% ====================================================================== % scrbookreportarticle-en.tex % Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 2001-2023 % % This file is part of the LaTeX2e KOMA-Script bundle. % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of % the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later and of this work. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". % % The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm. % % This work consists of all files listed in MANIFEST.md. % ====================================================================== % % Chapter about scrbook, scrreprt, and scrartcl of the KOMA-Script guide % Maintained by Markus Kohm % % ============================================================================ \KOMAProvidesFile{scrbookreportarticle-en.tex} [$Date: 2023-04-06 09:05:58 +0200 (Do, 06. Apr 2023) $ KOMA-Script guide (chapter: scrbook, scrreprt, scrartcl)] \translator{Jens-Uwe Morawski\and Gernot Hassenpflug\and Markus Kohm\and Krickette Murabayashi\and Jana Schubert\and Jens Hühne\and Karl Hagen} \chapter{The Main Classes: \Class{scrbook}, \Class{scrreprt}, and \Class{scrartcl}} \labelbase{maincls}% \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex{Class}{scrbook}% \BeginIndex{Class}{scrreprt}% \BeginIndex{Class}{scrartcl}% \AddSeeIndex{instruction}{gen}{\GuidecmdIndexShort}{cmd}% \AddSeeIndex{macro}{gen}{\GuidecmdIndexShort}{cmd}% The main classes of the {\KOMAScript} bundle are designed as counterparts to the standard {\LaTeX} classes. This means that the {\KOMAScript} bundle contains replacements for the three standard classes, \Class{book}\IndexClass{book}, \Class{report}\IndexClass{report}, and \Class{article}\IndexClass{article}. There is also a replacement for the standard \Class{letter}\IndexClass{letter} class. The document class for letters is described in a separate chapter because it is fundamentally different from the three main classes (see \autoref{cha:scrlttr2}). The simplest way to use a {\KOMAScript} class instead of a standard one is to substitute the class name in the \verb|\documentclass| command in accordance with \autoref{tab:\LabelBase.overview}. For example, you can replace \Macro{documentclass}\PParameter{book} with \Macro{documentclass}\PParameter{scrbook}. Normally, {\LaTeX} should process the document without errors, just as before the substitution. The layout, however, should be different. Additionally, the {\KOMAScript} classes provide new possibilities and options that are described in the following sections. \begin{table} % \centering \KOMAoptions{captions=topbeside}% \setcapindent{0pt}% % \caption \begin{captionbeside} [Class correspondence]{\label{tab:\LabelBase.overview}Correspondence between standard classes and {\KOMAScript} classes} [l] \begin{tabular}[t]{ll} \toprule standard class & \KOMAScript{} class \\%& \Script-Stil (\LaTeX2.09)\\ \midrule \Class{article} & \Class{scrartcl} \\%& \File{script\textunderscore s} \\ \Class{report} & \Class{scrreprt} \\%& \File{script} \\ \Class{book} & \Class{scrbook} \\%& \File{script} \\ \Class{letter} & \Class{scrlttr2} \\%& \File{script\textunderscore l} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{captionbeside} \end{table} % TODO: Fix translation However, it should be noted here that some package authors develop their packages based on the implementation and even internal code of the standard classes, without regard to completely independent developments like the \KOMAScript{} classes. In such cases, the first \LaTeX{} run after the change may well result in error messages or additional warnings. These can usually be corrected in a simple way. Often the extended capabilities of \KOMAScript{} can be used for this purpose, which completely eliminates the problematic package. Sometimes the \hyperref[cha:scrhack]{package \Package{scrhack}}\IndexPackage{scrhack} documented in \autoref{cha:scrhack} starting on \autopageref{cha:scrhack} can also help. Replacing obsolete packages with current successors can also help to eliminate such problems. Sometimes even the \KOMAScript{} classes provide warnings to help solve incompatibilities. % :ODOT Let me say something before describing the classes. When beginning to write a document, you are often unsure which specific options to choose. Some settings, for instance the choice of paper size, may be fixed in advance. But even the question of the appropriate page layout could be difficult to answer initially. On the other hand, these settings should be nearly irrelevant, in the beginning, to the main business of an author: planning the document structure, writing the text, preparing figures, tables, lists, index, and other data. As an author, you should concentrate initially on the content. When that is done, you can take on the fine points of presentation. In addition to the choice of options, this includes correcting hyphenation, optimizing page breaks, and placing tables and figures. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \LoadCommonFile{options}% \section{Early or Late Selection of Options} \LoadCommonFile{compatibility}% \section{Compatibility with Earlier Versions of KOMA-Script} \LoadCommonFile{draftmode}% \section{Draft Mode} \LoadCommonFile{typearea}% \section{Page Layout} \begin{Declaration} \Macro{flushbottom} \Macro{raggedbottom} \end{Declaration} \begin{Explain} In two-sided documents especially, it is preferable to have the same visual baseline not only for the first lines of each text area in a two-page spread but also for the last lines. If a page consists only of text without paragraphs or headings, this is generally the result. But a paragraph spacing of half a line would be enough to prevent you from achieving this goal if the number of paragraphs on each page of the two-page spread differs by an odd number. In this case, at least some of the paragraph distances need to be stretched or shrunk to reach the target again. \TeX{} defines stretchable and shrinkable distances for this purpose, and \LaTeX{} lets you perform this kind of \emph{vertical adjustment}\Index{adjustment} automatically. \end{Explain} Using two-sided printing with the \Option{twoside}\IndexOption{twoside}\important{\Option{twoside}} option (see \autoref{sec:typearea.options}, \DescPageRef{typearea.option.twoside}) or two-column formatting with the \Option{twocolumn}\IndexOption{twocolumn}\important{\Option{twocolumn}} option (see \DescPageRef{typearea.option.twocolumn}) also activates this vertical adjustment. But\ChangedAt{v3.17}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} this does not apply with a compatibility setting for a \KOMAScript{} version prior to 3.17 (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.compatibilityOptions}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.version}, option \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.version}\IndexOption{version}% \important{\OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{version}{3.17}}) if you use \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.KOMAoption} or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.KOMAoptions} to change the setting of these options. You can also explicitly request vertical adjustment at any time starting with the current page by using \Macro{flushbottom}. \Macro{raggedbottom} has the opposite effect, switching off vertical adjustment starting with the current page. This corresponds to the default for one-sided printing. By the way, \KOMAScript{} uses a slightly modified method for adjusting the vertical skip. This has been done to move footnotes to the bottom of the text area instead of having them close to the last text line used. \iffree{}{ You can find more information about this at \autoref{sec:maincls-experts.addInfos}, \DescPageRef{maincls-experts.cmd.footnoterule}.}% % \EndIndexGroup % \EndIndexGroup \LoadCommonFile{fontsize}% \section{Choosing the Document Font Size} \LoadCommonFile{textmarkup}% \section{Text Markup} \LoadCommonFile{titles}% \section{Document Titles} \section{Abstract} \seclabel{abstract} \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex{}{abstract}% Particularly with articles, more rarely with reports, there is an abstract, or summary, directly beneath the title and before the table of contents. When using an in-page title, this abstract is normally a kind of left- and right-indented block. In comparison, the abstract appears as a chapter or section when using title pages. \begin{Declaration} \OptionVName{abstract}{simple switch} \end{Declaration}% In\OnlyAt{\Class{scrreprt}\and\Class{scrartcl}} the standard classes\textnote{\KOMAScript{} vs. standard classes}, the \DescRef{\LabelBase.env.abstract} environment sets the text ``\abstractname'' centred before the abstract text. This used to be the normal practice. Since then, reading newspapers has trained us to recognize a suitably highlighted text at the beginning of an article or report as the abstract. This is even more true when the text comes before the table of contents. It is also confusing if, of all things, this title appears small and centred. {\KOMAScript}\ChangedAt{v3.00}{\Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} offers the option to include or exclude the abstract's title with the \Option{abstract} option. For \PName{simple switch}, you can use any value from \autoref{tab:truefalseswitch}, \autopageref{tab:truefalseswitch}. The default for \KOMAScript{} is \PValue{false}. Books typically use a different kind of summary. There, you usually place an appropriate chapter at the beginning or the end of the work. This chapter is often combined with either the introduction or a description of a larger prospectus. Therefore, the \Class{scrbook} class has no \DescRef{\LabelBase.env.abstract} environment. A\textnote{Hint!} summary chapter is also recommended for reports in a wider sense, such as a Master's thesis or Ph.D. dissertation. See the commands \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter*}\IndexCmd{chapter*}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addchap}\IndexCmd{addchap}, and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addchap*}\IndexCmd{addchap*} documented in \autoref{sec:maincls.structure}, from \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter*}.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \begin{Environment}{abstract}\end{Environment} \end{Declaration}% \OnlyAt{\Class{scrartcl}\and \Class{scrreprt}}% Some {\LaTeX} classes provide a special environment for this summary: the \Environment{abstract} environment. This is output directly, so it is not part of the title created with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.maketitle}. Please\textnote{Attention!} note that \Environment{abstract} is an environment, not a command. Whether the abstract has a heading or not is determined by the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.abstract} option (see above). For books, the abstract is usually part of the introduction or a separate chapter at the end of the document. Therefore \Class{scrbook} does not provide an \Environment{abstract} environment. When using the \Class{scrreprt} class, it is definitely worth considering whether to proceed in the same way. See the commands \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter*}\IndexCmd{chapter*} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addchap}\IndexCmd{addchap}, or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addchap*} in \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.structure} from \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter*} for more on this. When using an in-page title\Index{title>in-page} (see option \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.titlepage}, \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.titlepage}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.titlepage}), the abstract is set internally using the \DescRef{\LabelBase.env.quotation}\IndexEnv{quotation} environment (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.lists}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.env.quotation}). This way paragraphs will be set with the first line indented. If the first paragraph of the abstract should not be indented, you can suppress this indent by using \Macro{noindent}\IndexCmd{noindent}% \important{\Macro{noindent}} \iffree{just after \Macro{begin}\PParameter{abstract}}{at the beginning of the environment}.% % \EndIndexGroup % \EndIndexGroup \section{Table of Contents} \seclabel{toc} \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex{}{table of contents} The title and optional abstract are normally followed by a table of contents. Often you also find additional lists of the floating environments, such as tables and figures, after the table of contents (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.floats}). \iffalse% Note that in addition to the options documented in this section, the commands \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.DeclareSectionCommand}, \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.DeclareNewSectionCommand}, \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.RedeclareSectionCommand}, and \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.ProvideSectionCommand} can also affect the table of contents. See \autoref{sec:maincls-experts.sections}, \DescPageRef{maincls-experts.cmd.DeclareSectionCommand}.% \else% In addition to the options documented in this section, the \hyperref[cha:tocbasic]{\Package{tocbasic}}% \important{\hyperref[cha:tocbasic]{\Package{tocbasic}}}% \IndexPackage{tocbasic} package style selected and configured with \DescRef{tocbasic.cmd.DeclareTOCStyleEntry}\IndexCmd{DeclareTOCStyleEntry}% \important[O]{\DescRef{tocbasic.cmd.DeclareTOCStyleEntry}} (see \DescPageRef{tocbasic.cmd.DeclareTOCStyleEntry}) also has a significant impact on the appearance of the table of contents. Similarly, the commands \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.DeclareSectionCommand}% \important[O]{\DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.DeclareSectionCommand}}% \IndexCmd{DeclareSectionCommand}, \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.ProvideSectionCommand}% \IndexCmd{ProvideSectionCommand}, \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.DeclareNewSectionCommand}% \IndexCmd{DeclareNewSectionCommand} and \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.RedeclareSectionCommand}% \IndexCmd{RedeclareSectionCommand} documented in \autoref{sec:maincls-experts.sections}, \DescPageRef{maincls-experts.cmd.DeclareSectionCommand} can also affect the table of contents.% \fi \begin{Declaration} \OptionVName{toc}{setting} \end{Declaration} It is becoming increasingly common to include lists of tables and figures, the bibliography, and sometimes even the index in the table of contents. This is surely related to the recent trend of putting lists of figures and tables at the end of the document. Both lists are similar to the table of contents in structure and intention. I'm therefore sceptical of this evolution. Since\important{\OptionValue{toc}{listof}} it makes no sense to include only the list of tables or that of figures in the table of contents without the other, there is only one \PName{setting}\ChangedAt{v3.00}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} \PValue{listof}\IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{listof}}, which causes entries for both types of lists to be included. This also includes any lists produced with version~1.2e or later of the \Package{float} package\IndexPackage{float} from Version~1.2e (see \cite{package:float}) or \Package{floatrow} (see \cite{package:floatrow}). None\important{\OptionValue{toc}{listofnumbered}} of these lists are generally given a chapter number. If you want to ignore this principle, use the \PName{setting} \PValue{listofnumbered}\IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{listofnumbered}}. \leavevmode\LabelOptionValue{toc}{index}\nobreak The\important{\OptionValue{toc}{index}} \OptionValue{toc}{index}\IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{index}} option causes an entry for the index to be included in the table of contents. The index is unnumbered since it too only includes references to the contents of the other sectioning levels. Despite\ChangedAt{v3.18}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} \important{\OptionValue{toc}{indexnumbered}} the author's concerns, \KOMAScript{} does support deviating from this principle with \OptionValue{toc}{indexnumbered}\IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{indexnumbered}}. \leavevmode\LabelOptionValue{toc}{bibliography}\nobreak The bibliography is a slightly different kind of listing. It does not list the contents of the present document but refers instead to external sources. For\important{\OptionValue{toc}{bibliographynumbered}} that reason, it could be argued that it qualifies as a chapter (or section) and, as such, should be numbered. The \OptionValue{toc}{bibliographynumbered}% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{bibliographynumbered}} option has this effect, and puts the appropriate entry in the table of contents. However, I think that this reasoning would lead us to consider even a classic, annotated source list to be a separate chapter. Moreover, the bibliography is ultimately not something that you wrote yourself. Therefore\important{\OptionValue{toc}{bibliography}} the bibliography merits, at best, an unnumbered entry in the table of contents, and you can achieve this achieved with \OptionValue{toc}{bibliography}\IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{bibliography}}. \leavevmode\LabelOptionValue{toc}{graduated}\nobreak The table of contents is normally\ChangedAt{v2.8q}{% \Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% \important{\OptionValue{toc}{graduated}} formatted so that different levels of sectioning commands have different indentations. The number for each level is set left-justified in a fixed-width field. This default set-up is selected with the\ChangedAt{v3.00}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} \OptionValue{toc}{graduated}\IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{graduated}} option. \leavevmode\LabelOptionValue{toc}{flat}\nobreak If the sectioning level which appears in the table of contents is too deep, the number for that level can be so wide that the space reserved for the number is insufficient. The German FAQ \cite{DANTE:FAQ} suggests redefining the table of contents in such a case. \KOMAScript{}\important{\OptionValue{toc}{flat}} offers an alternative format that avoids the problem completely. If you use the \OptionValue{toc}{flat}\IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{flat}} option, no graduated indentation is applied to the headings of the sectioning levels. Instead, a table-like organisation is used, where all sectioning numbers and headings are set in a left-justified column. The space necessary for the section numbers is thus determined automatically. You can find an overview of all available values for the \PName{setting} of \Option{toc}. in \autoref{tab:\LabelBase.toc}. \begin{desclist} \desccaption[{Available values for the \Option{toc} option}]{% Available values for the \Option{toc} option to set the format and contents of the table of contents\label{tab:\LabelBase.toc}% }{% Available values for the \Option{toc} option (\emph{continued})% }% \entry{\PValue{bibliography}, \PValue{bib}}{% The bibliography has an unnumbered entry in the table of contents.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{bibliography}}}% \entry{\PValue{bibliographynumbered}, \PValue{bibnumbered}, \PValue{numberedbibliography}, \PValue{numberedbib}}{% The bibliography has a numbered entry in the table of contents.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{bibliographynumbered}}}% \entry{\PValue{chapterentrywithdots}, \PValue{chapterentrydotfill}}{% \ChangedAt[2014/12]{v3.15}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}}% The chapter entries for the \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} classes also use dots to separate the heading text from the page numbers.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{chapterentrywithdots}}}% \entry{\PValue{chapterentrywithoutdots}, \PValue{chapterentryfill}}{% \ChangedAt{v3.15}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}}% The chapter entries of the \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} classes use white space to separate the heading text from the page numbers. This corresponds to the default setting.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{chapterentrywithoutdots}}}% \entry{\PValue{flat}, \PValue{left}}{% The table of contents is set in table form. The numbers of the headings are in the first column, the heading text in the second column, and the page number in the third column. The amount of space needed for the numbers of the headings is determined by the required amount of space detected during the previous \LaTeX{} run.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{flat}}}% \entry{\PValue{graduated}, \PValue{indent}, \PValue{indented}}{% The table of contents is set in hierarchical form. The amount of space for the heading numbers is limited. This corresponds to the default setting.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{graduated}}}% \entry{\PValue{indenttextentries}, \PValue{indentunnumbered}, \PValue{numberline}}{% \ChangedAt{v3.12}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% The \PValue{numberline} property (see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.toc}, \DescPageRef{tocbasic.cmd.setuptoc}) is set for the table of contents. As a result, unnumbered entries are left aligned with the text of numbered entries of the same level.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{numberline}}}% \entry{\PValue{index}, \PValue{idx}}{% The index has an unnumbered entry in the table of contents.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{index}}}% \entry{\PValue{indexnumbered}, \PValue{idxnumbered}, \PValue{numberedindex}, \PValue{numberedidx}}{% \ChangedAt{v3.18}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% The index has a numbered entry in the table of contents.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{index}}}% \entry{\PValue{leftaligntextentries}, \PValue{leftalignunnumbered}, \PValue{nonumberline}}{% \ChangedAt{v3.12}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% The \PValue{numberline} property (see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.toc}, \DescPageRef{tocbasic.cmd.setuptoc}) is deleted for the table of contents. This places unnumbered entries left-aligned with the number of numbered entries of the same level. This corresponds to the default setting.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{numberline}}}% \pventry{listof}{% The lists of floating environments, e.\,g. figures and tables, have unnumbered entries in the table of contents.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{listof}}}% \entry{\PValue{listofnumbered}, \PValue{numberedlistof}}{% The lists of floating environments, e.\,g. figures and tables, have numbered entries in the table of contents.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{listofnumbered}}}% \entry{\PValue{nobibliography}, \PValue{nobib}}{% The bibliography does not have an entry in the table of contents. This corresponds to the default setting.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{nobibliography}}}% \entry{\PValue{noindex}, \PValue{noidx}}{% The index does not have an entry in the table of contents. This corresponds to the default setting.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{noindex}}}% \pventry{nolistof}{% The lists of floating environments, e.\,g. figures and tables, do not have entries in the table of contents. This corresponds to the default setting.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{nolistof}}}% \entry{\PValue{sectionentrywithdots}, \PValue{sectionentrydotfill}}{% \ChangedAt[2014/12]{v3.15}{\Class{scrartcl}}% The section entries of the \Class{scrartcl} class also use dots to separate the heading text from the page numbers.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{sectionentrywithdots}}}% \entry{\PValue{sectionentrywithoutdots}, \PValue{sectionentryfill}}{% \ChangedAt{v3.15}{\Class{scrartcl}}% The section entries of the \Class{scrartcl} class use white space to separate the heading text from the page number. This corresponds to the default setting.% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{sectionentrywithoutdots}}}% \end{desclist} % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \OptionVName{chapterentrydots}{simple switch}\\ \OptionVName{sectionentrydots}{simple switch} \end{Declaration} These\ChangedAt[2014/12]{v3.15}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} options configure a dotted connecting line between the text and page number of the chapter entries for the \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt}\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} classes, or for the section entries of the \Class{scrartcl}\OnlyAt{\Class{scrartcl}} class, in the table of contents. For the \PName{simple switch}, you can use any value from \autoref{tab:truefalseswitch}, \autopageref{tab:truefalseswitch}. The default is \PValue{false}. It selects an empty gap instead of dots. \BeginIndex{FontElement}{chapterentrydots}\LabelFontElement{chapterentrydots}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{sectionentrydots}\LabelFontElement{sectionentrydots}% If a dotted line is used, you can change its font using the element \FontElement{chapterentrydots}% \important[i]{\FontElement{chapterentrydots}\\ \FontElement{sectionentrydots}} or \FontElement{sectionentrydots} (see also \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setkomafont} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addtokomafont}, \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.textmarkup}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setkomafont}, as well as \autoref{tab:maincls.fontelements}, \autopageref{tab:maincls.fontelements}). The defaults of the elements are shown in \autoref{tab:maincls.tocelements}, from \autopageref{tab:maincls.tocelements}. Note\textnote{Attention!} that the dots of all entries will be equally spaced only if all dots use the same font. Because of this the base font is always \Macro{normalfont}\Macro{normalsize} and only the colour of \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.chapterentry} or \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.sectionentry} is also used for the dots.