% \iffalse %% %% %% Copyright (C) 2001 Thomas Lotze %% %% This file may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project %% Public License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX %% distribution. Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later %% version. %% %<*dtx> \ProvidesFile{genmpage.dtx} [2001/02/16 Generalized minipage environment (Thomas Lotze)] % %\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} %\ProvidesPackage{genmpage}[2001/02/16 Generalized minipage environment (Thomas Lotze)] %\RequirePackage{keyval} % \ProvidesFile{genmpage.drv} % \fi % % \iffalse %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{genmpage} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-1cm} \addtolength{\textwidth}{2cm} \begin{document} \DocInput{genmpage.dtx} \end{document} % % \fi % % \GetFileInfo{genmpage.dtx} % % \changes{v0.3}{2001/02/16} % {Addition of |parindent| and |keepparindent| as well as vertical % alignment options |T| and |B|. Some changes to the doc.} % \changes{v0.2}{2001/01/23} % {\LaTeX's minipages replaced, minipage parameters accessible as keys, documentation} % \changes{v0.1}{2001/01/16} % {Initial version} % \marginparsep0pt % % \MakeShortVerb{|} % % \title{The |genmpage| Package\\-- Generalized minipages --} % \author{Thomas Lotze} % \date{\filedate} % \maketitle % % \section{Introduction} % % The purpose of this small package is to make \LaTeX's minipages % more flexible. It is now possible to define styles which determine % many of the design parameters of a minipage. Such styles can be % used by calling the |minipage| environment with an additional % optional argument. % % The issue arose from a usenet discussion in |de.comp.text.tex|: % someone needed to typeset the content of all minipages in a % document |\raggedright| when he switched to |\raggedright| % typesetting of the document's body text. This normally % requires either placing a |\raggedright| in every |minipage| % environment (which is tedious, error-prone, and has little to % do with logical mark-up), or defining a new environment (which % is impractical for everyday use because of the optional argument % structure of the |minipage| environment). % % Other than the justification of a minipage's contents, the % minipage styles introduced by this package can be used to preset % its font parameters (family, series, shape, size), the horizontal % and vertical minipage size, the inner and outer vertical % alignment parameters, and the indentation of paragraphs. % Furthermore, two options for the vertical alignment are % introduced in order to align adjacent minipages with respect % to their real (visual) top and bottom margins. % % \medskip % % The |genmpage| package has been written for \LaTeXe. As the % published experimental code for \LaTeX\ 3 shows, there will % be the concept of templates which might well % render this package useless. At least, it will be both % necessary and convenient to re-implement it in terms of % templates. % % \medskip % % Please feel free to send suggestions, bug reports, or any % comments whatsoever concerning this package and its documentation % to the author at |thomas.lotze@gmx.net|, or via usenet news % in |de.comp.text.tex| or |comp.text.tex|. % % \section{Usage} % % As already mentioned, the |minipage| environment as redefined % by the |genmpage| package takes another optional argument % which contains the new parameter settings. In order to preserve % the argument structure of the usual |minipage| environment, % this new optional argument comes last. This way, if the % |genmpage| package is loaded but no values are preset, a % |minipage| environment without the new argument acts exactly % as if the package was not present in the first place. % % \subsection{Keys} % % The new argument is evaluated as a |key=value| list. The usual % requirements of the |keyval| package hold. The following keys % are defined: % % \begin{description} % % \item[|flush|, |raggedright|, |RaggedRight|, |raggedleft|, |center|:] % These keys are given without values and determine the % justification of the minipages contents in the obvious way. % If |RaggedRight| is used, the |ragged2e| package must be % loaded. This is not provided for by the |genmpage| package. % % \item[|ffamily|, |fseries|, |fshape|:] % These keys determine the font family, series, and shape of % the text inside the minipage. They must be given the same % values as the corresponding |NFSS| commands |\fontfamily|, % |\fontseries|, and |\fontshape|, resp. % % \item[|resetfont|:] % This key doesn't require a value. If it is given, a % |\normalfont| is issued before the other font selection % commands. % % \item[|fsize|:] % A key to determine the font size. Possible values are the % usual size commands without the backslash, e.g.\@ % |fsize=small|. % % \item[|width|, |height|, |outer|, |inner|:] % Width, height, and outer and inner vertical alignment of % the minipage (taken as values to these keys). If these keys % are set, either directly in the optional argument of the % |minipage| environment, in the preamble, or by using styles % (see below), they override the values given by the usual % |minipage| arguments. % % \item[|widtharg|, |heightarg|, |outerarg|, |innerarg|:] % Not requiring values, these keys stop the respective keys % for width, height, and alignment from taking precedence % over the usual |minipage| arguments. % % \item[|parindent|, |keepparindent|:] % \LaTeX\ sets |\parindent| to zero within a minipage. % If the |parindent| key is set, its value is used for % |\parindent| instead. This value can be any \LaTeX\ length. % If |keepparindent| is set (without values), the paragraph % indentation valid outside the minipage is also used within. % % \end{description} % % Other than in the new optional argument of the |minipage| % environment, all keys can be set by the |keyval| command % |\setkeys|, for instance: % % \medskip % |\setkeys{GenMP}{height=0.3\textheight,resetfont,fshape=it,inner=s}| % \medskip % % \subsection{New options for vertical alignment} % % Following a suggestion by Donald Arsenau (thanks!), I've % introduced two new options for the outer vertical alignment % of minipages. With the options |T| and |B|, minipages are % aligned with respect to their visual margins as opposed to % the baselines of the first or last line of text, resp. This % will come in most handy if a minipage starts with a graphics. % % As the |genmpage| package doesn't try to fiddle with \LaTeX's % way of digesting alignment options, it recognizes the |T| and % |B| options, inserts a |\vspace{0pt}| command at the beginning % or end of the minipage, and passes on a |t| or |b| option. % Therefore, |T| and |B| can only be used as values to the % |genmpage| package's |inner| key but not as one of the % traditional alignment arguments of minipages. % % \subsection{Styles} % % \DescribeMacro % \defineMPstyle\marg{style}\marg{definitions}\\ % A minipage style is more or less a shorthand for a series % of |key=value| (or |key|) definitions. Any minipage style % defined by |\defineMPstyle| can be used as a key without a % value either in the |minipage| argument, |setkey| commands, % or even other style definitions. |\defineMPstyle| silently % redefines a style already existent. An example: % % \medskip % |\defineMPstyle{comment}{resetfont,fsize=small,width=0.2\textwidth}| % \medskip % % There is one style predefined: |\defineMPstyle}{plain}{}|. % The |plain| style is called before all other definitions. % Redefining it will change the behaviour of all minipages % concerning those parameters which are not set either explicitly % or by using a style or |setkeys| command. As \TeX\ knows no % command for switching back to justified text, things like % |\raggedright| cannot be overridden later and should therefore % be used in the |plain| style with great care. % % \section{To