% \iffalse meta-comment % % This file is mathfont.dtx. It is used to typeset documentation and % files for the LaTeX2e package "mathfont," to be used in conjunction % with the XeTeX or LuaTeX engine. Users should run this file through % LaTeX to generate the files and documentation. % % Copyright 2018 by Conrad Kosowsky % % This work may be distributed and modified under the terms % of the LaTeX Public Project License, version 1.3c or any later version. % The most recent version of this license is available online at % % https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. % % This work has the LPPL status "maintained," and the current maintainer % is the package author, Conrad Kosowsky. He can be reached at % kosowsky.latex@gmail.com. The work consists of the file mathfont.dtx, % the derived files mathfont.sty and mathfont_greek.tex, and % all other files created through the configuration process such as % mathfont.pdf, mathfont.idx, and mathfont.ind. % % To install mathfont, run mathfont.dtx through LaTeX and move % the generated file mathfont.sty into a directory searchable by TeX. % % \fi % % \iffalse % % The installation and driver files are incorporated into mathfont.dtx, % so we do not need to generate them saparately. The and % tags are for reference. % %<*batchfile> \begingroup \input docstrip.tex \keepsilent \preamble Copyright 2018 by Conrad Kosowsky This file may be distributed and modified under the terms of the LaTeX Public Project License, version 1.3c or any later version. The most recent version of this license is available online at https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. This work has the LPPL status "maintained," and the current maintainer is the package author, Conrad Kosowsky. He can be reached at kosowsky.latex@gmail.com. The work consists of the file mathfont.dtx, the derived files mathfont.sty and mathfont_greek.tex, and all other files created through the configuration process such as mathfont.pdf, mathfont.idx, and mathfont.ind. For more information, see the original mathfont.dtx file. \endpreamble \generate{ \file{mathfont.sty}{\from{mathfont.dtx}{package}} \file{mathfont_greek.tex}{\from{mathfont.dtx}{greek}}} \bgroup \catcode`\ =\active \def {\space} \message{^^J^^J ******************************************^^J * *^^J * To finish the installation, move the *^^J * following file into a directory *^^J * searchable by TeX once mathfont.dtx *^^J * finishes compiling: *^^J * *^^J * mathfont.sty *^^J * *^^J ******************************************^^J^^J} \egroup\endgroup % % %<*driver> \documentclass[12pt]{ltxdoc} \makeatletter \usepackage[margin=72.27pt]{geometry} \usepackage[factor=600,stretch=14,shrink=14,step=1]{microtype} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{graphicx} \hyphenpenalty=10 \exhyphenpenalty=5 \pretolerance=50 \finalhyphendemerits=500 \c@IndexColumns=2 \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \begin{document} \DocInput{mathfont.dtx}\eject \PrintIndex \end{document} % %<*package> % % \fi % % \CheckSum{2257} % % \makeatother\CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % \makeatletter % % \DoNotIndex{\NeedsTeXFormat,\ProvidesPackage,\DeclareOption,\ProcessOptions} % \DoNotIndex{\def,\edef,\global,\let,\csname,\endcsname,\expandafter,\relax} % \DoNotIndex{\newcount,\newif,\z@,\@ne,\ifx,\ifcat,\ifnum,\else,\fi,\noexpand} % \DoNotIndex{\PackageInfo,\PackageWarning,\PackageError} % \DoNotIndex{\space,\MessageBreak,\string,\define@x,\M@count} % \DoNotIndex{\@tempa,\@tempb,\@tempc,\@i,\@j,\@k,\count,\tw@,\@empty} % \DoNotIndex{\do,\DeclareMathSymbol,\the,\mathalpha,\mathord} %^^A \DoNotIndex{\M@lower,\M@upper,\M@greeklower,\M@greekupper,\M@digits} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bb,\M@cal,\M@frak,\M@bcal,\M@bfrak} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bb@A,\M@bb@B,\M@bb@C,\M@bb@D,\M@bb@E,\M@bb@F} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bb@G,\M@bb@H,\M@bb@I,\M@bb@J,\M@bb@K,\M@bb@L} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bb@M,\M@bb@N,\M@bb@O,\M@bb@P,\M@bb@Q,\M@bb@R} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bb@S,\M@bb@T,\M@bb@U,\M@bb@V,\M@bb@W,\M@bb@X} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bb@Y,\M@bb@Z,\M@bb@a,\M@bb@b,\M@bb@c,\M@bb@d} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bb@e,\M@bb@f,\M@bb@g,\M@bb@h,\M@bb@i,\M@bb@j} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bb@k,\M@bb@l,\M@bb@m,\M@bb@n,\M@bb@o,\M@bb@p} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bb@q,\M@bb@r,\M@bb@s,\M@bb@t,\M@bb@u,\M@bb@v} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bb@w,\M@bb@x,\M@bb@y,\M@bb@z} % \DoNotIndex{\M@cal@A,\M@cal@B,\M@cal@C,\M@cal@D,\M@cal@E,\M@cal@F} % \DoNotIndex{\M@cal@G,\M@cal@H,\M@cal@I,\M@cal@J,\M@cal@K,\M@cal@L} % \DoNotIndex{\M@cal@M,\M@cal@N,\M@cal@O,\M@cal@P,\M@cal@Q,\M@cal@R} % \DoNotIndex{\M@cal@S,\M@cal@T,\M@cal@U,\M@cal@V,\M@cal@W,\M@cal@X} % \DoNotIndex{\M@cal@Y,\M@cal@Z,\M@cal@a,\M@cal@b,\M@cal@c,\M@cal@d} % \DoNotIndex{\M@cal@e,\M@cal@f,\M@cal@g,\M@cal@h,\M@cal@i,\M@cal@j} % \DoNotIndex{\M@cal@k,\M@cal@l,\M@cal@m,\M@cal@n,\M@cal@o,\M@cal@p} % \DoNotIndex{\M@cal@q,\M@cal@r,\M@cal@s,\M@cal@t,\M@cal@u,\M@cal@v} % \DoNotIndex{\M@cal@w,\M@cal@x,\M@cal@y,\M@cal@z} % \DoNotIndex{\M@frak@A,\M@frak@B,\M@frak@C,\M@frak@D,\M@frak@E,\M@frak@F} % \DoNotIndex{\M@frak@G,\M@frak@H,\M@frak@I,\M@frak@J,\M@frak@K,\M@frak@L} % \DoNotIndex{\M@frak@M,\M@frak@N,\M@frak@O,\M@frak@P,\M@frak@Q,\M@frak@R} % \DoNotIndex{\M@frak@S,\M@frak@T,\M@frak@U,\M@frak@V,\M@frak@W,\M@frak@X} % \DoNotIndex{\M@frak@Y,\M@frak@Z,\M@frak@a,\M@frak@b,\M@frak@c,\M@frak@d} % \DoNotIndex{\M@frak@e,\M@frak@f,\M@frak@g,\M@frak@h,\M@frak@i,\M@frak@j} % \DoNotIndex{\M@frak@k,\M@frak@l,\M@frak@m,\M@frak@n,\M@frak@o,\M@frak@p} % \DoNotIndex{\M@frak@q,\M@frak@r,\M@frak@s,\M@frak@t,\M@frak@u,\M@frak@v} % \DoNotIndex{\M@frak@w,\M@frak@x,\M@frak@y,\M@frak@z} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bcal@A,\M@bcal@B,\M@bcal@C,\M@bcal@D,\M@bcal@E,\M@bcal@F} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bcal@G,\M@bcal@H,\M@bcal@I,\M@bcal@J,\M@bcal@K,\M@bcal@L} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bcal@M,\M@bcal@N,\M@bcal@O,\M@bcal@P,\M@bcal@Q,\M@bcal@R} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bcal@S,\M@bcal@T,\M@bcal@U,\M@bcal@V,\M@bcal@W,\M@bcal@X} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bcal@Y,\M@bcal@Z,\M@bcal@a,\M@bcal@b,\M@bcal@c,\M@bcal@d} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bcal@e,\M@bcal@f,\M@bcal@g,\M@bcal@h,\M@bcal@i,\M@bcal@j} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bcal@k,\M@bcal@l,\M@bcal@m,\M@bcal@n,\M@bcal@o,\M@bcal@p} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bcal@q,\M@bcal@r,\M@bcal@s,\M@bcal@t,\M@bcal@u,\M@bcal@v} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bcal@w,\M@bcal@x,\M@bcal@y,\M@bcal@z} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bfrak@A,\M@bfrak@B,\M@bfrak@C,\M@bfrak@D,\M@bfrak@E} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bfrak@F,\M@bfrak@G,\M@bfrak@H,\M@bfrak@I,\M@bfrak@J} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bfrak@K,\M@bfrak@L,\M@bfrak@M,\M@bfrak@N,\M@bfrak@O} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bfrak@P,\M@bfrak@Q,\M@bfrak@R,\M@bfrak@S,\M@bfrak@T} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bfrak@U,\M@bfrak@V,\M@bfrak@W,\M@bfrak@X,\M@bfrak@Y} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bfrak@Z,\M@bfrak@a,\M@bfrak@b,\M@bfrak@c,\M@bfrak@d} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bfrak@e,\M@bfrak@f,\M@bfrak@g,\M@bfrak@h,\M@bfrak@i} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bfrak@j,\M@bfrak@k,\M@bfrak@l,\M@bfrak@m,\M@bfrak@n} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bfrak@o,\M@bfrak@p,\M@bfrak@q,\M@bfrak@r,\M@bfrak@s} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bfrak@t,\M@bfrak@u,\M@bfrak@v,\M@bfrak@w,\M@bfrak@x} % \DoNotIndex{\M@bfrak@y,\M@bfrak@z} % % \newenvironment{code} % {\strut\vadjust\bgroup\medskip\parindent=4em\relax\indent\strut\ignorespaces} % {\strut\par\medskip\egroup\hfill\break\strut\ignorespacesafterend} % \def\argtext#1{\ensuremath{\langle$\textit{#1}$\rangle}} % % \def\XeTeX{X\kern-0.1em % \raise-0.5ex\hbox{\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{E}}\kern-0.15em % \TeX} % \def\XeLaTeX{X\kern-0.1em % \raise-0.5ex\hbox{\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{E}}\kern-0.13em % \LaTeX} % \renewcommand\topfraction{0.9} % % {\large % \centerline{\Large Package \textsf{mathfont} v.\ 1.2 Documentation}\par % \centerline{Conrad Kosowsky}\par % \centerline{August 2018}\par % \centerline{\ttfamily kosowsky.latex@gmail.com}\par} % % \bigskip % % \begin{abstract} % The \textsf{mathfont} package provides a flexible interface for changing the font of math mode characters. The package allows the user to specify a default unicode font for each of six basic classes of Latin and Greek characters, and it provides additional support for unicode alphanumeric symbols. Crucially, \textsf{mathfont} is compatible with both Lua\LaTeX\ and \XeLaTeX, and it provides several font-loading commands that allow the user to change fonts locally or for individual symbols within math mode. % \end{abstract} % % Handling fonts in \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ is a notoriously difficult task. The \TeX\ engine originally supported only fonts designed with Donald Knuth's Metafont, and while subsequent versions of \TeX\ extended this functionality to postscript fonts, Plain \TeX's font-loading capabilities remain limited. Many, if not most, \LaTeX\ users are unfamiliar with the |.fd| files that must be used in font declaration, and the minutiae of \TeX's |\font| primitive can be esoteric and confusing. \LaTeXe's New Font Selection System (\textsc{nfss}) implemented a straightforward syntax for loading and managing fonts, but \LaTeX\ macros overlaying a \TeX\ core face the same versatility issues as Plain \TeX\ itself. Fonts in math mode present a double challenge: even if the user successfully loads a font either in Plain \TeX\ or through the \textsc{nfss}, defining math symbols can be unintuitive for users who are unfamiliar with \TeX's |\mathcode| primitive. Again, \LaTeXe\ simplifies much of the coding challenges with its |\DeclareMathSymbol| macro, but the fundamental aspects of the task remain the same. % % More recent engines such as Jonathan Kew's \XeTeX\ and Hans Hagen, et al.'s Lua\TeX\ significantly extend the font-loading capabilities of \TeX. Both support TrueType and OpenType font formats and provide many additional primitives for managing fonts. The \textsf{fontspec} package by Will Robertson and Khaled Hosny acts as a front-end for the font management built into these two engines. It allows users to easily load new fonts and transition between those ones already in memory, and users who are interested in changing text fonts should consult the documentation for that package. Notably, \textsf{fontspec} provides users with the tools to manually adjust OpenType features of the fonts they load, so the package gives equivalent or in some cases superior font management capabilities to a modern WYSIWYG word processor. (Of course, the efficiency depends on the skill of the \LaTeX\ user.) In situations where a font's OpenType features are unclear or difficult to access, \textsf{fontspec}'s typographical advantages can significantly outweigh the accessibility of a word processor. % % \section*{Basic Functionality} % % The \textsf{mathfont} package uses \textsf{fontspec} as a back end to load fonts for use in math mode, and it provides two ways to do this: (1) changing the default font for certain classes of math mode characters; and (2) defining new commands that change the font locally for the so-called ``math alphabet'' characters. (The math alphabet characters are all Latin letters, all Arabic numerals, and any Greek letters that \textsf{mathfont} has set the font for.) The package can change the math font for Latin and Greek letters, Arabic numerals, and unicode alphanumeric symbols to any unicode OpenType or TrueType font. Tables~1 and 2 display the individual classes of characters that \textsf{mathfont}'s default font-change command acts on, and currently, \textsf{mathfont} does not support font changes for any mathematical symbols beyond those in both tables, although it does provide control sequences to typeset several ancient Greek characters that are typically unavailable. % % The package can be loaded with the standard |\usepackage| syntax. The only valid option for \textsf{mathfont} is ``|packages|,'' and this option determines when \textsf{mathfont} resets two \LaTeX\ internal commands used in declaring math characters. During loading, \textsf{mathfont} redefines two \LaTeX\ internal macros so that \LaTeX\ can declare math symbols from unicode fonts. The |\mathfont| command works only with these redefinitions, and the package will issue an error if the user calls the command without them. If the user loads the package without the |packages| option, \textsf{mathfont} will reset these two \LaTeX\ kernel macros just before the user loads another package, and at that point, the user will not be able to call the |\mathfont| control sequence any more. The advantage of this behavior is that it makes \textsf{mathfont} less likely to disturb