% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Sameer Vijay % % This file may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either % version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any later % version. The latest version of this license is in % % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % % \fi % % % \CheckSum{1260} % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % \changes{v0.98}{2004/04/15}{Initial {\em beta} version} % \renewcommand{\generalname}{Release} % \changes{v1.0}{2004/06/15}{First release} % \renewcommand{\generalname}{General} % \changes{v1.1}{2005/04/14}{Minor changes and clean-up} % \changes{v2.0}{2005/05/14}{Some bugfixes, cleaned some of documentation} % \changes{v2.1}{2005/06/14}{More bugfixes, changes in documentation} % \renewcommand{\generalname}{Release} % \changes{v3.0}{2005/07/27}{Major revamp and clean-up of the code, added % \texttt{numrefs} and \texttt{textrefs} to allow different kinds of citation % styles, added some more macros and modified others, % changed the titlepage a bit, completed source documentation} % % % \iffalse (Don't show this in the doc). % \begin{macrocode} %<*driver> \ProvidesFile{nddiss2e.dtx} \documentclass{ltxdoc} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{2} \setcounter{tocdepth}{2} \DeclareRobustCommand{\nddiss}{% \textsf{{\scshape nd}diss}\kern-0.03em% 2$_\mathsf{\textstyle\varepsilon}$} \providecommand{\dissfileversion}{3.0} \providecommand{\dissfiledate}{2005/07/27} \DisableCrossrefs \CodelineNumbered \RecordChanges \begin{document} \DocInput{nddiss2e.dtx} \end{document} % % \end{macrocode} % \fi % % \title{The \nddiss\/ class\thanks{Version~\dissfileversion,% % dated~\dissfiledate.}} % % \author{Sameer Vijay\thanks{Inspiration from an % earlier {\sffamily NDThesis} class by D. A. Peterson}\\ % } % \date{\dissfiledate} % % \maketitle % % \begin{abstract} % This \nddiss\space class is based on the standard \LaTeXe\/ \textsf{book} % class and is an extensive rewrite of the earlier \textsf{NDthesis} class % file, incorporating changes for \LaTeXe\space and pdf\LaTeX\space as well % as many other improvements. This class conforms with the requirements of the % Graduate School guidelines published in Spring 2004 for the layout of the Ph.D. % dissertations and Master's theses. In reading this documentation you will % find that I assume that the % reader has working knowledge of \LaTeXe\/. % \end{abstract} % % \tableofcontents % % \section{Introduction} % \label{sec:intro} % This document describes the \LaTeXe\space document class \nddiss, % suitable\footnote{In my opinion, but with no guarantee that you or other users % will agree. I shall not be liable for any consequence, good or bad, % of anyone's use of this software.} for producing dissertations and % theses according to the Spring 2004 guidelines of the Graduate School at the % University of Notre Dame. The latest version of this class and % related documentation should be % available at \url{http://www.gsu.nd.edu} or at % \url{http://graduateschool.nd.edu}. % % \subsection{Disclaimer} % \label{sec:disclaimer} % It could be thought of as suspicious if I begin with a disclaimer, but it is % important for you to keep in mind that only % {\em You} are responsible for the correct formatting of the document % even though use of this class simplifies this task considerably. There % are certain formatting things which need to be done manually and are % described later in section \ref{sec:author}. % As such, this class and its associated % documentation {\em must not} be assumed to be a replacement of the % formatting guide from the Graduate School and the official guide must be % consulted, in case of doubt. % % In short, no one but you (the user) accepts any responsibility for works % that do not get approved by the Graduate School. Use of the % \nddiss\space class file implicitly states acceptance of this policy. Having % said that, a document produced by using this class (as described in the % following sections) has a pretty good likelyhood % of being accepted as it is. % % \subsection{Dependencies and Limitations} % \label{sec:deps} % This classfile depends on many other packages to be present in either % the |TEXMF| tree (system or local) or the \LaTeX\space search path (defined by shell variable % \verb+$TEXINPUTS+). A list of the essential packages is mentioned in section \ref{sec:features}. % % Although I have tested it with \LaTeX\space % [2001/06/01], it should be backwards compatible with \LaTeX\space % [1995/12/01] and higher % as well. It