-- texdoclib-cli.tlu: command-line interfaces for texdoc -- -- The TeX Live Team, GPLv3, see texdoclib.tlu for details -- dependencies local texdoc = { const = require 'texdoclib-const', util = require 'texdoclib-util', config = require 'texdoclib-config', search = require 'texdoclib-search', view = require 'texdoclib-view', } -- shortcuts local M = {} local C = texdoc.const local err_print = texdoc.util.err_print -------------------------- parsing options -------------------------- -- modified Alternative GetOpt -- cf. http://lua-users.org/wiki/AlternativeGetOpt local function getopt(arg, options) local tmp = nil local tab = {} local saved_arg = {table.unpack(arg)} for k, v in ipairs(saved_arg) do if string.sub(v, 1, 2) == '--' then table.remove(arg, 1) local x = string.find(v, '=', 1, true) if x then table.insert(tab, {string.sub(v, 3, x - 1), string.sub(v, x+1)}) else table.insert(tab, {string.sub(v, 3), true}) end elseif string.sub(v, 1, 1) == '-' then table.remove(arg, 1) local y = 2 local l = string.len(v) local jopt while (y <= l) do jopt = string.sub(v, y, y) if string.find(options, jopt, 1, true) then if y < l then tmp = string.sub(v, y + 1) y = l else table.remove(arg, 1) tmp = saved_arg[k + 1] end -- check the existence of an argument if not tmp then err_print('error', 'Option -%s requires an argument.', jopt) os.exit(C.exit_error) end if string.match(tmp, '^%-') then table.insert(tab, {jopt, false}) else table.insert(tab, {jopt, tmp}) end else table.insert(tab, {jopt, true}) end y = y + 1 end else if tmp then tmp = nil else break end end end return tab end local function parse_options() local curr_arg local option local cl_config = {} -- actual parsing local optstring = '' for _, o in pairs(C.options) do if o['type'] == 'string' and o['short'] then optstring = optstring .. o['short'] end end local opts = getopt(arg, optstring) for _, tp in ipairs(opts) do local k, v = tp[1], tp[2] if #k == 1 then curr_arg = '-' .. k else curr_arg = '--' .. k end for i, o in ipairs(C.options) do if k == o["short"] or k == o["long"] then k = i break end end option = C.options[k] if option['group'] == 'action' then if option['long'] == 'just-view' then return true, 'view', cl_config elseif option['long'] == 'print-completion' then return true, 'complete', cl_config else return true, option['long'], cl_config end elseif option['group'] then if option['type'] == 'boolean' then option['action'](cl_config, curr_arg) elseif option['type'] == 'string' then option['action'](cl_config, curr_arg, v) end -- having trouble else err_print('error', 'unknown option: ' .. curr_arg) err_print('error', C.error_msg) return false end end return true, action, cl_config end -------------------------- process execution -------------------------- -- handling actions local function do_action(action) if action == 'help' then texdoc.util.print_usage() os.exit(C.exit_ok) elseif action == 'version' then print(string.format( '%s %s (%s)', C.progname, C.version, C.release_date) .. '\n\n' .. C.copyright_msg) os.exit(C.exit_ok) elseif action == 'files' then print(texdoc.util.w32_path(C.fullname) .. ' ' .. C.version) texdoc.config.show_config_files(true) os.exit(C.exit_ok) elseif action == 'view' then if not arg[1] then err_print('error', 'Missing file operand to --just-view.') err_print('error', C.error_msg) os.exit(C.exit_usage) end texdoc.view.view_file(arg[1]) os.exit(C.exit_ok) elseif action == 'complete' then if not arg[1] then err_print('error', 'Missing shell operand to --print-completion.') err_print('error', C.error_msg) os.exit(C.exit_usage) elseif arg[1] == 'zsh' then texdoc.util.print_zsh_completion() os.exit(C.exit_ok) else err_print('error', arg[1] .. ' is not supported currently!') os.exit(C.exit_error) end end end -- the main loop local function do_texdoc() texdoc.search.init_databases() for _, docname in ipairs(arg) do -- do we have more then one argument? local multiarg = not not arg[2] -- get results local doclist = texdoc.search.get_doclist(docname) -- deliver results to the user texdoc.view.deliver_results(docname, doclist, multiarg) end end -------------------------- the main function -------------------------- function M.exec() -- parsing command-line options local ok, action, cl_config = parse_options() if not ok then os.exit(C.exit_usage) end -- setup config and alias texdoc.config.setup_config_and_alias(cl_config) -- special action do_action(action) -- do we actually have arguments? if not arg[1] then err_print('error', 'No action specified.') err_print('error', C.error_msg) os.exit(C.exit_usage) end -- the main feature do_texdoc() os.exit(C.exit_ok) end return M -- vim: ft=lua: