% ====================================================================== % scrbookreportarticle-experts.tex % Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 2001-2018 % % This file is part of the LaTeX2e KOMA-Script bundle. % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of % the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later and of this work. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". % % The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm. % % This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt. % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % scrbookreportarticle-experts.tex % Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 2001-2018 % % Dieses Werk darf nach den Bedingungen der LaTeX Project Public Lizenz, % Version 1.3c, verteilt und/oder veraendert werden. % Die neuste Version dieser Lizenz ist % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % und Version 1.3c ist Teil aller Verteilungen von LaTeX % Version 2005/12/01 oder spaeter und dieses Werks. % % Dieses Werk hat den LPPL-Verwaltungs-Status "author-maintained" % (allein durch den Autor verwaltet). % % Der Aktuelle Verwalter und Autor dieses Werkes ist Markus Kohm. % % Dieses Werk besteht aus den in manifest.txt aufgefuehrten Dateien. % ====================================================================== % % Chapter about scrbook, scrreprt, and scrartcl of the KOMA-Script guide % expert part % Maintained by Markus Kohm % % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % % Kapitel ueber scrbook, scrreprt und scrartcl im Experten-Teil der % KOMA-Script-Anleitung % Verwaltet von Markus Kohm % % ============================================================================ \KOMAProvidesFile{scrbookreportarticle-experts.tex} [$Date: 2018-10-14 20:31:51 +0200 (Sun, 14 Oct 2018) $ KOMA-Script guide (chapter: scrbook, scrreprt, scrartcl for experts)] \translator{Gernot Hassenpflug\and Markus Kohm\and Karl Hagen} % Date of the translated German file: 2018-10-14 \chapter[{Additional Information about the Main Classes and \Package{scrextend}}]{Additional Information about the Main Classes \Class{scrbook}, \Class{scrreprt}, and \Class{scrartcl} as well as the Package \Package{scrextend}} \labelbase{maincls-experts} \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex{Class}{scrartcl}% \BeginIndex{Class}{scrbook}% \BeginIndex{Class}{scrreprt}% \BeginIndex{Package}{scrextend}% This chapter provides additional information about the \KOMAScript{} classes \Class{scrbook}, \Class{scrreprt}, and \Class{scrartcl} and some commands that are also available in \Package{scrextend}. \iffree{Some parts of the chapter are found only in the German \KOMAScript{} book \cite{book:komascript}. This should not be a problem because the}{The} average user, who only wants to use the classes, will seldom need this information. Some of this information is addressed to users with non-standard requirements or who want to write their own classes based on a \KOMAScript{} class. Other parts describe features that exist only for the sake of compatibility with the standard classes or earlier versions of \KOMAScript{}. Portions that describe features that exist only for reasons of compatibility with earlier versions of \KOMAScript{} are printed in sans serif font. You should not use them any longer. \LoadNonFree{scrbookreportarticle-experts}{0} \section{Extensions to User Commands} \seclabel{addInfos} \LoadNonFree{scrbookreportarticle-experts}{1} \section{\KOMAScript's Interaction with Other Packages} \seclabel{coexistence} \LoadNonFree{scrbookreportarticle-experts}{2} \section{Expert Commands} \seclabel{experts} This sections describes commands that are of little or no interest to the average user. These commands offer additional features for experts. Because the information is addressed to experts, it is condensed. % \subsection{Identification} % \seclabel{identification} \begin{Declaration} \Macro{KOMAClassName}% \Macro{ClassName} \end{Declaration} \Macro{KOMAClassName} stores the name of the \KOMAScript{} class currently in use. So if you want to know if a \KOMAScript{} class is used, you can easily test for this command. In contrast, \Macro{ClassName} indicates which standard class has been replaced by this \KOMAScript{} class. Note\textnote{Attention!} in this context, however, that the existence of \DescRef{scrbase.cmd.KOMAScript}\IndexCmd{KOMAScript} cannot guarantee that a \KOMAScript{} class is in use. For one thing, all \KOMAScript{} packages define this command. For another, other packages may find it useful to define the \KOMAScript{} label using this name.% % \EndIndexGroup % \subsection{Entries to the Table of Contents} % \seclabel{toc} \begin{Declaration} \Macro{addtocentrydefault}\Parameter{level}\Parameter{number}% \Parameter{heading} \end{Declaration} The\ChangedAt{v3.08}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} \KOMAScript{} classes do not use \Macro{addcontentsline}\IndexCmd{addcontentsline}% \important{\Macro{addcontentsline}} directly to make entries in the table of contents. Instead, they call \Macro{addtocentrydefault} with similar arguments. The command can be used for both numbered and unnumbered entries. The \PName{level} is the sectioning level, that is \PValue{part}, \PValue{chapter}, \PValue{section}, \PValue{subsection}, \PValue{subsubsection}, \PValue{paragraph}, or \PValue{subparagraph}. The formatted sectioning number is given the second argument, \PName{number}. This argument can be empty. The text of the entry is given by the \PName{heading} argument. You should protect fragile commands inside this argument with \Macro{protect}\IndexCmd{protect}\important{\Macro{protect}}. One notable feature of the \PName{number} argument is that an empty argument indicates that an unnumbered entry should be generated. By default, \KOMAScript{} uses \begin{quote} \Macro{addcontentsline}\PParameter{toc}\Parameter{level}% \Parameter{heading} \end{quote} for this. If the argument is not empty, however, an entry with number will be created and \PName{number} is the formatted heading number. \KOMAScript{} uses \begin{quote}\raggedright \Macro{addcontentsline}\PParameter{toc}\Parameter{level}% \PParameter{\%\\ \quad\Macro{protect}\DescRef{tocbasic.cmd.numberline}\Parameter{number}% \PName{heading}\%\\ } \end{quote} to create this entry. Package authors and authors of wrapper classes can redefine this command to alter the entries. For example\textnote{Example}, you could use \begin{lstcode} \renewcommand{\addtocentrydefault}[3]{% \ifstr{#3}{}{% \ifstr{#2}{}{% \addcontentsline{toc}{#1}{#3}% }{% \addcontentsline{toc}{#1}{\protect\numberline{#2}#3}% }% }% }% \end{lstcode} to\IndexCmd{ifstr} omit entries with an empty \PName{heading}. In practice, such a change is not necessary because the \KOMAScript{} classes already use another method to suppress empty entries. See the description of the sectioning commands in \autoref{sec:maincls.structure}, starting on \DescPageRef{maincls.cmd.part} for this.% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{addparttocentry}\Parameter{number}\Parameter{heading} \Macro{addchaptertocentry}\Parameter{number}\Parameter{heading} \Macro{addsectiontocentry}\Parameter{number}\Parameter{heading} \Macro{addsubsectiontocentry}\Parameter{number}\Parameter{heading} \Macro{addsubsubsectiontocentry}\Parameter{number}\Parameter{heading} \Macro{addparagraphtocentry}\Parameter{number}\Parameter{heading} \Macro{addsubparagraphtocentry}\Parameter{number}\Parameter{heading} \end{Declaration}% The\ChangedAt{v3.08}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} \KOMAScript{} classes call the previously described command \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addtocentrydefault}\IndexCmd{addtocentrydefault}% \important{\DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addtocentrydefault}} directly only if no individual command for the \PName{level} has been defined or if that command is \Macro{relax}\IndexCmd{relax}\important{\Macro{relax}}. By default, all these commands simply pass their own \PName{level} and arguments directly to \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.addtocentrydefault}.% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{raggedchapterentry} \end{Declaration} In\ChangedAt{v3.21}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} earlier versions of \KOMAScript{}, it was possible to define the \Macro{raggedchapterentry} macro as \Macro{raggedright} to print chapter entries in the table of contents left-aligned instead of fully justified. Officially, this feature has not existed in \KOMAScript{} since version~3.21. In fact, the \PValue{raggedentrytext} attribute for the \PValue{tocline} TOC-entry style of the \Package{tocbasic}\IndexPackage{tocbasic} package is implemented by setting the \Macro{ragged\PName{entry level}entry} macro to either \Macro{relax} or \Macro{raggedright}. This attribute is evaluated by checking whether the corresponding macro is defined as \Macro{raggedright}. If so, the text is printed left-aligned. With any other definition, no ragged margins are used. Since it was previously documented that \Macro{raggedchapterentry} should not be defined as anything other than \Macro{raggedright}, this behaviour is compatible with the documented behaviour of earlier versions. As noted in earlier releases, other definitions of \Macro{raggedchapterentry}\,---\,and now also of \Macro{raggedsectionentry} and similar macros for other entry levels\,---\,may lead to unexpected results. You should select the desired justification for the all table-of-contents entries using the \PValue{raggedentrytext} attribute of \PValue{tocline} rather than attempting to set the attribute for specific entry levels.