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{tableofcontents} \end{Declaration}% The table of contents is output by the \Macro{tableofcontents} command. To get correct values in the table of contents requires at least two {\LaTeX} runs after every change. The \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.toc} option described above can also affect the extent and format of the table of contents. After changing the settings of this option, at least two \LaTeX{} runs are needed again. Entries for \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter}\IndexCmd{chapter} with \Class{scrbook}\IndexClass{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt}\IndexClass{scrreprt}, or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.section}\IndexCmd{section} with \Class{scrartcl}\IndexClass{scrartcl}, and the sectioning level \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part}\IndexCmd{part} are not indented. Additionally, there are no dots between the text of this heading and the page number. The typographical logic for this behaviour is that the font is usually distinct and appropriate emphasis is desirable. However\ChangedAt{v3.15}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}, you can change this behaviour with the previously documented options. The table of contents of this \iffree{guide}{book} is created with the default settings and serves as an example. \BeginIndex{FontElement}{partentry}\LabelFontElement{partentry}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{chapterentry}\LabelFontElement{chapterentry}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{sectionentry}\LabelFontElement{sectionentry}% The\ChangedAt{v2.97c}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}\important{\FontElement{partentry}\\ \FontElement{chapterentry}\\ \FontElement{sectionentry}} font style of the top two levels in the table of contents is also affected by the settings for the \FontElement{partentry} element, as well as by the \FontElement{chapterentry} element for the \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} classes, and by the \FontElement{sectionentry} element for the \Class{scrartcl} class. \BeginIndex{FontElement}{partentrypagenumber}% \LabelFontElement{partentrypagenumber}% \LabelFontElement{pagination}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{chapterentrypagenumber}% \LabelFontElement{chapterentrypagenumber}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{sectionentrypagenumber}% \LabelFontElement{sectionentrypagenumber}% You can set the font style of the page numbers separately from these elements using \FontElement{partentrypagenumber}% \important{\FontElement{partentrypagenumber}} and \FontElement{chapterentrypagenumber}% \important{\FontElement{chapterentrypagenumber}\\ \FontElement{sectionentrypagenumber}}\,---\,for \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt}\,---\,or \FontElement{sectionentrypagenumber}\,---\,for \Class{scrartcl}\,---\, (see \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setkomafont} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addtokomafont} in \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.textmarkup}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setkomafont}, or \autoref{tab:maincls.fontelements}, \autopageref{tab:maincls.fontelements}). If\ChangedAt{v3.15}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} you use dotted lines connecting the heading entries (chapter or section depending on the class) to the page numbers using the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.toc}% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{chapterentrywithdots}}% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{sectionentrywithdots}} \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.chapterentrydots}% \IndexOption{chapterentrydots~=\PName{simple switch}} or \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.sectionentrydots}% \IndexOption{sectionentrydots~=\PName{simple switch}} option, you can change their font style using the \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.chapterentrydots}% \IndexFontElement{chapterentrydots}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.chapterentrydots}\\ \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.sectionentrydots}} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.sectionentrydots}% \IndexFontElement{sectionentrydots} elements. The defaults for these elements are found in \autoref{tab:maincls.tocelements}. \begin{table} % \centering % \caption \KOMAoptions{captions=topbeside}% \setcapindent{0pt}% \begin{captionbeside} [Default font styles for the elements of the table of contents] {\label{tab:maincls.tocelements}% Default font styles for the elements of the table of contents} [l] \setlength{\tabcolsep}{.9\tabcolsep}% Umbruchoptimierung! \begin{tabular}[t]{ll} \toprule Element & Default font style \\ \midrule \FontElement{partentry} & \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.usekomafont}\PParameter{disposition}\Macro{large} \\ \FontElement{partentrypagenumber} & \\ \FontElement{chapterentry} & \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.usekomafont}\PParameter{disposition}\\ \FontElement{chapterentrydots} & \Macro{normalfont} \\ \FontElement{chapterentrypagenumber} & \\ \FontElement{sectionentry} & \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.usekomafont}\PParameter{disposition} \\ \FontElement{sectionentrydots} & \Macro{normalfont} \\ \FontElement{sectionentrypagenumber} & \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{captionbeside} \end{table} % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Counter{tocdepth} \Macro{parttocdepth} \Macro{sectiontocdepth} \Macro{subsectiontocdepth} \Macro{subsubsectiontocdepth} \Macro{paragraphtocdepth} \Macro{subparagraphtocdepth} \end{Declaration}% Normally, the sectioning divisions included in the table of contents are all those from \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part} to \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.subsection} for the \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} classes, or from \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part} to \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.subsubsection} for the \Class{scrartcl} class. Whether or not to include a sectioning level in the table of contents is controlled by the \Counter{tocdepth} counter. This has the value -1 for \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part}, 0 for \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter}, and so on. By incrementing or decrementing the counter, you can choose the lowest sectioning level to include in the table of contents. Incidentally, the standard classes work the same way. Unlike\ChangedAt{v3.15}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}\textnote{\KOMAScript{} vs. standard classes} with the standard classes, with \KOMAScript{} you do not need to remember these values. \KOMAScript{} defines a \Macro{\PName{level}tocdepth} command for each sectioning level with the appropriate value which you can use to set \Counter{tocdepth}. Please note\textnote{Attention!} that in \Class{scrartcl}\OnlyAt{\Class{scrartcl}}, the values of \Counter{tocdepth} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.counter.secnumdepth}\IndexCounter{secnumdepth} (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.structure}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.counter.secnumdepth}) for \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part} are not the same. This behaviour was copied from the standard \Class{article} class for compatibility. Thus, for example, you should not use \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.partnumdepth}\IndexCmd{partnumdepth} to set the value of \Counter{tocdepth}.% \begin{Example} Suppose you are preparing an article that uses the sectioning level \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.subsubsection}. However, you do not want this sectioning level to appear in the table of contents. The preamble of your document might contain the following: \begin{lstcode} \documentclass{scrartcl} \setcounter{tocdepth}{\subsectiontocdepth} \end{lstcode} Thus you set the \Counter{tocdepth} counter to the value of the \Macro{subsectiontocdepth} command. That value is normally 2, but this way, you do not have to remember it. If instead you simply want to include one less level in the table of contents than you normally would, you can simply subtract one from the default value of \Counter{tocdepth}: \begin{lstcode} \documentclass{scrartcl} \addtocounter{tocdepth}{-1} \end{lstcode} The\textnote{Hint!} value that you need to add to or subtract from \Counter{tocdepth} is listed in the table of contents after at least two \LaTeX{} runs. \end{Example}% \EndIndexGroup % \EndIndexGroup \LoadCommonFile{parmarkup}% \section{Paragraph Markup} \LoadCommonFile{oddorevenpage}% \section{Detecting Odd or Even Pages} \section{Headers and Footers Using Predefined Page Styles} \seclabel{pagestyle} \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex{}{page>style}% One of the general characteristics of a document is the page style. In \LaTeX{} this primarily consists of the contents of headers and footers. \begin{Declaration} \OptionVName{headsepline}{simple switch} \OptionVName{footsepline}{simple switch} \end{Declaration}% You\ChangedAt{v3.00}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} can use these options to specify whether a horizontal rule appears beneath the header or above the footer. You can use any of the values for simple switches shown in \autoref{tab:truefalseswitch}, \autopageref{tab:truefalseswitch}. Setting the \Option{headsepline} option to true or invoking it with no value results in a line beneath the header. Similarly, activating the \Option{footsepline} option results in a rule above the footer. Deactivating either option switches off the respective rule. The\textnote{Attention!} \Option{headsepline} option naturally has no effect with the \DescRef{\LabelBase.pagestyle.empty} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.pagestyle.plain} page styles, which are described below, because these styles explicitly dispense with a header\Index{page>header}. Typographically, such a line has the effect of making the header appear to be closer to the text. This does not mean that the header then needs to be moved farther away from the body of the text\Index{text>body}. Instead, the header should be considered as belonging to the text body for the purpose of calculating the type area. \KOMAScript{} takes this into account by passing the \Option{headsepline} option to the \hyperref[cha:typearea]{\Package{typearea}}% \important{\hyperref[cha:typearea]{\Package{typearea}}}\IndexPackage{typearea} package, which then automatically executes the package option \DescRef{typearea.option.headinclude}% \IndexOption{headinclude}\important{\DescRef{typearea.option.headinclude}} with the same value. The same applies to the footer separation line. Unlike \Option{headsepline}, the \Option{footsepline} option also affects the \PValue{plain} page style because \PValue{plain} prints a page number in the footer. The options themselves do not automatically recalculate the type area. To recalculate it, use the \DescRef{typearea.option.DIV} option with the values \hyperref[desc:typearea.option.DIV.last]{\PValue{last}} or \hyperref[desc:typearea.option.DIV.current]{\PValue{current}} (see \DescPageRef{typearea.option.DIV.last}) or the \DescRef{typearea.cmd.recalctypearea} command (see \DescPageRef{typearea.cmd.recalctypearea}) in \autoref{cha:typearea}. The \hyperref[cha:scrlayer-scrpage]{\Package{scrlayer-scrpage}}% \IndexPackage{scrlayer-scrpage}% \important{\hyperref[cha:scrlayer-scrpage]{\Package{scrlayer-scrpage}}} package (see \autoref{cha:scrlayer-scrpage}) offers further possibilities for adjusting lines in headers and footers.% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{pagestyle}\Parameter{page style} \Macro{thispagestyle}\Parameter{local page style} \end{Declaration}% There are usually four different page styles: \begin{description} \item[{\PageStyle{empty}% \BeginIndex[indexmain]{Pagestyle}{empty}\LabelPageStyle{empty}}] is the page style with completely empty headers and footers. In {\KOMAScript} this is identical to the standard classes.% \item[{\PageStyle{headings}% \BeginIndex[indexmain]{Pagestyle}{headings}\LabelPageStyle{headings}}] is the page style with running heads in the header. In this style, headings are automatically\Index[indexmain]{running heads>automatic} inserted into the header. \OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}}% With the classes \Class{scrbook}\IndexClass{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt}\IndexClass{scrreprt}, the headings of chapters and sections are repeated in the header for two-sided printing\,---\,on the outer side with {\KOMAScript}\textnote{\KOMAScript{} vs. standard classes}, on the inner side with the standard classes. {\KOMAScript} puts the page number on the outer side of the footer; the standard classes put it on the inner side of the header. In one-sided printing, {\KOMAScript} uses only the chapter headings, which are centred in the header, and puts the page numbers centred in the footer. \OnlyAt{\Class{scrartcl}}\Class{scrartcl}\IndexClass{scrartcl} behaves similarly but starts one a level deeper in the sectioning hierarchy, with sections and subsections, because the chapter level does not exist in this case. While the standard classes\textnote{\KOMAScript{} vs. standard classes} automatically convert the running heads to upper-case letters, {\KOMAScript} uses the capitalisation found in the headings. There are several typographical reasons for this. Upper-case letters are actually far too massive as a text decoration. If you use them anyway, they should be set one point smaller and with slightly tighter spacing. The standard classes do not take these points into consideration. In addition, the {\KOMAScript} classes support rules below the header and above the footer with the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.headsepline} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.footsepline} options (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.headsepline}).% \item[{\PageStyle{myheadings}% \BeginIndex[indexmain]{Pagestyle}{myheadings}\LabelPageStyle{myheadings}}] mostly corresponds to the \PValue{headings} page style, but the running heads are not generated automatically% \Index[indexmain]{running heads>manual}\,---\,they have to be defined by the user. You can use the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.markboth}\IndexCmd{markboth} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.markright}\IndexCmd{markright}\important{% \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.markboth}\\ \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.markright}} commands for that purpose (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.markright}). \item[{\PageStyle{plain}% \BeginIndex[indexmain]{Pagestyle}{plain}\LabelPageStyle{plain}}] is the page style with no running head\Index{running head} and only a page number% \Index{page>number} in the footer. The\textnote{\KOMAScript{} vs. standard classes} standard classes always centre this page number in the footer. {\KOMAScript} puts the page number on the outer side of the footer in two-sided\Index{two-sided} mode. {\KOMAScript} behaves like the standard classes in one-sided printing.% \end{description} You\important{\Macro{pagestyle}} can set the page style at any time with the help of the \Macro{pagestyle} command, and this setting takes effect with the next page that is output. If\textnote{Hint!} you use \Macro{pagestyle} just before a command that results in an implicit page break and if the new page style should be used on the resulting new page, a \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepage} just before \Macro{pagestyle} will be useful. But usually you set the page style only once, at the beginning of the document or in the preamble. To\important{\Macro{thispagestyle}} change the page style of the current page only, use the \Macro{thispagestyle} command. This occurs automatically at some points in the document. For example, the \Macro{thispagestyle}\PParameter{\DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapterpagestyle}} command is issued implicitly on the first page of a chapter. Note\textnote{Attention!} that when you use the \hyperref[cha:scrlayer-scrpage]{\Package{scrlayer-scrpage}}% \important{\hyperref[cha:scrlayer-scrpage]{\Package{scrlayer-scrpage}}} package, switching between automatic and manual running heads is no longer accomplished by changing the page styles but with special instructions. You should not use the \PValue{headings} and \PValue{myheadings} page styles with this package. \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex[indexother]{}{font>style}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{pageheadfoot}\LabelFontElement{pageheadfoot}% \LabelFontElement{pagehead}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{pagefoot}\LabelFontElement{pagefoot}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{pagenumber}\LabelFontElement{pagenumber}% To change the font style used for the header, the footer, or the page number\ChangedAt{v2.8p}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}, use the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setkomafont} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addtokomafont} commands (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.textmarkup}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setkomafont}). The same element, \FontElement{pageheadfoot}\IndexFontElement{pageheadfoot}% \important{\FontElement{pageheadfoot}}, is used for the header and the footer. The element for the page number within the header or footer is called \FontElement{pagenumber}\IndexFontElement{pagenumber}% \important{\FontElement{pagenumber}}. The \FontElement{pagefoot}\IndexFontElement{pagefoot}% \important{\FontElement{pagefoot}} element, which is also provided by the \KOMAScript{} classes, is used only if you define a page style with the \hyperref[cha:scrlayer-scrpage]{\Package{scrlayer-scrpage}}% \IndexPackage{scrlayer-scrpage} package in which the footer contains text (see \autoref{cha:scrlayer-scrpage}, \DescPageRef{scrlayer-scrpage.fontelement.pagefoot}). You can find the default settings in \autoref{tab:\LabelBase.defaultFontsHeadFoot}. % \begin{table} % \centering% % \caption \KOMAoptions{captions=topbeside}% \setcapindent{0pt}% % \addtokomafont{caption}{\raggedright}% \begin{captionbeside} [{Default values for page style elements}] {\label{tab:maincls.defaultFontsHeadFoot}% \hspace{0pt plus 1ex}% Default values for page style elements} [l] \begin{tabular}[t]{ll} \toprule Element & Default \\ \midrule \FontElement{pagefoot}\IndexFontElement{pagefoot} & \\ \FontElement{pageheadfoot}\IndexFontElement{pageheadfoot} & \Macro{normalfont}\Macro{normalcolor}\Macro{slshape} \\ \FontElement{pagenumber}\IndexFontElement{pagenumber} & \Macro{normalfont}\Macro{normalcolor}\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{captionbeside} \end{table} % \begin{Example} \leavevmode\phantomsection\xmpllabel{cmd.pagestyle}% Suppose you want to set header and footer in a smaller type size and in italics. However, the page number should not be set in italics but in bold. Apart from the fact that the result will look horrible, you can do this as follows: \begin{lstcode} \setkomafont{pageheadfoot}{% \normalfont\normalcolor\itshape\small} \setkomafont{pagenumber}{\normalfont\bfseries} \end{lstcode} On the other hand, if you only want a smaller font to be used along with the default slanted text, you can use the following: \begin{lstcode} \addtokomafont{pagehead}{\small} \end{lstcode} As you can see, the previous example uses the \FontElement{pagehead}\important{\FontElement{pagehead}} element. You can achieve the same result using \PValue{pageheadfoot} instead (see \autoref{tab:\LabelBase.fontelements} on \autopageref{tab:\LabelBase.fontelements}). \end{Example} It is not possible to use these methods to force upper-case letters to be used automatically for the running heads. Although you can redefine \DescRef{tocbasic.cmd.MakeMarkcase}\IndexCmd{MakeMarkcase}, in such cases you should instead use the \hyperref[cha:scrlayer-scrpage]{\Package{scrlayer-scrpage}} package (see \autoref{cha:scrlayer-scrpage}, \DescPageRef{scrlayer-scrpage.option.markcase}). If\textnote{Hint!} you define your own page styles, the commands \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.usekomafont}\PParameter{pageheadfoot}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.usekomafont}\PParameter{pagenumber}, and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.usekomafont}\PParameter{pagefoot} can be useful. In particular, if you do not use the {\KOMAScript} package \hyperref[cha:scrlayer-scrpage]{\Package{scrlayer-scrpage}} (see \autoref{cha:scrlayer-scrpage}) but use, for example, the \Package{fancyhdr}\IndexPackage{fancyhdr}\important{\Package{fancyhdr}} package (see \cite{package:fancyhdr}), you can use these commands in your definitions. In this way you can maintain compatibility with {\KOMAScript} as much as possible. If you do not use these commands in your own definitions, changes such as those shown in the previous examples have no effect. The \hyperref[cha:scrlayer-scrpage]{\Package{scrlayer-scrpage}}% \IndexPackage{scrlayer-scrpage} package tries to maintain maximum compatibility as long as, for example, \iffree{\Macro{thepage}}{\DescRef{\LabelBase-experts.cmd.thepage}}% \IndexCmd{thepage} is not used directly for the page number rather than the \iffree{\Macro{pagemark}}{\DescRef{\LabelBase-experts.cmd.pagemark}}% \IndexCmd{pagemark} which is provided for it.% \EndIndexGroup % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{markboth}\Parameter{left mark}\Parameter{right mark} \Macro{markright}\Parameter{right mark} \end{Declaration} The \DescRef{\LabelBase.pagestyle.myheadings}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.pagestyle.myheadings}}% \IndexPagestyle{myheadings} page style does not set the running head. Instead, you set it with the help of the \Macro{markboth} and \Macro{markright} commands. This way the \PName{left mark} will normally be used in the header of even pages and \PName{right mark} in the header of odd pages. With one-sided printing, only the \PName{right mark} exists. With the \hyperref[cha:scrlayer-scrpage]{\Package{scrlayer-scrpage}}% \IndexPackage{scrlayer-scrpage}% \important{\hyperref[cha:scrlayer-scrpage]{\Package{scrlayer-scrpage}}} package, the \DescRef{scrlayer-scrpage.cmd.markleft}% \IndexCmd{markleft}\important{\DescRef{scrlayer-scrpage.cmd.markleft}} command is also available. You can use these commands with other page styles too. However, when combined with automatic running heads, for example with the \DescRef{\LabelBase.pagestyle.headings}\IndexPagestyle{headings} page style, the effect of the commands lasts only until the next time the respective marks are set automatically.% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{titlepagestyle} \Macro{partpagestyle} \Macro{chapterpagestyle} \Macro{indexpagestyle} \end{Declaration}% \Index{title>page style}% \Index{part>page style}% \Index{chapter>page style}% \Index{index>page style}% On some pages, a different page style is chosen automatically with the help of the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.thispagestyle} command. Which page style this actually is, is defined by these four macros, of which \Macro{partpagestyle} and \Macro{chapterpagestyle}\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}} are found only with classes \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt}, and not in \Class{scrartcl}. The default value for all four cases is \DescRef{\LabelBase.pagestyle.plain}\IndexPagestyle{plain}. You can find the meaning of these macros in \autoref{tab:specialpagestyles}. % \begin{table} \centering \caption{Macros to set up the page style of special pages} \label{tab:specialpagestyles} \begin{desctabular} \mentry{titlepagestyle}{Page style for a title page when using \emph{in-page} titles.}% \mentry{partpagestyle}{Page style for pages with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part} titles.}% \mentry{chapterpagestyle}{Page style for the first page of a chapter.}% \mentry{indexpagestyle}{Page style for the first page of the index.}% \end{desctabular} \end{table} % You can redefine the page styles with the \Macro{renewcommand} macro. \begin{Example} Suppose you do not want the pages with a \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part} heading to be numbered. You can use the following command in the preamble of your document: \begin{lstcode} \renewcommand*{\partpagestyle}{empty} \end{lstcode} As mentioned previously on \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.pagestyle.empty}, the \PValue{empty} page style is exactly what is required in this example. Of course, you can also use a user-defined page style. Suppose you have defined your own page style for initial chapter pages with the \hyperref[cha:scrlayer]{\Package{scrlayer}} (see \autoref{sec:scrlayer.pagestyles}) or the \hyperref[cha:scrlayer-scrpage]{\Package{scrlayer-scrpage}} package (see \autoref{sec:scrlayer-scrpage-experts.pagestyle.pairs}). You have given this page style the fitting name of \PValue{chapter}. To actually use this style, you must redefine \Macro{chapterpagestyle} in this way: \begin{lstcode} \renewcommand*{\chapterpagestyle}{chapter} \end{lstcode} Suppose you do not want the table of contents\Index{table of contents}% \textnote{table of contents} of a book to have page numbers. Everything after the table of contents, however, should use the \PValue{headings} page style, including the \PValue{plain} page style for the first page of every chapter. You can use the following: \begin{lstcode} \clearpage \pagestyle{empty} \renewcommand*{\chapterpagestyle}{empty} \tableofcontents \clearpage \pagestyle{headings} \renewcommand*{\chapterpagestyle}{plain} \end{lstcode} You can also keep the redefinition local by using a group. This method has the advantage that you do not need to make any assumptions about the what the previous page style was in order to restore it after your local change: \begin{lstcode} \clearpage \begingroup \pagestyle{empty} \renewcommand*{\chapterpagestyle}{empty} \tableofcontents \clearpage \endgroup \end{lstcode} Note,\important{Attention!} however, that you never should put a numbered sectioning command into a group. Otherwise you may get unpredictable results with commands like \Macro{label}. On \DescPageRef{tocbasic.cmd.AfterTOCHead} in \autoref{sec:tocbasic.toc}, you will discover the \DescRef{tocbasic.cmd.AfterTOCHead} command, which makes a solution even easier: \begin{lstcode} \AfterTOCHead[toc]{% \thispagestyle{empty}% \pagestyle{empty}% } \end{lstcode}% This takes advantage of the fact that if there are several \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.thispagestyle} commands on the same page, the last one always wins. \end{Example} \begin{Explain} You might think that you can put running heads on the first page of a chapter simply by using the \begin{lstcode} \renewcommand*{\chapterpagestyle}{headings} \end{lstcode} command. Before you try this, you should read \iffree{}{more about the background to \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.rightmark} in \autoref{sec:maincls-experts.addInfos} on \DescPageRef{maincls-experts.cmd.rightmark}. Also, }the remarks on \DescRef{scrlayer-scrpage-experts.cmd.rightfirstmark} starting on page \DescPageRef{scrlayer-scrpage-experts.cmd.rightfirstmark} in \autoref{cha:scrlayer-scrpage-experts}, \autoref{part:forExperts} \iffree{}{provide important information}.% \end{Explain} % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{pagenumbering}\Parameter{numbering style} \end{Declaration} This command works the same way in {\KOMAScript} as in the standard classes. Strictly speaking, it is a feature of neither the standard classes nor the \KOMAScript{} classes but of the {\LaTeX} kernel. This command is used to change the \PName{numbering style} of page numbers. The changes take effect immediately, i.\,e., starting from the page that contains the command. If necessary, you should first close the current page with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.clearpage} or better \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleoddpage}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleoddpage}}% \IndexCmd{cleardoubleoddpage}. You can find the available settings for \PName{numbering style} in \autoref{tab:numberKind}. % \begin{table} % \centering \KOMAoptions{captions=topbeside}% \setcapindent{0pt}% % \caption \begin{captionbeside} {\label{tab:numberKind}% Available numbering styles of page numbers} \begin{tabular}[t]{lll} \toprule numbering style & example & description \\ \midrule \PValue{arabic} & 8 & Arabic numbers \\ \PValue{roman} & viii & lower-case Roman numbers \\ \PValue{Roman} & VIII & upper-case Roman numbers \\ \PValue{alph} & h & letters \\ \PValue{Alph} & H & capital letters \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{captionbeside} \end{table} Calling\textnote{Attention!