#!/bin/bash THIS_FOLDER=$(pwd -P) ROOT_FOLDER=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$THIS_FOLDER/../../../../")" && pwd -P) cd $ROOT_FOLDER export TEMP_FOLDER=$ROOT_FOLDER/tmp mkdir -p $TEMP_FOLDER cd $TEMP_FOLDER rm * # cp $ROOT_FOLDER/fonts/truetype/public/gentium/*.ttf $TEMP_FOLDER cp $ROOT_FOLDER/fonts/afm/public/gentium/*.afm $TEMP_FOLDER cp $ROOT_FOLDER/fonts/enc/dvips/gentium/*.enc $TEMP_FOLDER # replace the file that is used during typesetting cp $THIS_FOLDER/gentium-ec-source.enc $TEMP_FOLDER/gentium-ec.enc cp $THIS_FOLDER/gentium-t5-source.enc $TEMP_FOLDER/gentium-t5.enc for enc in ec texnansi l7x qx t5 t2a agr ; do echo "Generating files for encoding $enc" for f in *.afm ; do echo "> afm2pl -p gentium-${enc}.enc $f" afm2pl -p gentium-${enc}.enc $f done ; encoding_unicode=false case $enc in agr|t2a) encoding_unicode=true ;; *) encoding_unicode=false ;; esac mv GenI102.pl ${enc}-gentium-italic.pl mv GenR102.pl ${enc}-gentium-roman.pl if [ $encoding_unicode != true ]; then mv GenBasB.pl ${enc}-gentiumbasic-bold.pl mv GenBasBI.pl ${enc}-gentiumbasic-bolditalic.pl else rm GenBasB.pl rm GenBasBI.pl fi for f in ${enc}-gentium*.pl ; do echo "> pltotf $f" pltotf $f done echo done; rm $ROOT_FOLDER/fonts/tfm/public/gentium/*.tfm cp $TEMP_FOLDER/*.tfm $ROOT_FOLDER/fonts/tfm/public/gentium cd $ROOT_FOLDER