% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by Antoine Missier % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % % This file may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in: % % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % \fi % % \iffalse %<*driver> \ProvidesFile{exesheet.dtx} % %\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2005/12/01] %\ProvidesClass{exesheet} %\ProvidesPackage{exesheet} %<*class|package> [2021/11/15 v1.3 .dtx exesheet file] % % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} % uncomment the following lines if you want to use the exesheet class instead of ltxdoc %\usepackage{doc} %\AtBeginDocument{\MakeShortVerb{\|}} %\providecommand\marg[1]{{\ttfamily\{}\meta{#1}{\ttfamily\}}} %\providecommand\oarg[1]{{\ttfamily[}\meta{#1}{\ttfamily]}} \usepackage[notoc]{exesheet} \usepackage{schooldocs} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{sectsty} \usepackage{pstricks} \psset{unit=1cm} \geometry{textwidth=355pt,vmarginratio=1:1,hmarginratio=3:2} % altered by schoodocs, now very close from the default geometry used by ltxdoc \newcommand{\ds}{\displaystyle} \newcommand{\bs}{\textbackslash} \definecolor{darkbrown}{rgb}{0.5,0.1,0.1} \allsectionsfont{\sffamily\color{darkbrown}} \renewcommand{\labelexercisestyle}{\rmfamily\color{black}} \renewcommand{\labelsubpartstyle}{\rmfamily\color{black}} \renewcommand{\annexstyle}{\rmfamily\color{black}\MakeUppercase} \renewcommand{\correctionstyle}{\rmfamily\color{correctioncolor}} \displaypts %\diplaynotes gives a non desired margin ratio here % following instructions simulate \displaynotes without altering the margin ratio \setlength{\marginparwidth}{\oddsidemargin} \addtolength{\marginparwidth}{1in} \addtolength{\marginparwidth}{-\marginparsep} \setlength{\marginparwidth}{0.8\marginparwidth} \setboolean{marginpoints}{true} \setboolean{marginfullnotes}{true} \DisableCrossrefs %\CodelineIndex %\RecordChanges \title{The \textsf{exesheet} class and package}%\thanks{This document % corresponds to \textsf{exesheet}~\fileversion, dated \filedate.}} %\author{Antoine Missier \\ \texttt{antoine.missier@ac-toulouse.fr}} \subject{Antoine Missier \\ \texttt{antoine.missier@ac-toulouse.fr}} \date{\filedate, \fileversion} \hypersetup{% colorlinks, linkcolor=blue, pdftitle={exesheet}, pdfsubject={LaTeX class and package}, pdfauthor={Antoine Missier} } \begin{document} \DocInput{exesheet.dtx} \end{document} % % \fi % % \CheckSum{613} % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % % \changes{v0.0}{2010/09/01}{Initial personal version} % \changes{v0.9}{2020/01/02}{Initial documentation in french} % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/22}{Initial public version with documentation in english} % \changes{v1.1}{2021/08/30}{Macro tablenum replaced by tablenum1, small modifications due % to changes in tasks package} % \changes{v1.2}{2021/09/18}{Bug correction in macros tablenum1 and tablenuma, using the translations package for internationalization} %\changes{v1.3}{2021/11/15}{Bad spacing in the exe macro and bug correction in the starred version of this macro} % % \GetFileInfo{exesheet.dtx} % % \maketitle % \tableofcontents % % \section{Introduction} % % The \textsf{exesheet} \emph{package} is used for typesetting exercise or exam sheets. % In addition, the \textsf{exesheet} \emph{class} loads the \textsf{schooldocs} package. % This one makes adjustments for margins and title and defines various layout styles % with particular header and footer, appropriate for exercise sheets (among others). % See the \textsf{schooldocs} documentation for more details. % The \textsf{exesheet} \emph{class} is based on \textsf{article} % and has the same options. % % Many other packages are dedicated to exercise sheets. % Most propose to encapsulate each exercise in an environment % while \textsf{exesheet} begins each exercise with the |\exercise| command, % which works like a subsection (with same features) % and is suitable for documents consisting exclusively of exercises. % The package provides also alternative formatting, % more relevant for short exercises. % % Another specificity of the \textsf{exesheet} package is specific settings % for enumeration lists, different from \LaTeX\ standard settings, % useful for the numbering of questions or answers inside an exercise. % % Other packages provide often more or less elaborate mechanisms % to manage the placement of answers. % \textsf{exesheet} has no such ambitions: % for all exercises of the sheet, we can display subject only, % answer only or both, but always at the place they are inserted % in the source file. On the other hand this choice may be very flexible: % we can do a correct version for all exercises together, or a correct version per exercise, % per part (subpart of exercise), per question, per sub-question. % % Finally the original functionality of this package is the display % of a detailed marking scheme, % with optional explanations, in the margin of exercise answers. % % There are two possible options: \texttt{notoc} (see \ref{par:notoc}) % and \texttt{nosetlist} (see \ref{par:nosetlist}). % %\medskip % In the current document, a frame is used to highlight % examples beside the rest of the documentation. % % \section{Titles} % \subsection{The \texttt{\bs exercise} command} % \DescribeMacro{\exercise} % Each exercise begins with the |\exercise|\oarg{opt} command. % This command typesets \textbf{\exercisename}, as a document % subsection, followed by automatic numbering, % unique for the whole document. % The optional parameter \meta{opt} is used to put additional text % on the same title line, for example to precise a subject or a marking scheme. % |\exercise[ (to begin)]| yields: % % \exercise[ (to begin)] % \psframe(-0.25,1.3)(12.75,-0.4) % Try to use this first command now, it's easy. % % \bigskip % |\hrulefill| can be put in the optional argument to produce an horizontal rule. % % To bring additional text closer to the exercise number, % we can use the |\unskip| command % which eliminates preceding space, see the following example, obtained with % |\exercise[\unskip : calculation\ \hrulefill]|: % \exercise[\unskip: calculation \ \hrulefill] % \psframe(-0.25,1.3)(12.75,-0.4) % Calculate $1+1$. % % \bigskip % \DescribeMacro{\exercisename} % The word \emph{\exercisename} has automatic translation % in a few languages\footnote{Translation % is currently integrated into the package for the following languages: French, % German, Spanish, Italian, Portuges.} % according to the loaded language (by \textsf{babel} or \textsf{polyglossia}). % It can be redefined, with |\renewcommand|, % or else we can use macros from the \textsf{translations} % package (allowing dynamic language change), e.g. (in the preamble)\\ % |\DeclareTranslation{Swedish}{exesheet-exercise}{\"Ovning}}|. % % \DescribeMacro{\labelexercise} % This command calls |\exercisename| following by the exercise number. % It can be redefined. For example, to add a period after the exercise number: % |\renewcommand{\labelexercise}{\exercisename~\theexercise.}| % % \DescribeMacro{\theexercise} % To change only the numbering type, redefine % the |\theexercise| command, based on the |exercise| counter. % % \DescribeMacro{\labelexercisestyle} % This macro (which is empty by default) allows to define a particular style % for exercise titles. In the present document, we defined in the preamble: % |\renewcommand{\labelexercisestyle}{\rmfamily\color{black}}|\footnote{In the % present document, to highlight real sections and subsections titles, % their color and font have been modified with the % \texttt{\bs allsectionsfont} macro from the \textsf{sectsty} package.