is not possible for me to list the version of each % package used within the class file and you might get errors if the package in % your |TEXMF| tree is outdated. % % The classfile is limited in the sense that it will produce an acceptable % document with the packages that I have tried and included by default. There % are numerous packages you may want to use for your work, but they may have % to be modified accordingly. Things lacking include support % for {\sffamily subfigure} package and proper formatting of the captions in % such an environment. Formatting of the captions could be much easier with the % new {\sffamily caption}\footnote{\textsf{caption} package by Axel % Sommerfeldt v3.0b[2004/05/16] and higher} % in general, and is a thing-to-do for future versions. % % % \section{Usage} % % The \nddiss\space document class can be used only with \LaTeXe\space native mode or % later, by typing |\documentclass|\oarg{options}|{nddiss2e}| at the % beginning of your \LaTeX\space source file. The available options for % the use of the class are discussed in section \ref{subsec:options} below. % These have been limited to a small number in order to obtain documents % with similar formatting under \LaTeXe\space using this class, although the % \nddiss\space class is based on the \textsf{book} class, % which has many other options. % % \subsection{Options} % \label{subsec:options} % % By default, all documents produced using this class % are formatted in |letterpaper| size and |onesided|, % |doublespaced| mode, as per % the requirements of the Graduate School. If you wish to override these % restrictions, appropriate changes to the class file % would be needed. % % The most important of the options is |draft|, |review| or % |final|. Exactly one of % these {\em must} be used, otherwise you would surely get errors. % % \DescribeMacro{draft} % Using |draft| option will enable the {\it draft} mode of the % |book| class, thus making the processing of the document % faster. As a result of this, the most visible change is that instead of the % included figure, only its placement box is displayed. An appropriate header % is included to indicate that the prepared document is a draft document. The % purpose of the |draft| option is to obtain a fast and preliminary % document showing the labels for citations, tables, figures etc. and a black % solid rule highlighting the horizontal overflows. Such a document would be % the one you would prepare for revising your text during writing stages. % % \DescribeMacro{review} % The |review| option makes it possible to prepare a document that is % one step closer to the final version. Almost all the formatting of final % version is present, along with the labels and keys as in the |draft| % option. A document prepared with |review| option would be the one to % check for proper formatting and giving to your advisor if (s)he wished to % suggest corrections. % % \DescribeMacro{final} % The |final| style option will produce the % document for the production of archival % copies of the dissertation for submission to the Graduate School. % % \DescribeMacro{twoadvisors} % If you have more than one advisor for your project/research, selecting the % |twoadvisors| option % would produce an appropriately formatted titlepage. The |\secondadvisor| % macro command is used to specify the name of the second advisor. % % \DescribeMacro{numrefs} % \DescribeMacro{textrefs} % Exactly one of these options -- |numrefs| or |textrefs|, % needs to be specified. |numrefs| results in a % numbered citation sytle with {\sffamily natbib} and ``nddiss2e'' citation style % file\footnote{|nddiss2e.bst| is a slight modificiation of |abbrvnat.bst| % in the {\sffamily natbib} package}. % Using |textrefs| changes the citation style to be similar to % ``author-date'' style with the same files. If none of these options is % specified, the default style of numbered citations (ie.