%% $Id: xyguide.man,v 3.6 1998/03/06 01:28:05 krisrose Exp $
%% ``Xy-pic User's Guide''.
%% This file is part of the Xy-pic package for graphs and diagrams in TeX.
%% See the companion README and INSTALL files for further information.
%% Copyright (c) 1991-1997	Kristoffer H. Rose	<krisrose@ens-lyon.fr>
%% The Xy-pic package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
%% Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
%% option) any later version.
%% The Xy-pic package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
%% or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.	 See the GNU General Public License
%% for more details.
%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
%% with this package; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
%% 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


\title{ \Xy-pic User's Guide }
\author{ Kristoffer H. Rose\quad<krisrose@ens-lyon.fr>\thanks{%
	Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parall\'elisme,
	Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure de Lyon;
	46, All\'ee d'Italie; F--69364 Lyon 7, France.}}
\date{Version \xyversion, \printdate{\xydate}}

        \Xy-pic is a package for typesetting graphs and diagrams using
	Knuth's \TeX\ typesetting system.  \Xy-pic works with most of the
        many formats available; \eg, plain \TeX, \LaTeX, and \AMS-\TeX.
	Several styles of input for various diagram types are supported; they
	all share a mnemonic notation based on the \emph{logical composition
	of visual components}.  This guide concentrates on how to typeset
	``matrix-like'' diagrams, such as ??w![commutative diagrams], in the
	following style:
 U \ar@/_/[ddr]_y \ar@/^/[drr]^x
   \ar@{.>}[dr]|-{(x,y)}            \\
  & X \times_Z Y \ar[d]^q \ar[r]_p
                 & X \ar[d]_f       \\
  & Y \ar[r]^g   & Z                }
was typeset by the \Xy-pic input lines
Such diagrams have the following characteristics:

  Specified as a matrix of entries that are automatically aligned in rows and

	Any entry may be connected to any other entry using a variety of
	arrow styles all rotated and stretched as required.

	Arrows may be decorated with labels that are tied to a specified
	point along the arrow and extend in a particular direction; and
	arrows may be paired, cross, and visit/bend around other entries ``on
	the way.''

	Several other styles of input are supported; a short survey of the
	possibilities is included last at the end along with information on
	how \Xy-pic can be obtained.



	This guide explains some features of \Xy-pic that are relevant to
	typesetting of ``matrix-like diagrams'' as used in, for example,
	category theory; please refer to the reference
	manual~\cite{RM95:Xy-picRM} for complete information on the described
	constructions.	The guide assumes that you have some experience in
	using \TeX\ for typesetting mathematics, \eg, have
	studied~\cite[ch.~16--19]{K84:TeXbook}, \cite[sec.~3.3]{L94:LaTeX},
	or~\cite{S90:JoyT}, and that \Xy-pic is installed on your \TeX\
	system as described in the |INSTALL| file accompanying the

	The first section describes what you need to get started, in
	particular all that is needed to typeset the diagram in the abstract.
	Section~??[arrows] and~??[entries] explain advanced use of arrows and
	entries, respectively.	Finally, section~??[avail] explains where and
	under what conditions \Xy-pic is available, gives the relation of
	version \xyversion\ to previous versions, and lists further sources
	of information.

	Throughout we give exercises that you should be able to solve as you
	go along; all exercises are answered at the end just prior to the
	references and index.


	This section explains the \Xy-diagram construction concepts needed to
	get started with typesetting matrix-like diagrams.

	The \Xy-pic setup used in this guide is loaded??w[loading] by
	inserting the lines
 \cs{input} |xy| \cr
	in the definitions part of your
	document.\footnote{??w![\LaTeXe]~\cite{L94:LaTeX} users can use
	??c![\usepackage]|[all]{xy}|.}	If you wish to load only the
	features you use, or you wish to use non-standard facilities like the
	|v2| backwards compatibility mode\footnote{If you use the version~2
	loading command \cs{input} |xypic| (or the |xypic| document style
	option) then the ??c![v2] option described in section ??[compat] will
	be loaded automatically.} or the ??c![ps] \PS\ backend then this is
	also possible as described in the reference

	A diagram is created by the command
	where the ``\dots'' should be replaced by \emph{entries}??w[entry] to
	be aligned in \emph{??w![rows]} and \emph{??w![columns]} where

	entries in a row are separated by ??c![&],\footnote{Thus when using
          \protect\Xy-constructions involving |&| inside other tabular
	  constructions then enclose the \protect\Xy-pic construction in an
	  extra pair of braces!} and

	entire rows are separated by ??c![\\].

	For example,
  A &*+[F]{\sum_{i=n}^m {i^2}} \\
    & {\bullet} & D \ar[ul]     }
	was typeset by
	Notice the following:

	entries are typeset as mathematics (using ``??w![text style]'');
	entries should not start with a macro (as illustrated by the use of
	|{}| around |\bullet|\,.

	all entries are centered and the separation between rows and columns
	is usually quite large in a diagram,

	empty entries at the end of rows may be omitted,

	``\Xy-decorations'' (here |\ar[ul]|) in entries allow drawing of
	arrows and such relative to the entries without changing the overall
	layout, and

	``\Xy-modifiers'' (here |*+[F]|) first in entries allow changing the
	format and shape in many ways.


	An ``??w![arrow]'' in an \Xy-pic diagram is a generic term for the
	drawn decorations between the entries of the basic matrix structure.
	In \Xy-pic all arrows must be specified along with the entry in which
	they start; this is called their \emph{??w![base entry]}.  Each
	particular arrow command then refers explicitly to its
	\emph{??w![target entry]}.  This is obtained using the ??c![\ar]
	command which accepts many options of which we will describe a few
	here and some more in section~??[arrows].  In its simplest form an
	arrow is entered as |\ar[|\emph{hop}|]| where \emph{??w![hop]} is
	a sequence of single letters: ??c![u] for up, ??c![d] for down,
	??c![l] for left, and ??c![r] for right, \eg, the arrow |\ar[ur]|
	reads ``typeset an arrow from the current entry to that one up and one

	Which entry does ??C![] refer to?
\answertext{The target |[]| is the current entry itself.}

	The relative ??w![coordinates] specified in this way are purely
	logical, \eg, if the diagram contains very wide entries then
	``diagonal'' arrows will be nearly horizontal.  The constructed arrows
	are aligned along the line between the centers of the base and target
	entries; they will not automatically disappear under entries that
	they cross (we discuss how this is achieved in

	The ??w![arrow style] kan be changed by writing the command as
	|\ar@|\emph{style}|[|\emph{hop}|]|.	 This will be described in
	more detail in section~??[arrows.styles]; here we just list the most
	common ??c![@]\emph{style}s (obvious variations also work):
 \DEF\st#1{\hbox{\lower1ex\rlap{\kern1pc %

 {\bullet} \ar@{--}[d]\ar@{=}[dr]\ar@{-}[r]
           & {\bullet} \ar@{.}[d] \\
 {\bullet} & {\bullet} \ar[l] }
\answertext{The author did }
\answertext{\noindent Notice how
	$\bullet$ has been enclosed in |{}| since it is an ``expandable''
	entity, \ie, a defined macro: this is recommended.}

	You can put ??w![label]s on arrows.  Labels are conceptualized as
	sub- and superscripts on arrows such that they are placed in the
	usual positions (as ``limits''), \ie, ??c![^] reads ``above'' and
	??c![_] ``below'' on an arrow pointing right.  Notice that the
	positions depend \emph{only} on the direction of the arrow, the
	absolute notions of ``up,'' ``down,'' etc. are not important.  For
 X\ar[r]^a_b & Y & Z\ar[l]^A_B }$
	will set \begin{IMAGE}\docode\end{IMAGE} (the ??c![@1] is a
	special code that can be 
	used for ``one-line'' diagrams to improve the placement on the line;
	more such spacing codes are described in section~??[entries.resizing]).

	It is possible to use labels that are not single letters, digits, or
	control sequences: if a simple math formula in the default style
	(script style) is desired then simply enclose in |{|\dots|}|.  In
	practice anything can be used as a label as described in

	Each label is placed perpendicular to the arrow at the point halfway
	between the centers of the base and target objects.  This is usually
	the most �sthethic, however, in diagrams where the sizes of the
	entries vary much it is sometimes nicer to place the label at the
	center of the actual arrow??w[label centered on arrow].	 This
	behaviour is requested by inserting a ??c![-] (minus) right after the
	|^| or~|_|:
 A\times B\times C\times D \ar[r]^-{+} &B
\end{IMAGE} was typeset by
	(it becomes
 A\times B\times C\times D \ar[r]^{+} &B
\end{IMAGE}without the~|-|).	 In fact |-| is in just one of the may
	possible placings of labels described in section~??[arrows.places].

	Typeset the second axiom of category theory as
 A \ar[r]^f \ar[dr]_{f;g}
  & B \ar[d]^g \ar[dr]^{g;h} \\
  & C \ar[r]_h & D           }
\answertext{The author used }

	It is also possible to ``??w![break]'' an arrow with a label using the
	??c![|] character:
	\thecode\ will set

	If you just want an empty break you should use the special
	??c![\hole] break:
$\xymatrix@1{ A\ar[r]|\hole & B }$
	the arrow \begin{IMAGE}\docode\end{IMAGE} was typeset by
	including \thecode\ in the text.

	A different use of breaks is to place a label somewhere in a diagram
	outside the normal matrix mesh??w[entry outside matrix]: this is
	accomplished by ``breaking'' an ??w![invisible arrow] obtained using
	the ??c![@{}] ??w![arrow style]: the square
\xymatrix{\ar @{} [dr] |{=}
 A \ar[d] \ar[r] & B \ar[d] \\
 B \ar[r]        & C        }
	was typeset by
	There is more on breaks in section~??[arrows.pass].

	Typeset the first axiom of category theory as the display
 A \ar[d]_f \ar[r]^f
            & B \ar[dl]|{i_B} \ar[d]^g \\
 B \ar[r]_g & C }
\answertext{The author entered }

	Arrows can be made to ??w![curve], for example to avoid going through
	another entry, using the special style |@/|\emph{curving}|/|.	 The
	simplest styles of \emph{curving} are the following, shown applied
	to an arrow from $A$ to $B$:
\DEF\a#1{*\hbox{\DEF\1{#1}\enspace\tt\codeof\1}& A \ar#1[r] & B}
\xymatrix @R-1.4pc{
 \a{@/^/} \\
 \a{@/_/} \\
 \a{@/_1pc/} }
	As the last example shows a dimension can be inserted just after |^|
	or |_| if more or less curving is desired.

	In case it is easier to specify the in- and out-going directions of
	the curving then that is also possible: use
	where \emph{in} and \emph{out} are one of the following
\xy *=<2pc>[o][F]{}="c",
  "c"; (-1,-1)**{},p+/3pc/ *+{|dl|} **@{-}?>*@{>},
  "c"; ( 0,-1)**{},p+/3pc/ *+{|d|}  **@{-}?>*@{>},
  "c"; ( 1,-1)**{},p+/3pc/ *+{|dr|} **@{-}?>*@{>},
  "c"; ( 1, 0)**{},p+/3pc/ *+{|r|}  **@{-}?>*@{>},
  "c"; ( 1, 1)**{},p+/3pc/ *+{|ur|} **@{-}?>*@{>},
  "c"; ( 0, 1)**{},p+/3pc/ *+{|u|}  **@{-}?>*@{>},
  "c"; (-1, 1)**{},p+/3pc/ *+{|ul|} **@{-}?>*@{>},
  "c"; (-1, 0)**{},p+/3pc/ *+{|l|}  **@{-}?>*@{>}
	In this case the curving is computed such that the curve begins at the
	base entry in the \emph{in} direction and ends at the target entry
	from the \emph{out} direction (this means that $|@(|d_1|,|d_2|)|$
	and $|@(|d_2|,|d_1|)|$ are mirror images.  See
	section~??[arrows.changing] for more directions).

 x \ar@(ul,dl)[]|{id} \ar@/^/[rr]|f
 && f(x) \ar@/^/[ll]|{f^{-1}} }
\answertext{The author did }
\answertext{\noindent Note that both arrows are
	curved ``above'' relative to their direction.}

\subsection{Speeding up typesetting}
	One thing that you will notice is that \Xy-pic is sometimes slow in
	typesetting diagrams (this is to be expected considering the number
	of drawing operations performed as reflected by the number last in
	each |xymatrix| message).  If you follow the rule of starting all
	entries with a (nonexpandable) character or |{| then you can insert
	the declaration
	in the preamble of your document: this will create temporary
	files\footnote{The temporary files are named the same as your
	document but |.tex| is replaced by |-|$n$|.xyc| where $n$ is a
	sequence number.} containing \emph{compiled} versions of each
	matrix that can be loaded very quickly; they are automatically
	recreated when a matrix is changed.

	If this causes some diagrams to not work, then such compilation can be
	explicitly switched off by using ??c![\xymatrixnocompile] in place of
	|\xymatrix|. Compilation can be switched off completely with
	??c![\NoCompileMatrices] (which respects \TeX\ grouping as does
	??c![\CompileMatrices], by the way).

	And if you are still not satisfied with the speed then you can add
	the following:
	which will omit all compiled pictures; the additional command
	??c![\ShowOutlines] will add a dotted rectangle outlining the size of
	the picture.


\section{More Arrows and Labels}
	In this section we explain a number of variations of the
	??w![arrow]??c[\ar] commands that are useful in ??w![commutative

\subsection{Explicit label positioning}
	The ??w![label]??w[explicit positioning] commands explained in
	section~??[basics.labels] place the label text near the point along
	the arrow halfway between the centers of the base and target entries.
	This, however, may be changed by inserting a \emph{place} between
	the ??c![^], ??c![_], or ??c![|], and the actual label (in fact |-|
	is a \emph{place}). In general you may insert the following:

	??c![<] will place the label at the point where the actual arrow
	begins, \ie, ``appears from under'' the base, so
	\thecode\ will typeset \begin{IMAGE}\docode\end{IMAGE}.

	Similarly, ??c![>] will place the label at the point where the actual
	arrow ends, \ie, ``disappears below'' the target, so
	\thecode\ will typeset \begin{IMAGE}\docode\end{IMAGE}.

	??c![<<] and ??c![>>] will place the following label at a point just
	a bit\footnote{``A bit'' is in fact a \TeX\ ??c![\jot] which is usually
	3pt.}\ further from the beginning and end of the arrow, so
	\thecode\ will typeset \begin{IMAGE}\docode\end{IMAGE}.
	Using more |<|s or |>|s will move the label further in.

	A factor in ??c![()]s: $|(|a|)|$ indicates that the label should be
	``tied'' to the point $a$ of the way from the center of the base entry
	(called ??c![(0)]) to the center of the target (called ??c![(1)])
	instead of in the middle, so
	\thecode\ will typeset \begin{IMAGE}\docode\end{IMAGE}.

	A factor can be given \emph{after} some |<| or |>|s, in which case
	the place is computed as if the base was specified by the
	|<|s and target specified by the |>|s. Hence
	\thecode\ will typeset \begin{IMAGE}\docode\end{IMAGE}.

	Finally, there is a simple way to denote the place on an arrow where
	it ??w![intersects]??w[crossing arrows] with a straight line between
	two points: the place |!{|$t_1$|;|$t_2$|}|??c[!{;}] places the label
	relative to the point on the arrow where the line from the target
	$t_1$ to the target $t_2$ crosses it. \BUG: Only works for straight
	arrows at present.

	As usual more possibilities can be found in the reference
	manual~\cite[fig. 2]{RM95:Xy-picRM}.

 1 \ar[rr] ^-{1000000x}
   \ar[dr] _(.2){2000x} |!{[d];[rr]}\hole
                        && 1000000 \\
 1000 \ar[r] _{2x}
      \ar[urr] _>>>>{x^2}
                        & 2000 }
\answertext{The author used the display }
\answertext{\noindent In particular
	notice how the break was specified to happen exactly where the two
	arrows cross.  For an easier but not so general method see
	exercise~??[x.cube] last in section~??[arrows.pass].}

\subsection{Labeling with any object}
	\Xy-pic supports a general format for entering any \TeX\
	??w![text]??w[text label] as labels (as well as entries to be
	explained later).  The character |*| is reserved for this: in its
	simplest form |*{|\emph{math}|}| will typeset the \emph{math}
	material as an object.	This is like |{|\emph{math}|}| except that
	the default style is ignored and there is no added blank margin.

	However, in general??w[label with any object] the following form of
	??c![*]\emph{object}??w[object] is available:
	where \emph{modifiers}??w[object modifier] can be used to change
	the ??w![shape] and ??w![size] of the constructed object.  The
	following are the most common, the full list of possibilities can be
	found in the reference manual~\cite[fig. 3]{RM95:Xy-picRM}:
 ??c![+] & ??w![grow] \cr
 |+<|\emph{dimen}|>| & grow by \emph{dimen} \cr
 ??c![+=] & grow to enclosing ??w![square] \cr
 ??c![-] & ??w![shrink] \cr
 |-<|\emph{dimen}|>| & shrink by \emph{dimen} \cr
 ??c![-=] & shrink to contained square \cr
 ??c![!] & do not center \cr
 ??C![o] & round??w[round shape] \cr
 ??C![l] ??C![r] ??C![u] ??C![d] & adjust left, right,\dots??w[adjust] \cr
 ??C![F] ??C![F=] & 
\end{IMAGE}??w[double frame]\cr
 ??C![F.] ??C![F--]
\end{IMAGE}??w[dotted frame]
\end{IMAGE}??w[dashed frame]\cr
 ??C![F-,] ??C![F-:<3pt>]
\end{IMAGE}??w[shaded frame]
\end{IMAGE}??w[rounded frame]
	Since objects specified this way start with no margin, a single |+|
	is usually included to get the ??w![default spacing].

\xymatrix@1{ A \ar[r]^*+[o][F-]{x} & B }
	Typeset $\smash{\docode}$~.
\answertext{The author typed }

	There can only be one \emph{boxing}.	This can be any box
	generation command.  The following are the most useful
	\emph{boxing}|{|\emph{text}|}| combinations:
 ??c![@]\emph{variant}|{|\emph{tip}|}| & ??w![tip] (or ??w![shaft]) object \cr
 ??c![\txt]|{|\dots|}| & ordinary \emph{??w![text]} \cr
 ??c![\composite]|{|\dots??c![*]\dots|}| & ??w![combined objects] \cr
 ??c![\frm]|{}| & ??w![repeat last object]
	(the possibilities for \emph{variant} and \emph{tip} are given in the
	following section).  Finally, ??c![\hbox]|{|\dots|}|\footnote{The
	plain \TeX\ command |\hbox| corresponds to |\mbox| in \LaTeX\
	and |\text| in the \AMS\ variants.} is a quick way to ensure
	text-mode interpretation of a single object.  However, ??c![\txt]
	allows the use of ??c![\\] in \emph{text} to create a ??w![line
	break], and the special form |\txt<6pc>{|\dots|}| will constrain the
	text to a ??w![centered] 6pc wide column.  By the way, |\txt| can be
	used outside of \Xy-pic constructions.

	Finally, several objects can be combined using the last form; the
	|*|s serve to separate the composed object.

 A \ar @{/*\composite{{+}*{\times}}/} [rr]
 && B}
	Typeset $\docode$~.
\answertext{The author did }

\subsection{More arrow styles}
	The ??w![arrow style]s described in section~??[basics.arrows] are all
	examples of the general \emph{??w![arrow style]} constructions
??c![@]\emph{??w![variant]}|{|\emph{??w![tail]} \emph{??w![shaft]}
	that in describes arrows with the indicated \emph{tail},
	\emph{shaft}, and \emph{head} (on the first form the tail and
	head can be omitted; the second style defaults to having no tail and
	a standard shaft).??w[arrow head]??w[arrow shaft]??w[arrow tail]

	The following possibilities exist for \emph{head} and \emph{tail}
	which we will denote \emph{tips} (here shown as heads):
 \DEF\DTx#1#2{\Dx{#1}{#2}&\xy-(4,0)*{};(4,2)*+{}**{}?>*@#1{#2} **@#1{.}\endxy}
 \DEF\Dx#1#2{\hbox{\DEF\1{#2}\enspace{\tt\codeof\1}\index code{#2}}}
 \DEF\Darray#1{{\let\\=\cr \tabskip=2em plus 1fil minus.8em %
  \halign to\hsize{&\hfil$##$\tabskip=1em&$##$\hfil\tabskip=2em plus 1fil \cr
  \DT{<}   &\DT{>}   &\DT{x}  \\
  \DT{<<}  &\DT{>>}  &\DT{+}  \\
  \DT{|<}  &\DT{>|}  &\DT{|}  \\
  \DT{|<<} &\DT{>>|} &\DT{||} \\
  \DT{(}   &\DT{)}   &\DT{o}  \\
  \DT{/}   &\DT{//}}}
	and the \emph{shaft} should be one of the following:??w[dotted
	arrow]??w[dashed arrow]??w[squiggly arrow]
 \DEF\DCx#1#2{ \Dx{#1}{#2} & \xy *+{} ; (12,4)*+{} **@#1{#2}\endxy}
 \DEF\Dx#1#2{\hbox{\DEF\1{#2}\enspace\tt\codeof\1\index code{#2}}}
 \DEF\Darray#1{{\let\\=\cr \tabskip=2em plus 1fil %
  \halign to\hsize{&\hfil$##$\tabskip=1em&$##$\hfil\tabskip=2em plus 1fil \\
  \DC{-} &\DC{--} \\
  \DC{~} &\DC{~~} \\
  \DC{.} }}%
	The \emph{variant} should be empty or one of the following:
??c![^] & ``above'' variant??w[half arrow] \cr
??c![_] & ``below'' variant \cr
|2| & ``double'' variant??w[double arrow] \cr
|3| & ``triple'' variant??w[triple arrow]
	Here are some standard arrows in this notation, all from $A$ to $B$
	as usual:
\DEF\a#1{*\hbox{\DEF\next{#1}\tt\codeof\next}& A \ar#1[rr] && B}
\xymatrix @R-1.8pc @C-1pc {
 \a{@{<->}}  \\
 \a{@^{<->}} \\
 \a{@_{<->}} \\
 \a{@2{<->}} \\
 \a{@3{<->}} }
	As a special convenience |=| and |:| are provided as abbreviations
	for |-| and |.| with variant forced to~|2|.

	As it can be seen, the variant will affect the \emph{entire} arrow.
	Sometimes this is not what is wanted.  In that case a \emph{local
	variant} can be used by entering any of the \emph{tail},
	\emph{shaft}, and \emph{head}, on the following form:
	Here are some arrows where this is required:
\DEF\a#1{*\hbox{\DEF\next{#1}\tt\codeof\next}& A \ar#1[r] & B}
\xymatrix @R-1.8pc{
\a{@{^{(}->}} \\
\a{@{|-_{>}}} }
	Notice that there is no distinction between shafts and tips using
	this form, thus it is necessary to include all three of
	\emph{tail}, \emph{shaft}, and \emph{head}, when using it.  The
	advantage is that it is possible then to ``fill with a tip.''??w[tip in
	shaft]??w[shaft as tip] Furthermore, the following additional
	possibilities are available when using this notation:
 \DEF\DTx#1#2{\Dx{#1}{#2}&\xy-(4,0)*{};(4,2)*+{}**{}?>*@#1{#2} **@#1{.}\endxy}
 \DEF\Dx#1#2{\hbox{\DEF\1{#1{#2}}\enspace{\tt\codeof\1}\index code{#1{#2}}}}
 \DEF\Darray#1{{\let\\=\cr \tabskip=0pt plus 1fil %
  \halign to\hsize{&\hfil$##$\tabskip=1em&$##$\hfil\tabskip=1em plus 1fil \cr
  \DT{|-} &\DT^{|-} &\DT_{|-} \\
         &&\DT {|=} &\DT3{|-} \\
  \DT{*}  &\DT^{`}   &\DT_{`} \\
         &&\DT^{'}   &\DT_{'} }}%
	The even more general form |*|\emph{object} can be used, where
	\emph{object} refers to any of the constructions described in

 A \ar @/^/ @{^{<}-_{>}} [r]
   \ar @/_/ @{{*}{x}{*}} [r] & B }
	Typeset $\docode$~.
\answertext{The author entered }

\subsection{Sliding arrows sideways}
	It is often desirable to have several ??w![parallel] arrows between
	two objects.  This can be done by ??w![sliding] either or both arrows
	??w![sideways] a distance given as a \TeX\ dimension enclosed in
	??c![@<>]s: it specifies how far ``sideways'' the arrow should be
	moved, \eg,
 A \ar@<1ex>[dr]^a_{.} \\
   & B \ar@<1ex>[ul]^b \ar@<1ex>[r]^c
     & C \ar@<1ex>[l]^d_{.} }
\noindent will typeset
	A positive distance will slide the arrow in the ``|^|-direction,'' \eg,
	the two arrows above are slid in the direction of the labels~$a$,
	$b$, $c$, and $d$, respectively; a negative distance in the
	``|_|-direction.''  The distance |<@1ex>| is often appropriate since it
	corresponds roughly to the height of letters like ``x,'' in the type size
	being used.

 A \ar@/^/[r] \ar@/^/@<-1ex>[r] & B }
	Typeset $\docode$~.
\answertext{The author typed }

\subsection{More targets}
	The ??w![target] address can be given in a large number of formats
	called \emph{??w![position]s}.  The full range of possibilities is
	described in the reference manual~\cite[fig. 1]{RM95:Xy-picRM}; here
	is a number of useful ones in addition to the \emph{hop} format
	described in section~??[basics.arrows]:

	$|[|r|,|c|]|$??C[], where $r,c$ are integers, denotes the
	\emph{??w![relative entry]} found $r$~??w![rows] below and
	$c$~??w![columns] to the right of the current entry (the ??w![current
	entry] itself is thus |[0,0]|).	 This always corresponds to a
	|[|\emph{??w![hop]}|]|, \eg, |[1,2]| is the same as |[drr]| and
	|[-2,0]| is the same as |[uu]|.

	$|"|r|,|c|"|$, where $r,c$ are positive integers, denotes the
	\emph{??w![absolute entry]} found in the $r$th row and $c$th column
	of the diagram.	 The top left entry is |"1,1"|.

	$t'??c![;]t$~, where $t'$ is any target, changes the ??w![base entry]
	of the present arrow to $t'$ and then sets the target to $t$ relative
	to the original base entry.  For example,
\xymatrix{ A \\
           B & C \ar@<1ex>[ul]
                 \ar@<1ex>[ul];[] }
\noindent\unskip typesets
	\ie, the second |\ar[ul]| arrow starts at the |[ul]| entry and ends
	in the current entry.

	See section~??[entries.naming] for how to use a label as a target.

\subsection{Changing the target}
	It is possible to ??w![overwrite] a ??w![target] with another by
	appending something of the form ??c![*]\emph{object} to it.  This
	has the effect of typesetting the \emph{object} at the current
	position, thus effectively on top of the target, and then use what
	was typeset as the target.

	A target may also have its ??w![position] changed??w[changing
	position]??w[adjusting position]??w[moving target] by one of the
	following constructions:

	??c![+]\emph{vector} or ??c![-]\emph{vector} which changes the
	target to be a zero-sized one at the position obtained by adding or
	subtracting the \emph{vector} to its center, or

	??c![!]\emph{vector} which moves the center of the target by the

	where a \emph{??w![vector]} should have the form

	$|<|D_x|,|D_y|>|$ , where $D_x,D_y$ are \TeX\ dimensions, is the
	vector with those coordinates??w[vector coordinates],

	the following ``corner offsets'' of a target are vectors as shown:
\DEF\corner#1{\POS"box"+0;"box"+#1 **@{-} ?>*@{>} +/1pc/ *\hbox{\tt#1}}
\xy 0.(-11,-6).(11,6)!C="box"*\frm{.},"box";
 "box"+L**@{.}, "box"+R**@{.}, "box"+D**@{.}, "box"+U**@{.}
 \corner{L} \corner{R} \corner{D} \corner{U}
	(they must be specified in upper case)??w[vector to corner], and

	??c![/]$d$ \emph{dimen}|/| is the \emph{vector} going
	\emph{dimen} in the particular ??w![direction]??w[vector in
	direction] $d$ which can be either the eight simple ones in
	section~??[basics.bends], empty to denote that the
	\emph{??w![current direction]} (the last direction of an arrow)
	should be used, or one of the following:
 |va(|$\alpha$|)|??c[va()] & ??w![absolute angle] \cr
 $d$|:a(|$\alpha$|)|??c[:a()] & ??w![relative angle] in ??w![degrees] \cr
 $d$|:(|$x$,$y$|)|??c[:()] & ??w![relative vector] \cr
 $d$??c![^] / $d$??c![_] & short for |:a(90)| / |:a(-90)|
	where the $d$ in the last four may be empty to denote the ``current

	??c![0] is the zero vector.

	Many, many more possibilities are described in the reference

	What is the difference between a target $t$ and the target $t$|+0|?
\answertext{The size: $t$|+0| always has zero size.}

\subsection{Arrows passing under}
	Arrows can pass under??w[arrow passing under] (or via) any other
	entry: Just insert ??c![']$t$, \ie, a quote (apostrophe) character
	followed by a target, for each entry that should be visited except
	the last, ``ordinary \& final'' entry:
  \ar@{|-->} '[dr] ^a
             '[rr]+D*{\bullet} ^b
              [drrr] ^c
         & {\circ} & {\circ} & {\circ} \\
 {\circ} & {\circ} & {\circ} & {\circ} }
	As you see, labels are set separately on each ??w![segment].

	Typeset the ``lambda ??w![cube]''??w[crossing arrows]
 & \lambda\omega \ar@{-}[rr]\ar@{-}'[d][dd]
   & & \lambda C \ar@{-}[dd]
 \lambda2 \ar@{-}[ur]\ar@{-}[rr]\ar@{-}[dd]
 & & \lambda P2 \ar@{-}[ur]\ar@{-}[dd]
 & \lambda\underline\omega \ar@{-}'[r][rr]
   & & \lambda P\underline\omega
 \lambda{\to} \ar@{-}[rr]\ar@{-}[ur]
 & & \lambda P \ar@{-}[ur]
	\emph{Hint}: ``going under'' an empty entry leaves a small gap at
	that location.??w[crossing arrows]  The compactness is achieved using
	a trick described in section~??[entries.resizing].
\answertext{The author constructed }
\answertext{A special thing is added: |@!| forces rows and columns to be
	equally spaced as discussed in section~??[entries.resizing]; |@!0|
	furthermore makes the spacing ignore the entry sizes, giving a
	completely fixed grid.  The gaps could also be made with the
	|!|\dots\ crossing notation of exercise~??[x.intercept] last in
	section~??[arrows.places] but the above is shorter.}

\subsection{More bending arrows}
	Finally, arrows can ??w![bend] around entries: just insert
	??c![`]$d\,t$, \ie, a backquote and a ??w![direction] $d$ followed by
	a target $t$, for each ``??w![turn]'' that starts out in the
	$d$-direction and ends in a ??w![quarter turn] towards the
	target~$t$.  This is different from the curving??w[curve] described
	earlier in that all turns consist of a straight part ending in a turn
	which is a multiple of \slashedfrac18 ??w![circle segments], and each
	segment allows separate ??w![label]s.

	The possible directions are those of section~??[basics.bends] and
	??[arrows.changing], and the possible targets include all those
	discussed above.  Actually the direction is only required for the
	first in a series of turns since the final direction of one turn is
	the obvious choice for the following turn.  Furthermore, turns can be
	changed from the default by adding either ??c![^]$d$ for
	anticlockwise turn to $d$ or ??c![_]$d$ for clockwise turn to $d$,
	where $d$ is the ``exit direction'' of the turn.

	Finally, the turns will have ??w![radius] 10pt by default, but this
	can be changed to any dimension $R$ from a particular turn and
	onwards by inserting ??c![/]$R$ immediately after the |``| of the
	turn??w[changing turn radius].	Here is an example involving all of
	these features:
 {\circ} \ar `r[d]   ^a
           `[rr]     ^b
           `/4pt[rr] ^c
           `[rrr]    ^d
         & {\circ} & {\circ} & {\circ} \\
 {\circ} & {\circ} & {\circ} & {\circ} }
	The example illustrates the following points:

	If the segment can not be made as short as required then it will
	point ``past'' the target.  This is useful for ``??w![going around]''

	There is \emph{one |`| per turn} thus each target appears as many
	times as there are turns towards it, except the last target that
	appears one more time namely both with |`| for each turn towards it
	\emph{and} once as an ``ordinary'' target to set the final stretch.

	The sizes of the intermediate targets are ignored.


 A \ar@<-2pt> `d[r] `[r] [r]
   \ar@<+2pt> `d[r] `[r] [r] & B }
\answertext{The author typed }

\subsection{Defining new arrow types}
	Last in this treatment of arrows we will explain how ??w![new arrows]
	can be defined??w[defining arrows].  The crucial fact is that the
	characters used for \emph{??w![tip]s} and \emph{??w![shaft]s} are
	restricted to the following:
 |><||ox+/()[]|\verb*+ + &\quad \emph{tip} characters??w[tip characters]\cr
 |-.~:=| &\quad \emph{shaft} characters??w[shaft characters]
	When an arrow is interpreted by \Xy-pic it is first split into the
	three components and then each component is looked up in a library of
	so-called ``??w![directionals].'' It is possible to add new such
	directionals using the command
 ??c![\newdir]|{| \emph{directional} |}{| \emph{composite} |}|
	where \emph{directional} should be a sequence either of tip
	characters or of shaft characters, and \emph{composite} should be a
	list of objects??w[combined objects] separated with ??c![*] just like
	the argument to ??c![\composite] described in
	section~??[arrows.objects].  If arrows of a particular
	\emph{??w![variant]} (always one of the letters |^_23|) needs an
	alternate definition then another declaration can be given with the
	variant inserted between |\newdir| and the first |{|.

	There is one ??w![object modifier] which is very useful in this
	context, in addition to those of section~??[arrows.objects]:
 ??c![!]\emph{vector} &\quad shift object \emph{vector}
	(where the possibilities for \emph{vector} are described in
	section~??[arrows.changing]).  Combined with the direction code this
	is very powerful, for example,
	defines a new tip that makes
\xymatrix{ A \ar @{=|>} [r] & B }
\xymatrix{ A \ar @{=|>} [r] & B }
	$\docode$~.  Notice how the ``relative direction'' is used here to
	rotate??w[rotation] some of the composed components.

	Often tips used as ``tails'' have their ink on the wrong side of the
	point where they are placed.  Fortunately space (\verb*+ +) is also a
	tip character so we can define the directional \verb*+ >+ to generate
	a ``tail-spaced'' arrow.  Do this such that
\xymatrix{ A \ar @{>->}  @< 2pt> [r]
             \ar @{ >->} @<-2pt> [r] & B }
\newdir{ >}{{}*!/-5pt/@{>}}
\xymatrix{ A \ar @{>->}  @< 2pt> [r]
             \ar @{ >->} @<-2pt> [r] & B }
\newdir{ >}{{}*!/-5pt/@{>}}
\answertext{The author used }

	Finally, when \Xy-pic diagrams are used in conjunction with Knuth's
	\emph{??w![computer modern fonts]} then the declaration
	will change the tips to some that look similar, \eg,
\end{IMAGE}.  The second argument (here |{}|) can be used
	to specify a point size |{10}|, |{11}|, or |{12}|, if desired (the
	default is |{10}|\footnote{Except when \Xy-pic is loaded as a
	\LaTeXe\ package where the default size is used.}); |{cm}| can be
	replaced by |{eu}| and |{xy}| to get tips in ``Euler'' and the
	default technical style, respectively.  The declaration respects
	\TeX\ grouping.

 A \ar[r] |-{\SelectTips{cm}{}\object@{>>}}
 & B }
	Typeset $\docode$~.  \emph{Hint}: With the construction
	??c![\object]\emph{object} one can typeset an \Xy-pic \emph{object}
	(anything that could follow a |*| in section~??[arrows.objects]) in
	any context.
\answertext{The author typed }


\section{More Entries}
	This section explains what can go in an entry and how the general
	form of the entries??w[entry] is changed.

\subsection{Manual entry formatting}
	All the entries we have seen thus far have been simple math objects.
	However, it is possible to change the ??w![format] of an individual
	??w![entry]??w[entry format] by using the form:
 ??c![*]\emph{object} \emph{arrows}
	This allows complete control over what object is placed in the entry,
	overriding any spacing and other conventions for the entry.  This was
	how the frame was obtained in the figure in

	A simple use of this is to insert ??w![text in entries]??w[entries
	with text]??w[labels with text] using ??c![\txt] objects just like
	labels as described above in section~??[arrows.objects]:
 *\txt{A very long and stupid\\program}
\noindent will typeset

\answertext{The author typed}

\subsection{Extra entries outside the matrix}
	It is possible to put ??w![extra entries]??w[entries outside matrix]
	in your diagrams that are not part of any ``entry'' of the matrix
	created by |&| and |\\|.  This is done with the
	\emph{??w![excursion]} command
	where $t$ should be a target in one of the formats described in
	sections~??[arrows.targets]-??[arrows.changing].	 $t$ can do
	any kind of typesetting desired, for example,
 A \ar@{-}[dr]
     This is a very big commentary
     but it does not otherwise affect
     the diagram.}
     \ar[l] \ar[d] \restore \\
 & B \ar@{-}[r] & C \ar@{-}[r] & D
\noindent will typeset
	It illustrates how a ``down'' arrow does not necessarily have to point
	particularly straight down -- in this case because it is based in the
	displaced pseudo entry.

\subsection{Spacing and rotation}
	The |*|\emph{object} form described above can be used to space
	individual objects differently, however, it is also possible to
	change the overall ??w![spacing] of a matrix by inserting the
	following codes \emph{between} |\xymatrix| and the following |{|:
 ??c![@=]\emph{dimen} & set spacing \cr
 ??c![@R=]\emph{dimen} & set row spacing \cr
 ??c![@C=]\emph{dimen} & set column spacing \cr
 ??c![@M=]\emph{dimen} & set entry default margin \cr
 ??c![@W=]\emph{dimen} & set entry default width \cr
 ??c![@H=]\emph{dimen} & set entry default height \cr
 ??c![@L=]\emph{dimen} & set label margin
	??c![=] can be replaced by any of ??c![+], ??c![+=], ??c![-],
	and ??c![-=] of	section~??[arrows.objects] with the same meaning,
	\ie, replace ``set'' with ``increase,'' ``increase to at most,''
	``decrease,'' and ``decrease to at least,'' respectively.  For example,
	\thecode\ in the text typesets \begin{IMAGE}\docode\end{IMAGE}.

	In case \emph{??w![uniform spacing]} is desired, several alternative
	forms exist.
 ??c![@!] & force all spaces equal \cr
 |@!0| & --- and ignore entry sizes \cr
 |@!R| & force equal row spacing \cr
 |@!C| & force equal column spacing
	Finally a special notation allows \emph{??w![rotation]} of an
	entire matrix:
 ??c![@]\,$d$ & rotate towards $d$
	Only the matrix grid will rotate, however, not the actual contents.

 a \ar[r]\ar@{->>}[d] & a' \ar@{.>>}[d] \\
 b \ar@{.>>}[r]       & b' }
	Typeset the ``strip lemma'' $$\docode$$
\answertext{The author entered the display}

\subsection{Entry style}
	As mentioned above, the entries of a diagram are set in math mode in
	text style.  You may change this by redefinining the macro
	??c![\objectstyle]??w[entry style], and the label style by redefining
	??c![\labelstyle]??w[label style].  We can combine this with the
	above to get ``small diagrams,'' \eg, typing
 \vcenter{\xymatrix @-1.2pc @ur {
  A \ar[r]^{a}  & B \ar[d]^{b}  \\
  A'\ar[u]^{a'} & B'\ar[l]^{b'} }}
 \vcenter{\xymatrix @-1.2pc @ur {
  A \ar[r]^{a}  & B \ar[d]^{b}  \\
  A'\ar[u]^{a'} & B'\ar[l]^{b'} }}
\noindent in a paragraph will typeset ``\begin{IMAGE}\docode\end{IMAGE}.''

	You can even abandon the use of math mode entirely: the command
	|\def| |\objectstyle| |{\hbox}|\ will change the format of entries to
	plain text.??w[plain text entries]

	Similarly, all entries are rectangular by default, but it is possible
	to change this to \emph{??w![round]??w[elliptical]??w[circular]} by
	declaring the default \emph{modifiers}??w[object
	modifier]??w[default modifier] to be applied to all entries that do
	not override them (\cf\ section~??[arrows.objects]):
\xymatrix @-1pc {
 *\txt{start} \ar[r]
 & 0 \ar@(r,u)[]^b \ar[r]_a
 & 1 \ar[r]^b \ar@(r,d)[]_a
 & 2 \ar[r]^b
   \ar `dr_l[l]  `_ur[l]  _a [l]
   \ar `ur^l[lll]`^dr[lll]^b [lll]
   \ar `dr_l[ll] `_ur[ll]    [ll] }
\noindent will typeset
	Notice how we obtain the double ring using the |*|\emph{object}
	form which then has to include all the desired modifiers (and how the
	use of computer modern tips is nice for diagrams as these).

\subsection{Naming for later use as targets}
	If you build an entry with a long and complicated excursion then you
	might wish to be able to refer to it later.  \Xy-pic provides a
	mechanism for this: there is a special ??w![target] form which we
	haven't discussed yet:
 $t$ ??c![=]|"|\emph{name}|"|
	This will introduce the new target |"|\emph{name}|"| which will
	refer to the target just before the |=|.  This is particularly useful
	inside excursions, of course, and can also be used after
	labels??w[labels as targets].

 A \ar[r] ^a="a" & B \ar[r] ^b="b" & C
  \ar @/^/ "a";"b" }
	Typeset $\docode$.
\answertext{The author typed }
\answertext{\noindent Notice the use
	of both explicit base and target in the arrow between the labels.}

\subsection{Grouping objects}
	Sometimes you wish to frame or otherwise treat a rectangle of objects
	as a single object??w[grouping].  This is possible with the last two
	target position forms that we will mention:
 $t$|.|$s$ & merge $t$ with simple $s$ \cr
 |{|$t$|}| & make $t$ simple
	The first will enlarge $t$ to also ``??w![cover]'' the ``simple'' $s$
	(simple means that it cannot have changes etc.\ attached unless
	encapsulated in |{}|s).	 Here is an example where we ??w![merge] and
\xymatrix @R=1pc {
 1,1 & 1,2 & 1,3 & 1,4 & 1,5 \\
 2,1 & 2,2 & 2,3 & 2,4 & 2,5
 \save "1,2"."2,4"*[F.]\frm{}
  \ar"1,1" \ar"2,1" \ar"1,5" \ar"2,5"
 \restore }
\noindent will typeset
	As you can see, the center of the merged object is the same as the
	one of the target \emph{before} the ``|.|.''

	Finally a more advanced example where we create two merged objects
	with center in their ``real'' center, ??w![name] them and then connect
	to them.  It also shows how macros can be used inside diagrams: they
	should always expand to ``commands'' like |\ar|\dots, etc.:
 \g1 A\ar[r]&B\ar[d]&\g2 A'\ar[r]&B'\ar[d]\\
     C\ar[u]&D\ar[l]&    C'\ar[u]&D'\ar[l]
 \ar @{.>}  "g1" ;"1,4"
 \ar @{-->} "2,1";"g2" }
	can be typeset by
	Then we can make arrows from/to the two frames by using the two new
	targets |"g1"| and |"g2"| as shown.

	Change the lambda cube of exercise~??[x.cube] such it is enclosed in
	a transparent (\ie, dotted) cube.
\answertext{The author added the \Xy-code}
\save [].[dd].[ddrr].[rr]*[F.]\frm{}="back"
\answertext{in the entry with $\lambda\omega$, and}
 \save [].[dd].[ddrr].[rr]*[F.]\frm{}
  \ar@{.} +UL;"back"+UL \ar@{.} +UR;"back"+UR
  \ar@{.} +DL;"back"+DL \ar@{.} +DR;"back"+DR
\answertext{in the entry with $\lambda2$ to produce}
\xymatrix @!0 {
 & \lambda\omega \ar@{-}[rr]\ar@{-}'[d][dd]
   \save [].[dd].[ddrr].[rr]*[F.]\frm{}="back"\restore
   & & \lambda C \ar@{-}[dd]
 \lambda2 \ar@{-}[ur]\ar@{-}[rr]\ar@{-}[dd] 
 \save [].[ddrr]*[F.]\frm{}
  \ar@{.} +UL;"back"+UL \ar@{.} +UR;"back"+UR
  \ar@{.} +DL;"back"+DL \ar@{.} +DR;"back"+DR \restore
 & & \lambda P2 \ar@{-}[ur]\ar@{-}[dd]
 & \lambda\underline\omega \ar@{-}'[r][rr]
   & & \lambda P\underline\omega
 \lambda{\to} \ar@{-}[rr]\ar@{-}[ur]
 & & \lambda P \ar@{-}[ur] }


\section{Availability and Further Information}
	Below we describe how to and the conditions for obtaining \Xy-pic
	version~\xyversion, the compatibility with previous versions, and we
	conclude with a few appetisers to lure the reader into reading more
	about \Xy-pic.

\subsection{Getting \Xy-pic}
	The easiest way to retrieve??w[retrieving {\Xy}-pic] the latest version
	of \Xy-pic is through the \Xy-pic home page~\cite{Xy-picHP} on the
	??w![World Wide Web]; it is also available by Internet ??w![ftp] from
	\url{ftp://ftp.diku.dk/diku/users/kris/TeX/} as well as
	\url{ftp://ftp.mpce.mq.edu.au/pub/maths/TeX/} in files starting with
	|xy|.  Finally, \Xy-pic has been contributed to the CTAN archives
	where it is located in the directory \texttt{macros\slash generic\slash
	diagrams\slash xypic}.

	\Xy-pic is free software in the sense that it is available under the
	following ??w![license]??w[copyright] conditions:
  ~\Xy-pic: Graphs and Diagrams with \TeX~\\
  \quad\copyright~1991--1997\quad Kristoffer H. Rose\\
  \quad\copyright~1994--1997\quad Ross Moore\\
	The \Xy-pic package is ??w![free software]; you can redistribute it
	and/or modify it under the terms of the ??w![GNU General Public
	License] as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
	2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	The \Xy-pic package is distributed in the hope that it will be
	useful, but \emph{without any ??w![warranty]}; without even the
	implied warranty of \emph{merchantability} or \emph{fitness for a
	particular purpose}.  See the GNU General Public License for more

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software
	Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
	In practice this means that you are free to use \Xy-pic for your
	documents but if you distribute any part of \Xy-pic (including
	modified versions) to someone then you are obliged to ensure that the
	full source text of \Xy-pic is available to them (the full text of
	the license in the file ??c![COPYING] explains this in somewhat more

\subsection{Backwards compatibility}
	The first widely distributed version of \Xy-pic was ??w![version 2]
	(from release 1.40 to release 2.6).  A special
	\emph{??w![compatibility]} mode is used automatically if the
	??w![old style of loading] is used (using files named ??c![xypic.tex]
	and ??c![xypic.sty]).  You can also mix old and new diagrams in a
	document if you load as described in section~??[basics.loading] and
	add the declaration ??c![\xyoption]|{v2}|.  This provides almost full
	backwards compatibility: the following are the only known exceptions:

	Automatic ``shortening'' of arrow tails by ??c![|<<] break was a bug
	and has been ``fixed'' so it does not work any more.  \emph{Fix}: Put a
	|||<\hole| break before it as described in section~??[arrows.styles].

	The release~2.6 ??c![*] position operator is not available.
	\emph{Fix}: Use the |:| and |::| operators (described in detail in
	the reference manual~\cite{RM95:Xy-picRM}).

	Using $t_1|;|t_2|:(|x|,|y|)|$ as the target of an arrow command does
	not work.  \emph{Fix}: Enclose it in braces, \ie, write

	The old ??c![\pit], ??c![\apit], and ??c![\bpit] commands are not
	defined.  \emph{Fix}: Use |*@{>}| (or |\tip|) with variants and

	The even older notation where an argument in braces to |\rto| and the
	others was automatically taken to be a ``tail'' is not supported.
	\emph{Fix}: Use the supported |||<|\dots\ notation.

	Finally note that sometimes the spacing with version~\xyversion\ is
	``improved'' relative to earlier versions~\smiley~.  Please report all
	other things that do not work the same in version~2.6 and~\xyversion\
	to the author.

\subsection{Further reading}
	The reference manual~\cite{RM95:Xy-picRM} describes several more
	input modes that are useful when the diagram is not organised as a
	matrix.	 We'll give some examples of such diagrams but refer to the
	reference manual for the details.

\item	The ``??w![graph]'' feature allows input of data structured as
	\emph{??w![directed graphs]} to make it easy to produce such
	pictures as
% From xygraph.doc.
\xygraph{ !{0;(.77,-.77):0}
 w (:[r(.6)]{x_1}
   ,:[d]z:[r]y:[u(.6)]{x_2}:@/_/"x_1" (:@/_/"x_2") :"z"
    :@( {"w";"z"}, {"y";"z"})"z" :"x_2" ) }

\item	The ``??w![knot]'' feature allows drawing of mathematical \emph{knots
	and ??w![links]} like
% From xyknot.doc:
\vtop{\vbox{\xygraph{!{0;/r1.5pc/:} !{\vover}[u]
  !{\hcap[-2]<<} [d] !{\vover-} [ruu] !{\hcap[2]><}}\smallskip}
\hbox{\qquad\ \small simple link}}\hfil
% Figure-eight
 [u] !{\vloop<(-.005)\khole||\vcrossneg \vunder- }
 [] !{\ar @{-}@'{p-(1,0)@+}+(-1,1)}
 [ul] !{\vcap[3]>\khole}
 [rrr] !{\ar @{-}@'{p-(0,1)@+}-(1,1)}
}\smallskip}\hbox{\small figure-8 knot}}\hfil\quad
% cinque-foil
 !P5"a"{~>{}} !P10"b"{~:{(1.7487,0):}~>{}}
}\smallskip}\hbox{\quad\ \small cinquefoil}}
\vbox{\hbox to 2em{\hss}}

\item	The ``??w![2cell]'' feature provides special support for
	\emph{categorical ??w![twocells]} like
% From xy2cell.doc.
"C"; \afterPOS{\drop\compositemap{}}"D"
\POS "A";

\item	The ``??w![poly]'' feature allows \emph{??w![polygon-like]}
% From xypoly.doc:
/r2pc/: ="A", +(.2,1.5)="B","A",
\qquad \xy /r2pc/:
\endxy\qquad \xy /r2pc/:

\item	The ``??w![web]'' feature allows composition in lattices such as
% From xyweb.doc:
\def\latticebody{\dimen0=\latticeX pt
 \ifdim\dimen0>0pt \divide\dimen0 by 64
 \dimen0=\latticeY\dimen0 \relax
 \ifdim 0pt>\dimen0 \dimen0=-\dimen0 \fi
 \ifdim 2.5pt>\dimen0 \drop{\bullet}%
 \else\drop{.}\fi \else\drop{.}\fi}
,{"L"+L \ar "L"+!R*+!L{\sigma^{(1)}}}
,{"L"+D \ar "L"+!U*+!D{\sigma^{(2)}}}

\item	The ``??w![arc]'' feature is suitable for effects like
% From xyarc.doc:

	In each case the figure is produced with relatively few lines using
	techniques documented in the respective sections of the reference
	manual together with the details of the \Xy-pic kernel and
	extensions, ``arrow,'' and ``matrix'' features as used in this guide;
	further extensions provide support for use of colour, \PS\ effects,
	and much more.

	Finally, the following documents might prove useful: \emph{How to
	Typeset Pretty Diagram Arrows with {\TeX}}~\cite{R92:HowTPDAT}
	presents some of the design decisions behind \Xy-pic,
	\emph{{\Xy}-pic and Notation for Categorical
	Diagrams}~\cite{R94:Xy-picNCD} explains how the modularity of \Xy-pic
	can be used to obtain complex effects with commutative diagrams, and
	\emph{Typesetting Neural Nets using
	{\Xy}-pic}~\cite{M94:TypesettingNNX} explains how \emph{neural
	networks} can be typeset using the package.  Finally, a collection of
	complex examples is maintained on the \Xy-pic home page and the ftp
	servers discussed above.

	\Xy-pic version 2 was a small package created by the author.  The
	present version \xyversion\ is the result of more than three years of
	continued collaboration with Ross Moore,\footnote{Mathematics
	Department, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia 2109;
	e-mail: ross@mpce.mq.edu.au.} and would never have been developed
	without his support and \TeX-nical expertise.\footnote{Partial
	funding for this collaboration has been provided by a Macquarie
	University Research Grant (MURG), by the Australian Research Council
	(ARC), and through a research agreement with the Digital Equipment
	Corporation (DEC).}  This includes many of the modes mentioned above
	which were created for use within specialised branches of
	mathematics, however, the notations are designed to fit quite
	naturally within the framework of \Xy-pic and are useful more
	generally.  Finally, we are grateful to Y\&Y Inc.\ for making very
	nicely done \PS\ versions of the \Xy-pic fonts available.

\appendix\section{Answers to all exercises}



% $Log: xyguide.man,v $
% Revision 3.6  1998/03/06 01:28:05  krisrose
% Releasing (with Y&Y fonts).
% Revision 3.5  1997/05/29 21:02:36  krisrose
% Fixed "missing breaks"...and tidied up documentation!
% Revision 3.4  1997/05/18 01:14:25  krisrose
% Essential bugfixes.
% Revision 3.3  1996/12/19 13:17:15  krisrose
% Maintenance release.
% Revision 3.2  1995/09/19 18:22:27  kris
% Bug fix release.
% Revision 3.1  1995/09/05  20:31:32  kris
% Releasing!
% Revision 3.0  1995/07/07  20:14:21  kris
% Major release w/new User's Guide!
% Revision 2.13  1995/07/04  15:11:17  kris
% Ready to release v3?
% Revision 2.12	 1994/10/25  11:34:25  kris
% Interim release just before v3 [works with AMS-LaTeX 1.2]...
% Revision 2.10	 1994/06/15  12:55:07  kris
% Second 3beta release: bug fixes.
% Revision 2.9	1994/06/09  14:59:19  kris
% Release 3beta.
% Revision 2.8	1994/04/08  04:30:00  kris
% Second (bug fix) 3alpha release.
% Revision 2.7	1994/03/08  02:06:01  kris
% Release 3alpha.
% Revision  1994/03/07	04:22:46  kris
% Last internal 3alpha and pre-2.7 release.
% Reformatted for LaTeX with companion xydoc.sty.
% Renamed from xypicman.doc to xyguide.man.
% Revision  1992/07/01	07:08:24  kris
% Send to EuroTeX '92...
% Revision 2.6	1992/06/24  01:23:34  kris
% Reorganised...
% Documented new features: hooks, triple lines, positions, and LaTeXdiagrams.
% Revision 2.5	1992/02/24  03:30:54  kris
% Documented changes in xypic.doc[2.5].
% Revision 2.4	1992/01/22  02:15:10  kris
% Cosmetic changes; removed \pit and introduced \rotate.
% Revision 2.3	1992/01/13  01:51:02  kris
% Changed to use `pure' XPPT [1.20].
% Several cosmetic changes, e.g., corrected definition of \ddtor in footnote.
% Revision 2.2	1992/01/09  04:05:40  kris
% Patched to fix problem with \text and support AMS-LaTeX.
% Revision 2.1	1992/01/02  14:54:07  kris
% Release version.
% Revision 1.7	1991/12/17  04:53:23  kris
% Version distributed as `final draft' on Usenet.
% Added bent arrows properly; support for double tips; proper \Text;
% fixed name clashes...
% This version is for bug fixes only!!
% Revision 1.6	1991/12/06  08:53:06  kris
% Draft ready for wider distribution...
% Fits xypic.doc[1.39]; still needs better examples.
% Revision 1.5	1991/12/03  07:53:28  kris
% Extended with the xypic.doc[1.37] possibility for exotic arrow
% tips; also added description of \merge.
% Revision 1.4	1991/12/02  06:08:42  kris
% Fixed various things; fits xypic.doc[1.36].
% Revision 1.3	1991/12/01  07:40:07  kris
% Corresponds to xypic.doc[1.35].
% Revision 1.2	1991/11/28  04:42:49  kris
% Corresponds to xypic.doc[1.34].
% Cleaned up a lot; now only bending arrows are missing...and good examples.
% Revision 1.1	1991/11/27  06:48:17  kris
% Initial: \beta-test on DIKU.
% Based on version in DIKU student report 91-7-10.

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