}. % % \bigskip % \DescribeMacro{\exercise*} % The starred version |\exercise*|\oarg{opt}\marg{label} % allows to choose another \meta{label} for a particular exercise % and removes the numbering. For instance: % |\exercise*[(Fermat theorem)]{Problem}| yields: % % \exercise*[(Fermat theorem)]{Problem} % \psframe(-0.25,1.3)(12.75,-0.7) % Prove that there are no positive integers $x, y, z$ such that $x^n+y^n=z^n$ % for any integer $n$ greater than 2. % % \subsection{The \texttt{\bs subpart} command} % % \DescribeMacro{\subpart} % An exercise may contain several parts that we obtain % with the |\subpart|\oarg{opt} command, typeset like a sub-subsection. % \exercise % \subpart[(preliminary)] % \psframe(-0.25,1.95)(12.75,-1.9) % First of all, prepare your cup of tea. % \subpart % Now you are ready to make the current exercise. % % \bigskip % \DescribeMacro{\thesubpart} % By default, the subpart numbering uses letters : A, B, C, etc. % This numbering type can be redefined with the |\thesubpart| command based on % the |subpart| counter, for instance |\renewcommand\thesubpart{\arabic{subpart}}|. % % \pagebreak % \DescribeMacro{\subpartname} \DescribeMacro{\labelsubpart} % \DescribeMacro{\labelsubpartstyle} % As for |\exercise|, the |\subpart| command % uses |\subpartname| (with automatic translation in a few languages % according to the selected language), % |\labelsubpart| and |\labelsubpartstyle|, which are editable. % % \DescribeMacro{\subpart*} % Like |\exercise*|, the starred version |\subpart*|\oarg{opt}\marg{label} % allows to freely typeset the subpart \marg{label}, for instance % |\subpart*{First part}|. % % \subsection{The \texttt{\bs annex} command} % \DescribeMacro{\annex} % The |\annex|\oarg{opt} command typesets the title \textbf{ANNEX}, % in uppercase letters, centered % and in the subsection style, % with an optional parameter, added on the same line. % % \vspace{-\baselineskip} % \noindent\psframe(-0.25,-0.3)(12.75,-1.25) % \annex[(to return)] % % \DescribeMacro{\annexname} % The word \emph{\annexname} has automatic translation in a few languages. % It can be extended to other languages or modified by redefining |\annexname| % or with macros from the \textsf{translations} package. % % \DescribeMacro{\annexstyle} % The annex title style is set by the |\annexstyle| macro, % defined as follows: |\newcommand\annexstyle{\MakeUppercase}|. % This command may be redefined as one wants. % % \subsection{Exercise titles in table of contents % (notoc package option)} \label{par:notoc} % \DescribeMacro{notoc} % By default, the titles \emph{\exercisename}, \emph{\subpartname} or \emph{\annexname}, % appear in the table of contents % (or in the pdf file summary when \textsf{hyperref} package is used). % To avoid this, you can set the boolean \texttt{notoc} to \texttt{true} % or call the \textsf{exesheet} package (or class) with \texttt{notoc} option. % But notice that title optional arguments will always be ignored in the table of contents. % % \subsection{Short exercises: the \texttt{\bs exe} command} % \DescribeMacro{\exe} % The |\exe| command starts an exercise by the abbreviation \textbf{\exname}.\ % followed by the exercise number, % without using sectioning commands, and the exercise body begins on the same % line. An exercise starts a new paragraph without indentation. % % \exe This is a short exercise who % can contain several paragraphs or questions however. % % \noindent\psframe(-0.25,1.4)(12.75,-1.2) % \indent Here for example starts a new paragraph. % \exe This is another short exercise. % % \bigskip % \DescribeMacro{\exname} \DescribeMacro{\exlabel} \DescribeMacro{\exsepmark} % The abbreviation \emph{\exname} may be changed by % redefining |\exname| or with macros from the \textsf{translations} package. % The |\exlabel| macro calls |\exname| following by a period then the exercise number, % and |\exsepmark| typesets a long dash. % We may change these features by redefining these commands. % % \bigskip % \DescribeMacro{\exe*} % The starred version prints no separator as shown below: % % \vspace{-\baselineskip} % \noindent\psframe(-0.25,-0.35)(12.75,-1.1) % \exe* Another short exercise without separator. % % \subsection{The \texttt{\bs points} command} % \DescribeMacro{\points} % The |\points|\marg{pts} command displays the number of points awarded to an exercise. % It is intended to be entered in the optional argument of the % |\exercise| command\footnote{This command which has to be used % in the optional argument of \texttt{\bs exercise}, as several others presented below, % is incompatible with % the \textsf{memoir} class which redefines section commands.}. % |\exercise[\points{5}]| yields: % \exercise[\points{5}] % \psframe(-0.25,1.3)(12.75,-0.4) % Try to read this whole document without drinking tea and you get five points. % % \bigskip % \DescribeMacro{\pointsname} \DescribeMacro{\pointname} % Like before, the word \emph{points} and in the singular \emph{point} % (if \meta{pts} is inferior to 2) % get automatic translation in a few languages % and are modifiable. % % \DescribeMacro{\pointsstyle} \DescribeMacro{pointscolor} % The style used by the |\points| command may be redefined with |\pointsstyle|. % The color is set by |pointscolor| with the |\definecolor| command % (from the \textsf{xcolor} package by Uwe Kern, loaded by \textsf{exesheet}), % for instance: \\ |\definecolor{pointscolor}{named}{blue}|. % % % \section{Enumerations and lists} % % \subsection{List settings (nosetlist package option)} \label{par:nosetlist} % Enumeration lists are intended to represent questions and sub-questions % inside exercises. For a good highlight, % labels are typeset in bold. % Moreover, they are left aligned, at the start of the line, % without indentation, and the vertical space between items % is increased compared with \LaTeX\ standard lists. % These settings are done by the |\setlist| command\footnote{Labels % may also be changed by the \texttt{\bs labelenumi} and \texttt{\bs labelenumii} commands.} % from the \textsf{enumitem} package by Javier Bezos. % Lists with \texttt{itemize} environment are kept in their default configuration\footnote{The % \texttt{french} option of the \textsf{babel} package % alters \texttt{itemize} lists behavior and uses long dash % as labels for each list level. % This behavior is problematic when mathematics follows the dash % symbol because the latter may be confused with the minus sign. % Modifications of the \texttt{french} option (which supersedes \texttt{frenchb} % of \textsf{babel}) are canceled to restore \LaTeX\ default settings.