\/ same as if % |numrefs| was used) is used. % % Since the same set of package and % style file results in differing citation format, it is {\em strongly} % suggested to % refer to the documentation |natnotes.dvi| in your |TEXMF| tree, % to be aware of the % various ways in which you can make a citation in your text. % % \DescribeMacro{10pt} % \DescribeMacro{11pt} % \DescribeMacro{12pt} % The choice of the fontsize is only applicable with the |draft| option % used. By default, the document will be prepared in the 10pt size for the % |draft| % style option. For the |review| and the |final| style options, % the document is prepared in the 12pt fontsize and choosing any other fontsize % option will be ignored. % % \DescribeMacro{noinfo} % Using the |noinfo| option would disable the information page produced % when the |review| or |final| style options are used. It is % recommended that you do not disable the ``info'' page unless it is the final % most copy/copies for submission to the Graduate School. % % Thus, |\documentclass[draft,12pt]{nddiss2e}| would produce a document in % \textsf{draft} format in 12pt font size and \\ % |\documentclass[final,twoadvisors]{nddiss2e}| % would produce a document (with modified title page) for final submission % to the Graduate School. % % \section{Features} % \label{sec:features} % A number of packages are required by default and must be present in your % \TeX\space search path. As far as possible, these have been tested for proper % formatting style with the \nddiss\/ class file. The list includes % \textsf{ifthen}, % \textsf{exscale}, % \textsf{xspace}, % \textsf{longtable}, % \textsf{indentfirst}, % \textsf{tabularx}, % \textsf{showkeys}, % \textsf{enumerate}, % \textsf{latexsym}. % \textsf{epsfig}, % \textsf{color}, % \textsf{graphicx}, % \textsf{url}, % \textsf{setspace}\footnote{v6.7[2000/12/01] or above}, % \textsf{amsmath}, % \textsf{amssymb}, % \textsf{float}, % \textsf{lscape}, % \textsf{rotating}, % \textsf{booktabs} and % \textsf{natbib}. % I urge you to read the documentation of these packages available in % the |TEXMF| tree, if you think you might use their features % or want to tweak some advanced options. % % Other packages may or may not be appropriate for use with the % \nddiss\space class when producing copies to be submitted to the % Graduate School. Please be careful when using packages that change the % default fonts, or the layout(s). % % In general, the official guidelines of the Graduate School are % followed to as much extent as possible. This includes proper % formatting of the title page and the abstract page (from the % \textsf{ndthesis} package), numbering of the pages in the {\it % frontmatter}, generation of properly formatted table of contents, list % of figures etc., as well as bibliography at the end. As per the guide, % number of different fonts and font sizes used in the thesis is kept to % a minimum. The contents, all lists and the bibliography are % single-spaced but the inter-line spacing for the rest of the document % is double. % % \subsection{Generating PDF document} % \label{subsec:pdfdoc} % % The \nddiss\space class also allows production of pdf documents with % pdf\LaTeX\space. In this case, the \textsf{hyperref} and % \textsf{hypernat} packages are also required. These packages ensure % that the generated pdf document contains internal as well as external % links for citations and bookmarks. A document produced by this method % also contains embedded fonts ({\it press quality} pdf) and is suitable % for electronic submission to the library and for microfilm archiving. % Although the most appropriate options for the \textsf{hyperref} are % passed on, for advanced features refer to its documentation. % % For creating documents with figures, it is imperative that these are % present in a pdf-like format (eg.\/ pdf or metapost) rather than % the usual encapsulated postscript (eps) % format. An easy way to convert your {\it eps} files to {\it pdf} files % is to use the utility |epstopdf| or |eps2pdf|, which should be % available on your unix-like distribution already. % % \section{Arrangement of contents} % % A dissertation or a thesis document must contain the following parts, % in the order listed. Only those explicitly marked as optional may be % omitted. Again, I must point out that the official guide must be % referred and its guidelines override the order listed here. % % \begin{enumerate} % \item Title Page % \item Copyright page % \item Abstract {\em (optional for Master's thesis)} % \item Dedication {\em(optional)} % \item Table of Contents % \item List of Figures % \item List of Tables % \item List Symbols {\em (optional)} % \item Preface {\em (optional)} % \item Acknowledgments {\em (optional)} % \item Text % \item Appendix (or Appendices) {\em (optional)} % \item Bibliography (or References, or Works cited) % \end{enumerate} % % The macros and environments described below ease the formatting of these % parts. % % \subsection{Title page} % % The title page is generated by the standard % \LaTeX\space macro |\maketitle| with no arguments. % This macro has been modified for providing a title page format % required for dissertations/theses. % % Prior to