\documentclass[11pt]{book} \makeatletter \def\listoffigures{\@restonecolfalse\if@twocolumn\@restonecoltrue\onecolumn\fi \chapter*{List of Figures} {\let\\ \ \markboth{Title}{List of Figures}} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect \numberline{}LIST OF FIGURES}\@starttoc{lof}\if@restonecol \twocolumn\fi} \makeatother \usepackage{epsfig,longtable} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{varioref} \usepackage{xr-hyper} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[verbose,hypertexnames=false,bookmarksopenlevel=1,bookmarksopen,bookmarksnumbered,colorlinks,plainpages=false,linktocpage]{hyperref} \def\boldindex#1{\textbf{\hyperpage{#1}}} \makeindex \makeatletter \externaldocument{test2} \makeatother %\setcounter{page}{34} \title{Testing Hyperref} \author{Sebastian Rahtz} \date{May 1999} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{2} \setcounter{tocdepth}{1} \begin{document} \pagenumbering{roman} % \makeatletter \long\def\hyper@section@backref#1#2#3{% \typeout{BACK REF #1 / #2 / #3}% \hyperlink{#3}{#2}} % \makeatother \pdfbookmark{Title}{tit} \setlongtables \maketitle\index{title} \tableofcontents \listoftables \listoffigures \pagenumbering{arabic} \newcommand{\eqnref}[1]{{\autoref{#1}}} \newtheorem{Argument}{Here we go}[section] \def\thesubsection{\Roman{section} -- \arabic{subsection}} \setcounter{tocdepth}{1} \chapter[First part]{First part, leading to \protect\autoref{horrid} next} \section[Test section]{Our \protect\LaTeX\ test section (leading to \autoref{One}) for 100\% of \AE horrid $X[Y]Z$ things, like $42$\label{horrid}} and so see \autoref{horrid} on page \pageref{horrid}. \section{Section One --- cats}\label{One} see section \vref{Three} about cats\index{animals!cats} and cite \cite{Barcelo:1992:caa} \section{one.1 -- can we see} some text with a footnote\footnote{WISH UPON A STAR} and another one with an extended footnote\footnote{\protect\label{foot}This is the way the world ends not with a bang but a whimper. This is the way the world ends not with a bang but a whimper. This is the way the world ends not with a bang but a whimper.} and a reference to a long table\index{tables!long!longtables}, \autoref{mylongtab}. \subsection{one.2} dogs \href{file:test2#page.2}{See page 2 in file test2}, on page 3 of this file. \href{file:test2.pdf#page.2}{See page 2 in file test2.pdf} on page 3 of this file. And can we see \autoref{ss:first} in the file test2.pdf? alternatively, \href{file:test2.pdf#subsection.1.2}{the link like this} All Or this? \url{test2.pdf#section.1} \newpage \section{Section Two --- \TeX\ is a dog} \subsection{two.1} \subsection{two.2} \newpage cite \cite{Barcelo:1992:caa} again. \chapter{Second part} \section{Section Three --- Camels}\label{Three} see \autoref{One} \subsection{three.1} some text with a footnote\footnote{OVER THE RAINBOW} \index{rainbows} \subsection{three.2} \newpage \section[Section Four --- Butterflies]{Section Four --- Butterflies and so on} \subsection{four.1} \subsection{four.2} camels Refer to \hyperref{}{test}{test1}{with these words} \newpage \section{Introduction}\label{sec1} \subsection{subsec} \newpage \subsection{subsec}\label{subsec1.2} Define a marker \hyperdef{test}{test1}{here} while this one is a PostScript picture acting as marker: \index{PS pictures} \hyperlink{testpiccy}{\epsfig{figure=picture,height=1in}} This is a picture: \epsfig{figure=picture,height=1in} \newpage \section{two}\label{sec2} \subsection{Subsection 2} \subsection{Subsection 