#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' This is the main PythonTeX script. It should be launched via pythontex.py. Two versions of this script are provided. One, with name ending in "2", runs under Python 2.7. The other, with name ending in "3", runs under Python 3.2+. This script needs to be able to import pythontex_engines.py; in general it should be in the same directory. Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License: Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Geoffrey M. Poore All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ''' # Imports #// Python 2 from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals #\\ End Python 2 import sys import os import argparse import codecs import time from hashlib import sha1 from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict, namedtuple from re import match, sub, search import subprocess import multiprocessing from pygments.styles import get_all_styles from pythontex_engines import * import textwrap import platform if sys.version_info[0] == 2: try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle from io import open else: import pickle # Script parameters # Version __version__ = '0.16' class Pytxcode(object): def __init__(self, data, gobble): self.delims, self.code = data.split('#\n', 1) self.family, self.session, self.restart, self.instance, self.command, self.context, self.args_run, self.args_prettyprint, self.input_file, self.line = self.delims.split('#') self.instance_int = int(self.instance) self.line_int = int(self.line) self.key_run = self.family + '#' + self.session + '#' + self.restart self.key_typeset = self.key_run + '#' + self.instance self.hashable_delims_run = self.key_typeset + '#' + self.command + '#' + self.context + '#' + self.args_run self.hashable_delims_typeset = self.key_typeset + '#' + self.command + '#' + self.context + '#' + self.args_run if len(self.command) > 1: self.is_inline = False # Environments start on the next line self.line_int += 1 self.line = str(self.line_int) else: self.is_inline = True self.is_extfile = True if self.session.startswith('EXT:') else False if self.is_extfile: self.extfile = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(self.session.replace('EXT:', '', 1))) self.key_typeset = self.key_typeset.replace('EXT:', '') self.is_cc = True if self.family.startswith('CC:') else False self.is_pyg = True if self.family.startswith('PYG') else False self.is_verb = True if self.restart.endswith('verb') else False if self.is_cc: self.instance += 'CC' self.cc_type, self.cc_pos = self.family.split(':')[1:] if self.is_verb or self.is_pyg or self.is_cc: self.is_cons = False else: self.is_cons = engine_dict[self.family].console self.is_code = False if self.is_verb or self.is_pyg or self.is_cc or self.is_cons else True if self.command in ('c', 'code') or (self.command == 'i' and not self.is_cons): self.is_typeset = False else: self.is_typeset = True if gobble == 'auto': self.code = textwrap.dedent(self.code) self.sub_template = None def process_argv(data, temp_data): ''' Process command line options using the argparse module. Most options are passed via the file of code, rather than via the command line. ''' # Create a command line argument parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('TEXNAME', help='LaTeX file, with or without .tex extension') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='PythonTeX {0}'.format(data['version'])) parser.add_argument('--encoding', default='UTF-8', help='encoding for all text files (see codecs module for encodings)') parser.add_argument('--error-exit-code', default='true', choices=('true', 'false'), help='return exit code of 1 if there are errors (not desirable with some TeX editors and workflows)') group_run = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group_run.add_argument('--runall', nargs='?', default='false', const='true', choices=('true', 'false'), help='run ALL code; equivalent to package option') group_run.add_argument('--rerun', default='errors', choices=('never', 'modified', 'errors', 'warnings', 'always'), help='set conditions for rerunning code; equivalent to package option') parser.add_argument('--hashdependencies', nargs='?', default='false', const='true', choices=('true', 'false'), help='hash dependencies (such as external data) to check for modification, rather than using mtime; equivalent to package option') parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', metavar='N', default=None, type=int, help='Allow N jobs at once; defaults to cpu_count().') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=False, action='store_true', help='verbose output') parser.add_argument('--interpreter', default=None, help='set a custom interpreter; argument should be in the form ":, :, ..." where is "python", "ruby", etc., and is the command for invoking the interpreter; argument may also be in the form of a Python dictionary') group_debug = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group_debug.add_argument('--debug', nargs='?', default=None, const='default', metavar='::', help='Run the specified session (or default session) with the default debugger, if available. If there is only one session, it need not be specified. If the session name is unambiguous, it is sufficient. The full :: (for example, py:default:default) is only needed when the session name alone would be ambiguous.') group_debug.add_argument('--interactive', nargs='?', default=None, const='default', metavar='::', help='Run the specified session (or default session) in interactive mode. If there is only one session, it need not be specified. If the session name is unambiguous, it is sufficient. The full :: (for example, py:default:default) is only needed when the session name alone would be ambiguous.') args = parser.parse_args() # Store the parsed argv in data and temp_data data['encoding'] = args.encoding if args.error_exit_code == 'true': temp_data['error_exit_code'] = True else: temp_data['error_exit_code'] = False # runall can be mapped onto rerun, so both are stored under rerun if args.runall == 'true': temp_data['rerun'] = 'always' else: temp_data['rerun'] = args.rerun # hashdependencies need only be in temp_data, since changing it would # change hashes (hashes of mtime vs. file contents) if args.hashdependencies == 'true': temp_data['hashdependencies'] = True else: temp_data['hashdependencies'] = False if args.jobs is None: try: jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() except NotImplementedError: jobs = 1 temp_data['jobs'] = jobs else: temp_data['jobs'] = args.jobs temp_data['verbose'] = args.verbose temp_data['debug'] = args.debug temp_data['interactive'] = args.interactive # Update interpreter_dict based on interpreter set_python_interpreter = False if args.interpreter is not None: interp_list = args.interpreter.lstrip('{').rstrip('}').split(',') for interp in interp_list: if interp: try: k, v = interp.split(':', 1) k = k.strip(' \'"') v = v.strip(' \'"') interpreter_dict[k] = v if k == 'python': set_python_interpreter = True except: print('Invalid --interpreter argument') return sys.exit(2) # If the Python interpreter wasn't set, then try to set an appropriate # default value, based on how PythonTeX was launched (pythontex.py, # pythontex2.py, or pythontex3.py). if not set_python_interpreter: if temp_data['python'] == 2: if platform.system() == 'Windows': try: subprocess.check_output(['py', '--version']) interpreter_dict['python'] = 'py -2' except: msg = ''' * PythonTeX error: You have launched PythonTeX using pythontex{0}.py directly. This should only be done when you want to use Python version {0}, but have a different version installed as the default. (Otherwise, you should start PythonTeX with pythontex.py.) For this to work correctly, you should install Python version 3.3+, which has a Windows wrapper (py) that PythonTeX can use to run the correct version of Python. If you do not want to install Python 3.3+, you can also use the --interpreter command-line option to tell PythonTeX how to access the version of Python you wish to use. '''.format(temp_data['python']) print(textwrap.dedent(msg[1:])) return sys.exit(2) else: interpreter_dict['python'] = 'python2' elif temp_data['python'] == 3: if platform.system() == 'Windows': try: subprocess.check_output(['py', '--version']) interpreter_dict['python'] = 'py -3' except: msg = ''' * PythonTeX error: You have launched PythonTeX using pythontex{0}.py directly. This should only be done when you want to use Python version {0}, but have a different version installed as the default. (Otherwise, you should start PythonTeX with pythontex.py.) For this to work correctly, you should install Python version 3.3+, which has a Windows wrapper (py) that PythonTeX can use to run the correct version of Python. If you do not want to install Python 3.3+, you can also use the --interpreter command-line option to tell PythonTeX how to access the version of Python you wish to use. '''.format(temp_data['python']) print(textwrap.dedent(msg[1:])) return sys.exit(2) else: interpreter_dict['python'] = 'python3' if args.TEXNAME is not None: # Determine if we a dealing with just a filename, or a name plus # path. If there's a path, we need to make the document directory # the current working directory. dir, raw_jobname = os.path.split(args.TEXNAME) dir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(dir)) if dir: os.chdir(dir) sys.path.append(dir) # If necessary, strip off an extension to find the raw jobname that # corresponds to the .pytxcode. if not os.path.exists(raw_jobname + '.pytxcode'): raw_jobname = raw_jobname.rsplit('.', 1)[0] if not os.path.exists(raw_jobname + '.pytxcode'): print('* PythonTeX error') print(' Code file ' + raw_jobname + '.pytxcode does not exist.') print(' Run LaTeX to create it.') return sys.exit(1) # We need a "sanitized" version of the jobname, with spaces and # asterisks replaced with hyphens. This is done to avoid TeX issues # with spaces in file names, paralleling the approach taken in # pythontex.sty. From now on, we will use the sanitized version every # time we create a file that contains the jobname string. The raw # version will only be used in reference to pre-existing files created # on the TeX side, such as the .pytxcode file. jobname = raw_jobname.replace(' ', '-').replace('"', '').replace('*', '-') # Store the results in data data['raw_jobname'] = raw_jobname data['jobname'] = jobname # We need to check to make sure that the "sanitized" jobname doesn't # lead to a collision with a file that already has that name, so that # two files attempt to use the same PythonTeX folder. # # If . and . both exist, where # is a common LaTeX extension, we exit. We operate under the # assumption that there should be only a single file in the # document root directory that has a common LaTeX extension. That # could be false, but if so, the user probably has worse things to # worry about than a potential PythonTeX output collision. # If * and * both exist, we issue a warning but # attempt to proceed. if jobname != raw_jobname: resolved = False for ext in ('.tex', '.ltx', '.dtx'): if os.path.isfile(raw_jobname + ext): if os.path.isfile(jobname + ext): print('* PythonTeX error') print(' Directory naming collision between the following files:') print(' ' + raw_jobname + ext) print(' ' + jobname + ext) return sys.exit(1) else: resolved = True break if not resolved: ls = os.listdir('.') for file in ls: if file.startswith(jobname): print('* PythonTeX warning') print(' Potential directory naming collision between the following names:') print(' ' + raw_jobname) print(' ' + jobname + '*') print(' Attempting to proceed.') temp_data['warnings'] += 1 break def load_code_get_settings(data, temp_data): ''' Load the code file, preprocess the code, and extract the settings. ''' # Bring in the .pytxcode file as a single string raw_jobname = data['raw_jobname'] encoding = data['encoding'] # The error checking here is a little redundant if os.path.isfile(raw_jobname + '.pytxcode'): f = open(raw_jobname + '.pytxcode', 'r', encoding=encoding) pytxcode = f.read() f.close() else: print('* PythonTeX error') print(' Code file ' + raw_jobname + '.pytxcode does not exist.') print(' Run LaTeX to create it.') return sys.exit(1) # Split code and settings try: pytxcode, pytxsettings = pytxcode.rsplit('=>PYTHONTEX:SETTINGS#', 1) except: print('The .pytxcode file appears to have an outdated format or be invalid') print('Run LaTeX to make sure the file is current') return sys.exit(1) # Prepare to process settings # # Create a dict for storing settings. settings = {} # Create a dict for storing Pygments settings. # Each dict entry will itself be a dict. pygments_settings = defaultdict(dict) # Create a dict of processing functions, and generic processing functions settings_func = dict() def set_kv_data(k, v): if v == 'true': settings[k] = True elif v == 'false': settings[k] = False else: settings[k] = v # Need a function for when assignment is only needed if not default value def set_kv_temp_data_if_not_default(k, v): if v != 'default': if v == 'true': temp_data[k] = True elif v == 'false': temp_data[k] = False else: temp_data[k] = v def set_kv_data_fvextfile(k, v): # Error checking on TeX side should be enough, but be careful anyway try: v = int(v) except ValueError: print('* PythonTeX error') print(' Unable to parse package option fvextfile.') return sys.exit(1) if v < 0: settings[k] = sys.maxsize elif v == 0: settings[k] = 1 print('* PythonTeX warning') print(' Invalid value for package option fvextfile.') temp_data['warnings'] += 1 else: settings[k] = v def set_kv_pygments(k, v): family, lexer_opts, options = v.replace(' ','').split('|') lexer = None lex_dict = {} opt_dict = {} if lexer_opts: for l in lexer_opts.split(','): if '=' in l: k, v = l.split('=', 1) if k == 'lexer': lexer = l else: lex_dict[k] = v else: lexer = l if options: for o in options.split(','): if '=' in o: k, v = o.split('=', 1) if v in ('true', 'True'): v = True elif v in ('false', 'False'): v = False else: k = option v = True opt_dict[k] = v if family != ':GLOBAL': if 'lexer' in pygments_settings[':GLOBAL']: lexer = pygments_settings[':GLOBAL']['lexer'] lex_dict.update(pygments_settings[':GLOBAL']['lexer_options']) opt_dict.update(pygments_settings[':GLOBAL']['formatter_options']) if 'style' not in opt_dict: opt_dict['style'] = 'default' opt_dict['commandprefix'] = 'PYG' + opt_dict['style'] if lexer is not None: pygments_settings[family]['lexer'] = lexer pygments_settings[family]['lexer_options'] = lex_dict pygments_settings[family]['formatter_options'] = opt_dict settings_func['version'] = set_kv_data settings_func['outputdir'] = set_kv_data settings_func['workingdir'] = set_kv_data settings_func['workingdirset'] = set_kv_data settings_func['gobble'] = set_kv_data settings_func['rerun'] = set_kv_temp_data_if_not_default settings_func['hashdependencies'] = set_kv_temp_data_if_not_default settings_func['makestderr'] = set_kv_data settings_func['stderrfilename'] = set_kv_data settings_func['keeptemps'] = set_kv_data settings_func['pyfuture'] = set_kv_data settings_func['pyconfuture'] = set_kv_data settings_func['pygments'] = set_kv_data settings_func['fvextfile'] = set_kv_data_fvextfile settings_func['pygglobal'] = set_kv_pygments settings_func['pygfamily'] = set_kv_pygments settings_func['pyconbanner'] = set_kv_data settings_func['pyconfilename'] = set_kv_data settings_func['depythontex'] = set_kv_data # Process settings for line in pytxsettings.split('\n'): if line: key, val = line.split('=', 1) try: settings_func[key](key, val) except KeyError: print('* PythonTeX warning') print(' Unknown option "' + key + '"') temp_data['warnings'] += 1 # Check for compatility between the .pytxcode and the script if 'version' not in settings or settings['version'] != data['version']: print('* PythonTeX error') print(' The version of the PythonTeX scripts does not match the last code') print(' saved by the document--run LaTeX to create an updated version.