{0mm}{5mm} \\\hline \end{tabular} {\skt [6- 7-]} \vspace{\fill} The pre-processor only allows accents after a vowel, Vedic {\skti anusvaara}, or~\verb+n+; where the vowel is nasalised as well, the nasalisation must be after the accent, i.e.~\verb+a_#+ to produce {\skt a_#}. The {\skti devanaagarii\/} accent marks themselves may be printed in colour (red is the tradition) or grey. This actually makes the text easier to read: the sample text from the {\skti .Rgveda} on page~\pageref{rgtext} has the accents in the first four verses the default black, and in the next four verses they are `lightgray' (using \verb+pstricks+). To set the accent colour redefine the \verb+\ZK+ command anywhere in the \verb+.skt+~file as \verb+\renewcommand{\ZK}[1]{{\lightgray #1}}+ for example. In transiteration, the accents should stack correctly and track in italics, e.g.:\\ {\sktt [38+]_.r.r'#} and {\sktu _.r.r'#[38-]} (signifying a long or short {\skti udaatta .r} used for pronunciation only). \vspace{5mm} {\large \textbf{Dynamic Option Selection}\par} The selection and deselection of options may occur anywhere in the preamble (but after \verb+\usepackage{skt}+) or in the body of the text. By default all options are deselected The options are used by the pre-processor and not passed to the \verb+.tex+ output file: be aware of this when using \LaTeX\ \verb+\include+ or \verb+\input+ commands. Each option comprises a numeric string in the range 0--199 followed by a \verb/+/ or \verb+-+ to respectively select or deselect the option: the options must be enclosed within square brackets to distinguish them from the rest of the text. Multiple options within the same square brackets should be separated by one or more spaces. For example, \verb/[40+]/ selects option 40, \verb/[40- 49+ 44+]/ deselects option 40 and selects options 44 and 49. (Details of the effects of the options are given in the next four sections.) The option selection must necessarily be within a \verb+{+\verb+\skt...}+ group since this is the only text that is actually parsed by the pre-processor. Note that both square brackets, \verb+[+ and \verb+]+, need to be on the same input text line. For example:\\[2mm] \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.1} \begin{tabular}{l|c|}\cline{2-2} \verb/\documentclass[12pt]{article}/ & \\ \verb/\usepackage[larger]{skt}/ & This will\\ \verb/{/\verb/\skt [40+]} % select alternate a/ & print as:\\ \verb/\begin{document}/ & \\ \verb/{/\verb/\skt ak.sa.na [40- 49+ 44+]ak.sa.na[49- 44-]}/ & {\skt [40+]ak.sa.na [40- 49+ 44+]ak.sa.na[49- 44-]}\\ \verb/\end{document}/ & \\\cline{2-2} \end{tabular} Note that once an option is selected (anywhere in the file), it remains in effect until explicitly deselected, irrespective of \verb+{+\verb+\skt...}+ groupings. \vspace{5mm} \clearpage {\large \textbf{Control Options (0--11)}\par} The control options are all those that do not affect character shapes in transliteration or {\skti devanaagarii}. \vfill \framebox[\textwidth]{\hspace*{5mm}\begin{minipage}{130mm} {\bf Option 0:} Set all options to known state. \end{minipage}} In documents such as this one, where the options are changed very often, it is useful from time to time to reset all options to the default state. Option~\verb/0+/ will select all options, and option~\verb/0-/ will deselect them all. \vfill \framebox[\textwidth]{\hspace*{5mm}\begin{minipage}{130mm} {\bf Option 1:} Set intraspace less than interspace.\\ {\bf Option 2:} Reduce interspace.\\ {\bf Option 3:} Minimum interspace. \end{minipage}} These three interact to set the horizontal space within {\skti devanaagarii\/} words: options~2 and~3 provide three levels of interspace (the space between syllables), while option~1 selects the intraspace (space within a syllable, i.e.~when the syllable vowel adds an extra vertical bar). \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.6} \begin{tabular}{p{40mm}|c|c|c|l|} \cline{2-4} Illustration:\makebox[18mm]{} & 1 & 2 & 3 & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} \\\cline{2-5} \rule{0mm}{5.5mm}&--&-- & -- & {\skt [1- 2- 3-] omityetadak.saramida~m sarvam}\\ Option selection: & + & -- & -- & {\skt [1+ 2- 3-] omityetadak.saramida~m sarvam}\\ \makebox[5mm][c]{+} = selected; & -- & + & -- & {\skt [1- 2+ 3-] omityetadak.saramida~m sarvam}\\ \makebox[5mm][c]{--} = deselected; & + & + & -- & {\skt [1+ 2+ 3-] omityetadak.saramida~m sarvam}\\ \makebox[5mm][c]{x} = don't care. & -- & x & + & {\skt [1- 2- 3+] omityetadak.saramida~m sarvam}\\ & + & x & + & {\skt [1+ 2- 3+] omityetadak.saramida~m sarvam}\\ \cline{2-5} \end{tabular}{\skt [1- 2- 3-]} \vfill \framebox[\textwidth]{\hspace*{5mm}\begin{minipage}{130mm} {\bf Option 4:} Raise accents (less significant bit).\\ {\bf Option 5:} Raise accents (more significant bit). \end{minipage}} These two adjust the minimum spacing of {\skti devanaagarii\/} accents above the hortizontal line, and may be used to minimize or eliminate the variation in the accent's vertical position that arises due to vowel hooks etc.~above the horizontal line\,---\,this is particularly important for the {\skti Saamaveda} accents. \clearpage \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} \begin{tabular}{p{40mm}|c|c|l|} \cline{2-3} Illustration: & 4 & 5 & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} \\\cline{2-4} & -- & -- & \rule{0mm}{7mm}{\skt [40+ 4- 5-] paava<3>ka<2>.h pa<3>daa<1> va<2>raa<3>ho<2> a<3k>bhye<2r>ti<3> re<1>bha<2>n||}\\ % ha<3k>vyadaa<2>taye ni<2r> hotaa<2r> satsi va<3>hi<1>si<2>}\\ Option selection: & + & -- & {\skt [4+ 5-] paava<3>ka<2>.h pa<3>daa<1> va<2>raa<3>ho<2> a<3k>bhye<2r>ti<3> re<1>bha<2>n||}\\ % ha<3k>vyadaa<2>taye ni<2r> hotaa<2r> satsi va<3>hi<1>si<2>}\\ \makebox[5mm][c]{+} = selected; & -- & + & {\skt [4- 5+] paava<3>ka<2>.h pa<3>daa<1> va<2>raa<3>ho<2> a<3k>bhye<2r>ti<3> re<1>bha<2>n||}\\ % ha<3k>vyadaa<2>taye ni<2r> hotaa<2r> satsi va<3>hi<1>si<2>}\\ \makebox[5mm][c]{--} = deselected; & + & + & {\skt [4+ 5+] paava<3>ka<2>.h pa<3>daa<1> va<2>raa<3>ho<2> a<3k>bhye<2r>ti<3> re<1>bha<2>n||}\\ % ha<3k>vyadaa<2>taye ni<2r> hotaa<2r> satsi va<3>hi<1>si<2>}\\ \cline{2-4} \end{tabular}{\skt [40- 4- 5-]} \framebox[\textwidth]{\hspace*{5mm}\begin{minipage}{130mm} {\bf Option 6:} Enable {\skti .Rg/Tait@} accents in basic transliteration mode. \end{minipage}} The pre-processor treats the use of these accents in the basic transliteration mode as as an error unless this option is selected. The form of the accents approximates those of the {\skti devanaagarii}. Illustration: \hfill {\skt dhaata_raaya!ntu sa_rvata_.h svaahaa!!| pra_ti_ve_"so!si_| pra maa! padyasya||[6+]}\\[.5mm]\hspace*{\fill} {\skti dhaata_raaya!ntu sa_rvata_.h svaahaa!!| pra_ti_ve_"so!si_| pra maa! padyasya||[6-]} \vfill \framebox[\textwidth]{\hspace*{5mm}\begin{minipage}{130mm} {\bf Option 7:} Enable {\skti Saamaveda} etc.~accents in basic transliteration mode. \end{minipage}} The pre-processor treats the use of these accents in the basic transliteration mode without this option selected, as as an error. The form of the accents follows those of the {\skti devanaagarii}, but in Roman script. Illustration: \hfill {\skt [40+ 4+ 5-]ma<1>hi<2>vrata<3>.h "su<1>ci<2>bandhu.h paava<3>ka<2>.h pa<3>daa<1> va<2>raa<3>ho<2> a<3k>bhye<2r>ti<3> re<1>bha<2>n||[40- 4- 5-]}\\[1mm]\hspace*{\fill} {\skti [7+]ma<1>hi<2>vrata<3>.h "su<1>ci<2>bandhu.h paava<3>ka<2>.h pa<3>daa<1> va<2>raa<3>ho<2> a<3k>bhye<2r>ti<3> re<1>bha<2>n||[7-]} %{\skt a<2>gna<3> aa<1> yaa<2>hi vii<3>ta<1>ye<2> g.r.naa<3>no<2> % ha<3k>vyadaa<2>taye ni<2r> hotaa<2r> satsi va<3>hi<1>si<2>}\\ %{\skti a<2>gna<3> aa<1> yaa<2>hi vii<3>ta<1>ye<2> g.r.naa<3>no<2> % ha<3k>vyadaa<2>taye ni<2r> hotaa<2r> satsi va<3>hi<1>si<2>} \vfill \framebox[\textwidth]{\hspace*{5mm}\begin{minipage}{130mm} {\bf Option 8:} Enable {\skti sa.myoga} warnings. \end{minipage}} This enables the printing of warning messages by the pre-processor when using a {\skti viraama} in forming a {\skti sa.myoga}. Given the range of {\skti sa.myoga} supported by the font, this warning should only occur with very exotic syllables. \framebox[\textwidth]{\hspace*{5mm}\begin{minipage}{130mm} {\bf Option 9:} Enable obey-lines. \end{minipage}} Long lines to the output file are normally wrapped to limit their length to eighty characters (i.e.~the output file will have more lines than the input file), but with this option enabled the output follows the input, line for line, irrespective of the resultant line length: a warning message will be printed if the line length exceeds 250 characters. It is helpful to have obey-lines active so that \LaTeX\ errors refer to the source line number of the \verb+.skt+ file. \pagebreak \framebox[\textwidth]{\hspace*{5mm}\begin{minipage}{130mm} {\bf Option 10:} Enable discretionary hyphens. \end{minipage}} Without this option enabled, the pre-processor will discard any discretionary hyphens, \verb+\-+, in the input text. \framebox[\textwidth]{\hspace*{5mm}\begin{minipage}{130mm} {\bf Option 11:} Enable auto-hyphenation. \end{minipage}} \vspace{1mm} The auto-hyphenation is extremely crude (it adds a discretionary hyphen after every vowel!), and should only be used for drafts. \vspace{3mm} {\large \textbf{Transliteration Options (20--38)}\par} The following table illustrates the transliteration options available:\\[2mm] \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \cline{1-4} option & input & default & option & \multicolumn{1}{c}{}\\ \cline{1-4} 20 & \verb+a~m+ & {\skti a~m} & {\skti [20+]a~m[20-]} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{}\\ 21 & \verb+a~m+ & {\skti a~m} & {\skti [21+]a~m[21-]} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{}\\ 22 & \verb+a.m+ & {\skti a.m} & {\skti [22+]a.m[22-]} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{}\\ 23 & \verb+a"m+ & {\skti a"m} & {\skti [23+]a"m[23-]} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{}\\ \hline 24 & \verb+a"m+ & {\skti a"m} & {\skti [24+]a"m[24-]} & \\ 25 & \verb+.r/.r.r+ & {\skti .r/.r.r} & {\skti [25+].r/.r.r[25-]} & Monier-Williams\\ 26 & \verb+.l/.l.l+ & {\skti .l/\,.l.l} & {\skti [26+].l/\,.l.l[26-]} & \\ 27 & \verb+"s+ & {\skti "s} & {\skti [27+]"s[27-]} & transliteration\\ 28 & \verb+.s+ & {\skti .s} & {\skti [28+].s[28-]} & scheme\\ 29 & \verb+"d+ & {\skti "d} & {\skti [29+]"d[29-]} & \\ \hline 30 & \verb+"d+ & {\skti "d} & {\skti [30+]"d[30-]} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{}\\ 31 & \verb+"d+ & {\skti "d} & {\skti [31+]"d[31-]} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{}\\ 32 & \verb+"h+ & {\skti "h} & {\skti [32+]"h[32-]} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{}\\ 33 & \verb+.o+ & {\skti .o} & {\skti [33+].o[33-]} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Where multiple options apply}\\ 34 & \verb+.o+ & {\skti .o} & {\skti [34+].o[34-]} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{to the same input (e.g.~33--37)}\\ 35 & \verb+.o+ & {\skti .o} & {\skti [35+].o[35-]} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{the highest value of selected}\\ 36 & \verb+.o+ & {\skti .o} & {\skti [36+].o[36-]} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{option will apply.}\\ 37 & \verb+.o+ & {\skti .o} & {\skti [37+].o[37-]} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{}\\ 38 & \verb+a#+ & {\skti a#} & {\skti [38+]a#[38-]} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{}\\ \cline{1-4} \end{tabular} \vspace{2mm} The last option has a twofold application: firstly, depending on the font and size used, it may be used to overcome the difficulty distinguishing between the macron and the tilde (i.e.~{\skti aa a# [38+]a#[38-]\/}); and secondly, it may be used in technical grammar to indicate an explicit short vowel ({\sktt [38+]a#[38-]}) or long or short ({\sktt [38+]aa#[38-]}) \vspace{5mm} \pagebreak {\large \textbf{{\sktX Devanaagarii} Character Options(40--79)}\par} The table illustrates the basic character forms available: where multiple options apply to the same input (e.g.