% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright (C) 1994-2009 Erik Meijer and any individual authors listed % elsewhere in this file. % % This file is part of the `apacite' package. % ------------------------------------------- % % It may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either % version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later % version. The latest version of this license is in: % % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of % LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. % % The `apacite' package consists of the files apacite.dtx and % apacite.ins, and the following generated files: % apacite.sty, apacite.bst, apacitex.bst, apa5ex.bib, % apacite.drv, apacdoc.sty, % english.apc, dutch.apc, finnish.apc, german.apc, ngerman.apc, % greek.apc, norsk.apc, spanish.apc, swedish.apc. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained' % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Erik Meijer % % This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the % source files of the apacite package, i.e., apacite.dtx and % apacite.ins. You may however distribute the apacite package without % the generated files. % % \fi % % \CheckSum{0} % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % \iffalse %<*dtx> \ProvidesFile{apacite.dtx} [2009/03/01 v4.05 apacite dtx file] % %\ProvidesFile{apacite.drv} %\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] %\ProvidesPackage{apacite} %\ProvidesPackage{apacdoc} %\ProvidesFile{english.apc} %\ProvidesFile{dutch.apc} %\ProvidesFile{finnish.apc} %\ProvidesFile{german.apc} %\ProvidesFile{ngerman.apc} %\ProvidesFile{greek.apc} %\ProvidesFile{norsk.apc} %\ProvidesFile{spanish.apc} %\ProvidesFile{swedish.apc} %%% apa5ex.bib %%% apacite.bst %%% apacann.bst %%% apacitex.bst %%% apacannx.bst %^^A %^^A I have to find out how I can replace the hard-coded date+version with a %^^A command such that the value of the command is written to the file instead %^^A of the name. %^^A % [2009/03/01 v4.05 apacite documentation driver file] % [2009/03/01 v4.05 APA citation] % [2009/03/01 v4.05 apacite documentation style] % [2009/03/01 v4.05 apacite language file] % [2009/03/01 v4.05 apacite language file] % [2009/03/01 v4.05 apacite language file] % [2009/03/01 v4.05 apacite language file] % [2009/03/01 v4.05 apacite language file] % [2009/03/01 v4.05 apacite language file] % [2009/03/01 v4.05 apacite language file] % [2009/03/01 v4.05 apacite language file] % [2009/03/01 v4.05 apacite language file] %%% [2009/03/01 v4.05 bibliography database for apacite manual] %%% [2009/03/01 v4.05 APA bibliography style] %<*xbibstyle&!annotated> %% [2009/03/01 v4.05 APA bibl. style with author index info] % %%% [2009/03/01 v4.05 APA annotated bibliography style] %<*xbibstyle&annotated> %% [2009/03/01 v4.05 APA annotated bibl. style with author index info] % % %<*install> %^^A ============================================= %^^A Here is the docstrip installation file %^^A It is written on first LaTeX run if it %^^A does not already exist %^^A ============================================= \begin{filecontents*}{apacite.ins} %% %% This file will generate fast loadable files and documentation %% driver files from apacite.dtx when run through LaTeX. %% %% Copyright (C) 1994-2009 Erik Meijer and any individual authors listed %% elsewhere in this file. %% %% This file is part of the `apacite' package. %% ------------------------------------------- %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either %% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later %% version. The latest version of this license is in: %% %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of %% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% The `apacite' package consists of the files apacite.dtx and %% apacite.ins, and the following generated files: %% apacite.sty, apacite.bst, apacitex.bst, apa5ex.bib, %% apacite.drv, apacdoc.sty, apacann.bst, apacannx.bst, %% english.apc, dutch.apc, finnish.apc, french.apc, german.apc, %% ngerman.apc, greek.apc, norsk.apc, spanish.apc, swedish.apc. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained' %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Erik Meijer %% %% This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the %% source files of the apacite package, i.e., apacite.dtx and %% apacite.ins. You may however distribute the apacite package without %% the generated files. \input docstrip.tex \keepsilent \declarepreamble\mainpreamble This is a generated file. Copyright (C) 1994-2009 Erik Meijer and any individual authors listed elsewhere in this file. This file is part of the `apacite' package. ------------------------------------------- It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. The `apacite' package consists of the files apacite.dtx and apacite.ins, and the following generated files: apacite.sty, apacite.bst, apacitex.bst, apa5ex.bib, apacite.drv, apacdoc.sty, apacann.bst, apacannx.bst, english.apc, dutch.apc, finnish.apc, french.apc, german.apc, ngerman.apc, greek.apc, norsk.apc, spanish.apc, swedish.apc. This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained' The Current Maintainer of this work is Erik Meijer This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the source files of the apacite package, i.e., apacite.dtx and apacite.ins. You may however distribute the apacite package without the generated files. \endpreamble \declarepreamble\drvpreamble This is a generated file. Copyright (C) 1994-2009 Erik Meijer and any individual authors listed elsewhere in this file. This file is part of the `apacite' package. ------------------------------------------- It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. The `apacite' package consists of the files apacite.dtx and apacite.ins, and the following generated files: apacite.sty, apacite.bst, apacitex.bst, apa5ex.bib, apacite.drv, apacdoc.sty, apacann.bst, apacannx.bst, english.apc, dutch.apc, finnish.apc, french.apc, german.apc, ngerman.apc, greek.apc, norsk.apc, spanish.apc, swedish.apc. This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained' The Current Maintainer of this work is Erik Meijer This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the source files of the apacite package, i.e., apacite.dtx and apacite.ins. You may however distribute the apacite package without the generated files. You are allowed to make changes to this file, in order to generate the user's manual with your preferred settings (e.g., to choose whether or not to include the documented source code). Please do not change apacite.dtx for this purpose. \endpreamble \edef\noendinputpostamble{% \MetaPrefix ^^J% \MetaPrefix\space End of file `\outFileName'.% } \askonceonly \generate{% \usepreamble\mainpreamble \file{apacite.sty}{\from{apacite.dtx}{package}} \file{apacdoc.sty}{\from{apacite.dtx}{docpkg}} \file{english.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{english}} \file{dutch.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{dutch}} \file{finnish.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{finnish}} \file{french.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{french}} \file{german.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{german}} \file{ngerman.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{ngerman}} \file{greek.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{greek}} \file{norsk.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{norsk}} \file{spanish.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{spanish}} \file{swedish.apc}{\from{apacite.dtx}{swedish}} \usepreamble\drvpreamble \file{apacite.drv}{\from{apacite.dtx}{driver}} \usepreamble\mainpreamble \usepostamble\noendinputpostamble \file{apa5ex.bib}{\from{apacite.dtx}{bibdb}} \file{apacite.bst}{\from{apacite.dtx}{bibstyle}} \file{apacitex.bst}{\from{apacite.dtx}{xbibstyle}} \file{apacann.bst}{\from{apacite.dtx}{bibstyle,annotated}} \file{apacannx.bst}{\from{apacite.dtx}{xbibstyle,annotated}} } \obeyspaces \Msg{*****************************************************} \Msg{* *} \Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the *} \Msg{* following files into a directory searched by TeX: *} \Msg{* *} \Msg{* All *.apc, *.sty *} \Msg{* *} \Msg{* and to move the following files into a directory *} \Msg{* searched by BibTeX: *} \Msg{* *} \Msg{* All *.bib, *.bst *} \Msg{* *} \Msg{* To produce the documentation, run the following *} \Msg{* script (or something similar, depending on your *} \Msg{* operating system): *} \Msg{* *} \Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *} \Msg{* bibtex apacite *} \Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *} \Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *} \Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *} \Msg{* makeindex -o apacite.and apacite.adx *} \Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *} \Msg{* pdflatex apacite.drv *} \Msg{* *} \Msg{* See the README file for a brief explanation and *} \Msg{* the file apacite.drv for how to customize the *} \Msg{* manual (e.g., to include the documented source *} \Msg{* code. *} \Msg{* *} \Msg{* Happy TeXing! *} \Msg{* *} \Msg{*****************************************************} \endbatchfile \end{filecontents*} % %<*gobble> \IfFileExists{apacdoc.sty}{% \let\finishprematurely\relax }{% \typeout{**************************************************% ********************}% \typeout{*}% \typeout{* To extract the package, style, and support files of apacite,}% \typeout{* run TeX on apacite.ins}% \typeout{*}% \typeout{* To (re)generate the apacite documentation, first run TeX on}% \typeout{* apacite.ins and then run LaTeX on apacite.drv or apacite.dtx}% \typeout{*}% \typeout{**************************************************% ********************^^J}% \makeatletter \edef\finishprematurely{\csname @@end\endcsname}% \makeatother } \finishprematurely % % \fi % % 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\documentclass{ltxdoc} %%\documentclass[twoside]{ltxdoc} %%\documentclass[a4paper]{ltxdoc} %%\documentclass[twoside,a4paper]{ltxdoc} %% \usepackage{apacdoc}[2009/03/01 v4.05] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% LOADING OF PACKAGES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% The following line can be uncommented to test compatibility with TeX4ht. %% \usepackage{tex4ht} %% %% The following line is used for references to internet sources. %% It is not generally necessary for apacite, but used in the examples. \usepackage{url} %% %% The following lines can be uncommented to test compatibility with %% the mentioned other packages and test the language support of %% apacite. %% \usepackage[dvips,pagebackref]{hyperref} %% \usepackage[pdftex,pagebackref]{hyperref} %% \usepackage[english]{babel}% babel must be loaded before apacite %% \usepackage{german} %% %% Loading apacite with author index option. \usepackage[ltxemindex,bibnewpage]{apacite}[2009/03/01 v4.05] %% \raggedbottom %% %% To include the detailed explanation of the coding, comment out %% the next line \OnlyDescription %% %% To produce a command index: add the following line for one run, %% then run makeindex -s gind.ist apacite %% and reprocess, with or without this line (much faster without) %% \EnableCrossrefs\CodelineIndex %% %% To produce a change history: add the following line for one run, %% then run makeindex -s gglo.ist -o apacite.gls apacite.glo %% and reprocess, with or without this line (faster without) %% \RecordChanges %% \DisableCrossrefs %May stay; zapped by \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineNumbered %May stay %% %% For getting something useful out of greek.apc in the documentation. %%\IfFileExists{iso-8859-7.def}{% %% \usepackage[iso-8859-7]{inputenc}}{} \begin{document} \DocInput{apacite.dtx} \end{document} % % \fi % % ^^A (I have to find out how to get the following remark in the right % ^^A place in the documentation.) % ^^A The version numbers have been assigned afterwards; originally, % ^^A apacite had only release dates. % % \changes{v1.0}{1994/11/30}{First public version} % \changes{v2.0}{2000/09/22}{Second packaged version, the result of % continuous updating over many years. Not officially released through % ctan because there was no update of the documentation, but this was % available through my homepage at the time. Many additions in terms % of customizability, and introduction of the author indexing % facilities, which were first used in my PhD thesis in 1998.} % \changes{v2.1}{2003/03/27}{First official release since 1994. Compared % to 2.0, this primarily solved some important compatibility problems % with other packages.} % \changes{v2.2}{2003/09/05}{Updated for the 5th edition of the APA % manual, up to date documentation and test document, reorganized the % material, and improved compatibility.} % \changes{v3.0}{2004/07/01}{Now adds initials if necessary to % distinguish first authors; now adds 2nd and later authors if necessary % to distinguish references; now truncates author list after 6th author % and editor list after 1st in reference list if there are more than 6 % authors/editors; improved sorting for reference list; improved author % index support; added explicit support for reporting a meta-analysis.} % \changes{v3.1}{2005/06/01}{Introduces explicit non-English language % support, solves some compatibility problems.} % \changes{v3.2}{2005/06/08}{Fix of a small but annoying bug.} % \changes{v4.00}{2007/09/03}{Solved many compatibility issues; improved % and extended language support; more extensive customizability.} % \changes{v4.05}{2009/03/01}{Some bug fixes; extended language support; % annotated bibliographies.} % % \GetFileInfo{apacite.sty} % % \setcounter{IndexColumns}{2} % \setlength{\IndexMin}{10cm} % % ^^A Start documentation here. % % % \iffalse %<*dtx> % \fi \MakePercentComment % % Previously apacite.tex : % User's reference manual and test of the apacite package. % Written by Erik Meijer % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% START OF ``NORMAL'' PART OF DOCUMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \title{The \pkg{apacite} package% \thanks{This document describes \pkg{apacite} version~\fileversion{} dated \filedate.} \vspace{0.3\baselineskip}\\ \large Citation and reference list with \LaTeX{} and \BibTeX{} according to the rules of the American Psychological Association} \author{Erik Meijer\\ \textsf{apacite at gmail.com} } \date{\filedate} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % If ecmr (T1) font not available: \simpleguillemots %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \maketitle %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{abstract} \noindent This document describes and tests the \pkg{apacite} package \APACversiondate{\filedate}. This is a package that can be used with \LaTeX{} and \BibTeX{} to generate citations and a reference list, formatted according to the rules of the American Psychological Association. Furthermore, \pkg{apacite} contains an option to (almost) automatically generate an author index as well. The package can be customized in many ways. \end{abstract} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \clearpage \tableofcontents \clearpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Introduction} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The American Psychological Association (APA) is very strict about the style in which manuscripts submitted to its journals are written and formatted. The requirements of the APA are described in the \emph{Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association}, the latest version of which is the 5th edition \cite{APAManual}. In the sequel, this is simply called the \emph{APA manual}. The APA manual discusses how candidate authors should write their manuscripts: writing style, parts of a manuscript and their order, presentation of the results in the form of tables and figures, and so forth. Candidate authors should study this and adhere to this. The APA manual also gives specific rules about the formatting of a manuscript. This includes double spacing, a running head, the typographic style of section headings, the placement of tables and figures on separate pages at the end of the document, and so forth. \LaTeX{} users will recognize these as ``style'' elements that should be defined in a package (\fname{.sty} file) or class (\fname{.cls} file). Their specific documents (\fname{.tex} file) should be largely style-independent. This idea of separating content and logical structure from specific formatting is one of the basic elements of \LaTeX{} \cite[p.~7]{LaTeXbook}. An implementation of the formatting rules of the APA manual for use with \LaTeX{} is the \pkg{apa} class of Athanassios Protopapas. This handles all kinds of issues about general document formatting, title page, section headings, figures and tables, and so forth. Therefore, if you intend to submit a manuscript to an APA journal, I strongly recommend using the \pkg{apa} class. An important part of the APA style is the way citations and the reference list should be formatted. This takes 75 pages in the APA manual (pp.~207--281, excluding the references to legal materials). This part is not handled by the \pkg{apa} class, but by the \pkg{apacite} package. The \pkg{apa} class requires the \pkg{apacite} package, but \pkg{apacite} can be used without \pkg{apa}. The current document, for example, does not use the \pkg{apa} class, because I find it desirable that possible users can study the \pkg{apacite} package and its documentation without having to install several other classes and packages first. Therefore, the current document uses standard \LaTeX{} as much as possible. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection*{Some history} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Before the advent of the first version of \pkg{apacite} in 1994, several authors have written \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} packages (\fname{.sty}) and \BibTeX{} style files (\fname{.bst}) with suggestive names as \pkg{apalike}, \pkg{newapa}, and \pkg{theapa} to try to capture some of the requirements of the APA manual. A severe problem with the APA citations is that, if the number of authors is between three and five, inclusive, the first citation must include all authors, whereas subsequent citations should refer to the first author ``et al.''. This problem had been solved by the \pkg{newapa} and \pkg{theapa} packages. A lot of APA peculiarities, however, were not covered by these citation styles. Examples are: \begin{itemize} \item In the reference list, authors should be formatted with their initials after their surnames. Editors, however, should be formatted with their initials \emph{before} their surnames if they are not in the author position. \item If the work referred to is a non-English-language source, the English translation of the title should be given in brackets after the title. \item Edition and volume of a book and the pages of an article in that book should be gathered between a single pair of parentheses. \item The publisher of a book and its address should be given as ``address: publisher'', and not as ``publisher, address''. \item When the work used is a reprint or translation of an earlier work, this should be mentioned in the reference list. In text, the year must be given in the form ``1923/1961''. \item There are several ``tricky'' things with brackets and parentheses, for example, with the type of an article (e.g., ``Letter to the editor'', ``Review of the book \emph{The social life of information}'', ``Abstract'', ``Special issue''). Furthermore, magazine and newspaper articles are treated differently than journal articles; papers presented at meetings must be treated differently; translators of articles and books and chairs of symposia must be introduced; an article can have editors instead of authors (e.g., with a special issue); a PhD thesis can be abstracted in \emph{Dissertation Abstracts International}; a (technical) report of some institution can be an (edited) collection of articles. \end{itemize} The \pkg{apacite} package is devised to get (much) closer to the APA rules than the abovementioned other packages and styles. The original version of the \fname{apacite.sty} \LaTeX{} package consisted for a large part of the citation part of \fname{theapa.sty}. The current version, however, has been changed and extended in many ways and can therefore not be considered a straightforward adaptation of \fname{theapa.sty} anymore, although it provides largely the same commands, such as \cmd{\citeA}, and peculiarities in the command definitions, such as the use of \verb+<...>+ for a prefix note and \verb+[...]+ for a postfix note. Although the \fname{apacite.bst} \BibTeX{} style started out as a slightly adapted version of \fname{theapa.bst}, the number of changes became so large and things became so unmanageable that I decided to write a completely new bibstyle, although using some small parts of the original. The \fname{apacite.bst} file can therefore not anymore be seen as an adaptation of \fname{theapa.bst}. Due to the complex rules of the APA manual, it has become a large file. In the original process of writing (back in 1994), the error \begin{verbatim} You've exceeded BibTeX's wizard-defined function space \end{verbatim} was very hard to overcome. It appears that later versions of \BibTeX{} allowed much more space, because I have not received this message anymore in recent years, although the bibstyle has been expanded considerably. However, if you run an old \BibTeX{}, you may encounter this (and similar) error messages. In the ``dark years'' between 1994 and 2003, in which there was no official new version of \pkg{apacite}, I have been fixing small bugs, discovered either by me or by users who sent in their bug reports, and adding some small options that were easy to incorporate and that I found useful or that were requested by a user. Furthermore, in 1998, I spent considerable effort in adding an (almost) automatic author indexing option, first used for my PhD thesis \cite{meijer1998}. In the first few months of 2003, I fixed a number of problems with the compatibility between \pkg{apacite} and some other important packages. Although I had been planning (or wishing, rather) to release a proper official update of \pkg{apacite} for some time, I had not done so, mainly because I had not yet taken the time to update the documentation. The compatibility issues were so severe, however, that I decided in March 2003 to release an intermediate update, which thus became the first official release since the original version. This version contained a lot of files with compatibility patches and tests. The main shortcomings of that version were the lack of up-to-date documentation and the lack of agreement with the latest version of the APA manual (5th ed., 2001). In September 2003, I finally released a complete, fully updated and significantly extended version of \pkg{apacite}, including extensive documentation. However, that version still was not able to format some citations correctly. The \APACversiondate{2004/07/01} version was a small improvement of the \APACversiondate{2003/09/05} version, but fixed the important inadequacies of previous versions. The \APACversiondate{2005/06/08} version introduced (limited) support of non-English languages. This is clearly a non-APA direction, because all APA publications are in English. However, many journals, universities, etc.\ in non-English speaking countries base their rules on the APA rules, and thus it may be useful to have the possibility to use \pkg{apacite} in combination with documents in non-English languages as well. This language feature has been further extended in the \APACversiondate{2007/09/03} version. See section~\ref{sec:compat-babel} for a description of the implementation of this feature. The most salient change in the \APACversiondate{2007/09/03} version was the shift of many formatting decisions from \BibTeX\ to \LaTeX, so that they are easier to change by the user. The current version adds some further improvements in customizability and language support, and adds support for annotated bibliographies. Apart from the language support and the facilities for customization, the current version of \pkg{apacite} is aimed at conforming with the 5th edition of the APA manual. It remains, however, imperfect, although the instances of incorrectly formatted cases will be rare. The problems can be solved by ``tricking'' the style (e.g., by defining the \fieldname{number} field as ``\verb+2, Serial No. 186+'' if the issue number and serial number of a journal are both important), but this makes the \fname{.bib} file less compatible with other styles. In the test examples in section~\ref{sec:xmpl} below, many tricks are used and discussed. Remaining problems, omissions, and things-to-be-done can be found in section~\ref{sec:todo}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection*{Philosophy of \pkg{apacite}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% As can be deduced from the discussion thus far, the first priority of \pkg{apacite} is to implement the rules of the APA manual with regard to citation and reference list as closely as possible. However, just like its predecessors, and actually expanding much beyond their realm, \pkg{apacite} offers many possibilities for customization as well. Many details of \pkg{apacite}, particularly punctuation and some fixed texts (e.g., ``Tech.\ Rep.'') can be changed easily by the user by redefining some commands in \LaTeX{}. Furthermore, \pkg{apacite} also offers several proper options to change some of its settings. Whether certain options or customizable aspects are implemented depends on two criteria: (1) Is it possible, easy (enough), and convenient to implement them without compromising the ability to adhere to the APA rules, and (2) Do I (EM) consider them important or useful enough to spend time to implement them. Actually, the decision process is the reverse of this: First, I decide whether I find it a relevant or useful option. If not, I will not implement it. If so, I will think about if and how I can implement it. If I have an idea for a solution that is practically feasible, I will pursue it. If I don't see a solution, if I think it will take me too much time, or if I think a solution will be inconvenient to other users, then I will not pursue it. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection*{New in this version} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The changes since the \APACversiondate{2007/09/03} version are: \begin{itemize} \item Addition of \fname{french.apc} to the list of language-specific files. \item Improvements in various \fname{.apc} files. In particular, in addition to some small changes in various files, all of the \fname{.apc} files are greatly extended, supporting more language-specific elements. \item Added support for annotated bibliographies through the \fname{apacann.bst} and \fname{apacannx.bst} \BibTeX{} style files. See section~\ref{sec:annotate} for details. \item Introduction of the \cmd{\APACstdindex}, \cmd{\APACtocindex}, \cmd{\APACemindex}, and \cmd{\APACltxemindex} commands, which change the style of the index. \item Improved source code documentation in the \fname{.dtx} file. \item Some minor changes and bug fixes. In particular, a few problems that showed up when the reference list contains multiple works by the same author(s) published in the same year, have been resolved. \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection*{About this document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The current document describes how to use \pkg{apacite} and largely assumes knowledge of or access to the standard \BibTeX{} documentation, such as \citeA{Pata88}, \citeA[chap.~12]{KoDa04}, or \citeA[chap.~12 and~13]{TLC2}. Hence, this document does not always describe how to use some of the citation commands or how to construct a bibliography database file in detail if there is no \pkg{apacite}-specific element to it. This document comes in two versions. The version supplied with the distribution is the user's manual. As is customary with packages that are distributed in \fname{.dtx} form, it is also possible to regenerate the user's manual in such a way that it includes the documented source code of the package as well. This is currently still in a primitive form compared to other packages, but it will be improved with later releases. The \fname{README} file describes how the documented source code can be included in this manual. \citeA{meijer07} contains some simple examples in which \pkg{apacite} is compared to standard \LaTeX/\BibTeX{} citation, as well as a description of how \pkg{apacite} works technically. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Installation, package loading, and running \BibTeX{}} \label{sec:usage} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \pkg{apacite} is distributed as a \fname{.dtx} file, like most \LaTeX{} packages. The file \fname{apacite.dtx} is supplemented by a \fname{README} file, which gives a brief introduction and installation instructions, the user's manual in the file \fname{apacite.pdf} (which you are reading right now), and the installation file \fname{apacite.ins}. Strictly speaking, only the \fname{apacite.dtx} file is necessary, because the installation file is regenerated from it if it is not available, and the user's manual is generated by running \LaTeX{} on \fname{apacite.dtx}. But it is customary (and convenient for potential users) to include the other files as well. The \LaTeX{} packages, \BibTeX{} style files, and other files in the distribution are generated by running \LaTeX{} on \fname{apacite.ins}. This generates the following files: \begin{description} \item[\fname{apacite.sty}] The \LaTeX{} citation package. This must be placed in a directory where \TeX{} can find it. \item[\fname{apacite.bst}] The \BibTeX{} reference list style. This must be placed in a directory where \BibTeX{} can find it. \item[\fname{apacitex.bst}] The \BibTeX{} reference list style with added author index support. This must also be placed in a directory where \BibTeX{} can find it. \item[\fname{apacann.bst}] \item[\fname{apacannx.bst}] Versions of \fname{apacite.bst} and \fname{apacitex.bst} that generate annotated bibliographies (if the \fieldname{annote} and/or \fieldname{annotate} fields are provided). Again, these must be placed in a directory where \BibTeX{} can find it. Most probably, some time in the future, the four \fname{.bst} files will be combined in \fname{apacite.bst}, with the desired behavior induced by options, but this is nontrivial and currently not implemented yet. \item[\fname{apa5ex.bib}] The file with bibliographic information about the references used in the user's manual (i.e., the current document). This is also useful for users to find out how certain nontrivial problems can be solved. This can best be kept in the same directory as \fname{apacite.dtx}. \item[\fname{apacite.drv}] Documentation driver. Run \LaTeX{} on this file to regenerate the user's manual. This is the current document, and can also be ontained by running \LaTeX{} on \fname{apacite.dtx}, but you can edit the file \fname{apacite.drv} to change some settings, e.g., choose whether or not the documented source code must be included in the manual or not. Please don't edit \fname{apacite.dtx} itself. The file \fname{apacite.drv} can best be kept in the same directory as \fname{apacite.dtx}. \item[\fname{*.apc}] Language-specific modifications of \pkg{apacite}. See section~\ref{sec:compat-babel} for a discussion of these. These must be placed in a directory where \LaTeX{} can find them. The files that are currently supplied are \fname{english.apc}, \fname{dutch.apc}, \fname{finnish.apc}, \fname{french.apc}, \fname{german.apc}, \fname{ngerman.apc}, \fname{greek.apc}, \fname{norsk.apc}, \fname{spanish.apc}, and \fname{swedish.apc}. \item[\fname{apacdoc.sty}] A \LaTeX{} package that contains commands and settings used in this user's manual. This can be placed in a directory where \TeX{} can find it, but given that it is primarily useful for processing the user's manual and not intended as a package for wider usage, it can also be left in the same directory as \fname{apacite.dtx}. See section~\ref{sec:apacdoc} for a further discussion of this package. \end{description} Previous versions of \pkg{apacite} provided the file \fname{apacite.tex}, which contained the user's manual, but this is now included in \fname{apacite.dtx} and can be formatted by running \LaTeX{} on \fname{apacite.drv}. The \fname{apacite.sty} \LaTeX{} package is loaded by putting \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ \cmdthreealt{usepackage}{options}{apacite} \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ somewhere in your document between \cmd{\documentclass} and \verb+\begin{document}+, or putting \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ \cmdthreealt{RequirePackage}{options}{apacite} \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ in your own personal \LaTeX{} package (say, \fname{mysettings.sty}) that is loaded by your document. To load the \fname{apacite.bst} or \fname{apacitex.bst} bibliography style in \BibTeX{}, put \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ \verb+\bibliographystyle{apacite}+ \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ or \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ \verb+\bibliographystyle{apacitex}+ \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ respectively, in your document before the \cmd{\bibliography} command. The position of the bibliography (reference list) is determined by the line \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ \cmdtwo{bibliography}{bibfiles} \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ where \opt{bibfiles} is a list of filenames with \fname{.bib} extension, which contain the bibliographic information that is used by \BibTeX{} to construct the reference list. Usually, the \cmd{\bibliographystyle} and \cmd{\bibliography} are kept together (immediately follow each other) in the document, although when you are using the \pkg{apa} document class, \pkg{apacite} is used by definition and you are not supposed to use the \cmd{\bibliographystyle} command yourself. See the documentation of the \pkg{apa} documentclass for details about this. If you use one of the author indexing options, the author index is put in the \LaTeX{} output by the line \begin{verbatim} \printindex[autx] \end{verbatim} If you put this line in your document, but don't use one of the author indexing options, it will be ignored. For more on author indexing, see section~\ref{sec:autindex}. To get all parts in the final output, the following sequence of runs should typically be taken (when starting from scratch): (1) \LaTeX{}, (2) \BibTeX{}, (3) \LaTeX{}, (4) \LaTeX{}, and, when author indexing is on, (5) \MakeIndex{}, (6) \LaTeX{}, and (7) \LaTeX{}. The last one is to get the index in the table of contents. If the table of contents is on a regular page, i.e., an arabic-numbered page instead of a roman-numbered page in the front matter, it may even be necessary to run \MakeIndex{} another time, followed by \LaTeX{} once or twice. Occasionally, somewhere in the process, \LaTeX{} may complain about labels that may have changed, which requires even more additional \LaTeX{} runs at that stage. So the number of runs that are necessary to get everything right may become large. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Package options} \label{sec:options} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The following options are recognized by \pkg{apacite}: \begin{description} \item[\pkgoption{BCAY}] \mbox{}\\ This is a technical option for backwards compatibility with old versions (pre-\APACversiondate{2003/09/05}) of \pkg{apacite}. In those versions of \pkg{apacite}, the \cmd{\BCAY} construction was used to pass relevant citation information from the \fname{.bbl} file (\BibTeX{}'s output) to \LaTeX{}. This was taken over from its immediate predecessor, Young U. Ryu's \pkg{theapa}. However, \pkg{natbib} does not recognize the \cmd{\BCAY} construction, but it does recognize the analogous \cmd{\citeauthoryear} construction, which was also used by an earlier predecessor of \pkg{apacite}, \pkg{newapa}. Therefore, \pkg{apacite} has reverted to \cmd{\citeauthoryear} as well. This makes different versions of \pkg{apacite} incompatible with each other, because it is not possible to support both constructions at the same time. This option is used to fix that: In the (unlikely) event that you \emph{must} use a \fname{.bbl} file that is generated by an old version of \pkg{apacite}, you can turn this option on. \item[\pkgoption{index}] \item[\pkgoption{indexpackage}] \item[\pkgoption{noindexpackage}] The \pkgoption{index} option turns author indexing on. See section~\ref{sec:autindex} for a discussion of the author indexing facility. The \pkgoption{index} option should be used with the \fname{apacitex.bst} (or \fname{apacannx.bst}) \BibTeX{} style, although it does not give errors with \fname{apacite.bst} (or \fname{apacann.bst}), but simply does not give author index entries, so then this option typically does not have any effect (and an undesirable effect if it does). The \pkgoption{indexpackage} and \pkgoption{noindexpackage} select whether the author index entries should be generated according to the method of the \pkg{index} package or using a more standard-\LaTeX{} method. By default, if the \pkgoption{index} option is requested, the \pkgoption{indexpackage} option is turned on as well, consistent with the behavior of previous versions of \pkg{apacite}. \item[\pkgoption{noindex}] \mbox{}\\ Turns author indexing off (the default). Typically used with \fname{apacite.bst}, but can also be used with \fname{apacitex.bst}. In the latter case, the author indexing commands are simply ignored. Therefore, \fname{apacite.bst} is actually superfluous, but because author indexing will be used rarely and \fname{apacitex.bst} is more likely to lead to errors or incompatibilities, a ``clean'' (no author indexing) version, \fname{apacite.bst}, is provided as well. \item[\pkgoption{suppresscorporate}] \mbox{}\\ Excludes corporate authors from the author index. The \cmd{\bibcorporate} command must be used in the \fname{.bib} file to denote a corporate author; see sections~\ref{subsec:fields}, \ref{subsec:labels}, and~\ref{sec:autindex}. \item[\pkgoption{includecorporate}] \mbox{}\\ Includes corporate authors in the author index, provided that an author index is requested of course. \item[\pkgoption{stdindex}] \item[\pkgoption{tocindex}] \item[\pkgoption{emindex}] \item[\pkgoption{ltxemindex}] \mbox{}\\ These options select the style of index formatting. They all imply the \pkgoption{index} option. The first three of these imply the \pkgoption{indexpackage} option, whereas the fourth implies \pkgoption{noindexpackage}. See section~\ref{sec:autindex}. \item[\pkgoption{numberedbib}] \mbox{}\\ This option implies that the bibliography (reference list) is a numbered section or chapter, e.g., ``6.~References'', instead of just ``References''. \item[\pkgoption{unnumberedbib}] \mbox{}\\ The reverse of \pkgoption{numberedbib}: The bibliography is an unnumbered section or chapter. This is the default. However, it is possible that when using the \pkg{apa} document class, then \pkgoption{numberedbib} works better, because that class turns section numbering off anyway and it may be that \pkg{apa}'s page headings work well if the reference list is a \cmd{\section} and not if it is a \cmd{\section*}. I have not experimented with this (yet), however. \item[\pkgoption{sectionbib}] \mbox{}\\ With this option, the bibliography is a section and not a chapter. Mainly useful in combination with the \pkg{chapterbib} package. Therefore, it will be discussed in more detail in section~\ref{sec:compat-chapterbib}. \item[\pkgoption{nosectionbib}] \mbox{}\\ With this option, the bibliography is a chapter, if the \cmd{\chapter} command is defined. Otherwise, it is always a section. Again, see section~\ref{sec:compat-chapterbib}. \item[\pkgoption{tocbib}] \mbox{}\\ This puts the bibliography in the table of contents, even if it is unnumbered, provided of course that a table of contents is requested in the document (by \cmd{\tableofcontents}). This is the default. \item[\pkgoption{notocbib}] \mbox{}\\ This does not put the bibliography in the table of contents if it is an unnumbered section or chapter. If it's numbered, it is always in the table of contents. \item[\pkgoption{bibnewpage}] \mbox{}\\ The bibliography is started on a new page. This is required by some journal styles, including the APA manual. The \pkg{apa} class already contained this in its \pkgoption{man} option, but now it has been made available directly in \pkg{apacite}. \item[\pkgoption{nobibnewpage}] \mbox{}\\ The bibliography is not explicitly started on a new page, although if the bibliography is a chapter, it will be started on a new page anyway, because chapters are started on a new page. This is the default in \pkg{apacite} and thus is the only time a non-APA setting is used as default instead of an available APA setting. Therefore, to satisfy the APA rules, you have to request the \pkgoption{bibnewpage} option explicitly. \end{description} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{The citation commands} \label{sec:cite} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% In this section, the commands are described that can be used to cite a work. Their default behavior will be explained. In section~\ref{sec:custom}, customization of this behavior will be discussed. Extensive examples are given in section~\ref{sec:xmpl}. Table~\ref{tab:basic-cite} gives a brief impression of the usage and results of the most common citation commands. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{table}[tp] \begin{center} \caption{Examples of usage of basic citation commands.} \label{tab:basic-cite} \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}} \hline Command & Result \\ \hline \verb+\cite[p.~11]{Jone01,Ross87}+ & (e.g., Jones, 2001; Ross, 1987, p.~11) \\ \verb+\citeNP[p.~11]{Jone01,Ross87}+ & e.g., Jones, 2001; Ross, 1987, p.~11 \\ \verb+\citeA[p.~11]{Jone01,Ross87}+ & e.g., Jones (2001); Ross (1987, p.~11) \\ \verb+\citeauthor[p.~11]{Jone01,Ross87}+ & e.g., Jones; Ross, p.~11 \\ \verb+\citeyear[p.~11]{Jone01,Ross87}+ & (e.g., 2001; 1987, p.~11) \\ \verb+\citeyearNP[p.~11]{Jone01,Ross87}+ & e.g., 2001; 1987, p.~11 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If the \pkg{apacite} package is loaded, the following citation commands can be used. \begin{description} \item[\cmdfour{cite}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \item[\cmdfour{fullcite}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \item[\cmdfour{shortcite}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \mbox{}\\ These three commands produce parenthetical citations of the following form: ``(\opt{prefix} \opt{Authors1}, \opt{Year1}; \opt{Authors2}, \opt{Year2}; \ldots; \opt{AuthorsN}, \opt{YearN}, \opt{postfix})''. The command \cmd{\fullcite} uses the ``full'' author list, and the \cmd{\shortcite} command uses the abbreviated author list. The \cmd{\cite} command uses the ``full'' list the first time a work is referenced and the ``short'' list the second and subsequent times. In accordance with the APA manual, the ``full'' list consists of all authors if their number is five or less, and the first author suffixed with ``et al.{}'' if their number is six or more. Similarly, the ``short'' list consists of all authors if their number is two or less and the first author with ``et al.{}'' if their number is three or more. There are some nuances for complicated situations. These will be discussed in section~\ref{sec:xmpl}. If the (full) author lists of subsequent citations within the same citation command are the same, they are not repeated; only the years of the later citations are given. This holds for all analogous cases as well. The prefix and postfix are optional. Thus, e.g., \cmdtwo{cite}{keys}, \cmdthree{cite}{postfix}{keys}, and \cmdthreepre{cite}{prefix}{keys} are also allowed. This holds for all analogous cases as well. \item[\cmdfour{citeNP}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \item[\cmdfour{fullciteNP}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \item[\cmdfour{shortciteNP}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \mbox{}\\ ``No parentheses'' versions of \cmd{\cite}, \cmd{\fullcite}, and \cmd{\shortcite}. They produce citations of the form ``\opt{prefix} \opt{Authors1}, \opt{Year1}; \opt{Authors2}, \opt{Year2}; \ldots; \opt{AuthorsN}, \opt{YearN}, \opt{postfix}''. Can be used for complex citations within parenthetical material, see the discussion of \cmd{\citeyearNP} below. \item[\cmdfour{citeA}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \item[\cmdfour{fullciteA}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \item[\cmdfour{shortciteA}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \mbox{}\\ These commands are similar to the commands without the ``\verb+A+'' suffix. They produce in-text citations of the form ``\opt{prefix} \opt{Authors1} (\opt{Year1}), \opt{Authors2} (\opt{Year2}), \ldots, \opt{AuthorsN} (\opt{YearN}, \opt{postfix})''. Typically, the \opt{prefix} will be empty, because it is part of the main text, and there typically will only be one citation in \opt{keys} (unless the authors of multiple citations are the same), because the authors' names are also part of the main text. But it was easy to provide the additional options, and this enhances the similarity with the other citation commands, which I found desirable. \item[\cmdfour{citeauthor}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \item[\cmdfour{fullciteauthor}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \item[\cmdfour{shortciteauthor}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \item[\cmdfour{citeauthorNP}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \item[\cmdfour{fullciteauthorNP}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \item[\cmdfour{shortciteauthorNP}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \mbox{}\\ These commands are similar to their \cmd{\cite}-type counterparts, except that they produce citations of the form ``\opt{prefix} \opt{Authors1}, \opt{Authors2}, \ldots, \opt{AuthorsN}, \opt{postfix}'' (the years and parentheses are left out). This is typically used in a paragraph when a proper citation (incl.\ year) to the same work has already been given in the paragraph.% \footnote{Note that a paragraph is not a section. Nor does it need to be declared as a \cmd{\paragraph}. A reminder for Dutch readers: ``section'' = ``paragraaf'' and ``paragraph'' = ``alinea''.} In such a case, according to the APA manual, the year must not be repeated for repeated references to the same work in the same paragraph. A second important application of these commands is when some complex citations must be constructed, like ``\citeauthor{4.05-1}'s \citeyear{4.05-1} theory'', which makes combined use of \cmd{\citeauthor} and \cmd{\citeyear}, see below. Normally, I would expect only one citation per \cmd{\citeauthor}-type command, and no \opt{prefix} or \opt{postfix}. The difference between the ``non-\verb+NP+'' versions and the ``\verb+NP+'' versions is that the latter are intended to be used parenthetically, like \cmd{\cite}, whereas the former are intended to be used in the running text, like \cmd{\citeA}. Neither of these generate the parentheses, though. Thus, the only real difference is that the ``non-\verb+NP+'' versions use ``and'' between authors and the ``\verb+NP+'' versions use ``\&''. Following the \cmd{\cite}--\cmd{\citeNP}--\cmd{\citeA} logic, \cmd{\citeauthor} should actually be called \cmd{\citeauthorA} and a \cmd{\citeauthor} command should be supplied that is the same as the current \cmd{\citeauthorNP} but with parentheses added. For historical reasons and some compatibility with other citation packages, this is currently not the case. I may try to invent a decent solution for a next release of \pkg{apacite}. \item[\cmdfour{citeyear}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \mbox{}\\ Produces citations of the form ``(\opt{prefix} \opt{Year1}, \opt{Year2}, \ldots, \opt{YearN}, \opt{postfix})''. See the discussion of \cmd{\citeauthor} above. Typically, the \opt{prefix} would be empty and multiple citations would only be used if they have the same authors. \item[\cmdfour{citeyearNP}{prefix}{postfix}{keys}] \mbox{}\\ A ``no parentheses'' version of \cmd{\citeyear}. Produces citations of the form ``\opt{prefix} \opt{Year1}, \opt{Year2}, \ldots, \opt{YearN}, \opt{postfix}''. Can be used for complex citations within parenthetical material, like ``the work of \citeauthor{3.99-15} (\citeyearNP{3.99-15}; but see also \citeNP{3.99-16,3.99-17})'', which also uses the \cmd{\citeNP} command. \item[\cmdtwo{nocite}{keys}] \mbox{}\\ The entries are included in the bibliography without being cited in text. This is standard \LaTeX. Note that the APA manual normally does not allow this. The only exception concerns works that are studied in a meta-analysis, but for these the \cmd{\nocitemeta} command should be used. \item[\cmdtwo{nocitemeta}{keys}] \mbox{}\\ This is similar to \cmd{\nocite}. It is used to get the list of works included in a meta-analysis in the bibliography. This command has the additional effect that the corresponding items in the bibliography are preceded by an asterisk (\APACmetastar) and a remark explaining this is inserted just before the bibliography, as required by the APA manual. \end{description} In order to format the examples from the APA manual correctly in section~\ref{sec:xmpl}, the \fname{apacdoc.sty} package defines the following additional citation commands: \cmd{\DSMcite}, \cmd{\biblecite}, and \cmd{\citesong}, and obvious variations with \verb+full+, \verb+short+, \verb+A+, and \verb+NP+. I have decided not to include these in \fname{apacite.sty}, primarily because I find it unattractive to introduce different types of citation commands for different types of citations. This also makes it more difficult to use the same document with another citation package. Perhaps I'll be able to provide, in a future version of \pkg{apacite}, more elegant solutions to the problems for which these commands were defined. See section~\ref{sec:apacdoc} for a description of the \fname{apacdoc.sty} package and some brief usage instructions. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Contents of the bibliography database file} \label{sec:bib} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The information that is used by \LaTeX/\BibTeX{} to generate the citations and reference list must be stored by the user in one or more files with the \fname{.bib} extension. A detailed overview of the contents of the \fname{.bib} file is given in \citeA[section~12.2]{KoDa04} and \citeA[section~13.2]{TLC2}. Roughly speaking, the \fname{.bib} file consists of a collection of \emph{entries} of the form \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ \verb+@+\opt{entryname}\verb+{+\opt{contents}\verb+}+ \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ Most entries describe a work that may be referenced, e.g., a book or article. There are, however, two exceptions: a \entryname{preamble} entry (with \opt{entryname} = \verb+preamble+) and a \entryname{string} entry (with \opt{entryname} = \verb+string+). There is typically at most one \entryname{preamble} entry. Its \opt{contents} consist of a string---according to \BibTeX, i.e., between double quotes (\verb+"+) or an additional pair of braces (\verb+{+ and \verb+}+). This string, which typically consists of \LaTeX{} commands like \verb+\newcommand{\SortNoop}[1]{}+, is literally included in the document before the bibliography. It can therefore be used to define commands that are used in the (other) entries of the \fname{.bib} file and that are not standard \LaTeX{}. A \entryname{string} entry is similar, but the contents are now not included in the document. Instead, the string is assigned to a kind of ``variable'', the name of which may contain characters not usually associated with variable names, like colons and hyphens, see \citeA[p.~769]{TLC2}. An example of a \entryname{string} entry is \begin{verbatim} @string{ JPSP = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology} } \end{verbatim} Then, if in a later entry, the journal is \emph{Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, you can format this as \begin{verbatim} journal = JPSP, \end{verbatim} instead of the usual \begin{verbatim} journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, \end{verbatim} This is not only convenient because it saves typing of common long journal names (and reduces the likelihood of typos), but it can also be used to define style-specific variations. For example, some styles abbreviate journal names, such as \emph{J.~Pers.\ Soc.\ Psych.}\hbox{} instead of \emph{Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}. You could then put the definitions of all full journal names in one \fname{.bib} file (\fname{fulljou.bib}, say) and the definitions of the abbreviated journal names in another (\fname{abbrjou.bib}, say). Suppose that the information about the referenced works is stored in a third file, say, \fname{myrefs.bib}, and that the ``NotAPA'' style rules, implemented in the \fname{notapa.bst} \BibTeX{} style file, require the abbreviated journal names. Then you can use \begin{verbatim} \bibliographystyle{notapa} \bibliography{abbrjou,myrefs} \end{verbatim} to obtain a reference list complying with the ``NotAPA'' rules. If you change your mind and decide to switch to using the rules of the APA manual, you only need to change the two lines above into \begin{verbatim} \bibliographystyle{apacite} \bibliography{fulljou,myrefs} \end{verbatim} (and additionally load the \fname{apacite.sty} \LaTeX{} package through \cmd{\usepackage}). The remaining entry types are types that correspond with the type of a referenced work, e.g., \entryname{book} or \entryname{article}. These entry types (reference types) are discussed in section~\ref{subsec:types} below. Such entries have the following structure: \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ \verb+@+\opt{entryname}\verb+{+\opt{key}\verb+,+\\ $\mbox{}\qquad$\opt{fieldname1}\verb+ = +\opt{value1}\verb+,+\\ $\mbox{}\qquad$\opt{fieldname2}\verb+ = +\opt{value2}\verb+,+\\ $\mbox{}\qquad\qquad\vdots$\\ $\mbox{}\qquad$\opt{fieldnameN}\verb+ = +\opt{valueN}\verb+,+\\ \verb+}+ \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ where \opt{key} corresponds to the key used in the citation commands and matches the entry with the citation (and should therefore be unique). The fieldnames are \verb+author+, \verb+year+, etc., which are described in section~\ref{subsec:fields} below. The values are strings, either defined previously by a \entryname{string} entry or explicitly indicated as such here by putting the relevant information between double quotes (\verb+"+) or a pair of braces (\verb+{+ and \verb+}+). To be able to obey the rules of the APA manual, \pkg{apacite} provides several fields and reference types that are not described in the standard \BibTeX{} documentation \cite[chap.~13]{TLC2}. Furthermore, the meaning and usage of many fields and reference types that \emph{are} described there have been altered somewhat. Therefore, a complete description is given here. The symbol \LC{} will be used to indicate that the field or reference type is also described in \citeA[Appendix~B]{LaTeXbook}, \citeA[chap.~12]{KoDa04}, or \citeA[chap.~13]{TLC2}, although, as mentioned above, the specific meaning of the item may have been changed. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Types of references} \label{subsec:types} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% In this section, the list of reference types that are recognized by \pkg{apacite} is given. An overview of which fields can be used for which reference type is given in Table~\ref{tab:fieldref}. If fields are not relevant, but you use them anyway in your \fname{.bib} file, they are ignored. The fields and their use are described in more detail in section~\ref{subsec:fields}, but here some specific issues will already be mentioned. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{table}[p] \centering \caption{List of fields that are used by the various reference types (blank = not used; \X{} = used; \Y{} = used, but only for citations; \A{} = only used by \pkg{apacann} and \pkg{apacannx}).} \label{tab:fieldref} \small \makebox[0pt]{% some manipulation to squeeze the table onto the page \newlength{\oldtabcolsep} \setlength{\oldtabcolsep}{\tabcolsep} \setlength{\tabcolsep}{2pt} \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}cccccccccc@{}} \hline & \multicolumn{10}{c}{Reference type}\\ \cline{2-11} % % Normally, I would use the sideways environment of the rotating % package to format this nicely, but I do not want to require % other packages to format this document, so I choose an uglier % solution here. % & article\\ & magazine & & & & & & phdthesis & & manual\\ Field & newspaper & book & incollection & techreport & intechreport & lecture & mastersthesis & unpublished & misc & literal\\ \hline address & &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\ annote &\A&\A&\A&\A&\A&\A&\A&\A&\A&\A\\ annotate &\A&\A&\A&\A&\A&\A&\A&\A&\A&\A\\ author &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\ booktitle & & &\X& &\X& & & & & \\ chair & & & & & &\X& & & & \\ chapter & & &\X& & & & & & & \\ day &\X& &\X&\X&\X&\X& &\X&\X& \\ edition & &\X&\X&\X&\X& &\X& &\X& \\ editor &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& & &\X&\X& \\ englishtitle &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\ firstkey &\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y\\ howpublished &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\ institution & & & &\X&\X& & & & & \\ journal &\X& & & & & &\X& & & \\ key &\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y\\ lastchecked &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\ month &\X& &\X&\X&\X&\X& &\X&\X& \\ note &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\ number &\X&\X& &\X&\X& &\X&\X&\X& \\ organization & & & & & & & &\X& & \\ originaladdress &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\ originalbooktitle &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\ originaledition &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\ originaleditor &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\ originaljournal &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\ originalnumber &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\ originalpages &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\ originalpublisher &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\ originalvolume &\X&\X&\X& &\X& & & & & \\ originalyear &\X&\X&\X&\Y&\X&\Y&\X&\Y&\Y&\Y\\ pages &\X& &\X& &\X& &\X& & & \\ publisher & &\X&\X& & & & & &\X& \\ school & & & & & & &\X& & & \\ series & & & & & & & & & & \\ symposium & & & & & &\X& & & & \\ text & & & & & & & & & &\X\\ title &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\ translator &\X&\X&\X&\Y&\X&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y&\Y\\ type &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\ url &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& \\ volume &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X& &\X& &\X& \\ year &\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\X&\Y\\ \hline \end{tabular}% \setlength{\tabcolsep}{\oldtabcolsep} } % \end{table} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The following entry types (reference types) are defined in \pkg{apacite}: \begin{description} \item[\entryname{article}\LC] \mbox{}\\ A journal article or comparable. If the ``article'' referenced to is a special issue of a journal or something else that has editors instead of authors, the \fieldname{author} field should be empty and the \fieldname{editor} field should be used for the editors. If the journal paginates by issue instead of by volume, or when you are referring to a whole special issue, the issue number should be given in the \fieldname{number} field. In all other cases (including referring to an article within a special issue), the \fieldname{number} field must not be used. The \fieldname{type} field can be used to denote the type of article, for example, ``\verb+Letter to the editor+'', or ``\verb+Review of the book \emph{Life in the middle}+''. \item[\entryname{magazine}] \mbox{}\\ A magazine article. Unlike in early versions of \pkg{apacite}, this is now equivalent to \entryname{article}. However, with an \entryname{article}, the \fieldname{month} and \fieldname{day} fields should generally not be used, unless there is a compelling reason to use them. For a magazine, the \fieldname{month}, and \fieldname{day} (for weeklies) fields are commonly used. \item[\entryname{newspaper}] \mbox{}\\ A newspaper article. This is similar to \entryname{article} and \fieldname{magazine}, except that the pages are formatted a little different, with ``pp.~23--49'' instead of just ``23--49''. \item[\entryname{book}\LC] \mbox{}\\ An entire book. The \fieldname{type} field can be used to denote a specific type of item (so generally not strictly a book), e.g., ``\verb+Brochure+''. Similarly, the \fieldname{number} field can be used if this is considered useful. (It is used in example 24 in the APA manual, see below.) This seems quite rare to me, however. It should certainly \emph{not} be used for ISBN numbers and the like. \item[\entryname{incollection}\LC] \mbox{}\\ An article in a (usually edited) book, or other kind of larger work, except a report, for which the \entryname{intechreport} entry is used. The \fieldname{booktitle} field contains the title of the whole collection (book). The \fieldname{type} field is currently used to denote the type of article, as with the \entryname{article} reference type, although in some cases, it may be more naturally to let the \fieldname{type} field contain the type of the whole work (e.g., CD). Therefore, I may change this somewhat in future versions of \pkg{apacite}. \item[\entryname{techreport}\LC] \mbox{}\\ A report. This may be a ``technical'' report such as published by universities, or a report from government organizations or private companies. The \fieldname{type} field can be used to indicate what kind of report it is, e.g., ``\verb+College Board Rep.+'' or ``\verb+{DHHS} Publication+''. If the \fieldname{type} field is missing, the default type ``\verb+Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{}+'' is used. (The \verb+\hbox{}+ ensures that \TeX{} does not view the period as the end of a sentence, which would insert too much space.) If no type description should be given, \verb+\bibnotype+ should be used as the contents of the \fieldname{type} field. The \fieldname{number} field can be used to give the report number. The organization that published the report should be given in the \fieldname{institution} field. \item[\entryname{intechreport}] \mbox{}\\ An article in a (usually edited) report. This is more or less a combination of \entryname{incollection} and \entryname{techreport}. It uses the same fields as the former to describe the article itself, except \fieldname{type}, e.g., \fieldname{booktitle}, which is in this case the title of the entire report, and the same fields as the latter to describe the report. In particular, the \fieldname{type}, \fieldname{number}, and \fieldname{institution} fields are used for the report. \item[\entryname{lecture}] \mbox{}\\ A paper presented at a meeting. According to the APA manual, the year and month should be given, but \pkg{apacite} also uses the \fieldname{day} field when available. The \fieldname{symposium} field can be used for the name of the symposium and the \fieldname{chair} field for the chair of the meeting. The \fieldname{howpublished} field should be used to indicate the occasion at which the paper was presented if the \fieldname{symposium} field is empty, e.g., ``\texttt{Paper presented at the meeting of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children}''. It can also be used to give additional information about the symposium if the \fieldname{symposium} field is not empty. \item[\entryname{phdthesis}\LC] \mbox{}\\ A doctoral dissertation. The \fieldname{school} field is used to denote the university for which the thesis was written. The \fieldname{type} field can be used for the thesis type, e.g., ``\verb+PhD thesis+''. If it is empty, the default type is used, which is ``\verb+Unpublished doctoral dissertation+'' or ``\verb+Doctoral dissertation+'', depending on whether the \fieldname{journal} field is empty or not. If the thesis is abstracted in \emph{Dissertation Abstracts International} or similar, then the \fieldname{journal}, \fieldname{volume}, \fieldname{number}, and \fieldname{pages} fields can be used as with journal articles. The \fieldname{year} field should denote the year of the ``journal''. The \fieldname{originalyear} field should be used to denote the year of the original thesis, even if it is the same as the year of the abstract, provided that the original thesis is used, and not the abstract. Then, the \fieldname{school} field should also be used, and optionally the \fieldname{type} field. If only the abstract is used, it should presumably be treated as a journal article. \item[\entryname{mastersthesis}\LC] \mbox{}\\ This is equivalent to the \entryname{phdthesis} type, except that the default ``unpublished'' and ``published'' \fieldname{type}s are ``\verb+Unpublished master's thesis+'' and ``\verb+Master's thesis+''. \item[\entryname{unpublished}\LC] \mbox{}\\ For unpublished manuscripts and similarly ``obscure'' material. The \fieldname{howpublished} field will typically be used to indicate what kind of work is referred to (e.g., ``\verb+Unpublished manuscript+''). The \fieldname{organization} field can be used to denote the organization in which the document was produced, e.g., ``\texttt{Johns Hopkins University, Center for Social Organization of Schools}''. Note that the larger organization should be given first and the department after that. The address (city and state, etc., see the discussion of the \fieldname{address} field in section~\ref{subsec:fields} below) of the organization should be given in the \fieldname{address} field, unless it is already mentioned in the name of the organization. Presumably, if the organization is ``\verb+University of Groningen+'', the city name ``Groningen'' should not be given in the \fieldname{address} field, but the country ``The Netherlands'' should. When both the \fieldname{organization} and the \fieldname{address} field are available, \pkg{apacite} formats these as ``organization, address''. This is different from the usual ``address: publisher'' form. This behavior cannot explicitly be deduced from the 5th edition, nor from the 4th edition, of the APA manual, but the 3rd edition \cite{APAManual3} gives an explicit example (example 53, p.~131): \citeA{APA-3rd-ed-ex53}. \item[\entryname{misc}\LC] \mbox{}\\ For works that do not fit into the other categories, such as motion pictures, cassette recordings, computer software, etc. The \fieldname{type} field can be used to indicate the type of work, and \pkg{apacite} recognizes a few specific types that should be formatted a little differently, see the discussion of the \fieldname{type} field below. If the \fieldname{address} and \fieldname{publisher} fields are available, the address and publisher part is formatted as with books. The \entryname{unpublished} and \entryname{misc} types are very similar, but there are some differences. For example, \entryname{unpublished} uses the \entryname{organization} field and \entryname{misc} uses the \fieldname{publisher} field, and this part is formatted differently. Further, the \entryname{unpublished} type requires \fieldname{author}, \fieldname{editor}, \fieldname{title}, or \fieldname{type}, whereas with \fieldname{misc}, \fieldname{howpublished} takes the first position if these fields are all empty. Finally, as briefly indicated above and discussed in more detail below, \entryname{misc} recognizes some special types in the \fieldname{type} field. \item[\entryname{literal}] \mbox{}\\ If the other categories do not format the item correctly, this category can be used. The \fieldname{text} field is copied literally to the bibliography. The \fieldname{firstkey}, \fieldname{key}, \fieldname{year}, and possibly \fieldname{originalyear} and \fieldname{translator} fields are necessary to get correct in-text citations. However, I have never needed to use this entry type and I think that \entryname{misc} should also be able to format the entry correctly. Furthermore, the correct placement of \entryname{literal} references in the reference list (alphabetizing, sorting), may be problematic. \item[\entryname{manual}\LC] \mbox{}\\ This is treated as a \entryname{misc}, except that when the \fieldname{type} field is empty, it is assumed to be a \cmd{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}. See also the description of the \fieldname{type} field below. \item[\entryname{booklet}\LC] \item[\entryname{inbook}\LC] \item[\entryname{inproceedings}\LC] \item[\entryname{proceedings}\LC] \mbox{}\\ These categories are defined by all standard citation styles. They are, however, not needed for the examples in the APA manual. For compatibility, however, they are included and defined as follows: \entryname{booklet} = \entryname{proceedings} = \entryname{misc}; \entryname{inbook} = \entryname{inproceedings} = \entryname{incollection}. \citeA[p.~230]{KoDa04} also mention \entryname{conference} as being the same as \entryname{inproceedings}; for compatibility, this is now supported in \pkg{apacite}. \end{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Fields} \label{subsec:fields} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The following fields can be used to describe a reference in the \fname{.bib} file: \begin{description} \item[\fieldname{address}\LC] \mbox{}\\% The address (usually the city and state or country) of the publisher, school, institution, or organization that published the item or at which the item was produced. The APA manual requires that the state or territory of a U.S.-city must be given in the official two-letter U.S. Postal Services form. Only for a specific list of 17 specific cities that are ``well known for publishing'' can (must) the state and/or country description be omitted. \item[\fieldname{annote}\LC] \item[\fieldname{annotate}\LC] \mbox{}\\ These are used with the \pkg{apacann} and \pkg{apacannx} bibliography styles to generate annotated bibliographies, see section~\ref{sec:annotate}. They are simply ignored without warning by the \pkg{apacite} and \pkg{apacitex} bibliography styles. \item[\fieldname{author}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The author(s) of the work. This may also be a corporate author when applicable, but some specific measures must then be taken to prevent the corporate name from being interpreted as a first name and last name (such as ``Association, A. P.''): \begin{verbatim} author = {{\bibcorporate{American Psychological Association}}}, \end{verbatim} It is important to surround the \cmd{\bibcorporate}\marg{Author} by an additional pair of braces. Otherwise, \BibTeX{} sorts the entry as if its name was ``Bibcorporate\marg{Author}''. Section~\ref{sec:xmpl} contains more examples. As discussed in the standard \BibTeX{} documentation, multiple authors must be separated by the word \verb+and+, and each author's name can either be given in the form ``\opt{firstnames}\verb+ +\opt{lastnames}'' or ``\opt{lastnames}\verb+, +\opt{firstnames}''. However, ``von'' parts and ``junior'' parts complicate issues a bit. See the examples and the discussion of them. I would generally give the full first name(s) in the \fname{.bib} file, even though the APA manual only requires initials, because other styles require full first name(s) and \pkg{apacite} abbreviates to initials automatically. I have done this only occasionally with the examples, because the APA manual only gives the initials. Therefore, I have only provided first names with a few examples for which I knew the authors' first names. If there are more than 6 authors, the APA manual requires that the first 6 should be named in the reference list, followed by ``et al.''. Therefore, \pkg{apacite} uses only the names of the first 6 authors, and inserts an ``et al.\hbox{}'' when applicable. Therefore, in the \fname{.bib} file, the first 6 (or more) authors may be given (separated by ``\verb+and+''), followed by ``\verb+and others+''. This phrase is recognized by \pkg{apacite}. It is, however, better to give all authors in the \fname{.bib} file, so that each style can select its own truncation number. \item[\fieldname{booktitle}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The title of the larger work, typically book, but sometimes something else, like a report, in which the referenced item (article) was published. \item[\fieldname{chair}] \mbox{}\\ The chair(s) of a symposium or meeting. Used for lectures. It is formatted the same way as editors. \item[\fieldname{chapter}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The chapter number if the referenced item is a chapter in a larger collection. Typically used if the referenced work is a chapter in an internet document. If the collection is a book, page numbers (in the \fieldname{pages} field) should be used instead according to the APA rules. \item[\fieldname{crossref}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The \pkg{apacite} package does not recognize this field, because the APA manual does not discuss explicit cross-referencing. If the referenced work is a chapter (article) in an edited book, all relevant information should be given in the reference list as part of the information about the referenced chapter, not as, e.g., ``In Wainrib (1992)''. If several chapters from the book edited by Wainrib are referenced, the same information about this book is given with each referenced chapter, and the work itself is not a separate entry in the reference list (unless it is explicitly referred to). However, the \fieldname{crossref} field \emph{can} be used, as part of standard \BibTeX{} usage. Missing fields for the referenced work are then copied from the cross-referenced entry, which must come \emph{after} the referring entry in the \fname{.bib} file. If you use this, remember to put the title of the book (also) in the \fieldname{booktitle} field, because the \fieldname{title} field of the referring entry is not empty (it contains the chapter title). I have not tested cross-referencing in detail, so I do not know whether it behaves well (i.e., complies with the implicit or explicit APA rules) under various circumstances. Therefore, I do not recommend using it without thorough testing. \item[\fieldname{day}] \mbox{}\\ The day of the month on which the referenced item was published, produced, or presented. Mainly used for articles in daily or weekly magazines or newspapers, for lectures (although the APA manual only specifies the month), and electronic documents. \item[\fieldname{edition}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The edition of the book or report. Traditionally, this is of the form ``1st'', ``2nd'', ``3rd'', etc., or ``Rev.'' for a revised edition. This form is still supported, but \pkg{apacite} now also supports the form in which only the number is given: ``1'', ``2'', etc. If \pkg{apacite} detects that only a number is given, it inserts ``\cmd{\PrintOrdinal}\marg{number}'' in the \fname{.bbl} file. This \LaTeX{} function converts the number again to ``1st'', etc. The advantage of this is that the same bibliography database can be used for documents in different languages: In the language-specific (\fname{.apc}) files supplied with \pkg{apacite}, \cmd{\PrintOrdinal} is redefined according to the document language. \item[\fieldname{editor}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The editor(s) of a book, report, or special issue of a journal. In the examples, this field is also ``misused'' for the producer of a television series. \item[\fieldname{englishtitle}] \mbox{}\\ The English translation of the title of an item with a non-English title. The APA manual requires that if the referenced work has a non-English title, an English translation should be given as well. For an article in a journal with a non-English name or in a book with a non-English title, the journal name or book title should not be translated or put in this field, only the title of the referenced work itself must be translated. Because, as of version \APACversiondate{2005/06/01}, \pkg{apacite} contains some support of other languages for the main document (see section~\ref{sec:compat-babel}), this field needs rethinking, which will be deferred to a future version (but, as always, suggestions are welcome). \item[\fieldname{firstkey}] \mbox{}\\ The \fieldname{firstkey} field, if not empty, is used as ``author'' for the first citation to an item. Subsequent citations then use the \fieldname{key} field. This can be used if there is no author or editor field that can be used for citations, or in certain cases with corporate authors, where the citation in the text uses an abbreviation of the author's name for second and subsequent citations, where the abbreviation is introduced in the first citation. It can also be used to ``trick'' the system in difficult cases. See also \fieldname{key}. \item[\fieldname{howpublished}\LC] \mbox{}\\ A description of how something was ``published''. For example, ``Unpublished manuscript'' or ``Paper presented at the meeting of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children''. Also used for more retrieval information about electronic documents, e.g., ``Retrieved November 19, 2000, from the PsycARTICLES database'', or \begin{verbatim} howpublished = {Retrieved August 24, 2000, from Columbia University, Institute for Learning Technologies Web site: \url{http://www.ilt.columbia.edu/ publications/papers/newwine1.html}\bibnodot{.}} \end{verbatim} However, if the retrieval information consists only of a date and/or a URL, it is better to use the \fieldname{lastchecked} and \fieldname{url} fields for this and let \pkg{apacite} format this information. See also the \fieldname{note} field for an alternative to the \fieldname{howpublished} field. \item[\fieldname{institution}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The institution, university, or company that published a (technical) report. \item[\fieldname{journal}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The journal, magazine, newspaper, etc.{} in which an article, a review, or an abstract of a thesis was published. \item[\fieldname{key}\LC] \mbox{}\\ See \fieldname{firstkey}. The \fieldname{key} field, if not empty, is used for second and subsequent citations, or all citations if \fieldname{firstkey} is missing. If \fieldname{author} is empty and \fieldname{editor} is empty or can not be used as author (e.g., in \entryname{incollection}), the \fieldname{key} field may be necessary to obtain a useful citation. This is so, because the APA manual requires an abbreviation of the title as in-text citation, and the abbreviation must be sensible. In the current version, \pkg{apacite} uses the whole title if \fieldname{firstkey} and \fieldname{key} are missing. Therefore, if the title is considered too long to use in citations, the user must provide an abbreviation in the \fieldname{key} field. Furthermore, the user must then also define the formatting: If the key is used for a difficult kind of author (e.g., corporate author), it should be formatted as an author, i.e., in plain text, with names capitalized. If the key is used for an abbreviation of an article title, it should be in plain text, with major words capitalized (unlike in the reference list), and between double quotes (`` and ''; also unlike in the reference list). If the key is used for an abbreviation of a book title, it should be emphasized, with major words capitalized (unlike in the reference list), but not between quotes. In a field in the \fname{.bib} file that is also used for the citations, such as the \fieldname{key} field, formatting through, e.g., \begin{verbatim} key = {{\itshape Text}}, key = {{\em Text\/}}, \end{verbatim} can be done (note the extra pair of braces!), but the seemingly more logical variations \begin{verbatim} key = {\textit{Text}}, key = {{\textit{Text}}}, key = {\emph{Text}}, key = {{\emph{Text}}}, \end{verbatim} do not work. However, it is generally preferable to use as less explicit formatting in the \fname{.bib} files as possible, because this decreases the possibilities of successfully using the same \fname{.bib} file with other styles. The following works excellent: \begin{verbatim} key = {{\APACcitebtitle{Text}}}, \end{verbatim} where the \cmd{\APACcitebtitle} macro recognizes that the argument should be formatted as a booktitle (i.e., in italics according to the APA rules). This macro, and its companion \cmd{\APACciteatitle} for article title formatting, are used by \pkg{apacite} if the \fieldname{firstkey} and \fieldname{key} fields are missing, but can also be used by the user. Note that if you use such a \fname{.bib} file with another style, you have to provide definitions of these macros yourself (which can be copied from the \pkg{apacite} source code). \emph{Warning:} the \fieldname{key} field, which acts as a kind of pseudo-author, should not be confused with the (citation) \opt{key} that is used to match citations with entries in a \fname{.bib} file. \item[\fieldname{lastchecked}] \mbox{}\\ The date on which a web page was last visited. Only used in combination with the \fieldname{url} field. Currently, \pkg{apacite} does not contain language-specific code to dissect this date, but copies its contents literally to the \fname{.bbl} file. Hence, if you intend to use the same bibliography database for documents in different languages, you may have to use a self-defined command for this. You can use the \pkg{apacite} commands \cmd{\APACrefYearMonthDay} and \cmd{\APACmonth} as templates for this. I will probably provide such a facility in a future version of \pkg{apacite}. \item[\fieldname{month}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The month something was published. Mainly used for magazine or newspaper articles, lectures, and electronic documents. Use the month macros \verb+jan+, \verb+feb+, etc. These are predefined strings in the \fname{.bst} files, reverting to ``\verb+{\APACmonth{01}}+'', etc. You can also use the additional macros \verb+winter+, \verb+spring+, \verb+summer+, and \verb+fall+, which the \fname{.bst} files translate into ``\verb+{\APACmonth{13}}+''--``\verb+{\APACmonth{16}}+''. The \cmd{\APACmonth} command translates the numbers to the month or season names. This system allows language-specific behavior at the \LaTeX{} stage. \item[\fieldname{note}\LC] \mbox{}\\ A note. This puts additional information between parentheses at the end of a reference list entry. In the examples from the APA manual, it is used for NTIS No., ERIC No., and UMI No., and for notes about how to obtain the work (``Available from \opt{organization}, \opt{full address}''). If however, the work has been obtained from the internet or from an ``aggregated database'', then the \fieldname{howpublished} or \fieldname{url} field should be used, because it should not be between parentheses then. Finally, the \fieldname{note} field is used to give the recording date (i.e., year) of a song when this is different from the date (year) of copyright. The latter should be put in the \fieldname{year} field. Do not use the \fieldname{note} field to denote the original publication of a reprint or translation, because the \fieldname{originalyear} field must be used in those cases to obtain the correct citation in the text \cite{ex39}. \item[\fieldname{number}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The number of a journal issue or a report. This can be quite complex, for example, ``\verb+PRM~92-01+'', or ``\verb+3, Pt.~2+'', or ``\verb+1, Serial No.~231+''. These latter examples imply that the generality (language and style independence) of the \fname{.bib} file is somewhat lost. Furthermore, if the journal paginates by year and not by issue, the issue number should not be mentioned at all (except when referring to a whole special issue). Of course, \pkg{apacite} does not know whether the journal paginates by issue or by year. If the \fieldname{number} field is available, \pkg{apacite} simply assumes that it should be included. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that this is indeed the case. \item[\fieldname{organization}\LC] \mbox{}\\ Used for the \entryname{unpublished} reference type to denote the organization in which the unpublished work was produced. \item[\fieldname{originaladdress}] \item[\fieldname{originalbooktitle}] \item[\fieldname{originaledition}] \item[\fieldname{originaleditor}] \item[\fieldname{originaljournal}] \item[\fieldname{originalnumber}] \item[\fieldname{originalpages}] \item[\fieldname{originalpublisher}] \item[\fieldname{originalvolume}] \item[\fieldname{originalyear}] \mbox{}\\ These (\fieldname{original*-}) fields have the same meaning as their counterparts without the ``original'' prefix, except that they refer to the book or journal in which the work was originally published. This can be used in referring to translations or reprints of articles in journals or books. If the original work is a book or other ``standalone'' work, only the \fieldname{originalyear} field should be used. If the original work is a (PhD or Master's) thesis that is also abstracted in \emph{Dissertation Abstracts International}, \emph{Masters Abstracts International}, or comparable, the \fieldname{originalyear} field should be used to denote the year of the dissertation and the \fieldname{year} field to denote the year of publication of the abstract, even if they are the same. \item[\fieldname{pages}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The (inclusive) page numbers of the article that is referred to, in the journal or book in which it was published. If a range of pages is given (which is usually the case), an en-dash should be used: ``\verb+29--43+''. Other styles sometimes allow a single hyphen (``\verb+29-43+''), which is then automatically formatted as an en-dash (``29--43''), rather than as a hyphen (``29-43''), but I have encountered situations, such as software manuals (LISREL) and reports for the U.S. Government, in which the page number was of the form ``II-3'', meaning page~3 of chapter~2. In such a situation, you may get page numbers like ``II-1--II-15'', where the distinction between a hyphen and an en-dash becomes important. Therefore, \pkg{apacite} does not perform such automatic transformations. \item[\fieldname{publisher}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The publisher of the item. Primarily used for books. \item[\fieldname{school}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The school or university for which a PhD thesis or master's thesis was written. \item[\fieldname{series}\LC] \mbox{}\\ Not used, although the APA manual has a rule for series. If you refer to a volume in a series, the series title, volume number, and volume title should be joined into a two-part title , e.g., \emph{Handbook of child psychology: Vol.~4. Socialization, personality, and social development}, see ex.~36. In \pkg{apacite} this whole part must be put in the \fieldname{title} or \fieldname{booktitle} field (whichever is appropriate). For a long time, I have intended to support the \fieldname{series} field to allow disentangling such situations. However, in the end, I have decided not to do this. The reason for this is that, according to my interpretation, the meaning of ``series'' in the APA manual is quite different from the meaning of the \fieldname{series} field, as intended by Oren Patashnik (the author of \BibTeX{} and the original style files). Many books are published in some sort of series. For example, my book with Tom Wansbeek \cite{WaMe00}, is vol.~37 in the \emph{Advanced Textbooks in Economics} series, of which the series editors are C.~J. Bliss and M.~D. Intriligator. The intention of the \fieldname{series} field is to generate a reference list entry like %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{list}{\relax}{\labelsep=0em% \parsep=0pt% \itemsep=0pt plus .3pt\relax% \leftmargin=2.5em% \itemindent=-2.5em}% \sloppy\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000 \sfcode`\.=1000\relax \item Wansbeek, T., \& Meijer, E. \unskip\ \hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em (2000). \unskip\ \hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em \Bem{Measurement error and latent variables in econometrics} (Advanced Textbooks in Economics No.~37). \unskip\ \hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em Amsterdam: North-Holland. \end{list} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% In economics (and often in psychology, I guess), mentioning the series usually does not add much relevant information, and it is therefore typically omitted. I think this is how the APA intends it as well. However, in computer science, it is often very convenient, because certain series, like Springer's \emph{Lecture Notes in Computer Science} (LNCS) have a certain status of their own, and researchers know how to find volumes in this series. In my interpretation, the APA ``series'' refers to a single multivolume work with separate editors for the constituent volumes, but with a series editor who initiates the whole series. In the example from the APA manual, the \emph{Handbook of child psychology} is not a loose collection of separate books by different authors, but a combined effort managed by the series editor to give an overview of the field. In this case, the series editor may be considered the primary author and it makes sense to have the different volumes of the series together in the reference list. With my book with Tom Wansbeek, the series editors act more like journal editors, and different volumes of the series are unrelated books that do not need to be gathered together in the reference list. It would make no sense to cite this book as ``Bliss, Intriligator, Wansbeek, \& Meijer (2000)''. Because in my interpretation, the usual meaning of the \fieldname{series} field should not be included in the reference list according to the APA rules, \pkg{apacite} ignores the \fieldname{series} field. Perhaps I'll implement the APA manual ``series'' rules by introducing a \fieldname{volumetitle} field, but this will further reduce compatibility with other citation styles. \item[\fieldname{symposium}] \mbox{}\\ The name of the symposium or meeting at which a lecture was given. This is typically used for the construction ``In \opt{chair} (Chair), \opt{symposium}'', see ex.~51. I have never used it myself, however, I always use the ``Paper presented \dots'' form, which puts this information in the \fieldname{howpublished} field. \item[\fieldname{text}] \mbox{}\\ Used for items of type \entryname{literal}. This field contains the complete literal text to be used in the bibliography. I've never used it. \item[\fieldname{title}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The title of the work. \item[\fieldname{translator}] \mbox{}\\ The translator of a book or article. This should be formatted in the same way as \fieldname{author} and \fieldname{editor}. If the \fieldname{translator} and \fieldname{editor} fields are identical, they are formatted as if there were only an editor, except that the editor receives the suffix ``(Ed. \& Trans.)'' instead of just ``(Ed.)'', or similarly if there is more than 1 editor. \item[\fieldname{type}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The type of \entryname{phdthesis} (e.g., ``Doctoral dissertation''), type of \entryname{article} (e.g., ``Letter to the editor''), type of \entryname{techreport} (e.g., ``DHHS Publication''), type of \entryname{book} (e.g., ``Brochure''), type of \entryname{misc} (e.g., ``Cassette recording''), and so forth. With a review (which is typically an \entryname{article}), the \fieldname{type} field contains a lot of information and formatting, e.g.: \begin{verbatim} type = {Review of the book {\APACcitebtitle{Life in the middle: Psychological and social development in middle age}}}, \end{verbatim} where I used the \cmd{\APACcitebtitle} command introduced above in the discussion of the \fieldname{key} field. In one of the APA manual examples, I used the \fieldname{type} field to give a description of the subject of an unpublished raw data file (``Auditory response latencies in rat auditory cortex''), leaving the \fieldname{title} field blank. For most reference types, if the \fieldname{type} field is missing, it is simply ignored and no type description is given. For a \entryname{techreport}, however, if the \fieldname{type} field is missing, the default type (``Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{}'') is inserted. In ex.~42 of the APA manual, a report without a type description is given. To make it possible to format a report successfully without a type description, \pkg{apacite} recognizes \begin{verbatim} type = {\bibnotype}, \end{verbatim} indicating that there should be no type description. Another special purpose use of the \fieldname{type} field is for a computer program, software, programming language and/or manual. These are put into a \entryname{misc} entry, but unlike other \entryname{misc} types (such as motion pictures) the titles of these types should not be italicized. This is now recognized by \pkg{apacite} in the following way: When referring to a computer program, software, programming language and/or manual, you should use the \entryname{misc} reference type with one of the following commands in the \fieldname{type} field:\\ \cmd{\bibcomputerprogram},\\ \cmd{\bibcomputerprogrammanual},\\ \cmd{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual},\\ \cmd{\bibcomputersoftware},\\ \cmd{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual},\\ \cmd{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}, or\\ \cmd{\bibprogramminglanguage}.\\ Using any of these commands as type designator of a \entryname{misc} entry ensures that the title is not italicized, as required. The \entryname{manual} entry is now equal to \entryname{misc} with default type \cmd{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual} if the \fieldname{type} field is empty. Similarly, if you refer to a message that has been posted to a newsgroup, internet forum, etc., you should use the \entryname{misc} reference type with \cmd{\bibmessage} as \fieldname{type} field. \item[\fieldname{url}] \mbox{}\\ The web address of a document. Used if the cited document (or other work) is a website or was obtained from a website. Long web addresses can cause problems, because \BibTeX{} splits long lines (more than 80 characters) in the \fname{.bbl} file and inserts a \TeX{} comment (percent sign). In most situations, this works fine, because the percent sign ``hides'' the line break, which would be processed as an undesired space by \TeX{}. But within the argument of a \cmd{\url} command, a percent sign is copied to the output, because it is a valid character in a URL. To prevent this problem, insert line breaks and/or spaces in the URL in the \fname{.bib} file: \begin{verbatim} url = {ftp://ftp.princeton.edu/harnad/Psycoloquy/ 2000.volume.11/psyc.00.11.001. language-sex-chromosomes.1.crow}, \end{verbatim} Then \BibTeX{} breaks lines at the spaces/line breaks if a line break in the output is considered necessary (but not otherwise). These spaces are suppressed by default in the output, which is usually the desired behavior. But see the \pkg{hyperref} and \pkg{url} documentation if you want this differently. Also note that in the \fieldname{url} field, special characters like `|%|' and `|#|' should be entered without a backslash, unlike the normal situation if they would be used in the text. \item[\fieldname{volume}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The volume or volumes of the referenced book(s) or of the book in which the referenced article was published, or the volume of the journal (magazine, newspaper, \ldots) in which the referenced article was published. \item[\fieldname{year}\LC] \mbox{}\\ The year in which the referenced item was published, or if it was not published, the year in which it was written or presented. For manuscripts or books that are accepted for publication but have not yet been published, ``in press'' should be used according to the APA rules. The best way to do this is to use the ``\cmd{\BIP}'' command, which can be redefined by the user if the language or editorial style requires something else than ``in press''. Furthermore, \cmd{\BIP} is recognized by \pkg{apacite} and treated a little differently, because for multiple ``in press'' references with the same author(s), a hyphen (``-'') should be inserted between the ``year'' (i.e., ``in press'') and the ``a'', ``b'', etc., that follow it to distinguish the works, whereas this hyphen must be omitted if the ``year'' is an ordinary year (1991a, 1991b). If no date is explicitly given in (or on) the referenced work, a ``n.d.'' (no date) should be given as year description. For this, \pkg{apacite} supports the \cmd{\bibnodate} command. This sometimes leads to different formatting as well, e.g., by referencing a translation of a work of which there is no original date. Then the \fieldname{originalyear} field should be \cmd{\bibnodate} and the \fieldname{year} field is then, e.g., \verb+1931+. If the \fieldname{translator} field is not empty, the citation in the text is then formatted as, e.g., ``\citeA{3.100-2}''. \end{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Overriding the default sorting orders} \label{subsec:sort} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Occasionally, it may be necessary to override \BibTeX's default sorting. For example, the way \BibTeX{} handles accents and other nonstandard characters, which is typically fine for documents in English, may not be acceptable for documents in other languages: ``\verb+\"{u}+'' is treated as ``\verb+u+'', ``\verb+\ss+'' is treated as ``\verb+ss+'', and ``\verb+\ae+'' is treated as ``\verb+ae+''. In non-English languages this sorting may not be appropriate and one may desire that ``\verb+\"{u}+'' is treated as ``\verb+ue+''. Numerous problems are caused by different conventions in different languages. Some examples are given in the documentation of the \textsf{amsrefs} package. Non-latin scripts (Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, etc.) may not be handled correctly as well. I am not able to judge this, nor does it seem to be a problem that must be solved in \textsf{apacite}. It has been announced that \BibTeX~1.0, when it will be released, will support non-English languages as well. An issue that occurs in English (APA) documents is that, according to the APA, numbers should be sorted as if they were spelled in words: ``2003'' must be sorted as if it says ``\mbox{twothousandandthree}''; see example~4.04 in section~\ref{sec:xmpl} below. Overriding the default sorting order can be done by using the \cmd{\APACSortNoop} command in the \fname{.bib} file. This is a \LaTeX{} command provided by \pkg{apacite}. It has one mandatory argument, but it outputs nothing. However, \BibTeX{} does not know this and uses the contents of this command to sort the entry. For example, \begin{verbatim} author = {M{\"{u}}ller, Gerd}, \end{verbatim} is sorted as ``\verb*+muller g+'', whereas \begin{verbatim} author = {{\APACSortNoop{Mueller}}M{\"{u}}ller, Gerd}, \end{verbatim} is sorted as ``\verb*+muellermuller g+'', which typically results in the correct ordering. In the typeset document, both look like ``M{\"{u}}ller''. Note that the extra pair of braces around the \cmd{\APACSortNoop} command are necessary to suggest to \BibTeX{} that it is an ``accent''. The specification \begin{verbatim} author = {\APACSortNoop{Mueller}M{\"{u}}ller, Gerd}, \end{verbatim} is sorted as ``\verb*+apacsortnoopmuellermuller g+'', which is incorrect. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Customization} \label{sec:custom} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The description in the previous sections, with the exception of section~\ref{sec:options}, primarily discussed the default behavior of \pkg{apacite}. However, as mentioned in the introduction, in addition to the options, \pkg{apacite} offers many possibilities for customization. Most punctuation used in the citations and reference list are implemented through \LaTeX{} commands instead of explicit symbols. Consequently, the user can fine-tune the behavior of \pkg{apacite} by redefining these commands, through \cmd{\renewcommand} after \pkg{apacite} has been loaded. Analogously, most fixed texts, like ``Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{}'' and ``Eds.\hbox{}'' are implemented through \LaTeX{} commands as well, and can similarly be changed by the user. The commands used by \pkg{apacite} are discussed in this section. Of course, the defaults are based on the rules of the APA manual. Some commands, predominantly punctuation, are used both in citations and in the reference list. If you want their definitions in citations to be different from their definitions in the reference list, you can simply redefine their definitions before starting the bibliography. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Punctuation and small formatting issues} \label{sec:custom-punct} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The following punctuation commands are provided and used for the citations and reference list. \begin{description} \item[\cmd{\BAstyle}] This defines the text style of the authors (or whatever takes their place) for an in-text citation. It defaults to nothing: The authors use the same fonts as the text surrounding it. Introduced because some journals use a different style. For example, \emph{Statistica Neerlandica} uses small-caps, so for that journal, you would define \begin{verbatim} \renewcommand{\BAstyle}{\scshape} \end{verbatim} Do not use the \cmd{\textsc}-type commands, but \cmd{\scshape}, \cmd{\bfseries}, etc. The \cmd{\BAstyle} command is used for the author-part by the citation commands \cmd{\cite}, \cmd{\shortcite}, \cmd{\fullcite}, \cmd{\citeA}, \cmd{\shortciteA}, \cmd{\fullciteA}, \cmd{\citeNP}, \cmd{\shortciteNP}, and \cmd{\fullciteNP}. \item[\cmd{\BAastyle}] This is the same as \cmd{\BAstyle}, except that \cmd{\BAastyle} is used for \cmd{\citeauthor}, \cmd{\shortciteauthor}, and \cmd{\fullciteauthor}. \item[\cmd{\BBOP}] Open parenthesis, used for parentheses opening a citation, as in ``(Rao, 1973)'' or ``Rao (1973)'', and the year in the reference list, as in ``Rao, C. R. (1973).'' Default is ``\verb+(+''. \item[\cmd{\BBCP}] The corresponding closing parenthesis. Default is ``\verb+)+''. \item[\cmd{\BAP}] This command is inserted after the prefix and before the first citation in a \cmd{\cite} command. It defaults to an ordinary space. \item[\cmd{\BBAA}] Last ``and'' between authors in a citation between parentheses and in the reference list, as in ``(Mooijaart \& Bentler, 1986)'' or ``Mooijaart, A., \& Bentler, P. M. (1986).''. Default is ``\verb+\&+''. \item[\cmd{\BBAB}] Last ``and'' between authors in a citation in text, as in ``Mooijaart and Bentler (1986)''. Default is ``\verb+and+''. \item[\cmd{\BBAY}] Punctuation between author(s) and year in a citation between parentheses, as in ``(Rao, 1973)''. Default is ``\verb+, +''. \item[\cmd{\BBYY}] \label{cmd:BBYY} Punctuation between two subsequent years, if two works by the same author(s) are referenced in a single citation command, as in ``(Rao, 1965, 1973)'' or ``Rao (1965, 1973)''. Default is ``\verb+, +''. \item[\cmd{\BBC}] Punctuation between multiple cites, as in ``(Rao, 1973; Mooijaart \& Bentler, 1986)''. Default is ``\verb+; +''. \item[\cmd{\BBN}] Punctuation before a note (postfix) after a citation, as in ``(Rao, 1973, chap.~2)''. Default is ``\verb+, +''. \item[\cmd{\BBOQ}] Opening quote for an article title in the reference list, as in ``\flqq Random polynomial factor analysis.\frqq'' Default is the empty string: no quotes used. \item[\cmd{\BBCQ}] Closing quote for an article title in the reference list. Default is the empty string. (The \pkg{theapa} package required the closing period to be part of the closing quote, but this has been changed, because the period must be left out if title comments, such as type, English translation of non-English title, or translator follow the title.) \item[\cmd{\BPBI}] Period between initials. Default is ``\verb+.~+'', i.e., a period and a non-breaking space, as required by the APA manual. However, many users prefer removing or reducing the space and in some non-English speaking countries this is customary. This can be achieved by redefining this command to, e.g., ``\verb+.+'' (no space) or ``\verb+.\,+'' (small space). This command cannot be used to remove periods altogether, because there is still a period at the end. I.e., redefining it as an empty string gives awkward results like ``Bentler, PM., \& Mooijaart, A.''. \item[\cmd{\BHBI}] Hyphen between initials. Introduced for analogy with \cmd{\BPBI} and used for authors who have two or more first names with a hyphen between them, e.g., Jean-Paul Sartre. Default is ``\verb+.-+'', i.e., a period and a hyphen. Unlike \cmd{\BPBI}, I think this one will not be changed often, although \BibTeX{} suppresses hyphens when it suppresses spaces between initials as well, so there are people who have different preferences. (Hence, \pkg{apacite} partly bypasses the standard \BibTeX{} formatting functions to make this work.) \item[\cmd{\BCBT}] Comma between authors in the reference section when the number of authors is two, as in ``Mooijaart, A., \& Bentler, P.~M. (1986).'' The comma after the ``A.'' is this one. Default is ``\verb+,+''. The APA manual requires it, but other styles leave out this comma. In such a case, you would redefine this ``comma'' to be the empty string: \begin{verbatim} \renewcommand{\BCBT}{} \end{verbatim} \item[\cmd{\BCBL}] Comma before the last author (for 3 or more authors) in a citation and in the reference section, as in ``(Gill, Murray, \& Wright, 1981)'' or ``Gill, P.~E., Murray, W., \& Wright, M.~H. (1981).'' Default is ``\verb+,+''. The APA manual requires it, which is standard U.S. usage, but other styles, particularly European, such as British English, leave out this comma. Again, in such a case, you would redefine this ``comma'' to be the empty string. \item[\cmd{\BAnd}] This is the ``and'' that is used in the reference list if someone is both editor and translator: ``In J. Strachey (Ed. \& Trans),''. Default is ``\verb+\&+''. \item[\cmd{\theBibCnt}] If there are multiple citations with the same author and year, a letter should be added to the year to distinguish the references. For example, one may refer to two or more articles by J. Smith published in 1982. They should be referred to as ``Smith (1982a)'', ``Smith (1982b)'', and so forth. To accomplish this, the counter \verb+BibCnt+ is defined in \fname{apacite.sty}. The \cmd{\theBibCnt} command defines how the value of \verb+BibCnt+ is formatted. The default is ``\verb+\alph{BibCnt}+''. To emphasize (italicize) the ``a'', ``b'', etc., you can redefine this as \begin{verbatim} \renewcommand{\theBibCnt}{{\em\alph{BibCnt}\/}} \end{verbatim} (This presumably works better than ``\verb+\emph{\alph{BibCnt}}+''.) To control this behavior, redefining the \cmd{\theBibCnt} command should normally be sufficient. However, the complete formatting commands are \cmd{\BCnt}, \cmd{\BCntIP}, and \cmd{\BCntND}. The second of these is for ``in press'' works, which need an extra hyphen between ``in press'' and the ``a'' and ``b'' suffixes. The third is similar, for works without a date. Their default definitions in \fname{apacite.sty} are \begin{verbatim} \DeclareRobustCommand{\BCnt}[1]{\setcounter{BibCnt}{#1}\theBibCnt} \DeclareRobustCommand{\BCntIP}[1]{\setcounter{BibCnt}{#1}\mbox{-\theBibCnt}} \DeclareRobustCommand{\BCntND}[1]{\setcounter{BibCnt}{#1}\mbox{-\theBibCnt}} \end{verbatim} \item[\cmd{\APACciteatitle}] The formatting of the title of an article (or similar work) when used as a citation in the text when no author or editor is available for that purpose. Its default definition in \fname{apacite.sty} is \begin{verbatim} \newcommand{\APACciteatitle}[1]{``#1''} \end{verbatim} i.e., the title is put between double quotes. \item[\cmd{\APACcitebtitle}] The formatting of the title of a book (or other independent work) when used as a citation in the text when no author or editor is available for that purpose. Its default definition in \fname{apacite.sty} is \begin{verbatim} \newcommand{\APACcitebtitle}[1]{{\em #1\/}} \end{verbatim} i.e., the title is emphasized (in italics) but not put between double quotes. \item[\cmd{\APACmetastar}] The asterisk that precedes an item in the bibliography to denote that it is included in the meta-analysis. The default value is ``\verb+\ensuremath{{}^\ast}+'', which prints as ``\APACmetastar''. \item[\cmd{\bibnewpage}] If the \pkgoption{bibnewpage} option is chosen, this command is included before the bibliography. Its default definition is \cmd{\clearpage}, but \fname{apa.cls} uses a similar construction with its \pkgoption{man} option through \cmd{\newpage}. See \citeA[p.~215]{LaTeXbook} or \citeA[p.~37]{KoDa04} for the differences between \cmd{\clearpage} and \cmd{\newpage}. \item[\cmd{\bibliographytypesize}] This command is used before the reference list, but after the section or chapter heading. It is intended for the font size of the reference list: For \citeA{WaMe00}, I defined it as \cmd{\small} (and even then the reference list took up 34 pages). The default value is \cmd{\normalsize}. \item[\cmd{\bibleftmargin}] This gives the indentation of the second and subsequent lines of a reference list entry, relative to the usual left margin. It is not a proper command, but a ``skip'' (rubber length), which means that it cannot be changed by \cmd{\renewcommand}, but by \cmd{\setlength}. Its default value is \verb+2.5em+. \item[\cmd{\bibindent}] This gives the indentation of the first line of a reference list entry, relative to the second line. It is also a ``skip''. Its default value is \verb+-\bibleftmargin+, which means that the first line starts at the original left margin, and the second and subsequent lines are indented by 2.5em. \item[\cmd{\bibitemsep}] This gives the vertical separation between two reference list entries. It is also a ``skip'', with default value ``\verb+\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax+'', i.e., 0pt, but it may be stretched a little to fill the page nicely. This is an old (Plain \TeX) style definition, I will probably change that in a next version. If you want to change it, e.g., to get a blank line between reference list entries, you can use \begin{verbatim} \setlength{\bibitemsep}{\baselineskip} \end{verbatim} \item[\cmd{\bibparsep}] This gives the vertical separation between two paragraphs in the same reference list entry. Such a situation does not occur in the default setup, so it is not used, but it is conceivable that certain customizations lead to its use. It is a ``skip'' with default value 0pt. \end{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Labels} \label{subsec:labels} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% There are many specific pieces of text that can be put into the reference list or a citation by \pkg{apacite}. Here, these pieces are called \emph{labels}. Almost all of these are to some extent language-specific, and sometimes style-specific even within the same language. Therefore, they are implemented through \LaTeX{} commands, so that users can easily change them. In this section, these commands and their purposes are described, and their (U.S.\ English) defaults are given. Section~\ref{sec:compat-babel} below will discuss how these commands are changed if another language is used. The following label commands are used: \begin{description} \item[\cmd{\bibmessage}] This is the first of 9 specific type commands that are recognized by \pkg{apacite}. If you define the \fieldname{type} field of a \entryname{misc} entry as ``\cmd{\bibmessage}'', the formatting of the entry is changed (e.g., the title is not italicized), see the discussion of the \fieldname{type} field in section~\ref{subsec:fields} above. This one is used for messages in newsgroups, internet forums, etc. Default is ``\verb+Msg+''. \item[\cmd{\bibcomputerprogram}] Default is ``\verb+Computer program+''. \item[\cmd{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}] Default is ``\verb+Computer program manual+''. \item[\cmd{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}] Default is ``\verb+Computer program and manual+''. \item[\cmd{\bibcomputersoftware}] Default is ``\verb+Computer software+''. \item[\cmd{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}] Default is ``\verb+Computer software manual+''. \item[\cmd{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}] Default is ``\verb+Computer software and manual+''. \item[\cmd{\bibprogramminglanguage}] Default is ``\verb+Programming language+''. \item[\cmd{\bibnotype}] This one is a bit different from the previous 8. It is used for \entryname{techreport} entries to indicate that the type specifier should be suppressed. Its default value is the empty string, but this will not have an effect on \pkg{apacite} behavior, because the type specifier is suppressed anyway by \pkg{apacite}. However, by defining it as the empty string, formatting may become better (i.e., closer to the desired formatting) with other styles. \item[\cmd{\bibnodate}] Used in the \fieldname{year} and \fieldname{originalyear} fields to indicate that no publication date has been given. Default value is ``\verb+n.d.\hbox{}+''. The ``\verb+\hbox{}+'' ensures that \TeX{} does not treat the last period as a sentence-ending period, after which more space is inserted. This also applies to several other labels discussed below. \item[\cmd{\BOthers}] Used for ``others'' if the number of authors or editors is too large, as in ``(Gill et al., 1981)''. The default is ``\verb+et al.\hbox{}+''. However, the definition contains a slight adaptation, because in a previous version of \pkg{apacite}, there was a problem implying that in some cases \BibTeX{} might put an extra period after \cmd{\BOthers}, not recognizing that it already contains a period, so that you would get ``et al.\hbox{}.'', which is undesirable. It depends on the definition of \cmd{\BOthers} whether there should be a period or not: If it is defined as ``\verb+et al.\hbox{}+'', there should not be an additional period, but if it is defined as, say, ``\verb+and others+'', then there should be an additional period. But \BibTeX{} does not know what the (later) definition of this command will be in \LaTeX{}. Therefore, the \cmd{\BOthers} command is defined to have one argument. In \BibTeX, \pkg{apacite} inserts \verb+\BOthers{.}+ in the output, so no additional period is inserted by \BibTeX. By default, this command is defined as ``\verb+et al.\hbox{}+'', and the argument is simply ignored. If you redefine the \cmd{\BOthers} command and need the additional period, you can redefine it appropriately. However, in the current version, the \cmd{\BOthers} command is distinguished from the \cmd{\BOthersPeriod} command and I think the mentioned problems do not occur anymore. Nevertheless, I have kept the definition of the previous version. I may decide, after thorough testing, to change this again in a next version. There is still a complication, however. If you use a \cmd{\citeauthor} at the end of a sentence, there may be a period too many, if you end the sentence explicitly with it and \cmd{\BOthers} is ``et al.\hbox{}''. On the other hand, if you omit the sentence-finishing period but decide to redefine \cmd{\BOthers} to ``and others'', the period is missing. Therefore, it seems wise not to end a sentence with a \cmd{\citeauthor}, or you could define a command, e.g., \cmd{\finishsentence}, and insert it in an appropriate place. Then, this command should be changed along with \cmd{\BOthers}. \item[\cmd{\BOthersPeriod}] Also used for ``others'' if the number of authors or editors is too large, as in ``Gill, P. E., et al.\hbox{} (1981)''. But this one is used for situations when it should always end with a period. The default is ``\verb+et al.\hbox{}+''. \item[\cmd{\bibcorporate}] This command can be used in the \fieldname{author} field (and \fieldname{editor} and \fieldname{translator}) to tell \pkg{apacite} that the author is a corporate author. See section~\ref{subsec:fields} for an example of its usage. In combination with the \pkgoption{includecorporate} and \pkgoption{suppresscorporate} options, it can be used to include or exclude corporate authors from the author index. The usage as described above is structured as if \cmd{\bibcorporate} has an argument, the corporate author name, but by default, this argument simply would have to be copied to the output without further processing. Therefore, in the actual implementation, \cmd{\bibcorporate} does not have an argument and reduces to \cmd{\relax}, i.e., it does nothing in \LaTeX{} and exerts its influence at the \BibTeX{} stage. \item[\cmd{\BIP}] ``In press'', the string to be used as year for in-press references. In the \fname{.bib} file, the \fieldname{year} field should be ``\verb+\BIP+'', so that \pkg{apacite} can recognize this and use appropriate formatting and sorting. The default value is ``\verb+in press+''. \item[\cmd{\BIn}] Used for \entryname{incollection} and \entryname{intechreport}, for ``In \opt{editor} (Ed.\hbox{}), \opt{booktitle}'', and similar phrases. Default value is ``\verb+In+''. \item[\cmd{\BCHAP}] Used for \entryname{incollection} if the \fieldname{pages} field is empty, to denote the chapter number of the referenced work in the collection. Used primarily for internet documents, where there are no page numbers. Default value is ``\verb+chap.\hbox{}+''. \item[\cmd{\BCHAPS}] Just like \cmd{\BCHAP}, but this one is used if the \fieldname{chapter} field refers to more than 1 chapter. Default value is ``\verb+chap.\hbox{}+''. \item[\cmd{\BED}] Editor in reference list, as in ``In P. R. Krishnaiah (Ed.\hbox{})''. Default is ``\verb+Ed.\hbox{}+''. \item[\cmd{\BEDS}] Editors (more than one editor) in reference list, as in ``In C.~R. Rao \& J.~K. Ghosh (Eds.\hbox{})''. Default is ``\verb+Eds.\hbox{}+''. \item[\cmd{\BTRANS}] Translator, as in ``(J. Strachey, Trans.\hbox{})''. Default is ``\verb+Trans.\hbox{}+''. \item[\cmd{\BTRANSS}] Translators. Default is ``\verb+Trans.\hbox{}+''. \item[\cmd{\BTRANSL}] Translation. Used in a text citation when referring to a translated work for which there is no date for the original work. This is then formatted as ``Aristotle (trans.\hbox{} 1931)''. Default is ``\verb+trans.\hbox{}+''. \item[\cmd{\BCHAIR}] Chair of a symposium, etc. Default is ``\verb+Chair+''. \item[\cmd{\BCHAIRS}] Chairs. Default is ``\verb+Chairs+''. \item[\cmd{\BVOL}] Volume, as in ``Vol.\hbox{}~1''. Default is ``\verb+Vol.\hbox{}+''. \item[\cmd{\BVOLS}] Volumes, as in ``Vols.\hbox{} 1--4''. Default is ``\verb+Vols.\hbox{}+''. \item[\cmd{\BNUM}] Number, as in ``Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{} No.\hbox{}~12''. Default is ``\verb+No.\hbox{}+''. \item[\cmd{\BNUMS}] Numbers, as in ``Nos.\hbox{} 3--5''. Default is ``\verb+Nos.\hbox{}+''. \item[\cmd{\BEd}] Edition, as in ``2nd ed.\hbox{}''. Default is ``\verb+ed.\hbox{}+''. \item[\cmd{\BPG}] Page, default is ``\verb+p.\hbox{}+''. \item[\cmd{\BPGS}] Pages, default is ``\verb+pp.\hbox{}+''. \item[\cmd{\BTR}] The (default) technical report type name, which can be overridden by the \fieldname{type} field. Default is ``\verb+Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{}+'' \item[\cmd{\BPhD}] The (default) PhD thesis type name, which can be overridden by the \fieldname{type} field. Default is ``\texttt{Doctoral dissertation}''. \item[\cmd{\BUPhD}] The (default) Unpublished PhD thesis type name, which can be overridden by the \fieldname{type} field. Default is ``\texttt{Unpublished doctoral dissertation}''. \item[\cmd{\BMTh}] The (default) master's thesis type name, which can be overridden by the \fieldname{type} field. Default is ``\texttt{Master's thesis}''. \item[\cmd{\BUMTh}] The (default) unpublished master's thesis type name, which can be overridden by the \fieldname{type} field. Default is ``\texttt{Unpublished master's thesis}''. \item[\cmd{\BOWP}] ``Original work published'', default is ``\texttt{Original work published}''. \item[\cmd{\BREPR}] ``Reprinted from'', default is ``\texttt{Reprinted from}''. \item[\cmd{\Bby}] ``by'' in the construction ``by P.~R. Krishnaiah, Ed.\hbox{}'' referring to the original editor of a reprinted work. Default is ``\verb+by+''. \item[\cmd{\BAuthor}] ``Author'' as a description of the publisher if the author and publisher are the same. Default is ``\verb+Author+'' \item[\cmd{\BAvailFrom}] ``Available from'', used if the \fieldname{url} field is specified but the \fieldname{lastchecked} field is not. Default is ``\verb+Available from\ +''. Note the extra space. This construction allows customization by redefining this command as being empty, thereby omitting the phrase altogether, without undesirable extra space. \item[\cmd{\BRetrieved}] ``Retrieved from'', used if both the \fieldname{url} field and the \fieldname{lastchecked} field are specified. It has one argumnt: the date, i.e., the contents of the \fieldname{lastchecked} field. The default is ``\verb+Retrieved {#1}, from\ +'', again with extra space. \item[\cmd{\BMsgPostedTo}] Used for messages to newsgroups and the like. Default is ``\verb+Message posted to\ +'', with space. \item[\cmd{\refname}] Name of the reference list if it's a section. (So it's the section name.) Default is ``\verb+References+''. A problem with the current implementation is, that if you use \pkg{babel}'s \cmd{\selectlanguage} command, then \cmd{\refname} and \cmd{\bibname} are overwritten. Because \pkg{babel}'s definitions of these commands are often (for various languages) different from the names prescribed by the APA manual and analogous bodies in other countries, it will often be necessary to redefine \cmd{\refname} or \cmd{\bibname} if you have used \cmd{\selectlanguage}. I hope to provide a fix in a next version of \pkg{apacite}. \item[\cmd{\bibname}] Name of the reference list if it's a chapter. Default is ``\verb+References+''. See also \cmd{\refname}. \item[\cmd{\bibliographyprenote}] This command is used before the reference list, but after the section or chapter heading, and immediately after \cmd{\bibliographytypesize}. It is intended for an optional note just before the references in the reference list. It defaults to nothing, but can be changed to a list of commands (e.g., if some commands should be different in the reference list than in the text) and/or some text. \item[\cmd{\APACmetaprenote}] If a meta-analysis is reported, the works included in the meta-analysis should in the bibliography be preceded by an asterisk, see the description of \cmd{\APACmetastar} above. This should then be explained in a note before the references. This command contains the text of that note. Default is ``\texttt{References marked with an asterisk indicate studies included in the meta-analysis.