} \Macro{pagenumbering} always resets the page number\Index{page>number}. The current page becomes number 1 in the selected \PName{numbering style}. In order that two-sided documents produce the correct results on an even page, so that the left-hand page is not missing, you should always add \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleoddpage}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleoddpage}}% \IndexCmd{cleardoubleoddpage} before \Macro{pagenumbering}. The next section provides more information about potentially inserted blank pages. \begin{Explain} Let me say a word about a common mistake found in various templates circulating on the Internet. If you encounter lines like the following\,---\,without the initial comment naturally\,---\,this is an unmistakable sign that the creator did not read or understand the remark above: \begin{lstcode} % Attention! This example contains errors! % Please note the explanation in the text! \tableofcontents \pagenumbering{arabic} \setcounter{page}{1} \end{lstcode} Since \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.tableofcontents} outputs the table of contents but does not automatically issue a page break at the end, the page numbering is already changed on the last page of the table of contents. Because it lacks a \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleoddpage} command before \Macro{pagenumbering}, it receives a pagination of the Arabic number 1. Additionally, the final line which sets the page numbering to 1 is superfluous, since this is already done by \Macro{pagenumbering}. Sometimes\,---\,without the initial comment, naturally\,---\, you find: \begin{lstcode} % Attention! This example contains errors! % Please note the explanation in the text! \tableofcontents \pagebreak \pagenumbering{arabic} \setcounter{page}{1} \end{lstcode} Here the creator tried to solve the problem with the final page of the table of contents with the help of \Macro{pagebreak}\IndexCmd{pagebreak}. Unfortunately, this solution is not much better. Here there is a page break after the last page of the table of contents. This may cause entries on the last page of a two-sided document to have excess vertical spacing (see \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.flushbottom}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.flushbottom}). \Macro{pagebreak} is clearly the wrong command here. Furthermore, \Macro{newpage}\IndexCmd{newpage} or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.clearpage} would not be sufficient for a two-sided document. For example, if the last page of the table of contents had the Roman numeral vii, the Arabic numbered right-side page 1 would immediately follow the Roman numeral right-side page. A left-side page between the two would be missing, which could cause serious problems with later printing. My advice: Avoid using templates that contain errors with respect to such simple things. Incidentally, the correct way would be: \begin{lstcode} \tableofcontents \cleardoubleoddpage \pagenumbering{arabic} \end{lstcode} This also applies if \Class{scrartcl}\OnlyAt{\Class{scrartcl}} uses a class that usually does not start a new page after the table of contents. If you switch the page numbering, a new right-hand page must be started. If you do not want such a change, you should keep the numbering style of pages consistent throughout the document without changing it in between. \iffalse% Umbruchkorrekturtext For articles or other short documents, this is generally recommended. \fi It is easier to change the numbering style when using \Class{scrbook}\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}}. There you have the support of two commands, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.frontmatter}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.frontmatter}\\ \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.mainmatter}}% \IndexCmd{fontmatter} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.mainmatter}% \IndexCmd{mainmatter}, for the most commonly used switching. For more information, please see \autoref{sec:maincls.separation}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.mainmatter}.% \end{Explain}% \EndIndexGroup \EndIndexGroup \LoadCommonFile{interleafpage}% \section{Interleaf Pages} \LoadCommonFile{footnotes}% \section{Footnotes} \section[Book Structure]{Book Structure\protect\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}}} \seclabel{separation} Sometimes books are loosely divided into \emph{front matter}% \Index{front matter}, \emph{main matter}\Index{main matter}, and \emph{back matter}\Index{back matter}. \KOMAScript{} also provides this capability for \Class{scrbook}. \begin{Declaration} \Macro{frontmatter} \Macro{mainmatter} \Macro{backmatter} \end{Declaration}% The front matter includes all the material which appears before the main text begins, including title pages, preface, and table of contents. It is initiated with \Macro{frontmatter}\important{\Macro{frontmatter}}. In the front matter, Roman numerals are used for the page numbers, and chapter headings in the header are not numbered. However, section headings are numbered consecutively, starting from chapter 0. This typically does not matter, as the front matter is used only for the title pages, table of contents% \Index{table of contents}, lists of figures\Index{list of>figures}% \Index{figures>list of} and tables\Index{tables>list of}, and a preface\Index{preface} or foreword\Index{foreword}. The preface can thus be created as a normal chapter. A preface should be as short as possible and never divided into sections. The preface thus does not require a deeper level of structure than the chapter. If you see things differently and want to use numbered sections\Index{section>number} in the chapters of the front matter, as of version~2.97e,\ChangedAt{v2.97e}{\Class{scrbook}}% \important{\OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{version}{2.97e}} the section numbering no longer contains the chapter number. This change only takes effect when the compatibility option is set to at least version~2.97e (see option \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.version}, \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.compatibilityOptions}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.version}). It is explicitly noted that this creates confusion with chapter numbers! The use of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addsec} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.section*} (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.structure}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.section*} and \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addsec}) are thus, in the author's opinion, greatly preferable. As of version~2.97e\ChangedAt{v2.97e}{\Class{scrbook}} the numbering of floating environments, such as tables\Index{table>number} and figures\Index{figure>number}, and equation numbers\Index{equation>number} in the front matter also contains no chapter-number part. To take effect, this too requires the corresponding compatibility setting (see the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.version} option, \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.compatibilityOptions}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.version}). The part of the book with the main text is introduced with \Macro{mainmatter}\important{\Macro{mainmatter}}. If there is no front matter, you can omit this command. The default page numbering in the main matter uses Arabic numerals and (re)starts the page count at 1 at the start of the main matter. The back matter is introduced with \Macro{backmatter}\important{\Macro{backmatter}}. Opinions differ as to what belongs in the back matter. So in some cases you will find only the bibliography\Index{bibliography}, in some cases only the index\Index{index}, and in other cases both of these as well as the appendices. The chapters in the back matter are similar to the chapters in the front matter, but page numbering is not reset. If you do require separate page numbering, you can use the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.pagenumbering}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.pagenumbering}} command in \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.pagestyle}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.pagenumbering}.% % \EndIndexGroup \section{Document Structure} \seclabel{structure}% \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex{}{document structure} The structure refers to dividing a document into parts, chapters, sections, and additional levels of structure. \begin{Declaration} \OptionVName{open}{method} \end{Declaration}% The\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}} \KOMAScript{} classes \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} give you the choice of where to start a new chapter with two-sided printing. By default \Class{scrreprt} starts a new chapter\Index{chapter>start} on the next page. This is equivalent to \PName{method} \PValue{any}. However, \Class{scrbook} starts new chapters at the next right-hand page. This is equivalent to \PName{method} \PValue{right} and is usually used in books. But sometimes chapters should start on the left-hand page of a two-page spread. You can accomplish this with the \PName{method} \PValue{left}\ChangedAt{v3.00}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}}. You can find a summary of the available values in \autoref{tab:\LabelBase.open}. The table also describes the effects of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepage}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepageusingstyle}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublestandardpage}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleplainpage}, and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleemptypage} (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.emptypage}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepage}). \begin{table} \caption[{Available values for the \Option{open} option}]{Available values for the \Option{open} option to select page breaks with interleaf pages using \Class{scrbook} or \Class{scrreprt}} \begin{desctabular} \pventry{any}{% Parts, chapter, index, and back matter use \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.clearpage}, not \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepage}; \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepageusingstyle}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublestandardpage}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleplainpage}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleemptypage}, and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepage} behave the same as using \OptionValue{open}{right}.% \IndexOption{open~=\textKValue{any}}}% \pventry{left}{% Part, chapter, index, and back matter use \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepage}; the commands \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepageusingstyle}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublestandardpage}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleplainpage}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleemptypage}, and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepage} result in a page break and add an interleaf page\Index{page>interleaf} if needed to reach the next left-hand page.% \IndexOption{open~=\textKValue{left}}}% \pventry{right}{% Part, chapter, index, and back matter use \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepage}; the commands \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepageusingstyle}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublestandardpage}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleplainpage}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleemptypage}, and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepage} result in a page break and add an interleaf page\Index{page>interleaf} if needed to reach the next right-hand page.% \IndexOption{open~=\textKValue{right}}}% \end{desctabular} \label{tab:\LabelBase.open} \end{table} Since \LaTeX{} does not differentiate between left-hand and right-hand pages in one-sided printing, the option has no effect in that case. In the \Class{scrartcl} class, the section is the first structural element below the part. For this reason, \Class{scrartcl} does not support this option. % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \OptionVName{chapterprefix}{simple switch} \OptionVName{appendixprefix}{simple switch} \Macro{IfChapterUsesPrefixLine}\Parameter{then code}\Parameter{else code} \end{Declaration}% With\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}} the standard classes \Class{book} and \Class{report}, a chapter heading\Index[indexmain]{chapter>heading} consists of a line with the word ``Chapter''\footnote{When using another language the word ``Chapter'' is of course translated to the appropriate language.} followed by the chapter number. The heading itself is set left-justified on the following line. The same effect is obtained in {\KOMAScript} with the \Option{chapterprefix} option. You can use any value from \autoref{tab:truefalseswitch}, \autopageref{tab:truefalseswitch} as the \PName{simple switch}. The default, however, is \OptionValue{chapterprefix}{false}, the opposite behaviour\textnote{\KOMAScript{} vs. standard classes} of that of the standard classes, which corresponds to \OptionValue{chapterprefix}{true}. These options also affect the automatic running heads in the headers (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.pagestyle}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.pagestyle.headings}). Sometimes you may want to use the simplified chapter headings produced by \OptionValue{chapterprefix}{false} but at the same time to have the heading of an appendix\Index{appendix} preceded by a line with ``Appendix'' followed by the appendix letter. This is achieved by using the \Option{appendixprefix} option (see \autoref{tab:truefalseswitch}, \autopageref{tab:truefalseswitch}). Since this results in an inconsistent document layout, I advise against using this option. Ultimately, this option changes the \Option{chapterprefix} option automatically at the beginning of the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.appendix}. You\ChangedAt{v3.18}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} can execute code depending on the current setting for the chapter preceding line using \Macro{IfChapterUsesPrefixLine}. If \Option{chapterprefix} is currently active, the \PName{then code} is executed; otherwise, the \PName{else code} is executed. \BeginIndex{FontElement}{chapterprefix}% You can change the font style of the chapter number line that uses \OptionValue{chapterprefix}{true} or \OptionValue{appendixprefix}{true} by using the \FontElement{chapterprefix}\ChangedAt{v2.96a}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} element with the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setkomafont} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addtokomafont} commands (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.textmarkup}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setkomafont}). The default is to use the \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.chapter}\IndexFontElement{chapter} element (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter}, as well as \autoref{tab:\LabelBase.structureElementsFont}, \autopageref{tab:\LabelBase.structureElementsFont}). You can find additional settings for chapter headings in the explanation for \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.RedeclareSectionCommand} and the commands \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.chapterlineswithprefixformat} and \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.chapterlinesformat} in \autoref{sec:maincls-experts.sections}, \autoref{part:forExperts}.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \OptionVName{headings}{setting} \end{Declaration} Headings\index{heading}\index{document structure} of sectioning levels normally use a relatively large font size in both the standard classes and {\KOMAScript}. This choice does not appeal to everyone and is especially problematic for small paper sizes. Consequently, {\KOMAScript} provides, in addition to the large headings defined by the \OptionValue{headings}{big}\IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{big}}% \ChangedAt{v3.00}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% \important{\OptionValue{headings}{big}\\ \OptionValue{headings}{normal}\\ \OptionValue{headings}{small}} option, the options \OptionValue{headings}{normal}\IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{normal}} and \OptionValue{headings}{small}\IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{small}}, which allow for smaller headings. The font sizes resulting from these options for \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} are shown in \autoref{tab:\LabelBase.structureElementsFont}, \autopageref{tab:\LabelBase.structureElementsFont}. Specifically, all three settings reset the elements \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.chapter}% \IndexFontElement{chapter}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.section}\IndexFontElement{section}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.subsection}\IndexFontElement{subsection}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.subsubsection}% \IndexFontElement{subsubsection}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.paragraph}\IndexFontElement{paragraph}, and \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.subparagraph}\IndexFontElement{subparagraph} to the corresponding defaults. \Class{scrartcl}\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} generally uses slightly smaller headings. The spacing before and after chapter headings is also reset by these options. \iffalse% Chapter headings also have the \Option{headings} option with the \PValue{twolinechapter} or \PValue{onelinechapter} settings, which are equivalent to the \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{chapterprefix}{true} and \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{chapterprefix}{false} options. In the appendix there are additional effects of the \PValue{onelineappendix} and \PValue{twolineappendix} options upon the \Option{headings} option, which corresponds to \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{appendixprefix}{false} and \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{appendixprefix}{true} (see also above). % \else% Chapter headings\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}} also have\important{% \OptionValue{headings}{twolinechapter}\\ \OptionValue{headings}{onelinechapter}\\ \OptionValue{headings}{twolineappendix}\\ \OptionValue{headings}{onelineappendix}% } the two options \OptionValue{headings}{twolinechapter} and \OptionValue{headings}{onelinechapter}, which correspond to \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{chapterprefix}{true} and \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{chapterprefix}{false} explained above. For the appendix, \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{appendixprefix}{true} and \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{appendixprefix}{false} serve as alternatives for the \OptionValue{headings}{twolineappendix} and \OptionValue{headings}{onelineappendix} options. % \iffalse% For the appendix, \OptionValue{headings}{twolineappendix} and \OptionValue{headings}{onelineappendix} are available, which correspond to the \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{appendixprefix}{true} and \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{appendixprefix}{false} options (also see above). \fi% Of course, these options do not exist with \Class{scrartcl}% \iffree{}{% Umbruchkorrekturtext , since this class does not have chapters}% .% \fi The\ChangedAt{v3.12}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} \OptionValue{headings}{standardclasses}% \important{\OptionValue{headings}{standardclasses}} option adjusts the font sizes of the headings to those of the standard classes. In addition, the font for the \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.disposition}% \IndexFontElement{disposition} element is set to \Macro{bfseries}. It therefore no longer uses a sans-serif font for the headings. If you use \Class{scrbook}\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}} or \Class{scrreprt}, \OptionValue{headings}{twolinechapter} is also set and the spacing between the chapter headings is adjusted to that of the standard classes. You\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} can set the method to specify the page on which new chapters begin with \OptionValue{headings}{openany}\important{% \OptionValue{headings}{openany}\\ \OptionValue{headings}{openright}\\ \OptionValue{headings}{openleft}}, \OptionValue{headings}{openright}, and \OptionValue{headings}{openleft}, or alternatively with the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.open} option, which takes the values \PValue{any}, \PValue{right}, and \PValue{left} (see above). Another\ChangedAt{v3.10}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} special feature of \KOMAScript{} is the handling of the optional argument of the sectioning commands \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter}, etc. down to \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.subparagraph}. You can change its function and meaning\important{\OptionValue{headings}{optiontohead}\\ \OptionValue{headings}{optiontotoc}\\ \OptionValue{headings}{optiontoheadandtoc}} with the options \OptionValue{headings}{optiontohead}% \IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{optiontohead}}, \OptionValue{headings}{optiontotoc}% \IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{optiontotoc}} and \OptionValue{headings}{optiontoheadandtoc}% \IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{optiontoheadandtoc}}. See \autoref{tab:\LabelBase.headings} for a summary of all available settings for the \Option{headings} option. The explanations of the sectioning commands below contain examples using some of these settings. \begin{desclist} \desccaption[{Available values for the \Option{headings} option}]{% Available values for the \Option{headings} option to format section headings% \label{tab:\LabelBase.headings}% }{% Available values for the \Option{headings} option (\emph{continued})% }% \pventry{big}{% Use large fonts in the headings for each of the default sectioning levels with wide spacing above and below the titles. \IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{big}}}% \pventry{normal}{% Use medium-sized fonts in the headings with medium spacing above and below the titles. \IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{normal}}}% \entry{\PValue{onelineappendix}, \PValue{noappendixprefix}, \PValue{appendixwithoutprefix}, \PValue{appendixwithoutprefixline}% \IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{onelineappendix}}}{% Chapter headings in the appendix are set like other headings.% }% \entry{\PValue{onelinechapter}, \PValue{nochapterprefix}, \PValue{chapterwithoutprefix}, \PValue{chapterwithoutprefixline}% \IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{onelinechapter}}}{% Chapter titles are set like other headings.% }% \pventry{openany}{% The commands \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepageusingstyle}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublestandardpage}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleplainpage}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleemptypage}, and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepage} generate a page break and insert an interleaf page\Index{interleaf page} if needed to reach the next right-hand page in two-sided printing, the same as in \OptionValue{headings}{openright}. Parts, chapter, the index, and back matter use \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.clearpage} instead of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepage}.% \IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{openany}}}% \pventry{openleft}{% The commands \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepageusingstyle}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublestandardpage}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleplainpage}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleemptypage}, and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepage} generate a page break and insert an interleaf page if needed to reach the next left-hand page in two-sided printing. Part, chapter, index and back matter use \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepage}.% \IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{openleft}}}% \pventry{openright}{% The commands \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepageusingstyle}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublestandardpage}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleplainpage}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoubleemptypage}, and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepage} generate a page break and insert an interleaf page if needed to reach the next right-hand page in two-sided printing. Part, chapter, index and back matter use \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.cleardoublepage}.% \IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{openright}}}% \pventry{optiontohead}{% The\ChangedAt{v3.10}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} advanced functionality of the optional argument of the sectioning commands \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part} down to \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.subparagraph} is activated. By default, the optional argument is used only for the running head.% \IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{optiontohead}}% }% \entry{\PValue{optiontoheadandtoc}, \PValue{optiontotocandhead}% \IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{optiontoheadandtoc}}}{% The\ChangedAt{v3.10}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} advanced functionality of the optional argument of the sectioning commands \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part} down to \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.subparagraph} is activated. By default, the optional argument is used for the running head and the table of contents.% }% \pventry{optiontotoc}{% The\ChangedAt{v3.10}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} advanced functionality of the optional argument of the sectioning commands \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part} down to \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.subparagraph} is activated. By default, the optional argument is used only for the table of contents.% \IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{optiontohead}}% }% \pventry{small}{% Use small fonts in the headings with small spacing above and below the titles.% \IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{small}}}% \pventry{standardclasses}{% \ChangedAt{v3.12}{\Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}\and\Class{scrartcl}}% Reset the font settings for each of the standard sectioning levels and use headings with the sizes of the standard classes. For chapter headings, \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} set \OptionValue{headings}{twolinechapter}.% }% \entry{\PValue{twolineappendix}, \PValue{appendixprefix}, \PValue{appendixwithprefix}, \PValue{appendixwithprefixline}% \IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{twolineappendix}}}{% Chapter titles in the appendix are set with a number line whose format is determined by \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapterformat}\IndexCmd{chapterformat}.% }% \entry{\PValue{twolinechapter}, \PValue{chapterprefix}, \PValue{chapterwithprefix}, \PValue{chapterwithprefixline}% \IndexOption{headings~=\textKValue{twolinechapter}}}{% Chapter titles are set with a number line whose format is determined by \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapterformat}\IndexCmd{chapterformat}.% }% \end{desclist} % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \OptionVName{numbers}{setting} \end{Declaration}% According to {\small DUDEN}, if only Arabic numerals are used to number section headings\Index{headings}, the German practice is to have no point at the end (see \cite[R\,3]{DUDEN}). On the other hand, if Roman numerals or letters appear in the numbering, then a point should appear at the end of the numbering (see \cite[R\,4]{DUDEN}). {\KOMAScript} has a mechanism that tries to automate this somewhat complex rule. The result is that normally after the sectioning commands \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.appendix} the numbering switches to using a final point. This information is saved in the \File{aux} file and takes effect on the next {\LaTeX} run. Sometimes the mechanism for placing or omitting the final point may fail. Sometimes other languages have different rules. Therefore you can force the use of the final point with the option \OptionValue{numbers}{endperiod}\IndexOption{numbers~=\textKValue{endperiod}}% \important{\OptionValue{numbers}{endperiod}\\ \OptionValue{numbers}{noendperiod}} or to prohibit it with \OptionValue{numbers}{noendperiod}. Note\textnote{Attention!} that this mechanism only takes effect on the next {\LaTeX} run. Therefore, before you try to use these options to force the correct numbering format, you should always perform another \LaTeX{} run without modifying the document. When using the language setting \PValue{russian} of the package \Package{polyglossia}\IndexPackage{polyglossia}\important{\Package{polyglossia}}, the setting of the option is overwritten by redefining \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.autodot}. Subsequent setting of the option then also has no effect. However, from version 1.50a the package offers an option to switch off this very restrictive behaviour. More details can be found in the manual \cite{package:polyglossia}. You can find a summary of the available values for the \PName{setting} of \PName{numbers} in \autoref{tab:\LabelBase.numbers}. Unlike most other settings, this option can only be set in the document preamble, i.