% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright 1989-2008 Johannes L. Braams and any individual authors % listed elsewhere in this file. All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the Babel system. % -------------------------------------- % % It may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2003/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Johannes Braams. % % The list of all files belonging to the Babel system is % given in the file `manifest.bbl. See also `legal.bbl' for additional % information. % % The list of derived (unpacked) files belonging to the distribution % and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with % extension .ins) which are part of the distribution. % \fi % \CheckSum{183} % % \iffalse This is a META comment % %<*fdd> \ProvidesFile{greek.fdd} % % %\ProvidesFile{lgrenc.def} %\ProvidesFile{lgrcmr.fd} %\ProvidesFile{lgrcmro.fd} %\ProvidesFile{lgrcmtt.fd} %\ProvidesFile{lgrcmss.fd} %\ProvidesFile{lgrlcmss.fd} %\ProvidesFile{lgrlcmtt.fd} %\ProvidesFile{lgrlmr.fd} %\ProvidesFile{lgrlmro.fd} %\ProvidesFile{lgrlmss.fd} %\ProvidesFile{lgrlmtt.fd} [2008/06/17 v2.3 % % Greek Encoding] % Greek Computer Modern] % Greek Computer Modern Outline] % Greek Computer Modern Typewriter] % Greek Computer Modern Sans Serif] % Greek Computer Modern Sans Serif slide sizes] % Greek Computer Modern Typewriter slide sizes] % Greek Latin Modern] % Greek Latin Modern Outline] % Greek Latin Modern Typewriter] % Greek Latin Modern Sans Serif] %<*fdd> ] % % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \GetFileInfo{greek.fdd} \providecommand\dsc{\expandafter{\normalfont\scshape docstrip}} \title{The file \texttt{greek.fdd} for use with \LaTeXe.\thanks{This file has version number \fileversion, dated \filedate.}} \date{\filedate} \author{Claudio Beccari, Apostolos Syropoulos and Johannes Braams} \newcommand*\Lopt[1]{\textsf{#1}} \begin{document} \maketitle \DocInput{greek.fdd} \end{document} % % %\fi % % \changes{greekfdd-2.0}{1997/10/12}{Changed to use Claudio Beccari's % fonts} % \changes{greekfdd-2.1}{1997/10/31}{Produce files with lowercase % names} % \changes{greekfdd-2.2}{1998/05/16}{Added support for CB fonts v2.xx} % \changes{greekfdd-2.3}{2008/06/17}{Added support for CB fonts v2.xx % with extra families and Latin Modern compatibility} % % \section{Introduction} % % The file `greek.fdd' provides font definitions for typesetting % greek texts. This version of the file has been updated, since % now the official fonts for the \Lopt{greek} option of the % \textsf{babel} package are the |cb| fonts. % % The font definition files prduced from this documented source % make the |cb| fonts compatible with both the Computer Modern % collection (both CM and EC) and the Latin Modern one. % % \StopEventually{} % % \section{The \texttt{docstrip} modules} % The following modules are used to direct \texttt{docstrip} in % generating external files: % \begin{center} % \begin{tabular}{ll} % driver & produce a documentation driver file \\ % LGRenc & The encoding definition file\\ % LGRcmr & The Roman font shapes\\ % LGRcmro & The Outline Roman font shapes\\ % LGRcmss & The Sans Serif font shapes\\ % LGRcmtt & The typewriter font shapes\\ % LGRlcmss & The slide size Sans Serif font shapes\\ % LGRlcmtt & The slide size typewriter fonts\\ % LGRlmr & The Roman font shapes\\ % LGRlmro & The Outline Roman font shapes\\ % LGRlmss & The Sans Serif font shapes\\ % LGRlmtt & The typewriter font shapes\\ % \end{tabular} % \end{center} % A typical \dsc\ command file would then have entries like: %\begin{verbatim} %\generateFile{lgrcmr.fd}{t}{\from{greek.fdd}{fd,LGRcmr}} %\end{verbatim} % % \section{The encoding definition file} % % This file defines the fontencoding \texttt{LGR} for greek % text. Moreover, it provides the |\EC@family| macro, since