}''. \item[\cmd{\authorindexname}] Name (heading) of the author index. Default is ``\verb+Author Index+''. \end{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{More drastic formatting changes to the reference list} \label{sec:custom-big-formatting} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% In earlier versions of \pkg{apacite}, most of the formatting of the reference list was done in the \BibTeX{} stage, i.e., by the \fname{.bst} files. This corresponds with most other \BibTeX{} styles. This makes it difficult for users to customize the formatting of the reference list: They would have to make their own \fname{.bst} file, by adapting \fname{apacite.bst}. Certain small changes are relatively easy to make, but \BibTeX's ``bst'' language is not easy to understand for most users, and thus most desired changes, though seemingly small, may be too complicated to implement. Another drawback of this setup is that, each time I release a new version of \pkg{apacite}, users would have to make the same adaptations again. In the early days of \pkg{apacite}, wasting disk space was another drawback, but this is not important anymore. To overcome the most salient of these problems, \pkg{apacite} has always deferred some formatting choices to the \LaTeX{} stage, by using tailor-made formatting commands instead of explicit formatting, as discussed in sections~\ref{sec:custom-punct} and~\ref{subsec:labels} above. The amount of formatting thus handled has slightly grown over time, but still most choices were hard wired in the \BibTeX{} styles. Since the \APACversiondate{2007/09/03} version of \pkg{apacite}, a big step has been made in transferring these choices to the \LaTeX{} domain. Hence, a much larger set of commands, with wider-ranging scope, has been defined, and considerably fewer choices are made at the \BibTeX{} stage. For example, \fname{apacite.bst} now inserts \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ \mbox{\cmd{\APACjournalVolNumPages}% \marg{journal}% \marg{volume}% \marg{number}% \marg{pages}% } \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ in the \fname{.bbl} file for an \entryname{article} entry, and the actual formatting of this information is defined in \fname{apacite.sty}. If all four components are available, the default (APA manual) formatting of this looks like \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ \mbox{\Bem{Acta Paedopsychiatrica}, \Bem{38}(9), {229--231}} \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ but by redefining this command, users can change this, e.g., to \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ \mbox{\Bem{Acta Paedopsychiatrica} \textbf{38}, No.~9: {229--231}} \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ The advantage of this is that users can fairly easily construct a customized style by redefining only a few commands in \LaTeX, by using \cmd{\renewcommand}. Users will generally find it much easier to do this than adapt the \fname{.bst} files. Furthermore, only the affected commands need to be redefined, so that, when a new version of \pkg{apacite} becomes available, all the new features can be used---with the exception of the redefined commands, of course---without having to adapt everything again. The drawback is that the \fname{.bbl} file becomes less readable and more difficult to adapt: Previously, it was easy to make ad-hoc changes by editing the \fname{.bbl} file, but this has now become more difficult. However, I intend to make this facility more user-friendly in the future, e.g., by introducing options in the \LaTeX{} package (say, \pkgoption{boldvolume}) or by introducing user-friendly commands that accomplish the same (say, \cmd{\boldvolume}), so that the advantages will clearly outweigh the disadvantages for the vast majority of users. Some packages (\pkg{amsrefs} and \pkg{biblatex} are the ones I am aware of) handle the formatting of the reference list completely in the \LaTeX{} domain, using \BibTeX{} only for sorting the reference list. The current version of \pkg{apacite} does not go that far; there are still certain choices that are hardwired in the \BibTeX{} code. Examples are the ordering of the various blocks (most notably the position of the year; some styles have this at the end) and the formatting of names. It is doubtful whether \pkg{apacite} will follow the path toward the end, like these other packages. Some formatting choices are closely connected with sorting of entries (e.g., by title if there is no author; this assumes that the title then takes the author position) or other cross-entry relations (such as adding `a' and `b' suffixes to the year). Therefore, it does not seem useful to disconnect these choices by handing them over to \LaTeX. The following commands are currently implemented to format the reference list. If you want to customize them, you can study the source code in the file \fname{apacite.sty}, copy it to you own package file, and adapt the code as desired. \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}} \cmd{\APACmonth} & Month name (as function of a number) \\ \cmd{\APACrefYear} & Year in the reference list \\ \cmd{\APACrefYearMonthDay} & Year + month + day \\ \cmd{\APACrefatitle} & Title (article style, default upright) \\ \cmd{\APACrefbtitle} & Title (book style, default italicized) \\ \cmd{\APACrefaetitle} & English translation of title (article) \\ \cmd{\APACrefbetitle} & English translation of title (book) \\ \cmd{\APACjournalVolNumPages} & Journal, volume, number, and pages \\ \cmd{\APACaddressPublisher} & Address and publisher \\ \cmd{\APACaddressInstitution} & Address and institution (for technical reports) \\ \cmd{\APACaddressPublisherEqAuth} & Address and publisher if the publisher is the author \\ \cmd{\APACaddressInstitutionEqAuth} & Address and institution if the latter is the author \\ \cmd{\APAChowpublished} & \fieldname{howpublished} field \\ \cmd{\APACorigED} & Original editor for reprints and translations \\ \cmd{\APACorigEDS} & Ditto, multiple editors \\ \cmd{\APACrefnote} & Formatting of \fieldname{note} field \\ \cmd{\APACorigyearnote} & Original year + optional note \\ \cmd{\APACorigjournalnote} & Original journal (+ volume, number, pages) + optional note \\ \cmd{\APACorigbooknote} & Formatting of ``original'' information if the original is a book \\ \cmd{\APACbVolEdTR} & Technical report information \\ \cmd{\APACbVolEdTRpgs} & Ditto, for \entryname{intechreport} \end{tabular} \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ In addition, the following environments are used: \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}} \envirname{APACrefURL} & Formatting of \fieldname{url} field \\ \envirname{APACrefURLmsg} & Formatting of \fieldname{url} field for messages \\ \envirname{APACrefannotation} & Formatting of \fieldname{annote} or \fieldname{annotate} fields for annotated bibliographies. \end{tabular} \mbox{}\vspace{0.7\baselineskip}\\ It is likely that these lists will be expanded in future versions of \pkg{apacite}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Language support} \label{sec:compat-babel} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The APA is, of course, American, and therefore the rules in the APA manual are also based on the (U.S.) English language. Because \pkg{apacite} was primarily designed to implement the APA rules, and because I write all my scientific work in English, \pkg{apacite} originally did not contain explicit support for other languages. However, most language-specific elements have been implemented in the form of \LaTeX{} commands, so that users could define their own \LaTeX{} package in which these elements were changed. The labels discussed in section~\ref{subsec:labels} above are the most important part of this. Furthermore, when writing in a non-English language, the \pkg{babel} package will usually be loaded. The \pkg{babel} package is an extensive package that facilitates using \LaTeX{} for documents in languages other than English. There have been some compatibility problems between \pkg{babel} and \pkg{apacite}, and therefore since 2003 \pkg{apacite} contained some explicit code to overcome the compatibility problems. I think this works well, provided that \pkg{apacite} is loaded \emph{after} \pkg{babel}. Thus, although \pkg{apacite} did not support non-English languages explicitly, it did facilitate them. Supporting non-English languages is not a main objective of \pkg{apacite}, because it is not needed for the APA. Nevertheless, it potentially is a useful addition. Many journals in non-English languages and universities in countries where other languages are spoken base their rules on the APA manual. Therefore, it is efficient if, with a few adaptations, \pkg{apacite} can also be used in these circumstances. For this reason, and based on user requests, \pkg{apacite} has contained some explicit language support since June 2005. The unpacked \pkg{apacite} distribution contains files that have names according to the construction \opt{language}\fname{.apc}, i.e., \fname{english.apc}, \fname{dutch.apc}, etc. These files define the language-specific modifications of \pkg{apacite}, mainly translations of terms like ``and'', ``Ed.\hbox{}'', etc. They have been written by \pkg{apacite} users who are (native) speakers of the languages involved. If the \pkg{babel}, \pkg{german}, or \pkg{ngerman} package is loaded, \pkg{apacite} is able to determine the language of the document that is processed. Then the corresponding \fname{.apc} file, when available, is read. In this way, language-specific elements are changed to the relevant language. This is done fully automatically, the user does not have to do anything explicitly. However, sometimes an \fname{.apc} file makes some assumptions (such as \fname{greek.apc}, which assumes ISO-8859-7 encoding) or makes some choices that are nontrivial. Therefore, look at the source code of the \fname{.apc} file (or in the Implementation section of this manual if you have generated this manual with the \cmd{\AlsoImplementation} option) if you obtain unexpected results. These files contain some brief documentation of the specific issues relevant for the language at hand. The list with available \fname{.apc} files has been given in section~\ref{sec:usage}. One file is defined for each ``language'', which can be used for several ``dialects'' (in \pkg{babel} terminology). For example, \fname{english.apc} is also used if the language is ``american''. See the documentation of the \pkg{babel} and \pkg{(n)german} packages for a list of dialects of the language files supplied. If an \fname{.apc} file is not available for the language you need, you can use one of the supplied ones as a template and write your own. If you send it to me, I can include it in a next version of \pkg{apacite}. Note, however, that this form of language support is still very limited. There are many aspects that are not yet covered, like different forms of dates (month-day vs.\ day-month). As is clear from this manual, some facilities for expanded language support have been implemented in \pkg{apacite}, but this has often not yet been applied in the \fname{.apc} files. Thus, future versions of \pkg{apacite} need to improve on this. The \pkg{babelbib} package offers very sophisticated support of different languages. Perhaps some of the features that it offers are useful additions to \pkg{apacite} as well, and this these may be included in a future version of \pkg{apacite}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Compatibility} \label{sec:compat} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Generally speaking, I would want \pkg{apacite} to be compatible with other packages, of course. However, what does compatibility mean? It can mean various things: \begin{enumerate} \item \label{compat1}% The same \fname{.bib} file can be used with different \BibTeX{} styles and \LaTeX{} citation packages; \item \label{compat2}% The same citation commands as other citation packages; \item \label{compat3}% Another \LaTeX{} citation package can be used with a \fname{.bbl} file that is generated by the \pkg{apacite} \BibTeX{} style; \item \label{compat4}% The \pkg{apacite} \LaTeX{} citation package can be used with a \fname{.bbl} file that is generated by another \BibTeX{} style; \item \label{compat5}% The \pkg{apacite} \LaTeX{} citation package can be loaded at the same time as other packages without errors or undesirable side-effects. \end{enumerate} Because of the complicated rules of the APA manual, it is not always possible to achieve all kinds of compatibility with all other packages. Later in this section, I will discuss compatibility issues with other packages with which known incompatibility problems exist or have existed. A first example of this, the \pkg{babel} package, has already been mentioned above in section~\ref{sec:compat-babel}. Point~\ref{compat1} is the most important. If you have to write a completely different \fname{.bib} file for different citation styles, there does not seem to be an advantage in using \BibTeX{}. You might as well write the reference list explicitly in \LaTeX{} then. However, not even this point can be achieved completely, although the vast majority of the items will be the same for different styles. But there remain a number of choices that are style-specific and that lead to differences in the \fname{.bib} file. Examples from the APA manual are: \begin{itemize} \item If a referenced book is volume~III according to its title page, this should be referenced as Vol.~3 according to the APA manual rules, but that may not be the case with other styles; \item Journal names are abbreviated by some styles, but not according to the APA manual rules; \item Publisher names should be abbreviated according to the APA manual, e.g., ``John Wiley \& Sons'' becomes ``Wiley''. Other styles do not do this; \item The issue number of a journal should only be given if the journal starts each issue with page~1, not if page numbers of different issues in the same volume are consecutive. Other styles may require the issue number in all cases; \item Page ranges are given as ``341--351'' in APA style, whereas other styles use ``341--51''; \item The APA rules require a capital after a colon (`\verb+:+'), so that subtitles start with a capital as well. Other styles may not do this; \item The APA has specific rules about the address: For a U.S. city, the state (or territory) should be given as a 2-letter code from the U.S. Postal Services, and the province and country should be given if it is a non-U.S. city, unless it is one of the 17 (U.S. and non-U.S.) cities that are ``well-known for publishing''. Then, only the city should be mentioned. There are similar exceptions if the name of the state (and sometimes even city) is already mentioned in the university name and the university acts as publisher; \item Yearbooks like \emph{Annual Review of Psychology} should be treated as journals according to the APA rules, whereas other styles treat these as books; \item The additional fields (such as \fieldname{translator} and the \fieldname{original*}-fields) that are used by \pkg{apacite} but are not defined in other \BibTeX{} styles are of course \pkg{apacite}-specific. \end{itemize} Some of these problems can be handled relatively elegantly. For example, the user could use a command like ``\verb+\RomanVol{3}+'' in the \fieldname{volume} field. Then, the user could define a counter, \verb+RomanVolcounter+, say, in \LaTeX{} and then define \cmd{\RomanVol} (similar to \cmd{\BCnt} discussed earlier) as \begin{verbatim} \newcommand{\RomanVol}[1]{% \setcounter{RomanVolcounter}{#1}\theRomanVolcounter} \end{verbatim} where \cmd{\theRomanVolcounter} is defined as \verb+\arabic{RomanVolcounter}+ if \pkg{apacite} is loaded and as \verb+\Roman{RomanVolcounter}+ if another package is loaded that desires this. The example with style-specific \fname{.bib} files that contain the definitions of journal-strings was already given in section~\ref{sec:bib} above. However, many users will not go through all this trouble, and not all problems can be solved in this way. So we have to realize that not all entries in the \fname{.bib} file will be suitable for all citation styles. On the other hand, most citation styles and journals are not as critical as APA journals and many styles in psychology and other social sciences (including economics) are very similar, so a \fname{.bib} file that is tailor-made for \pkg{apacite} is likely to be suitable enough for the styles of most relevant alternative journals. Point~\ref{compat2} above is currently not fulfilled. The \pkg{apacite} citation commands are directly based on those of its immediate predecessor, \pkg{theapa}. But the use of `\verb+<+' and `\verb+>+' for prefixes is not used by other packages. The influential \pkg{natbib} package uses \cmd{\citep} and \cmd{\citet} instead of \cmd{\cite} and \cmd{\citeA}, and uses many more alternative commands, see section~\ref{sec:compat-natbib} below. The \pkg{chicago} package uses \cmd{\citeA} instead of \cmd{\citeauthor}, many ``numerical'' citation styles only recognize \cmd{\cite}, and so forth. As discussed below, I now consider \pkg{natbib} as the standard with which other packages should comply. Therefore, future versions of \pkg{apacite} will support the \pkg{natbib} citation commands, but the current version does not do that. I think that points~\ref{compat3} and~\ref{compat4} are not that important. It seems to me that there is not much wrong with defining a style through a combination of a \fname{.sty} and \fname{.bst} file, each requiring the other to work. However, given the possibilities and philosophy of the \pkg{natbib} package, it would be desirable that \fname{natbib.sty} can be used with \fname{apacite.bst}. As discussed below, this works, although it requires \fname{apacite.sty} to be loaded as well, before \fname{natbib.sty}. Point~\ref{compat5} is very important, especially with other packages that are complementary to \pkg{apacite} in some sense. It would be very annoying having to choose between using \pkg{babel} and \pkg{apacite}, or between \pkg{hyperref} and \pkg{apacite}, etc. These packages serve totally different purposes, cannot usefully be compared, and are more valuable when they can be used jointly. The rest of this section addresses this issue for a number of packages with which compatibility problems are known to exist or have existed. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{\pkg{natbib}} \label{sec:compat-natbib} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The \pkg{natbib} package is a general purpose citation package that is intended to work with a broad range of \BibTeX{} (and non-\BibTeX{}) styles that generate the bibliography. The \pkg{natbib} package is quite advanced and can be used to switch easily between completely different citation styles. Furthermore, the apparent popularity of \pkg{natbib} has inspired writers of packages that would otherwise be incompatible with \pkg{natbib} to write code to resolve these incompatibilities. I will mention some of these packages below. I consider \pkg{natbib} as the \emph{de facto} standard with which other packages should be compatible. Unfortunately, \pkg{apacite} is still not entirely compatible with \pkg{natbib}. The main incompatibility is that different citation commands are used, so that it is not possible to use the same document with \pkg{natbib} or \pkg{apacite}. \pkg{apacite}, building on its predecessors, uses \cmd{\cite} for parenthetical citations and \cmd{\citeA} for in-text citations, whereas \pkg{natbib} uses \cmd{\citep} and \cmd{\citet} for these purposes. Moreover, text that should precede the citation is entered between \verb+<+ and \verb+>+ marks and text that should follow the citation is entered between square brackets (\verb+[+ and \verb+]+, i.e., a standard \LaTeX{} optional argument) in \pkg{apacite}, whereas \pkg{natbib} uses \emph{two} optional arguments between brackets. If there is one optional argument, \pkg{natbib} interprets this as text following the citation (just like \pkg{apacite}). If there is text that should precede the citation, but not text that should follow the citation, two optional arguments must be used in \pkg{natbib}, the second being empty. Furthermore, both packages have defined some alternative citation commands, such as \cmd{\citeNP} (\pkg{apacite}) and \cmd{\citealp} (\pkg{natbib}), some of which serve the same purpose and could therefore be mapped onto each other easily, but some others have no equivalent in the other package. A partial conversion table, listing the main \pkg{apacite} commands and their (closest) \pkg{natbib} equivalent is given in Table~\ref{tab:APAnatConv}. The APA requirement and \pkg{apacite} behavior of listing the full author list for the first citation (if there are at most 5 authors) and the short author list in subsequent citations is accomplished by loading \pkg{natbib} with the \pkgoption{longnamesfirst} option. This is assumed in the table. An example of better APA-like behavior of \pkg{natbib} is that, by using the \pkgoption{sort} option, \pkg{natbib} is able to sort the references within the same citation command, as required by the APA manual, whereas \pkg{apacite} does not have this option yet. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{table}[htp] \caption{Partial conversion table of the main \pkg{apacite} citation commands and their (closest) \pkg{natbib} equivalents.} \label{tab:APAnatConv} \begin{tabular}{lcl} \hline \pkg{apacite} & $\mbox{}\qquad\qquad\mbox{}$ & \pkg{natbib} \\ \cline{1-1}\cline{3-3} \cmd{\cite} & & \cmd{\citep} \\ \cmd{\citeNP} & & \cmd{\citealp} \\ \cmd{\citeA} & & \cmd{\citet} \\ \cmd{\citeauthor} & & \cmd{\citeauthor} \\ \cmd{\citeauthorNP} & & \cmd{\citeauthor} \\ \\ \cmd{\fullcite} & & \cmd{\citep*} \\ \cmd{\fullciteNP} & & \cmd{\citealp*} \\ \cmd{\fullciteA} & & \cmd{\citet*} \\ \cmd{\fullciteauthor} & & \cmd{\citeauthor*} \\ \cmd{\fullciteauthorNP} & & \cmd{\citeauthor*} \\ \\ \cmd{\shortcite} & & \cmdtwo{shortcites}{keys}\cmd{\citep} \\ \cmd{\shortciteNP} & & \cmdtwo{shortcites}{keys}\cmd{\citealp} \\ \cmd{\shortciteA} & & \cmdtwo{shortcites}{keys}\cmd{\citet} \\ \cmd{\shortciteauthor} & & \cmdtwo{shortcites}{keys}\cmd{\citeauthor} \\ \cmd{\shortciteauthorNP} & & \cmdtwo{shortcites}{keys}\cmd{\citeauthor} \\ \\ \cmd{\citeyear} & & \cmd{\citeyearpar} \\ \cmd{\citeyearNP} & & \cmd{\citeyear} \\ \cmd{\nocite} & & \cmd{\nocite} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Many labeling and punctuation commands are also different but similar between \pkg{natbib} and \pkg{apacite}. I haven't studied the \pkg{natbib} commands in detail, but will do so in the future. It is my intention to add \pkg{natbib}-compatible commands to apacite in the future, so that the same document can be processed either with \pkg{natbib} or with \pkg{apacite}. When you want to use \pkg{natbib} for citation and \pkg{apacite} for the reference list, you still need to load the \LaTeX{} package \fname{apacite.sty} (with \cmd{\usepackage}), because of the commands that are included in the \BibTeX{} output (as defined in section~\ref{sec:custom} above). The \fname{apacite.sty} file must be loaded \emph{before} \fname{natbib.sty}, otherwise you will get lots of error messages. I may try to fix that for a future version of \pkg{apacite}. Using \pkg{natbib} for the citations has some advantages over using \pkg{apacite} for the citations. Apart from the abovementioned sorting of citations within a single citation command, these are mainly \pkg{natbib}'s better compatibility with some other important packages, although many compatibility problems with \pkg{apacite} have now been solved. However, \pkg{natbib} does not fully comply with the APA rules. Known incompatibilities between \pkg{natbib} and the APA rules are: (1) Multiple adjacent citations with the same author and year are formatted as ``Johnson, 1991a,b'' by \pkg{natbib}, whereas the APA manual requires this to be ``Johnson, 1991a, 1991b''; (2) The APA manual requires ``and'' between authors to be ``and'' in text and ``\&'' in parenthetical citation, but \pkg{natbib} does not make this distinction. I could change the \fname{apacite.bst} and \fname{apacitex.bst} \BibTeX{} style files so that \pkg{natbib} would be ``fooled'' and the first problem would be resolved. However, this has the drawback of imposing APA style citations when you request \pkg{natbib} style citations, and you may actually want the behavior mentioned above. I am only able to provide one of these possibilities. It would be better to add an option to \pkg{natbib} with which the desired behavior can be chosen. Thus, you could try to put pressure on the author of \pkg{natbib} to achieve this. Alternatively, I might attempt to provide an option to \pkg{apacite} in the future that controls this behavior of \pkg{natbib}. The second incompatibility between \pkg{natbib} and the APA rules mentioned above occurs because \pkg{apacite} uses the re-definable \cmd{\BBA} command for this usage of ``and''. The \pkg{natbib} citation commands do not redefine \cmd{\BBA}, so you can choose only one of these, or you must redefine \cmd{\BBA} explicitly before each citation. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{\pkg{hyperref}, \pkg{backref}, and \pkg{url}} \label{sec:compat-hyper} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The \pkg{hyperref} package turns (\mbox{cross-}) references into hypertext links. This can be used in conjunction with a program such as \latextohtml{} to compose \fname{.html} files with clickable links, to internet pages or within the same document, or it can be used to create a \fname{.pdf} document with clickable crossreferences. Evidently, citations are also references. Therefore, the \pkg{hyperref} package transforms these into hypertext links as well, and needs to redefine the citation commands and reference list commands in order to do so. These redefinitions have caused severe incompatibility problems between \pkg{apacite} and \pkg{hyperref} in the past. Previous versions of \pkg{apacite} contained an experimental \pkgoption{hyper} option that solved some problems, but left others. In the current version of \pkg{apacite}, the incompatibility problems have been solved, and the \pkgoption{hyper} and \pkgoption{nohyper} options are now obsolete. However, some of the ``dirty tricks'' I needed for complicated examples in section~\ref{sec:xmpl} still conflict with \pkg{hyperref}. You will probably not encounter these problems very often, but if you do these can be easily solved by editing the \fname{.bbl} file instead of using dangerous tricks; see also section~\ref{sec:autindex} below. The \pkg{backref} package adds to each entry in the bibliography a list of pages (or sections) on which it is referenced. Hence, it serves as an alternative to an author index, in which not the entries themselves are backreferenced, but the authors of these entries, see section~\ref{sec:autindex}. Note that \pkg{natbib} offers yet another possibility, viz.\ the citations in the standard index, or a separate citation index, see the \pkg{natbib} documentation. In my opinion, the \pkg{backref} way of indexing the page numbers of the citations is more logical. Moreover, it is more condensed as well. Obviously, the \pkg{backref} package has to change the citation commands and reference list to be able to do its backreferencing. Because \pkg{apacite} redefines these as well, they are conflicting to some degree. A similar compatibility problem between \pkg{backref} and \pkg{natbib} was noticed by the author of \pkg{backref}. Therefore, \pkg{backref} contains some code to make it compatible with \pkg{natbib}. This code has been adapted for \pkg{apacite} and incorporated in \pkg{apacite}. Thus, \pkg{backref} as a standalone package has been made compatible with \pkg{apacite}. The drawback of this solution is that if changes are made in the \pkg{backref} package, this may result in new incompatibilities with \pkg{apacite} unless \pkg{apacite} is changed as well. Whether, and if so, when, this will occur will be a question for the future. Apart from being a standalone package, \pkg{backref} can also be combined with \pkg{hyperref}. It is then not loaded separately, but through the \pkgoption{backref} or \pkgoption{pagebackref} option of the \pkg{hyperref} package. In this case, the backreferences become hypertext links. See the discussion of the \pkg{hyperref} package above. The \pkg{url} package provides the \cmd{\url} command for formatting URLs, i.e., web addresses. It is typically loaded if \pkg{hyperref} is also loaded, but it is very useful on its own as well. There are no compatibility problems with \pkg{apacite} and it is not required when using \pkg{apacite}. However, if you use the \fieldname{url} field, \pkg{apacite} puts it into a \cmd{\url} command. If the \cmd{\url} command is not defined by another package, \pkg{apacite} provides a crude definition, so that no errors are generated. But the formatting thus obtained usually does not satisfy the APA rules about formatting, especially its rules about line breaking within a URL. The default line breaking rules of the \pkg{url} package are fairly close to the APA rules, but there are some differences. Therefore, \pkg{apacite} provides several URL-styles that adhere to the APA line breaking rules, supplemented by the additional suggestions in \citeA[p.~645]{chicago}. These styles apply to URL formatting through the \cmd{\url} command anywhere in the document, not only in the reference list and not only in the \fieldname{url} field. The only difference between the URL styles defined by \pkg{apacite} is which font family they use: \verb+APACtt+ uses \cmd{\ttfamily}, \verb+APACsf+ uses \cmd{\sffamily}, \verb+APACrm+ uses \cmd{\rmfamily}, and \verb+APACsame+ does not define a font family, and thus uses the font family that is active at the start of the URL. \verb+APACtt+ is selected by default, but you can select another URL style by inserting the command \cmd{\urlstyle}\marg{style} in your document, after \verb+\begin{document}+. See the documentation of the \pkg{url} package for more details. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Multiple bibliographies} \label{sec:compat-chapterbib} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The \pkg{chapterbib} package allows separate bibliographies for separate chapters of a book, or, technically, separate \cmd{\include}d files. To work properly, it needs some small changes to the citation package, which are clearly described in the \pkg{chapterbib} documentation. These changes have been incorporated in \pkg{apacite}, and therefore \pkg{apacite} is compatible with \pkg{chapterbib}. It is generally advisable not to use the \pkgoption{sectionbib} option of \pkg{chapterbib}, because this redefines \cmd{\thebibliography}, which interferes with the redefinition by \pkg{apacite}. You can use the \pkgoption{sectionbib} option of \pkg{apacite} to accomplish that the bibliography or bibliographies are sections, rather than chapters. Moreover, \pkg{apacite} is configured such that it takes a section as default if it is in the main matter (signified by \cmd{\mainmatter}) of the document. In the back matter (\cmd{\backmatter}) the bibliography is put in a chapter. This is also the case if \cmd{\chapter} is defined but \cmd{\mainmatter} not. (Is this possible? Perhaps for reports?) Consequently, the \pkgoption{sectionbib} option is only useful in specific circumstances. The \pkgoption{nosectionbib} forces the bibliography to be a chapter, provided \cmd{\chapter} is defined. (I figured a \pkgoption{chapterbib} option would be a bit confusing, so I stuck with \pkgoption{nosectionbib}.) The \pkg{bibunits} package is an alternative to \pkg{chapterbib}. It allows a greater flexibility in choosing the scope of a bibliography (chapter, section, or arbitrarily defined part of the document). In previous versions, there have been some compatibility problems between \pkg{apacite} and \pkg{bibunits}, but these have now been solved. The \pkg{multibib} and \pkg{multibbl} packages support using multiple bibliographies simultaneously. Thus, one can cite entries from multiple bibliographies in the same part of the document. This may be useful of one wants thematically different bibliographies or separate bibliographies for references in different scripts (e.g., Latin and Greek). These packages accomplish this by introducing different citation commands for the different bibliographies. \pkg{apacite} contains compatibility code such that these packages can be used jointly with \pkg{apacite}. The \pkg{bibtopic} package offers a similar functionality, but instead of using separate citation commands, it requires the user to keep the references in different \fname{.bib} files, so that there is one bibliography per \fname{.bib} file. \pkg{apacite} contains a little bit of compatibility code, which largely seems to work, but ``and'' between authors is always ``\&'', even in \cmd{\citeA}. I hope to fix this in a future version of \pkg{apacite}. Another package that offers similar functionality is \pkg{splitbib}. This uses neither different citation commands, nor separate \fname{.bib} files. rather, it requires the user to declare the ``category'' of each cited reference, typically at the beginning of the document. Again, \pkg{apacite} contains compatibility code such that simultaneous redefinitions of some of the citation and reference list commands do not conflict. A few caveats must be mentioned here. First, simultaneous bibliographies only work well if it is guaranteed that there are no ambiguities in the reference lists. With a single bibliography, ambiguities are resolved at the \BibTeX{} stage by adding initials to ambiguous first author names, adding additional authors before (or instead of) ``et al.\hbox{}'' to ambiguous multiple-author lists, and adding ``a'' and ``b'' suffixed to the year for references to different documents with the same authors published in the same year. Because, with the exception of \pkg{splitbib}, these packages require multiple \BibTeX{} runs on separate selections of references, \fname{apacite.bst} can only resolve ambiguities within the same bibliography. When there are cross-bibliography ambiguities, these are not resolved. It seems like these packages are primarily intended to work with numbered citation styles, or otherwise labeled citation styles, so that unique cross-bibliography numbers or labels can be generated at the \LaTeX{} stage. Second, I wrote the compatibility code in early 2006 (sorry about the long delay for this release) and have only superficially tested it recently. It seems to work, apart from minor details, but there may be problems I am not aware of. Please let me know if you encounter such problems. Then I'll try to fix them or at the least mention them in the next version of the manual. In particular, I believe that usage of \cmd{\nocitemeta} is not prefectly integrated yet: You may get the ``References marked\dots'' message even if the relevant bibliography does not contain marked references, or references that are \cmd{\nocitemeta}'d for one bibliography but not for another are marked for both. I don't think the \cmd{\nocitemeta} command is used much, so I would be surprised if anybody encountered such problems, but please let me know if you do. Then I'll try to fix them. Third, the compatibility code for all of these packages either follows instructions given in those packages, or brutally redefines part of the code of those packages. If these packages change, this may mean that new compatibility problems are created, or that improved features of these packages are not available when combined with \pkg{apacite}. I do not have the time to regularly check for updates of these packages and then study changes and/or test compatibility again. Instead, I only take action when a user notifies me of a problem, or I coincidentally find out myself. Therefore, again, please let me know if you encounter problems. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Programs for conversion to html, rtf, etc.} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% There are several programs that convert \LaTeX{} files to other types of files, most notably \fname{html} and \fname{rtf}. This may, for example, be useful if you want to publish your document on the internet or if you are requested to send a ``Word'' file to a journal. I have received reports that \latextohtml{} and \LaTeXrtf{} do not handle documents that use \pkg{apacite} well. Therefore, I have studied these programs. This section contains my observations. Note that these are quite old and not updated, and it is quite likely that the software mentioned in this section has been altered (improved) considerably. Therefore, the information may be outdated. Please let me know if there are major changes that I should be aware of. \latextohtml{} is a \Perl{} program that converts a \LaTeX{} input file into one or more \fname{.html} files, so that a document that is prepared with \LaTeX{} can be used as a (user-friendly) internet document. For papers, lecture notes, and transparencies of classes, I always convert the \fname{.dvi} file output by \LaTeX{} to a \fname{.pdf} file (through the \pkg{dvipdfm} program), which can be read by most people, e.g., using the \pkg{Adobe Reader} program or browser plug-in. I find \fname{.pdf} files more convenient, because I can download a whole paper or presentation with a single click and then print it and read it when and where I desire, whereas typical examples of conversions to \fname{.html} use many \fname{.html} files, which can only be conveniently read from the computer screen when and where you're connected to the internet. Nevertheless, I can imagine that someone would like to convert a document to \fname{.html}, e.g., because it loads faster and reads easier from the screen, because for some documents most people will have to use only a small part and can easier browse or search through it, or just because you want to make a home page and do not want to learn the html-language. Similarly, \LaTeXrtf{} is a standalone program that converts a \LaTeX{} document to \fname{.rtf} format, which can be read by most word processors. This may be convenient if you (a \LaTeX{} user) want to share a document with someone who does not work with \LaTeX{}, or as mentioned above, if you are required to send a ``Word'' file to a journal. Both \latextohtml{} and \LaTeXrtf{} implement \LaTeX{} macros etc.\ in another programming language (\latextohtml{}: \Perl{}; \LaTeXrtf{}: C) and process the \fname{.tex} files directly. This design implies that the conversion program must know the definitions of all \LaTeX{} macros that are used. A drawback of this design is that essentially the same code has to be written in different programming languages (\LaTeX{} macros for the \fname{.sty} file, \Perl{} for \latextohtml{}, and C for \LaTeXrtf{}), but typically with some adaptations specific for the application at hand. With \LaTeXrtf{}, the \LaTeX{} macros that it is able to process are included in the C source code that is compiled. Consequently, no user additions are possible in principle. However, the source code is freely available, so if you define a \LaTeX{} macro, you could adapt \LaTeXrtf{}'s source code and recompile \LaTeXrtf{}. It is obvious that this is very inconvenient, especially if \LaTeX{} macros are defined differently for different styles or if they are defined differently in different parts of the same document. Version~1.9.15 and higher of \LaTeXrtf{} contains some support for \pkg{apacite}, but lags a few versions of \pkg{apacite} behind and thus doesn't work with recent versions of \pkg{apacite}. Moreover, even if this would be fixed, e.g., because I (or you) send patches to the \LaTeXrtf{} authors, this wouldn't do justice to the flexibility of \pkg{apacite}, i.e., its customization options. In contrast with this, \latextohtml{} allows the possibility to supply external \Perl{} scripts. If \latextohtml{} encounters a \cmdtwo{usepackage}{package} command in the document, it attempts to read the corresponding \opt{package}\fname{.perl} \Perl{} script. \latextohtml{} is shipped with many such \Perl{} scripts. There is not one for \pkg{apacite}, but there is one for \pkg{natbib}, which could possibly be adapted for \pkg{apacite}. Alternatively, you could use the \pkg{natbib} citation commands and use the \pkg{natbib} package, which should work. This will become more straightforward when, in a future version, \pkg{apacite} also supports the \pkg{natbib} citation commands. Then the \fname{natbib.perl} script may possibly be copied to \fname{apacite.perl} without having to adapt much. However, I have never studied \Perl{}, and I do not particularly like the idea of having to learn that language for this purpose, so it is not very likely that in the near future \latextohtml{} will work well with \pkg{apacite}. Note, however, that the design with the \Perl{} scripts has the advantage that, if you customize the usage of \pkg{apacite} by writing your own \fname{.sty} file that renews the definitions of some macros, you can also supply a corresponding \Perl{} script, so that your customizations are processed. An alternative to both \latextohtml{} and \LaTeXrtf{} is \TeXht{}. This is a collection of programs and style files that convert \LaTeX{} to various formats, such as html, xml, and OpenOffice format. If you have OpenOffice, the latter can be used to convert to Word (or rtf) format. The principle of \TeXht{} is to let \LaTeX{} do most of the formatting and processing of commands, and do the conversion at low-level \TeX{} commands. In this way, all newly defined commands and user-defined changes are automatically supported. This even carries over to redefinitions of macros in the middle of a document. However, for some specific purposes, there are some additional things that must be arranged. Therefore, \TeXht{} contains a large list of \fname{.4ht} files that are necessary to support various \LaTeX{} packages. One of these is the \fname{apacite.4ht} file. The main purpose of this file is to make citations into hyperlinks to the corresponding entries in the reference list. Currently, this only works partially, but the citation text itself is formatted correctly, so this is only a relatively minor inconvenience. But, of course, it would be better if this would work perfectly. Perhaps I'll study the problems in the future and solve this for a future version (although, technically, it is a \TeXht{} problem and not an \pkg{apacite} problem). The choice of which converter to use will typically not (only) depend on how good it works in conjunction with \pkg{apacite}. Furthermore, apart from the converters mentioned above, there are several additional converters that I haven't studied at all. I will only study them if I receive reports about incompatibility and even then it is far from certain that I will be willing or able to fix the problems. It would be very demanding if I would have to define the \pkg{apacite} commands in a large number of programming languages for a large number of different converters. Because I prefer the design of \TeXht{} and because this converter seems to work best at the moment, I will give a bit more attention to this one. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Generating an author index} \label{sec:autindex} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The \pkg{apacite} package contains an option to (almost) automatically generate an author index. This is done by using the \fname{apacitex.bst} \BibTeX{} style file instead of \fname{apacite.bst} and loading the \fname{apacite.sty} \LaTeX{} package with the \pkgoption{index} option, either explicitly or implicitlt through one of the \pkgoption{stdindex}, \pkgoption{tocindex}, \pkgoption{emindex}, or \pkgoption{ltxemindex} options. In previous versions of \pkg{apacite}, the \pkgoption{index} option automatically loaded the \pkg{index} package for multiple indexes, so that you can have a subject index as well as an author index. However, the current document uses the standard \pkg{ltxdoc} class for documenting \LaTeX{} packages, and this class uses another method for supporting multiple indexes, which appears incompatible with the \pkg{index} package. I have yet been unable to resolve these compatibility problems and, therefore, have implemented another way to generate an author index in addition to other indexes. This uses the same principles as \pkg{ltxdoc} and thus does work for this user's manual. As a consequence, \pkg{apacite} now offers options that generate the author index either with the \pkg{index} package or without it. The \pkgoption{indexpackage} option implies that author indexing is done according to the \pkg{index}-scheme, whereas the \pkgoption{noindexpackage} uses the \pkg{ltxdoc}-based scheme. These options are ignored if the \pkgoption{index} option of \pkg{apacite} is not requested. When the \pkgoption{index} option is requested, the \pkgoption{indexpackage} option loads the \pkg{index} package. This is the default unless it is disabled by using either the \pkgoption{noindexpackage} option or the \pkgoption{ltxemindex} option. Obviously, the \pkg{index} package must be available in a directory that is read by \LaTeX{} if the \pkgoption{indexpackage} option is requested, either explicitly or implicitly. If a subject index is desired, it must be defined by the user, it is not defined by \pkg{apacite}. See the manual of the \pkg{index} package on how to do this. A default author index \emph{is} defined by \pkg{apacite}. The author index is then requested by putting \begin{verbatim} \printindex[autx] \end{verbatim} at the point in the \LaTeX{} document where the index is supposed to appear. To include the author index in the processed document, the following sequence must be followed: First, \LaTeX{}, which puts citation entries in the \fname{.aux} file. Second, \BibTeX{}, which generates the bibliography in the \fname{.bbl} file. Third, \LaTeX{} (at least) twice, which puts index entries in a \fname{.adx} file, Fourth, \MakeIndex{}, which uses the \fname{.adx} file as input and puts the formatted index in a \fname{.and} file, which can be processed by \LaTeX{}. So, if the main document is \fname{filename.tex}, then \MakeIndex{} must be called as follows: \begin{verbatim} makeindex -o filename.and filename.adx \end{verbatim} although the command with which the \MakeIndex{} program must be called may on some systems be slightly different, e.g., \fname{makeinde} or \fname{makeindx}. Furthermore, several additional options may be chosen on the \MakeIndex{} command line. Fifth, run \LaTeX{} again, which (finally) includes the formatted author index in the \fname{.dvi} file. The \pkg{apacite} package provides some options to change the appearance of the index somewhat. With (only) the \pkgoption{index} option, the indexing facility is turned on, but the \envirname{theindex} environment is not explicitly (re)defined by \pkg{apacite}. This means that this environment is defined just like in standard \LaTeX{}, or the \pkg{index} package, or some other package that has been loaded that redefines this environment. The \pkgoption{stdindex} option explicitly uses the definition of the \envirname{theindex} environment that is defined in the \pkg{index} package [1995/09/28 v4.1beta Improved index support (dmj)]. With this definition, the index does not appear in the table of contents. With the \pkgoption{tocindex} option, this definition is augmented with a table of contents entry. With the \pkgoption{emindex} option, there are some alternative definitions. It writes a table of contents entry as well, but the index itself is now set in two columns using the \pkg{multicol} package instead of the \cmd{\twocolumn} command, the text of the index is set in small type, and the page head is not put in uppercase. The \pkgoption{ltxemindex} option uses the same style as the \pkgoption{emindex} option, except that it does not load the \pkg{index} package and is thus tailored to a somewhat different indexing method. When a table of contents entry is desired, another additional \LaTeX{} run is required to obtain the table of contents with the author index included. In exceptional cases, the extra line in de table of contents may cause the text to be moved as well, so that it may be necessary to run \MakeIndex{} a second time, followed by yet one or two more \LaTeX{} runs. The definitions of the index discussed apply to all indexes in the document, so to, e.g., the subject index as well as the author index. This may be undesirable, and therefore \pkg{apacite} provides the following commands to switch index styles: \begin{description} \item[\cmd{\APACstdindex}] \item[\cmd{\APACtocindex}] \item[\cmd{\APACemindex}] \item[\cmd{\APACltxemindex}] \end{description} These correspond to the package options \pkgoption{stdindex}, \pkgoption{tocindex}, \pkgoption{emindex}, and \pkgoption{ltxemindex}, respectively. Note, however, that the \pkgoption{ltxemindex} option and/or the \cmd{\APACltxemindex} command generally cannot be used in a document that uses one of the other styles, and vice versa, because the way \pkg{index} works is incompatible with how standard \LaTeX{} indexing works. If you want a different index style, either for all indexes in your document or only for some indexes, you can define such a style using the \cmd{\renewenvironment} command in the appropriate place. See the standard \LaTeX{} documentation for this command. The source code of the four commands mentioned here can be used as a template for such a style definition. Finally, some elements of the formatting of the index itself can be changed by using (and/or writing) an \fname{.ist} file containing the preferred options. \MakeIndex{} should then be called with the filename of this index style file after a ``\verb+-s+'' option on the command line, so, e.g., \begin{verbatim} makeindex -s mystyle.ist -o filename.and filename.adx \end{verbatim} The \MakeIndex{} documentation discusses the possible options that can be put into the \fname{.ist} file. As discussed in sections~\ref{sec:options}, \ref{subsec:fields}, and \ref{subsec:labels}, the \pkgoption{suppresscorporate} and \pkgoption{includecorporate} options can be used to either excludes corporate authors from the author index or include them in it. The \cmd{\bibcorporate} command must be used in the \fname{.bib} file to denote a corporate author. For some of the examples from the APA manual, I had to use quite advanced \LaTeX{} tricks to obtain the correct formatting in the text, the reference list, and the author index; see section~\ref{sec:xmpl} below. This will typically not be necessary in practice. In the unlikely event that you encounter similar difficult cases, it will usually be sufficient to use a relatively simple trick in the \fname{.bib} file. In rare situations, this may still give incorrect formatting, most likely in the author index. Somewhat less rare is the situation when there is such a problematic case but you also want to use the \pkg{hyperref} package. The tricks I used conflict with \pkg{hyperref}. An easy solution to incorrect formatting and/or sorting in the author index is to edit the \fname{.bbl} file manually. This should be done at a time when \BibTeX{} will not have to be run again. Otherwise, the changes would be overwritten by the next \BibTeX{} run. This editing of the \fname{.bbl} file is not in the \TeX-spirit, but in my experience---I used it for two books with lots of references \cite{meijer1998,WaMe00}, with a previous version of \pkg{apacite} that caused a fair amount of problematic cases---this takes very little time, usually only minutes (compare that with the time spent on writing a book, or with the time that would be necessary to manually make an author index). The connection between the \fname{.bbl} file and the author index is through \cmd{\AX} commands that are entered by \fname{apacitex.bst} in the \fname{.bbl} file. These are responsible for the author indexing facilities. By looking at the contents of the \fname{.bbl} file, some changes that lead to correct formatting are immediately obvious. For example, the entry for Bender is generated by the following lines: \begin{verbatim} \AX{bender jdirector @Bender, J\BPBI {\protect\bibliteral{(Director)}\protect\indexskipbracenodot}.}% \end{verbatim} It is immediately clear that this can be changed to \begin{verbatim} \AX{bender j @Bender, J.}% \end{verbatim} Then, this author will be formatted correctly in the author index, and conflicts with \pkg{hyperref} are resolved. Note that \pkg{apacite} uses the \opt{key}\verb+@+\opt{visual} form of indexing. This form is used in \MakeIndex{} to distinguish between the actual representation in the index and the place where it should occur. The \opt{key} is used by \MakeIndex{} to sort the entry, but the entry actually appearing in the index is \opt{visual}. In the \opt{key} part as formatted by \pkg{apacite}, all names are in lower case letters and all accents and punctuation are removed. Furthermore, \pkg{apacite} inserts \emph{two} spaces between surname and initials, and to \MakeIndex{}, two spaces are different from one space. Spaces between surnames are removed, as well as spaces between initials. Finally, note that \pkg{apacite} always inserts a new line before the ``\verb+@+''. This is to avoid bad line breaks by \BibTeX. To \MakeIndex, this means that each citation \opt{key} ends with a space. The author index of the current document does not contain entries for the authors Shocked and Goodenough as cited in section~\ref{sec:xmpl}, although it does for the reference list part. The reason for this is that the \fieldname{key} field was used for the citations. If you use the \fieldname{key} (and \fieldname{firstkey}) field and you want the authors in the author index as well, you have to include the index command \cmd{\AX} explicitly. For example, the \fieldname{key} field for Michelle Shocked is \begin{verbatim} key = {{\protect\bibsong{Shocked}{1992}{Over the Waterfall}{track~5}}}, \end{verbatim} and if we change this into \begin{verbatim} key = {{\protect\bibsong{Shocked\AX{shocked m @Shocked, M.}}{1992}{Over the Waterfall}{track~5}}}, \end{verbatim} then citations to her are included in the author index. For corporate authors, the \cmd{\corporateAX} command is used instead of the \cmd{\AX} command. Depending on whether the \pkgoption{suppresscorporate} option or the \pkgoption{includecorporate} option is requested, either explicitly or implicitly, \cmd{\corporateAX} either swallows its argument or is equivalent to \cmd{AX}. To make sure that this ends up correctly in the author index, it is important that this command as entered in the \fieldname{key} and/or \fieldname{firstkey} field is exactly as output by \fname{apacite.bst} for the \fieldname{author} field. The easiest way to accomplish this is to start with \fieldname{key} and/or \fieldname{firstkey} fields that do not have the \cmd{\corporateAX} command yet. Then, run \LaTeX{} and \BibTeX{} and extract the correct \cmd{\corporateAX} command from the \fname{.bbl} file and insert this in the \fieldname{key} and/or \fieldname{firstkey} fields. Rerun \BibTeX{} and after that proceed as usual. For example, the following is an excerpt from an entry for one of the examples from section~3.96 in the APA manual: \begin{verbatim} author = {{\bibcorporate{National Institute of Mental Health}}}, firstkey = {{National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH]}}, key = {{NIMH}}, \end{verbatim} If I run \LaTeX{} and \BibTeX{} on the current document, the \fname{.bbl} file contains the lines \begin{verbatim} \corporateAX{nationalinstituteofmentalhealth @{\bibcorporate{National Institute of Mental Health}}}% \end{verbatim} Note the \cmd{\bibcorporate} command and the additional braces. If these are left out, \begin{verbatim} firstkey = {{National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH]}\corporateAX{nationalinstituteofmentalhealth @{National Institute of Mental Health}}}, key = {{NIMH}\corporateAX{nationalinstituteofmentalhealth @{National Institute of Mental Health}}}, \end{verbatim} then this organization gets two separate entries in the author index, which is incorrect. Instead, if we copy them literally, \begin{verbatim} firstkey = {{National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH]}\corporateAX{nationalinstituteofmentalhealth @{\bibcorporate{National Institute of Mental Health}}}}, key = {{NIMH}\corporateAX{nationalinstituteofmentalhealth @{\bibcorporate{National Institute of Mental Health}}}}, \end{verbatim} then everything is as desired. The additional spaces before the ``\verb+@+'' sign make no difference, but percentage signs should not be included in the \fname{.bib} file at the end of lines to hide a line break (as in \LaTeX{}), because \BibTeX{} does not recognize the percentage sign as a comment. Rather, it includes it in the \fname{.bbl} file and sometimes puts additional code behind it, which would then not be read by \LaTeX{} because \LaTeX{} does interpret the percent sign as a comment. This behavior has now become less likely, because \pkg{apacite} inserts numerous line breaks in the \fname{.bbl} file to avoid this problem and, more importantly, line breaks inserted by \BibTeX{} at undesired locations (e.g., in the middle of a command name or in the argument of a \cmd{url} command), but is still a possibility. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Annotated bibliographies} \label{sec:annotate} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Annotated bibliographies can be obtained by requesting \begin{verbatim} \bibliographystyle{apacann} \end{verbatim} instead of \begin{verbatim} \bibliographystyle{apacite} \end{verbatim} or \begin{verbatim} \bibliographystyle{apacannx} \end{verbatim} instead of \begin{verbatim} \bibliographystyle{apacitex} \end{verbatim} The \BibTeX{} style files \fname{apacann.bst} and \fname{apacannx.bst} are almost identical to \fname{apacite.bst} and \fname{apacitex.bst}, respectively. The only relevant difference is that these styles include the contents of the \fieldname{annote} or \fieldname{annotate} field in the output, thereby generating an annotated bibliography. According to \citeA[pp.~810--811]{TLC2}, the \pkg{annotation} style uses the \fieldname{annote} field for annotations, whereas the \pkg{annotate} style defines the \fieldname{annotate} field for this purpose. To be compatible with both, \pkg{apacann} and \pkg{apacannx} support both of these fields. However, they are not both included in the output for the same reference, in case someone wants to make a file that is compatible with both the \pkg{annotate} and \pkg{annotation} styles and thus duplicates the information. In such a case, the contents of the \fieldname{annote} field is included in the output. The annotation is inserted in the \fname{.bbl} file within a \envirname{APACrefannotation} environment. Hence, its formatting can be changed by the user by redefining this environment. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{\fname{apacdoc.sty}} \label{sec:apacdoc} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Section~\ref{sec:xmpl} below cites all examples from the APA manual. This is a test of \pkg{apacite} and a proof that it does what it's supposed to do---format citations and reference lists complying with the APA rules. However, the APA manual discusses many nonstandard issues and several of them need nonstandard treatment. Some of these can only be formatted by what I call ``tricking'' the system. This has been done by defining several \LaTeX{} commands that are too specifically tailored for a certain reference, or ad hoc in other ways, or more generally experimental and not well tested, and likely to lead to more (compatibility) errors. Therefore, I do not consider these commands suitable for inclusion in the \pkg{apacite} package proper, i.e., the file \fname{apacite.sty}. They are not important enough for that, and thus you would rarely need them, and for most of them I anticipated (or hoped) at one point that better solutions would be available in the future. Thus, it seemed quite likely that major changes in these commands would be made, and I didn't want to feel obliged to keep supporting them for backwards compatibility. Rather, I considered these as illustrations of the power of \LaTeX{} and templates that users can base their own tricks upon. Accordingly, these commands were defined in the preamble of previous versions of the user's manual, which used to be the file \fname{apacite.dtx}. I still largely feel the same way about these commands, although I'm not convinced anymore that within reasonable time I will come up with elegant solutions that make them obsolete. Nevertheless, I still make improvements in this direction, and the support of the \fieldname{url} and \fieldname{lastchecked} fields in his version of \pkg{apacite} is an example of this. With the restructuring of the distribution in a \fname{.dtx} file, I have reconsidered the position of these commands, and have decided to put them in a supplementary package file, \fname{apacdoc.sty}. As this name indicates, it is a package that is intended to be used for the \pkg{apacite} documentation (i.e., the current document). It contains several commands and settings (like page margins) that are not interesting outside this document. However, as mentioned above, I needed many of the commands defined in this file for the examples in section~\ref{sec:xmpl}. Thus, you might encounter similar situations as well, and these commands may be useful for you. Because most of the commands in \fname{apacdoc.sty} will not be useful for you (or may even interfere with your document), and because the settings defined in it will most likely not be what you want, it is generally not a good idea to load this file with \cmd{\usepackage} to use the commands that are useful to you. Instead, if you want to use them, you can copy their definitions to the top of your own document or personal style file (say, \fname{mysettings.sty}, study their behavior, and perhaps improve them. This reflects the ``illustration'' or ``template'' nature of these commands. Accordingly, this section briefly mentions the commands that may be useful outside the context of the current document. Thorough documentation is outside the scope of this manual; their definitions can be studied in the source code of \fname{apacdoc.sty}, and their usage is illustrated in section~\ref{sec:xmpl}. I will mildly support them, though: If you want to use them, you can ask me questions, but I will not put as much effort in fixing possible problems as I do with proper \pkg{apacite} issues. The list below mentions (some of) the numbered examples in section~\ref{sec:xmpl} in which the commands are used. \begin{description} \item[\cmd{\bibleciteA}] \item[\cmd{\fullbibleciteA}] \item[\cmd{\shortbibleciteA}] \item[\cmd{\biblecite}] \item[\cmd{\fullbiblecite}] \item[\cmd{\shortbiblecite}] \item[\cmd{\bibleciteNP}] \item[\cmd{\fullbibleciteNP}] \item[\cmd{\shortbibleciteNP}] \mbox{}\\ Citing the Bible. One mandatory argument: relevant chapter and verse, e.g., \verb+\biblecite{1~Cor.\ 13:1}+ (ex.~3.100-3). \item[\cmd{\bibleversion}] \mbox{}\\ Defines the version of the Bible used: \verb+\bibleversion{Revised Standard Version}+. Use this before using the bible citing commands, typically in the preamble of your document. Note that the Bible is not included in the reference list. You can use these commands as templates for references to other ``classic'' works. See ex.~3.100-3. \item[\cmd{\citesong}] \item[\cmd{\fullcitesong}] \item[\cmd{\shortcitesong}] \item[\cmd{\citeAsong}] \item[\cmd{\fullciteAsong}] \item[\cmd{\shortciteAsong}] \item[\cmd{\citesongNP}] \item[\cmd{\fullcitesongNP}] \item[\cmd{\shortcitesongNP}] \mbox{}\\ These cite a song as required by the APA (except for the relative placement of closing quotes and comma). See ex.~69. \item[\cmd{\bibsong}] \mbox{}\\ For \cmd{\citesong} and its siblings, the \fieldname{key} field (and possibly \fieldname{firstkey}) should contain the relevant information in the form of a protected \cmd{\bibsong} command: \begin{verbatim} key = {{\protect\bibsong{author}{year}{song title}{track info}}}, \end{verbatim} See ex.~69. \item[\cmd{\bibInstring}] \mbox{}\\ This command has one argument. The macro changes the definition of the macro \cmd{\BIn} to the argument and then immediately changes the definition back to the old definition. So it makes a one-time change. Used to change ``In'' a book to ``On'' a CD for citing songs. See ex.~69. \item[\cmd{\BOn}] \mbox{}\\ ``On'', for citing songs ``On'' a CD. See ex.~69. \item[\cmd{\DSMcite}] \item[\cmd{\DSMfullcite}] \item[\cmd{\DSMshortcite}] \item[\cmd{\DSMciteA}] \item[\cmd{\DSMfullciteA}] \item[\cmd{\DSMshortciteA}] \item[\cmd{\DSMciteNP}] \item[\cmd{\DSMfullciteNP}] \item[\cmd{\DSMshortciteNP}] \mbox{}\\ Commands to cite the DSM. See ex.~29. Can also be used for other ``named'' works. \pkg{natbib} offers a similar functionality through the definition of an \emph{alias}, but I think that to get this working in the way the APA wants (i.e., the alias is not used for the first citation, but only for second and subsequent citations), it cannot be directly used. But the technical implementation of its functionality may form a useful basis for a better (more elegant) solution for this type of citation. \item[\cmd{\bibDSM}] \mbox{}\\ For \cmd{\DSMcite} and its siblings, the \fieldname{key} field (and possibly \fieldname{firstkey}) should contain the relevant \cmd{\bibDSM} command: \begin{verbatim} key = {{\bibDSM{American Psychiatric Association}{Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders}{4th ed.\hbox{}}{DSM-IV}}}, \end{verbatim} See ex.~29. \item[\cmd{\DSMauthor}] \item[\cmd{\DSMfulltitle}] \item[\cmd{\DSMedition}] \item[\cmd{\DSMshorttitle}] \mbox{}\\ These four commands extract the four elements of a \cmd{\bibDSM} command. They are used in the \cmd{\DSMcite} command and its siblings, but may occasionally be useful by themselves. \item[\cmd{\bibliteral}] \mbox{}\\ This command is used in some of the examples in section~\ref{sec:xmpl} to put some literal text into the reference list that would otherwise be abbreviated to a single ``initial'' at the \BibTeX{} stage. For example, in ex.~4.08, the authors are ``Bulatao, E. (with Winford, C.~A.)'', where ``(with Winford, C.~A.)'' is inserted by wrapping it in a \cmd{\bibliteral} command, which itself is wrapped in an additional pair of braces, so that \BibTeX{} treats it a a complicated ``accent'' and the argument as a complicated single character. This text should not be put in the author index, and therefore some manipulation through redefining the meaning of this command before and after the reference list is used to suppress this text, as well as an additional period, there. Used in examples 4.08, 65, 66, 68, and 70. \item[\cmd{\bibinitial}] \mbox{}\\ This command is similar to \cmd{\bibliteral}. It is used in one example (ex.~67), where the ``author'' is a ``(Producer)'', but the initial of the author is put in the text because there is another author with the same surname (Miller). This causes problems not encountered in the examples where \cmd{\bibliteral} is used, and after a lot of trial and error, the current definition of \cmd{\bibinitial} was developed to format this particular author correctly in text, reference list, and author index. It looks like this is an improved version of the \cmd{\bibliteral} command, so perhaps in the next release I'll use \cmd{\bibinitial} for all the examples in which now \cmd{\bibliteral} is used. \item[\cmd{\bibreftext}] \mbox{}\\ This command takes two arguments. By default, it ignores the first and inserts the second in the output. In this manual, it is redefined before the reference list to ignore its second argument and insert the first argument in the output. This is used in ex.~17, where the year in the in-text citation should be ``1992/1993'', whereas in the reference list, it should be 1992 (and the 1993 is listed elsewhere). For reprints and translations, this is handled automatically by \pkg{apacite} if you use the \fieldname{original*} fields, but this one is different. \item[\cmd{\Dutchvon}] \mbox{}\\ This command is equivalent to \cmd{\bibreftext}, but is used for a different situation, and therefore, depending on language, subtle style differences, and other preferences, you might want to change the definition of one but not of the other. This one illustrates how the Dutch way to treat ``von'' parts of surnames can be handled. It is discussed in ex.~B-2, although it is not actually used in the examples, because the Dutch way to treat ``von'' parts is not APA style. \item[\cmd{\SwapArgs}] \mbox{}\\ This command takes two arguments and swaps their order. This is useful if you cite a work whose title, (corporate) author, or other element starts with an article that should be disregarded for ordering. \pkg{apacite} disregards ``a'', ``an'', and ``the'' in the sorting of titles, but these are obviously English. For French, you could say \begin{verbatim} title = {\SwapArgs{Marseillaise}{La }}, \end{verbatim} which is thus alphabetized under M. (Not used in the examples.) \item[\cmd{\swallownext}] \mbox{}\\ Eats up the next character. Dangerous but sometimes useful. Used in the definitions of some of the following commands. \item[\cmd{\swallowdot}] \mbox{}\\ Eats up the next character, but only if it's a dot (`.'). Used in the definitions of some of the following commands. \item[\cmd{\bibnodot}] \mbox{}\\ Used as \verb+\bibnodot{.}+. Eats the period, but prevents \BibTeX{} from adding one. Used in examples 78, 79, 87, 91, and 95. This is likely to be useful for many users, and is stable, so it may be upgraded to \fname{apacite.sty} in the next release of \pkg{apacite}. The only thing against this is that it is used in highly unelegant manual formatting of a fairly large piece of the description of a reference to a website in a \fieldname{howpublished} field. I'd prefer to avoid this, but that would require either adding another idiosyncratic field or even less elegant trickery in the \fname{.bib} file. \item[\cmd{\bibskipbracenodot}] \mbox{}\\ Suppresses the period after a subsequent closing brace. Quickly leads to errors because it uses very low level \TeX{} code that (locally) changes some fundamental settings. This is used in some examples (65, 68) where \cmd{\bibliteral} is used to insert a description of a first ``author'', such as ``(Producer)''. This is interpreted by \BibTeX{} as a complicated one-letter first name, and thus it adds a period to make it into an initial. This period is the one that's eaten by this command. Used in examples 65 and 68. \item[\cmd{\indexskipbracenodot}] \mbox{}\\ This serves the same purpose as \cmd{\bibskipbracenodot}, and it uses the same code, but whereas \cmd{\bibskipbracenodot} is activated for the reference list, \cmd{\indexskipbracenodot} is only activated for the author index. This has technical reasons and it does not work under all circumstances. Used in examples 4.08-3, 65, 66, and 68. \item[\cmd{\bibeditortype}] \mbox{}\\ This has one argument. The macro changes the definitions of the macros \cmd{\BED} and \cmd{\BEDS} to the argument and then immediately changes the definitions back to their old definitions. So it makes a one-time change. This is used when there is someone in an ``editor-type'' role, but with another designation, such as ``producer'' or ``director''. Ex.\ 36, 67, and 68. \item[\cmd{\renewbibeditortype}] \mbox{}\\ The above-mentioned definition of \cmd{\bibeditortype} is only relevant in the reference list: In the citations in the text and in the author index, the command should do nothing. Therefore, the command is initially defined as ``nothing''. The definition discussed above is initialized by \cmd{\renewbibeditortype}. This command is executed just before the reference list in the current document. (After the reference list, \cmd{\bibeditortype} becomes ``nothing'' again.) \item[\cmd{\BAbstractRetrieved}] \mbox{}\\ This command is similar to \cmd{\BRetrieved}, except that it inserts ``Abstract retrieved'' instead of ``Retrieved''. Used in examples 82 and 83. \item[\cmd{\BmakeAbstractRetrieved}] \mbox{}\\ This command functions much like \cmd{\bibeditortype}: It replaces the next instance of \cmd{\BRetrieved} by \cmd{\BAbstractRetrieved}. Used in examples 82 and 83. \item[\cmd{\noedition}] \mbox{}\\ Suppresses the ``ed.'' (or ``\cmd{\BEd}'', rather) of an \fieldname{edition}. Used in examples 92 and 94 to format a string like ``Version~4'' as an \fieldname{edition}. \item[\cmd{\APACmanBeforeBib}] \mbox{}\\ Illustrates how some of the commands defined above are used in practice: This command is given just before the \cmd{\bibliography} command, and redefines some of the commands above, so that their meaning is different in the reference list from their meaning in the main text. Similar commands: \cmd{\APACmanBeforeIndex}, \cmd{\APACmanAfterIndex}. \end{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Known problems and todo-list} \label{sec:todo} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% With any kind of software, there is usually a list with known problems (bugs) and desirable future work (to-do), and \pkg{apacite} is no exception. These subjects will be discussed in this section. A class of problems was already discussed in section~\ref{sec:compat} above. This concerns the incompatibility of the \fname{.bib} file with other citation styles, through \pkg{apacite}-specific fields, APA-specific contents of fields, or through special tricks. These lead to correctly formatted references in APA style, but may cause problems with using the \fname{.bib} file with other styles (in case APA journals reject your article~\ldots). As discussed there, however, this problem is unavoidable and presumably not a very big problem to most users. An incomplete list of other known problems and things that I would like to do with \pkg{apacite} follows below. Several items of this list are the direct result of the tricks I had to use for the examples in section~\ref{sec:xmpl} below. \begin{itemize} \item Support \pkg{natbib} citation commands (\cmd{\citet}, \cmd{\citep}, etc.). \item Redefine citation commands (and other commands) as ``robust'' commands so that they can be used in other commands, such as \cmd{\caption}, without having to use an explicit \cmd{\protect}. The \pkg{natbib} package does this, but \pkg{apacite} still adheres to the older ``fragile'' setup of its predecessors. \item Sort entries within a single citation command. The \pkg{natbib} package already offers this option. \item Swap (optionally) the order of closing quotes and various other punctuation marks (\verb+.,;!?+) in a citation, for articles where there is no named author and the title (between quotes) takes the role of the author. \item Add an option that disables \pkg{apacite}'s citation commands (and perhaps a few others) to further improve inter-operability with \pkg{natbib}. \item Add options and/or commands for easier customization of reference list and author index. \item Continue with transferring reference list formatting code from \BibTeX{} to \LaTeX. \item Introduce options for the \BibTeX{} part, e.g., index vs.\ noindex (so that \fname{apacitex.bst} becomes superfluous); full first names instead of only initials, or perhaps options for putting initials in front of (2nd and later) author names; unsorted reference lists or lists sorted chronologically (forward or reverse; for CVs); etc. \item Give explicit support for citation to the Bible and other ``classic'' works and the \emph{DSM}. \item Give explicit support for music recordings in \entryname{incollection} entries. \item Perhaps study referencing legal materials (Appendix~D of the APA manual). This is actually not high on my priority list. Perhaps you can use the \pkg{camel} package if you do this often. \item Fix a bug (which is unlikely to show up) in the \fname{.bst} file: If there are two or more references, published in the same year, each with 6 authors, the first 5 of which are the same but the 6th authors are different, then these lead to ambiguous citations. The same thing happens when one has 6 authors and another 7, with the same first 6 authors. \item Extend the \cmd{\bibcorporate} command with an optional argument that gives the abbreviated form, so that the \fieldname{firstkey} and \fieldname{key} fields do not have to be used for this common situation. \item Support nonstandard types of authors, like ``Director'' and ``Series Ed.\hbox{}''. This currently must be tricked in a nonelegant way. Perhaps I (or you) can think of a better solution. \item If a work is authored by someone, ``with'' someone else: This currently must be tricked in a nonelegant way. Perhaps I (or you) can think of a better solution. \item Define \BibTeX{} macros or strings for commonly encountered journals (at least the APA journals). \item In an \entryname{unpublished} entry, if \fieldname{author} and \fieldname{organization} are equivalent, replace the latter with ``Author'' in the output, analogous to the situation where \fieldname{publisher} or \fieldname{institution} are equal to \fieldname{author} in several of the other entry types. \item Allow \fieldname{lastchecked} fields of the form |2009-02-01| and/or |2009/02/01| and/or other schemes, and translate these into language-specific date strings. \item Perhaps study the 24-page electronic document \APACcitebtitle{APA Style Guide to Electronic References}, see \url{http://books.apa.org/books.cfm?id=4210509}, and incorporate my findings in the next version of \pkg{apacite}. \item Rewrite and reorganize the documentation; perhaps create a ``getting started'' document. \item Transform the examples section below into a test document. (You can already extract its contents from the file \fname{apacite.dtx} and copy it into a \fname{.tex} file for this purpose, but you'll have to edit a few things in and out.) \item Improve the source code documentation, esp.\ the formatting, indexing, and cross-referencing. (You only see this if you regenerate this manual with the \cmd{\AlsoImplementation} flag set.) \end{itemize} Quite likely, other problems will come up when using the current version of \pkg{apacite}, but at least I got it working on the APA manual examples, see section~\ref{sec:xmpl} below. I have lots of ideas for improvements, extensions, options, etc., but not much time to devote to it. Therefore, it is difficult to give a good estimate of when I will release a new update. However, in the meantime, if you have questions, remarks, suggestions, or bug reports, you can e-mail them to me. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Examples of the APA manual} \label{sec:xmpl} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% In this section, the \pkg{apacite} package is tested by citing the examples of the APA manual (5th ed., pp.~207--281), and some additional references for additional purposes. The following list gives the examples from chapter~3 of the APA manual, with section number. For these and all later examples, whenever I thought it necessary or desirable, I added some comments. These are indicated by the \EM{} symbol. Especially for later examples (from chap.~4), the comments frequently pertain to the corresponding reference list entry. \begin{itemize} \item[3.94] \citeA{3.94-1} compared reaction times\\ In a recent study of reaction times \cite{3.94-1}\\ In \citeyearNP{3.94-1} \citeauthor{3.94-1} compared reaction times\\ In a recent study of reaction times, \citeA{3.94-1} described the method\ldots. \citeauthor{3.94-1} also found \item[3.95] \citeA{3.95-1} found\\ \citeA{3.95-1} found\\ \citeauthor{3.95-1} found\\ \fullcite{3.95-2} and \fullcite{3.95-3}\\ \citeA{3.95-2} and \citeA{3.95-3}\\ \EM It seems that if ``et al.\hbox{}'' would refer to one additional author, then this author is named instead of the ``et al.\hbox{}'' clause.\\ \citeA{3.95-4} and \citeA{3.95-5}\\ as \citeA{3.95-6} demonstrated\\ \EM The comma after ``Nightlinger'' in the reference list does not look right, but is explicitly required by the APA. Of course, with people as authors, one almost always has initials (although I have seen an example of an econometrician who only had one name), so this problem is not likely to occur. With nicknames (``screen names'' as they are called in the APA manual below ex. 85) in messages to newsgroups, initials are typically missing, but then there is usually (always?) only one author, so the problem does not exist either. The problem can, however, come up when there are two authors, the first of which is a corporate author, or with artists, e.g., the song ``Into the Groove'' is written by Madonna and Stephen Bray. \\ as has been shown \cite{3.95-7} \item[3.96] \cite{3.96-1}\\ \cite{3.96-1}\\ \cite{3.96-2}\\ \EM If the \fieldname{firstkey} field is different for different references and the \fieldname{key} field is the same, then, analogous to the use of extra authors in 3.95 above, \pkg{apacite} uses the \fieldname{firstkey} field for all citations:\\ \citeA{3.96-3}, \citeA{3.96-4}, \citeA{3.96-5}, \citeA{3.96-6};\\ \citeA{3.96-3}, \citeA{3.96-4}, \citeA{3.96-5}, \citeA{3.96-6}.\\ Although this is a constructed example, these organizations really exist. The ``Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond'' is the Royal Dutch Chess Association and the ``Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaatsbond'' is the Royal Dutch Skating Association. Both are abbreviated to KNSB and presumably, both publish an annual report each year. Furthermore, in these examples, I copied the contents of the \fieldname{author} field to the \fieldname{publisher} field. \pkg{apacite} recognizes this and puts the APA-requirement ``Author'' as publisher description in the reference list. Other styles may prefer the full publisher name again. \item[3.97] on free care \cite{3.97-1}\\ \EM The order of the closing quotes and the comma is different from the APA manual. I think this one is more logical, although the APA manual's is the conventional one, presumably for aesthetic reasons. I hope to implement this in a future version.\\ the book \citeA{3.97-2}\\ \cite{3.97-3}\\ \EM If two articles both have no author and the title and the year are the same, a's and b's should be used: \citeA{3.97-4}, \citeA{3.97-5}, and \citeA{3.97-6}. The latter two entries are correctly sorted by month, through the way the month macros are defined in the \fname{.bst} files. \item[3.98] \citeA{3.98-1} and \citeA{3.98-2} also found\\ \citeA{3.98-3} and \citeA{3.98-4} studied \item[3.99] Past research \cite{3.99-1,3.99-2}\\ Past research \cite{3.99-3,3.99-4,3.99-5}\\ Several studies \cite{3.99-6,3.99-7,3.99-8,3.99-9,3.99-10,3.99-11}\\ Several studies \cite{3.99-12,3.99-13,3.99-14}\\ \EM \pkg{apacite} does not (yet?) sort the cited references in the text (of course it does for the reference list), as required by the APA manual.\\ (\citeNP{3.99-15}; see also \citeNP{3.99-16,3.99-17})\\ \EM Note that I had to use \cmd{\citeNP} here. \item[3.100] \cite{3.100-1}\\ \EM This is not an example, but a rule in the text. The ``\bibnodate'' is handled by the \cmd{\bibnodate} macro. It is not clear whether it is really meant that the in-text form is \citeauthor{3.100-1}, \citeyearNP{3.100-1} or the more logically consistent \citeA{3.100-1}. The former can (currently) only be accomplished by using \cmd{\citeauthor} and \cmd{\citeyearNP} explicitly, whereas the latter is simply obtained by \cmd{\citeA}.\\ \cite{3.100-1b}\\ \EM Again, this is not an example, but a rule in the text.\\ \cite{3.100-2}\\ \citeA{3.100-3}\\ \EM For citations to the bible, I used \cmd{\biblecite} and several obvious variations on it, as discussed in section~\ref{sec:apacdoc}:\\ \cmd{\bibleciteA}, first cite: \bibleciteA{1 Cor.\ 13:1}\\ \cmd{\bibleciteA}, second cite: \bibleciteA{1 Cor.\ 13:1}\\ \cmd{\biblecite}, first cite: \fullbiblecite{1 Cor.\ 13:1}\\ \cmd{\biblecite}, second cite: \biblecite{1 Cor.\ 13:1}\\ (\cmd{\bibleciteNP}, first cite: \fullbibleciteNP{1 Cor.\ 13:1} and some text surrounding it)\\ (\cmd{\bibleciteNP}, second cite: \bibleciteNP{1 Cor.\ 13:1} and some text surrounding it)\\ \EM Here, there probably should be a comma if it's the first cite and not a comma when it's a later cite. A difficult one.\\ \EM Ancient Greek and Roman works should be treated similarly, i.e., not be listed in the reference list. But it seems to me that title and/or author must be given in the text as well. Maybe I will try to construct a tentative example of this in a future release. \item[3.101] \cite[p.~332]{3.101-1}\\ \cite[chap.~3]{3.101-2}\\ \EM If you like, you can use the \pkg{apacite}-defined abbreviation commands \verb+\BPG+ and \verb+\BCHAP+.\\ \cite[\P~5]{3.101-3}\\ \cite[Conclusion section, para.~1]{3.101-4} \item[3.102] \EM Personal communication is not really citation and should be done manually:\\ T.~K. Lutes (personal communication, April 18, 2001)\\ (V.-G. Nguyen, personal communication, September 28, 1998) \item[3.103] \cite[for complete data]{3.103-1} \end{itemize} \noindent Chapter~4 of the APA manual deals with the reference list and only mentions some in-text citation issues in passing. Therefore, the rest mainly requires a lot of moving back and forth between the reference list and this part. I start with the more general part, sections 4.01--4.15, presented similar to the sections from chapter~3 as presented above. \begin{itemize} \item[4.04] \EM First, some examples mentioned in the text:\\ \citeA{4.04-t1}, \citeA{4.04-t2}, \citeA{4.04-t3}, \citeA{4.04-t4}, \citeA{4.04-t5}, \citeA{4.04-t6}, \citeA{4.04-t7}, \citeA{4.04-t8}, \citeA{4.04-t9}\\ \EM The APA manual states that prefixes must be treated according to the rules of the language of origin. These rules can differ a lot between languages (and countries) and it is impossible to know all these rules. The APA manual gives two examples, one in which ``De Vries'' is treated as the surname, and one in which ``Helmholtz'' is the surname and ``von'' is the ``von'' part of the name. In the former case, the author is referred to as, say, ``De Vries (1999)'' in text and ``De Vries, J. (1999).'', alphabetized under ``D'' in the reference list. In the second example, the author is referred to as, say, ``Helmholtz (1870)'' and listed in the reference list as ``Helmholtz, H. L. F. von. (1870).'', alphabetized under ``H''. To get this right, the author must be defined as \begin{verbatim} author = {H. L. F. von Helmholtz}, \end{verbatim} or \begin{verbatim} author = {von Helmholtz, H. L. F.}, \end{verbatim} then \BibTeX{} will assign the correct parts to the first names, ``von''-part, and last name. The seemingly logical \begin{verbatim} author = {Helmholtz, H. L. F. von}, \end{verbatim} will not be formatted correctly, because ``von'' is now considered to be part of the first names and therefore abbreviated to ``v.''. Below, under example B-2, I will further discuss some issues about ``von'' parts. \EM The APA manual requires that numerals are alphabetized as if they were spelled out. This is not done by \pkg{apacite}, so when applicable should be done by the user, e.g.\ by using the \cmd{\APACSortNoop} command as discussed in section~\ref{subsec:sort}. I give one fictitious example \cite{4.04-t10}. \citeA{4.04-1}\\ \citeA{4.04-2}\\ \citeA{4.04-3}\\ \citeA{4.04-4}\\ \citeA{4.04-5}\\ \citeA{4.04-6}\\ \citeA{4.04-7}\\ \citeA{4.04-8}\\ \citeA{4.04-9}\\ \citeA{4.04-10}\\ \citeA{4.04-11}\\ \citeA{4.04-12}\\ \EM As stated in the APA manual, an exception to the rule of sorting by title if author and year are the same occurs when the works are identified as a series. Then ordering the parts of the series sequentially can be done using the \cmd{\APACSortNoop} command.\\ \EM Here, it says that only ``A'' and ``The'' are excluded from the sorting (if they are the initial words), but I assume they mean ``An'' as well. This is how it is implemented in \pkg{apacite}. \citeA{4.04-13}\\ \citeA{4.04-14}\\ \EM I have not (yet?) studied referencing legal materials. In the first version of \pkg{apacite}, I defined a \entryname{literal} type, so that the users can literally format such entries themselves. This is still available. However, I think that if you need to refer to legal cases, you can find a way to use the \entryname{misc} type to get it right. I might study this and give examples in a next version of \pkg{apacite}. \item[4.05] \citeA{4.05-1}\\ \nocitemeta{4.05-2}\citeA{4.05-2}\\ \EM Here I used the \cmd{\nocitemeta} command to let \pkg{apacite} know that a meta-analysis is reported and this work is included in it. As you can see, you can still cite the work by using the normal citation commands such as \cmd{\citeA}. \item[4.08] \citeA{4.08-1}\\ \citeA{4.08-2}\\ \citeA{4.08-3}\\ \EM To obtain the ``(with \dots)'' description in the reference list, I used the \cmd{\bibliteral} command. Furthermore, to get this formatted correctly in the author index, I used the \cmd{\indexskipbracenodot} command to suppress an additional period. These commands are described in section~\ref{sec:apacdoc}. To \BibTeX{}, the \cmd{\bibliteral} construction is a complicated accented character, which is the second initial of the author. Consequently, this does not work properly with styles that put the initials \emph{before} the surnames, and care must be exercised with ``junior'' parts (see ex.~70). Furthermore, this construction must be put between a pair of braces in order for \BibTeX{} to treat it as an accented letter, instead of abbreviating it. \item[4.09] \citeA{4.09-1} \item[4.10] \citeA{4.10-1}\\ \citeA{4.10-2} \item[4.11] \citeA{4.11-1}\\ \citeA{4.11-2}\\ \EM Note that in the \fname{.bib} file, the ``junior'' part comes directly after the surname and a comma, with the initials after the ``junior'' part, whereas in the formatted reference list, the more logical order \opt{surname}, \opt{initials}, \opt{junior}, is used. \item[4.12] \citeA{4.12-1} \item[4.13] \citeA{4.13-1}\\ \EM ``For substantial reference works with a large editorial board, naming the lead editor followed by \texttt{et al.} is acceptable''. This is now implemented in \pkg{apacite} as follows: If there are 7 or more editors, only the first one is named, followed by ``et al.\hbox{}'' \cite{4.13-2}. \item[4.15] \citeA{4.15-1}\\ \EM Here I used the new \fieldname{url} and \fieldname{lastchecked} fields.\\ \citeA{4.15-2} \end{itemize} \noindent The rest is from section~4.16, the examples section. The section number is omitted, but A--I are used instead for the unnumbered examples. For the numbered examples, only the number is given. The following enumerated list gives the example number, and the two basic in-text citation commands, both in a full and short form, of the examples. \begin{enumerate} \item[A-1] \cite{A-1} \\ \cite{A-1} \\ \fullciteA{A-1} \\ \citeA{A-1} \item \cite{ex1} \\ \cite{ex1} \\ \fullciteA{ex1} \\ \citeA{ex1} \item \cite{ex2} \\ \cite{ex2} \\ \fullciteA{ex2} \\ \citeA{ex2} \item \cite{ex3} \\ \cite{ex3} \\ \fullciteA{ex3} \\ \citeA{ex3} \item \cite{ex4} \\ \cite{ex4} \\ \fullciteA{ex4} \\ \citeA{ex4}\\ \cite{ex4-2} \\ \cite{ex4-2} \\ \fullciteA{ex4-2} \\ \citeA{ex4-2}\\ \EM Note that the list of authors can be finished with ``\verb+and others+'' if there are more than 6 authors, or all authors can be given, in which case \pkg{apacite} truncates the list after the first~6. For compatibility with other styles, the latter is preferable. \item \cite{ex5} \\ \cite{ex5} \\ \fullciteA{ex5} \\ \citeA{ex5} \item \cite{ex6} \\ \cite{ex6} \\ \fullciteA{ex6} \\ \citeA{ex6} \item \cite{ex7} \\ \cite{ex7} \\ \fullciteA{ex7} \\ \citeA{ex7}\\ \EM Here, I used \begin{verbatim} month = spring, \end{verbatim} using the new \verb+spring+ macro defined in the \fname{.bst} files. \item \cite{ex8} \\ \cite{ex8} \\ \fullciteA{ex8} \\ \citeA{ex8}\\ \EM Here, again, the order of the closing quotes and the following comma should be reversed according to the APA rules.\\ \EM The \fieldname{month} field is formatted as \begin{verbatim} month = aug # "/" # sep, \end{verbatim} which uses the month macros and \BibTeX's concatenation operator `\verb+#+'. \item \cite{ex9} \\ \cite{ex9} \\ \fullciteA{ex9} \\ \citeA{ex9}\\ \EM Here, again, the order of the closing quotes and the following comma should be reversed according to the APA rules. \item \cite{ex10} \\ \cite{ex10}\\ \fullciteA{ex10}\\ \citeA{ex10} \item \cite{ex11} \\ \cite{ex11}\\ \fullciteA{ex11}\\ \citeA{ex11}\\ \EM Apparently, a weekly newspaper is not a magazine and should therefore include ``p.\hbox{}'' or ``pp.\hbox{}'' in front of the page number(s), whereas a magazine article should not. I do not understand the distinction very well and find it not very useful as well, but will adhere to it. It means that the \entryname{newspaper} type gets the ``pp.\hbox{}'', whereas \entryname{magazine} and \entryname{article}, which are now identical, do not. \item \cite{ex12} \\ \cite{ex12}\\ \fullciteA{ex12}\\ \citeA{ex12}\\ \EM Here, \verb+\emph{DSM-IV}+ must be entered without an extra pair of braces in the title field; see ex.~73 for the intricacies of braces and \verb+\emph+ in the title field. \item \cite{ex13} \\ \cite{ex13}\\ \fullciteA{ex13}\\ \citeA{ex13}\\ \EM Here, the \fieldname{number} field is \verb+1, Serial No.~231+. \item \cite{ex14} \\ \cite{ex14}\\ \fullciteA{ex14}\\ \citeA{ex14}\\ \EM Here, the \fieldname{number} field is \verb+3, Pt.~2+. \item \cite{ex15} \\ \cite{ex15}\\ \fullciteA{ex15}\\ \citeA{ex15} \item \cite{ex16} \\ \cite{ex16}\\ \fullciteA{ex16}\\ \citeA{ex16} \item \cite{ex17} \\ \cite{ex17}\\ \fullciteA{ex17}\\ \citeA{ex17}\\ \EM This case is the opposite of the more common situation where a reprint is cited and an original publication year is given. I could implement similar code to handle this case (and I may if I get requests to do this), but for the moment, I decided to trick the system: I used the \cmd{\bibreftext} command mentioned in section~\ref{sec:apacdoc}. It must be called with two arguments. Initially, it places the second argument in the text, but just before the bibliography, its definition is changed so that the first argument is placed in the reference list. By defining \begin{verbatim} year = {{\protect\bibreftext{1992}{1992/1993}}}, \end{verbatim} in the \fname{.bib} file, the year is ``1992'' in the reference list and ``1992/1993'' in the text citations. The \cmd{\protect} is necessary to make sure that the \cmd{\bibreftext} macro is not written out in the label-part of the bibliography, because then only ``1992'' would appear in the text reference. The additional pair of braces are necessary to make sure that the entry is alphabetized correctly. When these are omitted, the entry is alphabetized under the ``P'' of ``protect''. Of course, the latter is only important if the reference list contains multiple works by the same author(s), but the same phenomenon is encountered when the \fieldname{author} or \fieldname{editor} field starts with a command, or when there is no author or editor and the \fieldname{title} field starts with a command, as in the entry \citeA{4.04-t10} introduced in 4.04 above. Of course, you can save yourself a lot of trouble by obtaining the original article and citing that. \item \cite{ex18} \\ \cite{ex18}\\ \fullciteA{ex18}\\ \citeA{ex18}\\ \EM Here, the \fieldname{number} field is \verb+Suppl.~2+. \item \cite{ex19} \\ \cite{ex19}\\ \fullciteA{ex19}\\ \citeA{ex19}\\ \EM Other styles treat the \emph{Annual Review} as a book (\emph{Sociological Methodology} is an even stronger example), so this is a point where the \fname{.bib} file becomes highly incompatible between styles. This cannot be avoided. \item \cite{ex20} \\ \cite{ex20}\\ \fullciteA{ex20}\\ \citeA{ex20}\\ \EM Here, the \fieldname{englishtitle} field is used for the English translation of the German title. To get the German capitalization of the title right, the capitalized words must be protected by an additional pair of braces. \item \cite{ex21} \\ \cite{ex21}\\ \fullciteA{ex21}\\ \citeA{ex21}\\ \EM Apparently, a translator and original publication date do not have to be mentioned here. \item Seidenberg and McClelland's study \cite{ex22}\\ %\cite{ex22} \\ \cite{ex22}\\ \fullciteA{ex22}\\ \citeA{ex22}\\ \EM The APA website (\url{http://www.apastyle.org/faqs.html}) mentions that the year should generally also be mentioned, making it a complete cite, except that there is no reference list entry. In my opinion, it would be better to list the complete original work in the reference list as well, in case readers do have access to the original work, but not to the secondary source. But this is not the APA rule. \\ \EM You may like to have the authors of the unlisted reference in the author index as well. Use the \cmd{\AX} command for this, as explained in section~\ref{sec:autindex}. \item[B-1] \cite{B-1} \\ \cite{B-1} \\ \fullciteA{B-1} \\ \citeA{B-1} \item \cite{ex23} \\ \cite{ex23}\\ \fullciteA{ex23}\\ \citeA{ex23}\\ \EM Here, and in several other references, I put \verb+\hbox{}+ after the ``\verb+Jr.+'', so that \TeX{} does not consider the period as a sentence-ending period.\\ \EM \pkg{apacite} now supports only an integer value (``\verb+3+'') in the \fieldname{edition} field, and transforms this to ``3rd''. \item \cite{ex24} \\ \cite{ex24}\\ \fullciteA{ex24}\\ \citeA{ex24}\\ \EM The APA manual gives a number, which would not ordinarily be done with proper books and which suggests that it could also be treated as a report. In that case, the default ``Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{}'' description should be left out, however. This can be accomplished by defining \begin{verbatim} type = {\bibnotype}, \end{verbatim} which flags that the type must be left out, see ex.~42. However, for books, it now works fine leaving the \fieldname{type} field empty and giving the number in the \fieldname{number} field. \item \cite{ex25} \\ \cite{ex25}\\ \fullciteA{ex25}\\ \citeA{ex25}\\ \EM According to the note after ex.~25 in the APA manual, an edited book with ``just one'' author should list the editor (and translator, when available) after the title, just like the translator. An example of this is \citeA{ex25-t1}. (Should the original years of publication be used here?) However, what does ``just one author'' mean here? Does it mean that if there are 2 authors and 1 or more editors, the editors should not be mentioned, or the authors should not be mentioned? Presumably, it means the following: In the default case, an edited book consists of several chapters, with different chapters written by different authors. In this case, the reference to the whole book lists only the editor(s). If every chapter is written by the same author, and there are 1 or more editors, their condition holds. I think that if all chapters are written by the same $n$ ($\geq 2$) authors, it should also be treated in this way, i.e., with the authors in the author position and the editor behind the title. A difficult case would appear if the book were a collection of works of, say, 2 authors, with some chapters written by one and some by the other, and some jointly, as in \citeA{ex25-t2}. These choices have to be made by the user, however, \pkg{apacite} will format author, editor, and translator, whenever available. \item \cite{ex26} \\ \cite{ex26}\\ \fullciteA{ex26}\\ \citeA{ex26}\\ \EM According to section~3.97, the title should be in italics. In this example, in the citation, it is not given in italics, but this must be an error, because they do give it in italics on p.~219 (but give no date there). \item \cite{ex27} \\ \cite{ex27}\\ \fullciteA{ex27}\\ \citeA{ex27}\\ \EM Here, the \fieldname{edition} field has value ``\verb+Rev.\hbox{}+'' and \pkg{apacite} handles this noninteger value correctly as well. \item \cite{ex28} \\ \cite{ex28}\\ \fullciteA{ex28}\\ \citeA{ex28}\\ \EM Use the en-dash (``\verb+--+'') and not simply a hyphen (``\verb+-+''), because the latter is not considered to mean ``to'' by \pkg{apacite} (cf.\hbox{} ``Vol.~A-1''). \item \EM As mentioned in section~\ref{sec:apacdoc}, \fname{apacdoc.sty} provides the \cmd{\DSMcite} macro and some related alternatives to get the \emph{DSM} references right. On rereading the description in the APA manual, I discovered that previous versions of \pkg{apacite} did not format the first citation correctly, although the description is a bit ambiguous as to how exactly the first citation should be formatted. Therefore, I looked at a recent issue of \emph{Journal of Abnormal Psychology}, \emph{116}(3); and \emph{Psychological Assessment}, \emph{19}(2). These show some slight variations, some of which have good reasons, but others seem arbitrary. In all articles I looked at, the first citation was an in-text citation, and the following form was the most frequently used, and thus implemented in \fname{apacdoc.sty}:\\ \cmd{\DSMciteA}, first citation: \DSMciteA{ex29} \\ \EM The following citations then only use the abbreviated title:\\ \cmd{\DSMciteA}, second citation: \DSMciteA{ex29} \\ \EM Because I haven't found a parenthetical first cite, I have to use some logic and common sense to define it:\\ \cmd{\DSMcite}, first citation: \DSMfullcite{ex29} \\ \EM Subsequent parenthetical cites are formatted as\\ \cmd{\DSMcite}, second citation: \DSMcite{ex29} \\ \EM Finally, here are ``\verb+NP+'' versions of them:\\ \cmd{\DSMciteNP}, first citation: \DSMfullciteNP{ex29} \\ \cmd{\DSMciteNP}, second citation: \DSMciteNP{ex29} \\ To use these citation commands, you have to provide a \fieldname{key} field that contains a \cmd{\bibDSM} command: \begin{verbatim} key = {{\bibDSM{American Psychiatric Association}{Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders}{4th ed.\hbox{}}{DSM-IV}}}, \end{verbatim} As is evident from this example, the four arguments are author, full title, edition, short title. Thus, because all this information is provided in the \fname{.bib} entry (and not preprogrammed in \pkg{apacite}), it is conceivable that this command is useful for other types of works as well. The generality is a bit limited, though, because all four arguments must be available and have meaningful content (i.e., should not be empty). But it is relatively straightforward to write your own specialized citation commands, based on the \cmd{\DSMcite} code, which do not require all parts to be available. However, the \cmd{\DSM*} macros are still very rough. Multiple citations are not handled well, so only one work should be cited with such a macro. Furthermore, the pre- and postfixes (through \verb+<...>+ and \verb+[...]+) are not available. Note also that the edition should be spelled out as ``\verb+4th ed.\hbox{}+''. When I experimented with just ``\verb+4+'', trying to use the \cmd{\PrintOrdinal} function, things went terribly wrong. Even if I put \verb+\PrintOrdinal{4}+ in the \fieldname{key} field, it didn't work. Finally, the ``ed.\hbox{}'' must be added to allow reference to the ``3rd ed., rev.\hbox{}'' and the ``4th ed., text rev.\hbox{}'' as well. \EM In some of the articles I studied, ordinary citations were used, esp.\ when page numbers were given in parenthetical cites. Thus, you can also use\\ \verb+\cite[p.~25]{ex29}+: \cite[p.~25]{ex29} \item \cite{ex30} \\ \cite{ex30}\\ \fullciteA{ex30}\\ \citeA{ex30}\\ \EM Here, ``6th ed.'' comes before ``Vols.\ 1--20'', so it is Vols.\ 1--20 of the 6th edition. Pre-[2003/09/05] versions of \pkg{apacite} placed volumes before editions, which is appropriate when different volumes of a series are not updated jointly, so that you may have the 3rd edition of Vol.~2, but only the 1st edition of Vol.~6. Should you want this, you have to trick the system by putting both elements in the \fieldname{edition} field: \begin{verbatim} edition = {\BVOLS\ 1--20, 6th}, \end{verbatim} and leaving the \fieldname{volume} field empty.\\ \EM Does the remark about large editorial boards mean that the APA intended to add ``et al.\hbox{}'' here? Anyway, here is an example of such a situation: \citeA{ex30-2}. \item \cite{ex31} \\ \cite{ex31}\\ \fullciteA{ex31}\\ \citeA{ex31} \item \cite{ex32} \\ \cite{ex32}\\ \fullciteA{ex32}\\ \citeA{ex32} \item \cite{ex33} \\ \cite{ex33}\\ \fullciteA{ex33}\\ \citeA{ex33}\\ \EM This illustrates that a \fieldname{type} field can be used with a \entryname{book} entry. \item[B-2] \cite{B-2} \\ \cite{B-2} \\ \fullciteA{B-2} \\ \citeA{B-2} \\ \EM This is a suitable point to discuss ``von'' parts further. One of the editors in the current example is called P. van den Broek. I am Dutch and I recognize this as a Dutch name, so let's assume that this person is Dutch. Let us now consider the situation that this person is the (only) author. Then according to the Dutch rules, this person would be listed in the reference list as ``Broek, P. van den. (1992)'' and listed under ``B'', but referred to in the text as ``Van den Broek (1992)'', including the ``von'' part and capitalizing the first letter. When an initial precedes the ``von'' part (e.g., when there are two primary authors with this surname, but with different initials), then this person would be referred to in the text as ``P. van den Broek (1992)'', including the ``von'' part, but now in lower case. The Dutch rules are very difficult to do right in \BibTeX{}/\LaTeX{} and they conflict with the rules for other languages, and presumably with the rules of the APA, which would require this person to be alphabetized under ``V'', at least. For the current editor position, there is no big problem with the APA rules. The ``von'' part can really be put in the ``von'' part as recognized by \BibTeX{}, which I did, or it can be enclosed in braces, making the whole last name one part. Either will come out right and the editor will not be referred to in the text anyway. With styles that put the initials behind the surname, it will only work right when put in the ``von'' part. In the author position, however, things are different. Then this author could be formatted as \begin{verbatim} author = {Van {\lowercase{D}}en Broek, P.}, \end{verbatim} where the \verb+{\lowercase{D}}+ construction is used to prevent \BibTeX{} from interpreting it as a ``von'' part, or \begin{verbatim} author = {Van{\ }den{\ }Broek, P.}, author = {{Van den Broek}, P.}, \end{verbatim} which in most situations gives the correct version according to the Dutch rules with the correct alphabetizing according to the APA rules. Only in situations when the initial would appear \emph{before} the surname (when there are other authors with the same surname or when using other styles), this would lead to unwanted results. If you really want to alphabetize according to the Dutch rules (which is \emph{not} APA in my interpretation), you can use the following trick. \fname{apacdoc.sty} defines a macro \cmd{\Dutchvon} with two arguments, which is equivalent to the \cmd{\bibreftext} macro discussed in ex.~17 above. That is, in the beginning of the document, it is defined as echoing its second argument, and just before the reference list, it is redefined to echo its first argument. Then define the author as \begin{verbatim} author = {van den {\protect\Dutchvon{Broek}{Van den Broek}}, P.}, \end{verbatim} which, combined with the \pkg{apacite} formatting implies that in text, ``Van den Broek'' is used, whereas the author is alphabetized under ``B'' in the reference list, and listed as ``Broek, P. van den''. Of course, we could simply have used \cmd{\bibreftext} again, but that was used to cover a completely different situation, and I can easily imagine that when switching to another citation style, the former application (i.e., 1992/1993) must be kept, but the ``von'' part is handled differently, so that \cmd{\Dutchvon} must be redefined. Based on this example, users should be able to define their own tricks for similar peculiarities. Finally, note that in Belgium, where many people speak Dutch as well, it is customary to alphabetize under ``V'' anyway (``Van Damme''). \item \cite{ex34} \\ \cite{ex34}\\ \fullciteA{ex34}\\ \citeA{ex34} \item \cite{ex35} \\ \cite{ex35}\\ \fullciteA{ex35}\\ \citeA{ex35}\\ \EM The series title, volume number, and volume title are all put into the \fieldname{booktitle} field. \item \cite{ex36} \\ \cite{ex36}\\ \fullciteA{ex36}\\ \citeA{ex36}\\ \EM Again, the series title, volume number, and volume title are all put into the \fieldname{booktitle} field.\\ \EM I had to use some tricks to get the Series and Volume Editors' descriptions right. The ``(Series Ed.\hbox{})'' is according to \BibTeX{} part of the last name of the first editor, and I used the \cmd{\bibeditortype} macro from \fname{apacdoc.sty} to get the volume editor right. See section~\ref{subsec:fields} for my interpretation of APA's usage of the term ``series''. \item \cite{ex37} \\ \cite{ex37}\\ \fullciteA{ex37}\\ \citeA{ex37}\\ \EM Note that ``Van'' in the first editor's surname is capitalized here, as in the APA manual. In the original Dutch, this would be in lower case. \item \cite{ex38} \\ \cite{ex38}\\ \fullciteA{ex38}\\ \citeA{ex38} \item \cite{ex39} \\ \cite{ex39}\\ \fullciteA{ex39}\\ \citeA{ex39}\\ \EM Here, it is stated that the translator's name should be put after the editor's name when both are different, but in ex.~40, the translators are put after the title, before the editors. Apparently, if the book is a collection of works by one author(-group), edited and translated, then the translator should come after the editor, but if different chapters are translated by different translators, or perhaps not all are translated works, then the translator should come after the title. Of course, \pkg{apacite} has no way of knowing this. In the current implementation, for an \entryname{incollection}, if the editor and translator are the same, they are formatted as in this example, whereas if they are different, they are treated as in ex.~40 below. I think this will be satisfactory in most cases. If you really want the translator after the editor when they are different, you can trick the system in a way similar to ex.~36. \item \cite{ex40} \\ \cite{ex40}\\ \fullciteA{ex40}\\ \citeA{ex40}\\ \EM See my comments to ex.~39 above. A test of the \fieldname{originaljournal} formatting: \citeA{ex40-t1}. \item[C-1] \cite{C-1} \\ \cite{C-1} \\ \fullciteA{C-1} \\ \citeA{C-1}\\ \EM The APA manual initially formats the number with an en-dash: ``91--5''. When it discusses the number separately, however (p.~256), it uses a single hyphen: ``91-5''. Logically, the latter makes more sense to me (and is generally used in other numbers in the APA manual as well), so that's what I did here. Moreover, if the en-dash would be entered as ``\verb+--+'' in the \fieldname{number} field, \pkg{apacite} would interpret this as ``to'' and insert ``Nos.\hbox{}'' instead of ``No.\hbox{}''. Thus, if you want the en-dash, you have to put this in the \fname{.bib} file in a different way, e.g., using the \cmd{\textendash} command. \item \cite{ex41} \\ \cite{ex41}\\ \fullciteA{ex41}\\ \citeA{ex41} \item \cite{ex42} \\ \cite{ex42}\\ \fullciteA{ex42}\\ \citeA{ex42}\\ \EM I used the \cmd{\bibnotype} command to suppress the default ``(Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{})'' description. Actually, I don't think there is anything wrong with calling a report a report, be it ``technical'' by default, or by specifying \begin{verbatim} type = {Report}, \end{verbatim} except that it's not done so in this specific example in the APA manual. But there does not seem to be a rule against it. \EM The NTIS information is put in a \fieldname{note} field. \item \cite{ex43} \\ \cite{ex43}\\ \fullciteA{ex43}\\ \citeA{ex43}\\ \EM The ERIC number is given in the \fieldname{note} field. \item \cite{ex44} \\ \cite{ex44}\\ \fullciteA{ex44}\\ \citeA{ex44} \item \cite{ex45} \\ \cite{ex45}\\ \fullciteA{ex45}\\ \citeA{ex45} \item \cite{ex46} \\ \cite{ex46}\\ \fullciteA{ex46}\\ \citeA{ex46}\\ \EM Note that in the example in the APA manual, ``Western Australia'' \emph{is} mentioned in the publisher location, whereas their rule explicitly states that this should not be the case in this situation, and they stress that again below the example. Therefore, I did not mention ``Western Australia'' in the \fieldname{publisher} field. \item \cite{ex47} \\ \cite{ex47}\\ \fullciteA{ex47}\\ \citeA{ex47} \item \cite{ex48} \\ \cite{ex48}\\ \fullciteA{ex48}\\ \citeA{ex48} \item \cite{ex49} \\ \cite{ex49}\\ \fullciteA{ex49}\\ \citeA{ex49} \item \cite{ex50} \\ \cite{ex50}\\ \fullciteA{ex50}\\ \citeA{ex50} \item \cite{ex51} \\ \cite{ex51}\\ \fullciteA{ex51}\\ \citeA{ex51}\\ \EM As of this version of \pkg{apacite}, the location of a \entryname{lecture} can be given in the \fieldname{address} field. \item \cite{ex52} \\ \cite{ex52}\\ \fullciteA{ex52}\\ \citeA{ex52} \item \cite{ex53} \\ \cite{ex53}\\ \fullciteA{ex53}\\ \citeA{ex53} \item \cite{ex54} \\ \cite{ex54}\\ \fullciteA{ex54}\\ \citeA{ex54} \item \cite{ex55} \\ \cite{ex55}\\ \fullciteA{ex55}\\ \citeA{ex55}\\ \EM It seems logical to suppress the original year in the citation if it's the same as the year of the abstract, cf.\ the comment to ex.~17 in the APA manual (p.~245). \EM According to example 54 and the text below it, an ``A'' or ``B'' should be added to the volume number of \emph{DAI} of this entry, presumably an ``A'', but because they did not give one, I left it out as well. \item \cite{ex56} \\ \cite{ex56}\\ \fullciteA{ex56}\\ \citeA{ex56} \item \cite{ex57} \\ \cite{ex57}\\ \fullciteA{ex57}\\ \citeA{ex57}\\ \EM In ex.~59, the city should not be mentioned because it is already mentioned in the name of the university. Here, the city \emph{is} mentioned again, which seems contradictory. This is all in the \fname{.bib} file; \pkg{apacite} uses whatever is given there, so this is not a formatting problem for \pkg{apacite} itself. \item \cite{ex58} \\ \cite{ex58}\\ \fullciteA{ex58}\\ \citeA{ex58} \item \cite{ex59} \\ \cite{ex59}\\ \fullciteA{ex59}\\ \citeA{ex59}\\ \EM See ex.~57 for the city issue. \item \cite{ex60} \\ \cite{ex60}\\ \fullciteA{ex60}\\ \citeA{ex60} \item \cite{ex61} \\ \cite{ex61}\\ \fullciteA{ex61}\\ \citeA{ex61}\\ \EM The description of the data goes into the \fieldname{type} field. It may be more logical to put it in the \fieldname{title} field, with some trickery to indicate that it's a description and not a title, but putting it in the \fieldname{type} field already ensures that it's formatted correctly, so I think I'm gonna be lazy on this one. The same applies more or less to reviews (G-1, 63, 64), although there it is logical to put at least ``Review'' in the \fieldname{type} field, so as we're already there, we might as well make it complete. \item \cite{ex62} \\ \cite{ex62}\\ \fullciteA{ex62}\\ \citeA{ex62}\\ \EM ``Available from'' an address should be spelled out in the \fieldname{note} field, to get the parentheses. ``Available from'' a website is without parentheses, see ex.~95. \item[G-1] \cite{G-1} \\ \cite{G-1} \\ \fullciteA{G-1} \\ \citeA{G-1}\\ \EM See my comments to ex.~61 above about the logic of the \fieldname{type} field. For a review, the \fieldname{type} field must contain the message that it is a review of a \emph{book} (or motion picture, or whatever it is a review of) and give the title of the reviewed work in italics, which must be manually formatted, e.g., by using the \cmd{\APACcitebtitle} macro. The author of the reviewed work should apparently not be mentioned. \item \cite{ex63} \\ \cite{ex63}\\ \fullciteA{ex63}\\ \citeA{ex63} \item \cite{ex64} \\ \cite{ex64}\\ \fullciteA{ex64}\\ \citeA{ex64} \\ \EM Here, the title of the motion picture, \APACcitebtitle{Discovering Psychology}, is capitalized, whereas this was not done with book titles in ex.~G-1 and 63. I don't know whether this is an error or an implicit rule, but this formatting must be done in the \fname{.bib} file, so it's up to the user to do this as desired. \item \EM The rules for movies, television series, etc.\ do not appeal very much to me, although they are not nearly as bad as those for music recordings (ex.~69 and further, see below). My primary objection is that when referring to movies and TV series, the title is the most important characteristic. The director may be a good second in some cases, but producers and writers are almost always unknown to the general public and not relevant when referring to them. You talk about the movie \emph{Jaws} and not about Spielberg (1975) or whoever wrote the script. Recognizing the primary creative input or authorship may be politically correct, but not particularly informative. However, you may think that my objections are mainly driven by the difficulties of trying to format the entries in \BibTeX{}. Anyway, here are my attempts to implement the APA rules.\\ \cite{ex65-1} \\ \cite{ex65-1}\\ \fullciteA{ex65-1}\\ \citeA{ex65-1} \\ \EM I find ``United States'' a somewhat uninformative address. \cite{ex65-2} \\ \cite{ex65-2}\\ \fullciteA{ex65-2}\\ \citeA{ex65-2} \\ \EM Note again that this and the following ``Available from'' must be between parentheses (accomplished by putting it in the \fieldname{note} field), whereas ``Available from'' some web site must not be between parentheses, cf.\ ex.~95. \EM In these examples, I used the \cmd{\bibliteral}, \cmd{\bibskipbracenodot}, and \cmd{\indexskipbracenodot} commands from \fname{apacdoc.sty}.\\ \cite{ex65-3} \\ \cite{ex65-3}\\ \fullciteA{ex65-3}\\ \citeA{ex65-3}\\ \EM Here, I simply let ``(Producer)'' be part of the author name, but because of this addendum, the entry is not sorted correctly in the reference list: It should be before \citeA{APAManual}, but because of the addendum, the authors are different to \BibTeX{} and this one comes after \citeA{APAManual}. The ordering can be corrected by using the \cmd{\APACSortNoop} command as discussed in section~\ref{subsec:sort}. However, the authors of these entries will still be different. If it's important that they are the same (e.g., for the author index), the \fname{.bbl} file should be edited manually. This seems an extremely rare event, though. \item \cite{ex66} \\ \cite{ex66}\\ \fullciteA{ex66}\\ \citeA{ex66} \\ \EM Here, I used the same tricks as in ex.~65. \item \cite{ex67} \\ \cite{ex67}\\ \fullciteA{ex67}\\ \citeA{ex67} \\ \EM I used several tricks introduced before: the \cmd{\bibeditortype} (cf.\ ex.~36) construction to be able to use ``(Producer)'' in the editor position instead of ``(Ed.\hbox{})'', and the ones used in the previous examples. Because there is another Miller as well, the initial is given here. To make sure that \BibTeX{} thinks that there is only one initial, but the ``(Producer)'' is formatted correctly, the name is defined as follows: \begin{verbatim} editor = {Miller, {\bibinitial{R\bibeditortype{Producer}}}}, \end{verbatim} using the \cmd{\bibinitial} and \cmd{\bibeditortype} commands from \fname{apacdoc.sty}. It is then formatted correctly both in the text and in the reference list if \cmd{\bibeditortype} is defined to swallow its argument in the text, and redefined prior to the bibliography. After the bibliography (before the index), it has to be redefined again to swallow its argument. \item \cite{ex68} \\ \cite{ex68}\\ \fullciteA{ex68}\\ \citeA{ex68}\\ \EM Again, I used several tricks that were also used in the previous examples. \item \EM The rules for music recordings do not make any sense, and they are not entirely clear as well. It would seem to me that most pop, rock, and other ``light'' music songs are almost always attributed to the performing artist. You can usually read who the composer and lyricist of the song are on the inlay-details of the CD, but if you want the reader to refer to ``My Way'', the reader will easier find it (in a CD store or on the internet, for example) under ``Frank Sinatra'' than under the composer's name (whoever that may be). Furthermore, the year of release of the CD (or other medium) seems more relevant in referring to the CD than the year of copyright of the specific song, or the recording date. For classical music, things are different. Then, the writer (composer) is often more important than the performing artist, although the percentage of people who know who wrote the lyrics for Mozart's operas may not be high. Furthermore, it may be time-consuming and not very relevant for most authors and readers to find the year in which a certain piece was written, although strictly speaking, we should use the ``date of copyright'', which is not relevant for a lot of classical music. However, when referring to Beethoven's 9th symphony, say, it will typically not be very informative to refer to a specific recording on a specific CD, unless that specific recording is the subject of interest, but then it would seem that the ``performing artist'' (conductor or orchestra) should take the role of ``author''. For example, when comparing a performance of this symphony conducted in 1975 by Masur with a performance of this symphony conducted in 1990 by Bernstein (assuming this exists), it does not seem logical to compare ``9th Symphony'' (Beethoven, 1823a, tracks~1--4) with ``9th Symphony'' (Beethoven, 1823b, tracks~1--4), but more logical to compare Masur (1975) with Bernstein (1990). Finally, it seems a bit strange that the track number should be mentioned in text, but not in the reference list. Again, you may think that my objections are mainly driven by the difficulties of trying to format the entries in \BibTeX. Nevertheless, here are my attempts to implement the APA rules, using variations of the \cmd{\citesong} command, defined in \fname{apacdoc.sty}:\\ \begin{tabular}{ll} \cmd{\citeAsong}: & \citeAsong{ex69-1} \\ \cmd{\citesong}: & \citesong{ex69-1} \\ \cmd{\citesongNP}: & \citesongNP{ex69-1}\\ \cmd{\citeAsong}: & \citeAsong{ex69-2} \\ \cmd{\citesong}: & \citesong{ex69-2} \\ \cmd{\citesongNP}: & \citesongNP{ex69-2} \end{tabular}\\ \EM The \fieldname{key} field contains the relevant information in the form of a protected \cmd{\bibsong} command: \begin{verbatim} key = {{\protect\bibsong{author}{year}{song title}{track info}}}, \end{verbatim} Furthermore, I used some tricks to get the reference list entry right. I used the \entryname{incollection} type as a basis, with the CD title in the \fieldname{booktitle} field. At first sight, it seems natural to define \begin{verbatim} type = {CD}, \end{verbatim} but with an \entryname{incollection}, the \fieldname{type} field is put after the title, not after the book title. I may change this for music-types (CD, record, etc.), but this is currently not yet implemented. This means that the ``[CD]'' description must be put in the \fieldname{booktitle} field, after the CD title and with explicit formatting commands: \begin{verbatim} booktitle = {Arkansas Traveler {\upshape[\uppercase{CD}]}}, \end{verbatim} On the other hand, we can now use the \fieldname{type} field to put the recording artists in for the second example: \begin{verbatim} type = {Recorded by G. Bok, A. Mayo, \& E. Trickett}, \end{verbatim} We have to change the ``In'' string to ``On'' (``In'' a book versus ``On'' a CD). This is done with a macro similar to the \cmd{\bibeditortype} macro discussed in ex.~36. In this case, the macro is \cmd{\bibInstring}, defined in \fname{apacdoc.sty}, which has one argument. The macro changes the definition of the macro \cmd{\BIn} to the argument and then immediately changes the definition back to the old definition. So it makes a one-time change. Of course, the \cmd{\bibInstring} macro only works if it is executed \emph{before} the \cmd{\BIn} macro. The latter macro comes before the \fieldname{booktitle}, so \cmd{\bibInstring} must be added to a field that comes before that. I put it in the \fieldname{title} field: \begin{verbatim} title = {Over the Waterfall{\bibInstring{\BOn}}}, \end{verbatim} where \cmd{\BOn} is defined by default as ``\BOn''. Finally, the recording date of the second example (1990) must be put in the \fieldname{note} field. If you want an author index, you would want the authors of these works in the index as well. Because of the usage of the \fieldname{key} field, this is not automatically done for the citations. The \cmd{\AX} command has to be inserted explicitly, see section~\ref{sec:autindex} above. Note that this is all trickery within the \LaTeX{} domain and the \fname{.bib} file, i.e., the user-definable and user-customizable area. \item \cite{ex70} \\ \cite{ex70}\\ \fullciteA{ex70}\\ \citeA{ex70} \item \cite{ex71-1} \\ \cite{ex71-1}\\ \fullciteA{ex71-1}\\ \citeA{ex71-1} \\ \cite{ex71-2} \\ \cite{ex71-2}\\ \fullciteA{ex71-2}\\ \citeA{ex71-2} \\ \EM In contrast with earlier versions of \pkg{apacite}, in which the ``Retrieved \dots'' message had to be formatted in the \fieldname{howpublished} field, this is now formatted automatically by using the \fieldname{url} and \fieldname{lastchecked} fields. \item \cite{ex72} \\ \cite{ex72}\\ \fullciteA{ex72}\\ \citeA{ex72} \item \cite{ex73} \\ \cite{ex73}\\ \fullciteA{ex73}\\ \citeA{ex73} \\ \EM Note that the APA manual breaks a line \emph{after} a period instead of before, against their own rules. Furthermore, the APA manual uses a typeface in which `1' (one) and `l' (ell) are not distinguishable. This requires some guessing of the correct URLs. I think that this conflicts with their own stress on accuracy w.r.t.