% \EndIndexGroup % \subsection{Font Settings} % \seclabel{fonts} \begin{Declaration} \Macro{@fontsizefilebase}% \Macro{changefontsizes}\Parameter{font size} \end{Declaration} The \File{scrsize} prefix for file names of font-size files described in \autoref{sec:maincls-experts.addInfos}\iffree{}{ on \DescPageRef{maincls-experts.option.fontsize}} is just the default for the internal \Macro{@fontsizefilebase}\IndexCmd{@fontsizefilebase} macro. This default is used only when the macro is not yet defined when loading a \KOMAScript{} class or the \Package{scrextend} package. Authors of wrapper classes can redefine this macro to use completely different font-size files. Similarly\textnote{Hint!} authors of wrapper classes can change or deactivate the fallback solution for unknown font sizes by redefining the \Macro{changefontsizes}\important{\Macro{changefontsizes}} macro. This macro has exactly one argument: the desired \PName{font size}. However\textnote{Attention!}, the \Macro{changefontsizes} macro is not designed as an end-user instruction.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{newkomafont}\OParameter{warning}\Parameter{element}% \Parameter{default}% \Macro{aliaskomafont}\Parameter{alias}\Parameter{element} \end{Declaration} Experts can use \Macro{newkomafont} to define a \PName{default} for the font style of an \PName{element}. Subsequently, that default can be changed with the \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setkomafont} and \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addtokomafont} commands (see \autoref{sec:maincls.textmarkup}, \DescPageRef{maincls.cmd.setkomafont}). Of course, merely defining the font style does not actually put it to use. You must make sure you include the \DescRef{maincls.cmd.usekomafont}% \important{\DescRef{maincls.cmd.usekomafont}}\IndexCmd{usekomafont} command (see \DescPageRef{maincls.cmd.usekomafont}) for this \PName{element} in your code at the appropriate places. Calling \Macro{newkomafont} for an existing element will result in error messages. The optional \PName{warning} argument defines a warning message. The \KOMAScript{} classes output it with \Macro{ClassWarning}, and the \Package{scrextend} package with \Macro{PackageWarning}, whenever the default font style of that \PName{element} is changed. The package \Package{scrkbase} is listed as the generator of the warning. The \Macro{aliaskomafont} command defines an \PName{alias} for a previously defined \PName{element}. \KOMAScript{} informs the user in the \File{log} file about the actual name of the element if it uses an \PName{alias}. You\textnote{Hint!} can use an \PName{alias}, for example, if you think of a better name for an element and the old name should remain usable for the sake of compatibility. It can also increase user-friendliness by creating aliases for all the terms that different users may intuitively choose. \KOMAScript{} itself makes use of this possibility.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{addtokomafontrelaxlist}\Parameter{macro} \Macro{addtokomafontonearglist}\Parameter{macro} \Macro{addtokomafontgobblelist}\Parameter{macro} \end{Declaration} As already mentioned in \autoref{part:forAuthors} of this manual, font settings of elements should consist only of commands to select the size, family, encoding, series, shape, or colour. Colour changes are not always transparent in \LaTeX{} and therefore can cause in unwanted side-effects if you use \DescRef{maincls.cmd.usekomafont} at an inappropriate place. Users tend to put very different, sometimes critical, things into the font setting of an element, such as \Macro{MakeUppercase} at the very end of the setting. As much as possible, the internal use of the font settings has been implemented so that many of these prohibited elements still do no harm, and it usually works even if the last command in a font setting expects an argument, for example using \Macro{textbf} instead of \Macro{bfseries}. But there is no guarantee for that. Internally, \KOMAScript{} must sometimes limit font changes to real font settings. This is accomplished, for example, by using \DescRef{maincls.cmd.usefontofkomafont}% \IndexCmd{usefontofkomafont}% \IndexCmd{usesizeofkomafont}\IndexCmd{useencodingofkomafont}% \IndexCmd{usefamilyofkomafont}\IndexCmd{useseriesofkomafont}% \IndexCmd{useshapeofkomafont} instead of \DescRef{maincls.cmd.usekomafont} (see \autoref{sec:maincls.textmarkup}, \DescPageRef{maincls.cmd.usefontofkomafont}). Nevertheless, the \DescRef{maincls.cmd.usefontofkomafont} command and its siblings have their limitations. Therefore you must not use a command that always needs a fully expandable argument inside the font setting of an element. But this is exactly what \Macro{MakeUppercase} needs. Therefore\ChangedAt{v3.17}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} \KOMAScript{} maintains an internal list of macros that should become \Macro{relax} inside \DescRef{maincls.cmd.usefontofkomafont} and its siblings. Since \KOMAScript~3.24\ChangedAt{v3.24}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} only \Macro{normalcolor} is added to this list by default. Note that the given \PName{macro} is actually just set to \Macro{relax}. So any arguments within the font setting will be executed locally, if applicable. Therefore you should never add commands like \Macro{setlength} to the list. You are responsible for all errors resulting caused by using \Macro{addtokomafontrelaxlist}. Also, do not take this command as license to add all sorts of commands to the font settings! For\ChangedAt{v3.24}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} commands whose first argument should be executed without an additional group, there is \Macro{addtokomatfontonearglist}. The specified macro is set to \Macro{@firstofone}. By default \Macro{MakeUppercase} and \Macro{MakeLowercase} are added to this list. If\ChangedAt{v3.19}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}, on the other hand, a \PName{macro} and its first argument should be ignored locally inside \DescRef{maincls.cmd.usefontofkomafont} and its siblings, you can use \Macro{addtokomafontgobblelist} instead of \Macro{addtokomafontrelaxlist}. An example of this is the command \Macro{color}, which must be ignored along with the colour name and therefore is a member of this list by default. Note the defaults of these three lists may change in future version. If you need a certain commands in one of the lists, you should should explicitly add them yourself.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{IfExistskomafont}\Parameter{element}\Parameter{then code}% \Parameter{else code} \Macro{IfIsAliaskomafont}\Parameter{element}\Parameter{then code}% \Parameter{else code} \end{Declaration} Which\ChangedAt{v3.15}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}\and \Class{scrlttr2}} elements are defined depends on the version of \KOMAScript. So it sometimes makes sense to test in advance whether a specific \PName{element} even exists. The \Macro{IfExistskomafont} command executes the \PName{then code} if and only if an \PName{element} has been defined using \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.newkomafont} or \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.aliaskomafont} and therefore can also be changed using \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setkomafont} or \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addtokomafont} and can be used by one of the \Macro{use\dots komafont} commands. Otherwise it executes the \PName{else code}.% In contrast, \Macro{IfIsAliaskomafont}\ChangedAt{v3.25}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}\and \Class{scrlttr2}} executes \PName{then code} only if \PName{element} has been defined with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.aliaskomafont} as an alias of another element. For undefined elements as well as for elements defined with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.newkomafont}, however, it executes the \PName{else code}.% \EndIndexGroup % \subsubsection{Paragraph Indention or Gap} % \seclabel{parskip} \begin{Declaration} \Macro{setparsizes}\Parameter{indent}\Parameter{distance} \Parameter{last-line end space} \end{Declaration} \KOMAScript{} provides the option to set the indent of the first line of a new paragraph, the distance between paragraphs, and the white space required at the end of the last line of each paragraph. You should use this command whenever the \OptionValueRef{maincls}{parskip}{relative} option should recognize these changes. \KOMAScript{}\textnote{example} itself uses this command, for example, in the form \begin{lstcode} \setparsizes{0pt}{0pt}{0pt plus 1fil} \end{lstcode} to eliminate both the paragraph indentation and inter-paragraph spacing, as well as to allow any amount of white space at the end of the last line of the paragraph. Such values are useful if a paragraph consists of only a box that should be printed without vertical spacing and filling the whole column width. If, on the other hand, the box should only span the whole width but use the current settings for indentation and distance between paragraphs, then \begin{lstcode} \setlength{\parfillskip}{0pt plus 1fil} \end{lstcode} is preferable. Starting with \KOMAScript~3.17\ChangedAt{v3.17}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}, recalculating or reactivating\IndexCmd{activateareas} the type area or the margins (see \autoref{cha:typearea}) also readjusts the values of \Macro{setparsizes} if they have not been changed in the meantime. This is one more reason not to change these values without using \KOMAScript. Setting compatibility to a \KOMAScript{} version prior to 3.17 (see \autoref{sec:maincls.compatibilityOptions}, \DescPageRef{maincls.option.version}, option \DescRef{maincls.option.version}% \IndexOption{version}\important{\OptionValueRef{maincls}{version}{3.17}}) disables this recalculation.