% $Id: tex4ht-mathjax.tex 1382 2023-10-12 12:52:53Z michal_h21 $ % compile: latex tex4ht-mathjax % % Copyright 2018-2023 TeX Users Group % Released under LPPL 1.3c+. % See tex4ht-cpright.tex for license text. \ifx \HTML\UnDef \def\HTML{mathjax-latex-4ht} \def\CONFIG{\jobname} \def\MAKETITLE{\author{Michal Hoftich}} \def\next{\input mktex4ht.4ht \endinput} \expandafter\next \fi \input{common-code} \input{common} \input{tex4ht-cpright} \<<< % mathjax-latex-4ht.4ht (|version), generated from |jobname.tex % Copyright 2018-2023 TeX Users Group | | | \AtBeginDocument{% | | | } \endinput >>> We don't require additional packages anymore, as everything necessary is included in LaTeX kernel now. % \RequirePackage{etoolbox,expl3,environ} \<<< >>> The \verb|\alteqtoks| command saves the used command in HTML. It uses detokenize command to insert arguments verbatim. The side effect of this is that detokeize inserts space after each control sequence. This is completely valid TeX code, but earlier versions of MathJax didn't like that, rendering resulted in error. Fortunatelly, MathJax 3 supports these spaces, so we can remove regular expressions for space handling. The original code was this: % % convert \ { to \:{ % \regex_replace_all:nnN { \x{5C} \x{20} \x{7B} } { \x{5C} \x{3A} \x{7B} } \l_tmpa_tl % % delete spaces before left brackets % \regex_replace_all:nnN { \x{20} \x{7B} } { \x{7B} } \l_tmpa_tl % % replace \\:{ back to \\ { -- this can be introduced by the previous regex % \regex_replace_all:nnN { \x{5C} \x{5C} \x{3A} \x{7B} } { \x{5C} \x{5C} \x{20} \x{7B} } \l_tmpa_tl We still use regula expressions to escape invalid XML characters to entities, so it works only with LaTeX. \<<< \ExplSyntaxOn \cs_new_protected:Npn \alteqtoks #1 { \tl_set:Ne \l_tmpa_tl {\detokenize{#1}} % % replace < > and & with xml entities \regex_replace_all:nnN { \x{26} } { & } \l_tmpa_tl \regex_replace_all:nnN { \x{3C} } { < } \l_tmpa_tl \regex_replace_all:nnN { \x{3E} } { > } \l_tmpa_tl % replace \par command with blank lines \regex_replace_all:nnN { \x{5C}par\b } {\x{A}\x{A}} \l_tmpa_tl \tl_set:Ne \l_tmpb_tl{ \l_tmpa_tl } \HCode{\l_tmpb_tl} } \ExplSyntaxOff >>> Provide configuration for MathJax \<<< \NewConfigure{MathJaxConfig}{1} >>> The MathJaxMacros configuration includes a file with TeX macro definitions, and include them at the beginning of each HTML page. MathJax then interprets them, so they are available in math. This is an alternative to JavaScript method using MathJaxConfig. The file cannot contain any other commands than newcommand, all characters that could cause issues in the HTML parsing must be escaped, so \verb|<| should became \verb|<|, for example. \<<< \NewConfigure{MathJaxMacros}[1]{% \Configure{@BODY}{\bgroup\NoFonts\ttfamily\detokenize{\(}% \special{t4ht*<#1}% \detokenize{\)}\EndNoFonts\egroup}% } >>> The following commands are used for patching of the standard math commands and environments. They will then keep the LaTeX code unchanged. \<<< \long\def\AltlMath#1\){\expandafter\alteqtoks{\(#1\)}\)} \long\def\AltlDisplay#1\]{\alteqtoks{\[#1\]}\]} \long\def\AltMathOne#1${\alteqtoks{\(#1\)}$} % this seems a bit hacky -- we need to skip some code inserted at the % beginning of each display math \long\def\AltlDisplayDollars#1$${\alteqtoks{\[#1\]}$$} \newcommand\VerbMathToks[2]{% \alteqtoks{\begin{#2} #1 \end{#2}}% } >>> In pictures, we want to use the original version of the math environments. Because we use an agressive verbatim method for the environments, we cannot use the usual \verb'\HLet' method. Instead, we save the original meaning, and user needs to restore it manually, using the \verb'\RestoreMathJaxEnvironments' command. \<<< \ExplSyntaxOn \seq_new:N\:savedmathjaxenvs \newcommand\:savemathjaxenv[1]{% \seq_gput_right:Nn\:savedmathjaxenvs{#1} \expandafter\let\csname mathjax-#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname #1\endcsname% \expandafter\let\csname mathjax-end#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname end#1\endcsname% } % we must not reintroduce the matrix environmeint in TikZ, because it interferes with the \matrix command \newcommand\:ignoretikzmatrix{\seq_remove_all:Nn\:savedmathjaxenvs{matrix}} \newcommand\RestoreMathJaxEnvironment[1]{% \expandafter\let\csname #1\expandafter\endcsname\csname mathjax-#1\endcsname% \expandafter\let\csname end#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname mathjax-end#1\endcsname% } \newcommand\RestoreMathJaxEnvironments{% \seq_map_function:NN\:savedmathjaxenvs\RestoreMathJaxEnvironment% } \ExplSyntaxOff >>> The \verb|\VerbMath| command redefines environments to pass their content verbatim to the HTML output. The optional command can contain name of the counter that should be updated. It will also use LaTeX 3 regular expressions to search for label commands. Thanks to that, cross-referencing to the math environments should work. It is a bit limited, for example subequations cannot work. There can be also issues in books, where equation numbers are based on chapters, but MathJax numbers them consecutively. In these cases, other mechanisms may be necessary. \<<< \ExplSyntaxOn \cs_generate_variant:Nn \regex_extract_once:nnNTF {nV} \newcommand\VerbMath[2][]{% \cs_if_exist:cTF{#2}{ \:savemathjaxenv{#2}% \RenewDocumentEnvironment{#2}{+!b}{% \NoFonts\expandafter\VerbMathToks\expandafter{\detokenize{##1}}{#2}\EndNoFonts% \ifx\relax#1\relax\else% \refstepcounter{#1}% \regex_extract_once:nVNTF { label\s* \x{7B}([^\x{7D}]*)\x{7D}} {\l_tmpb_tl} \l_tmp_seq {\label{\seq_item:Nn\l_tmp_seq{2}}} {}% \fi }{} }{}% } \ExplSyntaxOff >>> The \verb|\fixmathjaxtoc| command is used for patching commands which should keep their verbatim appearance in the TOC \<<< \def\fixmathjaxtoc#1{\Configure{writetoc}{\def#1{\detokenize{#1}}}} >>> This was meant to fix some commands in sectioning commands, but it is not a good solution. Better is to define the problematic commands as robust. \<<< \def\fixmathjaxsec#1{\def#1{\detokenize{#1}}} \fixmathjaxsec\right \fixmathjaxsec\left >>> Require verbatim math environments. \<<< \VerbMath{subarray} \VerbMath{smallmatrix} \VerbMath{matrix} \VerbMath{pmatrix} \VerbMath{bmatrix} \VerbMath{Bmatrix} \VerbMath{vmatrix} \VerbMath{Vmatrix} \VerbMath{cases} \VerbMath{subequations} \VerbMath{aligned} \VerbMath{alignedat} \VerbMath{gathered} \VerbMath{gather} \VerbMath{gather*} \VerbMath{alignat} \VerbMath{alignat*} \VerbMath{xalignat} \VerbMath{xalignat*} \VerbMath{xxalignat} \VerbMath{align} \VerbMath{align*} \VerbMath{flalign} \VerbMath{flalign*} \VerbMath{split} \VerbMath{multline} \VerbMath{multline*} \VerbMath[equation]{equation} \VerbMath{equation*} \VerbMath{math} \VerbMath{displaymath} \VerbMath{eqnarray} \VerbMath{eqnarray*} >>> It is necessary to reset env configurations for multiline environments, because default TeX4ht configurations turn them into pictures. \<<< \ConfigureEnv{gather}{}{}{}{} \ConfigureEnv{gather*}{}{}{}{} \ConfigureEnv{multline}{}{}{}{} \ConfigureEnv{multline*}{}{}{}{} >>> Fixes for tables of contents. \<<< \fixmathjaxtoc\int \fixmathjaxtoc\, \fixmathjaxtoc\sin \fixmathjaxtoc\cos \fixmathjaxtoc\tan \fixmathjaxtoc\arcsin \fixmathjaxtoc\arccos \fixmathjaxtoc\arctan \fixmathjaxtoc\csc \fixmathjaxtoc\sec \fixmathjaxtoc\cot \fixmathjaxtoc\sinh \fixmathjaxtoc\cosh \fixmathjaxtoc\tanh \fixmathjaxtoc\coth \fixmathjaxtoc\log \fixmathjaxtoc\ln \fixmathjaxtoc\sum \fixmathjaxtoc\( \fixmathjaxtoc\) \fixmathjaxtoc\begin \fixmathjaxtoc\end \fixmathjaxtoc\\ \fixmathjaxtoc\exp \fixmathjaxtoc\left \fixmathjaxtoc\right >>> \<<< \@ifpackageloaded{mhchem}{% \def\ce#1{\texttt{\detokenize{\(\ce{#1}\)}}} }{} >>> Restore environments redefined to produce verbatim output to their original meaning in the picture mode. Otherwise math cannot work inside TikZ etc. \<<< \@ifpackageloaded{tikz}{% \tikzset{every picture/.append code={\:ignoretikzmatrix\RestoreMathJaxEnvironments}} }{} >>> \endinput