\ URLs. \EM Note the subtle use of braces to get \emph{Homo sapiens} correctly formatted: The capital in \verb+\emph{Homo}+ is retained by \BibTeX, whereas the capital in \verb+{\emph{Sapiens}}+ is changed into a lower case letter by \BibTeX, because of the extra pair of braces. \item \cite{ex74} \\ \cite{ex74}\\ \fullciteA{ex74}\\ \citeA{ex74} \item \cite{ex75} \\ \cite{ex75}\\ \fullciteA{ex75}\\ \citeA{ex75}\\ \EM Note that \BibTeX{} does not consider a question mark or an exclamation point as the end of the title and the beginning of the subtitle. Hence, if there is a subtitle after it, the capitalization of its first word is not retained (unlike after a colon), so we have to protect it using braces in the \fname{.bib} file. \item \cite{ex76} \\ \cite{ex76}\\ \fullciteA{ex76}\\ \citeA{ex76} \item \cite{ex77} \\ \cite{ex77}\\ \fullciteA{ex77}\\ \citeA{ex77} \item \cite{ex78} \\ \cite{ex78}\\ \fullciteA{ex78}\\ \citeA{ex78}\\ \EM For this example, the source is not simply the URL, but with the qualification ``Columbia University, Institute for Learning Technologies Web site:''. This means that we cannot simply use the \fieldname{lastchecked} and \fieldname{url} fields, but must revert to the way I proposed to format references to electronic sources in previous versions of \pkg{apacite}: by putting all the information in a \fieldname{howpublished} field. This includes explicitly using the \cmd{\url} command and adding ``\verb+\bibnodot{.}+'' immediately after the URL. The \cmd{\bibnodot} command, defined in \fname{apacdoc.sty}, swallows the period, so that there is no period after the URL in the reference list, thus complying with the APA rules. This also applies to examples 79, 87, 91, and 95, and all the examples that do not list a specific URL, but only a description, like ``the PsycARTICLES database'' (ex.~88). \item \cite{ex79} \\ \cite{ex79}\\ \fullciteA{ex79}\\ \citeA{ex79} \item \cite{ex80} \\ \cite{ex80}\\ \fullciteA{ex80}\\ \citeA{ex80} \item \cite{ex81} \\ \cite{ex81}\\ \fullciteA{ex81}\\ \citeA{ex81} \item \cite{ex82} \\ \cite{ex82}\\ \fullciteA{ex82}\\ \citeA{ex82}\\ \EM Here and in ex.~83, I used the \cmd{\BAbstractRetrieved} and \cmd{\BmakeAbstractRetrieved} commands defined in \fname{apacdoc.sty} to replace ``Retrieved'' by ``Abstract retrieved''. \item \cite{ex83} \\ \cite{ex83}\\ \fullciteA{ex83}\\ \citeA{ex83} \\ \item \cite{ex84} \\ \cite{ex84}\\ \fullciteA{ex84}\\ \citeA{ex84} \item \cite{ex85} \\ \cite{ex85}\\ \fullciteA{ex85}\\ \citeA{ex85} \\ \EM When referring to a message to a newsgroup, internet forum, etc., use the \entryname{misc} type. Then define \begin{verbatim} type = {\bibmessage}, \end{verbatim} and use the \fieldname{number} field when relevant. The URL of the message is given in the \fieldname{url} field. Then the entry is formatted correctly: If the message has a number, say 1, it reverts to ``\verb+[\bibmessage~1]+'', i.e., ``[Msg~1]'' with the default definition of \cmd{\bibmessage}. If there is no number, the type identifier is omitted (because it is mentioned as ``Message posted to [\dots]'' anyway). In both cases, the title is formatted as an article title, i.e., not italicized. \item \cite{ex86} \\ \cite{ex86}\\ \fullciteA{ex86}\\ \citeA{ex86} \item \cite{ex87} \\ \cite{ex87}\\ \fullciteA{ex87}\\ \citeA{ex87} \item \cite{ex88} \\ \cite{ex88}\\ \fullciteA{ex88}\\ \citeA{ex88} \item \cite{ex89} \\ \cite{ex89}\\ \fullciteA{ex89}\\ \citeA{ex89} \item \cite{ex90} \\ \cite{ex90}\\ \fullciteA{ex90}\\ \citeA{ex90} \\ \EM Here, ``de Ridder'' may well be a Dutch name. If the APA manual is serious about its rule to format names as they should according to the rule of the country of origin, this name should then be formatted as ``De Ridder''. \item \cite{ex91} \\ \cite{ex91}\\ \fullciteA{ex91}\\ \citeA{ex91} \item \cite{ex92} \\ \cite{ex92}\\ \fullciteA{ex92}\\ \citeA{ex92}\\ \EM From ex.~94 below, I deduce that the version information should be treated as an edition and not as part of the title. Therefore, in this example and ex.~94, the version is formatted in the \fieldname{edition} field: \begin{verbatim} edition = {Version~4.0\noedition\ignorespaces}, \end{verbatim} using the \cmd{\noedition} command from \fname{apacdoc.sty}, which temporarily redefines \cmd{\BEd} to do nothing, and \cmd{\ignorespaces}, which eats up the space that is ordinarily present between the edition number and the ``ed.\hbox{}'' string. \item \cite{ex93} \\ \cite{ex93}\\ \fullciteA{ex93}\\ \citeA{ex93}\\ \EM To test the \entryname{manual} entry: \citeA{ex93-t1}. \item \cite{ex94} \\ \cite{ex94}\\ \fullciteA{ex94}\\ \citeA{ex94}\\ \EM The example in the APA manual does not list a date, not even a ``n.d.\hbox{}''. Given the logic of the APA manual, this seems an error to me, so I added a ``\cmd{\bibnodate}'' in the \fieldname{year} field, which becomes ``\bibnodate'' in the output. If it would really be the rule to omit the year, then it is not clear when a year must be omitted and when not, or replaced by ``n.d.\hbox{}''. Furthermore, formatting in both the \fname{.sty} file and the \fname{.bst} file would have to be adapted to anticipate a missing year. Currently, I assume that there should always be something that acts like a date (a year, an ``in press'', or a ``n.d.\hbox{}''). \EM See ex.~92 for the treatment of the version. \item \cite{ex95} \\ \cite{ex95}\\ \fullciteA{ex95}\\ \citeA{ex95}\\ \EM Note that here, unlike ex.~44 and ex.~91, ``U.S.'' is omitted before ``Department of Health and Human Services''. \end{enumerate} \StopEventually{% \MakePercentComment % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Change History \PrintChanges % % Redefine commands that should be different in the bibliography. \APACmanBeforeBib % % Request apacite or apacitex bibliography style % depending on whether an index option was requested or not. \bibliographystyle{\APACbibstyle}% % Include the bibliography \bibliography{apa5ex}% % % Again redefine commands. \APACmanBeforeIndex % % Include the author index if the index option is on. \printindex[autx] % % Again redefine commands. \APACmanAfterIndex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \PrintIndex \MakePercentIgnore } % \MakePercentIgnore % \iffalse % % \fi % % \clearpage % \APACcodePageLayout % \section{Implementation} % The following sections describe the source code of the various % constituent parts of \pkg{apacite}. % % % \section{\LaTeX\ package (\fname{apacite.sty})} % This is the \LaTeX\ package part of \pkg{apacite}. We start with some % comments at the top of the package to recognize borrowed code. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> %% %% apacite.sty : citation and reference list according to APA manual %% Written by Erik Meijer %% %% Contains code adapted from %% index.sty [1995/09/28 v4.1beta Improved index support (dmj)], %% hyperref.dtx [6.71, 2000/10/04], %% babel.def [2001/03/01, v3.7h], %% backref.dtx [1.20, 2002/06/09], %% ltbibl.dtx [2004/02/15 v1.1q LaTeX Kernel (Bibliography)], %% bibtopic.dtx [2002/08/22 v1.0k], %% multibib.dtx [2004/01/28 v1.3 Multiple bibliographies for one document.], %% multibbl.dtx [2004/07/27 v1.1], %% amsrefs.dtx [2004/06/30 v2.0] %% ltidxglo.dtx [1996/01/20 v1.1e LaTeX Kernel (Index and Glossary)] %% doc.dtx [2004/02/09 v2.1b Standard LaTeX documentation package (FMi)] %% and code (used with permission) provided by: %% Stefan Bj\"ork. %% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Options} % % ^^A There does not appear to be a \cmd{\DescribeOption} command. % % \subsubsection{Backwards compatibility} % % \begin{macro}{\@year@} % The \pkg{theapa} package used the \cmd{\BCAY} command where \pkg{newapa} % used \cmd{\citeauthoryear} for the same purpose. Because the first version % of \pkg{apacite} descended from \pkg{theapa}, it used \cmd{\BCAY} as well. % However, \pkg{natbib} does not recognize \cmd{\BCAY}, but it does % recognize \cmd{\citeauthoryear}. Therefore, since % \APACversiondate{2003/09/05}, \pkg{apacite} uses \cmd{\citeauthoryear}. % Unfortunately, the construction below can only be defined for one of them. % Therefore, this is a backwards compatibility option. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@year@\citeauthoryear#1#2#3{#3} % default \DeclareOption{BCAY}{% compatibility with old .bbl files \def\@year@\BCAY#1#2#3{#3}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Author indexing} % % \begin{macro}{\if@APAC@index} % No author index. %% ^^A \cmd{\if} somehow gives an error % The |\if| is necessary because packages can not be required here, so % we must handle the consequences of the index and noindex options later. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@APAC@index \DeclareOption{noindex}{\@APAC@indexfalse}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Request author index. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{index}{\@APAC@indextrue}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\if@APAC@include@corporate} % Include corporate authors in index? %% ^^A \cmd{\if} somehow gives an error % Use an |\if| here, the real definitions are handled within the index % options. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@APAC@include@corporate \DeclareOption{includecorporate}{\@APAC@include@corporatetrue}% \DeclareOption{suppresscorporate}{\@APAC@include@corporatefalse}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\if@APAC@index@package} % Use \pkg{index} package or standard \LaTeX\ index? Again, we only define the % boolean. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@APAC@index@package \DeclareOption{indexpackage}{\@APAC@index@packagetrue}% \DeclareOption{noindexpackage}{\@APAC@index@packagefalse}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{environment}{index} % Some options for changing the \envirname{index} environment. The actual % definitions are done through macros below; here these macros are used. % % The first option uses the definition from the \pkg{index} package % |[1995/09/28 v4.1beta Improved index support (dmj)]|, % which is the same code as in |(v3.02, 15 September 1993)|, % i.e., without table of contents entry. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{stdindex}{% \ExecuteOptions{index}% Request author index \ExecuteOptions{indexpackage}% This option requires the index package \AtEndOfPackage{\APACstdindex}% index environment as in index package }% % \end{macrocode} % The next option adds a table of contents entry to the standard index. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{tocindex}{% \ExecuteOptions{index}% Request author index \ExecuteOptions{indexpackage}% This option requires the index package \AtEndOfPackage{\APACtocindex}% index environment as in index package %% with toc entry added }% % \end{macrocode} % This option defines my (EM) own favorite index style. Maybe you like it too. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{emindex}{% \ExecuteOptions{index}% Request author index \ExecuteOptions{indexpackage}% This option requires the index package \AtEndOfPackage{\APACemindex}% EM's index environment (see below) }% % \end{macrocode} % The next option is a variation on the \pkgoption{emindex} option, but uses % standard \LaTeX\ code (adapted from the \pkg{ltxdoc} class) instead of the % the \pkg{index} package to support multiple indexes. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{ltxemindex}{% \ExecuteOptions{index}% Request author index \ExecuteOptions{noindexpackage}% Don't use the index package \AtEndOfPackage{\APACltxemindex}% EM's index environment without the index %% package (see below) } % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \subsubsection{Bibliography} % % Various options for changing the formatting of the reference list. Most of %% ^^A \cmd{\if} somehow gives an error % these are again implemented through |\if| commands, deferring the % actual implementation. % \begin{macro}{\if@numberedbib} % Should the bibliography section or chapter be numbered? % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@numberedbib % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % The bibliography is a section or chapter with a number (e.g., % section~6 or chapter~10). This does not work properly when the section or % chapter is in the backmatter. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{numberedbib}{\@numberedbibtrue} % \end{macrocode} % The bibliography is a section or chapter without a number (i.e., % a section* or chapter*). This is the default. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{unnumberedbib}{\@numberedbibfalse} % \end{macrocode} % The next options determine whether the bibliography should be a section or % a chapter. % \begin{macro}{\if@sectionbib} % With the \pkgoption{sectionbib} option, the bibliography is a section. This % is typically used with the \pkg{chapterbib} package; then each chapter has a % bibliography section. The \pkgoption{nosectionbib} option makes the % bibliography a chapter (if chapters are defined). If none of these options % are requested, \pkg{apacite} tries to guess the most logical choice. The % bibliography is a section if chapters are not defined or if we are in the % ``mainmatter'' of a document. Otherwise, i.e., in the ``backmatter'' of a % document that has chapters, it is a chapter. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{sectionbib}{% \@ifundefined{@sectionbibtrue}{\newif\if@sectionbib}{}% \@sectionbibtrue } \DeclareOption{nosectionbib}{% \@ifundefined{@sectionbibfalse}{\newif\if@sectionbib}{}% \@sectionbibfalse } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\if@tocbib} % These options determine whether the bibliography should be in the table of % contents. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@tocbib % \end{macrocode} % The bibliography in the table of contents, even if it's unnumbered. This is % the default. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{tocbib}{\@tocbibtrue} % \end{macrocode} % The bibliography not in the table of contents if it's unnumbered. This is % ignored if it's numbered. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{notocbib}{\@tocbibfalse} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@bibnewpage} % Start the bibliography on a new page? This is ignored if it's a chapter. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{bibnewpage}{\def\@bibnewpage{\bibnewpage}} \DeclareOption{nobibnewpage}{\let\@bibnewpage\relax} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Obsolete compatibility options} % % For compatibility with older versions of \pkg{apacite}. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{hyper}{% \PackageWarningNoLine{apacite}{Obsolete option `hyper' ignored}% } \DeclareOption{nohyper}{% \PackageWarningNoLine{apacite}{Obsolete option `nohyper' ignored}% } \DeclareOption{accentfix}{% \PackageWarningNoLine{apacite}{Obsolete option `accentfix' ignored}% } \DeclareOption{noaccentfix}{% \PackageWarningNoLine{apacite}{Obsolete option `noaccentfix' ignored}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Option processing} % % Execute default options. % \begin{macrocode} \ExecuteOptions{noindex,indexpackage,unnumberedbib,tocbib,% nobibnewpage,suppresscorporate} % \end{macrocode} % Execute user-requested options. % \begin{macrocode} \ProcessOptions % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Citation commands} % % These must be cleaned up, robustified, made optional, etc., and the most % important \pkg{natbib} commands must be supported as well. This is for the % todo-list. % % \begin{macro}{\if@F@cite} % First citation in a multi-citation. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@F@cite\@F@citetrue % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\if@A@cite} % \begin{macro}{\if@Y@cite} % Two flags to denote whether only the author or only the year must be cited % or both. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@A@cite\@A@citefalse \newif\if@Y@cite\@Y@citefalse % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\cite} % \begin{macro}{\fullcite} % \begin{macro}{\shortcite} % Parenthetical citation commands. % \begin{macrocode} \def\cite{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% \def\@BBOP{\BBOP}% % open parenthesis \def\@BBCP{\BBCP}% % close parenthesis \@ifnextchar<% % > {\@cite}% {\@cite<>}% } \def\fullcite{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}% \def\@BBOP{\BBOP}% % open parenthesis \def\@BBCP{\BBCP}% % close parenthesis \@ifnextchar<% % > {\@cite}% {\@cite<>}% } \def\shortcite{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}% \def\@BBOP{\BBOP}% % open parenthesis \def\@BBCP{\BBCP}% % close parenthesis \@ifnextchar<% % > {\@cite}% {\@cite<>}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\citeNP} % \begin{macro}{\fullciteNP} % \begin{macro}{\shortciteNP} % Parenthetical citation commands, but without the actual parentheses. % \begin{macrocode} \def\citeNP{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% \def\@BBOP{}% % open parenthesis \def\@BBCP{}% % close parenthesis \@ifnextchar<%% > {\@cite}% {\@cite<>}% } \def\fullciteNP{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}% \def\@BBOP{}% % open parenthesis \def\@BBCP{}% % close parenthesis \@ifnextchar<%% > {\@cite}% {\@cite<>}% } \def\shortciteNP{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}% \def\@BBOP{}% % open parenthesis \def\@BBCP{}% % close parenthesis \@ifnextchar<%% > {\@cite}% {\@cite<>}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@cite} % Second layer of the parenthetical and NP citation commands. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@cite<#1>{% \def\@BAP{\BAP}% % after precitation [=#1] before first citation \def\@BBA{\BBAA}% % `and' between authors \def\@BBAY{\BBAY}% % between author and year \def\@BAY{}% % after year \def\@BBY{\BBYY}% % between years of multiple citations with same author \def\@BBC{\BBC}% % between cites \def\@BBN{\BBN}% % after last citation before note/postcitation [=#2] \def\@BAstyle{\BAstyle}% text style of authors \@A@citetrue% % cite authors \@Y@citetrue% % cite years \@ifnextchar[% % ] {\@@cite<#1>}% {\@@cite<#1>[]}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\citeA} % \begin{macro}{\fullciteA} % \begin{macro}{\shortciteA} % In-text citation commands. % \begin{macrocode} \def\citeA{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% \@ifnextchar<% %> {\@citeA}% {\@citeA<>}% } \def\fullciteA{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}% \@ifnextchar<% %> {\@citeA}% {\@citeA<>}% } \def\shortciteA{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}% \@ifnextchar<% %> {\@citeA}% {\@citeA<>}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@citeA} % Second layer of in-text citation commands. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@citeA<#1>{% \def\@BBOP{}% % open parenthesis. \def\@BAP{\BAP}% % after precitation [=#1] before first citation \def\@BBA{\BBAB}% % `and' between authors \def\@BBAY{ \BBOP}%% between author and year \def\@BAY{\BBCP}% % after year \def\@BBY{\BBYY}% % between years of multiple citations with same author \def\@BBC{\BBC}% % between cites \def\@BBN{\BBN}% % after last citation before note/postcitation [=#2] \def\@BBCP{}% % close parenthesis \def\@BAstyle{\BAstyle}% text style of authors \@A@citetrue% % cite authors \@Y@citetrue% % cite years \@ifnextchar[% % ] {\@@cite<#1>}% {\@@cite<#1>[]}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\citeauthor} % \begin{macro}{\fullciteauthor} % \begin{macro}{\shortciteauthor} % \begin{macro}{\citeauthorNP} % \begin{macro}{\fullciteauthorNP} % \begin{macro}{\shortciteauthorNP} % Commands that only cite the author, for parenthetical and in-text citations, % the difference being that `\&' is used in the parenthetical versions, % whereas the in-text versions use `and' between the authors. Note that all % are without parentheses; \cmd{\citeauthorA} would be a better name for % \cmd{\citeauthor} to clarify its role (cf.~\cmd{\citeA}, \cmd{\cite}, and % \cmd{\citeNP}), but for backwards compatibility and compatibility with % some other citation packages, it is \cmd{\citeauthor}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\citeauthor{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% \@ifnextchar<% %> {\@citeauthor}% {\@citeauthor<>}% } \def\fullciteauthor{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}% \@ifnextchar<% %> {\@citeauthor}% {\@citeauthor<>}% } \def\shortciteauthor{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}% \@ifnextchar<% %> {\@citeauthor}% {\@citeauthor<>}% } \def\citeauthorNP{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% \@ifnextchar<% %> {\@citeauthorNP}% {\@citeauthorNP<>}% } \def\fullciteauthorA{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##1}}% \@ifnextchar<% %> {\@citeauthorNP}% {\@citeauthorNP<>}% } \def\shortciteauthorA{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##2}{##2}}% \@ifnextchar<% %> {\@citeauthorNP}% {\@citeauthorNP<>}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@citeauthor} % \begin{macro}{\@citeauthorNP} % Second layer of the author citation commands. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@citeauthor<#1>{% \def\@BBOP{}% % open parenthesis \def\@BAP{\BAP}% % after precitation [=#1] before first citation \def\@BBA{\BBAB}% % `and' between authors \def\@BBAY{}% % between author and year \def\@BAY{}% % after year \def\@BBY{}% % between years of multiple citations with same author \def\@BBC{\BBC}% % between cites \def\@BBN{\BBN}% % after last citation before note/postcitation [=#2] \def\@BBCP{}% % close parenthesis \def\@BAstyle{\BAastyle}% text style of authors \@A@citetrue% % cite authors \@Y@citefalse% % do not cite years \@ifnextchar[% % ] {\@@cite<#1>}% {\@@cite<#1>[]}% } \def\@citeauthorNP<#1>{% \def\@BBOP{}% % open parenthesis \def\@BAP{\BAP}% % after precitation [=#1] before first citation \def\@BBA{\BBAA}% % `and' between authors \def\@BBAY{}% % between author and year \def\@BAY{}% % after year \def\@BBY{}% % between years of multiple citations with same author \def\@BBC{\BBC}% % between cites \def\@BBN{\BBN}% % after last citation before note/postcitation [=#2] \def\@BBCP{}% % close parenthesis \def\@BAstyle{\BAastyle}% text style of authors \@A@citetrue% % cite authors \@Y@citefalse% % do not cite years \@ifnextchar[% % ] {\@@cite<#1>}% {\@@cite<#1>[]}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\citeyear} % \begin{macro}{\citeyearNP} % Cite only the year; parenthetical and without parentheses. % \begin{macrocode} \def\citeyear{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% \def\@BBOP{\BBOP}% % open parenthesis \def\@BBCP{\BBCP}% % close parenthesis \@ifnextchar<% % > {\@citeyear}% {\@citeyear<>}% } \def\citeyearNP{% \def\BCAY##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% kept for compat. with prev. versions \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{\BCA{##1}{##2}}% \def\@BBOP{}% % open parenthesis \def\@BBCP{}% % close parenthesis \@ifnextchar<% % > {\@citeyear}% {\@citeyear<>}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@citeyear} % Second layer of the year citation commands. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@citeyear<#1>{% \def\@BAP{\BAP}% % after precitation [=#1] before first citation \def\@BBA{}% % `and' between authors \def\@BBAY{}% % between author and year \def\@BAY{}% % after year \def\@BBY{\BBYY}% % between years of multiple citations with same author \def\@BBC{\BBC}% % between cites \def\@BBN{\BBN}% % after last citation before note/postcitation [=#2] \def\@BAstyle{}% % text style of authors \@A@citefalse% % do not cite authors \@Y@citetrue% % cite years \@ifnextchar[% % ] {\@@cite<#1>}% {\@@cite<#1>[]}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % We are now arriving at the core citation routines. The following commands % must have been defined:\\ % \begin{tabular}{@{\qquad}ll@{}} % \cmd{\@BBOP} & open parenthesis \\ % \cmd{\@BAP} & after precitation before first citation \\ % \cmd{\@BBA} & `and' between authors \\ % \cmd{\@BBAY} & between author and year \\ % \cmd{\@BAY} & after year \\ % \cmd{\@BBY} & between years of multiple citations with same author \\ % \cmd{\@BBC} & between cites \\ % \cmd{\@BBN} & after last citation before note/postcitation \\ % \cmd{\@BBCP} & close parenthesis \\ % \cmd{\@BAstyle} & formatting style of authors (e.g., \cmd{\scshape}) % \end{tabular} % % \begin{macro}{\@ifauthorsequalc@de} % Code to be executed if current author(s) equal(s) previous. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@ifauthorsequalc@de#1{% \if@F@cite% \@F@citefalse% \else% \if@Y@cite% {\@BBY}% \fi% \fi% \if@Y@cite% \hyper@natlinkstart{#1}% {\csname Y@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname}% \hyper@natlinkend \fi% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@ifauthorsunequalc@de} % Code to be executed if current author(s) do(es) not equal previous. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@ifauthorsunequalc@de#1{% \if@F@cite% \@F@citefalse% \else% \if@Y@cite% {\@BAY}% \fi% {\@BBC}% \fi% \edef\@cite@undefined{?}% \def\BBA{\@BBA}% \if@A@cite% \hyper@natlinkstart{#1}% {\csname b@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname}% \hyper@natlinkend \if@Y@cite% {\@BBAY}% \fi% \fi% \if@Y@cite% \hyper@natlinkstart{#1}% {\csname Y@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname}% \hyper@natlinkend \fi% \let\BBA\relax% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@@cite} % The core citation command. Standard \LaTeX{} and other packages use % \cmd{\@citex} for this. It may be useful to change this as well, to increase % the likelihood of compatibility with some packages. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@@cite<#1>[#2]#3{% % \end{macrocode} % Write citation(s) to .aux file(s) % \begin{macrocode} \nocite{#3}% % \end{macrocode} % The previous cite, for multiple citations with same author. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@citeP{}% % \end{macrocode} % Open parenthesis and pre-note. The \cmd{\mbox} is to avoid \pkg{hyperref} % problems if a \cmd{\citeA} follows an \cmd{\item}. % \begin{macrocode} \mbox{\@BBOP}% \ifx\@empty#1\@empty \else% {\ignorespaces #1\@BAP}% \fi% % \end{macrocode} % Loop over citation entries % \begin{macrocode} \@for\@citeb:=#3\do{% % \end{macrocode} % Removes a possible space before the citation key, so that, e.g., % \verb*+\cite{key1, key2}+ can be done. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}% % \end{macrocode} % For backref. % \begin{macrocode} \back@cite{\@citeb}% % \end{macrocode} % Check whether the citation is defined. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}% {\expandafter\def\csname b@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname{?}% \expandafter\def\csname Y@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname{?}% %% The following is now handled by \nocite %% \G@refundefinedtrue %% \@latex@warning{Citation `\@citeb' undefined}% }%% % \end{macrocode} % If the citation is defined, check whether the flag has been set that % identifies that this is not the first citation to the work. If this % flag has not been set, it will be set to |DUMMY|. If this is the first % citation to the work, the full citation is used; else the short version % is used. % \begin{macrocode} {\@ifundefined{flag@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}% {\global\expandafter \def\csname flag@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname{DUMMY}% \def\BCA##1##2{{\@BAstyle ##1}}% }% {\def\BCA##1##2{{\@BAstyle ##2}}% }% }% % \end{macrocode} % Check whether the current author(s) is (are) equivalent to the % previous. If so, only the year is cited in the text and a \cmd{\@BBY} % (probably comma and space) is inserted between the two years. The % \cmd{\protected@edef} fixes the problem with authors with accents % (e.g., J{\"{o}}reskog). Older versions of \pkg{apacite} solved this % less elegantly (\pkgoption{accentfix} option). This fix was provided by % Robert Schlicht. See also the new definition of \cmd{\@citeP} below. % \begin{macrocode} \protected@edef\B@my@dummy{\csname b@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname}% \ifx\@citeP\B@my@dummy \@ifauthorsequalc@de{\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}% \else \@ifauthorsunequalc@de{\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Store the current author(s) for comparison in the next citation (if % any). % \begin{macrocode} \protected@edef\@citeP{\csname b@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname}% \let\BCA\relax }%% % \end{macrocode} % End of the loop over citation entries. Add the post-note and closing % parenthesis. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\@empty#2\@empty \else% {\@BBN #2}% \fi% \if@Y@cite% {\@BAY}% \fi% {\@BBCP}% % \end{macrocode} % We're finished with this citation command. Initialize for the next % \cmd{\@@cite} call. % \begin{macrocode} \@F@citetrue % } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\nocite} % This induces an entry in the reference list, but not in the text. It is % also called by the other citation commands to handle some bookkeeping. % \begin{macrocode} \def\nocite#1{% % \end{macrocode} % No flag-setting in \cmd{\nocite}: a no-cite is not a citation, so a % subsequent citation may be the first one. % \begin{macrocode} \@bsphack \ifx\@onlypreamble\document % \end{macrocode} % We are after |\begin{document}|, so we can do the citations. % \begin{macrocode} \@for\@citeb:=#1\do{% \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}% % \end{macrocode} % The \cmd{\@newciteauxhandle} is for compatibility with \pkg{multibib}. % \begin{macrocode} \if@filesw \immediate\write\@newciteauxhandle{\string\citation{\@citeb}}% \fi \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}{% % \end{macrocode} % Check for |\nocite{*}|. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\B@my@dummy{*}% \ifx\@citeb\B@my@dummy \else \G@refundefinedtrue \@latex@warning{Citation `\@citeb' undefined}% \fi }{}% }% \else % \end{macrocode} % \pkg{apacite} has no compatibility problems with \LaTeX~2.09, because it % does not work with \LaTeX~2.09 anyway, so we can do the following, % suggested in \fname{ltbibl.dtx}: % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{\nocite{#1}}% \fi \@esphack % \end{macrocode} % For compatibility with \pkg{multibib}. % \begin{macrocode} \@restore@auxhandle } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\nocitemeta} % This induces an entry in the reference list, but not in the text, and % compared to \cmd{\nocite} defines an additional flag that indicates that the % reference has been used in the meta-analysis reported. % \begin{macrocode} \def\nocitemeta#1{% \nocite{#1}% \@bsphack% \expandafter\global\expandafter\def \csname APAC@metaprenote@\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname{% \APACmetaprenote}% \@for\@citeb:=#1\do{% \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}% % \end{macrocode} % Define the meta-analysis flag for the current item. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{flagmeta@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}% {\global\expandafter \def\csname flagmeta@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname{DUMMY}% }% {}% }% \@esphack% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Bibliography structure} % % Here we define commands and environments that handle the structure of the % reference list, various global style parameters, and the communication with % the citation commands. Commands for detailed aspects of the entries % themselves are defined below. % % \begin{macro}{\bibnewpage} % Macro for starting a new page before the bibliography, if requested. % \fname{apa.cls} uses \cmd{\newpage} instead. % \begin{macrocode} \def\bibnewpage{\clearpage}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@biblabel} % No labels in the bibliography. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@biblabel#1{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@lbibitem} % Label-bibitem % \begin{macrocode} \def\@lbibitem[#1]#2{% \def\BBA{\BBAA}% ``\&'' % \end{macrocode} % For compatibility with \pkg{chapterbib}, \pkg{bibunits}, \pkg{backref}, and % \pkg{hyperref}. Adapted from \fname{natbib.dtx}. % \begin{macrocode} \item[\hyper@natanchorstart{#2\APAC@extra@b@citeb}% \@biblabel{#1}% \hyper@natanchorend]% \if@filesw{% \def\BBA{\string\BBA}% \let\protect\noexpand % \end{macrocode} % \pkg{bibunits} redefines \cmd{\bibcite} through \cmd{\AtBeginDocument} % in a way that is incompatible with \pkg{apacite}'s definition. The % simplest way to get things working automatically seems to be % introducing the parallel \cmd{\APACbibcite} command. This should also % solve many other compatibility problems. % \begin{macrocode} \immediate\write\@newciteauxhandle{\string\bibcite{#2}{#1}}% \immediate\write\@newciteauxhandle{\string\APACbibcite{#2}{#1}}% \def\BBA{\BBAA}% }% \fi \ignorespaces } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACbibcite} % \begin{macro}{\bibcite} % These commands pass the author-year information from the reference list to % the citation commands. See above for the necessity for \cmd{\APACbibcite}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\APACbibcite#1#2{% \global\expandafter \def\csname b@#1\APAC@extra@binfo\endcsname{#2}% names \global\expandafter \def\csname Y@#1\APAC@extra@binfo\endcsname{\@year@#2}% year } % \end{macrocode} % We don't need this one anymore, but other packages may use it. % \begin{macrocode} \let\bibcite\APACbibcite % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\st@rtbibsection} % Start a new section for the reference list. % \begin{macrocode} \def\st@rtbibsection{% \@bibnewpage% start a new page if desired \if@numberedbib% \section{\refname}% e.g., 6. References \else% \section*{\refname}% e.g., References \if@tocbib% \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\refname}% \fi% % \end{macrocode} % Ideally, we'd use something like |\sectionmark{{\refname}}|, so that % user-defined page heading styles are respected. But this does not work % properly, because it generates section numbers. Therefore, we define the % complete headings here. I need to find a better solution for this. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{chapter} {\@mkboth{{\refname}}{{\refname}}}% {\markright{{\refname}}}% \fi% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\st@rtbibchapter} % Start a new chapter for the reference list. % \begin{macrocode} \def\st@rtbibchapter{% % \end{macrocode} % Here no \cmd{\@bibnewpage}, because it is assumed that the \cmd{\chapter} % starts a new page. % \begin{macrocode} \if@numberedbib% \chapter{\bibname}% e.g., 6. References \else% \chapter*{\bibname}% e.g., References \if@tocbib% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\bibname}% \fi% % \end{macrocode} % Again, \cmd{\chaptermark} and \cmd{\sectionmark} don't work properly, so % define headings at a lower level. % \begin{macrocode} \@mkboth{{\bibname}}{{\bibname}}% \fi% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{environment}{thebibliography} % This environment contains the reference list. For historical reasons, it is % defined in the plain \TeX{} way through definition of the % \cmd{\thebibliography} and \cmd{\endthebibliography} macros instead of % \cmd{\renewenvironment}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thebibliography#1{% % \end{macrocode} % If \cmd{\chapter} is not defined, start a bibliography section. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{chapter}% {\st@rtbibsection}% % \end{macrocode} % Else, chapter is defined. Check first whether an explicit option has been % chosen. % \begin{macrocode} {\@ifundefined{@sectionbibtrue}% % \end{macrocode} % No explicit option chosen, so we have to speculate. If \cmd{\mainmatter} % is not defined (typically a report), assume that the bibliography is % a chapter. If \cmd{\mainmatter} is defined, a bibliography in the % main matter is typically a chapter-specific one, so generate a % bibliography section. A bibliography in the back matter is most likely % a global one, so then generate a bibliography chapter. % \begin{macrocode} {\@ifundefined{@mainmatterfalse}% {\st@rtbibchapter}% {\if@mainmatter \st@rtbibsection \else \st@rtbibchapter \fi }% }% % \end{macrocode} % If an explicit option has been chosen, simply use this. % \begin{macrocode} {\if@sectionbib \st@rtbibsection \else \st@rtbibchapter \fi }% }% % \end{macrocode} % Insert some code between the chapter or section heading and the reference % list. \cmd{\bibliographytypesize} will typically be used for some font % settings and \cmd{\bibliographyprenote} for explanatory text, but this is % up to the user. The ``metaprenote'' is a fixed text indicating that % marked references are included in the meta-analysis reported. % \begin{macrocode} \bibliographytypesize% e.g., to put the bibliography in \small type \bibliographyprenote% some explanatory note before the references \@ifundefined{APAC@metaprenote@\APAC@extra@b@citeb}% {}% skip {\csname APAC@metaprenote@\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname}% % \end{macrocode} % Initialize the list environment that holds the reference list. % \begin{macrocode} \list{\relax}{\labelsep=0em% % \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax \parsep=\bibparsep% \itemsep=\bibitemsep% \leftmargin=\bibleftmargin% \itemindent=\bibindent}% changed to cope with 4th ed. % \end{macrocode} % \cmd{\newblock} is inserted between ``blocks'' of a reference entry and % inserts some stretchable and shrinkable extra space between the blocks. % \begin{macrocode} \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}% \sloppy\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000 \sfcode`\.=1000\relax %' % \end{macrocode} % For compatibility with \pkg{bibtopic}. % \begin{macrocode} \bt@beg@thb@hook % \end{macrocode} % To overrule \pkg{backref}. % \begin{macrocode} \APACrestorebibitem } \def\endthebibliography{% % \end{macrocode} % For compatibility with \pkg{bibtopic}. % \begin{macrocode} \bt@end@thb@hook % \end{macrocode} % Warning if no item was included in the list and return to normal font size. % If \cmd{\bibliographytypesize} includes other formatting as well, the user % has to reset this explicitly after the bibliography, at least if there is % text after it. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@noitemerr{% \@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}% }% \endlist\normalsize } % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \subsection{Reference list formatting} % % Traditionally, the reference list formatting is almost completely done by % the bibliography style (\fname{.bst} file). Modeled after its predecessor, % \pkg{theapa}, \pkg{apacite} has always supported some possibilities for % customization through redefinable macros in the reference list. Due to my % own customization needs, requests by users, and the language support, an % increasing amount of reference list formatting is handled in this way. This % section defines the default implementation of these macros, which users % thus can redefine. % % \begin{macro}{\@connect@with@commas} % An auxiliary function: Make a comma-separated output list of the input, % recognizing empty arguments. Must be called with one argument, and the % argument contains a comma-separated list of elements. The elements of this % should generally be enclosed in braces. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@connect@with@commas#1{% \def\@comma@space{\unskip, }% \let\@connect@string\relax % \end{macrocode} % Loop over elements. % \begin{macrocode} \@for\@element@:=#1\do{% % \end{macrocode} % Commas should only be inserted if both sides are nonempty. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\@empty\@element@% \else % \end{macrocode} % Not empty: insert connect string (nothing for the first nonempty % element, a comma and space afterwards). % \begin{macrocode} \@connect@string\@element@% \let\@connect@string\@comma@space \fi }% \let\@connect@string\@undefined \let\@comma@space\@undefined } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACmetastar} % \begin{macro}{\APACinsertmetastar} % Insert an asterisk before the names in the reference list for entries that % are used in a meta-analysis. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACmetastar}{\ensuremath{{}^\ast}} \def\APACinsertmetastar#1{% \@for\@citeb:=#1\do{% \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}% \@ifundefined{flagmeta@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}% {}% skip {{\APACmetastar}}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACrefYear} % Formatting of the year in the reference list. Note that instead of redefining % this command, one can also redefine the parentheses themselves. The argument % should never be empty. The companion macro \cmd{\APACrefYearMonthDay} is % defined below in the language-specific section. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACrefYear}[1]{% {\BBOP}{#1}{\BBCP}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Title formatting. In these, |#1| is the capitalized title and |#2| is the % sentence-case title. % % \begin{macro}{\APACrefatitle} % Article title (roman, not capitalized). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACrefatitle}[2]{#2} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\APACrefbtitle} % Book title (italic, not capitalized). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACrefbtitle}[2]{\Bem{#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\APACrefaetitle} % English translation of a foreign article title (bracketed, roman, not % capitalized). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACrefaetitle}[2]{[#2]} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\APACrefbetitle} % English translation of a foreign book title (bracketed, roman, not % capitalized). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACrefbetitle}[2]{[#2]} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACjournalVolNumPages} % Journal, volume, number, pages % (|#1| = journal, |#2| = volume, |#3| = number, |#4| = formatted pages). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACjournalVolNumPages}[4]{% \Bem{#1}% journal \ifx\@empty#2\@empty \else \unskip, \Bem{#2}% volume \fi \ifx\@empty#3\@empty \else \unskip({#3})% issue number \fi \ifx\@empty#4\@empty \else \unskip, {#4}% pages \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACaddressPublisher} % \begin{macro}{\APACaddressInstitution} % Address and publisher/institution (|#1| = address, |#2| = publisher). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACaddressPublisher}[2]{% \ifx\@empty#1\@empty \ifx\@empty#2\@empty \else {#2}% publisher \fi \else {#1}% address \ifx\@empty#2\@empty \else \unskip: {#2}% publisher \fi \fi } \let\APACaddressInstitution\APACaddressPublisher % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACaddressPublisherEqAuth} % \begin{macro}{\APACaddressInstitutionEqAuth} % Address and publisher/institution if the latter is also the author. % (|#1| = address, |#2| = publisher). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACaddressPublisherEqAuth}[2]{% \ifx\@empty#1\@empty {\BAuthor{}}% Publisher formatted as ``Author'' \else {#1\unskip: \BAuthor{}}% Address: Author \fi } \let\APACaddressInstitutionEqAuth\APACaddressPublisherEqAuth % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APAChowpublished} % Formatting of the \fieldname{howpublished} field. The % \cmd{\APAChowpublished} macro is only inserted in the \fname{.bbl} file if % the argument is nonempty. Because we don't want any special formatting, and % |\def\APAChowpublished#1{#1}| leads to problems with hash marks (`|#|') in % url's that may be present in \fieldname{howpublished}, we simply pretend % that \cmd{\APAChowpublished} does not have an argument and does nothing. % \begin{macrocode} \let\APAChowpublished\relax % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{environment}{APACrefURL} % URL formatting. Use an environment instead of a macro to avoid some problems % with url's as arguments of macros. The optional argument is the date that % the url was last checked. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{APACrefURL}[1][]{% \ifx\@empty#1\@empty \BAvailFrom % Available from \else \BRetrieved{#1}% Retrieved , from \fi }{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{APACrefURLmsg} % URLs of messages. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{APACrefURLmsg}{% \BMsgPostedTo }{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{macro}{\APACorigED} % \begin{macro}{\APACorigEDS} % Original editor(s) for reprints and translations. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACorigED}[1]{% \ifx\@empty#1\@empty \else \Bby\ {#1}, \BED{}% ``by E. D. Itor (Ed.)'' \fi } \newcommand{\APACorigEDS}[1]{% \ifx\@empty#1\@empty \else \Bby\ {#1}, \BEDS{}% ``by E. D. Itor \& A. N. Other (Eds.)'' \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACbVolEdTR} % Volume, edition, type, number, for a technical report (|#1| = formatted % edition + volume, |#2| = formatted technical report type + number). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACbVolEdTR}[2]{% \ifx\@empty#1\@empty \ifx\@empty#2\@empty \else {(#2)}% (Technical Report No.\ ) \fi \else ({#1}% (2nd ed., Vol.~1 \ifx\@empty#2\@empty \else \unskip; {#2}% ; Technical Report No.\ \fi )% Final parenthesis. \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACbVolEdTRpgs} % Volume, edition, type, number, pages for an \entryname{@intechreport}. % Arguments: |#1| = formatted edition + volume, |#2| = formatted technical % report type + number, |#3| = formatted pages. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACbVolEdTRpgs}[3]{% \ifx\@empty#1\@empty \ifx\@empty#2\@empty \ifx\@empty#3\@empty \else {(#3)}%% (pp. 10--30) \fi \else %% (Technical Report No.\ , pp. 10--30) (\@connect@with@commas{{#2},{#3}})% \fi \else ({#1}% (2nd ed., Vol.~1 \ifx\@empty#2\@empty \ifx\@empty#3\@empty \else \unskip; {#3}% ; pp. 10--30 \fi \else %% ; Technical Report No.\ , pp. 10--30 \unskip; \@connect@with@commas{{#2},{#3}}% \fi )% Final parenthesis. \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Various note formatting functions. % % \begin{macro}{\APACrefnote} % Only a note. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACrefnote}[1]{% \ifx\@empty#1\@empty \else ({#1})% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACorigyearnote} % Original year + optional note (|#1| = year, |#2| = note). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACorigyearnote}[2]{% \ifx\@empty#1\@empty % \end{macrocode} % Original year empty: format note. % \begin{macrocode} \APACrefnote{#2}% \else % \end{macrocode} % Check for \cmd{\bibnodate}. I think the following command does not check % whether |#1| = `\cmd{\bibnodate}', but expands them; but that should also % be OK and saves a lot of juggling with \cmd{\expandafter} commands. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\bibnodate#1\@empty % \end{macrocode} % Original year unknown: Format (only) note. % \begin{macrocode} \APACrefnote{#2}% \else % \end{macrocode} % Original year has been given: ``Original work published''. % \begin{macrocode} (\BOWP{} {#1}% % \end{macrocode} % Insert note. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\@empty#2\@empty \else \unskip; {#2}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Final parenthesis. % \begin{macrocode} )% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACorigjournalnote} % Original journal + optional note. % Arguments: |#1| = year, |#2| = journal, |#3| = volume, |#4| = issue number, % |#5| = formatted pages, |#6| = note. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACorigjournalnote}[6]{% (\BREPR{} % ``(Reprinted from '' (note the space) \Bem{#2}% Journal (should not be empty) \ifx\@empty#1\@empty \else \unskip, {#1}% , year \fi \ifx\@empty#3\@empty \else \unskip, \Bem{#3}% , volume \fi \ifx\@empty#4\@empty \else \unskip{[#4]}% [issue number] \fi \ifx\@empty#5\@empty \else \unskip, {#5}% , pages \fi \ifx\@empty#6\@empty \else \unskip; {#6}% ; note \fi )% Final parenthesis } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACorigbooknote} % Original book + optional note. Arguments: % |#1| = year, |#2| = formatted editor, |#3| = formatted title, % |#4| = formatted edition, |#5| = formatted volume, |#6| = formatted pages, % |#7| = address, |#8| = publisher, |#9| = note. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACorigbooknote}[9]{% %% ``(Reprinted from '' (note the space) (\BREPR{} % %% Title, edition, volume, pages, editor, year, address: publisher % \end{macrocode} % These should not all be empty, but this is not checked here, because it's % done in the \fname{.bst} file. % \begin{macrocode} \@connect@with@commas{% {#3},{#4},{#5},{#6},{#2},{#1},{\APACaddressPublisher{#7}{#8}}% }%% \ifx\@empty#9\@empty \else ; #9%% ; note \fi )% Final parenthesis. } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{environment}{APACrefannotation} % Annotations; for annotated bibliographies. Cf.~\citeA[pp.~810--811]{TLC2}. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{APACrefannotation}{% \begin{quotation}\noindent\ignorespaces }{\end{quotation}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \subsection{Various specific style settings and utility macros} % % \begin{macro}{\BAstyle} % Text style of authors for citations that include the year as well % (\cmd{\cite}, \cmd{\shortcite}, \cmd{\fullcite}, \cmd{\citeA}, % \cmd{\shortciteA}, \cmd{\fullciteA}, \cmd{\citeNP}, \cmd{\shortciteNP}, % \cmd{\fullciteNP}). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\BAstyle}{}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\BAastyle} % Text style of authors for \cmd{\citeauthor} and its variants % (\cmd{\shortciteauthor}, \cmd{\fullciteauthor}, \cmd{\citeauthorNP}, % \cmd{\shortciteauthorNP}, \cmd{\fullciteauthorNP}). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\BAastyle}{}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACciteatitle} % \begin{macro}{\APACcitebtitle} % Formatting of ``article'' and ``book'' titles when they are used in a % citation, typically when there is no author and the title takes this role. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACciteatitle}[1]{``#1''} \newcommand{\APACcitebtitle}[1]{{\em #1\/}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACyear} % \begin{macro}{\APACexlab} % Formatting of the year and the extra label (`a', `b', etc.) that is used to % distinguish different works by the same author(s) in the same year. These % macros have been introduced to solve some problems with \pkg{natbib}'s % parsing macros. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACyear}[1]{{#1}}% \newcommand{\APACexlab}[1]{{#1}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\theBibCnt} % \begin{macro}{\BCnt} % The |BibCnt| counter is used to distinguish multiple citations with the same % author(s) and year. Using a counter allows the user control over its % formatting. The default formatting (APA style) is to add roman lowercase % letters: ``(Kruskal, 1964a, 1964b)''. The \cmd{\protect} is necessary when % \pkg{natbib} is used. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{BibCnt} \renewcommand{\theBibCnt}{\alph{BibCnt}} \DeclareRobustCommand{\BCnt}[1]{\setcounter{BibCnt}{#1}\theBibCnt} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\BCntIP} % \begin{macro}{\BCntND} % Variations of \cmd{\BCnt} for in-press and no-date citations. The \cmd{\mbox} % prevents a line break at the hyphen. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\BCntIP}[1]{\setcounter{BibCnt}{#1}\mbox{-\theBibCnt}} \DeclareRobustCommand{\BCntND}[1]{\setcounter{BibCnt}{#1}\mbox{-\theBibCnt}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bibliographytypesize} % Font size of the references, but this macro can be abused to insert lots of % other style commands and/or text between the section or chapter heading and % the actual references as well. % \begin{macrocode} \let\bibliographytypesize\normalsize % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bibliographyprenote} % An optional note just before the references in the reference list (but after % \cmd{\bibliographytypesize}). It defaults to nothing, but can be changed to % a list of commands (e.g., if author formatting should be different in the % reference list) and/or text (e.g., for an explanatory note). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\bibliographyprenote}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bibleftmargin} % \begin{macro}{\bibindent} % \begin{macro}{\bibparsep} % \begin{macro}{\bibitemsep} % Declare four length parameters for the reference list and give them default % values. % \begin{macrocode} \newskip{\bibleftmargin} \newskip{\bibindent} \newskip{\bibparsep} \newskip{\bibitemsep} \bibleftmargin=2.5em \bibindent=-\bibleftmargin \bibparsep=0pt% \bibitemsep\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bibcorporate} % Formatting of corporate (group) authors. Its primary function is in the % \BibTeX{} stage. It is recognized by \fname{apacite.bst}, which handles % such authors slightly differently from ordinary authors. % \begin{macrocode} \let\bibcorporate\relax % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\BBA} % Initialize this command, which formats the ``and'' between authors. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\BBA}{\BBAA}% `\&' % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\Bem} % Emphasis in the bibliography. A relic from \pkg{theapa}. It allows to use % underlining in the bibliography and italics in the text, but the default is % italics. % \begin{macrocode} \let\Bem\emph % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bibnotype} % This macro indicates that the type information should be left empty. It is % used for \entryname{@techreport} and \entryname{@intechreport}, where % ``\cmd{\BTR}'' is the default type if the field is left empty. As such, it % primarily modifies the behavior of \fname{apacite.bst}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\bibnotype}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACSortNoop} % \begin{macro}{\bibphant} % The \cmd{\APACSortNoop} macro can be used to change the sorting order: % When put between a pair of braces at the beginning of a field, the entry is % sorted on the argument of this command, but the argument is never displayed. % \cmd{\bibphant} is the same as \cmd{\APACSortNoop}, so it is not discussed % in the main documentation. It is only kept for backwards compatibility with % old versions of \pkg{apacite}, in which it was documented. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACSortNoop}[1]{} \let\bibphant\APACSortNoop % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\makehashother} % \begin{macro}{\makehashmacropar} % Setting the catcode of the hash mark `|#|'. This is mainly useful in some % cases in which the bibliography contains urls containing `|#|' symbols. % These are analogous to \cmd{\makeatother} and \cmd{\makeatletter}. % (They are undocumentedin the main documentation!) % \begin{macrocode} \def\makehashother{\catcode`\#=12\relax} \def\makehashmacropar{\catcode`\#=6\relax} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Author index setup and index styles} % % Here, the author index options are implemented. It also defines some index % styles and defines most of the index-related commands to do nothing in case % no author index is requested. % % \begin{macro}{\AX} % \begin{macro}{\corporateAX} % \begin{macro}{\@AXfile} % \begin{macro}{\currentindexname} % \begin{macro}{\printindex} % \begin{macro}{\PrintAX} % \begin{macro}{\orig@printindex} % \begin{macro}{\APAC@printindex} % \begin{macro}{\check@printindex} % Define the author-indexing macros and the index-printing commands. % \begin{macrocode} \if@APAC@index % \end{macrocode} % Author index requested. % \begin{macrocode} \if@APAC@index@package % \end{macrocode} % Load \pkg{index} package. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{index}[1995/09/28] % \end{macrocode} % Define the author index. This may be changed in the preamble of the % document (or in a user-provided package) by a \cmd{\renewindex} % command. % \begin{macrocode} \newindex{autx}{adx}{and}{\authorindexname} % \end{macrocode} % Author indexing command. Some trial and error and adapting code from % other packages to get this right, esp.\ when \pkg{hyperref} is also % loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\AX}[1]{% \if@filesw{% \protected@write\@auxout{}{% \string\protected@write\string\tf@autx{}{% \string\string\string \indexentry{\string#1|hyperpage}{\thepage}}}% }% \fi }% \else % \end{macrocode} % Without the \pkg{index} package, using standard \LaTeX{}. This includes % a bit of code adapted from \fname{ltidxglo.dtx} and \fname{doc.dtx}. % \begin{macrocode} \newwrite\@AXfile \immediate\openout\@AXfile=\jobname.adx \typeout {Writing author index file \jobname.adx }% \DeclareRobustCommand{\AX}[1]{% \protected@write\@AXfile{}% {\string\indexentry{\string#1}{\thepage}}% }% \def\PrintAX{\edef\currentindexname{\authorindexname}% \@input@{\jobname.and}% \global\let\PrintAX\@empty }% \AtBeginDocument{% % \end{macrocode} % Make sure that \cmd{\printindex} is defined. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{printindex}{\makeindex}{}% % \end{macrocode} % Now, redefine \cmd{\printindex} to accommodate both \cmd{\printindex} % without argument and |\printindex[autx]|. % \begin{macrocode} \let\orig@printindex\printindex \def\printindex{\@ifnextchar[{\APAC@printindex}{% \orig@printindex}}% \def\APAC@printindex[autx]{\PrintAX}% }% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Include corporate authors in the author index? % \begin{macrocode} \if@APAC@include@corporate \let\corporateAX\AX \else \let\corporateAX\@gobble \fi \else % \end{macrocode} % No author index. Wait until |\begin{document}| for checking whether another % package is loaded that defines \cmd{\printindex}. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifundefined{printindex}% {% % \end{macrocode} % \cmd{\printindex} has not been defined. Define \cmd{\printindex} so % that it suppresses the indexes. % \begin{macrocode} \def\printindex{\@ifnextchar[{\check@printindex}{% \check@printindex[]}}% \def\check@printindex[#1]{\relax }% }% {% % \end{macrocode} % \cmd{\printindex} has been defined, so save its definition. % \begin{macrocode} \let\orig@printindex\printindex % \end{macrocode} % Redefine \cmd{\printindex} so that it suppresses the author index % but does not change other indexes: (1) If there is no optional % argument, use the original definition. % \begin{macrocode} \def\printindex{\@ifnextchar[{\check@printindex}{\orig@printindex}}% % \end{macrocode} % (2) If there is an optional argument, check whether it is equal to % ``|autx|''. If so, suppress this (author) index. If not, use the % original definition. % \begin{macrocode} \def\check@printindex[#1]{% % \end{macrocode} % Use a clumsy way to check whether |#1| = |autx|, but seemingly more % elegant ways somehow didn't work. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\def\csname APAC@#1\endcsname{DUMMY}% \@ifundefined{APAC@autx}% {\orig@printindex[#1]}% {\let\APAC@autx\@undefined}% }% }% }% % \end{macrocode} % Empty author indexing commands. % \begin{macrocode} \let\AX\@gobble \let\corporateAX\@gobble \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{environment}{theindex} % \begin{macro}{\APACstdindex} % The \envirname{index} environment as defined in the \pkg{index} package; % literally copied from \fname{index.sty}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACstdindex}{% \@ifclassloaded{article}{% \renewenvironment{theindex}{% \edef\indexname{\the\@nameuse{idxtitle@\@indextype}}% \if@twocolumn \@restonecolfalse \else \@restonecoltrue \fi \columnseprule \z@ \columnsep 35\p@ \twocolumn[% \section*{\indexname}% \ifx\index@prologue\@empty\else \index@prologue \bigskip \fi ]% \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\indexname}% {\MakeUppercase\indexname}% \thispagestyle{plain}% \parindent\z@ \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax \let\item\@idxitem }{% \if@restonecol \onecolumn \else \clearpage \fi } }{% \renewenvironment{theindex}{% \edef\indexname{\the\@nameuse{idxtitle@\@indextype}}% \if@twocolumn \@restonecolfalse \else \@restonecoltrue \fi \columnseprule \z@ \columnsep 35\p@ \twocolumn[% \@makeschapterhead{\indexname}% \ifx\index@prologue\@empty\else \index@prologue \bigskip \fi ]% \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\indexname}% {\MakeUppercase\indexname}% \thispagestyle{plain}% \parindent\z@ \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax \let\item\@idxitem }{% \if@restonecol \onecolumn \else \clearpage \fi }% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACtocindex} % The \envirname{index} environment as defined in the \pkg{index} package, but % with a table of contents entry added. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACtocindex}{% \@ifclassloaded{article}{% \renewenvironment{theindex}{% \edef\indexname{\the\@nameuse{idxtitle@\@indextype}}% \if@twocolumn \@restonecolfalse \else \@restonecoltrue \fi \columnseprule \z@ \columnsep 35\p@ \twocolumn[% \section*{\indexname}% \ifx\index@prologue\@empty\else \index@prologue \bigskip \fi ]% \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\indexname}% {\MakeUppercase\indexname}% % \end{macrocode} % The following line added by EM. % \begin{macrocode} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\indexname}% \thispagestyle{plain}% \parindent\z@ \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax \let\item\@idxitem }{% \if@restonecol \onecolumn \else \clearpage \fi } }{% \renewenvironment{theindex}{% \edef\indexname{\the\@nameuse{idxtitle@\@indextype}}% \if@twocolumn \@restonecolfalse \else \@restonecoltrue \fi \columnseprule \z@ \columnsep 35\p@ \twocolumn[% \@makeschapterhead{\indexname}% \ifx\index@prologue\@empty\else \index@prologue \bigskip \fi ]% \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\indexname}% {\MakeUppercase\indexname}% % \end{macrocode} % The following line added by EM. % \begin{macrocode} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\indexname}% \thispagestyle{plain}% \parindent\z@ \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax \let\item\@idxitem }{% \if@restonecol \onecolumn \else \clearpage \fi }% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACemindex} % An alternative style for the \envirname{index} environment, such that % automatically a chapter or section title is generated, with a corresponding % table of contents entry. The index is now in a \envirname{multicol} % environment. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACemindex}{% \RequirePackage{multicol} \renewenvironment{theindex}{% \edef\@indexname{\the\@nameuse{idxtitle@\@indextype}}% \@ifundefined{chapter}% {\section*{\@indexname}% \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\@indexname}% %% \sectionmark{{\@indexname}}% doesn't work: generates numbers }% {\chapter*{\@indexname}% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\@indexname}% %% \chaptermark{{\@indexname}}% doesn't work: generates numbers %% % (except in the backmatter) %% \sectionmark{{\@indexname}}% doesn't work: generates numbers }% \@mkboth{{\@indexname}}{{\@indexname}}% Hence we need this. \parindent\z@ \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax \let\item\@idxitem \setlength{\columnsep}{2em} \small \begin{multicols}{2} \raggedright }% {\end{multicols}\normalsize }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACltxemindex} % A variation on \cmd{\APACemindex}, but without using the \pkg{index} package, % which conflicts with the standard \LaTeX{} documentation classes. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACltxemindex}{% \RequirePackage{multicol} \renewenvironment{theindex}{% % \end{macrocode} % The index naming scheme of the \pkg{index} package is also absent. % Therefore, try to guess an index name. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{currentindexname}{% \@ifundefined{indexname}{% \edef\@indexname{Index}% }{\edef\@indexname{\indexname}}% }{\edef\@indexname{\currentindexname}}% \@ifundefined{chapter}% {\section*{\@indexname}% \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\@indexname}% %% \sectionmark{{\@indexname}}% doesn't work: generates numbers }% {\chapter*{\@indexname}% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\@indexname}% %% \chaptermark{{\@indexname}}% doesn't work: generates numbers %% % (except in the backmatter) %% \sectionmark{{\@indexname}}% doesn't work: generates numbers }% \@mkboth{{\@indexname}}{{\@indexname}}% Hence we need this. \def\pfill{\relax{}}% \parindent\z@ \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax \let\item\@idxitem \setlength{\columnsep}{2em} \small \begin{multicols}{2} \raggedright }% {\end{multicols}\normalsize }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{environment} % % \subsection{Formatting of urls} % % \begin{macro}{\Url@force@Tilde} % \begin{macro}{\Url@APACdot} % \begin{macro}{\Url@APACcomma} % \begin{macro}{\Url@APACquestionmark} % \begin{macro}{\Url@APACexclamation} % \begin{macro}{\Url@APAChyphen} % \begin{macro}{\Url@APACunderscore} % \begin{macro}{\APACurlBreaks} % \begin{macro}{\url@APACttstyle} % \begin{macro}{\url@APACrmstyle} % \begin{macro}{\url@APACsfstyle} % \begin{macro}{\url@APACsamestyle} % The APA manual requires breaking of urls \emph{after} a slash or % \emph{before} a dot. In particular, there should not be a break between % ``|http:|'' and ``|//|''. This differs from the standard line breaking % style of the \pkg{url} package. Therefore, we define an APA-style for % url formatting here. (Maybe this should be part of the \pkg{apa} class, % but urls occur most often in the reference list, so we do it here.) % The \pkg{url} package also defines many other (punctuation) symbols at % which a line break may occur. The APA manual does not mention these, but % it seems in the spirit of the APA manual to use these as well. See also % \citeA[pp.~645--646]{chicago}. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifpackageloaded{url}{% % \end{macrocode} % To circumvent an ``undefined'' error. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{Url@force@Tilde}{\def\Url@force@Tilde{\relax}}{}% % \end{macrocode} % The original dot. Simply using `|.|' causes an infinite loop. This command % is used below, so that encoding-issues can be resolved easier by redefining % \cmd{\Url@APACdot}. The same argument holds for the other punctuation % marks. % \begin{macrocode} \def\Url@APACdot{\mathchar"2E }% \def\Url@APACcomma{\mathchar"2C }% \def\Url@APACquestionmark{\mathchar"3F }% \def\Url@APACexclamation{\mathchar"21 }% \def\Url@APAChyphen{\mathchar"2D }% \def\Url@APACunderscore{\_}% % \end{macrocode} % Define the APA-style line breaks for urls. % \begin{macrocode} \def\APACurlBreaks{% % \end{macrocode} % Remove dot (`|.|') and slash (`|/|') from the ordinary breaks and add % the slash to the big breaks, so that |http://| is broken after the second % slash instead of after the colon. The \cmd{\UrlNoBreaks} and % \cmd{UrlOrds} are the default ones from the \pkg{url} package, but they % are repeated here to obtain a complete style, so that we don't have to % rely on what is the \pkg{url} default (which might change). % \begin{macrocode} \def\UrlBreaks{\do\@\do\\\do\|\do\;\do\>\do\]\do\)\do\'\do+\do\=\do\#}% \def\UrlBigBreaks{\do\/\do\:\do@url@hyp}% \def\UrlNoBreaks{\do\(\do\[\do\{\do\<}% \) \def\UrlOrds{\do\*\do\~\do\'\do\"}% % \end{macrocode} % Define the dot as an empty binary relation (after which a break may % occur) followed by a dot-symbol (after which no break may occur). % \citeA{chicago} requires the same treatment of a few other punctuation % marks, different from \pkg{url}'s default behavior. We implement these % as well. % \begin{macrocode} \def\UrlSpecials{% \do\.{\mathbin{}\Url@APACdot }% \do\,{\mathbin{}\Url@APACcomma }% \do\-{\mathbin{}\Url@APAChyphen }% \do\?{\mathbin{}\Url@APACquestionmark }% \do\!{\mathbin{}\Url@APACexclamation }% \do\_{\mathbin{}\Url@APACunderscore }% \do\ {\Url@space}\do\%{\Url@percent}\do\^^M{\Url@space}% \Url@force@Tilde}% package option may force faked text-ascii-tilde }%% % \end{macrocode} % Change the underscore for when a non-tt font is used. % \begin{macrocode} \def\Url@OTnonTT{\do\<{\langle}\do\>{\mathbin{\rangle}}\do \_{\mathbin{}\_}\do\|{\mid}\do\{{\lbrace}\do\}{\mathbin{\rbrace}}\do \\{\mathbin{\backslash}}\UrlTildeSpecial} % \end{macrocode} % Define four APA url-styles, based on the standard styles in % \fname{url.sty}, and use the |APACtt|-style as default. % \begin{macrocode} \def\url@APACttstyle{\def\UrlFont{\ttfamily}\APACurlBreaks }% \def\url@APACrmstyle{\def\UrlFont{\rmfamily}\APACurlBreaks }% \def\url@APACsfstyle{\def\UrlFont{\sffamily}\APACurlBreaks }% \def\url@APACsamestyle{\def\UrlFont{}\APACurlBreaks }% \urlstyle{APACtt}% }{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\url} % In case \cmd{\url} is undefined, define a very simple version. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifundefined{url}{% \def\url#1{\texttt{#1}}% }{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Compatibility code} % % Many other packages redefine citation commands and reference list commands, % or at least affect them, even if that is not their core business. This leads % to all kinds of compatibility problems. Here, these are repaired. % % \subsubsection{\pkg{babel}} % % From \fname{hyperref.dtx}: % \begin{quote} % Package \pkg{babel} redefines \cmd{\bibcite} with macro % \cmd{\bbl@cite@choice}. It needs to be overwritten to avoid the warning % ``Label(s) may have changed.''. % \end{quote} % Here, a slightly adapted version of the code mentioned above is inserted. The % other \cmd{\bibcite}-restoring compatibility code above does something % similar, but does not do the job correctly if \pkg{babel} is loaded (why?). % This only works if \pkg{babel} is loaded before \pkg{apacite}; putting it in % a \cmd{\AtBeginDocument} does not work well. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{bbl@cite@choice}{}{% \g@addto@macro\bbl@cite@choice{% \let\bibcite\APACbibcite }% } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{\pkg{natbib}} % % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifpackageloaded{natbib}{% % \end{macrocode} % Redefine a \pkg{natbib} command. This may be ethically dubious, but without % it, \pkg{natbib} simply cannot handle \pkg{apacite}-generated \fname{.bbl} % files. The only reason I can think of why both \pkg{apacite} and \pkg{natbib} % would be loaded is exactly the situation when you want to use \pkg{natbib} % for the citations and \pkg{apacite} for the reference list. In this % situation you would load \fname{apacite.sty}, not for the citation commands, % but for the punctuation commands and labels defined by \pkg{apacite}. In this % situation, the redefinition below is necessary and therefore I do this here. % \begin{macrocode} \def\NAT@parse@date#1#2#3#4#5#6@@{% \def\NAT@year{{#1}}\def\NAT@exlab{{#2}}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \pkg{natbib} redefines \cmd{\thebibliography}, which interferes a little with % our purposes. Therefore, add some patches. This goes wrong if % \cmd{\bibpreamble} is redefined later on, i.e., by the user, but I haven't % come up with a better hack yet. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@oldbibpreamble\bibpreamble \def\bibpreamble{% \@oldbibpreamble% \bibliographytypesize% \bibliographyprenote% \@ifundefined{APAC@metaprenote@\APAC@extra@b@citeb}% {}% skip {\csname APAC@metaprenote@\APAC@extra@b@citeb\endcsname}% }% \let\@old@endthebibliography\endthebibliography \def\endthebibliography{\@old@endthebibliography% \normalsize}% }{}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{\pkg{hyperref}} % % The code here is adapted from \pkg{hyperref}, \pkg{natbib}, and their % respective documentation, to make use of their interoperability. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifundefined{NAT@parse}{% \def\NAT@parse{This is a fake natbib command to fool hyperref.}}{}% \@ifundefined{hyper@natlinkstart}{% \let\hyper@natlinkstart\@gobble}{}% \@ifundefined{hyper@natlinkend}{% \let\hyper@natlinkend\relax}{}% \@ifundefined{hyper@natanchorstart}{% \let\hyper@natanchorstart\@gobble}{}% \@ifundefined{hyper@natanchorend}{% \let\hyper@natanchorend\relax}{}% \@ifundefined{hyperpage}{% \def\hyperpage#1{#1}}{}% % \end{macrocode} % Remove spaces from hyperlinks (\pkg{hyperref} keeps them, even if they are % removed from the visible output, so you'd get awkward results like % |\href{http://my .link}{http://my.link}|). % \begin{macrocode} \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{% % \end{macrocode} % The next should always be true, but just to be sure\ldots % \begin{macrocode} \@ifpackageloaded{url}{% % \end{macrocode} % Is \pkgoption{obeyspaces} option requested? If not, then remove spaces % from hyperlinks. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\@empty\Url@ObeySp\@empty \def\url@#1{\def\@tmp@arg{\string#1}% \HyPsd@Subst{ }{}{\@tmp@arg}% \hyper@linkurl{\Hurl{#1}}{\@tmp@arg}}% \fi }{}% }{}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{\pkg{backref}} % % \begin{macro}{\back@cite} % \begin{macro}{\CurrentBib} % \begin{macro}{\PrintBackRefs} % \begin{macro}{\APACrestorebibitem} % A bit of code that makes life a little easier, adapted from % \fname{amsrefs.dtx}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\back@cite{}% \def\CurrentBib{}% \def\PrintBackRefs{}% \def\APACrestorebibitem{}% \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifpackageloaded{backref}{% % \end{macrocode} % Make sure that \cmd{\ifBR@verbose} is defined. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{ifBR@verbose}{% \let\ifBR@verbose\iffalse \let\fi\fi}{}% % \end{macrocode} % A backcite command that makes the code of other commands better readable. % \begin{macrocode} \def\back@cite#1{% \ifBR@verbose \PackageInfo{backref}{back cite \string`#1\string'}% \fi \Hy@backout{#1\APAC@extra@b@citeb}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Adaptation of the \cmd{\bibitem} command so that \pkg{backref} does not % scan the whole entry. The placement of the backrefs is explicitly done % through \cmd{\PrintBackRefs}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\APACrestorebibitem{% \def\BR@@lbibitem[##1]##2{% \BRorg@bibitem[{##1}]{##2}% \def\CurrentBib{##2\APAC@extra@b@citeb}% }% }% % \end{macrocode} % Printing the backrefs: Revert to the standard \pkg{backref} macro. % \begin{macrocode} \def\PrintBackRefs#1{\BR@backref{#1}}% }{% % \end{macrocode} % Else: \pkg{backref} not loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \let\back@cite\@gobble \let\PrintBackRefs\@gobble }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\BR@@lbibitem} % Frankly, at the moment, I do not completely understand why we need this. But % I'm sure it was for a good reason when I included this. % \begin{macrocode} \def\BR@@lbibitem[#1]#2#3\par{% \BRorg@bibitem[#1]{#2}#3% \BR@backref{#2}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{\pkg{chapterbib}} % % \begin{macro}{\@extra@b@citeb} % \begin{macro}{\@extra@binfo} % From the instructions of the \pkg{chapterbib} package. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{@extra@b@citeb}{\def\@extra@b@citeb{}}{} \gdef\@extra@binfo{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APAC@extra@b@citeb} % \begin{macro}{\APAC@extra@binfo} % Replacements of the \pkg{chapterbib} \cmd{\@extra@b@citeb} and % \cmd{\@extra@binfo} commands. These accumulate all kinds of additional flags % to accommodate multiple bibliographies of various packages (\pkg{chapterbib}, % \pkg{bibunits}, \pkg{multibbl}). % \begin{macrocode} \def\APAC@extra@b@citeb{\APAC@curr@aux\APAC@bu\@extra@b@citeb}% \def\APAC@extra@binfo{\APAC@curr@aux\APAC@bu\@extra@binfo}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{\pkg{bibunits}} % % \begin{macro}{\APACstd@cite} % \begin{macro}{\APACstd@nocite} % \begin{macro}{\APACstd@lbibitem} % \begin{macro}{\APAC@bu} % Store the standard \pkg{apacite} definitions. % \begin{macrocode} \AtEndOfPackage{% \let\APACstd@cite\cite \let\APACstd@nocite\nocite \let\APACstd@lbibitem\@lbibitem } % \end{macrocode} % Default definition, if \pkg{bibunits} is not loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{APAC@bu}{\def\APAC@bu{}}{} \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifpackageloaded{bibunits}{% % \end{macrocode} % To mimic \pkg{chapterbib} behavior (with flags etc.). % \begin{macrocode} \def\APAC@bu{% \ifx\cite\std@cite % \end{macrocode} % Outside a bibunit. The ``|@APACbu|'' strings are intended to minimize % the possibility of wrong matches, such as |\b@ex11| = |ex11| from the % global aux or |\b@ex11| = |ex1| from bibunit~1. The last `|@|' is % similarly intended to avoid confusion if both \pkg{bibunits} and % \pkg{chapterbib} are loaded (``|11@1|'' = 11th bibunit, 1st % \pkg{chapterbib} unit; ``|1@11|'' = 1st bibunit, 11th % \pkg{chapterbib} unit). It seems unlikely that both packages would be % used at the same time, but safety first. % \begin{macrocode} @APACbu0@% \else % \end{macrocode} % Within a bibunit: Use bibunit number to distinguish the bibunits. % \begin{macrocode} @APACbu\the\@bibunitauxcnt @% \fi }% % \end{macrocode} % Standard \pkg{apacite} definition of the \cmd{\cite} and \cmd{\nocite} % commands. The latter is mainly necessary to avoid incorrect ``Citation % undefined'' warnings. % \begin{macrocode} \let\std@cite\APACstd@cite \let\std@nocite\APACstd@nocite % \end{macrocode} % Restore the \pkg{apacite} definition of \cmd{\bibitem}, mainly because of % the \cmd{\@newciteauxhandle} instead of \cmd{\@auxout}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\std@lbibitem[#1]#2{% \let\@APACtemp@auxout\@newciteauxhandle \let\@newciteauxhandle\@bibunitaux \APACstd@lbibitem[#1]{#2}% \let\@newciteauxhandle\@APACtemp@auxout }% % \end{macrocode} % To make sure everything works whether \pkg{bibunits} is loaded before or % after \pkg{apacite}. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@lbibitem\std@lbibitem }{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{\pkg{bibtopic}} % % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifpackageloaded{bibtopic}{% % \end{macrocode} % Somewhat rudely disable this command to prevent an undesired error % message of \pkg{bibtopic}. % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand*\bt@change@thb{\relax}% }{% % \end{macrocode} % These \pkg{bibtopic} hooks are included in the % \envirname{thebibliography} environment as generated by % \fname{apacite.bst}, so \pkg{bibtopic} should work correctly. If % \pkg{bibtopic} is not loaded, they should do nothing. % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand{\bt@beg@thb@hook}{\relax} \providecommand{\bt@end@thb@hook}{\relax} }% } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{\pkg{multibbl}} % % Almost all of \pkg{multibbl}'s code is redefined here, mainly because % \pkg{apacite} needs to distinguish which citation refers to which % bibliography, so that flags can be correctly set whether a citation % is the first citation to the work from the specific bibliography and % correctly includes the meta-analysis flags with the various % bibliographies. % % \begin{macro}{\APAC@curr@aux} % Default flag definition if \pkg{multibbl} is not loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{APAC@curr@aux}{\def\APAC@curr@aux{}}{} \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifpackageloaded{multibbl}{% % \end{macrocode} % To mimic \pkg{chapterbib} behavior (with flags etc.). % \begin{macrocode} \def\APAC@def@curr@aux#1{\def\APAC@curr@aux{@APACaux@#1@}}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\newbibliography} % Ditto. This puts the \cmd{\bibcite} commands in |#1.aux| instead of in % the main \fname{.aux} file, so that the flags can be differentiated. % This also means that the \fname{.aux} file has to be read by \LaTeX{} % before it is overwritten. % \begin{macrocode} \def\newbibliography#1{% \APAC@def@curr@aux{#1}% \@input@{#1.aux}% \begingroup \if@filesw \expandafter\newwrite\csname #1@auxfile\endcsname \expandafter\immediate\openout \csname #1@auxfile\endcsname #1.aux\relax \typeout{Writing auxiliary file #1.aux }% \fi \endgroup }%% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APAC@mbbl@bibliography} % \begin{macro}{\bibliography} % Add the flag to the bibliography. % \begin{macrocode} \let\APAC@mbbl@bibliography\bibliography \def\bibliography#1#2#3{% \APAC@def@curr@aux{#1}% \let\@APACtemp@auxout\@newciteauxhandle \def\@APACtemp{\csname #1@auxfile\endcsname}% \let\@newciteauxhandle\@APACtemp \APAC@mbbl@bibliography{#1}{#2}{#3}% \let\@newciteauxhandle\@APACtemp@auxout }%% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@orig@@cite} % \begin{macro}{\@@cite} % Add an extra argument to \cmd{\@@cite}. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@orig@@cite\@@cite \def\@@cite<#1>[#2]#3#4{% \nocite{#3}{#4}% \let\@temp@nocite\nocite \let\nocite\@gobble \APAC@def@curr@aux{#3}% \@orig@@cite<#1>[#2]{#4}% \let\nocite\@temp@nocite \let\@temp@nocite\@undefined }%% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@orig@nocite} % \begin{macro}{\nocite} % Add an extra argument to \cmd{\nocite}. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@orig@nocite\nocite \def\nocite#1#2{% % \end{macrocode} % Define a flag. % \begin{macrocode} \APAC@def@curr@aux{#1}% % \end{macrocode} % No flag-setting in \cmd{\nocite}: A no-cite is not a citation, % so a subsequent citation may be the first citation. % \begin{macrocode} \@bsphack \ifx\@onlypreamble\document % \end{macrocode} % Since we are after |\begin{document}| we can do the citations: % \begin{macrocode} \@for\@citeb:=#2\do{% \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}% % \end{macrocode} % \cmd{\@newciteauxhandle} for compatibility with \pkg{multibib}; % |#1@auxfile| for compatibility with \pkg{multibbl}. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{#1@auxfile}{% \if@filesw \immediate\write\@newciteauxhandle{\string\citation{\@citeb}}% \fi }{\if@filesw \expandafter\immediate% \write\csname #1@auxfile\endcsname{\string\citation{\@citeb}}% \fi }% \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}{% \edef\B@my@dummy{*}% \ifx\@citeb\B@my@dummy \else \G@refundefinedtrue \@latex@warning{Citation `\@citeb' undefined}% \fi }{}% }% \else % \end{macrocode} % \pkg{apacite} has no compatibility problems with \LaTeX~2.09, % because it does not work with \LaTeX~2.09 anyway, so we can do the % following, suggested in \fname{ltbibl.dtx}: % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{\nocite{#1}{#2}}% \fi \@esphack % \end{macrocode} % For compatibility with \pkg{multibib}. % \begin{macrocode} \@restore@auxhandle }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@orig@nocitemeta} % \begin{macro}{\nocitemeta} % Add an extra argument to \cmd{\nocitemeta}. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@orig@@nocitemeta\nocitemeta \def\nocitemeta#1#2{% \nocite{#1}{#2}% \let\@temp@nocite\nocite \let\nocite\@gobble \@orig@@nocitemeta{#2}% \let\nocite\@temp@nocite \let\@temp@nocite\@undefined }% }{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{\pkg{multibib}} % % From the instructions in \fname{multibib.dtx}. % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand\@newciteauxhandle{\@auxout} \def\@restore@auxhandle{\gdef\@newciteauxhandle{\@auxout}} \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifundefined{newcites}{\global\let\@restore@auxhandle\relax}{}% } % \end{macrocode} % List of citation commands. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@mb@citenamelist{% cite,fullcite,shortcite,citeNP,fullciteNP,shortciteNP,% citeA,fullciteA,shortciteA,citeauthor,fullciteauthor,shortciteauthor,% citeauthorNP,fullciteauthorNP,shortciteauthorNP,% citeyear,citeyearNP,nocite,nocitemeta% }% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{\pkg{splitbib}} % % Presumably, this wouldn't hurt without \pkg{splitbib} as well. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifpackageloaded{splitbib}{% \def\citeauthoryear{\string\citeauthoryear}% }{}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Language-specific macros and loading of language file} % \label{sec:language-code} % % This section initializes a number of macros that are likely to be subject % to redefinition in the language-specific files. Most of these are fairly % obvious, particularly literal text strings, but some style issues are % language-specific as well, e.g., whether or not a comma should be inserted % before the last author. After initializing these macros, \pkg{apacite} tries % to infer which language-specific (\fname{.apc}) file must be loaded, if any, % and then loads this file. % % \subsubsection{Literal text strings} % % \begin{macro}{\refname} % \begin{macro}{\bibname} % \begin{macro}{\authorindexname} % The section/chapter headings to be used for the reference list and the % author index. One of the first two is typically already defined by the % document class (e.g., \fname{article.cls} defines \cmd{\refname}, % \fname{book.cls} defines \cmd{\bibname}. When using \pkg{babel}, these are % both redefined at each \cmd{\selectlanguage} invocation. The % language-specific (\fname{.apc}) file typically should override that, because % the strings defined by \pkg{babel} are often not the same as the strings % prescribed by the style guides for Psychology. For example, the standard % definition of \cmd{\bibname} in English is ``Bibliography'', whereas the % APA insists on ``References'' (with a few exceptions). In other languages, % the \cmd{\refname} may also be defined differently from the \pkg{babel} % definition. See the various \fname{.apc} files for how \pkg{babel} is % overridden. % \begin{macrocode} \def\refname{References}% Name of ref. list if it's a section. \def\bibname{References}% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter. \newcommand{\authorindexname}{Author Index} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACmetaprenote} % A note used just before the references in the reference list when a % meta-analysis is reported. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACmetaprenote}{% References marked with an asterisk indicate studies included in the meta-analysis.} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bibmessage} % \begin{macro}{\bibcomputerprogram} % \begin{macro}{\bibcomputerprogrammanual} % \begin{macro}{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual} % \begin{macro}{\bibcomputersoftware} % \begin{macro}{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual} % \begin{macro}{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual} % \begin{macro}{\bibprogramminglanguage} % Commands for specific types of \entryname{@misc} entries. Besides the strings % themselves (as language-specific text), these are significant in that they % are recognized by \fname{apacite.bst} and used to modify the formatting of % the corresponding reference list entries. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\bibmessage}{Msg}% Message, for internet forums and the like \newcommand{\bibcomputerprogram}{Computer program} \newcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{Computer program manual} \newcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{Computer program and manual} \newcommand{\bibcomputersoftware}{Computer software} \newcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{Computer software manual} \newcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{Computer software and manual} \newcommand{\bibprogramminglanguage}{Programming language} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bibnodate} % \begin{macro}{\BIP} % Two types of ``special'' years: ``no date'' and ``in press''. These are not % only text strings unlike normal years, but also are recognized by % \fname{apacite.bst} and treated differently there. Here and in many other % macros below, the \cmd{\hbox} ensures that \TeX{} does not interpret the % final period as a sentence-ending period, and thus does not insert the extra % space associated with that. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\bibnodate}{n.d.\hbox{}}% no date \newcommand{\BIP}{in press} % in press % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\BOthers} % \begin{macro}{\BOthersPeriod} % ``and others''. The argument contains a period to suppress an additional one % in the reference list, i.e., it is used as |\BOthers{.}| and the period in the % argument is seen by \BibTeX{}, which does not insert an additional one, so % that we now correctly get |et al.| and not |et al..| in the reference list. % The difference between \cmd{\BOthers} and \cmd{\BOthersPeriod} is that the % latter is used in a context where there should always be a period at the % end. Given that \BibTeX{} does not insert it because of the mentioned usage % of a period in the argument, this explicit distinction is necessary here. % Hence, if an unabbreviated string is used to define these commands, their % definitions become different. For example, % \begin{verbatim} % \renewcommand{\BOthers}{and others} % \renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}{and others.} % \end{verbatim} % This does not work perfectly if \cmd{\citeauthor} is used at the end of a % sentence. This is on the todo-list. For the moment, the user will have to % employ an explicit workaround, i.e., insert an additional period if % \cmd{\BOthers} does not contain one and omit this period if it does. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}% ``and others'' \newcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}% ``and others.'', with a period % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\BIn} % \begin{macro}{\Bby} % Used for ``In Editor (Ed.), \emph{Booktitle}'' and % ``by Editor, Ed., \emph{Booktitle}'', respectively. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\BIn}{In} % for ``In '' editor... \newcommand{\Bby}{by} % for ``by '' editor... (in reprints) % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\BED} % \begin{macro}{\BEDS} % \begin{macro}{\BTRANS} % \begin{macro}{\BTRANSS} % \begin{macro}{\BTRANSL} % \begin{macro}{\BCHAIR} % \begin{macro}{\BCHAIRS} % Various types of non-author contributions. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\BED}{Ed.\hbox{}} % editor \newcommand{\BEDS}{Eds.\hbox{}} % editors \newcommand{\BTRANS}{Trans.\hbox{}} % translator \newcommand{\BTRANSS}{Trans.\hbox{}} % translators \newcommand{\BTRANSL}{trans.\hbox{}} % translation, for the year field \newcommand{\BCHAIR}{Chair} % chair of symposium \newcommand{\BCHAIRS}{Chairs} % chairs % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\BVOL} % \begin{macro}{\BVOLS} % \begin{macro}{\BNUM} % \begin{macro}{\BNUMS} % \begin{macro}{\BEd} % \begin{macro}{\BCHAP} % \begin{macro}{\BCHAPS} % \begin{macro}{\BPG} % \begin{macro}{\BPGS} % Various strings that indicate what kind of number is given. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\BVOL}{Vol.\hbox{}} % volume (of a multi-volume book) \newcommand{\BVOLS}{Vols.\hbox{}} % volumes \newcommand{\BNUM}{No.\hbox{}} % number (of a technical report) \newcommand{\BNUMS}{Nos.\hbox{}} % numbers \newcommand{\BEd}{ed.\hbox{}} % edition \newcommand{\BCHAP}{chap.\hbox{}} % chapter (for electronic documents) \newcommand{\BCHAPS}{chap.\hbox{}} % chapters \newcommand{\BPG}{p.\hbox{}} % page \newcommand{\BPGS}{pp.\hbox{}} % pages % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\BTR} % \begin{macro}{\BPhD} % \begin{macro}{\BUPhD} % \begin{macro}{\BMTh} % \begin{macro}{\BUMTh} % Various strings that indicate what kind of work is referenced. % \begin{macrocode} %% Default technical report type name. \newcommand{\BTR}{Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{}} %% Default PhD thesis type name. \newcommand{\BPhD}{Doctoral dissertation} %% Default unpublished PhD thesis type name. \newcommand{\BUPhD}{Unpublished doctoral dissertation} %% Default master's thesis type name. \newcommand{\BMTh}{Master's thesis} %% Default unpublished master's thesis type name. \newcommand{\BUMTh}{Unpublished master's thesis} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\BAuthor} % ``Author'', the string used for the publisher if the publisher is also the % author of the work. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\BAuthor}{Author}% ``Author'' if publisher = author % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\BOWP} % \begin{macro}{\BREPR} % Two strings that are used for reprints and translations. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\BOWP}{Original work published} \newcommand{\BREPR}{Reprinted from} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\BAvailFrom} % \begin{macro}{\BRetrieved} % \begin{macro}{\BMsgPostedTo} % Strings that indicate where on the internet the referenced document was % obtained. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\BAvailFrom}{Available from\ }% Websites; note the space. %% The argument is the date on which it was last checked. \newcommand{\BRetrieved}[1]{Retrieved {#1}, from\ }% Websites; note the space. \newcommand{\BMsgPostedTo}{Message posted to\ }% Messages; note the space. % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Punctuation} % % Most of this is more style-specific than language specific, but there are % some punctuation differences between different languages, or even % ``dialects'' (in \pkg{babel}'s terminology) of the same ``language''. % Therefore, these are all included here and redefined in the \fname{.apc} % files. % % \begin{macro}{\BBOP} % \begin{macro}{\BBCP} % Opening and closing parentheses. Used to enclose the whole citation for a % parenthetical citation (e.g., \cmd{\cite}), only the year and post-note for % in-text citations (e.g., \cmd{\citeA}), and the year (and month and day, if % present) in the reference list. If different punctuation is desired for % the reference than used in citations, these commands can be redefined % immediately before the location of the \cmd{\bibliography} command. If % different punctuation is desired for parenthetical citations than for in-text % citations (seems unlikely), the citation commands themselves have to be % redefined. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\BBOP}{(} % opening parenthesis \newcommand{\BBCP}{)} % closing parenthesis % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\BBOQ} % \begin{macro}{\BBCQ} % Opening and closing quotes for article-type titles in the reference list. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\BBOQ}{} % opening quote for article title \newcommand{\BBCQ}{} % closing quote for article title % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\BBAA} % \begin{macro}{\BBAB} % \begin{macro}{\BAnd} % Three forms of ``and''. Of course, the word ``and'' is a literal text string, % so this part could also have been allocated to the the section that handles % those. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\BBAA}{\&} % between authors in parenthetical cites and ref. list \newcommand{\BBAB}{and} % between authors in in-text citation \newcommand{\BAnd}{\&} % for ``Ed. \& Trans.'' in ref. list % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\BPBI} % \begin{macro}{\BHBI} % Punctuation between initials. This is primarily used to reduce or eliminate % space between initials. Note that there is currently not a similar command % for the last period after the initials, so that removing the periods in these % macros will generally give undesirable results. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\BPBI}{.~}% Period between initials \DeclareRobustCommand{\BHBI}{.-}% Hyphen between initials % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\BAP} % \begin{macro}{\BBAY} % \begin{macro}{\BBYY} % \begin{macro}{\BBC} % \begin{macro}{\BBN} % \begin{macro}{\BAP} % \begin{macro}{\BAP} % Punctuation between various parts of citations and reference list entries. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\BAP}{ } % after prefix, before first citation \newcommand{\BBAY}{, } % between author(s) and year \newcommand{\BBYY}{, } % between years of multiple citations with same author \newcommand{\BBC}{; } % between cites \newcommand{\BBN}{, } % before note \newcommand{\BCBT}{,} % comma between authors in ref. list when no. of %% authors = 2 \newcommand{\BCBL}{,} % comma before last author when no. of authors > 2 % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Date formatting} % % This consists of literal strings (names of the months), relative ordering of % year, month, and day, and punctuation between the elements. % % \begin{macro}{\APACmonth} % This takes one argument. If it is a number between 1 and 12, the name of % the corresponding month is produced (1 = January, \dots, 12 = December), % and 13--16 represent the seasons. Anything else is copied literally. In this % way, other kinds of dates can be handled as well, such as % ``August/September''. Note that this in its turn can be flexibly entered % as |\APACmonth{08}/\APACmonth{09}| in the \fname{.bib} file. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACmonth}[1]{\ifcase #1\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\or Winter\or Spring\or Summer\or Fall\else {#1}\fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACrefYearMonthDay} % Year, month, and day in the reference list. Often used for newspaper articles % and presentations at conferences. By default, this results in something like % ``(2005, July~5)''. The month and day should be seen as parenthetical % refinements of the year, so that in other languages, the year should be % named first as well, regardless of the conventions for representing dates in % such languages. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\APACrefYearMonthDay}[3]{% {\BBOP}{#1}% year (+ addendum); should not be empty \ifx\@empty#2\@empty \ifx\@empty#3\@empty \else \unskip, {#3}% day \fi \else \unskip, {#2}% month \ifx\@empty#3\@empty \else \unskip~{#3}% day \fi \fi {\BBCP}% closing parenthesis } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APACdate} % A date in the ordinary form, like \cmd{\today}. This is needed for processing % the \fieldname{lastchecked} field. Should be able to handle dates in both % typical \LaTeX{} input format (|2005/07/05|) and ISO format % (|2005-07-05|, possibly with time after it, which will be ignored). Maybe % other formats as well; e.g., |20050705|, as in the Un*x |touch| command. % Not yet implemented. % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Ordinal numbers} % % Some functions, for use with the \fieldname{edition} field, which transform % a (cardinal) number (``1'', ``2'', \dots) to an ordinal number (``1st'', % ``2nd'', \dots). % % I copied the functions here literally from \fname{amsrefs.dtx} (starting % with \cmd{\PrintEdition} there) and made only one slight adaptation: removing % \cmd{\editiontext}. In the \APACversiondate{2007/09/03} version of % \pkg{apacite}, \cmd{\PrintOrdinal} and \cmd{\print@ordinal} were called % \cmd{\PrintCardinal} and \cmd{\print@cardinal}, respectively, and what is % called ``ordinal'' now was called ``cardinal''. This terminology was copied % from the documentation of \pkg{amsrefs}, but it is incorrect and has % therefore been changed in the current version. This causes a slight % incompatibility between versions of \pkg{apacite}. So in case users have % redefined one of these macros to fit their own needs, they should rename % these accordingly. Note, however, that the current version of \pkg{apacite} % redefines these macros in the language-specific files, so for most users, % this will presumably be sufficient. % % \begin{macro}{\@xp} % Abbreviation. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@xp\expandafter % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\PrintOrdinal} % \begin{macro}{\print@ordinal} % \begin{macro}{\CardinalNumeric} % \begin{macro}{\keep@last@digit} % |\PrintOrdinal{2}| gives ``2nd'', etc. If the argument is not an integer % number, it is copied literally to the output. At least, apparently, because % I do not really understand how it works. The \pkg{amsrefs} documentation % suggests that \cmd{\CardinalNumeric} already gives the ordinal number % (incorrectly called ``cardinal number'' there), and the name % \cmd{\CardinalNumeric} without `|@|' sign likewise suggests that it is a % user command, but some tests using this give garbage. Therefore, % \cmd{\PrintOrdinal} (a slight adaptation of \pkg{amsrefs}' % \cmd{\PrintEdition}) is the command that ultimately should be used. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\PrintOrdinal}[1]{% \afterassignment\print@ordinal \count@ 0#1\relax\@nil } \def\print@ordinal#1#2\@nil{% \ifx\relax#1\relax \ifnum\count@>\z@ \CardinalNumeric\count@ \else ??th% \fi \else \ifnum \count@>\z@ \number\count@ \fi #1#2\relax \fi } \newcommand{\CardinalNumeric}[1]{% \number#1\relax \if \ifnum#1<14 \ifnum#1>\thr@@ T\else F\fi \else F% \fi T% th% \else \@xp\keep@last@digit\@xp#1\number#1\relax \ifcase#1th\or st\or nd\or rd\else th\fi \fi } \def\keep@last@digit#1#2{% \ifx\relax#2% \@xp\@gobbletwo \else #1=#2\relax \fi \keep@last@digit#1% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % Load language dependent sections from an external file. Based on code by % Stefan Bj\"ork [2004/12/25], although heavily modified. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% % \end{macrocode} % Both \pkg{babel} and \pkg{(n)german} use \cmd{\iflanguage} to check the main % language. They both also use \cmd{\languagename}, but that gives more % problems with ``dialects''. For example, if \cmd{\languagename} = |austrian| % then |\iflanguage{german}{Yes}{No}| gives Yes. This allows us to provide only % \fname{.apc} files for the language class without complicated code to check % whether a certain ``dialect'' is used. % % Check whether \cmd{\iflanguage} is defined. If not, no language support % is offered. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{iflanguage}% {\relax }% {% % \end{macrocode} % Some \TeX{} distributions automatically preload \pkg{babel} with default % language ``|nohyphenation|'', so this language should revert to doing % nothing. Strangely enough, \cmd{\iflanguage} does not work correctly, so % I'll use a trick. (Some trial and error, because \fname{babel.dtx} states % that there must be a ``\verb*+\string +'' before the ``|nohyphenation|'', % but apparently in this situation this is not the case.) % \begin{macrocode} \edef\APAC@tmp{nohyphenation}% \ifx\languagename\APAC@tmp \else % \end{macrocode} % Check whether $\langle$\cmd{\languagename}$\rangle$\fname{.apc} exists. % If so, load this file. % \begin{macrocode} \InputIfFileExists{\languagename.apc}{}{% % \end{macrocode} % Else, i.e., $\langle$\cmd{\languagename}$\rangle$\fname{.apc} does not % exist. Try whether the current language is a dialect of one of the % known languages. This is not perfect, because languages for which no % hyphenation patterns have been found revert to the default language, % so that the wrong language file may be loaded here in that case. Also, % |UKenglish| uses different hyphenation patterns from |english|. I have % to find a better way to solve this. % % \begin{macro}{\APAC@iflang} % Define a modification of \cmd{\iflanguage} that executes the ``true'' % code if the language is defined and equal to the current language and % does nothing otherwise. (Just \cmd{\iflanguage} gives an error if the % language is not loaded.) % \begin{macrocode} \def\APAC@iflang##1##2{% \expandafter\ifx\csname l@##1\endcsname\relax \else \ifnum\csname l@##1\endcsname=\language {##2}% \fi \fi }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\APAC@apcfile} % Define the language support file. The \cmd{\def} instead of a direct % \cmd{\input} is done to provide a mechanism to check whether any % language file has been defined. % \begin{macrocode} \APAC@iflang{dutch}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{dutch.apc}}% \APAC@iflang{finnish}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{finnish.apc}}% \APAC@iflang{french}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{french.apc}}% \APAC@iflang{german}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{german.apc}}% \APAC@iflang{ngerman}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{ngerman.apc}}% \APAC@iflang{greek}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{greek.apc}}% \APAC@iflang{norsk}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{norsk.apc}}% \APAC@iflang{spanish}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{spanish.apc}}% \APAC@iflang{swedish}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{swedish.apc}}% % \end{macrocode} % The hyphenation patterns for UK English are different from % US English, so this needs to be accommodated explicitly to avoid a % warning. Australian, New Zealand, and Canadian all use either the % British or American hyphenation patterns, so do not need to be % treated separately here. % \begin{macrocode} \APAC@iflang{UKenglish}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{english.apc}}% % \end{macrocode} % The default English as the last one. If a language is loaded without % hyphenation patterns, the English hyphenation patterns are used by % default in \pkg{babel}. In such a case, both this particular % language and English give a hit. Having English as the last one % means that in such a case, \pkg{apacite} assigns English, % corresponding with \pkg{babel}'s default. % \begin{macrocode} \APAC@iflang{english}{\gdef\APAC@apcfile{english.apc}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Give a warning if the process so far has not resulted in a target % language file, or if the target language file cannot be found. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{APAC@apcfile}{% \PackageWarningNoLine{apacite}{% No suitable language definition file (\languagename.apc) found}% }{% \InputIfFileExists{\APAC@apcfile}{}{% \PackageWarningNoLine{apacite}{% Language definition file \APAC@apcfile\space not found}% }% }% % \end{macrocode} % Clear up some macros that are no longer needed. % \begin{macrocode} \let\APAC@apcfile\@undefined }% \fi \let\APAC@tmp\@undefined }% \let\APAC@iflang\@undefined } %% % % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{Documentation package (\fname{apacdoc.sty})} % The \pkg{apacdoc} package is written for generating the \pkg{apacite} % user's manual. But it also contains a few commands that are too % experimental or otherwise unsuitable to be included in \fname{apacite.sty}, % but which are necessary to format some examples from the APA manual % correctly. As such, these commands may be useful for users if they % encounter similar citation problems. In such a case, it is probably % better to copy the definitions of the desired commands to the top % of your \fname{.tex} document (before \verb+\begin{document}+) or % to a tailor-made \fname{.sty} file, rather than loading the \pkg{apacdoc} % package. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*docpkg> %% %% apacdoc.sty : Style package that is used for the apacite documentation. %% Written by Erik Meijer % Generate Author Index? \newif\if@APACdoc@AX \DeclareOption{makeAX}{\@APACdoc@AXtrue}% \@APACdoc@AXfalse \ProcessOptions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% DOCUMENT-SPECIFIC DEFINITIONS THAT MAY BE USEFUL FOR WIDER USE. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Echo argument literally. Can be used to define a certain author type % (``Producer'') in a place where \BibTeX{} expects a first name. % Using this command between a pair of braces makes sure that the text % is not abbreviated into an initial. %%\DeclareRobustCommand{\bibliteral}[1]{\string\bibliteral{#1}} %%\newcommand{\bibliteral}[1]{#1} %%\newcommand{\bibliteral}[1]{\string\bibliteral{#1}} %% This is the result of lots of trial and error. If I change something %% in another part, I typically have to change something here as well. %% The \space is necessary because in the current setup, an additional %% space is inserted in the bibliography, and MakeIndex is space-sensitive. \newcommand{\bibliteral}[1]{\string\bibliteral\space{#1}} \DeclareRobustCommand{\bibinitial}[1]{\string#1} %\newcommand{\bibinitial}{\string\bibinitial\space} % If the argument is a period (`.'), \BibTeX{} puts no period after it. \newcommand{\bibnodot}[1]{} % For ``On cdtitle [CD]'' etc., to be used instead of ``In''. \newcommand{\BOn}{On} % Reverse order. Can be used for various reasons. \newcommand{\SwapArgs}[2]{#2#1} % The following macro is esp. useful if the year field must be different % in text and in reference list. E.g., if 1992/1993 in text and 1992 % in reference list. Then year can be defined as \bibreftext{1992}{1992/1993}. % The definition below displays only the second argument (``text''). % Just before the reference list, this can then be changed to % display only the first argument (``ref''). \newcommand{\bibreftext}[2]{#2} % The same command, but now intended for Dutch-style ``von'' parts. \newcommand{\Dutchvon}[2]{#2} % The following macro changes the definitions of the macros \BED and \BEDS % to the argument and then immediately changes the definitions back to their % old definitions. So it makes a one-time change. Can be used to use % ``Producer'' instead of ``Ed.'' etc. \DeclareRobustCommand{\bibeditortype}[1]{\relax }% \def\renewbibeditortype{% \def\oldBED{}% \def\oldBEDS{}% \DeclareRobustCommand{\bibeditortype}[1]{% \global\let\oldBED\BED \global\let\oldBEDS\BEDS \global\def\BED{##1\global\let\BED\oldBED \global\let\BEDS\oldBEDS}% \global\def\BEDS{##1\global\let\BED\oldBED \global\let\BEDS\oldBEDS}% }% } % The following macro changes the definition of the macro \BIn to the % argument and then immediately changes the definition back to the old % definition. So it makes a one-time change. Can be used to use ``On'' % instead of ``In'' for a CD-track. \newcommand{\bibInstring}[1]{% \global\let\oldBIn\BIn \global\def\BIn{#1\global\let\BIn\oldBIn}% } % The following macros are used to change ``Retrieved'' into % ``Abstract retrieved''. They use the same principle as \renewbibeditortype. \global\def\BAbstractRetrieved#1{Abstract retrieved {#1}, from\ }% \DeclareRobustCommand{\BmakeAbstractRetrieved}{% \global\def\oldBRetrieved{}% \global\let\oldBRetrieved\BRetrieved \global\def\BRetrieved##1{% \BAbstractRetrieved{##1}% \global\let\BRetrieved\oldBRetrieved% }% } % Suppress ``ed.'' to format ``Version 4.0'' in an edition field. \DeclareRobustCommand{\noedition}{% \global\def\oldBEd{}% \global\let\oldBEd\BEd \global\def\BEd{% \unskip \global\let\BEd\oldBEd }% } % The \bibskipbracenodot macro suppresses the period after a following closing % brace. It does not work entirely well at the moment. In particular, it % works differently in an \AX macro in text and an \AX macro in the % reference list. This has something to do with robust vs. fragile macros % and/or expansion of the macro. I have experimented a lot with many % variations, but don't seem to get it right. I don't understand these % issues well yet. \def\swallownext#1{\relax} \def\swallowdot{% \@ifnextchar.% {\swallownext}% {\relax}% } % When the above does not work, \bibskipbracenodot should reduce to nothing. % This is the current definition. Just before the bibliography, it is % redefined. %\def\bibskipbracenodot{\string\bibskipbracenodot} \def\bibskipbracenodot{\noexpand\bibskipbracenodot} %\def\bibskipbracenodot{\aftergroup\swallowdot} %\let\bibskipbracenodot\relax \def\indexskipbracenodot{\noexpand\indexskipbracenodot} \newcommand{\APACmanBeforeBib}{% % Redefine commands that should be different in the bibliography. \renewcommand{\bibreftext}[2]{##1}% \renewcommand{\Dutchvon}[2]{##1}% \renewbibeditortype \global\let\oldbibskipbracenodot\bibskipbracenodot \global\def\bibskipbracenodot{\aftergroup\swallowdot}% \global\let\oldbibliteral\bibliteral \renewcommand{\bibliteral}[1]{##1}% \global\let\oldbibinitial\bibinitial \renewcommand{\bibinitial}[1]{##1}% } % Dirty trick: request apacitex.bst if apacite is loaded with one of the % index options, and request apacite.bst otherwise. \def\APACbibstyle{% \if@APAC@index apacitex% with index option \else apacite% without index option \fi } \newcommand{\APACmanBeforeIndex}{% \clearpage % Redefine commands that should be different in the author index. \renewcommand{\bibeditortype}[1]{}% \renewcommand{\bibliteral}[1]{\unskip}% \global\let\indexskipbracenodot\bibskipbracenodot } \newcommand{\APACmanAfterIndex}{% % Revert to old definitions of commands. \global\let\bibskipbracenodot\oldbibskipbracenodot \global\def\indexskipbracenodot{\noexpand\indexskipbracenodot}% \APACdocindex } % Redefine some indexing-related commands from doc.sty and ltxdoc.cls % Unfortunately, I couldn't get the code index and change history % working with the index package, so I have to tweak everything so % that the apacite manual does not use the index package (which is % loaded by apacite when an index option is requested). \@ifundefined{IndexPrologue}{}{% \IndexPrologue{\clearpage\section*{{Code Index}}% \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Code Index}% \markboth{{Code Index}}{{Code Index}}% Numbers written in italic refer to the page where the corresponding entry is described; numbers underlined refer to the \ifcodeline@index code line of the \fi definition; numbers in roman refer to the \ifcodeline@index code lines \else pages \fi where the entry is used. }% } \@ifundefined{GlossaryPrologue}{}{% \GlossaryPrologue{\section{{Change History}}% \markboth{{Change History}}{{Change History}}% }% } % From doc.dtx \def\APACdocindex{% \ifhave@multicol \renewenvironment{theindex} {\begin{multicols}\c@IndexColumns[\index@prologue][\IndexMin]% \IndexParms \let\item\@idxitem \ignorespaces}% {\end{multicols}} \else \typeout{Can't find multicol.sty -- will use normal index layout if necessary.} \def\theindex{\@restonecoltrue\if@twocolumn\@restonecolfalse\fi \columnseprule \z@ \columnsep 35\p@ \twocolumn[\index@prologue]% \IndexParms \let\item\@idxitem \ignorespaces} \def\endtheindex{\if@restonecol\onecolumn\else\clearpage\fi} \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% CITATIONS TO THE BIBLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The APA manual gives some rules how the Bible and other classic % works should be cited. These rules are not implemented in standard % apacite, so I provide a workaround here. %%% To define which Bible version you used. \def\bibleversion#1{\gdef\@bibleversion{#1}} \def\@bibleversion{Revised Standard Version} \def\bibleciteA#1{% % If this is the first citation, add bible version. {\@ifundefined{flag@bible}% {\fullbibleciteA{#1}}% {\shortbibleciteA{#1}}% }% } \def\fullbibleciteA#1{% % Insert relevant chapter and verse. {#1}% { \BBOP\@bibleversion\BBCP}% % Flag that bible has been cited. {\global\expandafter\def\csname flag@bible\endcsname{DUMMY}}% } \def\shortbibleciteA#1{% % Insert relevant chapter and verse. {#1}% % Flag that bible has been cited (is this appropriate?). {\global\expandafter\def\csname flag@bible\endcsname{DUMMY}}% } \def\biblecite#1{% % If this is the first citation, add bible version. {\@ifundefined{flag@bible}% {\fullbiblecite{#1}}% {\shortbiblecite{#1}}% }% } \def\fullbiblecite#1{% % Open parenthesis. {\BBOP}% % Insert relevant chapter and verse. {#1}% % Add bible version. {\BBAY{} \@bibleversion}% % Close parenthesis. {\BBCP}% % Flag that bible has been cited. {\global\expandafter\def\csname flag@bible\endcsname{DUMMY}}% } \def\shortbiblecite#1{% % Open parenthesis. {\BBOP}% % Insert relevant chapter and verse. {#1}% % Close parenthesis. {\BBCP}% % Flag that bible has been cited (is this appropriate?). {\global\expandafter\def\csname flag@bible\endcsname{DUMMY}}% } \def\bibleciteNP#1{% % If this is the first citation, add bible version. {\@ifundefined{flag@bible}% {\fullbibleciteNP{#1}}% {\shortbibleciteNP{#1}}% }% } \def\fullbibleciteNP#1{% % Insert relevant chapter and verse. {#1}% % Add bible version. {\BBAY{} \@bibleversion}% % Flag that bible has been cited. {\global\expandafter\def\csname flag@bible\endcsname{DUMMY}}% } \def\shortbibleciteNP#1{% % Insert relevant chapter and verse. {#1}% % Flag that bible has been cited (is this appropriate?). {\global\expandafter\def\csname flag@bible\endcsname{DUMMY}}% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% COMMANDS TO CITE SONGS. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The APA manual gives some rules how songs should be cited. These % rules require some tweaking of standard apacite. This is done here. \newcommand{\bibsong}[4]{} \newcommand{\citeAsong}[1]{% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{% \APACciteatitle{##3} {\BBOP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}{\BBCP}% }% \citeauthor{#1}% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}% } \newcommand{\fullciteAsong}[1]{% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{% \APACciteatitle{##3} {\BBOP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}{\BBCP}% }% \fullciteauthor{#1}% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}% } \newcommand{\shortciteAsong}[1]{% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{% \APACciteatitle{##3} {\BBOP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}{\BBCP}% }% \shortciteauthor{#1}% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}% } \newcommand{\citesong}[1]{% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{% {\BBOP}\APACciteatitle{##3},{\BAP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}{\BBCP}% }% \citeauthor{#1}% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}% } \newcommand{\fullcitesong}[1]{% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{% {\BBOP}\APACciteatitle{##3},{\BAP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}{\BBCP}% }% \fullciteauthor{#1}% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}% } \newcommand{\shortcitesong}[1]{% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{% {\BBOP}\APACciteatitle{##3},{\BAP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}{\BBCP}% }% \shortciteauthor{#1}% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}% } \newcommand{\citesongNP}[1]{% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{% \APACciteatitle{##3},{\BAP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}% }% \citeauthor{#1}% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}% } \newcommand{\fullcitesongNP}[1]{% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{% \APACciteatitle{##3},{\BAP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}% }% \fullciteauthor{#1}% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}% } \newcommand{\shortcitesongNP}[1]{% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{% \APACciteatitle{##3},{\BAP}{##1}{\BBAY}{##2}{\BBN}{##4}% }% \shortciteauthor{#1}% \def\bibsong##1##2##3##4{}% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% COMMANDS TO CITE DSM. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The APA manual gives some rules how the DSM should be cited, which % is a bit different from ordinary citations. These rules are not % implemented in standard apacite, so I provide a workaround here. \DeclareRobustCommand{\bibDSM}[4]{#1} % author, title, edition, abbreviated title % Default prints author, so you get something decent if % an ordinary cite is used. \def\origbibDSM{} \let\origbibDSM\bibDSM \newcommand{\DSMauthor}[1]{% \def\bibDSM##1##2##3##4{##1}% \citeauthor{#1}% \let\bibDSM\origbibDSM } \newcommand{\DSMfulltitle}[1]{% \def\bibDSM##1##2##3##4{##2}% \citeauthor{#1}% \let\bibDSM\origbibDSM } \newcommand{\DSMshorttitle}[1]{% \def\bibDSM##1##2##3##4{##4}% \citeauthor{#1}% \let\bibDSM\origbibDSM } \newcommand{\DSMedition}[1]{% \def\bibDSM##1##2##3##4{##3}% \citeauthor{#1}% \let\bibDSM\origbibDSM } \newcommand{\DSMciteA}[1]{% \@for\@citeb:=#1\do{% % Removes a possible space before the citation key \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}% % Is this the first citation? \@ifundefined{flag@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}% {\DSMfullciteA{#1}}% {\DSMshortciteA{#1}}% }% } \newcommand{\DSMfullciteA}[1]{% % \emph{Full Title} (edition; \emph{Short Title}; author, year) \APACcitebtitle{\DSMfulltitle{#1}} \BBOP \DSMedition{#1}; \APACcitebtitle{\DSMshorttitle{#1}}; \citeNP{#1}% \BBCP } \newcommand{\DSMshortciteA}[1]{% % \emph{Short Title} \APACcitebtitle{\DSMshorttitle{#1}}% } \newcommand{\DSMcite}[1]{% \@for\@citeb:=#1\do{% % Removes a possible space before the citation key \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}% % Is this the first citation? \@ifundefined{flag@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}% {\DSMfullcite{#1}}% {\DSMshortcite{#1}}% }% } \newcommand{\DSMfullcite}[1]{% % (\emph{Full Title}, edition; \emph{Short Title}; author, year) \BBOP \APACcitebtitle{\DSMfulltitle{#1}}, \DSMedition{#1}; \APACcitebtitle{\DSMshorttitle{#1}}; \citeNP{#1}% \BBCP } \newcommand{\DSMshortcite}[1]{% % (\emph{Short Title}) \BBOP\APACcitebtitle{\DSMshorttitle{#1}}\BBCP } \newcommand{\DSMciteNP}[1]{% \@for\@citeb:=#1\do{% % Removes a possible space before the citation key \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}% % Is this the first citation? \@ifundefined{flag@\@citeb\APAC@extra@b@citeb}% {\DSMfullciteNP{#1}}% {\DSMshortciteNP{#1}}% }% } \newcommand{\DSMfullciteNP}[1]{% % (\emph{Full Title}, edition; \emph{Short Title}; author, year) \APACcitebtitle{\DSMfulltitle{#1}}, \DSMedition{#1}; \APACcitebtitle{\DSMshorttitle{#1}}; \citeNP{#1}% } \newcommand{\DSMshortciteNP}[1]{% % (\emph{Short Title}) \APACcitebtitle{\DSMshorttitle{#1}}% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% DOCUMENT-SPECIFIC DEFINITIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % These are some commands that are used in this document, but are % presumably not especially relevant for users. \@ifundefined{BibTeX}{% \def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}% copied from bibtex.web }{} \newcommand{\MakeIndex}{\textit{MakeIndex}} \newcommand{\latextohtml}{\textup{\LaTeX2\texttt{HTML}}}% from html.sty \newcommand{\LaTeXrtf}{\textup{\LaTeX2RTF}}% \newcommand{\TeXht}{\textup{\TeX4ht}}% \newcommand{\Perl}{\textsl{Perl}}% % My comments accompanying the examples. \newcommand{\EM}{\ensuremath{\triangleright\quad}} % The date of a version of apacite. Makes it easy to search the document % for these dates. The \relax is a safety measure (probably not needed), % which ensures that the square brackets are never interpreted as an % optional argument. \newcommand{\APACversiondate}[1]{\relax [#1]} \newcommand{\LC}{\mbox{${}^{\dag}$}}% \LaTeX{} Companion \newcommand{\X}{\ensuremath{\times}}% for one table \newcommand{\Y}{\ensuremath{c}}% for one table \newcommand{\A}{\ensuremath{a}}% for one table \newcommand{\pkg}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% package name \newcommand{\fname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% file name \newcommand{\fieldname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% field name \newcommand{\entryname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% entry type name \newcommand{\pkgoption}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% package option \newcommand{\envirname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% environment name \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifundefined{cmd}{% \newcommand{\cmd}[1]{\texttt{\string#1}}% command, incl. `\' }{}% } % Some trickery with backslashes and @ signs. \newcommand{\bs}{{\ttfamily \@backslashchar}}% backslash \newcommand{\opt}[1]{$\langle${\itshape #1}$\rangle$}% generic text % For \nocite{keys}: \newcommand{\cmdtwo}[2]{{\mdseries\bs\texttt{#1\{}\opt{#2}% \texttt{\}}}}% % For \cite[post]{keys}: \newcommand{\cmdthree}[3]{{\mdseries\bs\texttt{#1[}\opt{#2}% \texttt{]\{}\opt{#3}% \texttt{\}}}}% % For \cite
% For \usepackage[options]{apacite}:
% For all \cite
[post]{keys} variants:

% It is not clear where and how the \flqq command is defined, so provide
% an escape if it is not available. Use definitions from fguill.sty,
% included here to avoid requiring a package that may not be available.

    \setlength{\hoffset}{-1in} % top-left reference point is
    \setlength{\voffset}{-1in} % the top-left corner of the page


% Start with doc page layout
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{Language definition files}
% This section describes the code for the language-specific files
% supplied with \pkg{apacite}.
% \subsection{\fname{english.apc}}
% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
% for the English language and its ``dialects'' in \pkg{babel}
% terminology.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% english.apc - english version of apacite elements
%% Written by Erik Meijer
\renewcommand{\refname}{References}% Name of ref. list if it's a section.
\renewcommand{\bibname}{References}% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter.
\renewcommand{\authorindexname}{Author Index}% Name of Author Index
%% A note before the references if a meta-analysis is reported.
  References marked with an asterisk indicate studies
  included in the meta-analysis.}%
%% Commands for specific types of @misc entries.
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogram}{Computer program}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{Computer program manual}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{Computer program and manual}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftware}{Computer software}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{Computer software manual}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{Computer software and manual}%
\renewcommand{\bibprogramminglanguage}{Programming language}%
%% Other labels
\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{n.d.\hbox{}}%   % ``no date''
\renewcommand{\BIP}{in press}%            % ``in press''
\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}% ``and others''
\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}% ``and others'' with a period
\renewcommand{\BIn}{In}%                  % for ``In '' editor...
\renewcommand{\Bby}{by}%                  % for ``by '' editor... (in reprints)
\renewcommand{\BED}{Ed.\hbox{}}%          % editor
\renewcommand{\BEDS}{Eds.\hbox{}}%        % editors
\renewcommand{\BTRANS}{Trans.\hbox{}}%    % translator
\renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{Trans.\hbox{}}%   % translators
\renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{trans.\hbox{}}%   % translation, for the year field
\renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{Chair}%            % chair of symposium
\renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{Chairs}%          % chairs
\renewcommand{\BVOL}{Vol.\hbox{}}%        % volume
\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{Vols.\hbox{}}%      % volumes
\renewcommand{\BNUM}{No.\hbox{}}%         % number
\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{Nos.\hbox{}}%       % numbers
\renewcommand{\BEd}{ed.\hbox{}}%          % edition
\renewcommand{\BCHAP}{chap.\hbox{}}%      % chapter
\renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{chap.\hbox{}}%     % chapters
\renewcommand{\BPG}{p.\hbox{}}%           % page
\renewcommand{\BPGS}{pp.\hbox{}}%         % pages
%% Default technical report type name.
\renewcommand{\BTR}{Tech.\ Rep.\hbox{}}
%% Default PhD thesis type name.
\renewcommand{\BPhD}{Doctoral dissertation}
%% Default unpublished PhD thesis type name.
\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{Unpublished doctoral dissertation}
%% Default master's thesis type name.
\renewcommand{\BMTh}{Master's thesis}
%% Default unpublished master's thesis type name.
\renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Unpublished master's thesis}
\renewcommand{\BAuthor}{Author}% ``Author'' if publisher = author
\renewcommand{\BOWP}{Original work published}%
\renewcommand{\BREPR}{Reprinted from}%
\renewcommand{\BAvailFrom}{Available from\ }%        Websites; note the space.
%% The argument is the date on which it was last checked.
\renewcommand{\BRetrieved}[1]{Retrieved {#1}, from\ }% Websites; note the space.
\renewcommand{\BMsgPostedTo}{Message posted to\ }%     Messages; note the space.
%% Punctuation
\renewcommand{\BBOP}{(}%   opening parenthesis
\renewcommand{\BBCP}{)}%   closing parenthesis
\renewcommand{\BBOQ}{}%    opening quote for article title
\renewcommand{\BBCQ}{}%    closing quote for article title
\renewcommand{\BBAA}{\&}%  between authors in parenthetical cites and ref. list
\renewcommand{\BBAB}{and}% between authors in in-text citation
\renewcommand{\BAnd}{\&}%  for ``Ed. \& Trans.'' in ref. list
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BPBI}{.~}% Period between initials
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BHBI}{.-}% Hyphen between initials
\renewcommand{\BAP}{ }%   after prefix, before first citation
\renewcommand{\BBAY}{, }% between author(s) and year
\renewcommand{\BBYY}{, }% between years of multiple citations with same author
\renewcommand{\BBC}{; }%  between cites
\renewcommand{\BBN}{, }%  before note
\renewcommand{\BCBT}{,}%  comma between authors in ref. list when no. of
                      %%  authors = 2
\renewcommand{\BCBL}{,}%  comma before last author when no. of authors > 2
%% Date formatting
\renewcommand{\APACmonth}[1]{\ifcase #1\or January\or February\or March\or
    April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or
    November\or December\or Winter\or Spring\or Summer\or Fall\else
  {\BBOP}{#1}%           year (+ addendum); should not be empty
      \unskip, {#3}%     day
    \unskip, {#2}%       month
      \unskip~{#3}%      day
  {\BBCP}%               closing parenthesis
%% Some macros that transform a number (say, `2') to an ordinal one (`2nd')
    \count@ 0#1\relax\@nil
        \ifnum \count@>\z@ \number\count@ \fi
            \ifnum#1>\thr@@ T\else F\fi
        \ifcase#1th\or st\or nd\or rd\else th\fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% Differences between different versions of English, in particular British
% and Australian vs.\ the default American.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\edef\APAC@tempa{\string UKenglish}%
\edef\APAC@tempa{\string british}%
    \renewcommand{\BCBT}{}% no comma before `\&' in British
    \renewcommand{\BCBL}{}% no comma before `\&' in British
%    \end{macrocode}
% According to \pkg{babel}'s \fname{english.dtx}, in UK English, the date
% is of the form 1st~January, although I thought January~1st was more common.
%    \begin{macrocode}
      {\BBOP}{#1}%           year (+ addendum); should not be empty
          \unskip, {#2}%     month
        \unskip, {\PrintOrdinal{#3}}%   day
          \unskip~{#2}%      month
      {\BBCP}%               closing parenthesis
\edef\APAC@tempa{\string australian}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% New Zealand is equivalent to Australian for our purposes.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\edef\APAC@tempa{\string newzealand}%
    \renewcommand{\BCBT}{}% no comma before `\&' in AU/NZ (?)
    \renewcommand{\BCBL}{}% no comma before `\&' in AU/NZ (?)
%    \end{macrocode}
% According to \pkg{babel}'s \fname{english.dtx}, In Australian and New
% Zealand, the date is of the form 1~January.
%    \begin{macrocode}
      {\BBOP}{#1}%           year (+ addendum); should not be empty
          \unskip, {#2}%     month
        \unskip, {#3}%       day
          \unskip~{#2}%      month
      {\BBCP}%               closing parenthesis
    \immediate\typeout{NOT AUSTRALIAN!!!}% for checking that it works
%    \end{macrocode}
% Clear up some macros that are no longer needed.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{\fname{dutch.apc}}
% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
% for the Dutch language. The \pkg{babel} package considers Afrikaans
% as a ``dialect'' of Dutch, but my limited knowledge of Afrikaans
% suggests that most words are spelt differently (though are phonetically
% similar), and many other words are simply different. So I doubt whether
% this file can be directly applied to Afrikaans.
% For compiling the translated elements, the following sources were
% used:
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item Instructions for the Dutch psychology journal ``De Psycholoog''
%       \cite{DePsych01}; indicated below as ``DP''.
% \item Instructions for the Dutch psychology journal ``Nederlands Tijdschrift
%       voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden'' \cite{NTPG04};
%       indicated below as ``NTPG''.
% \item Instructions from the well-known book
%       \APACcitebtitle{Schrijfwijzer} \cite[pp.~404--410]{Renk02};
%       indicated below as ``SW''.
% \item The previous three all state that their rules are adapted from the
%       APA manual. For translations that are not explicitly mentioned in
%       these sources, I used the extensive reference list from \citeA{Schr04}.
% \item Finally, I consulted the \emph{Van Dale} English-Dutch dictionary
%       \cite{VanDale89}.
% \end{enumerate}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% dutch.apc - dutch translation of apacite elements
%% Written by Erik Meijer
%% DP   = De Psycholoog
%% NTPG = Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden
%% SW   = Schrijfwijzer
%    \end{macrocode}
% Name of the reference list according to DP and NTPG.
% SW gives the following general names:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item
% ``Literatuuropgave'' [literally approx. ``Literature specification'']
% \item
% ``Literatuurlijst''  [literally ``Literature list'']
% \end{itemize}
% For more specific applications, SW gives the following names:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item
% ``Bibliografie'' [``Bibliography'', ``a more or less complete survey
%                  of publications in a certain area'']
% \item
% ``Geraadpleegde literatuur'' [``Consulted literature'']
% \item
% ``Aangehaalde literatuur'' [``Referenced literature'']
% \end{itemize}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\renewcommand{\refname}{Literatuur}% Name of ref. list if it's a section.
\renewcommand{\bibname}{Literatuur}% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter.
\renewcommand{\authorindexname}{Auteursindex}% Name of author index
%% A note before the references if a meta-analysis is reported.
  Met een asterisk gemarkeerde referenties betreffen studies die in de
  meta-analyse zijn gebruikt.}%
%% Commands for specific types of @misc entries.
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{Handleiding van computerprogramma}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{Computerprogramma en handleiding}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{Handleiding van computersoftware}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{Computersoftware en handleiding}%
%% Other labels
\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{z.~j.\hbox{}}% [SW] (``zonder jaartal'')
\renewcommand{\BIP}{te verschijnen}%   % [SW]
\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}%       % [DP]
\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}% % [DP]
%% NTPG requires the following, SW allows both variants:
%% \renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{e.~a.\hbox{}}%       % [NTPG]
%% \renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{e.~a.\hbox{}}% % [NTPG]
\renewcommand{\BIn}{In}%    % for ``In '' editor...
\renewcommand{\Bby}{door}%  % for ``by '' editor... (in reprints)
%    \end{macrocode}
% ``Editor(s)'' is almost impossible to get right in Dutch, because SW
% and DP require the translation of ``editor(s)'' to be dependent on
% the language in which the referenced work is written:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item
% ``Red.'' (or ``red.'') for referenced works in Dutch
% \item
% ``Ed.''/``Eds.''       for referenced works in English
% \item
% ``Hrsg.''              for referenced works in German
% \item
% ``edt.''               for referenced works in French
% \end{itemize}
% NTPG does not give an explicit rule for this, but only an example
% in which an English work is referenced and ``Ed.'' is used.
% For the moment, I think it makes most sense to give the Dutch versions here:
%    \begin{macrocode}
\renewcommand{\BED}{red.\hbox{}}%          % [DP] (SW gives ``Red.'')
\renewcommand{\BEDS}{red.\hbox{}}%         % [DP] (SW gives ``Red.'')
%    \end{macrocode}
% Translators should not be mentioned according to DP.
% NTPG does not explain how to format this.
% SW gives a completely different format: ``Vertaald door:''
% [``Translated by:''] followed by the name of the translator, or if the
% translator is unknown: ``Vertaling van:'' [``Translation of:'']
% followed by the original title. This is much too complicated, so I'll
% choose a simple alternative.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\renewcommand{\BTRANS}{vert.\hbox{}}%   translator
\renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{vert.\hbox{}}%  translators
\renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{vert.\hbox{}}%  translation, for the year field
\renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{voorz.\hbox{}}%  chair of symposium
\renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{voorz.\hbox{}}% chairs
%    \end{macrocode}
% ``Volume'' according to SW. NTPG gives an example with ``Vol.'' but this is
% presumably dependent on the language of the referenced work as well.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\renewcommand{\BVOL}{Dl.\hbox{}}%       volume  [SW]
\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{Dl.\hbox{}}%      volumes [SW]
\renewcommand{\BNUM}{nr.\hbox{}}%       number  [SW]
\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{nr.\hbox{}}%      numbers [SW]
\renewcommand{\BEd}{dr.\hbox{}}%        edition [SW]
\renewcommand{\BCHAP}{hfdst.\hbox{}}%   chapter
\renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{hfdst.\hbox{}}%  chapters
\renewcommand{\BPG}{p.\hbox{}}%         page
\renewcommand{\BPGS}{pp.\hbox{}}% pages [SW]. DP gives ``p.'', NTPG both.
%    \end{macrocode}
% Literally translating ``Tech.'' as ``Technisch'' does not make sense.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% Default technical report type name.
%    \end{macrocode}
% There is no Dutch ``DAI'' and the distinction between ``published'' and
% ``unpublished'' PhD theses would generally be interpreted as ``published as
% a book with an official publisher'' vs.\ ``privately published''. All PhD
% theses in the Netherlands are required to be published with an ISBN number.
% Therefore, in my view it is better to use the same term for ``published''
% and ``unpublished''. (\citeNP{Schr04} use ``dissertatie''.)
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% Default PhD thesis type name.
\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{Academisch proefschrift}% ``published''
\renewcommand{\BPhD}{Academisch proefschrift}%  ``unpublished''
%    \end{macrocode}
% There is no official forum to publish abstracts of master's theses either,
% but, unlike PhD theses, they are (generally) unpublished.
% The term used here refers to the Dutch educational system until ca. 2003.
% Since ca. 2004, universities are gradually converting to a
% bachelor--master system, so it's likely that this term will have to be
% adapted in the near future.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% Default master's thesis type name.
\renewcommand{\BMTh}{Doctoraalscriptie}%  ``published''
\renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Doctoraalscriptie}% ``unpublished''
\renewcommand{\BAuthor}{Auteur}% ``Author'' if publisher = author
%    \end{macrocode}
% From DP. They also require the original title after the
% \fieldname{originalyear}. This is not implemented here.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\renewcommand{\BOWP}{Oorspronkelijke editie}% Original work published
\renewcommand{\BREPR}{Overgenomen uit}%       Reprinted from
%% Websites and newsgroups; note the spaces.
\newcommand{\BAvailFrom}{Available from\ }%                     ??? CHECK!!!
%% The argument is the date on which it was last checked.
\newcommand{\BRetrieved}[1]{Retrieved {#1}, from\ }%            ??? CHECK!!!
\newcommand{\BMsgPostedTo}{Message posted to\ }%                ??? CHECK!!!
%% Punctuation
\renewcommand{\BBOP}{(}% opening parenthesis
\renewcommand{\BBCP}{)}% closing parenthesis
\renewcommand{\BBOQ}{}%  opening quote for article title
\renewcommand{\BBCQ}{}%  closing quote for article title
\renewcommand{\BBAA}{\&}%  between authors in parenthetical cites and ref. list
\renewcommand{\BBAB}{en}%  between authors in in-text citation
\renewcommand{\BAnd}{\&}%  for ``Ed. \& Trans.'' in ref. list
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BPBI}{.~}% Period between initials
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BHBI}{.-}% Hyphen between initials
\renewcommand{\BAP}{ }%   after prefix, before first citation
\renewcommand{\BBAY}{, }% between author(s) and year
\renewcommand{\BBYY}{, }% between years of multiple citations with same author
\renewcommand{\BBC}{; }%  between cites
\renewcommand{\BBN}{, }%  before note
%% No commas according to DP and SW. NTPG uses the US/APA comma.
\renewcommand{\BCBT}{}%  comma between authors in ref. list when no. of
                     %%  authors = 2
\newcommand{\BCBL}{}%    comma before last author when no. of authors > 2
%% Date formatting
\renewcommand{\APACmonth}[1]{\ifcase #1\or januari\or februari\or maart\or
    april\or mei\or juni\or juli\or augustus\or september\or oktober\or
    november\or december\or winter\or lente\or zomer\or herfst\else
  {\BBOP}{#1}%           year (+ addendum); should not be empty
      \unskip, {#2}%     month
    \unskip, {#3}%       day
      \unskip~{#2}%      month
  {\BBCP}%               closing parenthesis
%% Some macros that transform a number (say, `2') to a ordinal one (`2nd')
    \count@ 0#1\relax\@nil
        \ifnum \count@>\z@ \number\count@ \fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% Dutch ordinal numbers are always obtained by simply putting an `e' after
% the number, so this (and perhaps the code above) can be significantly
% simplified. However, because I have trouble understanding this code (from
% the \pkg{amsrefs} package) and experimenting did not give the expected
% results, I won't mess with the code too much and stay close to the
% English code.
%    \begin{macrocode}
            \ifnum#1>\thr@@ T\else F\fi
        \ifcase#1e\else e\fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{\fname{finnish.apc}}
% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
% for the Finnish language. Based on \citeA[Appendix~E]{KLO05}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% finnish.apc - finnish version of apacite elements
%% Written by Kari Pyykk\"o
\renewcommand{\refname}{Viitteet}% Name of ref. list if it's a section.
\renewcommand{\bibname}{Viitteet}% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter.
\renewcommand{\authorindexname}{Tekij\"ahakemisto}% Name of Author Index
%% A note before the references if a meta-analysis is reported.
  Viitteet merkitty t\"ahtimerkeill\"a osoittaen opintojen
  sis\"altymist\"a meta-analyysiin.}%
%% Commands for specific types of @misc entries.
%% Msg
%% Computer program
%% Computer program manual
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{Tietokoneohjelman k\"asikirja}%
%% Computer program and manual
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{Tietokoneohjelma ja k\"asikirja}%
%% Computer software
%% Computer software manual
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{Ohjelmiston k\"asikirja}%
%% Computer software and manual
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{Ohjelmisto ja k\"asikirja}%
%% Programming language
%% Other labels
%% n.d.
\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{s.a.\hbox{}}%  ``no date'', ``sine anno''
%% in press
\renewcommand{\BIP}{painossa}%        % used as year for in-press citations
%% et al.: ``and others'', not necessarily with a period
\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}%
%% et al.: ``and others'' with a period
\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}%
%% In
\renewcommand{\BIn}{Teoksessa}%             ``In'' editor...
%% by
\renewcommand{\Bby}{teoksesta}%             ``by'' editor... (in reprints)
%% Ed.
\renewcommand{\BED}{toim.\hbox{}}%          editor
%% Eds.
\renewcommand{\BEDS}{toim.\hbox{}}%         editors
%% Trans.
\renewcommand{\BTRANS}{k\"a\"ant.\hbox{}}%  translator
%% Trans.
\renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{k\"a\"ant.\hbox{}}% translators
%% trans.
\renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{k\"a\"an.\hbox{}}%  translation, for the year field
%% Chair
\renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{pj.\hbox{}}%         chair of symposium
%% Chairs
\renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{pj.\hbox{}}%        chairs
%% Vol.
\renewcommand{\BVOL}{osa}%                  volume
%% Vols.
\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{osat}%                volumes
%% No.
\renewcommand{\BNUM}{nro}%                  number
%% Nos.
\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{nro}%                 numbers
%% ed.
\renewcommand{\BEd}{p.\hbox{}}%             edition
%% chap.
\renewcommand{\BCHAP}{luku}%                chapter
%% chap.
\renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{luvut}%              chapters
%% p.
\renewcommand{\BPG}{s.\hbox{}}%             page
%% pp.
\renewcommand{\BPGS}{s.\hbox{}}%            pages
%% Tech.\ Rep.
\renewcommand{\BTR}{Tekn.\ rap.\hbox{}}%    (default) technical report type name
%% (default) PhD thesis type name
%% (default) unpublished PhD thesis type name
\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{Julkaisematon v\"ait\"oskirja}%
%% (default) master's thesis type name
\renewcommand{\BMTh}{Pro gradu -tutkielma}%
%% (default) unpublished master's thesis type name
\renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Julkaisematon pro gradu -tutkielma}%
\renewcommand{\BAuthor}{Tekij\"a}% ``Author'' if publisher = author
%% Original work published
\renewcommand{\BOWP}{Alkuaan julk.\hbox{}}%
%% Reprinted from
\renewcommand{\BREPR}{Uudelleen julk.\hbox{}}%
%% (websites) Available from; note the space.
\renewcommand{\BAvailFrom}{Saatavilla\ }%
%% (websites) Retrieved ... from; note the space.
%% The argument is the date on which it was last checked.
\renewcommand{\BRetrieved}[1]{Lainattu {#1}, saatavilla\ }%
%% (newsgroups \& forums) Message posted to; note the space.
\renewcommand{\BMsgPostedTo}{Viesti l\"ahetetty\ }%
%% Punctuation
\renewcommand{\BBOP}{(}%   opening parenthesis
\renewcommand{\BBCP}{)}%   closing parenthesis
\renewcommand{\BBOQ}{}%    opening quote for article title
\renewcommand{\BBCQ}{}%    closing quote for article title
\renewcommand{\BBAA}{\&}%  between authors in parenthetical cites and ref. list
%% and
\renewcommand{\BBAB}{ja}%  between authors in text
\renewcommand{\BAnd}{\&}%  for ``Ed. \& Trans.'' in ref. list
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BPBI}{.~}% Period between initials
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BHBI}{.-}% Hyphen between initials
\renewcommand{\BAP}{ }%   after prefix, before first citation
\renewcommand{\BBAY}{, }% between author(s) and year
\renewcommand{\BBYY}{, }% between years of multiple citations with same author
\renewcommand{\BBC}{; }%  between cites
\renewcommand{\BBN}{, }%  before note
\renewcommand{\BCBT}{,}%  comma between authors in ref. list when no. of
                      %%  authors = 2
\renewcommand{\BCBL}{,}%  comma before last author when no. of authors > 2
%% Date formatting, adapted from babel's finnish.dtx
\renewcommand{\APACmonth}[1]{\ifcase #1\or
    tammikuuta\or helmikuuta\or maaliskuuta\or huhtikuuta\or
    toukokuuta\or kes\"akuuta\or hein\"akuuta\or elokuuta\or
    syyskuuta\or lokakuuta\or marraskuuta\or joulukuuta\or
%%  Winter    Spring         Summer       Fall
    talvea\or kev\"att\"a\or kes\"a\"a\or syksy\"a\else
  {\BBOP}{#1}%             year (+ addendum); should not be empty
      \unskip, {#2}%       month
    \unskip, {#3}.%        day
      \unskip~{#2}%        month
  {\BBCP}%                 closing parenthesis
%% Some macros that transform a number (say, `2') to an ordinal one (`2nd')
    \count@ 0#1\relax\@nil
        \ifnum \count@>\z@ \number\count@ \fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% In Finnish, ordinal numbers are always obtained by simply
% putting a period after the number. So I am reusing the German code here.
% As mentioned in the section describing \fname{german.apc}, this (and perhaps
% the code above) can then be significantly simplified, but, because I (EM)
% have trouble understanding this code (from the \pkg{amsrefs} package) and
% experimenting did not give the expected results, I won't mess with the code
% too much and stay close to the English code.
%    \begin{macrocode}
            \ifnum#1>\thr@@ T\else F\fi
        \ifcase#1.\else .\fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{\fname{french.apc}}
% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
% for the French language and its ``dialects'' in \pkg{babel}
% terminology.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% french.apc - french version of apacite elements
%% Adapted from english.apc by \'Eric Raufaste
\renewcommand{\refname}{R\'ef\'erences}% Name of ref. list if it's a section.
\renewcommand{\bibname}{R\'ef\'erences}% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter.
%% The name (heading) of the Author Index
\renewcommand{\authorindexname}{Index des auteurs}%
%% A note before the references if a meta-analysis is reported.
  Les r\'ef\'erences marqu\'ees d'un ast\'erisque indiquent des \'etudes
  incluses dans la m\'eta-analyse.}%
%% Commands for specific types of @misc entries.
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{Manuel de logiciel}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{Logiciel et manuel}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{Manuel de logiciel}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{Logiciel et manuel}%
\renewcommand{\bibprogramminglanguage}{Langage de programmation}%
%% Other labels
\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{s.~d.\hbox{}}%         ``no date''
\renewcommand{\BIP}{sous presse}%                ``in press''
\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}%       ``and others''
\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}% ``and others'' with a period
\renewcommand{\BIn}{In}%                 % for ``In'' editor...
\renewcommand{\Bby}{par}%                % for ``by'' editor... (in reprints)
\renewcommand{\BED}{Ed.\hbox{}}%            % editor
\renewcommand{\BEDS}{Eds.\hbox{}}%          % editors
\renewcommand{\BTRANS}{Trad.\hbox{}}%       % translator
\renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{Trad.\hbox{}}%      % translators
\renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{trad.\hbox{}}%      % translation, for the year field
\renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{Pr\'es.\hbox{}}%     % chair of symposium
\renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{Pr\'es}%            % chairs
\renewcommand{\BVOL}{Vol.\hbox{}}%          % volume
\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{Vols.\hbox{}}%        % volumes
\renewcommand{\BNUM}{N\textsuperscript{o}}% % number
\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{N\textsuperscript{os}}% numbers
\renewcommand{\BEd}{\'ed.\hbox{}}%          % edition
\renewcommand{\BCHAP}{chap.\hbox{}}%        % chapter
\renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{chap.\hbox{}}%       % chapters
\renewcommand{\BPG}{p.\hbox{}}%             % page
\renewcommand{\BPGS}{pp.\hbox{}}%           % pages
%% Default technical report type name.
\renewcommand{\BTR}{Rapport technique}%
%% Default PhD thesis type name.
\renewcommand{\BPhD}{Th\`ese de doctorat}%
%% Default unpublished PhD thesis type name.
\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{Th\`ese de doctorat non publi\'ee}%
%% Default master's thesis type name.
\renewcommand{\BMTh}{M\'emoire de Master}%
%% Default unpublished master's thesis type name.
\renewcommand{\BUMTh}{M\'emoire de Master non publi\'e}%
\renewcommand{\BAuthor}{Auteur}%% Used if publisher = author
\renewcommand{\BOWP}{\OE uvre originale publi\'ee en}%
\renewcommand{\BREPR}{R\'eimprim\'e \`a partir de}%
\renewcommand{\BAvailFrom}{Disponible sur\ }%      Websites; note the space.
%% Websites; note the space.
%% The argument is the date on which it was last checked.
\renewcommand{\BRetrieved}[1]{Consult\'e le {#1}, sur\ }%
\renewcommand{\BMsgPostedTo}{Message post\'e sur\ }% Messages; note the space.
%% Punctuation
\renewcommand{\BBOP}{(}%   opening parenthesis
\renewcommand{\BBCP}{)}%   closing parenthesis
\renewcommand{\BBOQ}{}%    opening quote for article title
\renewcommand{\BBCQ}{}%    closing quote for article title
\renewcommand{\BBAA}{\&}%  between authors in parenthetical cites and ref. list
\renewcommand{\BBAB}{et}%  between authors in text
\renewcommand{\BAnd}{\&}%  for ``Ed. \& Trans.'' in ref. list
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BPBI}{.~}% Period between initials
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BHBI}{.-}% Hyphen between initials
\renewcommand{\BAP}{ }%   after prefix, before first citation
\renewcommand{\BBAY}{, }% between author(s) and year
\renewcommand{\BBYY}{, }% between years of multiple citations with same author
\renewcommand{\BBC}{~; }% between cites
\renewcommand{\BBN}{, }%  before note
\renewcommand{\BCBT}{,}%  comma between authors in ref. list when no. of
                      %%  authors = 2
\renewcommand{\BCBL}{,}%  comma before last author when no. of authors > 2
%% Date formatting
\renewcommand{\APACmonth}[1]{\ifcase #1\or janvier\or f\'evrier\or mars\or
    avril\or mai\or juin\or juillet\or ao\^ut\or septembre\or octobre\or
    novembre\or d\'ecembre\or hiver\or printemps\or \'et\'e\or automne\else
%% Structure taken from definition of \today in frenchb.dtx
  {\BBOP}{#1}%          year (+ addendum); should not be empty
      \unskip, {#2}%    month
    \unskip, {#3}%      day
    \ifx\APAC@tempa\APAC@tempb\@empty {\ier}\fi
      \unskip~{#2}%     month
  {\BBCP}%              closing parenthesis
%% Some macros that transform a number (say, `2') to an ordinal one (`2nd')
%    \end{macrocode}
% Ordinal numbers should all be number + `\textsuperscript{e}',
% except if number = 1, then it is ``1\textsuperscript{er}'' or
% ``1\textsuperscript{re}''. \pkg{babel} provides the
% commands \cmd{\ieme}, \cmd{\ier}, and \cmd{\iere} for formatting this.
% We'll use these commands.
% \begin{macro}{\APACfirst}
% \begin{macro}{\PrintOrdinalMale}
% \pkg{apacite} only uses the ordinal numbers for edition numbers, and
% the gender of ``\'edition'' is feminine, so we use the feminine form
% ``1re'' by default. However, we put it in the macro \cmd{\APACfirst}.
% Then we define \cmd{\PrintOrdinalMale} to redefine \cmd{\APACfirst}
% to take the masculine form, then call \cmd{\PrintOrdinal}, and then
% revert again, so that users can use this function for masculine words
% (if desired).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \count@ 0#1\relax\@nil
        \ifnum \count@>\z@ \number\count@ \fi
            \ifnum#1>\thr@@ T\else F\fi
        \ifcase#1{\ieme}\else {\ieme}\fi
%% In French, there should be a space before a colon `:', so we have to
%% redefine a few macros that insert a colon.
      %% publisher
      %% address
      %% publisher
      \unskip{} : {#2}%
      %% Publisher. This cannot be empty, because it is equal to the
      %% author.
      %% Address and publisher. These are not empty.
    {#1\unskip{} : \BAuthor{}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{\fname{german.apc} and \fname{ngerman.apc}}
% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
% for the German language. These are based on the APA-inspired
% instructions from the \citeA{DGPs07}. There is the traditional orthography
% (`german') and the new orthography (`ngerman'), which are treated as
% completely different languages by \pkg{babel} (unlike, e.g., the two
% Norwegian languages), which presumably has technical reasons. We start
% with `german'.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% german.apc - Deutsche Uebersetzung der Apacite-Elemente
%%              (German version of apacite elements)
%% Written by Andreas Poege
%% Some additions and adaptations by Erik Meijer.
%% Bezeichnung fuer das Literaturverzeichnis, falls Section
%% Bezeichnung fuer das Literaturverzeichnis, falls Chapter
%% Bezeichnung (heading) des Autorenverzeichnisses
%% Bemerkung vor Literaturangaben, falls eine Metaanalyse angegeben wurde
\renewcommand{\APACmetaprenote}{Literaturangaben mit Stern kennzeichnen
  Studien der Metaanalyse.}%
%% Befehle fuer die speziellen @misc-Eintraege.
\renewcommand{\bibmessage}{Msg.\hbox{}}% Newsgroup-, Internet-Messages
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{Computerprogramm und Handbuch}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{Software und Handbuch}%
%% Weitere Labels
\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{o.\,J.\hbox{}}% "`ohne Jahresangabe"'
\renewcommand{\BIP}{in Druck}%          % Jahresangabe bei im Druck bef. Werken
%% "`und andere"', das Argument beinhaltet einen Punkt, um einen weiteren im
%% Literaturverzeichnis zu unterdruecken
\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}%
%% "`und andere"', das Argument beinhaltet einen Punkt, um einen weiteren im
%% Literaturverzeichnis zu unterdruecken.
\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}%
\renewcommand{\BIn}{In}%            % fuer "`In"' Herausgeber...
\renewcommand{\Bby}{von}%           % fuer "`von"' Herausgeber... (Nachdruck)
\renewcommand{\BED}{Hrsg.\hbox{}}%      % Herausgeber(in)
\renewcommand{\BEDS}{Hrsg.\hbox{}}%     % Herausgeber(innen)
\renewcommand{\BTRANS}{\"Ubers.\hbox{}}%% Uebersetzer(in)
\renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{\"Ubers.\hbox{}}% Uebersetzer(innen)
\renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{\"Ubers.\hbox{}}% Uebersetzung (bei der Jahresangabe)
\renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{Chair}%          % Chair (bei Konferenzen)
\renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{Chairs}%        % Chairs (bei Konferenzen)
\renewcommand{\BVOL}{Bd.\hbox{}}%       % Band
\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{Bde.\hbox{}}%     % Baende
\renewcommand{\BNUM}{Nr.\hbox{}}%       % Nummer
\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{Nr.\hbox{}}%      % Nummern
\renewcommand{\BEd}{Aufl.\hbox{}}%      % Auflage
\renewcommand{\BCHAP}{Kap.\hbox{}}%     % Kapitel
\renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{Kap.\hbox{}}%    % Kapitel
\renewcommand{\BPG}{S.\hbox{}}%         % Seite
\renewcommand{\BPGS}{S.\hbox{}}%        % Seiten
%% (default) Bezeichnung fuer "`technical report"'
%% (default) Bezeichnung fuer Dissertation
%% (default) Bezeichnung fuer unveroeffentlichte Dissertation
\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{Unver\"offentlichte Dissertation}%
%% (default) Bezeichnung fuer Abschlussarbeit
%% (default) Bezeichnung fuer unveroeffentlichte Abschlussarbeit
\renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Unver\"offentlichte Diplomarbeit}%
\renewcommand{\BAuthor}{Autor}%      % ``Autor'' falls publisher = author
\renewcommand{\BOWP}{Originalausgabe}% Originalausgabe
\renewcommand{\BREPR}{Nachdruck von}%  Nachdruck von
%% Websites; note the spaces.
\renewcommand{\BAvailFrom}{Verf\"ugbar unter\ }%
%% The argument is the date on which it was last checked.
\renewcommand{\BRetrieved}[1]{Zugriff am {#1} auf\ }%
%% Note that here the English phrase is left untranslated in German.
\renewcommand{\BMsgPostedTo}{Message posted to\ }%
%% Deutsche Anpassung der Interpunktion und Formatierung
\renewcommand{\BBOP}{(}% % Einleitende Klammer (default "(")
\renewcommand{\BBCP}{)}% % Abschliessende Klammer (default ")")
\renewcommand{\BBOQ}{}%  % Einleitung v. Titel v. Artikel (default "")
\renewcommand{\BBCQ}{}%  % Abschluss v. Titel. von Artikel (default "")
\renewcommand{\BBAA}{\&}%% Zwischen Autoren in Klammern (default "\&")
\renewcommand{\BBAB}{und}% Zwischen Autoren im Text
\renewcommand{\BAnd}{\&}%% Zwischen Hg. und Uebers., falls gleich (default "\&")
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BPBI}{.~}% Period between initials
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BHBI}{.-}% Hyphen between initials
\renewcommand{\BAP}{}%  % Zeichen zw. Prefix und Zitat (default Leerzeichen)
\renewcommand{\BBAY}{, }% Zwischen Autoren und Jahr(en) (default ", ")
\renewcommand{\BBYY}{, }% Zwischen Jahren, wenn ein Author und mehrere Jahre
\renewcommand{\BBC}{; }%  Zwischen Autoren (mehrere Zitate) (default "; ")
\renewcommand{\BBN}{, }%  Zwischen Zitat und Postfix (default ", ")
\renewcommand{\BCBT}{}%   Zwischen 2 Autoren (zus. zu "&", default ",")
\renewcommand{\BCBL}{}%   Zwischen 3 o. mehr Autoren (zus. zu "&", default ",")
%% Date formatting, adapted from babel's germanb.dtx
\renewcommand{\APACmonth}[1]{\ifcase #1\or
  Januar\or Februar\or M\"arz\or April\or Mai\or Juni\or
  Juli\or August\or September\or Oktober\or November\or Dezember\or
  Winter\or Fr\"uhjahr\or Sommer\or Herbst\else {#1}\fi}%
  {\BBOP}{#1}%            year (+ addendum); should not be empty
      \unskip, {#2}%      month
    \unskip, {#3}.%       day
      \unskip~{#2}%       month
  {\BBCP}%                closing parenthesis
%% Some macros that transform a number (say, `2') to an ordinal one (`2nd'),
%% adapted from amsrefs.dtx
    \count@ 0#1\relax\@nil
        \ifnum \count@>\z@ \number\count@ \fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% German ordinal numbers are always obtained by simply putting a period after
% the number, so this (and perhaps the code above) can be significantly
% simplified. However, because I (EM) have trouble understanding this code (from
% the \pkg{amsrefs} package) and experimenting did not give the expected
% results, I won't mess with the code too much and stay close to the
% English code.
%    \begin{macrocode}
            \ifnum#1>\thr@@ T\else F\fi
        \ifcase#1.\else .\fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% The DGPs puts a space between the volume and the issue number,
% unlike the APA. So we have to slightly adapt this command.
% (|#1| = journal, |#2| = volume, |#3| = number, |#4| = formatted pages).
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \Bem{#1}%             journal
    \unskip, \Bem{#2}%  volume
    \unskip\ ({#3})%    issue number, with the added leading space
    \unskip, {#4}%      pages
%    \end{macrocode}
% Presumably, for the original journal information of a reprint, a similar
% space needs to be added.
% Arguments: |#1| = year, |#2| = journal, |#3| = volume, |#4| = issue number,
%            |#5| = formatted pages, |#6| = note.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  (\BREPR{} %          ``(Reprinted from '' (note the space)
  \Bem{#2}%            Journal (should not be empty)
    \unskip, {#1}%     , year
    \unskip, \Bem{#3}% , volume
    \unskip\ {[#4]}%   \ [issue number]
    \unskip, {#5}%     , pages
    \unskip; {#6}%     ; note
  )%                   Final parenthesis
%    \end{macrocode}
% Differences between Austrian and German. (Apparently only the name of
% January---``J\"anner'' vs.\ ``Januar''.)
%    \begin{macrocode}
\edef\APACaustrian{\string austrian}%
  \renewcommand{\APACmonth}[1]{\ifcase #1\or
    J\"anner\or Februar\or M\"arz\or April\or Mai\or Juni\or
    Juli\or August\or September\or Oktober\or November\or Dezember\or
    Winter\or Fr\"uhjahr\or Sommer\or Herbst\else {#1}\fi}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Now, the file for the new orthography. Apparently, \fname{german.apc}
% can also be used for the new orthography, so this is a very brief one:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% ngerman.apc - german translation of apacite elements (new orthography)
%% Written by Erik Meijer, based on instructions of Andreas Poege.
%% According to Andreas Poege, his file german.apc can also be used
%% for the new orthography, so I'll just do this:
%    \end{macrocode}
% Differences between Austrian and German. (Apparently only the name of
% January---``J\"anner'' vs.\ ``Januar''.) This is not picked up in
% \fname{german.apc}, because that file only checks for ``austrian'',
% not for ``naustrian'', so we have to copy it here.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\edef\APACaustrian{\string naustrian}%
  \renewcommand{\APACmonth}[1]{\ifcase #1\or
    J\"anner\or Februar\or M\"arz\or April\or Mai\or Juni\or
    Juli\or August\or September\or Oktober\or November\or Dezember\or
    Winter\or Fr\"uhjahr\or Sommer\or Herbst\else {#1}\fi}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{\fname{greek.apc}}
% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
% for the Greek language.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% greek.apc - Greek version of apacite elements
%% Greek translations by Athanassios Protopapas and Ioannis Dimakos
%% Name of ref. list if it's a section.
%% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter.
%% The name (heading) of the Author Index
\renewcommand{\authorindexname}{\textgreek{Euret'hrio suggraf'ewn}}%
%% A note before the references if a meta-analysis is reported.
    \textgreek{Oi ergas'iec pou sumperilamb'anontai sth meta-an'alush
    shmei'wnontai me aster'isko}.}%
%% Commands for specific types of @misc entries.
  \textgreek{Egqeir'idio logismiko'u}}%
  \textgreek{Logismik'o kai egqeir'idio}}%
  \textgreek{Egqeir'idio logismiko'u}}%
  \textgreek{Logismik'o kai egqeir'idio}}%
  \textgreek{Gl'wssa programmatismo'u}}%
%% Other labels
\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{\textgreek{qwr'ic hmeromhn'ia}}% ``no date''
\renewcommand{\BIP}{\textgreek{up'o 'ekdosh}}%           % ``in press''
\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{\textgreek{k.\ sun.\hbox{}}}% ``and others''
%% ``and others'' with a period
\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{\textgreek{k.\ sun.\hbox{}}}%
\renewcommand{\BIn}{\textgreek{Sto}}%% for ``In'' editor...
%    \end{macrocode}
% The current command \cmd{\Bby} is problematic for application in Greek.
% If it is followed by 1 male editor, then it should be ``|\textgreek{toy}|'';
% in the case of 1 female editor, it should be ``|\textgreek{ths}|''; with
% multiple editors, ``|\textgreek{twn}|'' is the correct translation. For
% the moment, let's use the latter, which is gender-neutral and perhaps the
% most common one. Note that a user can apply the sort of tricks that we
% used in section~\ref{sec:xmpl} (Example~69) to make a one-time change to
% the definition of \cmd{\Bby}. See the command \cmd{\bibInstring} in
% section~\ref{sec:apacdoc}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\renewcommand{\Bby}{\textgreek{twn}}%  for ``by'' editor... (in reprints)
\renewcommand{\BED}{\textgreek{Epim.\hbox{}}}%   % editor
\renewcommand{\BEDS}{\textgreek{Epim.\hbox{}}}%  % editors
\renewcommand{\BTRANS}{\textgreek{Mtf.\hbox{}}}% % translator
\renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{\textgreek{Mtf.\hbox{}}}%% translators
\renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{\textgreek{mtf.\hbox{}}}%% translation
\renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{\textgreek{Pr'oedroc}}%   % chair of symposium
\renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{\textgreek{Pr'oedroi}}%  % chairs
\renewcommand{\BVOL}{\textgreek{t.\hbox{}}}%     % volume
\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{\textgreek{t.\hbox{}}}%    % volumes
\renewcommand{\BNUM}{\textgreek{ar.\hbox{}}}%    % number
\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{\textgreek{ar.\hbox{}}}%   % numbers
\renewcommand{\BEd}{\textgreek{'ekd.\hbox{}}}%   % edition
\renewcommand{\BCHAP}{\textgreek{kef.\hbox{}}}%  % chapter
\renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{\textgreek{kef.\hbox{}}}% % chapters
\renewcommand{\BPG}{\textgreek{sel.\hbox{}}}%    % page
\renewcommand{\BPGS}{\textgreek{sel.\hbox{}}}%   % pages
%% Default technical report type name.
\renewcommand{\BTR}{\textgreek{Teq.\ 'ekj.\hbox{}}}%
%% Default PhD thesis type name.
\renewcommand{\BPhD}{\textgreek{Didaktorik'h diatrib'h}}%
%% (default) unpublished PhD thesis type name
\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{\textgreek{Adhmos'ieuth didaktorik'h diatrib'h}}%
%% (default) master's thesis type name
\renewcommand{\BMTh}{\textgreek{Metaptuqiak'h diplwmatik'h ergas'ia}}%
%% (default) unpublished master's thesis type name
  \textgreek{Adhmos'ieuth metaptuqiak'h diplwmatik'h ergas'ia}}%
%% ``Author'' if publisher = author
%% Original work published
\renewcommand{\BOWP}{\textgreek{'Ekdosh prwtot'upou}}%
%% Reprinted from
\renewcommand{\BREPR}{\textgreek{Anat'upwsh ap'o}}%
%% Websites; note the explicit spaces.
\renewcommand{\BAvailFrom}{\textgreek{Diaj'esimo ap'o}\ }% Available from
%% Retrieved ... from
%% The argument is the date on which it was last checked.
%% Correct only when ``date'' is full, not just month or year
    \textgreek{Anakt'hjhke stis} {#1}, \textgreek{ap'o}\ }%
%    \end{macrocode}
% If a URL follows without any leading words/phrase then this string
% should be OK. If there is any other word before the URL then we
% need to know its gender and number in order to produce the correct
% translation. In the current \pkg{apacite} implementation, this is only
% used with a URL immediately following, so we should be OK.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% Newsgroups, forums, etc.; ``Message posted to ''; note the space.
\renewcommand{\BMsgPostedTo}{\textgreek{M'hnyma anarthm'eno se}\ }%
%% Punctuation
\renewcommand{\BBOP}{(}%   opening parenthesis
\renewcommand{\BBCP}{)}%   closing parenthesis
\renewcommand{\BBOQ}{}%    opening quote for article title
\renewcommand{\BBCQ}{}%    closing quote for article title
\renewcommand{\BBAA}{\&}%  between authors in parenthetical cites and ref. list
\renewcommand{\BBAB}{\textgreek{kai}}% between authors in text
\renewcommand{\BAnd}{\&}%  for ``Ed. \& Trans.'' in ref. list
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BPBI}{.~}% Period between initials
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BHBI}{.-}% Hyphen between initials
\renewcommand{\BAP}{ }%   after prefix, before first citation
\renewcommand{\BBAY}{, }% between author(s) and year
\renewcommand{\BBYY}{, }% between years of multiple citations with same author
\renewcommand{\BBC}{; }%  between cites
\renewcommand{\BBN}{, }%  before note
\renewcommand{\BCBT}{,}%  comma between authors in ref. list when no. of
                      %%  authors = 2
\renewcommand{\BCBL}{,}%  comma before last author when no. of authors > 2
%% Date formatting. Adapted from babel's greek.dtx
\renewcommand{\APACmonth}[1]{\textgreek{\ifcase #1\or
    Ianouar'iou\or Febrouar'iou\or Mart'iou\or April'iou\or
    Ma'"iou\or Ioun'iou\or Ioul'iou\or Augo'ustou\or
    Septembr'iou\or Oktwbr'iou\or Noembr'iou\or Dekembr'iou\or
    Qeim'wnas\or 'Anoixh\or Kaloka'iri\or Fjin'opwro\else
  {\BBOP}{#1}%             year (+ addendum); should not be empty
      \unskip, {#2}%       month
    \unskip, {#3}%         day
      \unskip~{#2}%        month
  {\BBCP}%                 closing parenthesis
%    \end{macrocode}
% The ordinal numbers are used only for editions in the current version of
% \pkg{apacite}. Hence, we simply tag a ``|\textgreek{h}|'' to the number.
% We could provide alternative versions later on if desired (see, e.g.,
% \fname{french.apc}).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% Some macros that transform a number (say, `2') to an ordinal one (`2h').
    \count@ 0#1\relax\@nil
        \ifnum \count@>\z@ \number\count@ \fi
            \ifnum#1>\thr@@ T\else F\fi
        \ifcase#1\textgreek{h}\or \textgreek{h}\else \textgreek{h}\fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{\fname{norsk.apc}}
% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
% for both Norwegian languages (Bokm{\aa}l and Nynorsk). In \pkg{babel}'s
% setup, `norsk' is Bokm{\aa}l and `nynorsk' is a dialect of `norsk'.
% This does not seem to reflect the relation between these languages
% very well, but for compatibility with \pkg{babel} we use the same
% file structure, i.e., \fname{norsk.apc} defines both languages.
% There are no official Norwegian translations of APA style. Some ideas
% for this translation have been taken from \citeA{UIB08} and \citeA{UiO06}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% norsk.apc - Norwegian Bokmal & Nynorsk versions of apacite elements.
%% Version 1.1.
%% Written by Karl Ove Hufthammer.
\renewcommand{\refname}{Referanser}% Name of ref. list if it's a section.
\renewcommand{\bibname}{Referanser}% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter.
%% The name (heading) of the Author Index
%% A note before the references if a meta-analysis is reported.
    Referanser merket med en stjerne viser til studier som er med i
%% Commands for specific types of @misc entries.
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{dataprogramh\aa ndbok}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{dataprogram og brukerh\aa ndbok}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{programvareh\aa ndbok}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{programvare og brukerh\aa ndbok}%
\renewcommand{\bibprogramminglanguage}{programmeringsspr\aa k}%
%% Other labels
\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{u.d.\hbox{}}%    ``no date''
\renewcommand{\BIP}{under publisering}%    ``in press''
\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}% ``and others''
\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}% ``and others'', with a period
\renewcommand{\BIn}{I}%               %    for ``In'' editor...
\renewcommand{\Bby}{av}%              %    for ``by'' editor... (in reprints)
\renewcommand{\BED}{red.\hbox{}}%     % editor
\renewcommand{\BEDS}{red.\hbox{}}%    % editors
\renewcommand{\BTRANS}{oms.\hbox{}}%  % translator
\renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{oms.\hbox{}}% % translators
\renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{oms.\hbox{}}% % translation, for the year field
\renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{ordstyrer}%    % chair of symposium
\renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{ordstyrere}%  % chairs
\renewcommand{\BVOL}{vol.\hbox{}}%    % volume
\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{vol.\hbox{}}%   % volumes
\renewcommand{\BNUM}{nr.\hbox{}}%     % number
\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{nr.\hbox{}}%    % numbers
\renewcommand{\BEd}{utg.\hbox{}}%     % edition
\renewcommand{\BCHAP}{kap.\hbox{}}%   % chapter
\renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{kap.\hbox{}}%  % chapters
\renewcommand{\BPG}{s.\hbox{}}%       % page
\renewcommand{\BPGS}{s.\hbox{}}%      % pages
%% Default technical report type name.
\renewcommand{\BTR}{Teknisk rapport}%
%% Default PhD thesis type name.
\renewcommand{\BPhD}{Akademisk avhandling}%
%% Default unpublished PhD thesis type name.
\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{Upublisert akademisk avhandling}%
%% Default master's thesis type name.
%% Default unpublished master's thesis type name.
\renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Upublisert masteroppgave}%
\renewcommand{\BAuthor}{Forfatter}%  ``Author'' if publisher = author
\renewcommand{\BOWP}{Original publisert}% Original work published
\renewcommand{\BREPR}{Opptrykk fra}%      Reprinted from
\renewcommand{\BAvailFrom}{Tilgjengelig fra\ }% Websites; note the space.
%% The argument is the date on which it was last checked.
\renewcommand{\BRetrieved}[1]{Hentet {#1} fra\ }% Websites; note the space.
\renewcommand{\BMsgPostedTo}{Innlegg p\aa \ }% Messages; note the space.
%    \end{macrocode}
% To be in line with Norwegian rules of punctuation, a comma is never
% used before `\&' or ``and'', and there is no space between initials.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% Punctuation
\renewcommand{\BBOP}{(}%  opening parenthesis
\renewcommand{\BBCP}{)}%  closing parenthesis
\renewcommand{\BBOQ}{}%   opening quote for article title
\renewcommand{\BBCQ}{}%   closing quote for article title
\renewcommand{\BBAA}{\&}% between authors in parenthetical cites and ref. list
\renewcommand{\BBAB}{og}% between authors in text
\renewcommand{\BAnd}{\&}% for ``Ed. \& Trans.'' in ref. list
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BPBI}{.}% Period between initials; no space
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BHBI}{.-}% Hyphen between initials
\renewcommand{\BAP}{ }%   after prefix, before first citation
\renewcommand{\BBAY}{, }% between author(s) and year
\renewcommand{\BBYY}{, }% between years of multiple citations with same author
\renewcommand{\BBC}{; }%  between cites
\renewcommand{\BBN}{, }%  before note
\renewcommand{\BCBT}{}%   no comma between authors in ref. list when no. of
                      %%  authors = 2
\renewcommand{\BCBL}{}%   no comma before last author when no. of authors > 2
%% Date formatting; adapted from babel's norsk.dtx
\renewcommand{\APACmonth}[1]{\ifcase #1\or
    januar\or februar\or mars\or april\or mai\or juni\or
    juli\or august\or september\or oktober\or november\or desember\or
    vinter\or v{\aa}r\or sommer\or h{\o}st\else
  {\BBOP}{#1}%             year (+ addendum); should not be empty
      \unskip, {#2}%       month
    \unskip, {#3}.%        day
      \unskip~{#2}%        month
  {\BBCP}%                 closing parenthesis
%% Some macros that transform a number (say, `2') to an ordinal one (`2nd')
    \count@ 0#1\relax\@nil
        \ifnum \count@>\z@ \number\count@ \fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% Norwegian ordinal numbers are always obtained by simply putting a period
% after the number, so this (and perhaps the code above) can be significantly
% simplified. However, because I (EM) have trouble understanding this code (from
% the \pkg{amsrefs} package) and experimenting did not give the expected
% results, I won't mess with the code too much and stay close to the
% English code.
%    \begin{macrocode}
            \ifnum#1>\thr@@ T\else F\fi
        \ifcase#1.\else .\fi
%% Differences between norsk (bokmal) and nynorsk.
\edef\APACnynorsk{\string nynorsk}%
  \renewcommand{\refname}{Referansar}% Name of ref. list if it's a section.
  \renewcommand{\bibname}{Referansar}% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter.
    Referansar merkte med ei stjerne viser til studiar som er med i
  \renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{dataprogram og brukarhandbok}%
  \renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{programvare og brukarhandbok}%
  \renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{ordstyrar}%        % chair of symposium
  \renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{ordstyrarar}%     % chairs
  %% Default master's thesis type name.
  \renewcommand{\BMTh}{Masteroppg\aa ve}%
  %% Default unpublished master's thesis type name.
  \renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Upublisert masteroppg\aa ve}%
  \renewcommand{\BAuthor}{Forfattar}% ``Author'' if publisher = author
  \renewcommand{\BREPR}{Opptrykk fr\aa }% Reprinted from
  \renewcommand{\BAvailFrom}{Tilgjengeleg fr\aa \ }% Websites; note the space.
  \renewcommand{\BRetrieved}[1]{Henta {#1} fr\aa \ }% Websites; note the space.
  \renewcommand{\APACmonth}[1]{\ifcase #1\or
      januar\or februar\or mars\or april\or mai\or juni\or
      juli\or august\or september\or oktober\or november\or desember\or
      vinter\or v{\aa}r\or sommar\or haust\else
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{\fname{spanish.apc}}
% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
% for the Spanish language. Note that \pkg{apacite}'s usage of |<| and
% |>| for pre-notes, as in |\cite{jones06}| (inherited from its
% predecessor, \fname{theapa.sty}), conflicts with \pkg{babel}'s
% \pkgoption{spanish} option, which makes |<| and |>| active characters.
% Hence, either you must avoid using prenotes with \pkg{apacite}'s
% construction or you must disable \pkg{babel}'s behavior by inserting
% the command \cmd{\deactivatequoting} after loading \pkg{babel}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% spanish.apc - Versi\'on espa\~nola de elementos en apacite
%% Escrito por Jorge L\'opez Puga
%% El nombre (del encabezado) de la Lista Referencias
%% Nombre de la lista de ref. si es una secci\'on.
%% Nomber de la lista de refs. si es un cap\'{\i}tulo.
%% El nombre (del encabezado) del \'Indice de Autores.
\renewcommand{\authorindexname}{\'Indice de Autores}%
%% Nota previa usada justo antes de la lista de referencias si un
%% meta-an\'alisis es usado.
  Las referencias marcadas con un asterisco indican estudios incluidos en
  el meta-an\'alisis.}%
%% Comandos para tipos espec\'{\i}ficos de entradas @misc.
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogram}{Programa inform\'atico}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{Manual de programa inform\'atico}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{Programa inform\'atico y manual}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftware}{Software inform\'atico}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{Manual de software inform\'atico}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{Manual y software inform\'atico}%
\renewcommand{\bibprogramminglanguage}{Lenguaje de programaci\'on}%
%% Otras etiquetas
\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{s.f.\hbox{}}%  ``sin fecha''
\renewcommand{\BIP}{en prensa}% Usado como a\~no para citas ``en prensa''
%% El argumento contiene un punto, por tanto, evita poner uno adicional en
%% la lista de referencias. No obstante algunas revistas aceptan ``et al.''
%% que es lo que aparece por defecto.
\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{y cols.\hbox{}}%       ``y colaboradores''
\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{y cols.\hbox{}}% ``y colaboradores''
\renewcommand{\BIn}{En}%                   Para ``En'' editor...
\renewcommand{\Bby}{por}%                  ``by'' editor (in reprints)
\renewcommand{\BED}{Ed.\hbox{}}%           editor
\renewcommand{\BEDS}{Eds.\hbox{}}%         editors
\renewcommand{\BTRANS}{Traduc.\hbox{}}%    traductor
\renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{Traducs.\hbox{}}%  traductores
\renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{traduc.\hbox{}}%   traducci\'on, para el campo a\~no
\renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{Presidente}%        Presidente/a de congreso
\renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{Presidencia}%      Presidencia
\renewcommand{\BVOL}{Vol.\hbox{}}%         volume
\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{Vols.\hbox{}}%       volumes
\renewcommand{\BNUM}{n\sptext{o}}%         number
\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{n\sptext{os}}%       numbers
\renewcommand{\BEd}{ed.\hbox{}}%           edition
\renewcommand{\BCHAP}{cap.\hbox{}}%        cap\'{\i}tulo
\renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{caps.\hbox{}}%      cap\'{\i}tulos
\renewcommand{\BPG}{p.\hbox{}}%            page
\renewcommand{\BPGS}{pp.\hbox{}}%          pages
%% Default technical report type name. --- Informe T\'ecnico
\renewcommand{\BTR}{Inf.\ T\'ec.\hbox{}}%
%% (por defecto) PhD thesis type name --- Tesis Doctoral
\renewcommand{\BPhD}{Tesis Doctoral}%
%% (por defecto) unpublished PhD thesis type name
%% --- Tesis Doctoral no publicada
\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{Tesis Doctoral no publicada}%
%% (por defecto) master's thesis type name --- Tesis de Master
\renewcommand{\BMTh}{Tesis de Master}%
%% (por defecto) unpublished master's thesis type name
%% --- Tesis de Master no publicada
\renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Tesis de Master no publicada}%
\renewcommand{\BAuthor}{Autor}% ``Author'' if publisher = author
\renewcommand{\BOWP}{Trabajo original publicado en}% Original work published
\renewcommand{\BREPR}{Reimpresi\'on de}% Reprinted from
%% Websites and messages to newsgroups, forums, etc.; note the spaces.
\renewcommand{\BAvailFrom}{Disponible en\ }% Available from
%% The argument is the date on which it was last checked.
\renewcommand{\BRetrieved}[1]{Descargado {#1}, de\ }% Retrieved ... from
\renewcommand{\BMsgPostedTo}{Mensaje colgado en\ }% Message posted to
%% Punctuation
\renewcommand{\BBOP}{(}%   opening parenthesis
\renewcommand{\BBCP}{)}%   closing parenthesis
\renewcommand{\BBOQ}{}%    opening quote for article title
\renewcommand{\BBCQ}{}%    closing quote for article title