~65 and~75) the selected option with the highest value will apply. Although {\sktX k.sa} and {\sktX j~na} are strictly speaking {\skti sa.myoga}, they are nevertheless included here rather than in the next section. \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline option & input & default & option \\\hline 40 & \verb+a+ & {\skt a} & {\skt [40+]a [40-]} \\ 41 & \verb+.r+ & {\skt .r} & {\skt [41+].r [41-]} \\ 42 & \verb+jha+ & {\skt jha} & {\skt [42+]jha [42-]} \\ 43 & \verb+"da+ & {\skt "da} & {\skt [43+]"da [43-]} \\ 44 & \verb+.na+ & {\skt .na} & {\skt [44+].na [44-]} \\ 45 & \verb+tha+ & {\skt tha} & {\skt [45+]tha [45-]} \\ 46 & \verb+la+ & {\skt la} & {\skt [46+]la [46-]} \\ 47 & \verb+a~m+ & {\skt a~m} & {\skt [47+]a~m [47-]} \\ 48 & \verb+a~m+ & {\skt a~m} & {\skt [48+]a~m [48-]} \\ 49 & \verb+k.sa+ & {\skt k.sa} & {\skt [49+]k.sa [49-]} \\ 50 & \verb+j~na+ & {\skt j~na} & {\skt [50+]j~na [50-]} \\ 51 & \verb+"s+ & {{}\skt (} & {{}\skt ) } \\ 52 & \verb+"s.r+ & {\skt "s.r} & {\skt [52+]"s.r [52-]} \\\hline \end{tabular} \hfill \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline option & input & default & option \\\hline 61 & \verb+1+ & {\skt 1} & {\skt [61+]1 [61-]} \\ & & & \\ 64 & \verb+4+ & {\skt 4} & {\skt [64+]4 [64-]} \\ 65 & \verb+5+ & {\skt 5} & {\skt [65+]5 [65-]} \\ 66 & \verb+6+ & {\skt 6} & {\skt [66+]6 [66-]} \\ & & & \\ 68 & \verb+8+ & {\skt 8} & {\skt [68+]8 [68-]} \\ 69 & \verb+9+ & {\skt 9} & {\skt [69+]9 [69-]} \\ & & & \\ 75 & \verb+5+ & {\skt 5} & {\skt [75+]5 [75-]} \\ & & & \\ 79 & \verb+9+ & {\skt 9} & {\skt [79+]9 [79-]} \\\hline \end{tabular} \vfill {\large \textbf{{\sktX Devanaagarii Sa.myoga\/} Options (100--199)}\par} The table illustrates the basic {\skti sa.myoga\/} options available. In general, the default {\skti sa.myoga\/} is the most compact, and the options use a looser form: the latter may be easier to read, particularly when the combination is more unusual. In forming a complex {\skti sa.myoga} two or more options may interact: for example, in forming the {\skti sa.myoga} for {\sktX ktya}, options~103 and~108 both come into play so that there are three possibilities (\,{\skt ktya [108+]ktya [108- 103+]ktya[103-]}\,). The {\skti Sa.myoga\/} Table at the end of this document illustrates all varieties available. For those {\skti sa.myoga\/} where it may appear preferable to use a {\skti viraama} (typically those beginning with {\skt "na .ta .tha .da} or {\skt .dha}\,), braces may be used. For example,\vspace{1mm}\linebreak \verb+{+\verb+\skt a"nk.s.na a{"n}k.s.na}+ produces {\skt a"nk.s.na a{"n}k.s.na}. \pagebreak \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.05} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline option & input & default & option \\\hline 101 & \verb+kka+ & {\skt kka} & {\skt [101+]kka [101-]} \\ 102 & \verb+k"na+ & {\skt k"na} & {\skt [102+]k"na [102-]} \\ 103 & \verb+kta+ & {\skt kta} & {\skt [103+]kta [103-]} \\ 104 & \verb+ktra+ & {\skt ktra} & {\skt [104+]ktra [104-]} \\ 105 & \verb+ktva+ & {\skt ktva} & {\skt [105+]ktva [105-]} \\ 106 & \verb+kna+ & {\skt kna} & {\skt [106+]kna [106-]} \\ 107 & \verb+kma+ & {\skt kma} & {\skt [107+]kma [107-]} \\ 108 & \verb+kya+ & {\skt kya} & {\skt [108+]kya [108-]} \\ 109 & \verb+kla+ & {\skt kla} & {\skt [109+]kla [109-]} \\ 110 & \verb+kva+ & {\skt kva} & {\skt [110+]kva [110-]} \\ 111 & \verb+khna+ & {\skt khna} & {\skt [111+]khna [111-]} \\ 112 & \verb+gna+ & {\skt gna} & {\skt [112+]gna [112-]} \\ 113 & \verb+ghna+ & {\skt ghna} & {\skt [113+]ghna [113-]} \\ 114 & \verb+cca+ & {\skt cca} & {\skt [114+]cca [114-]} \\ 115 & \verb+c~na+ & {\skt c~na} & {\skt [115+]c~na [115-]} \\ 116 & \verb+cna+ & {\skt cna} & {\skt [116+]cna [116-]} \\ 117 & \verb+chma+ & {\skt chma} & {\skt [117+]chma [117-]} \\ 118 & \verb+chya+ & {\skt chya} & {\skt [118+]chya [118-]} \\ 119 & \verb+jja+ & {\skt jja} & {\skt [119+]jja [119-]} \\ 120 & \verb+jna+ & {\skt jna} & {\skt [120+]jna [120-]} \\ 121 & \verb+~nca+ & {\skt ~nca} & {\skt [121+]~nca [121-]} \\ 122 & \verb+~nja+ & {\skt ~nja} & {\skt [122+]~nja [122-]} \\ 123 & \verb+~n~na+ & {\skt ~n~na} & {\skt [123+]~n~na [123-]} \\ 124 & \verb+~nna+ & {\skt ~nna} & {\skt [124+]~nna [124-]} \\ 125 & \verb+.tma+ & {\skt .tma} & {\skt [125+].tma [125-]} \\ 126 & \verb+.thma+ & {\skt .thma} & {\skt [126+].thma [126-]} \\ 127 & \verb+.thya+ & {\skt .thya} & {\skt [127+].thya [127-]} \\ 128 & \verb+.dma+ & {\skt .dma} & {\skt [128+].dma [128-]} \\ 129 & \verb+.dya+ & {\skt .dya} & {\skt [129+].dya [129-]} \\ 130 & \verb+.dhma+ & {\skt .dhma} & {\skt [130+].dhma [130-]} \\ 131 & \verb+.dhya+ & {\skt .dhya} & {\skt [131+].dhya [131-]} \\ 132 & \verb+.nna+ & {\skt .nna} & {\skt [132+].nna [132-]} \\ 133 & \verb+.nra+ & {\skt .nra} & {\skt [133+].nra [133-]} \\ 134 & \verb+tta+ & {\skt tta} & {\skt [134+]tta [134-]} \\ 135 & \verb+tna+ & {\skt tna} & {\skt [135+]tna [135-]} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \hfill \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline option & input & default & option \\\hline 136 & \verb+thna+ & {\skt thna} & {\skt [136+]thna [136-]} \\ 137 & \verb+ddya+ & {\skt ddya} & {\skt [137+]ddya [137-]} \\ 138 & \verb+ddvya+ & {\skt ddvya} & {\skt [138+]ddvya [138-]} \\ 139 & \verb+ddhma+ & {\skt ddhma} & {\skt [139+]ddhma [139-]} \\ 140 & \verb+ddhya+ & {\skt ddhya} & {\skt [140+]ddhya [140-]} \\ 141 & \verb+dbhya+ & {\skt dbhya} & {\skt [141+]dbhya [141-]} \\ 142 & \verb+dma+ & {\skt dma} & {\skt [142+]dma [142-]} \\ 143 & \verb+dya+ & {\skt dya} & {\skt [143+]dya [143-]} \\ 144 & \verb+dhna+ & {\skt dhna} & {\skt [144+]dhna [144-]} \\ 145 & \verb+nca+ & {\skt nca} & {\skt [145+]nca [145-]} \\ 146 & \verb+nja+ & {\skt nja} & {\skt [146+]nja [146-]} \\ 147 & \verb+nna+ & {\skt nna} & {\skt [147+]nna [147-]} \\ 148 & \verb+pta+ & {\skt pta} & {\skt [148+]pta [148-]} \\ 149 & \verb+pna+ & {\skt pna} & {\skt [149+]pna [149-]} \\ 150 & \verb+pla+ & {\skt pla} & {\skt [150+]pla [150-]} \\ 151 & \verb+phna+ & {\skt phna} & {\skt [151+]phna [151-]} \\ 152 & \verb+phya+ & {\skt phya} & {\skt [152+]phya [152-]} \\ 153 & \verb+bna+ & {\skt bna} & {\skt [153+]bna [153-]} \\ 154 & \verb+bba+ & {\skt bba} & {\skt [154+]bba [154-]} \\ 155 & \verb+bva+ & {\skt bva} & {\skt [155+]bva [155-]} \\ 156 & \verb+bhna+ & {\skt bhna} & {\skt [156+]bhna [156-]} \\ 157 & \verb+mna+ & {\skt mna} & {\skt [157+]mna [157-]} \\ 158 & \verb+mla+ & {\skt mla} & {\skt [158+]mla [158-]} \\ 159 & \verb+yna+ & {\skt yna} & {\skt [159+]yna [159-]} \\ 160 & \verb+lla+ & {\skt lla} & {\skt [160+]lla [160-]} \\ 161 & \verb+vna+ & {\skt vna} & {\skt [161+]vna [161-]} \\ 162 & \verb+vva+ & {\skt vva} & {\skt [162+]vva [162-]} \\ 163 & \verb+"sca+ & {\skt "sca} & {\skt [163+]"sca [163-]} \\ 164 & \verb+"sna+ & {\skt "sna} & {\skt [164+]"sna [164-]} \\ 165 & \verb+"sla+ & {\skt "sla} & {\skt [165+]"sla [165-]} \\ 166 & \verb+"sva+ & {\skt "sva} & {\skt [166+]"sva [166-]} \\ 167 & \verb+.s.ta+ & {\skt .s.ta} & {\skt [167+].s.ta [167-]} \\ 168 & \verb+.s.tha+ & {\skt .s.tha} & {\skt [168+].s.tha [168-]} \\ 169 & \verb+.sna+ & {\skt .sna} & {\skt [169+].sna [169-]} \\ 170 & \verb+sna+ & {\skt sna} & {\skt [170+]sna [170-]} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \vspace{5mm} \clearpage \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm} \begin{picture}(136,192) \put(0,151.5){\begin{minipage}{69mm} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \begin{tabular}{|c|p{47.5mm}|} \hline option & function \\\hline 0 & Set all to known state \\ 1 & Intraspace $<$ interspace \\ 2 & Reduce interspace \\ 3 & Minimum interspace \\ 4 & Raise accents (lsb) \\ 5 & Raise accents (msb) \\ 6 & Enable {\skti .Rg\//Tait@} accents\linebreak\hspace*{\fill} in basic transliteration \\ 7 & Enable {\skti Saama@} etc.~accents \linebreak\hspace*{\fill} in basic transliteration \\ 8 & Enable {\skti sa.myoga\/} warnings \\ 9 & Enable obey-lines \\ 10 & Enable discr.~hyphens \\ 11 & Enable auto-hyphenation\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage} } \put(0,56){\begin{minipage}{69mm} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline option & input & default & option \\\hline 20 & {\tt a\raisebox{-.35ex}{\tt \~\null}m} & {\skti a~m} & {\skti [20+]a~m [20-]} \\ 21 & {\tt a\raisebox{-.35ex}{\tt \~\null}m} & {\skti a~m} & {\skti [21+]a~m [21-]} \\ 22 & {\tt a.m} & {\skti a.m} & {\skti [22+]a.m [22-]} \\ 23 & {\tt a"m} & {\skti a"m} & {\skti [23+]a"m [23-]} \\ 24 & {\tt a"m} & {\skti a"m} & {\skti [24+]a"m [24-]} \\ 25 & {\tt .r/.r.r} & {\skti .r/.r.r} & {\skti [25+].r/.r.r [25-]} \\ 26 & {\tt .l/.l.l} & {\skti .l/.l.l} & {\skti [26+].l/.l.l [26-]} \\ 27 & {\tt "s} & {\skti "s} & {\skti [27+]"s [27-]} \\ 28 & {\tt .s} & {\skti .s} & {\skti [28+].s [28-]} \\ 29 & {\tt "d} & {\skti "d} & {\skti [29+]"d [29-]} \\ 30 & {\tt "d} & {\skti "d} & {\skti [30+]"d [30-]} \\ 31 & {\tt "d} & {\skti "d} & {\skti [31+]"d [31-]} \\ 32 & {\tt "h} & {\skti "h} & {\skti [32+]"h [32-]} \\ 33 & {\tt .o} & {\skti .o} & {\skti [33+].o [33-]} \\ 34 & {\tt .o} & {\skti .o} & {\skti [34+].o [34-]} \\ 35 & {\tt .o} & {\skti .o} & {\skti [35+].o [35-]} \\ 36 & {\tt .o} & {\skti .o} & {\skti [36+].o [36-]} \\ 37 & {\tt .o} & {\skti .o} & {\skti [37+].o [37-]} \\ 38 & {\tt a\#} & {\skti a#} & {\skti [38+]a# [38-]} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage} } \put(71,122){\begin{minipage}{63mm} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline option & input & default & option \\\hline 40 & {\tt a} & {\skt a} & {\skt [40+]a [40-]} \\ 41 & {\tt .r} & {\skt .r} & {\skt [41+].r [41-]} \\ 42 & {\tt jha} & {\skt jha} & {\skt [42+]jha [42-]} \\ 43 & {\tt "da} & {\skt "da} & {\skt [43+]"da [43-]} \\ 44 & {\tt .na} & {\skt .na} & {\skt [44+].na [44-]} \\ 45 & {\tt tha} & {\skt tha} & {\skt [45+]tha [45-]} \\ 46 & {\tt la} & {\skt la} & {\skt [46+]la [46-]} \\ 47 & {\tt a\raisebox{-.35ex}{\tt \~\null}m} & {\skt a~m} & {\skt [47+]a~m [47-]} \\ 48 & {\tt a\raisebox{-.35ex}{\tt \~\null}m} & {\skt a~m} & {\skt [48+]a~m [48-]} \\ 49 & {\tt k.sa} & {\skt k.sa} & {\skt [49+]k.sa [49-]} \\ 50 & {\tt j\raisebox{-.35ex}{\tt \~\null}na} & {\skt j~na} & {\skt [50+]j~na [50-]} \\ 51 & {\tt "s} & {{}\skt (} & {{}\skt ) } \\ 52 & {\tt "s.r} & {\skt "s.r} & {\skt [52+]"s.r [52-]} \\ 61 & {\tt 1} & {\skt 1} & {\skt [61+]1 [61-]} \\ 64 & {\tt 4} & {\skt 4} & {\skt [64+]4 [64-]} \\ 65 & {\tt 5} & {\skt 5} & {\skt [65+]5 [65-]} \\ 66 & {\tt 6} & {\skt 6} & {\skt [66+]6 [66-]} \\ 68 & {\tt 8} & {\skt 8} & {\skt [68+]8 [68-]} \\ 69 & {\tt 9} & {\skt 9} & {\skt [69+]9 [69-]} \\ 75 & {\tt 5} & {\skt 5} & {\skt [75+]5 [75-]} \\ 79 & {\tt 9} & {\skt 9} & {\skt [79+]9 [79-]} \\\hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage} } \put(71,40){\begin{minipage}{63mm} {\smaller Where an input has multiple options,\\ the highest value selected will apply.} \end{minipage} } \put(71,6){\frame{\begin{minipage}{62mm} \begin{center} \textbf{{\Large SKT Options\rule{0mm}{7mm}}\\ {\large Summary Sheet\rule[-3mm]{0mm}{9mm}}} \end{center} \end{minipage}} } \end{picture} \clearpage {\large \textbf{The Pre-processor: skt.c}\par} This ANSI C program processes the source text file (with a default \verb+.skt+ filename extension) to produce a file suitable for \LaTeXe\ (with a default \verb+.tex+ extension). For example, the command \verb+skt test+ will convert \verb+test.skt+ to \verb+test.tex+; fuller filenames may be used, e.g.~\verb+skt foo.bar+ will produce \verb+foo.tex+, and \verb+skt foo.bar far.boo+ will produce \verb+far.boo+ from \verb+foo.bar+. If no filename is specified, you will be prompted for input and output filenames. The program passes the text from the input file to the output file unaltered, until it finds the string `\verb+{+\verb+\skt+'. It then checks the following character(s) for the acceptable modifiers \verb+b f s bs fs x X i I t T u+ or \verb+U+, and this must be followed by a space character: if this test fails it reports an error, otherwise the program converts the following input text to {\skti devanaagarii\/} or transliteration format as required, until the matching `\verb+}+'. The cycle is then repeated. Within the \verb+skt+ text, the following punctuation characters will be passed to the output as roman: \begin{center} \framebox{\texttt{ ( ) * + , - / : ; = ? }} \end{center} Furthermore, two successive periods `..' will be passed to the output as a single roman period. This technique of repeating the character twice to produce a single roman character applies to the four characters [`'] as well; and the two-character string `.!' will pass through as a single roman exclamation mark. You will need to use \verb+{+\verb+\sktx ``a'{}''}+ to produce {\sktx ``a'{}''} (see Supplementary Notes for explanation). \LaTeX\ command strings embedded within the \verb+skt+ text will be passed to the output file unchanged\,---\,but beware: command parameters will be converted\,! Thus commands without parameters (e.g.~\verb+\clearpage+) are safe, but commands with parameters (e.g.~\verb+\hspace{3mm}+) will cause problems unless the parameters are meant to be converted (e.g.