% This file is public domain. % % Test file for cross-references. % \ifx\undefined\eplain \input eplain \fi \catcode`\_ = 2 defining ``foo bar'': \xrdef{foo bar}. and also a `sect' (make that word `Section') label `s' to be `3.1': \definexref{s}{3.1}{sect}. \def\sectword{Section} Let's also define two labels with a numbers, ``label1'' and ``label2'': \xrdef{label1}\xrdef{label2} \vfill\eject defining ``foo baz''. \xrdef{foo baz} \vfill\eject Define something with all the other characters, including unprintable ones: \xrdef{1234567890)(@!`['";:]|<>,./?À-=+}. using everything (these should be page 1 and page 2): \xref{foo bar} and \xref{foo baz}. And now the ones with numbers (page 1): \xref{label1} and \xref{label2}. And now the weird one (page 3): \xref{1234567890)(@!`['";:]|<>,./?À-=+}. ref, refn, and refs on s: \ref{s}, \refn{s}, \refs{s}. And an undefined one: \xref{undefined}. \end