the % Greek fonts have the same naming conventions as the Latin % ones produced by J\"{o}rg Knappen that are now the official % fonts of \LaTeXe. It also makes some definitions to ensure % that commands such as |\TeX|, |\copyright| give ``expected % results'' (\TeX, \copyright). % % \changes{greekfdd-2.1}{1997/10/31}{Removed some unwanted spaces} % \changes{greekfdd-2.2e}{2000/10/26}{Added more font sizes to make % the CB fonts compatible with the EC fonts} % \begin{macrocode} %<*LGRenc> \DeclareFontEncoding{LGR}{}{} \DeclareFontSubstitution{LGR}{cmr}{m}{n} \DeclareErrorFont{LGR}{cmr}{m}{n}{10} % \end{macrocode} % First we define a few commands in the \texttt{LGR} encoding. % \changes{greekfdd-2.2c}{1999/04/05}{Fixed typos, \cs{textrademark} % misses a `t', \cs{copyright} should be \cs{textcopyright}} % \changes{greekfdd-2.2d}{1999/04/25}{removed redefinition of \cs{\&}} % \begin{macrocode} \ProvideTextCommand{\textcopyright}{LGR}{% \textcircled{\textlatin{c}}} \ProvideTextCommand{\textregistered}{LGR}{% \textcircled{\textlatin{\textsc r}}} \ProvideTextCommand{\texttrademark}{LGR}{% \textsuperscript{\textlatin{TM}}} \ProvideTextCommand{\SS}{LGR}{% \textlatin{SS}} % % \end{macrocode} % % \section{The font definition files} % % In the previous release of the greek option we used % the \texttt{kd} family of fonts, which were made by % K.J.~Dryllerakis. Now, we have switched to the |cb| fonts by % Claudio Beccari, mainly because these fonts are complete, in any % sense of the word, and moreover fit nicely with the Computer % Modern font family. % % We begin with the definitions for the Greek Computer Modern fonts. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*LGRcmr> \providecommand{\EC@family}[5]{% \DeclareFontShape{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4} {<5><6><7><8><9><10><10.95><12><14.4>% <17.28><20.74><24.88><29.86><35.83>genb*#5}{}} \DeclareFontFamily{LGR}{cmr}{} \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{m}{n} {grmn} \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{m}{sl} {grmo} \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{m}{it} {grmi} \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{m}{sc} {grmc} \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{m}{ui} {grmu} \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{m}{li} {grml} \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{m}{rs} {gmmn} \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{m}{ro} {gmmo} % \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{bx}{sc} {grxc} \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{bx}{n} {grxn} \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{bx}{sl} {grxo} \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{bx}{it} {grxi} \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{bx}{ui} {grxu} \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{bx}{li} {grxl} \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{bx}{rs} {gmxn} \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{bx}{ro} {gmxo} \EC@family{LGR}{cmr}{b}{li} {grbl} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{cmr}{b}{n} {<->ssub*cmr/bx/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{cmr}{b}{sc} {<->ssub*cmr/bx/sc}{} % % \end{macrocode} % % The greek outline family is now complete with the same five % shapes and the two series as the roman family. % \changes{greekfdd-2.2b}{1999/04/03}{grmu should be gomu here...} % \begin{macrocode} %<*LGRcmro> \providecommand{\EC@family}[5]{% \DeclareFontShape{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4} {<5><6><7><8><9><10><10.95><12><14.4>% <17.28><20.74><24.88><29.86><35.83>genb*#5}{}} \DeclareFontFamily{LGR}{cmro}{} \EC@family{LGR}{cmro}{m}{n} {gomn} \EC@family{LGR}{cmro}{m}{sl} {gomo} \EC@family{LGR}{cmro}{m}{it} {gomi} \EC@family{LGR}{cmro}{m}{sc} {gomc} \EC@family{LGR}{cmro}{m}{ui} {gomu} \EC@family{LGR}{cmro}{bx}{sc} {goxc} \EC@family{LGR}{cmro}{bx}{n} {goxn} \EC@family{LGR}{cmro}{bx}{sl} {goxo} \EC@family{LGR}{cmro}{bx}{it} {goxi} \EC@family{LGR}{cmro}{bx}{ui} {goxu} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{cmro}{b}{n} {<->ssub*cmro/bx/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{cmro}{b}{sc} {<->ssub*cmro/bx/sc}{} % % \end{macrocode} % % Then we have the \texttt{typewriter} fonts... % % \changes{greekfdd-2.1}{1997/10/31}{Set the \cs{hyphenchar} of the tt % font to $-1$} % \begin{macrocode} %<*LGRcmtt> \providecommand{\EC@family}[5]{% \DeclareFontShape{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4} {<5><6><7><8><9><10><10.95><12><14.4>% <17.28><20.74><24.88><29.86><35.83>genb*#5}{}} \DeclareFontFamily{LGR}{cmtt}{\hyphenchar\font\m@ne}% \hyphenchar = -1 \EC@family{LGR}{cmtt}{m}{n} {gttn} \EC@family{LGR}{cmtt}{m}{sl} {gtto} \EC@family{LGR}{cmtt}{m}{sc} {gttc} \EC@family{LGR}{cmtt}{m}{it} {gtti} \EC@family{LGR}{cmtt}{m}{ui} {gttu} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{cmtt}{bx}{n} {<->ssub*cmtt/m/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{cmtt}{bx}{sl} {<->ssub*cmtt/m/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{cmtt}{bx}{it} {<->ssub*cmtt/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{cmtt}{bx}{sc} {<->ssub*cmtt/m/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{cmtt}{bx}{ui} {<->ssub*cmtt/m/ui}{} % % \end{macrocode} % % Now we come to the Sans Serif font to be used in greek % texts. % \changes{greekfdd-2.2b}{1999/04/03}{the last two lines had m instead % of x in the fontname} % \begin{macrocode} %<*LGRcmss> \providecommand{\EC@family}[5]{% \DeclareFontShape{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4} {<5><6><7><8><9><10><10.95><12><14.4>% <17.28><20.74><24.88><29.86><35.83>genb*#5}{}} \DeclareFontFamily{LGR}{cmss}{} \EC@family{LGR}{cmss}{m}{n} {gsmn} \EC@family{LGR}{cmss}{m}{sl} {gsmo} \EC@family{LGR}{cmss}{m}{sc} {gsmc} \EC@family{LGR}{cmss}{m}{it} {gsmi} \EC@family{LGR}{cmss}{m}{ui} {gsmu} \EC@family{LGR}{cmss}{m}{iv} {gsme} \EC@family{LGR}{cmss}{m}{uv} {gsma} % \EC@family{LGR}{cmss}{bx}{n} {gsxn} \EC@family{LGR}{cmss}{bx}{sl} {gsxo} \EC@family{LGR}{cmss}{bx}{sc} {gsxc} \EC@family{LGR}{cmss}{bx}{it} {gsxi} \EC@family{LGR}{cmss}{bx}{ui} {gsxu} \EC@family{LGR}{cmss}{bx}{iv} {gsxe} \EC@family{LGR}{cmss}{bx}{uv} {gsxa} % % \end{macrocode} % % We have finished with the ``regular'' fonts. We now provide the fonts % definition files for the fonts used only in slides. First comes the % typewriter font. % \begin{macrocode} %<*LGRlcmtt> \DeclareFontFamily{LGR}{lcmtt}{\hyphenchar\font\m@ne} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmtt}{m}{n}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * gltn}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmtt}{m}{In}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * gljn}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmtt}{m}{it}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glto}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmtt}{m}{Iit}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * gljo}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmtt}{m}{sl}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> ssub * lcmtt/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmtt}{m}{Isl}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> ssub * lcmtt/m/Iit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmtt}{m}{sc}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * gltc}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmtt}{m}{Isc}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * gljc}{} % % \end{macrocode} % % And then the Sans Serif