the functionality of other packages, particularly those that define any math symbols. With |packages|, \textsf{mathfont} does nto reset the kernel automatically, so users can call |\mathfont| any time in the document preamble. The command |\restoremathinternals| manually restores the kernal, and users who load \textsf{mathfont} without |packages| should use this command to avoid clashes with other packages. In any event, it is best practice to include all |\mathfont| commands immediately after loading the package. % % The functionality of \textsf{mathfont} is most closely related to that of the \textsf{mathspec} package by Andrew Gilbert Moschou. These two packages incorporate the use of individual unicode characters into math mode, and their symbol declaration process is similar. Both use \textsf{fontspec} as a back end. Both create font-changing commands for math mode characters. However, the functionality differs in two crucial respects: \textsf{mathfont} is compatible with Lua\LaTeX, and its local math-font-changing mechanisms provide a slightly greater level of flexibility than what users can achieve with \textsf{mathspec}. Further, as far as I am aware, this package is the first to provide robust support for the unicode alphanumeric symbols listed in Table~2, even in the context of fonts without built-in math support. (Please let me know if this is incorrect!) In this way \textsf{mathfont}, like \textsf{mathspec}, is significantly more versatile than the \textsf{unicode-math} package, although its impact is less far-reaching. Unlike the \textsf{mathastext} package, \textsf{mathfont} preserves \TeX's traditional mathematics spacing. % % The package loads \textsf{fontspec} with the ``|no-math|'' option if and only if the user has not already loaded \textsf{fontspec}. Users who want \textsf{fontspec} without |no-math| or with other options in place should manually load it before requiring \textsf{mathfont}. It is strongly recommended that users who manually load \textsf{fontspec} do so with the |no-math| option. Alternatively, users who want to pass options to \textsf{fontspec} without having to load it themselves can use \LaTeX's |\PassOptionsToPackage| command. % % Compatibility with Lua\LaTeX\ comes at the expense of \textsf{mathspec}'s convenient space-adjustment character |"|, so spacing-conscientious users should either manually add |\kern| or |\muskip| to their equations or redefine an active version of |"|. For example, the code % \begin{code} % \begingroup\obeylines|\catcode`\"=\active| % |\def"#1{\ifmmode| % | \kern|\argtext{dimension}| #1\kern|\argtext{other dimension} % | \else| % | \char`\"%| % | \fi}|\endgroup % \end{code} % will serve as a hack that very roughly approximates \textsf{mathspec}'s |"|. This code will redefine |"| to typeset a right double quotation mark in horizontal mode, but in math mode, the character will insert \textit{dimension} and \textit{other dimension} of white space on either side respectively of the following character. More advanced users can automate the dimensions by using \TeX's |\if| conditional to test whether the following character needs a particular spacing adjustment. (For example, Computer Modern's math-mode $f$ is notorious for being significantly wider than its italic counterpart.) Future versions of \textsf{mathfont} may provide an automated space-adjustment command, but it is not a priority. % % \section*{Setting the Default Font} % % The |\mathfont| command sets the default font for certain classes of characters, and it can be called any number of times in the document preamble. Its structure is % \begin{code} % |\mathfont[|\argtext{optional character classes}|]{|\argtext{font name}|}|, % \end{code} % where the \textit{optional character classes} can be any set of keywords from Table~1 or Table~2, and the \textit{font name} can be any OpenType or TrueType font in a directory searchable by \TeX. Specifically, \textsf{fontspec} must be able to recognize and load the font specified in the mandatory argument of |\mathfont|. Advanced users will note that |\mathfont| uses the |\fontspec_set_family:Nnn| command and therefore loads fonts in the same way as all the |\fontspec| and related macros from that package. Currently, \textsf{mathfont} does not support the use of OpenType features in math mode. % % The user should specify any keyword optional arguments for |\mathfont| as entries in a comma-separated list. The order is irrelevant, and for each item in the list, the package will change the math font for that class of characters to the font specified in the mandatory argument. If the user does not specify an optional argument for |\mathfont|, the macro will insert all keywords from Table~1 as the optional argument. By default, \textsf{mathfont} will use either an upright or italic shape corresponding to each character-class keyword, but the user can override this setting by writing an equals sign next to the keyword and a shape suboption---either ``|roman|'' or ``|italic|''---following that. Table~1 contains the default shapes for the keywords listed there, while the default shape for all classes of characters in Table~2 is upright. The package interprets the |roman| suboption as specifying an upright shape---normal shape in the language of the \textsc{nfss}---and the |italic| suboption as specifying an italic shape. Currently \textsf{mathfont} does not support default font shapes beyond these two. For example, the command % \begin{code} % |\mathfont[upper=roman,lower=roman]{Times New Roman}| % \end{code} % would change all math-mode Latin letters to Times New Roman with upright shape. The optional argument for |\mathfont| should not contain any spaces because \textsf{mathfont} will not be able to parse the text correctly, and if the user mistakenly includes a space after a comma or around an equals sign, the package will issue an ``Invalid option" error. Future versions of \textsf{mathfont} may address this limitation, but it is not a priority. Users should be aware that, in order to limit the number of symbol fonts in memory, |\mathfont| will not change the default font for a class of symbols once it has already done so. % % \begin{figure} % \centering % Table~1: Math Alphabet Characters\par\penalty\@M\smallskip % \begin{tabular}{lll} % \toprule % Keyword & Meaning & Default shape\\ % \midrule % |upper| & Capital Latin letters & Italic\\ % |lower| & Minuscule Latin letters & Italic\\ % |greekupper| & Capital Greek letters & Upright\\ % |greeklower| & Minuscule Greek letters & Italic\\ % |digits| & Arabic numerals & Upright\\ % |operator| & Operator font & Upright\\ % \bottomrule % \end{tabular} % \end{figure} % % The Unicode