\ProvidesFile{texlinks.tex}[2013/01/21 documenting texlinks.sty] \title{{\Huge\textsf{texlinks.sty}}\\---\\\TeX-Related Links for \textsf{hyperref}, \textsf{blog.sty}\\ (and maybe more)\thanks{This document describes version \textcolor{blue}{\UseVersionOf{\jobname.sty}} of \textsf{\jobname.sty} as of \UseDateOf{\jobname.sty}.}} % \listfiles { \RequirePackage{makedoc} \ProcessLineMessage{} % %% 2011/01/24: % \renewcommand*{\mdSectionLevelOne}{\string\subsection} % \renewcommand*{\mdSectionLevelTwo}{\string\subsubsection} % \renewcommand*{\mdSectionLevelThree}{\string\paragraph} \MakeJobDoc{17}% %% 2011/01/24 {\SectionLevelThreeParseInput} } \documentclass[fleqn]{article} %% TODO paper dimensions!? \input{makedoc.cfg} %% shared formatting settings \newcommand*{\xmltagcode}[1]{\texttt{<#1>}} \providecommand*{\CTAN}{\acro{CTAN}} \providecommand*{\HTML}{\acro{HTML}} \providecommand*{\URL} {\acro{URL}} \providecommand*{\TUG} {\acro{TUG}} \providecommand*{\ctanpkgdref}[1]{% \ctanpkgref{#1}\,\urlfoot{CtanPkgRef}{#1}} \providecommand*{\secref}[1]{Section~\ref{sec:#1}} %% 2012/12/15 \providecommand*{\codedots}{\code{...}} %% 2012/12/18 %% TODO following to new `makedox.sty' 2012/12/30 %% {example} 2012/12/19, more 2013/01/20: \setlength\labelsep{.6667em} \newenvironment*{singthm}[1] {\trivlist \item[\skiplabelsep\bf #1]} {\endtrivlist} \newenvironment*{example}{\singthm{Example:}}{\endtrivlist} \newcommand*{\skiplabelsep}{\hskip\labelsep} \newcommand*{\simpleexample}[1]{% {\example\simplecodefbox{#1}\skiplabelsep for\skiplabelsep \simplecodeoutfbox{#1}% \endexample}} \newcommand*{\simplecodefbox}[1]{% %% 2012/12/30 \fbox{\def~{\string~}%% TODO etc. \strut\CmdSyntaxVerb#1}} \newcommand*{\simplecodeoutfbox}[1]{% \fbox{\MakeActiveLet\&\empty \strut #1}} %% <- TODO 2012/12/30 \href mod.s & \newenvironment*{simpleexamples}{% \fboxrule=0pt \def\simpleexample##1{\hskip-\fboxsep \simplecodefbox{##1}\endcell \simplecodeoutfbox{##1}\cr\hline}% %% <- TODO by Plain TeX -> \center\strong{Examples}\\[\topsep]% \def\arraystretch{1.5} \tabular{|l|l|}% \hline \fbox{\strong{Code}}\endcell \fbox{\strong{Outcome}}\cr\hline\hline}{% \endtabular \endcenter} \newcommand*{\simpleyields}[1]{% %% 2012/12/30 \simplecodefbox{#1} yields \simplecodeoutfbox{#1}} \RequirePackage{filesdo} \MDfinaldatechecks %% 2012/12/20 \sloppy \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{MDabstract} 'texlinks.sty' provides a couple of shorthands for making hyperlinks with \ctanpkgref{hyperref}'s\urlpkgfoot{hyperref} `\href' command, linking to \URL s %% \ 2012/12/15 that one often refers to in discussing \TeX-related material. \URL s for \TUG\ material %% Especially -> \URL s to 2012/12/16 (including texhax postings and \TUG boat articles) and %% \ 2012/12/15 \CTAN\ pages (package descriptions, directories, Catalogue), % are supported, also %% rm. 2012/12/16 the \acro{UK~FAQ}, %% \acro 2012/12/15 the \LaTeX\ and the \TeX\ %% 2012/12/16 Wikibook, %% 2011/08/27 and Wikipedia (where much \TeX-related software is described in a visually appealing manner) are generated from minimal identifiers by pure expansion. %% 2012/12/16 % However, up to now %% rm. 2012/12/16 I have used them for documenting my packages %% 2012/12/16 (\acro{PDF}) as well as for %% 2012/12/16 \HTML\ overviews generated with 'blog.sty'. %% rm. \emph 2012/12/16 They may furthermore %% was "as well" 2012/12/17 be useful with better known (and better developed) \TeX\,$\to$\,\HTML\ software such as %% \HTML 2012/12/15 \ctanpkgdref{tex4ht} or %% d 2012/12/16 \CtanPkgRef{latex2html}{LaTeX2HTML}% \,\urlpkgfoot{latex2html} %% \, 2012/12/16 (I don't know, doubt latter). %% doubt 2012/12/16 \MDaddtoabstract{Related packages} %% 2012/12/28 \ctanpkgref{uri}, \ctanpkgref{url} \end{MDabstract} \tableofcontents \newpage \section{Related Packages} %% 2012/12/30 \begin{itemize} \item \ctanpkgauref{muench-hm}{Martin M\"unch}'s %% u after \" 2012/12/31 \ctanpkgref{uri} provides links for scientific online publications. %% TODO landscape? \item \ctanpkgauref{arseneau}{Donald Arseneau}'s \ctanpkgref{url} is about \emph{typesetting} \URL s, especially allowing linebreaks. It becomes relevant for 'texlinks' in \secref{fonts}. \end{itemize} \section{Usage} The file 'texlinks.sty' is provided ready, installation only requires putting it somewhere where \TeX\ finds it (which may need updating the filename data base).\urlfoot{ukfaqref}{inst-wlcf} % \footnote{\url{http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=inst-wlcf}} Below the `\documentclass' line(s) and above `\begin{document}', you load 'texlinks.sty' (as usually) by \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{texlinks} \end{verbatim} Package options and user commands are described near their definitions below in the implementation section. \section{Preliminaries} %% <- 2013/01/21 for \newlet -> \subsection{Package File Header (Legalese)} %% ize -> ese 2012/11/09 \input{texlinks.doc} %% rm. 2012/12/30 for \MDfinaldatechecks: % \ModDates % \CheckDateOfPDFmod{texlinks.sty} % \CheckDateOfPDFmod{texlinks.tex} \end{document} VERSION HISTORY 2011/01/24 for v0.1, very first 2011/01/27 for v0.2, use \urlfoot{ukfaq} 2011/07/23 using \acro 2011/08/27 mentioning LaTeX Wikibook in abstract 2011/09/03 \Huge first line 2011/10/10 [fleqn] 2011/10/20 \HTML, \URL 2012/11/09 Legalize -> Legalese 2012/11/28 \ctanpkgdref 2012/12/01 date checks 2012/12/15 \secref, more \acro and \HTML, \TUG 2012/12/16 mod. abstract 2012/12/17 color.sty obsolete, \pdfstringDisable..., mod. abstract 2012/12/18 \secref \provide'd only, \codedots, rm. \pdfstring... 2012/12/19 {example} etc. 2012/12/20 filedate checks again 2012/12/28 folding example defs, {MDabstract} 2012/12/29 {simpleexamples} 2012/12/30 \simplecodefbox etc., \simpleyields 2012/12/31 corr. M\"unch; see sec:fonts 2013/01/20 {singthm} 2013/01/21 \section{Preliminaries}