\ProvidesFile{blog.tex}[2011/01/27 documenting blog.sty] \title{\textsf{blog.sty}\\---\\% Generating HTML Quickly with \TeX\thanks{This document describes version \textcolor{blue}{\UseVersionOf{\jobname.sty}} of \textsf{\jobname.sty} as of \UseDateOf{\jobname.sty}.}} % \listfiles { \RequirePackage{makedoc} \ProcessLineMessage{} \renewcommand\mdSectionLevelOne{\string\subsection} \renewcommand\mdSectionLevelTwo{\string\subsubsection} \MakeJobDoc{17}{\SectionLevelTwoParseInput} } \documentclass{article}%% TODO paper dimensions!? \input{makedoc.cfg} %% shared formatting settings \ReadPackageInfos{blog} \usepackage{color} %% \tagcode seems to be a quite recent pdfTeX primitive, %% cf. microtype.pdf ... %% 2010/11/06 \newcommand*{\xmltagcode}[1]{\texttt{<#1>}} \sloppy \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract}\noindent 'blog.sty' provides \TeX\ macros for generating web pages, based on processing text files using the 'fifinddo' package. Some \LaTeX\ commands %%% command names are redefined to access their HTML equivalents, other new macro names ``quote" the names of HTML elements. The package has evolved in several little steps each aiming at getting pretty-looking ``hypertext" \textbf{notes} with little effort, where ``little effort" also has meant avoiding studying documentation of similar packages already existing. [TODO: list them!] % Version v0.3 is the remainder of v0.2 after moving some stuff % to 'fifinddo.sty' (especially `\CopyFile'); % moreover, the new `\BlogCopyFile' replaces empty source lines % by HTML's \xmltagcode{p} (starting a new paragraph).---Real % \emph{typesetting} from the same `.tex' source % (pretty printable output) has not been tried yet. %% <- 2011/01/24 -> The package %%% rather \emph{``misuses"} \TeX's macro language for generating HTML code and entirely \emph{ignores} \TeX's typesetting capabilities.%%%---What about % such a ``small" \TeX\ with macros only and % \emph{no} typesetting capabilities ...!? \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \section{Installing and Usage} The file 'blog.sty' is provided ready, \strong{installation} only requires putting it somewhere where \TeX\ finds it (which may need updating the filename data base).\urlfoot{ukfaqref}{inst-wlcf} \strong{User commands} are described near their implementation below. However, we must present an \strong{outline} of the procedure for generating HTML files: At least one \strong{driver} file and one \strong{source} file are needed. The \strong{driver} file's name is stored in `\jobname'. It loads 'blog.sty' by \begin{verbatim} \RequirePackage{blog} \end{verbatim} and uses file handling commands from 'blog.sty' and \CtanPkgRef{nicetext}{fifinddo} (cf. `mdoccheat.pdf' from the \ctanpkgref{nicetext} bundle). It chooses \strong{source} files and the name(s) for the resulting HTML file(s). It may also need to load local settings, such as for the language %% modified 2011/01/25: (`lang-de.fdf', `lang-en.fdf'), and settings for converting the editor's text encoding into the encoding that the head of the resulting HTML file advertises (`atari.fdf'). The driver file can run a terminal dialogue in order to choose source and target files and settings. So far, I rather have programmed a dialogue just for converting UTF-8 into an encoding that my Atari editor xEDIT can deal with [TODO: present in 'nicetext']. %% 2011/01/24 The \strong{source} file(s) should contain user commands defined below to generate the necessary \xmltagcode{head} section and the \xmltagcode{body} tags. \section{Example} My ``\TeX-generated pages"{\footnote{\urlhttpref{www.webdesign-bu.de/uwe\underscorechar lueck/texmap.htm}}} use a \strong{driver} file `makehtml.tex'. To choose a page to generate, I ``uncomment" just one of several lines that set the ``current conversion job" from a list. I choose the example of a simple ``site map:" `texmap.htm' is generated from \strong{source} file `texmap.tex'. \begingroup \MakeOther\|\MakeOther\`\MakeOther\'\MakeOther\< \MakeActive\ \def{\"u} \hfuzz=\textwidth \advance \hfuzz by 28pt \subsection{Driver File \texttt{makehtml.tex}} \listinginput[5]{1}{makehtml.tex} \subsection{Source File \texttt{texmap.tex}} \listinginput[5]{1}{texmap.tex} \endgroup \section{The Package File} \subsection{Package File Header (Legalize)} \errorcontextlines=5 \ResetCodeLineNumbers \input{blog.doc} \end{document} HISTORY 2010/11/05 for v0.2 2010/11/11 for v0.3 2011/01/23 using readprov and color 2011/01/27 using \urlfoot