invoking it in % your document, you should declare -- % \begin{itemize} % \item \DescribeMacro{\title\{\}} the title of the document using the % |\title| macro (note: title must be in ALL caps, eg. % |\title{THIS IS \||\ A TITLE IN TWO LINES}|, and you may use % linebreaks within the title), % \item \DescribeMacro{\author\{\}} your name (full and exactly as % registered with the Graduate School) with the % |\author| macro, (eg. |\author{Gary Graham Gordon-Graeme}|), % \item \DescribeMacro{\work\{\}} whether the document is a {\em Thesis} or a {\em % Dissertation} as % argument of |\work| macro, (eg. |\work{Dissertation}|), % \item \DescribeMacro{\degaward\{\}} the degree you're aiming for (in % full) with the |\degaward| macro, (eg. |\degaward{Doctor of Philosophy}| or % |\degaward{Master of Science\\in\\Engineering}|), % \item \DescribeMacro{\degprior\{\}} all your prior degrees to go with your name % with |\degprior| macro, (eg. |\degprior{B. S., M. S.}|), % \item \DescribeMacro{\advisor\{\}} the name of your advisor as argument to % |\advisor| macro, % \item \DescribeMacro{\secondadvisor\{\}} the name of second advisor, if any, with % |\secondadvisor| macro \footnote{this macro is necessary when, % \textsf{twoadvisors} option is used while invoking \nddiss\space class}, % \item \DescribeMacro{\department\{\}} the name of the department in the % argument of the |\department| macro, % (eg. |\department{Gnulogical Engineering}|) and, % \item \DescribeMacro{\degdate\{\}} the month and year of the defense of the % thesis with the |\degdate| (eg. |\degdate{June 2004}|). If you forget to % declare this, the current month/year combination will be automatically used. % \end{itemize} % % \DescribeMacro{\maketitle} % After defining the above macro arguments, use |\maketitle| to generate % a title page, which includes your entries. All the above macros are % required and if missing, they may result in errors in the generation % of the title page. % % \subsection{Copyright page} % \DescribeMacro{\makecopyright} % \DescribeMacro{\makepublicdomain} % The |\makecopyright| macro should be invoked after |\maketitle| to % produce a copyright page. Alternatively, you can use % |\makepublicdomain| to produce a page with the message ``This document % is in the public domain.'' Note that the absence of the copyright page % does {\em not} place your dissertaion in the public domain, you must % declare it as such explicitely. % % \DescribeMacro{\copyrightholder\{\}} % \DescribeMacro{\copyrightyear\{\}} % Prior to calling |\makecopyright|, you may specify a different name % for the copyright holder (the default is the name given through the % |\author| macro) and for the copyright year (the default being the % current year). You should do this with |\copyrightholder|\marg{name} % and |\copyrightyear|\marg{year} macros. % % \subsection{Abstract page(s)} \DescribeEnv{abstract} % The \textsf{abstract} environment has been modified from the default % in the \textsf{report} class to comply with the requirements % of the Graduate School. The abstract text should be placed between % |\begin{abstract}| and |\end{abstract}|. % In this environment, the author's name is placed in % the top-right header, if it exceeds one page. % % \DescribeMacro{\abstractname\{\}} % You may use |\abstractname|\marg{text} to change the abstract caption % to |text|. % Default name: |Abstract|. % % \subsection{Dedication} % % \DescribeEnv{dedication} % The format of dedication is essentially free, but you may want to use % the \textsf{dedication} environment for this purpose. This environment % will center the text of your dedication vertically on the page. The % dedication is optional. % \DescribeMacro{\dedicationame\{\}} % |\dedicationname|\marg{text} may be used to change the title for the % dedication page. Default name: |\mbox{}| ie.\/ an empty title. % % \subsection{Table of contents, figures and tables} % \DescribeMacro{\tableofcontents} % \DescribeMacro{\listoffigures} % \DescribeMacro{\listoftables} % Use the macros |\tableofcontents|,|\listoffigures| and |\listoftables| % in this order, to produce the required table of contents and list of % figures and tables. (Note: the ``list of figures'' should precede the % ``list of tables'' as per the Graduate School guide) % % \DescribeMacro{\contentsname\{\}} % \DescribeMacro{\listfigurename\{\}} % \DescribeMacro{\listtablename\{\}} % The macros |\contentsname|, |\listfigurename| and |\listtablename| may % be used to change the caption for Table of Contents, List of Figures % and List of Tables, respectively. By