\renewcommand{\BBAA}{y}% Letra que va entre los autores en las referencias
\renewcommand{\BBAB}{y}% Entre autores en el texto
\renewcommand{\BAnd}{y}% for ``Ed. \& Trans.'' in ref. list
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BPBI}{.~}% Period between initials
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BHBI}{.-}% Hyphen between initials
\renewcommand{\BAP}{ }%   after prefix, before first citation
\renewcommand{\BBAY}{, }% between author(s) and year
\renewcommand{\BBYY}{, }% between years of multiple citations with same author
\renewcommand{\BBC}{; }%  between cites
\renewcommand{\BBN}{, }%  before note
\renewcommand{\BCBT}{,}%  comma between authors in ref. list when no. of
                      %%  authors = 2
\renewcommand{\BCBL}{,}%  comma before last author when no. of authors > 2
%% Date formatting; adapted from babel's spanish.dtx
\renewcommand{\APACmonth}[1]{\ifcase #1\or enero\or febrero\or
    marzo\or abril\or mayo\or junio\or julio\or agosto\or
    septiembre\or octubre\or noviembre\or diciembre\or
    invierno\or primavera\or verano\or oto\~no\else
  {\BBOP}{#1}%           year (+ addendum); should not be empty
      \unskip, {#2}%     month --- mes
    \unskip, {#3}%       day --- d\'ia
      \unskip~de {#2}%   month --- mes
  {\BBCP}%               closing parenthesis
%% Some macros that transform a number (say, `2') to an ordinal one (`2nd')
    \count@ 0#1\relax\@nil
        \ifnum \count@>\z@ \number\count@ \fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% Spanish ordinal numbers are always obtained by putting
% ``.\textsuperscript{a}'' after the number, at least for editions.
% Therefore, the code here can be significantly simplified. However,
% because I have trouble understanding this code (from the \pkg{amsrefs}
% package) and experimenting did not give the expected results, I won't
% mess with the code too much and stay close to the English code.
% We use the \cmd{\sptext} command from \pkg{babel}'s \fname{spanish.dtx},
% which formats the ``.\textsuperscript{a}'' slightly differently.
%    \begin{macrocode}
            \ifnum#1>\thr@@ T\else F\fi
        \ifcase#1\sptext{a}\else \sptext{a}\fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{\fname{swedish.apc}}
% This file redefines the language-specific elements of \pkg{apacite}
% for the Swedish language. Translation of APA elements into Swedish
% is not obvious. Ideas of which terms to use have been taken from
% \citeA{Erik01}, \citeA{Johnsson}, and \citeA{GU94}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% swedish.apc - swedish translation of apacite elements
%% Written by Stefan Bjork.
%% Small adaptations by Erik Meijer
%% Name of ref. list if it's a section.
%% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter.
%% Author Index
%% A note before the references if a meta-analysis is reported.
  Referenser markerade med stj\"arna avser studier inkluderade i
%% Commands for specific types of @misc entries.
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{handbok till datorprogram}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{datorprogram och handbok}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{handbok till mjukvara}%
\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{mjukvara och handbok}%
%% Other labels
\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{u.~\aa{}.\hbox{}}% ``no date''
\renewcommand{\BIP}{i tryck}%                ``in press''
\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{m.~fl.\hbox{}}%   ``and others''
\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{m.~fl.\hbox{}}% ``and others'', with a period
\renewcommand{\BIn}{I}%  for ``In'' editor...
\renewcommand{\Bby}{av}% for ``by'' editor... (in reprints)
\renewcommand{\BED}{red.\hbox{}}%          editor
\renewcommand{\BEDS}{red.\hbox{}}%         editors
\renewcommand{\BTRANS}{\"overs.\hbox{}}%   translator
\renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{\"overs.\hbox{}}%  translators
\renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{\"overs.\hbox{}}%  translation, for the year field
\renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{ordf\"orande}%      chair of symposium
\renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{ordf\"oranden}%    chairs
\renewcommand{\BVOL}{vol.\hbox{}}%         volume
\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{vol.\hbox{}}%        volumes
\renewcommand{\BNUM}{nr.\hbox{}}%          number
\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{nr.\hbox{}}%         numbers
\renewcommand{\BEd}{utg{\aa}van}%          edition
\renewcommand{\BCHAP}{kap.\hbox{}}%        chapter
\renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{kap.\hbox{}}%       chapters
\renewcommand{\BPG}{s.\hbox{}}%            page
\renewcommand{\BPGS}{s.\hbox{}}%          pages
%% Default technical report type name.
%% Default PhD thesis type name.
%% Default unpublished PhD thesis type name.
\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{opublicerad doktorsavhandling}%
%% Default master's thesis type name.
%% Default unpublished master's thesis type name.
\renewcommand{\BUMTh}{opublicerad examensuppsats}%
\renewcommand{\BAuthor}{F\"orfattare}%  ``Author'' if publisher = author
\renewcommand{\BOWP}{Original publicerat}% Original work published
\renewcommand{\BREPR}{{\AA}terutgivning fr{\aa}n}% Reprinted from
\renewcommand{\BAvailFrom}{Tillg\"anglig fr{\aa}n\ }% Websites; note the space.
%% The argument is the date on which it was last checked.
\renewcommand{\BRetrieved}[1]{H\"amtad {#1}, fr{\aa}n\ }% Websites; note the space.
\renewcommand{\BMsgPostedTo}{Meddelande postat till\ }% Messages; note the space.
%% Punctuation
\renewcommand{\BBOP}{(}%   opening parenthesis
\renewcommand{\BBCP}{)}%   closing parenthesis
\renewcommand{\BBOQ}{}%    opening quote for article title
\renewcommand{\BBCQ}{}%    closing quote for article title
\renewcommand{\BBAA}{\&}%  between authors in parenthetical cites and ref. list
\renewcommand{\BBAB}{och}% between authors in text
\renewcommand{\BAnd}{\&}%  for ``Ed. \& Trans.'' in ref. list
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BPBI}{. }% Period between initials
\DeclareRobustCommand{\BHBI}{.-}% Hyphen between initials
\renewcommand{\BAP}{ }%   after prefix, before first citation
\renewcommand{\BBAY}{, }% between author(s) and year
\renewcommand{\BBYY}{, }% between years of multiple citations with same author
\renewcommand{\BBC}{; }%  between cites
\renewcommand{\BBN}{, }%  before note
\renewcommand{\BCBT}{}%   no comma between authors in ref. list when no. of
                      %%  authors = 2
\renewcommand{\BCBL}{}%   no comma before last author when no. of authors > 2
%% Date formatting; adapted from babel's swedish.dtx
\renewcommand{\APACmonth}[1]{\ifcase #1\or
    januari\or februari\or mars\or april\or maj\or juni\or
    juli\or augusti\or september\or oktober\or november\or
    vinter\or v{\aa}r\or sommar\or h\"ost\else
%% Numbered version, which is preferred in the form ``(2008, 21/2)''.
\def\APACswedishnumberedmonth#1{\ifcase #1\or
    1\or 2\or 3\or 4\or 5\or 6\or
    7\or 8\or 9\or 10\or 11\or 12\or
    vinter\or v{\aa}r\or sommar\or h\"ost\else
  {\BBOP}{#1}%             year (+ addendum); should not be empty
      %% Use full month if there is no day.
      \unskip, {#2}%       month
    \unskip, {#3}%         day
      %% Use numbered month if there is a day as well.
      \unskip{}/{#2}%      month
  {\BBCP}%                 closing parenthesis
%% Some macros that transform a number (say, `2') to an ordinal one (`2nd')
    \count@ 0#1\relax\@nil
        \ifnum \count@>\z@ \number\count@ \fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% In swedish, ``1st'' = ``1:a'', ``2nd'' = ``2:a'', everything else =
% ``:e''. From 20 onwards, if the last digit is 1 or 2, ``:a'' should
% be used, and otherwise ``:e''.
%    \begin{macrocode}
            \ifnum#1>\thr@@ T\else F\fi
        \ifcase#1:e\or :a\or :a\or :e\or :e\or :e\or :e\or :e\or :e\or
                 :e\else :e\fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{Bibliography database (\fname{apa5ex.bib})}
% This file includes the reference entries of all examples in the
% APA manual, which are all formatted in the \pkg{apacite} reference
% manual. As such, it shows how ordinary and (especially) difficult
% items can be formatted.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%% apa5ex.bib: References from the 5th edition of the Publication Manual
%%             of the APA, plus a few additional references
%% Written by Erik Meijer