Consortium designates the Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols (U+1D400--U+1D7FF) code block for several classes of letters and letterlike symbols that appear frequently in math writing. The \textsf{mathfont} package provides easy access to these symbols through the |\mathfont| command, and Table~2 lists the corresponding keywords that should be used with |\mathfont| to do so. When the user calls |\mathfont| with a keyword from Table~2 in its optional argument, \textsf{mathfont} both declares the appropriate unicode characters as math symbols and defines the macro % \begin{code} % |\math|\argtext{keyword}|{|\argtext{argument}|}|. % \end{code} % The control sequence takes one argument, and it converts the characters in its argument into the corresponding style. For example, % \begin{code} % |\mathfont[bcal]{STIXGeneral}| % \end{code} % will set STIXGeneral as the font for bold caligraphic characters and define the command |\mathbcal| to access them in math mode. The argument of the macro produced this way must be a single string of Latin letters without braces or control sequences, although in somewhat idiosyncratic fashion, the |\mathbb| command can also accept Arabic numerals in its argument. Spaces and any character of catcode 12 will be ignored. % % \begin{figure}[h] % \centering % Table~2: Alphanumeric Symbols\par\penalty\@M\smallskip % \begin{tabular}{ll} % \toprule % Keyword & Meaning\\ % \midrule % |bb| & Blackboard Bold (Double-struck)\\ % |cal| & Caligraphic\\ % |frak| & Fraktur\\ % |bcal| & Bold Caligraphic\\ % |bfrak| & Bold Fraktur\\ % \bottomrule % \end{tabular} % \end{figure} % % Because these commands can handle capital and minuscule Latin letters, the \textsf{mathfont} package significantly extends the functionality of \TeX's standard |\mathcal| command and the |\mathbb| command from the \textsf{amssymb} package. Users should note that typesetting symbols from a class of characters in Table~2 will require a unicode font that actually contains those characters, such as Symbola or STIXGeneral. That being said, users who need only a few alphanumeric symbols may be able to use a less specialized font that contains for example the characters from the Letterlike Symbols (U+2100--U+214F) code block. This block contains the blackboard bold versions of C, N, Q, R, and Z, and the fonts providing these characters are significantly more common than those that contain the full blackboard bold alphabet. % % \section*{Local Font Changes} % % With \textsf{mathfont}, users can locally change the font in math mode by creating a new control sequence for each new font desired. The commands created this way function analogously to the standard math font macros from the \LaTeX\ kernel such as |\mathrm|, |\mathit|, and |\mathnormal|. The package includes four basic commands to produce these new control sequences. Table~3 lays them out, and they all have the same argument structure. As an example, the macro |\newmathrm| looks like % \begin{code} % |\newmathrm{|\argtext{control sequence}|}{|\argtext{font name}|}|. % \end{code} % It defines the \textit{control sequence} in its first argument to accept a string of characters that it then converts to the \textit{font name} in the second argument with upright shape and medium weight. Writing % \begin{code} % |\newmathrm{\matharial}{Arial}| % \end{code} % would create the macro % \begin{code} % |\matharial{|\argtext{argument}|}|, % \end{code} % which can be used only in math mode and which converts the math alphabet characters in its \textit{argument} into the Arial font with upright shape and medium weight. The other three commands in Table~3 function in the same way except that they select different series or shape values for the font in question, and Table~3 lists this information. If the user specifies the font for Greek letters using |\mathfont|, the macros created with the commands from Table~3 will affect those characters; otherwise, they will not. \LaTeXe\ does not define Greek letters as math alphabet characters, and this switch to being math alphabet characters occurs only during a font change due to |\mathfont|. More specifically, \textsf{mathfont} defines Greek characters as |\mathalpha| type when it declares them as symbols. If the user doesn't change the |greekupper| or |greeklower| characters in a |\mathfont| command, the package won't change any Greek characters, and they will still be typeset as |\mathord| characters in Computer Modern (or potentially Latin Modern). In such a situation, any |\newmathfontcommand| or related macro will not be able to adjust Greek characters' font. % % \begin{figure} % \centering % Table 3: Font-changing Commands\par\penalty\@M\smallskip % \begin{tabular}{ll} % \toprule % Command & Font Characteristics\\ % \midrule % |\newmathrm| & Upright shape; medium weight\\ % |\newmathit| & Italic shape; medium weight\\ % |\newmathbold| & Upright shape; bold weight\\ % |\newmathboldit| & Italic shape; bold weight\\ % \bottomrule % \end{tabular} % \end{figure} % % Together these four commands will provide users with the tools for almost all desired local font changes, but they inevitably will be insufficient for some particular case. Accordingly, \textsf{mathfont} provides the more general |\newmathfontcommand| macro that functions similarly to the commands from Table~3 but allows the user to specify certain font characteristics. Its argument structure is % \begin{code} % |\newmathfontcommand{|\argtext{control sequence}|}{|\argtext{font name}|}{|\argtext{series}|}{|\argtext{shape}|}|, % \end{code} % where the font name again means any OpenType or TrueType font in a directory searchable by \TeX. The series and shape information refers to the \textsc{nfss} codes for these attributes, and the control sequence in the first argument becomes the command that allows the user to access the specified font. Advanced users will note that these five macros are essentially wrapped versions of \LaTeX's |\DeclareMathAlphabet|, so like |\mathfont|, they must be used in the document preamble. % % \section*{Greek Characters} % % Unlike Plain \TeX\ and \LaTeXe, \textsf{mathfont} defines control sequences for all characters in the Greek alphabet. (\TeX's OT encodings do not include the captial Greek characters that resemble Latin letters. Presumably Donald Knuth made this decision to conserve encoding slots.) All such control sequences instruct \LaTeX\ to typeset the corresponding unicode Greek character, and \textsf{mathfont} also provides control sequences for several ancient Greek letters. Table~4 lists all Greek character control sequences provided by \textsf{mathfont}. I do not include typeset versions