\n') sys.exit(1) # Store all results that haven't already been stored. data['settings'] = settings data['pygments_settings'] = pygments_settings # Create a tuple of vital quantities that invalidate old saved data # Don't need to include outputdir, because if that changes, no old output # fvextfile could be checked on a case-by-case basis, which would result # in faster output, but that would involve a good bit of additional # logic, which probably isn't worth it for a feature that will rarely be # changed. data['vitals'] = (data['version'], data['encoding'], settings['gobble'], settings['fvextfile']) # Create tuples of vital quantities data['code_vitals'] = (settings['workingdir'], settings['keeptemps'], settings['makestderr'], settings['stderrfilename']) data['cons_vitals'] = (settings['workingdir']) data['typeset_vitals'] = () # Pass any customizations to types for k in engine_dict: engine_dict[k].customize(pyfuture=settings['pyfuture'], pyconfuture=settings['pyconfuture'], pyconbanner=settings['pyconbanner'], pyconfilename=settings['pyconfilename']) # Store code # Do this last, so that Pygments settings are available if pytxcode.startswith('=>PYTHONTEX#'): gobble = settings['gobble'] temp_data['pytxcode'] = [Pytxcode(c, gobble) for c in pytxcode.split('=>PYTHONTEX#')[1:]] else: temp_data['pytxcode'] = [] def set_upgrade_compatibility(data, old, temp_data): ''' When upgrading, modify settings to maintain backward compatibility when possible and important ''' if (old['version'].startswith('v') and not data['settings']['workingdirset'] and data['settings']['outputdir'] != '.'): old['compatibility'] = '0.13' do_upgrade_compatibility(data, old, temp_data) def do_upgrade_compatibility(data, old_data, temp_data): if 'compatibility' in old_data: c = old_data['compatibility'] if (c == '0.13' and not data['settings']['workingdirset'] and data['settings']['outputdir'] != '.'): data['compatibility'] = c data['settings']['workingdir'] = data['settings']['outputdir'] msg = ''' **** PythonTeX upgrade message **** Beginning with v0.14, the default working directory is the document directory rather than the output directory. PythonTeX has detected that you have been using the output directory as the working directory. It will continue to use the output directory for now. To keep your current settings long-term and avoid seeing this message in the future, add the following command to the preamble of your document, right after the "\\usepackage{pythontex}": "\setpythontexworkingdir{}". If you wish to continue with the new settings instead, simply delete the file with extension .pkl in the output directory, and run PythonTeX. **** End PythonTeX upgrade message **** ''' temp_data['upgrade_message'] = textwrap.dedent(msg) def get_old_data(data, old_data, temp_data): ''' Load data from the last run, if it exists, into the dict old_data. Determine the path to the PythonTeX scripts, either by using a previously found, saved path or via kpsewhich. The old data is used for determining when PythonTeX has been upgraded, when any settings have changed, when code has changed (via hashes), and what files may need to be cleaned up. The location of the PythonTeX scripts is needed so that they can be imported by the scripts created by PythonTeX. The location of the scripts is confirmed even if they were previously located, to make sure that the path is still valid. Finding the scripts depends on having a TeX installation that includes the Kpathsea library (TeX Live and MiKTeX, possibly others). All code that relies on old_data is written based on the assumption that if old_data exists and has the current PythonTeX version, then it contains all needed information. Thus, all code relying on old_data must check that it was loaded and that it has the current version. If not, code should adapt gracefully. ''' # Create a string containing the name of the data file pythontex_data_file = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(os.path.join(data['settings']['outputdir'], 'pythontex_data.pkl'))) # Load the old data if it exists (read as binary pickle) if os.path.isfile(pythontex_data_file): f = open(pythontex_data_file, 'rb') old = pickle.load(f) f.close() # Check for compabilility if 'vitals' in old and data['vitals'] == old['vitals']: temp_data['loaded_old_data'] = True old_data.update(old) do_upgrade_compatibility(data, old_data, temp_data) else: if 'version' in old and old['version'] != data['version']: set_upgrade_compatibility(data, old, temp_data) temp_data['loaded_old_data'] = False # Clean up all old files if 'files' in old: for key in old['files']: for f in old['files'][key]: f = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(f)) if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) if 'pygments_files' in old: for key in old['pygments_files']: for f in old['pygments_files'][key]: f = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(f)) if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) else: temp_data['loaded_old_data'] = False # Set the utilspath # Assume that if the utils aren't in the same location as # `pythontex.py`, then they are somewhere else on `sys.path` that # will always be available (for example, installed as a Python module), # and thus specifying a path isn't necessary. if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'pythontex_utils.py')): # Need the path with forward slashes, so escaping isn't necessary data['utilspath'] = sys.path[0].replace('\\', '/') else: data['utilspath'] = '' def modified_dependencies(key, data, old_data, temp_data): hashdependencies = temp_data['hashdependencies'] if key not in old_data['dependencies']: return False else: old_dep_hash_dict = old_data['dependencies'][key] workingdir = data['settings']['workingdir'] for dep in old_dep_hash_dict.keys(): # We need to know if the path is relative (based off the # working directory) or absolute. We can't use # os.path.isabs() alone for determining the distinction, # because we must take into account the possibility of an # initial ~ (tilde) standing for the home directory. dep_file = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(dep)) if not os.path.isabs(dep_file): dep_file = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(os.path.join(workingdir, dep_file))) if not os.path.isfile(dep_file): print('* PythonTeX error') print(' Cannot find dependency "' + dep + '"') print(' It belongs to ' + key.replace('#', ':')) print(' Relative paths to dependencies must be specified from the working directory.') temp_data['errors'] += 1 # A removed dependency should trigger an error, but it # shouldn't cause code to execute. Running the code # again would just give more errors when it can't find # the dependency. (There won't be issues when a # dependency is added or removed, because that would # involve modifying code, which would trigger # re-execution.) elif hashdependencies: # Read and hash the file in binary. Opening in text mode # would require an unnecessary decoding and encoding cycle. f = open(dep_file, 'rb') hasher = sha1() h = hasher(f.read()).hexdigest() f.close() if h != old_dep_hash_dict[dep][1]: return True else: mtime = os.path.getmtime(dep_file) if mtime != old_dep_hash_dict[dep][0]: return True return False def should_rerun(hash, old_hash, old_exit_status, key, rerun, data, old_data, temp_data): # #### Need to clean up arg passing here if rerun == 'never': if (hash != old_hash or modified_dependencies(key, data, old_data, temp_data)): print('* PythonTeX warning') print(' Session ' + key.replace('#', ':') + ' has rerun=never') print(' But its code or dependencies have been modified') temp_data['warnings'] += 1 return False elif rerun == 'modified': if (hash != old_hash or modified_dependencies(key, data, old_data, temp_data)): return True else: return False elif rerun == 'errors': if (hash != old_hash or modified_dependencies(key, data, old_data, temp_data) or old_exit_status[0] != 0): return True else: return False elif rerun == 'warnings': if (hash != old_hash or modified_dependencies(key, data, old_data, temp_data) or old_exit_status != (0, 0)): return True else: return False elif rerun == 'always': return True def hash_all(data, temp_data, old_data, engine_dict): ''' Hash the code to see what has changed and needs to be updated. Save the hashes in hashdict. Create update_code, a list of bools regarding whether code should be executed. Create update_pygments, a list of bools determining what needs updated Pygments highlighting. Update pygments_settings to account for Pygments (as opposed to PythonTeX) commands and environments. ''' # Note that the PythonTeX information that accompanies code must be # hashed in addition to the code itself; the code could stay the same, # but its context or args could change, which might require that code be # executed. All of the PythonTeX information is hashed except for the # input line number. Context-dependent code is going too far if # it depends on that. # Create variables to more easily access parts of data pytxcode = temp_data['pytxcode'] encoding = data['encoding'] loaded_old_data = temp_data['loaded_old_data'] rerun = temp_data['rerun'] pygments_settings = data['pygments_settings'] # Calculate cumulative hashes for all code that is executed # Calculate individual hashes for all code that will be typeset code_hasher = defaultdict(sha1) cons_hasher = defaultdict(sha1) cc_hasher = defaultdict(sha1) typeset_hasher = defaultdict(sha1) for c in pytxcode: if c.is_code: code_hasher[c.key_run].update(c.hashable_delims_run.encode(encoding)) code_encoded = c.code.encode(encoding) code_hasher[c.key_run].update(code_encoded) if c.is_typeset: typeset_hasher[c.key_typeset].update(c.hashable_delims_typeset.encode(encoding)) typeset_hasher[c.key_typeset].update(code_encoded) typeset_hasher[c.key_typeset].update(c.args_prettyprint.encode(encoding)) elif c.is_cons: cons_hasher[c.key_run].update(c.hashable_delims_run.encode(encoding)) code_encoded = c.code.encode(encoding) cons_hasher[c.key_run].update(code_encoded) if c.is_typeset: typeset_hasher[c.key_typeset].update(c.hashable_delims_typeset.encode(encoding)) typeset_hasher[c.key_typeset].update(code_encoded) typeset_hasher[c.key_typeset].update(c.args_prettyprint.encode(encoding)) elif c.is_cc: cc_hasher[c.cc_type].update(c.hashable_delims_run.encode(encoding)) cc_hasher[c.cc_type].update(c.code.encode(encoding)) elif c.is_typeset: typeset_hasher[c.key_typeset].update(c.hashable_delims_typeset.encode(encoding)) typeset_hasher[c.key_typeset].update(c.code.encode(encoding)) typeset_hasher[c.key_typeset].update(c.args_prettyprint.encode(encoding)) # Store hashes code_hash_dict = {} for key in code_hasher: family = key.split('#', 1)[0] code_hash_dict[key] = (code_hasher[key].hexdigest(), cc_hasher[family].hexdigest(), engine_dict[family].get_hash()) data['code_hash_dict'] = code_hash_dict cons_hash_dict = {} for key in cons_hasher: family = key.split('#', 1)[0] cons_hash_dict[key] = (cons_hasher[key].hexdigest(), cc_hasher[family].hexdigest(), engine_dict[family].get_hash()) data['cons_hash_dict'] = cons_hash_dict typeset_hash_dict = {} for key in typeset_hasher: typeset_hash_dict[key] = typeset_hasher[key].hexdigest() data['typeset_hash_dict'] = typeset_hash_dict # See what needs to be updated. # In the process, copy over macros and files that may be reused. code_update = {} cons_update = {} pygments_update = {} macros = defaultdict(list) files = defaultdict(list) pygments_macros = {} pygments_files = {} typeset_cache = {} dependencies = defaultdict(dict) exit_status = {} pygments_settings_changed = {} if loaded_old_data: old_macros = old_data['macros'] old_files = old_data['files'] old_pygments_macros = old_data['pygments_macros'] old_pygments_files = old_data['pygments_files'] old_typeset_cache = old_data['typeset_cache'] old_dependencies = old_data['dependencies'] old_exit_status = old_data['exit_status'] old_code_hash_dict = old_data['code_hash_dict'] old_cons_hash_dict = old_data['cons_hash_dict'] old_typeset_hash_dict = old_data['typeset_hash_dict'] old_pygments_settings = old_data['pygments_settings'] for s in pygments_settings: if (s in old_pygments_settings and pygments_settings[s] == old_pygments_settings[s]): pygments_settings_changed[s] = False else: pygments_settings_changed[s] = True # If old data was loaded (and thus is compatible) determine what has # changed so that only # modified code may be executed. Otherwise, execute everything. # We don't have to worry about checking for changes in pyfuture, because # custom code and default code are hashed. The treatment of keeptemps # could be made more efficient (if changed to 'none', just delete old temp # files rather than running everything again), but given that it is # intended as a debugging aid, that probable isn't worth it. # We don't have to worry about hashdependencies changing, because if it # does the hashes won't match (file contents vs. mtime) and thus code will # be re-executed. if loaded_old_data and data['code_vitals'] == old_data['code_vitals']: # Compare the hash values, and set which code needs to be run for key in code_hash_dict: if (key in old_code_hash_dict and not should_rerun(code_hash_dict[key], old_code_hash_dict[key], old_exit_status[key], key, rerun, data, old_data, temp_data)): code_update[key] = False macros[key] = old_macros[key] files[key] = old_files[key] dependencies[key] = old_dependencies[key] exit_status[key] = old_exit_status[key] else: code_update[key] = True else: for key in code_hash_dict: code_update[key] = True if loaded_old_data and data['cons_vitals'] == old_data['cons_vitals']: # Compare the hash values, and set which code needs to be run for key in cons_hash_dict: if (key in old_cons_hash_dict and not should_rerun(cons_hash_dict[key], old_cons_hash_dict[key], old_exit_status[key], key, rerun, data, old_data, temp_data)): cons_update[key] = False macros[key] = old_macros[key] files[key] = old_files[key] typeset_cache[key] = old_typeset_cache[key] dependencies[key] = old_dependencies[key] exit_status[key] = old_exit_status[key] else: cons_update[key] = True else: for key in cons_hash_dict: cons_update[key] = True if loaded_old_data and data['typeset_vitals'] == old_data['typeset_vitals']: for key in typeset_hash_dict: family = key.split('#', 1)[0] if family in pygments_settings: if (not pygments_settings_changed[family] and key in old_typeset_hash_dict and typeset_hash_dict[key] == old_typeset_hash_dict[key]): pygments_update[key] = False if key in old_pygments_macros: pygments_macros[key] = old_pygments_macros[key] if key in old_pygments_files: pygments_files[key] = old_pygments_files[key] else: pygments_update[key] = True else: pygments_update[key] = False # Make sure Pygments styles are up-to-date pygments_style_list = list(get_all_styles()) if pygments_style_list != old_data['pygments_style_list']: pygments_style_defs = {} # Lazy import from pygments.formatters import LatexFormatter for s in pygments_style_list: formatter = LatexFormatter(style=s, commandprefix='PYG'+s) pygments_style_defs[s] = formatter.get_style_defs() else: pygments_style_defs = old_data['pygments_style_defs'] else: for key in typeset_hash_dict: family = key.split('#', 1)[0] if family in pygments_settings: pygments_update[key] = True else: pygments_update[key] = False # Create Pygments styles pygments_style_list = list(get_all_styles()) pygments_style_defs = {} # Lazy import from pygments.formatters import LatexFormatter for s in pygments_style_list: formatter = LatexFormatter(style=s, commandprefix='PYG'+s) pygments_style_defs[s] = formatter.get_style_defs() # Save to data temp_data['code_update'] = code_update temp_data['cons_update'] = cons_update temp_data['pygments_update'] = pygments_update data['macros'] = macros data['files'] = files data['pygments_macros'] = pygments_macros data['pygments_style_list'] = pygments_style_list data['pygments_style_defs'] = pygments_style_defs data['pygments_files'] = pygments_files data['typeset_cache'] = typeset_cache data['dependencies'] = dependencies data['exit_status'] = exit_status # Clean up for code that will be run again, and for code that no longer # exists. if loaded_old_data: # Take care of code files for key in code_hash_dict: if code_update[key] and key in old_files: for f in old_files[key]: f = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(f)) if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) for key in old_code_hash_dict: if key not in code_hash_dict: for f in old_files[key]: f = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(f)) if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) # Take care of old console files for key in cons_hash_dict: if cons_update[key] and key in old_files: for f in old_files[key]: f = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(f)) if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) for key in old_cons_hash_dict: if key not in cons_hash_dict: for f in old_files[key]: f = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(f)) if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) # Take care of old Pygments files # The approach here is a little different since there isn't a # Pygments-specific hash dict, but there is a Pygments-specific # dict of lists of files. for key in pygments_update: if pygments_update[key] and key in old_pygments_files: for f in old_pygments_files[key]: f = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(f)) if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) for