% % \EndIndexGroup % \subsection{Counters} % \seclabel{counter} \LoadNonFree{scrbookreportarticle-experts}{3} % \subsubsection{Sections} % \seclabel{sections} \begin{Declaration} \Macro{DeclareSectionCommand}\OParameter{attributes}\Parameter{name}% \Macro{DeclareNewSectionCommand}\OParameter{attributes}\Parameter{name}% \Macro{RedeclareSectionCommand}\OParameter{attributes}\Parameter{name}% \Macro{ProvideSectionCommand}\OParameter{attributes}\Parameter{name} \end{Declaration} With\ChangedAt{v3.15}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} these commands you can either define a new sectioning command, \Macro{\PName{name}}, or modify an existing sectioning command, \Macro{\PName{name}}. To do so, you use the optional argument to set several \PName{attributes}. The \PName{attributes} are a comma-separated list of \PName{key}=\PName{value} assignments. In addition to the style-independent attributes shown in\autoref{tab:maincls-experts.declaresection.keys}, \autopageref{tab:maincls-experts.declaresection.keys}, there are also attributes that depend on the style. Currently the following styles are available: \begin{description}\setkomafont{descriptionlabel}{} \item[\PValue{chapter}:] \ChangedAt{v3.18}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}}The style for chapter headings. This style is used by default for \DescRef{maincls.cmd.chapter}\IndexCmd{chapter} and indirectly for \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addchap}\IndexCmd{addchap}. You can define new sectioning commands using this style, but then they do not automatically have an \Macro{add\dots} variant. To configure existing or new sectioning commands, you can also use the attributes of \autoref{tab:maincls-experts.declarechapterstyle.keys}, \autopageref{tab:maincls-experts.declarechapterstyle.keys}. Note\textnote{Attention!} that the \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addchap} command, like the starred variants, is configured automatically with \DescRef{maincls.cmd.chapter} and cannot be modified independently. Note that \Class{scrartcl}\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} does not provide this style. \item[\PValue{part}:] \ChangedAt{v3.18}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}The style for part headings. This style is used by default for \DescRef{maincls.cmd.part}\IndexCmd{part} and indirectly for \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addpart}\IndexCmd{addpart}. You can define new sectioning commands using this style, but then they do not automatically have an \Macro{add\dots} variant. To configure existing or new sectioning commands, you can also use the attributes of \autoref{tab:maincls-experts.declarepartstyle.keys}, \autopageref{tab:maincls-experts.declarepartstyle.keys}. Note\textnote{Attention!} that the \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addpart} command, like the starred variants, is configured automatically with \DescRef{maincls.cmd.part} and cannot be modified independently. \item[\PValue{section}:] The style for section headings. This style is currently used for \DescRef{maincls.cmd.section}\IndexCmd{section}, \DescRef{maincls.cmd.subsection}\IndexCmd{subsection}, \DescRef{maincls.cmd.subsubsection}\IndexCmd{subsubsection}, \DescRef{maincls.cmd.paragraph}\IndexCmd{paragraph}, and \DescRef{maincls.cmd.subparagraph}\IndexCmd{subparagraph}. You can define new sectioning commands using this style. To configure existing or new sectioning commands, you can also use the attributes of \autoref{tab:maincls-experts.declaresectionstyle.keys}, \autopageref{tab:maincls-experts.declaresectionstyle.keys}. When redefining a command, you need\ChangedAt{v3.24}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} at least the \PName{key}s \PValue{style}, \PValue{afterskip}, \PValue{beforeskip}, and \PValue{level}. \PValue{font} and \PValue{indent} are recommended. \PValue{tocindent} and \PValue{tocnumwidth} may also be required depending on the command's \PName{name}. This also applies if a command that was not previously a sectioning command is redefined as a sectioning command using \Macro{RedeclareSectionCommand}. Note\textnote{Attention!} that the \Macro{addsec} command and its starred variants are configured automatically with \DescRef{maincls.cmd.section} and cannot be changed independently. \end{description} Defining a sectioning command also creates an element with the same \PName{name}, if it does not already exist. For \PValue{chapter} and \PValue{part}, elements are also created for the prefix line. You can change its font settings using \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setkomafont} or \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addtokomafont} (see \autoref{sec:maincls.textmarkup}, \DescPageRef{maincls.cmd.setkomafont}). \begin{table} \caption[{Style-independent attributes for declaring sectioning commands}]{Available \PName{key}s and \PName{value}s for style-independent \PName{attributes} when declaring sectioning command}% \label{tab:maincls-experts.declaresection.keys}% \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{llX} \toprule \PName{key} & \PName{value} & Description \\ \midrule% \PValue{counterwithin} & \PName{counter name} & The value of the counter of the heading should depend on \PName{counter name}. Whenever \Macro{stepcounter} or \Macro{refstepcounter} increases the value of \PName{counter name}, the value of the counter of this heading is reset to 0. In addition, \Macro{the\PName{counter name}} is prefixed with a dot when this counter is output.\\ \ChangedAt{v3.19}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% \PValue{counterwithout} & \PName{counter name} & Cancels a prior \PValue{counterwithin} setting. Therefore it makes sense only if you redefine an existing sectioning command.\\ \PValue{expandtopt} & \PName{switch} & If the switch is on, all subsequent values for lengths will be completely expanded, evaluated, and stored as \texttt{pt} values when they are defined. This means lengths no longer depend on the current font size. If the switch is off, all subsequent values for lengths will be tentatively expanded and evaluated but stored for full evaluation at application time. You can use any values from \autoref{tab:truefalseswitch}, \autopageref{tab:truefalseswitch}. The default is \PValue{false}.\\ \PValue{level} & \PName{integer} & The numerical value of the sectioning level (see the \DescRef{maincls.counter.secnumdepth} counter, \autoref{sec:maincls.structure}, \DescPageRef{maincls.counter.secnumdepth}); the value should be unique and is mandatory for new levels.\\ \PValue{style} & \PName{name} & Defines the style of the heading.\\ \ChangedAt{v3.20}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% \PValue{tocstyle} & \PName{name} & Defines the style of the entries in the table of contents. You can use every previously defined TOC-entry style (see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.tocstyle}). An empty \PName{name} prevents a new definition of the TOC-entry command \Macro{l@\dots}.\\ \ChangedAt{v3.20}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% \PValue{toc\PName{option}} & \PName{value} & Additional options depending on the TOC-entry style selected with \Option{tocstyle}. See \autoref{sec:tocbasic.tocstyle}, \autopageref{sec:tocbasic.tocstyle} for additional information about TOC-entry styles. You can find the attributes that can be used as \PName{option}s for the predefined TOC-entry styles of the \Package{tocbasic} package in \autoref{tab:tocbasic.tocstyle.attributes}, \autopageref{tab:tocbasic.tocstyle.attributes}.\\ % \PValue{tocindent} % & \PName{length} % & Total indentation from the left margin of the entry in the table of % contents corresponding to this heading, if and only if such an % entry will be made (see \DescRef{maincls.counter.tocdepth}, % \autoref{sec:maincls.toc}, \DescPageRef{maincls.counter.tocdepth}).\\ % \PValue{toclevel} % & \PName{integer} % & A number denoting the depth of the entry in the table of contents % corresponding to this heading, if this should differ from % \PValue{level} (see \DescRef{maincls.counter.tocdepth}, % \autoref{sec:maincls.toc}, \DescPageRef{maincls.counter.tocdepth}). \\ % \PValue{tocnumwidth} % & \PName{length} % & Width of the box for the number of the entry in the table of % contents.\\ \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \end{table} \begin{table} \caption[{Attributes of the \PValue{section} style when declaring a sectioning command}]{Additional \PName{key}s and \PName{value}s for attributes when declaring a sectioning command with the \PValue{section} style}% \label{tab:maincls-experts.declaresectionstyle.keys}% \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{llX} \toprule \PName{key} & \PName{value} & Description \\ \midrule % TODO: New translation by Markus Kohm (please fix) \PValue{afterindent}% \ChangedAt{v3.26}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% & \PName{switch} & The \PName{switch} defines whether or not to allow the indent of the paragraph following a free-standing heading (see \PValue{runin}). With the default \PValue{bysign} the sign of \PValue{beforeskip} defines the behaviour. If the value of \PValue{beforeskip} is negative, the paragraph indent of the text following the heading is suppressed. You can use any values from \autoref{tab:truefalseswitch}, \autopageref{tab:truefalseswitch} to explicitly allow or suppress that paragraph indent.\\ \PValue{afterskip} & \PName{length} & In case of a run-in heading, the absolute value is the horizontal space after the heading. In case of a free-standing heading, the value of the vertical skip below the heading. With \OptionValue{runin}{bysign}, a positive value activates a free-standing heading and a negative value or zero activates a run-in heading.\\ \PValue{beforeskip} & \PName{length} & The vertical skip before the heading. With \OptionValue{afterindent}{bysign}, if the value is negative, a positive distance\,---\,the amount of \PName{length}\,---\,is still inserted, but in this case the paragraph indent of the text following the heading is suppressed.\\ % End of new translation \PValue{font} & \PName{font commands} & The font settings that should be used for the heading in addition to \DescRef{maincls.fontelement.disposition}. You can use all settings that are allowed for \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setkomafont} and \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addtokomafont} for the element of the heading.