% ====================================================================== % tocbasic.tex % Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 2002-2018 % % This file is part of the LaTeX2e KOMA-Script bundle. % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of % the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later and of this work. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". % % The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm. % % This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt. % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % tocbasic.tex % Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 2002-2018 % % Dieses Werk darf nach den Bedingungen der LaTeX Project Public Lizenz, % Version 1.3c, verteilt und/oder veraendert werden. % Die neuste Version dieser Lizenz ist % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % und Version 1.3c ist Teil aller Verteilungen von LaTeX % Version 2005/12/01 oder spaeter und dieses Werks. % % Dieses Werk hat den LPPL-Verwaltungs-Status "author-maintained" % (allein durch den Autor verwaltet). % % Der Aktuelle Verwalter und Autor dieses Werkes ist Markus Kohm. % % Dieses Werk besteht aus den in manifest.txt aufgefuehrten Dateien. % ====================================================================== % % Package tocbasic for Package and Class Authors % Maintained by Markus Kohm % % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % % Paket tocbasic fuer Paket- und Klassenautoren % Verwaltet von Markus Kohm % % ====================================================================== \KOMAProvidesFile{tocbasic.tex} [$Date: 2018-03-30 11:57:25 +0200 (Fri, 30 Mar 2018) $ KOMA-Script guide (package tocbasic)] % Date of the translated German file: 2018-03-27 \translator{Markus Kohm\and Arndt Schubert\and Karl Hagen} \chapter{Managing Content Lists with \Package{tocbasic}} \labelbase{tocbasic} \BeginIndexGroup% \BeginIndex{Package}{tocbasic}% \BeginIndex{}{table of contents}% \BeginIndex{}{content list}% \BeginIndex{}{file>extension}% The main purpose of the \Package{tocbasic} package is to give authors of packages and classes the ability to create their own tables or lists of content, content lists for short, similar to the list of figures and the list of tables, allowing classes and other packages some control over these lists. The \Package{tocbasic} package also delegates control of the language-dependent parts of these content lists to the \Package{babel}\IndexPackage{babel} package (see \cite{package:babel}). Using \Package{tocbasic} relieves package and class authors from the burden of implementing such features themselves. As a minor side effect, the package can also be used to define new floating environments, or floating environments like non-floating environments for reference objects. For more details, after you read about the basic commands in the next four sections, see the example in \autoref{sec:tocbasic.example}, which is compactly summarized in \autoref{sec:tocbasic.declarenewtoc}. \KOMAScript{} itself uses \Package{tocbasic} not only for the table of contents but also for the already mentioned lists of figures and tables. \section{Basic Commands} \label{sec:tocbasic.basics} The basic commands are primarily used to handle a list of all known file extensions\textnote{file extension, content lists} that represent a table or list of contents. We call these auxiliary files\Index{auxiliary file}\footnote{The term \emph{auxiliary file} here refers not to the main \File{aux} file but to the other internal files used indirectly via the \File{aux} file, e.\,g. the \File{toc} file, the \File{lof} file, or the \File{lot} file.} TOC files\textnote{TOC file}\Index[indexmain]{TOC file} regardless of the file extension that is actually used. Entries to such files are typically written using \Macro{addtocontents}\important{\Macro{addtocontents}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addxcontentsline}}, or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addxcontentsline}. There are also commands to perform actions on all of these file extensions. Additionally, there are commands to set or unset features for the file associated with a given extension. Typically an file extension also has an owner\textnote{file owner}. This owner may be a class or package, or an identifier that the author of the class or package using \Package{tocbasic} has chosen independently. For example, \KOMAScript{} uses the owner \texttt{float} for the \File{lof} and \File{lot} file extensions that are associated with the list of figures and list of tables, respectively. For the table of contents, \KOMAScript{} uses the file name of the class. \begin{Declaration} \Macro{ifattoclist}\Parameter{extension}\Parameter{then code}% \Parameter{else code} \end{Declaration} This command tests whether or not the \PName{extension} already exists in the list of known file extensions. If the \PName{extension} is already known, the \PName{then code} will be executed. Otherwise, the \PName{else code} will be executed. \begin{Example} Suppose you want to know if the file name extension ``\File{foo}'' is already in use in order to report an error because it cannot be used: \begin{lstcode} \ifattoclist{foo}{% \PackageError{bar}{% extension `foo' already in use% }{% Each extension may be used only once.\MessageBreak The class or another package already uses extension `foo'.\MessageBreak This error is fatal!\MessageBreak You should not continue!}% }{% \PackageInfo{bar}{using extension `foo'}% } \end{lstcode} \end{Example} \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{addtotoclist}\OParameter{owner}\Parameter{extension} \end{Declaration} This command adds the \PName{extension} to the list of known extensions. But if the \PName{extension} is known already, an error is reported to prevent duplicate use of the same \PName{extension}. If you specify the optional \OParameter{owner} argument, the given \PName{owner} for this file extension is also saved. If you omit the optional argument, \Package{tocbasic} tries to determine the file name of the class or package currently being processed and saves it as the owner. This\textnote{Attention!} procedure only works if you call \Macro{addtotoclist} while loading a class or package. It will fail if a user calls \Macro{addtotoclist} afterwards. In this case, the owner is set to ``\PValue{.}''. Note\textnote{Attention!} that passing an empty \PName{owner} argument is not the same as completely omitting the optional argument, including the square brackets. An empty argument would also result in an empty owner. \begin{Example} Suppose you want to add the extension ``\File{foo}'' to the list of known file extensions while loading your package with the file name ``\File{bar.sty}'': \begin{lstcode} \addtotoclist{foo} \end{lstcode}% This will add the extension ``\PValue{foo}'' with the owner ``\PValue{bar.sty}'' to the list of known extensions if this extension was not already in the list. If the class or another package has already added the extension, you will get the error: \begin{lstoutput} Package tocbasic Error: file extension `foo' cannot be used twice See the tocbasic package documentation for explanation. Type H for immediate help. \end{lstoutput} If you press the ``\texttt{h}'' key followed by return, you will get the following help: \begin{lstoutput} File extension `foo' is already used by a toc-file, while bar.sty tried to use it again for a toc-file. This may be either an incompatibility of packages, an error at a package, or a mistake by the user. \end{lstoutput} Perhaps your package also provides a command that dynamically generates a content list. In this case, you should use the optional argument of \Macro{addtotoclist} to specify the owner. \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\createnewlistofsomething}[1]{% \addtotoclist[bar.sty]{#1}% % Do something more to make this content list available } \end{lstcode} Now if the user calls this command, for example with \begin{lstcode} \createnewlistofsomething{foo} \end{lstcode} this will add the extension ``\PValue{foo}'' with the owner ``\PValue{bar.sty}'' to the list of known extension or report an error, if the extension is already in use. \end{Example} You can specify any \PName{owner} you want, but it must be unique. For example, if you were the author of the \Package{float} package, you could specify ``\PValue{float}'' instead of ``\PValue{float.sty}'' as the \PName{owner}. In this case, the \KOMAScript{} options\important{\DescRef{maincls.option.listof}}% \IndexOption{listof~=\PName{setting}} for the list of figures and the list of tables would also affect your content lists because these lists are already added to the list of known file extensions at the time the option is set, and \KOMAScript{} associates the file extensions ``\PValue{lof}'' for the list of figures and ``\PValue{lot}'' for the list of tables with the owner ``\PValue{float}'' and sets the options for this owner. By the way, the \hyperref[cha:scrhack]{\Package{scrhack}}% \IndexPackage{scrhack}\important{\hyperref[cha:scrhack]{\Package{scrhack}}} package contains patches for several packages, such as \Package{float} or \Package{listings}, which provide their own content lists. If you use \hyperref[cha:scrhack]{\Package{scrhack}}, among other things, the respective file extensions will be added to the list of known file extensions. Their \PName{owner} is also ``\PValue{float}''. This is the basic building block, so to speak, allowing you to use the features of \Package{tocbasic} and the \KOMAScript{} classes with these content lists as well.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{AtAddToTocList}\OParameter{owner}\Parameter{commands} \end{Declaration} This command adds the \PName{commands} to an internal list of commands that will be processed whenever a file extension with the specified \PName{owner} is added to the list of known extensions with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addtotoclist}. The optional argument is handled in the same way as in the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addtotoclist} command. If you leave the optional argument blank, the commands will always be executed, regardless of the owner, every time a new file extension is added to the list of known file extensions. Furthermore, while processing the \PValue{commands}, \Macro{@currext}\IndexCmd{@currext}\important{\Macro{@currext}} is set to the extension of the extension currently being added. \begin{Example} \Package{tocbasic} itself uses \begin{lstcode} \AtAddToTocList[]{% \expandafter\tocbasic@extend@babel \expandafter{\@currext}% } \end{lstcode} to add every file extension to the existing \Package{tocbasic} integration with the \Package{babel} package. \end{Example} The two \Macro{expandafter} commands in the example are needed because the argument of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.tocbasic@extend@babel} has to be expanded. See the description of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.tocbasic@extend@babel} in \autoref{sec:tocbasic.internals}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.tocbasic@extend@babel} for more information.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{removefromtoclist}\OParameter{owner}\Parameter{extension} \end{Declaration} This command removes the \PName{extension} from the list of known extensions. If the optional argument, \OParameter{owner}, is given, the \PName{extension} will only be removed if it was added by this \PName{owner}. See \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addtotoclist} for an explanation of how the list owner is determined if the optional argument is omitted. If you specify an empty \PName{owner}, the owner is not tested and the \PName{extension} is removed regardless of the owner.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{doforeachtocfile}\OParameter{owner}\Parameter{commands} \end{Declaration} To this point, we've introduced commands provide additional security for class and package authors, but also more overhead. With \Macro{doforeachtocfile}, you can reap the first benefit for this. This command lets you execute the specified \PName{commands} for each file extension associated with an \PName{owner}. While processing the \PName{commands}, \Macro{@currext} is the extension of the current file. If you omit the optional \OParameter{owner} argument, all file extensions are processed regardless of the owner. If the optional argument is empty, on the other hand, only extensions with an empty owner will be processed. \begin{Example} If you want to output a list of all known file extensions to the terminal and to the \File{log} file, you can easily accomplish this: \begin{lstcode} \doforeachtocfile{\typeout{\@currext}} \end{lstcode} If, on the other hand, you only want to output the extensions owned by ``\PValue{foo}'', this too is easy: \begin{lstcode} \doforeachtocfile[foo]{\typeout{\@currext}} \end{lstcode} \end{Example} The \KOMAScript{} classes \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} use this command to optionally put a vertical skip or the chapter heading in content lists using the \PValue{chapteratlist} feature. You can learn how to set this feature in \autoref{sec:tocbasic.toc} on \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setuptoc}.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{tocbasicautomode} \end{Declaration} This command redefines \LaTeX{} kernel macro \Macro{@starttoc} for class and package authors so that every time \Macro{@starttoc} is called, the specified file extension is added to the list of known extensions, if it has not already been added. It also uses \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.tocbasic@starttoc} instead of \Macro{@starttoc}. See \autoref{sec:tocbasic.internals}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.tocbasic@starttoc} for more information about \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.tocbasic@starttoc} and \Macro{@starttoc}. After you use \Macro{tocbasicautomode}, every content list created with \Macro{@starttoc} is automatically put under the control of \Package{tocbasic}. Whether or not this leads to the desired result, however, depends very much on the individual content list. The \Package{babel} package extensions, at least, will work for all those content lists. Nevertheless, it is preferable for the class or package authors to use \Package{tocbasic} explicitly. That way they can also take advantage of the other features of \Package{tocbasic}, which are described in the following sections.