key in old_pygments_files: if key not in pygments_update: for f in old_pygments_files[key]: f = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(f)) if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) def parse_code_write_scripts(data, temp_data, engine_dict): ''' Parse the code file into separate scripts, and write them to file. ''' code_dict = defaultdict(list) cc_dict_begin = defaultdict(list) cc_dict_end = defaultdict(list) cons_dict = defaultdict(list) pygments_list = [] # Create variables to ease data access encoding = data['encoding'] utilspath = data['utilspath'] outputdir = data['settings']['outputdir'] workingdir = data['settings']['workingdir'] pytxcode = temp_data['pytxcode'] code_update = temp_data['code_update'] cons_update = temp_data['cons_update'] pygments_update = temp_data['pygments_update'] files = data['files'] debug = temp_data['debug'] interactive = temp_data['interactive'] # Tweak the update dicts to work with debug command-line option. # #### This should probably be refactored later, once the debug interface # stabilizes if debug is not None or interactive is not None: if debug is not None: arg = debug else: arg = interactive for k in cons_update: cons_update[k] = False if ':' in arg: # May need to refine in light of substitution of `:` -> `_` # in session names? arg_key = arg.replace(':', '#') if arg_key not in code_update: return sys.exit('Session {0} does not exist'.format(arg)) else: for k in code_update: code_update[k] = False code_update[arg_key] = True if debug is not None: temp_data['debug_key'] = arg_key else: temp_data['interactive_key'] = arg_key else: session_count_dict = defaultdict(list) for k in code_update: s = k.split('#')[1] session_count_dict[s].append(k) if arg not in session_count_dict: if arg in cons_update: return sys.exit('Console sessions are not currently supported for interactive mode.') else: return sys.exit('Session "{0}" does not exist.'.format(arg)) elif len(session_count_dict[arg]) > 1: return sys.exit('Ambiguous session name "{0}"; please specify ::'.format(arg)) else: for k in code_update: code_update[k] = False arg_key = session_count_dict[arg][0] code_update[arg_key] = True if debug is not None: temp_data['debug_key'] = arg_key else: temp_data['interactive_key'] = arg_key # We need to keep track of the last instance for each session, so # that duplicates can be eliminated. Some LaTeX environments process # their content multiple times and thus will create duplicates. We # need to initialize everything at -1, since instances begin at zero. def negative_one(): return -1 last_instance = defaultdict(negative_one) for c in pytxcode: if c.instance_int > last_instance[c.key_run]: last_instance[c.key_run] = c.instance_int if c.is_code: if code_update[c.key_run]: code_dict[c.key_run].append(c) if c.is_typeset and pygments_update[c.key_typeset]: pygments_list.append(c) elif c.is_cons: # Only append to Pygments if not run, since Pygments is # automatically taken care of during run for console content if cons_update[c.key_run]: cons_dict[c.key_run].append(c) elif c.is_typeset and pygments_update[c.key_typeset]: pygments_list.append(c) elif (c.is_pyg or c.is_verb) and pygments_update[c.key_typeset]: pygments_list.append(c) elif c.is_cc: if c.cc_pos == 'begin': cc_dict_begin[c.cc_type].append(c) else: cc_dict_end[c.cc_type].append(c) # Save temp_data['code_dict'] = code_dict temp_data['cc_dict_begin'] = cc_dict_begin temp_data['cc_dict_end'] = cc_dict_end temp_data['cons_dict'] = cons_dict temp_data['pygments_list'] = pygments_list # Save the code sessions that need to be updated # Keep track of the files that are created # Also accumulate error indices for handling stderr code_index_dict = {} for key in code_dict: family, session, restart = key.split('#') fname = os.path.join(outputdir, family + '_' + session + '_' + restart + '.' + engine_dict[family].extension) # Want to keep track of files without expanding user, but need to # expand user when actually writing files files[key].append(fname) sessionfile = open(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(fname)), 'w', encoding=encoding) script, code_index = engine_dict[family].get_script(encoding, utilspath, outputdir, workingdir, cc_dict_begin[family], code_dict[key], cc_dict_end[family], debug, interactive) for lines in script: sessionfile.write(lines) sessionfile.close() code_index_dict[key] = code_index temp_data['code_index_dict'] = code_index_dict # Write synchronization file if in debug mode if debug is not None: # Might improve tracking/cleanup of syncdb files key = temp_data['debug_key'] family, session, restart = key.split('#') basename = key.replace('#', '_') syncdb_fname = os.path.join(outputdir, basename + '.' + engine_dict[family].extension + '.syncdb') files[key].append(syncdb_fname) # #### In future version, try to use currfile to get this information # automatically via the .pytxcode main_doc_fname = None for ext in ('.tex', '.ltx', '.dtx'): if os.path.isfile(data['raw_jobname'] + ext): main_doc_fname = data['raw_jobname'] + ext break if not main_doc_fname: return sys.exit('Could not determine extension for main file "{0}"'.format(data['raw_jobname'])) main_code_fname = basename + '.' + engine_dict[family].extension f = open(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(syncdb_fname)), 'w', encoding='utf8') f.write('{0},,{1},,\n'.format(main_code_fname, main_doc_fname)) # All paths are relative to the main code file. So if there is ever # an option for creating other code files, in other locations, then # the relative paths to those files will need to be specified. for e in code_index_dict[key].values(): # #### Probably redo approach so this conversion isn't needed if not e.input_file: input_file = main_doc_fname else: input_file = e.input_file if ',' in input_file or ',' in main_code_fname: line = '"{0}",{1},"{2}",{3},{4}\n'.format(main_code_fname, e.lines_total+1, input_file, e.line_int, e.lines_input) else: line = '{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}\n'.format(main_code_fname, e.lines_total+1, input_file, e.line_int, e.lines_input) f.write(line) f.close() def do_multiprocessing(data, temp_data, old_data, engine_dict): jobname = data['jobname'] encoding = data['encoding'] outputdir = data['settings']['outputdir'] workingdir = data['settings']['workingdir'] keeptemps = data['settings']['keeptemps'] fvextfile = data['settings']['fvextfile'] pygments_settings = data['pygments_settings'] jobs = temp_data['jobs'] verbose = temp_data['verbose'] code_dict = temp_data['code_dict'] cons_dict = temp_data['cons_dict'] cc_dict_begin = temp_data['cc_dict_begin'] cc_dict_end = temp_data['cc_dict_end'] pygments_list = temp_data['pygments_list'] pygments_style_defs = data['pygments_style_defs'] files = data['files'] macros = data['macros'] pygments_files = data['pygments_files'] pygments_macros = data['pygments_macros'] typeset_cache = data['typeset_cache'] errors = temp_data['errors'] warnings = temp_data['warnings'] makestderr = data['settings']['makestderr'] stderrfilename = data['settings']['stderrfilename'] code_index_dict = temp_data['code_index_dict'] hashdependencies = temp_data['hashdependencies'] dependencies = data['dependencies'] exit_status = data['exit_status'] start_time = data['start_time'] debug = temp_data['debug'] interactive = temp_data['interactive'] # If in debug or interactive mode, short-circuit the whole process # #### This should probably be refactored later, once debugging is more # mature if debug is not None or interactive is not None: import shlex if debug is not None: print('Entering debug mode for "{0}"\n'.format(debug) + '-'*20 + '\n') key = temp_data['debug_key'] else: print('Entering interactive mode for "{0}"\n'.format(interactive) + '-'*20 + '\n') key = temp_data['interactive_key'] basename = key.replace('#', '_') family, session, restart = key.split('#') # #### Revise as debugging is expanded if debug is not None and engine_dict[family].language != 'python': return sys.exit('Currently, debug only supports Python') if debug is not None: # #### Eventually, should move to pythontex_engines.py and # provide means for customization command = '{python} {debug} {file}.py --interactive' command = command.replace('{python}', interpreter_dict['python']) command = command.replace('{debug}', '"{0}"'.format(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'syncpdb.py'))) else: command = engine_dict[family].command + ' --interactive' # Need to be in script directory so that pdb and any other tools that # expect this will function correctly. orig_cwd = os.getcwd() if outputdir: os.chdir(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(outputdir))) # Note that command is a string, which must be converted to list # Must double-escape any backslashes so that they survive `shlex.split()` script = basename if os.path.isabs(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(outputdir))): script_full = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(os.path.join(outputdir, basename))) else: script_full = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(os.path.join(orig_cwd, outputdir, basename))) # `shlex.split()` only works with Unicode after 2.7.2 if (sys.version_info.major == 2 and sys.version_info.micro < 3): exec_cmd = shlex.split(bytes(command.format(file=script.replace('\\', '\\\\'), File=script_full.replace('\\', '\\\\')))) exec_cmd = [unicode(elem) for elem in exec_cmd] else: exec_cmd = shlex.split(command.format(file=script.replace('\\', '\\\\'), File=script_full.replace('\\', '\\\\'))) try: proc = subprocess.Popen(exec_cmd) except (WindowsError, FileNotFoundError) as e: if platform.system() == 'Windows' and e.errno == 2: # Batch files won't be found when called without extension. They # would be found if `shell=True`, but then getting the right # exit code is tricky. So we perform some `cmd` trickery that # is essentially equivalent to `shell=True`, but gives correct # exit codes. Note that `subprocess.Popen()` works with strings # under Windows; a list is not required. exec_cmd_string = ' '.join(exec_cmd) exec_cmd_string = 'cmd /C "@echo off & call {0} & if errorlevel 1 exit 1"'.format(exec_cmd_string) proc = subprocess.Popen(exec_cmd_string) else: raise proc.wait() os.chdir(orig_cwd) # Do a basic update of pickled data # This is only really needed for tracking the code file and the # synchronization file (if it was created) if temp_data['loaded_old_data'] and key in old_data['exit_status']: exit_status[key] = old_data['exit_status'][key] else: exit_status[key] = (None, None) if temp_data['loaded_old_data']: data['last_new_file_time'] = old_data['last_new_file_time'] else: data['last_new_file_time'] = start_time pythontex_data_file = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(os.path.join(outputdir, 'pythontex_data.pkl'))) f = open(pythontex_data_file, 'wb') pickle.dump(data, f, -1) f.close() return # Create a pool for multiprocessing. Set the maximum number of # concurrent processes to a user-specified value for jobs. If the user # has not specified a value, then it will be None, and # multiprocessing.Pool() will use cpu_count(). pool = multiprocessing.Pool(jobs) tasks = [] # If verbose, print a list of processes if verbose: print('\n* PythonTeX will run the following processes') print(' with working directory {0}'.format(workingdir)) print(' (maximum concurrent processes = {0})'.format(jobs)) # Add code processes. Note that everything placed in the codedict # needs to be executed, based on previous testing, except for custom code. for key in code_dict: family = key.split('#')[0] # Uncomment the following for debugging, and comment out what follows '''run_code(encoding, outputdir, workingdir, code_dict[key], engine_dict[family].language, engine_dict[family].commands, engine_dict[family].created, engine_dict[family].extension, makestderr, stderrfilename, code_index_dict[key], engine_dict[family].errors, engine_dict[family].warnings, engine_dict[family].linenumbers, engine_dict[family].lookbehind, keeptemps, hashdependencies, pygments_settings)''' tasks.append(pool.apply_async(run_code, [encoding, outputdir, workingdir, code_dict[key], engine_dict[family].language, engine_dict[family].commands, engine_dict[family].created, engine_dict[family].extension, makestderr, stderrfilename, code_index_dict[key], engine_dict[family].errors, engine_dict[family].warnings, engine_dict[family].linenumbers, engine_dict[family].lookbehind, keeptemps, hashdependencies, pygments_settings])) if verbose: print(' - Code process ' + key.replace('#', ':')) # Add console processes for key in cons_dict: family = key.split('#')[0] if engine_dict[family].language.startswith('python'): if family in pygments_settings: # Uncomment the following for debugging '''python_console(jobname, encoding, outputdir, workingdir, fvextfile, pygments_settings[family], cc_dict_begin[family], cons_dict[key], cc_dict_end[family], engine_dict[family].startup, engine_dict[family].banner, engine_dict[family].filename)''' tasks.append(pool.apply_async(python_console, [jobname, encoding, outputdir, workingdir, fvextfile, pygments_settings[family], cc_dict_begin[family], cons_dict[key], cc_dict_end[family], engine_dict[family].startup, engine_dict[family].banner, engine_dict[family].filename])) else: tasks.append(pool.apply_async(python_console, [jobname, encoding, outputdir, workingdir, fvextfile, None, cc_dict_begin[family], cons_dict[key], cc_dict_end[family], engine_dict[family].startup, engine_dict[family].banner, engine_dict[family].filename])) else: print('* PythonTeX error') print(' Currently, non-Python consoles are not supported') errors += 1 if verbose: print(' - Console process ' + key.replace('#', ':')) # Add a Pygments process if pygments_list: tasks.append(pool.apply_async(do_pygments, [encoding, outputdir, fvextfile, pygments_list, pygments_settings, typeset_cache])) if verbose: print(' - Pygments process') # Execute the processes pool.close() pool.join() # Get the outputs of processes # Get the files and macros created. Get the number of errors and warnings # produced. Get any messages returned. Get the exit_status, which is a # dictionary of code that failed and thus must be run again (its hash is # set to a null string). Keep track of whether there were any new files, # so that the last time of file creation in .pytxmcr can be updated. new_files = False messages = [] for task in tasks: result = task.get() if result['process'] == 'code': key = result['key'] files[key].extend(result['files']) if result['files']: new_files = True macros[key].extend(result['macros']) dependencies[key] = result['dependencies'] errors += result['errors'] warnings += result['warnings'] exit_status[key] = (result['errors'], result['warnings']) messages.extend(result['messages']) elif result['process'] == 'console': key = result['key'] files[key].extend(result['files']) if result['files']: new_files = True macros[key].extend(result['macros']) pygments_files.update(result['pygments_files']) pygments_macros.update(result['pygments_macros']) dependencies[key] = result['dependencies'] typeset_cache[key] = result['typeset_cache'] errors += result['errors'] warnings += result['warnings'] exit_status[key] = (result['errors'], result['warnings']) messages.extend(result['messages']) elif result['process'] == 'pygments': pygments_files.update(result['pygments_files']) for k in result['pygments_files']: if result['pygments_files'][k]: new_files = True break pygments_macros.update(result['pygments_macros']) errors += result['errors'] warnings += result['warnings'] messages.extend(result['messages']) # Do a quick check to see if any dependencies were modified since the # beginning of the run. If so, reset them so they will run next time and # issue a warning unresolved_dependencies = False unresolved_sessions = [] for key in dependencies: for dep, val in dependencies[key].items(): if val[0] > start_time: unresolved_dependencies = True dependencies[key][dep] = (None, None) unresolved_sessions.append(key.replace('#', ':')) if unresolved_dependencies: print('* PythonTeX warning') print(' The following have dependencies that have been modified') print(' Run PythonTeX again to resolve dependencies') for s in set(unresolved_sessions): print(' - ' + s) warnings += 1 # Save all content (only needs to be done if code was indeed run). # Save a commented-out time corresponding to the last time PythonTeX ran # and created files, so that tools like latexmk can easily detect when # another run is needed. if tasks: if new_files or not temp_data['loaded_old_data']: last_new_file_time = start_time else: last_new_file_time = old_data['last_new_file_time'] data['last_new_file_time'] = last_new_file_time