amsrefs.faq [2007/10/01] American Mathematical Society Frequently asked questions about the amsrefs package and its companion packages. Suggestions? Please send mail to ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Where should I look for documentation? User documentation is found in the file amsrdoc.pdf. Some example files (cite-xa.tex, cite-xb.tex, cite-xh.tex, cite-xs.tex and gktest.ltb) are also provided. 2) How do I define my own bibliography style? For information on customizing the formatting of references, see amsrefs.pdf, especially sections 4, 6.10 and 6.27. 3) I'm trying to use amsrefs with hyperref, but various bad things are happening. Unlike most packages, which must be loaded before hyperref, amsrefs must be loaded *after* hyperref: \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{amsrefs}