RM=rm -f SHELL=sh VERSION=3.2 FILES=README ChangeLog Makefile geometry.dtx geometry.ins manual.pdf gtest.tex JUNKS=*.aux *.toc *.idx *.drv *.dvi *.log *.lof *.ist *.ilg *.ind *.out unpack: latex geometry.ins @echo '**************************************' @echo ' To make geomtery documentation, ' @echo ' % make manual ' @echo ' or ' @echo ' % make doc (for full documentation)' @echo '**************************************' all: unpack doc manual geometry.drv: unpack manual.drv: unpack doc: geometry.drv latex geometry.drv latex geometry.drv latex geometry.drv manual: manual.drv -$(RM) manual.aux pdflatex manual.drv pdflatex manual.drv pdflatex manual.drv test: unpack -cp geometry.sty geometry.cfg test @echo @(cd test; for f in gtest*tex; do latex $$f; done) @echo @echo "--- Summary of Tests ---" @(cd test; grep -h Test gtest*.log) @echo "-------------------------" pack: clean -(cd ..; tar cvfz geometry-$(VERSION).tgz geometry-$(VERSION)) clean: @$(RM) $(JUNKS) geometry.sty geometry.cfg *~ \#* @(cd test; $(RM) $(JUNKS) geometry.sty geometry.cfg *~ \#*) @echo The current and test directories have been cleaned up.