\input docstrip.tex \askforoverwritefalse \preamble EXPERIMENTAL CODE Do not distribute this file without also distributing the source files specified above. Do not distribute a modified version of this file. \endpreamble % stop docstrip adding \endinput \postamble \endpostamble \keepsilent % generate the format file \generate{% \file{lbase.ltx}{% \from{l3names.dtx}{initex} % The naming conventions \from{l3basics.dtx}{initex} % Initialisations \from{l3chk.dtx}{initex} % Checking functions \from{l3tlp.dtx}{initex} % token list pointers \from{l3expan.dtx}{initex} % Controlling expansion of arguments \from{l3quark.dtx}{initex} % quarks \from{l3num.dtx}{initex} % Storing integers in macros \from{l3seq.dtx}{initex} % Sequences and Stacks \from{l3alloc.dtx}{initex} % Register allocations \from{l3io.dtx}{initex} % dealing with I/O \from{l3int.dtx}{initex} % dealing with integer registers \from{l3clist.dtx}{initex} % Comma separated lists \from{l3prop.dtx}{initex} % property lists \from{l3token.dtx}{initex} % token investigation % \from{l3vers.dtx}{initex} % Version information % \from{l3skip.dtx}{initex} % dealing with skip registers \from{l3toks.dtx}{initex} % dealing with token registers \from{l3messages.dtx}{initex} % seting up for user communication \from{l3box.dtx}{initex} % dealing with box registers \from{l3precom.dtx}{initex,precompile} % \from{l3prg.dtx}{initex} % Program control structures \from{l3xref.dtx}{initex} % Cross references % \from{l3final.dtx}{initex} % Final wrap-up } } % generate the format initialisation file \generate{% \file{lbase.ini}{% \from{l3final.dtx}{ini} } } \Msg{} \Msg{*************************************} \Msg{*} \Msg{* Now run (PDF)EINITEX on *lbase.ini} \Msg{*} \Msg{* On an up to date system, run } \Msg{* pdfetex -ini "*lbase.ini" } \Msg{*} \Msg{*************************************} \Msg{} \endbatchfile