font. % \begin{macrocode} %<*LGRlcmss> \DeclareFontFamily{LGR}{lcmss}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{m}{n}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glmn}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{m}{In}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glin}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{m}{sl}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glmo}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{m}{Isl}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glio}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{m}{it}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glmi}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{m}{Iit}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glii}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{m}{ui}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glmu}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{bx}{n}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glxn}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{bx}{In}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glwn}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{bx}{sl}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glxo}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{bx}{Isl}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glwo}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{bx}{it}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glxi}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{bx}{Iit}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glwi}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{m}{sc}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glmc}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{m}{Isc}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glic}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{bx}{sc}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glxc}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lcmss}{bx}{Isc}{% <7><8><10><12><13.82><16.59><19.91><23.89><28.66><34.4><41.28> genb * glwc}{} % % \end{macrocode} % % And now come the font definition files compatible with the Latin % Modern family names and sizes; notice that the Latin Modern fonts % are available only as scalable PostScript fonts, therefore they % cope with continuous scaling; also the |cb| fonts are distributed % as scalable PostScript fonts, so it makes sense to use the same % size and family specifications as the LM fonts. % % We start with the Latin Modern Regular. % \begin{macrocode} %<*LGRlmr> \DeclareFontFamily{LGR}{lmr}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{m}{n}% {<-5.5> grmn0500 <5.5-6.5> grmn0600 <6.5-7.5> grmn0700 <7.5-8.5> grmn0800 <8.5-9.5> grmn0900 <9.5-11> grmn1000 <11-15> grmn1200 <15-> grmn1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{m}{rs}% {<-5.5> gmmn0500 <5.5-6.5> gmmn0600 <6.5-7.5> gmmn0700 <7.5-8.5> gmmn0800 <8.5-9.5> gmmn0900 <9.5-11> gmmn1000 <11-15> gmmn1200 <15-> gmmn1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{m}{sl}% {<-8.5> grmo0800 <8.5-9.5> grmo0900 <9.5-11> grmo1000 <11-15> grmo1200 <15-> grmo1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{m}{ro}% {<-8.5> gmmo0800 <8.5-9.5> gmmo0900 <9.5-11> gmmo1000 <11-15> gmmo1200 <15-> gmmo1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{m}{it}% {<-7.5> grmi0700 <7.5-8.5> grmi0800 <8.5-9.5> grmi0900 <9.5-11> grmi1000 <11-15> grmi1200 <15-> grmi1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{m}{li}% {<-7.5> grml0700 <7.5-8.5> grml0800 <8.5-9.5> grml0900 <9.5-11> grml1000 <11-15> grml1200 <15-> grml1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{m}{ui}% {<-7.5> grmu0700 <7.5-8.5> grmu0800 <8.5-9.5> grmu0900 <9.5-11> grmu1000 <11-15> grmu1200 <15-> grmu1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{m}{sc}% {<-7.5> grmc0700 <7.5-8.5> grmc0800 <8.5-9.5> grmc0900 <9.5-11> grmc1000 <11-15> grmc1200 <15-> grmc1728}{} % slanted CSC is changed to unslanted CSC \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{m}{scsl}% {<-> ssub*lmr/m/sc}{} %%%%%%%% bold and bold extended series \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{bx}{n} {<-5.5> grxn0500 <5.5-6.5> grx0600 <6.5-7.5> grxn0700 <7.5-8.5> grxn0800 <8.5-9.5> grxn0900 <9.5-11> grxn1000 <11-15> grxn1200 <15-> grxn1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{bx}{rs} {<-5.5> gmxn0500 <5.5-6.5> gmx0600 <6.5-7.5> gmxn0700 <7.5-8.5> gmxn0800 <8.5-9.5> gmxn0900 <9.5-11> gmxn1000 <11-15> gmxn1200 <15-> gmxn1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{bx}{it} {<-7.5> grxi0700 <7.5-8.5> grxi0800 <8.5-9.5> grxi0900 <9.5-11> grxi1000 <11-15> grxi1200 <15-> grxi1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{b}{li} {<-7.5> grbl0700 <7.5-8.5> grbl0800 <8.5-9.5> grbl0900 <9.5-11> grbl1000 <11-15> grbl1200 <15-> grbl1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{bx}{li} {<-7.5> grxl0700 <7.5-8.5> grxl0800 <8.5-9.5> grxl0900 <9.5-11> grxl1000 <11-15> grxl1200 <15-> grxl1728 }{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{bx}{ui} {<-7.5> grxu0700 <7.5-8.5> grxu0800 <8.5-9.5> grxu0900 <9.5-11> grxu1000 <11-15> grxu1200 <15-> grxu1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{bx}{sl} {<-8.5> grxo0800 <8.5-9.5> grxo0900 <9.5-11> grxo1000 <11-15> grxo1200 <15-> grxo1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{bx}{ro} {<-8.5> gmxo0800 <8.5-9.5> gmxo0900 <9.5-11> gmxo1000 <11-15> gmxo1200 <15-> gmxo1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmr}{bx}{sc}% {<-7.5> grxc0700 <7.5-8.5> grxc0800 <8.5-9.5> grxc0900 <9.5-11> grxc1000 <11-15> grxc1200 <15-> grxc1728}{} % % \end{macrocode} % % Then the Latin Modern Regular Outline % \begin{macrocode} %<*LGRlmro> \DeclareFontFamily{LGR}{lmro}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmro}{m}{n}% {<-5.5> gomn0500 <5.5-6.5> gomn0600 <6.5-7.5> gomn0700 <7.5-8.5> gomn0800 <8.5-9.5> gomn0900 <9.5-11> gomn1000 <11-15> gomn1200 <15-> gmr1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmro}{m}{sl}% {<-8.5> gomo0800 <8.5-9.5> gomo0900 <9.5-11> gomo1000 <11-15> gomo1200 <15-> gomo1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmro}{m}{it}% {<-7.5> gomi0700 <7.5-8.5> gomi0800 <8.5-9.5> gomi0900 <9.5-11> gomi1000 <11-15> gomi1200 <15-> gomi1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmro}{m}{ui}% {<-7.5> gomu0700 <7.5-8.5> gomu0800 <8.5-9.5> gomu0900 <9.5-11> gomu1000 <11-15> gomu1200 <15-> gomu1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmro}{m}{sc}% {<-7.5> gomc0700 <7.5-8.5> gomc0800 <8.5-9.5> gomc0900 <9.5-11> gomc1000 <11-15> gomc1200 <15-> gomc1728}{} % slanted CSC is changed to unslanted CSC \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmro}{m}{scsl}% {<-> ssub*lmr/m/sc}{} %%%%%%%% bold extended series \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmro}{bx}{n} {<-5.5> goxn0500 <5.5-6.5> gox0600 <6.5-7.5> goxn0700 <7.5-8.5> goxn0800 <8.5-9.5> goxn0900 <9.5-11> goxn1000 <11-15> goxn1200 <15-> goxn1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmro}{bx}{it} {<-7.5> goxi0700 <7.5-8.5> goxi0800 <8.5-9.5> goxi0900 <9.5-11> goxi1000 <11-> goxi1200 <15-> goxi1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmro}{bx}{ui} {<-7.5> goxu0700 <7.5-8.5> goxu0800 <8.5-9.5> goxu0900 <9.5-11> goxu1000 <11-> goxu1200 <15-> goxu1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmro}{bx}{sl} {<-8.5> goxo0800 <8.5-9.5> goxo0900 <9.5-11> goxo1000 <11-15> goxo1200 <15-> goxo1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmro}{bx}{sc}% {<-7.5> goxc0700 <7.5-8.5> goxc0800 <8.5-9.5> goxc0900 <9.5-11> goxc1000 <11-15> goxc1200 <15-> goxc1728}{} % % \end{macrocode} % % Now the Latin Modern Sans Serif % % \begin{macrocode} %<*LGRlmss> \DeclareFontFamily{LGR}{lmss}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{m}{n} {<-8.5> gsmn0800 <8.5-9.5> gsmn0900 <9.5-11> gsmn1000 <11-15.5> gsmn1200 <15.5-> gsmn1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{m}{it} {<-8.5> gsmi0800 <8.5-9.5> gsmi0900 <9.5-11> gsmi1000 <11-15.5> gsmi1200 <15.5-> gsmi1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{m}{iv} {<-8.5> gsme0800 <8.5-9.5> gsme0900 <9.5-11> gsme1000 <11-15.5> gsme1200 <15.5-> gsme1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{m}{ui} {<-8.5> gsmu0800 <8.5-9.5> gsmu0900 <9.5-11> gsmu1000 <11-15.5> gsmu1200 <15.5-> gsmu1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{m}{uv} {<-8.5> gsma0800 <8.5-9.5> gsma0900 <9.5-11> gsma1000 <11-15.5> gsma1200 <15.5-> gsma1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{m}{sl} {<-8.5> gsmo0800 <8.5-9.5> gsmo0900 <9.5-11> gsmo1000 <11-15.5> gsmo1200 <15.5-> gsmo1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{m}{sc} {<-8.5> gsmc0800 <8.5-9.5> gsmc0900 <9.5-11> gsmc1000 <11-15.5> gsmc1200 <15.5-> gsmc1728}{} %%%%%%%% semibold condensed series substituted with medium series \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{sbc}{n} {<-> ssub*lmss/m/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{sbc}{sl} {<-> ssub*/lmss/m/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{sbc}{it} {<->ssub*lmss/m/sl}{} %%%%%%%%% bold extended series \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{bx}{n} {<-8.5> gsxn0800 <8.5-9.5> gsxn0900 <9.5-11> gsxn1000 <11-15.5> gsxn1200 <15.5-> gsxn1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{bx}{sl} {<-8.5> gsxo0800 <8.5-9.5> gsxo0900 <9.5-11> gsxo1000 <11-15.5> gsxo1200 <15.5-> gsxo1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{bx}{it} {<-8.5> gsxi0800 <8.5-9.5> gsxi0900 <9.5-11> gsxi1000 <11-15.5> gsxi1200 <15.5-> gsxi1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{bx}{iv} {<-8.5> gsxe0800 <8.5-9.5> gsxe0900 <9.5-11> gsxe1000 <11-15.5> gsxe1200 <15.5-> gsxe1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{bx}{ui} {<-8.5> gsxu0800 <8.5-9.5> gsxu0900 <9.5-11> gsxu1000 <11-15.5> gsxu1200 <15.5-> gsxu1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{bx}{uv} {<-8.5> gsxa0800 <8.5-9.5> gsxa0900 <9.5-11> gsxa1000 <11-15.5> gsxa1200 <15.5-> gsxa1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmss}{bx}{sc} {<-8.5> gsxc0800 <8.5-9.5> gsxc0900 <9.5-11> gsxc1000 <11-15.5> gsxc1200 <15.5-> gsxc1728}{} % % \end{macrocode} % % And finally the Latin Modern typewriter font. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*LGRlmtt> \DeclareFontFamily{LGR}{lmtt}{\hyphenchar\font\m@ne} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmtt}{m}{n} {<-8.5> gttn0800 <8.5-9.5> gttn0900 <9.5-11> gttn1000 <11-15> gttn1200 <15-> gttn1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmtt}{m}{it} {<-> ssub*lgr/lmtt/m/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmtt}{m}{sl} {<-8.5> gtto0800 <8.5-9.5> gtto0900 <9.5-11> gtto1000 <11-15> gtto1200 <15-> gtto1728}{} \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmtt}{m}{sc} {<-8.5> gttc0800 <8.5-9.5> gttc0900 <9.5-11> gttc1000 <11-15> gttc1200 <15-> gttc1728}{} % shape undefined, substituted with unslanted \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{lmtt}{m}{scsl}{<-> ssub*lmtt/m/sc}{} % % \end{macrocode} % % The slide fonts have not been mapped to the Latin Modern % families and sizes, because there are no slide fonts in the LM % collection. Moreover nowadays the traditional slide fonts are % very seldom used, since slides are produced with other classes % different from the class |slides|, and they use different fonts. % % The next line goes into all files and in addition prevents \dsc{} % from adding any further code from the main source file (such as a % character table. % \begin{macrocode} \endinput % \end{macrocode} % % \Finale