%% Entry labels are section number of the APA manual (5th ed.)
%% plus a sequence number within the section.

  author = {Walker},
  year   = {2000},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Wasserstein and Zappulla and Rosen and Gerstman and Rock},
  year   = {1994},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Bradley and Ramirez and Soo},
  year   = {1994},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Bradley and Soo and Ramirez and Brown},
  year   = {1994},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Kosslyn and Koenig and Barrett and Cave and Tang and Gabrieli},
  year   = {1996},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Kosslyn and Koenig and Gabrieli and Tang and Marsolek and Daly},
  year   = {1996},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Nightlinger and Littlewood},
  year   = {1993},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author     = {J{\"{o}}reskog, K[arl] G. and S{\"{o}}rbom, D[ag]},
  year       = {1989},
  title      = {{LISREL} 7: {A} Guide to the Program and Applications},
  edition    = {2},
  address    = {Chicago},
  publisher  = {SPSS},

  author   = {{\bibcorporate{National Institute of Mental Health}}},
  firstkey = {{National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH]}},
  key      = {{NIMH}},
  year     = {1999},
  type     = {Unknown},

  author   = {{\bibcorporate{University of Pittsburgh}}},
  year     = {1993},
  type     = {Unknown},

  author       = {{\bibcorporate{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond}}},
  firstkey     = {{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond [KNSB]}},
  key          = {{KNSB}},
  year         = {2003},
  title        = {Jaarverslag 2002},
  englishtitle = {Annual Report 2002},
  address      = {Amsterdam},
  publisher    = {{\bibcorporate{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond}}},
  note         = {Fake entry to study sorting and citing of references with
                  same key, but with different firstkey.},

  author       = {{\bibcorporate{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond}}},
  firstkey     = {{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond [KNSB]}},
  key          = {{KNSB}},
  year         = {2004},
  title        = {Jaarverslag 2003},
  englishtitle = {Annual Report 2003},
  address      = {Amsterdam},
  publisher    = {{\bibcorporate{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond}}},
  note         = {Fake entry to study sorting and citing of references with
                  same key, but with different firstkey.},

  author       = {{\bibcorporate{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaatsbond}}},
  firstkey     = {{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaatsbond [KNSB]}},
  key          = {{KNSB}},
  year         = {2003},
  title        = {Jaarverslag 2002},
  englishtitle = {Annual Report 2002},
  address      = {Amsterdam},
  publisher    = {{\bibcorporate{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaatsbond}}},
  note         = {Fake entry to study sorting and citing of references with
                  same key, but with different firstkey.},

  author       = {{\bibcorporate{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaatsbond}}},
  firstkey     = {{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaatsbond [KNSB]}},
  key          = {{KNSB}},
  year         = {2004},
  title        = {Jaarverslag 2003},
  englishtitle = {Annual Report 2003},
  address      = {Amsterdam},
  publisher    = {{\bibcorporate{Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaatsbond}}},
  note         = {Fake entry to study sorting and citing of references with
                  same key, but with different firstkey.},

  key     = {{\APACciteatitle{Study Finds}}},
  year    = {1982},
  month   = apr,
  title   = {Study Finds Free Care Used More},
  journal = {{APA} Monitor},
  pages   = {14},

  year      = {1979},
  title     = {College Bound Seniors},
  address   = {Princeton, NJ},
  publisher = {College Board Publications},

  author = {Anonymous},
  year   = {1998},
  type   = {Unknown},

  year    = {2002},
  month   = mar,
  day     = {3},
  title   = {Editorial},
  journal = {The Edited Newspaper},
  pages   = {2},
  note    = {Fake entry to study sorting and citing of references without
             author, but with the same title.},

  year    = {2003},
  month   = feb,
  day     = {12},
  title   = {Editorial},
  journal = {The Edited Newspaper},
  pages   = {2},
  note    = {Fake entry to study sorting and citing of references without
             author, but with the same title.},

  year    = {2003},
  month   = jan,
  day     = {24},
  title   = {Editorial},
  journal = {The Edited Newspaper},
  pages   = {2},
  note    = {Fake entry to study sorting and citing of references without
             author, but with the same title.},

  author    = {Luce, R. Duncan},
  year      = {1959},
  title     = {Individual Choice Behavior},
  address   = {New York},
  publisher = {Wiley},

  author = {Luce, P. A.},
  year   = {1986},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Goldberg, J. M. and Neff},
  year   = {1961},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Goldberg, M. E. and Wurtz},
  year   = {1972},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Edeline and Weinberger},
  year   = {1991},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Edeline and Weinberger},
  year   = {1993},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Gogel},
  year   = {1984},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Gogel},
  year   = {1990},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Gogel},
  year   = {\BIP},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Johnson},
  year   = {1991},
  title  = {Aaa},

  author = {Johnson},
  year   = {1991},
  title  = {Bbb},

  author = {Johnson},
  year   = {1991},
  title  = {Ccc},

  author = {Singh},
  year   = {1983},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Singh},
  year   = {\BIP},
  title  = {Aaa},

  author = {Singh},
  year   = {\BIP},
  title  = {Bbb},

  author = {Balda},
  year   = {1980},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Kamil},
  year   = {1988},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Pepperberg and Funk},
  year   = {1990},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Minor},
  year   = {2001},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Adams},
  year   = {1999},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Storandt},
  year   = {1997},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Author},
  year   = {\bibnodate},
  type   = {Unknown},
  note   = {no example, but rule given in text},

  author = {Author},
  year   = {2003 version},
  type   = {Unknown},
  note   = {no example, but rule given in text},

  author = {Aristotle},
  year   = {1931},
  title  = {Unknown},
  translator = {Someone},
  originalyear = {\bibnodate},

  author = {James},
  year   = {1983},
  title  = {Unknown},
  originalyear = {1890},

  author = {Cheek and Buss},
  year   = {1981},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Shimamura},
  year   = {1989},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Myers},
  year   = {2000},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Beutler},
  year   = {2000},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Hashtroudi and Chrosniak and Schwartz},
  year   = {1991},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Brown, J. R.},
  year   = {\bibnodate},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Browning, A. R.},
  year   = {\bibnodate},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {MacArthur},
  year   = {\bibnodate},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {McAllister},
  year   = {\bibnodate},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {MacNeil},
  year   = {\bibnodate},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {M'Carthy},
  year   = {\bibnodate},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {DeBase},
  year   = {\bibnodate},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {De Vries, J.},
  year   = {\bibnodate},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {von Helmholtz, H. L. F.},
  year   = {\bibnodate},
  type   = {Unknown},

  year    = {2003},
  title   = {{\APACSortNoop{Two-Thousand and Three}}2003 Hottest Summer Ever},
  journal = {Journal of Meteorology},
  note    = {This is a fake entry, used for didactical purposes.},

  author = {Hewlett, L. S.},
  year   = {1996},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Hewlett, L. S.},
  year   = {1999},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Alleyne, R. L.},
  year   = {2001},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Alleyne, R. L. and Evans, A. J.},
  year   = {1999},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Gosling, J. R. and Jerald, K. and Belfar, S. F.},
  year   = {2000},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Gosling, J. R. and Tevlin, D. F.},
  year   = {1996},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Hayward, D. and Firsching, A. and Brown, J.},
  year   = {1999},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Hayward, D. and Firsching, A. and Smigel, J.},
  year   = {1999},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Cabading, J. R. and Wright, K.},
  year   = {2000},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Cabading, J. R. and Wright, K.},
  year   = {2001},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Baheti, J. R.},
  year   = {2001},
  title  = {Control {\ldots}},

  author = {Baheti, J. R.},
  year   = {2001},
  title  = {Roles of {\ldots}},

  author = {Mathur, A. L. and Wallston, J.},
  year   = {1999},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author = {Mathur, S. E. and Ahlers, R. J.},
  year   = {1998},
  type   = {Unknown},

  author    = {Bandura, A. J.},
  year      = {1977},
  title     = {Social Learning Theory},
  address   = {Englewood Cliffs, NJ},
  publisher = {Prentice Hall},

  author = {Bretschneider, J. G. and McCoy, N. L.},
  year   = {1968},
  title  = {Sexual Interest and Behavior in Healthy
            80- to 102-Year-Olds},
  journal = {Archives of Sexual Behavior},
  volume  = {14},
  pages   = {343--350},

  author  = {Kernis, M. H. and Cornell, D. P. and Sun, C.-R.
             and Berry, A. and Harlow, T.},
  year    = {1993},
  title   = {There's More to Self-Esteem than Whether it is High
             or Low: The Importance of Stability of Self-Esteem},
  journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology},
  volume  = {65},
  pages   = {1190--1204},

  editor    = {Robinson, D. N.},
  year      = {1992},
  title     = {Social Discourse and Moral Judgment},
  address   = {San Diego, CA},
  publisher = {Academic Press},

  author    = {Bulatao, E. {\protect\bibliteral{(with
               Winford, C.~A.)}\protect\indexskipbracenodot}},
  year      = {\bibnodate},
  type      = {Unknown},

  author = {Fowers, B. J. and Olson, D. H.},
  year   = {1993},
  title  = {{ENRICH} {Marital} {Satisfaction} {Scale}:
            A Brief Research and Clinical Tool},
  journal = {Journal of Family Psychology},
  volume  = {7},
  pages   = {176--185},

  author  = {Deutsch, F. M. and Lussier, J. B. and Servis, L. J.},
  year    = {1993},
  title   = {Husbands At Home: Predictors of Paternal Participation
             in Childcare and Housework},
  journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology},
  volume  = {65},
  pages   = {1154--1166},

  author    = {O'Neil, J. M. and Egan, J.},
  year      = {1992},
  title     = {Men's and Women's Gender Role Journeys:
               Metaphor for Healing, Transition, and Transformation},
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  booktitle = {Gender Issues Across the Life Cycle},
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  editor    = {Gaw, A. C.},
  booktitle = {Culture, Ethnicity, and Mental Illness},
  pages     = {517--552},
  address   = {Washington, DC},
  publisher = {American Psychiatric Press},

  author    = {Merikle, Philip M.},
  year      = {2000},
  title     = {Subliminal Perception},
  editor    = {Kazdin, Alan E. and Blanchard, Edward B. and
               Bootzin, Richard R. and Bower, Gordon and
               Close Conoley, Jane and Deaux, Kay and Fox, Ronald E. and
               Harmon, Lenore W. and Howell, William C. and
               Marsella, Anthony J. and Price, Richard H. and
               Roediger, III, Henry L. and Rosenthal, Robert and
               Schmitt, Neal W. and Singer, Jerome L. and Squire, Larry R. and
               Zahn-Waxler, Carolyn},
  booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Psychology},
  volume    = {7},
  pages     = {497--499},
  address   = {New York},
  publisher = {Oxford University Press},

  key         = {{\APACcitebtitle{Electronic Reference Formats}}},
  title       = {Electronic Reference Formats Recommended by the
                 {American} {Psychological} {Association}},
  year        = {2000},
  month       = oct,
  day         = {12},
  lastchecked = {October 23, 2000},
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  author = {Eid, M. and Langeheine, R.},
  year   = {1999},
  title  = {The Measurement of Consistency and Occasion Specificity
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            Application to the Measurement of Affect},
  journal = {Psychological Methods},
  volume  = {4},
  pages   = {100--116},
  howpublished = {Retrieved November 19, 2000, from the PsycARTICLES database},

%  The rest is from section 4.16. Section number is omitted,
%  but A-I are used instead. For the numbered examples, these
%  letters are also omitted in favor of ``ex''.

