#!/usr/bin/env texlua ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FILE: xindex.lua -- DESCRIPTION: create an index -- REQUIREMENTS: -- AUTHOR: Herbert Voß -- LICENSE: LPPL 1.3 -- -- $Id: xindex.lua 20 2022-01-22 10:37:29Z hvoss $ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- xindex = xindex or { } local version = 0.35 xindex.version = version --xindex.self = "xindex" --[[doc-- xindex(1) This file is provided under the terms of the LPPL v1.3 or later as printed in full text in the manual (xindex.pdf). \url{https://ctan.org/license/lppl1.3}. Report bugs to \url{https://gitlab.com/hvoss49/xindex/issues}. --doc]]-- kpse.set_program_name("luatex") local f = kpse.find_file("lualibs.lua") --print ("filename "..f) require("lualibs") -- all part of LuaTeX require('unicode') require('string') require("lpeg") local args = require ('xindex-lapp') [[ parameter handling -q,--quiet -h,--help -v... Verbosity level; can be -v, -vv, -vvv -c,--config (default cfg) -e,--escapechar (default ") -n,--noheadings -a,--no_casesensitive -b,--no_labels -o,--output (default "") -l,--language (default en) -p,--prefix (default L) -u,--use_UCA -s,--use_stdin (default stdin) .idx file(s) ]] --[[ No -v flag, v is just { false }. not args.v[1] is true, so vlevel becomes 0. One -v flags, v is { true } Two -v flags, v is { true, true } Three -v flags, v is { true, true, true } ]] vlevel = not args.v[1] and 0 or #args.v not_quiet = not args["quiet"] local luaVersion = _VERSION if (luaVersion < "Lua 5.3") then print("=========================================") print("Sorry. but we need at least LuaTeX 1.09") print("Leaving program xindex") print("=========================================") os.exit() end useStdInput = args["use_stdin"] --local inspect = require 'inspect' --print(inspect(args)) --[[ if args.h then print( Syntax: xinput [options] By default the Lua program "xindex" creates a so-called .ind file, which has the same main filename as the input file unless you are using the option "-o " There will be no log file created. ) end ]] require('xindex-baselib') local nInFiles = #args.files if not useStdInput then --print(tostring(nInFiles).." input files are given!") inFiles = {} --args.files as strings for i = 1,nInFiles do local file = args.files_name[i] if not file_exists(file) then if file_exists(file..".idx") then inFiles[#inFiles+1] = file..".idx" end else inFiles[#inFiles+1] = file end end end -- print ("Check Logfile:") outfilename = "" logfilename = "" if args["output"] == '""' then if not useStdInput then if inFiles[1]:sub(inFiles[1]:len()-3,inFiles[1]:len()) == ".idx" then outfilename = inFiles[1]:sub(1,inFiles[1]:len()-3).."ind" if nInFiles > 1 then logfilename = "xindex.ilg" else logfilename = inFiles[1]:sub(1,inFiles[1]:len()-3).."ilg" end else outfilename = inFiles[1]..".ind" if nInFiles > 1 then logfilename = "xindex.ilg" else logfilename = inFiles[1]..".ilg" end end else outfilename = "xindex.ind" logfilename = "xindex.ilg" end else outfilename = args.output if nInFiles > 1 or useStdInput then logfilename = "xindex.ilg" else logfilename = outfilename:gsub('%p...','')..".ilg" end end logFile = io.open(logfilename,"w+") require('xindex-lib') writeLog(2,"xindex v."..version.." (c) Herbert Voß\n",-1) writeLog(1,"Verbose level = "..vlevel.."\n",1) writeLog(2,"Logfile:"..logfilename,1) writeLog(2,"Open outputfile "..outfilename,0) outFile = io.open(outfilename,"w+") writeLog(2," ... done\n",0) if vlevel > 0 then writeLog(1,"---------- parameter ----------\n",1) for k,v in pairs(args) do writeLog(1,tostring(k)..", "..tostring(v).."