% \iffalse %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdockit} \usepackage{btxdockit} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \usepackage{hologo} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{doc} % Set up the style. \emergencystretch=1em \RecustomVerbatimEnvironment {Verbatim}{Verbatim} {gobble=2,frame=single} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{4} \addtokomafont{title}{\sffamily} \addtokomafont{paragraph}{\spotcolor} \addtokomafont{section}{\spotcolor} \addtokomafont{subsection}{\spotcolor} \addtokomafont{subsubsection}{\spotcolor} \addtokomafont{descriptionlabel}{\spotcolor} \setkomafont{caption}{\bfseries\sffamily\spotcolor} \setkomafont{captionlabel}{\bfseries\sffamily\spotcolor} \hypersetup{citecolor=spot} \let\oldCodelineNo\theCodelineNo \def\theCodelineNo{\textcolor{gray}{\oldCodelineNo}} % Define some markup. \let\pkg\relax % A package name \newcommand\mdef[1]{% A TeX macro definition \phantomsection\label{macro:#1}\textcolor{spot}{\cs{#1}}} \newcommand\m[1]{% A TeX macro reference \hyperref[macro:#1]{\textcolor{spot}{\cs{#1}}}} \newcommand\envmdef[1]{% A TeX macro definition \phantomsection\label{environment:#1}\textcolor{spot}{\t`#1`}} \newcommand\envm[1]{% A LaTeX environment reference \hyperref[environment:#1]{\textcolor{spot}{\t`#1`}}} \newcommand\luamdef[1]{% A Lua object / method definition \phantomsection\label{lua:#1}\textcolor{spot}{\t`#1`}} \newcommand\luam[1]{% A Lua object / method reference \hyperref[lua:#1]{\t`#1`}} \def\t`#1`{% Inline code \textcolor{spot}{\text{\texttt{#1}}}} \newcommand\Optitem[2][]{% An option item definition \phantomsection\label{opt:#2}\optitem[#1]{#2}} \newcommand\Valitem[2][]{% A value item definition \phantomsection\label{opt:#2}\valitem[#1]{#2}} \newcommand\Opt[1]{% An option / value item reference \hyperref[opt:#1]{\t`#1`}} \newcommand\acro[1]{% An acronym \textsc{#1}} % Set up the catcodes. \catcode`\_=12 % We won't be typesetting math and Lua contains lots of `_`. % Set up the title page. \titlepage{% title={A Markdown Interpreter for \TeX{}}, subtitle={}, url={https://github.com/witiko/markdown}, author={Vít Novotný (based on the work of John MacFarlane and Hans Hagen)}, email={witiko@mail.muni.cz}, revision={\input VERSION}, date={\today}} \CodelineIndex % Set up the bibliography. \usepackage{filecontents} \begin{filecontents}{markdown.bib} @book{luatex16, author = {{Lua\TeX{} development team}}, title = {Lua\TeX{} reference manual}, date = {2016-09-27}, url = {http://www.luatex.org/svn/trunk/manual/luatex.pdf}, urldate = {2016-11-27}} @book{latex16, author = {Braams, Johannes and Carlisle, David and Jeffrey, Alan and Lamport, Leslie and Mittelbach, Frank and Rowley, Chris and Schöpf, Rainer}, title = {The \Hologo{LaTeX2e} Sources}, date = {2016-03-31}, url = {http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/base/source2e.pdf}, urldate = {2016-09-27}} @book{ierusalimschy13, author = {Ierusalimschy, Roberto}, year = {2013}, title = {Programming in Lua}, edition = {3}, isbn = {978-85-903798-5-0}, pagetotal = {xviii, 347}, location = {Rio de Janeiro}, publisher = {PUC-Rio}} @book{knuth86, author = {Knuth, Donald Ervin}, year = {1986}, title = {The \TeX{}book}, edition = {3}, isbn = {0-201-13447-0}, pagetotal = {ix, 479}, publisher = {Addison-Westley}} \end{filecontents} \usepackage[ backend=biber, style=iso-numeric, sorting=none, autolang=other, sortlocale=auto]{biblatex} \addbibresource{markdown.bib} \begin{document} \printtitlepage \tableofcontents \DocInput{markdown.dtx} \printbibliography \end{document} % % \fi % % \section{Introduction} % This document is a reference manual for the \pkg{Markdown} package. It is % split into three sections. This section explains the purpose and the % background of the package and outlines its prerequisites. Section % \ref{sec:interfaces} describes the interfaces exposed by the package along % with usage notes and examples. It is aimed at the user of the package. % Section \ref{sec:implementation} describes the implementation of the package. % It is aimed at the developer of the package and the curious user. % % \subsection{About \pkg{Markdown}} % The \pkg{Markdown} package provides facilities for the conversion of markdown % markup to plain \TeX{}. These are provided both in the form of a Lua module % and in the form of plain \TeX{}, \LaTeX{}, and \Hologo{ConTeXt} macro % packages that enable the direct inclusion of markdown documents inside \TeX{} % documents. % % Architecturally, the package consists of the \pkg{Lunamark} v0.5.0 Lua module % by John MacFarlane, which was slimmed down and rewritten for the needs of the % package. On top of \pkg{Lunamark} sits code for the plain \TeX{}, \LaTeX{}, % and \Hologo{ConTeXt} formats by Vít Novotný. % % \iffalse %<*lua> % \fi % \begin{macrocode} local metadata = { version = "2.2.2", comment = "A module for the conversion from markdown to plain TeX", author = "John MacFarlane, Hans Hagen, Vít Novotný", copyright = "2009-2016 John MacFarlane, Hans Hagen; 2016 Vít Novotný", license = "LPPL 1.3" } if not modules then modules = { } end modules['markdown'] = metadata % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Feedback} % Please use the \pkg{markdown} project page on % GitHub\footnote{\url{https://github.com/witiko/markdown/issues}} to report % bugs and submit feature requests. Before making a feature request, please % ensure that you have thoroughly studied this manual. If you do not want to % report a bug or request a feature but are simply in need of assistance, you % might want to consider posting your question on the \TeX-\LaTeX{} Stack % Exchange\footnote{\url{https://tex.stackexchange.com}}. % % \subsection{Acknowledgements} % I would like to thank the Faculty of Informatics at the Masaryk University in % Brno for providing me with the opportunity to work on this package alongside % my studies. I would also like to thank the creator of the Lunamark Lua % module, John Macfarlane, for releasing Lunamark under a permissive license % that enabled its inclusion into the package. % % The \TeX{} part of the package draws inspiration from several sources % including the source code of \Hologo{LaTeX2e}, the \pkg{minted} package by % Geoffrey M. Poore -- which likewise tackles the issue of interfacing with an % external interpreter from \TeX, the \pkg{filecontents} package by Scott % Pakin, and others. % % \subsection{Prerequisites} % This section gives an overview of all resources required by the package. % % \subsubsection{Lua Prerequisites}\label{sec:luaprerequisites} % The Lua part of the package requires that the following Lua modules are % available from within the Lua\TeX{} engine: % \begin{description} % \item[\pkg{LPeg${}\geq{}$0.10}] A pattern-matching library for the writing % of recursive descent parsers via the Parsing Expression Grammars % (\acro{peg}s). It is used by the \pkg{Lunamark} library to parse the % markdown input. \pkg{LPeg${}\geq{}$0.10} is included in % Lua\TeX${}\geq{}$0.72.0 (\TeX Live${}\geq{}2013$). % \begin{macrocode} local lpeg = require("lpeg") % \end{macrocode} % \item[\pkg{Selene Unicode}] A library that provides support for the % processing of wide strings. It is used by the \pkg{Lunamark} library to % cast image, link, and footnote tags to the lower case. \pkg{Selene % Unicode} is included in all releases of Lua\TeX{} (\TeX % Live${}\geq{}2008$). % \begin{macrocode} local unicode = require("unicode") % \end{macrocode} % \item[\pkg{MD5}] A library that provides \acro{md5} crypto functions. It is % used by the \pkg{Lunamark} library to compute the digest of the input for % caching purposes. \pkg{MD5} is included in all releases of Lua\TeX{} % (\TeX Live${}\geq{}2008$). % \begin{macrocode} local md5 = require("md5") % \end{macrocode} % \end{description} % All the abovelisted modules are statically linked into the current version of % the Lua\TeX{} engine (see \cite[Section~3.3]{luatex16}). % % \iffalse % %<*tex> % \fi % \subsubsection{Plain \TeX{} Prerequisites}\label{sec:texprerequisites} % The plain \TeX{} part of the package requires that the plain \TeX{} % format (or its superset) is loaded, all the Lua prerequisites (see % Section \ref{sec:luaprerequisites}) and the following Lua module: % \begin{description} % \item[\pkg{Lua File System}] A library that provides access to the % filesystem via \acro{os}-specific syscalls. It is used by the plain % \TeX{} code to create the cache directory specified by the % \m{markdownOptionCacheDir} macro before interfacing with the % \pkg{Lunamark} library. \pkg{Lua File System} is included in all releases % of Lua\TeX{} (\TeX Live${}\geq{}2008$). % % The plain \TeX{} code makes use of the \luam{isdir} method that was added % to the \pkg{Lua File System} library by the Lua\TeX{} engine developers % (see \cite[Section~3.2]{luatex16}). % \end{description} % The \pkg{Lua File System} module is statically linked into the Lua\TeX{} % engine (see \cite[Section~3.3]{luatex16}). % % The plain \TeX{} part of the package also requires that either the Lua\TeX{} % \m{directlua} primitive or the shell access file stream 18 is available. % % \iffalse % %<*latex> % \fi % \subsubsection{\LaTeX{} Prerequisites}\label{sec:latexprerequisites} % The \LaTeX{} part of the package requires that the \Hologo{LaTeX2e} format is % loaded, % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}% % \end{macrocode} % all the plain \TeX{} prerequisites (see Section \ref{sec:texprerequisites}), % and the following \Hologo{LaTeX2e} packages: % \begin{description} % \item[\pkg{keyval}] A package that enables the creation of parameter sets. % This package is used to provide the \m{markdownSetup} macro, the package % options processing, as well as the parameters of the \envm{markdown*} % \LaTeX{} environment. % \item[\pkg{url}] A package that provides the \m{url} macro for the % typesetting of \acro{url}s. It is used to provide the default token renderer % prototype (see Section \ref{sec:texrendererprototypes}) for links. % \item[\pkg{graphicx}] A package that provides the \m{includegraphics} macro for % the typesetting of images. It is used to provide the corresponding % default token renderer prototype (see Section % \ref{sec:texrendererprototypes}). % \item[\pkg{paralist}] A package that provides the \envm{compactitem}, % \envm{compactenum}, and \envm{compactdesc} macros for the % typesetting of tight bulleted lists, ordered lists, and definition lists. % It is used to provide the corresponding default token renderer prototypes % (see Section \ref{sec:texrendererprototypes}). % \item[\pkg{ifthen}] A package that provides a concise syntax for the % inspection of macro values. It is used to determine whether or not the % \pkg{paralist} package should be loaded based on the user options. % \item[\pkg{fancyvrb}] A package that provides the \m{VerbatimInput} macros % for the verbatim inclusion of files containing code. It is used to % provide the corresponding default token renderer prototype (see Section % \ref{sec:texrendererprototypes}). % \end{description} % % \iffalse % %<*context> % \fi % \subsubsection{\Hologo{ConTeXt} prerequisites} % The \Hologo{ConTeXt} part of the package requires that either the Mark II or % the Mark IV format is loaded and all the plain \TeX{} prerequisites (see % Section \ref{sec:texprerequisites}). % % \section{User Guide}\label{sec:interfaces} % This part of the manual describes the interfaces exposed by the package % along with usage notes and examples. It is aimed at the user of the package. % % Since neither \TeX{} nor Lua provide interfaces as a language construct, the % separation to interfaces and implementations is purely abstract. It serves as % a means of structuring this manual and as a promise to the user that if they % only access the package through the interfaces, the future versions of the % package should remain backwards compatible. % % \iffalse % %<*lua> % \fi % \subsection{Lua Interface}\label{sec:luainterface} % The Lua interface provides the conversion from \acro{utf}-\oldstylenums8 % encoded markdown to plain \TeX{}. This interface is used by the plain \TeX{} % implementation (see Section \ref{sec:teximplementation}) and will be of % interest to the developers of other packages and Lua modules. % % The Lua interface is implemented by the \t`markdown` Lua module. % % \begin{macrocode} local M = {} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Conversion from Markdown to Plain \TeX{}} % \label{sec:luaconversion} % The Lua interface exposes the \luamdef{new}\t`(options)` method. This % method creates converter functions that perform the conversion from markdown % to plain \TeX{} according to the table \t`options` that contains options % recognized by the Lua interface. (see Section \ref{sec:luaoptions}). The % \t`options` parameter is optional; when unspecified, the behaviour will be % the same as if \t`options` were an empty table. % % The following example Lua code converts the markdown string \t`_Hello % world!_` to a \TeX{} output using the default options and prints the \TeX{} % output: % \begin{Verbatim} % local md = require("markdown") % local convert = md.new() % print(convert("_Hello world!_")) % \end{Verbatim} % % \subsubsection{Options}\label{sec:luaoptions} % The Lua interface recognizes the following options. When unspecified, the % value of a key is taken from the \luamdef{defaultOptions} table. % \begin{macrocode} local defaultOptions = {} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{optionlist} % \Optitem[false]{blankBeforeBlockquote}{\opt{true}, \opt{false}} % \begin{valuelist} % \item[true] Require a blank line between a paragraph and the following % blockquote. % \item[false] Do not require a blank line between a paragraph and the % following blockquote. % \end{valuelist} % \begin{macrocode} defaultOptions.blankBeforeBlockquote = false % \end{macrocode} % % \Optitem[false]{blankBeforeCodeFence}{\opt{true}, \opt{false}} % \begin{valuelist} % \item[true] Require a blank line between a paragraph and the following % fenced code block. % \item[false] Do not require a blank line between a paragraph and the % following fenced code block. % \end{valuelist} % \begin{macrocode} defaultOptions.blankBeforeCodeFence = false % \end{macrocode} % % \Optitem[false]{blankBeforeHeading}{\opt{true}, \opt{false}} % \begin{valuelist} % \item[true] Require a blank line between a paragraph and the following % header. % \item[false] Do not require a blank line between a paragraph and the % following header. % \end{valuelist} % \begin{macrocode} defaultOptions.blankBeforeHeading = false % \end{macrocode} % % \Valitem[.]{cacheDir}{directory} % The path to the directory containing auxiliary cache files. % % When iteratively writing and typesetting a markdown document, the cache % files are going to accumulate over time. You are advised to clean the % cache directory every now and then, or to set it to a temporary filesystem % (such as \t`/tmp` on \acro{un*x} systems), which gets periodically % emptied. % \begin{macrocode} defaultOptions.cacheDir = "." % \end{macrocode} % % \Optitem[false]{citationNbsps}{\opt{true}, \opt{false}} % \begin{valuelist} % \item[true] Replace regular spaces with non-breakable spaces inside the % prenotes and postnotes of citations produced via the pandoc citation % syntax extension. % \item[false] Do not replace regular spaces with non-breakable spaces % inside the prenotes and postnotes of citations produced via the pandoc % citation syntax extension. % \end{valuelist} % \begin{macrocode} defaultOptions.citationNbsps = true % \end{macrocode} % % \Optitem[false]{citations}{\opt{true}, \opt{false}} % \begin{valuelist} % \item[true] Enable the pandoc citation syntax extension: % \begin{Verbatim} % Here is a simple parenthetical citation [@doe99] and here % is a string of several [see @doe99, pp. 33-35; also % @smith04, chap. 1]. % % A parenthetical citation can have a [prenote @doe99] and % a [@smith04 postnote]. The name of the author can be % suppressed by inserting a dash before the name of an % author as follows [-@smith04]. % % Here is a simple text citation @doe99 and here is % a string of several @doe99 [pp. 33-35; also @smith04, % chap. 1]. Here is one with the name of the author % suppressed -@doe99. % \end{Verbatim} % \item[false] Disable the pandoc citation syntax extension. % \end{valuelist} % \begin{macrocode} defaultOptions.citations = false % \end{macrocode} % % \Optitem[false]{definitionLists}{\opt{true}, \opt{false}} % \begin{valuelist} % \item[true] Enable the pandoc definition list syntax extension: % \begin{Verbatim} % Term 1 % % : Definition 1 % % Term 2 with *inline markup* % % : Definition 2 % % { some code, part of Definition 2 } % % Third paragraph of definition 2. % \end{Verbatim} % \item[false] Disable the pandoc definition list syntax extension. % \end{valuelist} % \begin{macrocode} defaultOptions.definitionLists = false % \end{macrocode} % % \Optitem[false]{hashEnumerators}{\opt{true}, \opt{false}} % \begin{valuelist} % \item[true] Enable the use of hash symbols (\t`\#`) as ordered item % list markers: % \begin{Verbatim} % #. Bird % #. McHale % #. Parish % \end{Verbatim} % \item[false] Disable the use of hash symbols (\t`\#`) as ordered item % list markers. % \end{valuelist} % \begin{macrocode} defaultOptions.hashEnumerators = false % \end{macrocode} % % \Optitem[false]{hybrid}{\opt{true}, \opt{false}} % \begin{valuelist} % \item[true] Disable the escaping of special plain \TeX{} characters, % which makes it possible to intersperse your markdown markup with % \TeX{} code. The intended usage is in documents prepared manually by % a human author. In such documents, it can often be desirable to mix % \TeX{} and markdown markup freely. % % \item[false] Enable the escaping of special plain \TeX{} characters % outside verbatim environments, so that they are not interpretted by % \TeX{}. This is encouraged when typesetting automatically generated % content or markdown documents that were not prepared with this % package in mind. % \end{valuelist} % \begin{macrocode} defaultOptions.hybrid = false % \end{macrocode} % % \Optitem[false]{fencedCode}{\opt{true}, \opt{false}} % \begin{valuelist} % \item[true] Enable the commonmark fenced code block extension: % \begin{Verbatim} % ~~~ js % if (a > 3) { % moveShip(5 * gravity, DOWN); % } % ~~~~~~ % % ``` html %
%       // Some comments
%       line 1 of code
%       line 2 of code
%       line 3 of code
% ``` % \end{Verbatim} % \item[true] Disable the commonmark fenced code block extension. % \end{valuelist} % \begin{macrocode} defaultOptions.fencedCode = false % \end{macrocode} % % \Optitem[false]{footnotes}{\opt{true}, \opt{false}} % \begin{valuelist} % \item[true] Enable the pandoc footnote syntax extension: % \begin{Verbatim} % Here is a footnote reference,[^1] and another.[^longnote] % % [^1]: Here is the footnote. % % [^longnote]: Here's one with multiple blocks. % % Subsequent paragraphs are indented to show that they % belong to the previous footnote. % % { some.code } % % The whole paragraph can be indented, or just the % first line. In this way, multi-paragraph footnotes % work like multi-paragraph list items. % % This paragraph won't be part of the note, because it % isn't indented. % \end{Verbatim} % \item[false] Disable the pandoc footnote syntax extension. % \end{valuelist} % \begin{macrocode} defaultOptions.footnotes = false % \end{macrocode} % % \Optitem[false]{inlineFootnotes}{\opt{true}, \opt{false}} % \begin{valuelist} % \item[true] Enable the pandoc inline footnote syntax extension: % \begin{Verbatim} % Here is an inline note.^[Inlines notes are easier to % write, since you don't have to pick an identifier and % move down to type the note.] % \end{Verbatim} % \item[false] Disable the pandoc inline footnote syntax extension. % \end{valuelist} % \begin{macrocode} defaultOptions.inlineFootnotes = false % \end{macrocode} % % \Optitem[false]{preserveTabs}{\opt{true}, \opt{false}} % \begin{valuelist} % \item[true] Preserve all tabs in the input. % \item[false] Convert any tabs in the input to spaces. % \end{valuelist} % \begin{macrocode} defaultOptions.preserveTabs = false % \end{macrocode} % % \Optitem[false]{smartEllipses}{\opt{true}, \opt{false}} % \begin{valuelist} % \item[true] Convert any ellipses in the input to the % \m{markdownRendererEllipsis} \TeX{} macro. % \item[false] Preserve all ellipses in the input. % \end{valuelist} % \begin{macrocode} defaultOptions.smartEllipses = false % \end{macrocode} % % \Optitem[true]{startNumber}{\opt{true}, \opt{false}} % \begin{valuelist} % \item[true] Make the number in the first item in ordered lists % significant. The item numbers will be passed to the % \m{markdownRendererOlItemWithNumber} \TeX{} macro. % \item[false] Ignore the number in the items of ordered lists. Each % item will only produce a \m{markdownRendererOlItem} \TeX{} macro. % \end{valuelist} % \begin{macrocode} defaultOptions.startNumber = true % \end{macrocode} % % \Optitem[true]{tightLists}{\opt{true}, \opt{false}} % \begin{valuelist} % \item[true] Lists whose bullets do not consist of multiple paragraphs % will be detected and passed to the % \m{markdownRendererOlBeginTight}, \m{markdownRendererOlEndTight}, % \m{markdownRendererUlBeginTight}, \m{markdownRendererUlEndTight}, % \m{markdownRendererDlBeginTight}, and \m{markdownRendererDlEndTight} % macros. % \item[false] Lists whose bullets do not consist of multiple paragraphs % will be treated the same way as lists that do. % \end{valuelist} % \begin{macrocode} defaultOptions.tightLists = true % \end{macrocode} % \end{optionlist} % % \iffalse % %<*tex> % \fi\subsection{Plain \TeX{} Interface}\label{sec:texinterface} % The plain \TeX{} interface provides macros for the typesetting of markdown input % from within plain \TeX{}, for setting the Lua interface options (see Section % \ref{sec:luaoptions}) used during the conversion from markdown to plain % \TeX{}, and for changing the way markdown the tokens are rendered. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownLastModified{2016/12/09}% \def\markdownVersion{2.2.2}% % \end{macrocode} % % The plain \TeX{} interface is implemented by the \t`markdown.tex` file that % can be loaded as follows: % \begin{Verbatim} % \input markdown % \end{Verbatim} % It is expected that the special plain \TeX{} characters have the expected % category codes, when \m{input}ting the file. % % \subsubsection{Typesetting Markdown}\label{sec:textypesetting} % The interface exposes the \mdef{markdownBegin}, \mdef{markdownEnd}, and % \mdef{markdownInput} macros. % % The \m{markdownBegin} macro marks the beginning of a markdown document % fragment and the \m{markdownEnd} macro marks its end. % \begin{macrocode} \let\markdownBegin\relax \let\markdownEnd\relax % \end{macrocode} % You may prepend your own code to the \m{markdownBegin} macro and redefine the % \m{markdownEnd} macro to produce special effects before and after the % markdown block. % % There are several limitations to the macros you need to be aware of. % The first limitation concerns the \m{markdownEnd} macro, which must be % visible directly from the input line buffer (it may not be produced as a % result of input expansion). Otherwise, it will not be recognized as the end % of the markdown string otherwise. As a corrolary, the \m{markdownEnd} string % may not appear anywhere inside the markdown input. % % Another limitation concerns spaces at the right end of an input line. In % markdown, these are used to produce a forced line break. However, any such % spaces are removed before the lines enter the input buffer of \TeX{} (see % \cite[p.~46]{knuth86}). As a corrolary, the \m{markdownBegin} macro also % ignores them. % % The \m{markdownBegin} and \m{markdownEnd} macros will also consume the rest % of the lines at which they appear. In the following example plain \TeX{} % code, the characters \t`c`, \t`e`, and \t`f` will not appear in the output. % \begin{Verbatim} % \input markdown % a % b \markdownBegin c % d % e \markdownEnd f % g % \bye % \end{Verbatim} % % Note that you may also not nest the \m{markdownBegin} and \m{markdownEnd} % macros. % % The following example plain \TeX{} code showcases the usage of the % \m{markdownBegin} and \m{markdownEnd} macros: % \begin{Verbatim} % \input markdown % \markdownBegin % _Hello_ **world** ... % \markdownEnd % \bye % \end{Verbatim} % % The \m{markdownInput} macro accepts a single parameter containing the % filename of a markdown document and expands to the result of the conversion % of the input markdown document to plain \TeX{}. % \begin{macrocode} \let\markdownInput\relax % \end{macrocode} % This macro is not subject to the abovelisted limitations of the % \m{markdownBegin} and \m{markdownEnd} macros. % % The following example plain \TeX{} code showcases the usage of the % \m{markdownInput} macro: % \begin{Verbatim} % \input markdown % \markdownInput{hello.md} % \bye % \end{Verbatim} % % \subsubsection{Options}\label{sec:texoptions} % The plain \TeX{} options are represented by \TeX{} macros. Some of them map % directly to the options recognized by the Lua interface (see Section % \ref{sec:luaoptions}), while some of them are specific to the plain \TeX{} % interface. % % \paragraph{File and directory names} % The \mdef{markdownOptionHelperScriptFileName} macro sets the filename of the % helper Lua script file that is created during the conversion from markdown to % plain \TeX{} in \TeX{} engines without the \m{directlua} primitive. It % defaults to \m{jobname}\t`.markdown.lua`, where \m{jobname} is the base name % of the document being typeset. % % The expansion of this macro must not contain quotation marks (\t`"`) or % backslash symbols (\t`\textbackslash`). Mind that \TeX{} engines tend to % put quotation marks around \m{jobname}, when it contains spaces. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownOptionHelperScriptFileName{\jobname.markdown.lua}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownOptionInputTempFileName} macro sets the filename of the % temporary input file that is created during the conversion from markdown to % plain \TeX{} in \TeX{} engines without the \m{directlua} primitive. It % defaults to \m{jobname}\t`.markdown.out`. The same limitations as in % the case of the \m{markdownOptionHelperScriptFileName} macro apply here. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownOptionInputTempFileName{\jobname.markdown.in}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownOptionOutputTempFileName} macro sets the filename of the % temporary output file that is created during the conversion from markdown to % plain \TeX{} in \TeX{} engines without the \m{directlua} primitive. It % defaults to \m{jobname}\t`.markdown.out`. The same limitations apply here as % in the case of the \m{markdownOptionHelperScriptFileName} macro. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownOptionOutputTempFileName{\jobname.markdown.out}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownOptionCacheDir} macro corresponds to the Lua interface % \Opt{cacheDir} option that sets the name of the directory that will contain % the produced cache files. The option defaults to \t`_markdown_`\m{jobname}, % which is a similar naming scheme to the one used by the \pkg{minted} \LaTeX{} % package. The same limitations apply here as in the case of the % \m{markdownOptionHelperScriptFileName} macro. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownOptionCacheDir{./_markdown_\jobname}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Lua Interface Options} % The following macros map directly to the options recognized by the Lua % interface (see Section \ref{sec:luaoptions}) and are not processed by the % plain \TeX{} implementation, only passed along to Lua. They are undefined, which % makes them fall back to the default values provided by the Lua interface. % \begin{macrocode} \let\markdownOptionBlankBeforeBlockquote\undefined \let\markdownOptionBlankBeforeCodeFence\undefined \let\markdownOptionBlankBeforeHeading\undefined \let\markdownOptionCitations\undefined \let\markdownOptionCitationNbsps\undefined \let\markdownOptionDefinitionLists\undefined \let\markdownOptionFootnotes\undefined \let\markdownOptionFencedCode\undefined \let\markdownOptionHashEnumerators\undefined \let\markdownOptionHybrid\undefined \let\markdownOptionInlineFootnotes\undefined \let\markdownOptionPreserveTabs\undefined \let\markdownOptionSmartEllipses\undefined \let\markdownOptionStartNumber\undefined \let\markdownOptionTightLists\undefined % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Token Renderers}\label{sec:texrenderersuser} % The following \TeX{} macros may occur inside the output of the % converter functions exposed by the Lua interface (see Section % \ref{sec:luaconversion}) and represent the parsed markdown tokens. These % macros are intended to be redefined by the user who is typesetting a % document. By default, they point to the corresponding prototypes (see Section % \ref{sec:texrendererprototypes}). % % \paragraph{Interblock Separator Renderer} % The \mdef{markdownRendererInterblockSeparator} macro represents a separator % between two markdown block elements. The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererInterblockSeparator{% \markdownRendererInterblockSeparatorPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Line Break Renderer} % The \mdef{markdownRendererLineBreak} macro represents a forced line break. % The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererLineBreak{% \markdownRendererLineBreakPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Ellipsis Renderer} % The \mdef{markdownRendererEllipsis} macro replaces any occurance of ASCII % ellipses in the input text. This macro will only be produced, when the % \Opt{smartEllipses} option is \t`true`. The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererEllipsis{% \markdownRendererEllipsisPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Non-breaking Space Renderer} % The \mdef{markdownRendererNbsp} macro represents a non-breaking space. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererNbsp{% \markdownRendererNbspPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Special Character Renderers} % The following macros replace any special plain \TeX{} characters (including % the active pipe character (\t`|`) of \Hologo{ConTeXt}) in the input text. % These macros will only be produced, when the \Opt{hybrid} option is % \t`false`. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererLeftBrace{% \markdownRendererLeftBracePrototype}% \def\markdownRendererRightBrace{% \markdownRendererRightBracePrototype}% \def\markdownRendererDollarSign{% \markdownRendererDollarSignPrototype}% \def\markdownRendererPercentSign{% \markdownRendererPercentSignPrototype}% \def\markdownRendererAmpersand{% \markdownRendererAmpersandPrototype}% \def\markdownRendererUnderscore{% \markdownRendererUnderscorePrototype}% \def\markdownRendererHash{% \markdownRendererHashPrototype}% \def\markdownRendererCircumflex{% \markdownRendererCircumflexPrototype}% \def\markdownRendererBackslash{% \markdownRendererBackslashPrototype}% \def\markdownRendererTilde{% \markdownRendererTildePrototype}% \def\markdownRendererPipe{% \markdownRendererPipePrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Code Span Renderer} % The \mdef{markdownRendererCodeSpan} macro represents inlined code span in the % input text. It receives a single argument that corresponds to the inlined % code span. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererCodeSpan{% \markdownRendererCodeSpanPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Link Renderer} % The \mdef{markdownRendererLink} macro represents a hyperlink. It receives % four arguments: the label, the fully escaped \acro{uri} that can be directly % typeset, the raw \acro{uri} that can be used outside typesetting, and the % title of the link. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererLink{% \markdownRendererLinkPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Image Renderer} % The \mdef{markdownRendererImage} macro represents an image. It receives four % four arguments: the label, the fully escaped \acro{uri} that can be directly % typeset, the raw \acro{uri} that can be used outside typesetting, and the % title of the link. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererImage{% \markdownRendererImagePrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Bullet List Renderers} % The \mdef{markdownRendererUlBegin} macro represents the beginning of a % bulleted list that contains an item with several paragraphs of text (the % list is not tight). The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererUlBegin{% \markdownRendererUlBeginPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererUlBeginTight} macro represents the beginning of a % bulleted list that contains no item with several paragraphs of text (the list % is tight). This macro will only be produced, when the \Opt{tightLists} option % is \t`false`. The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererUlBeginTight{% \markdownRendererUlBeginTightPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererUlItem} macro represents an item in a bulleted % list. The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererUlItem{% \markdownRendererUlItemPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererUlItemEnd} macro represents the end of an item in a % bulleted list. The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererUlItemEnd{% \markdownRendererUlItemEndPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererUlEnd} macro represents the end of a bulleted list % that contains an item with several paragraphs of text (the list is not % tight). The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererUlEnd{% \markdownRendererUlEndPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererUlEndTight} macro represents the end of a bulleted % list that contains no item with several paragraphs of text (the list is % tight). This macro will only be produced, when the \Opt{tightLists} option is % \t`false`. The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererUlEndTight{% \markdownRendererUlEndTightPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Ordered List Renderers} % The \mdef{markdownRendererOlBegin} macro represents the beginning of an % ordered list that contains an item with several paragraphs of text (the % list is not tight). The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererOlBegin{% \markdownRendererOlBeginPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererOlBeginTight} macro represents the beginning of an % ordered list that contains no item with several paragraphs of text (the % list is tight). This macro will only be produced, when the \Opt{tightLists} % option is \t`false`. The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererOlBeginTight{% \markdownRendererOlBeginTightPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererOlItem} macro represents an item in an ordered list. % This macro will only be produced, when the \Opt{startNumber} option is % \t`false`. The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererOlItem{% \markdownRendererOlItemPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererOlItemEnd} macro represents the end of an item in % an ordered list. The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererOlItemEnd{% \markdownRendererOlItemEndPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererOlItemWithNumber} macro represents an item in an % ordered list. This macro will only be produced, when the \Opt{startNumber} % option is \t`true`. The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererOlItemWithNumber{% \markdownRendererOlItemWithNumberPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererOlEnd} macro represents the end of an ordered list % that contains an item with several paragraphs of text (the list is not % tight). The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererOlEnd{% \markdownRendererOlEndPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererOlEndTight} macro represents the end of an ordered % list that contains no item with several paragraphs of text (the list is % tight). This macro will only be produced, when the \Opt{tightLists} option is % \t`false`. The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererOlEndTight{% \markdownRendererOlEndTightPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Definition List Renderers} % The following macros are only produces, when the \Opt{definitionLists} option % is \t`true`. % % The \mdef{markdownRendererDlBegin} macro represents the beginning of a % definition list that contains an item with several paragraphs of text (the % list is not tight). The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererDlBegin{% \markdownRendererDlBeginPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererDlBeginTight} macro represents the beginning of a % definition list that contains an item with several paragraphs of text (the % list is not tight). This macro will only be produced, when the % \Opt{tightLists} option is \t`false`. The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererDlBeginTight{% \markdownRendererDlBeginTightPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererDlItem} macro represents a term in a definition % list. The macro receives a single argument that corresponds to the term % being defined. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererDlItem{% \markdownRendererDlItemPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererDlItemEnd} macro represents the end of a list of % definitions for a single term. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererDlItemEnd{% \markdownRendererDlItemEndPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererDlDefinitionBegin} macro represents the beginning % of a definition in a definition list. There can be several definitions for % a single term. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererDlDefinitionBegin{% \markdownRendererDlDefinitionBeginPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererDlDefinitionEnd} macro represents the end of a % definition in a definition list. There can be several definitions for a % single term. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererDlDefinitionEnd{% \markdownRendererDlDefinitionEndPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererDlEnd} macro represents the end of a definition % list that contains an item with several paragraphs of text (the list is not % tight). The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererDlEnd{% \markdownRendererDlEndPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererDlEndTight} macro represents the end of a % definition list that contains no item with several paragraphs of text (the % list is tight). This macro will only be produced, when the \Opt{tightLists} % option is \t`false`. The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererDlEndTight{% \markdownRendererDlEndTightPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Emphasis Renderers} % The \mdef{markdownRendererEmphasis} macro represents an emphasized span of % text. The macro receives a single argument that corresponds to the emphasized % span of text. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererEmphasis{% \markdownRendererEmphasisPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererStrongEmphasis} macro represents a strongly % emphasized span of text. The macro receives a single argument that % corresponds to the emphasized span of text. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererStrongEmphasis{% \markdownRendererStrongEmphasisPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Block Quote Renderers} % The \mdef{markdownRendererBlockQuoteBegin} macro represents the beginning of % a block quote. The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererBlockQuoteBegin{% \markdownRendererBlockQuoteBeginPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererBlockQuoteEnd} macro represents the end of a block % quote. The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererBlockQuoteEnd{% \markdownRendererBlockQuoteEndPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Code Block Renderers} % The \mdef{markdownRendererInputVerbatim} macro represents a code % block. The macro receives a single argument that corresponds to the % filename of a file contaning the code block contents. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererInputVerbatim{% \markdownRendererInputVerbatimPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererInputFencedCode} macro represents a fenced code % block. This macro will only be produced, when the \Opt{fencedCode} option is % \t`true`. The macro receives two arguments that correspond to the filename of % a file contaning the code block contents and to the code fence infostring. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererInputFencedCode{% \markdownRendererInputFencedCodePrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Heading Renderers} % The \mdef{markdownRendererHeadingOne} macro represents a first level heading. % The macro receives a single argument that corresponds to the heading text. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererHeadingOne{% \markdownRendererHeadingOnePrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererHeadingTwo} macro represents a second level % heading. The macro receives a single argument that corresponds to the heading % text. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererHeadingTwo{% \markdownRendererHeadingTwoPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererHeadingThree} macro represents a third level % heading. The macro receives a single argument that corresponds to the heading % text. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererHeadingThree{% \markdownRendererHeadingThreePrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererHeadingFour} macro represents a fourth level % heading. The macro receives a single argument that corresponds to the heading % text. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererHeadingFour{% \markdownRendererHeadingFourPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererHeadingFive} macro represents a fifth level % heading. The macro receives a single argument that corresponds to the heading % text. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererHeadingFive{% \markdownRendererHeadingFivePrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownRendererHeadingSix} macro represents a sixth level % heading. The macro receives a single argument that corresponds to the heading % text. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererHeadingSix{% \markdownRendererHeadingSixPrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Horizontal Rule Renderer} % The \mdef{markdownRendererHorizontalRule} macro represents a horizontal rule. % The macro receives no arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererHorizontalRule{% \markdownRendererHorizontalRulePrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Footnote Renderer} % The \mdef{markdownRendererFootnote} macro represents a footnote. This macro % will only be produced, when the \Opt{footnotes} option is \t`true`. The % macro receives a single argument that corresponds to the footnote text. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererFootnote{% \markdownRendererFootnotePrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Parenthesized Citations Renderer} % The \mdef{markdownRendererCite} macro represents a string of one or more % parenthetical citations. This macro will only be produced, when the % \Opt{citations} option is \t`true`. The macro receives the parameter % \t`\textbraceleft`\meta{number of citations}\t`\textbraceright` followed by % \meta{suppress author}\t`\textbraceleft`\meta{prenote}\t`\textbraceright^^A % \textbraceleft`\meta{postnote}\t`\textbraceright\textbraceleft`\meta{name}^^A % \t`\textbraceright` repeated \meta{number of citations} times. The % \meta{suppress author} parameter is either the token \t`-`, when the author's % name is to be suppressed, or \t`+` otherwise. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererCite{% \markdownRendererCitePrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Text Citations Renderer} % The \mdef{markdownRendererTextCite} macro represents a string of one or more % text citations. This macro will only be produced, when the % \Opt{citations} option is \t`true`. The macro receives parameters in the same % format as the \m{markdownRendererCite} macro. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererTextCite{% \markdownRendererTextCitePrototype}% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Token Renderer Prototypes}\label{sec:texrendererprototypes} % The following \TeX{} macros provide definitions for the token renderers (see % Section \ref{sec:texrenderersuser}) that have not been redefined by the % user. These macros are intended to be redefined by macro package authors % who wish to provide sensible default token renderers. They are also redefined % by the \LaTeX{} and \Hologo{ConTeXt} implementations (see sections % \ref{sec:lateximplementation} and \ref{sec:contextimplementation}). % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererInterblockSeparatorPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererLineBreakPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererEllipsisPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererNbspPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererLeftBracePrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererRightBracePrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererDollarSignPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererPercentSignPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererAmpersandPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererUnderscorePrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererHashPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererCircumflexPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererBackslashPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererTildePrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererPipePrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererCodeSpanPrototype#1{}% \def\markdownRendererLinkPrototype#1#2#3#4{}% \def\markdownRendererImagePrototype#1#2#3#4{}% \def\markdownRendererUlBeginPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererUlBeginTightPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererUlItemPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererUlItemEndPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererUlEndPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererUlEndTightPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererOlBeginPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererOlBeginTightPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererOlItemPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererOlItemWithNumberPrototype#1{}% \def\markdownRendererOlItemEndPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererOlEndPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererOlEndTightPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererDlBeginPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererDlBeginTightPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererDlItemPrototype#1{}% \def\markdownRendererDlItemEndPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererDlDefinitionBeginPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererDlDefinitionEndPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererDlEndPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererDlEndTightPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererEmphasisPrototype#1{}% \def\markdownRendererStrongEmphasisPrototype#1{}% \def\markdownRendererBlockQuoteBeginPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererBlockQuoteEndPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererInputVerbatimPrototype#1{}% \def\markdownRendererInputFencedCodePrototype#1#2{}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingOnePrototype#1{}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingTwoPrototype#1{}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingThreePrototype#1{}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingFourPrototype#1{}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingFivePrototype#1{}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingSixPrototype#1{}% \def\markdownRendererHorizontalRulePrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererFootnotePrototype#1{}% \def\markdownRendererCitePrototype#1{}% \def\markdownRendererTextCitePrototype#1{}% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Logging Facilities} % The \mdef{markdownInfo}, \mdef{markdownWarning}, and % \mdef{markdownError} macros provide access to logging to the rest of % the macros. Their first argument specifies the text of the info, warning, or % error message. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownInfo#1{}% \def\markdownWarning#1{}% % \end{macrocode} % The \m{markdownError} macro receives a second argument that provides a help % text suggesting a remedy to the error. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownError#1{}% % \end{macrocode} % You may redefine these macros to redirect and process the info, warning, and % error messages. % % \subsubsection{Miscellanea} % The \mdef{markdownLuaRegisterIBCallback} and % \mdef{markdownLuaUnregisterIBCallback} macros specify the Lua code for % registering and unregistering a callback for changing the contents of the % line input buffer before a \TeX{} engine that supports direct Lua access via % the \m{directlua} macro starts looking at it. The first argument of the % \m{markdownLuaRegisterIBCallback} macro corresponds to the callback function % being registered. % % Local members defined within \m{markdownLuaRegisterIBCallback} are guaranteed % to be visible from \m{markdownLuaUnregisterIBCallback} and the execution of % the two macros alternates, so it is not necessary to consider the case, when % one of the macros is called twice in a row. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownLuaRegisterIBCallback#1{% local old_callback = callback.find("process_input_buffer") callback.register("process_input_buffer", #1)}% \def\markdownLuaUnregisterIBCallback{% callback.register("process_input_buffer", old_callback)}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownMakeOther} macro is used by the package, when a \TeX{} % engine that does not support direct Lua access is starting to buffer a text. % The plain \TeX{} implementation changes the category code of plain \TeX{} % special characters to other, but there may be other active characters that % may break the output. This macro should temporarily change the category of % these to \emph{other}. % \begin{macrocode} \let\markdownMakeOther\relax % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownReadAndConvert} macro implements the \m{markdownBegin} % macro. The first argument specifies the token sequence that will terminate % the markdown input (\m{markdownEnd} in the instance of the \m{markdownBegin} % macro) when the plain \TeX{} special characters have had their category % changed to \emph{other}. The second argument specifies the token sequence % that will actually be inserted into the document, when the ending token % sequence has been found. % \begin{macrocode} \let\markdownReadAndConvert\relax \begingroup % \end{macrocode} % Locally swap the category code of the backslash symbol (\t`\textbackslash`) % with the pipe symbol (\t`|`). This is required in order that all the special % symbols in the first argument of the \t`markdownReadAndConvert` macro have % the category code \emph{other}. % \begin{macrocode} \catcode`\|=0\catcode`\\=12% |gdef|markdownBegin{% |markdownReadAndConvert{\markdownEnd}% {|markdownEnd}}% |endgroup % \end{macrocode} % The macro is exposed in the interface, so that the user can create their own % markdown environments. Due to the way the arguments are passed to Lua (see % Section \ref{sec:directlua}), the first argument may not contain the % string \t`]]` (regardless of the category code of the bracket symbol (\t`]`)). % % The \mdef{markdownMode} macro specifies how the plain \TeX{} implementation % interfaces with the Lua interface. The valid values and their meaning are % as follows: % \begin{itemize} % \item\t`0` -- Shell escape via the 18 output file stream % \item\t`1` -- Shell escape via the Lua \luam{os.execute} method % \item\t`2` -- Direct Lua access % \end{itemize} % By defining the macro, the user can coerce the package to use a specific mode. % If the user does not define the macro prior to loading the plain \TeX{} % implementation, the correct value will be automatically detected. The outcome % of changing the value of \m{markdownMode} after the implementation has been % loaded is undefined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\markdownMode\undefined \ifx\directlua\undefined \def\markdownMode{0}% \else \def\markdownMode{2}% \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % % % \iffalse % %<*latex> % \fi\subsection{\LaTeX{} Interface}\label{sec:latexinterface} % The \LaTeX{} interface provides \LaTeX{} environments for the typesetting of % markdown input from within \LaTeX{}, facilities for setting Lua interface % options (see Section \ref{sec:luaoptions}) used during the conversion from % markdown to plain \TeX{}, and facilities for changing the way markdown tokens % are rendered. The rest of the interface is inherited from the plain \TeX{} % interface (see Section \ref{sec:texinterface}). % % The \LaTeX{} interface is implemented by the \t`markdown.sty` file, which % can be loaded from the \LaTeX{} document preamble as follows: % \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}] % \textbackslash{}usepackage[\textrm{\meta{options}}]\{markdown\} % \end{Verbatim} % where \meta{options} are the \LaTeX{} interface options (see Section % \ref{sec:latexoptions}). Note that \meta{options} inside the \m{usepackage} % macro may not set the \t`markdownRenderers` (see Section % \ref{sec:latexrenderers}) and \t`markdownRendererPrototypes` (see Section % \ref{sec:latexrendererprototypes}) keys. This limitation is due to the way % \Hologo{LaTeX2e} parses package options. % % \subsubsection{Typesetting Markdown} % The interface exposes the \envmdef{markdown} and \envmdef{markdown*} % \LaTeX{} environments, and redefines the \m{markdownInput} command. % % The \envm{markdown} and \envm{markdown*} \LaTeX{} environments are used to % typeset markdown document fragments. The starred version of the % \envm{markdown} environment accepts \LaTeX{} interface options (see % Section \ref{sec:latexoptions}) as its only argument. These options will % only influnce this markdown document fragment. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{markdown}\relax\relax \newenvironment{markdown*}[1]\relax\relax % \end{macrocode} % You may prepend your own code to the \m{markdown} macro and append your own % code to the \m{endmarkdown} macro to produce special effects before and after % the \envm{markdown} \LaTeX{} environment (and likewise for the starred % version). % % Note that the \envm{markdown} and \envm{markdown*} \LaTeX{} environments are % subject to the same limitations as the \m{markdownBegin} and \m{markdownEnd} % macros exposed by the plain \TeX{} interface. % % The following example \LaTeX{} code showcases the usage of the % \envm{markdown} and \envm{markdown*} environments: % \begin{Verbatim} % \documentclass{article} \documentclass{article} % \usepackage{markdown} \usepackage{markdown} % \begin{document} \begin{document} % % ... % ... % \begin{markdown} \begin{markdown*}{smartEllipses} % _Hello_ **world** ... _Hello_ **world** ... % \end{markdown} \end{markdown*} % % ... % ... % \end{document} \end{document} % \end{Verbatim} % % The \m{markdownInput} macro accepts a single mandatory parameter containing % the filename of a markdown document and expands to the result of the % conversion of the input markdown document to plain \TeX{}. Unlike the % \m{markdownInput} macro provided by the plain \TeX{} interface, this macro % also accepts \LaTeX{} interface options (see Section \ref{sec:latexoptions}) % as its optional argument. These options will only influnce this markdown % document. % % The following example \LaTeX{} code showcases the usage of the % \m{markdownInput} macro: % \begin{Verbatim} % \documentclass{article} % \usepackage{markdown} % \begin{document} % % ... % \markdownInput[smartEllipses]{hello.md} % % ... % \end{document} % \end{Verbatim} % % \subsubsection{Options}\label{sec:latexoptions} % The \LaTeX{} options are represented by a comma-delimited list of % \meta{\meta{key}=\meta{value}} pairs. For boolean options, the % \meta{=\meta{value}} part is optional, and \meta{\meta{key}} will be % interpreted as \meta{\meta{key}=true}. % % The \LaTeX{} options map directly to the options recognized by the plain % \TeX{} interface (see Section \ref{sec:texoptions}) and to the markdown token % renderers and their prototypes recognized by the plain \TeX{} interface (see % Sections \ref{sec:texrenderersuser} and \ref{sec:texrendererprototypes}). % % The \LaTeX{} options may be specified when loading the \LaTeX{} package (see % Section \ref{sec:latexinterface}), when using the \envm{markdown*} \LaTeX{} % environment, or via the \mdef{markdownSetup} macro. The \m{markdownSetup} % macro receives the options to set up as its only argument. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\markdownSetup[1]{% \setkeys{markdownOptions}{#1}}% % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Plain \TeX{} Interface Options} % The following options map directly to the option macros exposed by the plain % \TeX{} interface (see Section \ref{sec:texoptions}). % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{keyval} \define@key{markdownOptions}{helperScriptFileName}{% \def\markdownOptionHelperScriptFileName{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{inputTempFileName}{% \def\markdownOptionInputTempFileName{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{outputTempFileName}{% \def\markdownOptionOutputTempFileName{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{blankBeforeBlockquote}[true]{% \def\markdownOptionBlankBeforeBlockquote{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{blankBeforeCodeFence}[true]{% \def\markdownOptionBlankBeforeCodeFence{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{blankBeforeHeading}[true]{% \def\markdownOptionBlankBeforeHeading{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{citations}[true]{% \def\markdownOptionCitations{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{citationNbsps}[true]{% \def\markdownOptionCitationNbsps{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{cacheDir}{% \def\markdownOptionCacheDir{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{definitionLists}[true]{% \def\markdownOptionDefinitionLists{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{footnotes}[true]{% \def\markdownOptionFootnotes{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{fencedCode}[true]{% \def\markdownOptionFencedCode{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{hashEnumerators}[true]{% \def\markdownOptionHashEnumerators{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{hybrid}[true]{% \def\markdownOptionHybrid{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{inlineFootnotes}[true]{% \def\markdownOptionInlineFootnotes{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{preserveTabs}[true]{% \def\markdownOptionPreserveTabs{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{smartEllipses}[true]{% \def\markdownOptionSmartEllipses{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{startNumber}[true]{% \def\markdownOptionStartNumber{#1}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{tightLists}[true]{% \def\markdownOptionTightLists{#1}}% % \end{macrocode} % % The following example \LaTeX{} code showcases a possible configuration of % plain \TeX{} interface options \m{markdownOptionHybrid}, % \m{markdownOptionSmartEllipses}, and \m{markdownOptionCacheDir}. % \begin{Verbatim} % \markdownSetup{ % hybrid, % smartEllipses, % cacheDir = /tmp, % } % \end{Verbatim} % % \paragraph{Plain \TeX{} Markdown Token Renderers}\label{sec:latexrenderers} % The \LaTeX{} interface recognizes an option with the \t`renderers` key, % whose value must be a list of options that map directly to the markdown token % renderer macros exposed by the plain \TeX{} interface (see Section % \ref{sec:texrenderersuser}). % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{markdownRenderers}{interblockSeparator}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererInterblockSeparator{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{lineBreak}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererLineBreak{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{ellipsis}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererEllipsis{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{nbsp}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererNbsp{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{leftBrace}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererLeftBrace{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{rightBrace}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererRightBrace{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{dollarSign}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDollarSign{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{percentSign}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererPercentSign{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{ampersand}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererAmpersand{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{underscore}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererUnderscore{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{hash}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererHash{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{circumflex}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererCircumflex{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{backslash}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererBackslash{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{tilde}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererTilde{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{pipe}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererPipe{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{codeSpan}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererCodeSpan[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{link}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererLink[4]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{image}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererImage[4]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{ulBegin}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererUlBegin{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{ulBeginTight}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererUlBeginTight{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{ulItem}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererUlItem{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{ulItemEnd}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererUlItemEnd{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{ulEnd}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererUlEnd{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{ulEndTight}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererUlEndTight{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{olBegin}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererOlBegin{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{olBeginTight}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererOlBeginTight{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{olItem}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererOlItem{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{olItemWithNumber}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererOlItemWithNumber[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{olItemEnd}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererOlItemEnd{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{olEnd}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererOlEnd{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{olEndTight}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererOlEndTight{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{dlBegin}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDlBegin{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{dlBeginTight}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDlBeginTight{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{dlItem}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDlItem[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{dlItemEnd}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDlItemEnd{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{dlDefinitionBegin}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDlDefinitionBegin{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{dlDefinitionEnd}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDlDefinitionEnd{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{dlEnd}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDlEnd{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{dlEndTight}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDlEndTight{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{emphasis}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererEmphasis[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{strongEmphasis}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererStrongEmphasis[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{blockQuoteBegin}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererBlockQuoteBegin{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{blockQuoteEnd}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererBlockQuoteEnd{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{inputVerbatim}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererInputVerbatim[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{inputFencedCode}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererInputFencedCode[2]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{headingOne}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererHeadingOne[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{headingTwo}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererHeadingTwo[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{headingThree}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererHeadingThree[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{headingFour}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererHeadingFour[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{headingFive}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererHeadingFive[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{headingSix}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererHeadingSix[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{horizontalRule}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererHorizontalRule{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{footnote}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererFootnote[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{cite}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererCite[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRenderers}{textCite}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererTextCite[1]{#1}}% % \end{macrocode} % % The following example \LaTeX{} code showcases a possible configuration of the % \m{markdownRendererLink} and \m{markdownRendererEmphasis} markdown token % renderers. % \begin{Verbatim} % \markdownSetup{ % renderers = { % link = {#4}, % Render links as the link title. % emphasis = {\emph{#1}}, % Render emphasized text via `\emph`. % } % } % \end{Verbatim} % % \paragraph{Plain \TeX{} Markdown Token Renderer Prototypes} % \label{sec:latexrendererprototypes} % The \LaTeX{} interface recognizes an option with the \t`rendererPrototypes` % key, whose value must be a list of options that map directly to the markdown % token renderer prototype macros exposed by the plain \TeX{} interface (see % Section \ref{sec:texrendererprototypes}). % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{interblockSeparator}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererInterblockSeparatorPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{lineBreak}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererLineBreakPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{ellipsis}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererEllipsisPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{nbsp}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererNbspPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{leftBrace}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererLeftBracePrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{rightBrace}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererRightBracePrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{dollarSign}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDollarSignPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{percentSign}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererPercentSignPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{ampersand}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererAmpersandPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{underscore}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererUnderscorePrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{hash}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererHashPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{circumflex}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererCircumflexPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{backslash}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererBackslashPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{tilde}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererTildePrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{pipe}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererPipePrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{codeSpan}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererCodeSpanPrototype[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{link}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererLinkPrototype[4]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{image}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererImagePrototype[4]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{ulBegin}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererUlBeginPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{ulBeginTight}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererUlBeginTightPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{ulItem}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererUlItemPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{ulItemEnd}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererUlItemEndPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{ulEnd}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererUlEndPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{ulEndTight}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererUlEndTightPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{olBegin}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererOlBeginPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{olBeginTight}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererOlBeginTightPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{olItem}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererOlItemPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{olItemWithNumber}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererOlItemWithNumberPrototype[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{olItemEnd}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererOlItemEndPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{olEnd}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererOlEndPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{olEndTight}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererOlEndTightPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{dlBegin}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDlBeginPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{dlBeginTight}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDlBeginTightPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{dlItem}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDlItemPrototype[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{dlItemEnd}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDlItemEndPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{dlDefinitionBegin}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDlDefinitionBeginPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{dlDefinitionEnd}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDlDefinitionEndPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{dlEnd}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDlEndPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{dlEndTight}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererDlEndTightPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{emphasis}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererEmphasisPrototype[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{strongEmphasis}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererStrongEmphasisPrototype[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{blockQuoteBegin}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererBlockQuoteBeginPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{blockQuoteEnd}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererBlockQuoteEndPrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{inputVerbatim}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererInputVerbatimPrototype[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{inputFencedCode}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererInputFencedCodePrototype[2]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{headingOne}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererHeadingOnePrototype[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{headingTwo}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererHeadingTwoPrototype[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{headingThree}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererHeadingThreePrototype[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{headingFour}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererHeadingFourPrototype[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{headingFive}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererHeadingFivePrototype[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{headingSix}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererHeadingSixPrototype[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{horizontalRule}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererHorizontalRulePrototype{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{footnote}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererFootnotePrototype[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{cite}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererCitePrototype[1]{#1}}% \define@key{markdownRendererPrototypes}{textCite}{% \renewcommand\markdownRendererTextCitePrototype[1]{#1}}% % \end{macrocode} % % The following example \LaTeX{} code showcases a possible configuration of the % \m{markdownRendererImagePrototype} and \m{markdownRendererCodeSpanPrototype} % markdown token renderer prototypes. % \begin{Verbatim} % \markdownSetup{ % rendererPrototypes = { % image = {\includegraphics{#2}}, % codeSpan = {\texttt{#1}}, % Render inline code via `\texttt`. % } % } % \end{Verbatim} % % \iffalse % %<*context> % \fi\subsection{\Hologo{ConTeXt} Interface}\label{sec:contextinterface} % The \Hologo{ConTeXt} interface provides a start-stop macro pair for the % typesetting of markdown input from within \Hologo{ConTeXt}. The rest of the % interface is inherited from the plain \TeX{} interface (see Section % \ref{sec:texinterface}). % \begin{macrocode} \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt User Module / markdown}% \unprotect % \end{macrocode} % % The \Hologo{ConTeXt} interface is implemented by the % \t`t-markdown.tex` \Hologo{ConTeXt} module file that can be loaded as follows: % \begin{Verbatim} % \usemodule[t][markdown] % \end{Verbatim} % It is expected that the special plain \TeX{} characters have the expected % category codes, when \m{input}ting the file. % % \subsubsection{Typesetting Markdown} % The interface exposes the \mdef{startmarkdown} and \mdef{stopmarkdown} macro % pair for the typesetting of a markdown document fragment. % \begin{macrocode} \let\startmarkdown\relax \let\stopmarkdown\relax % \end{macrocode} % You may prepend your own code to the \m{startmarkdown} macro and redefine the % \m{stopmarkdown} macro to produce special effects before and after the % markdown block. % % Note that the \m{startmarkdown} and \m{stopmarkdown} macros % are subject to the same limitations as the \m{markdownBegin} and % \m{markdownEnd} macros exposed by the plain \TeX{} interface. % % The following example \Hologo{ConTeXt} code showcases the usage of the % \m{startmarkdown} and \m{stopmarkdown} macros: % \begin{Verbatim} % \usemodule[t][markdown] % \starttext % \startmarkdown % _Hello_ **world** ... % \stopmarkdown % \stoptext % \end{Verbatim} % % \section{Technical Documentation}\label{sec:implementation} % This part of the manual describes the implementation of the interfaces % exposed by the package (see Section \ref{sec:interfaces}) and is aimed at the % developers of the package, as well as the curious users. % % \iffalse % %<*lua> % \fi\subsection{Lua Implementation}\label{sec:luaimplementation} % The Lua implementation implements \luamdef{writer} and \luamdef{reader} % objects that provide the conversion from markdown to plain \TeX{}. % % The Lunamark Lua module implements writers for the conversion to various % other formats, such as DocBook, Groff, or \acro{HTML}. These were stripped % from the module and the remaining markdown reader and plain \TeX{} writer % were hidden behind the converter functions exposed by the Lua interface (see % Section \ref{sec:luainterface}). % % \begin{macrocode} local upper, gsub, format, length = string.upper, string.gsub, string.format, string.len local concat = table.concat local P, R, S, V, C, Cg, Cb, Cmt, Cc, Ct, B, Cs, any = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.B, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.P(1) % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Utility Functions} % This section documents the utility functions used by the Lua code. These % functions are encapsulated in the \t`util` object. The functions were % originally located in the \t`lunamark/util.lua` file in the Lunamark Lua % module. % \begin{macrocode} local util = {} % \end{macrocode} % % The \luamdef{util.err} method prints an error message \t`msg` and exits. % If \t`exit_code` is provided, it specifies the exit code. Otherwise, the % exit code will be 1. % \begin{macrocode} function util.err(msg, exit_code) io.stderr:write("markdown.lua: " .. msg .. "\n") os.exit(exit_code or 1) end % \end{macrocode} % % The \luamdef{util.cache} method computes the digest of \t`string` and % \t`salt`, adds the \t`suffix` and looks into the directory \t`dir`, whether a % file with such a name exists. If it does not, it gets created with % \t`transform(string)` as its content. The filename is then returned. % \begin{macrocode} function util.cache(dir, string, salt, transform, suffix) local digest = md5.sumhexa(string .. (salt or "")) local name = util.pathname(dir, digest .. suffix) local file = io.open(name, "r") if file == nil then -- If no cache entry exists, then create a new one. local file = assert(io.open(name, "w")) local result = string if transform ~= nil then result = transform(result) end assert(file:write(result)) assert(file:close()) end return name end % \end{macrocode} % % The \luamdef{util.table_copy} method creates a shallow copy of a table \t`t` % and its metatable. % \begin{macrocode} function util.table_copy(t) local u = { } for k, v in pairs(t) do u[k] = v end return setmetatable(u, getmetatable(t)) end % \end{macrocode} % % The \luamdef{util.expand_tabs_in_line} expands tabs in string \t`s`. If % \t`tabstop` is specified, it is used as the tab stop width. Otherwise, % the tab stop width of 4 characters is used. The method is a copy of the tab % expansion algorithm from \cite[Chapter~21]{ierusalimschy13}. % \begin{macrocode} function util.expand_tabs_in_line(s, tabstop) local tab = tabstop or 4 local corr = 0 return (s:gsub("()\t", function(p) local sp = tab - (p - 1 + corr) % tab corr = corr - 1 + sp return string.rep(" ", sp) end)) end % \end{macrocode} % % The \luamdef{util.walk} method walks a rope \t`t`, applying a function \t`f` % to each leaf element in order. A rope is an array whose elements may be % ropes, strings, numbers, or functions. If a leaf element is a function, call % it and get the return value before proceeding. % \begin{macrocode} function util.walk(t, f) local typ = type(t) if typ == "string" then f(t) elseif typ == "table" then local i = 1 local n n = t[i] while n do util.walk(n, f) i = i + 1 n = t[i] end elseif typ == "function" then local ok, val = pcall(t) if ok then util.walk(val,f) end else f(tostring(t)) end end % \end{macrocode} % % The \luamdef{util.flatten} method flattens an array \t`ary` that does not % contain cycles and returns the result. % \begin{macrocode} function util.flatten(ary) local new = {} for _,v in ipairs(ary) do if type(v) == "table" then for _,w in ipairs(util.flatten(v)) do new[#new + 1] = w end else new[#new + 1] = v end end return new end % \end{macrocode} % % The \luamdef{util.rope_to_string} method converts a rope \t`rope` to a % string and returns it. For the definition of a rope, see the definition of % the \luam{util.walk} method. % \begin{macrocode} function util.rope_to_string(rope) local buffer = {} util.walk(rope, function(x) buffer[#buffer + 1] = x end) return table.concat(buffer) end % \end{macrocode} % % The \luamdef{util.rope_last} method retrieves the last item in a rope. For % the definition of a rope, see the definition of the \luam{util.walk} method. % \begin{macrocode} function util.rope_last(rope) if #rope == 0 then return nil else local l = rope[#rope] if type(l) == "table" then return util.rope_last(l) else return l end end end % \end{macrocode} % % Given an array \t`ary` and a string \t`x`, the \luamdef{util.intersperse} % method returns an array \t`new`, such that \t`ary[i] == new[2*(i-1)+1]` and % \t`new[2*i] == x` for all $1\leq\t`i`\leq\t`\#ary`$. % \begin{macrocode} function util.intersperse(ary, x) local new = {} local l = #ary for i,v in ipairs(ary) do local n = #new new[n + 1] = v if i ~= l then new[n + 2] = x end end return new end % \end{macrocode} % % Given an array \t`ary` and a function \t`f`, the \luamdef{util.map} method % returns an array \t`new`, such that \t`new[i] == f(ary[i])` for all % $1\leq\t`i`\leq\t`\#ary`$. % \begin{macrocode} function util.map(ary, f) local new = {} for i,v in ipairs(ary) do new[i] = f(v) end return new end % \end{macrocode} % % Given a table \t`char_escapes` mapping escapable characters to escaped % strings and optionally a table \t`string_escapes` mapping escapable strings % to escaped strings, the \luamdef{util.escaper} method returns an escaper % function that escapes all occurances of escapable strings and characters (in % this order). % % The method uses \pkg{LPeg}, which is faster than the Lua \t`string.gsub` % built-in method. % \begin{macrocode} function util.escaper(char_escapes, string_escapes) % \end{macrocode} % Build a string of escapable characters. % \begin{macrocode} local char_escapes_list = "" for i,_ in pairs(char_escapes) do char_escapes_list = char_escapes_list .. i end % \end{macrocode} % Create an \pkg{LPeg} capture \t`escapable` that produces the escaped string % corresponding to the matched escapable character. % \begin{macrocode} local escapable = S(char_escapes_list) / char_escapes % \end{macrocode} % If \t`string_escapes` is provided, turn \t`escapable` into the % {\catcode`\_=8\[ % \sum_{(\t`k`,\t`v`)\in\t`string\_escapes`}\t`P(k) / v` + \t`escapable` % \]}^^A % capture that replaces any occurance of the string \t`k` with the string % \t`v` for each $(\t`k`, \t`v`)\in\t`string\_escapes`$. Note that the pattern % summation is not commutative and its operands are inspected in the % summation order during the matching. As a corrolary, the strings always % take precedence over the characters. % \begin{macrocode} if string_escapes then for k,v in pairs(string_escapes) do escapable = P(k) / v + escapable end end % \end{macrocode} % Create an \pkg{LPeg} capture \t`escape_string` that captures anything % \t`escapable` does and matches any other unmatched characters. % \begin{macrocode} local escape_string = Cs((escapable + any)^0) % \end{macrocode} % Return a function that matches the input string \t`s` against the % \t`escape_string` capture. % \begin{macrocode} return function(s) return lpeg.match(escape_string, s) end end % \end{macrocode} % % The \luamdef{util.pathname} method produces a pathname out of a directory % name \t`dir` and a filename \t`file` and returns it. % \begin{macrocode} function util.pathname(dir, file) if #dir == 0 then return file else return dir .. "/" .. file end end % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Plain \TeX{} Writer}\label{sec:texwriter} % This section documents the \luam{writer} object, which implements the % routines for producing the \TeX{} output. The object is an amalgamate of the % generic, \TeX{}, \LaTeX{} writer objects that were located in the % \t`lunamark/writer/generic.lua`, \t`lunamark/writer/tex.lua`, and % \t`lunamark/writer/latex.lua` files in the Lunamark Lua module. % % Although not specified in the Lua interface (see Section % \ref{sec:luainterface}), the \luam{writer} object is exported, so that the % curious user could easily tinker with the methods of the objects produced by % the \luam{writer.new} method described below. The user should be aware, % however, that the implementation may change in a future revision. % \begin{macrocode} M.writer = {} % \end{macrocode} % % The \luamdef{writer.new} method creates and returns a new \TeX{} writer % object associated with the Lua interface options (see Section % \ref{sec:luaoptions}) \t`options`. When \t`options` are unspecified, it is % assumed that an empty table was passed to the method. % % The objects produced by the \luam{writer.new} method expose instance methods % and variables of their own. As a convention, I will refer to these % \meta{member}s as \t`writer->`\meta{member}. % \begin{macrocode} function M.writer.new(options) local self = {} options = options or {} % \end{macrocode} % % Make the \t`options` table inherit from the \luam{defaultOptions} table. % \begin{macrocode} setmetatable(options, { __index = function (_, key) return defaultOptions[key] end }) % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->suffix} as the suffix of the produced cache files. % \begin{macrocode} self.suffix = ".tex" % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->space} as the output format of a space character. % \begin{macrocode} self.space = " " % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->nbsp} as the output format of a non-breaking space % character. % \begin{macrocode} self.nbsp = "\\markdownRendererNbsp{}" % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->plain} as a function that will transform an input % plain text block \t`s` to the output format. % \begin{macrocode} function self.plain(s) return s end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->paragraph} as a function that will transform an % input paragraph \t`s` to the output format. % \begin{macrocode} function self.paragraph(s) return s end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->pack} as a function that will take the filename % \t`name` of the output file prepared by the reader and transform it to the % output format. % \begin{macrocode} function self.pack(name) return [[\input"]] .. name .. [["\relax]] end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->interblocksep} as the output format of a block % element separator. % \begin{macrocode} self.interblocksep = "\\markdownRendererInterblockSeparator\n{}" % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->eof} as the end of file marker in the output format. % \begin{macrocode} self.eof = [[\relax]] % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->linebreak} as the output format of a forced line break. % \begin{macrocode} self.linebreak = "\\markdownRendererLineBreak\n{}" % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->ellipsis} as the output format of an ellipsis. % \begin{macrocode} self.ellipsis = "\\markdownRendererEllipsis{}" % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->hrule} as the output format of a horizontal rule. % \begin{macrocode} self.hrule = "\\markdownRendererHorizontalRule{}" % \end{macrocode} % % Define a table \luamdef{escaped_chars} containing the mapping from special % plain \TeX{} characters (including the active pipe character (\t`|`) of % \Hologo{ConTeXt}) to their escaped variants. Define tables % \luamdef{escaped_minimal_chars} and \luamdef{escaped_minimal_strings} % containing the mapping from special plain characters and character strings % that need to be escaped even in content that will not be typeset. % \begin{macrocode} local escaped_chars = { ["{"] = "\\markdownRendererLeftBrace{}", ["}"] = "\\markdownRendererRightBrace{}", ["$"] = "\\markdownRendererDollarSign{}", ["%"] = "\\markdownRendererPercentSign{}", ["&"] = "\\markdownRendererAmpersand{}", ["_"] = "\\markdownRendererUnderscore{}", ["#"] = "\\markdownRendererHash{}", ["^"] = "\\markdownRendererCircumflex{}", ["\\"] = "\\markdownRendererBackslash{}", ["~"] = "\\markdownRendererTilde{}", ["|"] = "\\markdownRendererPipe{}", } local escaped_minimal_chars = { ["{"] = "\\markdownRendererLeftBrace{}", ["}"] = "\\markdownRendererRightBrace{}", ["%"] = "\\markdownRendererPercentSign{}", ["\\"] = "\\markdownRendererBackslash{}", } local escaped_minimal_strings = { ["^^"] = "\\markdownRendererCircumflex\\markdownRendererCircumflex ", } % \end{macrocode} % Use the \luam{escaped_chars} table to create an escaper function % \luamdef{escape} and the \luam{escaped_minimal_chars} and % \luam{escaped_minimal_strings} tables to create an escaper function % \luamdef{escape_minimal}. % \begin{macrocode} local escape = util.escaper(escaped_chars) local escape_minimal = util.escaper(escaped_minimal_chars, escaped_minimal_strings) % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->string} as a function that will transform an input % plain text span \t`s` to the output format and \luamdef{writer->uri} as a % function that will transform an input \acro{uri} \t`u` to the output format. % If the \Opt{hybrid} option is \t`true`, use identity functions. Otherwise, % use the \luam{escape} and \luam{escape_minimal} functions. % \begin{macrocode} if options.hybrid then self.string = function(s) return s end self.uri = function(u) return u end else self.string = escape self.uri = escape_minimal end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->code} as a function that will transform an input % inlined code span \t`s` to the output format. % \begin{macrocode} function self.code(s) return {"\\markdownRendererCodeSpan{",escape(s),"}"} end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->link} as a function that will transform an input % hyperlink to the output format, where \t`lab` corresponds to the label, % \t`src` to \acro{uri}, and \t`tit` to the title of the link. % \begin{macrocode} function self.link(lab,src,tit) return {"\\markdownRendererLink{",lab,"}", "{",self.string(src),"}", "{",self.uri(src),"}", "{",self.string(tit or ""),"}"} end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->image} as a function that will transform an input % image to the output format, where \t`lab` corresponds to the label, \t`src` % to the \acro{url}, and \t`tit` to the title of the image. % \begin{macrocode} function self.image(lab,src,tit) return {"\\markdownRendererImage{",lab,"}", "{",self.string(src),"}", "{",self.uri(src),"}", "{",self.string(tit or ""),"}"} end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->bulletlist} as a function that will transform an input % bulleted list to the output format, where \t`items` is an array of the list % items and \t`tight` specifies, whether the list is tight or not. % \begin{macrocode} local function ulitem(s) return {"\\markdownRendererUlItem ",s, "\\markdownRendererUlItemEnd "} end function self.bulletlist(items,tight) local buffer = {} for _,item in ipairs(items) do buffer[#buffer + 1] = ulitem(item) end local contents = util.intersperse(buffer,"\n") if tight and options.tightLists then return {"\\markdownRendererUlBeginTight\n",contents, "\n\\markdownRendererUlEndTight "} else return {"\\markdownRendererUlBegin\n",contents, "\n\\markdownRendererUlEnd "} end end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->ollist} as a function that will transform an input % ordered list to the output format, where \t`items` is an array of the list % items and \t`tight` specifies, whether the list is tight or not. If the % optional parameter \t`startnum` is present, it should be used as the number % of the first list item. % \begin{macrocode} local function olitem(s,num) if num ~= nil then return {"\\markdownRendererOlItemWithNumber{",num,"}",s, "\\markdownRendererOlItemEnd "} else return {"\\markdownRendererOlItem ",s, "\\markdownRendererOlItemEnd "} end end function self.orderedlist(items,tight,startnum) local buffer = {} local num = startnum for _,item in ipairs(items) do buffer[#buffer + 1] = olitem(item,num) if num ~= nil then num = num + 1 end end local contents = util.intersperse(buffer,"\n") if tight and options.tightLists then return {"\\markdownRendererOlBeginTight\n",contents, "\n\\markdownRendererOlEndTight "} else return {"\\markdownRendererOlBegin\n",contents, "\n\\markdownRendererOlEnd "} end end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->definitionlist} as a function that will transform an % input definition list to the output format, where \t`items` is an array of % tables, each of the form \t`\{ term = t, definitions = defs \}`, where \t`t` % is a term and \t`defs` is an array of definitions. \t`tight` specifies, % whether the list is tight or not. % \begin{macrocode} local function dlitem(term, defs) local retVal = {"\\markdownRendererDlItem{",term,"}"} for _, def in ipairs(defs) do retVal[#retVal+1] = {"\\markdownRendererDlDefinitionBegin ",def, "\\markdownRendererDlDefinitionEnd "} end retVal[#retVal+1] = "\\markdownRendererDlItemEnd " return retVal end function self.definitionlist(items,tight) local buffer = {} for _,item in ipairs(items) do buffer[#buffer + 1] = dlitem(item.term, item.definitions) end if tight and options.tightLists then return {"\\markdownRendererDlBeginTight\n", buffer, "\n\\markdownRendererDlEndTight"} else return {"\\markdownRendererDlBegin\n", buffer, "\n\\markdownRendererDlEnd"} end end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->emphasis} as a function that will transform an % emphasized span \t`s` of input text to the output format. % \begin{macrocode} function self.emphasis(s) return {"\\markdownRendererEmphasis{",s,"}"} end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->strong} as a function that will transform a strongly % emphasized span \t`s` of input text to the output format. % \begin{macrocode} function self.strong(s) return {"\\markdownRendererStrongEmphasis{",s,"}"} end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->blockquote} as a function that will transform an % input block quote \t`s` to the output format. % \begin{macrocode} function self.blockquote(s) return {"\\markdownRendererBlockQuoteBegin\n",s, "\n\\markdownRendererBlockQuoteEnd "} end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->verbatim} as a function that will transform an % input code block \t`s` to the output format. % \begin{macrocode} function self.verbatim(s) local name = util.cache(options.cacheDir, s, nil, nil, ".verbatim") return {"\\markdownRendererInputVerbatim{",name,"}"} end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->codeFence} as a function that will transform an % input fenced code block \t`s` with the infostring \t`i` to the output % format. % \begin{macrocode} function self.fencedCode(i, s) local name = util.cache(options.cacheDir, s, nil, nil, ".verbatim") return {"\\markdownRendererInputFencedCode{",name,"}{",i,"}"} end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->heading} as a function that will transform an % input heading \t`s` at level \t`level` to the output format. % \begin{macrocode} function self.heading(s,level) local cmd if level == 1 then cmd = "\\markdownRendererHeadingOne" elseif level == 2 then cmd = "\\markdownRendererHeadingTwo" elseif level == 3 then cmd = "\\markdownRendererHeadingThree" elseif level == 4 then cmd = "\\markdownRendererHeadingFour" elseif level == 5 then cmd = "\\markdownRendererHeadingFive" elseif level == 6 then cmd = "\\markdownRendererHeadingSix" else cmd = "" end return {cmd,"{",s,"}"} end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->note} as a function that will transform an % input footnote \t`s` to the output format. % \begin{macrocode} function self.note(s) return {"\\markdownRendererFootnote{",s,"}"} end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{writer->citations} as a function that will transform an % input array of citations \t`cites` to the output format. If \t`text_cites` % is \t`true`, the citations should be rendered in-text, when applicable. % The \t`cites` array contains tables with the following keys and values: % \begin{itemize} % \item\t`suppress_author` -- If the value of the key is true, then the % author of the work should be omitted in the citation, when applicable. % \item\t`prenote` -- The value of the key is either \t`nil` or a rope % that should be inserted before the citation. % \item\t`postnote` -- The value of the key is either \t`nil` or a rope % that should be inserted after the citation. % \item\t`name` -- The value of this key is the citation name. % \end{itemize} % \begin{macrocode} function self.citations(text_cites, cites) local buffer = {"\\markdownRenderer", text_cites and "TextCite" or "Cite", "{", #cites, "}"} for _,cite in ipairs(cites) do buffer[#buffer+1] = {cite.suppress_author and "-" or "+", "{", cite.prenote or "", "}{", cite.postnote or "", "}{", cite.name, "}"} end return buffer end return self end % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Generic \acro{peg} Patterns} % These \acro{peg} patterns have been temporarily moved outside the % \luam{reader.new} method, which is currently hitting the limit of 200 local % variables. To resolve this issue, all the \acro{peg} patterns local to % \luam{reader.new} will be moved to a static hash table at some point in the % future. % \begin{macrocode} local percent = P("%") local at = P("@") local comma = P(",") local asterisk = P("*") local dash = P("-") local plus = P("+") local underscore = P("_") local period = P(".") local hash = P("#") local ampersand = P("&") local backtick = P("`") local less = P("<") local more = P(">") local space = P(" ") local squote = P("'") local dquote = P('"') local lparent = P("(") local rparent = P(")") local lbracket = P("[") local rbracket = P("]") local circumflex = P("^") local slash = P("/") local equal = P("=") local colon = P(":") local semicolon = P(";") local exclamation = P("!") local tilde = P("~") local digit = R("09") local hexdigit = R("09","af","AF") local letter = R("AZ","az") local alphanumeric = R("AZ","az","09") local keyword = letter * alphanumeric^0 local internal_punctuation = S(":;,.#$%&-+?<>~/") local doubleasterisks = P("**") local doubleunderscores = P("__") local fourspaces = P(" ") local any = P(1) local fail = any - 1 local always = P("") local escapable = S("\\`*_{}[]()+_.!<>#-~:^@;") local anyescaped = P("\\") / "" * escapable + any local tab = P("\t") local spacechar = S("\t ") local spacing = S(" \n\r\t") local newline = P("\n") local nonspacechar = any - spacing local tightblocksep = P("\001") local specialchar = S("*_`&[]`\meta{member}. % \begin{macrocode} M.reader = {} function M.reader.new(writer, options) local self = {} options = options or {} % \end{macrocode} % % Make the \t`options` table inherit from the \luam{defaultOptions} table. % \begin{macrocode} setmetatable(options, { __index = function (_, key) return defaultOptions[key] end }) % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Top Level Helper Functions} % Define \luamdef{normalize_tag} as a function that normalizes a markdown % reference tag by lowercasing it, and by collapsing any adjacent whitespace % characters. % \begin{macrocode} local function normalize_tag(tag) return unicode.utf8.lower( gsub(util.rope_to_string(tag), "[ \n\r\t]+", " ")) end % \end{macrocode} % % Define \luamdef{expandtabs} either as an identity function, when the % \Opt{preserveTabs} Lua inrerface option is \t`true`, or to a function that % expands tabs into spaces otherwise. % \begin{macrocode} local expandtabs if options.preserveTabs then expandtabs = function(s) return s end else expandtabs = function(s) if s:find("\t") then return s:gsub("[^\n]*", util.expand_tabs_in_line) else return s end end end % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Top Level Parsing Functions} % \begin{macrocode} local syntax local blocks_toplevel local blocks local inlines local inlines_no_link local inlines_no_inline_note local inlines_nbsp local function create_parser(name, grammar) return function(str) local res = lpeg.match(grammar(), str) if res == nil then error(format("%s failed on:\n%s", name, str:sub(1,20))) else return res end end end local parse_blocks = create_parser("parse_blocks", function() return blocks end) local parse_blocks_toplevel = create_parser("parse_blocks_toplevel", function() return blocks_toplevel end) local parse_inlines = create_parser("parse_inlines", function() return inlines end) local parse_inlines_no_link = create_parser("parse_inlines_no_link", function() return inlines_no_link end) local parse_inlines_no_inline_note = create_parser( "parse_inlines_no_inline_note", function() return inlines_no_inline_note end) local parse_inlines_nbsp = create_parser("parse_inlines_nbsp", function() return inlines_nbsp end) % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{List \acro{peg} Patterns} % \begin{macrocode} local bulletchar = C(plus + asterisk + dash) local bullet = ( Cg(bulletchar, "bulletchar") * #spacing * (tab + space^-3) + space * Cg(bulletchar, "bulletchar") * #spacing * (tab + space^-2) + space * space * Cg(bulletchar, "bulletchar") * #spacing * (tab + space^-1) + space * space * space * Cg(bulletchar, "bulletchar") * #spacing ) if options.hashEnumerators then dig = digit + hash else dig = digit end local enumerator = C(dig^3 * period) * #spacing + C(dig^2 * period) * #spacing * (tab + space^1) + C(dig * period) * #spacing * (tab + space^-2) + space * C(dig^2 * period) * #spacing + space * C(dig * period) * #spacing * (tab + space^-1) + space * space * C(dig^1 * period) * #spacing % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Code Span \acro{peg} Patterns} % \begin{macrocode} local openticks = Cg(backtick^1, "ticks") local function captures_equal_length(s,i,a,b) return #a == #b and i end local closeticks = space^-1 * Cmt(C(backtick^1) * Cb("ticks"), captures_equal_length) local intickschar = (any - S(" \n\r`")) + (newline * -blankline) + (space - closeticks) + (backtick^1 - closeticks) local inticks = openticks * space^-1 * C(intickschar^0) * closeticks % \paragraph{Fenced Code \acro{peg} Patterns} % \begin{macrocode} local function captures_geq_length(s,i,a,b) return #a >= #b and i end local infostring = (linechar - (backtick + space^1 * (newline + eof)))^0 local fenceindent local function fencehead(char) return C(nonindentspace) / function(s) fenceindent = #s end * Cg(char^3, "fencelength") * optionalspace * C(infostring) * optionalspace * (newline + eof) end local function fencetail(char) return nonindentspace * Cmt(C(char^3) * Cb("fencelength"), captures_geq_length) * optionalspace * (newline + eof) + eof end local function fencedline(char) return C(line - fencetail(char)) / function(s) return s:gsub("^" .. string.rep(" ?", fenceindent), "") end end % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Tag \acro{peg} Patterns} % \begin{macrocode} local leader = space^-3 -- in balanced brackets, parentheses, quotes: local bracketed = P{ lbracket * ((anyescaped - (lbracket + rbracket + blankline^2)) + V(1))^0 * rbracket } local inparens = P{ lparent * ((anyescaped - (lparent + rparent + blankline^2)) + V(1))^0 * rparent } local squoted = P{ squote * alphanumeric * ((anyescaped - (squote + blankline^2)) + V(1))^0 * squote } local dquoted = P{ dquote * alphanumeric * ((anyescaped - (dquote + blankline^2)) + V(1))^0 * dquote } -- bracketed 'tag' for markdown links, allowing nested brackets: local tag = lbracket * Cs((alphanumeric^1 + bracketed + inticks + (anyescaped - (rbracket + blankline^2)))^0) * rbracket -- url for markdown links, allowing balanced parentheses: local url = less * Cs((anyescaped-more)^0) * more + Cs((inparens + (anyescaped-spacing-rparent))^1) -- quoted text possibly with nested quotes: local title_s = squote * Cs(((anyescaped-squote) + squoted)^0) * squote local title_d = dquote * Cs(((anyescaped-dquote) + dquoted)^0) * dquote local title_p = lparent * Cs((inparens + (anyescaped-rparent))^0) * rparent local title = title_d + title_s + title_p local optionaltitle = spnl * title * spacechar^0 + Cc("") % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Citation \acro{peg} Patterns} % \begin{macrocode} local citation_name = Cs(dash^-1) * at * Cs(alphanumeric * (alphanumeric + internal_punctuation - comma - semicolon)^0) local citation_body_prenote = Cs((alphanumeric^1 + bracketed + inticks + (anyescaped - (rbracket + blankline^2)) - (spnl * dash^-1 * at))^0) local citation_body_postnote = Cs((alphanumeric^1 + bracketed + inticks + (anyescaped - (rbracket + semicolon + blankline^2)) - (spnl * rbracket))^0) local citation_body_chunk = citation_body_prenote * spnl * citation_name * (comma * spnl)^-1 * citation_body_postnote local citation_body = citation_body_chunk * (semicolon * spnl * citation_body_chunk)^0 local citation_headless_body_postnote = Cs((alphanumeric^1 + bracketed + inticks + (anyescaped - (rbracket + at + semicolon + blankline^2)) - (spnl * rbracket))^0) local citation_headless_body = citation_headless_body_postnote * (sp * semicolon * spnl * citation_body_chunk)^0 % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Footnote \acro{peg} Patterns} % \begin{macrocode} local rawnotes = {} local function strip_first_char(s) return s:sub(2) end -- like indirect_link local function lookup_note(ref) return function() local found = rawnotes[normalize_tag(ref)] if found then return writer.note(parse_blocks_toplevel(found)) else return {"[", parse_inlines("^" .. ref), "]"} end end end local function register_note(ref,rawnote) rawnotes[normalize_tag(ref)] = rawnote return "" end local RawNoteRef = #(lbracket * circumflex) * tag / strip_first_char local NoteRef = RawNoteRef / lookup_note local NoteBlock = leader * RawNoteRef * colon * spnl * indented_blocks(chunk) / register_note local InlineNote = circumflex -- no notes inside notes * (tag / parse_inlines_no_inline_note) / writer.note % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Link and Image \acro{peg} Patterns} % \begin{macrocode} -- List of references defined in the document local references -- add a reference to the list local function register_link(tag,url,title) references[normalize_tag(tag)] = { url = url, title = title } return "" end -- parse a reference definition: [foo]: /bar "title" local define_reference_parser = leader * tag * colon * spacechar^0 * url * optionaltitle * blankline^1 -- lookup link reference and return either -- the link or nil and fallback text. local function lookup_reference(label,sps,tag) local tagpart if not tag then tag = label tagpart = "" elseif tag == "" then tag = label tagpart = "[]" else tagpart = {"[", parse_inlines(tag), "]"} end if sps then tagpart = {sps, tagpart} end local r = references[normalize_tag(tag)] if r then return r else return nil, {"[", parse_inlines(label), "]", tagpart} end end -- lookup link reference and return a link, if the reference is found, -- or a bracketed label otherwise. local function indirect_link(label,sps,tag) return function() local r,fallback = lookup_reference(label,sps,tag) if r then return writer.link(parse_inlines_no_link(label), r.url, r.title) else return fallback end end end -- lookup image reference and return an image, if the reference is found, -- or a bracketed label otherwise. local function indirect_image(label,sps,tag) return function() local r,fallback = lookup_reference(label,sps,tag) if r then return writer.image(writer.string(label), r.url, r.title) else return {"!", fallback} end end end % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Spacing \acro{peg} Patterns} % \begin{macrocode} local bqstart = more local headerstart = hash + (line * (equal^1 + dash^1) * optionalspace * newline) local fencestart = fencehead(backtick) + fencehead(tilde) if options.blankBeforeBlockquote then bqstart = fail end if options.blankBeforeHeading then headerstart = fail end if not options.fencedCode or options.blankBeforeCodeFence then fencestart = fail end % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{String \acro{peg} Rules} % \begin{macrocode} local Inline = V("Inline") local Str = normalchar^1 / writer.string local Symbol = (specialchar - tightblocksep) / writer.string % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Ellipsis \acro{peg} Rules} % \begin{macrocode} local Ellipsis = P("...") / writer.ellipsis local Smart = Ellipsis % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Inline Code Block \acro{peg} Rules} % \begin{macrocode} local Code = inticks / writer.code % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Spacing \acro{peg} Rules} % \begin{macrocode} local Endline = newline * -( -- newline, but not before... blankline -- paragraph break + tightblocksep -- nested list + eof -- end of document + bqstart + headerstart + fencestart ) * spacechar^0 / writer.space local Space = spacechar^2 * Endline / writer.linebreak + spacechar^1 * Endline^-1 * eof / "" + spacechar^1 * Endline^-1 * optionalspace / writer.space local NonbreakingEndline = newline * -( -- newline, but not before... blankline -- paragraph break + tightblocksep -- nested list + eof -- end of document + bqstart + headerstart + fencestart ) * spacechar^0 / writer.nbsp local NonbreakingSpace = spacechar^2 * Endline / writer.linebreak + spacechar^1 * Endline^-1 * eof / "" + spacechar^1 * Endline^-1 * optionalspace / writer.nbsp -- parse many p between starter and ender local function between(p, starter, ender) local ender2 = B(nonspacechar) * ender return (starter * #nonspacechar * Ct(p * (p - ender2)^0) * ender2) end % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Emphasis \acro{peg} Rules} % \begin{macrocode} local Strong = ( between(Inline, doubleasterisks, doubleasterisks) + between(Inline, doubleunderscores, doubleunderscores) ) / writer.strong local Emph = ( between(Inline, asterisk, asterisk) + between(Inline, underscore, underscore) ) / writer.emphasis % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Link \acro{peg} Rules} % \begin{macrocode} local urlchar = anyescaped - newline - more local AutoLinkUrl = less * C(alphanumeric^1 * P("://") * urlchar^1) * more / function(url) return writer.link(writer.string(url), url) end local AutoLinkEmail = less * C((alphanumeric + S("-._+"))^1 * P("@") * urlchar^1) * more / function(email) return writer.link(writer.string(email), "mailto:"..email) end local DirectLink = (tag / parse_inlines_no_link) -- no links inside links * spnl * lparent * (url + Cc("")) -- link can be empty [foo]() * optionaltitle * rparent / writer.link local IndirectLink = tag * (C(spnl) * tag)^-1 / indirect_link -- parse a link or image (direct or indirect) local Link = DirectLink + IndirectLink % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Image \acro{peg} Rules} % \begin{macrocode} local DirectImage = exclamation * (tag / parse_inlines) * spnl * lparent * (url + Cc("")) -- link can be empty [foo]() * optionaltitle * rparent / writer.image local IndirectImage = exclamation * tag * (C(spnl) * tag)^-1 / indirect_image local Image = DirectImage + IndirectImage % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Miscellaneous Inline \acro{peg} Rules} % \begin{macrocode} -- avoid parsing long strings of * or _ as emph/strong local UlOrStarLine = asterisk^4 + underscore^4 / writer.string local EscapedChar = S("\\") * C(escapable) / writer.string % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Citations \acro{peg} Rules} % \begin{macrocode} local function citations(text_cites, raw_cites) local function normalize(str) if str == "" then str = nil else str = (options.citationNbsps and parse_inlines_nbsp or parse_inlines)(str) end return str end local cites = {} for i = 1,#raw_cites,4 do cites[#cites+1] = { prenote = normalize(raw_cites[i]), suppress_author = raw_cites[i+1] == "-", name = writer.string(raw_cites[i+2]), postnote = normalize(raw_cites[i+3]), } end return writer.citations(text_cites, cites) end local TextCitations = Ct(Cc("") * citation_name * ((spnl * lbracket * citation_headless_body * rbracket) + Cc(""))) / function(raw_cites) return citations(true, raw_cites) end local ParenthesizedCitations = Ct(lbracket * citation_body * rbracket) / function(raw_cites) return citations(false, raw_cites) end local Citations = TextCitations + ParenthesizedCitations % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Code Block \acro{peg} Rules} % \begin{macrocode} local Block = V("Block") local Verbatim = Cs( (blanklines * ((indentedline - blankline))^1)^1 ) / expandtabs / writer.verbatim local TildeFencedCode = fencehead(tilde) * Cs(fencedline(tilde)^0) * fencetail(tilde) local BacktickFencedCode = fencehead(backtick) * Cs(fencedline(backtick)^0) * fencetail(backtick) local FencedCode = (TildeFencedCode + BacktickFencedCode) / function(infostring, code) return writer.fencedCode( writer.string(infostring), expandtabs(code)) end % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Blockquote \acro{peg} Patterns} % \begin{macrocode} -- strip off leading > and indents, and run through blocks local Blockquote = Cs(( ((leader * more * space^-1)/"" * linechar^0 * newline)^1 * (-blankline * linechar^1 * newline)^0 * (blankline^0 / "") )^1) / parse_blocks_toplevel / writer.blockquote local function lineof(c) return (leader * (P(c) * optionalspace)^3 * (newline * blankline^1 + newline^-1 * eof)) end % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Horizontal Rule \acro{peg} Rules} % \begin{macrocode} local HorizontalRule = ( lineof(asterisk) + lineof(dash) + lineof(underscore) ) / writer.hrule % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{List \acro{peg} Rules} % \begin{macrocode} local starter = bullet + enumerator -- we use \001 as a separator between a tight list item and a -- nested list under it. local NestedList = Cs((optionallyindentedline - starter)^1) / function(a) return "\001"..a end local ListBlockLine = optionallyindentedline - blankline - (indent^-1 * starter) local ListBlock = line * ListBlockLine^0 local ListContinuationBlock = blanklines * (indent / "") * ListBlock local function TightListItem(starter) return -HorizontalRule * (Cs(starter / "" * ListBlock * NestedList^-1) / parse_blocks) * -(blanklines * indent) end local function LooseListItem(starter) return -HorizontalRule * Cs( starter / "" * ListBlock * Cc("\n") * (NestedList + ListContinuationBlock^0) * (blanklines / "\n\n") ) / parse_blocks end local BulletList = ( Ct(TightListItem(bullet)^1) * Cc(true) * skipblanklines * -bullet + Ct(LooseListItem(bullet)^1) * Cc(false) * skipblanklines ) / writer.bulletlist local function orderedlist(items,tight,startNumber) if options.startNumber then startNumber = tonumber(startNumber) or 1 -- fallback for '#' else startNumber = nil end return writer.orderedlist(items,tight,startNumber) end local OrderedList = Cg(enumerator, "listtype") * ( Ct(TightListItem(Cb("listtype")) * TightListItem(enumerator)^0) * Cc(true) * skipblanklines * -enumerator + Ct(LooseListItem(Cb("listtype")) * LooseListItem(enumerator)^0) * Cc(false) * skipblanklines ) * Cb("listtype") / orderedlist local defstartchar = S("~:") local defstart = ( defstartchar * #spacing * (tab + space^-3) + space * defstartchar * #spacing * (tab + space^-2) + space * space * defstartchar * #spacing * (tab + space^-1) + space * space * space * defstartchar * #spacing ) local dlchunk = Cs(line * (indentedline - blankline)^0) local function definition_list_item(term, defs, tight) return { term = parse_inlines(term), definitions = defs } end local DefinitionListItemLoose = C(line) * skipblanklines * Ct((defstart * indented_blocks(dlchunk) / parse_blocks_toplevel)^1) * Cc(false) / definition_list_item local DefinitionListItemTight = C(line) * Ct((defstart * dlchunk / parse_blocks)^1) * Cc(true) / definition_list_item local DefinitionList = ( Ct(DefinitionListItemLoose^1) * Cc(false) + Ct(DefinitionListItemTight^1) * (skipblanklines * -DefinitionListItemLoose * Cc(true)) ) / writer.definitionlist % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Blank Line \acro{peg} Rules} % \begin{macrocode} local Reference = define_reference_parser / register_link local Blank = blankline / "" + NoteBlock + Reference + (tightblocksep / "\n") % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Paragraph \acro{peg} Rules} % \begin{macrocode} local Paragraph = nonindentspace * Ct(Inline^1) * newline * ( blankline^1 + #hash + #(leader * more * space^-1) ) / writer.paragraph local ToplevelParagraph = nonindentspace * Ct(Inline^1) * (newline * ( blankline^1 + #hash + #(leader * more * space^-1) + eof ) + eof ) / writer.paragraph local Plain = nonindentspace * Ct(Inline^1) / writer.plain % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Heading \acro{peg} Rules} % \begin{macrocode} -- parse Atx heading start and return level local HeadingStart = #hash * C(hash^-6) * -hash / length -- parse setext header ending and return level local HeadingLevel = equal^1 * Cc(1) + dash^1 * Cc(2) local function strip_atx_end(s) return s:gsub("[#%s]*\n$","") end -- parse atx header local AtxHeading = Cg(HeadingStart,"level") * optionalspace * (C(line) / strip_atx_end / parse_inlines) * Cb("level") / writer.heading -- parse setext header local SetextHeading = #(line * S("=-")) * Ct(line / parse_inlines) * HeadingLevel * optionalspace * newline / writer.heading local Heading = AtxHeading + SetextHeading % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Top Level \acro{peg} Specification} % \begin{macrocode} syntax = { "Blocks", Blocks = Blank^0 * Block^-1 * (Blank^0 / function() return writer.interblocksep end * Block)^0 * Blank^0 * eof, Blank = Blank, Block = V("Blockquote") + V("Verbatim") + V("FencedCode") + V("HorizontalRule") + V("BulletList") + V("OrderedList") + V("Heading") + V("DefinitionList") + V("Paragraph") + V("Plain"), Blockquote = Blockquote, Verbatim = Verbatim, FencedCode = FencedCode, HorizontalRule = HorizontalRule, BulletList = BulletList, OrderedList = OrderedList, Heading = Heading, DefinitionList = DefinitionList, DisplayHtml = DisplayHtml, Paragraph = Paragraph, Plain = Plain, Inline = V("Str") + V("Space") + V("Endline") + V("UlOrStarLine") + V("Strong") + V("Emph") + V("InlineNote") + V("NoteRef") + V("Citations") + V("Link") + V("Image") + V("Code") + V("AutoLinkUrl") + V("AutoLinkEmail") + V("EscapedChar") + V("Smart") + V("Symbol"), Str = Str, Space = Space, Endline = Endline, UlOrStarLine = UlOrStarLine, Strong = Strong, Emph = Emph, InlineNote = InlineNote, NoteRef = NoteRef, Citations = Citations, Link = Link, Image = Image, Code = Code, AutoLinkUrl = AutoLinkUrl, AutoLinkEmail = AutoLinkEmail, InlineHtml = InlineHtml, HtmlEntity = HtmlEntity, EscapedChar = EscapedChar, Smart = Smart, Symbol = Symbol, } if not options.definitionLists then syntax.DefinitionList = fail end if not options.fencedCode then syntax.FencedCode = fail end if not options.citations then syntax.Citations = fail end if not options.footnotes then syntax.NoteRef = fail end if not options.inlineFootnotes then syntax.InlineNote = fail end if not options.smartEllipses then syntax.Smart = fail end local blocks_toplevel_t = util.table_copy(syntax) blocks_toplevel_t.Paragraph = ToplevelParagraph blocks_toplevel = Ct(blocks_toplevel_t) blocks = Ct(syntax) local inlines_t = util.table_copy(syntax) inlines_t[1] = "Inlines" inlines_t.Inlines = Inline^0 * (spacing^0 * eof / "") inlines = Ct(inlines_t) local inlines_no_link_t = util.table_copy(inlines_t) inlines_no_link_t.Link = fail inlines_no_link = Ct(inlines_no_link_t) local inlines_no_inline_note_t = util.table_copy(inlines_t) inlines_no_inline_note_t.InlineNote = fail inlines_no_inline_note = Ct(inlines_no_inline_note_t) local inlines_nbsp_t = util.table_copy(inlines_t) inlines_nbsp_t.Endline = NonbreakingEndline inlines_nbsp_t.Space = NonbreakingSpace inlines_nbsp = Ct(inlines_nbsp_t) % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Exported Conversion Function} % Define \luamdef{reader->convert} as a function that converts markdown string % \t`input` into a plain \TeX{} output and returns it. Note that the converter % assumes that the input has \acro{unix} line endings. % \begin{macrocode} function self.convert(input) references = {} % \end{macrocode} % When determining the name of the cache file, create salt for the hashing % function out of the package version and the passed options recognized by the % Lua interface (see Section \ref{sec:luaoptions}). The \Opt{cacheDir} option % is disregarded. % \begin{macrocode} local opt_string = {} for k,_ in pairs(defaultOptions) do local v = options[k] if k ~= "cacheDir" then opt_string[#opt_string+1] = k .. "=" .. tostring(v) end end table.sort(opt_string) local salt = table.concat(opt_string, ",") .. "," .. metadata.version % \end{macrocode} % Produce the cache file, transform its filename via the \luam{writer->pack} % method, and return the result. % \begin{macrocode} local name = util.cache(options.cacheDir, input, salt, function(input) return util.rope_to_string(parse_blocks_toplevel(input)) .. writer.eof end, ".md" .. writer.suffix) return writer.pack(name) end return self end % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Conversion from Markdown to Plain \TeX{}} % The \luam{new} method returns the \luam{reader->convert} function of a reader % object associated with the Lua interface options (see Section % \ref{sec:luaoptions}) \t`options` and with a writer object associated with % \t`options`. % \begin{macrocode} function M.new(options) local writer = M.writer.new(options) local reader = M.reader.new(writer, options) return reader.convert end return M % \end{macrocode} % % \iffalse % %<*tex> % \fi\subsection{Plain \TeX{} Implementation}\label{sec:teximplementation} % The plain \TeX{} implementation provides macros for the interfacing between % \TeX{} and Lua and for the buffering of input text. These macros are then % used to implement the macros for the conversion from markdown to plain \TeX{} % exposed by the plain \TeX{} interface (see Section \ref{sec:texinterface}). % % \subsubsection{Logging Facilities}\label{sec:texinterfacelogging} % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownInfo#1{% \message{(l.\the\inputlineno) markdown.tex info: #1.}}% \def\markdownWarning#1{% \message{(l.\the\inputlineno) markdown.tex warning: #1}}% \def\markdownError#1#2{% \errhelp{#2.}% \errmessage{(l.\the\inputlineno) markdown.tex error: #1}}% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Token Renderer Prototypes} % The following definitions should be considered placeholder. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererInterblockSeparatorPrototype{\par}% \def\markdownRendererLineBreakPrototype{\hfil\break}% \let\markdownRendererEllipsisPrototype\dots \def\markdownRendererNbspPrototype{~}% \def\markdownRendererLeftBracePrototype{\char`{}% \def\markdownRendererRightBracePrototype{\char`}}% \def\markdownRendererDollarSignPrototype{\char`$}% \def\markdownRendererPercentSignPrototype{\char`\%}% \def\markdownRendererAmpersandPrototype{\char`&}% \def\markdownRendererUnderscorePrototype{\char`_}% \def\markdownRendererHashPrototype{\char`\#}% \def\markdownRendererCircumflexPrototype{\char`^}% \def\markdownRendererBackslashPrototype{\char`\\}% \def\markdownRendererTildePrototype{\char`~}% \def\markdownRendererPipePrototype{|}% \def\markdownRendererCodeSpanPrototype#1{{\tt#1}}% \def\markdownRendererLinkPrototype#1#2#3#4{#2}% \def\markdownRendererImagePrototype#1#2#3#4{#2}% \def\markdownRendererUlBeginPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererUlBeginTightPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererUlItemPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererUlItemEndPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererUlEndPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererUlEndTightPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererOlBeginPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererOlBeginTightPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererOlItemPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererOlItemWithNumberPrototype#1{}% \def\markdownRendererOlItemEndPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererOlEndPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererOlEndTightPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererDlBeginPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererDlBeginTightPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererDlItemPrototype#1{#1}% \def\markdownRendererDlItemEndPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererDlDefinitionBeginPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererDlDefinitionEndPrototype{\par}% \def\markdownRendererDlEndPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererDlEndTightPrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererEmphasisPrototype#1{{\it#1}}% \def\markdownRendererStrongEmphasisPrototype#1{{\it#1}}% \def\markdownRendererBlockQuoteBeginPrototype{\par\begingroup\it}% \def\markdownRendererBlockQuoteEndPrototype{\endgroup\par}% \def\markdownRendererInputVerbatimPrototype#1{% \par{\tt\input"#1"\relax}\par}% \def\markdownRendererInputFencedCodePrototype#1#2{% \markdownRendererInputVerbatimPrototype{#1}}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingOnePrototype#1{#1}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingTwoPrototype#1{#1}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingThreePrototype#1{#1}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingFourPrototype#1{#1}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingFivePrototype#1{#1}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingSixPrototype#1{#1}% \def\markdownRendererHorizontalRulePrototype{}% \def\markdownRendererFootnotePrototype#1{#1}% \def\markdownRendererCitePrototype#1{}% \def\markdownRendererTextCitePrototype#1{}% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Lua Snippets} % The \mdef{markdownLuaOptions} macro expands to a Lua table that % contains the plain \TeX{} options (see Section \ref{sec:texoptions}) in a % format recognized by Lua (see Section \ref{sec:luaoptions}). Note that the % boolean options are not sanitized and expect the plain \TeX{} option macros % to expand to either \t`true` or \t`false`. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownLuaOptions{{% \ifx\markdownOptionBlankBeforeBlockquote\undefined\else blankBeforeBlockquote = \markdownOptionBlankBeforeBlockquote, \fi \ifx\markdownOptionBlankBeforeCodeFence\undefined\else blankBeforeCodeFence = \markdownOptionBlankBeforeCodeFence, \fi \ifx\markdownOptionBlankBeforeHeading\undefined\else blankBeforeHeading = \markdownOptionBlankBeforeHeading, \fi \ifx\markdownOptionCacheDir\undefined\else cacheDir = "\markdownOptionCacheDir", \fi \ifx\markdownOptionCitations\undefined\else citations = \markdownOptionCitations, \fi \ifx\markdownOptionCitationNbsps\undefined\else citationNbsps = \markdownOptionCitationNbsps, \fi \ifx\markdownOptionDefinitionLists\undefined\else definitionLists = \markdownOptionDefinitionLists, \fi \ifx\markdownOptionFootnotes\undefined\else footnotes = \markdownOptionFootnotes, \fi \ifx\markdownOptionFencedCode\undefined\else fencedCode = \markdownOptionFencedCode, \fi \ifx\markdownOptionHashEnumerators\undefined\else hashEnumerators = \markdownOptionHashEnumerators, \fi \ifx\markdownOptionHybrid\undefined\else hybrid = \markdownOptionHybrid, \fi \ifx\markdownOptionInlineFootnotes\undefined\else inlineFootnotes = \markdownOptionInlineFootnotes, \fi \ifx\markdownOptionPreserveTabs\undefined\else preserveTabs = \markdownOptionPreserveTabs, \fi \ifx\markdownOptionSmartEllipses\undefined\else smartEllipses = \markdownOptionSmartEllipses, \fi \ifx\markdownOptionStartNumber\undefined\else startNumber = \markdownOptionStartNumber, \fi \ifx\markdownOptionTightLists\undefined\else tightLists = \markdownOptionTightLists, \fi} }% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownPrepare} macro contains the Lua code that is executed prior % to any conversion from markdown to plain \TeX{}. It exposes the % \luam{convert} function for the use by any further Lua code. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownPrepare{% % \end{macrocode} % First, ensure that the \m{markdownOptionCacheDir} directory exists. % \begin{macrocode} local lfs = require("lfs") local cacheDir = "\markdownOptionCacheDir" if lfs.isdir(cacheDir) == true then else assert(lfs.mkdir(cacheDir)) end % \end{macrocode} % Next, load the \t`markdown` module and create a converter function using % the plain \TeX{} options, which were serialized to a Lua table via the % \m{markdownLuaOptions} macro. % \begin{macrocode} local md = require("markdown") local convert = md.new(\markdownLuaOptions) }% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Lua Shell Escape Bridge}\label{sec:luabridge} % The following \TeX{} code is intended for \TeX{} engines that do not provide % direct access to Lua, but expose the shell of the operating system. This % corresponds to the \m{markdownMode} values of \t`0` and \t`1`. % % The \m{markdownLuaExecute} and \m{markdownReadAndConvert} macros defined here % and in Section \ref{sec:directlua} are meant to be transparent to the % remaining code. % % The package assumes that although the user is not using the Lua\TeX{} engine, % their TeX distribution contains it, and uses shell access to produce and % execute Lua scripts using the \TeX{}Lua interpreter (see % \cite[Section~3.1.1]{luatex16}). % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\markdownMode<2\relax \ifnum\markdownMode=0\relax \markdownInfo{Using mode 0: Shell escape via write18}% \else \markdownInfo{Using mode 1: Shell escape via os.execute}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % % The macro \mdef{markdownLuaExecuteFileStream} contains the number of the output % file stream that will be used to store the helper Lua script in the file named % \m{markdownOptionHelperScriptFileName} during the expansion of the macro % \m{markdownLuaExecute}, and to store the markdown input in the file % named \m{markdownOptionInputTempFileName} during the expansion of the macro % \m{markdownReadAndConvert}. % \begin{macrocode} \csname newwrite\endcsname\markdownLuaExecuteFileStream % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownExecuteShellEscape} macro contains the numeric value indicating % whether the shell access is enabled (\t`1`), disabled (\t`0`), or restricted % (\t`2`). % % Inherit the value of the the \m{pdfshellescape} (Lua\TeX{}, \Hologo{pdfTeX}) % or the \m{shellescape} (\Hologo{XeTeX}) commands. If neither of these % commands is defined and Lua is available, attempt to access the % \luam{status.shell_escape} configuration item. % % If you cannot detect, whether the shell access is enabled, act as if it were. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\pdfshellescape\undefined \ifx\shellescape\undefined \ifnum\markdownMode=0\relax \def\markdownExecuteShellEscape{1}% \else \def\markdownExecuteShellEscape{% \directlua{tex.sprint(status.shell_escape or "1")}}% \fi \else \let\markdownExecuteShellEscape\shellescape \fi \else \let\markdownExecuteShellEscape\pdfshellescape \fi % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownExecuteDirect} macro executes the code it has received as % its first argument by writing it to the output file stream 18, if Lua is % unavailable, or by using the Lua \luam{markdown.execute} method otherwise. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\markdownMode=0\relax \def\markdownExecuteDirect#1{\immediate\write18{#1}}% \else \def\markdownExecuteDirect#1{% \directlua{os.execute("\luaescapestring{#1}")}}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownExecute} macro is a wrapper on top of % \m{markdownExecuteDirect} that checks the value of % \m{markdownExecuteShellEscape} and prints an error message if the shell is % inaccessible. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownExecute#1{% \ifnum\markdownExecuteShellEscape=1\relax \markdownExecuteDirect{#1}% \else \markdownError{I can not access the shell}{Either run the TeX compiler with the --shell-escape or the --enable-write18 flag, or set shell_escape=t in the texmf.cnf file}% \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownLuaExecute} macro executes the Lua code it has received as % its first argument. The Lua code may not directly interact with the \TeX{} % engine, but it can use the \luam{print} function in the same manner it % would use the \luam{tex.print} method. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownLuaExecute#1{% % \end{macrocode} % Create the file \m{markdownOptionHelperScriptFileName} and fill it with the % input Lua code prepended with \pkg{kpathsea} initialization, so that Lua % modules from the \TeX{} distribution are available. % \begin{macrocode} \immediate\openout\markdownLuaExecuteFileStream=% \markdownOptionHelperScriptFileName \markdownInfo{Writing a helper Lua script to the file "\markdownOptionHelperScriptFileName"}% \immediate\write\markdownLuaExecuteFileStream{% local kpse = require('kpse') kpse.set_program_name('luatex') #1}% \immediate\closeout\markdownLuaExecuteFileStream % \end{macrocode} % Execute the generated \m{markdownOptionHelperScriptFileName} Lua script using % the \TeX{}Lua binary and store the output in the % \m{markdownOptionOutputTempFileName} file. % \begin{macrocode} \markdownInfo{Executing a helper Lua script from the file "\markdownOptionHelperScriptFileName" and storing the result in the file "\markdownOptionOutputTempFileName"}% \markdownExecute{texlua "\markdownOptionHelperScriptFileName" > "\markdownOptionOutputTempFileName"}% % \end{macrocode} % \m{input} the generated \m{markdownOptionOutputTempFileName} file. % \begin{macrocode} \input\markdownOptionOutputTempFileName\relax}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \mdef{markdownReadAndConvertTab} macro contains the tab character literal. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup \catcode`\^^I=12% \gdef\markdownReadAndConvertTab{^^I}% \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % % The \m{markdownReadAndConvert} macro is largely a rewrite of the % \Hologo{LaTeX2e} \m{filecontents} macro to plain \TeX{}. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup % \end{macrocode} % Make the newline and tab characters active and swap the character codes of the % backslash symbol (\t`\textbackslash`) and the pipe symbol (\t`|`), so that % we can use the backslash as an ordinary character inside the macro definition. % \begin{macrocode} \catcode`\^^M=13% \catcode`\^^I=13% \catcode`|=0% \catcode`\\=12% |gdef|markdownReadAndConvert#1#2{% |begingroup% % \end{macrocode} % Open the \m{markdownOptionInputTempFileName} file for writing. % \begin{macrocode} |immediate|openout|markdownLuaExecuteFileStream% |markdownOptionInputTempFileName% |markdownInfo{Buffering markdown input into the temporary % input file "|markdownOptionInputTempFileName" and scanning % for the closing token sequence "#1"}% % \end{macrocode} % Locally change the category of the special plain \TeX{} characters to % \emph{other} in order to prevent unwanted interpretation of the input. % Change also the category of the space character, so that we can retrieve it % unaltered. % \begin{macrocode} |def|do##1{|catcode`##1=12}|dospecials% |catcode`| =12% |markdownMakeOther% % \end{macrocode} % The \mdef{markdownReadAndConvertProcessLine} macro will process the individual % lines of output. Note the use of the comments to ensure that the entire macro % is at a single line and therefore no (active) newline symbols are produced. % \begin{macrocode} |def|markdownReadAndConvertProcessLine##1#1##2#1##3|relax{% % \end{macrocode} % When the ending token sequence does not appear in the line, store the line in % the \m{markdownOptionInputTempFileName} file. % \begin{macrocode} |ifx|relax##3|relax% |immediate|write|markdownLuaExecuteFileStream{##1}% |else% % \end{macrocode} % When the ending token sequence appears in the line, make the next newline % character close the \m{markdownOptionInputTempFileName} file, return the % character categories back to the former state, convert the % \m{markdownOptionInputTempFileName} file from markdown to plain \TeX{}, % \m{input} the result of the conversion, and expand the ending control % sequence. % \begin{macrocode} |def^^M{% |markdownInfo{The ending token sequence was found}% |immediate|closeout|markdownLuaExecuteFileStream% |endgroup% |markdownInput|markdownOptionInputTempFileName% #2}% |fi% % \end{macrocode} % Repeat with the next line. % \begin{macrocode} ^^M}% % \end{macrocode} % Make the tab character active at expansion time and make it expand to a % literal tab character. % \begin{macrocode} |catcode`|^^I=13% |def^^I{|markdownReadAndConvertTab}% % \end{macrocode} % Make the newline character active at expansion time and make it consume the % rest of the line on expansion. Throw away the rest of the first line and % pass the second line to the \m{markdownReadAndConvertProcessLine} macro. % \begin{macrocode} |catcode`|^^M=13% |def^^M##1^^M{% |def^^M####1^^M{% |markdownReadAndConvertProcessLine####1#1#1|relax}% ^^M}% ^^M}% % \end{macrocode} % Reset the character categories back to the former state. % \begin{macrocode} |endgroup % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Direct Lua Access}\label{sec:directlua} % The following \TeX{} code is intended for \TeX{} engines that provide % direct access to Lua (Lua\TeX{}). The \m{markdownLuaExecute} and % \m{markdownReadAndConvert} defined here and in Section \ref{sec:luabridge} % are meant to be transparent to the remaining code. This corresponds to the % \m{markdownMode} value of \t`2`. % \begin{macrocode} \else \markdownInfo{Using mode 2: Direct Lua access}% % \end{macrocode} % The direct Lua access version of the \m{markdownLuaExecute} macro is defined % in terms of the \m{directlua} primitive. The \luam{print} function is set as % an alias to the \m{tex.print} method in order to mimic the behaviour of the % \m{markdownLuaExecute} definition from Section \ref{sec:luabridge}, % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownLuaExecute#1{\directlua{local print = tex.print #1}}% % \end{macrocode} % % In the definition of the direct Lua access version of the % \m{markdownReadAndConvert} macro, we will be using the hash symbol % (\t`\#`), the underscore symbol (\t`_`), the circumflex symbol (\t`\^`), the % dollar sign (\t`\$`), the backslash symbol (\t`\textbackslash`), the percent % sign (\t`\%`), and the braces (\t`\{\}`) as a part of the Lua syntax. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup % \end{macrocode} % % To this end, we will make the underscore symbol, the dollar sign, and % circumflex symbols ordinary characters, % \begin{macrocode} \catcode`\_=12% \catcode`\$=12% \catcode`\^=12% % \end{macrocode} % swap the category code of the hash symbol with the slash symbol (\t`/`). % \begin{macrocode} \catcode`\/=6% \catcode`\#=12% % \end{macrocode} % swap the category code of the percent sign with the at symbol (\t`@`). % \begin{macrocode} \catcode`\@=14% \catcode`\%=12% % \end{macrocode} % swap the category code of the backslash symbol with the pipe symbol (\t`|`), % \begin{macrocode} \catcode`|=0@ \catcode`\\=12@ % \end{macrocode} % Braces are a part of the plain \TeX{} syntax, but they are not removed during % expansion, so we do not need to bother with changing their category codes. % \begin{macrocode} |gdef|markdownReadAndConvert/1/2{@ % \end{macrocode} % Make the \mdef{markdownReadAndConvertAfter} macro store the token sequence % that will be inserted into the document after the ending token sequence has % been found. % \begin{macrocode} |def|markdownReadAndConvertAfter{/2}@ |markdownInfo{Buffering markdown input and scanning for the closing token sequence "/1"}@ |directlua{@ % \end{macrocode} % Set up an empty Lua table that will serve as our buffer. % \begin{macrocode} |markdownPrepare local buffer = {} % \end{macrocode} % Create a regex that will match the ending input sequence. Escape any special % regex characters (like a star inside \t`\textbackslash end\{markdown*\}`) % inside the input. % \begin{macrocode} local ending_sequence = "^.-" .. ([[/1]]):gsub( "([%(%)%.%%%+%-%*%?%[%]%^%$])", "%%%1") % \end{macrocode} % Register a callback that will notify you about new lines of input. % \begin{macrocode} |markdownLuaRegisterIBCallback{function(line) % \end{macrocode} % When the ending token sequence appears on a line, unregister the callback, % convert the contents of our buffer from markdown to plain \TeX{}, and insert % the result into the input line buffer of \TeX{}. % \begin{macrocode} if line:match(ending_sequence) then |markdownLuaUnregisterIBCallback; local input = table.concat(buffer, "\n") .. "\n" local output = convert(input) return [[\markdownInfo{The ending token sequence was found}]] .. output .. [[\markdownReadAndConvertAfter]] % \end{macrocode} % When the ending token sequence does not appear on a line, store the line in % our buffer, and insert either \m{fi}, if this is the first line of input, % or an empty token list to the input line buffer of \TeX{}. % \begin{macrocode} else buffer[#buffer+1] = line return [[\]] .. (#buffer == 1 and "fi" or "relax") end end}}@ % \end{macrocode} % Insert \m{iffalse} after the \m{markdownReadAndConvert} macro in order to % consume the rest of the first line of input. % \begin{macrocode} |iffalse}@ % \end{macrocode} % Reset the character categories back to the former state. % \begin{macrocode} |endgroup \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Typesetting Markdown} % The \m{markdownInput} macro uses an implementation of the % \m{markdownLuaExecute} macro to convert the contents of the file whose % filename it has received as its single argument from markdown to plain % \TeX{}. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup % \end{macrocode} % Swap the category code of the backslash symbol and the pipe symbol, so that % we may use the backslash symbol freely inside the Lua code. % \begin{macrocode} \catcode`|=0% \catcode`\\=12% |gdef|markdownInput#1{% |markdownInfo{Including markdown document "#1"}% |markdownLuaExecute{% |markdownPrepare local input = assert(io.open("#1","r")):read("*a") % \end{macrocode} % Since the Lua converter expects \acro{unix} line endings, normalize the % input. % \begin{macrocode} print(convert(input:gsub("\r\n?", "\n")))}}% |endgroup % \end{macrocode} % % \iffalse % %<*latex> % \fi\subsection{\LaTeX{} Implementation}\label{sec:lateximplementation} % The \LaTeX{} implemenation makes use of the fact that, apart from some subtle % differences, \LaTeX{} implements the majority of the plain \TeX{} format % (see \cite[Section~9]{latex16}). As a consequence, we can directly reuse the % existing plain \TeX{} implementation. % \begin{macrocode} \input markdown \def\markdownVersionSpace{ }% \ProvidesPackage{markdown}[\markdownLastModified\markdownVersionSpace v% \markdownVersion\markdownVersionSpace markdown renderer]% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Logging Facilities} % The \LaTeX{} implementation redefines the plain \TeX{} logging macros (see % Section \ref{sec:texinterfacelogging}) to use the \LaTeX{} \m{PackageInfo}, % \m{PackageWarning}, and \m{PackageError} macros. % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand\markdownInfo[1]{\PackageInfo{markdown}{#1}}% \renewcommand\markdownWarning[1]{\PackageWarning{markdown}{#1}}% \renewcommand\markdownError[2]{\PackageError{markdown}{#1}{#2.}}% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Typesetting Markdown} % The \mdef{markdownInputPlainTeX} macro is used to store the original plain % \TeX{} implementation of the \m{markdownInput} macro. The \m{markdownInput} % is then redefined to accept an optional argument with options recognized by % the \LaTeX{} interface (see Section \ref{sec:latexoptions}). % \begin{macrocode} \let\markdownInputPlainTeX\markdownInput \renewcommand\markdownInput[2][]{% \begingroup \markdownSetup{#1}% \markdownInputPlainTeX{#2}% \endgroup}% % \end{macrocode} % % The \env{markdown}, and \env{markdown*} \LaTeX{} environments are implemented % using the \m{markdownReadAndConvert} macro. % \begin{macrocode} \renewenvironment{markdown}{% \markdownReadAndConvert@markdown{}}\relax \renewenvironment{markdown*}[1]{% \markdownSetup{#1}% \markdownReadAndConvert@markdown*}\relax \begingroup % \end{macrocode} % Locally swap the category code of the backslash symbol with the pipe symbol, % and of the left (\t`\{`) and right brace (\t`\}`) with the less-than (\t`<`) % and greater-than (\t`>`) signs. This is required in order that all the % special symbols that appear in the first argument of the % \t`markdownReadAndConvert` macro have the category code \emph{other}. % \begin{macrocode} \catcode`\|=0\catcode`\<=1\catcode`\>=2% \catcode`\\=12|catcode`|{=12|catcode`|}=12% |gdef|markdownReadAndConvert@markdown#1<% |markdownReadAndConvert<\end{markdown#1}>% <|end>>% |endgroup % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Options} % The supplied package options are processed using the \m{markdownSetup} macro. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption*{% \expandafter\markdownSetup\expandafter{\CurrentOption}}% \ProcessOptions\relax % \end{macrocode} % After processing the options, activate the \t`renderers` and % \t`rendererPrototypes` keys. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{markdownOptions}{renderers}{% \setkeys{markdownRenderers}{#1}% \def\KV@prefix{KV@markdownOptions@}}% \define@key{markdownOptions}{rendererPrototypes}{% \setkeys{markdownRendererPrototypes}{#1}% \def\KV@prefix{KV@markdownOptions@}}% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Token Renderer Prototypes} % The following configuration should be considered placeholder. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{url} \RequirePackage{graphicx} % \end{macrocode} % If the \m{markdownOptionTightLists} macro expands to \t`false`, do not load % the \pkg{paralist} package. This is necessary for \Hologo{LaTeX2e} document % classes that do not play nice with \pkg{paralist}, such as \pkg{beamer}. % If the \m{markdownOptionTightLists} is undefined and the \pkg{beamer} % document class is in use, then do not load the \pkg{paralist} package either. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{ifthen} \ifx\markdownOptionTightLists\undefined \@ifclassloaded{beamer}{}{ \RequirePackage{paralist}} \else \ifthenelse{\equal{\markdownOptionTightLists}{false}}{}{ \RequirePackage{paralist}} \fi % \end{macrocode} % If we loaded the \pkg{paralist} package, define the respective renderer % prototypes to make use of the capabilities of the package. Otherwise, % define the renderer prototypes to fall back on the corresponding renderers % for the non-tight lists. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifpackageloaded{paralist}{ \markdownSetup{rendererPrototypes={ ulBeginTight = {\begin{compactitem}}, ulEndTight = {\end{compactitem}}, olBeginTight = {\begin{compactenum}}, olEndTight = {\end{compactenum}}, dlBeginTight = {\begin{compactdesc}}, dlEndTight = {\end{compactdesc}}}} }{ \markdownSetup{rendererPrototypes={ ulBeginTight = {\markdownRendererUlBegin}, ulEndTight = {\markdownRendererUlEnd}, olBeginTight = {\markdownRendererOlBegin}, olEndTight = {\markdownRendererOlEnd}, dlBeginTight = {\markdownRendererDlBegin}, dlEndTight = {\markdownRendererDlEnd}}}} \RequirePackage{fancyvrb} \markdownSetup{rendererPrototypes={ lineBreak = {\\}, leftBrace = {\textbraceleft}, rightBrace = {\textbraceright}, dollarSign = {\textdollar}, underscore = {\textunderscore}, circumflex = {\textasciicircum}, backslash = {\textbackslash}, tilde = {\textasciitilde}, pipe = {\textbar}, codeSpan = {\texttt{#1}}, link = {#1\footnote{\ifx\empty#4\empty\else#4: \fi\texttt<\url{#3}\texttt>}}, image = {\begin{figure} \begin{center}% \includegraphics{#3}% \end{center}% \ifx\empty#4\empty\else \caption{#4}% \fi \label{fig:#1}% \end{figure}}, ulBegin = {\begin{itemize}}, ulItem = {\item}, ulEnd = {\end{itemize}}, olBegin = {\begin{enumerate}}, olItem = {\item}, olItemWithNumber = {\item[#1.]}, olEnd = {\end{enumerate}}, dlBegin = {\begin{description}}, dlItem = {\item[#1]}, dlEnd = {\end{description}}, emphasis = {\emph{#1}}, strongEmphasis = {% \ifx\alert\undefined \textbf{\emph{#1}}% \else % Beamer support \alert{\emph{#1}}% \fi}, blockQuoteBegin = {\begin{quotation}}, blockQuoteEnd = {\end{quotation}}, inputVerbatim = {\VerbatimInput{#1}}, inputFencedCode = {% \ifx\relax#2\relax \VerbatimInput{#1}% \else \ifx\minted@jobname\undefined \ifx\lst@version\undefined \markdownRendererInputFencedCode{#1}{}% % \end{macrocode} % When the \pkg{listings} package is loaded, use it for syntax highlighting. % \begin{macrocode} \else \lstinputlisting[language=#2]{#1}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % When the \pkg{minted} package is loaded, use it for syntax highlighting. % The \pkg{minted} package is preferred over \pkg{listings}. % \begin{macrocode} \else \inputminted{#2}{#1}% \fi \fi}, horizontalRule = {\noindent\rule[0.5ex]{\linewidth}{1pt}}, footnote = {\footnote{#1}}}} \ifx\chapter\undefined \markdownSetup{rendererPrototypes = { headingOne = {\section{#1}}, headingTwo = {\subsection{#1}}, headingThree = {\subsubsection{#1}}, headingFour = {\paragraph{#1}}, headingFive = {\subparagraph{#1}}}} \else \markdownSetup{rendererPrototypes = { headingOne = {\chapter{#1}}, headingTwo = {\section{#1}}, headingThree = {\subsection{#1}}, headingFour = {\subsubsection{#1}}, headingFive = {\paragraph{#1}}, headingSix = {\subparagraph{#1}}}} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % There is a basic implementation for citations that uses the \LaTeX{} \m{cite} % macro. There is also a more advanced implementation that uses the Bib\LaTeX{} % \m{autocites} and \m{textcites} macros. This implementation will be used, when % Bib\LaTeX{} is loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\markdownLaTeXCitationsCounter % Basic implementation \def\markdownLaTeXBasicCitations#1#2#3#4{% \advance\markdownLaTeXCitationsCounter by 1\relax \ifx\relax#2\relax\else#2~\fi\cite[#3]{#4}% \ifnum\markdownLaTeXCitationsCounter>\markdownLaTeXCitationsTotal\relax \expandafter\@gobble \fi\markdownLaTeXBasicCitations} \let\markdownLaTeXBasicTextCitations\markdownLaTeXBasicCitations % BibLaTeX implementation \def\markdownLaTeXBibLaTeXCitations#1#2#3#4#5{% \advance\markdownLaTeXCitationsCounter by 1\relax \ifnum\markdownLaTeXCitationsCounter>\markdownLaTeXCitationsTotal\relax \autocites#1[#3][#4]{#5}% \expandafter\@gobbletwo \fi\markdownLaTeXBibLaTeXCitations{#1[#3][#4]{#5}}} \def\markdownLaTeXBibLaTeXTextCitations#1#2#3#4#5{% \advance\markdownLaTeXCitationsCounter by 1\relax \ifnum\markdownLaTeXCitationsCounter>\markdownLaTeXCitationsTotal\relax \textcites#1[#3][#4]{#5}% \expandafter\@gobbletwo \fi\markdownLaTeXBibLaTeXTextCitations{#1[#3][#4]{#5}}} \markdownSetup{rendererPrototypes = { cite = {% \markdownLaTeXCitationsCounter=1% \def\markdownLaTeXCitationsTotal{#1}% \ifx\autocites\undefined \expandafter \markdownLaTeXBasicCitations \else \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \markdownLaTeXBibLaTeXCitations \expandafter{\expandafter}% \fi}, textCite = {% \markdownLaTeXCitationsCounter=1% \def\markdownLaTeXCitationsTotal{#1}% \ifx\textcites\undefined \expandafter \markdownLaTeXBasicTextCitations \else \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \markdownLaTeXBibLaTeXTextCitations \expandafter{\expandafter}% \fi}}} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Miscellanea} % Unlike base Lua\TeX{}, which only allows for a single registered function per % a callback (see \cite[Section~8.1]{luatex16}), the \Hologo{LaTeX2e} format % disables the \luam{callback.register} method and exposes the % \luam{luatexbase.add_to_callback} and \luam{luatexbase.remove_from_callback} % methods that enable the user code to hook several functions on a single % callback (see \cite[Section~73.4]{latex16}). % % To make our code function with the \Hologo{LaTeX2e} format, we need to % redefine the \m{markdownLuaRegisterIBCallback} and % \m{markdownLuaUnregisterIBCallback} macros accordingly. % \begin{macrocode} \let\markdownLuaRegisterIBCallbackPrevious \markdownLuaRegisterIBCallback \let\markdownLuaUnregisterIBCallbackPrevious \markdownLuaUnregisterIBCallback \renewcommand\markdownLuaRegisterIBCallback[1]{% if luatexbase and luatexbase.add_to_callback then luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", #1, % "The markdown input processor") else \markdownLuaRegisterIBCallbackPrevious{#1} end} \renewcommand\markdownLuaUnregisterIBCallback{% if luatexbase and luatexbase.add_to_callback then luatexbase.remove_from_callback("process_input_buffer",% "The markdown input processor") else \markdownLuaUnregisterIBCallbackPrevious; end} % \end{macrocode} % % When buffering user input, we should disable the bytes with the high bit set, % since these are made active by the \pkg{inputenc} package. We will do this by % redefining the \m{markdownMakeOther} macro accordingly. The code is courtesy % of Scott Pakin, the creator of the \pkg{filecontents} package. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\markdownMakeOther{% \count0=128\relax \loop \catcode\count0=11\relax \advance\count0 by 1\relax \ifnum\count0<256\repeat}% % \end{macrocode} % % \iffalse % %<*context> % \fi\subsection{\Hologo{ConTeXt} Implementation} % \label{sec:contextimplementation} % The \Hologo{ConTeXt} implementation makes use of the fact that, apart from % some subtle differences, the Mark II and Mark IV \Hologo{ConTeXt} formats % \emph{seem} to implement (the documentation is scarce) the majority of the % plain \TeX{} format required by the plain \TeX{} implementation. As a % consequence, we can directly reuse the existing plain \TeX{} implementation % after supplying the missing plain \TeX{} macros. % \begin{macrocode} \def\dospecials{\do\ \do\\\do\{\do\}\do\$\do\&% \do\#\do\^\do\_\do\%\do\~}% % \end{macrocode} % When there is no Lua support, then just load the plain \TeX{} implementation. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\directlua\undefined \input markdown \else % \end{macrocode} % When there is Lua support, check if we can set the \t`process_input_buffer` % Lua\TeX{} callback. % \begin{macrocode} \directlua{% local function unescape(str) return (str:gsub("|", string.char(92))) end local old_callback = callback.find("process_input_buffer") callback.register("process_input_buffer", function() end) local new_callback = callback.find("process_input_buffer") % \end{macrocode} % % If we can not, we are probably using ConTeXt Mark IV. In ConTeXt Mark IV, the % \t`process_input_buffer` callback is currently frozen (inaccessible from the % user code) and, due to the lack of available documentation, it is unclear to % me how to emulate it. As a workaround, we will force the plain \TeX{} % implementation to use the Lua shell escape bridge (see Section % \ref{sec:luabridge}) by setting the \m{markdownMode} macro to the value of % \t`1`. % \begin{macrocode} if new_callback == false then tex.print(unescape([[|def|markdownMode{1}|input markdown]])) % \end{macrocode} % % If we can set the \t`process_input_buffer` Lua\TeX{} callback, then just load % the plain \TeX{} implementation. % \begin{macrocode} else callback.register("process_input_buffer", old_callback) tex.print(unescape("|input markdown")) end}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % % If the shell escape bridge is being used, define the \m{markdownMakeOther} % macro, so that the pipe character (\t`|`) is inactive during the scanning. % This is necessary, since the character is active in \Hologo{ConTeXt}. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\markdownMode<2\relax \def\markdownMakeOther{% \catcode`|=12}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Logging Facilities} % The \Hologo{ConTeXt} implementation redefines the plain \TeX{} logging macros (see % Section \ref{sec:texinterfacelogging}) to use the \Hologo{ConTeXt} % \m{writestatus} macro. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownInfo#1{\writestatus{markdown}{#1.}}% \def\markdownWarning#1{\writestatus{markdown\space warn}{#1.}}% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Typesetting Markdown} % The \m{startmarkdown} and \m{stopmarkdown} macros are implemented using the % \m{markdownReadAndConvert} macro. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup % \end{macrocode} % Locally swap the category code of the backslash symbol with the pipe symbol. % This is required in order that all the special symbols that appear in the % first argument of the \t`markdownReadAndConvert` macro have the category code % \emph{other}. % \begin{macrocode} \catcode`\|=0% \catcode`\\=12% |gdef|startmarkdown{% |markdownReadAndConvert{\stopmarkdown}% {|stopmarkdown}}% |endgroup % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Token Renderer Prototypes} % The following configuration should be considered placeholder. % \begin{macrocode} \def\markdownRendererLineBreakPrototype{\blank}% \def\markdownRendererLeftBracePrototype{\textbraceleft}% \def\markdownRendererRightBracePrototype{\textbraceright}% \def\markdownRendererDollarSignPrototype{\textdollar}% \def\markdownRendererPercentSignPrototype{\percent}% \def\markdownRendererUnderscorePrototype{\textunderscore}% \def\markdownRendererCircumflexPrototype{\textcircumflex}% \def\markdownRendererBackslashPrototype{\textbackslash}% \def\markdownRendererTildePrototype{\textasciitilde}% \def\markdownRendererPipePrototype{\char`|}% \def\markdownRendererLinkPrototype#1#2#3#4{% \useURL[#1][#3][][#4]#1\footnote[#1]{\ifx\empty#4\empty\else#4: \fi\tt<\hyphenatedurl{#3}>}}% \def\markdownRendererImagePrototype#1#2#3#4{% \placefigure[][fig:#1]{#4}{\externalfigure[#3]}}% \def\markdownRendererUlBeginPrototype{\startitemize}% \def\markdownRendererUlBeginTightPrototype{\startitemize[packed]}% \def\markdownRendererUlItemPrototype{\item}% \def\markdownRendererUlEndPrototype{\stopitemize}% \def\markdownRendererUlEndTightPrototype{\stopitemize}% \def\markdownRendererOlBeginPrototype{\startitemize[n]}% \def\markdownRendererOlBeginTightPrototype{\startitemize[packed,n]}% \def\markdownRendererOlItemPrototype{\item}% \def\markdownRendererOlItemWithNumberPrototype#1{\sym{#1.}}% \def\markdownRendererOlEndPrototype{\stopitemize}% \def\markdownRendererOlEndTightPrototype{\stopitemize}% \definedescription [MarkdownConTeXtDlItemPrototype] [location=hanging, margin=standard, headstyle=bold]% \definestartstop [MarkdownConTeXtDlPrototype] [before=\blank, after=\blank]% \definestartstop [MarkdownConTeXtDlTightPrototype] [before=\blank\startpacked, after=\stoppacked\blank]% \def\markdownRendererDlBeginPrototype{% \startMarkdownConTeXtDlPrototype}% \def\markdownRendererDlBeginTightPrototype{% \startMarkdownConTeXtDlTightPrototype}% \def\markdownRendererDlItemPrototype#1{% \startMarkdownConTeXtDlItemPrototype{#1}}% \def\markdownRendererDlItemEndPrototype{% \stopMarkdownConTeXtDlItemPrototype}% \def\markdownRendererDlEndPrototype{% \stopMarkdownConTeXtDlPrototype}% \def\markdownRendererDlEndTightPrototype{% \stopMarkdownConTeXtDlTightPrototype}% \def\markdownRendererEmphasisPrototype#1{{\em#1}}% \def\markdownRendererStrongEmphasisPrototype#1{{\bf\em#1}}% \def\markdownRendererBlockQuoteBeginPrototype{\startquotation}% \def\markdownRendererBlockQuoteEndPrototype{\stopquotation}% \def\markdownRendererInputVerbatimPrototype#1{\typefile{#1}}% \def\markdownRendererInputFencedCodePrototype#1#2{% \ifx\relax#2\relax \typefile{#1}% \else % \end{macrocode} % The code fence infostring is used as a name from the \Hologo{ConTeXt} % \m{definetyping} command. This allows the user to set up code highlighting % mapping as follows: % \begin{Verbatim} % % Map the `TEX` syntax highlighter to the `latex` infostring. % \definetyping [latex] % \setuptyping [latex] [option=TEX] % % \starttext % \startmarkdown % ~~~ latex % \documentclass{article} % \begin{document} % Hello world! % \end{document} % ~~~ % \stopmarkdown % \stoptext % \end{Verbatim} % \begin{macrocode} \typefile[#2][]{#1}% \fi}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingOnePrototype#1{\chapter{#1}}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingTwoPrototype#1{\section{#1}}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingThreePrototype#1{\subsection{#1}}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingFourPrototype#1{\subsubsection{#1}}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingFivePrototype#1{\subsubsubsection{#1}}% \def\markdownRendererHeadingSixPrototype#1{\subsubsubsubsection{#1}}% \def\markdownRendererHorizontalRulePrototype{% \blackrule[height=1pt, width=\hsize]}% \def\markdownRendererFootnotePrototype#1{\footnote{#1}}% \stopmodule\protect % \end{macrocode} % % \iffalse % % \fi