macro_file = open(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(os.path.join(outputdir, jobname + '.pytxmcr'))), 'w', encoding=encoding) macro_file.write('%Last time of file creation: ' + str(last_new_file_time) + '\n\n') for key in macros: macro_file.write(''.join(macros[key])) macro_file.close() pygments_macro_file = open(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(os.path.join(outputdir, jobname + '.pytxpyg'))), 'w', encoding=encoding) # Only save Pygments styles that are used style_set = set([pygments_settings[k]['formatter_options']['style'] for k in pygments_settings if k != ':GLOBAL']) if style_set: from pygments.formatters import LatexFormatter formatter = LatexFormatter(style='default', commandprefix='PYG') PYG_style_defs = formatter.get_style_defs() pygments_macro_file.write(PYG_style_defs) for key in pygments_style_defs: if key in style_set: pygments_macro_file.write(''.join(pygments_style_defs[key])) for key in pygments_macros: pygments_macro_file.write(''.join(pygments_macros[key])) pygments_macro_file.close() pythontex_data_file = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(os.path.join(outputdir, 'pythontex_data.pkl'))) f = open(pythontex_data_file, 'wb') pickle.dump(data, f, -1) f.close() # Print any errors and warnings. if messages: print('\n'.join(messages)) sys.stdout.flush() # Store errors and warnings back into temp_data # This is needed because they are ints and thus immutable temp_data['errors'] = errors temp_data['warnings'] = warnings def run_code(encoding, outputdir, workingdir, code_list, language, commands, command_created, extension, makestderr, stderrfilename, code_index, errorsig, warningsig, linesig, stderrlookbehind, keeptemps, hashdependencies, pygments_settings): ''' Function for multiprocessing code files ''' import shlex # Create what's needed for storing results family = code_list[0].family session = code_list[0].session key_run = code_list[0].key_run files = [] macros = [] dependencies = {} errors = 0 warnings = 0 unknowns = 0 messages = [] # Create message lists only for stderr, one for undelimited stderr and # one for delimited, so it's easy to keep track of if there is any # stderr. These are added onto messages at the end. err_messages_ud = [] err_messages_d = [] # We need to let the user know we are switching code files # We check at the end to see if there were indeed any errors and warnings # and if not, clear messages. messages.append('\n---- Messages for ' + key_run.replace('#', ':') + ' ----') # Open files for stdout and stderr, run the code, then close the files basename = key_run.replace('#', '_') out_file_name = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(os.path.join(outputdir, basename + '.out'))) err_file_name = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(os.path.join(outputdir, basename + '.err'))) out_file = open(out_file_name, 'w', encoding=encoding) err_file = open(err_file_name, 'w', encoding=encoding) script = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(os.path.join(outputdir, basename))) if os.path.isabs(script): script_full = script else: script_full = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), outputdir, basename))) # #### Need to revise so that intermediate files can be detected and cleaned up for f in command_created: files.append(f.format(file=script, File=script_full)) for command in commands: # Note that command is a string, which must be converted to list # Must double-escape any backslashes so that they survive `shlex.split()` # `shlex.split()` only works with Unicode after 2.7.2 if (sys.version_info.major == 2 and sys.version_info.micro < 3): exec_cmd = shlex.split(bytes(command.format(file=script.replace('\\', '\\\\'), File=script_full.replace('\\', '\\\\'), workingdir=workingdir.replace('\\', '\\\\')))) exec_cmd = [unicode(elem) for elem in exec_cmd] else: if family != 'juliacon': exec_cmd = shlex.split(command.format(file=script.replace('\\', '\\\\'), File=script_full.replace('\\', '\\\\'), workingdir=workingdir.replace('\\', '\\\\'))) else: exec_cmd = shlex.split(command.format(file=script.replace('\\', '/'), File=script_full.replace('\\', '/'), workingdir=workingdir.replace('\\', '/'))) # Add any created files due to the command # This needs to be done before attempts to execute, to prevent orphans try: proc = subprocess.Popen(exec_cmd, stdout=out_file, stderr=err_file) except WindowsError as e: if e.errno == 2: # Batch files won't be found when called without extension. They # would be found if `shell=True`, but then getting the right # exit code is tricky. So we perform some `cmd` trickery that # is essentially equivalent to `shell=True`, but gives correct # exit codes. Note that `subprocess.Popen()` works with strings # under Windows; a list is not required. exec_cmd_string = ' '.join(exec_cmd) exec_cmd_string = 'cmd /C "@echo off & call {0} & if errorlevel 1 exit 1"'.format(exec_cmd_string) proc = subprocess.Popen(exec_cmd_string, stdout=out_file, stderr=err_file) else: raise proc.wait() if proc.returncode != 0: break out_file.close() err_file.close() # Process saved stdout into file(s) that are included in the TeX document. # # Go through the saved output line by line, and save any printed content # to its own file, named based on instance. # # The very end of the stdout lists dependencies, if any, so we start by # removing and processing those. if not os.path.isfile(out_file_name): messages.append('* PythonTeX error') messages.append(' Missing output file for ' + key_run.replace('#', ':')) errors += 1 else: if family == 'juliacon': with open(out_file_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.tex', 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: tex_data_lines = f.readlines() inst = 0 for n, line in enumerate(tex_data_lines): if line.rstrip() == '\\begin{juliaterm}': tex_data_lines[n] = '=>PYTHONTEX:STDOUT#{0}#code#\n'.format(inst) inst += 1 if n != 0: tex_data_lines[n-1] = '' if line.rstrip() == '\\end{juliaterm}': tex_data_lines[n] = '' tex_data_lines.append('=>PYTHONTEX:DEPENDENCIES#\n=>PYTHONTEX:CREATED#\n') with open(out_file_name, 'w', encoding=encoding) as f: f.write(''.join(tex_data_lines)) f = open(out_file_name, 'r', encoding=encoding) out = f.read() f.close() try: out, created = out.rsplit('=>PYTHONTEX:CREATED#\n', 1) out, deps = out.rsplit('=>PYTHONTEX:DEPENDENCIES#\n', 1) valid_stdout = True except: valid_stdout = False if proc.returncode == 0: raise ValueError('Missing "created" and/or "dependencies" delims in stdout; invalid template?') if valid_stdout: # Add created files to created list for c in created.splitlines(): if os.path.isabs(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(c))): files.append(c) else: files.append(os.path.join(workingdir, c)) # Create a set of dependencies, to eliminate duplicates in the event # that there are any. This is mainly useful when dependencies are # automatically determined (for example, through redefining open()), # may be specified multiple times as a result, and are hashed (and # of a large enough size that hashing time is non-negligible). deps = set([dep for dep in deps.splitlines()]) # Process dependencies; get mtimes and (if specified) hashes for dep in deps: dep_file = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(dep)) if not os.path.isabs(dep_file): dep_file = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(os.path.join(workingdir, dep_file))) if not os.path.isfile(dep_file): # If we can't find the file, we return a null hash and issue # an error. We don't need to change the exit status. If the # code does depend on the file, there will be a separate # error when the code attempts to use the file. If the code # doesn't really depend on the file, then the error will be # raised again anyway the next time PythonTeX runs when the # dependency is listed but not found. dependencies[dep] = (None, None) messages.append('* PythonTeX error') messages.append(' Cannot find dependency "' + dep + '"') messages.append(' It belongs to ' + key_run.replace('#', ':')) messages.append(' Relative paths to dependencies must be specified from the working directory.') errors += 1 elif hashdependencies: # Read and hash the file in binary. Opening in text mode # would require an unnecessary decoding and encoding cycle. hasher = sha1() f = open(dep_file, 