#!/usr/bin/env ruby # this file generates plain patterns (one-per-line) out of TeX source # use 'gem install unicode' if unicode is missing on your computer require 'jcode' require 'rubygems' require 'unicode' load 'languages.rb' $path_root=File.expand_path("../../..") $path_plain="#{$path_root}/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/txt" $path_TL=File.expand_path("../../../../TL") $path_language_dat_lua="#{$path_root}/tex/luatex/hyph-utf8/config" $l = Languages.new # TODO: should be singleton languages = $l.list.sort{|a,b| a.name <=> b.name} # TODO: we should rewrite this # not using: eo, el # todo: mn, no!, sa, sh # codes = ['bg', 'ca', 'cs', 'cy', 'da', 'de-1901', 'de-1996', 'de-ch-1901', 'en-gb', 'en-us', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fi', 'fr', 'ga', 'gl', 'hr', 'hsb', 'hu', 'ia', 'id', 'is', 'it', 'kmr', 'la', 'lt', 'lv', 'nl', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sk', 'sl', 'sr-cyrl', 'sv', 'tr', 'uk'] language_codes = Hash.new languages.each do |language| language_codes[language.code] = language.code end # language_codes['de-1901'] = 'de-1901' # language_codes['de-1996'] = 'de-1996' # language_codes['de-ch-1901'] = 'de-CH-1901' # language_codes['en-gb'] = 'en-GB' # language_codes['en-us'] = 'en-US' # language_codes['zh-latn'] = 'zh-Latn' # language_codes['el-monoton'] = 'el-monoton' # language_codes['el-polyton'] = 'el-polyton' # language_codes['mn-cyrl'] = 'mn' language_codes['mn-cyrl-x-lmc'] = nil language_codes['sh-latn'] = 'sr-latn' language_codes['sh-cyrl'] = nil # language_codes['sr-cyrl'] = 'sr-Cyrl' $file_language_dat_lua = File.open("#{$path_language_dat_lua}/language.dat.lua", "w") $file_language_dat_lua.puts "return {\n" languages.sort{|x,y| x.code <=> y.code }.each do |language| if language.use_new_loader or language.code == 'en-us' then include_language = true else include_language = false puts "(skipping #{language.code})" end code = language_codes[language.code] if code == nil include_language = false end if code == 'en_US' include_language = true end if include_language puts "generating #{code}" $file_pat = File.open("#{$path_plain}/hyph-#{code}.pat.txt", 'w') $file_hyp = File.open("#{$path_plain}/hyph-#{code}.hyp.txt", 'w') $file_let = File.open("#{$path_plain}/hyph-#{code}.chr.txt", 'w') $file_inf = File.open("#{$path_plain}/hyph-#{code}.lic.txt", 'w') patterns = language.get_patterns exceptions = language.get_exceptions if code == 'nn' or code == 'nb' patterns = "" patterns = $l['no'].get_patterns end characters_indexes = patterns.join('').gsub(/[.0-9]/,'').unpack('U*').sort.uniq # patterns patterns.each do |pattern| $file_pat.puts pattern.gsub(/'/,"’") end # exceptions if exceptions != "" $file_hyp.puts exceptions end # letters characters_indexes.each do |c| ch = [c].pack('U') $file_let.puts ch + Unicode.upcase(ch) end # licence and readme $file_inf.puts "#{language.message}\n\n(more info about the licence to be added later)\n\n" $file_inf.puts language.get_comments_and_licence $file_pat.close $file_hyp.close $file_let.close $file_inf.close $file_language_dat_lua.puts "\t[\"#{language.name}\"]={" $file_language_dat_lua.puts "\t\tloader=\"loadhyph-#{language.code}.tex\"," $file_language_dat_lua.puts "\t\tcode=\"#{code}\"," if language.hyphenmin == nil or language.hyphenmin.length == 0 then lmin = '' rmin = '' else lmin = language.hyphenmin[0] rmin = language.hyphenmin[1] end $file_language_dat_lua.puts "\t\tlefthyphenmin=#{lmin}," $file_language_dat_lua.puts "\t\trighthyphenmin=#{rmin}," if language.synonyms.length > 0 $file_language_dat_lua.puts "\t\tsynonyms={\"#{language.synonyms.join('","')}\"}," else $file_language_dat_lua.puts "\t\tsynonyms={}," end $file_language_dat_lua.puts "\t},\n" end end $file_language_dat_lua.puts "}\n" $file_language_dat_lua.close