~\verb+\underline{naaman}+). A complete list of the input encoding scheme, together with the resultant {\skti devanaagarii\/} and transliterated output, is included at the end of this document. \vfill \begin{center} \framebox{\begin{minipage}{100mm} \textbf{Note: }This program will stop passing text to the output file as soon as an error in the source file is detected; it will however, continue processing the input file until ten or more errors are encountered. \end{minipage}} \end{center} \pagebreak {\large \textbf{The skt package: skt.sty}\par} The following statement needs to be in the preamble of the document:\\ \verb+\usepackage[options]{skt}+\\ where `options' may be any or all or none of the following: \textbf{larger} This will cause all {\skti devanaagarii\/} text to be printed at a larger size than\newline\hspace*{14mm}the prevailing environment. \textbf{xitalic} Text transliterated by \verb+sktx+ or \verb+sktX+ will use the italic font \verb+cmmit+;\newline\hspace*{14mm}the default is the upright \verb+cmr+ font. \textbf{iitalic} As for \verb+xitalic+, but using \verb+skti+ and \verb+sktI+. \textbf{titalic} As for \verb+xitalic+, but for the technical modes \verb+sktt+ and \verb+sktT+. \textbf{uitalic} As for \verb+titalic+, but using \verb+sktu+ and \verb+sktU+. This document uses the first, third, and fifth options, that is to say it has the statement \verb+\usepackage[larger,iitalic,uitalic]{skt}+. This style file also allows page numbering to be in {\skti devanaagarii\/} by using the \LaTeX\ command \verb+\pagenumbering{skt}+\,---\,as has been done for this document. The size of the numerals will follow the `larger' option. This package makes use of David Carlisle's \verb+ifthen.sty+ which is included in the standard \LaTeXe\ distribution, and Donald Arseneau's \verb+relsize.sty+ which you may need to get from the CTAN archives. \vspace{5mm} {\large \textbf{Supplementary Notes}\par} The program can be simply `fooled' when necessary by inserting a \LaTeX\ null string `\verb+{}+': for example `\verb+{{}\skt >}+' will not be `seen' by the pre-processor and thus passed to the output unchanged. \LaTeX\ will ignore the null string but respond to the \verb+\skt+ command and print {{}\skt >} (which is the {\skti devanaagarii\/} character in the position of the ASCII `\verb+>+' character). (A map of the font and access codes is included at the end of this document.) This requirement may arise (as for example in producing the font map) because the pre-processor requires that there be a vowel before an accent or {\skti anusvaara}. \begin{center} \vspace{-1mm} $\cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot$ \vspace{-1mm} \end{center} %\pagebreak For those rare words that have two successive vowels in {\skti devanaagarii\/} (such as in {\skt pra{}uga}) that the pre-processor would misinterpret (and this only applies to the combinations {\skti au\/} and {\skti ai\/} which the encoding scheme defines as single vowels, producing {\skt prauga} for example), there are three ways to fool the pre-processor; only the first of these is carried through to the transliteration modes: \verb+{+\verb+\skt a{}iu.n| .r.lk| eo"n| aiauc|| pra{}uga pra{uga} pra%+\\ \verb+uga||}+\\[2mm] Note that, for the third method, there must be a \verb+newline+ immediately after the \verb+%+\,---\,this is the \TeX\ line continuation method. {\skt a{}iu.n| .r.lk| eo"n| aiauc|| pra{}uga pra{uga} pra% uga||} {\skti a{}iu.n| .r.lk| eo"n| aiauc|| pra{}uga pra{uga} pra% uga||} The same trick may be used to split any multicharacter input, provided that what is either side of the \verb+{}+ is still valid, for example:\\ \verb+{+\verb+\skt tha t{}ha}+ produces \ {\skt tha t{}ha}. \begin{center} \vspace{-1mm} $\cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot$ \vspace{-1mm} \end{center} Some \LaTeX\ commands are `fragile' and balk at having {\bf skt} commands within their arguments, e.g.~\verb+\section{\+\verb+skt bahuvriihi}+ produces the error message \verb+Undefined Control Sequence+. To get around this sort of problem, define the {\bf skt} argument outside the fragile command, e.g.\\ \verb+\newcommand{\bahuvriihi}{\+\verb+skt bahuvriihi}+\\ \verb+\section{\protect\bahuvriihi}+ \begin{center} \vspace{-1mm} $\cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot\ \cdot$ \vspace{-1mm} \end{center} Finally, the simplest method of producing larger sizes of the font is to add the command \verb+\font\bigskt=skt10 at 46mm+ for example, in the preamble to the document, and then use \verb+{+\verb+\skt \bigskt tattvamasi}+ in the text body. The result (in `lightgray' to save ink) is: \vfill {\skt [1- 2- 3+]{\lightgray \bigskt tattvamasi[1+ 2+ 3-]}} \vfill \clearpage {\large \textbf{Installation}\par} If \verb+sktbugxx.txt+ files exist, you may want to implement any changes or patches first. Run the {\sc metafont} program on the eight font source files (the typical command would be \verb+mf "\mode=ljfour; mag=1; input skt8;"+) to produce the \verb+.tfm+ files. If you are using \verb+dvips+, then the \verb+.pk+ files will be produced automatically on demand; if not, then you will need to (1) Convert the \verb+.gf+ files with the command \verb+gftopk skt8.600gf+ (the number `600' depends upon your printer resolution and the magnification) to produce \verb+skt8.600pk+ which must be placed in the appropriate subdirectory. (2) Repeat this process with all eight fonts. (3) For the six \verb+skt*10.mf+ files the whole process needs to be repeated with the \verb+mag+ value in the \verb+mf+ command set to 1.095, 1.2, 1.44, 1.728, 2.074 and 2.488. The \verb+mf_inputs+ path needs to point to the files with a \verb+.mf+ extension; the \verb+tex_fonts+ path should point to the \verb+.tfm+ files; the \verb+tex_inputs+ path should point to the files \verb+skt.sty+ and \verb+ot1skt.fd+. The \verb+tex_exe+ (or other appropriate) path should point to \verb+skt.exe+. To test the setup on this documentation file: first run the pre-processor \verb+skt sktdoc+ and then \verb+latex sktdoc+. The files \verb+ifthen.sty+, \verb+relsize.sty+ and \verb+multicol.sty+ are also required. (If you are not using \verb+dvips+ and \verb+pstricks+ then comment out line~12 in \verb+sktdoc.skt+ first.) The files in this package are: \textbf{readme.txt} An ASCII version of these installation notes and part of the\newline\hspace*{22mm}introduction. \textbf{skt.sty} Style file (\LaTeXe) for the skt-series fonts. \textbf{ot1skt.fd} Font descriptor file for the skt-series fonts. \textbf{skt.c} Pre-processor source program in ANSI C. \textbf{sktdoc.skt} Source file of documentation and samples. \textbf{sktdefs.mf} Common definitions of pens, macros, etc.~for skt-series fonts. \textbf{sktchars.mf} Common character source file for skt-series fonts. \textbf{sktligs.mf} Ligature codes (in fact access codes for non-printing ASCII code\newline\hspace*{22mm}characters) for the skt-series fonts. \textbf{skt8.mf} {\sc metafont} source file for skt font at 8pt upright. \textbf{skt9.mf} {\sc metafont} source file for skt font at 9pt upright. \textbf{skt10.mf} {\sc metafont} source file for skt font at 10pt upright. \textbf{sktb10.mf} {\sc metafont} source file for skt font at 10pt bold upright. \textbf{sktf10.mf} {\sc metafont} source file for skt font at 10pt feint upright. \textbf{skts10.mf} {\sc metafont} source file for skt font at 10pt slanted. \textbf{sktbs10.mf} {\sc metafont} source file for skt font at 10pt bold slanted. \textbf{sktfs10.mf} {\sc metafont} source file for skt font at 10pt feint slanted. \textbf{skt*.tfm} Eight \verb+.tfm+ font files for above. \textbf{sktbugxx.txt} There may be a series of such files, where `\verb+xx+' is a two-digit\newline\hspace*{22mm}number, listing reported bugs and (possibly) fixes or patches. \vspace{5mm} Suggestions and bug reports to:\\ \verb+wikner@nacdh4.nac.ac.za+\\ 17 February 1997. \vfill {\small A 600 kbyte 600dpi PostScript print file of the documentation and samples is available by anonymous ftp from \verb+ftp.nac.ac.za/wikner/sktdoc.ps600+. Beware: there is a very thin piece of wire to South Africa, and it is stretched rather taut, so the best time to ftp would be Sunday morning local time (GMT+2:00). } \vspace{5mm} \clearpage \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm} \begin{picture}(136,192) \put(0,130.5){\begin{minipage}{50mm} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} \addtolength{\tabcolsep}{-.7mm} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline {\small input} & {\small skt} & {\small skti} \\ \hline {\tt a} & {\skt a} or implicit & {\skti a} \\ {\tt aa} & {\skt aa} or {{}\skt ;a} & {\skti aa} \\ {\tt i} & {\skt i} or {{}\skt ;i8a} & {\skti i} \\ {\tt ii} & {\skt ii} or \hspace*{1mm} {{}\skt i8\ZS{10};a} & {\skti ii} \\ {\tt u} & {\skt u} or \hspace*{1mm} {{}\skt u} & {\skti u} \\ {\tt uu} & {\skt uu} or \hspace*{1mm} {{}\skt U} & {\skti uu} \\ {\tt .r} & {\skt .r} or \hspace*{1mm} {{}\skt x} & {\skti .r} \\ {\tt .r.r} & {\skt .r.r} or \hspace*{1mm} {{}\skt X} & {\skti .r.r} \\ {\tt .l} & {\skt .l} or \hspace*{1mm} {{}\skt w} & {\skti .l} \\ {\tt .l.l} & {\skt .l.l} or \hspace*{1mm} {{}\skt W} & {\skti .l.l} \\ {\tt e} & {\skt e} or \hspace*{1mm} {{}\skt e} & {\skti e} \\ {\tt ai} & {\skt ai} or \hspace*{1mm} {{}\skt E} & {\skti ai} \\ {\tt o} & {\skt o} or \hspace*{1mm} {{}\skt *ea} & {\skti o} \\ {\tt au} & {\skt au} or \hspace*{1mm} {{}\skt *Ea} & {\skti au} \\ {\tt a.m} & {\skt a.m} & {\skti a.m} \\ {\tt a"m} & {\skt a"m} & {\skti a"m} \\ {\tt a\raisebox{-.35ex}{\tt \~\null}m} & {\skt a~m} & {\skti a~m} \\ {\tt a.h} & {\skt a.h} & {\skti a.h} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage} } \put(57,102){\begin{minipage}{35mm} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.03} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline {\small input} & {\small skt} & {\small skti} \\ \hline {\tt ka} & {\skt ka} & {\skti ka} \\ {\tt kha} & {\skt kha} & {\skti kha} \\ {\tt ga} & {\skt ga} & {\skti ga} \\ {\tt gha} & {\skt gha} & {\skti gha} \\ {\tt "na} & {\skt "na} & {\skti "na} \\ {\tt ca} & {\skt ca} & {\skti ca} \\ {\tt cha} & {\skt cha} & {\skti cha} \\ {\tt ja} & {\skt ja} & {\skti ja} \\ {\tt jha} & {\skt jha} & {\skti jha} \\ {\tt \raisebox{-.35ex}{\tt \~\null}na} & {\skt ~na} & {\skti ~na} \\ {\tt .ta} & {\skt .ta} & {\skti .ta} \\ {\tt .tha} & {\skt .tha} & {\skti .tha} \\ {\tt .da} & {\skt .da} & {\skti .da} \\ {\tt .dha} & {\skt .dha} & {\skti .dha} \\ {\tt .na} & {\skt .na} & {\skti .na} \\ {\tt ta} & {\skt ta} & {\skti ta} \\ {\tt tha} & {\skt tha} & {\skti tha} \\ {\tt da} & {\skt da} & {\skti da} \\ {\tt dha} & {\skt dha} & {\skti dha} \\ {\tt na} & {\skt na} & {\skti na} \\ {\tt pa} & {\skt pa} & {\skti pa} \\ {\tt pha} & {\skt pha} & {\skti pha} \\ {\tt ba} & {\skt ba} & {\skti ba} \\ {\tt bha} & {\skt bha} & {\skti bha} \\ {\tt ma} & {\skt ma} & {\skti ma} \\ {\tt ya} & {\skt ya} & {\skti ya} \\ {\tt ra} & {\skt ra} & {\skti ra} \\ {\tt la} & {\skt la} & {\skti la} \\ {\tt va} & {\skt va} & {\skti va} \\ {\tt "sa} & {\skt "sa} & {\skti "sa} \\ {\tt .sa} & {\skt .sa} & {\skti .sa} \\ {\tt sa} & {\skt sa} & {\skti sa} \\ {\tt ha} & {\skt ha} & {\skti ha} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage}} \put(7,39){\begin{minipage}{35mm} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.03} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline {\small input} & {\small skt} & {\small skti} \\ \hline {\tt 0} & {\skt 0} & {\skti 0} \\ {\tt 1} & {\skt 1} & {\skti 1} \\ {\tt 2} & {\skt 2} & {\skti 2} \\ {\tt 3} & {\skt 3} & {\skti 3} \\ {\tt 4} & {\skt 4} & {\skti 4} \\ {\tt 5} & {\skt 5} & {\skti 5} \\ {\tt 6} & {\skt 6} & {\skti 6} \\ {\tt 7} & {\skt 7} & {\skti 7} \\ {\tt 8} & {\skt 8} & {\skti 8} \\ {\tt 9} & {\skt 9} & {\skti 9} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage} } \put(99,89.2){\begin{minipage}{38mm} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{.95} %{1.16} {\skt [6+ 7+]} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline {\small input} & {\small skt} & {\small skti} \\ \hline {\tt .a} & {\relsize{-1}{{}\skt\symbol{89}}} & {{}\skti $^\prime $} \\ {\tt |} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt |}} & {\skti |} \\ {\tt ||} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt ||}} & {\skti ||} \\ {\tt .o} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt .o}} & {\skti .o} \\ {\tt "h} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt "h}} & {\skti "h} \\ {\tt "da} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt "da}} & {\skti "da} \\ {\tt "dha} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt "dha}} & {\skti "dha} \\ {\tt a@} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt a@}} & {\skti a@} \\ {\tt ..} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt ..}} & {\skti ..} \\ {\tt a\#} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt a#}} & {\skti a#} \\ {\tt a!} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt a!}} & {\skti a!} \\ {\tt a!!} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt a!!}} & {\skti a!!} \\ {\tt a\_} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt a_}} & {\skti a_} \\ {\tt a"1} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt a"1}} & {\skti a"1}\rule{0mm}{6mm} \\ {\tt a"3} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt a"3}} & {\skti a"3}\rule{0mm}{6mm} \\ {\tt a.1} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt a.1}} & {\skti a.1}\rule{0mm}{5mm} \\ {\tt a.3} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt a.3}} & {\skti a.3}\rule{0mm}{6mm} \\ {\tt a\^{}} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt a^}} & {\skti a^}\rule{0mm}{6mm} \\ {\tt a'} & --- & {\skti a'} \\ {\tt a`} & --- & {\skti a`} \\ {\tt a<1>} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt a<1>}} & {\skti a<1>} \\ {\tt a<2>} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt a<2>}} & {\skti a<2>} \\ {\tt a<3>} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt a<3>}} & {\skti a<3>} \\ {\tt a<2r>} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt a<2r>}} & {\skti a<2r>} \\ {\tt a<2u>} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt a<2u>}} & {\skti a<2u>} \\ {\tt a<3k>} & {\relsize{-1}{\skt a<3k>}} & {\skti a<3k>} \\ {\tt a<!!>} & \raisebox{0mm}[\height][0mm]{\relsize{-1}{\skt a<!!>}} & {\skti a<!!