default, they are named as |CONTENTS|, % |FIGURES| and |TABLES|. % % \subsection{List of symbols} % \DescribeEnv{symbols} The \textsf{symbols} environment is useful in % formatting the list of symbols/abbreviations used in your work. It % takes optional argument specifying the desired format, eg. % |\begin{symbols}[cl]| for first column centered and the next column % aligned left. \DescribeMacro{\symbolsname\{\}} As earlier, the % caption for the list of symbols can be changed by using the % |\symbolsname| macro. Default name: |SYMBOLS| % % \DescribeMacro{\sym\{\}\{\}} % Another macro |\sym|\marg{symbol}\marg{definition} makes the task of % entering the symbols and their meanings in the \textsf{symbols} % environment easier. |\sym| takes two arguments - first, a math % ``object'' and second, assumed to be the plain text describing the % symbol. Any plain text in the first argument needs to be set with % |\mathrm{..}| and any math symbol in the second needs to placed in % |$..$|. Example: |\sym{\beta_\mathrm{norm}}{Definition for $\beta$}| % % \subsection{Preface} % \DescribeEnv{preface} % \DescribeMacro{\prefacename\{\}} % An environment \textsf{preface} is provided for formatting the preface to the % document. The name of this {\em chapter} may be changed by |\prefacename| % macro. Default name: |PREFACE| % % \subsection{Acknowledgments} % \DescribeEnv{acknowledgments} % \DescribeMacro{\acknowledgename\{\}} % The environment \textsf{acknowledgments} is used to format the % acknowledgment {\em chapter}. As above |\acknowledgename| macro may be used % to change the title name. Default name: |ACKNOWLEDGMENTS|. % % \subsection{Text} \DescribeMacro{\mainmatter} % Use the macro |\mainmatter| at the beginning of the text sections ie. % all text matter should follow this macro as in the {\sffamily book} % class. The text is formatted in |\normalspacing| ie. double-spacing. % The pages are numbered in |plain| pagestyle such that the page numbers % are centered in the bottom. The |chapter| titles can be multi-line or % long and would be formatted doubly spaced. % % \subsection{Appendix} % \DescribeMacro{\appendix} % As in the {\sffamily book} class, use the |\appendix| to mark the % end of the last chapter in the main section and the start of the % appendices. To begin an appendix, using a |\chapter|\marg{title} % macro. Appendices will be automatically ``numbered'' alphabetically. % % \subsection{Backmatter} % \DescribeMacro{\backmatter} % This macro separates the bibliography, index % and glossary from the main matter and appendices, if any. % % \subsection{Bibliography} \DescribeMacro{\bibliography} % You may use the |\bibliography|\marg{bibfile} macro to generate the % bibliography with \BibTeX\/. In order to use the % \BibTeX\/ path for generating bibliography, one needs to have % all the bibliographic data in \BibTeX\/ files. You should % refer to \BibTeX\/ manual for details about making a |.bib| file % and format for the entries. % % \DescribeMacro{\bibname\{\}} The default name for this {\em chapter} is % |BIBLIOGRAPHY|. You may change it by using the macro command % |\bibname|\marg{newbibname}. % % \DescribeEnv{thebibliography} % Alternatively, you can also make your own bibliography by using % {\sffamily thebibliography} environment. In this case, you would have % to write the reference entries in the right format in your |.tex| source % file itself. % % For citing references in the text, the package {\sffamily natbib} is % included with options: \texttt{numbers,sort\&compress} (|numrefs| option) or % \texttt{authoryear,sort} (|textrefs| option). The package \textsf{natbib} is a % fantastic package that has numerous macros for {\em citing} in different ways. % It would make your life a lot easier if you read up its documentation. In % addition, for generation of pdf document, another package {\sffamily % hypernat} helps generates internal links for references. % % {\bfseries Warning:} The packages {\sffamily cite} and \textsf{citation} are % NOT compatible % with the {\sffamily natbib} package, and they must not be used. % % \section{Note for the authors} % \label{sec:author} % As noted earlier, the dissertation author must make sure that the % following conditions are met in order to generate a dissertation % acceptable by the Graduate School: % % \begin{itemize} % \item List of Figures should be {\em before} List of Tables, ie. the % macro command |\listoffigures| comes before |\listoftables| in the % frontmatter. % \item Chapter titles need to be written in ALL CAPS. % \item Table caption must be {\em above} the table, but the figure % caption should be {\em below} it. % In case of {\sffamily table} environment, this can be achieved by % putting |\caption| before you include the table (eg. in a {\sffamily % tabular} environment). In the {\sffamily figure} environment, |\caption| % goes after the |\includegraphics| macro command. % \item Table captions need to be in ALL CAPS as well. % \item Bibliography is the last section/chapter of the thesis.