\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \newcommand*{\Title}{Overview} \newcommand*{\CTANdir}{macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek/} \newcommand*{\CTANroot}{ftp://ftp.ctan.org/tex-archive/} \newcommand*{\Subject}{CTAN:\CTANdir} \newcommand*{\Author}{Heiko Oberdiek} \newcommand*{\Email}{oberdiek@uni-freiburg.de} \newcommand*{\Date}{2007/11/25} % Copyright (C) 2006 by % Heiko Oberdiek % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either % version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later % version. The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of % LaTeX version 2003/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". % % This Current Maintainer of this work is Heiko Oberdiek. % % This work consists of the overview "oberdiek.pdf", its source % "oberdiek.tex", and the installation script "oberdiek.ins" % for the projects in CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek/. % \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[ ignorehead, top=1in, ]{geometry} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{color} \usepackage[ngerman,english]{babel} \definecolor{link}{rgb}{1,0,0}% red \definecolor{file}{rgb}{0,0,1}% blue \definecolor{url}{cmyk}{0.1,1,0,0.1} \definecolor{file}{rgb}{1,0,0}% red \definecolor{url}{rgb}{0,0,1}% blue \definecolor{link}{rgb}{0,0.75,0}% \usepackage[ colorlinks, ]{hyperref}[2006/02/12] \hypersetup{ pdftitle={CTAN:\CTANdir}, pdfsubject={Package Overview}, 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\entry{accsupp}{2007/11/14}{0.2}{Accessibility support by marked content}% [\entrysep] \entry{aliascnt}{2006/09/25}{1.2}{Alias counter}% [\entrysep] \entry{alphalph}{2007/09/09}{2.0}{Converting numbers to letters}% [\entrysep] \entry{askinclude}{2007/10/23}{2.0}{Interactive asking of included files}% [\entrysep] \entry{atbegshi}{2007/09/09}{1.6}{At begin shipout hook}% [\entrysep] \entry{atenddvi}{2007/04/17}{1.1}{At end DVI hook}% [\entrysep] \entry{attachfile2}{2007/04/11}{2.3}{attach files into PDF}% [\entrysep] \entry{auxhook}{2007/04/06}{1.1}{Hooks for auxiliary files}% [\entrysep] \entry{bigintcalc}{2007/11/11}{1.1}{Expandable big integer calculations}% [\entrysep] \entry{bitset}{2007/09/28}{1.0}{Data type bit set}% [\entrysep] \entry{bmpsize}{2007/11/11}{1.4}{Extract size and resolution data from bitmap files}% [\entrysep] \entry{bookmark}{2007/09/25}{1.2}{PDF bookmarks}% [\entrysep] \entry{catchfile}{2007/11/11}{1.2}{Catches the contents of a file}% [\entrysep] \entry{centernot}{2007/05/31}{1.1}{Centers the not symbol horizontally}% [\entrysep] \entry{chemarr}{2006/02/20}{1.2}{Chemical reaction arrows}% [\entrysep] \entry{classlist}{2006/02/20}{1.2}{Record loaded classes}% [\entrysep] \entry{colonequals}{2006/08/01}{1.0}{Colon equals symbols}% [\entrysep] \entry{dvipscol}{2006/02/20}{1.1}{Fix for dvips.def}% [\entrysep] \entry{embedfile}{2007/11/25}{2.3}{embed files into PDF}% [\entrysep] \entry{engord}{2007/09/20}{1.6}{Provides English ordinal numbers}% [\entrysep] \entry{epstopdf}{2007/11/11}{1.6}{Conversion with epstopdf on the fly}% [\entrysep] \entry{etexcmds}{2007/09/09}{1.1}{Prefix for e-TeX command names}% [\entrysep] \entry{flags}{2007/09/30}{0.4}{Flag setting in bit fields}% [\entrysep] \entry{grfext}{2007/09/30}{1.0}{Managing graphics extensions}% [\entrysep] \entry{grffile}{2007/11/24}{1.7}{Extended file name support for graphics}% [\entrysep] \entry{holtxdoc}{2007/11/11}{0.9}{Private additional ltxdoc support}% [\entrysep] \entry{hycolor}{2007/04/11}{1.1}{Code for color options of hyperref/bookmark}% [\entrysep] \entry{hypbmsec}{2007/04/11}{2.4}{Bookmarks in sectioning commands}% [\entrysep] \entry{hypcap}{2007/04/09}{1.7}{Adjusting anchors of captions}% [\entrysep] \entry{hypdestopt}{2007/11/11}{2.1}{Hyperref destination optimizer}% [\entrysep] \entry{hypdoc}{2007/11/12}{1.6}{Hyper extensions for doc.sty}% [\entrysep] \entry{hypgotoe}{2007/10/30}{0.1}{Experimental links to embedded files}% [\entrysep] \entry{ifdraft}{2006/02/20}{1.2}{Switch for option draft}% [\entrysep] \entry{iflang}{2007/11/11}{1.5}{Language checks}% [\entrysep] \entry{ifpdf}{2007/09/09}{1.5}{Provides the ifpdf switch}% [\entrysep] \entry{ifvtex}{2007/09/09}{1.3}{Switches for detecting VTeX and its modes}% [\entrysep] \entry{infwarerr}{2007/09/09}{1.2}{Providing info/warning/message}% [\entrysep] \entry{inputenx}{2007/08/16}{1.3}{Enhanced input encoding handling}% [\entrysep] \entry{intcalc}{2007/09/27}{1.1}{Expandable integer calculations}% [\entrysep] \entry{kvoptions}{2007/10/18}{3.0}{Keyval support for \LaTeX{} options}% [\entrysep] \entry{kvsetkeys}{2007/09/29}{1.3}{Key value parser with default handler support}% [\entrysep] \entry{listingsutf8}{2007/11/11}{1.1}{Adding support for UTF-8 to listings}% [\entrysep] \entry{makerobust}{2006/03/18}{1.0}{Making a macro robust}% [\entrysep] \entry{pagesel}{2007/04/12}{1.7}{Selecting shipout output pages}% [\entrysep] \entry{pdfcol}{2007/09/09}{1.0}{Maintaining