% \EndIndexGroup \section{Creating a Content List} \label{sec:tocbasic.toc} In the previous section, you learned how to maintain a list of known file extensions and how to automatically execute commands when adding new extensions to this list. You also saw a command that can be used to execute instructions for all known extensions or all extensions belonging to one owner. In this section, you will learn commands that apply to the files associated with these file extensions. \begin{Declaration} \Macro{addtoeachtocfile}\OParameter{owner}\Parameter{content} \end{Declaration} The \Macro{addtoeachtocfile} command uses the \LaTeX{} kernel command \Macro{addtocontents} to write the \PName{content} to every TOC file\Index{TOC file} in the list of known file extensions that has the specified \PName{owner}. If you omit the optional argument, the \PName{content} is written to each file in the list of known file extensions. Incidentally, the actual file name is constructed from \Macro{jobname} and the file extension. While writing the \PName{content}, \Macro{@currext}\IndexCmd{@currext}\important{\Macro{@currext}} is the extension of the file currently being processed. \begin{Example} You want to add a vertical space of one line to all TOC files. \begin{lstcode} \addtoeachtocfile{% \protect\addvspace{\protect\baselineskip}% } \end{lstcode} If, on the other hand, you want to do this only for the files that have the owner ``\PValue{foo}'', use: \begin{lstcode} \addtoeachtocfile[foo]{% \protect\addvspace{\protect\baselineskip}% } \end{lstcode} \end{Example} You should protect commands that should not be expanded when they are written by prefixing them with \Macro{protect}, in the same way as you would in \Macro{addtocontents}. \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{addxcontentsline}% \Parameter{extension}\Parameter{level}\OParameter{section number}% \Parameter{text} \end{Declaration} This command is very similar to \Macro{addcontentsline}\IndexCmd{addcontentsline} from the \LaTeX{} kernel. However, it has an additional optional argument for the \PName{section number} of the entry, whereas for \Macro{addcontentsline}, it is specified in the \PName{text} argument. It is used to include numbered or unnumbered entries in the content list specified by the file \PName{extension}, where \PName{level} is the sectioning level and \PName{text} is the content of the corresponding entry. The page number is determined automatically. In contrast to \Macro{addcontentsline}, \Macro{addxcontentsline} first tests whether the \Macro{add\PName{level}\PName{extension}entry} command is defined. If so, it will be used for the entry, passing the \PName{section number} as an optional argument and \PName{text} as a mandatory argument. You can find an example of such a command provided by the \KOMAScript{} classes in \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.addparttocentry} (see \autoref{sec:maincls-experts.experts}, \DescPageRef{maincls-experts.cmd.addparttocentry}). If the corresponding command is undefined, the internal command \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.tocbasic@addxcontentsline} is used instead. This takes all four arguments as mandatory arguments and then uses \Macro{addcontentsline} to create the desired entry. You can find more about \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.tocbasic@addxcontentsline} in \autoref{sec:tocbasic.internals}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.tocbasic@addxcontentsline}. One advantage of using \Macro{addxcontentsline} rather than \Macro{addcontentsline} is that the \PValue{numberline} feature is respected (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setuptoc}). Furthermore, you can configure the form of the entries by defining the appropriate commands specific to the \PName{level} and file \PName{extension}.% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{addxcontentslinetoeachtocfile}\OParameter{owner} \Parameter{level} \OParameter{section number}% \Parameter{text} \Macro{addcontentslinetoeachtocfile}\OParameter{owner} \Parameter{level}\Parameter{text}% \end{Declaration} These two commands are directly related to \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addxcontentsline}\ChangedAt{v3.12}{\Package{tocbasic}} explained above, or to \Macro{addcontentsline} from the \LaTeX kernel. The difference is that these statements write \PName{text} not just to a single file but to all the files of a given \PName{owner} and, if the first optional argument is omitted, to all files in the list of known file extensions. \begin{Example} Suppose you are a class author and you want to write the chapter entry not just in the table of contents but in all content-list files. Suppose further that \PValue{\#1} currently contains the text to be written. \begin{lstcode} \addxcontentslinetoeachtocfile{chapter}% [\thechapter]{#1} \end{lstcode} In this case, of course, the current chapter number should be expanded directly when writing to the TOC file, which is why it was not protected from expansion with \Macro{protect}. \end{Example} While writing the \PName{content}, \Macro{@currext}\IndexCmd{@currext}\important{\Macro{@currext}} here is also the extension of the file being written to, as it is with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addtoeachtocfile}.% Whenever\ChangedAt{v3.12}{\Package{tocbasic}} possible, the \Macro{addxcontentslinetoeachtocfile} command is preferable to \Macro{addcontentslinetoeachtocfile} because only the former offers the enhancements of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addxcontentsline}. You can find more about these enhancements and benefits in the explanation of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addxcontentsline} above.% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{listoftoc}\OParameter{list-of title}\Parameter{extension}% \Macro{listoftoc*}\Parameter{extension}% \Macro{listofeachtoc}\OParameter{owner}% \Macro{listof\PName{extension}name} \end{Declaration} You can use these commands to print the content lists. The\important{\Macro{listoftoc*}} stared version \Macro{listoftoc*} needs only one argument, the \PName{extension} of the file. The command first initializes the vertical and horizontal spacing of paragraphs, calls the hook to execute commands before reading the file, then reads the file, and finally executes the hook to execute commands after reading the file. Thus you can think of \Macro{listoftoc*} as a direct replacement for the \LaTeX{} kernel macro \Macro{@starttoc}\IndexCmd{@starttoc}\important{\Macro{@starttoc}}. The\important{\Macro{listoftoc}} version of \Macro{listoftoc} without the star prints the complete content list and also creates an optional entry in the table of contents and the running heads. If you provide the optional \OParameter{list-of title} argument, it is used both as the title for the list and as an optional entry in the table of contents and the running head. If\textnote{Attention!} the \OParameter{list-of title} argument is empty, the title will be empty too. If, on the other hand, you completely omit the optional argument, including the square brackets, the \Macro{listof\PName{extension}name} command will be used if it is defined. If it is undefined, a default replacement name is used and a warning is issued. The\important{\Macro{listofeachtoc}} \Macro{listofeachtoc} command outputs all content lists associated with the given \PName{owner}, or of all known file extensions if the optional argument is omitted. To\textnote{Attention!} output the correct titles, \Macro{listof\PName{extension}name} should be defined. You\textnote{Hint!} should define \Macro{listof\PName{extension}name} appropriately for all file extensions because users may use \Macro{listoftoc} without the optional argument, or \Macro{listofeachtoc}, themselves. \begin{Example} Suppose you have a new ``list of algorithms'' with the file extension \PValue{loa} and want to output it. The command \begin{lstcode} \listoftoc[List of Algorithms]{loa} \end{lstcode} will do it for you. If, however, you want to output this list without a title, you could use \begin{lstcode} \listof*{loa} \end{lstcode} In the second case, of course, there will be no entry in the table of contents. For more information about creating entries in the table of contents, see the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setuptoc} command on \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setuptoc}. If you have defined \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\listofloaname}{% List of Algorithms% } \end{lstcode} already, then \begin{lstcode} \listoftoc{loa} \end{lstcode} will suffice to print the content list with the desired heading. It may be easier for users to remember if you also define a simple list-of command: \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\listofalgorithms}{\listoftoc{loa}} \end{lstcode} \end{Example} Because\textnote{Attention!} \LaTeX{} normally opens a new file for each of these content lists, calling each of these commands may result in an error like: \begin{lstoutput} ! No room for a new \write . \ch@ck ...\else \errmessage {No room for a new #3} \fi \end{lstoutput} if there are no more write handles left. Loading the \Package{scrwfile}\important{\Package{scrwfile}}\IndexPackage{scrwfile} package (see \autoref{cha:scrwfile}) can solve this problem. Also, the \hyperref[cha:scrhack]{\Package{scrhack}}\IndexPackage{scrhack}% \important{\hyperref[cha:scrhack]{\Package{scrhack}}} package contains patches for several packages, such as \Package{float} or \Package{listings}, so that their content-list commands can use \Macro{listoftoc}. As a result, many features of \Package{tocbasic} and the \KOMAScript{} classes are also available for their content lists.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{BeforeStartingTOC}\OParameter{extension}\Parameter{commands}% \Macro{AfterStartingTOC}\OParameter{extension}\Parameter{commands} \end{Declaration} Sometimes it's useful to be able to execute \PName{commands} immediately before reading the auxiliary TOC file. With \Macro{BeforeStartingTOC} you can do so either for a single file \PName{extension} or for all files that are read using \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listoftoc*}, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listoftoc}, or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listofeachtoc}. You can also execute \PName{commands} after reading the file if you define them with \Macro{AfterStartingTOC}. If you omit the optional argument (or set an empty one) a general hook will be set and the commands will be applied to all content lists. The general before-hook is called before the individual one, and the general after-hook is called after the individual one. While executing the commands in these hooks, \Macro{@currext}\IndexCmd{@currext}\important{\Macro{@currext}} is the extension of the TOC file which is about to be or has just been read. You can find an example\textnote{Example} using \Macro{BeforeStartingTOC} in \autoref{sec:scrwfile.clonefilefeature} on \PageRefxmpl{scrwfile.cmd.BeforeStartingTOC}. % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{BeforeTOCHead}\OParameter{extension}\Parameter{commands}% \Macro{AfterTOCHead}\OParameter{extension}\Parameter{commands} \end{Declaration} You can also define \PName{commands} that will be executed immediately before or after setting the title of a content list using \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listoftoc*} or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listoftoc}. The treatment of the optional parameter and the meaning of \Macro{@currext}\IndexCmd{@currext}\important{\Macro{@currext}} is the same as described for \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.BeforeStartingTOC} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.AfterStartingTOC}.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{MakeMarkcase}\Parameter{text} \end{Declaration} Whenever \Package{tocbasic} sets a mark for a running head, The text of the mark will be an argument of \Macro{MakeMarkcase}. You can use this command to change the case of the running head if necessary. The \KOMAScript{} classes use \Macro{@firstofone}\IndexCmd{@firstofone}\important{\Macro{@firstofone}} by default. This means the text of the running head will be set without changing the capitalisation. If you use a different class, \Macro{MakeMarkcase} will be set to \Macro{MakeUppercase}\IndexCmd{MakeUppercase}% \important{\Macro{MakeUppercase}}. However, \Package{tocbasic} only defines this command if it is not already defined. It can therefore be predefined by another class or package and \Package{tocbasic} will use that definition rather than overwriting it. \begin{Example} For some strange reason, you want to set the running heads entirely in lower-case letters. To apply this change automatically for all running heads set by \Package{tocbasic}, you define: \begin{lstcode} \let\MakeMarkcase\MakeLowercase \end{lstcode} \end{Example} Let\textnote{Hint!} me give you some advice about \Macro{MakeUppercase}\IndexCmd{MakeUppercase}. First of all, this command is not fully expandable. This means that it can cause problems interacting with other commands. Beyond that, typographers agree that whenever you set whole words or phrases in capital letters, additional spacing is absolutely necessary. However, adding a fixed spacing between all letters is not an adequate solution. Different pairs of letters require different spaces between them. Additionally, some letters already create gaps in the text that must be taken into account. Packages like \Package{ulem} or \Package{soul} can scarcely achieve this, nor can \Macro{MakeUppercase}. The automatic letter spacing using the \Package{microtype} package is in this respect only an approximate solution, because it does not take into account the concrete, font-dependent glyphs. Because\textnote{Attention!} typesetting all-capital text is expert work and almost always requires manual adjustment, ordinary users are recommended avoid using it, or to use it only sparingly and not in such an exposed place as the running head.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{deftocheading}\Parameter{extension}\Parameter{definition} \end{Declaration} The \Package{tocbasic} package contains a default definition for typesetting the titles of content lists. You can configure this default definition through various features discussed in the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setuptoc} comand below. If those features are not enough, you can use \Macro{deftocheading} to define your own title for the content list with the given file \PName{extension}. The \PName{definition} of the title can use a single parameter, \PValue{\#1}. When the command is called inside \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listoftoc} or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listofeachtoc}, that \PValue{\#1} will be replaced by the title of this content list.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{setuptoc}\Parameter{extension}\Parameter{feature list}% \Macro{unsettoc}\Parameter{extension}\Parameter{feature list} \end{Declaration} You can use these two commands to set and clear features for a TOC file \PName{extension} or the content list associated with it. The \PName{feature list} is a comma-separated list of features. The \Package{tocbasic} package recognizes following features: \begin{description} \item[\texttt{leveldown}] means that the content list's heading is created not with the highest sectioning level below \DescRef{maincls.cmd.part}\,---\,\DescRef{maincls.cmd.chapter} if available, \DescRef{maincls.cmd.section} otherwise\,---\,but with a heading of the next level below that. This feature is evaluated by the internal heading command. On the other hand, if a user-defined heading command has been created with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.deftocheading}, the person defining that command is responsible for evaluating the feature. The \KOMAScript{} classes set this feature using the \OptionValueRef{maincls}{listof}{leveldown}% important{\OptionValueRef{maincls}{listof}{leveldown}}% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{leveldown}} option for all file extensions with the owner \PValue{float}. \item[\texttt{nobabel}] prevents using the language-switching features of \Package{babel}\IndexPackage{babel} for the TOC file associated with the this file \PName{extension}. This feature should be used only for content lists that are created in a fixed language, which means that changes of the language inside of the document will no longer affect the content list. The \Package{scrwfile}\important{\Package{scrwfile}}\IndexPackage{scrwfile} package also uses this feature for cloned destinations, as because those files already inherit any language changes from the cloning source. Note\textnote{Attention!} that you must set this feature before you add a file extension to the list of known extensions. Changing the feature afterwards will have no effect. \item[\texttt{noparskipfake}] prevents\ChangedAt{v3.17}{\Package{tocbasic}} the insertion of a final \Length{parskip} before switched off paragraph spacing for content lists. In general, this will cause documents that use spacing between paragraphs to have less vertical space between the list heading and first entry than between normal headings and normal text. Normally, therefore, you will obtain a more uniform formatting without this feature. \item[\texttt{noprotrusion}] prevents\ChangedAt{v3.10}{\Package{tocbasic}} character protrusion, which allows optical margin alignment, from being disabled in the content lists. By default, character protrusion is disabled when the \Package{microtype}\IndexPackage{microtype} package, or another package that supports \Macro{microtypesetup}\IndexCmd{microtypesetup}, is loaded. So if you want optical margin alignment in the content lists, you must set this feature. Note\textnote{Attention!}, however, that character protrusion in content lists often results in incorrect results. This is a known issue with character protrusion. \item[\texttt{numbered}] means that the heading for the content list should be numbered and included in the table of contents. This feature is evaluated by the internal heading command. However, if a user-defined heading command has been created with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.deftocheading}, the person creating that definition is responsible evaluating the feature. The \KOMAScript{} classes set this feature using the \OptionValueRef{maincls}{listof}{numbered}% \important{\OptionValueRef{maincls}{listof}{numbered}}% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{numbered}} option for all file extensions with the owner \PValue{float}. \item[\texttt{numberline}] \leavevmode\ChangedAt{v3.12}{\Package{tocbasic}}% means that any entries made using \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addxcontentsline} or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addxcontentslinetoeachtocfile}, where the optional argument for the number is missing or empty, will be provided with an empty \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.numberline} command. This usually results in these entries being left-aligned not with the number but with the text of the numbered entries of the same level. Using\ChangedAt{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}} the \PValue{tocline} entry style can have additional side effects. See the style attribute \Option{breakafternumber} and \Option{entrynumberformat} in \autoref{tab:tocbasic.tocstyle.attributes} starting on \autopageref{tab:tocbasic.tocstyle.attributes}. \KOMAScript{} classes set this feature for the file extensions with the owner \PValue{float} if you use the \OptionValueRef{maincls}{listof}{numberline}% \important{\OptionValueRef{maincls}{listof}{numberline}}% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{numberline}} option and for the file extension \PValue{toc} if you use the \OptionValueRef{maincls}{toc}{numberline}% \important{\OptionValueRef{maincls}{toc}{numberline}}% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{numberline}} option. Similarly, this feature is reset if you use \OptionValueRef{maincls}{listof}{nonumberline}% \important{\OptionValueRef{maincls}{listof}{nonumberline}}% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{nonumberline}} or \OptionValueRef{maincls}{toc}{nonumberline}% \important{\OptionValueRef{maincls}{toc}{nonumberline}}% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{nonumberline}}. \item[\texttt{onecolumn}] \leavevmode\ChangedAt{v3.01}{\Package{tocbasic}}% means that this content list will automatically use \LaTeX's internal one-column mode with \Macro{onecolumn}\IndexCmd{onecolumn}. However\textnote{Attention!}, this applies only if this content list does not use the \PValue{leveldown}\important{\PValue{leveldown}} feature. The \KOMAScript{} classes \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} activate this feature with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.AtAddToTocList} (see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.basics}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.AtAddToTocList}) for all content lists with the owner \PValue{float} or with themselves as owner. Thus, for example, the table of contents, the list of figures, and the list of tables are automatically printed in a single column for both these classes. The multicolumn mode of the \Package{multicol}\IndexPackage{multicol} package is expressly unaffected by this option. \item[\texttt{totoc}] means that the title of content list should be included in the table of contents. This feature will be evaluated by the internal heading command. However, if an user-defined heading command has been created with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.deftocheading}, the person defining that command is responsible for evaluating this feature. The \KOMAScript{} classes set this feature using the \OptionValueRef{maincls}{listof}{totoc}% \important{\OptionValueRef{maincls}{listof}{totoc}}% \IndexOption{listof~=\textKValue{totoc}} option for all file extensions with the owner \PValue{float}. \end{description} The \KOMAScript{} classes recognize an additional feature: \begin{description} \item[\texttt{chapteratlist}] ensures that an optional subdivision is added to the content list for each new chapter. By default, this subdivision is a vertical space. See \DescRef{maincls.option.listof}% \IndexOption{listof}\important{\DescRef{maincls.option.listof}} in \autoref{sec:maincls.floats}, \DescPageRef{maincls.option.listof} for more information about this option. \end{description} \begin{Example} Because \KOMAScript{} classes use \Package{tocbasic} for the list of figures and list of tables, there is another way to prevent chapter subdivisions in these lists: \begin{lstcode} \unsettoc{lof}{chapteratlist} \unsettoc{lot}{chapteratlist} \end{lstcode} If you want the chapter subdivisions for your own list that you have defined with the file \PName{extension} ``\PValue{loa}'' to use the same subdivision format used by the \KOMAScript{} classes, you can use \begin{lstcode} \setuptoc{loa}{chapteratlist} \end{lstcode} And if you also want classes that use \DescRef{maincls.cmd.chapter} as the top-level structure to use the one-column mode automatically, you can use \begin{lstcode} \ifundefinedorrelax{chapter}{}{% \setuptoc{loa}{onecolumn}% } \end{lstcode} Using \DescRef{scrbase.cmd.ifundefinedorrelax} requires the \Package{scrbase} package (see \autoref{sec:scrbase.if}, \DescPageRef{scrbase.cmd.ifundefinedorrelax}). Even\textnote{Hint!} if your package will be used with another class, it does not hurt to set these features. To the contrary, if another class also evaluates these features, then your package would automatically use the features of that class. \end{Example} As you can see, packages that use \Package{tocbasic} already support a wide range of options for content lists that would otherwise require a great deal of effort to implement and which are therefore missing in many packages.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{iftocfeature}\Parameter{extension}\Parameter{feature}% \Parameter{then code}\Parameter{else code} \end{Declaration} You can use this command to test if a \PName{feature} was set for the given file \PName{extension}. If so the \PName{then code} will be executed, otherwise the \PName{else code} will be. This can be useful, for example, if you define your own heading command using \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.deftocheading} but want to support the features \PValue{totoc}, \PValue{numbered} or \PValue{leveldown}.% \EndIndexGroup \section{Configuring Content-List Entries} \seclabel{tocstyle}% \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex{}{table of contents>entry}% \Index{list of contents|\see{table of contents}} Since\ChangedAt[2016/03]{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}} version~3.20, the \Package{tocbasic} package has been able not only to configure the tables or lists of contents and their auxiliary files but also to influence their entries. To do so, you can define new styles or you can use and configure one of the predefined styles. In the medium term, \Package{tocbasic} will replace the experimental \Package{tocstyle} package that never became an official part of the \KOMAScript{} bundle. The \KOMAScript{} classes themselves have relied completely on the \Package{tocbasic} entry styles since version~3.20. \begin{Declaration} \Counter{tocdepth} \end{Declaration} Entries to content lists are usually hierarchical. For this purpose, each entry level has a numerical value. The higher this value, the lower in the hierarchy is this level. In the standard classes, for example, parts have the level -1 and chapters have the value 0. The \LaTeX{} counter \Counter{tocdepth} determines the deepest level that should be shown in the table of contents and other content lists. For example, the \Class{book} class sets \Counter{tocdepth} to 2, so entries of the levels \PValue{part}, \PValue{chapter}, \PValue{section}, and \PValue{subsection} are printed. Deeper levels like \PValue{subsubsection}, which has the numerical value 3, are not printed. Nevertheless the entries are part of the auxiliary file for the table of contents. Note that most \Package{tocbasic} entry styles, with the exception of \PValue{gobble} (see \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.DeclareTOCStyleEntry}\iffree{}{, later in this section}) observe \Counter{tocdepth}.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{numberline}\Parameter{entry number}% \Macro{usetocbasicnumberline}\OParameter{code} \end{Declaration} Although\ChangedAt[2016/03]{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}} the \LaTeX{} kernel already defines a \Macro{numberline} command, the definition is not sufficient for \Package{tocbasic}. Therefore \Package{tocbasic} defines its own commands and sets \Macro{numberline} as needed using \Macro{usetocbasicnumberline} for each content-list entry. Redefining \Macro{numberline}, therefore, is often ineffective and may result in warnings if you use \Package{tocbasic}. You can use the definition of \Package{tocbasic} by putting \Macro{usetocbasicnumberline} into your document's preamble. The command first checks if the current definition of \Macro{numberline} uses certain important, internal commands of \Package{tocbasic}. If this is not the case, \Macro{usetocbasicnumberline} redefines \Macro{numberline} and executes \PName{code}. If you omit the optional argument, it issues a message about the redefinition with \Macro{PackageInfo}. If you just do not want such a message, use an empty optional argument. Note\textnote{Attention!} that \Macro{usetocbasicnumberline} can change the internal switch \Macro{@tempswa} globally!% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{DeclareTOCStyleEntry}\OParameter{option list}\Parameter{style}% \Parameter{entry level} \end{Declaration} This\ChangedAt[2016/03]{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}} command defines or configures the content-list entries of a given \PName{entry level}. The \PName{entry level} argument is a symbolic name, e.\,g. \PValue{section}, for the entry to the table of contents of the section level with the same name or \PValue{figure} for an entry of a figure to the list of figures. A \PName{style} is assigned to each \PName{entry level}. The \PName{style} has to be defined before using it as an argument of \Macro{DeclareTOCStyleEntry}. You can use the \PName{option list} to configure the various, usually \PName{style}-dependent, attributes of the entries. Currently, \Package{tocbasic} defines the following entry styles: \begin{description} \item[\PValue{default}] defaults to a clone of the \PValue{dottedtocline} style. Class authors who use \Package{tocbasic} are encouraged to change this style to the default content-list style of the class using \Macro{CloneTOCStyle}. For example the \KOMAScript{} classes change \PValue{default} into a clone of \PValue{tocline}. \item[\PValue{dottedtocline}] is similar to the style used by the standard classes \Class{book} and \Class{report} for the \PValue{section} down to \PValue{subparagraph} entry levels of the table of contents and for the entries at the list of figures or list of tables. It supports the attributes \PValue{level}, \PValue{indent}, and \PValue{numwidth}. The entries are indented by the value of \PValue{indent} from the left. The width of the entry number is given by the value of \PValue{numwidth}. For multi-line entries, the indent will be increased by the value of \PValue{numwidth} for the second and following lines. The page number is printed using \Macro{normalfont}\IndexCmd{normalfont}. The entry text and the page number are connected by a dotted line. \hyperref[fig:tocbasic.dottedtocline]% {Figure~\ref*{fig:tocbasic.dottedtocline}} illustrates the attributes of this style. \begin{figure} \centering \resizebox{.8\linewidth}{!}{% \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[color=lightgray] (0,2\baselineskip) -- (0,-2.5\baselineskip); \draw[color=lightgray] (\linewidth,2\baselineskip) -- (\linewidth,-2.5\baselineskip); \node (dottedtocline) at (0,0) [anchor=west,inner sep=0,outer sep=0] {% \hspace*{7em}% \parbox[t]{\dimexpr\linewidth-9.55em}{% \setlength{\parindent}{-3.2em}% \addtolength{\parfillskip}{-2.55em}% \makebox[3.2em][l]{1.1.10}% Text of an entry in the table of contents with the \PValue{dottedtocline} style and more than one line% \leaders\hbox{$\csname m@th\endcsname \mkern 4.5mu\hbox{.}\mkern 4.5mu$}\hfill\nobreak \makebox[1.55em][r]{12}% }% }; \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] (0,0) -- node [anchor=north,font=\small] { \PValue{indent} } (3.8em,0); \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] (3.8em,\baselineskip) -- node [anchor=south,font=\small] { \PValue{numwidth} } (7em,\baselineskip); \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] (\linewidth,\ht\strutbox) -- node [anchor=south,font=\small] { \Macro{@tocrmarg} } (\linewidth-2.55em,\ht\strutbox); \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] (\linewidth,-\baselineskip) -- node [anchor=north,font=\small] { \Macro{@pnumwidth} } (\linewidth-1.55em,-\baselineskip); \end{tikzpicture}% } \caption{Illustrations of some attributes of a TOC entry with the \PValue{dottedtocline} style} \label{fig:tocbasic.dottedtocline} \end{figure} \item[\PValue{gobble}] is the simplest possible style. Entries in this style, regardless of the setting of \DescRef{\LabelBase.counter.tocdepth}% \IndexCounter{tocdepth}\important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.counter.tocdepth}}, will never be printed. The style simply gobbles the entries, so to speak. It has the default \PValue{level} attribute, but it is never evaluated. \item[\PValue{largetocline}] is similar to the style used by the standard classes for the \PValue{part} level. It supports the \PValue{level} and \PValue{indent} attributes only. The latter deviates from the standard classes, which do not support an indent of the \PValue{part} entries. A penalty is set to permit page breaks before an entry of an appropriate level. The entries will be indented by the value of \PValue{indent} from the left and printed with the font style \Macro{large}\Macro{bfseries}. If \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.numberline} is used, the number width is 3\Unit{em}. \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.numberline} is not redefined. The standard classes do not use \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.numberline} for \PName{part} entries. The value of \PName{indent} also has no effect on the indentation from the second line and after in a multi-line entry. \hyperref[fig:tocbasic.largetocline]% {Figure~\ref*{fig:tocbasic.largetocline}} illustrates the characteristics of this style. You will also notice that the style has adopted some inconsistencies present in the standard classes, e.\,g. the missing indent of the second and following lines of an entry or the different values of \Macro{@pnumwidth} that results from the font-size dependency. This can result, in extreme cases, in the entry text coming too close. Note that the width of the entry number shown in the figure is only valid if \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.numberline} has been used. The standard classes, however, use a distance of 1\Unit{em} after the number. \begin{figure} \centering \resizebox{.8\linewidth}{!}{% \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[color=lightgray] (0,2\baselineskip) -- (0,-2.5\baselineskip); \draw[color=lightgray] (\linewidth,2\baselineskip) -- (\linewidth,-2.5\baselineskip); \node (largetocline) at (0,0) [anchor=west,inner sep=0,outer sep=0] {% \parbox[t]{\dimexpr \linewidth-1.55em\relax}{% \makebox[3em][l]{\large\bfseries I}% \large\bfseries Text of an entry to the table of contents with the \PValue{largetocline} style and more than one line% \hfill \makebox[0pt][l]{\normalsize\normalfont \makebox[1.55em][r]{\large\bfseries 1}}% }% }; \draw[|-|,color=gray] (0,\baselineskip) -- node [anchor=south] { 3\,em } (3em,\baselineskip); \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] (\linewidth,\ht\strutbox) -- node [anchor=south] { \Macro{@pnumwidth} } (\linewidth-1.55em,\ht\strutbox); \large\bfseries \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] (\linewidth,-\baselineskip) -- node [anchor=north,font=\normalfont\normalsize] { \Macro{large}\Macro{@pnumwidth} } (\linewidth-1.55em,-\baselineskip); \end{tikzpicture}% } \caption{Illustrations of some attributes of a TOC entry with style \PValue{largetocline}} \label{fig:tocbasic.largetocline} \end{figure} \item[\PValue{tocline}] is a flexible style. The \KOMAScript{} classes use this style by default for all kinds of entries. Likewise, these classes define the clones \PValue{part}, \PValue{chapter}, and \PValue{section}, or \PValue{section} and \PValue{subsection} using this style, but add extra \PName{initial code} to the clones to change their defaults. The style supports 16\important{\PValue{level}, \PValue{beforeskip}, \PValue{breakafternumber}, \PValue{dynnumwidth}, \PValue{entryformat}, \PValue{entrynumberformat}, \PValue{indent}, \PValue{linefill}, \PValue{numsep}, \PValue{numwidth}, \PValue{onstarthigherlevel}, \PValue{onstartlowerlevel}, \PValue{onstartsamelevel}, \PValue{pagenumberbox}, \PValue{pagenumberformat}, \PValue{raggedentrytext}, \PValue{raggedpagenumber}} additional attributes in addition to the default \PValue{level} attribute. The defaults of all these attributes depend on the name of the \PName{entry level} and correspond to the results of the standard classes. So after loading \Package{tocbasic}, you can change the style of the entries in the table of contents of the standard classes into \PValue{tocline} using \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.DeclareTOCEntryStyle} without this leading directly to major changes in their appearance. Thus you can precisely change only those attributes that are necessary for the desired changes. The same applies to the list of figures and the list of tables for the standard classes. Because its great flexibility, this style can in principle replace the \PValue{dottedtocline}, \PValue{undottedtocline}, and \PValue{largetocline} styles, but this requires more effort to configure. \hyperref[fig:tocbasic.tocline]% {Figure~\ref*{fig:tocbasic.tocline}} illustrates some of the length attributes of this style. The others are explained in \autoref{tab:tocbasic.tocstyle.attributes} starting on \autopageref{tab:tocbasic.tocstyle.attributes}. \begin{figure} \centering \resizebox{.8\linewidth}{!}{% \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (subsection) at (0,0); \coordinate (section) at ($(subsection)+(0,2\baselineskip)$); \coordinate (chapter) at ($(section)+(0,2\baselineskip)$); \coordinate (part) at ($(chapter)+(0,2.4\baselineskip+1em)$); \draw[color=lightgray] ($(part)+(0,2\baselineskip)$) -- (0,-2.5\baselineskip); \draw[color=lightgray] ($(part)+(\linewidth,2\baselineskip)$) -- (\linewidth,-2.5\baselineskip); \coordinate (subsection) at (0,0); \node at (part) [anchor=west,inner sep=0,outer sep=0] {% \hspace*{3em}% \parbox[t]{\dimexpr\linewidth-5.55em}{% \setlength{\parindent}{-3em}% \addtolength{\parfillskip}{-2.55em}% \makebox[3em][l]{\large\bfseries I.}% \textbf{\large Text of a part entry with the \PValue{tocline} style and at least two lines of text}% \hfill \makebox[1.55em][r]{\bfseries 12}\large }% }; \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] (part) -- ($(part)+(3em,0)$) node [anchor=north east,font=\small] { \PValue{numwidth} }; \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] ($(part)+(\linewidth,\ht\strutbox)$) node [anchor=north,font=\small] { \Macro{@tocrmarg} } -- ($(part)+(\linewidth-2.55em,\ht\strutbox)$); \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] ($(part)+(\linewidth,-\baselineskip)$) -- node [anchor=north,font=\small] { \Macro{@pnumwidth} } ($(part)+(\linewidth-1.55em,-\baselineskip)$); \node at (chapter) [anchor=west,inner sep=0,outer sep=0] {% \hspace*{1.5em}% \parbox[t]{\dimexpr\linewidth-4.05em}{% \setlength{\parindent}{-1.5em}% \addtolength{\parfillskip}{-2.55em}% \makebox[1.5em][l]{\bfseries 1.}% \textbf{Text of a chapter entry with the \PValue{tocline} style and more than one line of text for demonstration purposes}% \hfill \makebox[1.55em][r]{\bfseries 12}% }% }; \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] ($(chapter)+(3em,\baselineskip)$) -- node [anchor=west,font=\small] { \PValue{beforeskip} } ($(part)+(3em,-\baselineskip)$); \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] (chapter) -- ($(chapter)+(1.5em,0)$) node [anchor=north east,font=\small] { \PValue{numwidth} }; \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] ($(chapter)+(\linewidth,\ht\strutbox)$) node [anchor=north,font=\small] { \Macro{@tocrmarg} } -- ($(chapter)+(\linewidth-2.55em,\ht\strutbox)$); \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] ($(chapter)+(\linewidth,-\baselineskip)$) node [anchor=north,font=\small] { \Macro{@pnumwidth} } -- ($(chapter)+(\linewidth-1.55em,-\baselineskip)$); \node at (section) [anchor=west,inner sep=0,outer sep=0] { \hspace*{3.8em}% \parbox[t]{\dimexpr\linewidth-6.35em}{% \setlength{\parindent}{-2.3em}% \addtolength{\parfillskip}{-2.55em}% \makebox[2.3em][l]{1.1.}% Text of a section entry with the \PValue{tocline} style and more than one line of text for demonstration purposes% \leaders\hbox{$\csname m@th\endcsname \mkern 4.5mu\hbox{.}\mkern 4.5mu$}\hfill\nobreak \makebox[1.55em][r]{3}% }% }; \node at (subsection) [anchor=west,inner sep=0,outer sep=0] {% \hspace*{7em}% \parbox[t]{\dimexpr\linewidth-9.55em}{% \setlength{\parindent}{-3.2em}% \addtolength{\parfillskip}{-2.55em}% \makebox[3.2em][l]{1.1.10.}% Text of a subsection entry with the \PValue{tocline} and more than one line of text for demonstration purposes% \leaders\hbox{$\csname m@th\endcsname \mkern 4.5mu\hbox{.}\mkern 4.5mu$}\hfill\nobreak \makebox[1.55em][r]{12}% }% }; \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] ($(subsection)+(0,\ht\strutbox)$) -- node [anchor=north,font=\small] { \PValue{indent} } ($(subsection)+(3.8em,\ht\strutbox)$); \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] ($(subsection)+(3.8em,0)$) -- ($(subsection)+(7em,0)$) node [anchor=north east,font=\small] { \PValue{numwidth} }; \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] ($(subsection)+(\linewidth,\ht\strutbox)$) node [anchor=north,font=\small] { \Macro{@tocrmarg} } -- ($(subsection)+(\linewidth-2.55em,\ht\strutbox)$); \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] ($(subsection)+(\linewidth,-\baselineskip)$) -- node [anchor=north,font=\small] { \Macro{@pnumwidth} } ($(subsection)+(\linewidth-1.55em,-\baselineskip)$); \end{tikzpicture}% } \caption{Illustrations of some attributes of a TOC entry with the \PValue{tocline} style} \label{fig:tocbasic.tocline} \end{figure} \item[\PValue{undottedtocline}] is similar to the style used by the standard \Class{book} and \Class{report} classes for the \PValue{chapter} entry level, or by \Class{article} for the \PValue{section} entry level in the table of contents. It supports\important{\PValue{level}, \PValue{indent}, \PValue{numwidth}} only three attributes. A penalty is inserted permitting an appropriate page break before the entry, as is a vertical skip. The entries are printed with an indentation of \PValue{indent} from the left and in \Macro{bfseries}. This is a departure from the standard classes, which do not support the indentation of these entry levels. \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.numberline} is used unchanged. The width of the entry number is determined by \PValue{numwidth}. For multi-line entries the indent will be increased by the value of \PValue{numwidth} for the second and following lines. \hyperref[fig:tocbasic.undottedtocline]% {Figure~\ref*{fig:tocbasic.undottedtocline}} illustrates the attributes of this style. \begin{figure} \centering \resizebox{.8\linewidth}{!}{% \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[color=lightgray] (0,2\baselineskip) -- (0,-2.5\baselineskip); \draw[color=lightgray] (\linewidth,2\baselineskip) -- (\linewidth,-2.5\baselineskip); \node (undottedtocline) at (0,0) [anchor=west,inner sep=0,outer sep=0] {% \makebox[1.5em][l]{\bfseries 1}% \parbox[t]{\dimexpr \linewidth-4.05em\relax}{% \bfseries Text of an entry to the table of contents with the \PValue{undottedtocline} style and more than one line% }% \raisebox{-\baselineskip}{\makebox[2.55em][r]{\bfseries 3}}% }; \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] (0,\baselineskip) -- node [anchor=south,font=\small] { \PValue{numwidth} } (1.5em,\baselineskip); \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] (\linewidth,\ht\strutbox) -- node [anchor=south,font=\small] { \Macro{@tocrmarg} } (\linewidth-2.55em,\ht\strutbox); \draw[|-|,color=gray,overlay] (\linewidth,-\baselineskip) -- node [anchor=north,font=\small] { \Macro{@pnumwidth} } (\linewidth-1.55em,-\baselineskip); \end{tikzpicture}% } \caption{Illustration of some attributes of the \PValue{undottedtocline} style with the example of a chapter title}% \label{fig:tocbasic.undottedtocline} \end{figure} \end{description} You can find an explanation of the attributes of all styles that \Package{tocbasic} defines in \autoref{tab:tocbasic.tocstyle.attributes}. If\ChangedAt[2016/06]{v3.21}{\Package{tocbasic}} you use these attributes as options to \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.DeclareNewTOC} (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.DeclareNewTOC}), you must prefix the names of the attribute by \PValue{tocentry}, e\,g. \PValue{level} becomes \Option{tocentrylevel}. If\ChangedAt[2015/12]{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}} use these attributes as options for \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.DeclareSectionCommand}% \IndexCmd{DeclareSectionCommand}\IndexCmd{DeclareNewSectionCommand}% \IndexCmd{RedeclareSectionCommand}\IndexCmd{ProvideSectionCommand} (see \DescPageRef{maincls-experts.cmd.DeclareSectionCommand}) and similar commands, you must prefix the names of the attributes with \PValue{toc}, e\,g. \PValue{level} becomes \Option{toclevel}. Finally, using \Macro{DeclareTOCStyleEntry} will define the internal command \Macro{l@\PName{entry level}}. \begin{desclist} \desccaption{% Attributes of the predefined TOC-entry styles of \Package{tocbasic}% \label{tab:tocbasic.tocstyle.attributes}% }{% Attributes of the TOC-entry styles (\emph{continued})% }% \entry{\OptionVName{beforeskip}{length}}{% The vertical distance inserted before an entry of this level in the \PValue{tocline} style (see \autoref{fig:tocbasic.tocline}). The distance is made using either \Macro{vskip} or \Macro{addvspace} depending on the \PName{entry level}, to maintain compatibility as far as possible with the standard classes and earlier versions of \KOMAScript. For the \PValue{part} \PName{entry level}, the attribute will be initialised with \texttt{2.25em plus 1pt}; for \PValue{chapter}, with \texttt{1em plus 1pt}. If the \PName{chapter} \PName{entry level} is undefined, \PValue{section} is initialised with \texttt{1em plus 1pt} instead. The initial value for all other levels is \texttt{0pt plus .2pt}.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{breakafternumber}{switch}}{% \PName{switch} is one of the values for simple switches from \autoref{tab:truefalseswitch}, \autopageref{tab:truefalseswitch}. If the switch is active in the \PValue{tocline} style, there will be a line break after the number set with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.numberline}\IndexCmd{numberline}. The line after the entry number again starts flush left with the number. The default is false for the \PValue{tocline} style. If\textnote{Attention!} the \Option{numberline} feature has been activated for a content list (see \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setuptoc}, \autoref{sec:tocbasic.toc}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setuptoc}), as is the case with the \KOMAScript{} classes when the \OptionValueRef{maincls}{toc}{numberline}% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{numberline}} option is used, then the unnumbered entries will nevertheless have a (by default empty) number line using the formatting of \Option{entrynumberformat}.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{dynnumwidth}{switch}}{% \PName{switch} is one of the values for simple switches from \autoref{tab:truefalseswitch}, \autopageref{tab:truefalseswitch}. If the switch is active with the \PValue{tocline} style, the \PValue{numwidth} attribute specifies a minimum value. If a previous \LaTeX{} run has determined that the maximum width of the entry numbers of the same level plus the value of \PValue{numsep} is greater than this minimum, the calculated value will be used instead.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{entryformat}{command}}{% You can use this attributes to change the format of the entry. The value should be a \PName{command} with exactly one argument. This argument is not necessarily fully expandable. You should not use commands like \Macro{MakeUppercase}, which expects a fully expandable argument. Font changes are relative to \Macro{normalfont}\Macro{normalsize}. Note that the output of \Option{linefill} and the page number are independent of \Option{entryformat}. See also the \Option{pagenumberformat} attribute . The initial value of the attribute for the \PValue{part} \PName{entry level} is \Macro{large}\Macro{bfseries}, and for \PValue{chapter}, it is \Macro{bfseries}. If the \PValue{chapter} level is not defined, \PValue{section} uses \Macro{bfseries}. All other levels print the argument unchanged.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{entrynumberformat}{command}}{% You can use this attribute to format the entry number within \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.numberline}. The value should be a \PName{command} with exactly one argument. Font changes are relative to the one of attribute \Option{entryformat}. The initial \PName{command} prints the argument unchanged. This means the entry number will be printed as it is. If\textnote{Attention!} the \Option{numberline} feature for a content list has been activated (see \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setuptoc}, \autoref{sec:tocbasic.toc}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setuptoc}), as is the case with the \KOMAScript{} classes using the \OptionValueRef{maincls}{toc}{numberline}% \IndexOption{toc~=\textKValue{numberline}} option, the unnumbered entries will execute the \PName{command} as well.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{indent}{length}}{% The horizontal distance of the entry from the left margin (see \autoref{fig:tocbasic.dottedtocline} and \autoref{fig:tocbasic.tocline}). For the \PValue{tocline} style, all entry levels whose names start with ``\texttt{sub}'' are initialised with the \PValue{indent}+\PValue{numwidth} of the entry level of the same name without this prefix. For the \PValue{dottedtocline}, \PValue{undottedtocline}, and \PValue{tocline} styles, the initial values of levels \PValue{part} down to \PValue{subparagraph} and the levels \PValue{figure} and \PValue{table} are compatible with the standard classes. All other levels do not have an initial value. Therefore you have to set an explicit value for such levels when they are defined first time.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{level}{integer}}{% The numerical value of the \PName{entry level}. Only those entries whose numerical value is less than or equal to the \DescRef{\LabelBase.counter.tocdepth}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.counter.tocdepth}}\IndexCounter{tocdepth} counter are printed. This attribute is mandatory for all styles and will be defined automatically when the style is declared. For the \PValue{tocline} style, all entry levels whose name starts with ``\texttt{sub}'' are initialised with the value of the entry level of the same name without this prefix plus one. For the \PValue{dottedtocline}, \PValue{largetocline}, \PValue{tocline}, and \PValue{undottedtocline} styles, the entry levels from \PValue{part} to \PValue{subparagraph}, as well as \PValue{figure} and \PValue{table}, are initialised to be compatible with the standard classes. For all other levels, the initialisation is done with the value of \Macro{\PName{entry level}numdepth}, if this is defined.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{linefill}{code}}{% With the \PValue{tocline} style, you can change what is used to fill the space between the end of the entry text and the page number. The \PName{linefill} attribute contains the \PName{code} that prints this filler. For the \PValue{part} and \PValue{chapter} \PName{entry level}s, the attribute is initialised with \Macro{hfill}. If no \PValue{chapter} \PName{entry level} has been defined, \PValue{section} also uses \Macro{hfill}. All other entry levels are initialised with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.TOCLineLeaderFill} (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.TOCLineLeaderFill}). Incidentally, if the \PName{code} specified does not automatically fill the gap, you should also activate the \PValue{raggedpagenumber} attribute to avoid ``\texttt{underfull \Macro{hbox}}'' messages.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{numsep}{length}}{% The \PValue{tocline} style tries to ensure a minimum distance of \PName{length} between the entry number and the entry text. If \PValue{dynnumwidth} is active, it will correct the number width to achieve this. Otherwise it simply throws a warning, if the condition is not met. The initial \PName{length} is 0.4\Unit{em}.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{numwidth}{length}}{% The width reserved for the entry number (see \autoref{fig:tocbasic.dottedtocline} to \autoref{fig:tocbasic.undottedtocline}). With the \PValue{dottedtocline}, \PValue{tocline}, and \PValue{undottedtocline} styles, this \PName{length} is added to the \PName{length} of attribute \PValue{indent} for the second and following lines of the entry text. With the \PValue{tocline} style, the initial \PName{length} of all entries whose name starts with ``\texttt{sub}'' is the value of the level without this prefix plus 0.9\Unit{em}, if such a level with corresponding attributes exists. With the \PValue{dottedtocline}, \PValue{undottedtocline}, and \PValue{tocline} styles, the initial \PName{length}s of levels from \PValue{part} to \PValue{subparagraph}, as well as \PName{figure} and \PName{table}, are compatible with those of the standard classes. All other levels do not have an initial value. Therefore you must set \PValue{numwidth} explicitly when the entry level is first used.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{onstarthigherlevel}{code}}{% The \PValue{tocline} style can execute \PName{code} at the start of an entry, depending on whether the previous entry had numerical level greater than, the same as, or less than the current entry. The \PName{code} specified by this attribute will be executed if the current entry has a greater numerical value, i.\,e. it is lower in the entry hierarchy, than the previous one. Note that detecting the level of the previous entry only works so long as \Macro{lastpenalty} has not changed since the previous entry. The initial \PName{code} is \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.LastTOCLevelWasLower} (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.LastTOCLevelWasLower}).% }% \entry{\OptionVName{onstartlowerlevel}{code}}{% The \PValue{tocline} style can execute \PName{code} at the start of an entry, depending on whether the previous entry had numerical level greater than, the same as, or less than the current entry. The \PName{code} specified by this attribute will be executed if the current entry has a lower numerical value, i.\,e. it is higher in the entry hierarchy, than the previous one. Note that detecting the level of the previous entry only works so long as \Macro{lastpenalty} has not changed since the previous entry. The initial \PName{code} is \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.LastTOCLevelWasHigher} (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.LastTOCLevelWasHigher}), which usually favours a page break before the entry.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{onstartsamelevel}{code}}{% The \PValue{tocline} style can execute \PName{code} at the start of an entry, depending on whether the previous entry had numerical level greater than, the same as, or less than the current entry. The \PName{code} specified by this attribute will be executed if the current entry has the same numerical value, i.\,e. it is on the same level in the entry hierarchy, as the previous one. Note that detecting the level of the previous entry only works so long as \Macro{lastpenalty} has not changed since the previous entry. The initial \PName{code} is \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.LastTOCLevelWasSame} (see \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.LastTOCLevelWasSame}), which usually favours a page break before the entry.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{pagenumberbox}{command}}{% By default the page number of an entry is printed flush right in a box of width \Macro{@pnumwidth}. In the \PValue{tocline} style, you can change the \PName{command} to print the number using this attribute. The \PName{command} should expect exactly one argument, the page number. This attribute is initialised with the box already mentioned.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{pagenumberformat}{command}}{% You can use this attribute to change the format of the page number of an entry. The \PName{command} should expect exactly one argument, the page number. Font changes are relative to the font of \Option{entryformat} followed by \Macro{normalfont}\Macro{normalsize}. The initial \PName{command} of entry level \PValue{part} prints the argument in \Macro{large}\Macro{bfseries}. The initial \PName{command} of all other levels prints the argument in \Macro{normalfont}\Macro{normalcolor}.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{raggedentrytext}{switch}}{% The\ChangedAt{v3.21}{\Package{tocbasic}} \PName{switch} is one of the values for simple switches from \autoref{tab:truefalseswitch}, \autopageref{tab:truefalseswitch}. If the switch is active, the \PValue{tocline} style prints the text of an entry ragged right instead of fully justified, and only words that are longer than a text line are automatically hyphenated. This \PName{switch} is false by default.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{raggedpagenumber}{switch}}{% The \PName{switch} is one of the values for simple switches from \autoref{tab:truefalseswitch}, \autopageref{tab:truefalseswitch}. If the switch is active, the \PValue{tocline} style does not force the page number to be right justified. Depending on the value of \PValue{linefill}, setting this attribute could affect only whether a warning message appears, or the formatting of the page number as well. So it is important to set both attributes so that they correspond. By default the \PName{switch} is not activated and therefore corresponds with an initial value of \Macro{hfill} or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.TOCLineLeaderFill} for the \PValue{linefill} attribute.% }% \end{desclist}% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{DeclareTOCEntryStyle}\Parameter{style}% \OParameter{initial code}% \Parameter{command code}% \Macro{DefineTOCEntryOption}\Parameter{option}\OParameter{default value}% \Parameter{code}% \Macro{DefineTOCEntryBooleanOption}\Parameter{option}% \OParameter{default value}% \Parameter{prefix}% \Parameter{postfix}% \Parameter{description}%% %\OParameter{initial code}% \Macro{DefineTOCEntryCommandOption}\Parameter{option}% \OParameter{default value}% \Parameter{prefix}% \Parameter{postfix}% \Parameter{description}%% %\OParameter{initial code}% \Macro{DefineTOCEntryIfOption}\Parameter{option}% \OParameter{default value}% \Parameter{prefix}% \Parameter{postfix}% \Parameter{description}%% %\OParameter{initial code}% \Macro{DefineTOCEntryLengthOption}\Parameter{option}% \OParameter{default value}% \Parameter{prefix}% \Parameter{postfix}% \Parameter{description}%% %\OParameter{initial code}% \Macro{DefineTOCEntryNumberOption}\Parameter{option}% \OParameter{default value}% \Parameter{prefix}% \Parameter{postfix}% \Parameter{description}% %\OParameter{initial code}% \end{Declaration} \Macro{DeclareTOCEntryStyle}\ChangedAt[2016/03]{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}} is one of the most complex commands in \KOMAScript. It is therefore explicitly intended for \LaTeX{} developers and not for ordinary \LaTeX{} users. It lets you define new a \PName{style} for content-list entries. Usually, entries to content lists are made using \Macro{addcontentsline}\IndexCmd{addcontentsline}, or preferably, if you use \Package{tocbasic}, with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addxcontentsline}\IndexCmd{addxcontentsline} (see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.basics}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addxcontentsline}). In both cases \LaTeX{} writes a corresponding \Macro{contentsline}\IndexCmd{contentsline} to the appropriate auxiliary file. When reading this auxiliary file, \LaTeX{} then executes a \Macro{l@\PName{entry level}} command for each \Macro{contentsline}. If you later assign a \PName{style} to an entry level using \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.DeclareTOCStyleEntry}, the \PName{initial code} is executed first, if provided, and then the \PName{command code} for the definition of \Macro{l@\PName{entry level}}. The \PName{command code} is the code that will be expanded and executed by \Macro{l@\PName{entry level}}. Inside \PName{command code} \texttt{\#1} is the name of the TOC entry level and \texttt{\#\#1} and \texttt{\#\#2} are the arguments of \Macro{l@\PName{entry level}}. The \PName{initial code} serves first to initialise all attributes of the \PName{style}. Developers should make sure that all attributes are provided with values here. Only then does \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.DeclareTOCStyleEntry} work without errors if an \PName{option list} is not specified. The second task of the \PName{initial code} is to define all the options that this \PName{style} recognises. The \Option{level} option is always defined automatically. The value of the \Option{level} can be queried within the \PName{command code} with \Macro{@nameuse}\PParameter{\#1tocdepth}% \important{\Macro{\PName{entry level}tocdepth}}, for example, to compare it with the \DescRef{\LabelBase.counter.tocdepth}\IndexCounter{tocdepth} counter. To define options for the attributes of the \PName{style} inside the \PName{initial code}, you can use the commands \Macro{DefineTOCEntryBooleanOption}, \Macro{DefineTOCEntryCommandOption}, \Macro{DefineTOCEntryIfOption}, \Macro{DefineTOCEntryLengthOption}, and \Macro{DefineTOCEntryNumberOption}. These commands each define an \PName{option} that, when called, defines a macro named \Macro{\PName{prefix}\PName{entry level}\PName{postfix}} set to the given value or to the \PName{default value} of the option. The \Macro{DefineTOCEntryIfOption} command is a somewhat special case. It defines \Macro{\PName{prefix}\PName{entry level}\PName{postfix}} as a command with two arguments. If the value passed to the option is one of the activation (true) values from \autoref{tab:truefalseswitch}, \autopageref{tab:truefalseswitch}, the command expands to the first argument. If the value to the option is a deactivation (false) value, the command expands to the second argument. The \PName{description} should be a brief message that describes the sense of the option with some keywords. The \Package{tocbasic} package uses this text in error messages, warnings, and information output on the terminal and to the \File{log} file. The simplest style of \Package{tocbasic}, \PValue{gobble}, is defined using: \begin{lstcode} \DeclareTOCEntryStyle{gobble}{}% \end{lstcode} If you now define an entry level \PValue{dummy} in this style using: \begin{lstcode} \DeclareTOCStyleEntry[level=1]{gobble}{dummy} \end{lstcode} this would correspond, among other things, to: \begin{lstcode} \def\dummytocdepth{1} \def\l@dummy#1#2{} \end{lstcode} For example, within the \PValue{tocline} style, \begin{lstcode} \DefineTOCEntryCommandOption{linefill}[\TOCLineLeaderFill]% {scr@tso@}{@linefill}{filling between text and page number}% \end{lstcode} is used to define the \Option{linefill} option. By specifying \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.TOCLineLeaderFill} as the \PName{default value}, a call such as \begin{lstcode} \RedeclareTOCStyleEntry[linefill]{tocline}{part} \end{lstcode} would, among other things, create the definition \begin{lstcode} \def\scr@tso@part@linefill{\TOCLineLeaderFill} \end{lstcode} If you want to define your own styles, you should first study the definition of the \PValue{dottedtocline} style. After you understand this definition, you can find many hints as to how to use the commands effectively in the much more complex definition of the \PValue{tocline} style. However, in many cases it will be sufficient to clone an existing style using \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.CloneTOCEntryStyle} and to change the initial code of the new style using \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.TOCEntryStyleInitCode} or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.TOCEntryStyleStartInitCode}. \Macro{DefineTOCEntryOption} is merely used to define the other commands and you should not use it directly. Normally, there is no need for it. It is mentioned here only for the sake of completeness.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{CloneTOCEntryStyle}\Parameter{style}\Parameter{new style}% \end{Declaration} With\ChangedAt[2016/03]{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}} this command you can clone an existing \PName{style}. It defines a \PName{new style} with the same attributes and settings as the existing \PName{style}. The package itself uses \Macro{CloneTOCEntryStyle} to declare the \PValue{default} style as a clone of \PValue{dottedtocline}. The \KOMAScript{} classes use the command to declare the styles \PValue{part}, \PValue{section}, and \PValue{chapter} or \PValue{subsection} as clones of \PValue{tocline} and then modify them with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.TOCEntryStyleInitCode} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.TOCEntryStyleStartInitCode}. The \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} classes newly declare the \PValue{default} style as a clone of \PValue{section}, and \Class{scrartcl} declares it as a clone of \PValue{subsection}.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{TOCEntryStyleInitCode}\Parameter{style}% \Parameter{initial code}% \Macro{TOCEntryStyleStartInitCode}\Parameter{style}% \Parameter{initial code} \end{Declaration} Every\ChangedAt[2016/03]{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}} TOC-entry style has an initialisation code. This is used whenever a \PName{style} is assigned to an TOC entry using \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.DeclareTOCEntryStyle}. This \PName{initial code} should not have global side effects, because it is also used for local initialisation inside other commands like \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.DeclareNewTOC}\IndexCmd{DeclareNewTOC}. The \PName{initial code} not only defines all attributes of a \PName{style}, but it also sets the defaults for those attributes. You can use \Macro{TOCEntryStyleStartInitCode} and \Macro{TOCEntryStyleInitCode} to extend previously existing initialisation code with further \PName{initial code}. \Macro{TOCEntryStyleStartInitCode} adds \PName{initial code} in front of the existing code. \Macro{TOCEntryStyleInitCode} adds the \PName{initial code} at the end of the existing initialisation code. The \KOMAScript{} classes, for example, use \Macro{TOCEntryStyleStartInitCode} to properly initialise the fill, fonts, and vertical spacing of the \PValue{part} style cloned from \PValue{tocline}. For example, the \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} classes use \begin{lstcode} \CloneTOCEntryStyle{tocline}{section} \TOCEntryStyleStartInitCode{section}{% \expandafter\providecommand% \csname scr@tso@#1@linefill\endcsname {\TOCLineLeaderFill\relax}% } \end{lstcode} to define \PValue{section} as a modified clone of \PValue{tocline}.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{LastTOCLevelWasHigher}% \Macro{LastTOCLevelWasSame}% \Macro{LastTOCLevelWasLower} \end{Declaration} At\ChangedAt[2016/03]{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}} the beginning of entries using the \PValue{tocline} style, \Package{tocbasic} executes one of these three commands depending on \Macro{lastpenalty}. \Macro{LastTOCLevelWasHigher} and \Macro{LastTOCLevelWasSame} used in vertical mode add \Macro{addpenalty}\PParameter{\Macro{@lowpenalty}} and therefore permit a page break before an entry with the same or higher hierarchical position. \Macro{LastTOCLevelWasLower} is empty, so a page break between an entry and its first sub-entry is not permitted. Users should not redefine these commands. Instead, you should change the behaviour of single entry levels using the \PValue{onstartlowerlevel}, \PValue{onstartsamelevel}, and \PValue{onstarthigherlevel} attributes.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{TOCLineLeaderFill}\OParameter{leader} \end{Declaration} This\ChangedAt[2016/03]{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}} command is intended to be used as a value for the \Option{linefill} option of the \PName{tocline} TOC-entry style. It creates a connection between the end of the entry text and the entry's page number. You can specify the \PName{leader}, which is repeated at regular intervals, as an optional argument. The default is a dot. As the name suggests, the command uses \Macro{leaders} to output the \PName{leader}. The spacing used is defined analogously to the \LaTeX{} kernel command \Macro{@dottedtocline} by \Macro{mkern}\Macro{@dotsep}\Unit{\texttt{mu}}.% \EndIndexGroup \EndIndexGroup \section{Internal Commands for Class and Package Authors} \seclabel{internals} The \Package{tocbasic} package provides some internal commands for the use of class and package authors. These commands all begin with the prefix \Macro{tocbasic@}. But\textnote{Attention!} even class or package authors should not redefine them! Their inner functioning may be changed or extended at any time, so redefining these commands could significantly damage the \Package{tocbasic}'s operation. \begin{Declaration} \Macro{tocbasic@extend@babel}\Parameter{extension} \end{Declaration} At every change of the current language, either at the beginning of the document or inside the document, the \Package{babel}\IndexPackage{babel} package (see \cite{package:babel}), or rather a \LaTeX{} kernel enhanced by \Package{babel}'s language management, writes language-switching commands to the files with the \File{toc}, \File{lof}, and \File{lot} extensions. The \Package{tocbasic} package extends this mechanism with \Macro{tocbasic@extend@babel} so that it also works for other file extensions. The \PName{extension} argument must be completely expanded! Otherwise the there is a risk that, for example, the meaning of the argument has already change at the time it is actually evaluated. This command is typically invoked by default for every file \PName{extension} added to the list of known extensions with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addtotoclist}. You can suppress this with the \PValue{nobabel}\important{\PValue{nobabel}} feature (see \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setuptoc}, \autoref{sec:tocbasic.toc}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setuptoc}). \Package{tocbasic} does this automatically for the extensions \File{toc}, \File{lof}, and \File{lot} to avoid switching languages twice in the corresponding files. There is usually no reason to call this command yourself. However, there could conceivably be content lists that are not under the control of \Package{tocbasic} and so are not in \Package{tocbasic}'s list of known file extensions, but which nevertheless should use \Package{babel}'s language switching mechanism. You can call the command explicitly for those files. But\textnote{Attention!} please note that this should be done only once per file extension!% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{tocbasic@starttoc}\Parameter{extension} \end{Declaration} This command is the actual replacement for the \Macro{@starttoc}\IndexCmd{@starttoc}\important{\Macro{@starttoc}} command from the \LaTeX{} kernel. It is the command behind \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listoftoc*} (see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.toc}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listoftoc*}). Class or package authors who want to take advantage of \Package{tocbasic} should at least use this command, or even better, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listoftoc}. The command uses \Macro{\@starttoc} internally, but sets \Length{parskip}\IndexLength{parskip}\important{\Length{parskip}\\ \Length{parindent}\\ \Length{parfillskip}}, \Length{parindent}\IndexLength{parindent} to 0, and \Length{parfillskip} to 0 to infinity. Moreover, \Macro{@currext}\important{\Macro{@currext}}\IndexCmd{@currext} is set to the file extension of the current TOC file, so it can be evaluated during the subsequent execution of the hooks. You can find an explanation of these hooks below. Because\textnote{Attention!} \LaTeX{} opens a new content-list file for writing after reading that file, calling this command may result in an error message of the type \begin{lstoutput} ! No room for a new \write . \ch@ck ...\else \errmessage {No room for a new #3} \fi \end{lstoutput} if no more write handles are available. You can solve this problem by loading the \Package{scrwfile}\important{\Package{scrwfile}}\IndexPackage{scrwfile} package described in \autoref{cha:scrwfile}, or by using Lua\LaTeX{}.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{tocbasic@@before@hook}% \Macro{tocbasic@@after@hook} \end{Declaration} The \Macro{tocbasic@@before@hook} hook is executed immediately before reading an auxiliary file for a content list, before executing the commands defined with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.BeforeStartingTOC} command. You can extend this hook using \Macro{g@addto@macro}\IndexCmd{g@addto@macro}. Similarly, \Macro{tocbasic@@after@hook} is executed immediately after reading such an auxiliary file and before executing the commands defined with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.AfterStartingTOC}. You can extend this hook using \Macro{g@addto@macro}\IndexCmd{g@addto@macro}. \KOMAScript{} uses these hooks to dynamically adjust content lists to the width of the heading numbers. Only classes and packages should use these hooks. Users\textnote{Attention!} should really use \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.BeforeStartingTOC} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.AfterStartingTOC} instead. Authors of packages should also prefer these commands. These hooks should not be used to generate any output! If neither\textnote{Attention!} \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listofeachtoc} nor \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listoftoc} nor \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listoftoc*} are used to output the content list, the hooks should be executed explicitly.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{tocbasic@\PName{extension}@before@hook}% \Macro{tocbasic@\PName{extension}@after@hook} \end{Declaration} These hooks are executed directly after \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.tocbasic@@before@hook} or before \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.tocbasic@@after@hook} for the TOC file with the corresponding file \PName{extension}. Class\textnote{Attention!} and package authors should never change them under any circumstances! If neither\textnote{Attention!} \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listofeachtoc} nor \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listoftoc} nor \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listoftoc*} are used to output a content list, the hooks should nevertheless be called, if they are defined. These commands can be undefined. For an appropriate test, see \DescRef{scrbase.cmd.scr@ifundefinedorrelax}% \IndexCmd{scr@ifundefinedorrelax} in \autoref{sec:scrbase.if}, \DescPageRef{scrbase.cmd.scr@ifundefinedorrelax}.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{tocbasic@listhead}\Parameter{title} \end{Declaration} This command is used by \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listoftoc} and \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listofeachtoc} to set the heading of the content list. This can be either the default heading of the \Package{tocbasic} package or a custom definition. If you define your own command for the heading, you can also use \Macro{tocbasic@listhead}. In this case, you should define \Macro{@currext}\important{\Macro{@currext}}\IndexCmd{@currext} to be the file extension of the corresponding TOC file before using \Macro{tocbasic@listhead}.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{tocbasic@listhead@\PName{extension}}\Parameter{title} \end{Declaration} This command is used in \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.tocbasic@listhead} to set the individual headings, optional table of contents entry, and running head, if it is defined. Otherwise, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.tocbasic@listhead} defines them before their use.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{tocbasic@addxcontentsline}% \Parameter{extension}\Parameter{level}\Parameter{number}\Parameter{text}% \Macro{nonumberline} \end{Declaration} The\ChangedAt{v3.12}{\Package{tocbasic}} \Macro{tocbasic@addxcontentsline} command creates entry of the specified level in the TOC file with the given \PName{extension}. Whether the entry is numbered or not depends on whether or not the \PName{number} argument is empty. In this case the \PName{text} will be prefixed by \Macro{nonumberline} without any argument. Otherwise, \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.numberline} with the \PName{number} argument will used as usual. The \Macro{nonumberline} command is redefined inside \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listoftoc} (see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.toc}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.listoftoc}) depending on the \PValue{numberline} feature (see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.toc}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setuptoc}). As a result, changing this feature results in changes of the corresponding TOC immediately at the next \LaTeX{} run.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{tocbasic@DependOnPenaltyAndTOCLevel}\Parameter{entry level}% \Macro{tocbasic@SetPenaltyByTOCLevel}\Parameter{entry level} \end{Declaration} The\ChangedAt[2016/03]{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}} \PValue{tocline} content-list style (see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.tocstyle}) sets a \Macro{penalty} at the end of each entry via \Macro{tocbasic@SetPenaltyByTOCLevel} so that no page break can occur after an entry. The exact value chosen depends on the \PName{entry level}. At the beginning of an entry, \Macro{tocbasic@DependOnPenaltyAndTOCLevel} is used to execute the value of the \Option{onstartlowerlevel}, the \Option{onstartsamelevel}, or the \Option{onstarthigherlevel} style option, depending on \Macro{lastpenalty} and the current \PName{entry level}. By default, the first two permit a page break when executed in vertical mode. Developers of \PValue{tocline}-compatible styles should copy this behaviour. To do so, they can fall back on these internal macros.% \EndIndexGroup \section{A Complete Example} \seclabel{example} This section provides a complete example of how to define your own floating environment including an associated content list and \KOMAScript{} integration using \Package{tocbasic}. This example uses internal commands, that is, they have a ``\texttt{@}'' in their name. This means\textnote{Attention}, that you must either put the code into a package or class or placed it between \Macro{makeatletter}\important[i]{\Macro{makeatletter}\\\Macro{makeatother}}% \IndexCmd{makeatletter} and \Macro{makeatother}\IndexCmd{makeatother}. First\textnote{environment}, we need a new floating environment. That's easy with the following: \begin{lstcode} \newenvironment{remarkbox}{% \@float{remarkbox}% }{% \end@float } \end{lstcode} The new environment is named \Environment{remarkbox}. Each\textnote{placement} floating environment has a default placement. It consists of one or more of the well-known placement options: \PValue{b}, \PValue{h}, \PValue{p} and \PValue{t}. \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\fps@remarkbox}{tbp} \end{lstcode} The new floating environment should be placed by default only either at the top of a page, at the bottom of a page, or on a separate page. Floating\textnote{type} environments also have a numerical floating type between 1 and 31. Environments with the same active bit at the floating type cannot change their order. Figures and tables normally use type~1 and 2. So a figure that comes later in the source code than a table may be output earlier than the table and vice versa. \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\ftype@remarkbox}{4} \end{lstcode} The new environment has floating type~4, so it may pass figures and floats and may be passed by those. The\textnote{number} captions of floating environment also have numbers. \begin{lstcode} \newcounter{remarkbox} \newcommand*{\remarkboxformat}{% Remark~\theremarkbox\csname autodot\endcsname} \newcommand*{\fnum@remarkbox}{\remarkboxformat} \end{lstcode} Here, a new counter is defined first, which is independent of the chapters or the counters of other structural levels. \LaTeX{} itself also defines \Macro{theremarkbox} with the default output as an Arabic number. This is then used to define the formatted output of the counter. The formatted output is again defined as a floating-point number for use in the \DescRef{maincls.cmd.caption} command. Floating\textnote{file name extension} environments have their own content lists and those need an auxiliary file named \Macro{jobname} and a file extension: \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\ext@remarkbox}{lor} \end{lstcode} As the file extension, we use ``\File{lor}''. With this, the floating environment works. But the content list of is still missing. So that we do not have to implement it ourselves, we use the \Package{tocbasic} package. This is loaded with \begin{lstcode} \usepackage{tocbasic} \end{lstcode} inside of document preambles. Class or package authors would use \begin{lstcode} \RequirePackage{tocbasic} \end{lstcode} instead. Now\textnote{extension} we register the file name extension with the \Package{tocbasic} package: \begin{lstcode} \addtotoclist[float]{lor} \end{lstcode} We use \PValue{float} as the owner so that all subsequent \KOMAScript{} options that relate to lists of floating environments also apply to the new content list. Next\textnote{title} we define a title or heading for this content list: \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\listoflorname}{List of Remarks} \end{lstcode} When working with multiple languages, the normal practice is to define an English title first and then, for example with the help of the \Package{scrbase} package, to add titles for all the other languages you want to support. See \autoref{sec:scrbase.languageSupport}, starting on \autopageref{sec:scrbase.languageSupport}. Now\textnote{entry} all we have to do is define what a single entry in the content list should look like: \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\l@remarkbox}{\l@figure} \end{lstcode} This specifies that entries in the list of remarks should look exactly like the entries in the list of figures. This would be the easiest solution. A more explicit definition would be something like: \begin{lstcode} \DeclareTOCStyleEntry[level=1,indent=1em,numwidth=1.5em]% {tocline}{remarkbox} \end{lstcode} You\textnote{chapter entry} also want chapter entries to affect the content list. \begin{lstcode} \setuptoc{lor}{chapteratlist} \end{lstcode} Setting this property allows this when you use a \KOMAScript{} class, and other class that supports this property. Unfortunately, the standard classes do not. This\textnote{list of remarks} should be enough. Users can now select different kinds of headings using the corresponding options of the \KOMAScript{} classes or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setuptoc}, (e.\,g. with or without an entry in the table of contents, with or without numbering). But with a simple \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\listofremarkboxes}{\listoftoc{lor}} \end{lstcode} you can simplify the usage even more. As you've seen, just five one-line commands, of which only three or four are really necessary, refer to the content list. Nevertheless, the new list of remarks already provides the ability to place both numbered and unnumbered entries into the table of contents.You can use a lower sectioning level for the headings. Running heads are set for the \KOMAScript{} classes, the standard classes, and all classes that explicitly support \Package{tocbasic}. Supporting classes even pay attention to this new list of remarks at each new \DescRef{maincls.cmd.chapter}. Even changes to the current language made with \Package{babel} are included in the list of remarks. Of course\textnote{additional features}, package authors can add more features. For example, they could explicitly offer options to hide \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setuptoc} from users. Or they can refer to the \Package{tocbasic} manual when explaining the appropriate features. The advantage of this is that users automatically benefit from any future extensions to \Package{tocbasic}. However, if you do not want to burden the user with the fact that the file extension \File{lor} is used for the key terms, then \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\setupremarkboxes}{\setuptoc{lor}} \end{lstcode} is sufficient to set a list of features passed as an argument to \Macro{setupremarkboxes} as a list of features for the file extension \File{lor}. \section{Everything with Only One Command} \label{sec:tocbasic.declarenewtoc} The example in the previous section has shows that \Package{tocbasic} makes it easy to define your own floating environments with their own content lists. This section shows how it can be even easier. \begin{Declaration} \Macro{DeclareNewTOC}\OParameter{options}\Parameter{extension} \end{Declaration} This command declares\ChangedAt{v3.06}{\Package{tocbasic}} a new content list, its heading, and the description of the entries controlled by \Package{tocbasic} all in a single step. Optionally, you can also define floating and non-floating environments at the same time. Inside of both such environments, \DescRef{maincls.cmd.caption}% \important{\DescRef{maincls.cmd.caption}}\IndexCmd{caption} creates entries for this new content list. You can also use the \KOMAScript{} extensions \DescRef{maincls.cmd.captionabove}\important[i]{% \DescRef{maincls.cmd.captionabove}\\ \DescRef{maincls.cmd.captionbelow}}, \DescRef{maincls.cmd.captionbelow}, and \DescRef{maincls.env.captionbeside} (see \autoref{sec:maincls.floats}). The \PName{extension} argument is the file extension of the TOC file that represents the content list, as explained in \autoref{sec:tocbasic.basics}. This argument is mandatory and must not be empty! The \PName{options} argument is a comma-separated list, of the same type as, for example, \DescRef{maincls.cmd.KOMAoptions} (see \autoref{sec:typearea.options}). However\textnote{Attention!}, those options cannot be set using \DescRef{maincls.cmd.KOMAoptions}\IndexCmd{KOMAoptions}! You can find an overview of all available options in \autoref{tab:tocbasic.DeclareNewTOC-options}. If\ChangedAt[2015/12]{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}} the \Option{tocentrystyle} option is not used, the \PValue{default} style will be used if required. For information about this style, see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.tocstyle}. If you do not want to define a command for entries to the content list, you can use an empty argument, i.