% This file is public domain. % \ifx\eplain\undefined \input eplain \fi \vbox{\obeywhitespace Does it work in vbox ?} This is some normal text, in a normal paragraph, that's been indented in the normal way. Isn't that nice? The lines after the first aren't indented, as usual. This line is the start of a paragraph; the obeyed material is next. And it continues on the same line. {\obeywhitespace This is the start of the obeyed stuff. And this one by a couple spaces more than the indentation. Back to the normal indentation--- some extra space there, did you notice? That's it. } This is the end of the paragraph with the obeyed stuff, and it shouldn't be indented, but it should start at the beginning of the line, since it continues the paragraph. {\obeywhitespace This obeyed material starts a paragraph. That line should have the normal indentation (so should this one). And this line ends with the closing brace to the group.} And this line continues the paragraph. {\obeywhitespace Some more obeyed material (and a newline after the control sequence): That was a blank line above. } That time no normal stuff continued the paragraph. It shouldn't have made any difference. Some more normal text, with spaces treated normally again. Here is some {\obeywhitespace obeyed stuff} in the middle of a line. And this {\obeywhitespace more stuff} has multiple spaces before the `more', that should be ignored. {\blanklineskipamount = -.5\baselineskip \obeywhitespace The blank line after this line should be half as much as the blank lines above and below. } {\obeywhitespace And now we should be back to normal.} \bye