% \iffalse meta-comment % !TEX program = pdflatex % !TEX encoding = ISO-8859-1 %<*internal> \iffalse % %<*readme> ---------------------------------------------------------------- rsc --- BibTeX styles for Royal Society of Chemistry and Wiley journals E-mail: joseph.wright@morningstar2.co.uk Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------- The rsc package provides BibTeX style files to produce bibliographies in accordance with the guidelines of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Wiley chemistry-related journals. The styles require the use of natbib. In addition, a short LaTeX package is included; this provides a convenient user interface to the customisation hooks made available by the BibTeX styles. % %<*internal> \fi \def\nameofplainTeX{plain} \ifx\fmtname\nameofplainTeX\else \expandafter\begingroup \fi % %<*install> \input docstrip.tex \keepsilent \askforoverwritefalse \preamble ---------------------------------------------------------------- rsc --- BibTeX styles for Royal Society of Chemistry and Wiley journals E-mail: joseph.wright@morningstar2.co.uk Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------- \endpreamble \postamble Copyright (C) 2006-2009 by Joseph Wright It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in the file: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status) by Joseph Wright. This work consists of the file rsc.dtx and the derived files rsc.pdf, rsc.ins, rsc.sty, rsc.bib and rsc-demo.tex. \endpostamble \usedir{tex/latex/rsc} \generate{ \file{\jobname.sty}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{package}} } \usedir{bibtex/bst/rsc} \generate{ \file{rsc.bst}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{bst,rsc}} \file{angew.bst}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{bst,angew}} } % %\endbatchfile %<*internal> \usedir{source/latex/rsc} \generate{ \file{\jobname.ins}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{install}} } \nopreamble\nopostamble \usedir{doc/latex/rsc} \generate{ \file{README.txt}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{readme}} \file{rsc-demo.tex}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{demo}} \file{rsc.bib}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{bib}} } \ifx\fmtname\nameofplainTeX \expandafter\endbatchfile \else \expandafter\endgroup \fi \immediate\write18{bibtex8 --wolfgang rsc} \immediate\write18{makeindex -s gglo.ist -o rsc.gls rsc.glo} \immediate\write18{makeindex -s gind.ist -o rsc.ind rsc.idx} % %<*package> \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{rsc} [2009/07/07 v3.1b Support for RSC and Wiley journals] % %<*driver> \documentclass[a4paper]{ltxdoc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{array,booktabs,lmodern,rsc} \usepackage[osf]{mathpazo} \usepackage[scaled=0.95]{helvet} \usepackage[final]{listings,microtype} \usepackage[numbered]{hypdoc} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \begin{document} \DocInput{\jobname.dtx} \end{document} % % \fi % %\CheckSum{84} % %\GetFileInfo{\jobname.sty} % %\makeatletter % %^^A \DescribeOption is in l3doc but not ltxdoc %\newcommand*{\DescribeOption}{^^A % \leavevmode % \@bsphack % \begingroup % \MakePrivateLetters % \Describe@Option %} %\newcommand*{\Describe@Option}[1]{^^A % \endgroup % \marginpar{^^A % \raggedleft % \PrintDescribeEnv{#1}^^A % }% % \SpecialOptionIndex{#1}^^A % \@esphack % \ignorespaces %} %\newcommand*{\SpecialOptionIndex}[1]{^^A % \@bsphack % \index{^^A % #1\actualchar{\protect\ttfamily#1} (option)\encapchar usage^^A % }^^A % \index{^^A % options:\levelchar#1\actualchar{\protect\ttfamily#1} % \encapchar usage^^A % }^^A % \@esphack %} % %^^A For creating examples with nice highlighting of code, and so %^^A on; based on the system used in the listings source (lstsample). %\lst@RequireAspects{writefile} %\newsavebox{\LaTeXdemo@box} %\lstnewenvironment{LaTeXdemo}[1][code and example]{^^A % \global\let\lst@intname\@empty % \expandafter\let\expandafter\LaTeXdemo@end % \csname LaTeXdemo@#1@end\endcsname % \@nameuse{LaTeXdemo@#1}^^A %}{^^A % \LaTeXdemo@end %} %\newcommand*\LaTeXdemo@new[3]{^^A % \expandafter\newcommand\expandafter*\expandafter % {\csname LaTeXdemo@#1\endcsname}{#2}^^A % \expandafter\newcommand\expandafter*\expandafter % {\csname LaTeXdemo@#1@end\endcsname}{#3}^^A %} %\newcommand*\LaTeXdemo@common{^^A % \setkeys{lst}{ % basicstyle = \small\ttfamily, % basewidth = 0.51em, % gobble = 3, % keywordstyle = \color{blue}, % language = [LaTeX]{TeX}, % moretexcs = { % } % }^^A %} %\newcommand*\LaTeXdemo@input{^^A % \MakePercentComment % \catcode`\^^M=10\relax % \small % \begingroup % \setkeys{lst}{ % SelectCharTable=\lst@ReplaceInput{\^\^I}{\lst@ProcessTabulator} % }^^A % \leavevmode % \input{\jobname.tmp}^^A % \endgroup % \MakePercentIgnore %} %\LaTeXdemo@new{code and example}{^^A % \setbox\LaTeXdemo@box=\hbox\bgroup % \lst@BeginAlsoWriteFile{\jobname.tmp}^^A % \LaTeXdemo@common %}{^^A % \lst@EndWriteFile % \egroup % \begin{center} % \ifdim\wd\LaTeXdemo@box>0.48\linewidth\relax % \hbox to\linewidth{\box\LaTeXdemo@box\hss}^^A % \begin{minipage}{\linewidth} % \LaTeXdemo@input % \end{minipage} % \else % \begin{minipage}{0.48\linewidth} % \LaTeXdemo@input % \end{minipage} % \hfill % \begin{minipage}{0.48\linewidth} % \hbox to\linewidth{\box\LaTeXdemo@box\hss}^^A % \end{minipage} % \fi % \end{center} %} %\LaTeXdemo@new{code only}{^^A % \LaTeXdemo@common %}{^^A %} % %\providecommand*{\eTeX}{\ensuremath{\varepsilon}-\TeX} %\providecommand*{\file}{\texttt} %\providecommand*{\opt}{\texttt} %\providecommand*{\pkg}{\textsf} % %\makeatother % %\title{^^A % \textsf{rsc} --- \texorpdfstring{\BibTeX}{BibTeX} styles for % Royal Society of Chemistry and Wiley journals\thanks{^^A % This file describes version \fileversion, last revised % \filedate.