'rb') hasher.update(f.read()) f.close() dependencies[dep] = (os.path.getmtime(dep_file), hasher.hexdigest()) else: dependencies[dep] = (os.path.getmtime(dep_file), '') if family == 'juliacon': from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name from pygments.formatters import LatexFormatter formatter = dict() lexer = dict() for codetype in pygments_settings: if codetype != ':GLOBAL': p = pygments_settings[codetype]['formatter_options'].copy() p['commandprefix'] = 'PYG' formatter[codetype] = LatexFormatter(**p) lexer[codetype] = get_lexer_by_name(pygments_settings[codetype]['lexer'], **p) for block in out.split('=>PYTHONTEX:STDOUT#')[1:]: if block: delims, content = block.split('#\n', 1) instance, command = delims.split('#') if content or command in ('s', 'sub'): if instance.endswith('CC'): messages.append('* PythonTeX warning') messages.append(' Custom code for "' + family + '" attempted to print or write to stdout') messages.append(' This is not supported; use a normal code command or environment') messages.append(' The following content was written:') messages.append('') messages.extend([' ' + l for l in content.splitlines()]) warnings += 1 elif command == 'i': content = r'\pytx@SVMCR{pytx@MCR@' + key_run.replace('#', '@') + '@' + instance + '}\n' + content.rstrip('\n') + '\\endpytx@SVMCR\n\n' macros.append(content) else: fname = os.path.join(outputdir, basename + '_' + instance + '.stdout') f = open(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normcase(fname)), 'w', encoding=encoding) if command in ('s', 'sub'): if content: fields = [x.split('\n', 1)[1].rsplit('\n', 1)[0] for x in content.split('=>PYTHONTEX:FIELD_DELIM#')[1:]] content = code_list[int(instance)].sub_template.format(*fields) else: # If no replacement fields, de-templatize content = code_list[int(instance)].sub_template.replace('{{', '{').replace('}}', '}') if command == 's': # Remove newline added by printing, prevent # LaTeX from adding a space after content content = content.rsplit('\n', 1)[0] + '\\endinput\n' if family == 'juliacon': content = highlight(content, lexer[family], formatter[family]) f.write(content) f.close() files.append(fname) # Process stderr if not os.path.isfile(err_file_name): messages.append('* PythonTeX error') messages.append(' Missing stderr file for ' + key_run.replace('#', ':')) errors += 1 elif family == 'juliacon': pass else: # Open error and code files. f = open(err_file_name, encoding=encoding) err = f.readlines() f.close() # Divide stderr into an undelimited and a delimited portion found = False for n, line in enumerate(err): if line.startswith('=>PYTHONTEX:STDERR#'): found = True err_ud = err[:n] err_d = err[n:] break if not found: err_ud = err err_d = [] # Create a dict for storing any stderr content that will be saved err_dict = defaultdict(list) # Create the full basename that will be replaced in stderr # We need two versions, one with the correct slashes for the OS, # and one with the opposite slashes. This is needed when a language # doesn't obey the OS's slash convention in paths given in stderr. # For example, Windows uses backslashes, but Ruby under Windows uses # forward in paths given in stderr. # #### Consider os.path.normcase(), making search case-insensitive outputdir_exp = os.path.expanduser(outputdir) fullbasename_correct = os.path.join(outputdir_exp, basename) if '\\' in fullbasename_correct: fullbasename_reslashed = fullbasename_correct.replace('\\', '/') else: fullbasename_reslashed = fullbasename_correct.replace('/', '\\') if err_ud: it = iter(code_index.items()) index_now = next(it) index_next = index_now start_errgobble = None for n, line in enumerate(err_ud): if basename in line: # Get the gobbleation. This is used to determine if # other lines containing the basename are a continuation, # or separate messages. errgobble = match('(\s*)', line).groups()[0] if start_errgobble is None: start_errgobble = errgobble # Only issue a message and track down the line numer if # this is indeed the start of a new message, rather than # a continuation of an old message that happens to # contain the basename if errgobble == start_errgobble: # Determine the corresponding line number in the document found = False for pattern in linesig: try: errlinenum = int(search(pattern, line).groups()[0]) found = True break except: pass if found: while index_next[1].lines_total < errlinenum: try: index_now, index_next = index_next, next(it) except: break if errlinenum > index_now[1].lines_total + index_now[1].lines_input: doclinenum = str(index_now[1].line_int + index_now[1].lines_input) else: doclinenum = str(index_now[1].line_int + errlinenum - index_now[1].lines_total - 1) input_file = index_now[1].input_file else: doclinenum = '??' input_file = '??' # Try to determine if we are dealing with an error or a # warning. found = False index = n if stderrlookbehind: while index >= 0: # The order here is important. If a line matches # both the error and warning patterns, default to # error. past_line = err_ud[index] if (index < n and basename in past_line): break for pattern in warningsig: if pattern in past_line: warnings += 1 alert_type = 'warning' found = True break for pattern in errorsig: if pattern in past_line: errors += 1 alert_type = 'error' found = True break if found: break index -= 1 else: while index < len(err_ud): # The order here is important. If a line matches # both the error and warning patterns, default to # error. future_line = err_ud[index] if (index > n and basename in future_line and future_line.startswith(start_errgobble)): break for pattern in warningsig: if pattern in future_line: warnings += 1 alert_type = 'warning' found = True break for pattern in errorsig: if pattern in future_line: errors += 1 alert_type = 'error' found = True break if found: break index += 1 # If an error or warning wasn't positively identified, # increment unknowns. if not found: unknowns += 1 alert_type = 'unknown' if input_file: err_messages_ud.append('* PythonTeX stderr - {0} on line {1} in "{2}":'.format(alert_type, doclinenum, input_file)) else: err_messages_ud.append('* PythonTeX stderr - {0} on line {1}:'.format(alert_type, doclinenum)) err_messages_ud.append(' ' + line.replace(outputdir_exp, '').rstrip('\n')) else: err_messages_ud.append(' ' + line.rstrip('\n')) # Create .stderr if makestderr and err_messages_ud: process = False it = iter(code_index.items()) index_now = next(it) index_next = index_now it_last = it index_now_last = index_now index_next_last = index_next err_key_last_int = -1 for n, line in enumerate(err_ud): if basename in line: # Determine the corresponding line number in the document found = False for pattern in linesig: try: errlinenum = int(search(pattern, line).groups()[0]) found = True break except: pass if found: if index_next[1].lines_total >= errlinenum: it = it_last index_now = index_now_last index_next = index_next_last else: it_last = it index_now_last = index_now index_next_last = index_next while index_next[1].lines_total < errlinenum: try: index_now, index_next = index_next, next(it) except: index_now = index_next break if index_now[0].endswith('CC'): process = False else: process = True if len(index_now[1].command) > 1: if errlinenum > index_now[1].lines_total + index_now[1].lines_input: codelinenum = str(index_now[1].lines_user + index_now[1].lines_input + 1) else: codelinenum = str(index_now[1].lines_user + errlinenum - index_now[1].lines_total - index_now[1].inline_count) else: codelinenum = '1' else: errlinenum = '??' codelinenum = '??' messages.append('* PythonTeX error') messages.append(' Line number ' + str(errlinenum) + ' could not be synced with the document') messages.append(' Content from stderr is not delimited, and cannot be resolved') errors += 1 process = False if process: if int(index_now[0]) > err_key_last_int: err_key = basename + '_' + index_now[0] err_key_last_int = int(index_now[0]) line = line.replace(str(errlinenum), str(codelinenum), 1) if fullbasename_correct in line: fullbasename = fullbasename_correct else: fullbasename = fullbasename_reslashed if stderrfilename == 'full': line = line.replace(fullbasename, basename) elif stderrfilename == 'session': line = line.replace(fullbasename, session) elif stderrfilename == 'genericfile': line = line.replace(fullbasename + '.' + extension, '') elif stderrfilename == 'genericscript': line = line.replace(fullbasename + '.' + extension, '