\\ \PValue{indent} & \PName{length} & The indentation of heading from the left margin.\\ % TODO: New translation by Markus Kohm (please fix)! \PValue{runin} \ChangedAt{v3.26}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% & \PName{switch} & Defines whether to use a run-in heading or a free-standing heading. With the default \PValue{bysign} the sign of \PValue{afterskip} defines the behaviour. In this case, a positive value of \PValue{afterskip} deactivates a run-in heading. You can use any values from \autoref{tab:truefalseswitch}, \autopageref{tab:truefalseswitch} to explicitly activate or deactivate a run-in heading.\\ % End of new translation \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \end{table} \begin{table} \caption[{Attributes of the \PValue{chapter} style when declaring a sectioning command}]{Additional \PName{keys} and \PName{value}s for attributes when declaring a sectioning command with the \PValue{chapter} style}% \label{tab:maincls-experts.declarechapterstyle.keys}% \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{llX} \toprule \PName{key} & \PName{value} & Description \\ \midrule % TODO: New translation by Markus Kohm (please fix) \PValue{afterindent}% \ChangedAt{v3.26}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% & \PName{switch} & The \PName{switch} defines whether or not to allow the indent of the paragraph following a heading. With the default \PValue{bysign} the sign of \PValue{beforeskip} defines the behaviour. If the value of \PValue{beforeskip} is negative, the paragraph indent of the text following the heading is suppressed. You can use any values from \autoref{tab:truefalseswitch}, \autopageref{tab:truefalseswitch} to explicitly allow or suppress that paragraph indent.\\ \PValue{afterskip}% \ChangedAt{v3.26}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% & \PName{length} & The vertical skip below the heading.\\ \PValue{beforeskip} & \PName{length} & The vertical skip before the heading. With \OptionValue{afterindent}{bysign}, if the value is negative, a positive distance\,---\,the amount of \PName{length}\,---\,is still inserted, but in this case the paragraph indent of the text following the heading is suppressed.\\ % End of new translation \PValue{font} & \PName{font commands} & The font setting to use for the heading in addition to \DescRef{maincls.fontelement.disposition}. You can use all settings, that are allowed for \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setkomafont} and \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addtokomafont} for this element.\\ \PValue{innerskip} & \PName{length} & The vertical skip between the prefix line and the heading's text, if a prefix line is used.\\ \PValue{pagestyle} & \PName{page style name} & The name of the page style to use automatically for pages with the heading. There is no check to see if the \PName{page style name} is valid. Therefore, incorrect names will result in error messages when the sectioning command is used.\\ \PValue{prefixfont} & \PName{font commands} & The font setting to use for the prefix line of the heading, in addition to the \DescRef{maincls.fontelement.disposition} and sectioning command elements. You can use all settings that are allowed for \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setkomafont} and \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addtokomafont} for the element of the prefix line.\\ \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \end{table} \begin{table} \caption[{Attributes of the \PValue{part} style when declaring a sectioning command}]{Additional \PName{keys} and \PName{value}s for attributes when declaring a sectioning command with the \PValue{part} style}% \label{tab:maincls-experts.declarepartstyle.keys}% \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{llX} \toprule \PName{key} & \PName{value} & Description \\ \midrule % TODO: New translation by Markus Kohm (please fix) \PValue{afterindent}% \ChangedAt{v3.26}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% & \PName{switch} & The \PName{switch} defines whether or not to allow the indent of the paragraph following a heading. With value \PValue{bysign} the sign of \PValue{beforeskip} defines the behaviour. If the value of \PValue{beforeskip} is negative, the paragraph indent of the text following the heading is suppressed. You can use any values from \autoref{tab:truefalseswitch}, \autopageref{tab:truefalseswitch} to explicitly allow or suppress that paragraph indent. For compatibility, the default of \Class{scrartcl} is \PValue{false} and the default of \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} is \PValue{true}.\\ % End of new translation \PValue{afterskip} & \PName{length} & The value is the vertical skip below the heading.\\ % TODO: New translation by Markus Kohm (please fix) \PValue{beforeskip} & \PName{length} & The vertical skip before the heading. With \OptionValue{afterindent}{bysign}, if the value is negative, a positive distance\,---\,the amount of \PName{length}\,---\,is still inserted, but in this case the paragraph indent of the text following the heading is suppressed.\\ % End of new translation \PValue{font} & \PName{font commands} & The font setting to use for the heading in addition to \DescRef{maincls.fontelement.disposition}. You can use all settings that are allowed for \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setkomafont} and \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addtokomafont} for the element of the heading.\\ \PValue{innerskip} & \PName{length} & % \OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and % \Class{scrreprt}}% The vertical skip between the prefix line and the heading text in \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt}.\\ \PValue{pagestyle} & \PName{page style name} & % \OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and % \Class{scrreprt}}% The name of the page style to use automatically on pages with the heading. There is no check to see if \PName{page style name} is valid. Therefore, incorrect names will result in error messages when the sectioning command is used. This feature only exists in \Class{scrbook} and\Class{scrreprt}.\\ \PValue{prefixfont} & \PName{font commands} & The font setting to use for the prefix line of the heading, in addition to the \DescRef{maincls.fontelement.disposition} and sectioning command elements. You can use all settings that are allowed for \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setkomafont} and \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addtokomafont} for the element of the prefix line.\\ \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \end{table} \Macro{DeclareNewSectionCommand} defines a new sectioning command. If the same \PName{name} is already used by \TeX{} for something else, the command will result in an error message and will not define anything. \Macro{ProvideSectionSommand} behaves similarly but does not issue an error message. \Macro{RedeclareSectionCommand}, on the other hand, can only change an existing command to a sectioning command with the specified \PName{attributes}. It does not check whether \Macro{\PName{name}} is already a sectioning command. It only needs to be a \PName{name} already a \TeX command. \Macro{DeclareSectionCommand} does not check whether or not \PName{name} is an existing \TeX{} command name. It just defines a sectioning command \Macro{\PName{name}} with the specified \PName{attributes}. Each sectioning command also has a corresponding counter with the same \PName{name} that is allocated with \Macro{newcounter} if necessary. The same naming rule applies to the corresponding output of the counter (\Macro{the\PName{name}}), the counter's format (\Macro{\PName{name}format}), the command to generate a running head (\Macro{\PName{name}mark}), the format of the counter in the running head (\Macro{\PName{name}markformat}), the font element (\FontElement{\PName{name}}), and the section-depth number (\Macro{\PName{name}numdepth}). The command for the running head, \Macro{\PName{name}mark}, is defined by default not to generate a running head. The default output of the counter \Macro{the\PName{name}} is an Arabic number. If the counter is defined as depending on another counter with the \PValue{counterwithin} \PName{key}, the output of this counter will be prefixed by a dot. In\ChangedAt[2016/03]{v3.20}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} addition to the sectioning command itself, a command for corresponding entries to the table of contents is also defined. This is done using the \hyperref[cha:tocbasic]{\Package{tocbasic}}% \important{\hyperref[cha:tocbasic]{\Package{tocbasic}}}\IndexPackage{tocbasic} package. The \PName{tocstyle} attribute defines the style of those entries. If you set an empty \PName{name}, e.