#!/usr/bin/env texlua --*-Lua-*- -- $Id$ -- Copyright (C) 2010 Reinhard Kotucha. -- You may freely use, modify and/or distribute this file. -- Replacement for ps2ps2.bat. -- Converting PostScript 3 or PDF into PostScript 2 with the -- Ghostscript 'ps2write' device. -- This generates a PDF-style stream with an attached -- PostScript program to interpret it. function fixwin(args_unix) if os.type == 'windows' then local args_win={} -- new table args_win[0]=args_unix[1] for i=1, #args_unix do args_win[i]='"'..args_unix[i]..'"' end return args_win else return args_unix end end if os.type == 'windows' then gs='gswin32c' else gs='gs' end files={} options={'-dNOPAUSE', '-dBATCH', '-dSAFER'} for i=1, #arg do if string.find(arg[i], '^%-$') then files[#files+1]=arg[i] elseif string.find(arg[i], '^%-') then options[#options+1]=arg[i] else files[#files+1]=arg[i] end end if #files ~= 2 then io.stderr:write('Usage: ps2ps2 [options] input.ps output.ps\n') io.stderr:write(' e.g. ps2ps2 -sPAPERSIZE=a4 input.ps output.ps\n') os.exit(1) end command={gs, '-q', '-sDEVICE=ps2write'} if os.type=='unix' then command[#command+1]='-sstdout=%stderr' end command[#command+1]='-sOutputFile='..files[2] for i=1, #options do command[#command+1]=options[i] end command[#command+1]=files[1] command=fixwin(command) --[[ prepend an additional hyphen to activate this code for i=0, #command do print (command[i]) end os.exit(ret) --]] ret=os.spawn(command) os.exit(ret)