#!/usr/bin/ruby # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- =begin convbkmk Ver.0.01 = License convbkmk Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Takuji Tanaka Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. = History 2009.08.02 0.00 Initial version. 2011.05.02 0.01 Bug fix: BOM was not correct. =end Version = "0.01" require "optparse" if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" $RUBY_M17N = true class String def to_utf16be(enc) self.force_encoding(enc.current).encode('UTF-16BE') end end else $RUBY_M17N = false require "jcode" # for method each_char require "kconv" class String def to_utf16be(enc) self.kconv(Kconv::UTF16, enc.kconv_enc) end def ascii_only? return self !~ /[\x80-\xFF]/n end def valid_encoding? tmp = "\"" + self + "\"" tmp.gsub!("\\(","\\\\\\(") tmp.gsub!("\\)","\\\\\\)") tmp.gsub!("\n","\\n").gsub!("\r","\\r") return tmp == self.inspect end def force_encoding(enc) if (enc =~ /^(Shift_JIS|EUC-JP|UTF-8)/i) $KCODE=enc end return self end end end class TeXEncoding attr_accessor :current, :option, :status, :is_8bit, :kconv_enc attr_reader :list def initialize @current = false @option = false @status = false @is_8bit = false @list = ['Shift_JIS', 'EUC-JP', 'UTF-8'] if !$RUBY_M17N @kconv_enc = nil @kconv_list = {'Shift_JIS' => Kconv::SJIS, 'EUC-JP' => Kconv::EUC, 'UTF-8' => Kconv::UTF8} end end def set_process_encoding(enc) if @status == 'fixed' raise 'dupulicate definition' end if enc == 'guess' @option = 'guess' @status = 'guess' else @current = enc @option = enc @status = 'fixed' if !$RUBY_M17N @kconv_enc = @kconv_list[enc] end end return enc end end enc = TeXEncoding.new OptionParser.new do |opt| opt.on('-e', '--euc-jp', 'set pTeX internal encoding to EUC-JP') {|v| enc.set_process_encoding('EUC-JP') } opt.on('-s', '--shift_jis', 'set pTeX internal encoding to Shift_JIS') {|v| enc.set_process_encoding('Shift_JIS') } opt.on('-u', '--utf-8', 'set upTeX internal encoding to UTF-8') {|v| enc.set_process_encoding('UTF-8') } opt.on('-g', '--guess', 'guess pTeX/upTeX internal encoding') {|v| enc.set_process_encoding('guess') } enc_alias = Hash.new enc.list.each { |e| enc_alias[e] = e enc_alias[e[0]] = e enc_alias[e.downcase] = e } opt.on('--enc=ENC', enc_alias, 'set pTeX/upTeX internal encoding to ENC') {|v| enc.set_process_encoding(v) } opt.banner += " file0.ps [file1.ps ...]\n" \ + opt.banner.sub('Usage:',' ') + ' < in_file.ps > out_file.ps' opt.parse! end # default encoding if enc.status == false enc.set_process_encoding('UTF-8') end def try_guess_encoding(line, enc) return 'US-ASCII' if line.ascii_only? valid_enc = false count = 0 enc.list.each { |e| if line.dup.force_encoding(e).valid_encoding? count += 1 valid_enc = e end } if count == 1 enc.set_process_encoding(valid_enc) return valid_enc elsif count > 1 return false # ambiguous else raise 'Cannot guess encoding!' end end def check_parentheses_balance(line, enc) depth = 0 count = 0 tmp_prev = '' tmp_rest = line if enc.status == 'guess' if tmp_enc = try_guess_encoding(line, enc) # succeeded in guess or ascii only tmp_rest = line.force_encoding(tmp_enc) else # ambiguous enc.is_8bit = true depth = 1 count = 0 tmp_prev = '' tmp_rest = tmp_rest.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') return depth, count, tmp_prev, tmp_rest end else tmp_enc = enc.current tmp_rest = tmp_rest.force_encoding(tmp_enc) unless tmp_rest.valid_encoding? # illegal input $stdout = STDERR p 'parameters: ' p enc.status p enc.option p enc.current p enc.is_8bit if !$RUBY_M17N p tmp_rest.inspect p tmp_rest end p line raise 'encoding is not consistent' end end while tmp_rest.length>0 do if (tmp_rest =~ /\A(\\\(|\\\)|[^()])*(\(|\))/) # parenthis if $2 == '(' depth += 1 count += 1 else depth -= 1 end tmp_prev += $& tmp_rest = $' else tmp_prev += tmp_rest tmp_rest = '' end if depth<1 break end end return depth, count, tmp_prev, tmp_rest end def conv_string_to_utf16be(line, enc) if line !~ /(\()(.*)(\))/m raise 'illegal input!' end pre, tmp, post = $`, $2, $' if tmp.ascii_only? return line end conv = '' conv.force_encoding(enc.current) tmp.force_encoding(enc.current) while tmp.length>0 do if tmp =~ /\A[^\\]+/ conv += $& elsif tmp =~ /\\([0-3][0-7][0-7])/ conv += $RUBY_M17N ? $&.oct.chr('ASCII-8BIT') : $&.oct.chr elsif tmp =~ /\\([\r\n]{1,2})/ # ignore elsif tmp =~ /\\[nrtbf]/ conv += eval($&) elsif tmp =~ /\\(.)/ conv += $1 else raise 'unexpected input!' end tmp = $' end buf = 'FEFF' # BOM for UTF-16BE conv.each_char { |chr| if chr == "\r" || chr == "\n" buf += chr else chr.to_utf16be(enc).each_byte {|byte| buf += '%02X' % byte } end } return pre + '<' + buf + '>' + post end def file_treatment(ifile, ofile, enc) if $RUBY_M17N ifile.set_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') ofile.set_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') end line = '' while l = ifile.gets do line.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') if $RUBY_M17N line += l if (line !~ %r!(/Author|/Title|/Subject|/Keywords)! ) ofile.print line line = '' next end ofile.print $` line = $& + $' depth, count, tmp_prev, tmp_rest \ = check_parentheses_balance(line, enc) if depth<0 raise 'illegal input!' elsif depth>0 next elsif count==0 next elsif count>0 ofile.print conv_string_to_utf16be(tmp_prev, enc) line = tmp_rest else raise 'illegal input!' end end if enc.status == 'guess' && enc.is_8bit raise 'did not succeed in guess encoding!' end if line.length>0 ofile.print line end end ### main if ARGV.size == 0 ifile = STDIN ofile = STDOUT file_treatment(ifile, ofile, enc) else ARGV.each {|fin| if (fin !~ /\.ps$/i) raise 'input file does not seem PS file' end fout = fin.gsub(/\.ps$/i, "-convbkmk#{$&}") open(fin, 'r') {|ifile| open(fout, 'w') {|ofile| file_treatment(ifile, ofile, enc) } } } end