of these characters in this documentation because I wanted to avoid potential problems with users being unable to compile \texttt{mathfont.dtx} properly. However, see the file \texttt{mathfont\char`\_greek.pdf}, which is included with the \textsf{mathfont} installation and is available on \textsc{ctan}. % % \begin{figure}[t] % \centering % Table 4: Greek Character Control Sequences\par\penalty\@M\smallskip % \begin{tabular}{llll} % \toprule % \multicolumn{2}{c}{Modern Greek Characters} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Ancient Greek Characters}\\ % \cmidrule(r{3pt}){1-2}\cmidrule(l{3pt}){3-4} % \hbox to 7em{Capital\hfil} & \hbox to 7em{Minuscule\hfil} & \hbox to 7em{Capital\hfil} & \hbox to 7em{Minuscule\hfil}\\ % \midrule % |\Alpha| & |\alpha| & |\Heta| & |\heta| \\ % |\Beta| & |\beta| & |\Sampi| & |\sampi| \\ % |\Gamma| & |\gamma| & |\Diagamma| & |\diagama| \\ % |\Delta| & |\delta| & |\Koppa| & |\koppa| \\ % |\Epsilon| & |\epsilon| & |\Stigma| & |\stigma| \\ % |\Zeta| & |\zeta| & |\Sho| & |\sho| \\ % |\Eta| & |\eta| & |\San| & |\san| \\ % |\Theta| & |\theta| & |\varSampi | & |\varsampi| \\ % |\Iota| & |\iota| & |\varDiagamma| & |\vardiagamma| \\ % |\Kappa| & |\kappa| & |\varKoppa| & |\varkoppa| \\ % |\Lambda| & |\lambda| & & \\ % |\Mu| & |\mu| & & \\ % |\Nu| & |\nu| & & \\ % |\Xi| & |\xi| & & \\ % |\Omicron| & |\omicron| & & \\ % |\Pi| & |\pi| & & \\ % |\Rho| & |\rho| & & \\ % |\Sigma| & |\sigma| & & \\ % |\Tau| & |\tau| & & \\ % |\Upsilon| & |\upsilon| & & \\ % |\Phi| & |\phi| & & \\ % |\Chi| & |\chi| & & \\ % |\Psi| & |\psi| & & \\ % |\Omega| & |\omega| & & \\ % |\varTheta| & |\varbeta| & & \\ % & |\varepsilon| & & \\ % & |\vartheta| & & \\ % & |\varrho| & & \\ % & |\varsigma| & & \\ % & |\varphi| & & \\ % \bottomrule % \end{tabular} % \end{figure} % % \section*{Handling Errors} % % Most of \textsf{mathfont}'s error messages are self-explanatory, and the help text will contain instructions for how to resolve the message. Nevertheless, some of the possible error messages warrant additional explanation. % % The most salient error is the ``Missing \XeTeX\ or Lua\TeX'' message. If a user tries to load \textsf{mathfont} without one of these two engines, \TeX\ will crash, either through \textsf{mathfont}'s fatal error message or when \textsf{fontspec} performs its own engine checks. Advanced users should note that \textsf{mathfont} doesn't actually determine the typesetting engine. Rather, it checks whether the \XeTeX\ and Lua\TeX\ primitives |\Umathcode| and |\Umathchardef| are defined, so if for some reason these control sequences have definitions when the user loads \textsf{mathfont}, \textsf{fontspec}'s more robust engine checks will cause \TeX\ to abort. The reasoning here is straightforward: \textsf{mathfont} verifies only that the current typesetting engine provides the commands that it directly needs, so its potential functionality remains as broad as possible. If \textsf{fontspec} becomes compatible with a third engine that also provides (analogues of) |\Umathcode| and |\Umathchardef|, there is no reason to prevent \textsf{mathfont} from working with that engine as well. The obvious corollary to this setup is that users with very old \XeTeX\ or Lua\TeX\ distributions could see this fatal error even when running one of these engines, and the solution is probably to upgrade a more recent version of the engine in question. Unfortunately, I do not know exactly when \XeTeX\ and Lua\TeX\ introduced these primitives. % % The \textsf{fontspec} package includes a ``|no-math|'' option, and \textsf{mathfont} expects \textsf{fontspec} to be loaded with this option. As mentioned previously, \textsf{mathfont} loads \textsf{fontspec} by default, but users can load \textsf{fontspec} before \textsf{mathfont} if they want to manually specify the package options. Alternatively, \LaTeX's |\PassOptionsToPackage| may be an even better way to proceed. If \textsf{mathfont} detects that \textsf{fontspec} was loaded without the |no-math| option, it will issue an error message saying so. This error is not paramount in the sense that the document will compile almost normally if a user ignores it, but \textsf{mathfont} will probably have trouble changing the font of certain math-mode characters in this situation. During development, Arabic numerals posed a particular issue in this regard. % % The ``internal commands restored'' error arises when the user calls |\mathfont| in a situation where \textsf{mathfont} has already restored the small portion of the \LaTeX\ kernel that it adjusts when loaded. Unless the user loads \textsf{mathfont} with the |packages| option, this process happens when the user loads an additional package after \textsf{mathfont}, and \textsf{mathfont} will not carry out a call to |\mathfont| at that point. As mentioned previously, users who want to manually restore the \LaTeX\ kernel can do so with the |\restoremathinternals| command. % % Users who receive an ``Invalid option'' error for |\mathfont| should make sure they removed any extra spaces from their list of keywords in the command's optional argument. It is also worth pointing out if the user tries to reset the default font for some characters with |\mathfont|, the package will issue a warning but will not halt the compilation process. % % % What should you do if you can't resolve an error? First, always, always make sure that you spelled all of your commands correctly and closed all braces and brackets. Then check the \textsf{mathfont} documentation---you may be trying to do something outside the scope of the package, or you may be dealing with a special case. In particular, read all the sections of the documentation that relate to the command or commands you are having trouble with! It is possible (likely) that I have organized the information here differently from your ideal package documentation, so you may be looking in the wrong portions of the documentation for help. The internet is a great resource, and websites such as the \TeX\ StackExchange, Share\LaTeX, and Wikibooks's \LaTeX\ wiki are often invaluable in dealing with \TeX-related issues. Definitely ask another human as well! At that point, and only at that point, should you email the author about your code. If you believe that you have found a bug, please indicate that clearly in your email subject line! Please also include a minimal working example that demonstrates the problem in any such correspondence. I will make every effort to write back to emails about \textsf{mathfont}, but I cannot guarantee a timely response. % % % % % % \eject\section*{Implementation} % % % % \noindent First and foremost, the package needs to declare itself. % The \texttt{packages} option % changes the |\if@packages| boolean from false to true. % % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{mathfont}[2018/08/01 v. 1.2 Package mathfont] \newif\if@packages \DeclareOption{packages}{\@packagestrue} \DeclareOption*{\PackageError{mathfont} {Option "\CurrentOption" unknown} {I'm ignoring that option because\MessageBreak I don't know what it means.