\ProvidesFile{wikicheat}[2008/07/10 Cheatsheet for wiki.sty] % \def\title{Cheatsheet for the \textsf{wiki} Package} \def\title{\textbf{Cheatsheet} for the \textbf{\textsf{wiki}} Package} \def\author{Uwe L\"uck} \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \nofiles \pagestyle{empty} \makeatletter \@ifundefined{UndeclareTextCommand}{}{\usepackage{upquote}} %% 2008/07/02 \makeatother \usepackage{wiki} % \let\WE\relax \let\WF\relax \let\WH\relax \let\WE\wikiEnvironments \let\WF\wikiFonts \let\WH\wikiHeadings \def\SP#1{\multicolumn{3}{\VR c\VR}{% % \parbox{11cm}{% \parbox{13cm}{% \footnotesize\it\sloppy\SU#1\SD}}} \def\SL{/\hskip.16667em} % \setbox0\hbox{(}\showthe\ht0\showthe\dp0 %% height = 3x depth \def\SU{\rule{0pt}{.99em}}%%%{1.1em}} \def\HSU{\rule{0pt}{.75em}} \def\SD{\rule[-.33em]{0pt}{0pt}}%%%45em]{0pt}{0pt}} % \def\CS#1{{\tt\textbackslash #1}} %% 2008/07/02 {\makeatletter \gdef\CS#1{{\tt\@backslashchar#1}}} \let\VR| \catcode`\|\active \def|{\verb|} \begin{document} % \maketitle \enlargethispage{3\normalbaselineskip} \vspace*{-\topmargin} %% !? \vspace*{-\headheight}\vspace*{-\headsep}\vspace*{-\topsep}\vspace*{-\partopsep} \begin{center} \large \title\\[.4ex] \normalsize Some \LaTeX-Markup through some Wiki-Markup\\[.8ex] \author, \today % \end{center} \vspace{\topsep} \vspace*{\partopsep} % \vspace{1.5ex} % \vspace{1ex} % \hrule % \vspace{1ex} % \begin{center} \leavevmode\kern-1em \begin{tabular}{\VR l\VR l\VR l\VR} \hline\hline \SU\SD\bf Code for \textsf{wiki.sty}&\bf What you get& \bf like \LaTeX-code\\ \hline\hline |''italic''|&\WF ''italic''&|\textit{italic}|\SU\\ |'''bold'''|&\WF '''bold'''&|\textbf{bold}|%%%\\ \SD\\ % |'''''bf+it'''''|&\WF '''''bf+it''''' % &|\textbf{\textit{bf+it}}|\SD\\ % |'''''B+I'''''|&\WF '''''B+I''''' &|\textbf{\textit{B+I}}|\SD\\ \hline \SP{``Italic'' and ``bold'' may be combined, nested, overlap. % Automatic italic correction cannot be suppressed by \CS{nocorr}. % Implementation uses \LaTeX\ internals; no groups are formed. Quotation marks % (even German) usually are not affected.---Turn % {\tt '\string{\string}''} may help with % apostrophes.---Turn font feature on/off by \CS{wikiFonts}\SL\CS{nowikiFonts}; disable feature entirely by package option {\tt noFonts}.}\\ \hline\hline |== Level 1 ==|&\Large\bf\HSU 1\quad Level 1&|\section{Level 1}|\SU\\ |=== Level 2 ===|&\large\bf 1.1\quad Level 2&|\subsection{Level 2}|\SU\\ |==== Level 3 ====|&\bf 1.1.1\quad Level 3&|\subsubsection{Level 3}|\\ |===== Level 4 =====|&\bf Level 4 &|\paragraph{Level 4}|\SD\\ |====== Level 5 ======|&\bf Level 5 &|\subparagraph{Level 5}|\SD\\ \hline \SP{Turn heading feature on/off by \CS{wikiHeadings}\SL\CS{nowikiHeadings}; disable feature entirely by package option {\tt noHeadings}.}\\ \hline\hline &&|\begin{itemize}|\SU\\ |* One|&\textbullet\hspace\labelsep One &|\item One|\\[2\parsep] |* Two|&\textbullet\hspace\labelsep Two &|\item Two|\\ &&|\end{itemize}|\SD\\ \hline &&|\begin{enumerate}|\SU\\ |# One|&1.\hspace\labelsep One &|\item One|\\[2\parsep] |# Two|&2.\hspace\labelsep Two &|\item Two|\\ &&|\end{enumerate}|\SD\\ \hline &&|\begin{description}|\SU\\ |;[club] explain|&\textbf{club}\hspace\labelsep explain &|\item[club] explain|\\[2\parsep] |;[widow] explain|&\textbf{widow}\hspace\labelsep explain &|\item[widow] explain|\\ &&|\end{description}|\SD\\ \hline & &|She wrote:|\SU\\ |She wrote:|&\smash{\raisebox{\topsep}{She wrote:}}&|\begin{quote}|\\ |:Indeed| &\hspace\leftmargini Indeed&|Indeed|\\ & &|\end{quote}|\SD\\ \hline & &|Type|\SU\\ |Type| &\smash{\raisebox{\topsep}{Type}}&|\begin{verbatim}|\\ | \typeout{OK!}| &|\typeout{OK!}|&|\typeout{OK!}|\\ & &|\end{verbatim}|\SD\\ \hline \SP{A \CS{begin} is executed when {\tt*} etc.\ is first character of a code line; an indent starts {\tt verbatim}. \CS{end} is executed at code line without indent and not beginning with {\tt*} etc.---Turn this feature on by \CS{wikiEnvironments}; turn off by \CS{nowikiEnvironments}, e.g., to get around incompatibilities (lists feature is most dangerous). Disable feature entirely by package option {\tt noEnvironments}. Package option {\tt noVerbatim} instead may usually suffice, if you don't want to have any {\tt verbatim}.}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \kern-1em \end{center} % \section{Test}\subsection{Sub-Test}\subsubsection{Subsub-Test} % \paragraph{Para}\subparagraph{Sub-Para} \footnotesize % \vspace{2ex} \sloppy \noindent \WE\WF %%% '''Please note:''' ''Note:'' % * Explicit '''turning on''' by %%% one of % \[|\wikiEnvironments|,\quad |\wikiFonts|,\quad |\wikiHeadings|\] |\wikiEnvironments| %%% , |\wikiFonts|, |\wikiHeadings|, etc.\ % or by |\wikimarkup| (which executes the former three) is ''required''; is '''required'''; e.g., after %%% |\maketitle| and |\tableofcontents|. |\wikimarkup| '''activates ''all''''' the features. % * |\nowikimarkup| %%% executes all of % \[|\nowikiEnvironments|,\quad |\nowikiFonts|,\quad |\nowikiHeadings|.\] % |\nowikiEnvironments|, |\nowikiFonts|, |\nowikiHeadings|. % Use them to get around incompatible code. '''''dis''ables all''' of them, e.g., to get around incompatibilities. \end{document}