% \iffalse % $Id: ctable.dtx,v 1.26 2004/06/19 13:06:01 wybo Exp $ %%% File: ctable.dtx \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} %<*dtx> \ProvidesFile{ctable.dtx} % %\ProvidesPackage{ctable} %\ProvidesFile{ctable.drv} %<+abstract> easy centered table and figure floats with footnotes for LaTeX % \fi %\ProvidesFile{ctable} [2004/06/19 v1.6b LaTeX package ctable] %\iffalse %<*driver> \documentclass[a4paper]{ltxdoc} \usepackage{carom,txfonts,ctable} \usepackage[ verbose, pdftex, paper=a4paper, bottom=35mm, nohead ]{geometry} \parindent0pt \begin{document} \DocInput{ctable.dtx} \end{document} % % \fi % % \changes{v1.0}{2000/06/01}{First release.} % \changes{v1.1}{2001/03/17}{Making use of booktabs package} % \changes{v1.2}{2002/06/24}{Using keyval to reduce args to 4} % \changes{v1.3}{2002/07/16}{Many syntactic correction, % thanks to Johannes Braams} % \changes{v1.4}{2003/08/11}{Caption, if empty, will not be typeset % rotate option added % star option added to use table* and figure* % environments} % \changes{v1.5}{2003/10/03}{maxwidth option added} % \changes{v1.6}{2004/03/20}{left, right and center options added % frame{sep,rule,fg,bg} options added % error in width-setting corrected} % \changes{v1.6a}{2004/04/01}{two errors corrected: % made setting fboxsep and fboxrule only temporary % removed superfluous space after tabulars} % \changes{v1.6b}{2004/06/19}{Added several % at eol to remove superfluous % whitespace occurring sometimes} % \GetFileInfo{ctable} % \MakeShortVerb{\|} % \title{The |ctable| package\thanks % {This file has version number \fileversion, dated \filedate.}\\ % for use with \LaTeX2e} % \author{Wybo Dekker\\ |wybo@servalys.nl|} % \date{\filedate} % \maketitle % \tableofcontents % \listoftables % \listoffigures % % \section{Purpose} The |ctable| package lets you easily typeset % captioned table and figure floats with optional % footnotes. Both caption and footnotes will be forced within the % width of the table. % % If the width of the table is specified, then tabularx will be used % to typeset it, and the |X| column specifier can be used. Otherwise % tabular will be used. % % This package defines the commands |\ctable|, % |\tnote| and |\tmark|, as well as four |\tabularnewline| generating % commands. The latter generate reasonable amounts of whitespace % around horizontal rules and are also useful for tabulars outside % this package. % % Since the |ctable| package imports the |array| and |booktabs| % packages, all commands from those packages are available as well. % % Note that, in line with the comments that Simon Fear made % describing his |booktabs| package, vertical rules for column % separation can be produced with |\ctable|, but no provisions are % made to have them make contact with horizontal rules. % % \section{Usage} % \DescribeMacro{\ctable} % |\ctable| is called with 4 parameters, of which the first is optional: \\ % % |\ctable[options] % key=value,...|\\ % | {coldefs} % for \begin{tabular}|\\ % | {foottable} % zero or more \tnote commands (see below)|\\ % | {table lines} % lines for the table|\\ % % Options are given as key=value pairs, separated by comma's. % Extra comma's, including one behind the last pair, don't hurt. % Arguments to option should be put between braces if they contain % comma's. % Currently the following option keys have been defined: % \\[2ex] % \begin{tabularx}{\hsize}{@{}lX@{}} % |caption={...}|& table caption; the braces are needed only if your % caption contains a comma.\NN % % |cap={...}| & for a short caption to go to the |\tableofcontents|.\NN % % |pos=...| & float position, default: |tbp|.\NN % % |label=...| & for |\label|\NN % % |width=...| & tabularx will be used to typeset the table at the % specified width\,---\,one or more |X| column % specifiers must be provided.\NN % % |maxwidth=...