#!/usr/bin/env texlua --*-Lua-*- -- $Id$ -- Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Reinhard Kotucha. -- You may freely use, modify and/or distribute this file. -- Replacement for ps2ascii.bat. -- Extract ASCII text from a PostScript file. Usage: -- -- ps2ascii [infile.ps [outfile.txt]] -- -- If outfile is omitted, output goes to stdout. -- If both infile and outfile are omitted, ps2ascii acts as a filter, -- reading from stdin and writing on stdout. -- We have to pass the command as a string to os.execute() because we -- need a shell for i/o-redirection. But we create a table first and -- convert it to a string, just to make sure we don't miss any spaces. local function push (t, ...) local args={...} for _,v in ipairs(args) do if type(v) == 'table' then for _,x in ipairs(v) do t[#t+1]=x end else t[#t+1]=v end end end local function filename (file) -- strip path if string.find(file, '[/\\]') then return string.match(file, '.*[/\\](.*)$') else return file end end local function remove_tmpfiles (tmpfiles) -- The shell script contains -- -- trap "rm -f _temp_.err _temp_.out" 0 1 2 15 -- -- texlua doesn't support signals (yet). So we remove temporary files -- if possible. for i=1, #tmpfiles do if lfs.isfile(tmpfiles[i]) then os.remove(tmpfiles[i]) end end end local function parse_cmdline () local files={} local options={} local progname local basename=filename(arg[0]) if basename:find('%.') then progname=basename:match('(.*)%..*') else progname=basename end for i=1, #arg do if string.find(arg[i], '^%-.+') then push(options, arg[i]) else push(files, arg[i]) end end files.input =files[1] files.output=files[2] return progname, options, files end -- main -- local progname, options, files=parse_cmdline () -- setup command local command={gs} if os.type == 'unix' then command={'gs'} else command={'gswin32c'} end push(command, {'-q', '-dNODISPLAY', '-P-', '-dSAFER', '-dDELAYBIND', '-dWRITESYSTEMDICT', '-dSIMPLE'}) push(command, '-c', 'save', '-f', 'ps2ascii.ps') if #files == 0 then push(command, '-') else push(command, '"'..files.input..'"') end push(command, '-c', 'quit') if #files > 1 then push(command, '>', '"'..files.output..'"') end local cmd_string=table.concat(command, ' ') --[[ prepend an additional hyphen to activate this code print(cmd_string) os.exit(0) --]] ret=os.execute(cmd_string) -- The last character of the ASCII file is a form feed (^L). -- Uncomment the following line if this confuses your terminal. -- -- if #files < 2 then io.stdout:write('\r') end remove_tmpfiles{'_temp_.err', '_temp_.out'} os.exit(ret)