# this is a Unicode character represented in some particular encoding class UnicodeCharacter # unicode code # code in that particular encoding # character name (like 'eacute') def initialize(code_uni, code_enc, name) @code_uni = code_uni @code_enc = code_enc @bytes = [code_uni].pack('U').unpack('C*') @name = name end attr_reader :code_uni, :code_enc, :bytes, :name end class UnicodeCharacters < Hash # a hash based on the first character def add_new_character_first_byte(code_uni, code_enc, name) first_byte = [code_uni].pack('U').unpack('H2').first if self[first_byte] == nil then self[first_byte] = Array.new end self[first_byte].push(UnicodeCharacter.new(code_uni, code_enc, name)) end # a hash based on the whole unicode codepoint def add_new_character(code_uni, code_enc, name) self[code_uni] = UnicodeCharacter.new(code_uni, code_enc, name) end end class Encoding def initialize(encoding_name) @encoding_name = encoding_name @unicode_characters_first_byte = UnicodeCharacters.new @unicode_characters = UnicodeCharacters.new @lowercase_characters = Array.new if encoding_name != 'ascii' then read_data end end def convert_to_escaped_characters(str) if str.kind_of?(Array) then str.each_index do |i| str[i] = convert_string_to_escaped_characters(str[i]) end elsif str.kind_of?(String) then str = convert_string_to_escaped_characters(str) end return str end attr_reader :encoding_name, :unicode_characters, :unicode_characters_first_byte, :lowercase_characters def convert_string_to_escaped_characters(str) characters = str.unpack('U*') new_string = Array.new(characters.length) characters.each_index do |i| c = characters[i] # character code on position i # check if unicode entry with that number exists uc = @unicode_characters[c] if uc == nil then if c < 128 then new_string[i] = [c].pack('U') elsif c == 8217 # ’ new_string[i] = "'" else puts sprintf("There must be an error: character U+%04X in string '%s' is not ASCII or %s.", c, str, @encoding_name.upcase) end # an unicode character else new_string[i] = sprintf("^^%x", uc.code_enc) end end return new_string.join('') end private def read_data # fetch the characters encoding_data_dir = File.expand_path("data/encodings") filename = "#{encoding_data_dir}/#{@encoding_name}.dat" if File.exists?(filename) then File.open(filename).grep(/^0x(\w+)\tU\+(\w+)\t(\d*)\t([_a-zA-Z0-9\.]*)$/) do |line| # puts line code_enc = $1.hex code_uni = $2.hex if $3.length > 0 type = $3.to_i else type = 0 end name = $4 if type == 1 then @unicode_characters_first_byte.add_new_character_first_byte(code_uni, code_enc, name) @unicode_characters.add_new_character(code_uni, code_enc, name) @lowercase_characters.push(UnicodeCharacter.new(code_uni, code_enc, name)) end @lowercase_characters.sort!{|x,y| x.code_enc <=> y.code_enc} end else # TODO: throw an error puts "Invalid encoding name '#{@encoding_name}'." puts "File '#{filename}' doesn't exist." end end end