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  year    = {1993},
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             Language-Trained Dolphin: {E}vidence for Processing
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  journal = {Journal of Experimental Psychology: General},
  volume  = {122},
  pages   = {184--194},

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  year    = {2000},
  title   = {Choice and the Relative Pleasure of Consequences},
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  volume  = {126},
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  journal = {Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research},
  volume  = {45},
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             Mother-Child Programs for Children of Divorce},
  journal = {Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology},
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             and Diederich, Adele and Krosnick, Jon and Layton, David
             and Provencher, William and Schkade, David and Tourangeau, Roger},
  year    = {2002},
  title   = {Context Dependence and Aggregation
             in Disaggregate Choice Analysis},
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  volume  = {13},
  pages   = {195--205},

  author  = {Zuckerman, M. and Kieffer, S. C.},
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  title   = {Race Differences in Face-ism: {D}oes Facial Prominence
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  title   = {Neuroscience: {B}reaking Down Scientific Barriers to the
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  volume  = {290},
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  year    = {1993},
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  title   = {Antidomination Training as a Central Component of
             Diversity in Clinical Psychology Education},
  journal = {The Clinical Psychologist},
  volume  = {46},
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  type    = {Letter to the editor},
  journal = {The Chronicle of Higher Education},
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  year    = {1991},
  title   = {Diagnoses, Dimensions, and \emph{DSM-IV}:
             The Science of Classification},
  type    = {Special issue},
  journal = {Journal of Abnormal Psychology},
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  author  = {Harris, P. L. and Kavanaugh, R. D.},
  year    = {1993},
  title   = {Young Children's Understanding of Pretense},
  journal = {Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development},
  volume  = {58},
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  author  = {Battig, W. F. and Montague, W. E.},
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  title   = {Category Norms for Verbal Items in 56 Categories:
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  author         = {Vygotsky, L. S.},
  year           = {1978},
  title          = {Mind in Society: {T}he Development of Higher Mental
  editor         = {Rice, Edgar},
  translator     = {Rice, Edgar},
  address        = {Cambridge, MA},
  publisher      = {Harvard University Press},
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  author         = {J{\"{o}}reskog, Karl G. and S{\"{o}}rbom, Dag},
  year           = {1979},
  title          = {Advances in Factor Analysis
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  year      = {1987},
  title     = {Meta-Analytic Procedures for Social Research},
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  year      = {1959--1963},
  title     = {Psychology: {A} Study of Science},
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               of Mental Disorders}{4th ed.\hbox{}}{DSM-IV}}},
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  year      = {1994},
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  title     = {The New {G}rove Dictionary of Music and Musicians},
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  editor    = {Kazdin, Alan E. and Blanchard, Edward B. and
               Bootzin, Richard R. and Bower, Gordon and
               Close Conoley, Jane and Deaux, Kay and Fox, Ronald E. and
               Harmon, Lenore W. and Howell, William C. and
               Marsella, Anthony J. and Price, Richard H. and
               Roediger, III, Henry L. and Rosenthal, Robert and
               Schmitt, Neal W. and Singer, Jerome L. and Squire, Larry R. and
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  year      = {2000},
  title     = {Encyclopedia of Psychology},
  address   = {New York},
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  author    = {Piaget, J. and Inhelder, B.},
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  translator = {Truscott, F. W. and Emory, F. L.},
  address   = {New York},
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  firstkey  = {{Research and Training Center on Independent Living [RTCIL]}},
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  title     = {Broadening the Domain of the Fuzzy Logical Model of Perception},
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  booktitle = {Cognition: Conceptual and Methodological Issues},
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  address   = {Washington, DC},
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  title     = {Retrieval Inhibition as an Adaptive Mechanism in Human Memory},
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  booktitle = {Varieties of Memory \& Consciousness},
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  title     = {The Origins of Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality
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  booktitle = {Empirical Studies of Psychoanalytic Theories:
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  title        = {De Introductie van het Begrip Grootheid in de Eerste
                  Klas van de Basisschool: Een Experimenteel Onderzoek},
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    editor       = {Strachey, J.},
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    booktitle    = {The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological
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    year         = {1988},
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    translator   = {Gellerier, G. and Langer, J.},
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    booktitle    = {Cognitive Development to Adolescence: A Reader},
    pages        = {3--18},
    address      = {Hillsdale, NJ},
    publisher    = {Erlbaum},
    originalbooktitle = {Manual of Child Psychology},
    originalpages     = {703--732},
    originaleditor    = {Mussen, P. H.},
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   author          = {Browne, M[ichael] W.},
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   title           = {Generalized Least Squares Estimators in the Analysis
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   editor          = {Aigner, D[ennis] J. and Goldberger, A[rthur] S.},
   booktitle       = {Latent Variables in Socio-Economic Models},
   pages           = {205--226},
   address         = {Amsterdam},
   publisher       = {North Holland},
   originalyear    = {1974},
   originaljournal = {South African Statistical Journal},
   originalvolume  = {8},
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  note        = {ERIC Document Reproduction Service No.\hbox{} ED346082},

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  symposium    = {Reducing Medication in Geriatric Populations},
  howpublished = {Symposium conducted at the meeting of the First
                  International Congress of Behavioral Medicine},
  address      = {Uppsala, Sweden},

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  title        = {Early Data on the {Trauma} {Symptom} {Checklist}
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  title        = {Beyond Redlining: Editing Software that Works},
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  title        = {Employee Assistant Programs Supervisory Referrals:
                  Characteristics of Referring and Nonreferring
  journal      = {Dissertation Abstracts International},
  volume       = {54},
  number       = {01},
  pages        = {534B},
  note         = {UMI No.~9315947},

  author       = {Ross, D. F.},
  year         = {1990},
  title        = {Unconscious Transference and Mistaken Identity: When
                  a Witness Misidentifies a Familiar but Innocent Person
                  from a Lineup},
  school       = {Cornell University},
  originalyear = {1990},
  journal      = {Dissertation Abstracts International},
  volume       = {51},
  pages        = {417},

  author       = {Wilfley, D. E.},
  year         = {1989},
  title        = {Interpersonal Analyses of Bulimia: Normalweight
                  and Obese},
  school       = {University of Missouri},
  address      = {Columbia},

  author       = {Almeida, D. M.},
  year         = {1990},
  title        = {Fathers' Participation in Family Work: Consequences
                  for Fathers' Stress and Father--Child Relations},
  school       = {University of Victoria},
  address      = {Victoria, British Columbia, Canada},

  author       = {Stinson, C. and Milbrath, C. and Reidbord, S. and Bucci, W.},
  year         = {1992},
  title        = {Thematic Segmentation of Psychotherapy Transcripts for
                  Convergent Analyses},
  howpublished = {Unpublished manuscript},

  author       = {D{\'{e}}pret, E. F. and Fiske, S. T.},
  year         = {1993},
  title        = {Perceiving the Powerful: Intriguing Individuals Versus
                  Threatening Groups},
  howpublished = {Unpublished manuscript},
  organization = {University of Massachusetts at Amherst},

  author       = {McIntosh, D. N.},
  year         = {1993},
  title        = {Religion as Schema, with Implications for the Relation
                  Between Religion and Coping},
  howpublished = {Manuscript submitted for publication},

  author       = {Bordi, F. and LeDoux, J. E.},
  year         = {1993},
  type         = {Auditory response latencies in rat auditory cortex},
  howpublished = {Unpublished raw data},

  editor       = {Klombers, N.},
  year         = {1993},
  month        = spring,
  title        = {{ADAA} {Reporter}},
  note         = {Available from the Anxiety Disorders Association of
                  America, 6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 513,
                  Rockville, MD 20852},

  author       = {Mroczek, D. K.},
  year         = {2000},
  title        = {The Emerging Study of Midlife},
  type         = {Review of the book {\APACcitebtitle{Life in the middle:
                  Psychological and social development in middle age}}},
  journal      = {Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books},
  volume       = {45},
  pages        = {482--485},

  author       = {Schatz, B. R.},
  year         = {2000},
  title        = {Learning by Text or Context?},
  type         = {Review of the book
                  {\APACcitebtitle{The social life of information}}},
  journal      = {Science},
  volume       = {290},
  pages        = {1304},

  author       = {Kraus, S. J.},
  year         = {1992},
  title        = {Visions of Psychology: A Videotext of Classic Studies},
  type         = {Review of the motion picture
                  {\APACcitebtitle{Discovering Psychology}}},
  journal      = {Contemporary Psychology},
  volume       = {37},
  pages        = {1146--1147},

  author    = {Scorsese, M. {\protect\bibliteral{(Producer)}\protect\bibskipbracenodot}
               and Lonergan, K.
  year      = {2000},
  title     = {You Can Count On Me},
  type      = {Motion picture},
  address   = {United States},
  publisher = {Paramount Pictures},

  author    = {Harrison, J. {\protect\bibliteral{(Producer)}\protect\bibskipbracenodot}
               and Schmiechen, R.
  year      = {1992},
  title     = {Changing Our Minds: The Story of {Evelyn} {Hooker}},
  type      = {Motion picture},
  note      = {Available from Changing Our Minds, Inc., 170 West End
               Avenue, Suite 25R, New York, NY 10023},

  author    = {{\bibcorporate{American Psychological Association (Producer)}}},
  firstkey  = {{American Psychological Association [APA]}},
  key       = {{APA}},
  year      = {2000},
  title     = {Responding Therapeutically to Patient Expressions of
               Sexual Attraction: A Stimulus Training Tape},
  type      = {Motion picture},
  note      = {Available from the American Psychological Association,
               750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242},

  author    = {Crystal, L. {\protect\bibliteral{(Executive
  year      = {1993},
  month     = oct,
  day       = {11},
  title     = {The {MacNeil}/{Lehrer} News Hour},
  type      = {Television broadcast},
  address   = {New York and Washington, DC},
  publisher = {Public Broadcasting Service},

  editor    = {Miller, {\bibinitial{R\bibeditortype{Producer}}}},
  year      = {1989},
  title     = {The Mind},
  type      = {Television series},
  address   = {New York},
  publisher = {WNET},

  author    = {Hall, B. {\protect\bibliteral{(Writer)}\protect\bibskipbracenodot}
               and Bender, J.
  year      = {1991},
  title     = {The Rules of the Game},
  type      = {Television series episode},
  editor    = {Sander{\bibeditortype{Producer}}, J.},
  booktitle = {I'll Fly Away},
  address   = {New York},
  publisher = {New York Broadcasting Company},

  key       = {{\protect\bibsong{Shocked}{1992}{Over the
  author    = {Shocked, Michelle},
  year      = {1992},
  title     = {Over the Waterfall{\bibInstring{\BOn}}},
  booktitle = {Arkansas Traveler {\upshape[\uppercase{CD}]}},
  address   = {New York},
  publisher = {PolyGram Music},

  key       = {{\protect\bibsong{Goodenough}{1982}{Tails
                and Trotters}{track~5}}},
  author    = {Goodenough, J. B.},
  year      = {1982},
  title     = {Tails and Trotters{\bibInstring{\BOn}}},
  type      = {Recorded by G. Bok, A. Mayo, \& E. Trickett},
  booktitle = {And So Will We Yet {\upshape[\uppercase{CD}]}},
  address   = {Sharon, CT},
  publisher = {Folk-Legacy Records},
  note      = {1990},

  author    = {Costa, Jr.\hbox{} {\protect\bibliteral{(Speaker)}}, P. T.},
  year      = {1988},
  title     = {Personality, Continuity, and Changes of Adult Life},
  type      = {Cassette Recording},
  number    = {207-433-88A-B},
  address   = {Washington, DC},
  publisher = {American Psychological Association},

  author  = {VandenBos, G. and Knapp, S. and Doe, J.},
  year    = {2001},
  title   = {Role of Reference Elements in the Selection of Resources
             by Psychology Undergraduates},
  type    = {Electronic version},
  journal = {Journal of Bibliographic Research},
  volume  = {5},
  pages   = {117--123},

  author      = {VandenBos, G. and Knapp, S. and Doe, J.},
  year        = {2001},
  title       = {Role of Reference Elements in the Selection of Resources
                 by Psychology Undergraduates},
  journal     = {Journal of Bibliographic Research},
  volume      = {5},
  pages       = {117--123},
  lastchecked = {October 13, 2001},
  url         = {http://jbr.org/articles.html},

  author      = {Fredrickson, B. L.},
  year        = {2000},
  month       = mar,
  day         = {7},
  title       = {Cultivating Positive Emotions to Optimize Health
                 and Well-Being},
  journal     = {Prevention \& Treatment},
  volume      = {3},
  pages       = {Article 0001a},
  lastchecked = {November 20, 2000},
  url         = {http://journals.apa.org/prevention/volume3/pre0030001a.html},

  author      = {Crow, T. J.},
  year        = {2000},
  title       = {Did \emph{Homo} {\emph{Sapiens}} Speciate on the
                 {\emph{Y}} Chromosome?},
  journal     = {Psycoloquy},
  volume      = {11},
  lastchecked = {March 25, 2001},
  url         = {ftp://ftp.princeton.edu/harnad/Psycoloquy/

  author      = {Glueckauf, R. L. and Whitton, J. and Baxter, J. and Kain, J.
                 and Vogelgesang, S. and Hudson, M. and others},
  year        = {1998},
  month       = jul,
  title       = {Videocounseling for Families of Rural Teens with
                 Epilepsy---{P}roject Update},
  journal     = {Telehealth News},
  volume      = {2},
  number      = {2},
  lastchecked = {June 6, 2000},
  url         = {http://www.telehealth.net/subscribe/newslettr_4a.html#1},

  author      = {{\bibcorporate{Greater New Milford (Ct) Area Healthy
                  Community 2000,
                  Task Force on Teen and Adolescent Issues}}},
  firstkey    = {{Greater New Milford (Ct) Area Healthy Community 2000,
                  Task Force on Teen and Adolescent Issues [TFTAI]}},
  key         = {{TFTAI}},
  year        = {\bibnodate},
  title       = {Who Has Time for a Family Meal? {You} Do!},
  lastchecked = {October 5, 2000},
  url         = {http://www.familymealtime.org},

  author      = {{\bibcorporate{Benton Foundation}}},
  year        = {1998},
  month       = jul,
  day         = {7},
  title       = {Barriers to Closing the Gap},
  booktitle   = {Losing Ground Bit by Bit: Low-Income Communities in the
                 Information Age},
  chapter     = {2},
  lastchecked = {August 18, 2001},
  url         = {http://www.benton.org/Library/Low-Income/two.html},

  year        = {\bibnodate},
  title       = {{GVU}'s 8th {WWW} User Survey},
  lastchecked = {August 8, 2000},
  url         = {http://www.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/user_surveys/survey-1997-10/},

  author    = {Chou, L. and McClintock, R. and Moretti, F. and Nix, D. H.},
  year      = {1993},
  title     = {Technology and Education: New Wine in New Bottles:
               Choosing Pasts and Imagining Educational Futures},
  howpublished   = {Retrieved August 24, 2000, from Columbia University,
               Institute for Learning Technologies Web site:

  author    = {{\bibcorporate{University of California, San Francisco,
               Institute for Health and Aging}}},
  firstkey  = {{University of California, San Francisco, Institute for
                Health and Aging [UCSF-IHA]}},
  key       = {{UCSF-IHA}},
  year      = {1996},
  month     = nov,
  title     = {Chronic Care in {A}merica: {A} 21st Century Challenge},
  howpublished   = {Retrieved September 9, 2000, from the Robert Wood Johnson
               Foundation Web site:

  author      = {{\bibcorporate{United States Sentencing Commission}}},
  firstkey    = {{United States Sentencing Commission [USSC]}},
  key         = {{USSC}},
  year        = {\bibnodate},
  title       = {{\APACSortNoop{Nineteen Ninety-Seven}}1997 Sourcebook of
                 Federal Sentencing Statistics},
  lastchecked = {December 8, 1999},
  url         = {http://www.ussc.gov/annrpt/1997/sbtoc97.htm},

  author      = {{\bibcorporate{Canarie, Inc.}}},
  year        = {1997},
  month       = sep,
  day         = {27},
  title       = {Towards a {Canadian} Health {IWAY}: Vision, Opportunities
                 and Future Steps},
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  author    = {Kruschke, J. K. and Bradley, A. L.},
  year      = {1995},
  title     = {Extensions to the Delta Rule of Associative Learning},
  type      = {Indiana University Cognitive Science Research Report},
  number    = {14\BmakeAbstractRetrieved},
  lastchecked = {October 21, 2000},
  url         = {http://www.indiana.edu/~kruschke/deltarule_abstract.html},

  author       = {Cutler, L. D. and Fr{\"{o}}lich, B. and Hanrahan, P.},
  year         = {1997},
  month        = jan,
  day          = {16},
  title        = {Two-Handed Direct Manipulation on the Responsive
  howpublished = {Paper presented at the 1997 Symposium on Interactive 3D
  lastchecked  = {June 12, 2000},
  url          = {http://www.graphics.stanford.edu/papers/twohanded/},

  author       = {Tan, G. and Lewandowsky, S.},
  year         = {1996},
  title        = {A Comparison of Operator Trust in Humans Versus Machines},
  howpublished = {Paper presented at the CybErg 96 virtual conference},
  lastchecked  = {May 16, 2000},
  url          = {http://www.curtin.edu.au/conference/cyberg/

  author = {Chalmers, D.},
  year   = {2000},
  month  = nov,
  day    = {17},
  title  = {Seeing with Sound},
  type   = {\bibmessage},
  number = {1},
  url    = {news://sci.psychology.consciousness}

  author = {Simons, D. J.},
  year   = {2000},
  month  = jul,
  day    = {14},
  title  = {News Resources for Visual Cognition},
  type   = {\bibmessage},
  number = {31},
  url    = {http://groups.yahoo.com/group/visualcognition/message/31},

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  year   = {2000},
  month  = nov,
  day    = {20},
  title  = {{YAHC}: {Handle} {Parameters}, {DOI} {Genres}, etc.},
  type   = {\bibmessage},
  howpublished = {Message posted to Ref-Links electronic mailing list,
            archived at \url{http://www.doi.org/mail-archive/

  author  = {Borman, W. C. and Hanson, M. A. and Oppler, S. H. and
             Pulakos, E. D. and White, L. A.},
  year    = {1993},
  title   = {Role of Early Supervisory Experience in Supervisor Performance},
  journal = {Journal of Applied Psychology},
  volume  = {78},
  pages   = {443--449},
  howpublished = {Retrieved October 23, 2000, from the PsycARTICLES database},

  author      = {Hilts, P. J.},
  year        = {1999},
  month       = feb,
  day         = {16},
  title       = {In Forecasting Their Emotions, Most People Flunk Out},
  journal     = {New York Times},
  lastchecked = {November 21, 2000},
  url         = {http://www.nytimes.com},

  author  = {Fournier, M. and {\lowercase{D}}e Ridder, D. and Bensing, J.},
  year    = {1999},
  title   = {Optimism and Adaptation to Multiple Sclerosis: What Does
             Optimism Mean?},
  journal = {Journal of Behavioral Medicine},
  volume  = {22},
  pages   = {303--326},
  howpublished = {Abstract retrieved October 23, 2000, from PsycINFO database},

  author  = {{\bibcorporate{U.S. General Accounting Office}}},
  year    = {1997},
  month   = feb,
  title   = {Telemedicine: Federal Strategy is Needed to Guide Investments},
  type    = {Publication},
  number  = {GAO/NSAID/HEHS-97-67},
  howpublished = {Retrieved September 15, 2000, from General Accounting Office
             Reports Online via GPO Access:

  author    = {Miller, M. E.},
  year      = {1993},
  title     = {The {Interactive} {Tester}},
  edition   = {Version~4.0\noedition\ignorespaces},
  type      = {\bibcomputersoftware},
  address   = {Westminster, CA},
  publisher = {Psytek Services},

  author      = {Schwarzer, R.},
  year        = {1989},
  title       = {Statistics Software for Meta-Analysis},
  type        = {\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual},
  lastchecked = {March 23, 2001},
  url         = {http://www.yorku.ca/faculty/academic/schwarze/meta_e.htm},

  author    = {{\bibcorporate{R Development Core Team}}},
  year      = {2004},
  title     = {R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing},
  address   = {Vienna, Austria},
  publisher = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},
  url       = {http://www.r-project.org},

  key       = {{\APACcitebtitle{National Health Interview Survey}}},
  title     = {National {Health} {Interview} {Survey}---{Current} Health
               Topics: 1991---{Longitudinal} Study of Aging},
  edition   = {Version~4\noedition\ignorespaces},
  type      = {Data file},
  year      = {\bibnodate},
  address   = {Hyattsville, MD},
  publisher = {National Center for Health Statistics},

  author    = {{\bibcorporate{Department of Health and Human Services,
                National Center for Health Statistics}}},
  firstkey  = {{Department of Health and Human Services,
                National Center for Health Statistics [DHHS-NCHS]}},
  key       = {{DHHS-NCHS}},
  year      = {1991},
  title     = {National {Health} {Provider} {Inventory}: Home Health
               Agencies and Hospices, 1991},
  type      = {Data file},
  howpublished = {Available from National Technical Information Service
                  Web site, \url{http://www.ntis.gov}\bibnodot{.}},

%  Additional references.

  author    = {{\bibcorporate{American Psychological Association}}},
  firstkey  = {{American Psychological Association [APA]}},
  key       = {{APA}},
  year      = {1984},
  title     = {Publication Manual of the {American} {Psychological}
  edition   = {3},
  address   = {Washington, DC},
  publisher = {{\bibcorporate{American Psychological Association}}},
  note      = {with revisions},

  author    = {{\bibcorporate{American Psychological Association}}},
  firstkey  = {{American Psychological Association [APA]}},
  key       = {{APA}},
  year      = {2001},
  title     = {Publication Manual of the {American} {Psychological}
  edition   = {5},
  address   = {Washington, DC},
  publisher = {{\bibcorporate{American Psychological Association}}},

  title     = {The {Chicago} Manual of Style},
  edition   = {15},
  year      = {2003},
  address   = {Chicago},
  publisher = {The University of Chicago Press},

  author    = {Patashnik, Oren},
  year      = {1988},
  title     = {{\BibTeX ing}},
  url       = {http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/biblio/
  lastchecked = {October 4, 2008},

  author    = {Lamport, Leslie},
  year      = {1994},
  title     = {{\APACSortNoop{LaTeX}}{\LaTeX}: A Document Preparation System.
               {User}'s Guide and Reference Manual},
  edition   = {2},
  address   = {Reading, MA},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},

  author    = {Kopka, Helmut and Daly, Patrick W.},
  year      = {2004},
  title     = {Guide To {\APACSortNoop{LaTeX}}{\LaTeX}},
  edition   = {4},
  address   = {Boston, MA},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},

  author    = {Mittelbach, Frank and Goossens, Michel},
  year      = {2004},
  title     = {The {\APACSortNoop{LaTeX}}{\LaTeX} Companion},
  edition   = {2},
  address   = {Boston, MA},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},

  author    = {Meijer, Erik},
  year      = {1998},
  title     = {Structural Equation Models for Nonnormal Data},
  address   = {Leiden, The Netherlands},
  publisher = {DSWO Press},

  author     = {Meijer, Erik},
  year       = {2007},
  title      = {Citations, Reference List, and Author Index with
  journal    = {Eutypon},
  volume     = {16--19},
  pages      = {1--31},
  url        = {http://www.eutypon.gr/eutypon/e-cont-16-19.html},
  lastchecked = {October~4, 2008},

  author    = {Wansbeek, Tom and Meijer, Erik},
  year      = {2000},
  title     = {Measurement Error and Latent Variables in Econometrics},
  address   = {Amsterdam},
  publisher = {North-Holland},

  author       = {Gottfredson, G. D.},
  year         = {1978},
  title        = {Why Don't Vocational Interests Predict Job
                  Satisfaction Better Than They Do?},
  howpublished = {Unpublished manuscript},
  organization = {Johns Hopkins University, Center for Social
                  Organization of Schools},
  address      = {Baltimore},

  key          = {{\APACciteatitle{Uitgebreide Richtlijnen}}},
  title        = {Uitgebreide Richtlijnen voor het Aanleveren van Kopij},
  englishtitle = {Detailed Guidelines for the Submission of Manuscripts},
  year         = {2001},
  lastchecked  = {January~3, 2005},
  url = {http://upload.lectric.nl/data/nip7/Richtlijnen%20voor%20auteurs.pdf},

  title        = {Aanwijzingen voor Auteurs},
  englishtitle = {Instructions for Authors},
  year         = {2004},
  journal      = {Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar
  volume       = {59},
  pages        = {inside back cover},

  author       = {Renkema, J.},
  year         = {2002},
  title        = {Schrijfwijzer},
  englishtitle = {Writing Indicator},
  edition      = {4},
  address      = {Den Haag, The Netherlands},
  publisher    = {Sdu},

  author       = {Schrooten, M. G. S. and Smulders, F. T. Y.},
  year         = {2004},
  title        = {Een Experimentele Kijk op Angst: Aandacht en Automatisme
                  in de Verwerking van Bedreigende Stimuli},
  englishtitle = {Anxiety from an Experimental Point of View: Attention and
                  Automaticity in the Processing of Threatening Stimuli},
  journal      = {Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar
  volume       = {59},
  pages        = {135--149},

  key          = {{\APACcitebtitle{van Dale}}},
  title        = {van {Dale} Groot Woordenboek {Engels}-{Nederlands}},
  englishtitle = {van {Dale}'s Large Dictionary {English}-{Dutch}},
  edition      = {2},
  year         = {1989},
  address      = {Utrecht, The Netherlands},
  publisher    = {Van Dale},

  author       = {Haapam\"aki, Tuula and Hedman, Arne
                  and H\"am\"al\"ainen, Esa and Kurvinen, Birgitta
                  and Lager, Lassi and Lindegren, Yrj\"o
                  and Murtomaa, Eeva and Vainikka, Eila},
  year         = {2005},
  title        = {Monografioiden kuvailu},
  englishtitle = {Description for Monographic Publications},
  address      = {Helsinki, Finland},
  publisher    = {Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto},
  url          = {http://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/kirjastoala/
  lastchecked  = {January 19, 2009},

  firstkey  = {Deutsche Gesellschaft f\"ur Psychologie [DGPs]},
  key       = {DGPs},
  author    = {\bibcorporate{Deutsche Gesellschaft f\"ur Psychologie}},
  year      = {2007},
  title     = {Richtlinien zur {Manuskriptgestaltung}},
  englishtitle = {Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation},
  edition   = {3},
  address   = {G\"ottingen, Germany},
  publisher = {Hogrefe-Verlag},

  author       = {{\bibcorporate{University of Bergen}}},
  year         = {2008},
  title        = {American {Psychological} {Association} ({APA})},
  url          = {http://www.sokogskriv.no/norsk/basis/sitering-etikk/APA.pdf},
  lastchecked  = {October 12, 2008},
  address      = {Bergen, Norway},
  publisher    = {University of Bergen, University Library},
%% Referenced from
%% \url{http://www.sokogskriv.no/norsk/basis/sitering-etikk/4-stiler.html}
%% Original version:
%% \url{http://www.ub.uib.no/felles/IK/APA.pdf}
%% but this page does not exist anymore on 2008/10/12.
%% Norwegian name:
%% Universitetsbiblioteket, Universitetet I Bergen, 2008

  author       = {{\bibcorporate{University of Oslo}}},
  year         = {2006},
  title        = {Normer for skriftlig arbeid},
  englishtitle = {Standards for Written Works},
  url          = {http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/medisin/isv/SYKVIT4400/v07/
  lastchecked  = {October 12, 2008},
  address      = {Oslo, Norway},
  publisher    = {University of Oslo, Institute of Nursing and Health Sciences},
%% Referenced from
%% \url{http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/medisin/isv/SYKVIT4400/v07/}
%% Norwegian name:
%% Universitetet i Oslo, Sykepleievitenskap, 28.06.06

  author      = {Erikson, Martin G.},
  year        = {2001},
  title       = {Att Skriva Litteraturreferenser Enligt {Harvard}-Systemet},
  englishtitle = {Citations According to the {Harvard} System},
  url         = {http://www.his.se/upload/10631/referenser.pdf},
  lastchecked = {October 18, 2008},
  Eriksremark = {Originally downloaded December 9, 2004, from
    but this site does not exist anymore.},

  author      = {Johnsson, Mattias},
  title       = {Lathund for Referensskrivning},
  englishtitle = {Cheat Sheet for Formatting of References},
  url         = {http://www.ped.gu.se/users/berner/htmarkiv/referens.html},
  lastchecked = {October 18, 2008},
  Eriksremark = {Originally downloaded December 9, 2004},

  title  = {Referensskrivning},
  englishtitle = {Formatting of References},
  year   = {1994},
  url    = {http://www.ped.gu.se/forskarutbildning/Referens_skrivning.htm},
  lastchecked = {October 18, 2008},
  Eriksremark = {Originally downloaded December 9, 2004.
                 Site is Gothenburg University Web site, but reference seems
                 specific enough. Authors may be (?)
                 Informatorn/Dahlgren/Ottosson, but I don't know first

%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{\BibTeX\ style (\fname{apacite.bst}, \fname{apacitex.bst})}
% The program in \BibTeX's language that formats the reference list.
% These two files are almost identical, but \fname{apacitex.bst}
% generates information that can be used to generate an author index
% as well.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%%% apacite.bst : reference list according to APA manual
%%% apacitex.bst : reference list according to APA manual
%%%                with author indexing information
%%% apacann.bst : reference list according to APA manual
%%%               with annotations
%%% apacannx.bst : reference list according to APA manual
%%%                with annotations and author indexing information
%% Written by Erik Meijer

FUNCTION {identify.apacite.version}
{ % Put identifying string in the .blg file
%  "apacite.bst"
%  "apacitex.bst"
%  " [2009/03/01 v4.05 APA bibliography style]"
% " [2009/03/01 v4.05 APA bibl. style with author index info]"
%  "apacann.bst"
%  "apacannx.bst"
%  " [2009/03/01 v4.05 APA annotated bibliography style]"
" [2009/03/01 v4.05 APA annotated bibl. style with author index info]"
  * top$

% ENTRY                                                     %

  { address
    annote       % only used for annotated version
    annotate     % only used for annotated version
    booktitle    % for articles in books
    chair        % for lectures
    chapter      % for incollection, esp. internet documents
    englishtitle % english translation of title in other language
    firstkey     % key for first citation
    institution  % for technical reports
    key          % key for second and later citations, or all
                 % citations if firstkey is missing
    lastchecked  % for URL's
    number       % number of journal or report
    organization % for unpublished
        % for reprints, translations, etc.
        % back to normal
    school       % for theses
    series       % not used
    symposium    % for lectures
    text         % for literals
    translator   % translator of book (or article)
    type         % type of phdthesis (e.g., Doctoral dissertation)
                 % or type of article (e.g., Letter to the editor)
                 % etc.
  { title.number           % for sorting titles
    cite.initials          % dummy (0-1) indicating whether or not
                           % initials of the 1st author must
                           % be used for citing
    cite.num.names.full    % number of names to be cited for full and
    cite.num.names.short   % short cite
    add.to.year            % For a, b, c, etc. after year
                           % in multiple citations with same author-year
  { year.label             % For sorting entries by year
    author.year.sort.label % For sorting entries and checking whether
                           % initials should be added, how many authors
                           % should be cited and whether a, b, etc.
                           % after year is necessary
    title.sort.label       % for sorting titles
    type.2                 % Replacement for type with misc entries and
                           % entries that revert to misc.


INTEGERS { len  pos  name.max  old.number  numnames  numnames.old
           nameptr  lastname  format.num.names  cite.initials.old
           cite.num.names.old add.to.year.old  forward
           multiresult  dot brace.level

STRINGS  { s  t  u old.label  field
           aut1f  aut1s  aut1f.old  aut1s.old
           aut2          aut2.old
           aut3          aut3.old
           aut4          aut4.old
           aut5          aut5.old
           aut6          aut6.old

% A small function for testing purposes.

FUNCTION {test} { #0 }

% A small function that indicates whether index entries must be
% generated. This is the only line that is different between
% apacite.bst and apacitex.bst

%FUNCTION {make.index} { #0 }
%FUNCTION {make.index} { #1 }

% MONTH MACROS                                              %

% Use numbers now, along with a LaTeX function, which translates
% them into words. This allows language-specific deviations.

MACRO {jan}    {"{\APACmonth{01}}"}

MACRO {feb}    {"{\APACmonth{02}}"}

MACRO {mar}    {"{\APACmonth{03}}"}

MACRO {apr}    {"{\APACmonth{04}}"}

MACRO {may}    {"{\APACmonth{05}}"}

MACRO {jun}    {"{\APACmonth{06}}"}

MACRO {jul}    {"{\APACmonth{07}}"}

MACRO {aug}    {"{\APACmonth{08}}"}

MACRO {sep}    {"{\APACmonth{09}}"}

MACRO {oct}    {"{\APACmonth{10}}"}

MACRO {nov}    {"{\APACmonth{11}}"}

MACRO {dec}    {"{\APACmonth{12}}"}

MACRO {winter} {"{\APACmonth{13}}"}

MACRO {spring} {"{\APACmonth{14}}"}

MACRO {summer} {"{\APACmonth{15}}"}

MACRO {fall}   {"{\APACmonth{16}}"}

%            LOGICAL `NOT', `AND', AND `OR'                 %

% Logical 'not':
% If the first element on the stack is A then this function
% does the following:
%     push { #0 }
%     push { #1 }
% So now the first 3 elements of the stack are
%     { #1 } { #0 } A
% The first 3 are popped and subjected to 'if':
% If A > 0 then { #0 } is executed, else { #1 } is executed:
%     if A > 0
%     then 0
%     else 1
% So consider integers as logicals, where 1 = true and 0 = false,
% then this does
%     (if A then false else true)
% which is a logical 'not'.

{   { #0 }
    { #1 }

% Logical 'and':
% If the first 2 elements on the stack are A B
% then this function does the following:
%     push 'skip$
%     push { pop$ #0 }
% So now first 4 elements are
%     { pop$ #0 } 'skip$ A B
% The first 3 are popped and subjected to 'if' (B is on top of
% the stack):
% If A > 0 then 'skip$ is executed, else { pop$ #0 } is executed:
%     if A > 0
%     then (B stays on top of stack)
%     else (B is popped and #0 is pushed)
% So consider integers as logicals, where 1 = true and 0 = false,
% then this does
%     (if A then B else false)
% which is a logical 'and'.

{   'skip$
    { pop$ #0 }

% Logical 'or':
% If the first 2 elements on the stack are A B
% then this function does the following:
%     push { pop$ #1 }
%     push 'skip$
% So now first 4 elements are
%     'skip$ { pop$ #1 } A B
% The first 3 are popped and subjected to 'if' (B is on top of
% the stack):
% If A > 0 then { pop$ #1 } is executed, else 'skip$ is executed:
%     if A > 0
%     then (B is popped and #1 is pushed)
%     else (B stays on top of stack)
% So consider integers as logicals, where 1 = true and 0 = false,
% then this does
%     (if A then true else B)
% which is a logical 'or'.

{   { pop$ #1 }


    % issues warning if field is empty
    % call with
    %    "field"  field  warning.if.empty
    % Note that the first field must be between quotes
    % because it is the fieldname for use in the warning message.
FUNCTION {warning.if.empty}
{ empty$
    { "No "  swap$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$ }
    { pop$ }

    % issues warning if title, type, and howpublished are empty
FUNCTION {check.relevant.fields}
{ title        empty$
  type         empty$ and
  howpublished empty$ and
    { "No title, type, and howpublished in " cite$ * warning$ }

    % delivers 1 if (both editor and translator
    %                not empty and not equal to each other)
    %          0 if (editor or translator empty) or
    %               (editor = translator)
FUNCTION {editor.ne.trans}
{ translator empty$
    { #0 }
    { editor empty$
        { #0 }
        { translator editor =
            { #0 }
            { #1 }

% Convert integer to string, assume that integer < 100,000

FUNCTION {conv.int.to.str}
{ duplicate$ #10 <
    { "0000" swap$ int.to.str$ * }
    { duplicate$ #100 <
        { "000" swap$ int.to.str$ * }
        { duplicate$ #1000 <
            { "00" swap$ int.to.str$ * }
            { duplicate$ #10000 <
                { "0" swap$ int.to.str$ * }
                { int.to.str$ }

% Delivers 1 if possibly editor in author position
%          2 if editor not in author position
%          3 if not applicable: use key
%          0 if unknown type

FUNCTION {ref.type}
{ type$ "article"      =
    type$ "magazine"     =
      type$ "newspaper"    =
        type$ "book"         =
          type$ "techreport"   =
            type$ "unpublished"  =
              type$ "misc"         =
                type$ "booklet"      =
                  type$ "manual"       =
                    type$ "proceedings"  =
    { #1 }
    { type$ "incollection"   =
        type$ "phdthesis"      =
          type$ "mastersthesis"  =
            type$ "lecture"        =
              type$ "inbook"         =
                type$ "inproceedings"  =
                  type$ "conference"  =
                    type$ "intechreport"   =
        { #2 }
        { type$ "literal" =
            { #3 }
            { #0 }

% Delivers 1 if title is formatted as an "article"-type,
%          0 otherwise

FUNCTION {is.atype}
{ type$ "article"        =
    type$ "magazine"       =
      type$ "newspaper"      =
        type$ "incollection"   =
          type$ "inbook"         =
            type$ "inproceedings"  =
              type$ "conference"  =
                type$ "intechreport"   =
                  type$ "manual"         =
    { #1 }
    { journal empty$ not
      type$ "phdthesis"      =
        type$ "mastersthesis"  =
        { #1 }
        { type$ "misc" =
          type empty$ not and
            { type "\bibmessage" =
                type "\bibcomputerprogram" =
                  type "\bibcomputerprogrammanual" =
                    type "\bibcomputerprogramandmanual" =
                      type "\bibcomputersoftware" =
                        type "\bibcomputersoftwaremanual" =
                          type "\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual" =
                            type "\bibprogramminglanguage" =
                { #1 }
                { #0 }
            { #0 }

    % connects two strings with connect string
    % if one of them empty, then connect string
    % is left out
    % call with S1 S2 connectstring connect.check
FUNCTION {connect.check}
{ 'u :=
    % if S2 = ""
  duplicate$ empty$
      % then remove S2
    { pop$
        % S1 is on top of stack.
        % if it is empty, it is replaced by the empty string ""
      duplicate$ empty$
        { pop$ "" }
      % else swap S1 and S2 so that S1 can be checked
    { swap$
        % if S1 is empty, remove S1 so that S2 is left on the
        % stack and is the result is given
      duplicate$ empty$
        { pop$ }
            % now the real work starts:
            % push the connect string "C"
            % so that top of stack is "C" "S1" "S2"
            % concatenate, so that top of stack is
            % "S1+C" "S2"
        { u *
            % swap and concatenate
          swap$ *

    % connects two strings with space ("\ ")
    % if length of second is 4 or larger,
    % connects them with non-breaking space ("tie", "~")
    % if length of second smaller than 4
    % call with S1 S2 tie.or.space.connect
    % result: "S1\ S2" or "S1~S2"
FUNCTION {tie.or.space.connect}
{ duplicate$ text.length$ #4 <
    { "~" }
    { "\ " }
  swap$ * *

    % connects two strings with comma (", ")
    % if one of them is empty, the comma is left out
    % call with S1 S2 connect.with.comma.check
    % result: "S1, S2"
FUNCTION {connect.with.comma.check}
{ ", " connect.check }

    % connects two strings with semicolon ("; ")
    % if one of them is empty, semicolon is left out
    % call with S1 S2 connect.with.semicolon.check
    % result: "S1; S2"
FUNCTION {connect.with.semicolon.check}
{ "; " connect.check }

    % connects two strings with colon (": ")
    % if one of them is empty, colon is left out
    % call with S1 S2 connect.with.colon.check
    % result: "S1: S2"
FUNCTION {connect.with.colon.check}
{ ": " connect.check }

    % connects two strings with space ("\ ")
    % call with S1 S2 connect.with.space.check
    % result: "S1\ S2"
FUNCTION {connect.with.space.check}
{ "\ " connect.check }

    % encloses string in pre- and postfix string
    % call with
    %    prefix postfix  S  enclose.check
    % delivers empty string if S empty
FUNCTION {enclose.check}
{ duplicate$ empty$
    { pop$ pop$ pop$
    { swap$ * * }

    % emphasizes top of stack
    % call with
    %     "string" emphasize.check
FUNCTION {emphasize.check}
{ "\Bem{" swap$
  "}"     swap$

    % brackets top of stack
    % call with
    %     "string" bracket
FUNCTION {bracket.check}
{ "[" swap$
  "]" swap$

    % parenthesizes top of stack
    % call with
    %     "string" parenthesize
FUNCTION {parenthesize.check}
{ "(" swap$
  ")" swap$

    % checks whether argument is "multiresult":
    % whether it contains '-', '+', or ',' characters
    % used with pages to check whether pp. or p. must be used
FUNCTION {multi.result.check}
{ 't :=
  #0 'multiresult :=
  % while (not multiresult) and (length(t) > 1) do
    { multiresult not
      t text.length$ #1 >
        % if t(1-2) = "--" or t(1) = "+" or ","
        % then  multiresult = 1
        % else  t = t(2-last)
    { t #1 #2 substring$ 's :=
      "--" s =
        { #1 'multiresult := }
        { t #1 #1 substring$ 's :=
          "+" s =
            "," s =
            { #1 'multiresult := }
            { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := }

    % Checks whether an author is a corporate author, i.e.,
    % whether the field starts with "{\bibcorporate".
    % Call with
    %   field is.bibcorporate
FUNCTION {is.bibcorporate}
{ #1 #14 substring$ "{\bibcorporate" = }


% Remove non-alphanumeric characters
% and change to lower case .

FUNCTION {sortify}
{ purify$
  "l" change.case$

% Remove spaces from a string. Used for sorting.
% Call with
%     string remove.spaces
% E.g.,
%     "fine old day" remove.spaces
% gives "fineoldday" .

FUNCTION {remove.spaces}
{   % Remove spaces from string.
    % Works best if string only contains alphanumeric characters and spaces.
  's :=                    % The original string
  s text.length$ 'len :=   % Its length (no. of characters)
  "" 't :=                 % Initialize the transformed string
  #0 'pos :=
    % while (pos < len) do
  { pos len < }
    { pos #1 +  'pos :=
      s pos #1 substring$  'u :=
        % u is the pos-th character in s
        % If it is a space, move to next character,
        % else copy character to output.
      u " " =
        { t u *  't := }
    % Now push the result back on the stack

%                BASIC OUTPUT FUNCTIONS                     %

    % starting new block by writing what's left on the stack,
    % starting a new line and adding some extra space or
    % whatever is more defined in \newblock
FUNCTION {output.end.block}
{ write$

    % starting new block by writing what's left on the stack,
    % starting a new line and adding some extra space or
    % whatever is more defined in \newblock
FUNCTION {output.new.block}
{ output.end.block
  "\newblock" write$

    % starting new block by writing what's left on the stack,
    % starting a new line and adding some extra space or
    % whatever is more defined in \newblock
FUNCTION {output.dot.new.block}
{ add.period$

% Starting new block assuming that stack is empty.
% Starting a new line and adding some extra space or
% whatever is more defined in \newblock

FUNCTION {start.new.block}
{ newline$
  "\unskip\ " write$ newline$
  "\newblock " write$ newline$

    % finish current entry
    % by writing what's left on the stack and starting a new line
FUNCTION {fin.entry}
{ output.end.block
  "\PrintBackRefs{\CurrentBib}" write$ newline$
    { "\vspace{\baselineskip}" write$ newline$ }
    % According to TLC2, pp. 810-811, both annote and annotate fields are
    % known, so support them both, but do not print them both, in case
    % someone wants to make a file that is compatible with both the annotate
    % and annotation styles and thus duplicates the information. Instead, we
    % give annote priority.
  annote empty$
    {% Try annotate
      annotate empty$
        { % add annotation
          "\begin{APACrefannotation}" write$ newline$
          annotate write$ newline$
          "\end{APACrefannotation}" write$ newline$
    { % add annotation
      "\begin{APACrefannotation}" write$ newline$
      annote write$ newline$
      "\end{APACrefannotation}" write$ newline$

%  TITLE                                                    %

FUNCTION {sort.name.format} { "{ll{}}{  f{}}{  vv{}}{  jj{}}" }

FUNCTION {cite.name.format} { "{ll}" }

FUNCTION {cite.initials.name.format} { "{f{\BPBI }.~~}{vv }{ll}{ jj}" }

FUNCTION {author.name.format} { "{ll}{, f{\BPBI }.}{ vv}{, jj}" }

FUNCTION {editor.name.format} { "{f{\BPBI }.~~}{vv }{ll}{ jj}" }

FUNCTION {index.name.format} { "{ll}{, f{\BPBI }.}{ vv}{, jj}" }

% Check whether initials must be added (1).
% Initialization.

FUNCTION {init.initials}
{ "yyyyy"  'aut1f.old :=
  "yyyyy"  'aut1s.old :=
  #0       'cite.initials.old :=

% Check whether initials must be added (2).
% Update when author, editor, and key fields are not used.
% Call with
%   field  update.no.initials

FUNCTION {update.no.initials}
{ 'field :=
  field  'aut1f.old :=
  field  'aut1s.old :=
  #0     'cite.initials.old :=

% Check whether initials must be added (3).

FUNCTION {check.add.initials.aut}
{   %
    % If last name is equal to previous last name
    % but initials are different, then initials should
    % be cited. If initials are also the same, initials
    % should be cited if that is the case for the previous
    % author .
  aut1s aut1s.old =
    { aut1f aut1f.old =
        { cite.initials.old  'cite.initials := }
        { #1             'cite.initials :=
          aut1f          'aut1f.old :=
          aut1s          'aut1s.old :=
          cite.initials  'cite.initials.old :=
    {  %
       % Different last name.
      aut1f          'aut1f.old :=
      aut1s          'aut1s.old :=
      cite.initials  'cite.initials.old :=

% Check whether initials must be added (4).
% Call with
%   field  check.add.initials.field

FUNCTION {check.add.initials.field}
{ 'field :=
  field #1 cite.initials.name.format format.name$  'aut1f :=
  field #1 cite.name.format          format.name$  'aut1s :=
    % Now do the actual work

% Check whether initials must be added (4).

FUNCTION {check.add.initials}
{   %
    % Check whether author or editor or other field acts as author.
    % Initials are only relevant with author or editor.
  firstkey empty$ not
    { key empty$ not
        {   %
            % Both key and firstkey are nonempty.
            % Then, key is treated as last name of first author,
            % and firstkey is treated as last name + initials of
            % first author .
          firstkey  sortify  remove.spaces  'aut1f :=
          key       sortify  remove.spaces  'aut1s :=
        { firstkey  sortify  remove.spaces  update.no.initials }
    { key empty$ not
        { key  sortify  remove.spaces  update.no.initials }
        {   %
            % No key or firstkey, so find out which field
            % to use as author.
            % Check reference type:
            %   if result is 1 then possibly editor acts as author
            %                2 then editor does not act as author
            %                3 then key should have been used
            %                0 then unknown reference type
          ref.type  #2 =
            {   %
                % Format first author with and without initials
              author empty$
                { title.sort.label  update.no.initials }
                { author  check.add.initials.field }
            {   %
                % Format first author with and without initials
              author empty$
                { editor empty$
                    { title.sort.label  update.no.initials }
                    { editor check.add.initials.field }
                { author check.add.initials.field }

% Compute tentative number of names that must be cited (1).
% Call with
%   field  tentative.cite.num.names.field

FUNCTION {tentative.cite.num.names.field}
{ 'field :=
  field num.names$  'numnames :=
  numnames #3 <
    {   %
        % 1 or 2 names: always cite all of them.
      numnames  'cite.num.names.full  :=
      numnames  'cite.num.names.short :=
    { numnames #6 <
        {   %
            % 3-5 names: cite all of them the first time,
            % only the first name later times
          numnames  'cite.num.names.full  :=
          #1        'cite.num.names.short :=
        {   %
            % 6 or more names: cite only the first name
          #1  'cite.num.names.full  :=
          #1  'cite.num.names.short :=

% Compute tentative number of names that must be cited (2).

FUNCTION {tentative.cite.num.names}
{   %
    % Check whether author or editor or other field acts as author.
    % Number of names is only relevant with author or editor.
  firstkey empty$ not
      #1 'cite.num.names.full  :=
      #1 'cite.num.names.short :=
    { key empty$ not
          #1 'cite.num.names.full  :=
          #1 'cite.num.names.short :=
        {   %
            % No key or firstkey, so find out which field
            % to use as author.
            % Check reference type:
            %   if result is 1 then possibly editor acts as author
            %                2 then editor does not act as author
            %                3 then key should have been used
            %                0 then unknown reference type
          ref.type  #2 =
            {   %
                % Format first author with and without initials
              author empty$
                  #1 'cite.num.names.full  :=
                  #1 'cite.num.names.short :=
                { author tentative.cite.num.names.field }
            {   %
                % Format first author with and without initials
              author empty$
                { editor empty$
                      #1 'cite.num.names.full  :=
                      #1 'cite.num.names.short :=
                    { editor tentative.cite.num.names.field }
                { author tentative.cite.num.names.field }

% Initialize "number of names to be cited" before
% looping over entries.

FUNCTION {init.cite.num.names}
{ #0      'cite.num.names.old  :=
  #0      'numnames.old        :=
  "yyyy"  'year.label.old      :=
  #0      'add.to.year.old     :=
  ""      'aut1f.old           :=
  ""      'aut2.old            :=
  ""      'aut3.old            :=
  ""      'aut4.old            :=
  ""      'aut5.old            :=
  ""      'aut6.old            :=

% Update "number of names to be cited" .

FUNCTION {update.cite.num.names}
{ cite.num.names.short  'cite.num.names.old  :=
  numnames              'numnames.old        :=
  year.label            'year.label.old      :=
  add.to.year           'add.to.year.old     :=
  aut1f                 'aut1f.old           :=
  aut2                  'aut2.old            :=
  aut3                  'aut3.old            :=
  aut4                  'aut4.old            :=
  aut5                  'aut5.old            :=
  aut6                  'aut6.old            :=

% Format (maximally) 6 authors for comparison issues
% to determine number of authors that must be cited.
% It is assumed that the 'field' and 'numnames' variables
% have already been defined.

FUNCTION {format.6.authors}
{   %
    % First author: with initials.
  field #1 cite.initials.name.format format.name$  'aut1f :=
    % Second and later authors: without initials.
  numnames #1 >
    name.max #1 >
    {   %
        % 2nd author
      field #2 cite.name.format format.name$  'aut2 :=
      numnames #2 >
        name.max #2 >
        {   %
            % 3nd author
          field #3 cite.name.format format.name$  'aut3 :=
          numnames #3 >
            name.max #3 >
            {   %
                % 4th author
              field #4 cite.name.format format.name$  'aut4 :=
              numnames #4 >
                name.max #4 >
                {   %
                    % 5th author
                  field #5 cite.name.format format.name$  'aut5 :=
                  numnames #5 >
                    name.max #5 >
                    {   %
                        % 6th author
                      field #6 cite.name.format format.name$  'aut6 :=
                    {   %
                        % 5 authors: 6 is empty
                      "" 'aut6 :=
                {   %
                    % 4 authors: 5-6 are empty
                  "" 'aut5 :=
                  "" 'aut6 :=
            {   %
                % 3 authors: 4-6 are empty
              "" 'aut4 :=
              "" 'aut5 :=
              "" 'aut6 :=
        {   %
            % 2 authors: 3-6 are empty
          "" 'aut3 :=
          "" 'aut4 :=
          "" 'aut5 :=
          "" 'aut6 :=
    {   %
        % Only 1 author: 2-6 are empty
      "" 'aut2 :=
      "" 'aut3 :=
      "" 'aut4 :=
      "" 'aut5 :=
      "" 'aut6 :=

% Compute definitive number of names that must be cited
% and whether a's or b's must be added to year (1).
% a's or b's are necessary: update add.to.year variable

FUNCTION {change.add.to.year}
  forward  #1  =
    {   %
        % Moving forward: this add.to.year number must be 1 higher than
        % previous.
      add.to.year.old  #0  >
        { add.to.year.old  #1 +    'add.to.year  := }
        { #2  'add.to.year  := }
    {   %
        % Moving backward: this add.to.year number must be 1 lower than
        % previous.
      add.to.year.old  #1 -    'add.to.year  :=

% Compute definitive number of names that must be cited
% and whether a's or b's must be added to year (1).
% Current and/or previous entry has 1 or 2 authors
% or editors acting as authors and they are published in the
% same year. The number of authors does not need to be changed
% in this case, but a's or b's may be necessary.

FUNCTION {definitive.cite.num.names.1.or.2}
{   %
  numnames  numnames.old  =
    {   %
        % Same number of names: ambiguity could arise. Check whether current
        % and previous have the same author(s).
      aut1f aut1f.old =
        {   %
            % Same first author: if the second author is also the same or if
            % there is only one author, a's and b's should be added.
          aut2  aut2.old  =
            numnames  #2  =
          numnames  #1  =
            {   %
                % Same author(s): add to year.
            {   %
                % Different second author: no ambiguity possible.
        {   %
            % Different first author: no ambiguity possible.
    {   %
        % Different number of names: no ambiguity possible.

% Compute definitive number of names that must be cited
% and whether a's or b's must be added to year (2).
% Both current and previous entries have 3 or more authors
% or editors acting as authors and they are published in the
% same year.

FUNCTION {definitive.cite.num.names.3.or.more}
{   %
    % Check whether current and previous have the same first author.
  aut1f aut1f.old =
    {   %
        % Same first author: check second author
      aut2 aut2.old =
        {   %
            % Same 1st & 2nd author: check 3rd.
          aut3 aut3.old =
            {   %
                % Same 1st-3rd authors: check 4th.
              numnames.old #3 =
                { numnames #3 =
                    {   %
                        % Both current and previous have 3 authors, which are
                        % the same, so both have identical author-year
                        % combinations, so ambiguity should be resolved by
                        % a's and b's. Check whether more authors were
                        % necessary for previous one.
                      cite.num.names.short  cite.num.names.old  <
                        { cite.num.names.old
                            'cite.num.names.short :=
                    {   %
                        % Previous has 3 authors, current has more, with same
                        % first 3, so at least 4 must be used for current to
                        % make a difference.
                      cite.num.names.short  #4  <
                        { #4  'cite.num.names.short := }
                { numnames #3 =
                    {   %
                        % Current has 3 authors, previous has more, with same
                        % first 3, so all 3 of current must be used.
                      numnames  'cite.num.names.short :=
                    {   %
                        % Same 1st-3rd author and both current and previous
                        % have at least 4 authors: check 4th.
                      aut4 aut4.old =
                        {   %
                            % Same 1st-4th authors: check 5th.
                          numnames.old #4 =
                            { numnames #4 =
                                {   %
                                    % Both current and previous have 4 authors,
                                    % which are the same, so both have
                                    % identical author-year combinations, so
                                    % ambiguity should be resolved by a's and
                                    % b's. Check whether more authors were
                                    % necessary for previous one.
                                  cite.num.names.short cite.num.names.old  <
                                    { cite.num.names.old
                                        'cite.num.names.short :=
                                {   %
                                    % Previous has 4 authors, current has more,
                                    % with same first 4, so at least 5 must be
                                    % used for current to make a difference.
                                  cite.num.names.short  #5  <
                                    { #5  'cite.num.names.short := }
                            { numnames #4 =
                                {   %
                                    % Current has 4 authors, previous has more,
                                    % with same first 4, so all 4 of current
                                    % must be used.
                                  numnames  'cite.num.names.short :=
                                {   %
                                    % Same 1st-4th author and both current and
                                    % previous have at least 5 authors: check
                                    % 5th.
                                  aut5 aut5.old =
                                    {   %
                                        % Same 1st-5th authors: check 6th.
                                      numnames.old #5 =
                                        { numnames #5 =
                                            {   %
                                                % Both current and previous
                                                % have 5 authors, which are the
                                                % same, so both have identical
                                                % author-year combinations, so
                                                % ambiguity should be resolved
                                                % by a's and b's. Check whether
                                                % more authors were necessary
                                                % for previous one.
                                                cite.num.names.old  <
                                                { cite.num.names.old
                                                    'cite.num.names.short  :=
                                            {   %
                                                % Previous has 5 authors,
                                                % current has more, with same
                                                % first 5, so at least 6 must
                                                % be used for current to make
                                                % a difference.
                                              cite.num.names.short #6 <
                                                { #6 'cite.num.names.short := }
                                        { numnames #5 =
                                            {   %
                                                % Current has 5 authors,
                                                % previous has more, with same
                                                % first 5, so all 5 of current
                                                % must be used.
                                              numnames 'cite.num.names.short :=
                                            {   %
                                                % Same 1st-5th author and both
                                                % current and previous have at
                                                % least 6 authors. If one has
                                                % 6 authors and the other has
                                                % more or the 6th is different,
                                                % 6 should be used (which is
                                                % the maximum).
                                              numnames #6 >
                                                numnames.old #6 =
                                              numnames #6 =
                                                numnames.old #6 >
                                              aut6 aut6.old =
                                                { #6 cite.num.names.short <
                                                    { #6
                                                {   %
                                                    % The first 6 authors are
                                                    % the same and either both
                                                    % have 6 or both have more.
                                                    % So for all practical
                                                    % purposes they have
                                                    % identical author-year
                                                    % combination, so ambiguity
                                                    % should be resolved by a's
                                                    % and b's. Check whether
                                                    % more authors were
                                                    % necessary for previous
                                                    % one.
                                                    { cite.num.names.old
                                    {   %
                                        % Different 5th author: citing 5 authors is
                                        % sufficient for this comparison.
                                      cite.num.names.short #5 <
                                        { #5 'cite.num.names.short := }
                        {   %
                            % Different 4th author: citing 4 authors is
                            % sufficient for this comparison.
                          cite.num.names.short #4 <
                            { #4 'cite.num.names.short := }
            {   %
                % Different 3rd author: citing 3 authors is sufficient for this
                % comparison.
              cite.num.names.short #3 <
                { #3 'cite.num.names.short := }
        {   %
            % Different 2nd author: citing 2 authors is sufficient for this
            % comparison.
          cite.num.names.short #2 <
            { #2 'cite.num.names.short := }
    {   %
        % Different first author: no ambiguity, move to next entry.

% Compute definitive number of names that must be cited
% and whether a's or b's must be added to year (3).
% Current entry has an author or editor acting as author.
% Call with
%   field  definitive.cite.num.names.field
% What should we do with explicit "others"? Is now ignored.
% If this causes ambiguity that could be resolved, the user
% should have added additional author names.

FUNCTION {definitive.cite.num.names.field}
{ 'field :=
  field num.names$  'numnames :=
    % Format authors
    % Now compare authors with authors of previous entry.
  cite.num.names.short   numnames.old    >
    {   %
        % The previous entry has less authors than already defined
        % necessary to be cited. No ambiguity is possible and we're ready.
    {   %
        % Both previous and current entry have at least one author .
      year.label   year.label.old  =
        {   %
            % Same year label: possibly ambiguous citation.
            % First check: current and/or previous have 1 or
            % 2 authors.
          numnames  #3  <
            numnames.old  #3  <
            { definitive.cite.num.names.1.or.2 }
            { definitive.cite.num.names.3.or.more }
        {   %
            % Different year label: everything's fine,
            % move to next entry.
    % If during the previous process the name maximum is exceeded
    % (which was not checked), correct this. NOTE: If the name
    % maximum is smaller than 6, this could lead to ambiguous
    % citations if, e.g., the year and the first 5 authors are
    % the same, but the 6th author is different.
  cite.num.names.short   name.max   >
    { name.max  'cite.num.names.short  := }
    % For a "full" cite, the number of names should always be at least
    % as large as for a "short" cite.
  cite.num.names.full   cite.num.names.short   <
    { cite.num.names.short 'cite.num.names.full := }
    % Update "old" variables for next entry.

% Compute definitive number of names that must be cited (4)
% and especially whether a's and b's should be added.
% This function is for the situation when author or editor
% are not used and firstkey, key, or something else is
% used to cite the referenced work.
% Call with
%   formatted.field   definitive.cite.no.names

FUNCTION {definitive.cite.no.names}
{   %
    % The formatted field that acts as author is on top
    % of the stack.
      'aut1f :=
  ""  'aut2 :=
  ""  'aut3 :=
  ""  'aut4 :=
  ""  'aut5 :=
  ""  'aut6 :=
  #1  'numnames  :=
  year.label   year.label.old  =
    {   %
        % Same year label: possibly ambiguous citation.
    {   %
        % Different year label: everything's fine,
        % move to next entry.
    % Update "old" variables for next entry.

% Compute definitive number of names that must be cited (5).

FUNCTION {definitive.cite.num.names}
{   %
    % Check whether author or editor or other field acts as author.
    % Number of names is only relevant with author or editor.
  firstkey empty$ not
    { firstkey  sortify  remove.spaces  definitive.cite.no.names }
    { key empty$ not
        { key  sortify  remove.spaces  definitive.cite.no.names }
        {   %
            % No key or firstkey, so find out which field
            % to use as author.
            % Check reference type:
            %   if result is 1 then possibly editor acts as author
            %                2 then editor does not act as author
            %                3 then key should have been used
            %                0 then unknown reference type
          ref.type  #2 =
            {   %
                % Format first author with and without initials
              author empty$
                { title.sort.label  definitive.cite.no.names }
                { author  definitive.cite.num.names.field }
            {   %
                % Format first author with and without initials
              author empty$
                { editor empty$
                    { title.sort.label  definitive.cite.no.names }
                    { editor definitive.cite.num.names.field }
                { author definitive.cite.num.names.field }

% Make a tentative year sorting label (without `a' and `b').

FUNCTION {make.tentative.year.sort.label}
{   %
    % Implicit or explicit ``no date'' is put at the front
    % (the year zero; years B.C. will imply complications)
    % because these are possibly old works.
    % ``In press'' is put at the end.
  year empty$
    { "0000" 'year.label := }
    { year "\bibnodate" =
        year "n.d." =
        { "0000" 'year.label := }
        { year "\BIP" =
            { "9999" 'year.label := }
            {   % It is not checked whether the year field
                % makes sense.
              year  sortify  remove.spaces  'year.label :=
    % Push year sort label on the stack

% Give month and day when available.

FUNCTION {month.number.day}
{ month empty$
    { "" }
    { month sortify remove.spaces
        % Add the day when available.
      day empty$
        { "/" *
          day  sortify  remove.spaces  *

% Make tentative sort label with names in field on top of
% the stack.
% Call with
%   field make.name.sort.label
% where 'field' is the field that takes the author-role.

FUNCTION {make.name.sort.label}
{   %
    % Author or editor-acting-as-author available.
    % => Make tentative "short cite with initials" author
    %    label (L1) of one of the forms
    %     "Last1  F1"
    %     "Last1  F1   Last2"
    %     "Last1  F1   zzzz"  ("zzzz" representing et al.)
    % => If more than 2 'authors': make label (L2) for 2nd-6th authors
    %    of one of the forms
    %     "Last2   Last3"
    %     "Last2   Last3   Last4"
    %     "Last2   Last3   Last4   Last5"
    %     "Last2   Last3   Last4   Last5   Last6"
    %     "Last2   Last3   Last4   Last5   Last6   zzzz"
    % Then format year label (L3) of one of the forms:
    %     "0000"  (missing year or explicit 'no date')
    %     "9999"  ('in press')
    %     year    (otherwise; don't use originalyear here yet)
    % From earlier sorting of titles, we have title number. Convert
    % to string, which gives title label (L4) .
    % Then tentative sorting label (author.year.sort.label) is a
    % concatenation of
    %     L1
    %     "    "
    %     L3
    %     "    "
    %     L2
    %     "    "
    %     L4
    % The name field is on top of the stack.
  'field :=
    % numnames is the total number of names contained in field
  field num.names$ 'numnames :=
    % Format first author
  field  #1  sort.name.format  format.name$
    % Format the second author if there are two, or else "zzzz" = et al.
  numnames #1 =
    { numnames #2 =
        {   %
            % Two authors: format second author
          field  #2  "{ll{}}"  format.name$  's :=
          s "others" =
            { "   zzzz" * }    % Add "et al."-substitute
            { "   " * s * }    % Add second author
        { "   zzzz" * } % 3 or more authors: add "et al."-substitute
  "    "  *                          % Add spaces
  make.tentative.year.sort.label *   % Add year (L3).
  "    "  *                          % Add spaces
    % Now build up L2 if applicable
  numnames #3 <
    {   %
        % Treat last author slightly differently
      numnames name.max >
        { name.max  'lastname  :=
          "   zzzz"                 % Push "et al."-substitute on stack
        { numnames  'lastname  :=
          ""                        % Push empty string on stack
        % Names 2 to "last" - 1
      ""                            % Push empty string on stack
      #2 'nameptr :=
      { nameptr lastname < }
        {   % Add name no. nameptr
          field  nameptr  "{ll{}}"  format.name$ *
          "   " *
          nameptr #1 +  'nameptr :=
        % "Last" author
      field  lastname  "{ll{}}"  format.name$  's :=
      s "others" =
        { "zzzz" * }    % Add "et al."-substitute
        { s * }         % Add last author
      swap$ *  % Add the previously formatted empty string or
               % "et al."-substitute if there are many authors.
      *        % Add L2 to the earlier labels.
  "    "  *                          % Add spaces
  title.number  conv.int.to.str  *   % Add sorted title number (L4).
  sortify                            % Clean up and convert to lowercase
  "    "  *                          % Add spaces
  month.number.day  *                % Add month and day when available
  'author.year.sort.label :=         % Assign result to sort label.

% Called by make.tentative.sort.label to make tentative
% sort label if key or firstkey is available or author and
% editor are empty or unusable.
% Call with
%   field make.field.year.sort.label
% where 'field' is the field that takes the author-role,
% perhaps already subjected to removing articles from the
% beginning.

FUNCTION {make.field.year.sort.label}
{   %
    % 'field' acts as first author (L1), subsequent authors
    % are empty (L2).
    % Then format year label (L3) of one of the forms:
    %     "0000"  (missing year or explicit 'no date')
    %     "9999"  ('in press')
    %     year    (otherwise; don't use originalyear here yet)
    % From earlier sorting of titles, we have title number. Convert
    % to string, which gives title label (L4) .
    % Then tentative sorting label (author.year.sort.label) is a
    % concatenation of
    %     L1
    %     "    "
    %     L3
    %     "    "
    %     L2
    %     "    "
    %     L4
    % 'field' is on top of the stack. It is already supposed to be cleaned
    % (i.e., sortified and space-removed), so this is already L1.
  "    "  *                          % Add spaces to L1
  make.tentative.year.sort.label *   % Add year (L3).
  "    "  *                          % Add spaces
  "    "  *                          % L2 is empty, add spaces
  title.number  conv.int.to.str  *   % Add sorted title number (L4).
  sortify                            % Clean up and convert to lowercase
  "    "  *                          % Add spaces
  month.number.day  *                % Add month and day when available
  'author.year.sort.label :=         % Assign result to sort label.

% Called by make.tentative.sort.label to make tentative
% sort label if key or firstkey are not available and
% author or editor may be used

FUNCTION {make.author.editor.sort.label}
{ author empty$
    { editor empty$
        {   %
            % Use what has previously been stored in title.sort.label
            % as author substitute .
          title.sort.label   make.field.year.sort.label
        { editor make.name.sort.label }
    { author make.name.sort.label }

% Called by make.tentative.sort.label to make tentative
% sort label if key or firstkey are not available and
% author (but not editor) may be used

FUNCTION {make.author.sort.label}
{ author empty$
    {   %
        % Use what has previously been stored in title.sort.label
        % as author substitute .
      title.sort.label   make.field.year.sort.label
    { author make.name.sort.label }

% Make tentative label for citing and sorting and do some
% preprocessing.

FUNCTION {make.tentative.sort.label}
{   %
    % General strategy:
    % Ordinary situation: author or editor-acting-as-author
    % available.
    % => Make tentative "short cite with initials" author
    %    label (L1) of one of the forms
    %     "Last1  F1"
    %     "Last1  F1   Last2"
    %     "Last1  F1   zzzz"  ("zzzz" representing et al.)
    % => If more than 2 'authors': make label (L2) for 2nd-6th authors
    %    of one of the forms
    %     "Last2   Last3"
    %     "Last2   Last3   Last4"
    %     "Last2   Last3   Last4   Last5"
    %     "Last2   Last3   Last4   Last5   Last6"
    %     "Last2   Last3   Last4   Last5   Last6   zzzz"
    % When key is available (overrules author and editor fields):
    % => L1 = key, L2 = ""
    % No author, editor, and key: define title or substitute as key
    % and format as key.
    % Then format year label (L3) of one of the forms:
    %     "0000"  (missing year or explicit 'no date')
    %     "9999"  ('in press')
    %     year    (otherwise; don't use originalyear here yet)
    % From earlier sorting of titles, we have title number. Convert
    % to string, which gives title label (L4) .
    % Then tentative sorting label (author.year.sort.label) is a
    % concatenation of
    %     L1
    %     "    "
    %     L3
    %     "    "
    %     L2
    %     "    "
    %     L4
    % This can then be sorted, from which it can be derived
    % whether initials are necessary, how many names must
    % be used for short and full citations, and whether "a"'s and
    % "b"'s etc. are necessary behind the year labels.
    % key and firstkey overrule author information
  firstkey empty$ not
    { key empty$ not
        {   %
            % Both key and firstkey available:
            % for sorting and checking initials, treat key as last
            % name and firstkey as initials.
          key       sortify  remove.spaces
          "  " *
          firstkey  sortify  remove.spaces *
        { firstkey  sortify  remove.spaces make.field.year.sort.label }
    { key empty$ not
        { key   sortify  remove.spaces make.field.year.sort.label }
        {   %
            % No key or firstkey, so find out which field
            % to use as author.
            % Check reference type:
            %   if result is 1 then possibly editor acts as author
            %                2 then editor does not act as author
            %                3 then key should have been used
            %                0 then unknown reference type
          duplicate$ #1 =
            { pop$
            { duplicate$ #2 =
                { pop$
                { #3 =
                    { "no key in " cite$ * warning$
                    { make.author.editor.sort.label }
  author.year.sort.label  'sort.key$ :=

% Make final sort label with names in field on top of
% the stack.
% Call with
%   field  make.definitive.name.sort.label
% where 'field' is the field that takes the author-role.

FUNCTION {make.definitive.name.sort.label}
{   %
    % Author or editor-acting-as-author available.
    % => Make author-with-initials label (L1) of one of the forms
    %     "Last1  F1   Last2  F2   ...   LastN  FN"
    %     "Last1  F1   Last2  F2   ...   Last6  F6   zzzz"
    %     (where N <= 6 is the total number of authors, and
    %      "zzzz" represents et al. if there are more than 6 authors)
    % No author, editor, and key: define title or substitute as sort key.
    % The name field is on top of the stack.
  'field :=
    % numnames is the total number of names contained in field
  field num.names$ 'numnames :=
    % If there are more than 6 authors, only 6 are mentioned.
  numnames  name.max  >
    { name.max  'format.num.names  := }
    { numnames  'format.num.names  := }
    % Initialize stack with empty string
    % Cycle over authors.
  #1  'nameptr  :=
    { nameptr  format.num.names  < }
    { % Format author and add spaces
       field  nameptr  sort.name.format  format.name$  *
       "   " *
       nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
    % Format last author that must be formatted
  field  nameptr  sort.name.format  format.name$  *
    % Add et al. if necessary
  nameptr numnames  <
    { "   zzzz" * }
  sortify                            % Clean up and change case
  "    "  *                          % Add spaces
  year.label *                       % Add year
  "    "  *                          % Add spaces
  title.number  conv.int.to.str  *   % Add sorted title number
  "    "  *                          % Add spaces
  month.number.day  *                % Add month and day when available
  'author.year.sort.label :=         % Assign result to sort label.

% Called to make definitive sort label if author and
% editor are empty or unusable.
% Call with
%   field make.definitive.field.year.sort.label
% where 'field' is the field that takes the author-role,
% perhaps already subjected to removing articles from the
% beginning.

FUNCTION {make.definitive.field.year.sort.label}
{   %
    % 'field' acts as author (L1).
    % Then format year label (L2) of one of the forms:
    %     "0000"  (missing year or explicit `no date')
    %     "9999"  (`in press')
    %     year    (otherwise; don't use originalyear here yet)
    % From earlier sorting of titles, we have title number. Convert
    % to string, which gives title label (L3) .
    % Then tentative sorting label (author.year.sort.label) is a
    % concatenation of
    %     L1
    %     "    "
    %     L2
    %     "    "
    %     L3
    % 'field' is on top of the stack. It is already supposed to be cleaned
    % (i.e., sortified and space-removed), so this is already L1.
  "    "  *                          % Add spaces
  year.label *                       % Add year
  "    "  *                          % Add spaces
  title.number  conv.int.to.str  *   % Add sorted title number
  "    "  *                          % Add spaces
  month.number.day  *                % Add month and day when available
  'author.year.sort.label :=         % Assign result to sort label.

% Called by make.final.sort.key if author or editor
% may be used.

FUNCTION {make.definitive.author.editor.sort.label}
{ author empty$
    { editor empty$
        {   %
            % Use what has previously been stored in title.sort.label
            % as author substitute .
          title.sort.label   make.definitive.field.year.sort.label
        { editor  make.definitive.name.sort.label }
    { author  make.definitive.name.sort.label }

% Called by make.final.sort.key if author but not editor
% may be used.

FUNCTION {make.definitive.author.sort.label}
{ author empty$
    {   %
        % Use what has previously been stored in title.sort.label
        % as author substitute .
      title.sort.label   make.definitive.field.year.sort.label
    { author  make.definitive.name.sort.label }

% Make final sort key .

FUNCTION {make.final.sort.key}
{   %
    % General strategy:
    % Ordinary situation: author or editor-acting-as-author
    % available.
    % => Make author-with-initials label (L1) of one of the forms
    %     "Last1  F1   Last2  F2   ...   LastN  FN"
    %     "Last1  F1   Last2  F2   ...   Last6  F6   zzzz"
    %     (where N <= 6 is the total number of authors, and
    %      "zzzz" represents et al. if there are more than 6 authors)
    % No author, editor, and key: define title or substitute as sort key.
    % Then format year label (L2) of one of the forms:
    %     "0000"  (missing year or explicit `no date')
    %     "9999"  (`in press')
    %     year    (otherwise; don't use originalyear here yet)
    %       Add "/"month"/"day to the latter when available.
    % From earlier sorting of titles, we have title number. Convert
    % to string, which gives title label (L3) .
    % Then final sorting label (author.year.sort.label) is a
    % concatenation of
    %     L1
    %     "    "
    %     L2
    %     "    "
    %     L3
    % This can then be sorted.
    % Find out which field
    % to use as author.
    % Check reference type:
    %   if result is 1 then possibly editor acts as author
    %                2 then editor does not act as author
    %                3 then key should have been used
    %                0 then unknown reference type
  ref.type  #2 =
    { make.definitive.author.sort.label }
    { make.definitive.author.editor.sort.label }
  author.year.sort.label  'sort.key$ :=


% Remove first N characters of string if they are equal to
% teststring .
% Call with
%     teststring N string chop.word
% E.g.,
%     "A " #2 "A fine old day" chop.word
% gives "fine old day"
% and
%     "A " #2 "The fine old day" chop.word
% gives "The fine old day".

FUNCTION {chop.word}
{ 's :=
  'len :=
  s #1 len substring$ =
    { s len #1 + global.max$ substring$ }
    { s }

% Remove "a ", "an ", and "the " from beginning of string.
% Call with
%     string chop.articles

FUNCTION {chop.articles}
{ 's :=
  "a " #2
    "an " #3
      "the " #4

% Format title and other non-name/date entries for sort key.
% Call with
%    field format.sort.title
% Make sure that field is not empty, this is not checked here!

FUNCTION {format.sort.title}
{   %
    % Remove non-alphanumeric characters and change to lower case .
    % Remove "a ", "an ", and "the " from the front .
  chop.articles #1 entry.max$ substring$

% Make title sorting label or substitute.

FUNCTION {make.sort.title}
{ title empty$
    { text empty$
        { type empty$
            { howpublished empty$
                { note empty$
                    { url empty$
                        { " " }
                        { url  format.sort.title }
                    { note  format.sort.title }
                { howpublished  format.sort.title }
            { type  format.sort.title }
        { text format.sort.title }
    { title  format.sort.title }
  'title.sort.label :=
  title.sort.label 'sort.key$ :=

% Make title number: rank number of sorted title .

FUNCTION {make.title.number}
{ title.sort.label  old.label  =
    {   %
        % A tie: old and new label are the same .
      old.number  'title.number :=
    {   %
        % The usual situation: titles are different.
      old.number  #1  +  'title.number :=
      title.number       'old.number   :=
      title.sort.label   'old.label    :=

%  NAME FORMATTING                                          %

% In order to support removal of spaces between the initials,
% we have to split the formatting of the constituent parts,
% because something like "{ll}{, f{\BPBI }.}{ vv}{, jj}" removes
% the hyphens between initials as well.

FUNCTION {last.part.name.format} { "{ll}" }

FUNCTION {initials.with.space.name.format} { "{f.}" }

FUNCTION {von.last.junior.name.format} { "{vv }{ll}{ jj}" }

FUNCTION {von.junior.name.format} { "{ vv}{, jj}" }

FUNCTION {one.complete.name.format} { "{vv }{ll}{, jj}{, ff}" }

% text.length$ views "special characters" as 1, whereas
% substring$ looks at the number of actual characters.
% So
%  "{\TeX}" text.length$   = 1
%  "{TeX}"  text.length$   = 3
% but
%  "{\TeX}" #4 #2 substring$ = "eX"
%  "{TeX}"  #4 #2 substring$ = "X}"
% Therefore, it is convenient to have a string length function
% that uses the same numbering as substring$:
%  "{\TeX}" string.length  = 6
%  "{TeX}"  string.length  = 5

FUNCTION {string.length}
{ #0 'pos :=
  % If the next character exists, i.e., is not empty,
  % add 1 to the string length.
  % We cannot use empty$ because " " empty$ is true.
  { duplicate$ pos #1 + #1 substring$ "" = not }
    { pos #1 + 'pos := }
  pop$ pos

% Replace ". " and ".~" with "\BPBI " (period between initials)
% and     ".-" with "\BHBI " (hyphen between initials)
% but only at brace level 0.

FUNCTION {transform.spaces.and.hyphens}
{ 's :=                    % The original string
  s string.length 'len :=  % Its length (no. of characters)
  "" 't :=                 % Initialize the transformed string
  #1 'pos :=
  #0 'brace.level :=
    % while (pos < len) do
  { pos len < }
    { % First, check whether we are at brace level 0
      brace.level #0 =
          % At least two characters left: check for ". ", ".~", and ".-".
          % If so, replace and shift two positions.
          s pos #2 substring$  ". " =
          s pos #2 substring$  ".~" = or
            { t "\BPBI " *  't :=
              pos #2 +  'pos :=
            { s pos #2 substring$  ".-" =
                { t "\BHBI " *  't :=
                  pos #2 +  'pos :=
                { % neither is true, copy one character and shift one position
                  t   s pos #1 substring$   *   't :=
                  % Check whether we need to increase brace level.
                  % Note that this is not sophisticated: it does not capture
                  % \{, \verb+}+, etc.
                  % Note also that unbalanced braces cause problems.
                  s pos #1 substring$ "{" =
                    { brace.level #1 + 'brace.level := }
                  pos #1 +  'pos :=
        { % Not at brace level 0: copy result literally
          t   s pos #1 substring$   *   't :=
          % Check whether we need to increase or decrease brace level.
          % Note that this is not sophisticated: it does not capture
          % \{, \verb+}+, etc.
          s pos #1 substring$ "{" =
            { brace.level #1 + 'brace.level := }
            { s pos #1 substring$ "}" =
                { brace.level #1 - 'brace.level := }
          pos #1 +  'pos :=
  pos len =
    { % Last character, copy
      t   s pos #1 substring$   *   't :=
    { % pos = len + 1, so s ends with ". " or ".-"
      % This should not have happened, but make the best out of it.
      % Push last two characters of s on the stack, i.e., ". " or ".-".
      s len #1 - #2 substring$
      % Remove "\BPBI " or "\BHBI " from t
      t text.length$ 'len :=   % Length of t (no. of characters)
      t #1 len #6 - substring$
      % Concatenate and assign to t
      swap$ * 't :=
    % Now push the result back on the stack

% Format only the initials of a name, retaining hyphens, but
% removing spaces between first names. So "Jean Pierre" becomes "J.P."
% and "Jean-Pierre" becomes "J.-P.".

FUNCTION {format.initials.with.hyphen}
{ % Format initials.
  % Call with
  %   field authornumber format.initials.with.hyphen
  % e.g.
  %   author #1 format.initials.with.hyphen
  % Instead of field, a string may also be used.
  % First, format initials in the default way, retaining spaces
  % and hyphens.
  initials.with.space.name.format format.name$

FUNCTION {format.last.part.name}
{ % Format a name with last.part.name.format,
  % as part of more complicated things.
  % Call with
  %   field authornumber format.last.part.name
  % e.g.
  %   author #1 format.last.part.name
  % Instead of field, a string may also be used.
  last.part.name.format  format.name$

FUNCTION {format.von.last.junior.name}
{ % Format a name with von.last.junior.name.format,
  % for citing or as part of more complicated things.
  % Call with
  %   field authornumber format.von.last.junior.name
  % e.g.
  %   author #1 format.von.last.junior.name
  % Instead of field, a string may also be used.
  von.last.junior.name.format  format.name$

FUNCTION {format.von.junior.name}
{ % Format a name with von.last.junior.name.format,
  % for citing or as part of more complicated things.
  % Call with
  %   field authornumber format.von.junior.name
  % e.g.
  %   author #1 format.von.junior.name
  % Instead of field, a string may also be used.
  von.junior.name.format  format.name$

FUNCTION {format.cite.initials.name}
{ % Format a name for citing with initials.
  % Call with
  %   field authornumber format.cite.initials.name
  % e.g.
  %   author #1 format.cite.initials.name
  % Instead of field, a string may also be used.
  % First, extract the complete name, format it in the canonical form,
  % and push on the stack.
  one.complete.name.format format.name$
  % Format the initials and push on the stack.
  duplicate$ #1 format.initials.with.hyphen
  % Format the von-last-junior part and push on the stack.
  swap$ #1 format.von.last.junior.name
  % Connect with "~" hyphen (if they're both non-empty).
  "~" connect.check

FUNCTION {format.author.name}
{ % Format an author name for the reference list.
  % Call with
  %   field authornumber format.author.name
  % e.g.
  %   author #1 format.author.name
  % Instead of field, a string may also be used.
  % First, extract the complete name, format it in the canonical form,
  % and push on the stack.
  one.complete.name.format format.name$
  % Make two copies of the name, format the last name and push on the stack.
  duplicate$ duplicate$ #1 format.last.part.name
  % Format the initials and push on the stack.
  swap$ #1 format.initials.with.hyphen
  % Connect with last name.
  % Format the von-junior part and connect with initials.
  swap$ #1 format.von.junior.name "" connect.check

FUNCTION {format.editor.name}
{ % Format a name for the reference list as an editor.
  % Call with
  %   field authornumber format.editor.name
  % e.g.
  %   author #1 format.editor.name
  % Instead of field, a string may also be used.

FUNCTION {format.index.name}
{ % Format an author name for the index.
  % Call with
  %   field authornumber format.index.name
  % e.g.
  %   author #1 format.index.name
  % Instead of field, a string may also be used.

%  CITATION LABELS                                          %

% Some macro strings about commas, etc. between authors

FUNCTION {comma.between.two} { "\BCBT{}" }

FUNCTION {comma.between.names} { ", " }

FUNCTION {comma.before.last} { "\BCBL{}" }

FUNCTION {and.before.last} { "\ \BBA{} " }

FUNCTION {et.al.string.cite} { "\ \protect\BOthers{.}" }

FUNCTION {et.al.string} { "\ \BOthers{.}" }

FUNCTION {et.al.string.period} { "\ \BOthersPeriod{.}" }

% Add author index entry when desired.
% "field" must have been defined before and must contain the
%   contents of the relevant author field.
% "nameptr" must also have been defined before. It is the
%   number of the author that must be formatted. (So if it is
%   #2, then the 2nd author must be formatted.)
% What's on top of the stack (the formatted author) is written
% to the .bbl file.

FUNCTION {add.name.index}
{   %
    { "%" * write$ newline$
        % Check for corporate author
      field is.bibcorporate
        { "\corporateAX{" }
        { "\AX{" }
      field nameptr sort.name.format  format.name$  sortify  write$ newline$
      "@"  write$
      field nameptr format.index.name
      "}%"  *   write$ newline$
    { "%" * write$ newline$ }

% Citation labels when author or editor may be used.
% Field is on top of the stack.
% Call with
%   format.num.names  field  make.name.cite.label

FUNCTION {make.name.cite.label}
{ 'field  :=
  'format.num.names  :=
  field  num.names$  'numnames :=   % numnames is the total number of names
                                    %   contained in field
    % It is implicit in the APA manual that if "et al." would refer
    % to exactly one author, then this author should be named
    % instead of "et al."
  format.num.names  numnames  #1  -  =
    { numnames  'format.num.names  := }
    % Format first author: with or without initials
  #1 'nameptr :=
  cite.initials  #1  =
    { field  nameptr  format.cite.initials.name     }
    { field  nameptr  cite.name.format format.name$ }
  add.name.index  % Add index entry when desired.
  numnames  #1  =
    { format.num.names  #1  =
        {   %
            % First author et al.
          et.al.string.cite write$
        { numnames  #2  =
            {   %
                % Given that  format.num.names > 1, it is 2.
                % Format second author.
              #2  'nameptr :=
              field  nameptr  cite.name.format  format.name$  's :=
                % Check if 2nd author is explicit "others".
                % If so, insert "et al." string.
              s "others" =
                { et.al.string.cite write$ }  % First et al.
                {   %
                    % First \& Second
                  and.before.last write$
                  add.name.index  % Add index entry when desired.
            {   %
                % 3 or more names, 2 or more must be cited
                % for nameptr := 2  to  format.num.names - 1  do
              #2  'nameptr  :=
                { nameptr  format.num.names  < }
                {   %
                    % Put comma between consecutive authors
                  comma.between.names  write$
                    % Format and add next author
                  field  nameptr  cite.name.format  format.name$
                  add.name.index  % Add index entry when desired.
                    % Move to next author
                  nameptr  #1  +  'nameptr :=
                % nameptr  =  format.num.names
                % Format this author.
              field  nameptr  cite.name.format  format.name$  's :=
              format.num.names  numnames  =
                {   %
                    % This is also the last author. Add (optional) comma.
                  comma.before.last  write$
                    % Check if this author is explicit "others".
                    % If so, insert "et al." string.
                  s "others" =
                    { et.al.string.cite  write$ }
                    { and.before.last    write$
                      add.name.index  % Add index entry when desired.
                {   %
                    % This is not the last author.
                    % Add comma, author name, and "et al."
                  comma.between.names  write$
                  add.name.index  % Add index entry when desired.
                  comma.before.last  et.al.string.cite  *  write$

% Citation labels when no author, editor, firstkey or key
% is available.

FUNCTION {make.title.cite.label}
{   %
    % Formatting: check if formatted as article title or
    % as book title, and insert this formatting.
    { "\APACciteatitle{" }
    { "\APACcitebtitle{" }
  title empty$
    { text empty$
        { type empty$
            { howpublished empty$
                { note empty$
                    { url empty$
                        { cite$ }
                        { url   }
                    { note  }
                { howpublished }
            { type }
        { text }
    { title }
    % Connect with formatting.
  * "}" *
    % Write to output

% Citation labels when author or editor may be used.

FUNCTION {make.author.editor.cite.label}
{ author empty$
    { editor empty$
        {   %
            % No author or editor:
            % Use title or other description as citation label.
          "}{%"  write$ newline$
        { cite.num.names.full   editor  make.name.cite.label
          "}{%"  write$ newline$
          cite.num.names.short  editor  make.name.cite.label
    { cite.num.names.full   author  make.name.cite.label
      "}{%"  write$ newline$
      cite.num.names.short  author  make.name.cite.label

% Citation labels when author (but not editor) may be used.

FUNCTION {make.author.cite.label}
{ author empty$
    {   %
        % No author:
        % Use title or other description as citation label.
      "}{%"  write$ newline$
    { cite.num.names.full   author  make.name.cite.label
      "}{%"  write$ newline$
      cite.num.names.short  author  make.name.cite.label

% Make "a" or "b" supplement to year label when necessary.

FUNCTION {make.definitive.year.supplement}
{   %
    % Add "a", "b", etc. when necessary.
  add.to.year  #0  =
    { "" }
    { "{\protect"
      year empty$
        { "\BCntND" * }
        { year "\bibnodate" =
            { "\BCntND" * }
            { year "\BIP" =
                { "\BCntIP" * }
                { "\BCnt" * }
      "{" * add.to.year int.to.str$ * "}}" *

% Add \protect if year is \BIP or \bibnodate.

FUNCTION {protect.year}
{ year empty$
    { "{\protect\bibnodate{}}" }
    { year "\bibnodate" =
        { "{\protect\bibnodate{}}" }
        { year "\BIP" =
            { "{\protect\BIP{}}" }
            { year }

% Make year label that is used for citations in text.

FUNCTION {make.definitive.year.label}
{ "{\protect\APACyear{"
  originalyear empty$
    { protect.year }
    { originalyear "\bibnodate" =    % date of original publication unknown
        { translator empty$
            { protect.year }
            { year empty$
                { "{\protect\BTRANSL{}~\protect\bibnodate{}}" }  % trans. n.d.
                { "{\protect\BTRANSL{}}~"   protect.year *    }  % trans. 1931
        { year empty$
            { originalyear "/{\protect\bibnodate{}}"   * }  % 1923/n.d.
            { originalyear year =
                { protect.year }
                { originalyear  "/"  *  protect.year * }    % 1923/1961
  * "}}%" * write$ newline$
    % Add "a", "b", etc. when necessary.
  "{\protect\APACexlab{" "}}"
  make.definitive.year.supplement enclose.check

% Make citation labels:
% - Full formatted author list (or substitute if no author
%   available) for first citation;
% - Short formatted author list (ditto) for subsequent
%   citations;
% - Year, with originalyear when applicable, and "a" or "b"
%   etc. addendum when necessary.

FUNCTION {make.cite.labels}
{ newline$
    % Write a few lines for testing purposes.
    { "\bibitem[]{} \fullciteA{" cite$ * "}" *  write$ newline$
      "\bibitem[]{} \citeA{"     cite$ * "}" *  write$ newline$
  "\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{%" write$ newline$
    % When key or firstkey is available, this takes precedence.
  firstkey  empty$  not
    {   %
        % Full cite: firstkey.
      firstkey  write$
      "}{%"     write$ newline$
        % Short cite: if key is not empty and cite.initials is 0,
        % then key, else firstkey.
      cite.initials  #0  =
        key empty$ not
        { key      }
        { firstkey }
    { key empty$ not
        {   %
            % No firstkey, but key available:
            % Both full and short labels are key.
          key    write$
          "}{%"  write$ newline$
          key    write$
        {   % No key or firstkey, so find out which field
            % to use as author.
            % Check reference type:
            %   if result is 1 then possibly editor acts as author
            %                2 then editor does not act as author
            %                3 then key should have been used
            %                0 then unknown reference type
          ref.type  #2  =
            { make.author.cite.label }
            { make.author.editor.cite.label }
  "}{%"  write$ newline$
    % Make year label that's used for citations
  make.definitive.year.label  write$
  "}]{%"                      write$ newline$
  cite$                       write$
  "}%"                        write$ newline$
  % author.year.sort.label      write$ newline$ % for testing purposes
  % year.label                  write$ newline$ % for testing purposes
    % If the item is used in a meta-analysis, indicate this with
    % a star.
  "\APACinsertmetastar{%"     write$ newline$
  cite$                       write$
  "}%"                        write$ newline$

%  FORMATTING OF REFERENCE LIST                             %

% "(Ed.)" or "(Eds.)" postfix.
% editor must not be empty

FUNCTION {editor.postfix}
{ editor num.names$ #1 >
    { "(\BEDS)" }
    { "(\BED)"  }

% "(Ed. \& Trans.)" postfix
% editor must not be empty

FUNCTION {editor.trans.postfix}
{ editor num.names$ #1 >
    { "(\BEDS{} \BAnd{} \BTRANSS)" }
    { "(\BED{} \BAnd{} \BTRANS)"   }

    % "(Trans.)" postfix
    % translator must not be empty
FUNCTION {trans.postfix}
{ translator num.names$ #1 >
    { "(\BTRANSS)" }
    { "(\BTRANS)" }

% Format authors (or editors acting as authors) for
% reference list.
% Call with
%    dot  field  format.author.names
% where field is the field (string) that contains the authors
% (or editors acting as authors) that must be formatted and
% dot is 1 or 0 indicating whether or not a period must end
% the formatting.

FUNCTION {format.author.names}
{ 'field  :=
  'dot    :=
  field  num.names$  'numnames :=   % numnames is the total number of names
                                    %   contained in field
  numnames  'format.num.names  :=   % Format all authors
  format.num.names   name.max  >    % Unless this exceeds the maximum of 6.
    { dot
        { name.max             'format.num.names := } % Format 6 authors
        { cite.num.names.full  'format.num.names := } % Format 1 editor
    % It is kind of explicit in the APA manual that if "et al." would
    % refer to exactly one author (the 7th), then this author should
    % still be replaced by "et al.", unlike with citations.
    % So format.num.names is not adapted.
    % Format first author
  #1  'nameptr :=
  field  nameptr  format.author.name
    % Add period if required and if this is the only author.
  numnames  #1  =
    { add.period$ }
  add.name.index  % Add index entry when desired.
  numnames  #1  =
    { format.num.names  #1  =
        {   %
            % First author et al.
            % Add period if required.
            { et.al.string.period * }
            { et.al.string * }
        { numnames  #2  =
            {   %
                % Given that  format.num.names > 1, it is 2.
              comma.between.two  write$
                % Format second author.
              #2  'nameptr :=
              field  nameptr  format.author.name  's :=
                % Check if 2nd author is explicit "others".
                % If so, insert "et al." string.
              s "others" =
                {   %
                    % First et al.
                    % Add period if required.
                    { et.al.string.period }
                    { et.al.string }
                {   %
                    % First \& Second
                  and.before.last write$
                    % Add period if required.
                    { s add.period$ }
                    { s }
                  add.name.index  % Add index entry when desired.
            {   %
                % 3 or more names, 2 or more must be cited
                % for nameptr := 2  to  format.num.names - 1  do
              #2  'nameptr  :=
                { nameptr  format.num.names  < }
                {   %
                    % Put comma between consecutive authors
                  comma.between.names  write$
                    % Format and add next author
                  field  nameptr  format.author.name
                  add.name.index  % Add index entry when desired.
                    % Move to next author
                  nameptr  #1  +  'nameptr :=
                % nameptr  =  format.num.names
                % Format this author.
              field  nameptr  format.author.name  's :=
              format.num.names  numnames  =
                {   %
                    % This is also the last author. Add (optional) comma.
                  comma.before.last  write$
                    % Check if this author is explicit "others".
                    % If so, insert "et al." string.
                  s "others" =
                    {   %
                        % Add period if required.
                        { et.al.string.period }
                        { et.al.string }
                    { and.before.last  write$
                        % Add period if required.
                        { s add.period$ }
                        { s }
                      add.name.index  % Add index entry when desired.
                {   %
                    % This is not the last author.
                    % Add comma, author name, and "et al."
                  comma.between.names  write$
                  add.name.index  % Add index entry when desired.
                    % Add period if required.
                    { et.al.string.period * }
                    { et.al.string * }

% Format authors in reference list, where it is given that
% the author field is not empty.

FUNCTION {format.authors}
{ #1 author format.author.names
  "%" write$

% Format editors in reference list in case editors act as
% authors (such as reference to entire edited book)
% Letheridge, S., \& Cannon, C. R. (Eds.).
%     or
% Letheridge, S. (Ed.).    (if only 1 editor)
% editor must not be empty

FUNCTION {format.editors.as.authors}
{ #0  editor  format.author.names
  "\ " editor.postfix * add.period$ write$

% Format editors in reference list in case editors are also
% translators and act as authors (such as reference to entire
% edited book of translated articles)
% Letheridge, S., \& Cannon, C. R. (Eds. and Trans.).
%     or
% Letheridge, S. (Ed. and Trans.).    (if only 1 editor)
% editor must not be empty

FUNCTION {format.ed.trans.as.authors}
{ #0  editor  format.author.names
  "\ " editor.trans.postfix * add.period$ write$

% Format a list of names with the initials before the
% last names (i.e., names in the editor position),
% commas between names (not between 2),
% and ampersand (\&) before last name.
% These names are not put in the author index.
% Call with
%     field format.editor.names

FUNCTION {format.editor.names}
{ 'field  :=
  field  num.names$  'numnames :=   % numnames is the total number of names
                                    %   contained in field
  numnames  'format.num.names  :=   % Format all authors
  format.num.names   name.max  >    % Unless this exceeds the maximum of 6.
    { #1 'format.num.names := }     % Then it becomes 1 (First et al.)
    % Format first editor
  field  #1  format.editor.name
  numnames  #1  =
    { format.num.names  #1  =
        { et.al.string * } % First editor et al., no comma.
        { numnames  #2  =
            {   %
                % Given that  format.num.names > 1, it is 2.
                % No comma. Format second editor.
              field  #2  format.editor.name  's :=
                % Check if 2nd editor is explicit "others".
                % If so, insert "et al." string.
              s "others" =
                { et.al.string  * }          % First et al.
                { and.before.last  *  s * }  % First \& Second
            {   %
                % 3 or more names, 2 or more must be cited
                % for nameptr := 2  to  format.num.names - 1  do
              #2  'nameptr  :=
                { nameptr  format.num.names  < }
                {   %
                    % Put comma between consecutive editors
                  comma.between.names  *
                    % Format and add next editor
                  field  nameptr  format.editor.name  *
                    % Move to next editor
                  nameptr  #1  +  'nameptr :=
                % nameptr  =  format.num.names
                % Format this editor.
              field  nameptr  format.editor.name  's :=
              format.num.names  numnames  =
                {   %
                    % This is also the last editor. Add (optional) comma.
                  comma.before.last  *
                    % Check if this editor is explicit "others".
                    % If so, insert "et al." string.
                  s "others" =
                    { et.al.string     *     }
                    { and.before.last  * s * }
                {   %
                    % This is not the last editor.
                    % Add comma, editor name, and "et al."
                  comma.between.names  * s *
                  comma.before.last    * et.al.string  *

    % format editors in case editors do not act as authors
    % (such as reference to chapter in edited book)
    % L. W. Poon (Ed.)                         (1 editor)
    %    or
    % A. S. Gurman \& D. P. Kniskern (Eds.)    (2 editors)
    %    or
    % L. Poon, A. Jones, \& D. P. Smith (Eds.) (>2 editors)
    % editor must not be empty
FUNCTION {format.editors.in.line}
{ editor           format.editor.names
  editor.postfix   connect.with.space.check

    % format editors in case editors are also translators
    % and do not act as authors
    % (such as reference to chapter in edited book
    %  of translated articles)
    % L. W. Poon (Ed. and Trans.)                         (1 editor)
    %    or
    % A. S. Gurman \& D. P. Kniskern (Eds. and Trans.)    (2 editors)
    %    or
    % L. Poon, A. Jones, \& D. P. Smith (Eds. and Trans.) (>2 editors)
    % editor must not be empty
FUNCTION {format.editors.trans.in.line}
{ editor                 format.editor.names
  editor.trans.postfix   connect.with.space.check

    % format translators in case translators act as editors
    % (such as reference to chapter in translated book)
    % L. W. Poon (Trans.)                         (1 translator)
    %    or
    % A. S. Gurman \& D. P. Kniskern (Trans.)    (2 translators)
    %    or
    % L. Poon, A. Jones, \& D. P. Smith (Trans.) (>2 translators)
    % translator must not be empty
FUNCTION {format.translators.in.line}
{ translator      format.editor.names
  trans.postfix   connect.with.space.check

    % format translators in case translator does not act as editor
    % (such as reference to translated book)
    % L. Solotaroff, Trans.
FUNCTION {format.translators.in.paren.check}
{ translator empty$
    { "" }
    { translator format.editor.names
      translator num.names$ #1 >
        { ", \BTRANSS{}" * }
        { ", \BTRANS{}" * }

    % format editors and translators in case neither act as editor
    % (such as reference to edited or translated book with a
    % a single author)
    % L. Solotaroff, Ed.
    % L. Solotaroff, Ed. \& Trans.
    % L. Solotaroff, Trans.
    % L. Solotaroff, Ed. \& S. Prokofieff, Trans.
FUNCTION {format.editors.translators.in.paren.check}
{ editor empty$
    { translator empty$
        { "" }
        { translator format.editor.names
          translator num.names$ #1 >
            { ", \BTRANSS{}" * }
            { ", \BTRANS{}" * }
    { editor format.editor.names
      editor num.names$ #1 >
        { ", \BEDS{}" * }
        { ", \BED{}" * }
      translator empty$
        { editor translator =
            { editor num.names$ #1 >
                { " \BAnd{} \BTRANSS" * }
                { " \BAnd{} \BTRANS" * }
            { " \BAnd{} " *
              translator format.editor.names *
              translator num.names$ #1 >
                { ", \BTRANSS{}" * }
                { ", \BTRANS{}" * }

    % translator of article
FUNCTION {format.atrans.check}
{ format.translators.in.paren.check   parenthesize.check }

    % format "In editor (Ed.), "
FUNCTION {format.in.editors}
{ "\BIn{} "
  editor empty$
    { format.editors.in.line * ", " * }

    % format "In translator (Trans.),"
FUNCTION {format.in.trans}
{ "\BIn{} "
  translator empty$
    { format.translators.in.line * ", " * }

    % format "In editor (Ed. and Trans.)"
    %  or "In editor (Ed.)" if editor not equal to translator
FUNCTION {format.in.editors.trans}
{ "\BIn{} "
  editor empty$
    { translator empty$
        { format.translators.in.line * ", " * }
    { translator empty$
        { format.editors.in.line * }
        { editor translator =
            { format.editors.trans.in.line * }
            { format.editors.in.line * }
      ", " *

%                            DATE                           %

% Formats year (+ extra label) between parentheses (which
% may be redefined by \BBOP and \BBCP).
% Extra label can be used for
% Bentler, P. M. (1983a) 
% Bentler, P. M. (1983b)
FUNCTION {format.year.check} { "\APACrefYear{" year empty$ { "\bibnodate{}" * } { year * } if$ % % Add "a", "b", etc. when necessary. % make.definitive.year.supplement * "}" * } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Formats year (+ extra label) + month + day between % parentheses (which may be redefined by \BBOP and \BBCP). % Extra label can be used for % Bentler, P. M. (1983a, June 7)
% Bentler, P. M. (1983b, April 4)
FUNCTION {format.year.month.day.check} { "\APACrefYearMonthDay{" year empty$ { "\bibnodate{}" * } { year * } if$ % % Add "a", "b", etc. when necessary. % make.definitive.year.supplement * "}{" * % % Add month and day when present. % month empty$ 'skip$ { month * } if$ "}{" * day empty$ 'skip$ { day * } if$ "}" * } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % TITLE FORMATTING % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % title of article in journal or book % no finishing period % field must be on top of stack % (so englishtitle can be handled also) % FUNCTION {format.atitle.no.dot} { "\BBOQ{}" swap$ "\BBCQ{}" swap$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { duplicate$ % Two arguments: Title twice: (1) don't change case; (2) change case "\APACrefatitle{" swap$ * "}{" * swap$ "t" change.case$ * "}" * } if$ enclose.check } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % title of article in journal or book % with finishing period % field must be on top of stack % (so englishtitle can be handled also) % FUNCTION {format.atitle.dot} { "\BBOQ{}" swap$ "\BBCQ{}" swap$ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { duplicate$ % Two arguments: Title twice: (1) don't change case; (2) change case "\APACrefatitle{" swap$ * "}{" * swap$ "t" change.case$ * "}" * add.period$ } if$ enclose.check } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % title of article in journal or book % field must be on top of stack % second element on stack must be connected: % if that is empty, then atitle.dot % else atitle.no.dot, connect, and add period % FUNCTION {format.atitle.connect} { swap$ duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ format.atitle.dot } { swap$ format.atitle.no.dot swap$ connect.with.space.check add.period$ } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % title of book or so, without period % call with % field format.btitle.no.dot % FUNCTION {format.btitle.no.dot} { duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { duplicate$ % Two arguments: Title twice: (1) don't change case; (2) change case "\APACrefbtitle{" swap$ * "}{" * swap$ "t" change.case$ * "}" * } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % title of book or so, with period % call with % field format.btitle.dot % FUNCTION {format.btitle.dot} { duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { add.period$ format.btitle.no.dot } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % title of book and similar % field must be on top of stack % second element on stack must be connected: % if that is empty, then btitle.dot % else btitle.no.dot, connect, and add period % FUNCTION {format.btitle.connect} { swap$ duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ format.btitle.dot } { swap$ format.btitle.no.dot swap$ connect.with.space.check add.period$ } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % title of book and similar % field must be on top of stack % second element on stack must be connected % FUNCTION {format.btitle.connect.no.dot} { swap$ duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ format.btitle.no.dot } { swap$ format.btitle.no.dot swap$ connect.with.space.check } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format englishtitle (of nonenglish article, etc.) % FUNCTION {format.aetitle.check} { englishtitle empty$ { "" } { % Two arguments: Title twice: (1) don't change case; (2) change case "\APACrefaetitle{" englishtitle * "}{" * englishtitle "t" change.case$ * "}" * } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format englishtitle (of nonenglish book, etc.) % FUNCTION {format.betitle.check} { englishtitle empty$ { "" } { % Two arguments: Title twice: (1) don't change case; (2) change case "\APACrefbetitle{" englishtitle * "}{" * englishtitle "t" change.case$ * "}" * } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format type (of article, etc.) % FUNCTION {format.atype.check} { type bracket.check } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format title and englishtitle (of article, etc.) % FUNCTION {format.atitle.check} { format.aetitle.check title format.atitle.connect } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format title, englishtitle, and type % (of article, etc.) % FUNCTION {format.atitle.type.check} { format.aetitle.check format.atype.check connect.with.space.check title format.atitle.connect } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format title, englishtitle, % and translator (of article, etc.) % FUNCTION {format.atitle.trans.check} { format.aetitle.check format.atrans.check connect.with.space.check title format.atitle.connect } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format title, englishtitle, type, % and translator (of article, etc.) % FUNCTION {format.atitle.type.trans.check} { format.aetitle.check format.atype.check connect.with.space.check format.atrans.check connect.with.space.check title format.atitle.connect } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % JOURNAL FORMATTING % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format journal, volume, number and pages % call with % formatted.pages format.journal.vol.num.pages.check % FUNCTION { format.journal.vol.num.pages.check } { "journal" journal warning.if.empty duplicate$ empty$ journal empty$ and volume empty$ and number empty$ and { pop$ "" } { "\APACjournalVolNumPages{" journal "" connect.check "}{" * volume "" connect.check "}{" * number "" connect.check "}{" * swap$ "" connect.check "}" * } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % BOOK VOLUME, EDITION, AND OTHER SUPPLEMENTARY INFO % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % volume of book, checks whether % "Volume" or "Volumes" % % call with % field format.bvolume.check % FUNCTION {format.bvolume.check} { duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { duplicate$ multi.result.check { "\BVOLS" swap$ tie.or.space.connect } { "\BVOL" swap$ tie.or.space.connect } if$ } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % edition of book, must not be empty % call with % field format.edition.check % FUNCTION {format.edition.check} { duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { "\PrintOrdinal{" swap$ * "}" * "\BEd" connect.with.space.check } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % volume and edition of book % FUNCTION {format.bvol.edition.check} { edition format.edition.check volume format.bvolume.check connect.with.comma.check } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % volume and edition of book % FUNCTION {format.bvol.edition} { format.bvol.edition.check parenthesize.check } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % volume and edition and translator of translated book % FUNCTION {format.bvol.edition.trans} { format.bvol.edition.check format.translators.in.paren.check connect.with.semicolon.check parenthesize.check } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % volume, edition, editor, and translator of (translated) book % FUNCTION {format.bvol.edition.editor.trans} { format.bvol.edition.check format.editors.translators.in.paren.check connect.with.semicolon.check parenthesize.check } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % formats pages by first checking if 1 or more pages % and prefixing pages with "p." or "pp." (these strings % are given in the commands \BPG and \BPGS, respectively), % whichever is applicable, and do a tie or space connect % % call with % field format.bpages.check % FUNCTION {format.bpages.check} { duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { duplicate$ multi.result.check { "\BPGS" swap$ tie.or.space.connect } { "\BPG~" swap$ * } if$ } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % formats chapters by first checking if 1 or more chapters % and prefixing pages with "chap." (this string % is given in the commands \BCHAP and \BCHAPS, respectively), % whichever is applicable, and do a tie or space connect % % call with % field format.bchapter.check % FUNCTION {format.bchapter.check} { duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { duplicate$ multi.result.check { "\BCHAPS" swap$ tie.or.space.connect } { "\BCHAP" swap$ tie.or.space.connect } if$ } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % volume, edition, and pages or chapter of article in book etc. % FUNCTION {format.bvol.edition.pages} { format.bvol.edition.check pages empty$ { chapter format.bchapter.check connect.with.comma.check } { pages format.bpages.check connect.with.comma.check } if$ parenthesize.check } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % title, volume, edition of book % FUNCTION {format.btitle.vol.edition} { format.betitle.check format.bvol.edition connect.with.space.check title format.btitle.connect.no.dot } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % title, volume, edition, and translator of book % FUNCTION {format.btitle.vol.edition.trans} { format.betitle.check format.bvol.edition.trans connect.with.space.check title format.btitle.connect.no.dot } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % title, volume, edition, editor, and translator of book % FUNCTION {format.btitle.vol.edition.editor.trans} { format.betitle.check format.bvol.edition.editor.trans connect.with.space.check title format.btitle.connect.no.dot } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ADDRESS AND PUBLISHER % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format address and publisher of book etc. % % New York: Wiley % or % Wiley (if address empty) % or % New York (if publisher empty) % FUNCTION {format.address.publisher} { % % If publisher = author or publisher = "author" or publisher = "Author" % then hand over the final choice how to format this to \LaTeX. % (I could imagine similar code for editors, but the APA manual does % not mention it and then we'd have to check whether the editor is in % the author position, so let's keep it simple until someone complains.) % author empty$ publisher empty$ or { publisher "\APACaddressPublisher{" } { author publisher = "author" publisher = or "Author" publisher = or { author "\APACaddressPublisherEqAuth{" } { publisher "\APACaddressPublisher{" } if$ } if$ address "" connect.check "}{" * % Recover publisher that was pushed onto the stack previously. swap$ "" connect.check "}" * } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format address and publisher of book etc. % % New York: Wiley % or % Wiley (if address empty) % or % New York (if publisher empty) % % warning if no publisher or no address % FUNCTION {format.address.publisher.check} { "publisher" publisher warning.if.empty "address" address warning.if.empty publisher empty$ address empty$ and 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ format.address.publisher } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % TYPE AND NUMBER OF A REPORT % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format number as in reports: No. 2017 % call with % field format.rnumber.check % FUNCTION {format.rnumber.check} { duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { duplicate$ multi.result.check { "\BNUMS" swap$ tie.or.space.connect } { "\BNUM" swap$ tie.or.space.connect } if$ } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format type and number of a standalone item % call with % format.type.number % FUNCTION { format.type.number } { type empty$ { type.2 } { type } if$ number empty$ { bracket.check } { number format.rnumber.check connect.with.space.check parenthesize.check } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % HOWPUBLISHED % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format howpublished if not empty, % for various entry types % call with % format.howpublished % FUNCTION {format.howpublished} { howpublished empty$ 'skip$ { % clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$ { output.dot.new.block } if$ "\APAChowpublished{" howpublished * "}" * } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format howpublished if not empty, % for misc % call with % output.howpublished % FUNCTION {output.howpublished} { howpublished empty$ 'skip$ { "\APAChowpublished{" howpublished * "}" * output.dot.new.block } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % URL FORMATTING FUNCTIONS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % begin and end of url environment % FUNCTION {begin.end.url.env} { " \begin{APACrefURL} " % For "Retrieved , from" lastchecked empty$ 'skip$ { "[{" * lastchecked * "}]" * } if$ " \end{APACrefURL} " } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % begin and end of message environment % FUNCTION {begin.end.msg.env} { " \begin{APACrefURLmsg} " " \end{APACrefURLmsg} " } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format url given that it is not empty, % for various entry types % call with % format.url % FUNCTION {format.url} { % First format begin and end of the enclosing environment. % With posted messages, a different environment is used. type.2 empty$ { begin.end.url.env } { type.2 "\bibmessage" = { begin.end.msg.env } { begin.end.url.env } if$ } if$ % The url string. "\url{" url * "}" * % Enclose in begin and end environment enclose.check } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % NOTE FORMATTING FUNCTIONS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format optional note % FUNCTION {format.note} { "\APACrefnote{" "}" note enclose.check } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format original year of publication and note % (reprint or translation) % FUNCTION {format.orig.year.note} { originalyear empty$ { format.note } { "\APACorigyearnote{" originalyear "" connect.check "}{" * note "" connect.check "}" * } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format original journal of publication and note % (reprint or translation) % FUNCTION {format.orig.journal.note} { "\APACorigjournalnote{" originalyear "" connect.check "}{" * originaljournal "" connect.check "}{" * originalvolume "" connect.check "}{" * originalnumber "" connect.check "}{" * originalpages "" connect.check "}{" * note "" connect.check "}" * } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format original book of publication and note % (reprint or translation) % FUNCTION {format.orig.book.note} { "\APACorigbooknote{" originalyear "" connect.check "}{" * % originaleditor empty$ 'skip$ { originaleditor num.names$ #1 > { "\APACorigEDS{" * originaleditor format.editor.names * "}" * } { "\APACorigED{" * originaleditor format.editor.names * "}" * } if$ } if$ % "}{" * originalbooktitle format.btitle.no.dot "" connect.check "}{" * originaledition format.edition.check "" connect.check "}{" * originalvolume format.bvolume.check "" connect.check "}{" * originalpages format.bpages.check "" connect.check "}{" * originaladdress "" connect.check "}{" * originalpublisher "" connect.check "}{" * note "" connect.check "}" * } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format information about original publication of reprint % and format optional note % FUNCTION {format.orig.note} { originaljournal empty$ { originalbooktitle empty$ { note empty$ { originalyear empty$ 'skip$ { originalyear "\bibnodate" = 'skip$ { output.new.block format.orig.year.note } if$ } if$ } { output.new.block format.orig.year.note } if$ } { output.new.block format.orig.book.note } if$ } { output.new.block format.orig.journal.note } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % PERIODICALS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % article in periodical: journal, magazine, newspaper, ... % % call with % formatted.pages formatted.date periodical % FUNCTION {periodical} { % % author or editor, year, title, englishtitle, type % author empty$ % % no author: possibly special issue with editors as authors % (APA manual, ex. 11, p. 121) % { editor empty$ % % no author or editor: title serves as author. % title formatted as article title (APA manual not consistent in this, % compare statement on p. 119: ``treat as book title'' and % example 8, p. 121: no underlining => article title) % { format.atitle.type.trans.check output.new.block % % now formatted date on top of stack % output.dot.new.block } % % format editor and year, and check if year is present % format article title and check if title or type present % { format.editors.as.authors start.new.block % % now formatted date on top of stack % output.dot.new.block format.atitle.type.trans.check output.new.block } if$ } % % format author and year, and check if year is present % format article title and check if title or type present % { format.authors start.new.block % % now formatted date on top of stack % output.dot.new.block format.atitle.type.trans.check output.new.block } if$ % % format journal name, volume and issue number, and pages % and check if journal not empty % format.journal.vol.num.pages.check % % if not empty, insert howpublished. % (used if article is retrieved from the internet) % format.howpublished add.period$ % % format url % url empty$ 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ format.url } if$ % % possible reprint and optional note % format.orig.note fin.entry } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % journal article % FUNCTION {article} { pages format.year.month.day.check periodical } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % magazine article % FUNCTION {magazine} { pages format.year.month.day.check periodical } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % newspaper article % FUNCTION {newspaper} { pages format.bpages.check format.year.month.day.check periodical } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % (translation of) entire book % FUNCTION {book} { % % author or editor, % year, title, englishtitle, translator % author empty$ % % no author: possibly edited book with editors as authors % { editor empty$ % % no author or editor: title serves as author. % title formatted as book title % { format.btitle.vol.edition.trans format.type.number connect.with.space.check output.dot.new.block format.year.check add.period$ } % % format editor and year, and check if year is present % format booktitle, volume, and edition and check if title present % { translator empty$ { format.editors.as.authors start.new.block format.year.check output.dot.new.block format.btitle.vol.edition } % % format translator correctly % { translator editor = not { format.editors.as.authors start.new.block format.year.check output.dot.new.block format.btitle.vol.edition.trans } { format.ed.trans.as.authors start.new.block format.year.check output.dot.new.block format.btitle.vol.edition } if$ } if$ format.type.number connect.with.space.check add.period$ } if$ } % % format author and year, and check if year is present % format booktitle, volume, and edition and check if title present % { format.authors start.new.block format.year.check output.dot.new.block format.btitle.vol.edition.editor.trans format.type.number connect.with.space.check add.period$ } if$ % % format address and publisher, check if address and publisher present % format.address.publisher.check % % if not empty, insert howpublished. % (used if book is retrieved from the internet) % format.howpublished add.period$ % % format url % url empty$ 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ format.url } if$ % % format original publication (of reprint/translation) % and optional note % format.orig.note fin.entry } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % (translated) article or chapter in edited book % FUNCTION {incollection} { author empty$ % % no author: title serves as author. % title formatted as article title (APA manual not consistent in this, % compare statement on p. 119: ``treat as book title'' and % example 8, p. 121: no underlining => article title) % { editor.ne.trans { format.atitle.type.trans.check } { format.atitle.type.check } if$ output.new.block % % format month and day as well when available % esp. for ``collections'' that are not books, % such as parts of internet documents % format.year.month.day.check add.period$ } % % format author and year, and check if year is present % format article title and check if title or type present % { format.authors start.new.block format.year.month.day.check output.dot.new.block editor.ne.trans { format.atitle.type.trans.check } { format.atitle.type.check } if$ } if$ % % format "In " editor " (Ed. \& Trans.), " % booktitle, volume, edition, pages % output.new.block format.in.editors.trans format.bvol.edition.pages booktitle format.btitle.connect * add.period$ % % format address and publisher, check if publisher present % format.address.publisher.check % % if not empty, insert howpublished. % (used if article is retrieved from the internet) % format.howpublished add.period$ % % format url % url empty$ 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ format.url } if$ % % format original publication (of reprint/translation) % and optional note % format.orig.note fin.entry } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % REPORTS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % technical report number % FUNCTION {format.tr.number} { type empty$ { "\BTR{}" } { type "\bibnotype" = { "" } { type } if$ } if$ number format.rnumber.check connect.with.space.check } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % title, volume, edition, report number % FUNCTION {format.tr.title.number} { format.betitle.check % Single out the situation in which there is no number % and type = {\bibnotype}, i.e., no type as well. % (Why not use book then?) type empty$ { % Now, we're in the regular situation with at least a % number, a type, a volume, or an edition. "\APACbVolEdTR{" format.bvol.edition.check * "}{" * format.tr.number * "}" * } { type "\bibnotype" = number empty$ volume empty$ edition empty$ and and and { "" } { % Now, we're in the regular situation with at least a % number, a type, a volume, or an edition. "\APACbVolEdTR{" format.bvol.edition.check * "}{" * format.tr.number * "}" * } if$ } if$ connect.with.space.check title format.btitle.connect } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % format address and institution of reports etc. % % Washington, DC: National Institute of Education % or % National Institute of Education (if address empty) % % warning if no institution % FUNCTION {format.address.institution.check} { "institution" institution warning.if.empty "address" address warning.if.empty institution empty$ address empty$ and 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ % % If institution = author or institution = "author" % or institution = "Author" then hand over the final choice how to % format this to \LaTeX. See also format.address.publisher % author empty$ institution empty$ or { institution "\APACaddressInstitution{" } { author institution = "author" institution = or "Author" institution = or { author "\APACaddressInstitutionEqAuth{" } { institution "\APACaddressInstitution{" } if$ } if$ address "" connect.check "}{" * % Recover institution that was pushed onto the stack previously. swap$ "" connect.check "}" * } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % reports % FUNCTION {techreport} { author empty$ % % no author: possibly edited report with editors as authors % { editor empty$ % % no author or editor: title serves as author. % title formatted as book title % { format.tr.title.number output.dot.new.block format.year.month.day.check add.period$ } % % format editor and year, and check if year is present % format report title and check if title present % format volume, edition, type, and number % { format.editors.as.authors start.new.block format.year.month.day.check output.dot.new.block format.tr.title.number add.period$ } if$ } % % format author and year, and check if year is present % format report title and check if title present % format volume, edition, type, and number % { format.authors start.new.block format.year.month.day.check output.dot.new.block format.tr.title.number add.period$ } if$ % % format address and institution, check if institution present % format.address.institution.check % % if not empty, insert howpublished. % (used if report is retrieved from the internet) % format.howpublished add.period$ % % format url % url empty$ 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ format.url } if$ % % format optional note % note empty$ 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ format.note } if$ fin.entry } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % (translated) article or chapter in report % FUNCTION {intechreport} { author empty$ % % no author: title serves as author. % title formatted as article title (APA manual not consistent in this, % compare statement on p. 119: ``treat as book title'' and % example 8, p. 121: no underlining => article title) % { editor.ne.trans { format.atitle.trans.check } { format.atitle.check } if$ output.new.block format.year.month.day.check output.dot.new.block } % % format author and year, and check if year is present % format article title and check if title or type present % { format.authors start.new.block format.year.month.day.check output.dot.new.block editor.ne.trans { format.atitle.trans.check } { format.atitle.check } if$ output.new.block } if$ % % format "In " editor " (Ed. \& Trans.), " % booktitle, volume, edition, pages % format.in.editors.trans % % volume, edition, report type and number, pages % "\APACbVolEdTRpgs{" format.bvol.edition.check * "}{" * format.tr.number * "}{" * pages format.bpages.check * "}" * % booktitle format.btitle.connect * add.period$ % % format address and publisher, check if publisher present % format.address.institution.check % % if not empty, insert howpublished. % (used if report is retrieved from the internet) % format.howpublished add.period$ % % format url % url empty$ 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ format.url } if$ % % format original publication (of reprint/translation) % and optional note % format.orig.note fin.entry } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % papers presented at conferences etc. % FUNCTION {lecture} { author empty$ { "author" author warning.if.empty } { format.authors start.new.block } if$ % % format year, month, and day, and check if year present % format title and check if title present % format howpublished and check if howpublished present % format.year.month.day.check output.dot.new.block symposium empty$ { format.betitle.check title format.btitle.connect output.new.block howpublished empty$ { "symposium and howpublished missing in " cite$ * warning$ "" } { "\APAChowpublished{" howpublished * "}" * } if$ address connect.with.comma.check } { format.atitle.type.check output.new.block "\BIn{} " chair empty$ 'skip$ { chair format.editor.names chair num.names$ #1 > { "(\BCHAIRS)" } { "(\BCHAIR)" } if$ connect.with.space.check * ", " * } if$ symposium format.btitle.no.dot * format.howpublished address connect.with.comma.check } if$ add.period$ % % format url % url empty$ 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ format.url } if$ % % format optional note % note empty$ 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ format.note } if$ fin.entry } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % THESES % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % default thesis type is on top of stack % now, if type field is empty, this default is used % else default is removed and replaced by value of % type field % FUNCTION {format.type.school} { type empty$ 'skip$ { pop$ type "t" change.case$ } if$ school connect.with.comma.check } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % phd theses, etc. % call with % "default.published.thesis" "default.unpublished.thesis" thesis % FUNCTION {thesis} { author empty$ { "author" author warning.if.empty } { format.authors start.new.block } if$ % % format year and check if year present % format.year.check output.dot.new.block % % format title and check if title present % journal empty => unpublished PhD thesis % journal not empty => published (e.g., Dissertation Abstracts Int.) % journal empty$ { format.btitle.vol.edition output.dot.new.block % % pop default unpublished thesis, top is default published thesis % swap$ pop$ format.type.school address connect.with.comma.check } % % pop default published thesis, top is default unpublished thesis % { pop$ type empty$ school empty$ originalyear empty$ and and { pop$ "" } { format.type.school originalyear connect.with.comma.check parenthesize.check } if$ format.aetitle.check swap$ connect.with.space.check "title" title warning.if.empty title format.atitle.connect output.new.block pages format.journal.vol.num.pages.check } if$ % % if not empty, insert howpublished. % (used if thesis is retrieved from the internet) % format.howpublished add.period$ % % format url % url empty$ 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ format.url } if$ % % format optional note % note empty$ 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ format.note } if$ fin.entry } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % phd theses, etc. % FUNCTION {phdthesis} { "\BPhD" "\BUPhD" thesis } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % master's theses, etc. % FUNCTION {mastersthesis} { "\BMTh" "\BUMTh" thesis } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % OTHER % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % title of something (used in unpublished and misc) % english translation of title % type and number of something % FUNCTION {format.btitle.type.num} { format.betitle.check format.bvol.edition connect.with.space.check format.type.number connect.with.space.check title empty$ { add.period$ } { title format.btitle.connect } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % title of message or software-related thing (used in misc) % english translation of title % type and number of something % FUNCTION {format.mtitle.type.num} { format.aetitle.check format.bvol.edition connect.with.space.check type.2 "\bibmessage" = { number empty$ 'skip$ { type.2 number tie.or.space.connect bracket.check connect.with.space.check } if$ } { format.type.number connect.with.space.check } if$ title empty$ { add.period$ } { title format.atitle.connect } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % title, english translation of title, % type and number of something (used in misc) % FUNCTION {output.misctitle.type.num} { type.2 empty$ { format.btitle.type.num } { type.2 "\bibmessage" = type.2 "\bibcomputerprogram" = or type.2 "\bibcomputerprogrammanual" = or type.2 "\bibcomputerprogramandmanual" = or type.2 "\bibcomputersoftware" = or type.2 "\bibcomputersoftwaremanual" = or type.2 "\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual" = or type.2 "\bibprogramminglanguage" = or { format.mtitle.type.num } { format.btitle.type.num } if$ } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % unpublished manuscripts, etc. % FUNCTION {unpublished} { check.relevant.fields author empty$ % % no author: possibly edited book with editors as authors % { editor empty$ % % no author or editor: title serves as author. % title formatted as book title % { format.btitle.type.num output.new.block format.year.month.day.check add.period$ } % % format editor and year, and check if year is present % format book title, volume, and edition and check if title present % { format.editors.as.authors start.new.block format.year.month.day.check output.dot.new.block format.btitle.type.num } if$ } % % format author and year, and check if year is present % format book title, volume, and edition % and check if title or type present % { format.authors start.new.block format.year.month.day.check output.dot.new.block format.btitle.type.num } if$ howpublished empty$ organization empty$ and address empty$ and 'skip$ { output.new.block "\APAChowpublished{" "}" howpublished enclose.check organization connect.with.comma.check address connect.with.comma.check add.period$ } if$ % % format url % url empty$ 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ format.url } if$ % % format optional note % note empty$ 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ format.note } if$ fin.entry } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % nonprint media and other things that don't fit % FUNCTION {misc} { % % To handle @manual: use type.2 instead of type. type.2 empty$ type empty$ not and { type 'type.2 := } 'skip$ if$ % author empty$ % % no author: possibly edited item with editors as authors % { editor empty$ % % no author or editor: title/type serves as author. % title formatted as book title % % if no title and no type, howpublished is title % { title empty$ type.2 empty$ and { howpublished empty$ { "No author, editor, title, type, and howpublished in " cite$ * warning$ "" } { "\APAChowpublished{" howpublished * "}" * add.period$ } if$ format.year.month.day.check add.period$ } { output.misctitle.type.num output.new.block format.year.month.day.check add.period$ format.howpublished add.period$ } if$ } % % format editor and year, and check if year is present % format book title, volume, and edition and check if title present % { format.editors.as.authors start.new.block format.year.month.day.check output.dot.new.block output.misctitle.type.num format.howpublished add.period$ } if$ } % % format author and year, and check if year is present % format book title, volume, and edition % and check if title or type present % { format.authors start.new.block format.year.month.day.check output.dot.new.block output.misctitle.type.num format.howpublished add.period$ } if$ % address empty$ publisher empty$ and 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ format.address.publisher add.period$ } if$ % % format url % url empty$ 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ format.url } if$ % % format optional note % note empty$ 'skip$ { % Clear the stack duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { output.new.block } if$ format.note } if$ fin.entry } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % for legal cases and other cases that need to be % done by hand % FUNCTION {literal} { "key" key warning.if.empty "text" text warning.if.empty text empty$ { "" } { text } if$ fin.entry } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % technical documentation % FUNCTION {manual} { % % If type is empty, assume that it is a computer software manual. % type empty$ { "\bibcomputersoftwaremanual" 'type.2 := } 'skip$ if$ misc } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % following functions not used for APA Manual examples % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % booklet % FUNCTION {booklet} { misc } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % part of a book % FUNCTION {inbook} { incollection } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % article in proceedings % FUNCTION {inproceedings} { incollection } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % article in proceedings (Kopka & Daly, 2004, p. 230) % FUNCTION {conference} { inproceedings } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % proceedings % FUNCTION {proceedings} { misc } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % unknown types % FUNCTION {default.type} { misc } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % INITIALIZATION FUNCTIONS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FUNCTION {initialize} { % % Maximum number of names to be formatted . #6 'name.max := % #250 'entry.max$ := % #5000 'global.max$ := } FUNCTION {init.old.number} { % % For numbering the entries according to current sorting order. #0 'old.number := } FUNCTION {init.old.label} { % % For comparing labels across entries . "zzzzzz" 'old.label := } FUNCTION {init.cite.initials.add.to.year} { % % Initialize "cite initials" indicator for all entries. #0 'cite.initials := % % Initialize "add to year", i.e., whether a, b, etc. must % be added to the year in citation, to "no". #0 'add.to.year := % } FUNCTION {move.forward} { % % Indicates that we're moving forward (ITERATE) through the entry list . #1 'forward := } FUNCTION {move.backward} { % % Indicates that we're moving backward (REVERSE) through the entry list . #0 'forward := } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY OUTPUT FUNCTIONS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Beginning of the thebibliography environment: % Write preamble if there is one, write \begin command FUNCTION {begin.bib} { preamble$ empty$ 'skip$ { preamble$ write$ newline$ } if$ "\begin{thebibliography}{}" write$ newline$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Write \end{thebibliography} command FUNCTION {end.bib} { newline$ "\end{thebibliography}" write$ newline$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Write the citation labels and reference list entry to % the .bbl file. FUNCTION {write.bbl.entry} { % % Output \bibitem and \citeauthoryear command. % make.cite.labels % % Format and output reference list entry. % call.type$ } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % READ AND PROCESS ENTRIES, MAKE THEBIBLIOGRAPHY % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Read entries . READ % Write version info to .blg file EXECUTE { identify.apacite.version } % Some initializations . EXECUTE { initialize } % Sort items by title in order to replace each title by % its number in later sorting . ITERATE { make.sort.title } SORT EXECUTE { init.old.number } EXECUTE { init.old.label } ITERATE { make.title.number } % Now generate some tentative author-year labels and do some % preprocessing for the later definitive author and year % labels. ITERATE { make.tentative.sort.label } SORT % Now check whether initials must be added to first author, % how many authors must be formatted, whether an "a", "b", % etc., must be added to the year label. ITERATE { init.cite.initials.add.to.year } EXECUTE { init.initials } ITERATE { check.add.initials } EXECUTE { init.initials } REVERSE { check.add.initials } ITERATE { tentative.cite.num.names } EXECUTE { init.cite.num.names } EXECUTE { move.forward } ITERATE { definitive.cite.num.names } EXECUTE { init.cite.num.names } EXECUTE { move.backward } REVERSE { definitive.cite.num.names } % Make final sorting label and do definitive sorting . ITERATE { make.final.sort.key } SORT % Write preamble and \begin{thebibliography}{} statement EXECUTE { begin.bib } % Make final cite labels, format reference list entry, % and write to .bbl file. ITERATE { write.bbl.entry } % Write \end{thebibliography} statement EXECUTE { end.bib } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % DONE % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% % % \end{macrocode} % % % \Finale \endinput %