#!/usr/bin/env texlua VERSION = "0.2" --[[ pmx.lua: processes MusiXTeX files using pmxab as a pre-processor (and deletes intermediate files) (c) Copyright 2011 Bob Tennent rdt@cs.queensu.ca This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --]] --[[ ChangeLog: version 0.2 2011-11-28 RDT added -i (retain intermediate files) option version 0.1 2011-07-12 RDT --]] function usage() print("Usage: [texlua] pmx.lua { option | basename[.pmx] } ... ") print("options: -v version") print(" -h help") print(" -l latex (or pdflatex)") print(" -p pdfetex (or pdflatex)") print(" -d dvipdfm") print(" -s stop at dvi") print(" -t stop at tex/mid") print(" -i retain intermediate files") print(" -f restore default processing") end function whoami () print("This is pmx.lua version ".. VERSION .. ".") end whoami() if #arg == 0 then usage() os.exit(0) end -- defaults: tex = "etex" musixflx = "musixflx" dvi = "dvips" ps2pdf = "ps2pdf" intermediate = 1 exit_code = 0 narg = 1 repeat this_arg = arg[narg] if this_arg == "-v" then os.exit(0) elseif this_arg == "-h" then usage() os.exit(0) elseif this_arg == "-l" then if tex == "pdfetex" then tex = "pdflatex" else tex = "latex" end elseif this_arg == "-p" then if tex == "latex" then tex = "pdflatex" else tex = "pdfetex" end dvi = ""; ps2pdf = "" elseif this_arg == "-d" then dvi = "dvipdfm"; ps2pdf = "" elseif this_arg == "-s" then dvi = ""; ps2pdf = "" elseif this_arg == "-f" then tex = "etex"; dvi = "dvips"; ps2pdf = "ps2pdf"; intermediate = 1 elseif this_arg == "-t" then tex = ""; dvi = ""; ps2pdf = "" elseif this_arg == "-i" then intermediate = 0 else filename = this_arg if filename ~= "" and string.sub(filename, -4, -1) == ".pmx" then filename = string.sub(filename, 1, -5) end if not io.open(filename .. ".pmx", "r") then print("Non-existent file: ", filename .. ".pmx") else print("Processing ".. filename .. ".pmx.") os.remove( filename .. ".mx2" ) os.execute("pmxab" .. " " .. filename ) pmxaerr = io.open("pmxaerr.dat", "r") if (not pmxaerr) then print("No log file.") os.exit(1) end linebuf = pmxaerr:read() err = tonumber(linebuf) pmxaerr:close() if ( err == 0 ) and ((tex == "") or os.execute(tex .. " " .. filename) == 0) and ((tex == "") or os.execute(musixflx .. " " .. filename) == 0) and ((tex == "") or os.execute(tex .. " " .. filename) == 0) and ((tex ~= "latex" and tex ~= "pdflatex") or (os.execute(tex .. " " .. filename) == 0)) and (dvi == "" or (os.execute(dvi .. " " .. filename) == 0)) and (ps2pdf == "" or (os.execute(ps2pdf .. " " .. filename .. ".ps") == 0) ) then if ps2pdf ~= "" then print(filename .. ".pdf generated by " .. ps2pdf .. ".") end if intermediate == 1 then -- clean-up: os.remove( "pmxaerr.dat" ) os.remove( filename .. ".mx1" ) os.remove( filename .. ".mx2" ) if dvi ~= "" then os.remove( filename .. ".dvi" ) end if ps2pdf ~= "" then os.remove( filename .. ".ps" ) end end else print("pmx/MusiXTeX processing of " .. filename .. ".pmx fails.\n") exit_code = 2 --[[ uncomment for debugging print("tex = ", tex) print("dvi = ", dvi) print("ps2pdf = ", ps2pdf) --]] end end --if not io.open ... end --if this_arg == ... narg = narg+1 until narg > #arg os.exit( exit_code )