additional color stacks for pdfTeX}% [\entrysep] \entry{pdfcolfoot}{2007/09/09}{1.1}{pdfTeX's color stack for footnotes}% [\entrysep] \entry{pdfcolmk}{2007/04/11}{1.1}{PDFtex COLor MarK}% [\entrysep] \entry{pdfcolparallel}{2007/09/09}{1.0}{Color stacks support for parallel}% [\entrysep] \entry{pdfcolparcolumns}{2007/09/09}{1.1}{Color stacks support for parcolumns}% [\entrysep] \entry{pdfcrypt}{2007/04/26}{1.0}{Setting pdf encryption}% [\entrysep] \entry{pdfescape}{2007/11/11}{1.8}{Provides hex, PDF name and string conversions}% [\entrysep] \entry{pdflscape}{2007/10/21}{0.9}{Landscape pages in PDF}% [\entrysep] \entry{pdftexcmds}{2007/11/12}{0.2}{LuaTeX support for pdfTeX utility functions}% [\entrysep] \entry{picture}{2007/04/11}{1.1}{Dimens for picture macros}% [\entrysep] \entry{pmboxdraw}{2006/05/03}{1.0}{Poor man's box drawing characters}% [\entrysep] \entry{refcount}{2006/02/20}{3.0}{Data extraction from references}% [\entrysep] \entry{selinput}{2007/09/09}{1.2}{Select input encoding}% [\entrysep] \entry{setouterhbox}{2007/09/09}{1.7}{Set hbox in outer horizontal mode}% [\entrysep] \entry{settobox}{2007/04/11}{1.3}{Getting box sizes}% [\entrysep] \entry{soulutf8}{2007/09/09}{1.0}{Adding support for UTF-8 to soul}% [\entrysep] \entry{stackrel}{2007/11/11}{1.2}{Adding subscript option to stackrel}% [\entrysep] \entry{stringenc}{2007/11/25}{1.5}{Converts strings between encodings}% [\entrysep] \entry{tabularht}{2007/04/11}{2.5}{Tabular with height specification}% [\entrysep] \entry{tabularkv}{2006/02/20}{1.1}{Key value interface for tabular parameters}% [\entrysep] \entry{telprint}{2007/09/09}{1.9}{Formatting of German phone numbers}% [\entrysep] \entry{transparent}{2007/01/08}{1.0}{Using a pdfTeX's color stack for transparency}% [\entrysep] \entry{twoopt}{2006/02/20}{1.4}{Definitions with two optional arguments}% [\entrysep] \entry{zref}{2007/05/28}{2.1}{New reference scheme for \LaTeXe{}}% \end{overview} \section{Packages} \hypersetup{bookmarksnumbered=false} \subsection{\pkgsectformat{accsupp}} \label{accsupp} \begin{abstract} Since PDF 1.5 portions of a page can be marked for better accessibility support. For example, replacement texts or expansions of abbreviations can be provided. Package \xpackage{accsupp} starts with providing a minimal low-level interface for programmers. Status is experimental. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{accsupp} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{aliascnt}} \label{aliascnt} \begin{abstract} Package \xpackage{aliascnt} introduces \emph{alias counters} that share the same counter register and clear list. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{aliascnt} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{alphalph}} \label{alphalph} \begin{abstract} The package provides methods to represent numbers with a limited set of symbols. Both \LaTeX\ and \plainTeX are supported. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{alphalph} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{askinclude}} \label{askinclude} \begin{abstract} This package replaces \cs{includeonly} by an interactive user interface. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{askinclude} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{atbegshi}} \label{atbegshi} \begin{abstract} This package is a modern reimplementation of package \xpackage{everyshi} without the burden of compatibility. It makes use of \eTeX's if available. Both \LaTeX\ and \plainTeX\ are supported. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{atbegshi} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{atenddvi}} \label{atenddvi} \begin{abstract} \LaTeX\ offers \cs{AtBeginDvi}. This package \xpackage{atenddvi} provides the counterpart \cs{AtEndDvi}. The execution of its argument is delayed to the end of the document at the end of the last page. Thus \cs{special} and \cs{write} remain effective, because they are put into the last page. This is the main difference to \cs{AtEndDocument}. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{atenddvi} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{attachfile2}} \label{attachfile2} \begin{abstract} This package can be used to attach files to a PDF document. It is a further development of Scott Pakin's package \xpackage{attachfile} for \pdfTeX. Apart from bug fixes, package \xpackage{attachfile2} adds support for \xoption{dvips}, some new options, gets and writes meta information data about the attached files. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{attachfile2} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{auxhook}} \label{auxhook} \begin{abstract} Package \xpackage{auxhook} provides hooks for adding stuff at the begin of \xfile{.aux} files. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{auxhook} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{bigintcalc}} \label{bigintcalc} \begin{abstract} This package provides expandable arithmetic operations with big integers that can exceed \TeX's number limits. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{bigintcalc} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{bitset}} \label{bitset} \begin{abstract} This package defines and implements the data type bit set, a vector of bits. The size of the vector may grow dynamically. Individual bits can be manipulated. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{bitset} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{bmpsize}} \label{bmpsize} \begin{abstract} Package \xpackage{bmpsize} analyzes bitmap images to extract size and resolution data. It adds this feature to the graphics package that now do not need separate bounding box files for bitmap images. Additionally the implementation for the inclusion of bitmap images in some drivers of package \xpackage{graphicx} are rewritten to support options \xoption{viewport}, \xoption{trim} and \xoption{clip}. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{bmpsize} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{bookmark}} \label{bookmark} \begin{abstract} This package implements a new bookmark (outline) organization for package \xpackage{hyperref}. Bookmark properties such as style and color can now be set. Other action types are available (URI, GoToR, Named). The bookmarks are generated in the first compile run. Package \xpackage{hyperref} uses two runs. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{bookmark} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{catchfile}} \label{catchfile} \begin{abstract} This package catches the contents of a file and puts it in a macro. It requires \eTeX. Both \LaTeX\ and \plainTeX\ are supported. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{catchfile} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{centernot}} \label{centernot} \begin{abstract} This package provides \cs{centernot} that prints the symbol \cs{not} on the following argument. Unlike \cs{not} the symbol is horizontally centered. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{centernot} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{chemarr}} \label{chemarr} \begin{abstract} Very often chemists need a longer version of reaction arrows (\cs{rightleftharpoons}) with the possibility to put text above and below. Analogous to \xpackage{amsmath}'s \cs{xrightarrow} and \cs{xleftarrow} this package provides the macro \cs{xrightleftharpoons}. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{chemarr} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{classlist}} \label{classlist} \begin{abstract} This package records the loaded classes and stores them in a list. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{classlist} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{colonequals}} \label{colonequals} \begin{abstract} Package \xpackage{colonequals} defines poor man's symbols for math relation symbols such as ``colon equals''. The colon is centered around the horizontal math axis. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{colonequals} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{dvipscol}} \label{dvipscol} \begin{abstract} Color support for dvips in \xfile{dvips.def} involves the color stack of dvips. The package tries to remove unnecessary uses of the stack to avoid the error ``out of coor stack space''. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{dvipscol} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{embedfile}} \label{embedfile} \begin{abstract} This package embeds files to a PDF document. Currently the only supported driver is \pdfTeX\ $>=$ 1.30 in PDF mode. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{embedfile} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{engord}} \label{engord} \begin{abstract} The package generates the suffix of English ordinal numbers. It can be used with plain and \LaTeX\ formats. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{engord} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{epstopdf}} \label{epstopdf} \begin{abstract} This packages adds support of handling eps images to package \xpackage{graphics} or \xpackage{graphicx} with option \xoption{pdftex}. If an eps image is detected, epstopdf is automatically called to convert it to pdf format. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{epstopdf} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{etexcmds}} \label{etexcmds} \begin{abstract} New primitive commands are introduced in \eTeX. Sometimes the names collide with existing macros. This package solves this name clashes by adding a prefix to \eTeX's commands. For example, \eTeX's \cs{unexpanded} is provided as \cs{etex@unexpanded}. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{etexcmds} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{flags}} \label{flags} \begin{abstract} Package \xpackage{flags} allows the setting and clearing of flags in bit fields and converts the bit field into a decimal number. Currently the bit field is limited to 31 bits. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{flags} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{grfext}} \label{grfext} \begin{abstract} This package provides macros for adding and reordering graphics extensions of package \xpackage{graphics}. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{grfext} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{grffile}} \label{grffile} \begin{abstract} The package extends the file name processing of package \xpackage{graphics} to support a larger range of file names. For example, the file name may contain several dots. Or in case of \pdfTeX\ in PDF mode the file name may contain spaces. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{grffile} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{holtxdoc}} \label{holtxdoc} \begin{abstract} The package is used for the documentation of my packages in DTX format. It contains some private macros and setup for my needs. Thus do not use it. I have separated the part that may be useful for others in package \xpackage{hypdoc}. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{holtxdoc} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{hycolor}} \label{hycolor} \begin{abstract} Package \xpackage{hycolor} implements the color option stuff that is used by packages \xpackage{hyperref} and \xpackage{bookmark}. It is not intended as package for the user. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{hycolor} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{hypbmsec}} \label{hypbmsec} \begin{abstract} This package expands the syntax of the sectioning commands. If the argument of the sectioning commands isn't usable as outline entry, a replacement for the bookmarks can be given. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{hypbmsec} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{hypcap}} \label{hypcap} \begin{abstract} This package tries a solution of the problem with hyperref, that links to floats points below the caption and not at the beginning of the float. Therefore this package divides the task into two part, the link setting with \cs{capstart} or automatically at the beginning of a float and the rest in the \cs{caption} command. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{hypcap} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{hypdestopt}} \label{hypdestopt} \begin{abstract} Package \xpackage{hypdestopt} supports \xpackage{hyperref}'s \xoption{pdftex} driver. It removes unnecessary destinations and shortens the destination names or uses numbered destinations to get smaller PDF files. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{hypdestopt} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{hypdoc}} \label{hypdoc} \begin{abstract} This package adds hyper features to the package \xpackage{doc} that is used in the documentation system of \LaTeXe. Bookmarks are added and references are linked as far as possible. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{hypdoc} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{hypgotoe}} \label{hypgotoe} \begin{abstract} Experimental package for links to embedded files. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{hypgotoe} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{ifdraft}} \label{ifdraft} \begin{abstract} The package provides an interface for selecting code depending on the options \xoption{draft} and \xoption{final}. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{ifdraft} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{iflang}} \label{iflang} \begin{abstract} This package provides expandible checks for the current language based on macro \cs{languagename} or hyphenation patterns. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{iflang} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{ifpdf}} \label{ifpdf} \begin{abstract} This package looks for \pdfTeX\ in pdf mode and implements and sets the switch \cs{ifpdf}. The detection is based on \cs{pdfoutput} and the package will not change this value. It works with plain or \LaTeX\ formats. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{ifpdf} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{ifvtex}} \label{ifvtex} \begin{abstract} This package looks for \VTeX, implements and sets the switches \cs{ifvtex}, \cs{ifvtex}\texttt{\meta{mode}}, \cs{ifvtexgex}. It works with plain or \LaTeX\ formats. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{ifvtex} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{infwarerr}} \label{infwarerr} \begin{abstract} This package provides a complete set of macros for informations, warnings and error messages with support for \plainTeX. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{infwarerr} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{inputenx}} \label{inputenx} \begin{abstract} This package provides input encodings using standard mappings and covers nearly all slots. Thus it serves as more uptodate replacement for package \xpackage{inputenc}. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{inputenx} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{intcalc}} \label{intcalc} \begin{abstract} This package provides expandable arithmetic operations with integers. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{intcalc} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{kvoptions}} \label{kvoptions} \begin{abstract} This package is intended for package authors who want to use options in key value format for their package options. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{kvoptions} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{kvsetkeys}} \label{kvsetkeys} \begin{abstract} Package \xpackage{kvsetkeys} provides \cs{kvsetkeys}, a variant of package \xpackage{keyval}'s \cs{setkeys}. It allows to specify a handler that deals with unknown options. Active commas and equal signs may be used (e.g. see \xpackage{babel}'s shorthands) and only one level of curly braces is removed from the values. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{kvsetkeys} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{listingsutf8}} \label{listingsutf8} \begin{abstract} Package \xpackage{listings} does not support files with multi-byte encodings such as UTF-8. In case of \cs{lstinputlisting} a simple workaround is possible if an one-byte encoding exists that the file can be converted to. Also \eTeX\ and \pdfTeX\ regardless of its mode are required. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{listingsutf8} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{makerobust}} \label{makerobust} \begin{abstract} Package \xpackage{makerobust} provides \cs{MakeRobustCommand} that converts an existing macro to a robust one. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{makerobust} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{pagesel}} \label{pagesel} \begin{abstract} Single pages or page areas can be selected for output. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{pagesel} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{pdfcol}} \label{pdfcol} \begin{abstract} Since version 1.40 \pdfTeX\ supports color stacks. The driver file \xfile{pdftex.def} for package \xpackage{color} defines and uses a main color stack since version v0.04b. Package \xpackage{pdfcol} is intended for package writers. It defines macros for setting and maintaining new color stacks. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{pdfcol} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{pdfcolfoot}} \label{pdfcolfoot} \begin{abstract} Since version 1.40 \pdfTeX\ supports several color stacks. This package uses a separate color stack for footnotes that can break across pages. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{pdfcolfoot} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{pdfcolmk}} \label{pdfcolmk} \begin{abstract} This package tries a solution for the missing color stack of \pdfTeX. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{pdfcolmk} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{pdfcolparallel}} \label{pdfcolparallel} \begin{abstract} Since version 1.40 \pdfTeX\ supports several color stacks. This package uses them to fix color problems in package \xpackage{parallel}. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{pdfcolparallel} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{pdfcolparcolumns}} \label{pdfcolparcolumns} \begin{abstract} Since version 1.40 \pdfTeX\ supports several color stacks. This package uses them to fix color problems in package \xpackage{parcolumns}. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{pdfcolparcolumns} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{pdfcrypt}} \label{pdfcrypt} \begin{abstract} This package supports the setting of pdf encryption options for \VTeX\ and some older versions of \pdfTeX. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{pdfcrypt} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{pdfescape}} \label{pdfescape} \begin{abstract} This package implements \pdfTeX's escape features (\cs{pdfescapehex}, \cs{pdfunescapehex}, \cs{pdfescapename}, \cs{pdfescapestring}) using \TeX\ or \eTeX. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{pdfescape} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{pdflscape}} \label{pdflscape} \begin{abstract} Package \xpackage{pdflscape} adds PDF support to the environment \texttt{landscape} of package \xpackage{lscape} by setting the PDF page attribute \texttt{/Rotate}. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{pdflscape} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{pdftexcmds}} \label{pdftexcmds} \begin{abstract} \LuaTeX\ provides most of the commands of \pdfTeX\ 1.40. However a number of utility functions are removed. This package tries to fill the gap and implements some of the missing primitive using Lua. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{pdftexcmds} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{picture}} \label{picture} \begin{abstract} There are macro and environment arguments that expect numbers that will internally be multiplicated with \cs{unitlength}. This package extends the syntax of these arguments that dimens with calculation support can be added for these arguments. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{picture} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{pmboxdraw}} \label{pmboxdraw} \begin{abstract} Package \xpackage{pmboxdraw} declares box drawings characters of old code pages, e.g. cp437. It uses rules instead of using a font. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{pmboxdraw} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{refcount}} \label{refcount} \begin{abstract} References are not numbers, however they often store numerical data such as section or page numbers. \cs{ref} or \cs{pageref} cannot be used for counter assignments or calculations because they are not expandable, generate warnings, or can even be links, The package provides expandable macros to extract the data from references. Packages \xpackage{hyperref}, \xpackage{nameref}, \xpackage{titleref}, and \xpackage{babel} are supported. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{refcount} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{selinput}} \label{selinput} \begin{abstract} This package selects the input encoding by specifying between input characters and their glyph names. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{selinput} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{setouterhbox}} \label{setouterhbox} \begin{abstract} If math stuff is set in an \cs{hbox}, then TeX performs some optimization and omits the implicite penalties \cs{binoppenalty} and \cs{relpenalty}. This packages tries to put stuff into an \cs{hbox} without getting lost of those penalties. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{setouterhbox} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{settobox}} \label{settobox} \begin{abstract} Commands are defined for getting box sizes similar to \LaTeX's \cs{settowidth} commands. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{settobox} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{soulutf8}} \label{soulutf8} \begin{abstract} This package extends package \xpackage{soul} and adds some support for UTF-8. Namely the input encodings \xfile{utf8.def} from package \xpackage{inputenc} and package \xpackage{ucs}'s \xfile{utf8x.def} are supported. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{soulutf8} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{stackrel}} \label{stackrel} \begin{abstract} This package adds an optional argument to \cs{stackrel} for putting something below the relational symbol and defines \cs{stackbin} for binary symbols. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{stackrel} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{stringenc}} \label{stringenc} \begin{abstract} This package provides \cs{StringEncodingConvert} for converting a string between different encodings. Both \LaTeX\ and \plainTeX\ are supported. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{stringenc} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{tabularht}} \label{tabularht} \begin{abstract} This package defines some environments that adds a height specification to tabular and array. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{tabularht} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{tabularkv}} \label{tabularkv} \begin{abstract} This package adds a key value interface for tabular by the new environment \texttt{tabularkv}. Thus the \TeX\ source code looks better by named parameters, especially if package \xpackage{tabularht} is used. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{tabularkv} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{telprint}} \label{telprint} \begin{abstract} Package \xpackage{telprint} provides \cs{telprint} for formatting German phone numbers. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{telprint} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{transparent}} \label{transparent} \begin{abstract} Since version 1.40 \pdfTeX\ supports several color stacks. This package shows, how a separate color stack can be used for transparency, a property besides color. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{transparent} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{twoopt}} \label{twoopt} \begin{abstract} This package provides commands to define macros with two optional arguments. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{twoopt} \newpage \subsection{\pkgsectformat{zref}} \label{zref} \begin{abstract} Package \xpackage{zref} tries to get rid of the restriction in \LaTeX's reference system that only two properties are supported. The package implements an extensible referencing system, where properties are handled in a more flexible way. It offers an interface for macro programmers for the access to the system and some applications that uses the new reference scheme. \end{abstract} \tocinclude{zref} \end{document}