\n",1) end for k=1,#args.v do writeLog(1,"v["..k.."]= "..tostring(args.v[k]).."\n",1) end writeLog(1,"---------- parameter ----------\n",1) end -- writeLog(2,"Using input file: "..inFile.."\n",0) labelPrefix = args.prefix writeLog(2,"Label prefix: "..labelPrefix.."\n",-1) writeLog(2,"Loading common config file ".."xindex-cfg-common\n",1) Config_File_Common = kpse.find_file("xindex-cfg-common.lua") cfg_common = require(Config_File_Common) local config_file = "xindex-"..args.config..".lua" writeLog(2,"Loading local config file "..config_file,0) Config_File = kpse.find_file(config_file) cfg = require(Config_File) writeLog(2," ... done\n",0) -- Create the character list maps for faster sorting alphabet_lower_map = CreateCharListMap(alphabet_lower) alphabet_upper_map = CreateCharListMap(alphabet_upper) local esc_char = args.escapechar writeLog(2,"Escapechar = "..esc_char.."\n",1) escape_chars = { -- by default " is the escape char {esc_char..'"', '//escapedquote//', '"' }, {esc_char..'@', '//escapedat//', '@' }, {esc_char..'|', '//escapedvert//', '|' }, {esc_char..'!', '//escapedexcl//', '!' } -- {esc_char..'%(', '//escapedparenleft//', '(' }, -- ( must beescaped -- {esc_char..'%)', '//escapedparenright//',')' } -- ) " " } -- esc_char..'%( is not needed because it can only appear after | language = "en" -- default language language = string.lower(args["language"]):sub(1, 2) writeLog(2,"Language = "..language.."\n",1) if (indexheader[language] == nil) then writeLog(2,'Corrected the unknown language "'..language..'" to "en"'.."\n",0) language = "en" end index_header = indexheader[language] if vlevel > 0 then for i=1,#index_header do writeLog(2,index_header[i].."\n",1) end end if (folium[language] == nil) then writeLog(2,'Corrected the unknown language "'..language..'" for page folium to "en"'.."\n",0) page_folium = folium["en"] else page_folium = folium[language] end use_UCA = args["use_UCA"] if use_UCA then writeLog(1,"Will use LUA-UCA\n",1) ducet = require "lua-uca.lua-uca-ducet" collator = require "lua-uca.lua-uca-collator" languages = require "lua-uca.lua-uca-languages" collator_obj = collator.new(ducet) local uca_config_file = "xindex-cfg-uca.lua" writeLog(2,"Loading local UCA config file "..uca_config_file,0) UCA_Config_File = kpse.find_file(uca_config_file) uca_cfg = require(UCA_Config_File) writeLog(2," ... done\n",0) -- language name specified on the command line doesn't seem to be available -- in the config file, so we just try to find it ourselves for i, a in ipairs(arg) do if a == "-l" or a=="--language" then language = arg[i+1] break end end if languages[language] then print("[Lua-UCA] Loading language: " .. language) collator_obj = languages[language](collator_obj) end else writeLog(1,"Will _not_ use LUA-UCA\n",1) end upper = unicode.utf8.upper no_caseSensitive = args["no_casesensitive"] if no_caseSensitive then writeLog(1,"Sorting will be no case sensitive\n",1) else writeLog(1,"Sorting will be case sensitive\n",1) end no_headings = args["noheadings"] if no_headings then writeLog(1,"Output with NO headings between different first letter\n",1) else writeLog(1,"Output with headings between different first letter\n",1) end no_labels = args["no_labels"] if no_headings then writeLog(1,"Index without labels\n",1) else writeLog(1,"Index with labels\n",1) end writeLog(2,"Open outputfile "..outfilename,0) outFile = io.open(outfilename,"w+") writeLog(2,"... done\n",0) writeLog(1,"Starting base file ... \n",2) BaseRunFile = kpse.find_file("xindex-base.lua") dofile(BaseRunFile) logFile:close()