^^A % }^^A %} %\author{^^A % Joseph Wright\thanks{E-mail: joseph.wright@morningstar2.co.uk}^^A %} %\date{Released \filedate} % %\maketitle % %\changes{v1.0}{2006/11/08}{Initial release of packaged % \texttt{rsc.bst}} %\changes{v2.0}{2007/07/21}{First re-write of package} %\changes{v3.0}{2008/07/20}{Second re-write of package} %\changes{v3.1}{2009/04/24}{\textsf{mciteplus} package optional} %\changes{v3.1}{2009/04/24}{Demonstration file included} % %\begin{abstract} % The \pkg{rsc} package provides \BibTeX\ style files to produce % bibliographies in accordance with the guidelines of the Royal % Society of Chemistry and Wiley chemistry-related journals. The % styles require the use of \pkg{natbib}. In addition, a short % \LaTeX\ package is included; this provides a convenient user % interface to the customisation hooks made available by the % \BibTeX\ styles. %\end{abstract} % %\begin{multicols}{2} % \tableofcontents %\end{multicols} % %\section{Introduction} % Although synthetic chemists do not, in the main, use \LaTeX\ for % the preparation of journal articles, it would be nice to be able to % use it for reports. The package \pkg{achemso} provides for a % \BibTeX\ style and other support for reports in the style of the % American Chemical Society. The aim of the \pkg{rsc} package is to % provide similar support for the style favoured by the Royal Society % of Chemistry. The package also provides support for the style used % in Wiley-published journals. % % As of version 3, this bundle requires \pkg{natbib}; the package % \pkg{mciteplus} is also supported but not required. These two % packages make creating bibliographies much easier for chemists. % %\section{Installation} % % The entire bundle is supplied with the TDS-ready ZIP file, % \file{rsc.tds.zip}. Simply unzip this into your local texmf % tree and run your hash program (\texttt{texhash} for \TeX{}Live or % \texttt{initextmf -u} for MiK\TeX). % % To extract the bundle of files from \file{rsc.dtx}, run % (pdf)\TeX\ on \file{rsc.dtx}. This will produce all of the package % files, and also \file{README.txt}. To extract the % files and build the documentation, run (pdf)\LaTeX\ on % \texttt{rsc.dtx}. The files can then be installed as above. % %\section{Using the styles} % % The styles are used in the normal way for \BibTeX\ styles, as the % argument to the \cs{bibliographystyle} macro. As \pkg{natbib} % is required, it must of course be loaded. Citations can then be % given as normal: %\begin{LaTeXdemo} % Some standard citations % \cite{Abernethy2003,Cotton1999}. % Some \textsf{natbib}-specific features: % \citet{Abernethy2003} have said something, % as reported by \citeauthor{Cotton1999}, % in \citeyear{Abernethy2003}. %\end{LaTeXdemo} % % If the \pkg{mciteplus} package is available, multiple citations can % be combined into a single list: %\begin{LaTeXdemo} % A multiple citation % \cite{Arduengo1992,*Arduengo1994}.\\ %\end{LaTeXdemo} % % To make life slightly easier for the user, a small \LaTeX\ package % accompanies the \BibTeX\ files. It automatically loads the support % packages, and handles customisation (see the next section). %\begin{LaTeXdemo}[code only] % \documentclass{article} % \usepackage{rsc} % \begin{document} % % Document body here % \bibliographystyle{rsc} % or angew % \bibliography{your-bibtex-database} % \end{document} %\end{LaTeXdemo} % %\section{Customising the styles: the % \texorpdfstring{\LaTeX}{LaTeX} package} % Both of the styles provide a small number of control hooks to % modify the output behaviour. These can be altered directly, using % a mechanism similar to that used by \pkg{IEEEtrans}. However, for % most users, this is overly complex. A short \LaTeX\ package is % therefore provided, which provides high-level access to the % customisation. % %\DescribeOption{maxnames} %\DescribeOption{usetitle} %\DescribeOption{usedoi} % The \opt{maxnames} option sets whether and when a long list of % authors is truncated, and takes an integer value. Giving the value % \opt{0} means that no truncation occurs, otherwise the list is % truncated if the number of names exceeds the given value. The % \opt{usetitle} and \opt{usedoi} options are simple Boolean % switches. The \opt{usetitle} option sets whether to include the % titles of journal articles in the bibliography. The default is % \opt{false}; the only \textsc{rsc} journal using article titles is % \emph{Photochemical \& Photobiological Sciences}. The \opt{usedoi} % option forces the use of \textsc{doi} information in cases where it % would not normally be present (for example journal articles with % page ranges available). This is intended to make it easier for % readers to find journal information. % %\DescribeOption{super} % The \opt{super} Boolean option turns on superscript citations, and % is \opt{true} by default. It also causes the \pkg{natmove} package % to be loaded if available (\pkg{natmove} is part of the % \pkg{achemso} bundle). This ensures that citations appear % \emph{after} punctuation even if given before in the text. This % documentation has been compiled using \pkg{natmove}: see the input % of the example citations in the previous section. % %\section{Demonstration file} % % This bundle includes the demonstration file \file{rsc-demo.tex}. The % file shows how to create a submission to the RSC, using only standard % \LaTeX\ tools. Note that the demonstration does \emph{not} aim to look % like a published paper: this is not required for submission. The % demonstration file should be installed in the \file{doc/latex/rsc} % directory. % %\StopEventually{^^A % \bibliographystyle{rsc} % \PrintChanges % \PrintIndex % \bibliography{rsc} %} % %\section{Implementation} % %\begin{macro}{\ifrsc@super} %\begin{macro}{\ifrsc@usetitle} %\begin{macro}{\ifrsc@usedoi} %\begin{macro}{\rsc@maxauthors} % To make life easier for the user, the control values for the % bibliography are converted into \LaTeX\ package options using % \pkg{kvoptions}. % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \RequirePackage{kvoptions} \SetupKeyvalOptions{ family = rsc, prefix = rsc@ } \DeclareBoolOption{super} \DeclareBoolOption{usetitle} \DeclareBoolOption{usedoi} \DeclareStringOption{maxauthors} \setkeys{rsc}{ maxauthors = 0, usetitle = false, usedoi = false, super = true } \ProcessKeyvalOptions{rsc} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\end{macro} %\end{macro} %\end{macro} % % Citation support is loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \ifrsc@super \RequirePackage[sort&compress,numbers,super]{natbib} \IfFileExists{natmove.sty}{% \RequirePackage{natmove}}{} \else \RequirePackage[sort&compress,numbers]{natbib} \fi % \end{macrocode} % %\begin{macro}{\rsc@bib@file} %\begin{macro}{\rsc@bib@message} %\begin{macro}{\rsc@bib@name} % Some information or creating the control file for \BibTeX\ is set up. % \begin{macrocode} \newwrite\rsc@bib@file \newcommand*{\rsc@bib@message}{% This is an auxiliary file used by the `rsc' package.^^J% This file may safely be deleted. It will be recreated as required.^^J } \newcommand*{\rsc@bib@name}{rsc-\jobname.bib} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\end{macro} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\rsc@bib@write} %\begin{macro}{\rsc@bib@write@aux} % The control information for \BibTeX\ needs to be written to a special % file. The main writing macro is quite simple. Actually writing the % information is left to the code for \cs{bibliography}, so that this % only happens if needed. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\rsc@bib@write}{% \if@filesw \expandafter\rsc@bib@write@aux \fi } \AtBeginDocument{\rsc@bib@write} \newcommand*{\rsc@bib@write@aux}{% \immediate\openout\rsc@bib@file\rsc@bib@name\relax \immediate\write\rsc@bib@file{\rsc@bib@message}% \edef\@tempa##1##2{% \space\space##1\space = \space"##2",^^J% }% \immediate\write\rsc@bib@file{% @Control\string{% rsc-control,^^J% \@tempa{ctrl-use-title}{% \ifrsc@usetitle yes\else no\fi }% \@tempa{ctrl-use-doi-all}{% \ifrsc@usedoi yes\else no\fi }% \@tempa{ctrl-etal-number}{\rsc@maxauthors}% \string}^^J% }% \immediate\write\@auxout{% \string\citation\string{rsc-control\string}% }% \AtEndDocument{% \immediate\closeout\rsc@bib@file\relax }% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\end{macro} % % The \pkg{mciteplus} package allows the construction of lists of % references with sub-letters. However, it might not be available, and % so it is only loaded if available: the \file{.bst} files should work % either way. % \begin{macrocode} \IfFileExists{mciteplus.sty}{% \RequirePackage{mciteplus} }{} % \end{macrocode} % %\begin{macro}{\rsc@bibliography} %\begin{macro}{\bibliography} % The \cs{bibliography} macro is now patched so that everything works % correctly. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \let\rsc@bibliography\bibliography \renewcommand*{\bibliography}[1]{% \rsc@bibliography{rsc-\jobname,#1}% }% } % % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\end{macro} % %\Finale % %\iffalse %<*demo> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% This is a (brief) model paper for submission to the RSC using %% standard LaTeX packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass[a4paper]{article} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% A few core packages which are really essential %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Modern font encoding \usepackage{float} % For creating charts, graphs and schemes \usepackage{helvet} % Helvetica font for sans serif \usepackage{mathptmx} % Times font ("Word-like") \usepackage{rsc} % Loads natbib, etc. \usepackage{setspace} % For double-spacing \AtBeginDocument{\doublespacing} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% New floats are created for standard chemistry graphics %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newfloat{chart}{htbp}{loc} \newfloat{graph}{htbp}{loh} \newfloat{scheme}{htbp}{los} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Place any additional packages needed here. Only include packages %% which are essential, to avoid problems later. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \usepackage[version=3]{mhchem} % Formula subscripts using \ce{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% If issues arise when submitting your manuscript, you may want to %% un-comment the next line. This provides information on the %% version of every file you have used. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%\listfiles %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Place any additional macros here. Please use \newcommand* where %% possible, and avoid layout-changing macros (which are not used %% when typesetting). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand*{\mycommand}[1]{\texttt{\emph{#1}}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Meta-data block %% --------------- %% Give details for all authors here, using the standard LaTeX %% method. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \author{% Andrew N. Other\thanks{% Department of Chemistry, Unknown University, Unknown Town% }% \and I. Ken Groupleader\thanks{% Department of Chemistry, Unknown University, Unknown Town, E-mail: \texttt{i.k.groupleader@unknown.uu} }% \and Susanne K. Laborator\thanks{% Lead Discovery, BigPharma, Big Town, USA }% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% The document title should be given as usual %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \title{A demonstration for submission to the RSC} \begin{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Make a title, of course %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \maketitle \begin{abstract} This is an example document for writing a submission to the Royal Society of Chemistry. It does not seek to reproduce the layout of a published paper, but instead shows how the standard \LaTeX\ tools can be used to create a manuscript. \end{abstract} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Start the main part of the manuscript here. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Introduction} This is a paragraph of text to fill the introduction of the demonstration file. \section{Results and discussion} \subsection{Outline} The document layout should follow the style of the journal concerned. Consult the appropriate Instructions for Authors to see what is required. Some journals, for example, do not allow sections in articles. \subsection{References} The rsc bibliography style requires the \textsf{natbib} package, which is loaded automatically by the \textsf{rsc} package. References can be made using the normal method; if the \textsf{natmove} package is available, citations can be placed before any punctuation, and they will be moved as necessary \cite{Mena2000,Abernethy2003}. The \textsf{natmove} package is part of the \textsf{achemso} bundle. The use of \textsf{natbib} allows the use of the various citation commands of that package: \citeauthor{Abernethy2003} have shown something, in \citeyear{Cotton1999}, or as given by Ref.~\citenum{Mena2000}. If you encounter problems with the citation macros, please check that your copy of \textsf{natbib} is up to date. Multiple citations to be combined into a list can be given as a single citation. This uses the \textsf{mciteplus} package \cite{Arduengo1992,*Eisenstein2005,*Arduengo1994}. Citations other than the first of the list should be indicated with a star. If the \textsf{mciteplus} package is not installed, the standard bibliography tools will still work but starred references will be ignored. \subsection{Floats} Setting up new float types is demonstrated in the premable, where charts, graphs and schemes are defined. As illustrated, the float is ``here'' if possible (Scheme~\ref{sch:example}). \begin{scheme} \centering Your scheme graphic would go here: \texttt{.eps} format\\ for \LaTeX\, or \texttt{.pdf} (or \texttt{.png}) for pdf\LaTeX\\ \textsc{ChemDraw} files are best saved as \texttt{.eps} files;\\ these can be scaled without loss of quality, and can be\\ converted to \texttt{.pdf} files easily using \texttt{eps2pdf}.\\ %\includegraphics{graphic} \caption{An example scheme} \label{sch:example} \end{scheme} \begin{figure} \centering As well as the standard float types \texttt{table}\\ and \texttt{figure}, the premable defines\\ \texttt{scheme}, \texttt{chart} and \texttt{graph}. \caption{An example figure} \label{fgr:example} \end{figure} Charts, figures and schemes do not necessarily have to be labelled or captioned. However, tables should always have a title. It is possible to include a number and label for a graphic without any title, using an empty argument to the \texttt{\textbackslash caption} macro. The use of the different floating environments is not required, but it is intended to make document preparation easier for authors. In general, you should place your graphics where they make logical sense; the production process will move them if needed. \subsection{Math(s)} This file does not load any particular additional support for mathematics. If the author \emph{needs} things like \textsf{amsmath}, they should be loaded in the preamble. However, the basics should work fine. Some inline material $ y = mx + c$ followed by some display. \[ A = \pi r^2 \] It is possible to label equations in the usual way. \begin{equation} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x} r^2 = 2r \end{equation} This can also be used to have equations containing graphical content. \begin{equation} \textrm{Some content} %\includegraphics{graphic} \label{eqn:graphic} \end{equation} \section{Experimental} The usual experimental details should appear here. This could include a table, which can be referenced as Table~\ref{tbl:example}. Do not worry about the appearance of the table: this will be altered during production. \begin{table} \centering \caption{An example table} \label{tbl:example} \begin{tabular}{ll} \hline Header one & Header two \\ \hline Entry one & Entry two \\ Entry three & Entry four \\ Entry five & Entry five \\ Entry seven & Entry eight \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} Adding notes to tables can be complicated. Perhaps the easiest method is to generate these using the basic \texttt{\textbackslash textsuperscript} and \texttt{\textbackslash emph} macros, as illustrated (\ref{tbl:notes}). \begin{table} \caption{A table with notes} \label{tbl:notes} \begin{tabular}{ll} \hline Header one & Header two \\ \hline Entry one\textsuperscript{\emph{a}} & Entry two \\ Entry three\textsuperscript{\emph{b}} & Entry four \\ \hline \end{tabular} \textsuperscript{\emph{a}} Some text; \textsuperscript{\emph{b}} Some more text. \end{table} The example file also loads the \textsf{mhchem} package, so that formulas are easy to input: \texttt{\textbackslash \ce\{H2SO4\}} gives \ce{H2SO4}. See the use in the bibliography file (when using titles in the references section). The use of new commands should be limited to simple things which will not interfere with the production process. For example, \texttt{\textbackslash mycommand} has been defined in this example, to give italic, monospaced text: \mycommand{some text}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% The appropriate \bibliographystyle and \bibliography commands %% should be placed here. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \bibliographystyle{rsc} \bibliography{rsc} \end{document} % %<*bst> ENTRY { address author booktitle chapter ctrl-use-title ctrl-etal-number ctrl-use-doi-all doi edition editor howpublished institution journal key note number organization pages publisher school series title type url volume year } {} { label extra.label short.list } INTEGERS { output.state before.all mid.sentence } INTEGERS { after.sentence after.block after.item } INTEGERS { author.or.editor } FUNCTION {init.state.consts} { #0 'before.all := #1 'mid.sentence := #2 'after.sentence := #3 'after.block := #4 'after.item := } INTEGERS { is.use.title etal.number use.doi.all } %% #0 turns off the display of the title for articles %% #1 enables FUNCTION {default.is.use.title} { #0 } %% The number of names that force "et al." to be used FUNCTION {default.etal.number} { #0 } %% #0 turns off the display of the DOI for articles %% #1 enables FUNCTION {default.use.doi.all} { #0 } FUNCTION {add.comma} { ", " * } STRINGS { s t } FUNCTION {output.nonnull} { 's := output.state mid.sentence = { add.comma write$ } { output.state after.block = { add.comma write$ newline$ "\newblock " write$ } { output.state before.all = 'write$ { output.state after.item = { " " * write$ } { add.period$ " " * write$ } if$ } if$ } if$ mid.sentence 'output.state := } if$ s } FUNCTION {output} { duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$ 'output.nonnull if$ } FUNCTION {output.check} { 't := duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ "Empty " t * " in " * cite$ * warning$ } 'output.nonnull if$ } INTEGERS { would.add.period.textlen } FUNCTION {would.add.period} { duplicate$ add.period$ text.length$ 'would.add.period.textlen := duplicate$ text.length$ would.add.period.textlen = { #0 } { #1 } if$ } FUNCTION {fin.entry} { would.add.period { "\relax" * write$ newline$ "\mciteBstWouldAddEndPuncttrue" write$ newline$ "\mciteSetBstMidEndSepPunct{\mcitedefaultmidpunct}" write$ newline$ "{\mcitedefaultendpunct}{\mcitedefaultseppunct}\relax" } { "\relax" * write$ newline$ "\mciteBstWouldAddEndPunctfalse" write$ newline$ "\mciteSetBstMidEndSepPunct{\mcitedefaultmidpunct}" write$ newline$ "{}{\mcitedefaultseppunct}\relax" } if$ write$ newline$ "\EndOfBibitem" write$ } FUNCTION {not} { { #0 } { #1 } if$ } FUNCTION {and} { 'skip$ { pop$ #0 } if$ } FUNCTION {or} { { pop$ #1 } 'skip$ if$ } FUNCTION {field.or.null} { duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ "" } 'skip$ if$ } FUNCTION {emphasize} { duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ "" } { "\emph{" swap$ * "}" * } if$ } FUNCTION {boldface} { duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ "" } { "\textbf{" swap$ * "}" * } if$ } FUNCTION {paren} { duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ "" } { "(" swap$ * ")" * } if$ } FUNCTION {bbl.and} { "and" } FUNCTION {bbl.chapter} %{ "ch." } %{ "Chapter" } FUNCTION {bbl.doi} %{ "DOI:" } %{ "DOI" } FUNCTION {bbl.editor} %{ "ed." } %{ "Ed.:" } %FUNCTION {bbl.editors} %{ "Eds.:" } FUNCTION {bbl.edition} %{ "edn." } %{ "ed." } FUNCTION {bbl.etal} { "et~al." emphasize } FUNCTION {bbl.in} { "in" } FUNCTION {bbl.inpress} { "in press" } FUNCTION {bbl.msc} %{ "M.Sc. thesis" } %{ "MSc thesis" } FUNCTION {bbl.page} { "p." } FUNCTION {bbl.pages} { "pp." } FUNCTION {bbl.phd} %{ "Ph.D. thesis" } %{ "PhD thesis" } FUNCTION {bbl.submitted} { "submitted for publication" } FUNCTION {bbl.techreport} { "Technical Report" } FUNCTION {bbl.volume} %{ "vol." } %{ "Vol." } FUNCTION {bbl.first} { "1st" } FUNCTION {bbl.second} { "2nd" } FUNCTION {bbl.third} { "3rd" } FUNCTION {bbl.fourth} { "4th" } FUNCTION {bbl.fifth} { "5th" } FUNCTION {bbl.st} { "st" } FUNCTION {bbl.nd} { "nd" } FUNCTION {bbl.rd} { "rd" } FUNCTION {bbl.th} { "th" } FUNCTION {eng.ord} { duplicate$ "1" swap$ * #-2 #1 substring$ "1" = { bbl.th * } { duplicate$ #-1 #1 substring$ duplicate$ "1" = { pop$ bbl.st * } { duplicate$ "2" = { pop$ bbl.nd * } { "3" = { bbl.rd * } { bbl.th * } if$ } if$ } if$ } if$ } INTEGERS{ l } FUNCTION{string.length} { #1 'l := { duplicate$ duplicate$ #1 l substring$ = not } { l #1 + 'l := } while$ pop$ l } STRINGS{replace find text} INTEGERS{find_length} FUNCTION{find.replace} { 'replace := 'find := 'text := find string.length 'find_length := "" { text empty$ not } { text #1 find_length substring$ find = { replace * text #1 find_length + global.max$ substring$ 'text := } { text #1 #1 substring$ * text #2 global.max$ substring$ 'text := } if$ } while$ } FUNCTION {chr.to.value} { chr.to.int$ #48 - duplicate$ duplicate$ #0 < swap$ #9 > or { #48 + int.to.chr$ " is not a number..." * warning$ pop$ #0 } {} if$ } FUNCTION{is.a.digit} { duplicate$ "" = {pop$ #0} {chr.to.int$ #48 - duplicate$ #0 < swap$ #9 > or not} if$ } FUNCTION{is.a.number} { { duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ is.a.digit } {#2 global.max$ substring$} while$ "" = } FUNCTION {extract.num} { duplicate$ 't := "" 's := { t empty$ not } { t #1 #1 substring$ t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := duplicate$ is.a.number { s swap$ * 's := } { pop$ "" 't := } if$ } while$ s empty$ 'skip$ { pop$ s } if$ } FUNCTION {bibinfo.check} { swap$ duplicate$ missing$ { pop$ pop$ "" } { duplicate$ empty$ { swap$ pop$ } { swap$ pop$ } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {convert.edition} { extract.num "l" change.case$ 's := s "first" = s "1" = or { bbl.first 't := } { s "second" = s "2" = or { bbl.second 't := } { s "third" = s "3" = or { bbl.third 't := } { s "fourth" = s "4" = or { bbl.fourth 't := } { s "fifth" = s "5" = or { bbl.fifth 't := } { s #1 #1 substring$ is.a.number { s eng.ord 't := } { edition 't := } if$ } if$ } if$ } if$ } if$ } if$ t } FUNCTION {tie.or.space.connect} { duplicate$ text.length$ #3 < { "~" } { " " } if$ swap$ * * } FUNCTION {space.connect} { " " swap$ * * } INTEGERS { nameptr namesleft numnames } FUNCTION {format.names} { 's := #1 'nameptr := s num.names$ 'numnames := numnames 'namesleft := numnames etal.number > etal.number #0 > and { s #1 "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" format.name$ 't := t bbl.etal space.connect } { { namesleft #0 > } { s nameptr "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" format.name$ 't := nameptr #1 > { namesleft #1 > { add.comma t * } { numnames #2 > { "" * } 'skip$ if$ t "others" = { bbl.etal space.connect } % { bbl.and space.connect t space.connect } % { add.comma t * } if$ } if$ } 't if$ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := } while$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.authors} { author empty$ { "" } { #1 'author.or.editor := author format.names } if$ } FUNCTION {strip.comma} { duplicate$ string.length 'find_length := duplicate$ find_length #1 - #1 substring$ "," = { #1 find_length #2 - substring$ " " * } 'skip$ if$ } FUNCTION {format.editors} { editor empty$ { "" } { #2 'author.or.editor := % bbl.editor " " * * % editor format.names % strip.comma % editor num.names$ #1 > % { bbl.editors } % { bbl.editor } % if$ % " " * % editor format.names * paren } if$ } FUNCTION {format.doi} { use.doi.all { doi empty$ 'skip$ { bbl.doi doi tie.or.space.connect output } if$ } 'skip$ if$ } FUNCTION {n.separate.multi} { 't := "" #0 'numnames := t text.length$ #4 > t is.a.number and { { t empty$ not } { t #-1 #1 substring$ is.a.number { numnames #1 + 'numnames := } { #0 'numnames := } if$ t #-1 #1 substring$ swap$ * t #-2 global.max$ substring$ 't := numnames #4 = { duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ swap$ #2 global.max$ substring$ "\," swap$ * * #1 'numnames := } 'skip$ if$ } while$ } { t swap$ * } if$ } FUNCTION {format.bvolume} { volume empty$ { "" } { bbl.volume volume tie.or.space.connect } if$ } FUNCTION {format.title.noemph} { 't := t empty$ { "" } { t } if$ } FUNCTION {format.title} { 't := t empty$ { "" } { t emphasize } if$ } FUNCTION {format.url} { url empty$ { "" } { "\url{" url * "}" * } if$ } FUNCTION {format.title.vol} { 't := t empty$ { "" } { t emphasize } if$ volume empty$ 'skip$ { format.bvolume emphasize swap$ add.comma swap$ * } if$ } FUNCTION {format.full.names} {'s := #1 'nameptr := s num.names$ 'numnames := numnames 'namesleft := { namesleft #0 > } { s nameptr "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ 't := nameptr #1 > { namesleft #1 > { ", " * t * } { numnames #2 > { "," * } 'skip$ if$ t "others" = { bbl.etal * } { bbl.and space.connect t space.connect } if$ } if$ } 't if$ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := } while$ } FUNCTION {author.editor.full} { author empty$ { editor empty$ { "" } { editor format.full.names } if$ } { author format.full.names } if$ } FUNCTION {author.full} { author empty$ { "" } { author format.full.names } if$ } FUNCTION {editor.full} { editor empty$ { "" } { editor format.full.names } if$ } FUNCTION {make.full.names} { type$ "book" = type$ "inbook" = or 'author.editor.full { type$ "proceedings" = 'editor.full 'author.full if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {output.bibitem} { newline$ "\bibitem[" write$ label write$ ")" make.full.names duplicate$ short.list = { pop$ } { * } if$ "]{" * write$ cite$ write$ "}" write$ newline$ "" before.all 'output.state := } FUNCTION {n.dashify} { 't := "" { t empty$ not } { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = { t #1 #2 substring$ "--" = not { "--" * t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } { { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = } { "-" * t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } while$ } if$ } { t #1 #1 substring$ * t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } if$ } while$ } FUNCTION {format.date} { year empty$ { "" } % 'year % { year boldface } if$ } FUNCTION {format.bdate} { year empty$ { "There's no year in " cite$ * warning$ } % 'year % { year boldface } if$ } FUNCTION {either.or.check} { empty$ 'pop$ { "Can't use both " swap$ * " fields in " * cite$ * warning$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.edition} { edition duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { convert.edition bbl.edition bibinfo.check " " * bbl.edition * } if$ } INTEGERS { multiresult } FUNCTION {multi.page.check} { 't := #0 'multiresult := { multiresult not t empty$ not and } { t #1 #1 substring$ duplicate$ "-" = swap$ duplicate$ "," = swap$ "+" = or or { #1 'multiresult := } { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } if$ } while$ multiresult } FUNCTION {format.pages} { pages empty$ { "" } { pages multi.page.check { bbl.pages pages n.dashify tie.or.space.connect } { bbl.page pages tie.or.space.connect } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.pages.required} { pages empty$ { "" "There are no page numbers for " cite$ * warning$ output } { pages multi.page.check { bbl.pages pages n.dashify tie.or.space.connect } { bbl.page pages tie.or.space.connect } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.pages.nopp} { pages empty$ { "" "There are no page numbers for " cite$ * warning$ output } { pages multi.page.check { pages n.dashify space.connect } { pages space.connect } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.pages.patent} { pages empty$ { "There is no patent number for " cite$ * warning$ } { pages multi.page.check { pages n.dashify } % { pages n.separate.multi } % { pages } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.vol.pages} %{ volume boldface field.or.null %{ volume emphasize field.or.null duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ format.pages.required } { add.comma pages n.dashify * } if$ } FUNCTION {format.chapter.pages} { chapter empty$ 'format.pages { type empty$ { bbl.chapter } { type "l" change.case$ } if$ chapter tie.or.space.connect pages empty$ 'skip$ { add.comma format.pages * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.title.in} { 's := % after.item 'output.state := s empty$ { "" } { editor empty$ { bbl.in s format.title space.connect } { bbl.in s format.title space.connect add.comma format.editors * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.title.vol.in} { 's := after.item 'output.state := s empty$ { "" } { editor empty$ { bbl.in s format.title.vol space.connect } { bbl.in s format.title.vol space.connect add.comma format.editors * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.pub.address} { publisher empty$ { "" } { address empty$ { publisher } { publisher add.comma address *} if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {empty.misc.check} { author empty$ title empty$ howpublished empty$ year empty$ note empty$ url empty$ and and and and and { "all relevant fields are empty in " cite$ * warning$ } 'skip$ if$ } FUNCTION {empty.doi.note} { doi empty$ note empty$ and { "Need either a note or DOI for " cite$ * warning$ } 'skip$ if$ } FUNCTION {format.thesis.type} { type empty$ 'skip$ { pop$ type emphasize } if$ } FUNCTION {article} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check is.use.title { title format.title.noemph "title" output.check } 'skip$ if$ % journal emphasize "journal" output.check % % journal "," "" find.replace emphasize % "journal" output.check % after.item 'output.state := format.date "year" output.check volume empty$ { "" format.pages.nopp output } { format.vol.pages output } if$ format.doi fin.entry } FUNCTION {book} { output.bibitem author empty$ % { title format.title "title" output.check % { title format.title.vol "title" output.check editor empty$ { "Need either an author or editor for " cite$ * warning$ } { "" format.editors * "editor" output.check } if$ } { format.authors output "author and editor" editor either.or.check % title format.title "title" output.check % title format.title.vol "title" output.check } if$ format.pub.address "publisher" output.check format.edition output format.bdate "year" output.check % format.bvolume output pages empty$ 'skip$ { format.pages output } if$ format.doi fin.entry } FUNCTION {booklet} { output.bibitem format.authors output title format.title "title" output.check howpublished output address output format.date output format.doi fin.entry } FUNCTION {inbook} { output.bibitem author empty$ % { title format.title "title" output.check % { title format.title.vol "title" output.check editor empty$ { "Need at least an author or an editor for " cite$ * warning$ } { "" format.editors * "editor" output.check } if$ } { format.authors output % title format.title.in "title" output.check % title format.title.vol.in "title" output.check } if$ format.pub.address "publisher" output.check format.edition output format.bdate "year" output.check % format.bvolume output format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check format.doi fin.entry } FUNCTION {incollection} { output.bibitem author empty$ { booktitle % format.title % format.title.vol "booktitle" output.check editor empty$ { "Need at least an author or an editor for " cite$ * warning$ } { "" format.editors * "editor" output.check } if$ } { format.authors output booktitle % format.title % format.title.vol "booktitle" output.check } if$ format.pub.address "publisher" output.check format.edition output format.bdate "year" output.check % format.bvolume output format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check format.doi fin.entry } FUNCTION {inpress} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check journal emphasize "journal" output.check bbl.inpress output format.doi fin.entry } FUNCTION {inproceedings} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check % booktitle format.title.noemph "booktitle" output.check % booktitle format.title "booktitle" output.check address output format.date "year" output.check pages empty$ 'skip$ { format.pages output } if$ format.doi fin.entry } FUNCTION {manual} { output.bibitem author empty$ { organization empty$ 'skip$ { organization output address output } if$ } { format.authors output } if$ % title format.title "title" output.check % title format.title.noemph "title" output.check author empty$ { organization empty$ { address output } 'skip$ if$ } { organization output address output } if$ format.edition output format.date output format.doi fin.entry } FUNCTION {mastersthesis} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check % bbl.msc emphasize format.thesis.type output % bbl.msc format.thesis.type output school "school" output.check address output format.date "year" output.check format.doi fin.entry } FUNCTION {misc} { output.bibitem format.authors output title empty$ 'skip$ { title format.title output } if$ howpublished output % year output % format.date output format.url output note output format.doi fin.entry empty.misc.check } FUNCTION {patent} { output.bibitem organization empty$ { format.authors "author and organization" output.check } { author empty$ { organization } { format.authors organization paren space.connect } if$ "author and organization" output.check } if$ journal emphasize "journal" output.check format.pages.patent "pages" output.check format.date "year" output.check format.doi fin.entry } FUNCTION {phdthesis} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check % bbl.phd emphasize format.thesis.type output % bbl.phd format.thesis.type output school "school" output.check address output format.date "year" output.check format.doi fin.entry } FUNCTION {proceedings} { output.bibitem % title format.title.noemph "title" output.check % title format.title "title" output.check address output format.date "year" output.check pages empty$ 'skip$ { format.pages output } if$ format.doi fin.entry } FUNCTION {techreport} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check title format.title "title" output.check institution type empty$ 'bbl.techreport 'type if$ space.connect number empty$ { "t" change.case$ } { number tie.or.space.connect } if$ output format.pub.address output format.date "year" output.check format.doi fin.entry } FUNCTION {unpublished} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check journal empty$ 'skip$ { journal emphasize "journal" output.check } if$ doi empty$ { note output } { % format.date output bbl.doi doi tie.or.space.connect output } if$ fin.entry empty.doi.note } INTEGERS { a b } FUNCTION {mult} { 'a := 'b := b #0 < {#-1 #0 b - 'b :=} {#1} if$ #0 {b #0 >} { a + b #1 - 'b := } while$ swap$ 'skip$ {#0 swap$ -} if$ } FUNCTION {str.to.int.aux} { {duplicate$ empty$ not} { swap$ #10 mult 'a := duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ chr.to.value a + swap$ #2 global.max$ substring$ } while$ pop$ } FUNCTION {str.to.int} { duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ "-" = {#1 swap$ #2 global.max$ substring$} {#0 swap$} if$ #0 swap$ str.to.int.aux swap$ {#0 swap$ -} {} if$ } FUNCTION {yes.no.to.int} { "l" change.case$ duplicate$ "yes" = { pop$ #1 } { duplicate$ "no" = { pop$ #0 } { "unknown Boolean " quote$ * swap$ * quote$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$ #0 } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {Control} { ctrl-use-title empty$ { skip$ } { ctrl-use-title yes.no.to.int 'is.use.title := } if$ ctrl-etal-number empty$ { skip$ } { ctrl-etal-number str.to.int 'etal.number := } if$ ctrl-use-doi-all empty$ { skip$ } { ctrl-use-doi-all yes.no.to.int 'use.doi.all := } if$ } FUNCTION {conference} {inproceedings} FUNCTION {other} {patent} FUNCTION {default.type} {misc} MACRO {jan} {"January"} MACRO {feb} {"February"} MACRO {mar} {"March"} MACRO {apr} {"April"} MACRO {may} {"May"} MACRO {jun} {"June"} MACRO {jul} {"July"} MACRO {aug} {"August"} MACRO {sep} {"September"} MACRO {oct} {"October"} MACRO {nov} {"November"} MACRO {dec} {"December"} READ FUNCTION {initialize.controls} { default.is.use.title 'is.use.title := default.etal.number 'etal.number := default.use.doi.all 'use.doi.all := } INTEGERS { len } FUNCTION {chop.word} { 's := 'len := s #1 len substring$ = { s len #1 + global.max$ substring$ } 's if$ } FUNCTION {format.lab.names} { 's := s #1 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ s num.names$ duplicate$ #2 > { pop$ bbl.etal space.connect } { #2 < 'skip$ { s #2 "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}" format.name$ "others" = { bbl.etal space.connect } { bbl.and space.connect s #2 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ space.connect } if$ } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {author.key.label} { author empty$ { key empty$ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } 'key if$ } { author format.lab.names } if$ } FUNCTION {author.editor.key.label} { author empty$ { editor empty$ { key empty$ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } 'key if$ } { editor format.lab.names } if$ } { author format.lab.names } if$ } FUNCTION {author.key.organization.label} { author empty$ { key empty$ { organization empty$ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } { "The " #4 organization chop.word #3 text.prefix$ } if$ } 'key if$ } { author format.lab.names } if$ } FUNCTION {editor.key.organization.label} { editor empty$ { key empty$ { organization empty$ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } { "The " #4 organization chop.word #3 text.prefix$ } if$ } 'key if$ } { editor format.lab.names } if$ } FUNCTION {calc.short.authors} { type$ "book" = type$ "inbook" = or 'author.editor.key.label { type$ "proceedings" = 'editor.key.organization.label { type$ "manual" = 'author.key.organization.label 'author.key.label if$ } if$ } if$ 'short.list := } FUNCTION {calc.label} { calc.short.authors short.list "(" * year duplicate$ empty$ short.list key field.or.null = or { pop$ "" } 'skip$ if$ * 'label := } ITERATE {calc.label} STRINGS { longest.label last.label next.extra } INTEGERS { longest.label.width last.extra.num number.label } FUNCTION {initialize.longest.label} { "" 'longest.label := #0 int.to.chr$ 'last.label := "" 'next.extra := #0 'longest.label.width := #0 'last.extra.num := #0 'number.label := } FUNCTION {forward.pass} { last.label label = { last.extra.num #1 + 'last.extra.num := last.extra.num int.to.chr$ 'extra.label := } { "a" chr.to.int$ 'last.extra.num := "" 'extra.label := label 'last.label := } if$ number.label #1 + 'number.label := } EXECUTE {initialize.longest.label} ITERATE {forward.pass} FUNCTION {begin.bib} { preamble$ empty$ 'skip$ { preamble$ write$ newline$ } if$ "\providecommand*{\mcitethebibliography}{\thebibliography}" write$ newline$ "\csname @ifundefined\endcsname{endmcitethebibliography}" write$ newline$ "{\let\endmcitethebibliography\endthebibliography}{}" write$ newline$ "\begin{mcitethebibliography}{" number.label int.to.str$ * "}" * write$ newline$ "\providecommand*{\natexlab}[1]{#1}" write$ newline$ "\providecommand*{\mciteSetBstSublistMode}[1]{}" write$ newline$ "\providecommand*{\mciteSetBstMaxWidthForm}[2]{}" write$ newline$ "\providecommand*{\mciteBstWouldAddEndPuncttrue}" write$ newline$ " {\def\EndOfBibitem{\unskip.}}" write$ newline$ "\providecommand*{\mciteBstWouldAddEndPunctfalse}" write$ newline$ " {\let\EndOfBibitem\relax}" write$ newline$ "\providecommand*{\mciteSetBstMidEndSepPunct}[3]{}" write$ newline$ "\providecommand*{\mciteSetBstSublistLabelBeginEnd}[3]{}" write$ newline$ "\providecommand*{\EndOfBibitem}{}" write$ newline$ "\mciteSetBstSublistMode{f}" write$ newline$ "\mciteSetBstMaxWidthForm{subitem}" write$ newline$ % "{(\emph{\alph{mcitesubitemcount}})}" % "{\alph{mcitesubitemcount})}" write$ newline$ "\mciteSetBstSublistLabelBeginEnd{\mcitemaxwidthsubitemform\space}" write$ newline$ "{\relax}{\relax}" write$ newline$ } EXECUTE {begin.bib} EXECUTE {init.state.consts} ITERATE {call.type$} FUNCTION {end.bib} { newline$ "\end{mcitethebibliography}" write$ newline$ } EXECUTE {end.bib} % %<*bib> @ARTICLE{Abernethy2003, author = {Colin D. 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