\,e. \OptionValue{tocentrystyle}{} or \OptionValue{tocentrystyle}{\PParameter{}}. Depending\ChangedAt[2015/12]{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}}% \ChangedAt[2016/06]{v3.21}{\Package{tocbasic}} on the style of the entries to the content list, you can set all valid attributes of the selected style as part of the \PName{options}. To do so, you must add the prefix \PValue{tocentry} to the names of the attributes given in \autoref{tab:tocbasic.tocstyle.attributes}, starting on \autopageref{tab:tocbasic.tocstyle.attributes}. You can make later changes to the style of the entries at any time using \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.DeclareTOCStyleEntry}% \IndexCmd{DeclareTOCStyleEntry}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.DeclareTOCStyleEntry}}. See \autoref{sec:tocbasic.tocstyle}, \DescPageRef{\LabelBase.cmd.DeclareTOCStyleEntry} for more information about the styles.% % \begin{desclist} \renewcommand*{\abovecaptionskipcorrection}{-\normalbaselineskip}% \desccaption[{Options for command \Macro{DeclareNewTOC}}]{% Options for the \Macro{DeclareNewTOC}\ChangedAt{v3.06}{\Package{tocbasic}} command% \label{tab:tocbasic.DeclareNewTOC-options}% }{% Options for the \Macro{DeclareNewTOC} command (\emph{continued})% }% \entry{\OptionVName{atbegin}{commands}% \ChangedAt{v3.09}{\Package{tocbasic}}}{% The \PName{commands} will be executed at the begin of the floating or non-floating environment.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{atend}{commands}% \ChangedAt{v3.09}{\Package{tocbasic}}}{% The \PName{commands} will be executed at the end of the floating or non-floating environment.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{counterwithin}{\LaTeX{} counter}}{% If you define a new floating or non-floating environment, a new counter \Counter{\PName{type}} will be created as well (see option \Option{type}). You can make this counter depenent another \LaTeX{} counter in the same way, for example, that the \Counter{figure} counter in the \Class{book} classes is dependent on the \Counter{chapter} counter.% }% \entry{\Option{float}}{% If set, defines a new content list and a floating environment, both named \PName{type}, and an environment for double-column floats named \PName{type*}.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{floatpos}{float positions}}{% Each floating environment has default \PName{float positions} that can be changed through the optional argument of the floating environment. The syntax and semantics are identical to those of the standard floating environments. If the option is not used, the default \PName{float positions} are ``\texttt{tbp}'', that is \emph{top}, \emph{bottom}, \emph{page}.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{floattype}{number}}{% Each floating environment has a \PName{number}. Floating environments where only different bits are set can be moved past each other. The floating environments \Environment{figure} and \Environment{table} usually have the types 1 and 2, so they can move past each other. The numerical float type can be between 1 and 31. If common bits are set, the float types cannot be reordred. If no float type is given, the greatest possible one-bit type, 16, will be used.% }% \entry{\Option{forcenames}}{% If set, the names will be defined even if they were already defined before.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{hang}{length}}{% \ChangedAt[2015/12]{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}}% \ChangedAt[2015/12]{v3.21}{\Package{tocbasic}}% This option has been deprecated since \KOMAScript~3.20. Instead, the amount of the hanging indent of entries to the content list\index{content list>entry} depends on attributes of the TOC-entry style given by the \Option{tocentrystyle} option. The \KOMAScript{} styles provide the \PValue{numwidth} attribute. If the style used has such an attribute, \Macro{DeclareNewTOC} will initialise it with a default of 1.5\Unit{em}. You can easily change the \PName{value} using \OptionVName{tocentrynumwidth}{value}. The \KOMAScript{} classes, for example, use \OptionValue{tocentrynumwidth}{2.3em}.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{indent}{length}}{% \ChangedAt[2015/12]{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}}% \ChangedAt[2015/12]{v3.21}{\Package{tocbasic}}% This option has been deprecated since \KOMAScript~3.20. Instead, the amount that entries to the content list\index{content list>entry} are indented depends on attributes of the TOC-entry style given by the \Option{tocentrystyle} option. The \KOMAScript{} styles provide the \PValue{indent} attribute. If the style used has such an attribute, \Macro{DeclareNewTOC} will initialise it with a default of 1\Unit{em}. You can easily change the \PName{value} using \OptionVName{tocentryindent}{value}. The \KOMAScript{} classes for example use \OptionValue{tocentrynumwidth}{1.5em}.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{level}{number}}{% \ChangedAt[2015/12]{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}}% \ChangedAt[2015/12]{v3.21}{\Package{tocbasic}}% This option has been deprecated since \KOMAScript~3.20. Instead, the level of the entries to the content list\index{content list>entry} depends on attributes of the TOC-entry style given by the \Option{tocentrystyle} option. Nevertheless, all styles have the \PValue{level} attrobite, and \Macro{DeclareNewTOC} initialises it with a default value of 1. You can easily change the \PName{value} using \OptionVName{tocentrylevel}{value}.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{listname}{title}}{% Each content list has a heading, or title, that you can specify with this option. If the option is not specified, the title will be ``List of \PName{entry type}'' (see the \Option{types} option), with the first character of the \PName{entry type} changed to upper case. It also defines the \Macro{list\PName{entry type}name} macro with this value, which you can change at any time. This macro, however, is only defined if it is not already defined or if the \Option{forcenames} option is also set.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{name}{entry name}}{% Both the optional prefix for entries in the content list and the labels in floating or non-floating environments (see the \Option{float} and \Option{nonfloat} options) require an \PName{entry name} for an entry to the content list. If no \PName{entry name} is given, the value of the \PValue{type} (see the \Option{type} option) with the first character changed to upper case will be used. It also defines a \Macro{\PName{entry type}name} macro with this value, which you can change at any time. This macro, however, is only defined if it is not already defined or if the \Option{forcenames} option is also set.% }% \entry{\Option{nonfloat}}{% If set, defines not only a content list but also a non-floating environment, \Environment{\PName{entry type}-} (see the \Option{type} option), which can be used similarly to a floating environment, but which does not move from the place where it is used.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{owner}{string}}{% Every new content list has an owner in \Package{tocbasic} (see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.basics}). You can specify this here. If no owner is specified, the owner ``\PValue{float}'' is used. The \KOMAScript{} classes use this owner for the list of figures and the list of tables.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{setup}{list of attributes}}{% \ChangedAt{v3.25}{\Package{tocbasic}}% The \PName{list of attributes} is set with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.setuptoc}. Note that to specify multiple attributes in a comma-separated list, you must put this list between braces.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{tocentrystyle}{TOC-entry style}}{% \ChangedAt{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}}% \PName{TOC-entry style} specifies the style that should be used for all entries to the content list corresponding to the \PName{extension}. The name of the entry level is given by the \Option{type} option. In addition to the options in this table, all attributes of the \PName{TOC-entry style} can be used as options. To do so, you have to prefix the name of such an attribute with \PValue{toc}. For example, you can change the numerical level of the entries using the \Option{tocentrylevel} option. For more information about the styles and their attributes see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.tocstyle}, starting on \autopageref{sec:tocbasic.tocstyle}.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{tocentry\PName{style-option}}{value}}{% \ChangedAt[2015/12]{v3.20}{\Package{tocbasic}}% Additional options depending on the \PName{TOC-entry style} given by \Option{tocentrystyle}. See \autoref{sec:tocbasic.tocstyle}, \autopageref{sec:tocbasic.tocstyle} for additional information about TOC-entry styles. See \autoref{tab:tocbasic.tocstyle.attributes}, \autopageref{tab:tocbasic.tocstyle.attributes} for information about the attributes of the predefined TOC-entry styles of package \Package{tocbasic} that can be used as \PName{style-option}.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{type}{entry type}}{% Sets the type of the newly declared content list. The \PName{entry type} is also used as a base name for various macros and possibly environments and counters. It should therefore consist only of letters. If this option is not used, the file \PName{extension} from the mandatory argument will be used as the \PName{entry type}.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{types}{string}}{% In several places, the plural form of the \PName{entry type} is required. If no plural is given, the value of the \PValue{entry type} with an ``s'' appended will be used.% }% \entry{\OptionVName{unset}{list of attributes}}{% \ChangedAt{v3.25}{\Package{tocbasic}}% The \PName{list of attributes} is unset with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.unsettoc}. Note that to specify a comma-separated list of attributes, you must put this list between braces.% }% \end{desclist} \begin{Example} Using \Macro{DeclareNewTOC} significantly shortens the example from \autoref{sec:tocbasic.example}: \begin{lstcode} \DeclareNewTOC[% type=remarkbox,% types=remarkboxes,% float,% define a floating environment floattype=4,% name=Remark,% listname={List of Remarks}% ]{lor} \setuptoc{lor}{chapteratlist} \end{lstcode} In addition to the \Environment{remarkbox} and \Environment{remarkbox*} environments, this also defines the \Counter{remarkbox} counter; the commands \Macro{theremarkbox}, \Macro{remarkboxname}, and \Macro{remarkboxformat} that are used for captions; the commands \Macro{listremarkboxnames} and \Macro{listofremarkboxes} that are used in the list of remarks; and some internal commands that depend on the file name extension \File{lor}. If the package should use a default for the floating type, the Option{floattype} option can be omitted. If the \Option{nonfloat} option is specified, a non-floating environment, \Environment{remarkbox-}, will also be defined, inside which you can use \DescRef{maincls.cmd.caption}\IndexCmd{caption}. \hyperref[tab:tocbasic.comparison]{Figure~\ref*{tab:tocbasic.comparison}} compares the commands, counters, and environments of the example \Environment{remarkbox} environment to the commands, counters, and environments of figures.% \begin{table} \centering \caption{Comparing the example \Environment{remarkbox} environment with the \Environment{figure} environment} \label{tab:tocbasic.comparison} \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ll>{\raggedright}p{6em}X} \toprule \Environment{remarkbox} & \Environment{figure} & options of \Macro{DeclareNewTOC} & short description \\[1ex] \midrule \Environment{remarkbox} & \Environment{figure} & \Option{type}, \Option{float} & floating environments of the respective types\\[1ex] \Environment{remarkbox*} & \Environment{figure*} & \Option{type}, \Option{float} & columns spanning floating environments of the respective types\\[1ex] \Counter{remarkbox} & \Counter{figure} & \Option{type}, \Option{float} & counter used by \DescRef{maincls.cmd.caption}\\[1ex] \Macro{theremarkbox} & \Macro{thefigure} & \Option{type}, \Option{float} & output command to the respective counters\\[1ex] \Macro{remarkboxformat} & \DescRef{maincls.cmd.figureformat} & \Option{type}, \Option{float} & formatting command to the respective counters used by \DescRef{maincls.cmd.caption}\\[1ex] \Macro{remarkboxname} & \Macro{figurename} & \Option{type}, \Option{float}, \Option{name} & names used in the label of \DescRef{maincls.cmd.caption}\\[1ex] \Macro{listofremarkboxes} & \DescRef{maincls.cmd.listoffigures} & \Option{types}, \Option{float} & command to show the list of the respective environments\\[1ex] \Macro{listremarboxname} & \Macro{listfigurename} & \Option{type}, \Option{float}, \Option{listname} & heading text of the respective list \\[1ex] \Macro{fps@remarkbox} & \Macro{fps@figure} & \Option{type}, \Option{float}, \Option{floattype} & numeric float type for order perpetuation\\[1ex] \File{lor} & \File{lof} & & file name extension of the TOC file of the respective list \\ \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \end{table} And here is a possible use of the example environment: \begin{lstcode} \begin{remarkbox} \centering The same thing should always be typeset in the same way and with the same appearance. \caption{First Law of Typography} \label{rem:typo1} \end{remarkbox} \end{lstcode} A snippet of a sample page with this environment might look like this: \begin{center}\footnotesize \begin{tabular} {|!{\hspace{.1\linewidth}}p{.55\linewidth}!{\hspace{.1\linewidth}}|} \\ \centering The same thing should always be typeset in the same way and with the same appearance.\\[\abovecaptionskip] {% \usekomafont{caption}\footnotesize{\usekomafont{captionlabel}% Remark 1: }First Law of Typography }\\ \end{tabular}% \end{center}% \end{Example} Users of \Package{hyperref} should always use the \Option{listname} option. Otherwise they may get an error message because \Package{hyperref} usually has a problem with the \Macro{MakeUppercase}\IndexCmd{MakeUppercase} command that is needed to convert the first letter of \Option{types} to upper case.% \EndIndexGroup % \EndIndexGroup % \endinput %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% mode: flyspell %%% coding: us-ascii %%% ispell-local-dictionary: "en_GB" %%% TeX-master: "../guide" %%% End: % LocalWords: Multiline multiline