3} \newpage \section{three} This is a reference to section 1 (\autoref{sec1}), subsection 1.2 (\autoref{subsec1.2}) and section 2 (\autoref{sec2}). References to \cite{Barcelo:1992:caa,Dallas:aia}. \begin{figure} xxxx \hypertarget{testpiccy}{Test picture} xxxxx xxxxx \caption{{A cat}} \label{fig1} \end{figure} \begin{figure} xxxx xxxxx \caption{Another cat with a link inside it, so see \cite{Dallas:aia} xxxx \label{fig2}} \end{figure} \texttt{<>} \section{Some URLs} \begin{minipage}{1.5in} \url{http://www.aw.com/cp/tlgc.html#Describe} \url{http://nsi.net.kiae.su/latex/latex2e.html} \url{http://www.lehigh.edu/~dlj0/LyriX.html} \url{http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/index.html} \url{http://www.win.tue.nl/win/math/dw/personalpages/dickie/idvi/} \url{http://www.tug.org/interest.html#projects} \url{ftp://ftp.cbr.dit.csiro.au/staff/gjw/www/tex.html} This is a URL: \url{http://srahtz/attend.html#sebastian} \hyperref{file:test2.pdf}{equation}{1}{hello} \end{minipage} \newpage \section{Back to math} \begin{equation} zzzz + b \label{eq1} \end{equation} and what next? \begin{equation} d - e \label{eq2} \end{equation} \begin{eqnarray} y &=&z\\ g &=&h\\ \label{eq3} \end{eqnarray} We need some lists: \begin{enumerate} \item oranges\index{oranges|boldindex} \item lemons\index{lemons|boldindex} \item beer\index{beer|boldindex} \begin{enumerate} \item Samuel Smiths \item Labatts \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} Lets look at labels in lists: \begin{enumerate} \item oranges\label{oranges} \item lemons\label{lemons} \item beer\label{beer} \begin{enumerate} \item Samuel Smiths\label{smiths} \item Labatts\label{labatts} \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \clearpage from which see \autoref{oranges}, \ref{lemons}, \ref{smiths} and \autoref{labatts} see sec1: \autoref{sec1} sec2: \autoref{sec2} eq1: \autoref{eq1} fig1: \autoref{fig1} and cite \cite{Barcelo:1992:caa} again. \onecolumn \begin{longtable}{lll} \caption{A test long table (see \protect\cite{Dallas:aia} and section \protect\ref{sec1}}\label{mylongtab}\\ a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a a & b & c \\a \end{longtable} % !!! Does not work with hypertexnames=false !!! Does \hyperref{}{equation}{2.2}{this} point to the second equation? Does anything point to the eqnarray (\autoref{eq3})? \index{cats} \begin{thebibliography}{99} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography} \bibitem{Barcelo:1992:caa} {Barcel\'o, J.} 1992. \newblock Programming an intelligent database in archaeology. In \emph{Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1991}, {Lock, G. \& J.~Moffett} (eds), 21--28, Oxford: British Archaeological Reports. \bibitem[Dallas 1992]{Dallas:aia} {Dallas, C.~J.} 1992. \newblock Syntax and semantics of figurative art: a formal approach. In \emph{Archaeology and the Information Age}, {Reilly, P. \& S.~Rahtz} (eds), chapter~16, London: Routledge. \bibitem[Stankovic 1988]{stankovic:88} J.~Stankovic, ``Misconceptions about real-time computing: a serious problem for next-generation systems,'' {\em Computer}, vol.~21, no.~10, pp.~10--19, Oct. 1988. \end{thebibliography} \clearpage An index entry for gnus\index{gnus} \clearpage An index entry for gnus\index{gnus} \clearpage An index entry for gnus\index{gnus} \clearpage An index entry for gnus\index{gnus} \clearpage An index entry for gnus\index{gnus} \clearpage An index entry for gnus\index{gnus} \chapter*{An appendix --- the Index} \printindex \end{document}