>} \\ {\tt a<u>} & \raisebox{0mm}[\height][0mm]{\relsize{-1}{\skt a<u>}} & {\skti a<u>} \\ {\tt a<w>} & \raisebox{0mm}[\height][0mm]{\relsize{-1}{\skt a<w>}} & {\skti a<w>} \\ {\tt a<\_>} & \raisebox{0mm}[\height][0mm]{\relsize{-1}{\skt a<_>}} & {\skti a<_>} \\ {\tt a<.>} & \raisebox{0mm}[\height][0mm]{\relsize{-1}{\skt a<.>}} & {\skti a<.>} \\ {\tt a<..>} & \raisebox{0mm}[\height][0mm]{\relsize{-1}{\skt a<..>}} & {\skti a<..>} \\ {\tt a<!>} & \raisebox{0mm}[\height][0mm]{\relsize{-1}{\skt a<!>}} & {\skti a<!>} \\ {\tt a<\^{}>} & \raisebox{0mm}[\height][0mm]{\relsize{-1}{\skt a<^>}} & {\skti a<^>} \\ {\tt a<s>} & \raisebox{0mm}[\height][0mm]{\relsize{-1}{\skt a<s>}} & {\skti a<s>} \\ \hline \end{tabular} {\skt [6- 7-]} \end{minipage} } \put(45,3){\makebox(0,0){\textbf{\large Encoding and Transliteration Scheme.}}} \put(42,-3){\makebox(0,0){(default options)}} \end{picture} \clearpage \hspace*{10mm}% \begin{minipage}{122mm} \addtolength{\parskip}{2mm} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.1} {\large \textbf{Sample Text from {\sktX .Rgveda 10..125..}}\par} \vspace{10mm} \label{rgtext} {\skt [40+ 44+] a_ha.m ru_drebhi_rvasu!bhi"scaraamya_hamaa!di_tyairu_ta vi_"svade!vai.h|\\ a_ha.m mi_traavaru!.no_bhaa bi!bharmya_hami!ndraa_gnii a_hama_"svino_bhaa|| 1|| a_ha.m soma!maaha_nasa!.m bibharmya_ha.m tva.s.taa!ramu_ta puu_.sa.na_.m bhaga!m|\\ a_ha.m da!dhaami_ dravi!.na.m ha_vi.sma!te supraa_vye"3 yaja!maanaaya sunva_te|| 2|| a_ha.m raa.s.trii! sa_.mgama!nii_ vasuu!naa.m ciki_tu.sii! pratha_maa ya_j~niiyaa!naam|\\ taa.m maa! de_vaa vya!dadhu.h puru_traa bhuuri!sthaatraa_.m bhuuryaa!ve_"saya!ntiim|| 3|| mayaa_ so anna!matti_ yo vi_pa"sya!ti_ ya.h praa.ni!ti_ ya ii!.m "s.r_.notyu_ktam|\\ a_ma_ntavo_ maa.m ta upa! k.siyanti "sru_dhi "sru!ta "sraddhi_va.m te! vadaami|| 4||} \renewcommand{\ZK}[1]{{\lightgray #1}} {\skt a_hame_va sva_yami_da.m va!daami_ ju.s.ta!.m de_vebhi!ru_ta maanu!.sebhi.h|\\ ya.m kaa_maye_ ta.mta!mu_gra.m k.r!.nomi ta.m bra_hmaa.naa_.m taam.r.si_.m ta.m su!me_dhaam|| 5|| a_ha.m ru_draaya_ dhanu_raa ta!nomi brahma_dvi.se_ "sara!ve_ hanta_vaa u!|\\ a_ha.m janaa!ya sa_ma!da.m k.r.nomya_ha.m dyaavaa!p.rthi_vii aa vi!ve"sa|| 6|| a_ha.m su!ve pi_tara!masya muu_rdhanmama_ yoni!ra_psva"1nta.h sa!mu_dre|\\ tato_ vi ti!.s.the_ bhuva_naanu_ vi"svo_taamuu.m dyaa.m va_r.sma.nopa! sp.r"saami|| 7|| a_hame_va vaata! iva_ pra vaa!myaa_rabha!maa.naa_ bhuva!naani_ vi"sva!|\\ pa_ro di_vaa pa_ra e_naa p.r!thivyaitaava!tii mahi_naa sa.m ba!bhuuva|| 8||[40-43-] } \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1} \addtolength{\parskip}{-2mm} \end{minipage} \clearpage \clearpage \hspace*{10mm}% \begin{minipage}{122mm} \addtolength{\parskip}{4mm} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.2} {\large \textbf{ Sample Text from {\sktX Saamaveda}}\par} \vspace{6mm} {\sktI Saamaveda Sa.mhitaa} ({\skti Kauthuma\/}), verses 523--528. \vspace{15mm} {\skt [0- 2+ 5+ 8+ 9+ 10+ 40+ 41+ 44+ 112+ 166+]} {\skt pra<1> tu dra<2r>va<3> pa<2>ri<3> ko<2>"sa<3>.m ni<1> .sii<2>da<3> n.r<1>bhi<2>.h punaa<3>no<2> a<3>bhi<1> vaaja<2r>mar.sa| \\ a<2>"sva<3>.m na<1> tvaa<2> vaa<3>ji<1>na<2>.m ma<3>rja<2>ya<3>nto<1>.acchaa<2> va<3>rhii<1> ra<2>"sa<3>naa<1>bhi<2>rnayanti|| 523|| pra<1> kaavya<2r>mu<3>"sa<1>ne<2>va bru<3>vaa.no<2> de<3>vo<2> de<3>vaa<2>naa<3>.m ja<1>ni<2>maa vivakti| \\ ma<1>hi<2>vrata<3>.h "su<1>ci<2>bandhu.h paava<3>ka<2>.h pa<3>daa<1> va<2>raa<3>ho<2> a<3k>bhye<2r>ti<3> re<1>bha<2>n|| 524|| ti<3>sro<1> vaaca<2r> iirayati<3> pra<1> vahni<2r>r.r<3>ta<1>sya<2> dhii<3>ti<1>.m brahma<2r>.no manii<3>.saa<2>m| \\ gaa<1>vo<2> yanti<3> go<1>pa<2>ti.m p.r<3>ccha<2>maa<2>naa<3>.h so<1>ma<2>.m yanti ma<3>ta<1>yo<2> vaava"saa<3>naa<2>.h|| 525|| a<3>sya<2> pre<3>.saa<2> he<3>ma<1>naa<2> puu<3>ya<1>maa<2>no de<3>vo<2> de<3>ve<2>bhi<3>.h sa<1>ma<2>p.rkta<3> ra<1>sa<2>m| \\ su<3>ta<2>.h pa<3>vi<2>tra<3>.m pa<1>ryye<2>ti<3> re<1>bha<2>nmi<3>te<2>va<3> sa<1>dma<2> pa"su<3>ma<2>nti<1> ho<2>taa|| 526|| so<1>ma<2>.h pavate jani<3>taa<1> ma<2>tii<3>naa<1>.m ja<2>ni<3>taa<2> di<3>vo<1> ja<2>ni<3>taa<1> p.r<2>thi<3>vyaa<2>.h| \\ ja<3>nitaa<1>gnerja<2r>ni<3>taa<1> suurya<2r>sya jani<3>te<1>ndra<2>sya jani<3>to<1>ta vi.s.no<2r>.h|| 527|| a<3>bhi<1> tri<2>p.r<3>.s.tha<1>.m v.r.sa<2r>.na.m vayo<3>dhaa<1>ma<2>"ngo<3>.si<1>.na<2>mavaava"santa<3> vaa<1>.nii<2>.h \\ va<2>naa<3> ba<1>saa<2>no<3> va<1>ru<2>.no<3> na<2u> sindhu<3>rvi<1> ra<2>tna<3>dhaa<1> da<2>yate<3> vaa<1>ryaa<2>.ni|| 528|| } \vfill \addtolength{\parskip}{-4mm} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1} \end{minipage} {\skt [0- 1+ 2+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 10+]} \clearpage \begin{center} {\smaller \vspace{10mm} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{2} \addtolength{\tabcolsep}{-.55mm} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c||} \cline{2-17} \multicolumn{1}{c|}{}& {\small 0} & {\small 1} & {\small 2} & {\small 3} & {\small 4} & {\small 5} & {\small 6} & {\small 7} & {\small 8} & {\small 9} & {\small A} & {\small B} & {\small C} & {\small D} & {\small E} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\small F}\\ \cline{2-17} \noalign{\vspace{\doublerulesep}} \hline {\small 00} & {\large\skt\symbol{'0}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'1}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'2}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'3}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'4}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'5}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'6}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'7}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'10}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'11}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'12}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'13}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'14}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'15}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'16}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'17}} \\ \hline {\small 10} & {\large\skt\symbol{'20}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'21}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'22}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'23}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'24}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'25}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'26}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'27}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'30}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'31}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'32}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'33}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'34}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'35}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'36}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'37}} \\ \hline {\small 20} & {\large\skt\symbol{'40}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'41}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'42}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'43}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'44}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'45}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'46}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'47}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'50}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'51}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'52}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'53}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'54}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'55}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'56}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'57}} \\ \hline {\small 30} & {\large\skt\symbol{'60}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'61}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'62}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'63}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'64}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'65}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'66}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'67}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'70}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'71}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'72}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'73}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'74}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'75}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'76}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'77}} \\ \hline {\small 40} & {\large\skt\symbol{'100}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'101}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'102}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'103}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'104}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'105}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'106}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'107}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'110}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'111}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'112}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'113}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'114}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'115}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'116}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'117}} \\ \hline {\small 50} & {\large\skt\symbol{'120}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'121}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'122}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'123}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'124}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'125}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'126}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'127}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'130}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'131}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'132}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'133}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'134}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'135}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'136}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'137}} \\ \hline {\small 60} & {\large\skt\symbol{'140}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'141}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'142}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'143}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'144}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'145}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'146}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'147}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'150}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'151}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'152}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'153}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'154}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'155}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'156}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'157}} \\ \hline {\small 70} & {\large\skt\symbol{'160}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'161}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'162}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'163}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'164}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'165}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'166}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'167}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'170}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'171}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'172}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'173}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'174}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'175}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'176}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'177}} \\ \hline {\small 80} & {\large\skt\symbol{'200}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'201}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'202}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'203}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'204}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'205}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'206}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'207}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'210}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'211}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'212}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'213}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'214}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'215}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'216}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'217}} \\ \hline {\small 90} & {\large\skt\symbol{'220}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'221}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'222}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'223}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'224}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'225}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'226}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'227}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'230}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'231}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'232}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'233}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'234}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'235}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'236}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'237}} \\ \hline {\small A0} & {\large\skt\symbol{'240}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'241}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'242}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'243}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'244}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'245}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'246}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'247}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'250}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'251}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'252}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'253}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'254}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'255}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'256}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'257}} \\ \hline {\small B0} & {\large\skt\symbol{'260}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'261}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'262}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'263}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'264}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'265}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'266}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'267}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'270}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'271}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'272}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'273}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'274}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'275}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'276}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'277}} \\ \hline {\small C0} & {\large\skt\symbol{'300}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'301}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'302}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'303}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'304}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'305}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'306}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'307}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'310}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'311}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'312}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'313}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'314}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'315}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'316}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'317}} \\ \hline {\small D0} & {\large\skt\symbol{'320}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'321}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'322}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'323}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'324}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'325}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'326}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'327}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'330}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'331}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'332}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'333}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'334}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'335}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'336}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'337}} \\ \hline {\small E0} & {\large\skt\symbol{'340}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'341}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'342}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'343}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'344}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'345}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'346}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'347}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'350}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'351}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'352}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'353}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'354}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'355}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'356}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'357}} \\ \hline {\small F0} & {\large\skt\symbol{'360}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'361}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'362}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'363}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'364}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'365}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'366}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'367}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'370}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'371}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'372}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'373}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'374}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'375}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'376}} & {\large\skt\symbol{'377}} \\ \hline \noalign{\vspace{\doublerulesep}} \cline{2-17} \end{tabular} } \vspace{10mm} \textbf{Font Table: skt-series fonts (at 17.28pt).} \end{center} \clearpage \begin{center} \vspace{10mm} {\smaller \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{2} \addtolength{\tabcolsep}{-.3mm} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c||} \cline{2-17} \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & A & B & C & D & E & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{F}\\ \cline{2-17} \noalign{\vspace{\doublerulesep}} \hline 00 & {\tt i0} & {\tt i3} & {\tt i4} & {\tt i5} & {\tt i6} & {\tt i7} & {\tt i8} & {\tt i9} & {\tt Y0} & {\tt Y1} & {\tt Y2} & {\tt Y3} & {\tt Y4} & {\tt Y5} & {\tt Y6} & {\tt Y7} \\ \hline 10 & {\tt `0} & {\tt `1} & {\tt `2} & {\tt `3} & {\tt `4} & {\tt `5} & {\tt `6} & {\tt `7} & {\tt `o} & {\tt `x} & {\tt `X} & {\tt `w} & {\tt `W} & {\tt r8} & {\tt r9} & {\tt `>} \\ \hline 20 & {\tt R2} & {\tt `8} & {\tt r1} & {\tt k1} & {\tt j1} & {\tt P1} & {\tt h1} & {\tt r2} & {\tt (} & {\tt )} & {\tt *} & {\tt +} & {\tt ,} & {\tt -} & {\tt .} & {\tt /} \\ \hline 30 & {\tt 0} & {\tt 1} & {\tt 2} & {\tt 3} & {\tt 4} & {\tt 5} & {\tt 6} & {\tt 7} & {\tt 8} & {\tt 9} & {\tt :} & {\tt ;} & {\tt <} & {\tt =} & {\tt >} & {\tt ?} \\ \hline 40 & -- & {\tt A} & {\tt B} & {\tt C} & {\tt D} & {\tt E} & {\tt F} & {\tt G} & {\tt H} & {\tt I} & {\tt J} & {\tt K} & {\tt L} & {\tt M} & {\tt N} & {\tt O} \\ \hline 50 & {\tt P} & {\tt Q} & {\tt R} & {\tt S} & {\tt T} & {\tt U} & {\tt V} & {\tt W} & {\tt X} & {\tt Y} & {\tt Z} & {\tt [} & {\tt L1} & {\tt ]} & {\tt H1} & {\tt R1} \\ \hline 60 & -- & {\tt a} & {\tt b} & {\tt c} & {\tt d} & {\tt e} & {\tt f} & {\tt g} & {\tt h} & {\tt i} & {\tt j} & {\tt k} & {\tt l} & {\tt m} & {\tt n} & {\tt o} \\ \hline 70 & {\tt p} & {\tt q} & {\tt r} & {\tt s} & {\tt t} & {\tt u} & {\tt v} & {\tt w} & {\tt x} & {\tt y} & {\tt z} & {\tt r4} & {\tt L2} & {\tt m1} & {\tt s1} & {\tt l1} \\ \hline 80 & {\tt k2} & {\tt k3} & {\tt k4} & {\tt c1} & {\tt C1} & {\tt j2} & {\tt t1} & {\tt t2} & {\tt t3} & {\tt d1} & {\tt n1} & {\tt p1} & {\tt l2} & {\tt S1} & {\tt S2} & {\tt h2} \\ \hline 90 & {\tt t4} & {\tt d2} & {\tt m2} & {\tt y1} & {\tt y2} & {\tt y3} & {\tt h3} & {\tt h4} & {\tt h5} & -- & -- & -- & {\tt `!} & {\tt `s} & {\tt `u} & {\tt `w} \\ \hline A0 & -- & -- & -- & -- & -- & -- & -- & -- & -- & -- & -- & -- & -- & -- & -- & -- \\ \hline B0 & {\tt @0} & {\tt @1} & {\tt @2} & {\tt `r} & {\tt @4} & {\tt @5} & {\tt @6} & {\tt `R} & {\tt @8} & {\tt @9} & {\tt `A} & {\tt `[} & {\tt `]} & {\tt `J} & {\tt `N} & {\tt `T} \\ \hline C0 & -- & {\tt @A} & {\tt @B} & {\tt @C} & {\tt @D} & {\tt @E} & {\tt @F} & {\tt @G} & {\tt @H} & {\tt @I} & {\tt @J} & {\tt @K} & {\tt @L} & {\tt @M} & {\tt @N} & {\tt @O} \\ \hline D0 & {\tt @P} & {\tt @Q} & {\tt @R} & {\tt @S} & {\tt @T} & {\tt @U} & {\tt @V} & {\tt @W} & {\tt @X} & {\tt @Y} & {\tt @Z} & -- & -- & -- & -- & -- \\ \hline E0 & -- & {\tt @a} & {\tt @b} & {\tt @c} & {\tt @d} & {\tt @e} & {\tt @f} & {\tt @g} & {\tt @h} & {\tt @i} & {\tt @j} & {\tt @k} & {\tt @l} & {\tt @m} & {\tt @n} & {\tt @o} \\ \hline F0 & {\tt @p} & {\tt @q} & {\tt @r} & {\tt @s} & {\tt @t} & {\tt @u} & {\tt @v} & {\tt @w} & {\tt @x} & {\tt @y} & {\tt @z} & -- & -- & -- & -- & -- \\ \hline \noalign{\vspace{\doublerulesep}} \cline{2-17} \end{tabular} } \vspace{\fill} \textbf{Font Access Codes: skt-series fonts.} \end{center} \clearpage \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{-17mm} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-17mm} \addtolength{\textwidth}{34mm} \addtolength{\linewidth}{34mm} \addtolength{\hsize}{34mm} % The additional width is for the sa.myoga table that follows \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1}\large\normalsize \hspace*{17mm}\begin{minipage}{137mm} \addtolength{\parskip}{2mm} {\Large\bf {\sktX Sa.myoga} Table\par} This lists the {\skti sa.myoga} tested by the font: the first shown is the default; where it is affected by user-selectable options, all the possible forms are shown. The sources used in compiling this table, in order consulted, are:\\ \makebox[2mm][l]{\textsuperscript{c}} Michael Coulson, \emph{Teach Yourself Sanskrit}, pp 22-24.\\ \makebox[2mm][l]{\textsuperscript{m}} Monier-Williams, \emph{A Practical Grammar of the Sanskrit Language}, p 2.\\ \makebox[2mm][l]{\textsuperscript{p}} S.C.Vasu, {\skti A.s.taadhyaayii} \emph{of} {\skti Paa.nini}, (Riddled with typo's.)\\ \makebox[2mm][l]{\textsuperscript{a}} J~E~Agenbroad, \emph{Difficult Characters: A Collection of Devanagari Conjunct\newline\hspace*{2mm} Consonants}, Int.~Assoc.~of Orientalist Librarians, Bulletin 38, pp.