\,g. using \OptionValue{tocstyle}{} or \OptionValue{tocstyle}{\{\}}, the command for the TOC entry will not be changed. This is important, for example, if you use another package to modify the table of contents. If you do not set the \PValue{tocstyle} attribute, the previous style will be used again during the redefinition. The\ChangedAt[2016/03]{v3.20}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} different TOC-entry styles also have different additional attributes. You can set them directly if you prefix them with \PValue{toc}. For example, you can set the level of the TOC entries, \PValue{level}, using \PValue{toclevel}, the indention, \PValue{indent}, using \PValue{tocindent}, or the number width, \PValue{numwidth}, using \PValue{tocnumwidth}. For more TOC-entry style attributes see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.tocstyle}, \autopageref{sec:tocbasic.tocstyle}. \begin{Example} For some unknown reason, you want to redefine the \DescRef{maincls.cmd.paragraph} headings so that they are no longer run-in headings but are similar to \DescRef{maincls.cmd.subsubsection}. The vertical skip above the heading should be 10\Unit{pt} and no additional vertical skip below the heading. To do so, you can use: \begin{lstcode} \RedeclareSectionCommand[% beforeskip=-10pt,% afterskip=1sp% ]{paragraph} \end{lstcode} The negative value of \PValue{beforeskip} creates a positive vertical skip before the heading and simultaneously disables the paragraph indentation of the following text. Even though the specification did not want any vertical skip after the heading, a value of 1\Unit{sp} has been given here. This is because \LaTeX{} doesn't recognize 0\Unit{pt} as positive value. So 1\Unit{sp} is the smallest possible positive value. Generally, it is better to have some tolerance for adjusting the vertical spacing, the so-called \emph{glue}: \begin{lstcode} \RedeclareSectionCommand[% beforeskip=-10pt plus -2pt minus -1pt,% afterskip=1sp plus -1sp minus 1sp% ]{paragraph} \end{lstcode} Note that the glue also switches the algebraic sign before becoming a skip, if the value is negative. That is the reason for the negative glue values in the example. Additionally we used the occasion to minimize the vertical skip after the heading using glue too. \end{Example} In the example above, we only needed to define the keys \PValue{beforeskip} and \PValue{afterskip} because since v3.15 \KOMAScript{} has defined \DescRef{maincls.cmd.paragraph} internally using \Macro{DeclareSectionCommand}, and therefore the other settings can be adopted unchanged. The original definition of \DescRef{maincls.cmd.paragraph} in \Class{scrartcl} reads: \begin{lstcode} \DeclareSectionCommand[% level=4, indent=0pt, beforeskip=3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex, afterskip=-1em, font={}, tocindent=7em, tocnumwidth=4.1em, counterwithin=subsubsection ]{paragraph} \end{lstcode} \Class{scrreprt} and \Class{scrbook} use slightly different values. Some settings of \DescRef{maincls.cmd.chapter} depend on the \DescRef{maincls.option.headings} option (see \autoref{sec:maincls.structure}, \DescPageRef{maincls.option.headings}). \hyperref[tab:maincls.chapter.skips]{Table~\ref*{tab:maincls.chapter.skips}} shows the default values of these settings. An overview of all settings is shown in \autoref{tab:maincls.section.defaults}. For more information\ChangedAt[2016/03]{v3.20}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} about the default of the TOC-entry styles see \autoref{sec:tocbasic.tocstyle}\important{\Package{tocbasic}}, \autopageref{sec:tocbasic.tocstyle}. Note that \PValue{1ex} and \Length{baselineskip} depend on the default font size of the heading or the table of contents entry.% \begin{table} \centering \caption{Defaults for the chapter headings of \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} depending on the \DescRef{maincls.option.headings} option} \label{tab:maincls.chapter.skips} \begin{tabular}{ll} \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\bfseries With \OptionValueRef{maincls}{headings}{big}:}\\ \toprule Attribute & Default Value \\ \midrule \PValue{afterskip} & \PValue{1.725\Length{baselineskip} plus .115\Length{baselineskip} minus .192\Length{baselineskip}} \\ \PValue{beforeskip} & \PValue{-3.3\Length{baselineskip}-\Length{parskip}} \\ \PValue{font} & \Macro{huge} \\ \bottomrule\\ \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\bfseries With \OptionValueRef{maincls}{headings}{normal}:}\\ \toprule Attribute & Default Value \\ \midrule \PValue{afterskip} & \PValue{1.5\Length{baselineskip} plus .1\Length{baselineskip} minus .167\Length{baselineskip}} \\ \PValue{beforeskip} & \PValue{-3\Length{baselineskip}-\Length{parskip}} \\ \PValue{font} & \Macro{LARGE} \\ \bottomrule\\ \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\bfseries With \OptionValueRef{maincls}{headings}{small}:}\\ \toprule Attribute & Default Value \\ \midrule \PValue{afterskip} & \PValue{1.35\Length{baselineskip} plus .09\Length{baselineskip} minus .15\Length{baselineskip}} \\ \PValue{beforeskip} & \PValue{-2.8\Length{baselineskip}-\Length{parskip}} \\ \PValue{font} & \Macro{Large} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} %begin{table} % \centering \begin{longtable}{@{}p{\columnwidth}@{}} \caption{Defaults for the headings of \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt}}% \label{tab:maincls.section.defaults}\\ \endfirsthead \caption[]{Default for the headings of \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} \emph{(continued)}}\\ \addlinespace[-\normalbaselineskip] \endhead \raggedleft\dots\\ \endfoot \endlastfoot \DescRef{maincls.cmd.part}: \\* \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ll} \toprule Attribute & Default Value \\ \midrule \PValue{afterskip} & \PValue{0pt plus 1fil} \\ \PValue{beforeskip} & \PValue{0pt plus 1fil + \Length{baselineskip}} \\ \PValue{font} & see element \DescRef{maincls.fontelement.part}, \autoref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont}, \autopageref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont} \\ \PValue{innerskip} & \PValue{20pt} \\ \PValue{level} & -1 \\ \PValue{prefixfont} & see element \DescRef{maincls.fontelement.partnumber}, \autoref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont}, \autopageref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont} \\ \PValue{tocindent} & \PValue{0pt} \\ \PValue{toclevel} & -1 \\ \PValue{tocnumwidth} & \PValue{2em} \\ \PValue{tocstyle} & \PValue{part} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \\ \addlinespace[\normalbaselineskip] \DescRef{maincls.cmd.chapter}: \\* \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ll} \toprule Attribute & Default Value \\ \midrule \PValue{afterskip} & see \autoref{tab:maincls.chapter.skips} \\ \PValue{beforeskip} & see \autoref{tab:maincls.chapter.skips} \\ \PValue{font} & see element \DescRef{maincls.fontelement.chapter}, \autoref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont}, \autopageref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont} \\ \PValue{innerskip} & \PValue{0.5\Length{baselineskip}} \\ \PValue{level} & 0 \\ \PValue{prefixfont} & see element \DescRef{maincls.fontelement.chapterprefix}, \autoref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont}, \autopageref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont} \\ \PValue{tocindent} & \PValue{0pt} \\ \PValue{toclevel} & 0 \\ \PValue{tocnumwidth} & \PValue{1.5em} \\ \PValue{tocstyle} & \PValue{chapter} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \\ \addlinespace[\normalbaselineskip] \DescRef{maincls.cmd.section}: \\* \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ll} \toprule Attribute & Default Value \\ \midrule \PValue{afterskip} & \PValue{2.3ex plus .2ex} \\ \PValue{beforeskip} & \PValue{-3.5ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex} \\ \PValue{font} & see element \DescRef{maincls.fontelement.section}, \autoref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont}, \autopageref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont} \\ \PValue{indent} & \PValue{0pt} \\ \PValue{level} & 1 \\ \PValue{tocindent} & \PValue{1.5em}\\ \PValue{toclevel} & 1 \\ \PValue{tocnumwidth} & \PValue{2.3em}\\ \PValue{tocstyle} & \PValue{section} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \\ \addlinespace[\normalbaselineskip] \DescRef{maincls.cmd.subsection}: \\* \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ll} \toprule Attribute & Default Value \\ \midrule\nopagebreak \PValue{afterskip} & \PValue{1.5ex plus .2ex} \\ \PValue{beforeskip} & \PValue{-3.25ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex} \\ \PValue{font} & see element \DescRef{maincls.fontelement.subsection}, \autoref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont}, \autopageref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont} \\ \PValue{indent} & \PValue{0pt} \\ \PValue{level} & 2 \\ \PValue{tocindent} & \PValue{3.8em}\\ \PValue{toclevel} & 2 \\ \PValue{tocnumwidth} & \PValue{3.2em}\\ \PValue{tocstyle} & \PValue{section} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \\ \addlinespace[\normalbaselineskip] \DescRef{maincls.cmd.subsubsection}: \\* \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ll} \toprule Attribute & Default Value \\ \midrule\nopagebreak \PValue{afterskip} & \PValue{1.5ex plus .2ex} \\ \PValue{beforeskip} & \PValue{-3.25ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex} \\ \PValue{font} & see element \DescRef{maincls.fontelement.subsubsection}, \autoref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont}, \autopageref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont} \\ \PValue{indent} & \PValue{0pt} \\ \PValue{level} & 3 \\ \PValue{tocindent} & \PValue{7.0em}\\ \PValue{tocnumwidth} & \PValue{4.1em}\\ \PValue{toclevel} & 3 \\ \PValue{tocstyle} & \PValue{section} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \\ \addlinespace[\normalbaselineskip] \DescRef{maincls.cmd.paragraph}: \\* \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ll} \toprule Attribute & Default Value \\ \midrule\nopagebreak \PValue{afterskip} & \PValue{-1em} \\ \PValue{beforeskip} & \PValue{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex} \\ \PValue{font} & see element \DescRef{maincls.fontelement.paragraph}, \autoref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont}, \autopageref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont} \\ \PValue{indent} & \PValue{0pt} \\ \PValue{level} & 4 \\ \PValue{tocindent} & \PValue{10em}\\ \PValue{toclevel} & 4 \\ \PValue{tocnumwidth} & \PValue{5em}\\ \PValue{tocstyle} & \PValue{section} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \\ \addlinespace[\normalbaselineskip] \DescRef{maincls.cmd.subparagraph}: \\* \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ll} \toprule Attribute & Default Value \\ \midrule\nopagebreak \PValue{afterskip} & \PValue{-1em} \\ \PValue{beforeskip} & \PValue{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex} \\ \PValue{font} & see element \DescRef{maincls.fontelement.subparagraph}, \autoref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont}, \autopageref{tab:maincls.structureElementsFont} \\ \PValue{indent} & \Macro{scr@parindent} \\ \PValue{level} & 5 \\ \PValue{tocindent} & \PValue{12em}\\ \PValue{toclevel} & 5 \\ \PValue{tocnumwidth} & \PValue{6em}\\ \PValue{tocstyle} & \PValue{section} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \end{longtable} %end{table} Incidentally, the internal macro \Macro{scr@parindent} used in the settings for \DescRef{maincls.cmd.subparagraph} is the paragraph indent set by the \DescRef{maincls.option.parskip} option or the \DescRef{maincls-experts.cmd.setparsizes} command. \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{DeclareSectionCommands}\OParameter{attributes} \Parameter{list of names}% \Macro{DeclareNewSectionCommands}\OParameter{attributes} \Parameter{list of names}% \Macro{RedeclareSectionCommands}\OParameter{attributes} \Parameter{list of names}% \Macro{ProvideSectionCommands}\OParameter{attributes} \Parameter{list of names} \end{Declaration} These\ChangedAt{v3.15}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} commands can define or change a whole series of sectioning commands at once. The names of the sectioning commands are given by the comma-separated \PName{list of names}. These commands differ in two other ways from the previously described commands that only define or change a single sectioning command. First, in case of error\,---\,that is if a command already exists with \Macro{DeclareNewSectionCommands} or is undefined with \Macro{RedeclareSectionCommands}\,---\,the definition will be performed regardless. An appropriate an error message will, of course, be reported anyway. Second, there is another attribute, \important{\PValue{increaselevel}}\OptionVName{increaselevel}{integer}. This attribute changes the meaning of the attributes \PValue{level} and \PValue{toclevel} (see \autoref{tab:maincls-experts.declaresection.keys}) so that their values become starting values for the first sectioning command of the \PName{list of names}. For all other sectioning command in the \PName{list of names}, the values of \PValue{level} and \PValue{toclevel} are successively increased by the value of \PValue{increaselevel}. If the \PValue{increaselevel} attribute is used without assigning a value, 1 is assumed. % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{chapterheadstartvskip} \Macro{chapterheadmidvskip} \Macro{chapterheadendvskip} \Macro{partheadstartvskip} \Macro{partheadmidvskip} \Macro{partheadendvskip} \Macro{partheademptypage} \end{Declaration} These\important[i]{\DescRef{maincls.cmd.chapter}\\ \DescRef{maincls.cmd.part}\\ \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addchap}\\ \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addpart}\\ \DescRef{maincls.cmd.chapter*}\\ \DescRef{maincls.cmd.part*}\\ \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addchap*}\\ \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addpart*}} commands are used inside the headings of the previously described \PValue{chapter} and \PValue{part} styles and thus for the definitions of \DescRef{maincls.cmd.chapter}\IndexCmd{chapter}, \DescRef{maincls.cmd.part}\IndexCmd{part}, \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addchap}\IndexCmd{addchap}, and \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addpart}\IndexCmd{addpart}, as well as their starred variants \DescRef{maincls.cmd.chapter*}\IndexCmd{chapter*}, \DescRef{maincls.cmd.part*}\IndexCmd{part*}, \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addchap*}\IndexCmd{addchap*}, and \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addpart*}\IndexCmd{addpart*}. The \Macro{chapterheadstartvskip} command is intended to insert a vertical skip before the chapter heading. Similarly, \Macro{chapterheadendvskip} is a command intended to insert a vertical skip after the chapter heading. If\ChangedAt{v3.15}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} the chapter heading has a prefix number line (see option \DescRef{maincls.option.chapterprefix} in \autoref{sec:maincls.structure}, \DescPageRef{maincls.option.chapterprefix}), \Macro{chapterheadmidvskip} is also used between the number line and the heading text. The \Macro{partheadstartvskip} and \Macro{partheadendvskip} commands insert vertical skips above and below part headings. A page break is interpreted as part of the vertical distance. Such a page break is part of the default definitions of \Macro{partheadendvskip} in \Class{scrbook}\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} and \Class{scrreprt}. The \Macro{partheademptypage}\ChangedAt{v3.02}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} command produces an empty page after the part heading page of \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt}. Starting with \KOMAScript~3.15\ChangedAt{v3.15}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}, the defaults of these seven commands are independent from the \DescRef{maincls.option.headings} option (see \autoref{sec:maincls.structure}, \DescPageRef{maincls.option.headings}). The default definitions for the chapter headings starting with \KOMAScript~3.17\ChangedAt{v3.17}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} correspond to:\IndexLength{@tempskipa} \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\chapterheadstartvskip}{\vspace{\@tempskipa}} \newcommand*{\chapterheadmidvskip}{\par\nobreak\vskip\@tempskipa} \newcommand*{\chapterheadendvskip}{\vskip\@tempskipa} \end{lstcode} These defaults are reactivated every time you use \OptionValueRef{maincls}{headings}{big}\IndexOption{headings}, \OptionValueRef{maincls}{headings}{normal}, or \OptionValueRef{maincls}{headings}{small}. As a side effect, these options may affect not only chapter titles but all headings in the \PValue{chapter} style The \PValue{chapter} style automatically sets the internal length \Length{@tempskipa} to the value that results from the \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.DeclareSectionCommand}\IndexCmd{DeclareSectionCommand} attribute \PValue{beforeskip} before calling \Macro{chapterheadstartvskip}. Similarly, it sets this length to the value of the \PValue{afterskip} attribute before calling \Macro{chapterheadendvskip}, and to \PValue{innerskip} before calling \Macro{chapterheadmidvskip}. The default values of the distances of \DescRef{maincls.cmd.part} do not depend on the \DescRef{maincls.option.headings} option. So the corresponding commands will not be redefined by this option. Their\ChangedAt{v3.17}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} default definitions in \Class{scrbook} and \Class{scrreprt} correspond to: \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\partheadstartvskip}{% \null\vskip-\baselineskip\vskip\@tempskipa } \newcommand*{\partheadmidvskip}{% \par\nobreak \vskip\@tempskipa } \newcommand*{\partheadendvskip}{% \vskip\@tempskipa\newpage } \end{lstcode} and of \Class{scrartcl}: \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\partheadstartvskip}{% \addvspace{\@tempskipa}% } \newcommand*{\partheadmidvskip}{% \par\nobreak } \newcommand*{\partheadendvskip}{% \vskip\@tempskipa } \end{lstcode} The \PValue{part} style once again sets the internal length \Length{@tempskipa}\IndexLength{@tempskipa} according to the settings of \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.DeclareSectionCommand}\IndexCmd{DeclareSectionCommand} before using the commands. If you redefine one of the commands used for the vertical skip in the original \Length{@tempskipa} but still want to be able to configure the lengths, for example with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.RedeclareSectionCommand}, you should also use \Length{@tempskipa} in the new definition. Since\ChangedAt{v3.17}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} you can more easily configure the distances above, within, and below the headings using \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.RedeclareSectionCommand}, you generally should not redefine the commands described here. Changing them should be reserved for more complex changes that cannot be accomplished with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.RedeclareSectionCommand}. An\textnote{Example!} example that redefines \Macro{chapterheadstartvskip} and \Macro{chapterheadendvskip} to print extra rules above and below the chapter heading can be found at \cite{homepage} (in German).% % \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{partlineswithprefixformat}% \Parameter{level}\Parameter{number}\Parameter{text}% \end{Declaration} This\ChangedAt{v3.25}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} command is used by headings with the \PValue{part} style to output the heading number and heading text. The \PName{number} and \PName{text} arguments are already formatted, including the font selections. Ultimately, this command controls the arrangement of the two parts of the heading. For unnumbered headings, \PName{number} is a completely empty argument, so it does not contain any formatting commands. The default definition is rather Spartan: \begin{lstcode} \newcommand{\partlineswithprefixformat}[3]{% #2#3% } \end{lstcode} \begin{Example} You want to have part headings in a light blue box with blue frame. The box should occupy only about three quarters of full width of the text area. So you try: \begin{lstcode} \documentclass{scrbook} \usepackage{xcolor} \renewcommand*{\partlineswithprefixformat}[3]{% \fcolorbox{blue}{blue!25}{% \parbox{.75\linewidth}{#2#3}% }% } \begin{document} \part{Framed Part} \end{document} \end{lstcode} But surprisingly the heading is not longer centred\,---\,neither the box itself nor the text inside the box. The reason for the missing centring of the box is that the end of the paragraph is hidden in the third argument of the command. So it still finishes the paragraph of the text inside the box but not the paragraph of the \Macro{parbox} itself. To solve this you add a \Macro{par} at the end of the definition. The reason for the missing centring inside the box is that the alignment of \DescRef{maincls.cmd.raggedpart} is valid outside the box but not automatically inside a \Macro{parbox}. To solve this you add \Macro{raggedpart} inside the box. With \begin{lstcode} \documentclass{scrbook} \usepackage{xcolor} \renewcommand*{\partlineswithprefixformat}[3]{% \fcolorbox{blue}{blue!25}{% \parbox{.75\linewidth}{\raggedpart #2#3}% }% } \par \begin{document} \part{Framed Part} \end{document} \end{lstcode} you get the expected result. \end{Example} As the example shows, users who redefine this command must watch out for several side effects. In addition to preserving the text alignment, they also must prevent page breaks within the headings, for example if they insert extra paragraphs or space. The example above does not have this problem. Not only does the box prevent a page breaks anyway, but \KOMAScript{} itself also changes \Macro{interlinepenalty} as part of \PName{text} so to prevent page breaks there. It also finishes \PName{text} with an internal paragraph break using \Macro{@@par}. The default definition of \Macro{partlineswithprefixformat} does not use the first argument, \PName{level}, nor is it needed in the example above. It is of interest only if you want to define several commands with the \PValue{part} style and need to distinguish the different levels. The predefined commands \DescRef{maincls.cmd.part}, \DescRef{maincls.cmd.part*}, \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addpart}, and \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addpart*} all share the same \PName{level} \PName{part}.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{chapterlineswithprefixformat}% \Parameter{level}\Parameter{number}\Parameter{text}% \Macro{chapterlinesformat}% \Parameter{level}\Parameter{number}\Parameter{text} \end{Declaration} These\ChangedAt{v3.19}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} commands are used by headings with the \PValue{chapter} style to output the heading number and heading text, depending on the \DescRef{maincls.option.chapterprefix}\IndexOption{chapterprefix}% \textnote{\DescRef{maincls.option.chapterprefix}} option (see \autoref{sec:maincls.structure}, \DescPageRef{maincls.option.chapterprefix}). If the option is \PValue{true}, \Macro{chapterlineswithprefixformat} is used. Otherwise \Macro{chapterlinesformat} determines the ouput. The \PName{number} and \PName{text} arguments are already formatted, including the font selections. Ultimately, these commands thus control the arrangement of the two parts of the heading. For unnumbered headings, the \PName{number} argument is completely empty, so it does not contain any formatting commands. The\textnote{default} defaults for these commands are: \begin{lstcode} \newcommand{\chapterlinesformat}[3]{% \@hangfrom{#2}{#3}% } \newcommand{\chapterlineswithprefixformat}[3]{% #2#3% } \end{lstcode} \begin{Example} You want to have chapter headings with yellow background. For the headings without a prefix line, you use the following definition in the document preamble: \begin{lstcode} \makeatletter \renewcommand{\chapterlinesformat}[3]{% \colorbox{yellow}{% \parbox{\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxrule-2\fboxsep}{% \@hangfrom{#2}#3% }% }% } \makeatother \end{lstcode} For chapter headings with prefix line, you use: \begin{lstcode} \renewcommand{\chapterlineswithprefixformat}[3]{% \colorbox{yellow}{% \parbox{\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxrule-2\fboxsep}{% #2#3% }% }% } \end{lstcode} Unfortunately, you discover that these redefinitions result in justified text for the headings. The reason is the \Macro{parbox} command. To change this, you can use the \DescRef{maincls.cmd.raggedchapter} command (see \autoref{sec:maincls.structure}, \DescPageRef{maincls.cmd.raggedchapter}) inside the argument of \Macro{parbox}. Otherwise \Macro{raggedchapter} would be used only before \Macro{chapterlineswithprefixformat} and \Macro{chapterlinesformat}: \begin{lstcode} \makeatletter \renewcommand{\chapterlinesformat}[3]{% \colorbox{yellow}{% \parbox{\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxrule-2\fboxsep}{% \raggedchapter \@hangfrom{#2}#3% }% }% } \makeatother \renewcommand{\chapterlineswithprefixformat}[3]{% \colorbox{yellow}{% \parbox{\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxrule-2\fboxsep}{% \raggedchapter #2#3% }% }% } \end{lstcode} Remember to use \Macro{makeatletter} and \Macro{makeatother} only in the document preamble. Do not use it inside your own wrapper class or package. They are only needed here because of \Macro{@hangfrom} in the definition of \Macro{chapterlinesformat}. \end{Example} As the example shows, users who redefine this command must watch out for several side effects. In addition to preserving the text alignment, they also must prevent page breaks within the headings, for example if they insert extra paragraphs or space. The example above does not have this problem. Not only does the box prevent a page breaks anyway, but \KOMAScript{} itself also changes \Macro{interlinepenalty} as part of \PName{text} so to prevent page breaks there. It also finishes \PName{text} with an internal paragraph break using \Macro{@@par}. Incidentally, the \DescRef{maincls.cmd.raggedchapter} command is not part of \PName{text}, as otherwise using \Macro{MakeUppercase} inside redefined versions of these two commands would be much more difficult. Note, however, that typographic rules require individual adjustments of letter spacing in capitalised text. However the \LaTeX{} \Macro{MakeUppercase} command does not do this. The default definitions do not use the first argument, \PName{level}, nor is it needed in the example above. It is of interest only if you want to define several commands with the \PValue{chapter} style and need to distinguish the different levels. The predefined commands \DescRef{maincls.cmd.chapter}, \DescRef{maincls.cmd.chapter*}, \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addchap}, and \DescRef{maincls.cmd.addchap*} all share the same \PName{level} \PName{chapter}.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{sectionlinesformat}% \Parameter{level}\Parameter{indent}\Parameter{number}\Parameter{text}% \Macro{sectioncatchphraseformat}% \Parameter{level}\Parameter{indent}\Parameter{number}\Parameter{text}% \end{Declaration} These\ChangedAt{v3.19}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} commands are used by headings with the \PValue{section} style depending on whether the reading is run-in or on its own line. Free-standing headings use \Macro{sectionlinesformat} for their output, while run-in headings use \Macro{sectioncatchphraseformat}. In both cases \PName{indent} is the value of the horizontal indention of the heading relative to the text area. If the value is negative, the heading can protrude into the left margin. The arguments \PName{number} and \PName{text} are already formatted, including the font settings. Ultimately, these commands thus control the arrangement of the two parts of the heading. For unnumbered headings, the \PName{number} argument is completely empty, so it does not contain any formatting commands. The default definitions are: \begin{lstcode} \newcommand{\sectionlinesformat}[4]{% \@hangfrom{\hskip #2#3}{#4}% } \newcommand{\sectioncatchphraseformat}[4]{% \hskip #2#3#4% } \end{lstcode} If you redefine one of these commands, you are responsible for preventing page breaks inside heading. \KOMAScript{} itself only changes \Macro{interlinepenalty} to impede page breaks. \begin{Example} As in the previous example with chapter headings, the free-standing headings of the \PValue{section} \PName{level} should now be printed with a background colour. Headings of lower levels should not be changed: \begin{lstcode} \makeatletter \renewcommand{\sectionlinesformat}[4]{% \@tempswafalse \ifstr{#1}{section}{% \hspace*{#2}% \colorbox{yellow}{% \parbox{\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxrule-2\fboxsep-#2}{% \raggedsection \@hangfrom{#3}{#4}% }% }% }{% \@hangfrom{\hskip #2#3}{#4}% }% } \makeatother \end{lstcode} With this code, area of the indention is not coloured if the heading is indented. If, however, the heading is placed in the left margin with negative indention, this area of the margin is also highlighted. You can move the \Macro{hspace*} command into the \Macro{colorbox} to change this behaviour. Again, remember to use \Macro{makeatletter} and \Macro{makeatother} only in the document preamble. You should omit them inside your own wrapper class or package. They are only needed because of \Macro{@hangfrom} in the definition of \Macro{sectionlinesformat}. \end{Example} The first argument, \PName{level}, is not used by the default definition. The example shows how to use it to distinguish different heading levels of the same style \PValue{section}.% \EndIndexGroup \begin{Declaration} \Macro{SecDef}\Parameter{star command}\Parameter{command}% \Macro{scr@startsection}\Parameter{name}\Parameter{level}\Parameter{indent}% \Parameter{beforeskip}\Parameter{afterskip}% \Parameter{style commands}% \OParameter{short version}\Parameter{heading}% \labelsuffix[*]% \Macro{scr@startsection}\Parameter{name}\Parameter{level}\Parameter{indent}% \Parameter{beforeskip}\Parameter{afterskip}% \Parameter{style commands}% \PValue{*}\Parameter{heading}% \labelsuffix% \Macro{At@startsection}\Parameter{code}% \Macro{Before@ssect}\Parameter{code}% \Macro{Before@sect}\Parameter{code} \end{Declaration} As\ChangedAt[2014/09]{v3.15}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}} already explained in \autoref{sec:maincls.structure} in the description of the sectioning commands beginning with \DescPageRef{maincls.cmd.chapter}, \KOMAScript{} provides additional features for the optional argument of those commands. To achieve this, it was necessary to replace some \LaTeX{} kernel commands, especially \Macro{secdef}\IndexCmd{secdef}\important{\Macro{secdef}} and \Macro{@startsection}\IndexCmd{@startsection}% \important{\Macro{@startsection}}. The meaning of the parameters of these commands can be found in the \LaTeX{} kernel manual \cite{latex:source2e}. However, these commands are often completely redefined by other packages in a way that clashes with the functionality of \KOMAScript. So \KOMAScript{} not only changes the definition of these commands but also defines the additional, alternative commands \Macro{SecDef} and \Macro{scr@startsection}. Package authors can use these commands as they would use the corresponding \LaTeX{} kernel commands and therefore gain access to the additional features of \KOMAScript. However, these commands should not be redefined, as they may changed at any time, and then this redefinition could compromise \KOMAScript{}'s functionality. \KOMAScript{} itself uses \Macro{SecDef} and \Macro{scr@startsection} instead of \Macro{secdef} and \Macro{@startsection}, for example to define sectioning commands with \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.DeclareSectionCommand}. So later redefinitions of \Macro{secdef} or \Macro{@startsection} will not influence the sectioning commands of \KOMAScript. As an alternative to redefining such commands, \KOMAScript{} offers the possibility to add additional \PName{code} at several points in \KOMAScript{}'s own replacements. The \PName{code} of all calls to \Macro{At@startsection}\important{\Macro{At@startsection}\\ \Macro{Before@sect}\\ \Macro{Before@sect}}, \Macro{Before@sect} and \Macro{Before@sect} is collected separately for each command. There is no provision for removing \PName{code} once it has been inserted. The \PName{code} of the \Macro{At@startsection}% \important{\Macro{At@startsection}\\ \Macro{scr@startsection}} macro is used in the \Macro{scr@startsection} command immediately after evaluating \PName{beforeskip} and calculating the resulting \Length{@tempskipa} but before adding the vertical skip itself. So you can still change the value of \Length{@tempskipa}. The \PName{code} of \Macro{Before@sect} or \Macro{Before@ssect} is executed within \Macro{scr@startsection} just before calling \Macro{@sect} or \Macro{@ssect}, respectively. At this point, the vertical skip of \Length{@tempskipa} has already been added using \Macro{addvspace}. These three commands, \Macro{At@startsection}, \Macro{Before@sect}, and \Macro{Before@ssect}, are designed as an interface for package authors and released for them to use.% % \EndIndexGroup % \subsection{Appendix} % \seclabel{appendix} \begin{Declaration} \Macro{appendixmore} \end{Declaration}% The \KOMAScript{} classes have an unusual feature within the \DescRef{maincls.cmd.appendix} command. If the \Macro{appendixmore} command is defined, \DescRef{maincls.cmd.appendix} will also execute this it. Internally, the \KOMAScript{} classes \Class{scrbook}\OnlyAt{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}} and \Class{scrreprt} take advantage of this behaviour to implement the \DescRef{maincls.option.appendixprefix} layout option (see \autoref{sec:maincls.structure}, \DescPageRef{maincls.option.appendixprefix}). You\textnote{Attention!} should take note of this in case you decide to define or redefine the \Macro{appendixmore} macro. If this option has been used, you will receive an error message when using \verb|\newcommand{\appendixmore}{|\dots\verb|}|. This behaviour is intended to prevent you from overriding the options without realising it. \begin{Example} You do not want the chapters in the main part of the classes \Class{scrbook} or \Class{scrreprt} to be introduced by a prefix line (see the \DescRef{maincls.option.chapterprefix} layout option in \autoref{sec:maincls.structure}, \DescPageRef{maincls.option.chapterprefix}). For consistency, you also do not want such a line in the appendix either. Instead, you would like to see the word ``Chapter'' in the language of your choice written in front of the chapter letter and, simultaneously, in the page headings. Instead of using the \DescRef{maincls.option.appendixprefix} layout option, you define the following in the document preamble: % \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\appendixmore}{% \renewcommand*{\chapterformat}{% \appendixname~\thechapter\autodot\enskip} \renewcommand*{\chaptermarkformat}{% \appendixname~\thechapter\autodot\enskip} } \end{lstcode} % In case you subsequently change your mind and decide to use the option \DescRef{maincls.option.appendixprefix} at a later stage, you will get an error message because of the already defined \Macro{appendixmore} command. This behaviour prevents the definition made above from invisibly changing the settings intended with the option. It is also possible to get a similar behaviour for the appendix of the class \Class{scrartcl}. For example, you can write in the preamble of your document: \begin{lstcode}[moretexcs={ifthenelse,equal}] \newcommand*{\appendixmore}{% \renewcommand*{\sectionformat}{% \appendixname~\thesection\autodot\enskip}% \renewcommand*{\sectionmarkformat}{% \appendixname~\thesection\autodot\enskip}} \end{lstcode} The redefined commands are explained in more detail in \autoref{sec:maincls.structure}, \DescPageRef{maincls.cmd.chapterformat} and \DescPageRef{maincls.cmd.chaptermarkformat}. \end{Example} % \EndIndexGroup % \subsection{Literaturverzeichnis} % \seclabel{bibliography} \begin{Declaration} \Macro{newbibstyle}\OParameter{parent style}\Parameter{name}%^^A \Parameter{commands}% \Macro{newblock}% \Macro{@openbib@code}% \Macro{bib@beginhook}% \Macro{bib@endhook} \end{Declaration} The standard classes\textnote{standard classes} already provide the \Macro{newblock} command to structure bibliography entries. The exact purpose of this command depends on the class options. Using option \Option{openbib}\important{\Option{openbib}} redefines the commands \Macro{@openbib@code} and \Macro{newblock} itself at the end of the standard class. The standard classes execute the \Macro{@openbib@code} command when starting the bibliography list, or more precisely, when defining the parameters for the list. You can assume that many packages which redefine the bibliography will execute this command. The \KOMAScript{} classes\textnote{\KOMAScript} do something similar. However, they do not redefine \Macro{@openbib@code} at the end of the class. Instead, \Macro{newbibstyle} defines the \PValue{openstyle} bibliography style. The \PName{commands} given in the implementation contain the appropriate redefinition of \Macro{@openbib@code} and \Macro{newblock}. If you select this bibliography style using the \OptionValueRef{maincls}{bibliography}{openstyle}% \IndexOption{bibliography~=\PValue{openstyle}}% \important{\OptionValueRef{maincls}{bibliography}{openstyle}} option, the \PName{commands} will be executed immediately. This will redefine \Macro{@openbib@code} and \Macro{newblock}. In addition to \Macro{@openbib@code} and \Macro{newblock}, \Macro{bib@beginhook} and \Macro{bib@endhook} can also be redefined by the \PName{commands} of the style. The \Macro{bib@beginhook} command is executed immediately after the heading and preamble of the bibliography but before the beginning of the list of bibliographic entries. The \Macro{bib@endhook} command will be executed immediately after this list, at the end of the bibliography. If \DescRef{maincls.cmd.BreakBibliography} (see \autoref{sec:maincls.bibliography}, \DescPageRef{maincls.cmd.BreakBibliography}) is used to interrupt the bibliography, these commands will also executed at the beginning and end of each part of the bibliography, immediately before and after \DescRef{maincls.cmd.BreakBibliography}. The \Macro{newblock}, \Macro{@openbib@code}, \Macro{bib@beginhook}, and \Macro{bib@endhook} commands are initially defined to be empty when using a new bibliography style. After this, the \PName{commands} of the \PName{parent style} that was optionally specified when defining the style will be executed, followed by the \PName{commands} for the bibliography style itself. As a result, these commands must be defined, if necessary, with \Macro{renewcommand}\IndexCmd{renewcommand}\important{\Macro{renewcommand}}, not \Macro{newcommand}, inside the \PName{instructions} argument. If you use the \DescRef{maincls.cmd.AtEndBibliography}\IndexCmd{AtEndBibliography} and \DescRef{maincls.cmd.AfterBibliographyPreamble}% \IndexCmd{AfterBibliographyPreamble} commands to declare additional \PName{commands} to be executed after the preamble or at the end of the bibliography, the \PName{commands} specified with \DescRef{maincls.cmd.AfterBibliographyPreamble} will only be executed once, at the beginning of the bibliography after the \Macro{bib@beginhook} \PName{commands}, and the \PName{commands} of \DescRef{maincls.cmd.AtEndBibliography} will be executed only once at the end of the bibliography, before \Macro{bib@endhook}. For\textnote{Example!} example, the \Package{multicol}\IndexPackage{multicol}\important{\Package{multicol}} package (see \cite{package:multicol}) could be used to define a bibliography style for printing the bibliography with two columns: % Umbruchkorrektur: listings korrigiert \begin{lstcode} \newbibstyle{twocolumstyle}{% \renewcommand*{\bib@beginhook}{\begin{multicols}{2}}% \renewcommand*{\bib@endhook}{\end{multicols}}}% \end{lstcode} If you also want to define an open variation of this style, you can use the possibilities of inheritance here and specify a \PName{parent style}: % Umbruchkorrektur: listings korrigiert \begin{lstcode} \newbibstyle{twocolumopenstyle}[openstyle]{% \renewcommand*{\bib@beginhook}{\begin{multicols}{2}}% \renewcommand*{\bib@endhook}{\end{multicols}}}% \end{lstcode} You can then select these newly defined styles with the \DescRef{maincls.option.bibliography} option as usual. Like\textnote{Achtung!} \DescRef{maincls.cmd.BreakBibliography}, these commands lose all or part of their effect when \Environment{thebibliography} is redefined, for example by using \Package{biblatex}\IndexPackage{biblatex}\important{\Package{biblatex}}.% \EndIndexGroup \section{More or Less Obsolete Options and Commands} \seclabel{obsolete} \LoadNonFree{scrbookreportarticle-experts}{4} % \EndIndexGroup \endinput %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% mode: flyspell %%% ispell-local-dictionary: "english" %%% coding: us-ascii %%% TeX-master: "../guide" %%% End: % LocalWords: Amongst legitimation