}. % % \vspace{-\baselineskip} % \noindent\psframe(-0.25,-0.35)(12.75,-3.9) % \exercise % \begin{enumerate} % \item First question % \begin{enumerate} % \item First sub-question % \item Second sub-question % \end{enumerate} % \item Second question % \end{enumerate} % % \DescribeMacro{nosetlist} % We can avoid enumeration list modifications and restore the \LaTeX\ % default settings by passing the option % \texttt{nosetlist} to the \texttt{exesheet} class or package. % % \subsection{List of exercises : the \texttt{exenumerate} environment} % \DescribeEnv{exenumerate} % When an exercise sheet is made of short independent exercises, % it would be ill-advised to display the complete title \emph{\exercisename} for each. % In addition to the |\exe| command, previously presented, % we provide an even lighter solution with the |exenumerate| environment, % which is only an enumeration list in which % spaces between items are further increased compared with those of \texttt{enumerate}. % Here is an example (the main list is an \texttt{exenumerate} environment but % sub-lists are produced with regular \texttt{enumerate} environments): % % \vspace{-\baselineskip} % \noindent\psframe(-0.25,-0.3)(12.75,-6.75) % \begin{exenumerate} % \item Translate the following sentences in english: % \begin{enumerate} % \item Nam dui ligula, fringilla a, euismod sodales, sollicitudin vel, wisi. % \item Nam lacus libero, pretium at, lobortis vitae, ultricies et, tellus. % \end{enumerate} % \item Translate the following sentence in german: % \par Donec aliquet, tortor sed accumsan bibendum, erat ligula aliquet magna, % vitae ornare odio metus a mi. % \item Translate the following sentences in french: % \begin{enumerate} % \item Cum sociis natoque penatibus % et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. % \item Nulla ullamcorper vestibulum turpis. % \end{enumerate} % \end{exenumerate} % The environment takes an optional parameter, like \texttt{enumerate}, % which enables, among others, % to typeset alternative list labels, e.g. % |\begin{exenumerate}[A.]|. % There are many other options (see the \textsf{enumitem} package documentation). % % \subsection{Items aligned by lines} % \DescribeEnv{tablenum1} % \DescribeEnv{tablenuma} % \DescribeEnv{tablitem} % These three environments are used to typeset short questions (\texttt{tablenum1}), % sub-questions (\texttt{tablenuma}) or \texttt{itemize} lists (\texttt{tablitem}) % on the same line. They have the same syntax: % |\begin{tablenum1}|\oarg{opt}|(|\meta{cols}|)|. % The \meta{cols} parameter is the number of columns used by the environment. It must be % \emph{in parentheses}. This parameter can be omitted, then its value is 2. % As for classic lists, each item begins with the |\item| command. % % These three environments are defined by the % |\NewTasksEnvironment| macro, from the \textsf{tasks} package by Clemens Niederberger. % They take an optional argument \meta{opt} % explained in the documentation of this package, % e.g.\ |label=\arabic*)| produces an Arabic numbering % following by a closing parenthesis (like in \texttt{enumitem} package). % There are also many possibilities to place items in an original way, % for instance, the |\item*| command allows to % specify the number of columns the item is supposed to span. % In the following example, % the five |\item| are placed in order between % |\begin{tablenum1}(3)| and |\end{tablenum1}|. % Notice that numbering is made line by line. % % \exercise % \psframe(-0.25,1.3)(12.75,-2.7) % Give the derivative of the following functions: % \begin{tablenum1}(3) % \item $\ds f(x) = \frac{1-x^2}{\mathrm{e}^x +\mathrm{e}^{-x}}$, % \item $\ds g(x) = \ln \left( \frac{1-x}{1+x^2}\right)$, % \item $\ds h(x) = \int_{0}^{1}\mathrm{e}^{xy}\, \mathrm{d}y$, % \item $\ds k(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{x^i}$, % \item $\ds l(x) = \int_{\frac{1}{x}}^{x}\frac{1}{\ln t}\, \mathrm{d}t$. % \end{tablenum1} % % For \texttt{tablenuma}, labels are % letters (a, b, c, \ldots) surrounded % by parentheses. This cannot be modified globally % (except by redefining the environment with |\RenewTasksEnvironment|). % If the \textsf{exesheet} package is called with option \texttt{nosetlist}, % labels of \texttt{tablenum1} and \texttt{tablenuma} environments % are displayed in normal font instead of boldface, with indentation. % % \subsection{Items aligned by columns: \texttt{colsenum}} % \DescribeEnv{colsenum} % To get numbering of items by columns, we have the % \texttt{colsenum} environment: |\begin{colsenum}|\oarg{opt}\marg{cols}. % The mandatory parameter is the number of columns % and the optional one will be passed to \texttt{enumerate}, % allowing, for example, to change the type of numbering (a, A, etc.). % To use this environment, we have to load the % \textsf{multicol} package in the preamble. % % \exercise % \psframe(-0.25,1.3)(12.75,-2.65) % Give the derivative of the following functions: % \begin{colsenum}{3} % \item $\ds f(x) = \frac{1-x^2}{\mathrm{e}^x +\mathrm{e}^{-x}}$, % \item $\ds g(x) = \ln \left( \frac{1-x}{1+x^2}\right)$, % \item $\ds h(x) = \int_{0}^{1}\mathrm{e}^{xy}\, \mathrm{d}y$, % \item $\ds k(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{x^i}$, % \item $\ds l(x) = \int_{\frac{1}{x}}^{x}\frac{1}{\ln t}\, \mathrm{d}t$. % \end{colsenum} % \DescribeEnv{colsenum*} % We will notice that, on each line, items are not necessarily well % aligned, what can produce inelegant effects. % On the other hand, the \texttt{colsenum} environment doesn't try to align columns % from the bottom by adjusting space between items. % If we want to get this % (which is the default option in \textsf{multicol}) we have the % \texttt{colsenum*} environment (same syntax than \texttt{colsenum}). % Here what we get in that case, with the same exercise. % % \exercise % \psframe(-0.25,1.3)(12.75,-2.65) % Give the derivative of the following functions: % \begin{colsenum*}{3} % \item $\ds f(x) = \frac{1-x^2}{\mathrm{e}^x +\mathrm{e}^{-x}}$, % \item $\ds g(x) = \ln \left( \frac{1-x}{1+x^2}\right)$, % \item $\ds h(x) = \int_{0}^{1}\mathrm{e}^{xy}\, \mathrm{d}y$, % \item $\ds k(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{x^i}$, % \item $\ds l(x) = \int_{\frac{1}{x}}^{x}\frac{1}{\ln t}\, \mathrm{d}t$. % \end{colsenum*} % We can see that these alignments are less good than those % obtained by numbering of items by line. The numbering of items by columns % may nevertheless be preferable when there are many items with variable heights, % and a number of items which can be different from one column to the other. % Moreover, an advantage of \texttt{colsenum} is that the choice of labels % is automatic depending on the list level (and the language), % unlike \texttt{tablenum1} or \texttt{tablenuma}. % % \DescribeEnv{colsitem} % \DescribeEnv{colsitem*} % For \texttt{itemize} lists, the environment \texttt{colsitem} % produces items aligned by columns rather than by lines as for % \texttt{tablitem}: % |\begin{colsitem}|\oarg{opt}\marg{cols}. The optional parameter, % which is passed to the underlying \texttt{itemize} environment, % allows to change the item label (bullet by default). % And, as for \texttt{colsenum*}, the \texttt{colsitem*} environment % produces an alignment of columns from the bottom. % % \section{Questions and solutions} % % \subsection{The \texttt{questions} and \texttt{answers} environments} % \DescribeEnv{questions} \DescribeEnv{answers} % The package provides the two environments \texttt{questions} and \texttt{answers} % to make appear or disappear questions and answers of exercises. % Display is controlled by two booleans: \texttt{questions} and \texttt{answers}. % Their default value is \texttt{true}. % % \DescribeMacro{\questionsonly} \DescribeMacro{\answersonly} % The |\questionsonly| command allows to display the questions without the answers % and |\answersonly| displays the solutions without the questions\footnote{Of course % we can also assign the booleans \texttt{questions} and \texttt{answers} % directly with the \LaTeX\ command \texttt{\bs setboolean}.}. % % \bigskip % \DescribeMacro{\correctionstyle} \DescribeMacro{correctioncolor} % \DescribeMacro{\correctionname} % In the case (by default) where questions and answers are displayed both, % answers are then typeset in the style % |\correctionstyle|, which uses the color \texttt{correctioncolor}. % This color may be chosen with the |\definecolor| macro % (by default |\definecolor{correctioncolor}{rgb}{0,0.2,0.6}| = kind of dark blue). % Moreover, in that case, % the title \textbf{\correctionname} is displayed at the beginning % of the \texttt{answers} environment. % It is defined by the |\correctionname| macro (with translation in a few languages % and that we can change:\footnote{Except for English, if you want to change package % keywords you have to do it \emph{after} \texttt{\bs begin\{document\}} % because \textsf{babel} will modify these definitions at the end of the preamble.} % for example we may prefer \emph{Solution} % than \emph{\correctionname}). % The style defined by |\correctionstyle| will apply to the title % but also to the whole environment. % Here an example. % % \vspace{-\baselineskip} % \noindent\psframe(-0.25,-0.25)(12.75,-6.6) % \exercise[\points{3}] \label{points} % \begin{questions} % \begin{enumerate} % \item Is the \textsf{exesheet} package useful ? % \item Isn't there any other packages that deal with exercises ? % \end{enumerate} % \end{questions} % \begin{answers} % \begin{enumerate} % \item Yes, the \textsf{exesheet} package is very useful. % \item There are many other packages that deal with exercises, and % give the ability to produce separately questions and solutions, for example % \textsf{exercise} by Paul Pichaureau, \textsf{exercises} by Roger Jud, % \textsf{exsheets} (superseded by \textsf{xsim}) by Clemens Niederberger, % \textsf{exframe} by Niklas Beisert, % \textsf{exam} by Philip Hirschhorn, % \textsf{answers} by Mike Piff and Joseph Wright, % \textsf{probsoln} by Nicola Talbot, etc. % \end{enumerate} % \end{answers} % % \DescribeMacro{\points} % When only answers are displayed, the text color remains black, % the word \emph{\correctionname} is not displayed and the % |\points| macro is patched to suppress the display of points. % An extended solution for a variable display of points will be discussed % in section \ref{totalpoints} with the |\totalpoints| macro. % % \subsection{More about \texttt{answers} environment} % Internally, we have used the |\comment| and |\endcomment| macros % from the \textsf{versions} package by Uwe Lück. % Other excellent packages allow to manage % selectively piece of code. Let us mention % \textsf{verbatim} by Rainer Schöpf, \textsf{comment} by Victor Eijkhout, % \textsf{version} by Donald Arseneau and Stephen Bellantoni, % \textsf{optional} by Donald Arseneau % and \textsf{codesection} by Matthias Pospiech. % % The \textsf{versions} package used provides furthermore % the |\includeversion|\marg{env} and % |\excludeversion|\marg{env} macros who allow to make appear or disappear % any environment \meta{env} and these optional environments % may be nested\footnote{The \textsf{codesection} package also allows % such nesting, including in the preamble, % as well as the \textsf{optional} package, but the latter only manages short optional code.}. % % However the \texttt{questions} and \texttt{answers} environments % perform another task, not only making appear or disappear piece of text. % Indeed, there is a problem with the title \emph{\correctionname}. % In which format to typeset it and at which level to put it in the table of contents % (or in the summary of the pdf file)? % In fact it depends on which level the environment has been nested. % We can make a single \texttt{answers} environment for all the % exercises of the sheet or an \texttt{answers} environment % for each exercise, for each exercise part, for each question or sub-question. % In fact, the typeset of the title \emph{\correctionname} % and his level in the table of contents will be adjusted automatically. % % \DescribeEnv{\oarg{level}} % Nevertheless, we can imagine twisted situations in which % the title level will not be correctly calculated. % It is then possible to force the level of the title \emph{\correctionname} % with |\begin{answers}|\oarg{level}. % The optional \meta{level} parameter is defined as follows: % 1 for section level titles, % 2 for subsections (like \emph{\exercisename}), % 3 for sub-subsections (like \emph{\partname}), % another number for lower levels % (then they will not appear in the table of contents). % % \bigskip % \DescribeMacro{answers*} % The starred version \texttt{answers*} allows to make the title % \textbf{\correctionname} completely disappear. % % \subsection{The \texttt{\bs question} command} % \DescribeMacro{\question} % Instead of the \texttt{questions} and \texttt{answers} environments, % we can also use the simple |\question|\marg{ques}\marg{ans} macro % in which display of \meta{ques} and \meta{ans} arguments % is controlled by the same previous commands |\questionsonly| and |\answersonly|. % It can be more readable (in the source code) when questions and answers are short. % In the case of displaying both questions and answers, % the \emph{\correctionname} title will appear on a new line, in bold, % as for levels lower than sub-subsection in the \texttt{answers} environment % (and without entries in the table of contents). % But this command doesn't work with \texttt{verbatim} inside. % % \section{Marginal notes for marking scheme} % % The \textsf{exesheet} package allows the display of a marking % scheme with comments and explanations for answers. % % \pagebreak % \subsection{The \texttt{\bs pts} command} % \DescribeMacro{\pts} % When exercises are typeset with the |\exe| macro, % or as a list with the \texttt{exenumerate} environment, % the marking scheme is displayed in the margin, on the line where % we put the |\pts|\marg{num} command (in general the first line of the exercise). % The \meta{num} parameter is the number of points assigned to the exercise. % % \vspace{-\baselineskip} % \noindent\psframe(-3.5,-0.25)(12.75,-2) % \exe \pts{3} The first exercise with marking scheme. % \exe \pts{1.5} The second one. % % \bigskip % \DescribeMacro{\ptsname} \DescribeMacro{\ptname} % \DescribeMacro{ptscolor} \DescribeMacro{\ptsstyle} % The abbreviation \textsf{\ptsname} (or \textsf{\ptname} % when the number of points is inferior to 2) % is automatically added thanks to the macro |\ptsname| or |\ptname| % (translated in a few languages if \textsf{babel} is loaded). % The display color of the points is defined by \texttt{ptscolor} which can be changed % with |\definecolor|: by default |\definecolor{ptscolor}{named}{red}|. % The display style is defined by |\ptsstyle|. % % \DescribeMacro{\displaypts} % The display of the marking scheme, as above, is internally controlled by the % \texttt{marginpts} boolean. % The |\displaypts| command, which has to be placed in the preamble, % defines \texttt{marginpts} to \texttt{true}, % places marginal notes to the left (and not to the right which % is the default behavior of \LaTeX) % and shifts the text body right to increase the left margin compared % with the right one, with a ratio 3:2, % as it is in the present document. % This ratio is defined by the % |geometry| macro from the \textsf{geometry} package (by Hideo Umeki) % and is valid for the whole document. % % \subsection{The \texttt{\bs totalexe}, \texttt{\bs note} % and \texttt{\bs totalpoints} commands} % \label{totalpoints} % \DescribeMacro{\totalexe} % \DescribeMacro{\note} % To give a more detailed marking scheme, the \textsf{exesheet} package % provides some extended commands: % |\totalexe|\marg{num} to display the total number of points of an exercise % and especially |\note|\oarg{pts}\marg{comment}, % to indicate some marking detail in