\,e. before \Macro{begin}\PParameter{document}. \begin{table} \caption[{Available values for the \Option{numbers} option}]{Available values of the \Option{numbers} option to configure the final points of the numbers for section headings} \label{tab:\LabelBase.numbers} \begin{desctabular} \entry{\PValue{autoendperiod}, \PValue{autoenddot}, \PValue{auto}}{% \KOMAScript{} decides whether to set the point at the end of sectioning command numbers. If there are only Arabic numerals, the point will be omitted. If a letter or Roman numeral is found, the point is set. However, references to these numbers are set without a final point.% \IndexOption{numbers~=\textKValue{autoendperiod}}}% \entry{\PValue{endperiod}, \PValue{withendperiod}, \PValue{periodatend}, \PValue{enddot}, \PValue{withenddot}, \PValue{dotatend}}{% All numbers of sectioning commands and their subordinate numbers are set with a final point. Only references will be set without the final point.% \IndexOption{numbers~=\textKValue{endperiod}}}% \entry{\PValue{noendperiod}, \PValue{noperiodatend}, \PValue{noenddot}, \PValue{nodotatend}}{% All numbers of sectioning commands are set without a final point.% \IndexOption{numbers~=\textKValue{noendperiod}}}% \end{desctabular} \end{table} % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Option{chapteratlists}% \OptionVName{chapteratlists}{value} \end{Declaration}% As mentioned in \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.floats}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.listof}\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}}, every chapter that is created with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter} normally inserts a vertical space in the lists of floating environments (e.\,g., tables and figures). Since version~2.96a,\important{\OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{version}{2.96a}}% \ChangedAt{v2.96a}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} this also applies to the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addchap} command unless you choose a compatibility setting for an earlier version (see the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.version} option in \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.compatibilityOptions}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.version}). In addition, you can use the \Option{chapteratlists} option to change the vertical spacing by specifying the desired distance as the \PName{value}. The default with \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{listof}{chaptergapsmall}% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{chaptergapsmall}} % is 10\Unit{pt} (see the\DescRef{\LabelBase.option.version} option in \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.compatibilityOptions}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.version}). If you use \OptionValue{chapteratlists}{entry}% \IndexOption{chapteratlists~=\textKValue{entry}}% \important{\OptionValue{chapteratlists}{entry}} or \Option{chapteratlists} without specifying a value, instead of a vertical space, the chapter entry itself will be entered into the lists. Note that such an entry occurs even if the chapter does not contain a floating environment. A method where only chapters with floating environments are displayed in the respective list can be found in the German-language \KOMAScript{} forum at \cite{https://komascript.de/comment/5070}. Please\textnote{Attention!} note that changes to this option only takes effect after two additional {\LaTeX} runs.% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{part}\OParameter{short version}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{chapter}\OParameter{short version}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{section}\OParameter{short version}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{subsection}\OParameter{short version}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{subsubsection}\OParameter{short version}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{paragraph}\OParameter{short version}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{subparagraph}\OParameter{short version}\Parameter{heading} \end{Declaration}% \Index[indexmain]{part}% \Index[indexmain]{chapter}% \Index[indexmain]{section}% The standard sectioning commands in {\KOMAScript} work the same way as those in the standard classes. Thus, you can specify an alternative text for the table of contents and running heads as an optional argument to the sectioning commands. However, with\ChangedAt{v3.10}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}\textnote{\KOMAScript{} vs. standard classes} the \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.option.headings}} \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{headings}{optiontohead}% \IndexOption[indexmain]{headings~=\textKValue{optiontohead}} option, \KOMAScript{} only uses the optional argument \PName{short version} in the running head, not the table of contents. Of course, this text will only appear if you use a page style\Index{page>style} that puts the corresponding sectioning level in the running head. See \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.pagestyle} and \autoref{cha:scrlayer-scrpage}. With the \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{headings}{optiontotoc}% \IndexOption[indexmain]{headings~=\textKValue{optiontotoc}} option, \KOMAScript{} uses the optional argument \PName{short version} exclusively for the table of contents and not the running head. However, the entry will be shown only if the \DescRef{\LabelBase.counter.tocdepth} counter is great enough (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.toc}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.counter.tocdepth}). With the \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{headings}{optiontoheadandtoc}% \IndexOption[indexmain]{headings~=\textKValue{optiontoheadandtoc}} option, \KOMAScript{} uses the optional argument \PName{short version} in both the table of contents and the running head. These three options all activate the extended interpretation of the optional argument \PName{short version}, which is not active by default. The \ChangedAt{v3.10}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} extended interpretation of the optional argument checks to see if there is an equals sign in \PName{short version}. If so, the optional argument will be interpreted as an \PName{option list}. Three options\,---\,\OptionVName{head}{running head}\important{\Option{head}\\ \Option{tocentry}\\ \Option{reference}\\ \Option{nonumber}}, \OptionVName{tocentry}{table of contents entry}, \OptionVName{reference}{reference title}% \ChangedAt{v3.22}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}, and \OptionVName{nonumber}{simple switch}\ChangedAt{v3.27}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}\,---\,are supported with this format. To use commas or equals signs within the values of those options, you must enclose them in braces. Please\textnote{Attention!} note that this mechanism only works as long as \KOMAScript{} controls the sectioning commands. If you use package that redefines the \KOMAScript{}'s or the internal \LaTeX{} kernel's sectioning commands, \KOMAScript{} can no longer provide this extended mechanism. This also applies to a \KOMAScript{} extension that is always active: sectioning commands with no heading text\textnote{empty headings} do not create entries in the table of contents. If you really want an entry with empty heading text, you can use an invisible entry like \lstinline|\mbox{}|. \begin{Example} Suppose you have a document with very long chapter headings. These headings should appear in the table of contents, but you want to limit the running head to short, single-line headings. You can do this with the optional argument of \Macro{chapter}. \begin{lstcode} \chapter[short version of chapter heading] {The Sectioning Command for Chapters Supports not only the Heading Text Itself but also a Short Version Whose Use can be Controlled} \end{lstcode} A little later you realize that the line breaks for this long heading are very inappropriate. You therefore want to choose the breaks yourself. Nevertheless, you still want automatic line breaking in the table of contents. With \begin{lstcode} \chapter[head={short version of chapter heading}, tocentry={The Sectioning Command for Chapters Supports not only the Heading Text Itself but also a Short Version Whose Use can be Controlled}] {The Sectioning\\ Command for Chapters\\ Supports not only\\ the Heading Text Itself\\ but also\\ a Short Version Whose\\ Use can be Controlled} \end{lstcode} you create separate entries for the table of contents, running head, and chapter heading itself. The arguments of the options \Option{head} and \Option{tocentry} have been enclosed in braces so their contents can be arbitrary. The need for braces in the example above is best illustrated by another example. Suppose you chose the \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{headings}{optiontotoc} option and set the title this way: \begin{lstcode} \section[head=\emph{value}] {Option head=\emph{value}} \end{lstcode} This results in the entry ``Option head=\emph{value}'' in the table of contents but ``\emph{value}'' in the running head. But surely you wanted the entry ``head=\emph{value}'' in the table of contents and the complete heading text in the running head. You can do this using braces: \begin{lstcode} \section[head{=}\emph{value}] {Option head=\emph{value}} \end{lstcode} A similar case concerns the comma. Using the same \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.headings} option as before \begin{lstcode} \section[head=0, 1, 2, 3, \dots] {Natural Numbers Including the Zero} \end{lstcode} results in an error because the comma is interpreted as the separator between the individual options of the option list % ``\lstinline|0, 1, 2, 3, \dots|''. But writing \begin{lstcode} \section[head={0, 1, 2, 3, \dots}] {Natural Numbers Including the Zero} \end{lstcode} makes ``\lstinline|0, 1, 2, 3, \dots|'' the argument of the \Option{head} option. \end{Example} Like\ChangedAt{v3.22}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} setting the title of a running head with the \Option{head} option, or setting the title of a table-of-contents entry with the \Option{tocentry} option, you can set the title of a reference with the \Package{nameref}\IndexPackage{nameref}\important{\Package{nameref}\\ \Package{titleref}\\ \Package{zref-titleref}} or \Package{titleref}\IndexPackage{titleref} packages, or with the \Package{titleref}\IndexPackage{zref-titleref} module of the \Package{zref}\IndexPackage{zref} package, using the \Option{reference}% \important{\Option{reference}} option. Note that the support for the \Package{titleref} package is rather rudimentary, since that package's performance is poor compared to the other two, and it is not fully compatible with \Package{hyperref}\IndexPackage{hyperref}\important{\Package{hyperref}}. You can deactivate the numbering using \OptionValue{nonumber}{true}\important{\Option{nonumber}}% \ChangedAt{v3.27}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} in the extended optional argument. In contrast to the \hyperref[desc:maincls.cmd.part*]{starred versions of the sectioning commands} explained below, the titles will still be added to the table of contents and, if applicable, used for the running head. For \Macro{part}, \Macro{chapter}, and \Macro{section}, using \OptionValue{nonumber}{true} this essentially corresponds to the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addpart}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addchap}, and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addsec} commands, which are explained on \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addpart}. The part-level title\important{\Macro{part}} (\Macro{part}) differs from other sectioning levels by being numbered independently. This means that the chapter level (in \Class{scrbook} or \Class{scrreprt}), or the section level (in \Class{scrartcl}) is numbered consecutively over all parts. Furthermore, for the \Class{scrbook}\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} and \Class{scrreprt} classes, the title of the part level together with the corresponding preamble (see \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setpartpreamble}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setpartpreamble}) is set on a separate page. The \Macro{chapter}\important{\Macro{chapter}}\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} command only exists in the book and report classes, that is, in \Class{book}, \Class{scrbook}, \Class{report} and \Class{scrreport}, but not in the article classes \Class{article} and \Class{scrartcl}. Furthermore, the \Macro{chapter}\textnote{\KOMAScript{} vs. standard classes} command in {\KOMAScript} differs substantially from the version in the standard classes. In the standard classes, the chapter number is used together with the prefix ``Chapter'', or the corresponding word in the appropriate language, on a separate line above the actual chapter title text. \KOMAScript{} replaces this overpowering\important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.option.chapterprefix}\\ \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.appendixprefix}} style with a simple chapter number before the chapter title, but you can restore the original behaviour with the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.chapterprefix} option (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.chapterprefix}). Please\textnote{Attention!} note that \Macro{part} and \Macro{chapter} in the \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} \OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}} classes change the page style for one page. The page style applied in {\KOMAScript} is defined in the macros \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.partpagestyle} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapterpagestyle} (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.pagestyle}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.titlepagestyle}). \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex[indexother]{}{font}% \BeginIndex[indexother]{}{font>style}% \BeginIndex[indexother]{}{font>size}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{part}\LabelFontElement{part}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{partnumber}\LabelFontElement{partnumber}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{chapter}\LabelFontElement{chapter}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{chapterprefix}\LabelFontElement{chapterprefix}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{section}\LabelFontElement{section}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{subsection}\LabelFontElement{subsection}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{subsubsection}\LabelFontElement{subsubsection}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{paragraph}\LabelFontElement{paragraph}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{subparagraph}\LabelFontElement{subparagraph}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{disposition}\LabelFontElement{disposition}% You\ChangedAt{v2.8p}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} can change the font style for all headings with the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setkomafont}\IndexCmd{setkomafont} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addtokomafont}\IndexCmd{addtokomafont} commands (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.textmarkup}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setkomafont}). In doing so, the element \FontElement{disposition}\important{\FontElement{disposition}} is applied first, followed by the specific element\important{% \FontElement{part}\\ \FontElement{chapter}\\ \FontElement{section}\\ \FontElement{subsection}\\ \FontElement{paragraph}\\ \FontElement{subparagraph}} for each sectioning level (see \autoref{tab:\LabelBase.fontelements}, \autopageref{tab:\LabelBase.fontelements}). There is a separate elements, \FontElement{partnumber}, for the number of the part heading, and \FontElement{chapterprefix}, for the optional prefix line of chapter headings. The initial definition for the \FontElement{disposition} element is \Macro{normalcolor}\linebreak[2]\Macro{sffamily}\linebreak[2]\Macro{bfseries}. The default font sizes for the specific elements depends on the options \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{headings}{big}, \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{headings}{normal}, and \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{headings}{small} (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.headings}). They are listed in \autoref{tab:\LabelBase.structureElementsFont}. % Umbruchkorrektur: Tabelle verschoben \begin{table} % \centering% % \caption \KOMAoptions{captions=topbeside}% \setcapindent{0pt}% \begin{captionbeside}[{Default font sizes for different levels of document sectioning}]{% \label{tab:\LabelBase.structureElementsFont}% Default font sizes for different levels of document sectioning in \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt}}[l] \begin{tabular}[t]{lll} \toprule Class Option & Element & Default\\ \midrule \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{headings}{big} & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.part}\IndexFontElement{part} & \Macro{Huge} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.partnumber}% \IndexFontElement{partnumber} & \Macro{huge} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.chapter}\IndexFontElement{chapter} & \Macro{huge} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.chapterprefix}% \IndexFontElement{chapterprefix} & \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.usekomafont}\PParameter{chapter} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.section}\IndexFontElement{section} & \Macro{Large} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.subsection}% \IndexFontElement{subsection} & \Macro{large} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.subsubsection}% \IndexFontElement{subsubsection} & \Macro{normalsize} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.paragraph}\IndexFontElement{paragraph} & \Macro{normalsize} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.subparagraph}% \IndexFontElement{subparagraph} & \Macro{normalsize} \\[1ex] \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{headings}{normal} & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.part} & \Macro{huge} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.partnumber} & \Macro{huge} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.chapter} & \Macro{LARGE} \\ & \FontElement{chapterprefix}\IndexFontElement{chapterprefix} & \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.usekomafont}\PParameter{chapter} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.section} & \Macro{Large} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.subsection} & \Macro{large} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.subsubsection} & \Macro{normalsize} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.paragraph} & \Macro{normalsize} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.subparagraph} & \Macro{normalsize} \\[1ex] \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{headings}{small} & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.part} & \Macro{LARGE} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.partnumber} & \Macro{LARGE} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.chapter} & \Macro{Large} \\ & \FontElement{chapterprefix}\IndexFontElement{chapterprefix} & \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.usekomafont}\PParameter{chapter} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.section} & \Macro{large} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.subsection} & \Macro{normalsize} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.subsubsection} & \Macro{normalsize} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.paragraph} & \Macro{normalsize} \\ & \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.subparagraph} & \Macro{normalsize}\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{captionbeside} \end{table} % \begin{Example} Suppose you use the \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{headings}{big} class option and notice that the very large headings of the document parts are too bold. You could change this as follows: \begin{lstcode} \setkomafont{disposition}{\normalcolor\sffamily} \part{Appendices} \addtokomafont{disposition}{\bfseries} \end{lstcode} Using the command above you only switch off the font attribute \textbf{bold} for a heading ``Appendices''. A much more convenient and elegant solution is to change all \Macro{part} headings at once. This is done either by: \begin{lstcode} \addtokomafont{part}{\normalfont\sffamily} \addtokomafont{partnumber}{\normalfont\sffamily} \end{lstcode} or simply: \begin{lstcode} \addtokomafont{part}{\mdseries} \addtokomafont{partnumber}{\mdseries} \end{lstcode} The second version is preferred because it gives you the correct result even if you change the \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.disposition} element\IndexFontElement{disposition}, for instance: \begin{lstcode} \setkomafont{disposition}{\normalcolor\bfseries} \end{lstcode} With this change, it is possible to set all section levels at once to no longer use sans serif fonts. \end{Example} I strongly advise against using the ability to switch fonts in order to mix fonts, font sizes, and font attributes wildly. Picking the right font for the job is a matter for experts and has almost nothing to do with the personal tastes of non-experts. See the citation at the end of \autoref{sec:typearea.tips}, \autopageref{sec:typearea.tips.cite} and to the following explanation. \begin{Explain} It is possible to use different font types for different sectioning levels in {\KOMAScript}. Non-experts in typography should absolutely avoid doing so for excellent typographical reasons. A rule of typography states that you should mix as few fonts as possible. Using sans serif for headings already seems to violate this rule. However, you should realize that large, bold, serif letters are much too heavy for headings. Strictly speaking, you should then use a normal instead of a bold or semi-bold font. However, in deeper levels of the sectioning, a normal font may then appear too light. On the other hand, sans serif fonts have a very pleasant appearance in headings, and almost solely in headings. There is, therefore, good reason why sans serif is the default in {\KOMAScript}. Greater variety should, however, be avoided. Font mixing is something for professionals. For this reason, if you want to use fonts other than the standard {\TeX} fonts\,---\,regardless of whether these are CM\Index{CM fonts}, EC\Index{EC fonts}, or LM fonts\Index{LM fonts}\,---\,you should consult an expert about the compatibility of the sans serif and serif fonts, or redefine the element \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.disposition}\IndexFontElement{disposition} as a precautionary measure. The author considers the commonly encountered combinations of Times and Helvetica or Palatino with Helvetica to be awkward. \end{Explain} \EndIndexGroup % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{part*}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{chapter*}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{section*}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{subsection*}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{subsubsection*}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{paragraph*}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{subparagraph*}\Parameter{heading} \end{Declaration}% The starred variants of all sectioning commands produce unnumbered\Index{numbering} headings which do not appear in the table of contents\Index{table>of contents}\Index{contents>table of} or in the running head\Index{running head}. The absence of a running head often has an unwanted side effect. If, for example, a chapter set using \Macro{chapter*} spans several pages, then the running head of the previous chapter suddenly reappears. {\KOMAScript} offers a solution for this problem, described below. \Macro{chapter*}\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}} only exists in book and report classes, that is, \Class{book}, \Class{scrbook}, \Class{report} and \Class{scrreport}, not in the article classes \Class{article} and \Class{scrartcl}. Please\textnote{Attention!} note that \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter} change the page style for one page. While the standard classes use the \PageStyle{plain} page style, {\KOMAScript} applies the style defined in the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.partpagestyle} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapterpagestyle} macros (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.pagestyle}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.titlepagestyle}). The possibilities for switching fonts\ChangedAt{v2.8p}{% \Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}\and\Class{scrartcl}} % described above for the unstarred variants apply without change. The elements use the same names since they do not indicate variants but structuring levels.% % \EndIndexGroup \iffalse% Umbruchkorrekturtext In the standard classes\textnote{\KOMAScript{} vs. standard classes} there are no further structuring commands. In particular, there are no commands which can produce unnumbered chapters or sections which show up in the table of contents and in the running heading.% \fi \begin{Declaration} \Macro{addpart}\OParameter{short version}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{addpart*}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{addchap}\OParameter{short version}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{addchap*}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{addsec}\OParameter{short version}\Parameter{heading}% \Macro{addsec*}\Parameter{heading} \textnote[n]{\KOMAScript{} vs. standard classes} \end{Declaration}% In addition to the commands of the standard classes, {\KOMAScript} offers the new commands \Macro{addpart}, \Macro{addsec} and \Macro{addchap}. They are similar to the standard commands \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part}\IndexCmd{part}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.section}}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter}\IndexCmd{chapter} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.section}\IndexCmd{section} except that they are unnumbered. They thus produce both a running head and an entry in the table of contents which take into account the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.headings}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.option.headings}} option settings, especially the handling of the optional argument. However, enabling or disabling the \Option{nonumber} switch will have no effect. The starred variants \Macro{addchap*} and \Macro{addsec*} are similar to the standard commands \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter*} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.section*} except for a small but important difference: the running heads are deleted. This eliminates the side effect of obsolete headers mentioned above. Instead, the running heads on subsequent pages remain empty. \OnlyAt{\Class{book}\and \Class{scrreprt}}\Macro{addchap} and \Macro{addchap*} only exist, of course, in book and report classes, namely \Class{book}, \Class{scrbook}, \Class{report} and \Class{scrreport}, not in the article classes \Class{article} and \Class{scrartcl}. The \Macro{addpart} command produces an unnumbered document part with an entry in the table of contents. Since the running heads are already deleted by \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part*} the previously mentioned problem with obsolete headers does not exist. The starred version \Macro{addpart*} is thus identical to \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part*} and is only defined for reasons of consistency. Please note\textnote{Attention!} that \Macro{addpart} and \Macro{addchap} and their starred variants change the page style for one page. The particular page style is defined in the macros \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.partpagestyle} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapterpagestyle} (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.pagestyle}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.titlepagestyle}). \iffree{\iffalse}{\csname iftrue\endcsname}% Umbruchkorrekturbeispiel \begin{Example} You write a book with a long afterword that spans several pages. This should receive neither a running head nor an entry in the table of contents. Therefore, you first use \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter*}: \begin{lstcode} \documentclass{scrbook} \usepackage{blindtext} \begin{document} \tableofcontents \blinddocument \chapter*{Afterword} \Blindtext[10] \end{document} \end{lstcode} However, you discover that the running head of the previous chapter reappears on the second and third pages of the afterword. Naturally, you do not want that. Therefore, you use \Macro{addchap*}: \begin{lstcode} \documentclass{scrbook} \usepackage{blindtext} \begin{document} \tableofcontents \blinddocument \addchap*{Afterword} \Blindtext[10] \end{document} \end{lstcode} The complete postscript is now without a running head, if that is what you want. But even that does not quite meet your expectations. A running head would be nice. With \begin{lstcode} \documentclass{scrbook} \usepackage{blindtext} \begin{document} \tableofcontents \blinddocument \addchap{Afterword} \Blindtext[10] \end{document} \end{lstcode} you now get both ``Afterword'' as the running head on the even pages and an entry in the table of contents. But this entry bothers your publisher. He insists that the afterword have no entry in the table of contents. Even if that seems strange to you, you want to satisfy the publisher, so with \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{headings}{optiontotocandhead} you first activate the extended function for the optional argument and then explicitly set an empty argument for the table of contents: \begin{lstcode} \documentclass[headings=optiontotocandhead] {scrbook} \usepackage{blindtext} \begin{document} \tableofcontents \blinddocument \addchap[tocentry={}]{Afterword} \Blindtext[10] \end{document} \end{lstcode} The running head is not changed by \OptionValue{tocentry}{\{\}}. Since \Class{scrbook} automatically omits empty entries in the table of contents, the publisher is now satisfied. \end{Example}% \fi The possibilities for switching fonts\ChangedAt{v2.8p}{% \Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}\and\Class{scrartcl}} % described above for the unstarred variant of the sectioning commands apply without change. The elements have the same names since they do not designate variants but sectioning levels.% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{minisec}\Parameter{heading} \end{Declaration}% Sometimes you want a heading\Index{heading} that is highlighted but also closely linked to the following text. Such a heading should not be separated by a large vertical skip. The \Macro{minisec} command is designed for this situation. This heading is not associated with any sectioning level\textnote{no sectioning level}. Such a \emph{mini-section} does not produce an entry in the table of contents, nor does it receive any numbering. \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex{FontElement}{minisec}\LabelFontElement{minisec}% You can change the font of the \Macro{minisec} command using the \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.disposition}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.disposition}\\ \FontElement{minisec}} and \FontElement{minisec}\ChangedAt{v2.96a}{% \Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} element (see \autoref{tab:maincls.fontelements}, \autopageref{tab:maincls.fontelements}). The default of the \FontElement{minisec} element is empty, so by default only the \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.disposition} element is used.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Example} You have developed a kit for building a mouse trap and want the documentation separated into a list of necessary items and an assembly description. You could write the following: \begin{lstcode} \documentclass{scrartcl} \begin{document} \title{DIY Projects} \author{Two Left Thumbs} \date{\today} \maketitle \section{Mousetrap} The first project is suitable for beginners and only requires a few components that should be found in every household. \minisec{Material Required} \begin{flushleft} 1 board ($100\times 50 \times 12$)\\ 1 swing-top cap of a beer-bottle\\ 1 ballpoint pen\\ 1 push pin\\ 2 screws\\ 1 hammer\\ 1 knife \end{flushleft} \minisec{Assembly} First, find the mouse hole and put the push pin directly behind the hole so that the mouse cannot escape during the following actions. Next tap the swing-top cap into the mouse hole with the hammer. If the cap is not big enough to block the hole completely and permanently, take the board instead and screw it to the front of the mouse hole using the two screws and the knife. Of course, you can use a screwdriver instead of a knife. The ballpoint pen has fallen victim to animal welfare. \end{document} \end{lstcode} The main part, starting with the heading ``Material Required'' will look like this: \begin{ShowOutput}[\baselineskip]\setlength{\parindent}{1em} \minisec{Material Required} \begin{flushleft} 1 board ($100\times 50 \times 12$)\\ 1 swing-top cap of a beer-bottle\\ 1 ballpoint pen\\ 1 push pin\\ 2 screws\\ 1 hammer\\ 1 knife \end{flushleft} \minisec{Assembly} First, find the mouse hole and put the push pin directly behind the hole so that the mouse cannot escape during the following actions. Next tap the swing-top cap into the mouse hole with the hammer. If the cap is not big enough to block the hole completely and permanently, take the board instead and screw it to the front of the mouse hole using the two screws and the knife. Of course, you can use a screwdriver instead of a knife. The ballpoint pen has fallen victim to animal welfare. \end{ShowOutput} \end{Example} % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{raggedsection}% \Macro{raggedchapter}% \Macro{raggedpart} \end{Declaration}% In the standard classes\textnote{\KOMAScript{} vs. standard classes}, headings are set as justified text. That means that hyphenated words can occur and multi-line headings are stretched up to the text width. This approach is rather uncommon in typography. {\KOMAScript} therefore sets the headings left aligned with hanging indentation using \Macro{raggedsection} with the default: \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\raggedsection}{\raggedright} \end{lstcode} You can redefine this command with \Macro{renewcommand}. \begin{Example} You prefer justified headings, so you write in the preamble of your document: \begin{lstcode} \renewcommand*{\raggedsection}{} \end{lstcode} or more compactly: \begin{lstcode} \let\raggedsection\relax \end{lstcode} You will get heading formatting which is very close to that of the standard classes. It will become even closer when you combine this change with the change to the \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.disposition}\IndexFontElement{disposition} element mentioned above. \end{Example} Because\ChangedAt{v3.15}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} some users want a different alignment for the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter} level than for the other sectioning levels, you can change the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter} justification separately by redefining \Macro{raggedchapter}. By default, however, this command simply uses \Macro{raggedsection}, so changing \Macro{raggedsection} indirectly affects \Macro{raggedchapter}. By default, part headings (\DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part}) are set horizontally centred rather than ragged right. This formatting is performed by the \Macro{raggedpart} statement, which has the default definition \begin{lstcode} \let\raggedpart\centering \end{lstcode} You can also redefine this command using \Macro{renewcommand}. \begin{Example} You want the headings for \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part} to be formatted the same as any other sectioning command. To do so, put \begin{lstcode} \renewcommand*{\raggedpart}{\raggedsection} \end{lstcode} in the preamble of your document. In\textnote{Hint!} this case, and unlike in the example above, we did not use \Macro{let} because \Macro{let} would set \Macro{raggedpart} to the underlying value of \Macro{raggedsection}. Subsequent changes to \Macro{raggedsection} would then not change the behaviour of \Macro{raggedpart}. By redefining with \Macro{renewcommand}, \Macro{raggedpart} will use the current meaning of \Macro{raggedsection} at the time it is used rather than when it was redefined. \end{Example}% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{partformat} \Macro{chapterformat} \Macro{sectionformat} \Macro{subsectionformat} \Macro{subsubsectionformat} \Macro{paragraphformat} \Macro{subparagraphformat} \Macro{othersectionlevelsformat}\Parameter{sectioning name}\Parameter{} \Parameter{counter output} \Macro{IfUsePrefixLine}\Parameter{then code}\Parameter{else code} \Macro{autodot} \end{Declaration}% {\KOMAScript} adds another logical layer above \Macro{the\PName{sectioning name}} to format the sectioning numbers. The counters for each heading are not merely output. They are formatted using the commands \Macro{partformat}, \Macro{chapterformat}, down to \Macro{subparagraphformat}\ChangedAt{v3.17}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}. Of course the \Macro{chapterformat} command, like \Macro{thechapter}, does not exist in the \Class{scrartcl} class, but only in the \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} classes.\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}} As already explained for the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.numbers}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.option.numbers}} option at the beginning of this section (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.numbers}), {\KOMAScript}'s handling of points in section numbers implements the rules given in \cite{DUDEN}, which are standard in German-language typography, in the \Macro{autodot} command. In all levels except for \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part}, a point is followed by a further \Macro{enskip}. This corresponds to a horizontal skip of 0.5\Unit{em}. Since \KOMAScript~3.17\ChangedAt{v3.17}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}, the command \Macro{othersectionlevelsformat} is used only in rare circumstances, i.\,e., if the corresponding format command to a section command does not exist or is \Macro{relax}. This should not happen for any section commands defined by \KOMAScript{} itself. Therefore the command is no longer officially documented. Nevertheless, if you select a compatibility level prior to 3.17\important{\OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{version}{3.17}} (see option \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.version}, \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.compatibilityOptions}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.version}), commands \Macro{sectionformat} down to \Macro{subparagraphformat} are ignored by \KOMAScript{}. Instead, these layers will continue to use \Macro{othersectionlevelsformat}. You can redefine the formatting commands using \Macro{renewcommand} to fit them to your personal needs. The following default definitions are used by the {\KOMAScript} classes: \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\partformat}{\partname~\thepart\autodot} \newcommand*{\chapterformat}{% \mbox{\chapappifchapterprefix{\nobreakspace}\thechapter \autodot\IfUsePrefixLine{}{\enskip}}} \newcommand*{\sectionformat}{\thesection\autodot\enskip} \newcommand*{\subsectionformat}{% \thesubsection\autodot\enskip} \newcommand*{\subsubsectionformat}{% \thesubsubsection\autodot\enskip} \newcommand*{\paragraphformat}{\theparagraph\autodot\enskip} \newcommand*{\subparagraphformat}{% \thesubparagraph\autodot\enskip} \newcommand*{\othersectionlevelsformat}[3]{% #3\autodot\enskip} \end{lstcode} Because\ChangedAt{v3.17}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} it uses \Macro{IfUsePrefixLine}, \Macro{chapterformat} should not be used outside of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter}. \Macro{IfUsePrefixLine} is only valid inside \KOMAScript{} sectioning commands. Within those commands, it executes the \PName{then code} if a prefix line for the number is used and the \PName{else code} otherwise. Please also remember\textnote{Attention!} to replace \Macro{newcommand} with \Macro{renewcommand} if you want to redefine one of the commands above. \begin{Example} Suppose you do not want the word ``Part'' written in front of the part number when you use \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part}. You can put the following command in the preamble of your document: \begin{lstcode} \renewcommand*{\partformat}{\thepart\autodot} \end{lstcode} In fact, you could do without \Macro{autodot} here and insert a fixed point instead. Since \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part} is numbered with Roman numerals, it must be followed by a point according to \cite{DUDEN}. However, by using \Macro{autodot} you retain the ability to use the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.numbers}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.option.numbers}} option \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{numbers}{endperiod} and thus deviate from the rule. You can find more details concerning class options on \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.numbers}. Another possibility is to place the section numbers in the left margin in such a way that the heading text is left aligned with the surrounding text. You can accomplish this with: \begin{lstcode} \renewcommand*{\sectionformat}{% \makebox[0pt][r]{\thesection\autodot\enskip}} \renewcommand*{\subsectionformat}{% \makebox[0pt][r]{\thesubsection\autodot\enskip}} \renewcommand*{\subsubsectionformat}{% \makebox[0pt][r]{% \thesubsubsection\autodot\enskip}} \renewcommand*{\paragraphformat}{% \makebox[0pt][r]{\theparagraph\autodot\enskip}} \renewcommand*{\paragraphformat}{% \makebox[0pt][r]{% \thesubparagraph\autodot\enskip}} \end{lstcode} The optional arguments of the \Macro{makebox} command require \LaTeX{} to create a zero-width box with right-justified content. As a result, the contents of the box are output to the left of the current position.% \iffree{}{ %Umbruchkorrekturtext This popular trick avoids the need first to measure the width of the number and the spacing, and then to change the current position appropriately with \Macro{hspace}.} You can find more about the optional arguments of \Macro{makebox} in \cite{latex:usrguide}. \end{Example} For formatting changes in the headings that go beyond merely formatting the unit number, please refer to \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.partlineswithprefixformat}% \IndexCmd{partlineswithprefixformat}, \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.chapterlineswithprefixformat}% \IndexCmd{chapterlineswithprefixformat} and \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.chapterlinesformat}\IndexCmd{chapterlinesformat}, as well as \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.sectionlinesformat}\IndexCmd{sectionlinesformat} and its \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.sectioncatchphraseformat}% \IndexCmd{sectioncatchphraseformat} format in \autoref{sec:maincls-experts.sections}, starting from \DescPageRef{maincls-experts.cmd.partlineswithprefixformat}. It is expressly stated that the package \Package{polyglossia}\IndexPackage{polyglossia}\important{\Package{polyglossia}} redefines some of the instructions documented here depending on the language. This concerns, for example, the language settings \PValue{russian} and \PValue{hungarian}. For more details, see its manual \cite{package:polyglossia}.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{chapappifchapterprefix}\Parameter{additional text}% \Macro{chapapp} \end{Declaration}% These\ChangedAt{v2.8o}{\Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}} two commands are used internally by {\KOMAScript} and also made available to the user. Later, you will see how to use them, for example to redefine other commands.% \OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}} If you use the layout option \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{chapterprefix}{true}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.option.chapterprefix}} (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.chapterprefix}), \Macro{chapappifchapterprefix} outputs the word ``Chapter''\Index{chapter>heading} in the body of the text in the current language, followed by \PName{additional text}. In the appendix\Index{appendix}, the word ``Appendix'' in the current language is output instead, followed by \PName{additional text}. If the option \OptionValue{\LabelBase}{chapterprefix}{false} is set, then nothing is output. The \Macro{chapapp} command always outputs the word ``Chapter'' or ``Appendix'', regardless of the setting of the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.chapterprefix} option. Since chapters only exist in the classes \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt}, these commands only exist in these classes.% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{chaptermark}\Parameter{running head}% \Macro{addchapmark}\Parameter{running head}% \Macro{sectionmark}\Parameter{running head}% \Macro{addsecmark}\Parameter{running head}% \Macro{subsectionmark}\Parameter{running head}% \Macro{chaptermarkformat}% \Macro{sectionmarkformat}% \Macro{subsectionmarkformat} \end{Declaration}% \begin{Explain}% As mentioned in \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.pagestyle}, the \DescRef{\LabelBase.pagestyle.headings}\IndexPagestyle{headings}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.pagestyle.headings}} page style works with automatic running heads\Index{running heads>automatic}. For this, the commands \Macro{chaptermark} and \Macro{sectionmark}, or \Macro{sectionmark} and \Macro{subsectionmark}, are defined accordingly. Every sectioning command (\DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.section}, etc.) automatically executes the corresponding \Macro{\dots mark} command. The parameter passed contains the text of the section heading% \Index{heading}. The corresponding section number is added automatically in the \Macro{\dots mark} command. The formatting is done according to the sectioning level with one of the three commands \Macro{chaptermarkformat}, \Macro{sectionmarkformat}, or \Macro{subsectionmarkformat}. Note\textnote{Attention!} that the running heads of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addchap}\IndexCmd{addchap} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addsec}\IndexCmd{addsec} are also based on \Macro{chaptermark} and \Macro{sectionmark}. However, the \DescRef{\LabelBase.counter.secnumdepth} counter is set locally to a value that switches off the numbering of chapters or sections. You should consider this, for example, if you redefine \Macro{chaptermark} or \Macro{sectionmark} (see \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.Ifnumbered} on \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.Ifnumbered}). The starred variants \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addchap*} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addsec*} use additional commands \Macro{addchapmark} and \Macro{addsecmark} that are also defined based on \Macro{chaptermark} and \Macro{sectionmark} with local changes of \DescRef{\LabelBase.counter.secnumdepth}. Although\OnlyAt{\Class{scrartcl}} there is no \Macro{chaptermark} or \Macro{chaptermarkformat} command in \Class{scrartcl}, there are two commands, \Macro{subsectionmark} and \Macro{subsectionmarkformat}, which exist only in \Class{scrartcl}. However using the \hyperref[cha:scrlayer-scrpage]{\Package{scrlayer-scrpage}}% \IndexPackage{scrlayer-scrpage} package changes this (see \autoref{cha:scrlayer-scrpage}). \end{Explain} Just as numbers in the sectioning-command headers are formatted with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.partformat} down to \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.subparagraphformat}, \Macro{chaptermarkformat}, \Macro{sectionmarkformat}, and \Macro{subsectionmarkformat} define the formatting of the sectioning numbers in the automatic running heads. They can be adapted to your personal needs with \Macro{renewcommand}. The original definitions for the {\KOMAScript} classes are: \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\chaptermarkformat}{% \chapappifchapterprefix{\ }\thechapter\autodot\enskip} \newcommand*{\sectionmarkformat}{% \thesection\autodot\enskip} \newcommand*{\subsectionmarkformat}{% \thesubsection\autodot\enskip} \end{lstcode} \begin{Example} Suppose you want the word ``Chapter'' to precede the chapter number in the running head. You could put the following definition in the preamble of your document: \begin{lstcode} \renewcommand*{\chaptermarkformat}{% \chapapp~\thechapter\autodot\enskip} \end{lstcode} \end{Example} As you can see, both \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapapp} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapappifchapterprefix}, explained above, are used here.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Counter{secnumdepth} \Macro{partnumdepth} \Macro{chapternumdepth} \Macro{sectionnumdepth} \Macro{subsectionnumdepth} \Macro{subsubsectionnumdepth} \Macro{paragraphnumdepth} \Macro{subparagraphnumdepth} \end{Declaration}% \BeginIndex{}{Nummerierung}% Normally, the \Class{scrbook}\IndexClass{scrbook} and \Class{scrreport}\IndexClass{scrreprt} classes number the section headings from \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part}\IndexCmd{part}\IndexCmd{chapter}% \IndexCmd{section} down to \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.subsection}\IndexCmd{subsection} and the \Class{scrartcl}\IndexClass{scrartcl} class numbers them from \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part} down to \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.subsubsection}\IndexCmd{subsubsection}. The actual depth to which headings are numbered is controlled by the \LaTeX{} counter \Counter{secnumdepth}. To\ChangedAt{v3.12}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} save users the trouble of having to remember abstract numbers, the commands \Macro{partnumdepth} to \Macro{subparagraphnumdepth} return the appropriate number for the section level in their name. \begin{Example} For a book project, you want the section levels from part down to section to be numbered. To achieve this, you have to set counter \Counter{secnumdepth} to the value represented by \Macro{sectionnumdepth} in the preamble of your document: \begin{lstcode} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{\sectionnumdepth} \end{lstcode} \end{Example} No provision is made for redefining these commands. Doing so could lead to unexpected results, not only with \KOMAScript{} but also with third party packages. Thus, you should never redefine them. Do\textnote{Attention!} not confuse the \Counter{secnumdepth} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.counter.tocdepth} counters (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.toc}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.counter.tocdepth}). Depending on the class you are using, the meaning of the values of the \Counter{secnumdepth} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.counter.tocdepth} counters may differ for the same section level.% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{Ifnumbered}\Parameter{section level}% \Parameter{then code}\Parameter{else code}% \Macro{Ifunnumbered}\Parameter{section level}% \Parameter{then code}\Parameter{else code} \end{Declaration} The\ChangedAt{v3.12}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}\ChangedAt{v3.28}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} commands \Macro{Ifnumbered} and \Macro{Ifunnumbered} determine which section-level headings are numbered, using the technique described above, and execute code depending on whether a \PName{section level} is numbered or not. If a \PName{section level} is numbered with the current settings, \Macro{Ifnumbered} executes the \PName{then code}. If the section level is unnumbered, the \PName{else code} is executed. The \Macro{Ifunnumbered} command behaves in exactly the opposite manner, executing the \PName{then code} if the current level is unnumbered and the \PName{else code} if it is. The \PName{section level} parameter is simply the \LaTeX{} name of a section like \PValue{part}, \PValue{chapter}, \PValue{section}, \PValue{subsection}, \PValue{subsubsection}, \PValue{paragraph} oder \PValue{subparagraph}.\PValue{part}, \PValue{chapter}, \PValue{section}, \PValue{subsection}, \PValue{subsubsection}, \PValue{paragraph}, or \PValue{subparagraph}. \KOMAScript{} itself uses these tests, for example, in the definition of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chaptermark}\IndexCmd{chaptermark} in the \DescRef{\LabelBase.pagestyle.headings}\IndexPagestyle{headings} page style. This indirectly ensures that headings inserted by \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addchap} do not set a number inside the running head (see also \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addchapmark}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addchapmark}).% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{setpartpreamble}% \OParameter{position}\OParameter{width}\Parameter{preamble} \Macro{setchapterpreamble}% \OParameter{position}\OParameter{width}\Parameter{preamble} \end{Declaration}% Parts\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}}\Index{part>preamble}\Index{chapter>preamble} and chapters in {\KOMAScript} can be given a \PName{preamble}. This is particularly useful when you are using a two-column format with the class option \Option{twocolumn}\IndexOption{twocolumn}, since the heading and the \PName{preamble} are always set in a one-column layout. The \PName{preamble} can contain more than one paragraph. The command to set the \PName{preamble} must come before the respective \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addpart}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter}, or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addchap} command. \begin{Example} You are writing a report about the condition of a company. You organize the report in such a way that every department gets its own partial report. Each of these parts should be introduced by an abstract on the corresponding title page. You could write the following: \begin{lstcode} \setpartpreamble{% \begin{abstract} This is a filler text. It serves merely to demonstrate the capabilities of {\KOMAScript}. If you read this text, you will get no information. \end{abstract} } \part{Department for Word Processing} \end{lstcode} Depending on the settings for the heading font size\Index{heading} (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.headings}) and the options for the \DescRef{\LabelBase.env.abstract} environment\IndexEnv{abstract} (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.abstract}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.abstract}), the result will look something like this: \begin{ShowOutput}\centering {\LARGE\usekomafont{disposition} Part III.\par\vspace{14pt}} {\LARGE\usekomafont{disposition} Department for Word Processing\strut\par} \begin{quote}\small \vspace{4ex} \begin{center} \usekomafont{disposition}\abstractname \end{center} \vspace{2ex} This is a filler text. It serves merely to demonstrate the capabilities of {\KOMAScript}. If you read this text, you will get no information. \end{quote} \end{ShowOutput} \end{Example} Please\textnote{Attention!