setdos /y1 :: :: Copyright (C) 1994-2015 Werner Lemberg :: :: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify :: it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by :: the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or :: (at your option) any later version. :: :: This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, :: but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of :: MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the :: GNU General Public License for more details. :: :: You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License :: along with this program in doc/COPYING; if not, write to the Free :: Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, :: MA 02110-1301 USA :: :: :: This is dvidrv.btm, a batch file for 4DOS/4OS2 written by :: Werner Lemberg partially based on the :: dvidrv.btm file of the 4allTeX package written by Phons Bloemen. :: :: It is a replacement for dvidrv.exe of the emTeX package. :: :: Additional features: support of ps2pk :: support of ttf2pk :: support of hbf2gf for HBFs (Hanzi bitmap fonts) :: :: Only quadratic printer modes are supported for ttf2pk! :: :: All needed binaries will be searched in the path. iff %# lt 2 then echo `` echo Usage: %0 dvi-driver dvi-file [parameters] quit endiff setlocal :: we set a default value only if the corresponding environment variable :: is empty. The `=' must follow the variable name immediately. alias set_def `iff "%[%@word["=",0,%1]]" eq "" then %+ set %& %+ endiff` :: ========================================= :: ======== User defined variables. ======== :: ========================================= :: :: Can be overridden in the environment (except %ps2pk, %ttf2pk, %hbf2gf, :: %pre_dpi, and %post_dpi). :: Comment out the programs you don't want to use. set ps2pk=yes set ttf2pk=yes set hbf2gf=yes :: where the PK files will be installed created by ps2pk, ttf2pk, and :: hbf2gf. :: dvidrv.btm adds `\modeless\XXXdpi' to this string (see below for the :: exact string). set_def pkdir=%emtexdir\pixel\tmp\pk :: where the TrueType fonts reside. set_def ttfonts=%emtexdir\fonts\truetype :: where auxiliary files of ttf2pk are located. set_def ttfcfg=%emtexdir\ttf2pk :: where the HBF files reside. set_def hbfonts=%emtexdir\fonts\hbf :: where the hbf2gf config files are. set_def hbfcfg=%emtexdir\hbf2gf :: the dpi-subdirectory has various forms; the most common are XXXdpi and :: dpiXXX, e.g. 300dpi and dpi300. Here we define two variables which :: control this behaviour. :: [dpiXXX is used for TDS compatible TeX trees.] set pre_dpi=dpi set post_dpi= :: ================================================ :: ======== End of user defined variables. ======== :: ================================================ :: the base name for log files etc. set basename=%@name[%1] :: do we run dvips? iff "%basename" ne "dvips" then goto nodvips1 endiff :: we delete dvips.mfj if it exists. del dvips.mfj >& nul :: now we run dvips with all supplied parameters. %& :: do we have to generate fonts? iff exist dvips.mfj then goto generate_fonts endiff :: else all is done. goto end :nodvips1 :: here we call the dvi driver with all supplied parameters. %& -pj:%basename.mfj :: do we have to generate fonts? iff errorlevel 8 then goto generate_fonts endiff :: else all is done. goto end :generate_fonts gosub call_mfjob :: do we run dvips? iff "%basename" ne "dvips" then goto nodvips2 endiff :: we now call dvips a second time %& :: since no fonts will be generated in the second run we remove dvips.mfj del dvips.mfj >& nul goto end :nodvips2 :: we call the dvi driver a second time (without font generation). %& -pj -fm del %basename.mfj >& nul goto end :: this is the main subroutine which calls mfjob and then parses the mfjob :: file for fonts which can be handled by ps2pk, ttf2pk, or hbf2gf. :call_mfjob :: this alias prints a message on the screen and writes it into the logfile. alias echolog=`echo %& | tee /a %basename.mlg` echo ======== DVIDRV.BTM logfile ======== > %basename.mlg echo Commandline: dvidrv.btm %& >> %basename.mlg echo `` >> %basename.mlg echo basename=%basename >> %basename.mlg echo emtexdir=%emtexdir >> %basename.mlg echo dvidrvfonts=%dvidrvfonts >> %basename.mlg echo mfinput=%mfinput >> %basename.mlg echo mfjobopt=%mfjobopt >> %basename.mlg echo textfm=%textfm >> %basename.mlg echo psfonts=%psfonts >> %basename.mlg echo ttfonts=%ttfonts >> %basename.mlg echo ttfcfg=%ttfcfg >> %basename.mlg echo hbfonts=%hbfonts >> %basename.mlg echo hbfcfg=%hbfcfg >> %basename.mlg echo `` >> %basename.mlg iff "%@search[mfjob]" eq "" then echolog MFJOB not found in the path. echolog Can't generate PK fonts from METAFONT automatically. echo `` quit endiff :: now we call mfjob. echolog mfjob %mfjobopt -g%basename.mfl %basename.mfj mfjob %mfjobopt -g%basename.mfl %basename.mfj iff %? gt 0 then echolog `` echolog Something went wrong while running METAFONT. echolog Look into the log files... echolog `` endiff :: after running mfjob we scan the mfjob input file for fonts which can :: be handled by ps2pk, ttf2pk or hbf2gf. set lnnr=0 set totlines=%@lines[%basename.mfj] do while %lnnr le %totlines :: input a line. set scratch=%@line[%basename.mfj,%lnnr] set lnnr=%@inc[%lnnr] :: get resolutions (METAFONT mode will be ignored). :: example: :: mode=lqlores[180 180]; iff %@index[%scratch,mode] ge 0 then set temp=%@word["[]",1,%scratch] set xdpi=%@word[0,%temp] set ydpi=%@word[1,%temp] endiff :: get fontname and magnification; we then compute the font resolutions :: (rounded to the nearest integer---there is no necessity to adjust :: these values further because of possible rounding errors since both :: emTeX's dvi drivers and dvips check neighbored values too). :: example: :: {font=cmr10; mag=0.5;} iff %@index[%scratch,{font] ge 0 then set testfont=%@word["=;",1,%scratch] set temp=%@word["=;",3,%scratch] :: we use highest arithmetic precision for these calculations. :: Additionally we write 1/2 instead of 0.5 to avoid problems with :: countries which use a comma instead of a colon as the decimal :: separator. set fontresx=%@int[%@eval[%xdpi*%temp+1/2=8]] set fontresy=%@int[%@eval[%ydpi*%temp+1/2=8]] set pksubdir=modeless\%[pre_dpi]%[fontresx]%post_dpi set success=0 :: check whether %testfont leads to a PS font (we call ps2pkmfj). iff %success == 0 .and. "%ps2pk" ne "" then gosub call_ps2pk endiff :: check whether %testfont leads to a TrueType font. iff %success == 0 .and. "%ttf2pk" ne "" then gosub call_ttf2pk endiff :: check whether %testfont leads to a HBF file. iff %success == 0 .and. "%hbf2gf" ne "" then gosub call_hbf2gf endiff endiff enddo iff exist %basename.mfp then echo `` >> %basename.mlg echo `` >> %basename.mlg echo ======== PS2PK logfile ======== >> %basename.mlg echo `` >> %basename.mlg type %basename.mfp >> %basename.mlg echo `` >> %basename.mlg del %basename.mfp >& nul endiff iff exist %basename.mfl then echo `` >> %basename.mlg type %basename.mfl >> %basename.mlg echo `` >> %basename.mlg del %basename.mfl >& nul endiff return :call_ttf2pk iff "%@search[ttf2pk]" eq "" then echolog TTF2PK not found in the path. echolog Can't generate PK fonts from TrueType fonts automatically. echo `` quit endiff echolog ttf2pk -q -n %testfont %fontresx ttf2pk -q -n %testfont %fontresx iff %? == 0 then echolog Font %pkdir\%pksubdir\ generated. mkdir /s %pkdir\%pksubdir >& nul move %pkdir\%pksubdir >& nul set success=1 elseiff %? == 2 then echolog (%lnnr/%totlines): Font %testfont is no TrueType font. set success=0 else echolog Error running TTF2PK for font %testfont! endiff return :call_hbf2gf iff "%@search[hbf2gf]" eq "" then echolog HBF2GF not found in the path. echolog Can't generate PK fonts from HBF files automatically. echo `` quit endiff echolog hbf2gf -q -p -n %testfont %fontresx %fontresy hbf2gf -q -p -n %testfont %fontresx %fontresy iff %? == 0 then echolog Font %pkdir\%pksubdir\ generated. mkdir /s %pkdir\%pksubdir >& nul gftopk move %pkdir\%pksubdir >& nul del >& nul set success=1 elseiff %? == 2 then echolog (%lnnr/%totlines): Font %testfont is no HBF. set success=0 else echolog Error running HBF2GF for font %testfont! endiff return :call_ps2pk iff not exist %pkdir\%pksubdir\ then iff "%@search[ps2pkmfj]" eq "" .or. "%@search[ps2pk]" eq "" then echolog PS2PKMFJ and/or PS2PK not found in the path. echolog Can't generate PK fonts from PostScript fonts automatically. echo `` quit endiff echolog ps2pkmfj -X%fontresx -Y%fontresy %testfont ps2pkmfj -X%fontresx -Y%fontresy %testfont | input %%pspkline iff errorlevel != 1 then %pspkline >> %basename.mfp iff %? == 0 then echolog Font %pkdir\%pksubdir\ generated. mkdir /s %pkdir\%pksubdir >& nul move %pkdir\%pksubdir >& nul success=1 else echolog Error running PS2PK for font %testfont! endiff else echolog (%lnnr/%totlines): Font %testfont is no PS font. success=0 endiff else echolog Font %pkdir\%pksubdir\ already exists. endiff return :end endlocal :: ==== end of dvidrv.btm ====