answers. % The optional parameter \meta{pts} is the number of points of the question % and the mandatory parameter \meta{comment} is used to give details about the marking scheme. % Below the title has been obtained with |\exercise[\totalexe{4}]| % and the first comment (on next page) with \\ % |\note[1]{0,5 for the anti-derivative\\0,5 for simplification of $\ln$}|. % % \exercise[\totalexe{4}] \label{totalexe} % \begin{questions} % \psframe(-3.5,1.3)(12.75,-3.1) % For each following question, say if the assertion is true or false. % Justify the answer carefully. % \begin{tablenum1} % \item $\ds \int_{0}^{\sqrt{3}}\frac{1}{x+\sqrt{3}} \,\mathrm{d}x = \ln 2$, % \item $\ds \int_{2}^{\mathrm{e}} \frac{1}{x\ln x} \,\mathrm{d}x = -\ln 2$, % \item* The function $F$ defined on $\mathbf{R}$ by % $F(x) = \ds \int_{0}^{x}\frac{1}{,t^2+t+1}\,\mathrm{d} t$ is increasing on $\mathbf{R}$. % \end{tablenum1} % \end{questions} % % \pagebreak % \begin{answers} % \vspace{-\baselineskip} % \noindent\psframe(-4.7,0.9)(12.75,-10.25) % \begin{enumerate} % \item \note[1]{0,5 for the anti-derivative\\0,5 for simplification of $\ln$} % We calculate: % \[ \int_{0}^{\sqrt{3}}\frac{1}{x+\sqrt{3}}\,\mathrm{d}x % = \bigg[ \ln\left(x+\sqrt{3}\right) \bigg]_0^{\sqrt{3}} % = \ln\left(2\sqrt{3}\right)-\ln \sqrt{3} % = \ln\left(\frac{2 \sqrt{3}}{\sqrt{3}}\right) % =\ln 2. % \] % \textbf{TRUE}. % % \item \note[1.5]{1 for the anti-derivative \\0.5 for the integral value \\[2ex] % we could also see that $\frac{1}{x \ln x} >0$ on $[2, \mathrm{e}]$ % while $-\ln2<0$ % } % We have $\ds\frac{1}{x \ln x}= \frac{\frac{1}{x}}{\ln x}= \frac{u'(x)}{u(x)}$ % with $u(x)=\ln x$, which is positive on $[2, \mathrm{e}]$. Hence % % \[ \int_{2}^{\mathrm{e}}\frac{1}{x \ln x}\,\mathrm{d}x % = \Big[ \ln(\ln x) \Big]_2^\mathrm{e} % = \ln(\ln \mathrm{e})-\ln(\ln2)= \ln1 -\ln(\ln2)=-\ln(\ln2). % \] % \textbf{FALSE}. % % \item \note*{1.5} % The function $F$ defined on $\mathbf{R}$ by % \[ F(x)= \int_{0}^{x}\frac{1}{t^2+t+1}\, \mathrm{d}t \] % is derivable on $\mathbf{R}$ and its derivative is such that % $F'(x)=\frac{1}{x^2+x+1}$. % \note{0.5 for $F'$\\1 for the sign of $F'$ and conclusion} % The denominator is a quadratic polynomial, always positive because its discriminant is % $\Delta=-3 <0$. % Thus $F$ is increasing on $\mathbf{R}$. \\ % \textbf{TRUE}. % \end{enumerate} % \end{answers} % In the comment of answer 2, a wider vertical space is produced at line break % with the optional argument |\\[2ex]|\footnote{When a marginal note at the end of a page, % is followed by another one at the top of the next page, % the latter is shifted down. % We can raise this note, by adding at the line break % a negative vertical space : \texttt{\bs note*\{\bs\bs[-5ex] 2\}}.}. % The last comment, not placed beside the number of points of answer 3, % has been produced by placing on the first line after the formula: % |\note{0.5 for $F'$\\1 for the sign of $F'$ and conclusion}|. % % \DescribeMacro{\note*} % If we don't want to add comment, we have the % |\note*|\marg{pts} command (better than |\note|\oarg{pts}|{}|), % used here in answer 3: |\note*{1.5}|. % % \DescribeMacro{markingcolor} \DescribeMacro{\markingstyle} \DescribeMacro{\ptsboxlength} % The display color of the points, in |\totalexe| and |\note|, % is defined by \texttt{markingcolor} % and the style by |\markingstyle|, which are modifiable. % The oval box produced by |\totalexe| is obtained with the |\ovalbox| command % of the \textsf{fancybox} package by Timothy Van Zandt, % with corner arcs set by |\cornersize{1}|. % The box length is not adjusted to content but depends of the value % of |\ptsboxlength| in order to keep a uniform appearance % from one exercise to the other. % % \DescribeMacro{notecolor} \DescribeMacro{\notestyle} \DescribeMacro{\noteragged} % Comment notes are typeset by default in a dark green color % defined by |\definecolor{notecolor}{rgb}{0.0,0.4,0.0}|. % The style of the comment is set by the |\notestyle| macro and itself uses the % |\noteragged| macro. The latter is set by default as |\raggedleft| % to obtain a \emph{right} alignment (what is customary for notes % in the left margin). % % \DescribeMacro{\displaypoints} % Display of points and comments is optional. It is internally controlled by the booleans % \texttt{marginpoints} and \texttt{marginfullnotes}. % The |\displaypoints| macro, to place in the preamble, sets \texttt{marginpoints} % to \texttt{true}, chooses the left margin for display marginal notes % and sets the ratio between left and right margins to 3:2\footnote{So % that the effect on the margin ratio is correct, the % \texttt{\bs displaypoints} macro must be placed after other commands % that could alter the page geometry, for example the \texttt{\bs pagestyle} % of the \textsf{schooldocs} package.}. % Points will then be displayed without the comments. % % \DescribeMacro{\displaynotes} % The |\displaynotes|\oarg{align} macro, to be placed also in the preamble, % defines both booleans to \texttt{true} and allows then the complete display % of points and comments. % The ratio between left/right margins is then set to 5/1\footnote{The % present document kept a ratio of 3/2 because % the \textsf{ltxdoc} class, used here, leaves large enough margins % and previous examples are not concerned with display of comments.}. % The optional parameter \meta{align} is used to define alignment: % |\raggedleft| by default, but we could use |\centering| or % |\raggedright| (not recommended in left margin). % % \DescribeMacro{\displaynotesright} % The |\displaynotesright|\oarg{align} macro displays a detailed marking scheme % with comments in the right margin, with the same type of settings % as |\displaynotes| but an optional parameter \meta{align} set by default % to |\raggedleft|. % % \bigskip % \DescribeMacro{\totalpoints} % The |\totalpoints|\marg{num} macro is intended % to replace |\points| when using a detailed marking scheme. % When the scale is not displayed (\texttt{marginpoints} boolean to \texttt{false}), % it uses |\points| and when the scale is displayed, % it uses |\totalexe|. % For example, in the exercise \ref{totalexe}, we should use % |\totalpoints| rather than |\totalexe|, % because, when the detailed marking scheme is not displayed, the total points will be typeset % as in the exercise \ref{points} rather than in the margin. % % % % \StopEventually{} % % \section{Implementation} % % \subsection{Class and package basic instructions} % The \texttt{exesheet} class is based on the \texttt{article} class % and gives it all its options, except explicit options % \texttt{notoc} and \texttt{nosetlist}. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*class> \DeclareOption{notoc}{\PassOptionsToPackage{notoc}{exesheet}} \DeclareOption{nosetlist}{\PassOptionsToPackage{nosetlist}{exesheet}} \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{article}} \ProcessOptions \relax \LoadClass{article} \RequirePackage{exesheet} \RequirePackage{schooldocs} % % \end{macrocode} % % Then we define initialization instructions of the \textsf{exesheet} package. % % \medskip % The \texttt{shortlabel} option in the \textsf{enumitem} package allows to use labels like in % the \textsf{enumerate} package e.g. 1., a), A. etc. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \RequirePackage{ifthen} \newboolean{notoc} \newboolean{nosetlist} \DeclareOption{notoc}{\setboolean{notoc}{true}} \DeclareOption{nosetlist}{\setboolean{nosetlist}{true}} \ProcessOptions \relax \RequirePackage{xcolor} \RequirePackage[shortlabels]{enumitem} \RequirePackage{tasks} \RequirePackage{versions} %\@ifpackageloaded{doc}{}{\RequirePackage{verbatim}} \RequirePackage{geometry} \RequirePackage{fancybox} \RequirePackage{translations} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Internationalization} % Here we define the keywords and their translation in French, German, Spanish % Italian, Portuguese, thanks to macros of the \textsf{translations} package % by Clemens Niederberger. It detects the used language % loaded by \textsf{babel} or \textsf{polyglossia}. % % Accented characters cannot be used here because they are not recognized % if \textsf{inputenc} is loaded after \textsf{exesheet}. % So we have used the basic \LaTeX\ commands to produce them. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTranslationFallback{exesheet-exercise}{Exercise} \DeclareTranslationFallback{exesheet-subpart}{Part} \DeclareTranslationFallback{exesheet-annex}{Annex} \DeclareTranslationFallback{exesheet-ex}{Ex} \DeclareTranslationFallback{exesheet-points}{points} \DeclareTranslationFallback{exesheet-point}{point} \DeclareTranslationFallback{exesheet-correction}{Correction} \DeclareTranslationFallback{exesheet-pts}{pts} \DeclareTranslationFallback{exesheet-pt}{pt} \DeclareTranslation{English}{exesheet-exercise}{Exercise} \DeclareTranslation{English}{exesheet-subpart}{Part} \DeclareTranslation{English}{exesheet-annex}{Annex} \DeclareTranslation{English}{exesheet-ex}{Ex} \DeclareTranslation{English}{exesheet-points}{points} \DeclareTranslation{English}{exesheet-point}{point} \DeclareTranslation{English}{exesheet-correction}{Correction} \DeclareTranslation{English}{exesheet-pts}{pts} \DeclareTranslation{English}{exesheet-pt}{pt} \DeclareTranslation{French}{exesheet-exercise}{Exercice} \DeclareTranslation{French}{exesheet-subpart}{Partie} \DeclareTranslation{French}{exesheet-annex}{Annexe} \DeclareTranslation{French}{exesheet-ex}{Ex} \DeclareTranslation{French}{exesheet-points}{points} \DeclareTranslation{French}{exesheet-point}{point} \DeclareTranslation{French}{exesheet-correction}{Correction} \DeclareTranslation{French}{exesheet-pts}{pts} \DeclareTranslation{French}{exesheet-pt}{pt} \DeclareTranslation{German}{exesheet-exercise}{\"Ubung} \DeclareTranslation{German}{exesheet-subpart}{Teil} \DeclareTranslation{German}{exesheet-annex}{Anhang} \DeclareTranslation{German}{exesheet-ex}{\"Ub} \DeclareTranslation{German}{exesheet-points}{Punkte} \DeclareTranslation{German}{exesheet-point}{Punkt} \DeclareTranslation{German}{exesheet-correction}{Verbesserung} \DeclareTranslation{German}{exesheet-pts}{Pkte} \DeclareTranslation{German}{exesheet-pt}{Pkt} \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{exesheet-exercise}{Ejercicio} \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{exesheet-subpart}{Parte} \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{exesheet-annex}{Anexo} \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{exesheet-ex}{Ej} \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{exesheet-points}{puntos} \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{exesheet-point}{punto} \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{exesheet-correction}{Correcci\'on} \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{exesheet-pts}{ptos} \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{exesheet-pt}{pto} \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{exesheet-exercise}{Esercizio} \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{exesheet-subpart}{Parte} \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{exesheet-annex}{Annesso} \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{exesheet-ex}{Es} \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{exesheet-points}{punti} \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{exesheet-point}{punto} \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{exesheet-correction}{correzione} \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{exesheet-pts}{pti} \DeclareTranslation{Italian}{exesheet-pt}{pt} \DeclareTranslation{Portuges}{exesheet-exercise}{Exerc\'icio} \DeclareTranslation{Portuges}{exesheet-subpart}{Parte} \DeclareTranslation{Portuges}{exesheet-annex}{Anexo} \DeclareTranslation{Portuges}{exesheet-ex}{Ex} \DeclareTranslation{Portuges}{exesheet-points}{pontos} \DeclareTranslation{Portuges}{exesheet-point}{ponto} \DeclareTranslation{Portuges}{exesheet-correction}{Corre\c c\~ao} \DeclareTranslation{Portuges}{exesheet-pts}{pts} \DeclareTranslation{Portuges}{exesheet-pt}{pt} \newcommand*\exercisename{\GetTranslation{exesheet-exercise}} \newcommand*\subpartname{\GetTranslation{exesheet-subpart}} \newcommand*\annexname{\GetTranslation{exesheet-annex}} \newcommand*\exname{\GetTranslation{exesheet-ex}} \newcommand*\pointsname{\GetTranslation{exesheet-points}} \newcommand*\pointname{\GetTranslation{exesheet-point}} \newcommand*\correctionname{\GetTranslation{exesheet-correction}} \newcommand*\ptsname{\GetTranslation{exesheet-pts}} \newcommand*\ptname{\GetTranslation{exesheet-pt}} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Colors} % The color \texttt{pointscolor} is used by the macro |\points| % and \texttt{markingcolor} by the macros |\totalexe|, |\note*| % and also for the optional argument of |\note|; % \texttt{notecolor} is used by the mandatory argument of |\note|. % % \begin{macrocode} \definecolor{pointscolor}{named}{red} \definecolor{ptscolor}{named}{red} \definecolor{markingcolor}{named}{red} \definecolor{notecolor}{rgb}{0.0, 0.4, 0.0} % kind of dark green \definecolor{correctioncolor}{rgb}{0,0.2,0.6} % kind of dark blue % \end{macrocode} % % \medskip % \subsection{Titles} % The \texttt{exercise} counter numbers exercises for the whole document % regardless of any section. % To reset the counter at some point, just write |\setcounter{exercise}{0}| % and if we want an automatic reset at each section, % add in the preamble \\ % |\makeatletter \@addtoreset{exercise}{section} \makeatother|. % % The parts counter depends on \texttt{exercise} and is reset % at each new exercise. % % The |\labelexercisestyle| and |\labelsubpartstyle| commands % are empty, but allow to customize the style, for instance:\\ % |\renewcommand\labelexercisestyle{\sffamily}|. % % By default, the table of contents displays the titles of exercises and parts. % The \texttt{notoc} boolean is used to modify this behavior. % If we want to display only exercise titles but not parts, % we can place in the preamble |\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}|. % % \begin{macro}{\exercise} % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{exercise} \newcommand{\labelexercise}{\exercisename~\theexercise} \newcommand{\labelexercisestyle}{} \newcommand*{\@exercise}[1][]{% \refstepcounter{exercise} \subsection*{\labelexercisestyle\labelexercise\ #1} \ifthenelse{\boolean{notoc}}{}{ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\labelexercise} } } \newcommand*{\@@exercise}[2][]{% \subsection*{\labelexercisestyle #2 #1} \setcounter{subpart}{0} % resets the parts counter \ifthenelse{\boolean{notoc}}{}{ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{#2} } } \newcommand{\exercise}{\@ifstar{\@@exercise}{\@exercise}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\subpart} % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{subpart}[exercise] % \renewcommand{\thesubpart}{\Alph{subpart}} \newcommand{\labelsubpart}{\subpartname~\thesubpart} \newcommand{\labelsubpartstyle}{} \newcommand*{\@subpart}[1][]{% \refstepcounter{subpart}% \subsubsection*{\labelsubpartstyle\labelsubpart\ #1} \ifthenelse{\boolean{notoc}}{}{ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{\labelsubpart} } } \newcommand*{\@@subpart}[2][]{% \subsubsection*{\labelsubpartstyle #2 #1} \ifthenelse{\boolean{notoc}}{}{ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{#2} } } \newcommand{\subpart}{\@ifstar{\@@subpart}{\@subpart}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\annex} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\annexstyle}{\MakeUppercase} \newcommand*{\annex}[1][]{% \subsection*{\mbox{}\hfill\annexstyle{\annexname} #1\hfill\mbox{}} \ifthenelse{\boolean{notoc}}{}{ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\annexname} } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\exe} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\exlabel}{\exname.