#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 # this file auto-generates loaders for hyphenation patterns - to be improved load 'languages.rb' $package_name="hyph-utf8" # TODO - make this a bit less hard-coded $path_tex_generic=File.expand_path("../../../tex/generic") $path_loadhyph="#{$path_tex_generic}/#{$package_name}/loadhyph" # TODO: should be singleton languages = Languages.new.list #text_if_native_utf = "\input pattern-loader.tex\n\\ifNativeUtfEightPatterns" languages.each do |language| string_enc = (language.encoding == nil) ? "" : language.encoding.upcase + " " ################ # Header texts # ################ # a message about auto-generation # TODO: write a more comprehensive one text_header = "% filename: loadhyph-#{language.code}.tex % language: #{language.name} % % Loader for hyphenation patterns, generated by % source/generic/hyph-utf8/generate-pattern-loaders.rb % See also http://tug.org/tex-hyphen % % Copyright 2008-2016 TeX Users Group. % You may freely use, modify and/or distribute this file. % (But consider adapting the scripts if you need modifications.) % % Once it turns out that more than a simple definition is needed, % these lines may be moved to a separate file. %" text_if_native_utf = '% Test for pTeX \\ifx\\kanjiskip\\undefined % Test for native UTF-8 (which gets only a single argument) % That\'s Tau (as in Taco or ΤΕΧ, Tau-Epsilon-Chi), a 2-byte UTF-8 character \\def\\testengine#1#2!{\\def\\secondarg{#2}}\\testengine Τ!\\relax \\ifx\\secondarg\\empty' comment_engine_utf8 = "% Unicode-aware engine (such as XeTeX or LuaTeX) only sees a single (2-byte) argument" comment_engine_8bit = "% 8-bit engine (such as TeX or pdfTeX)" comment_engine_ptex = "% pTeX" text_engine_ascii = ["% ASCII patterns - no additional support is needed", "\\message{ASCII #{language.message}}", "\\input hyph-#{language.code}.tex"] text_engine_utf8 = [" #{comment_engine_utf8}", " \\message{UTF-8 #{language.message}}"] text_engine_8bit = [" #{comment_engine_8bit}", " \\message{#{string_enc}#{language.message}}"] text_engine_ptex = [" #{comment_engine_ptex}", " \\message{#{string_enc}#{language.message}}"] text_engine_8bit_no = [" #{comment_engine_8bit}", " \\message{No #{language.message} - only for Unicode engines}", " %\\input zerohyph.tex"] text_engine_ptex_no = [" #{comment_engine_ptex}", " \\message{No #{language.message} - only for Unicode engines}", " %\\input zerohyph.tex"] text_patterns = " \\input hyph-#{language.code}.tex" text_patterns_ptex = " \\input hyph-#{language.code}.#{language.encoding}.tex" text_patterns_old = " \\input #{language.filename_old_patterns}" text_patterns_conv = " \\input conv-utf8-#{language.encoding}.tex" text_patterns_utf8 = text_patterns text_patterns_quote = " \\input hyph-quote-#{language.code}.tex" ########### # lccodes # ########### lccodes_common = [] if language.has_quotes then lccodes_common.push("\\lccode`\\'=`\\'") end if language.has_dashes then lccodes_common.push("\\lccode`\\-=`\\-") end if ['sh-latn', 'sh-cyrl'].include?(language.code) then text_patterns_utf8 = [" \\input hyph-sh-latn.tex", " \\input hyph-sh-cyrl.tex"] text_engine_utf8 = [" #{comment_engine_utf8}", " \\message{UTF-8 Serbian hyphenation patterns}", " % We load both scripts at the same time to simplify usage"] end if language.use_new_loader then if language.code == 'sh-latn' then filename = "#{$path_loadhyph}/loadhyph-sr-latn.tex" elsif language.code == 'sh-cyrl' then filename = "#{$path_loadhyph}/loadhyph-sr-cyrl.tex" else filename = "#{$path_loadhyph}/loadhyph-#{language.code}.tex" end puts "generating '#{filename}'" File.open(filename, "w") do |file| file.puts text_header file.puts('\begingroup') if lccodes_common.length > 0 then file.puts lccodes_common.join("\n") end ######################################## # GROUP nr. 1 - ONLY USABLE WITH UTF-8 # ######################################## # some special cases first # # some languages (sanskrit) are useless in 8-bit engines; we only want to load them for UTF engines # TODO - maybe consider doing something similar for ibycus if ['cu', 'sa','as','bn','gu','hi','hy','kn','lo','mul-ethi','ml','mr','or','pa','ta','te'].include?(language.code) then file.puts(text_if_native_utf) file.puts(text_engine_utf8) # lccodes if language.code == 'mul-ethi' then file.puts(' % Set \lccode for Ethiopian word space.') file.puts(' \lccode"1361="1361') file.puts(' \lccode"1362="1362') elsif language.code == "cu" then file.puts(' % fix lccodes for some characters (they were recently included in Unicode)') file.puts(' \lccode"1C82="1C82 % sharp o in lowercase "uk"') ['1DF6', '1DF7', '1DF8', '1DF9', 'A69E', '1C86', 'A67E', 'FE2E', 'FE2F'].each do |l| file.puts(" \\lccode\"#{l}=\"#{l}") end elsif language.code != 'lo' then file.puts(' % Set \lccode for ZWNJ and ZWJ.') file.puts(' \lccode"200C="200C') file.puts(' \lccode"200D="200D') if language.code == 'sa' then file.puts(' % Set \lccode for KANNADA SIGN JIHVAMULIYA and KANNADA SIGN UPADHMANIYA.') file.puts(' \lccode"0CF1="0CF1') file.puts(' \lccode"0CF2="0CF2') end end file.puts(text_patterns) file.puts('\else') file.puts(text_engine_8bit_no) file.puts('\fi\else') file.puts(text_engine_ptex_no) file.puts('\fi') ####################### # GROUP nr. 2 - ASCII # ####################### elsif ['it', 'pms', 'rm'].include?(language.code) file.puts(text_if_native_utf) file.puts(text_engine_utf8) file.puts(text_patterns) file.puts(text_patterns_quote) file.puts('\else') file.puts(text_engine_8bit) file.puts(text_patterns) file.puts('\fi\else') file.puts(text_engine_ptex) file.puts(text_patterns) file.puts('\fi') # for ASCII encoding, we don't load any special support files, but simply load everything elsif language.encoding == 'ascii' then file.puts(text_engine_ascii) #################################### # GROUP nr. 3 - different patterns # #################################### # when lanugage uses old patterns for 8-bit engines, load two different patterns rather than using the converter elsif language.use_old_patterns then file.puts(text_if_native_utf) file.puts(text_engine_utf8) # some catcodes for XeTeX if language.code == 'grc' or language.code.slice(0,2) == 'el' then file.puts(" \\lccode`'=`'\\lccode`’=`’\\lccode`ʼ=`ʼ\\lccode`᾽=`᾽\\lccode`᾿=`᾿") end file.puts(text_patterns) if language.code == 'uk' then file.puts(text_patterns_quote) end file.puts('\else') file.puts(text_engine_8bit) # explain why we are still using the old patterns if language.use_old_patterns_comment != nil then file.puts(" % #{language.use_old_patterns_comment}") else puts "Missing comment for #{language.name}" file.puts(' % we still load old patterns for 8-bit TeX') end file.puts(text_patterns_old) file.puts('\fi\else') file.puts(text_engine_ptex) # greek, coptic if language.encoding == nil then file.puts(text_patterns_old) else file.puts(text_patterns_ptex) end file.puts('\fi') ######################### # GROUP nr. 4 - regular # ######################### else file.puts(text_if_native_utf) file.puts(text_engine_utf8) file.puts(text_patterns_utf8) if language.has_quotes file.puts(text_patterns_quote) end file.puts('\else') file.puts(text_engine_8bit) if ['la-x-liturgic'].include?(language.code) then file.puts(text_patterns_ptex) else file.puts(text_patterns_conv) file.puts(text_patterns) end file.puts('\fi\else') file.puts(text_engine_ptex) file.puts(text_patterns_ptex) file.puts('\fi') end ####### # end # ####### file.puts('\endgroup') end end end