do} % % \begin{itemize} % \item % Further testing % \item % Improving the documentation, in particular including a section % with usage examples % \item % Implementing some frame and color features % \end{itemize} % % \section{Implementation} % % \begin{macrocode} \newlength\@GenMPparindent \def\@iiiminipage#1#2[#3]#4{% \@ifnextchar[% {\@ivminipage{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}} {\@ivminipage{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}[]}} \def\@ivminipage#1#2#3#4[#5]{% \setkeys{GenMP}{plain,#5}% \if@GenMPwidth\else\@GenMPwidth#4\fi \if@GenMPheight\else \def\@GenMPtempa{#2}\def\@GenMPtempb{\relax}% \ifx\@GenMPtempa\@GenMPtempb% \let\@GenMPheight=\relax \else \def\@GenMPheight{#2}% \fi \fi \if@GenMPouter\else\def\@GenMPouter{#1}\fi% \if@GenMPinner\else\def\@GenMPinner{#3}\fi% \@GenMPparindent\parindent \leavevmode \@pboxswfalse \@tempdima\@GenMPwidth \def\@mpargs{{\@GenMPouter}{\@GenMPheight}[\@GenMPinner]{\@GenMPwidth}}% \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox\bgroup \color@begingroup \hsize\@tempdima \textwidth\hsize \columnwidth\hsize \@parboxrestore \def\@mpfn{mpfootnote}\def\thempfn{\thempfootnote}\c@mpfootnote\z@ \let\@footnotetext\@mpfootnotetext \let\@listdepth\@mplistdepth \@mplistdepth\z@ \@minipagerestore \@setminipage} \def\@setminipage{% \@minipagetrue \@GenMPtop \@GenMPflush \@GenMPresetfont \@GenMPffamily\@GenMPfseries\@GenMPfshape\selectfont \@GenMPfsize \@GenMPsetpi \everypar{\@minipagefalse\everypar{}}} \let\@GenMPendminipage\endminipage \def\endminipage{% \@GenMPbottom \@GenMPendminipage} \let\@GenMPflush=\relax \define@key{GenMP}{flush}[]{\let\@GenMPflush=\relax} \define@key{GenMP}{raggedright}[]{\let\@GenMPflush=\raggedright} \define@key{GenMP}{RaggedRight}[]{\let\@GenMPflush=\RaggedRight} \define@key{GenMP}{raggedleft}[]{\let\@GenMPflush=\raggedleft} \define@key{GenMP}{center}[]{\let\@GenMPflush=\centering} \let\@GenMPffamily=\relax \let\@GenMPfseries=\relax \let\@GenMPfshape=\relax \let\@GenMPresetfont=\relax \let\@GenMPfsize=\relax \define@key{GenMP}{ffamily}{\def\@GenMPffamily{\fontfamily{#1}}} \define@key{GenMP}{fseries}{\def\@GenMPfseries{\fontseries{#1}}} \define@key{GenMP}{fshape}{\def\@GenMPfshape{\fontshape{#1}}} \define@key{GenMP}{resetfont}[true]{% \def\@GenMPread{#1}\def\@GenMPtempa{true}% \ifx\@GenMPread\@GenMPtempa% \let\@GenMPresetfont=\normalfont \else \let\@GenMPresetfont=\relax \fi} \define@key{GenMP}{fsize}{\def\@GenMPfsize{\csname #1\endcsname}} \let\@GenMPsetpi=\relax \define@key{GenMP}{keepparindent}[true]{% \def\@GenMPread{#1}\def\@GenMPtempa{true}% \ifx\@GenMPread\@GenMPtempa% \def\@GenMPsetpi{\parindent\@GenMPparindent}% \fi} \define@key{GenMP}{parindent}{\def\@GenMPsetpi{\parindent#1}} \newlength\@GenMPwidth \newif\if@GenMPwidth \let\if@GenMPwidth\iffalse \define@key{GenMP}{width}{\let\if@GenMPwidth\iftrue\@GenMPwidth#1} \define@key{GenMP}{widtharg}[]{\let\if@GenMPwidth\iffalse} \newif\if@GenMPheight \let\if@GenMPheight\iffalse \define@key{GenMP}{height}{\let\if@GenMPheight\iftrue\def\@GenMPheight{#1}} \define@key{GenMP}{heightarg}[]{\let\if@GenMPheight\iffalse} \newif\if@GenMPouter \let\if@GenMPouter\iffalse \let\@GenMPtop=\relax \let\@GenMPbottom=\relax \define@key{GenMP}{outer}{% \def\@GenMPread{#1}\def\@GenMPtempa{T}% \ifx\@GenMPread\@GenMPtempa% \def\@GenMPtop{\vspace{0pt}}% \def\@GenMPouter{t}% \else \def\@GenMPtempa{B}% \ifx\@GenMPread\@GenMPtempa% \def\@GenMPbottom{\vspace{0pt}}% \def\@GenMPouter{b}% \else \def\@GenMPouter{#1}% \fi \fi \let\if@GenMPouter\iftrue } \define@key{GenMP}{outerarg}[]{\let\if@GenMPouter\iffalse} \newif\if@GenMPinner \let\if@GenMPinner\iffalse \define@key{GenMP}{inner}{\let\if@GenMPinner\iftrue\def\@GenMPinner{#1}} \define@key{GenMP}{innerarg}[]{\let\if@GenMPinner\iffalse} \def\defineMPstyle#1#2{% \define@key{GenMP}{#1}[]{\setkeys{GenMP}{#2}}} \defineMPstyle{plain}{} % \end{macrocode} % % \Finale % \endinput % % end of file `genmpage.dtx'