\footnote{Except % if you are using {\em chapter-wise} bibliography} % \end{itemize} % % \subsection{Chapter-wise bibliography} % It is now possible to obtain bibliography as a section in each chapter % (as is common % in some departments esp.\/ humanities) with some minor code % implementation in the |.tex| files. To do this you have to load the % package {\sffamily chapterbib} (without any options) % in the preamble of your main tex file and % redefine some commands as below - % \begin{verbatim} % %% Main source file %% % \documentclass[...]{nddiss2e} % \usepackage{chapterbib} % \renewcommand{\bibname}{Cited works} % \renewcommand{\bibsection}{\section{\bibname}} % ... % \begin{document} % \include{chptr1} % ... % \include{appndx} % \end{document} % \end{verbatim} % % In such a case, you must separate the chapters or sections in % which you want individual bibliographies in different files and {\em include} % them in the main file as above. Each such |\include|d file must contain % its own |\bibliographystyle{nddiss2e}| and |\bibliography{...}| command at % an appropriate position. There should not be any bibliographic commands in % the main source file. % % After compiling the main tex file once (with |latex| or % |pdflatex|)\footnote{This creates |.aux| files which are needed by |bibtex|}, % you % would have to run |bibtex| on each of the separate files to obtain a |.bbl| % for each file. The remaining steps are the same as for a normal |.tex| file. % % You can find more details of this in % the {\sffamily natbib} manual (|natbib.dvi|) in the |TEXMF| tree. % \subsection{Tips and suggestions} % \label{subsec:tips} % \begin{itemize} % \item Use |\toprule|, |\midrule| and |\bottomrule| macro commands (from the % {\sffamily booktabs} package) in the % tables for generating the appropriate horizontal rules. Use of vertical rules % to separate columns in tables, is in general, bad style and should be avoided as much as possible. % \item Use the {\sffamily longtable} environment for handling very long % tabular materials. Again, use the vertical rules only if very necessary. % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{longtable}{lc} % \caption[]{LONG TABLE CAPTION \label{tab:longtable} } % \toprule % Heading 1 & Heading 2 \\ % \midrule % \endfirsthead % \caption[]{ {\em Continued} } \\ % \midrule % Heading 1 & Heading 2 \\ % \midrule % \endhead % \endfoot % \bottomrule % \endlastfoot % % Now the tabular material % % Long & Table etc. \\ % \end{longtable} % \end{verbatim} % \item If a figure/table is very wide and will not fit normally, % use the {\sffamily landscape} environment (from the included {\sffamily lscape} % package) to format them in {\em landscape} % mode. They will automatically appear on a separate page. % The {\sffamily sidewaystable} environment (from the included {\sffamily % rotating} package) is incompatible with the current % class and must be avoided. % \item Usually the width of the figure/table captions is 90\% of the textwidth % (ie. |0.9\textwidth|), % but if needed can be changed as per the following: % \begin{itemize} % \item Use a {\sffamily minipage} environment of appropriate width and enclose % your tabular or figure float inside it, or % \item set the |\capwidth| inside the {\sffamily table} or the % {\sffamily figure} environment, and |\LTcapwidth| {\em outside} the {\sffamily % longtable} environment, e.g.,\\[\baselineskip] % \begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth} % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{table}[H] % \setlength{\capwidth}{0.8\textwidth} % \centering % \caption{TABLE CAP\label{tab:this}} % \begin{tabular}{lc} % ... % \end{tabular} % \end{table} % \end{verbatim} % \end{minipage} % \begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth} % \begin{verbatim} % \setlength{\LTcapwidth}{6in} % \begin{longtable}{lccc} % ... % \end{\longtable} % \end{verbatim} % \end{minipage} % \end{itemize} % \item Use {\sffamily tabularx} environment for the actual % formatting of the tables (within the \textsf{table} environment). It differ % slightly from \textsf{tabular} environment and you should refer to their % documentation in the |TEXMF| tree for more information. % \item If you've used a {\sffamily longtable} environment in your document, % it might be % necessary to compile the document multiple times so as to get proper % alignment of columns. This is documented in the {\sffamily longtable} manual. % \item If you wish to use |\footnotes| in the \textsf{longtable} environment, % please read its documentation. There are some handicaps present. % \item A new macro command |\subsubsection| (self-explanatory) has been defined. % It is numbered as || in the TOC. % \item To cite a website in your bibliography\footnote{More info at % \url{http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=citeURL}}, use the % following format in your |.bib| file: % \begin{verbatim} % @Misc{fairley2000, % author = "N. Fairley", % title = "Casa{XPS} {VAMAS} processing software", % howpublished = "Website", % note = "\url{http://www.casaxps.com}", % } % \end{verbatim} This when processed with the |nddiss2e.bst| citation style file % gives:\newline % 111. N. Fairley. CasaXPS VAMAS processing software. Website. % \url{http://www.casaxps.com}.\newline % \end{itemize} % % \subsection{You found errors?} % If you find some errors in formatting of your document, most likely these are % NOT due to the \nddiss\/ class, but due to either wrongly used % commands/macros or conflicting commands/macros in a package that you might % have used ie.\/ a mistake from your side. Please verify that before % contacting anyone regarding the class file. % % Read the manuals for the packages that you might have used and find out if % they have macro commands that modify the page-layout, spacing etc.\/ or if % they conflict with already defined commands (eg.\/ packages % \textsf{natbib} and % \textsf{cite} redefine the same command |\cite| in different ways). I would % suggest that you {\em read the manuals anyway}! It is a good practice. % % In the possible scenario that you % have found a significant error, please try to find out the source of the % error and, even better, a possible alternative, please % report it to the Graduate School's reviewer(s). It would also be great, if % you try to find a solution for the problem and inform that as well. % Please also inform if you find this documentation confusing or misleading or % if any mistakes are present. % % Your doing so will ensure that the reviwer(s) are aware of the problem and % its possible solutions and they can give better answers to the people who % might encounter similar problems. It will also help making the future % versions of the class file better. % % \section{Example} % Below is a basic |.tex| sample for your help. % A file called |template.tex|\footnote{Most likely present in the same % directory as |nddiss2e.cls| ie.\/ in |TEXMF/tex/latex/nddiss2e/|} % is generated from |nddiss2e.ins| which might serve as a guide for % your document. The |example| directory contains a mock thesis modified % from {\sffamily ndthesis} classfile and should also be helpful. % % \begin{verbatim} % \documentclass[numrefs,final]{nddiss2e} % % \begin{document} % % \frontmatter % % \title{} % \author{} % \work{Dissertation} % \degprior{B.S., M.S.} % \degaward{Doctor of Philosophy} % \advisor{} % \department{} % \maketitle % \makepublicdomain % % \begin{abstract} % Abstract here % \end{abstract} % \renewcommand{\dedicationname}{\mbox{}}% Empty dedication title % \begin{dedication} % For Someone % \end{dedication} % % \tableofcontents % \listoffigures % \listoftables % % \begin{preface} % Preface here % \end{preface} % \begin{acknowledge} % Thanks to everyone % \end{acknowledge} % \begin{symbols} % \sym{a}{definition of a} % \end{symbol} % % \mainmatter % % \chapter{One} % Chapter 1 % All the text ... % % \appendix % \chapter{Additional data} % Appendix A % % \backmatter % \bibliographystyle{nddiss2e} % \bibliography{bibdatabase} % % \end{document} % \end{verbatim} % % % % \StopEventually{% % \footnotesize % \PrintChanges % } % % \clearpage % \section{The Implementation} % Following is my attempt at documenting the source of the % \nddiss\space class file for the \TeX\space hackers. % % \small\mbox{}\\ % \iffalse (Don't show this in the doc). %<*class> % \fi % At start, we define the base version of \LaTeXe\space needed and the label % information for the \nddiss\space class. % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] \ProvidesClass{nddiss2e} % \end{macrocode} % \iffalse % % \fi % \iffalse (Don't show this in the doc). % \begin{macrocode} %