~17--53. \addtolength{\parskip}{-2mm} \end{minipage} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1}\large\normalsize \begin{multicols}{3} \columnseprule .1mm \parindent 0pt \sing{c}{\skti kka}{\skt kka [101+]kka [101-]} \sing{a}{\skti kk.na}{\skt kk.na [44+]kk.na [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti kkya}{\skt kkya [108+]kkya [101+]kkya [101- 108-]} \sing{a}{\skti kk"sa}{\skt kk"sa} \sing{c}{\skti kkha}{\skt kkha} \sing{a}{\skti kkhya}{\skt kkhya} \sing{p}{\skti k"na}{\skt k"na [102+]k"na [102-]} \sing{c}{\skti kca}{\skt kca} \sing{p}{\skti kcha}{\skt kcha} \sing{a}{\skti kja}{\skt kja} \sing{p}{\skti k.ta}{\skt k.ta} \sing{a}{\skti k.tra}{\skt k.tra} \sing{p}{\skti k.tha}{\skt k.tha} \sing{c}{\skti k.na}{\skt k.na} \sing{c}{\skti kta}{\skt kta [103+]kta [103-]} \sing{a}{\skti ktca}{\skt ktca} \sing{c}{\skti ktya}{\skt ktya [108+]ktya [103+]ktya [103- 108-]} \sing{c}{\skti ktra}{\skt ktra [104+]ktra [104-]} \sing{c}{\skti ktrya}{\skt ktrya [108+]ktrya [108-] [104+]ktrya [104-]} \sing{c}{\skti ktva}{\skt ktva [105+]ktva [105-]} \sing{p}{\skti ktha}{\skt ktha [45+]ktha [45-]} \dual{p}{\skti kthna}{\skt kthna [45+]kthna}{\skt [136+]kthna [45-]kthna [136-]} \sing{p}{\skti kthya}{\skt kthya [45+]kthya [45-]} \sing{a}{\skti kda}{\skt kda} \sing{c}{\skti kna}{\skt kna [106+]kna [106-]} \sing{c}{\skti knya}{\skt knya [108+]knya [106+]knya [106- 108-]} \sing{p}{\skti kpa}{\skt kpa} \sing{p}{\skti kpra}{\skt kpra} \sing{p}{\skti kpha}{\skt kpha} \sing{c}{\skti kma}{\skt kma [107+]kma [107-]} \sing{a}{\skti kmya}{\skt kmya [107+]kmya [107-]} \sing{c}{\skti kya}{\skt kya [108+]kya [108-]} \sing{c}{\skti kra}{\skt kra} \sing{c}{\skti krya}{\skt krya [108+]krya [108-]} \sing{c}{\skti kla}{\skt kla [109+]kla [46+]kla [109-]kla [46-]} \dual{a}{\skti klya}{\skt klya [108+]klya [108- 46+]klya}{\skt [108+]klya [108- 109+]klya [109- 46-]} \sing{c}{\skti kva}{\skt kva [110+]kva [110-]} \sing{c}{\skti kvya}{\skt kvya [108+]kvya [108- 110+]kvya [110-]} \sing{p}{\skti k"sa}{\skt k"sa} \dual{p}{\skti k"sla}{\skt k"sla [46+]k"sla [51+]k"sla}{\skt [46-]k"sla [51-165+]k"sla [46+]k"sla [165- 46-]} \sing{a}{\skti k"s"sa}{\skt k"s"sa} \sing{c}{\skti k.sa}{\skt k.sa [49+]k.sa [49-]} \dual{m}{\skti k.s.na}{\skt k.s.na [49+]k.s.na}{\skt [44+]k.s.na [49-]k.s.na [44-]} \dual{p}{\skti k.s.nya}{\skt k.s.nya [49+]k.s.nya}{\skt [44+]k.s.nya [49-]k.s.nya [44-]} \sing{c}{\skti k.sma}{\skt k.sma [49+]k.sma [49-]} \sing{a}{\skti k.smya}{\skt k.smya [49+]k.smya [49-]} \sing{c}{\skti k.sya}{\skt k.sya [49+]k.sya [49-]} \sing{a}{\skti k.sra}{\skt k.sra [49+]k.sra [49-]} \dual{a}{\skti k.sla}{\skt k.sla [49+]k.sla}{\skt [46+]k.sla [49-]k.sla [46-]} \sing{c}{\skti k.sva}{\skt k.sva [49+]k.sva [49-]} \sing{p}{\skti ksa}{\skt ksa} \sing{a}{\skti ks.ta}{\skt ks.ta} \sing{a}{\skti ks.tra}{\skt ks.tra} \sing{a}{\skti ks.da}{\skt ks.da} \sing{p}{\skti kstra}{\skt kstra} \sing{a}{\skti kspra}{\skt kspra} \dual{a}{\skti kspla}{\skt kspla [150+]kspla}{\skt [46+]kspla [150-]kspla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti ksra}{\skt ksra} \sing{p}{\skti ksva}{\skt ksva} \sing{a}{\skti khkha}{\skt khkha} \sing{a}{\skti khta}{\skt khta} \sing{a}{\skti khna}{\skt khna [111+]khna [111-]} \sing{a}{\skti khnya}{\skt khnya [111+]khnya [111-]} \sing{a}{\skti khma}{\skt khma} \sing{c}{\skti khya}{\skt khya} \sing{c}{\skti khra}{\skt khra} \sing{a}{\skti khla}{\skt khla [46+]khla [46-]} \sing{a}{\skti khva}{\skt khva} \sing{a}{\skti kh"sa}{\skt kh"sa} \sing{a}{\skti khsa}{\skt khsa} \sing{a}{\skti gga}{\skt gga} \sing{p}{\skti ggha}{\skt ggha} \sing{a}{\skti gghya}{\skt gghya} \sing{a}{\skti gja}{\skt gja} \sing{x}{\skti gj~na}{\skt gj~na [50+]gj~na[50-]} \sing{a}{\skti gjya}{\skt gjya} \sing{a}{\skti gjha}{\skt gjha [42+]gjha [42-]} \sing{a}{\skti g.da}{\skt g.da} \sing{a}{\skti g.dha}{\skt g.dha} \sing{a}{\skti g.na}{\skt g.na [44+]g.na [44-]} \sing{p}{\skti gda}{\skt gda} \sing{a}{\skti gddha}{\skt gddha} \sing{a}{\skti gddhva}{\skt gddhva} \sing{a}{\skti gdya}{\skt gdya [143+]gdya [143-]} \sing{a}{\skti gdva}{\skt gdva} \sing{a}{\skti gdha}{\skt gdha} \sing{a}{\skti gdhya}{\skt gdhya} \sing{a}{\skti gdhra}{\skt gdhra} \sing{a}{\skti gdhva}{\skt gdhva} \sing{m}{\skti gna}{\skt gna [112+]gna [112-]} \sing{m}{\skti gnya}{\skt gnya [112+]gnya [112-]} \sing{a}{\skti gba}{\skt gba} \sing{a}{\skti gbha}{\skt gbha} \sing{m}{\skti gbhya}{\skt gbhya} \sing{p}{\skti gma}{\skt gma} \sing{a}{\skti gmya}{\skt gmya} \sing{c}{\skti gya}{\skt gya} \sing{c}{\skti gra}{\skt gra} \sing{c}{\skti grya}{\skt grya} \sing{m}{\skti gla}{\skt gla [46+]gla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti gva}{\skt gva} \sing{a}{\skti gsa}{\skt gsa} \sing{a}{\skti g+ha}{\skt g{}ha} \sing{c}{\skti ghna}{\skt ghna [113+]ghna [113-]} \sing{c}{\skti ghnya}{\skt ghnya [113+]ghnya [113-]} \sing{c}{\skti ghma}{\skt ghma} \sing{c}{\skti ghya}{\skt ghya} \sing{c}{\skti ghra}{\skt ghra} \sing{a}{\skti ghrya}{\skt ghrya} \sing{a}{\skti ghla}{\skt ghla [46+]ghla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti ghva}{\skt ghva} \sing{c}{\skti "nka}{\skt "nka} \sing{c}{\skti "nkta}{\skt "nkta} \sing{c}{\skti "nktya}{\skt "nktya} \sing{a}{\skti "nktra}{\skt "nktra} \sing{a}{\skti "nktrya}{\skt "nktrya} \sing{a}{\skti "nktva}{\skt "nktva} \sing{a}{\skti "nktha}{\skt "nktha [45+]"nktha [45-]} \sing{c}{\skti "nkya}{\skt "nkya} \sing{p}{\skti "nkra}{\skt "nkra} \sing{p}{\skti "nkva}{\skt "nkva} \sing{c}{\skti "nk.sa}{\skt "nk.sa [49+]"nk.sa [49-]} \sing{a}{\skti "nk.s.na}{\skt "nk.s.na [49+]"nk.s.na [44+]"nk.s.na [49-]"nk.s.na [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti "nk.s.nva}{\skt "nk.s.nva [49+]"nk.s.nva [44+]"nk.s.nva [49-]"nk.s.nva [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti "nk.sma}{\skt "nk.sma [49+]"nk.sma [49-]} \sing{a}{\skti "nk.sya}{\skt "nk.sya [49+]"nk.sya [49-]} \sing{a}{\skti "nk.sra}{\skt "nk.sra [49+]"nk.sra [49-]} \sing{c}{\skti "nk.sva}{\skt "nk.sva [49+]"nk.sva [49-]} \sing{c}{\skti "nkha}{\skt "nkha} \sing{a}{\skti "nkhna}{\skt "nkhna} \sing{c}{\skti "nkhya}{\skt "nkhya} \sing{a}{\skti "nkhra}{\skt "nkhra} \sing{c}{\skti "nga}{\skt "nga} \sing{a}{\skti "ngma}{\skt "ngma} \sing{c}{\skti "ngya}{\skt "ngya} \sing{a}{\skti "ngra}{\skt "ngra} \sing{a}{\skti "ngla}{\skt "ngla [46+]"ngla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti "ngva}{\skt "ngva} \sing{c}{\skti "ngha}{\skt "ngha} \sing{c}{\skti "nghya}{\skt "nghya} \sing{c}{\skti "nghra}{\skt "nghra} \sing{c}{\skti "n"na}{\skt "n"na} \sing{p}{\skti "nca}{\skt "nca} \sing{p}{\skti "nja}{\skt "nja} \sing{p}{\skti "n.na}{\skt "n.na [44+]"n.na [44-]} \sing{p}{\skti "n.nva}{\skt "n.nva [44+]"n.nva [44-]} \sing{p}{\skti "nta}{\skt "nta} \sing{p}{\skti "ndha}{\skt "ndha} \sing{c}{\skti "nna}{\skt "nna} \sing{p}{\skti "npa}{\skt "npa} \sing{p}{\skti "npra}{\skt "npra} \sing{p}{\skti "nbha}{\skt "nbha} \sing{p}{\skti "nbhya}{\skt "nbhya} \sing{c}{\skti "nma}{\skt "nma} \sing{c}{\skti "nya}{\skt "nya} \sing{a}{\skti "nra}{\skt "nra} \sing{a}{\skti "nrva}{\skt "nrva} \sing{a}{\skti "nrvya}{\skt "nrvya} \sing{p}{\skti "nla}{\skt "nla [46+]"nla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti "nva}{\skt "nva} \sing{p}{\skti "n"sa}{\skt "n"sa} \sing{a}{\skti "n.sa}{\skt "n.sa} \sing{p}{\skti "nsa}{\skt "nsa} \sing{p}{\skti "nstha}{\skt "nstha [45+]"nstha [45-]} \sing{p}{\skti "nspa}{\skt "nspa} \sing{p}{\skti "nsva}{\skt "nsva} \sing{p}{\skti "nha}{\skt "nha} \sing{p}{\skti "nhya}{\skt "nhya} \sing{p}{\skti "nhra}{\skt "nhra} \sing{p}{\skti cka}{\skt cka} \sing{p}{\skti ckta}{\skt ckta [103+]ckta [103-]} \sing{p}{\skti ckha}{\skt ckha} \sing{c}{\skti cca}{\skt cca [114+]cca [114-]} \sing{a}{\skti ccya}{\skt ccya [114+]ccya [114-]} \sing{c}{\skti ccha}{\skt ccha} \sing{m}{\skti cchya}{\skt cchya [118+]cchya [118-]} \sing{c}{\skti cchra}{\skt cchra} \sing{p}{\skti cchla}{\skt cchla [46+]cchla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti cchva}{\skt cchva} \sing{c}{\skti c~na}{\skt c~na [115+]c~na [115-]} \sing{p}{\skti cta}{\skt cta} \sing{p}{\skti ctrya}{\skt ctrya} \sing{a}{\skti cna}{\skt cna [116+]cna [116-]} \sing{p}{\skti cpa}{\skt cpa} \sing{p}{\skti cpra}{\skt cpra} \sing{p}{\skti cpha}{\skt cpha} \sing{c}{\skti cma}{\skt cma} \sing{c}{\skti cya}{\skt cya} \sing{a}{\skti cra}{\skt cra} \sing{p}{\skti cla}{\skt cla [46+]cla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti cva}{\skt cva} \sing{p}{\skti cvya}{\skt cvya} \sing{a}{\skti c.sa}{\skt c.sa} \sing{p}{\skti csa}{\skt csa} \sing{p}{\skti csva}{\skt csva} \sing{a}{\skti chna}{\skt chna} \sing{a}{\skti chma}{\skt chma [117+]chma [117-]} \sing{c}{\skti chya}{\skt chya [118+]chya [118-]} \sing{c}{\skti chra}{\skt chra} \sing{a}{\skti chrya}{\skt chrya [118+]chrya [118-]} \sing{a}{\skti chla}{\skt chla [46+]chla [46-]} \sing{a}{\skti chva}{\skt chva} \sing{p}{\skti jka}{\skt jka} \sing{c}{\skti jja}{\skt jja [119+]jja [119-]} \sing{a}{\skti jj~na}{\skt jj~na [50+]jj~na [50-]} \sing{a}{\skti jjya}{\skt jjya [119+]jjya [119-]} \sing{p}{\skti jjva}{\skt jjva} \sing{c}{\skti jjha}{\skt jjha [42+]jjha [42-]} \sing{a}{\skti jjhra}{\skt jjhra [42+]jjhra [42-]} \sing{c}{\skti j~na}{\skt j~na [50+]j~na [50-]} \sing{c}{\skti j~nya}{\skt j~nya [50+]j~nya [50-]} \sing{a}{\skti j~nra}{\skt j~nra [50+]j~nra [50-]} \sing{a}{\skti j.ta}{\skt j.ta} \sing{a}{\skti j.da}{\skt j.da} \sing{p}{\skti jda}{\skt jda} \sing{a}{\skti jna}{\skt jna [120+]jna [120-]} \sing{a}{\skti jpa}{\skt jpa} \sing{p}{\skti jba}{\skt jba} \sing{p}{\skti jbhya}{\skt jbhya} \sing{p}{\skti jbhra}{\skt jbhra} \sing{c}{\skti jma}{\skt jma} \sing{c}{\skti jya}{\skt jya} \sing{c}{\skti jra}{\skt jra} \sing{a}{\skti jla}{\skt jla [46+]jla [46-]} \sing{c}{\skti jva}{\skt jva} \sing{a}{\skti jhjha}{\skt jhjha [42+]jhjha [42-]} \sing{a}{\skti jhna}{\skt jhna [42+]jhna [42-]} \sing{a}{\skti jhma}{\skt jhma [42+]jhma [42-]} \sing{a}{\skti jhya}{\skt jhya [42+]jhya [42-]} \sing{a}{\skti jhra}{\skt jhra [42+]jhra [42-]} \sing{a}{\skti jhla}{\skt jhla [42+]jhla [46+]jhla [42-]jhla [46-]} \sing{a}{\skti jhva}{\skt jhva [42+]jhva [42-]} \sing{p}{\skti ~nka}{\skt ~nka} \sing{p}{\skti ~nkva}{\skt ~nkva [110+]~nkva [110-]} \sing{p}{\skti ~nkta}{\skt ~nkta [103+]~nkta [103-]} \sing{p}{\skti ~nkha}{\skt ~nkha} \sing{p}{\skti ~ngra}{\skt ~ngra} \sing{c}{\skti ~nca}{\skt ~nca [121+]~nca [121-]} \sing{a}{\skti ~nccha}{\skt ~nccha [121+]~nccha [121-]} \sing{c}{\skti ~ncma}{\skt ~ncma [121+]~ncma [121-]} \sing{c}{\skti ~ncya}{\skt ~ncya [121+]~ncya [121-]} \sing{a}{\skti ~ncva}{\skt ~ncva [121+]~ncva [121-]} \sing{c}{\skti ~ncha}{\skt ~ncha} \sing{a}{\skti ~nchya}{\skt ~nchya [118+]~nchya [118-]} \sing{a}{\skti ~nchra}{\skt ~nchra} \sing{c}{\skti ~nja}{\skt ~nja [122+]~nja [122-]} \sing{p}{\skti ~nj~na}{\skt ~nj~na [50+]~nj~na [50-]} \sing{a}{\skti ~njma}{\skt ~njma [122+]~njma [122-]} \sing{c}{\skti ~njya}{\skt ~njya [122+]~njya [122-]} \sing{p}{\skti ~njva}{\skt ~njva [122+]~njva [122-]} \sing{a}{\skti ~njha}{\skt ~njha [42+]~njha [42-]} \sing{p}{\skti ~n~na}{\skt ~n~na [123+]~n~na [123-]} \sing{p}{\skti ~n~nya}{\skt ~n~nya [123+]~n~nya [123-]} \sing{p}{\skti ~n.tha}{\skt ~n.tha} \sing{p}{\skti ~n.na}{\skt ~n.na [44+]~n.na [44-]} \sing{p}{\skti ~nda}{\skt ~nda} \sing{p}{\skti ~ndva}{\skt ~ndva} \sing{p}{\skti ~nna}{\skt ~nna [124+]~nna [124-]} \sing{p}{\skti ~npa}{\skt ~npa} \sing{p}{\skti ~nbha}{\skt ~nbha} \sing{p}{\skti ~nbhya}{\skt ~nbhya} \sing{p}{\skti ~nma}{\skt ~nma} \sing{p}{\skti ~nya}{\skt ~nya} \sing{a}{\skti ~nra}{\skt ~nra} \sing{a}{\skti ~nla}{\skt ~nla [46+]~nla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti ~nva}{\skt ~nva} \sing{p}{\skti ~n"sa}{\skt ~n"sa} \sing{p}{\skti ~nsa}{\skt ~nsa} \sing{p}{\skti ~nsna}{\skt ~nsna [170+]~nsna [170-]} \sing{p}{\skti .tka}{\skt .tka} \sing{a}{\skti .tkha}{\skt .tkha} \sing{p}{\skti .tca}{\skt .tca} \sing{p}{\skti .tcha}{\skt .tcha} \sing{c}{\skti .t.ta}{\skt .t.ta} \sing{p}{\skti .t.tya}{\skt .t.tya} \sing{p}{\skti .t.tha}{\skt .t.tha} \sing{a}{\skti .t.thya}{\skt .t.thya} \sing{a}{\skti .t.dha}{\skt .t.dha} \sing{a}{\skti .t.na}{\skt .t.na [44+].t.na [44-]} \sing{p}{\skti .tta}{\skt .tta} \sing{p}{\skti .ttra}{\skt .ttra} \sing{a}{\skti .ttsa}{\skt .ttsa} \sing{a}{\skti .ttha}{\skt .ttha [45+].ttha [45-]} \sing{p}{\skti .tda}{\skt .tda} \sing{a}{\skti .tna}{\skt .tna} \sing{p}{\skti .tpa}{\skt .tpa} \sing{a}{\skti .tpha}{\skt .tpha} \sing{a}{\skti .tba}{\skt .tba} \sing{a}{\skti .tma}{\skt .tma [125+].tma [125-]} \sing{c}{\skti .tya}{\skt .tya} \sing{a}{\skti .tra}{\skt .tra} \sing{p}{\skti .trva}{\skt .trva} \sing{p}{\skti .tla}{\skt .tla [46+].tla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti .tva}{\skt .tva} \sing{p}{\skti .t"sa}{\skt .t"sa} \sing{p}{\skti .t"sva}{\skt .t"sva} \sing{p}{\skti .t"svya}{\skt .t"svya} \sing{a}{\skti .t.sa}{\skt .t.sa} \sing{p}{\skti .tsa}{\skt .tsa} \sing{p}{\skti .tsta}{\skt .tsta} \sing{a}{\skti .tsla}{\skt .tsla [46+].tsla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti .tsva}{\skt .tsva} \sing{a}{\skti .th.tha}{\skt .th.tha} \sing{a}{\skti .th.na}{\skt .th.na [44+].th.na [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti .ththa}{\skt .ththa [45+].ththa [45-]} \sing{a}{\skti .ththya}{\skt .ththya [45+].ththya [45-]} \sing{a}{\skti .thna}{\skt .thna} \sing{a}{\skti .thma}{\skt .thma [126+].thma [126-]} \sing{c}{\skti .thya}{\skt .thya [127+].thya [127-]} \sing{c}{\skti .thra}{\skt .thra} \sing{a}{\skti .thla}{\skt .thla [46+].thla [46-]} \sing{a}{\skti .thva}{\skt .thva} \sing{p}{\skti .thsa}{\skt .thsa} \sing{c}{\skti .dga}{\skt .dga} \sing{c}{\skti .dgya}{\skt .dgya} \sing{c}{\skti .dgha}{\skt .dgha} \sing{c}{\skti .dghra}{\skt .dghra} \sing{a}{\skti .dja}{\skt .dja} \sing{a}{\skti .djha}{\skt .djha [42+].djha [42-]} \sing{a}{\skti .d.ta}{\skt .d.ta} \sing{p}{\skti .d.da}{\skt .d.da} \sing{p}{\skti .d.dya}{\skt .d.dya} \sing{p}{\skti .d.dva}{\skt .d.dva} \sing{p}{\skti .d.dha}{\skt .d.dha} \sing{a}{\skti .d.dhva}{\skt .d.dhva} \sing{a}{\skti .d.na}{\skt .d.na [44+].d.na [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti .dna}{\skt .dna} \sing{a}{\skti .dba}{\skt .dba} \sing{a}{\skti .dbha}{\skt .dbha} \sing{p}{\skti .dbhya}{\skt .dbhya} \sing{c}{\skti .dma}{\skt .dma [128+].dma [128-]} \sing{c}{\skti .dya}{\skt .dya [129+].dya [129-]} \sing{a}{\skti .dra}{\skt .dra} \sing{a}{\skti .dla}{\skt .dla [46+].dla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti .dva}{\skt .dva} \sing{p}{\skti .dvya}{\skt .dvya [129+].dvya [129-]} \sing{a}{\skti .dh.dha}{\skt .dh.dha} \sing{a}{\skti .dh.dhya}{\skt .dh.dhya} \sing{a}{\skti .dh.na}{\skt .dh.na [44+].dh.na [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti .dhna}{\skt .dhna} \sing{a}{\skti .dhma}{\skt .dhma [130+].dhma [130-]} \sing{c}{\skti .dhya}{\skt .dhya [131+].dhya [131-]} \sing{c}{\skti .dhra}{\skt .dhra} \sing{a}{\skti .dhrya}{\skt .dhrya [131+].dhrya [131-]} \sing{a}{\skti .dhla}{\skt .dhla [46+].dhla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti .dhva}{\skt .dhva} \sing{p}{\skti .nka}{\skt .nka [44+].nka [44-]} \sing{p}{\skti .nca}{\skt .nca [44+].nca [44-]} \sing{p}{\skti .njya}{\skt .njya [44+].njya [44-]} \sing{c}{\skti .n.ta}{\skt .n.ta [44+].n.ta [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti .n.tya}{\skt .n.tya [44+].n.tya [44-]} \sing{c}{\skti .n.tha}{\skt .n.tha [44+].n.tha [44-]} \dual{a}{\skti .n.thya}{\skt .n.thya [44+].n.thya}{\skt [127+].n.thya [44-].n.thya [127-]} \sing{c}{\skti .n.da}{\skt .n.da [44+].n.da [44-]} \dual{c}{\skti .n.dya}{\skt .n.dya [44+].n.dya}{\skt [129+].n.dya [44-].n.dya [129-]} \sing{c}{\skti .n.dra}{\skt .n.dra [44+].n.dra [44-]} \dual{c}{\skti .n.drya}{\skt .n.drya [44+].n.drya}{\skt [129+].n.drya [44-].n.drya [129-]} \sing{p}{\skti .n.dva}{\skt .n.dva [44+].n.dva [44-]} \sing{c}{\skti .n.dha}{\skt .n.dha [44+].n.dha [44-]} \sing{c}{\skti .n.na}{\skt .n.na [44+].n.na [44-]} \sing{p}{\skti .n.nya}{\skt .n.nya [44+].n.nya [44-]} \sing{p}{\skti .nta}{\skt .nta [44+].nta [44-]} \dual{a}{\skti .ntha}{\skt .ntha [44+].ntha}{\skt [45+].ntha [44-].ntha [45-]} \dual{a}{\skti .nthya}{\skt .nthya [44+].nthya}{\skt [45+].nthya [44-].nthya [45-]} \sing{p}{\skti .nda}{\skt .nda [44+].nda [44-]} \sing{p}{\skti .nna}{\skt .nna [132+].nna [132- 44+].nna [44-]} \sing{p}{\skti .nbha}{\skt .nbha [44+].nbha [44-]} \sing{c}{\skti .nma}{\skt .nma [44+].nma [44-]} \sing{c}{\skti .nya}{\skt .nya [44+].nya [44-]} \sing{p}{\skti .nra}{\skt .nra [133+].nra [133- 44+].nra [44-]} \dual{a}{\skti .nla}{\skt .nla [44+].nla}{\skt [46+].nla [44-].nla [46-]} \sing{c}{\skti .nva}{\skt .nva [44+].nva [44-]} \sing{p}{\skti .nvya}{\skt .nvya [44+].nvya [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti .nsa}{\skt .nsa [44+].nsa [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti .nsma}{\skt .nsma [44+].nsma [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti .nha}{\skt .nha [44+].nha [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti .nhma}{\skt .nhma [44+].nhma [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti .nhya}{\skt .nhya [44+].nhya [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti .nhva}{\skt .nhva [44+].nhva [44-]} \sing{c}{\skti tka}{\skt tka} \sing{a}{\skti tkma}{\skt tkma [107+]tkma [107-]} \sing{a}{\skti tkya}{\skt tkya [108+]tkya [108-]} \sing{p}{\skti tkra}{\skt tkra} \dual{a}{\skti tkla}{\skt tkla [46+]tkla}{\skt [109+]tkla [46-]tkla [109-]} \sing{a}{\skti tkva}{\skt tkva [110+]tkva [110-]} \sing{p}{\skti tk.sa}{\skt tk.sa [49+]tk.sa [49-]} \sing{a}{\skti tksa}{\skt tksa} \sing{p}{\skti tkha}{\skt tkha} \sing{a}{\skti tkhna}{\skt tkhna [111+]tkhna [111-]} \sing{a}{\skti tkhra}{\skt tkhra} \sing{a}{\skti tga}{\skt tga} \sing{a}{\skti tgha}{\skt tgha} \sing{a}{\skti t"na}{\skt t"na} \sing{a}{\skti tca}{\skt tca} \sing{a}{\skti tcha}{\skt tcha} \sing{a}{\skti tja}{\skt tja} \sing{a}{\skti tjha}{\skt tjha [42+]tjha [42-]} \sing{a}{\skti t~na}{\skt t~na} \sing{a}{\skti t.ta}{\skt t.ta} \sing{a}{\skti t.tha}{\skt t.tha} \sing{a}{\skti t.da}{\skt t.da} \sing{a}{\skti t.dha}{\skt t.dha} \sing{a}{\skti t.na}{\skt t.na [44+]t.na [44-]} \sing{c}{\skti tta}{\skt tta [134+]tta [134-]} \sing{p}{\skti ttka}{\skt ttka [134+]ttka [134-]} \dual{a}{\skti ttk.sa}{\skt ttk.sa [134+]ttk.sa}{\skt [49+]ttk.sa [134-]ttk.sa [49-]} \sing{a}{\skti ttna}{\skt ttna [135+]ttna [134+]ttna [134- 135-]} \sing{c}{\skti ttya}{\skt ttya [134+]ttya [134-]} \sing{c}{\skti ttra}{\skt ttra} \sing{a}{\skti ttrya}{\skt ttrya} \sing{c}{\skti ttva}{\skt ttva [134+]ttva [134-]} \sing{c}{\skti ttha}{\skt ttha [45+]ttha [45-]} \sing{a}{\skti tthya}{\skt tthya [45+]tthya [45-]} \sing{a}{\skti tda}{\skt tda} \sing{a}{\skti tdha}{\skt tdha} \sing{c}{\skti tna}{\skt tna [135+]tna [135-]} \sing{c}{\skti tnya}{\skt tnya [135+]tnya [135-]} \sing{p}{\skti tnva}{\skt tnva [135+]tnva [135-]} \sing{c}{\skti tpa}{\skt tpa} \sing{a}{\skti tppha}{\skt tppha} \sing{c}{\skti tpra}{\skt tpra} \sing{a}{\skti tpla}{\skt tpla [150+]tpla [46+]tpla [150-]tpla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti tpha}{\skt tpha} \sing{a}{\skti tphra}{\skt tphra} \sing{a}{\skti tba}{\skt tba} \sing{a}{\skti tbha}{\skt tbha} \sing{c}{\skti tma}{\skt tma} \sing{c}{\skti tmya}{\skt tmya} \sing{c}{\skti tya}{\skt tya} \sing{c}{\skti tra}{\skt tra} \sing{c}{\skti trya}{\skt trya} \sing{a}{\skti trva}{\skt trva} \sing{a}{\skti tla}{\skt tla [46+]tla [46-]} \sing{c}{\skti tva}{\skt tva} \sing{p}{\skti tvya}{\skt tvya} \sing{a}{\skti t"sa}{\skt t"sa} \sing{p}{\skti t.sa}{\skt t.sa} \sing{p}{\skti t.s.tha}{\skt t.s.tha [168+]t.s.tha [168-]} \sing{c}{\skti tsa}{\skt tsa} \sing{a}{\skti tska}{\skt tska} \sing{p}{\skti tsta}{\skt tsta} \sing{p}{\skti tstha}{\skt tstha [45+]tstha [45-]} \sing{c}{\skti tsna}{\skt tsna [170+]tsna [170-]} \sing{c}{\skti tsnya}{\skt tsnya [170+]tsnya [170-]} \sing{p}{\skti tsma}{\skt tsma} \sing{a}{\skti tsmya}{\skt tsmya} \sing{m}{\skti tsya}{\skt tsya} \sing{a}{\skti tsra}{\skt tsra} \sing{p}{\skti tsva}{\skt tsva} \sing{a}{\skti t+ha}{\skt t{}ha} \sing{a}{\skti ththa}{\skt ththa [45+]ththa [45-]} \sing{a}{\skti thna}{\skt thna [45+]thna [136+]thna [45-]thna [136-]} \sing{a}{\skti thma}{\skt thma [45+]thma [45-]} \sing{c}{\skti thya}{\skt thya [45+]thya [45-]} \sing{a}{\skti thra}{\skt thra [45+]thra [45-]} \dual{a}{\skti thla}{\skt thla [45+]thla}{\skt [46+]thla [45-]thla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti thva}{\skt thva [45+]thva [45-]} \sing{c}{\skti dga}{\skt dga} \sing{a}{\skti dgya}{\skt dgya [143+]dgya [143-]} \sing{c}{\skti dgra}{\skt dgra} \sing{c}{\skti dgha}{\skt dgha} \sing{c}{\skti dghra}{\skt dghra} \sing{a}{\skti djha}{\skt djha [42+]djha [42-]} \sing{p}{\skti d.da}{\skt d.da} \sing{p}{\skti d.d.da}{\skt d.d.da} \sing{a}{\skti d.dha}{\skt d.dha} \sing{c}{\skti dda}{\skt dda} \sing{a}{\skti ddba}{\skt ddba} \sing{a}{\skti ddbra}{\skt ddbra} \sing{c}{\skti ddya}{\skt ddya [137+]ddya [137-]} \sing{p}{\skti ddra}{\skt ddra} \sing{a}{\skti ddva}{\skt ddva} \sing{p}{\skti ddvya}{\skt ddvya [138+]ddvya [138-]} \sing{a}{\skti ddvra}{\skt ddvra} \sing{c}{\skti ddha}{\skt ddha} \sing{a}{\skti ddhna}{\skt ddhna} \sing{a}{\skti ddhnya}{\skt ddhnya} \sing{a}{\skti ddhma}{\skt ddhma [139+]ddhma [139-]} \sing{c}{\skti ddhya}{\skt ddhya [140+]ddhya [140-]} \sing{p}{\skti ddhra}{\skt ddhra} \sing{a}{\skti ddhrya}{\skt ddhrya [140+]ddhrya [140-]} \sing{a}{\skti ddhva}{\skt ddhva} \sing{c}{\skti dna}{\skt dna} \sing{c}{\skti dba}{\skt dba} \sing{p}{\skti dbra}{\skt dbra} \sing{c}{\skti dbha}{\skt dbha} \sing{c}{\skti dbhya}{\skt dbhya [141+]dbhya [141-]} \sing{a}{\skti dbhra}{\skt dbhra} \sing{c}{\skti dma}{\skt dma [142+]dma [142-]} \sing{a}{\skti dmya}{\skt dmya [142+]dmya [142-]} \sing{c}{\skti dya}{\skt dya [143+]dya [143-]} \sing{c}{\skti dra}{\skt dra} \sing{c}{\skti drya}{\skt drya [143+]drya [143-]} \sing{p}{\skti drva}{\skt drva} \sing{a}{\skti dla}{\skt dla [46+]dla [46-]} \sing{c}{\skti dva}{\skt dva} \sing{c}{\skti dvya}{\skt dvya [143+]dvya [143-]} \sing{a}{\skti dvra}{\skt dvra} \sing{a}{\skti dvrya}{\skt dvrya [143+]dvrya [143-]} \sing{a}{\skti dhda}{\skt dhda} \sing{c}{\skti dhna}{\skt dhna [144+]dhna [144-]} \sing{c}{\skti dhnya}{\skt dhnya [144+]dhnya [144-]} \sing{a}{\skti dhnva}{\skt dhnva [144+]dhnva [144-]} \sing{c}{\skti dhma}{\skt dhma} \sing{c}{\skti dhya}{\skt dhya} \sing{c}{\skti dhra}{\skt dhra} \sing{c}{\skti dhrya}{\skt dhrya} \sing{a}{\skti dhla}{\skt dhla [46+]dhla [46-]} \sing{c}{\skti dhva}{\skt dhva} \sing{a}{\skti dhvya}{\skt dhvya} \sing{a}{\skti dhvra}{\skt dhvra} \sing{p}{\skti nka}{\skt nka} \sing{p}{\skti nkta}{\skt nkta [103+]nkta [103-]} \sing{a}{\skti nk.sa}{\skt nk.sa [49+]nk.sa [49-]} \sing{p}{\skti nksa}{\skt nksa} \sing{p}{\skti nkva}{\skt nkva [110+]nkva [110-]} \sing{a}{\skti nga}{\skt nga} \sing{a}{\skti ngla}{\skt ngla [46+]ngla [46-]} \sing{a}{\skti nghya}{\skt nghya} \sing{p}{\skti n"na}{\skt n"na} \sing{a}{\skti nca}{\skt nca [145+]nca [145-]} \sing{a}{\skti nja}{\skt nja [146+]nja [146-]} \sing{a}{\skti njya}{\skt njya [146+]njya [146-]} \sing{a}{\skti njva}{\skt njva [146+]njva [146-]} \sing{p}{\skti njha}{\skt njha [42+]njha [42-]} \sing{a}{\skti n.ta}{\skt n.ta} \sing{a}{\skti n.tra}{\skt n.tra} \sing{a}{\skti n.da}{\skt n.da} \sing{p}{\skti n.nva}{\skt n.nva [44+]n.nva [44-]} \sing{c}{\skti nta}{\skt nta} \sing{a}{\skti ntta}{\skt ntta [134+]ntta [134-]} \sing{a}{\skti nttha}{\skt nttha [45+]nttha [45-]} \sing{a}{\skti ntma}{\skt ntma} \sing{c}{\skti ntya}{\skt ntya} \sing{c}{\skti ntra}{\skt ntra} \sing{m}{\skti ntrya}{\skt ntrya} \sing{p}{\skti ntva}{\skt ntva} \sing{a}{\skti ntvya}{\skt ntvya} \sing{p}{\skti ntsa}{\skt ntsa} \sing{a}{\skti ntsya}{\skt ntsya} \sing{a}{\skti ntsva}{\skt ntsva} \sing{p}{\skti ntha}{\skt ntha [45+]ntha [45-]} \sing{a}{\skti nthya}{\skt nthya [45+]nthya [45-]} \sing{a}{\skti nthva}{\skt nthva [45+]nthva [45-]} \sing{c}{\skti nda}{\skt nda} \sing{a}{\skti nddra}{\skt nddra} \sing{a}{\skti nddha}{\skt nddha} \sing{a}{\skti nddhya}{\skt nddhya [140+]nddhya [140-]} \sing{a}{\skti ndma}{\skt ndma [142+]ndma [142-]} \sing{a}{\skti ndya}{\skt ndya [143+]ndya [143-]} \sing{c}{\skti ndra}{\skt ndra} \sing{p}{\skti ndva}{\skt ndva} \sing{c}{\skti ndha}{\skt ndha} \sing{a}{\skti ndhma}{\skt ndhma} \sing{a}{\skti ndhya}{\skt ndhya} \sing{c}{\skti ndhra}{\skt ndhra} \sing{a}{\skti ndhrya}{\skt ndhrya} \sing{p}{\skti ndhva}{\skt ndhva} \sing{c}{\skti nna}{\skt nna [147+]nna [147-]} \sing{a}{\skti nnpa}{\skt nnpa [147+]nnpa [147-]} \sing{a}{\skti nnya}{\skt nnya [147+]nnya [147-]} \sing{c}{\skti npa}{\skt npa} \sing{c}{\skti npra}{\skt npra} \sing{a}{\skti npha}{\skt npha} \sing{a}{\skti nphra}{\skt nphra} \sing{p}{\skti nba}{\skt nba} \sing{a}{\skti nbra}{\skt nbra} \sing{p}{\skti nbha}{\skt nbha} \sing{p}{\skti nbhya}{\skt nbhya} \sing{a}{\skti nbhva}{\skt nbhva} \sing{c}{\skti nma}{\skt nma} \sing{a}{\skti nmya}{\skt nmya} \sing{a}{\skti nmra}{\skt nmra} \sing{c}{\skti nya}{\skt nya} \sing{a}{\skti nyva}{\skt nyva} \sing{c}{\skti nra}{\skt nra} \sing{a}{\skti nrya}{\skt nrya} \sing{p}{\skti nla}{\skt nla [46+]nla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti nva}{\skt nva} \sing{p}{\skti nvya}{\skt nvya} \sing{p}{\skti nvra}{\skt nvra} \sing{p}{\skti n"sa}{\skt n"sa} \sing{a}{\skti n.sa}{\skt n.sa} \sing{p}{\skti n.s.tha}{\skt n.s.tha [168+]n.s.tha [168-]} \sing{c}{\skti nsa}{\skt nsa} \sing{a}{\skti ns.ta}{\skt ns.ta} \sing{a}{\skti ns.tra}{\skt ns.tra} \sing{p}{\skti nsya}{\skt nsya} \sing{a}{\skti nha}{\skt nha} \sing{a}{\skti nhya}{\skt nhya} \sing{a}{\skti nhra}{\skt nhra} \sing{a}{\skti pka}{\skt pka} \sing{a}{\skti pkha}{\skt pkha} \sing{p}{\skti pca}{\skt pca} \sing{a}{\skti pcha}{\skt pcha} \sing{a}{\skti p.ta}{\skt p.ta} \sing{a}{\skti p.tra}{\skt p.tra} \sing{p}{\skti p.tha}{\skt p.tha} \sing{a}{\skti p.nva}{\skt p.nva [44+]p.nva [44-]} \sing{c}{\skti pta}{\skt pta [148+]pta [148-]} \sing{c}{\skti ptya}{\skt ptya [148+]ptya [148-]} \sing{p}{\skti ptra}{\skt ptra} \sing{a}{\skti ptrya}{\skt ptrya} \sing{a}{\skti ptva}{\skt ptva [148+]ptva [148-]} \sing{p}{\skti ptha}{\skt ptha [45+]ptha [45-]} \sing{c}{\skti pna}{\skt pna [149+]pna [149-]} \sing{c}{\skti ppa}{\skt ppa} \sing{p}{\skti ppra}{\skt ppra} \sing{a}{\skti ppha}{\skt ppha} \sing{a}{\skti pba}{\skt pba} \sing{c}{\skti pma}{\skt pma} \sing{c}{\skti pya}{\skt pya} \sing{c}{\skti pra}{\skt pra} \sing{a}{\skti prya}{\skt prya} \sing{c}{\skti pla}{\skt pla [150+]pla [46+]pla [150-]pla [46-]} \sing{a}{\skti plya}{\skt plya [46+]plya [150+]plya [150- 46-]} \sing{a}{\skti plva}{\skt plva [150+]plva [150-]} \sing{c}{\skti pva}{\skt pva} \sing{a}{\skti pvya}{\skt pvya} \sing{p}{\skti p"sa}{\skt p"sa} \sing{p}{\skti p"sya}{\skt p"sya} \sing{a}{\skti p.sa}{\skt p.sa} \sing{c}{\skti psa}{\skt psa} \sing{a}{\skti pstha}{\skt pstha [45+]pstha [45-]} \sing{a}{\skti psna}{\skt psna [170+]psna [170-]} \sing{a}{\skti psma}{\skt psma} \sing{p}{\skti psya}{\skt psya} \sing{c}{\skti psva}{\skt psva} \sing{a}{\skti phja}{\skt phja} \sing{a}{\skti ph.ta}{\skt ph.ta} \sing{a}{\skti phta}{\skt phta} \sing{a}{\skti phna}{\skt phna [151+]phna [151-]} \sing{a}{\skti phpa}{\skt phpa} \sing{a}{\skti phpha}{\skt phpha} \sing{a}{\skti phma}{\skt phma} \sing{a}{\skti phya}{\skt phya [152+]phya [152-]} \sing{a}{\skti phra}{\skt phra} \sing{a}{\skti phla}{\skt phla [46+]phla [46-]} \sing{a}{\skti phva}{\skt phva} \sing{a}{\skti ph"sa}{\skt ph"sa} \sing{a}{\skti bka}{\skt bka} \sing{a}{\skti bga}{\skt bga} \sing{c}{\skti bgha}{\skt bgha} \sing{c}{\skti bja}{\skt bja} \sing{a}{\skti bjya}{\skt bjya} \sing{a}{\skti bjha}{\skt bjha [42+]bjha [42-]} \sing{a}{\skti b.ta}{\skt b.ta} \sing{a}{\skti b.da}{\skt b.da} \sing{a}{\skti b.dha}{\skt b.dha} \sing{a}{\skti bta}{\skt bta} \sing{c}{\skti bda}{\skt bda} \sing{a}{\skti bdya}{\skt bdya [143+]bdya [143-]} \sing{c}{\skti bdha}{\skt bdha} \sing{a}{\skti bdhya}{\skt bdhya} \sing{a}{\skti bdhra}{\skt bdhra} \sing{a}{\skti bdhva}{\skt bdhva} \sing{c}{\skti bna}{\skt bna [153+]bna [153-]} \sing{c}{\skti bba}{\skt bba [154+]bba [154-]} \sing{c}{\skti bbha}{\skt bbha} \sing{c}{\skti bbhya}{\skt bbhya} \sing{a}{\skti bbhra}{\skt bbhra} \sing{a}{\skti bma}{\skt bma} \sing{c}{\skti bya}{\skt bya} \sing{c}{\skti bra}{\skt bra} \sing{p}{\skti bla}{\skt bla [46+]bla [46-]} \sing{a}{\skti blya}{\skt blya} \sing{c}{\skti bva}{\skt bva [155+]bva [155-]} \sing{a}{\skti b"sa}{\skt b"sa} \sing{a}{\skti bsa}{\skt bsa} \sing{a}{\skti bh.na}{\skt bh.na [44+]bh.na [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti bhda}{\skt bhda} \sing{c}{\skti bhna}{\skt bhna [156+]bhna [156-]} \sing{a}{\skti bhnva}{\skt bhnva [156+]bhnva [156-]} \sing{a}{\skti bhba}{\skt bhba} \sing{a}{\skti bhma}{\skt bhma} \sing{c}{\skti bhya}{\skt bhya} \sing{c}{\skti bhra}{\skt bhra} \sing{a}{\skti bhtya}{\skt bhtya} \sing{a}{\skti bhla}{\skt bhla [46+]bhla [46-]} \sing{c}{\skti bhva}{\skt bhva} \sing{p}{\skti m.na}{\skt m.na [44+]m.na [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti mta}{\skt mta} \sing{a}{\skti mda}{\skt mda} \sing{p}{\skti mdha}{\skt mdha} \sing{p}{\skti mdhva}{\skt mdhva} \sing{c}{\skti mna}{\skt mna [157+]mna [157-]} \sing{p}{\skti mnya}{\skt mnya [157+]mnya [157-]} \sing{c}{\skti mpa}{\skt mpa} \sing{a}{\skti mpya}{\skt mpya} \sing{c}{\skti mpra}{\skt mpra} \dual{a}{\skti mpla}{\skt mpla [150+]mpla}{\skt [46+]mpla [150-]mpla [46-]} \sing{a}{\skti mpsa}{\skt mpsa} \sing{a}{\skti mpsya}{\skt mpsya} \sing{a}{\skti mpha}{\skt mpha} \sing{a}{\skti mphya}{\skt mphya [152+]mphya [152-]} \sing{c}{\skti mba}{\skt mba} \sing{a}{\skti mbpa}{\skt mbpa} \sing{m}{\skti mbya}{\skt mbya} \sing{a}{\skti mbla}{\skt mbla [46+]mbla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti mbva}{\skt mbva [155+]mbva [155-]} \sing{c}{\skti mbha}{\skt mbha} \sing{a}{\skti mbhma}{\skt mbhma} \sing{p}{\skti mbhya}{\skt mbhya} \sing{a}{\skti mbhra}{\skt mbhra} \sing{a}{\skti mbhva}{\skt mbhva} \sing{c}{\skti mma}{\skt mma} \sing{a}{\skti mmya}{\skt mmya} \sing{a}{\skti mmra}{\skt mmra} \sing{c}{\skti mya}{\skt mya} \sing{c}{\skti mra}{\skt mra} \sing{c}{\skti mla}{\skt mla [158+]mla [46+]mla [158-]mla [46-]} \sing{c}{\skti mva}{\skt mva} \sing{p}{\skti mvya}{\skt mvya} \sing{a}{\skti mvra}{\skt mvra} \sing{a}{\skti mvla}{\skt mvla [46+]mvla [46-]} \sing{a}{\skti m"sa}{\skt m"sa} \sing{p}{\skti msa}{\skt msa} \sing{a}{\skti mha}{\skt mha} \sing{a}{\skti yna}{\skt yna [159+]yna [159-]} \sing{p}{\skti ypa}{\skt ypa} \sing{a}{\skti yma}{\skt yma} \sing{c}{\skti yya}{\skt yya} \sing{a}{\skti yra}{\skt yra} \sing{a}{\skti yla}{\skt yla [46+]yla [46-]} \sing{c}{\skti yva}{\skt yva} %%% \sing{a}{\skti rka}{\skt rka} \sing{a}{\skti rkka}{\skt rkka [101+]rkka [101-]} \sing{a}{\skti rk.sa}{\skt rk.sa [49+]rk.sa [49-]} \sing{a}{\skti rk.sma}{\skt rk.sma [49+]rk.sma [49-]} \sing{a}{\skti rk.sya}{\skt rk.sya [49+]rk.sya [49-]} \sing{a}{\skti rk.sva}{\skt rk.sva [49+]rk.sva [49-]} \sing{a}{\skti rksa}{\skt rksa} \sing{a}{\skti rkha}{\skt rkha} \sing{a}{\skti rkhva}{\skt rkhva} \sing{a}{\skti rga}{\skt rga} \sing{a}{\skti rgga}{\skt rgga} \sing{a}{\skti rggha}{\skt rggha} \sing{a}{\skti rgya}{\skt rgya} \sing{a}{\skti rgra}{\skt rgra} \sing{a}{\skti rgha}{\skt rgha} \sing{a}{\skti rghya}{\skt rghya} \sing{a}{\skti r"na}{\skt r"na} \sing{a}{\skti r"nk.sma}{\skt r"nk.sma [49+]r"nk.sma [49-]} \sing{a}{\skti r"nk.sva}{\skt r"nk.sva [49+]r"nk.sva [49-]} \sing{a}{\skti r"nga}{\skt r"nga} \sing{a}{\skti rca}{\skt rca} \sing{a}{\skti rcca}{\skt rcca [114+]rcca [114-]} \sing{a}{\skti rccha}{\skt rccha} \sing{a}{\skti rcpa}{\skt rcpa} \sing{a}{\skti rcya}{\skt rcya} \sing{a}{\skti rcha}{\skt rcha} \sing{a}{\skti rja}{\skt rja} \sing{a}{\skti rjja}{\skt rjja [119+]rjja [119-]} \sing{a}{\skti rjjha}{\skt rjjha [42+]rjjha [42-]} \sing{a}{\skti rj~na}{\skt rj~na [50+]rj~na [50-]} \sing{a}{\skti rjpa}{\skt rjpa} \sing{a}{\skti rjya}{\skt rjya} \sing{a}{\skti rjha}{\skt rjha [42+]rjha [42-]} \sing{a}{\skti r~na}{\skt r~na} \sing{a}{\skti r.ta}{\skt r.ta} \sing{a}{\skti r.tta}{\skt r.tta} \sing{a}{\skti r.tya}{\skt r.tya} \sing{a}{\skti r.tha}{\skt r.tha} \sing{a}{\skti r.th.tha}{\skt r.th.tha} \sing{a}{\skti r.da}{\skt r.da} \sing{a}{\skti r.d.da}{\skt r.d.da} \sing{a}{\skti r.dha}{\skt r.dha} \sing{a}{\skti r.dh.dha}{\skt r.dh.dha} \sing{a}{\skti r.dhya}{\skt r.dhya [131+]r.dhya [131-]} \sing{a}{\skti r.na}{\skt r.na [44+]r.na [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti r.n.na}{\skt r.n.na [44+]r.n.na [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti r.nya}{\skt r.nya [44+]r.nya [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti rta}{\skt rta} \sing{a}{\skti rttya}{\skt rttya [134+]rttya [134-]} \sing{a}{\skti rttra}{\skt rttra} \sing{a}{\skti rtma}{\skt rtma} \sing{a}{\skti rtya}{\skt rtya} \sing{a}{\skti rtra}{\skt rtra} \sing{a}{\skti rtrya}{\skt rtrya} \sing{a}{\skti rtva}{\skt rtva} \sing{a}{\skti rtsa}{\skt rtsa} \sing{a}{\skti rtsna}{\skt rtsna [170+]rtsna [170-]} \sing{a}{\skti rtsnya}{\skt rtsnya [170+]rtsnya [170-]} \sing{a}{\skti rtsya}{\skt rtsya} \sing{a}{\skti rtha}{\skt rtha [45+] rtha[45-]} \sing{a}{\skti rthya}{\skt rthya [45+]rthya [45-]} \sing{a}{\skti rda}{\skt rda} \sing{a}{\skti rdda}{\skt rdda} \sing{a}{\skti rddya}{\skt rddya [137+]rddya [137-]} \sing{a}{\skti rddha}{\skt rddha} \sing{a}{\skti rddhya}{\skt rddhya} \sing{a}{\skti rddhra}{\skt rddhra} \sing{a}{\skti rddhrya}{\skt rddhrya [140+]rddhrya [140-]} \sing{a}{\skti rdra}{\skt rdra} \sing{a}{\skti rdha}{\skt rdha} \sing{a}{\skti rdhda}{\skt rdhda} \sing{a}{\skti rdhnya}{\skt rdhnya [144+]rdhnya [144-]} \sing{a}{\skti rdhma}{\skt rdhma} \sing{a}{\skti rdhya}{\skt rdhya} \sing{a}{\skti rdhra}{\skt rdhra} \sing{a}{\skti rdhrya}{\skt rdhrya} \sing{a}{\skti rdhva}{\skt rdhva} \sing{a}{\skti rna}{\skt rna} \sing{a}{\skti rnna}{\skt rnna [147+]rnna [147-]} \sing{a}{\skti rpa}{\skt rpa} \sing{a}{\skti rpta}{\skt rpta [148+]rpta [148-]} \sing{a}{\skti rppha}{\skt rppha} \sing{a}{\skti rpba}{\skt rpba} \sing{a}{\skti rpya}{\skt rpya} \sing{a}{\skti rpha}{\skt rpha} \sing{a}{\skti rphya}{\skt rphya [152+]rphya [152-]} \sing{a}{\skti rba}{\skt rba} \sing{a}{\skti rbba}{\skt rbba [154+]rbba [154-]} \sing{a}{\skti rbbha}{\skt rbbha} \sing{a}{\skti rbha}{\skt rbha} \sing{a}{\skti rbhba}{\skt rbhba} \sing{a}{\skti rma}{\skt rma} \sing{a}{\skti rmma}{\skt rmma} \sing{a}{\skti rmya}{\skt rmya} \sing{a}{\skti rya}{\skt rya} \sing{a}{\skti ryya}{\skt ryya} \sing{a}{\skti rra}{\skt rra} \sing{a}{\skti 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\sing{a}{\skti lpha}{\skt lpha} \sing{p}{\skti lba}{\skt lba} \sing{a}{\skti lbha}{\skt lbha} \sing{p}{\skti lbhya}{\skt lbhya} \sing{c}{\skti lma}{\skt lma} \sing{c}{\skti lya}{\skt lya} \sing{a}{\skti lra}{\skt lra [46+]lra [46-]} \sing{c}{\skti lla}{\skt lla [160+]lla [46+]lla [160-]lla [46-]} \sing{a}{\skti llya}{\skt llya [46+]llya [160+]llya [160- 46-]} \sing{c}{\skti lva}{\skt lva} \sing{a}{\skti lv.da}{\skt lv.da} \sing{a}{\skti lvdhva}{\skt lvdhva} \sing{a}{\skti l"sa}{\skt l"sa} \sing{a}{\skti l.sa}{\skt l.sa} \sing{a}{\skti lsa}{\skt lsa} \sing{c}{\skti lha}{\skt lha} \sing{a}{\skti lhya}{\skt lhya} \sing{a}{\skti "dya}{\skt "dya [43+]"dya [43-]} \sing{a}{\skti "dha}{\skt "dha [43+]"dha [43-]} \sing{p}{\skti vja}{\skt vja} \sing{a}{\skti vjha}{\skt vjha [42+]vjha [42-]} \sing{a}{\skti v.dha}{\skt v.dha} \sing{a}{\skti vda}{\skt vda} \sing{a}{\skti vdya}{\skt vdya [143+]vdya [143-]} \sing{a}{\skti vdha}{\skt vdha} \sing{a}{\skti vdhma}{\skt vdhma} \sing{a}{\skti vdhya}{\skt vdhya} \sing{a}{\skti vdhrya}{\skt vdhrya} \sing{a}{\skti vdhva}{\skt vdhva} \sing{c}{\skti vna}{\skt vna [161+]vna [161-]} \sing{a}{\skti vbha}{\skt vbha} \sing{a}{\skti vbhya}{\skt vbhya} \sing{a}{\skti vma}{\skt vma} \sing{c}{\skti vya}{\skt vya} \sing{c}{\skti vra}{\skt vra} \sing{a}{\skti vrla}{\skt vrla [46+]vrla [46-]} \sing{p}{\skti vla}{\skt vla [46+]vla [46-]} \sing{c}{\skti vva}{\skt vva [162+]vva [162-]} \sing{a}{\skti vha}{\skt vha} \sing{p}{\skti "ska}{\skt "ska} \sing{c}{\skti "sca}{\skt "sca [51+]"sca [163+]"sca [163- 51-]} \sing{p}{\skti "scpha}{\skt "scpha [51+]"scpha [163+]"scpha [163- 51-]} \sing{c}{\skti "scya}{\skt "scya [51+]"scya [163+]"scya [163- 51-]} \sing{a}{\skti "scra}{\skt "scra [51+]"scra [163+]"scra [163- 51-]} \sing{p}{\skti "scha}{\skt "scha} \sing{a}{\skti "schya}{\skt "schya [118+]"schya [118-]} \sing{p}{\skti "sja}{\skt "sja} \sing{p}{\skti "sjha}{\skt "sjha [42+]"sjha [42-]} \sing{a}{\skti "s.ta}{\skt "s.ta} \sing{c}{\skti "sna}{\skt "sna [51+]"sna [164+]"sna [164- 51-]} \sing{a}{\skti "sta}{\skt "sta} \sing{a}{\skti "spa}{\skt "spa} \sing{p}{\skti "sma}{\skt "sma} \sing{c}{\skti "sya}{\skt "sya} \sing{c}{\skti "sra}{\skt "sra [51+]"sra [51-]} \sing{c}{\skti "srya}{\skt "srya [51+]"srya [51-]} \dual{c}{\skti "sla}{\skt "sla [51+]"sla [46+]"sla [51-]"sla}{\skt [165+]"sla [46-]"sla [165-]} \sing{c}{\skti "sva}{\skt "sva [51+]"sva [166+]"sva [166- 51-]} \sing{c}{\skti "svya}{\skt "svya [51+]"svya [166+]"svya [166- 51-]} \sing{c}{\skti "s"sa}{\skt "s"sa} \sing{p}{\skti .ska}{\skt .ska} \sing{a}{\skti .skya}{\skt .skya [108+].skya [108-]} \sing{p}{\skti .skra}{\skt .skra} \sing{a}{\skti .skva}{\skt .skva [110+].skva [110-]} \sing{a}{\skti .skha}{\skt .skha} \sing{p}{\skti .sjha}{\skt .sjha [42+].sjha [42-]} \sing{c}{\skti .s.ta}{\skt .s.ta [167+].s.ta [167-]} \sing{a}{\skti .s.tnya}{\skt .s.tnya [167+].s.tnya [167-]} \sing{c}{\skti .s.tya}{\skt .s.tya [167+].s.tya [167-]} \sing{c}{\skti .s.tra}{\skt .s.tra [167+].s.tra [167-]} \sing{c}{\skti .s.trya}{\skt .s.trya [167+].s.trya [167-]} \sing{p}{\skti .s.tla}{\skt .s.tla [167+].s.tla [46+].s.tla [167-].s.tla [46-]} \sing{c}{\skti .s.tva}{\skt .s.tva [167+].s.tva [167-]} \sing{c}{\skti .s.tha}{\skt .s.tha [168+].s.tha [168-]} \dual{p}{\skti .s.thya}{\skt .s.thya [168+].s.thya}{\skt [127+].s.thya [168-].s.thya [127-]} \sing{a}{\skti .s.thra}{\skt .s.thra [168+].s.thra [168-]} \dual{a}{\skti .s.thrya}{\skt .s.thrya [168+].s.thrya}{\skt [127+].s.thrya [168-].s.thrya [127-]} \sing{a}{\skti .s.thva}{\skt .s.thva [168+].s.thva [168-]} \sing{c}{\skti .s.na}{\skt .s.na [44+].s.na [44-]} \sing{c}{\skti .s.nya}{\skt .s.nya [44+].s.nya [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti .s.nva}{\skt .s.nva [44+].s.nva [44-]} \sing{a}{\skti .sta}{\skt .sta} \sing{a}{\skti .sna}{\skt .sna [169+].sna [169-]} \sing{c}{\skti .spa}{\skt .spa} \sing{p}{\skti .spya}{\skt .spya} \sing{c}{\skti .spra}{\skt .spra} \sing{p}{\skti .spha}{\skt .spha} \sing{c}{\skti .sma}{\skt .sma} \sing{a}{\skti .smya}{\skt .smya} \sing{c}{\skti .sya}{\skt .sya} \sing{a}{\skti .syya}{\skt .syya} \sing{a}{\skti .sra}{\skt .sra} \sing{p}{\skti .sla}{\skt .sla [46+].sla [46-]} \sing{c}{\skti .sva}{\skt .sva} \sing{a}{\skti .s.sa}{\skt .s.sa} \sing{c}{\skti ska}{\skt ska} \sing{a}{\skti skya}{\skt skya [108+]skya [108-]} \sing{a}{\skti skra}{\skt skra} \sing{a}{\skti sk.sa}{\skt sk.sa [49+]sk.sa [49-]} \sing{c}{\skti skha}{\skt skha} \sing{a}{\skti sga}{\skt sga} \sing{a}{\skti sgha}{\skt sgha} \sing{p}{\skti s"na}{\skt s"na} \sing{a}{\skti sca}{\skt sca} \sing{a}{\skti scha}{\skt scha} \sing{p}{\skti sja}{\skt sja} \sing{p}{\skti sjha}{\skt sjha [42+]sjha [42-]} \sing{a}{\skti s~na}{\skt s~na} \sing{a}{\skti s.ta}{\skt s.ta} \sing{a}{\skti s.tra}{\skt s.tra} \sing{a}{\skti s.tra}{\skt s.tra} \sing{a}{\skti s.da}{\skt s.da} \sing{a}{\skti s.dha}{\skt s.dha} \sing{a}{\skti s.na}{\skt s.na [44+]s.na [44-]} \sing{c}{\skti sta}{\skt sta} \sing{a}{\skti stta}{\skt stta [134+]stta [134-]} \sing{a}{\skti sttya}{\skt sttya [134+]sttya [134-]} \sing{c}{\skti stya}{\skt stya} \sing{c}{\skti stra}{\skt stra} \sing{a}{\skti strya}{\skt strya} \sing{c}{\skti stva}{\skt stva} \sing{p}{\skti stvya}{\skt stvya} \sing{c}{\skti stha}{\skt stha [45+]stha [45-]} \dual{m}{\skti sthna}{\skt sthna [136+]sthna}{\skt [45+]sthna [136-]sthna [45-]} \sing{a}{\skti sthya}{\skt sthya [45+]sthya [45-]} \sing{a}{\skti sda}{\skt sda} \sing{a}{\skti sdha}{\skt sdha} \sing{p}{\skti sdhva}{\skt sdhva} \sing{c}{\skti sna}{\skt sna [170+]sna [170-]} \sing{c}{\skti snya}{\skt snya [170+]snya [170-]} \sing{a}{\skti snva}{\skt snva [170+]snva [170-]} \sing{c}{\skti spa}{\skt spa} \sing{a}{\skti spma}{\skt spma} \sing{a}{\skti spya}{\skt spya} \sing{p}{\skti spra}{\skt spra} \sing{c}{\skti spha}{\skt spha} \sing{a}{\skti sphya}{\skt sphya [152+]sphya [152-]} \sing{p}{\skti sba}{\skt sba} \sing{a}{\skti sbha}{\skt sbha} \sing{c}{\skti sma}{\skt sma} \sing{c}{\skti smya}{\skt smya} \sing{a}{\skti smra}{\skt smra} \sing{c}{\skti sya}{\skt sya} \sing{a}{\skti syya}{\skt syya} \sing{c}{\skti sra}{\skt sra} \sing{a}{\skti srya}{\skt srya} \sing{p}{\skti srva}{\skt srva} \sing{a}{\skti sla}{\skt sla [46+]sla [46-]} \sing{c}{\skti sva}{\skt sva} \sing{a}{\skti svya}{\skt svya} \sing{a}{\skti svra}{\skt svra} \sing{a}{\skti svva}{\skt svva [162+]svva [162-]} \sing{a}{\skti s"sa}{\skt s"sa} \sing{a}{\skti s.sa}{\skt s.sa} \sing{c}{\skti ssa}{\skt ssa} \sing{a}{\skti ssma}{\skt ssma} \sing{p}{\skti ssva}{\skt ssva} \sing{p}{\skti sha}{\skt sha} \sing{c}{\skti h.na}{\skt h.na [44+]h.na [44-]} \sing{c}{\skti hna}{\skt hna} \sing{a}{\skti hnya}{\skt hnya} \sing{p}{\skti hnva}{\skt hnva} \sing{a}{\skti hba}{\skt hba} \sing{c}{\skti hma}{\skt hma} \sing{p}{\skti hmya}{\skt hmya} \sing{c}{\skti hya}{\skt hya} \sing{c}{\skti hra}{\skt hra} \sing{a}{\skti hrya}{\skt hrya} \sing{c}{\skti hla}{\skt hla} \sing{c}{\skti hva}{\skt hva} \sing{a}{\skti hvya}{\skt hvya} \sing{a}{\skti hvra}{\skt hvra} \end{multicols} \end{document}