| & like the \textsl{width} option, but any |X| column % specifiers will be replaced with |l| if the resulting % table width would thus stay within the specified % maximum width. This is especially useful where the % \LaTeX\ source is generated by a script.\NN % % |center| & center the table in the available text width; this is % the default.\NN % % |left| & left align the table in the available text width.\NN % % |right| & right align the table in the available text width.\NN % % |figure| & produce a figure float instead of a table float.\NN % % |botcap| & put the caption at the bottom of the float instead % of on top of it.\NN % % |rotate| & rotate table or figure by 90 degrees anticlockwise % and put it on a separate page. If you use this option, % the |pos| option is not allowed.\NN % % |star| & use the starred versions of the |table| and |figure| % environments, which place the float over two columns % when the |twocolumn| option or the |\twocolumn| % command is active.\NN % % |framerule=...|& draw a frame around the table with the given rule % thickness. The default is |0pt|, so that no frame % will be seen.\NN % % |framesep=...| & set the distance between the frame and the table % to the given dimension. The default is |0pt|.\NN % % |framefg=|\sl r g b & set the foreground color of the frame (the % rule color) to the given triplet of % \textsl{rgb}-values. The values should be numbers % between 0 and 1. The default is |0 0 0| (black).\NN % % |framebg=|\sl r g b & set the background color of the frame (the % color inside the frame) to the given triplet of % \textsl{rgb}-values. The values should be numbers % between 0 and 1. The default is |1 1 1| (white).\NN % \end{tabularx} % \\[2ex] % The footnotes are placed under the table, without a rule. % You therefore probably will want to use the |\LL| (last line) % command if you use footnotes. % \DescribeMacro{\tnote} % |\tnote[label]{footnote text}| places {\footnotesize % \textsuperscript{\normalfont\textit{label}}\,footnote text} % under the table. % Can only be used in the foottable parameter described above. The % label is optional, the default label is a single $a$. For more % detailed control, you can also replace this command with something % like |labeltext&footnotetext\NN|. % \par % \DescribeMacro{\tmark} % |\tmark[label]| this command places the superscripted label in the % table. It is equivalent with |$^{label}$|. % The label is optional, the default label is a single $a$. % \par % The newline generating commands are a combination of % |\tabularnewline| and zero or one of |booktabs|' |\toprule|, % |\midrule| or |\bottomrule|. These combinations have been made, and % short names have been defined, because source texts for complex % tables often become very crowded: % \par % \DescribeMacro{\NN} Normal Newline, generates just a normal new line. % An optional dimen parameter inserts extra vertical space under the % line\\ % \DescribeMacro{\FL} First Line, generates a new line and a thick % rule with some extra space under it. % An optional dimen parameter sets the line width; the default is 0.08em \\ % \DescribeMacro{\ML} Middle Line: generates a new line and a thin % rule with some extra space over and under it. % An optional dimen parameter sets the line width; the default is 0.05em \\ % \DescribeMacro{\LL} Last Line: generates a new line and a thick % rule with some extra space over it. % An optional dimen parameter sets the line width; the default is 0.08em \\ % These macros can be used outside |\ctable| constructs. % \par % Finally, for completeness, here are some of |booktabs|' commands % that may be useful:\\ % \DescribeMacro{\toprule} |\toprule[]| % where || is the optional thinkness of the rule\\ % \DescribeMacro{\midrule} |\midrule[]|\\ % \DescribeMacro{\bottomrule} |\bottomrule[]|\\ % \DescribeMacro{\cmidrule} |\cmidrule[](){a-b}| % where || can be |r|, |l|, or |rl| % and the rule is drawn over columns |a| through |b|\\ % \DescribeMacro{\morecmidrules} |\morecmidrules| % must be used to separate two successive cmidrules\\ % \DescribeMacro{\addlinespace} |\addlinespace[]| % inserts extra space between rows\\ % \DescribeMacro{\specialrule} % |\specialrule{}{}{}|\\ % See the |booktabs| documentation for details. % \ctable[ % cap = The Skewing Angles, % caption = The Skewing Angles ($\beta$) for % $\fam0 Mu(H)+X_2$ and $\fam0 Mu(H)+HX$~\tmark, % label = tab:nowidth, % ]{rlcc}{ % \tnote{for the abstraction reaction, % $\fam0 Mu+HX \rightarrow MuH+X$.} % \tnote[b]{1 degree${} = \pi/180$ radians.} % \tnote[c]{this is a particularly long note, showing that % footnotes are set in raggedright mode as we don't like % hyphenation in table footnotes.} % }{ \FL % & & $\fam0 H(Mu)+F_2$ & $\fam0 H(Mu)+Cl_2$ \ML % &$\beta$(H) & $80.9^\circ$\tmark[b] & $83.2^\circ$ \NN % &$\beta$(Mu) & $86.7^\circ$ & $87.7^\circ$ \LL % } % % \subsection{The width and maxwidth options} % When \LaTeX-sources containing tables are generated automatically by a % script, it is often not known in advance what the maximum size of an l % column will be. A good solution for this is to use an |X| specifier, % typesetteing the table at the text width with the tabularx package. % However, this will result in too much white space in cases where the % column contains small texts only. This problem can be solved by using % the maxwidth option instead of the width option. The |X| specifiers will % then be replaced with |l| as long as the width of the resulting table % stays with the specified maximum width. % % % \section{Examples} % \subsection{Tables} % Table~\ref{tab:nowidth} is an example taken from the related package % threeparttable.sty by Donald Arseneau, with an extra footnote. % It was typeset with: % \begin{verbatim} % \ctable[ % cap = The Skewing Angles, % caption = The Skewing Angles ($\beta$) for % $\fam0 Mu(H)+X_2$ and $\fam0 Mu(H)+HX$~\tmark, % label = tab:nowidth, % ]{rlcc}{ % \tnote{for the abstraction reaction, % $\fam0 Mu+HX \rightarrow MuH+X$.} % \tnote[b]{1 degree${} = \pi/180$ radians.} % \tnote[c]{this is a particularly long note, showing that % footnotes are set in raggedright mode as we don't like % hyphenation in table footnotes.} % }{ \FL % & & $\fam0 H(Mu)+F_2$ & $\fam0 H(Mu)+Cl_2$ \ML % &$\beta$(H) & $80.9^\circ$\tmark[b] & $83.2^\circ$ \NN % &$\beta$(Mu) & $86.7^\circ$ & $87.7^\circ$ \LL % } % \end{verbatim} % \ctable[ % caption = Example with a specified width of 100mm, % width = 100mm, % pos = b, % label = tab:width, % left % ]{c>{\raggedright}Xc>{\raggedright}X}{ % \tnote{footnotes are placed under the table} % }{ \FL % \multicolumn{4}{c}{Example using tabularx} \ML % \multicolumn{2}{c}{Multicolumn entry!} & THREE & FOUR \NN % \cmidrule(r){1-2}\cmidrule(rl){3-3}\cmidrule(l){4-4} % one& % The width of this column depends on the width of the % table.\tmark & % three& % Column four will act in the same way as % column two, with the same width. \LL % } % % Table~\ref{tab:width} is an example with a width specification, % taken from the |tabularx| documentation, with the vertical rules % removed. By using the trimming parameters of the |\LR|, |\MR|, and % |\RR| commands of the |booktabs| package, some of the horizontal % splitting was regained. By using the |left| option, the table has % been left aligned. It was typeset with: % \begin{verbatim} % \ctable[ % caption = Example with a specified width of 100mm, % width = 100mm, % pos = b, % label = tab:width, % left % ]{c>{\raggedright}Xc>{\raggedright}X}{ % \tnote{footnotes are placed under the table} % }{ \FL % \multicolumn{4}{c}{Example using tabularx} \ML % \multicolumn{2}{c}{Multicolumn entry!} & THREE & FOUR \NN % \cmidrule(r){1-2}\cmidrule(rl){3-3}\cmidrule(l){4-4} % one& % The width of this column depends on the width of the % table.\tmark & % three& % Column four will act in the same way as % column two, with the same width. \LL % } % \end{verbatim} % % \subsection{Figures} % Figures, even single ones, are always put in tabular cells. This is not % particularly handy for single pictures, but it eases the construction % of arrays of pictures, including sub-captions, delineation, and spacing. % Figure~\ref{fig} shows a figure that has been produced with the |\ctable| % command, in combination with |\usepackage{carom}|; % it has been typeset with: % \begin{verbatim} % \ctable[ % caption = The di- and tri-bromobenzenes, % label = fig, % botcap, % framebg = .53 .81 .92, % framerule = 1pt, % framesep = 4ex, % figure, % ]{ccc}{}{ \NN % \bzdrv{1==Br;2==Br}& % \bzdrv{1==Br;3==Br}& % \bzdrv{1==Br;4==Br} \NN % 1,2 & 1,3 & 1,4 \NN[3ex] % \bzdrv{1==Br;2==Br;3==Br}& % \bzdrv{1==Br;2==Br;4==Br}& % \bzdrv{1==Br;3==Br;5==Br} \NN % 1,2,3 & 1,2,4 & 1,3,5 % } % \end{verbatim} % \ctable[ % caption = The di- and tri-bromobenzenes, % label = fig, % botcap, % framebg = .53 .81 .92, % framerule = 1pt, % framesep = 4ex, % figure, % ]{ccc}{}{ \NN % \bzdrv{1==Br;2==Br}& % \bzdrv{1==Br;3==Br}& % \bzdrv{1==Br;4==Br} \NN % 1,2 & 1,3 & 1,4 \NN[3ex] % \bzdrv{1==Br;2==Br;3==Br}& % \bzdrv{1==Br;2==Br;4==Br}& % \bzdrv{1==Br;3==Br;5==Br} \NN % 1,2,3 & 1,2,4 & 1,3,5 % } % (The excessive whitespace at the left of the figure is caused by % the bounding boxes generated by the \textsl{carom} package.) % \StopEventually{}\newpage % \section{Implementation} % \parskip2ex % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \RequirePackage{color,keyval,array,tabularx,booktabs,rotating} \def\NN{\tabularnewline} \def\FL{\toprule} \def\ML{\NN\midrule} \def\LL{\NN\bottomrule} \def\@ctblfgcolor#1 #2 #3={\definecolor{@ctblframefg}{rgb}{#1,#2,#3}} \def\@ctblbgcolor#1 #2 #3={\definecolor{@ctblframebg}{rgb}{#1,#2,#3}} \newdimen\@ctblframesep \newdimen\@ctblframerule \newdimen\@ctblwidth \newdimen\@ctblmaxwidth \newdimen\@ctblw % the final width % \end{macrocode} % Allocate box registers so that we can determine the widths of the % tables % \begin{macrocode} \newbox\ctbl@tabelx % the width with X columns \newbox\ctbl@tabel % the width where X is replaced with l \newbox\ctbl@t % the final box will become one of the two above % \end{macrocode} % Option setting commands from keyval. The table position (here, top, % bottom, page) gets a special treatment, since \LaTeX\ does not expand % commands there. So instead of putting things like \texttt{tbp} in a % command like |\@ctblbegin| we put % |\begin{table}[tbp]| in it. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{ctbl}{caption} {\def\@ctblcaption {#1}} \define@key{ctbl}{cap} {\def\@ctblcap {#1}} \define@key{ctbl}{label} {\def\@ctbllabel {#1}} \define@key{ctbl}{pos} {\def\@ctblpos {#1} \def\@ctblbegin{\@ctblbeg[#1]}} \define@key{ctbl}{width} {\@ctblwidth =#1} \define@key{ctbl}{maxwidth}{\@ctblmaxwidth =#1} \define@key{ctbl}{botcap}[]{\def\@ctblbotcap {1}} \define@key{ctbl}{rotate}[]{\def\@ctblrotate {sideways}} \define@key{ctbl}{figure}[]{\def\@ctbltaborfig{figure}} \define@key{ctbl}{center}[]{\def\@ctblalign {center}} \define@key{ctbl}{right} []{\def\@ctblalign {flushright}} \define@key{ctbl}{left} []{\def\@ctblalign {flushleft}} \define@key{ctbl}{star} []{\def\@ctblstarred {*}} \define@key{ctbl}{framerule}{\@ctblframerule =#1} \define@key{ctbl}{framesep}{\@ctblframesep =#1} \define@key{ctbl}{framefg}{\@ctblfgcolor#1=} \define@key{ctbl}{framebg}{\@ctblbgcolor#1=} % \end{macrocode} % a caption will only be generated if the \textsl{caption} option was used: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@ctblCaption{ \ifx\@ctblcap\empty\let\@ctblcap\@ctblcaption\fi \ifx\@ctblcaption\empty\else \caption[\@ctblcap]{\label{\@ctbllabel}\@ctblcaption} \fi } \newdimen\@ctbloldsep \newdimen\@ctbloldrule \def\@ctblframe#1#2#3{% \@ctbloldsep\fboxsep\fboxsep\@ctblframesep% \@ctbloldrule\fboxrule\fboxrule\@ctblframerule% \fcolorbox{#1}{#2}{\fboxsep\@ctbloldsep\fboxrule\@ctbloldrule #3}% } \newcommand{\tnote}[2][a]{% \hbox{\@textsuperscript{\normalfont\textit{#1}}}\NN} \newcommand{\tmark}[1][a]{% \hbox{\@textsuperscript{\normalfont\textit{#1}}}} \newcommand{\ctable}[4][]{ \def\@ctbltaborfig{table} \def\@ctblalign {center} \def\@ctblrotate {} \def\@ctblpos {} \def\@ctblcaption {} \def\@ctblcap {} \def\@ctbllabel {} \def\@ctblbeg {\begin{\@ctblrotate\@ctbltaborfig\@ctblstarred}} \def\@ctblbegin {\@ctblbeg} \def\@ctblend {\end{\@ctblrotate\@ctbltaborfig\@ctblstarred}} \def\@ctblbotcap {} \def\@ctblstarred {} \definecolor{@ctblframefg}{rgb}{0,0,0} \definecolor{@ctblframebg}{rgb}{1,1,1} \@ctblframerule0pt \@ctblframesep0pt \@ctblwidth=0pt \@ctblmaxwidth=0pt \setkeys{ctbl}{#1} % \end{macrocode} % It makes no sense to use \textsl{width} together with \textsl{maxwidth} or % \textsl{pos} together with \textsl{rotate} % \begin{macrocode} \ifdim\@ctblwidth=0pt\else \ifdim\@ctblmaxwidth=0pt\else \PackageError{ctable}{ You may not use the width and maxwidth options together}{% Use either width or maxwidth} \fi \fi \ifx\@ctblpos\empty\else \ifx\@ctblrotate\empty\else \PackageError{ctable}{ You may not use the pos and rotate options together}{% Rotated tables and figures are always typeset on a separate page} \fi \fi \newcolumntype{Y}{X}% save the X type % \end{macrocode} % save the table contents in a box, so we can determine its width, one box % will contain the table typeset with the tabular environment: % \begin{macrocode} \sbox\ctbl@tabel{% \newcolumntype{X}{l}% temporarily make type X = l \@ctblframe{@ctblframefg}{@ctblframebg}{% \begin{tabular}{#2} #4 \end{tabular}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % the other will get the table typeset with the tabularx environment: % \begin{macrocode} \sbox\ctbl@tabelx{% \newcolumntype{X}{Y}% restore X \@ctblframe{@ctblframefg}{@ctblframebg}{% \begin{tabularx}{\ifdim\@ctblwidth>0pt\@ctblwidth\else\@ctblmaxwidth\fi}{#2} #4 \end{tabularx}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % if no \textsl{maxwidth} was given: % \begin{macrocode} \ifdim\@ctblmaxwidth=0pt % \end{macrocode} % and also no \textsl{width}: % \begin{macrocode} \ifdim\@ctblwidth=0pt % \end{macrocode} % then use the tabular environment: % \begin{macrocode} \sbox{\ctbl@t}{\usebox\ctbl@tabel} \else % \end{macrocode} % if width was given: use the tabularx environment % \begin{macrocode} \sbox{\ctbl@t}{\usebox\ctbl@tabelx} \fi \else % \end{macrocode} % with the \textsl{maxwidth} option, we check if the table, typeset with % the tabular environment would get too wide: % \begin{macrocode} \ifdim\wd\ctbl@tabel>\@ctblmaxwidth % \end{macrocode} % if so, we use the tabularx environment: % \begin{macrocode} \sbox{\ctbl@t}{\usebox\ctbl@tabelx} \else % \end{macrocode} % but if within limits, we use the tabular environment: % \begin{macrocode} \sbox{\ctbl@t}{\usebox\ctbl@tabel} \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % the |ctbl@t| box now contains the table as we want to typeset it; % deternmine its width: % \begin{macrocode} \@ctblw=\wd\ctbl@t % \end{macrocode} % |\@ctblbegin| is now defined as something like |\begin{table}[tbp]|. % \begin{macrocode} \@ctblbegin \begin{\@ctblalign} \begin{minipage}{\@ctblw} \ifx\@ctblbotcap\empty\@ctblCaption\vspace{2ex}\fi \usebox\ctbl@t % insert the tabular \def\@ctblfootnotes{#3} \ifx#3\empty\else % append footnotes, if any \\ \begin{tabularx}{\@ctblw}{r@{\,}>{\footnotesize\raggedright}X} #3 \end{tabularx} \fi \ifx\@ctblbotcap\empty\else\@ctblCaption\fi \end{minipage} \end{\@ctblalign} \@ctblend } % % \end{macrocode} % \Finale