~\theexercise} \newcommand{\exsepmark}{---} \newcommand{\@exe}{\bigskip\refstepcounter{exercise} \par\noindent\textbf{\exlabel~\exsepmark}~} \newcommand{\@@exe}{\bigskip\refstepcounter{exercise} \par\noindent\textbf{\exlabel}~} \newcommand{\exe}{\@ifstar{\@@exe}{\@exe}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\points (ini)} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\pointsstyle}{% \small\mdseries\sffamily\color{pointscolor}\fbox} \newcommand*{\points}[1]{\hfill \pointsstyle{#1~% \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{#1 cm < 2cm}}{\pointname}{\pointsname}% } } % \end{macrocode} % Percent symbols are necessary to avoid spaces between the % |\fbox| and its inner text. % Note that, without |\lengthtest|, the test |#1 < 2| doesn't work with decimal numbers. % % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Enumerations and lists} % % When using \textsf{babel} with the \texttt{french} option\footnote{The \texttt{french} option % of \textsf{babel} supersedes the \texttt{frenchb} option.}, % \texttt{itemize} lists are modified with the same dash label for each list level. % These modifications are canceled here to restore default % \LaTeX\ \texttt{itemize} lists (labels and spaces). % As for |\exetranslate|, % we have create the |\standardfrenchlists| command who must be called into % |AtBeginDocument| or not, depending on whether % \textsf{exesheet} is loaded before \textsf{babel} or after. % % The |\setlist| command comes from the \textsf{enumitem} package % (|\setenumerate| is deprecated). By default |itemsep=1ex| for lists of first level, % and |leftmargin=1.5em| allows to align labels on the start of lines. % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\standardfrenchlists{% \@ifpackagewith{babel}{frenchb}{ \frenchbsetup{StandardLists=true}}{} \@ifpackagewith{babel}{french}{ \@ifundefined{frenchsetup}{ \frenchbsetup{StandardLists=true}}{ \frenchsetup{StandardLists=True}} }{} } \ifthenelse{\boolean{nosetlist}}{}{ \AtBeginDocument{% if loaded before babel package \standardfrenchlists} \standardfrenchlists % necessary when loaded after babel \setlist[enumerate]{font=\bfseries} \setlist[enumerate,1]{topsep=1.5ex plus 1ex minus 1ex,leftmargin=1.5em} } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\exenumerate} % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{exenumerate}[1][]{% \setlist[enumerate]{font=\bfseries} \setlist[enumerate,1]{leftmargin=1.5em, itemsep=3ex plus 1ex minus 1ex,topsep=3ex plus 1ex minus 1ex} \setlist[enumerate,3]{noitemsep,nolistsep} \setlist[itemize]{noitemsep,nolistsep} \begin{enumerate}[#1] }{\end{enumerate}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \DescribeEnv{tablenum1} \DescribeEnv{tablenuma} % The |\NewTasks| command comes from the \textsf{tasks} package. % It allows to define the environments \texttt{tablenum1}, \texttt{tablenuma} % and \texttt{tablitem}. % The horizontal spaces are adjusted to get a good alignment with % items of other \texttt{enumerate} (or \texttt{itemize}) environments. % % \begin{macrocode} \ifthenelse{\boolean{nosetlist}}{ \NewTasksEnvironment[label=\arabic*., column-sep=1em, after-item-skip=0.5ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.5ex]{tablenum1}[\item](2) \NewTasksEnvironment[label=(\alph*), column-sep=1em,label-align=right, item-indent=2.15em,label-width=1.6em,label-offset=0.5em, after-item-skip=0.5ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.5ex]{tablenuma}[\item](2) }{% by default \NewTasksEnvironment[label=\arabic*.,label-format=\bfseries, column-sep=1em,label-align=right, item-indent=1.5em,label-width=1em,label-offset=0.5em, after-item-skip=0.5ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.5ex]{tablenum1}[\item](2) \NewTasksEnvironment[label=(\alph*),label-format=\bfseries, column-sep=1em,label-align=right, item-indent=2.15em,label-width=1.6em,label-offset=0.5em, after-item-skip=0.5ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.5ex]{tablenuma}[\item](2) } \PackageWarning{exesheet}{Environment tablenum is deprecated and replaced by tablenum1} % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeEnv{tablitem} % \begin{macrocode} \NewTasksEnvironment[label=\labelitemi, label-align=right, item-indent=2.3333em,label-offset=0.5em, after-item-skip=0.5ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.5ex]{tablitem}[\item](2) % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeEnv{colsenum} \DescribeEnv{colsenum*} % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{colsenum}[2][]{% \setlength{\multicolsep}{2ex} \raggedcolumns % default is \flushcolumns \begin{multicols}{#2} % #2 = number of columns \begin{enumerate}[#1] % #1 = options of enumerate }{ \end{enumerate} \end{multicols} } \newenvironment{colsenum*}[2][]{% \setlength{\multicolsep}{2ex} \begin{multicols}{#2} % #2 = number of columns \begin{enumerate}[#1] % #1 = options of enumerate }{ \end{enumerate} \end{multicols} } % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeEnv{colsitem} \DescribeEnv{colsitem*} % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{colsitem}[2][]{% \setlength{\multicolsep}{2ex} \raggedcolumns \begin{multicols}{#2} \begin{itemize}[#1] }{ \end{itemize} \end{multicols} } \newenvironment{colsitem*}[2][]{% \setlength{\multicolsep}{2ex} \begin{multicols}{#2} \begin{itemize}[#1] }{ \end{itemize} \end{multicols} } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Questions and answers} % % \DescribeMacro{\questionsonly} \DescribeMacro{\answersonly} % The \texttt{questions} and \texttt{answers} booleans % control the display of corresponding environments. % When created, a boolean has the \texttt{false} value by default, % but we define them to \texttt{true}. % The |\questionsonly| and |\answersonly| macros are used as user interface % to display only one of the two environments. % \begin{macrocode} \newboolean{questions} \newboolean{answers} \setboolean{questions}{true} \setboolean{answers}{true} \newcommand{\questionsonly}{ \setboolean{questions}{true}\setboolean{answers}{false}} \newcommand{\answersonly}{ \setboolean{questions}{false}\setboolean{answers}{true}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{environment}{questions} % It is the |\comment| and |\endcomment| macros, provided by the \textsf{versions} package, % that allow the magic of conditional displays (we can also find them % in the \textsf{verbatim} or \textsf{version} packages). % The noteworthy \textsf{codesection} package, allows to encapsulate % optional code between the macros |\BeginCodeSection|\marg{skip} % and |\EndCodeSection|\marg{skip}, % both in the text body and in the preamble, % but these macros cannot be used inside an environment % as we did here for |\comment| and |\endcomment|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{exe@ini} \newcounter{subpart@ini} \newenvironment{questions}{ \ifthenelse{\boolean{questions}}{ \setcounter{exe@ini}{\value{exercise}} \setcounter{subpart@ini}{\value{subpart}} }{\comment}}% {\ifthenelse{\boolean{questions}}{}{\endcomment}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % \begin{environment}{answers} % The internal macro |\set@toclevel| calculates the title level % of the word \emph{\correctionname} to display at the start of an % \texttt{answers} environment (when \texttt{questions} and \texttt{answers} are % displayed together). The principle is to compare the state of the counters % \texttt{exercise} and \texttt{subpart} with those saved at the time of % the call of \texttt{questions}. The |\@enumdepth| counter indicates the % \texttt{enumerate} list level in which we are (0 = out of lists). % The optional parameter of the \texttt{answers} environment allows to force this title level. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{@toclevel} \newcommand{\set@toclevel}[1][]{ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{ \ifthenelse{\value{exercise} > \value{exe@ini}}{ \setcounter{@toclevel}{1} }{\ifthenelse{\equal{\the\@enumdepth}{0}}{ % we're not in an enumerate environment \ifthenelse{\(\value{subpart} > \value{subpart@ini}\) \or \(\value{subpart} = 0\)}{ \setcounter{@toclevel}{2} }{\setcounter{@toclevel}{3}} }{\setcounter{@toclevel}{4}}} }{\setcounter{@toclevel}{#1}}} \newcommand{\correctionstyle}{\color{correctioncolor}} \newenvironment{answers}[1][]{% #1 is the optional level \ifthenelse{\boolean{answers}}{% \ifthenelse{\boolean{questions}}{% \set@toclevel[#1] \ifthenelse{\value{@toclevel} = 1}{ \section*{\correctionstyle\correctionname} \ifthenelse{\boolean{notoc}}{}{ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\correctionname}} \setcounter{exercise}{0} }{\ifthenelse{\value{@toclevel} = 2}{% \subsection*{\correctionstyle\correctionname} \ifthenelse{\boolean{notoc}}{}{ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\correctionname}} \setcounter{subpart}{0} }{\ifthenelse{\value{@toclevel} = 3}{% \subsubsection*{\correctionstyle\correctionname} \ifthenelse{\boolean{notoc}}{}{ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{ \correctionname}} }{\par\textbf{\correctionstyle\correctionname}\par }% }% }% \correctionstyle% }{}% }{\comment} }{\ifthenelse{\boolean{answers}}{}{\endcomment}} \newenvironment{answers*}{\ifthenelse{\boolean{answers}}{}{\comment}}% {\ifthenelse{\boolean{answers}}{}{\endcomment}} % \end{macrocode} % In the \texttt{answers} environment, if we place |\correctionstyle| % before |\subsubsection|, the preceding vertical space may be too wide. % % \end{environment} % \begin{macro}{\question} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\question}[2]{% \ifthenelse{\boolean{questions}}{#1}{} \bgroup \ifthenelse{\boolean{answers}}{ \ifthenelse{\boolean{questions}}{ \ifx#2\empty\else \par\correctionstyle\textbf{\correctionname}\par \fi }{} #2}{} \egroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\points (patched)} % \begin{macrocode} \let\@oldpoints\points \renewcommand*{\points}[1]{% \ifthenelse{\boolean{questions}}{\@oldpoints{#1}}{}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Marginal notes} % % The commands |\displaypts|, |\displaypoints| and |\displaynotes| % change the ratio between left and right margins\footnote{So % that the effect on the margin ratio is correct, these % macros must be called, in the preamble, after other commands % that also could alter the page geometry.}. % % \DescribeMacro{\pts} \DescribeMacro{\displaypts} % \begin{macrocode} \newboolean{marginpts} \newcommand*{\pointmark}[1]{% \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{#1 cm < 2cm}}{#1 \ptname}{#1 \ptsname}} \newcommand{\ptsstyle}[1]{% \footnotesize\centering\sffamily\color{ptscolor} (#1)} \newcommand*{\pts}[1]{% \ifthenelse{\boolean{marginpts}}{% \mbox{}% \marginpar{\hspace{0pt}% \ptsstyle{\pointmark{#1}}}% }{}% \ignorespaces } \newcommand{\displaypts}{% \reversemarginpar \geometry{hmarginratio=3:2} \setboolean{marginpts}{true} } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\totalexe} % In the following macros using % |\marginpar|, percent symbols and |\ignorespaces| are necessary % to avoid too much space in the text (or the margin) % where these macros are inserted. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\ptsboxlength} \setlength{\ptsboxlength}{3.1em} \cornersize{1} \newcommand*{\totalexe}[1]{% \ifthenelse{\boolean{marginpoints}}{% \mbox{}% \marginpar{\markingstyle{\ovalbox{% \makebox[\ptsboxlength]{\pointmark{#1}}}% }}% }{}% \ignorespaces } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\note} % The booleans \texttt{marginpoints} and \texttt{marginfullnotes} control % the display of marginal notes. If \texttt{marginpoints} is \texttt{false}, % \texttt{marginfullnotes} will be ignored. % The |\noteragged| command is initialized outside |\displaynotes| % such that we can use the |\note| command without |\displaynotes| (see further). % \begin{macrocode} \newboolean{marginpoints} \newboolean{marginfullnotes} \newcommand{\markingstyle}[1]{\hspace{0pt}\footnotesize\sffamily% \centering\color{markingcolor}\textbf{#1}} \newcommand{\noteragged}{\raggedleft} \newcommand{\notestyle}[1]{\hspace{0pt}\footnotesize\sffamily% \noteragged\noindent\color{notecolor} #1} \newcommand{\@note}[2][]{% \ifthenelse{\boolean{marginpoints}}{% \mbox{}% \marginpar{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{\markingstyle{#1}\\}% \ifthenelse{\boolean{marginfullnotes}}{\notestyle #2}{}% }% }{}% \ignorespaces } \newcommand{\@@note}[1]{% \ifthenelse{\boolean{marginpoints}}{% \mbox{}% \marginpar{\markingstyle{#1}}% }{}% \ignorespaces } \newcommand{\note}{\@ifstar{\@@note}{\@note}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \DescribeMacro{\displaypoints} \DescribeMacro{\displaynotes} %\DescribeMacro{\displaynotesright} % In |\displaynotes|, the additional length \texttt{1\,in} matches % the default free space to the left of |\oddsidemargin|. % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\displaypoints}{% \reversemarginpar \geometry{hmarginratio=3:2} \setboolean{marginpoints}{true} } \newcommand*{\displaynotes}[1][\raggedleft]{% \reversemarginpar \renewcommand{\noteragged}{#1} \geometry{hmarginratio=5:1} \setlength{\marginparwidth}{\oddsidemargin} \addtolength{\marginparwidth}{1in} \addtolength{\marginparwidth}{-\marginparsep} \setlength{\marginparwidth}{0.8\marginparwidth} \setboolean{marginpoints}{true} \setboolean{marginfullnotes}{true} } \newcommand*{\displaynotesright}[1][\raggedright]{% \normalmarginpar \renewcommand{\noteragged}{#1} \geometry{hmarginratio=1:5} \setlength{\marginparwidth}{\paperwidth} \addtolength{\marginparwidth}{-\textwidth} \addtolength{\marginparwidth}{-\oddsidemargin} \addtolength{\marginparwidth}{-\marginparsep} \addtolength{\marginparwidth}{-1in} \setlength{\marginparwidth}{0.8\marginparwidth} \setboolean{marginpoints}{true} \setboolean{marginfullnotes}{true} } % \end{macrocode} % The formatting of marginal notes can possibly be made more regular % with the \textsf{ragged2e} package, not loaded by \textsf{exesheet}. % We will then have to enter, as an optional parameter of |\displaypoints|: % |\RaggedLeft|, |\Centering|, |\RaggedRight| or |justifying|. % % \begin{macro}{\totalpoints} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\totalpoints}{% \ifthenelse{\boolean{marginpoints}}{\totalexe}{\points}} % % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \Finale \endinput