% Maxime Chupin, Alexander Grahn % 2017/02/27 filenametemplate "%j_%c.mps"; verbatimtex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %\usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage[tt=false]{libertine} \usepackage[libertine]{newtxmath} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} etex u:=4cm; vardef proj(expr P,M,N)= save H; pair H; H=whatever [M,N]; H-P=whatever * (M - N) rotated 90; H enddef; path dr,cercle,drb,scara; pair A,B,C,D,Q,T,O',P,O,M; O:=(0,0); O':=(-u/3,0); A:=(u/sqrt(2),u/sqrt(2)) shifted O'; B:=(u/sqrt(2),-u/sqrt(2)) shifted O'; C:=(-u/sqrt(2),-u/sqrt(2))shifted O'; D:=(-u/sqrt(2),u/sqrt(2)) shifted O'; dr:=A--C; drb:=B--D; %scarabaeus construction for i:=0 upto 100: if i=0: P:=A; Q:=O'; M:=proj(O,P,Q); scara:=M; else: scara:=M; for j:=1 upto 4: k:=4*(i-1)+j; if (k<200) or (k=200): P:=point (k*0.005) of dr; cercle:=halfcircle scaled 2u rotated 45 shifted P; if k=0: Q:=O'; fi; if (k<>0) and (k<>200): Q:=cercle intersectionpoint drb; fi; if k=200: Q:=O'; fi; else: P:= point (2-k*0.005) of dr; cercle:=halfcircle scaled 2u rotated (-135) shifted P; if k<400: Q:=cercle intersectionpoint drb; fi; if k=400: Q:=O'; fi; fi; M:=proj(O,P,Q); scara:=scara--M; endfor; fi; beginfig(i) %red scarabaeus segments setbounds currentpicture to (u,1.2u)--(u,-1.2u)--(-1.5u,-1.2u)--(-1.5u,1.2u)--cycle; pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; draw scara withcolor red; clip currentpicture to (u,1.2u)--(u,-1.2u)--(-1.5u,-1.2u)--(-1.5u,1.2u)--cycle; endfig; beginfig(i+101) %moving construction lines and labels setbounds currentpicture to (u,1.2u)--(u,-1.2u)--(-1.5u,-1.2u)--(-1.5u,1.2u)--cycle; draw 12[P,Q]--12[Q,P] dashed evenly; draw O--M dashed evenly; pickup pencircle scaled 1.4pt; draw P--Q withcolor blue; label.rt(btex $2l$ etex, 0.5[P,Q]); dotlabel.urt(btex $P$ etex, P); dotlabel.llft(btex $Q$ etex,Q); dotlabel.top(btex $M$ etex,M); clip currentpicture to (u,1.2u)--(u,-1.2u)--(-1.5u,-1.2u)--(-1.5u,1.2u)--cycle; endfig; if (i/2.-floor(i/2.))=0: %gray lines every second image beginfig(i/2+202) setbounds currentpicture to (u,1.2u)--(u,-1.2u)--(-1.5u,-1.2u)--(-1.5u,1.2u)--cycle; draw P--Q withcolor 0.8 white; clip currentpicture to (u,1.2u)--(u,-1.2u)--(-1.5u,-1.2u)--(-1.5u,1.2u)--cycle; endfig; fi; endfor; %coordinate axes and stationary stuff beginfig(253); setbounds currentpicture to (u,1.2u)--(u,-1.2u)--(-1.5u,-1.2u)--(-1.5u,1.2u)--cycle; path ida,mida; drawarrow(-1.5u,0)--(1u,0); drawarrow(0,-1.2u)--(0,1.2u); ida:=12[A,C]--12[C,A]; mida:=(12[D,B]--12[B,D]); draw ida dashed evenly; draw mida dashed evenly; label.top(btex $a$ etex, 0.5[O,O']); label.top(btex $x$ etex, (0.8u,0)); label.rt(btex $y$ etex, (0,u)); label.bot(btex\itshape{\underline{scarabaeus}} etex,(-1.1u,1.1u)); label.bot(btex $r=l\cos 2t-a\cos t$ etex, (-u/2,1.1u)); dotlabel.urt(btex $O'$ etex, O'); dotlabel.urt(btex $O$ etex, O); dotlabel.rt(btex $A$ etex,A); dotlabel.rt(btex $B$ etex,B); dotlabel.lft(btex $C$ etex,C); dotlabel.lft(btex $D$ etex,D); clip currentpicture to (u,1.2u)--(u,-1.2u)--(-1.5u,-1.2u)--(-1.5u,1.2u)--cycle; endfig; end.