} note that \emph{you} are responsible for the spacing between the heading, preamble, and the following text. Note also that there is no \DescRef{\LabelBase.env.abstract} environment in the \Class{scrbook} class (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.abstract}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.env.abstract}). The\ChangedAt{v2.8p}{\Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}} first optional argument, \PName{position}, determines the position at which the preamble is placed with the help of one or two letters. For vertical placement there are two possibilities at present: \begin{labeling}[~--]{\quad\PValue{o}}\itemsep=0pt \item [\quad\texttt{o}] above the heading \item [\quad\texttt{u}] below the heading \end{labeling} You can therefore put one preamble above and another below a heading. For horizontal placement you have three options: \begin{labeling}[~--]{\quad\PValue{o}}\itemsep=0pt \item [\quad\texttt{l}] left-aligned \item [\quad\texttt{r}] right-aligned \item [\quad\texttt{c}] centred \end{labeling} This setting does not affect the alignment of the text in the \PName{preamble}. Instead, it aligns the box that contains the preamble. The width of this box is determined by the second optional argument, \PName{width}. If you omit this second argument, the box uses the full text width. In that case, the option for horizontal positioning has no effect. You can combine exactly one letter from the vertical with one letter from the horizontal positioning. A typical use for \Macro{setchapterpreamble} would be something like an epigraph, a wise saying, or a dictum. The \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.dictum}\IndexCmd{dictum} command, which you can use for this purpose, is described in the next section. You will also find an example there. Please note\textnote{Attention!} that a \PName{preamble} placed above the heading is set within the existing vertical space above the heading. The heading will not be moved down. You are therefore responsible for ensuring that the \PName{preamble} is not too large and that the space above the heading is sufficient. See also the \Option{beforeskip} setting for \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.RedeclareSectionCommand} in \autoref{sec:maincls-experts.sections}, \autoref{tab:maincls-experts.declarechapterstyle.keys}, \autopageref{tab:maincls-experts.declarechapterstyle.keys}. % % \EndIndexGroup % \EndIndexGroup \LoadCommonFile{dictum}% \section{Dicta} \LoadCommonFile{lists}% \section{Lists} \section{Mathematics} \seclabel{math}% \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex{}{equations}% \BeginIndex{}{formulas}% \BeginIndex{}{mathematics}% \KOMAScript{} classes do not provide their own environments for formulas, systems of equations, or similar mathematical elements. Instead, \KOMAScript{} relies fully on the maths features of the \LaTeX{} kernel. This also applies to the the options \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.leqno} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.fleqn}. You will not find a description of the maths environments of the \LaTeX{} kernel here. If you want to use \Environment{displaymath}\IndexEnv{displaymath}, \Environment{equation}\IndexEnv{equation}, or \Environment{eqnarray}\IndexEnv{eqnarray} you should read an introduction to \LaTeX{} like \cite{lshort}. But\textnote{Hint!} if you want more than very simple mathematics, you should use the \Package{amsmath} package (see \cite{package:amsmath}). \begin{Declaration} \Option{leqno} \end{Declaration}% Equations are normally numbered\Index{equation>number} on the right. The \Option{leqno} option loads the standard option file \File{leqno.clo}. The equations are then numbered on the left. You\textnote{Attention!} must use this option as an optional argument of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.documentclass}. Using it as an argument of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.KOMAoptions} or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.KOMAoption} is not supported. The latter would not make sense because the recommended maths package \Package{amsmath} can only respond to this option at load time and does not react to run-time changes of the option. % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Option{fleqn} \end{Declaration}% Displayed equations\Index{equation>alignment} are normally centred. The standard option \Option{fleqn} loads the standard option file \File{fleqn.clo}. Displayed equations are then left-justified. You\textnote{Attention!} must use this option as an optional argument of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.documentclass}. Using it as an argument of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.KOMAoptions} or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.KOMAoption} is not supported. The latter would not make sense because the recommended maths package \Package{amsmath} can only respond to this option at load time and does not react to run-time changes of the option. % \EndIndexGroup % \EndIndexGroup \section{Floating Environments for Tables and Figures} \seclabel{floats} \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex{}{floats}% \BeginIndex{}{tables}% \BeginIndex{}{figures}% With the floating environments, {\LaTeX} offers a powerful and convenient mechanism to arrange figures\Index{figure} and tables\Index{table} automatically. % Im Deutschen ist hier ein Absatz, den wir nicht uebernehmen! Frequently,\textnote{Attention!} beginners do not properly understand these floating environments\Index[indexmain]{floating environments}. They often ask to specify the exact position of a table or figure within the text. However, this is usually unnecessary, since the text will contain references to these floating environments. It is also not sensible because such an object can only be set on the page if there is enough space left for it. If this is not the case, the object would have to be shifted onto the next page, possibly leaving a huge empty space on the previous page. Often\textnote{Attention!} a document will use the same optional argument to position every floating object. This also makes no sense. In such cases, you should instead change the default value globally. For more details, see \cite{DANTE:FAQ}. One\textnote{Attention!} final, important note before starting this section: most of mechanisms described here, which extend the capabilities of the standard classes, no longer work correctly when used with packages that modify the appearance of figure and table captions. This should be self-evident, but it is often overlooked. \begin{Declaration} \OptionVName{captions}{setting} \end{Declaration} In the standard classes, the titles of floating environments, which are formatted with the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.caption}\IndexCmd{caption} command (see below), are set off from the float with vertical spacing appropriate for putting the caption beneath the float, like a signature. They also distinguish between one-line and multi-line captions. One-line captions are centred while multi-line captions are left-justified. \leavevmode\LabelOptionValue{captions}{tableheading}\nobreak% For tables, however, you want the caption% \important{\Option{captions}{tableheading}} to appear as a heading instead of a signature. That's because tables can span multiple pages. With such tables, the reader wants to know the purpose of the table on the first page. Furthermore, tables are usually read row by row, from top to bottom. So there are normally at least two good reasons to provide all tables with headings. \KOMAScript{} therefore offers the \OptionValue{captions}{tableheading}% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{tableheading}} option, which changes the formatting of table captions for use above the table. Note\textnote{Attention!} that multi-page tabulars cannot use a floating environment. To have an automatic page break in a tabular you need an additional package like \Package{longtable}\IndexPackage{longtable} (see \cite{package:longtable}) or \Package{supertabular}\IndexPackage{supertabular} (see \cite{package:supertabular}). You\important{\OptionValue{captions}{tablesignature}} can switch back to the default caption formatting using \OptionValue{captions}{tablesignature}% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{tablesignature}}. Note\textnote{Attention!} that these options change only the formatting, not the actual position of the caption. Whether the caption is placed above or below a float depends solely upon where you use the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.caption} command inside float environment. However, this can change when using the \Package{float}% \IndexPackage{float} package with the \Macro{restylefloats} command (see \cite{package:float}). Of course\important{\OptionValue{captions}{figureheading}\\ \OptionValue{captions}{figuresignature}}, corresponding functions exist\ChangedAt{v3.09}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} for figures using the options \OptionValue{captions}{figureheading}% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{figureheading}} and \OptionValue{captions}{figuresignature}% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{figuresignature}}. However, figures such as photos tend to be viewed as a whole, and a diagram or graph will mostly be examined starting from the lower left. Therefore, it only rarely makes sense to change the caption format for figures alone from signatures to headings. Sometimes, however, all floating environments should use headings. Therefore \KOMAScript{} provides\ChangedAt{v3.09}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} options\important{\OptionValue{captions}{heading}\\ \OptionValue{captions}{signature}} \OptionValue{captions}{heading}\IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{heading}} and \OptionValue{captions}{signature}% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{signature}} to switch the format of every floating environment. These options can also be used inside a floating environment. Please note\textnote{Achtung!}\OnlyAt{\Package{float}}\IndexPackage{float} when using the \Package{float} package that the settings for signatures or headings will no longer work once \Macro{restylefloat} is applied to tables or figures. For details about the \Package{float} package and \Macro{restylefloat}, please refer to \cite{package:float}. This also applies to \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.caption} within new floating environments defined with \Package{float}. You can find additional support which \KOMAScript{} provides when using the \Package{float} package in the explanation of \PValue{komaabove} (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.floatstyle.komaabove}). As an alternative to \Package{float}, you can also consult \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.captionof} (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.captionof}) and \DescRef{tocbasic.cmd.DeclareNewTOC} (see \DescPageRef{tocbasic.cmd.DeclareNewTOC}). Additionally, when using \Package{float}, the \hyperref[cha:scrhack]{\Package{scrhack}}\IndexPackage{scrhack}% \important{\hyperref[cha:scrhack]{\Package{scrhack}}} package is expressly recommended (see \autoref{cha:scrhack} from \autopageref{cha:scrhack} in \autoref{part:forExperts}). \leavevmode \LabelOptionValue{captions}{nooneline}\nobreak \LabelOptionValue{captions}{oneline}\nobreak Furthermore\important{\OptionValue{captions}{nooneline}}, \KOMAScript{} offers the option to disable the distinction between one-line and multi-line captions using the \OptionValue{captions}{nooneline}% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{nooneline}}% \important{\OptionValue{captions}{nooneline}} option. This can be useful, for example, if you do not want one-line captions to be centred. The default, where one-line captions are centred, corresponds to \OptionValue{captions}{oneline}. Another special feature of \KOMAScript{} is the ability to put the caption beside the floating object rather than above or below it. For this, you need the environment\important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside}} \DescRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside}\IndexEnv{captionbeside}, which is explained starting on \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside}. The settings for this environment can also be changed with the \Option{caption} option. You can find the available values for the corresponding \PName{settings} in \autoref{tab:\LabelBase.captions}. % \begin{desclist} \desccaption[{Available values for the \Option{captions}} option]{% Available values for the \Option{captions} option for setting formatting of captions as headings or signatures in floating environments% \label{tab:\LabelBase.captions}% }{% Available values for the \Option{captions} option (\emph{continued})% }% \entry{\PValue{bottombeside}, \PValue{besidebottom}}{% Captions for the \DescRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside} environment (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.floats}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside}) are vertically aligned with the bottommost baseline of the contents of the floating environment.% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{bottombeside}}}% \entry{\PValue{centeredbeside}, \PValue{besidecentered}, \PValue{middlebeside}, \PValue{besidemiddle}}{% Captions for the \DescRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside} environment (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.floats}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside}) are vertically aligned with the center of the contents of the floating environment.% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{centeredbeside}}}% \entry{\PValue{figureheading}, \PValue{figureabove}, \PValue{abovefigure}, \PValue{topatfigure}% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{figureheading}}}{% \ChangedAt{v3.09}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% Captions for figures use heading format\,---\,possibly deviating from \OptionValue{captions}{signature}.% }% \entry{\PValue{figuresignature}, \PValue{belowfigure}, \PValue{bottomatfiggure}% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{figuresignature}}}{% \ChangedAt{v3.09}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% Captions for figures use signature format\,---\,possibly deviating from \OptionValue{captions}{headings}.% }% \entry{\PValue{heading}, \PValue{above}, \PValue{top}% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{heading}}}{% \ChangedAt{v3.09}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} Captions for floating environments use formatting suitable for use in a heading. This setting does not control whether they are placed at the top or the bottom of the object. This option also implies \OptionValue{captions}{tableheading} and \OptionValue{captions}{figureheading}.% }% \entry{\PValue{innerbeside}, \PValue{besideinner}\IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{innerbeside}}}{% Captions for the \DescRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside} environment (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.floats}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside}) are placed inside of and next to the contents of the environment in two-sided printing. In one-sided printing, \OptionValue{captions}{leftbeside} is used.% }% \entry{\PValue{leftbeside}, \PValue{besideleft}\IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{leftbeside}}}{% Captions for the \DescRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside} environment (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.floats}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside}) are placed to the left of the contents of the floating environment.% }% \pventry{nooneline}{% Single-line captions are handled the same as multi-line captions.% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{nooneline}}}% \pventry{oneline}{% Single-line captions are centred horizontally.% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{oneline}}}% \entry{\PValue{outerbeside}, \PValue{besideouter}% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{outerbeside}}}{% Captions for the \DescRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside} environment (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.floats}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside}) are placed outside of and next to the contents of the environment in two-sided printing. In one-sided printing, \OptionValue{captions}{rightbeside} is used.% }% \entry{\PValue{rightbeside}, \PValue{besideright}% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{rightbeside}}}{% Captions for the \DescRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside} environment (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.floats}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside}) are placed to the right of the contents of the floating environment.% }% \entry{\PValue{signature}, \PValue{below}, \PValue{bot}, \PValue{bottom}% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{signature}}}{% \ChangedAt{v3.09}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% Captions for floating environments use signature format. This setting does not control whether they are placed at the top or the bottom of the object. This options also implies \OptionValue{captions}{tablesignature} and \OptionValue{captions}{figuresignature}.% }% \entry{\PValue{tableheading}, \PValue{tableabove}, \PValue{abovetable}, \PValue{abovetabular}, \PValue{topattable}% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{tableheading}}}{% Captions for tables use heading format\,---\,possibly deviating from \OptionValue{captions}{signature}.% }% \entry{\PValue{tablesignature}, \PValue{belowtable}, \PValue{belowtabular}, \PValue{bottomattable}% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{tablesignature}}}{% Captions for tables use signature format\,---\,possibly deviating from \OptionValue{captions}{heading}.% }% \entry{\PValue{topbeside}, \PValue{besidetop}}{% Captions for the \DescRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside} environment (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.floats}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside}) are vertically aligned to the baseline at the top of the floating environment.% \IndexOption{captions~=\textKValue{topbeside}}}% \end{desclist}% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{caption}\OParameter{entry}\Parameter{title} \Macro{captionbelow}\OParameter{entry}\Parameter{title} \Macro{captionabove}\OParameter{entry}\Parameter{title} \end{Declaration}% In the standard classes, tables and figures are given captions with the \Macro{caption} command placed below the table or figure. For figures, this is generally correct. For tables, opinions differ as to whether captions should be placed above the table or, consistent with captions of figures\Index{caption>of figure}, below it\Index{caption>of table}. Therefore {\KOMAScript}\textnote{\KOMAScript{} vs. standard classes}, unlike the standard classes, offers \Macro{captionbelow} for captions below and \Macro{captionabove} for captions above tables or figures. For tables and figures, or in general for all floating environments, you can control the behaviour of \Macro{caption} with the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.captions}\IndexOption{captions} option described at the beginning of this section. For compatibility reasons, the default behaviour of \Macro{caption} for all floating environments is like \Macro{captionbelow}. However, you\textnote{Hint!} should use the \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{captions}{tableheading} option, which switches the behaviour of \Macro{caption} inside table environments to \Macro{captionabove}. Alternatively, you can use \Macro{captionabove} instead of \Macro{caption} inside every \Environment{table} environment. % \begin{Example} Instead of using captions below a table, you want to place your captions above it\Index{table>caption}, because you have tables which span more then one page. In the standard classes you could only write: \begin{lstcode} \begin{table} \caption{This is an example table} \begin{tabular}{llll} This & is & an & example.\\\hline This & is & an & example.\\ This & is & an & example. \end{tabular} \end{table} \end{lstcode} Then you would get this unsatisfying result: \begin{ShowOutput}\centering {\usekomafont{caption}{\usekomafont{captionlabel}\tablename~30.2:} This is an example table.}\\ \begin{tabular}{llll} This & is & an & example.\\\hline This & is & an & example.\\ This & is & an & example. \end{tabular} \end{ShowOutput} Using {\KOMAScript} you write instead: \begin{lstcode} \begin{table} \captionabove{This is just an example table} \begin{tabular}{llll} This & is & an & example.\\\hline This & is & an & example.\\ This & is & an & example. \end{tabular} \end{table} \end{lstcode} Then you get: \begin{ShowOutput}\centering {\usekomafont{caption}{\usekomafont{captionlabel}\tablename~30.2:} This is just an example table}\\\vskip\abovecaptionskip \begin{tabular}{llll} This & is & an & example.\\\hline This & is & an & example.\\ This & is & an & example. \end{tabular} \end{ShowOutput} Since you want all your tables typeset with captions above, you could of course use the \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{captions}{tableheading} option instead (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.captions.tableheading}). Then you can use \Macro{caption} as you would in the standard classes. You will get the same result as with \Macro{captionabove}. \end{Example} \BeginIndex[indexother]{}{font>style}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{caption}\LabelFontElement{caption}% \BeginIndex{FontElement}{captionlabel}\LabelFontElement{captionlabel}% The font style\ChangedAt{v2.8p}{% \Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}\and\Class{scrartcl}} for the description and the label\,---\,``Figure'' or ``Table'', followed by the number and the delimiter\,---\,can be changed with the commands \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setkomafont} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addtokomafont} (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.textmarkup}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setkomafont}). The respective elements for this are \FontElement{caption}\important[i]{\FontElement{caption}\\ \FontElement{captionlabel}} and \FontElement{captionlabel} (see \autoref{tab:\LabelBase.fontelements}, \autopageref{tab:\LabelBase.fontelements}). The font style for the element \FontElement{caption} is applied to the element \FontElement{captionlabel} before the font style of \FontElement{captionlabel} itself is applied. The default settings are listed in \autoref{tab:\LabelBase.captionFont}. % \begin{table} % \centering% % \caption \begin{captionbeside} {Font defaults for the elements of figure or table captions} [l] \begin{tabular}[t]{ll} \toprule element & default \\ \midrule \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.caption} & \Macro{normalfont} \\ \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.captionlabel} & \Macro{normalfont}\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{captionbeside} \label{tab:\LabelBase.captionFont} \end{table} % \begin{Example} You want the table and figure descriptions typeset in a smaller font size. Thus you could write the following in the preamble of your document: \begin{lstcode} \addtokomafont{caption}{\small} \end{lstcode} Furthermore, you would like the labels to be printed in sans serif and bold. You add: \begin{lstcode} \setkomafont{captionlabel}{\sffamily\bfseries} \end{lstcode} As you can see, simple extensions of the default definitions are possible. \end{Example}% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{captionof}\Parameter{float type}\OParameter{entry}% \Parameter{title}% \Macro{captionbelowof}\Parameter{float type}\OParameter{entry}% \Parameter{title}% \Macro{captionaboveof}\Parameter{float type}\OParameter{entry}% \Parameter{title} \end{Declaration}% Like\ChangedAt{v3.05}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} the \Package{caption}\IndexPackage{caption} and \Package{capt-of}\IndexPackage{capt-of} packages, \KOMAScript{} offers the \Macro{captionof} command, with which you can put a caption for a floating environment, together with an entry in the corresponding environment list, outside of the floating environment or even in a different floating environment. Unlike \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.caption}, the type of floating environment must be specified as the first parameter. In addition, \KOMAScript{} also provides the commands \Macro{captionaboveof}\ChangedAt{v3.09}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} and \Macro{captionbelowof}. These are like \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.captionabove} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.captionbelow} but with the additional features and parameter of \Macro{captionof}. Of course\ChangedAt{v3.09a}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} \Macro{captionof} takes into account the \PValue{heading} and \PValue{signature} settings of the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.captions} option. But this feature may be lost if you load the \Package{capt-of}\IndexPackage{capt-of} or \Package{caption}\IndexPackage{caption} packages. When using \Package{caption}, you must follow the instructions for that package (see \cite{package:caption})! \begin{Example} Suppose you want to create a floating object with a table and a figure next to each other. Since there are no mixed floating environments, you primarily use a \Environment{figure} environment: \begin{lstcode} \begin{figure} \begin{minipage}{.5\linewidth} \centering \rule{4cm}{5cm} \caption{A rectangle}\label{fig:rechteck} \end{minipage}% \begin{minipage}{.5\linewidth} \centering \captionaboveof{table} [Measure of the rectangle in figure~\ref{fig:rechteck}]% {Measure of the rectangle} \label{tab:rechteck} \begin{tabular}{ll} Width: & 4\,cm\\ Height: & 5\,cm \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \end{figure} \end{lstcode} Two \Environment{minipage} environments were used to place the figure and the table side by side. The\textnote{Attention!} percent sign after the end of the first \Environment{minipage} is important. Without it, an additional space would appear between the \Environment{minipage} environments. The figure caption was created with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.caption}. The table caption was created with \Macro{captionaboveof} with \PValue{table} as the first argument. Because of this, \KOMAScript{} knows that this is a table caption even though it is inside the \Environment{figure} environment. The optional argument of \Macro{captionaboveof} creates an entry in the list of tables. Without the optional argument, the caption specified in the final mandatory argument would have been used for the list of tables too. Although this caption text is sufficient for the environment itself, it would not be very meaningful in the list of tables. Therefore, a different title is used for the list of tables using the optional argument. \autoref{fig:\LabelBase.captionaboveof} shows the result of the example code.% \begin{figure} % \centering % \caption \KOMAoptions{captions=bottombeside}% \setcapindent{0pt}% \begin{captionbeside} [{Example: Using \Macro{captionaboveof} inside another floating environment}] {Example: Using \Macro{captionaboveof} inside another floating environment\label{fig:\LabelBase.captionaboveof}} [l] \begin{minipage}[b]{.66\linewidth}% \raisebox{\depth}{\fbox{\KOMAoptions{captions=oneline}% \begin{minipage}{.5\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule\relax} \centering \rule{4cm}{5cm} \caption[Example: A rectangle]{A rectangle}\label{fig:\LabelBase.rechteck} \end{minipage}% \begin{minipage}{.5\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule\relax} \centering \captionaboveof{table}[Example: Measure of the rectangle in figure~\ref{fig:\LabelBase.rechteck}]{Rectangle size} \label{tab:\LabelBase.rechteck} \begin{tabular}{ll} Width: & 4\,cm\\ Height: & 5\,cm \end{tabular} \end{minipage}}}% \end{minipage}% \end{captionbeside}% \end{figure}% \end{Example}% You can produce a non-floating table with a caption in the same way as the table inside a figure environment in the example above. In such a case, a \Environment{minipage} environment should also be used to avoid page breaks between the caption and the table. In addition, you should embed the \Environment{minipage} environment in a \Environment{flushleft} environment both to achieve a pleasing separation between the surrounding text and to avoid the paragraph indentation of the \Environment{minipage} environment.