AC_PREREQ(2.59) AC_INIT(fonts-tlwg, 0.6.1, AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([nf/Garuda.sfd]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(dist-xz no-dist-gzip -Wno-portability) FONTFORGE_MIN_VER=20080110 LATEX_PACKAGE="fonts-tlwg" AC_SUBST(LATEX_PACKAGE) dnl dnl Check options dnl AC_ARG_ENABLE(ttf, [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-ttf], [disable TTF generation])], , enable_ttf="yes") if test "x$enable_ttf" = "xyes"; then AC_ARG_WITH(ttfdir, [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-ttfdir=DIR], [font directory in DIR [PREFIX/share/fonts/truetype/thai]])], [ttfdir="$withval"], [ttfdir=\$\{prefix\}/share/fonts/truetype/thai]) AC_MSG_CHECKING(--with-ttfdir) AC_MSG_RESULT("$ttfdir") AC_SUBST(ttfdir) fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(pfb, [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-pfb], [enable Type1 PFB generation])], , enable_pfb="no") if test "x$enable_pfb" = "xyes"; then AC_ARG_WITH(type1dir, [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-type1dir=DIR], [font directory in DIR [PREFIX/share/fonts/type1/thai]])], [type1dir="$withval"], [type1dir=\$\{prefix\}/share/fonts/type1/thai]) AC_MSG_CHECKING(--with-type1dir) AC_MSG_RESULT("$type1dir") AC_SUBST(type1dir) fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(otf, [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-otf], [enable OpenType generation])], , enable_otf="no") if test "x$enable_otf" = "xyes"; then AC_ARG_WITH(otfdir, [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-otfdir=DIR], [font directory in DIR [PREFIX/share/fonts/opentype/thai]])], [otfdir="$withval"], [otfdir=\$\{prefix\}/share/fonts/opentype/thai]) AC_MSG_CHECKING(--with-otfdir) AC_MSG_RESULT("$otfdir") AC_SUBST(otfdir) fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(testfont, [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-testfont], [enable font generation with prefix {TTF,OTF,PS}])], , enable_testfont="no") if test "x$enable_testfont" = "xyes"; then AC_ARG_WITH(testfontdir, [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-testfontdir=DIR], [font directory in DIR [$HOME/.fonts/testfont]])], [testfontdir="$withval"], [testfontdir=\$\{HOME\}/.fonts/testfont]) AC_MSG_CHECKING(--with-testfontdir) AC_MSG_RESULT("$testfontdir") AC_SUBST(testfontdir) fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(xfontsdir, [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-xfontsdir], [enable X font index generation])], , enable_xfontsdir="no") AC_ARG_ENABLE(latex, [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-latex], [enable LaTeX fonts generation])], , enable_latex="no") AM_CONDITIONAL(INCLUDE_TTF,test $enable_ttf = "yes") AM_CONDITIONAL(INCLUDE_PFB,test $enable_pfb = "yes") AM_CONDITIONAL(INCLUDE_OTF,test $enable_otf = "yes") AM_CONDITIONAL(INCLUDE_TESTFONT,test $enable_testfont = "yes") AM_CONDITIONAL(INCLUDE_XFONTSDIR,test $enable_xfontsdir = "yes") AM_CONDITIONAL(INCLUDE_LATEX,test $enable_latex = "yes") dnl dnl Check Programs dnl AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_LN_S AC_PROG_SED AC_CHECK_PROGS(RMDIR,rmdir,no) AC_CHECK_PROGS(FONTFORGE,fontforge,no) if test "x$FONTFORGE" = "xno"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([You need fontforge to generate fonts.]) else AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Fontforge >= $FONTFORGE_MIN_VER]) FONTFORGE_VER=`$FONTFORGE --version 2>/dev/null | grep '^fontforge' | cut -d' ' -f2` if test $FONTFORGE_VER -lt $FONTFORGE_MIN_VER; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Requires Fontforge >= $FONTFORGE_MIN_VER but $FONTFORGE_VER was found)]) fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$FONTFORGE_VER found, ok]) fi if test "x$enable_xfontsdir" = "xno"; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([X fonts dir not enabled, skipping checks for X fonts utils]) else dnl dnl Begin checking X fonts utils dnl dnl prefer mkfontscale over ttmkfdir AC_CHECK_PROG(MKFONTSCALE,mkfontscale,mkfontscale) # xorg or xfree86? if test "x$MKFONTSCALE" = "xmkfontscale"; then if $MKFONTSCALE -n >/dev/null 2>&1; then # xorg's mkfontscale MKFONTSCALE="mkfontscale -a tis620-0 -a tis620-2" rm -f fonts.scale encodings.dir else # xfree86's mkfontscale MKFONTSCALE="mkfontscale -e tis620-0 -e tis620-2" fi fi if test "x$enable_ttf" = "xyes"; then if test "x$MKFONTSCALE" = "x"; then AC_CHECK_PROG(TTMKFDIR,ttmkfdir,ttmkfdir) if test "x$TTMKFDIR" = "x"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([You need mkfontscale or ttmkfdir]) else if (ttmkfdir -h 2>&1 | grep -- --encoding >/dev/null); then # ttmkfdir 2 TTMKFDIR="ttmkfdir -e /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/encodings/encodings.dir -o fonts.scale" else # ttmkfdir 1 TTMKFDIR="ttmkfdir > fonts.scale" fi fi else TTMKFDIR="$MKFONTSCALE" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([Will create fonts.scale for TTF using $TTMKFDIR]) fi if test "x$enable_pfb" = "xyes"; then if test "x$MKFONTSCALE" = "x"; then AC_CHECK_PROG(TYPE1INST,type1inst,type1inst) if test "x$TYPE1INST" = "x"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([You need mkfontscale or type1inst]) fi else TYPE1INST="$MKFONTSCALE" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([Will create fonts.scale for Type1 using $TYPE1INST]) fi dnl Check for mkfontdir and encoding path AC_CHECK_PROG(MKFONTDIR,mkfontdir,mkfontdir) ENCPATH="/usr/share/fonts/X11/encodings \ /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/encodings" ENCDIR= for dir in $ENCPATH; do if test -d $dir; then ENCDIR=$dir break fi done if test "x$MKFONTDIR" = "xmkfontdir" && test "x$ENCDIR" != "x"; then MKFONTDIR="$MKFONTDIR -e $ENCDIR" fi AC_MSG_RESULT([Will create fonts.dir using $MKFONTDIR]) AC_CHECK_PROG(FCCACHE,fc-cache,[fc-cache]) dnl dnl End checking X fonts utils dnl fi if test "x$enable_latex" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_PROGS(AFM2TFM,afm2tfm,no) if test "x$AFM2TFM" = "xno" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([You need afm2tfm (from texlive distribution)]) fi AC_CHECK_PROGS(VPTOVF,vptovf,no) if test "x$VPTOVF" = "xno" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([You need vptovf (from texlive distribution)]) fi AC_ARG_WITH(texmfdir, [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-texmfdir=DIR], [texmf directory in DIR [PREFIX/share/texmf]])], [texmfdir="$withval"], [texmfdir=${datarootdir}/texmf]) AC_MSG_CHECKING(--with-texmfdir) AC_MSG_RESULT("$texmfdir") AC_SUBST(texmfdir) AC_PATH_PROGS(UPDMAP,[updmap-sys updmap],no) if test "x$UPDMAP" = "xno" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([You need updmap-sys or updmap (from texlive distribution)]) fi AC_PATH_PROG(TEXHASH,[mktexlsr texhash],no) if test "x$TEXHASH" = "xno" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([You need mktexlsr or texhash (from texlive distribution)]) fi fi AC_OUTPUT( Makefile nf/Makefile nectec/Makefile sipa/Makefile tlwg/Makefile scripts/Makefile fontconfig/Makefile latex/Makefile latex/examples/Makefile tests/Makefile )