@echo off set flag=%1 if %flag%x == x ( set flag=thesis ) if %flag%x == thesisx ( call:thesis goto:EOF ) if %flag%x == thesisxx ( call:thesisx goto:EOF ) if %flag%x == docx ( call:extract call:document goto:EOF ) if %flag%x == cleanx ( call:cleanaux goto:EOF ) if %flag%x == cleanpdfx ( call:cleanpdf goto:EOF ) if %flag%x == cleanallx ( call:cleanaux call:cleanpdf goto:EOF ) if %flag%x == extractx ( call:extract goto:EOF ) if %flag%x == allx ( call:thesis call:document goto:EOF ) if %flag%x == buildx ( call:extract call:thesis goto:EOF ) if %flag%x == buildxx ( call:extract call:thesis call:document goto:EOF ) :help echo ************************************************************* echo This is the Makefile script for CQUThesis on Windows. echo For CQUThesis: https://github.com/nanmu42/CQUThesis echo by Zhennan Li (C) 2016 under LPPL 1.3 echo The idea comes from Github Liam0205/sduthesis, Many thanks! echo ************************************************************* echo * echo USAGE: echo makewin [param] echo param: echo help Display this help text echo thesis (default)Compile the thesis via latexmk echo thesisx Compile the thesis via XeLaTeX(only if latexmk is not installed.) echo doc Compile the documentation of CQUThesis echo clean Clean all aux files echo cleanpdf Clean all PDFs echo cleanall Clean all aux files and all PDFs echo extract Extract the Thesis Template from .dtx files. echo all thesis + doc echo build extract + thesis echo buildx extract + thesis + doc echo * echo ***********************Happy TeXing************************** goto:EOF :checkfiles IF NOT EXIST cquthesis.cls call:extract IF NOT EXIST cquthesis.cfg call:extract goto:EOF :thesis call:checkfiles latexmk -xelatex main.tex goto:EOF :thesisx call:checkfiles xelatex main.tex bibtex main.tex xelatex main.tex xelatex main.tex xelatex main.tex goto:EOF :cleanaux echo clean aux... for %%i in (*.aux *.bbl *.equ *.glo *.gls *.hd *.idx *.ilg *.ind *.lof *.lot *.out *.blg *.log *.thm *.toc *.synctex.gz *.lofEN *.lotEN *.equEN) do ( del %%i ) echo Done. goto:EOF :cleanpdf echo clean pdf... for %%i in (*.pdf) do ( del %%i ) echo Done. goto:EOF :clean_all call:cleanaux call:cleanpdf goto:EOF :extract echo extracting... latex cquthesis.ins echo *******CQUThesis has been extracted.******** goto:EOF :document echo building documents... set cmode=-interaction=batchmode xelatex cquthesis.dtx makeindex -s gind.ist -o cquthesis.ind cquthesis.idx makeindex -s gglo.ist -o cquthesis.gls cquthesis.glo xelatex cquthesis.dtx xelatex cquthesis.dtx xelatex cquthesis.dtx goto:EOF