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \begin{Environment}{captionbeside} \OParameter{short title} \Parameter{caption text} \OParameter{placement} \OParameter{width} \OParameter{offset} \end{Environment} \labelsuffix[*]% \begin{Environment}{captionbeside} \OParameter{short title} \Parameter{caption text} \OParameter{placement} \OParameter{width} \OParameter{offset}\PValue{*}% \end{Environment} \end{Declaration} In addition\ChangedAt{v2.8q}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} to captions above and below the figure, you will often find captions, in particular for small figures, which are placed beside the figure. The bottom edge of the caption is normally aligned with the bottom of the figure. Of course, you can achieve the same thing in the standard classes with some fiddling and the use of two \Macro{parbox} commands. However, \KOMAScript{} offers a special environment for this which you can use within the floating environments. The first optional parameter, \PName{short title}\important{\PName{short title}\\\PName{caption text}}, and the required parameter \PName{caption text} have the same meaning as the corresponding parameters of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.caption}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.captionabove} or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.captionbelow}. The \PName{caption text} is placed beside the content of the environment in this case. The \PName{placement}\important{\PName{placement}} parameter can determine whether the \PName{caption text} is placed on the left or the right. Exactly one of the following letters is allowed: \begin{labeling}[~--]{\quad\PValue{o}}\setlength{\itemsep}{-1\parsep plus 1ex}% \item[\PValue{l}] left \item[\PValue{r}] right \item[\PValue{i}] inner margin in two-sided printing \item[\PValue{o}] outer margin in two-sided printing \end{labeling} The default placement is to the right of the content of the environment. You can change this default\ChangedAt{v3.00}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} using the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.captions}\IndexOption{captions}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.option.captions}} option (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.captions}) with values like \PValue{innerbeside}\IndexOption[indexmain]{captions~=\textKValue{innerbeside}}, \PValue{leftbeside}\IndexOption[indexmain]{captions~=\textKValue{leftbeside}}, \PValue{outerbeside}\IndexOption[indexmain]{captions~=\textKValue{outerbeside}}, and \PValue{rightbeside}\IndexOption[indexmain]{captions~=\textKValue{rightbeside}}. If either \PValue{o} or \PValue{i} are used you may need to run {\LaTeX} twice to obtain the correct placement. Normally\important{\PName{width}}, the content of the environment and the \PName{caption text} fill the entire available text width. However, you can specify a different width using the optional parameter \PName{width}. This can be greater than the current text width. When specifying a \PName{width}\important{\PName{width}\\\PName{offset}}, the width used is usually centred with respect to the body text. Using the optional parameter \PName{offset}, you can shift the environment relative to the left margin. A positive value corresponds to a shift to the right, whereas a negative value corresponds to a shift to the left. An \PName{offset} of 0\Unit{pt} gives you a left-aligned output. If\important{\PValue{*}} you add a star to the optional \PName{offset} parameter, the value represents a shift relative to the right margin on left-hand pages in a two-sided layout. A positive value corresponds to a shift towards the outer margin, whereas a negative value corresponds to a shift towards the inner margin. An \PName{offset} of 0\Unit{pt} means alignment with the inner margin. This variant may require two {\LaTeX} runs to achieve the correct offset. The default vertical alignment is bottom. This means that the bottommost base lines of the contents of the environment and of the caption are aligned. You\ChangedAt{v3.00}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} can change this setting using the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.captions}\IndexOption{captions}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.option.captions}} option (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.captions}) with the value \PValue{topbeside}\IndexOption[indexmain]{captions~=\textKValue{topbeside}}, \PValue{centeredbeside}% \IndexOption[indexmain]{captions~=\textKValue{centeredbeside}}, or \PValue{bottombeside}% \IndexOption[indexmain]{captions~=\textKValue{bottombeside}}. With the setting \PValue{topbeside}, the topmost base lines of the environment contents and caption will be aligned. With \PValue{centeredbeside}, they will be centred vertically. In this context, note that the base line of a figure is usually the bottom of the figure. You can change this using, for example, \Macro{raisebox}\IndexCmd{raisebox}. \begin{Example} You can find an example using the \Environment{captionbeside} environment in \autoref{fig:\LabelBase.captionbeside}. This figure was typeset with: \begin{lstcode} \begin{figure} \begin{captionbeside}[Example: Figure beside description]% {A figure description which is neither above nor below, but beside the figure}[i][\linewidth][% [i][\linewidth][% \dimexpr\marginparwidth+\marginparsep\relax]* \fbox{% \parbox[b][5\baselineskip][c]{.25\textwidth} {% \hspace*{\fill}\KOMAScript \hspace*{\fill}\par }% } \end{captionbeside} \label{fig:\LabelBase.captionbeside} \end{figure} \end{lstcode} \begin{figure} \begin{captionbeside}[Example: Figure beside description]% {A figure description which is neither above nor below, but beside the figure}[i][\linewidth][2em]* \fbox{% \parbox[b][5\baselineskip][c]{.25\textwidth}{% \hspace*{\fill}\KOMAScript\hspace*{\fill}\par}} \end{captionbeside} \label{fig:\LabelBase.captionbeside} \end{figure} The total width is thus the currently available width of \PValue{\Macro{linewidth}}. However, this width is shifted $\Length{marginparwidth} + \Length{marginparsep}$ to the outside. The caption text or description is placed on the inner side beside the figure. The figure itself is shifted 2\Unit{em} into the outer margin. \iffalse% Umbruchkorrekturtext The \Macro{dimexp} macro is an \eTeX{} command. This should not be a problem at all because \KOMAScript{} itself requires \eTeX{} and every almost up-to-date \LaTeX{} distribution uses \eTeX already. \fi \hyperref[fig:\LabelBase.captionbesidecentered]% {Figure~\ref*{fig:\LabelBase.captionbesidecentered}} shows a centred caption with: \begin{lstcode} \KOMAoption{captions}{centeredbeside} \end{lstcode} \iffalse % Umbruchalternativen Even a typographical novice will immediately realize that you should usually avoid this alignment. \else This is certainly not a recommended solution. \fi \begin{figure} \begin{captionbeside}[Example: Description centered beside figure]% {A figure description which is neither above nor below, but centred beside the figure}[i][\linewidth][2em]* \fbox{% \parbox[b][5\baselineskip][c]{.25\textwidth}{% \hspace*{\fill}\KOMAScript\hspace*{\fill}\par}} \end{captionbeside} \label{fig:\LabelBase.captionbesidecentered} \end{figure} In contrast, you can use the top-aligned format seen in \autoref{fig:\LabelBase.captionbesidetop}. To illustrate how to shift the baseline using \Macro{raisebox}, here is a complete example. You can apply this not only to a substitute figure, as previously shown, but also, for example, to \Macro{includegraphics} (see \cite{package:graphics}). \begin{lstcode} \documentclass[captions=topbeside]{scrbook} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{graphics} \begin{document} \chapter{An Example} \begin{figure} \begin{captionbeside}% [Example: Figure title top beside]% {A figure description which is neither above nor below, but top beside the figure}% [i][\linewidth][% \dimexpr\marginparwidth+\marginparsep\relax ]* \raisebox{% \dimexpr\baselineskip-\totalheight\relax }{% \includegraphics{examplepicture}% }% \end{captionbeside} \label{fig:\LabelBase.captionbesidetop} \end{figure} \end{document} \end{lstcode} \begin{figure} \KOMAoption{captions}{topbeside} \begin{captionbeside}[Example: Figure title top beside]% {A figure description which is neither above nor below, but top beside the figure}% [i][\linewidth] \raisebox{\dimexpr\baselineskip-\totalheight}{% \fbox{% \parbox[b][5\baselineskip][c]{.25\textwidth}{% \hspace*{\fill}\KOMAScript\hspace*{\fill}\par}}% }% \end{captionbeside} \label{fig:\LabelBase.captionbesidetop} \end{figure} \end{Example} % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \begin{Environment}{captionofbeside} \Parameter{float type} \OParameter{short title} \Parameter{caption text} \OParameter{placement} \OParameter{width} \OParameter{offset} \begin{Body}\BodyDots\end{Body} \end{Environment} \labelsuffix[*]% \begin{Environment}{captionofbeside} \Parameter{float type} \OParameter{short title} \Parameter{caption text} \OParameter{placement} \OParameter{width} \OParameter{offset}\PValue{*}% \begin{Body}\BodyDots\end{Body} \end{Environment} \end{Declaration} As\ChangedAt{v3.10}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} is the case for \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.caption}, there is a variant for \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.captionof} where the \PName{float type} is not defined by using it within a floating environment of this type, so you can specify a suitable environment for \DescRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside} with \Environment{captionofbeside}. In contrast to \DescRef{\LabelBase.env.captionbeside}, the \PName{float type} must be specified as an additional, first argument.% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \FloatStyle{komaabove}% \FloatStyle{komabelow} \end{Declaration}% If you use\OnlyAt{\Package{float}} the \Package{float}\IndexPackage{float} package, the appearance of the float environments is solely defined by the \emph{float} style. This includes whether captions appear above or below. In the \Package{float} package, there is no predefined style which gives you the same output and offers the same setting options (see below) as \KOMAScript{}. Therefore \KOMAScript{} defines the two additional styles, \PValue{komaabove} and \PValue{komabelow}. When using the \Package{float} package, you can activate these styles just like the styles \PValue{plain}\IndexFloatstyle{plain}, \PValue{boxed}\IndexFloatstyle{boxed}, or \PValue{ruled}\IndexFloatstyle{ruled} defined in \Package{float}. For details refer to \cite{package:float}. The style \PValue{komaabove} inserts \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.caption}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.captionabove}, and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.captionbelow} above, whereas \PValue{komabelow} inserts them below the float content. % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{captionformat} \end{Declaration}% In {\KOMAScript} there are various ways to change the formatting of the caption text. The definition of different font styles has already been explained above. The delimiter or delimiters between the label and actual caption text is specified by the macro \Macro{captionformat}. In contrast to all other \Macro{\dots}format commands, this is not the counter but only the items which follow it. The original definition is: \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\captionformat}{:\ } \end{lstcode} You can change this too with \Macro{renewcommand}. \begin{Example} For some inexplicable reason, you want a dash surrounded by spaces instead of a colon followed by a space as a label delimiter. You therefore define: \begin{lstcode} \renewcommand*{\captionformat}{~--~} \end{lstcode} This definition should be put in the preamble of your document. \end{Example} % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{figureformat}% \Macro{tableformat} \end{Declaration}% It has already been mentioned that \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.captionformat} does not contain formatting for the label itself. You should not alter this by redefining the commands for the output of the \Macro{thefigure} or \Macro{thetable} counters. Such a redefinition would have unwanted side effects on the output of \Macro{ref}, the table of contents, the list of figures, and the list of tables. Instead, {\KOMAScript} offers two \Macro{\dots format} commands. These have the following defaults: \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\figureformat}{\figurename~\thefigure\autodot} \newcommand*{\tableformat}{\tablename~\thetable\autodot} \end{lstcode} They can also be customised to your requirements with \Macro{renewcommand}. \begin{Example} From time to time, it is required to have captions without labels or delimiters. With {\KOMAScript} the following definitions suffice to achieve this: \begin{lstcode} \renewcommand*{\figureformat}{} \renewcommand*{\tableformat}{} \renewcommand*{\captionformat}{} \end{lstcode} It should be noted, however, that although no numbering is output, the internal counters are nevertheless incremented. This becomes especially important if this redefinition is applied only to selected \Environment{figure} or \Environment{table} environments. \end{Example} % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{setcapindent}\Parameter{indent}% \Macro{setcapindent*}\Parameter{xindent}% \Macro{setcaphanging} \end{Declaration}% As mentioned previously, in the standard classes the captions are set in a non-hanging style. In other words, in multi-line captions the second and subsequent lines start directly beneath the label. The standard classes provide no direct mechanism to change this behaviour. In {\KOMAScript}, on the contrary, beginning at the second line all lines are indented by the width of the label so that the caption text is aligned. You can change this behaviour, which corresponds to using \Macro{setcaphanging}, at any time with the \Macro{setcapindent} or \Macro{setcapindent*} command. Here the parameter \PName{indent} determines the indentation of the second and subsequent lines. If you want a line break after the label and before the caption text, then you can define the indentation \PName{xindent} of the caption text with the starred version of the command instead: \Macro{setcapindent*}. A negative value of \PName{indent}, on the other hand, results in a line break before the caption text, and only the first line of the caption text, not subsequent lines, is indented by the absolute value of \PName{indent}. Whether one-line captions are set the same way as multi-line captions or are treated separately is specified with the option \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.captions}. For details please refer to the explanations of this option on \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.captions.oneline}. \begin{Example} The illustrations~\ref{fig:\LabelBase.caption.first} to \ref{fig:\LabelBase.caption.last} show the effects of different settings. As you can see, using a fully hanging indentation with a narrow column width is awkward. To illustrate, the source code for the second figure is given here with a modified caption text: \begin{lstcode} \begin{figure} \setcapindent{1em} \fbox{\parbox{.95\linewidth}{\centering{\KOMAScript}}} \caption{Example with partially indented caption starting from the second line} \end{figure} \end{lstcode} As you can see, the formatting can also be changed locally within the \Environment{figure} environment\IndexEnv{figure}. The change then affects only the current figure. Subsequent figures once again use the default settings or global settings that you set, for example, in the preamble. This also, of course, applies to tables. \begin{figure} \typeout{^^J--- Ignore underfull and overfull \string\hbox:} \addtokomafont{caption}{\small} \addtokomafont{captionlabel}{\bfseries} \centering% \begin{minipage}{.9\linewidth} \begin{minipage}[t]{.48\linewidth}\sloppy \fbox{\parbox{.95\linewidth}{\centering{\KOMAScript}}} \caption[Example: Default caption]% {\sloppy With the default setting, like using \Macro{setcaphanging}} \label{fig:\LabelBase.caption.first} \end{minipage} \hspace{.02\linewidth} \begin{minipage}[t]{.48\linewidth}\sloppy \setcapindent{1em} \fbox{\parbox{.95\linewidth}{\centering{\KOMAScript}}} \caption[Example: Caption with partially hanging indention]% {With partially hanging indentation starting from the second line by using \Macro{setcapindent}\PParameter{1em}} \end{minipage} \end{minipage} \vspace*{2ex}\noindent% \begin{minipage}{.9\linewidth} \begin{minipage}[t]{.48\linewidth}\sloppy \setcapindent*{1em} \fbox{\parbox{.95\linewidth}{\centering{\KOMAScript}}} \caption[Example: Caption with hanging indention and line break]% {With hanging indentation starting from the second line and line break before the description using \Macro{setcapindent*}\PParameter{1em}} \end{minipage} \hspace{.02\linewidth} \begin{minipage}[t]{.48\linewidth}\sloppy \setcapindent{-1em} \fbox{\parbox{.95\linewidth}{\centering{\KOMAScript}}} \caption[Example: Caption with indention in the second line]% {With indentation only in the second line and a line break before the description using \Macro{setcapindent}\PParameter{-1em}} \label{fig:\LabelBase.caption.last} \end{minipage} \end{minipage} \typeout{^^J--- Don't ignore underfull and overfull \string\hbox:^^J} \end{figure} \end{Example} % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{setcapwidth}\OParameter{justification}\Parameter{width}% \Macro{setcapdynwidth}\OParameter{justification}\Parameter{width}% \Macro{setcapmargin}\OParameter{left margin}\Parameter{margin}% \Macro{setcapmargin*}\OParameter{inside margin}\Parameter{margin} \end{Declaration} Using\ChangedAt{v2.8q}{% \Class{scrbook}\and\Class{scrreprt}\and\Class{scrartcl}} these three commands, you can specify the width and justification of the caption text. Normally, the entire text or column width is available for the caption. With\important{\Macro{setcapwidth}} the \Macro{setcapwidth} command, you can decrease this \PName{width}. The mandatory argument determines the maximum \PName{width} of the caption. As an optional argument, you can supply exactly one letter which specifies the horizontal justification. The possible justifications are given in the following list: \begin{labeling}[~--]{\quad\PValue{o}}% \itemsep=.5\topsep plus .5\topsep minus .5\topsep \rightskip=1em \item[\PValue{l}] left-justified \item[\PValue{c}] centred \item[\PValue{r}] right-aligned \item[\PValue{i}] aligned to the inner margin in two-sided printing \item[\PValue{o}] aligned to the outer margin in two-sided printing \end{labeling} Inside and outside justification corresponds to left-aligned and right-aligned justification, respectively, in one-sided printing. Within\textnote{Attention!} \Package{longtable}\IndexPackage{longtable}% \important{\Package{longtable}} tables, inside and outside justification does not work correctly. In particular, the captions on subsequent pages of such tables are aligned according to the format of the caption on the first page of the table. This is a conceptual problem in the implementation of the \Package{longtable} package. Note\ChangedAt{v3.20}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}\textnote{Attention!} that \Macro{setcapwidth} immediately sets the width to the value of the \PName{width} parameter at the time of the assignment, as \Macro{setlength} does. If\important{\Macro{setcapdynwidth}} you instead want to use the current value of \PName{width} when the caption is set, you should use \Macro{setcapdynwidth}. There can be significant differences in the result if, for example, you use lengths like \Length{linewidth} or other commands as \PName{width} arguments. With\important{\Macro{setcapmargin}} the \Macro{setcapmargin} command, instead of specifying the width of the caption text, you can specify a \PName{margin} to be set next to the caption text in addition to the normal text margin. If you want margins with different widths on the left and right sides, you can use the optional argument to specify a \PName{left margin} that differs from \PName{margin}. Instead of a \PName{left margin}, the starred version \Macro{setcapmargin*} defines an \PName{inside margin} in a two-sided layout. The same problem arises here with with inside and outside justification inside \Package{longtable}\IndexPackage{longtable}\important{\Package{longtable}} tables that occurs with \Macro{setcapwidth}. Furthermore, using \Macro{setcapmargin} or \Macro{setcapmargin*} activates the \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{captions}{nooneline} option (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.captions.nooneline}) for captions which are typeset with this margin setting. You\textnote{Hint!} can also specify negative values for \PName{margin} and \PName{left margin} or \PName{inside margin}. This has the effect of making the caption protrude into the margin.% \iffalse\par% Anhang wurde entfernt. Experts\textnote{Hint!} and advanced users can find a a somewhat tricky application of \Macro{setcapwidth} in \iffree{\cite{book:komascript}}{\autoref{cha:floattricks}, \autopageref{cha:floattricks}}.% \fi% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{setcaptionalignment}\OParameter{float type}\Parameter{alignment} \end{Declaration} Normally\ChangedAt{v3.25}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}, multi-line\textnote{alignment of multi-line captions} captions are fully justified. This corresponds to \Macro{setcaptionalignment}\PParameter{j}. Sometimes, however, you want a different alignment, for example ragged right. An appropriate change is possible at any time with \Macro{setcaptionalignment}. You can specify exactly one of the letters listed in \autoref{tab:maincls.captionalignment} for the \PName{alignment}. If you specify an unknown \PName{alignment}, you will receive an error message. % \begin{table} % \centering \KOMAoptions{captions=topbeside}% \setcapindent{0pt}% \begin{captionbeside} [{Alignments for multi-line captions of floating environments}] {\label{tab:maincls.captionalignment}% Alignments for multi-line captions of floating environments} [l] \begin{tabular}[t]{ll} \toprule c & centred \\ j & fully justified \\ l & left justified \\ r & right justified \\ C & centred with \Package{ragged2e} \\ J & fully justified with \Package{ragged2e} \\ L & left justified with \Package{ragged2e} \\ R & right justified with \Package{ragged2e} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{captionbeside} \end{table} The four possibilities with the \Package{ragged2e}\important{\Package{ragged2e}}\IndexPackage{ragged2e} package are only available if that package was loaded before you use \Macro{setcaptionalignment}. Otherwise, they are converted to the corresponding options without \Package{ragged2e}. For safety reasons, a warning is issued in this case. When using this command without\textnote{without optional parameter} the optional parameter, the result depends on whether the call occurs inside our outside of a floating environment. Within a floating environment, the alignment is then set for this floating environment. Outside, on the other hand, the optional parameter is assumed to be empty. Using this command with an empty\textnote{empty optional parameter} optional parameter, or outside a floating environment and also without any optional parameter, sets the general alignment. This is used whenever the current floating environment type does not define an alignment. If you only want to set the alignment of a particular type of floating environment\textnote{with \PName{float type}} without changing the \PName{alignment} for other types of floating environments, then the type of floating environment, e.\,g., \PValue{figure} or \PValue{table}, is given as the optional parameter \PName{float type}. % \begin{Example} You want captions to be centred under the images even if they are multi-line. To text this for a single image, use\textnote{in the floating environment}: \begin{lstcode} \begin{figure} \centering \setcaptionalignment{c} \includegraphics{example-image} \caption{\blindtext} \end{figure} \end{lstcode} Since you are satisfied with the result, you move the\textnote{in the preamble} \begin{lstcode} \setcaptionalignment{c} \end{lstcode} command to the document preamble. Thereafter, however, you decide you do not like this change for table captions at all. Therefore, you use\textnote{only for figures} \begin{lstcode} \setcaptionalignment[figure]{c} \end{lstcode} to limit the centring to figures. A little later, you realize that the centring is not so suitable. Instead, you now prefer to have ragged right alignment. So you change the alignment again: \begin{lstcode} \setcaptionalignment[figure]{l} \end{lstcode} However, you do not like the fact that the lines are very different in length. This is caused by the lack of hyphenation, causing long words to wrap completely onto the next line, leaving large gaps. You want to allow hyphenation as needed. This is easy to achieve with the help of the \Package{ragged2e}\important{\Package{ragged2e}}\IndexPackage{ragged2e} package. However, it is not enough to use \begin{lstcode} \usepackage{ragged2e} \end{lstcode} to load the package. Using the \Option{newcommands} option when loading the package does not help. Instead, the \PName{alignment} must also be changed: \begin{lstcode} \usepackage{ragged2e} \setcaptionalignment[figure]{L} \end{lstcode} Note\textnote{Attention!} the upper-case letter for the \PName{alignment}. \end{Example} \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Option{origlongtable} \end{Declaration}% \BeginIndex{Package}{longtable}% If you do not want the table captions produced by the \Package{longtable} package (see \cite{package:longtable}) to be redefined by the {\KOMAScript} classes, activate the \Option{origlongtable} option. This\textnote{Attention!} option must be used in the optional argument of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.documentclass}. It cannot be used as a setting of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.KOMAoptions} or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.KOMAoption}. % \EndIndexGroup % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \OptionVName{listof}{setting} \end{Declaration} Normally\ChangedAt{v3.00}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} lists of floating environments\,---\,like tables\Index{tables>list of} or figures\Index{figures>list of}\,---\,are neither numbered nor included in the table of contents. You can find more information about this behaviour in \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.toc}. As an alternative to the settings \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{toc}{nolistof}% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{nolistof}}, \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{toc}{listof}\IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{listof}}, and \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{toc}{listofnumbered}% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{listofnumbered}} mentioned there, you can also look at this behaviour from perspective of the lists themselves. Therefore you can achieve the same results with the settings \OptionValue{listof}{notoc}, \OptionValue{listof}{totoc}, and \OptionValue{listof}{numbered}. By default, the headings in the lists of floating environments use the topmost level below \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.part}. This is the chapter level in \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} and the section level in \Class{scrartcl}. By contrast,\ChangedAt{v3.06}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} \OptionValue{listof}{leveldown}\important{\OptionValue{listof}{leveldown}} uses the next lower level to be used instead. \important{\OptionValue{listof}{standardlevel}}% \ChangedAt{v3.15}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% \OptionValue{listof}{standardlevel} switches back to the default sectioning level, if necessary. \begin{Example} In a book, you want to put the list of figures and the list of tables as sub-lists into a common list named ``Figures and Tables''. Simply use: \begin{lstcode} \KOMAoption{listof}{leveldown} \end{lstcode} to use the section instead of the chapter level for both lists, and put the following at the appropriate place in your document: \begin{lstcode} \addchap*{Figures and Tables} \listoffigures \listoftables \end{lstcode} You can find more information about the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addchap*} command in \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.structure} on \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addchap*}. \end{Example} Normally\ChangedAt{v2.8q}{% \Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} the lists of floating environments use a fixed-width space for the caption number of the entries. At the same time, all entries are somewhat indented. This behaviour corresponds to the \OptionValue{listof}{graduated}\IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{graduated}} setting. If the numbers become very wide, for example because you have many tables or figures, the space provided may at some point no longer be sufficient. \KOMAScript{} offers the setting \OptionValue{listof}{flat}% \important{\OptionValue{listof}{flat}}\IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{flat}} for lists of floating environments, comparable to \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{toc}{flat}\IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{flat}} for the table of contents. The width required to print the number is determined automatically and the space is adjusted accordingly. See the \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{toc}{flat} option, \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.toc}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.toc.flat} for more information about side effects and how it works. Note\textnote{Attention!} again that you need more than one \LaTeX{} run before the lists of floating environments reach their final state. The \OptionValue{listof}{entryprefix}\ChangedAt{v3.06}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} setting automatically activates \OptionValue{listof}{flat} too. Normally\important{\OptionValue{listof}{entryprefix}}, it does not make sense to add a prefix such as ``figure'' or ``table'' to each entry in the lists of floating environments because, of course, only figures are included in the list of figures and only tables are included in the list of tables. Such a prefix provides no additional information and is thus omitted by default. However, you can add such prefixes using the \OptionValue{listof}{entryprefix} option. With this, all entries in the same list will get the same prefix. The prefix depends on the file extension of the auxiliary file that is used for the corresponding list. For the list of figures, the file extension is ``\File{lof}'' and therefore \Macro{listoflofentryname} is used. For the list of tables, the file extension is ``\File{lot}'' and \Macro{listoflotentryname} is used. For the \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt}\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} classes, \KOMAScript{} adds a vertical space to the lists of floating environments whenever a new chapter starts. This behaviour, which also exists in the standard classes, groups the lists by chapters. In \KOMAScript{}, it corresponds to setting \ChangedAt{v3.00}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% \OptionValue{listof}{chaptergapsmall}% \LabelOptionValue{listof}{chaptergapsmall}% \important{\OptionValue{listof}{chaptergapsmall}}% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{chaptergapsmall}}. In this case, is uses a fixed vertical space of 10\Unit{pt}. With\important{\OptionValue{listof}{chaptergapline}} the \OptionValue{listof}{chaptergapline}% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{chaptergapline}} option, you instead get a vertical space the height of one standard text line. With \OptionValue{listof}{nochaptergap}% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{nochaptergap}}% \important{\OptionValue{listof}{nochaptergap}}, you can completely remove the vertical space. The\important{\OptionValue{listof}{chapterentry}} \OptionValue{listof}{chapterentry}% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{chapterentry}} option is a special feature. Instead of a vertical space, the table of contents entry for the chapter is inserted into the lists of floating environments. Note\textnote{Attention!} that this happens even if the chapter does not contain a floating environment. You can find a method where only chapters containing floating environments appear in the respective lists at \cite{https://komascript.de/comment/5070}. You can achieve a more direct control over what appears in the lists of floating environments with the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.chapteratlists} option, which is explained in \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.structure}, on \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.chapteratlists}. You can find an overview of all settings for the \Option{listof} option in \autoref{tab:\LabelBase.listof}. \begin{desclist} \desccaption[{Available values for the \Option{listof} option}]{% Available values for the \Option{listof} option for modifying the format and contents of the lists of floating environments\label{tab:\LabelBase.listof}% }{% Available values for the \Option{listof} option (\emph{continued})% }% \entry{\PValue{chapterentry}, \PValue{withchapterentry}}{% Indicates the beginning of chapters in the lists of floating environments with copies of their table-of-contents entries.% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{chapterentry}}}% \entry{\PValue{chaptergapline}, \PValue{onelinechaptergap}}{% Indicates the beginning of chapters in the lists of floating environments with a vertical space the height of one standard text line.% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{chaptergapline}}}% \entry{\PValue{chaptergapsmall}, \PValue{smallchaptergap}}{% Indicates the beginning of chapters in the lists of floating environments with a small vertical space.% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{chaptergapsmall}}}% \entry{\PValue{entryprefix}}{% \ChangedAt{v3.06}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% Adds a prefix before the number of each floating-environment list entry. The prefix is usually language-dependent, e.\,g., in English ``Figure'' is used for the list of figures and ``Table'' for the list of tables, each followed by a white space.% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{entryprefix}}}% \entry{\PValue{flat}, \PValue{left}}{% Prints the lists of floating environments in tabular form. The caption numbers are the first column, the caption texts the second column, and the page numbers the third column. The space reserved for the caption numbers depends on the previous \LaTeX{} run.% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{flat}}}% \entry{\PValue{graduated}, \PValue{indent}, \PValue{indented}}{% Prints the lists of floating environments in a hierarchical form. The space reserved for the caption numbers is limited.% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{graduated}}}% \entry{\PValue{leveldown}}{% Uses headings that are one level lower in the sectioning hierarchy than the default for lists of floating environments.% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{leveldown}}}% \entry{\PValue{indenttextentries}, \PValue{indentunnumbered}, \PValue{numberline}}{% \ChangedAt{v3.12}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% The \PValue{numberline} property (see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.toc}, \DescPageRef{tocbasic.cmd.setuptoc}) is set for the lists of floating environments such as figures and tables. As a result, unnumbered entries are left-aligned with the text of numbered entries of the same level. However, the \KOMAScript{} classes themselves do not put unnumbered entries in these lists. This option therefore affects only entries that are generated not by the \KOMAScript{} classes themselves but with the help of \DescRef{tocbasic.cmd.addxcontentsline} (see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.toc}, \DescPageRef{tocbasic.cmd.addxcontentsline}).% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{numberline}}}% \entry{\PValue{leftaligntextentries}, \PValue{leftalignunnumbered}, \PValue{nonumberline}}{% \ChangedAt{v3.12}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% The \PValue{nonumberline} property (see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.toc}, \DescPageRef{tocbasic.cmd.setuptoc}) is set for the lists of floating environments. This will place unnumbered entries left-aligned with the number of numbered entries. However, the \KOMAScript{} classes themselves do not put unnumbered entries in these lists. This option therefore affects only entries that are generated not by the \KOMAScript{} classes themselves but with the help of \DescRef{tocbasic.cmd.addxcontentsline} (see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.toc}, \DescPageRef{tocbasic.cmd.addxcontentsline}).% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{nonumberline}}}% \entry{\PValue{nochaptergap}, \PValue{ignorechapter}}{% The beginnings of chapters are not marked in the lists of floating environments.% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{nochaptergap}}}% \entry{\PValue{notoc}, \PValue{nottotoc}, \PValue{plainheading}}{% The lists of floating environments do not generate entries in the table of contents.% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{nottotoc}}}% \entry{\PValue{numbered}, \PValue{totocnumbered}, \PValue{tocnumbered}, \PValue{numberedtoc}, \PValue{numberedtotoc}}{% The lists of floating environments receive numbered entries in the table of contents.% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{numbered}}}% \entry{\PValue{standardlevel}}{% The lists use the normal sectioning level.% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{standardlevel}}}% \entry{\PValue{totoc}, \PValue{toc}, \PValue{notnumbered}}{% The lists of floating environment generate entries in the table of contents, but their headings are unnumbered.% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{totoc}}}% \end{desclist} % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{listoftables}% \Macro{listoffigures} \end{Declaration} These commands generate a list of tables or figures. Changes affecting these lists will require two \LaTeX{} runs to take effect. The layout of the lists can be influenced by the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.listof}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.option.listof}} option with the values \PValue{graduated} or \PValue{flat} (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.listof}). In addition, the \PValue{listof} and \PValue{listofnumbered} values of the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.toc}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.option.toc}} option (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.toc}), as well as the \PValue{totoc} and \PValue{numbered} values of the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.listof} option described above indirectly affect these lists. As\textnote{Hint!} a rule, you will find the lists of the floating environments immediately after the table of contents. In some documents, they go into the appendix. However, the author of this guide prefers them immediately after the table of contents.% % \EndIndexGroup \LoadCommonFile{marginpar}% \section{Marginal Notes} \section{Appendix} \seclabel{appendix} \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex{}{Appendix} The appendix of a document mostly consists of supplements to the document. Typical parts of an appendix include a bibliography, an index, and a glossary. However you should not start an appendix for these parts alone because their format already distinguishes them from the main document. But if there are additional elements in the appendix, such as quoted third-party documents, endnotes, figures, or tabulars, the standard elements such as the bibliography should also be part of the appendix. \begin{Declaration} \Macro{appendix} \end{Declaration}% The appendix is started in the standard as well as the {\KOMAScript} classes with \Macro{appendix}. Among other things, this command changes the chapter numbering to upper-case letters while ensuring that the rules according to \cite{DUDEN} for numbering the sectioning levels are followed (for German-speaking regions). These rules are explained in more detail in the description of the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.numbers} option in \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.structure}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.numbers}. The format of the chapter headings\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} in the appendix is influenced by the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.chapterprefix}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.option.chapterprefix}\\ \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.appendixprefix}} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.appendixprefix} options. See \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.structure}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.appendixprefix} for more information. Please\textnote{Attention!} note that \Macro{appendix} is a command, \emph{not} an environment! This command does not expect an argument. Chapters and sections in the appendix use \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.chapter} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.section}, just as in the main text.% % \EndIndexGroup % \EndIndexGroup \section{Bibliography} \seclabel{bibliography} \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex{}{bibliography} The bibliography makes external sources accessible. As a rule, the bibliography is created from an external file with a database-like structure using the \BibTeX{} program. You can use the \BibTeX{} style to change both the format of the entries and their sorting. If you use an additional bibliography package like \Package{natbib}\IndexPackage{natbib}, \Package{babelbib}\IndexPackage{babelbib}, or \Package{biblatex}\IndexPackage{biblatex}, \KOMAScript{}'s influence over the bibliography disappears. In such cases, you must follow the manual of the relevant bibliography package. You can find general information about bibliographies in \cite{lshort}. \begin{Declaration} \OptionVName{bibliography}{setting} \end{Declaration} For a start,\ChangedAt{v3.00}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} you can select any predefined bibliography style in \PName{setting}. There are two such bibliography styles predefined in \KOMAScript{}. You should not confuse them with the styles used by \BibTeX\Index{BibTeX=\BibTeX}, which you select with \Macro{bibstyle}. While \BibTeX{} determines both the sorting and the contents of the bibliography, \KOMAScript{} influences only some basic features of the bibliography and few properties of the entry format. The\important{\OptionValue{bibliography}{oldstyle}} \OptionValue{bibliography}{oldstyle}% \IndexOption{bibliography~=\textKValue{oldstyle}} option selects a compact format for bibliography entries. In this case, using the \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.newblock}\IndexCmd{newblock} command results in only a small glue between the entries. The name comes from the fact that this is the most common classic form of a bibliography. In\important{\OptionValue{bibliography}{openstyle}} contrast, the \OptionValue{bibliography}{openstyle}% \IndexOption{bibliography~=\textKValue{openstyle}} setting selects a more modern and open kind of bibliography. The name comes from the fact that the \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.newblock} command inserts a paragraph break. The bibliography entries appear more structured. They are less compact and seem more relaxed or open. Information about defining new bibliography styles can be found in the description of the \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.newbibstyle} command in \autoref{sec:maincls-experts.bibliography}, \DescPageRef{maincls-experts.cmd.newbibstyle}. In addition to the formatting style, you can select one more feature using \PName{setting}. The bibliography is a kind of list of contents. But instead of listing the contents of the document itself, it references external works. With this reasoning, you could argue that the bibliography is a separate chapter or section and therefore deserves a chapter or section number. The \OptionValue{bibliography}{numbered}% \important{\OptionValue{bibliography}{numbered}}% \IndexOption{bibliography~=\textKValue{numbered}} setting does exactly that, including creating an entry in the table of contents. In my opinion, a traditional, annotated source list should by this reasoning be a separate chapter too. Moreover, the bibliography is ultimately nothing you've written yourself and so merits at most an unnumbered entry in the table of contents, which is achieved with the \OptionValue{bibliography}{totoc}% \IndexOption{bibliography~=\textKValue{totoc}} option. The default setting, where the bibliography is produced as an unnumbered chapter and does not receive an entry in the table of contents corresponds to \OptionValue{bibliography}{nottotoc}% \IndexOption{bibliography~=\textKValue{nottotoc}}. For more information, see the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.toc} option in \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.toc}, especially the \PValue{bibliographynumbered}, \PValue{bibliography}, and\PValue{nobibliography} values for this option on \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.toc.bibliography}. Sometimes\ChangedAt{v3.12}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} a document made using \Class{scrbook} or \Class{scrreprt} will have a bibliography for every chapter rather than one bibliography for the whole document. In that case, it makes sense for the bibliography itself\important{\OptionValue{bibliography=leveldown}} to be not a chapter but a section. You can achieve this using the \OptionValue{bibliography}{leveldown}% \IndexOption{bibliography~=\textKValue{leveldown}} option. You can also use this if you want the bibliography to appear with other lists under a common heading, therefore this option is also available with \Class{scrartcl}. You can find a summary of available values for the \Option{bibliography} option in \autoref{tab:\LabelBase.bibliography}. Note, however, that you can define new values with \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.newbibstyle}\IndexCmd{newbibstyle}. \begin{table} \caption[{Available values for the \Option{bibliography} option}]{% Predefined values for the \Option{bibliography} option for setting the bibliography format} \label{tab:\LabelBase.bibliography} \begin{desctabular} \pventry{leveldown}{% \ChangedAt{v3.12}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% The bibliography uses a sectioning command one level lower than the default.% \IndexOption{bibliography~=\textKValue{leveldown}}}% \entry{\PValue{notoc}, \PValue{nottotoc}, \PValue{plainheading}}{% The bibliography receives neither an entry in the table of contents nor a number.% \IndexOption{bibliography~=\textKValue{nottotoc}}}% \entry{\PValue{numbered}, \PValue{tocnumbered}, \PValue{totocnumbered}, \PValue{numberedtoc}, \PValue{numberedtotoc}}{% The bibliography receives an entry in the table of contents and a number.% \IndexOption{bibliography~=\textKValue{numbered}}}% \pventry{oldstyle}{% The bibliography uses the classic, compact formation, where \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.newblock}\IndexCmd{newblock} generates only a horizontal glue.% \IndexOption{bibliography~=\textKValue{oldstyle}}}% \pventry{openstyle}{% The bibliography uses the structured, open format where \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.newblock}\IndexCmd{newblock} generates a paragraph break.% \IndexOption{bibliography~=\textKValue{openstyle}}}% \pventry{standardlevel}{% \ChangedAt{v3.12}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% The bibliography uses the standard sectioning command level.% \IndexOption{bibliography~=\textKValue{standardlevel}}}% \entry{\PValue{toc}, \PValue{totoc}, \PValue{notnumbered}}{% The bibliography receives an entry in the table of contents but no number.% \IndexOption{bibliography~=\textKValue{totoc}}}% \end{desctabular} \end{table} % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{setbibpreamble}\Parameter{preamble} \end{Declaration}% You can use the \Macro{setbibpreamble} command to set a preamble for the bibliography\Index{bibliography}. This preamble must be placed before the command for issuing the bibliography. However, it need not be directly in front of it. For example, it could be placed at the beginning of the document. Like\textnote{Attention!} the \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{bibliography}{totoc} and \OptionValueRef{\LabelBase}{bibliography}{totocnumbered} options, this command only works if you have not loaded a package which prevents this from happening by redefining the \Environment{thebibliography} environment. Although the \Package{natbib} package\IndexPackage{natbib} uses undocumented, internal {\KOMAScript} macros, \Macro{setbibpreamble} could still work with the current version of \Package{natbib} (see \cite{package:natbib}). \begin{Example} You want to point out that the bibliographical references are sorted alphabetically by the names of the authors. You therefore use the following command: \begin{lstcode} \setbibpreamble{References are in alphabetical order. References with more than one author are sorted according to the first author.\par\bigskip} \end{lstcode} The \Macro{bigskip}\IndexCmd{bigskip} command ensures that the preamble and the first reference are separated by a large vertical space.% \end{Example}% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{BreakBibliography}\Parameter{interruption code} \end{Declaration} This\textnote{Attention!}\ChangedAt{v3.00}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} command exists only if the environment \Environment{thebibliography} has not been redefined by another package. With this instruction, you can insert a break into the bibliography. The \PName{interruption code} will be expanded inside a group. Such a break may be, for example, a heading using \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.minisec}. Unfortunately there is currently no way to have this command automatically generated, for example by using a special entry in the \BibTeX{} database. Therefore, it can currently only be used by users who edit the bibliography directly. For this reason, its usefulness is very limited.% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{AfterBibliographyPreamble}\Parameter{code}% \Macro{AtEndBibliography}\Parameter{code} \end{Declaration} In\ChangedAt{v3.00}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} some cases, it may be useful to add some \PName{code} after the bibliography preamble or just before the end of the bibliography. This is possible with the help of these two instructions. \begin{Example} You want to set the bibliography not justified but ragged right. You can achieve this with: \begin{lstcode} \AfterBibliographyPreamble{\raggedright} \end{lstcode} You can put this instruction anywhere before the bibliography. However, it is recommended to do so in the preamble of the document or a separate package. \end{Example} The\textnote{Attention!} functionality of this instruction depends on cooperation with packages modifying the bibliography, if you use such a package\iffree{}{(see \autoref{sec:maincls-experts.coexistence}, \DescPageRef{maincls-experts.cmd.AfterBibliographyPreamble})}.% % \EndIndexGroup % \EndIndexGroup \section{Index} \seclabel{index} \BeginIndexGroup For general information about making a keyword index, see \cite{lshort}, \cite{makeindex}, and \cite{xindy}. Using a package that redefines commands or environments for the index \KOMAScript{}'s ability to influence the index may disappear. This applies, for example, when using the \Package{index}\IndexPackage{index} package, but not when using the \Package{splitidx}\IndexPackage{splitidx} package (see \cite{package:splitindex}). \begin{Declaration} \OptionVName{index}{setting}% \end{Declaration} \ChangedAt{v3.00}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% By default or with \OptionValue{index}{default}% \IndexOption{index~=\textKValue{default}}, the index is an unnumbered chapter (\Class{scrbook} or \Class{scrreprt}) or section (\Class{scrartcl}) without an entry in the table of contents. Since\important{\OptionValue{index}{totoc}} the index usually comes last in a book or similar document, it does not actually need an entry in the table of contents. Nevertheless, if you want to do this, for example because you are working with a multi-index keyword dictionary such as the one that appears in this \iffree{guide}{book}, you can create this with the \OptionValue{index}{totoc}\IndexOption{index~=\textKValue{totoc}} option. You\ChangedAt{v3.18}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} can even number the index using the \OptionValue{index}{numbered}\IndexOption{index~=\textKValue{numbered}} setting. See also the \DescRef{\LabelBase.option.toc} option with the \PValue{index} or \PValue{indexnumbered} values in \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.toc} starting at \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.option.toc.index}. For example, if you create multiple indexes with \Package{splitidx}\IndexPackage{splitidx} (see \cite{package:splitindex}), it may be useful to group them under a common heading. To make this possible, \OptionValue{index}{leveldown}% \ChangedAt{v3.18}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}\important{\OptionValue{index}{leveldown}} places the index one sectioning level deeper than usual. In \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt}, it is no longer a chapter but a section; with \Class{scrartcl}, a subsection. The \OptionValue{index}{standardlevel}% \ChangedAt{v3.18}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}\important{\OptionValue{index}{standardlevel}} option is the counterpart to this and cancels any instance of \OptionValue{index}{leveldown} used previously. You can find a summary of the available values for the \PName{setting} of \Option{index} in \autoref{tab:maincls.index}. \begin{table} \caption{Available values for the \Option{index} option} \label{tab:maincls.index} \begin{desctabular} \pventry{leveldown}{% \ChangedAt{v3.18}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% The index is moved down by one sectioning level.% \IndexOption{index~=\textKValue{leveldown}}% }% \entry{\PValue{notoc}, \PValue{nottotoc}, \PValue{plainheading}}{% The index does not receive an entry in the table of contents.% \IndexOption{index~=\textKValue{nottotoc}}}% \entry{\PValue{numbered}, \PValue{tocnumbered}, \PValue{totocnumbered}, \PValue{numberedtoc}, \PValue{numberedtotoc}}{% \ChangedAt{v3.18}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% The index receives an entry in the table of contents and is numbered.% \IndexOption{index~=\textKValue{numbered}}}% \pventry{standardlevel}{% \ChangedAt{v3.18}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% The index is at the usual sectioning level.% \IndexOption{index~=\textKValue{standardlevel}}% }% \entry{\PValue{toc}, \PValue{totoc}, \PValue{notnumbered}}{% The index receives an entry in the table of contents without being numbered.% \IndexOption{index~=\textKValue{totoc}}}% \end{desctabular} \end{table} % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{setindexpreamble}\Parameter{preamble} \end{Declaration}% As with the bibliography, you can also provide a preamble to the index. This is often the case if you have more than one index or if you mark different kinds of references by highlighting the page numbers in different ways. \begin{Example} You have a document in which terms are both defined and used. The page numbers of definitions are in bold. Of course you want to make your reader aware of this fact. Thus you insert a preamble for the index: \begin{lstcode} \setindexpreamble{All page numbers printed in \textbf{bold} refer to definitions of terms. Page numbers printed normally refer to pages where the term is used.\par\bigskip} \end{lstcode} \end{Example} Note\textnote{Attention!} that the page style is changed for the first page of the index. The page style that is applied is defined in the macro \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.indexpagestyle} (see \autoref{sec:\LabelBase.pagestyle}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.indexpagestyle}). The usual \LaTeX{} packages and additional programs are responsible for creating, sorting, and outputting the index.% \iftrue % Umbruchoptimierung \iffree{}{ % For example, the \Package{imakeidx}\IndexPackage{imakeidx} package (see \cite{package:imakeidx}), which among other things automates the invocation of the \File{makeindex} or \File{xindy} program, is highly recommended. This eliminates a common source of error, particularly for \LaTeX{} beginners.% } {\KOMAScript}, like the standard classes, provides only the basic macros and environments for them.% \fi % \EndIndexGroup % \EndIndexGroup % \EndIndexGroup \endinput %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "scrguide-en.tex" %%% coding: utf-8 %%% ispell-local-dictionary: "en_GB" %%% eval: (flyspell-mode 1) %%% End: