% \file{locale/fithesis-czech.def} % This is the base file of the Czech locale.\iffalse %<*base> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/fithesis-czech.def}[2016/03/22] % \end{macrocode} % The locale file defines all the private macros mandated by the % locale file interface. % \begin{macro}{\thesis@czech@gender@koncovka} % The locale file also defines the |\thesis@czech@gender@koncovka| % macro, which expands to the correct verb ending based on the % value of the |\thesis@ifwoman| macro and the % \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@czech@typeName@akuzativ} % |\thesis@czech@typeName@akuzativ| containing the accusative case % of the thesis type name. % \end{macro}\begin{macrocode} % Pomocná makra \gdef\thesis@czech@gender@koncovka{% \ifthesis@woman a\fi} % Csquotes styl \gdef\thesis@czech@csquotesStyle{german} % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@czech@universityName{Název univerzity} \gdef\thesis@czech@facultyName{Název fakulty} \gdef\thesis@czech@assignment{Místo tohoto listu vložte kopii oficiálního podepsaného zadání práce.} \gdef\thesis@czech@declaration{Text prohlášení ...} % Časové údaje \gdef\thesis@czech@spring{jaro} \gdef\thesis@czech@fall{podzim} \gdef\thesis@czech@semester{% \thesis@{czech@\thesis@season} \thesis@seasonYear} % Různé \gdef\thesis@czech@fieldTitle{Obor} \gdef\thesis@czech@advisorTitle{Vedoucí práce} \gdef\thesis@czech@authorTitle{Autor} \gdef\thesis@czech@abstractTitle{Shrnutí} \gdef\thesis@czech@keywordsTitle{Klíčová slova} \gdef\thesis@czech@thanksTitle{Poděkování} \gdef\thesis@czech@declarationTitle{Prohlášení} \gdef\thesis@czech@idTitle{ID} \gdef\thesis@czech@typeName{% \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@sempaper Seminární práce% \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@bachelors Bakalářská práce% \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@masters Diplomová práce% \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@doctoral Disertační práce% \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@rigorous Rigorózní práce% \else <>% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi} \gdef\thesis@czech@typeName@akuzativ{% \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@sempaper Seminární práci% \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@bachelors Bakalářskou práci% \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@masters Diplomovou práci% \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@doctoral Disertační práci% \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@rigorous Rigorózní práci% \else <>% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/fithesis-czech.def} % This is the Czech locale file specific to the Masaryk % University in Brno. It replaces the \texttt{universityName} % placeholder with the correct value and defines the % \texttt{declaration} and \texttt{idTitle} strings. % \iffalse %<*mu> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/fithesis-czech.def}[2016/03/22] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@czech@universityName{Masarykova univerzita} \gdef\thesis@czech@declaration{Prohlašuji, že jsem \thesis@lower{czech@typeName@akuzativ} zpracoval% \thesis@czech@gender@koncovka\ samostatně a použil\thesis@czech@gender@koncovka\ jen prameny uvedené~v seznamu literatury.} % Bibliografický záznam \gdef\thesis@czech@bib@title{Bibliografický záznam} \gdef\thesis@czech@bib@pages{str} % Různé \gdef\thesis@czech@idTitle{UČO} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/law/fithesis-czech.def} % This is the Czech locale file specific to the Faculty of Law at % the Masaryk University in Brno. It replaces the % \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the correct value, defines % the \texttt{facultyLongName} required by the % |\thesis@blocks@cover| and the |\thesis@blocks@titlePage| blocks % and replaces the \texttt{abstractTitle} string in accordance % with the requirements of the faculty. % \iffalse %<*mu/law> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/law/fithesis-czech.def}[2015/06/26] % Různé \gdef\thesis@czech@abstractTitle{Abstrakt} % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@czech@facultyName{Právnická fakulta} \gdef\thesis@czech@facultyLongName{Právnická fakulta Masarykovy univerzity} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/fsps/fithesis-czech.def} % This is the Czech locale file specific to the Faculty of Sports % Studies at the Masaryk University in Brno. It replaces the % \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the correct value and % redefines the \texttt{fieldTitle} string in accordance with the % common usage at the faculty. % \iffalse %<*mu/fsps> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/fsps/fithesis-czech.def}[2015/06/26] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@czech@facultyName{Fakulta sportovních studií} % Různé \gdef\thesis@czech@fieldTitle{Specializace} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/fss/fithesis-czech.def} % This is the Czech locale file specific to the Faculty of Social % Studies at the Masaryk University in Brno. It replaces the % \texttt{facultyName} and \texttt{assignment} placeholders with % the correct values. % \iffalse %<*mu/fss> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/fss/fithesis-czech.def}[2015/06/26] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@czech@facultyName{Fakulta sociálních studií} \gdef\thesis@czech@assignment{Místo tohoto listu vložte kopie oficiálního podepsaného zadání práce nebo prohlášení autora školního díla nebo obojí~v závislosti na požadavcích příslušné katedry.} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/econ/fithesis-czech.def} % This is the Czech locale file specific to the Faculty of % Economics and Administration at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the % correct value. % \iffalse %<*mu/econ> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/econ/fithesis-czech.def}[2015/06/26] \gdef\thesis@czech@facultyName{Ekonomicko-správní fakulta} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/med/fithesis-czech.def} % This is the Czech locale file specific to the Faculty of % Medicine at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the % correct value and redefines the \texttt{abstractTitle} string in % accordance with the common usage at the faculty. The file also % defines the \texttt{bib@title} and \texttt{bib@pages} strings % required by the |\thesis@blocks@bibEntry| block defined within % the \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-med.sty} style file. % \iffalse %<*mu/med> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/med/fithesis-czech.def}[2016/03/23] % Různé \gdef\thesis@czech@abstractTitle{Anotace} % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@czech@facultyName{Lékařská fakulta} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/fi/fithesis-czech.def} % This is the Czech locale file specific to the Faculty of % Informatics at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the % correct value and redefines the \texttt{declaration} string in % accordance with the requirements of the faculty. The file also % defines the \texttt{advisorSignature} string required by the % |\thesis@blocks@titlePage| block defined within the % \texttt{style/mu/\discretionary{}{}{}fithesis-fi.sty} % style file. % \iffalse %<*mu/fi> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/fi/fithesis-czech.def}[2015/06/26] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@czech@facultyName{Fakulta informatiky} \gdef\thesis@czech@assignment{Místo tohoto listu vložte kopie oficiálního podepsaného zadání práce a prohlášení autora školního díla.} \gdef\thesis@czech@declaration{% Prohlašuji, že tato \thesis@lower{czech@typeName} je mým původním autorským dílem, které jsem vypracoval% \thesis@czech@gender@koncovka\ samostatně. Všechny zdroje, prameny a literaturu, které jsem při vypracování používal\thesis@czech@gender@koncovka\ nebo z~nich čerpal\thesis@czech@gender@koncovka, v~práci řádně cituji s~uvedením úplného odkazu na příslušný zdroj.} % Ostatní \gdef\thesis@czech@advisorSignature{Podpis vedoucího} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/phil/fithesis-czech.def} % This is the Czech locale file specific to the Faculty of % Arts at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the % correct value. It also redefines the \texttt{declaration}, % \texttt{typeName} and \texttt{typeName@akuzativ} strings in % accordance with the requirements of the faculty. % % The locale file also defines the \texttt{departmentName} % string, which is used by the \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-phil^^A % .sty} style file, when typesetting the names of known % departments. % \iffalse %<*mu/phil> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/phil/fithesis-czech.def}[2016/03/22] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@czech@facultyName{Filozofická fakulta} \gdef\thesis@czech@departmentName{% \ifx\thesis@department\thesis@departments@kisk Kabinet informačních studií a knihovnictví% \else <>% \fi} \gdef\thesis@czech@declaration{% \ifx\thesis@department\thesis@departments@kisk Prohlašuji, že jsem předkládanou práci zpracoval% \thesis@czech@gender@koncovka\ samostatně~a použil% \thesis@czech@gender@koncovka\ jen uvedené prameny~a literaturu. Současně dávám svolení k tomu, aby elektronická verze této práce byla zpřístupněna přes informační systém Masarykovy univerzity.% \else Prohlašuji, že jsem \thesis@lower{czech@typeName@akuzativ} vypracoval\thesis@czech@gender@koncovka\ samostatně~s využitím uvedené literatury.% \fi} % Ostatní \global\let\thesis@czech@typeName@super \thesis@czech@typeName \gdef\thesis@czech@typeName{% \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@bachelors Bakalářská diplomová práce% \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@masters Magisterská diplomová práce% \else \thesis@czech@typeName@super \fi\fi} \global\let\thesis@czech@typeName@akuzativ@super \thesis@czech@typeName@akuzativ \gdef\thesis@czech@typeName@akuzativ{% \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@bachelors Diplomovou práci% \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@masters Diplomovou práci% \else \thesis@czech@typeName@akuzativ@super \fi\fi} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/ped/fithesis-czech.def} % This is the Czech locale file specific to the Faculty of % Education at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the % correct value. The file also defines the % \texttt{bib@title} and \texttt{bib@pages} strings required by the % |\thesis@blocks@bibEntry| block defined within the % \texttt{style/mu/\discretionary{}{}{}fithesis-ped.sty} % style file. % \iffalse %<*mu/ped> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/ped/fithesis-czech.def}[2016/03/22] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@czech@facultyName{Pedagogická fakulta} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/sci/fithesis-czech.def} % This is the Czech locale file specific to the Faculty of Science % at the Masaryk University in Brno. It defines the private macros % required by the |\thesis@blocks@|\discretionary{}{}{}|bibEntry| % block defined within the % \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-sci.sty} style file. It also % replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the correct % value and redefines the \texttt{abstractTitle} and % \texttt{declaration} strings in accordance with the formal % requirements of the faculty. % \iffalse %<*mu/sci> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/sci/fithesis-czech.def}[2016/03/23] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@czech@facultyName{Přírodovědecká fakulta} % Ostatní \gdef\thesis@czech@abstractTitle{Abstrakt} \gdef\thesis@czech@declaration{% Prohlašuji, že jsem svoji \thesis@lower{czech@typeName@% akuzativ} vypracoval\thesis@czech@gender@koncovka\ samo% statně s~využitím informačních zdrojů, které jsou v~práci citovány.} \gdef\thesis@czech@authorSignature{Podpis autora} % Časové údaje \gdef\thesis@czech@formattedDate{{% \thesis@day. \newcount\@month\expandafter\@month\thesis@month\relax \ifnum\@month=1% ledna \else\ifnum\@month=2% února \else\ifnum\@month=3% března \else\ifnum\@month=4% dubna \else\ifnum\@month=5% května \else\ifnum\@month=6% června \else\ifnum\@month=7% července \else\ifnum\@month=8% srpna \else\ifnum\@month=9% září \else\ifnum\@month=10% října \else\ifnum\@month=11% listopadu \else\ifnum\@month=12% prosince \else <> \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \thesis@year}} % Bibliografický záznam \global\let\thesis@czech@bib@author\thesis@czech@authorTitle \gdef\thesis@czech@bib@thesisTitle{Název práce} \gdef\thesis@czech@bib@programme{Studijní program} \global\let\thesis@czech@bib@field\thesis@czech@fieldTitle \global\let\thesis@czech@bib@advisor\thesis@czech@advisorTitle \gdef\thesis@czech@bib@academicYear{Akademický rok} \gdef\thesis@czech@bib@pages{Počet stran} \global\let\thesis@czech@bib@keywords\thesis@czech@keywordsTitle % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi