\input docstrip.tex \askonceonly \preamble ---------------------------------------------------------------- The achemso package - A BibTeX style for American Chemical Society publications Maintained by Joseph A. Wright E-mail: joseph.wright@morningstar2.co.uk Originally developed by Mats Dahlgren (c) 1996-98 by Mats Dahlgren (c) 2007 Joseph Wright Released under the LaTeX Project Public license v1.3 or later ---------------------------------------------------------------- \endpreamble \Msg{Generating achemso files:} \usedir{tex/latex/contib/achemso} \generate{\file{achemso.sty}{\from{achemso.dtx}{package}} } % In order to produce the correct ending for % BibTeX files, we have to kill the standard % DocStrip postamble. By using an empty one, but % not \empty, we still get the "end of file" message. \declarepostamble\bibtexable \endpostamble \usedir{bibtex/bst/achemso} \generate{\usepostamble\bibtexable \file{achemso.bst}{\from{achemso.dtx}{bib}} \file{achemsol.bst}{\from{achemso.dtx}{bib,list}} } \generate{\usepostamble\empty\usepreamble\empty \file{achemso.bib}{\from{achemso.dtx}{database}} } \endbatchfile