}} \ProcessOptions\relax % \end{macrocode} % Some error and informational messages. % \begin{macrocode} \def\M@FontChangeInfo#1{\PackageInfo{mathfont} {Changing #1 characters to\MessageBreak math font \csname M@font\the\M@count\endcsname\MessageBreak with \csname @#1 shape\endcsname\MessageBreak shape}} \def\M@NewFontCommandInfo#1#2#3#4{\PackageInfo{mathfont} {Creating math alphabet\MessageBreak command \string#1 using #2\MessageBreak with series #3 and shape\MessageBreak #4}} \def\M@CommandInitializeInfo#1{\PackageInfo{mathfont} {Initializing #1 font-change\MessageBreak command}} \def\M@SetInternalsInfo{\PackageInfo{mathfont} {Adjusting \string\set@mathchar\space and\MessageBreak \string\set@mathcode}} \def\M@RestoreInternalsInfo{\PackageInfo{mathfont} {Restoring \string\set@mathchar\space and\MessageBreak \string\set@mathcode}} \def\M@CharsSetWarning#1{\PackageWarning{mathfont} {Font for #1 chars has already\MessageBreak been set}} \def\M@NoMathError{\PackageError{mathfont} {Package fontspec was loaded\MessageBreak without the "no-math" option} {This isn't really an error--\MessageBreak it's fine to load fontspec\MessageBreak without "no-math." However,\MessageBreak strange things could happen,\MessageBreak so beware of any sudden and\MessageBreak unexpected font changes. To\MessageBreak resolve this error message,\MessageBreak load fontspec with the "no-\MessageBreak math" option. If you haven't\MessageBreak loaded fontspec manually, try\MessageBreak loading mathfont earlier in\MessageBreak your preamble.}} \def\M@InvalidOptionError#1{\PackageError{mathfont} {Invalid option "#1"\MessageBreak for \string\mathfont} {Hm. Check that you spelled the\MessageBreak option correctly and didn't include\MessageBreak any extra spaces. Otherwise, I'm\MessageBreak not sure what's wrong. Is this\MessageBreak option listed in the package\MessageBreak documentation?}} \def\M@InternalsRestoredError{\PackageError{mathfont} {Internal commands restored} {This package slightly changes two LaTeX\MessageBreak internal commands, and you really shouldn't\MessageBreak be loading new math fonts without those\MessageBreak adjustments. What happened here is that you\MessageBreak used \string\mathfont\space in a situation where those\MessageBreak two commands retain their original defini-\MessageBreak tions. Presumably you used \string\mathfont\space after\MessageBreak loading another package or calling the\MessageBreak \string\restoremathinternals\space command, and in any\MessageBreak event, I'm going to ignore this call to\MessageBreak \string\mathfont. Try retypesetting this document\MessageBreak with all \string\mathfont\space commands immediately\MessageBreak after \string\usepackage{mathfont}.}} \def\M@MissingControlSequenceError#1{\PackageError{mathfont} {Improper argument\MessageBreak for \string#1} {Please use a control sequence as the\MessageBreak first argument of \string#1.}} \def\M@HModeError#1{\PackageError{mathfont} {Missing \string$ inserted.\MessageBreak Command \string#1 must be used in\MessageBreak math mode} {I generated an error because\MessageBreak you used \string#1 outside of\MessageBreak math mode. I've inserted a \string$\MessageBreak just before your \string#1, so\MessageBreak we should be all good now.}} \def\M@XeTeXLuaTeXError{\PackageError{mathfont} {!!FATAL ERROR!! : Missing\MessageBreak XeTeX or LuaTeX} {This package requires either\MessageBreak XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX. Please\MessageBreak retypeset this document with\MessageBreak one of those two engines. This\MessageBreak error is fatal, so I'm going\MessageBreak to stop processing once you\MessageBreak push enter.}\@@end} % \end{macrocode} % Check if the current engine has defined the necessary primitives. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\Umathcode\@undefined \else \ifx\Umathchardef\@undefined \else \let\M@XeTeXLuaTeXError\relax \fi \fi \M@XeTeXLuaTeXError % \end{macrocode} % We load the \textsf{fontspec} package in order to use % its main font loading mechanism, and we |\let| the % macro |\@newfont| take on this function. % We also make sure that \textsf{fontspec} was loaded % with the |no-math| option because without it, \textsf{fontspec} may cause trouble % with some of the math characters. If |\g__fontspec_math_bool| % is equal to 1, \textsf{mathfont} will issue an error message. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifpackageloaded{fontspec} {\ifnum\csname g__fontspec_math_bool\endcsname=1 \M@NoMathError \fi}{\RequirePackage[no-math]{fontspec}} \expandafter\let\expandafter\@newfont \csname fontspec_set_family:Nnn\endcsname % \end{macrocode} % We save |\set@mathchar| and |\set@mathsymbol| from the \LaTeX\ kernel % so we can change their % definitions. We need to adapt these macros for use with unicode fonts, and we % replace |\mathcode| and |\mathchardef| respectively % with the \XeTeX\ and Lua\TeX primitives |\Umathcode| and |\Umathchardef|. % The unicode primitives support decimal input using % a |+| sign, and we take advantage of that feature to avoid hexadecimal conversions. % \begin{macrocode} \M@SetInternalsInfo \let\@@set@mathchar\set@mathchar \let\@@set@mathsymbol\set@mathsymbol \def\set@mathchar#1#2#3#4{% \multiply\count\z@ by 16\relax \advance\count\z@\count\tw@ \global\Umathcode`#2=\mathchar@type#3+#1+\count\z@} \def\set@mathsymbol#1#2#3#4{% \multiply\count\z@ by 16\relax \advance\count\z@\count\tw@ \global\Umathchardef#2\mathchar@type#3+#1+\count\z@} % \end{macrocode} % We need to keep track of the number of times we have loaded a font. % The count |\M@count| fulfills this role. % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\M@count \M@count\z@ % \end{macrocode} % We create necessary booleans and the default math font shapes. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@upper \newif\if@lower \newif\if@greekupper \newif\if@greeklower \newif\if@operator \newif\if@digits \newif\if@bb \newif\if@cal \newif\if@frak \newif\if@bcal \newif\if@bfrak \newif\if@suboptionpresent \def\@uppershape{italic} \def\@lowershape{italic} \def\@greekuppershape{roman} \def\@greeklowershape{italic} \def\@digitsshape{roman} \def\@operatorshape{roman} \def\@bbshape{roman} \def\@calshape{roman} \def\@frakshape{roman} \def\@bcalshape{roman} \def\@bfrakshape{roman} % \end{macrocode} % We want to allow the user to specify options using an % \textsf{xkeyval}-type syntax. However, we do not need the full package; a slim % 31 lines of code will suffice. The macro |\check@suboption| determines whether the % user specified a keyword option for |\mathfont| using a |key=value| input and stores both % the option and corresponding suboption, if applicable, % in |\@tempa| and |\@tempb| respectively. % \begin{macrocode} \def\strip@equals#1={#1} \def\check@suboption#1=#2\@nil{% \def\@tempa{#1} \def\@tempb{#2} \check@option@valid\@tempa \ifx\@tempb\@empty \@suboptionpresentfalse \else \edef\@tempb{\expandafter\strip@equals\@tempb} \check@suboption@valid\@tempb \@suboptionpresenttrue \fi} % \end{macrocode} % The commands |\check@option@valid| and % |\check@suboption@valid| confirm that the keyword option and % suboption are legitimate. If not, \textsf{mathfont} issues an error. % \begin{macrocode} \def\check@option@valid#1{% \def\@temperror{\M@InvalidOptionError{#1}} \@for\@j:=upper,lower,greekupper,greeklower,digits,operator\do{% \ifx\@j#1 \let\@temperror\relax \fi} % \end{macrocode} % We have to initialize the blackboard, calligraphic, and fraktur commands separately % because they don't use the same encoding-alphabet system as the regular letters % and digits. The |\define@|\argtext{keyword} macro does this. % \begin{macrocode} \@for\@j:=bb,cal,frak,bcal,bfrak\do{% \ifx\@j#1 \let\@temperror\relax \csname define@\@j\endcsname \fi} \@temperror} \def\check@suboption@valid#1{% \def\@temperror{\M@InvalidOptionError{#1}} \@for\@j:=roman,italic\do{% \ifx\@j#1 \let\@temperror\relax \fi} \@temperror} % \end{macrocode} % % \section*{Implementation of Default Font Changes} % % The user-level command |\mathfont| passes % its mandatory argument to |\@newfont| through the |\@mathfont| command. If the user % includes |\mathfont| with an optional argument, |\@mathfont| will loop through % each item in the optional argument % using |\@for| and set the math font for each of those classes of % characters. If the user does not specify an optional argument, |\mathfont| calls |\@mathfont| with the list of entries from Table~1 in brackets. The |\@mathfont| macro proceeds in several steps. First, it checks if |\set@mathchar| has been reset, and if so, the current call to |\mathfont| will do nothing. If not, the macro loads the user's font with |\@newfont| and checks its keyword optional arguments. The command declares the appropriate symbol fonts if necessary, actually sets the math font by calling |\M@|\argtext{keyword}|@set| % command, and records that the font change occurred by switching the % appropriate boolean to true. Finally, |\@mathfont| increments |\M@count| by one. % % The package stores each new font in a macro of the form % |\M@font|\argtext{number}, where \textit{number} is given by the % current value of |\M@count|. The name of the corresponding symbol fonts is % |M|\argtext{shape}\argtext{number}, where % \textit{shape} is either \texttt{roman} or \texttt{italic} and \textit{number} is again the value of |\M@count|. For each keyword from Tables~1 and 2, the % package originally defines |\@|\argtext{keyword}|shape| as the default shape % for that collection of characters. If the user specifies a suboption for any keyword in the % optional argument of |\mathfont|, the package overrides the default shape by % redefining |\@|\argtext{keyword}|shape| to the value of the suboption. For % example, suppose the loads \textsf{mathfont} and then immediately writes % \begin{code} % |\mathfont[upper=roman]{Helvetica}|. % \end{code} % In this situation, \textsf{mathfont} would define |\M@font0| to be the internal name of Helvetica, and the corresponding symbol font names would be |Mroman0| and |Mitalic0|. Because the user specified a suboption, |\@mathfont| would redefine |\M@uppershape| to the token string ``\texttt{roman},'' and the package will use |\M@uppershape| later to specify the symbol font for capital Latin characters. % \begin{macrocode} \def\gobble@equals#1=#2\@nil{#1} \def\mathfont{\@ifnextchar[{\@mathfont} {\@mathfont[upper,lower,greekupper,greeklower,digits,operator]}} \def\@mathfont[#1]#2{% \ifx\@@set@mathchar\set@mathchar \M@InternalsRestoredError \else \expandafter\@newfont\csname M@font\the\M@count\endcsname{}{#2} \@for\@i:=#1\do{\expandafter\check@suboption\@i=\@nil % \end{macrocode} % If the user calls |\mathfont| and tries % to reset the font for a certain class of characters, \textsf{mathfont} will issue a warning, % and the package will not adjust the font for those characters. Notice the particularly awkward syntax with the |\csname|-|\endcsname| pairs. Without this construct, \TeX\ wouldn't realize that |\csname if@\@tempa\endcsname| matches the eventual |\fi|, and the |\@for| loop would break. (\TeX\ does not have a smart if-parser!) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname if@\@tempa\expandafter\endcsname \csname iftrue\endcsname \M@CharsSetWarning{\@tempa} \else % \end{macrocode} % Handle the case with a suboption. % \begin{macrocode} \if@suboptionpresent \expandafter\edef\csname @\@tempa shape\endcsname{\@tempb} \fi % \end{macrocode} % For both possible shapes, check whether the package has already declared that version of the current font for use in math mode using |\@ifundefined|. If not, do so. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempb{roman} \expandafter\ifx\csname @\@tempa shape\endcsname\@tempb \@ifundefined{symMroman\the\M@count}{% \DeclareSymbolFont{Mroman\the\M@count}{TU} {\csname M@font\the\M@count\endcsname}{m}{n}}{} \fi \def\@tempb{italic} \expandafter\ifx\csname @\@tempa shape\endcsname\@tempb \@ifundefined{symMitalic\the\M@count}{% \DeclareSymbolFont{Mitalic\the\M@count}{TU} {\csname M@font\the\M@count\endcsname}{m}{it}}{} \fi % \end{macrocode} % And now the magic happens. % \begin{macrocode} \M@FontChangeInfo{\@tempa} \csname M@\@tempa @set\endcsname \csname @\@tempa true\endcsname \fi} \advance\M@count\@ne\relax \fi} \@onlypreamble\mathfont % \end{macrocode} % % \section*{Implementation of Local Font Changes} % % The general |\newmathfontcommand| macro creates commands that locally change the math font. This macro creates a new math alphabet, and it stores that alphabet in the user-provided control sequence. First, we check to make sure that the user provided a control sequence for the first argument of |\newmathfontcommand|, and if the user did not, |\check@csarg| issues an error. % \begin{macrocode} \def\check@csarg#1#2#3{% \ifcat\relax\noexpand#2 \def\@tempa{#2} \@newfont\@tempb{}{#3} \expandafter\@newmathfontcommand \else \M@MissingControlSequenceError#1 \fi} % \end{macrocode} % Now declare the math alphabet. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@newmathfontcommand#1#2{\expandafter \DeclareMathAlphabet\expandafter{\@tempa}{TU}{\@tempb}{#1}{#2}} \def\newmathfontcommand{\check@csarg\newmathfontcommand} \@onlypreamble\newmathfontcommand % \end{macrocode} % Then provide the four default versions. % \begin{macrocode} \def\newmathrm#1#2{\check@csarg\newmathrm{#1}{#2}{m}{n}} \def\newmathit#1#2{\check@csarg\newmathit{#1}{#2}{m}{it}} \def\newmathbold#1#2{\check@csarg\newmathbold{#1}{#2}{b}{n}} \def\newmathboldit#1#2{\check@csarg\newmathboldit{#1}{#2}{b}{it}} \@onlypreamble\newmathrm \@onlypreamble\newmathit \@onlypreamble\newmathbold \@onlypreamble\newmathboldit % \end{macrocode} % % \section*{Implementation of Alphanumeric Symbols} % % Each |\define@|\argtext{keyword} macro redefines one of the standard |\math|\argtext{keyword} commands. The new versions first check if they are in math mode using |\check@mmode| and then scan all tokens of their argument using |\@tfor|. For each token, the macro calls |\M@|\argtext{keyword}|@|\argtext{token}, which evaluates to a |\mathord| symbol in the desired style. % \begin{macrocode} \def\check@mmode#1#2{% \let\@tempa#2% \ifmmode \expandafter\@tempa \else \leavevmode\M@HModeError#1% \expandafter$\expandafter\@tempa \fi} \def\process@tokens#1#2{\@tfor\@k:=#1\do{\csname M@#2@\@k\endcsname}} \def\define@bb{% \M@CommandInitializeInfo{blackboard bold} \def\mathbb{\check@mmode\mathbb\@mathbb} \def\@mathbb##1{\process@tokens{##1}{bb}}} \def\define@cal{% \M@CommandInitializeInfo{calligraphic} \def\mathcal{\check@mmode\mathcal\@mathcal} \def\@mathcal##1{\process@tokens{##1}{cal}}} \def\define@frak{% \M@CommandInitializeInfo{fraktur} \def\mathfrak{\check@mmode\mathfrak\@mathfrak} \def\@mathfrak##1{\process@tokens{##1}{frak}}} \def\define@bcal{% \M@CommandInitializeInfo{bold calligraphic} \def\mathbcal{\check@mmode\mathbcal\@mathbcal} \def\@mathbcal##1{\process@tokens{##1}{bcal}}} \def\define@bfrak{% \M@CommandInitializeInfo{bold fraktur} \def\mathbfrak{\check@mmode\mathbfrak\@mathbfrak} \def\@mathbfrak##1{\process@tokens{##1}{bfrak}}} % \end{macrocode} % % \section*{Unicode Hex Values} % % Set capital Latin characters. We use an |\edef| for |\M@upper| because % every expansion now will save \LaTeX\ twenty-six expansions later when it % evaluates each |\DeclareMathSymbol|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\M@upper@set{% \edef\M@upper{M\@uppershape\the\M@count} \DeclareMathSymbol{A}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`A} \DeclareMathSymbol{B}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`B} \DeclareMathSymbol{C}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`C} \DeclareMathSymbol{D}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`D} \DeclareMathSymbol{E}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`E} \DeclareMathSymbol{F}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`F} \DeclareMathSymbol{G}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`G} \DeclareMathSymbol{H}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`H} \DeclareMathSymbol{I}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`I} \DeclareMathSymbol{J}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`J} \DeclareMathSymbol{K}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`K} \DeclareMathSymbol{L}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`L} \DeclareMathSymbol{M}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`M} \DeclareMathSymbol{N}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`N} \DeclareMathSymbol{O}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`O} \DeclareMathSymbol{P}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`P} \DeclareMathSymbol{Q}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`Q} \DeclareMathSymbol{R}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`R} \DeclareMathSymbol{S}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`S} \DeclareMathSymbol{T}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`T} \DeclareMathSymbol{U}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`U} \DeclareMathSymbol{V}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`V} \DeclareMathSymbol{W}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`W} \DeclareMathSymbol{X}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`X} \DeclareMathSymbol{Y}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`Y} \DeclareMathSymbol{Z}{\mathalpha}{\M@upper}{`Z}} % \end{macrocode} % Set minuscule Latin characters. % \begin{macrocode} \def\M@lower@set{% \edef\M@lower{M\@lowershape\the\M@count} \DeclareMathSymbol{a}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`a} \DeclareMathSymbol{b}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`b} \DeclareMathSymbol{c}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`c} \DeclareMathSymbol{d}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`d} \DeclareMathSymbol{e}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`e} \DeclareMathSymbol{f}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`f} \DeclareMathSymbol{g}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`g} \DeclareMathSymbol{h}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`h} \DeclareMathSymbol{i}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`i} \DeclareMathSymbol{j}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`j} \DeclareMathSymbol{k}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`k} \DeclareMathSymbol{l}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`l} \DeclareMathSymbol{m}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`m} \DeclareMathSymbol{n}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`n} \DeclareMathSymbol{o}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`o} \DeclareMathSymbol{p}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`p} \DeclareMathSymbol{q}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`q} \DeclareMathSymbol{r}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`r} \DeclareMathSymbol{s}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`s} \DeclareMathSymbol{t}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`t} \DeclareMathSymbol{u}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`u} \DeclareMathSymbol{v}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`v} \DeclareMathSymbol{w}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`w} \DeclareMathSymbol{x}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`x} \DeclareMathSymbol{y}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`y} \DeclareMathSymbol{z}{\mathalpha}{\M@lower}{`z}} % \end{macrocode} % Set capital Greek characters. % \begin{macrocode} 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