#!/usr/bin/env texlua -- -- This is file `pfarrei.tlu', -- generated with the docstrip utility. -- -- The original source files were: -- -- pfarrei.dtx (with options: `pfarrei,lua') -- -- Copyright (c) 2013 Markus Kohm -- komascript at gmx info -- -- This file was generated from file(s) of the work `pfarrei'. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- It may be distributed under the conditions of the -- LaTeX Project Public License in the version distributed together -- with the work `pfarrei'. You may however distribute the work -- `pfarrei' without all such generated files. See also -- for additional -- information. -- -- This work has the LPPL maintenance status `unmaintained'. -- -- -- This package is currently unmaintained. -- -- The list of files belonging to the work `pfarrei' is given in -- the file `pfarrei.dtx'. -- local version_number = string.sub( '$Revision: 37 $', 12, -2 ) local action_version = ' r' .. version_number .. '\n' .. [[ Copyright (c) 2013 Markus Kohm. License: lppl 1.3c or later. See . ]] local action_help = [[ action options: -h, --help Print this help message. -V, --version Print the version information. processing options: -b, --booklet Generate a booklet instead of only two pages side by side onto one page. The whole booklet will be one signature. -s, --sidebyside Generate only two pages side by side onto one page instead of a booklet. -o, --overwrite Write the output to the instead of appending "-sidebyside.pdf" or "--booklet.pdf" to the basename of ]] local action_opts = { ['-h'] = 'help', ['--help'] = 'help', ['-V'] = 'version', ['--version'] = 'version', } local processing_opts = { ['-b'] = 'booklet', ['--booklet'] = 'booklet', ['-s'] = 'sidebyside', ['--sidebyside'] = 'sidebyside', ['-o'] = 'overwrite', ['--overwrite'] = 'overwrite', ['-d'] = 'debug', ['--debug'] = 'debug', } -- detect action options and do action local i = 1 local action while arg[i] do action = action_opts[arg[i]] i = i+1 if action == 'help' then print( arg[0]..action_version ); print( 'Usage: ' .. arg[0] .. ' ' ) print( ' ' .. arg[0] .. ' [] ...\n' ) print( action_help ); os.exit( 0 ); elseif action == 'version' then print( arg[0] .. action_version ); os.exit( 0 ); end end -- process options and parameters local booklet = false local overwrite = false local debug = false i = 1 while arg[i] do action = processing_opts[arg[i]] if action == 'booklet' then booklet = true elseif action == 'sidebyside' then booklet = false elseif action == 'overwrite' then overwrite = true elseif action == 'debug' then debug = true elseif action == nil then -- build the temporary tex file local tmpdir = os.tmpdir("pfarrei.XXXXXX" ) local tmpfile = string.match( arg[i], '.*/(.*)$') or arg[i] -- pdflatex's -output-directory search for source pdf works with path specification but fails -- when simple file name in the current working directory is provided, we need to provide '../' then local local_source='' if tmpfile == arg[i] then local_source = '../' end local basename = string.match( tmpfile,'(.*)%.[^.]*$') or tmpfile tmpfile = tmpdir..'/'..basename..'.tex' local file = assert( io.open( tmpfile, 'w' ) ) if booklet then assert( file:write("\\PassOptionsToPackage{booklet}{pfarrei}\n") ) end assert( file:write("\\def\\OriginalFile{"..local_source,arg[i],"}\n") ) assert( file:write("\\input{a5toa4.tex}\n") ) assert( file:flush() ) file:close() -- call pdflatex assert( os.execute( 'pdflatex -interaction=batchmode -output-directory='..tmpdir..' '..tmpfile ) ) -- copy the resulting pdf file local srcfile = assert( io.open( tmpdir..'/'..basename..'.pdf', 'rb' ) ) if overwrite then tmpfile = arg[i] else tmpfile = string.match( arg[i], '(.*)%.[^.]*$' ) or arg[i] if booklet then tmpfile = tmpfile..'-booklet.pdf' else tmpfile = tmpfile..'-sidebyside.pdf' end end local destfile = assert( io.open( tmpfile, 'wb' ) ) local buffer while true do buffer = srcfile:read(8388608) if buffer==nil then break end assert( destfile:write(buffer) ) end assert( destfile:close() ) srcfile:close() if debug then print('DEBUG: Temporary files in: '..tmpdir); else tmpfile=tmpdir..'/'..basename os.remove( tmpfile..'.aux' ) os.remove( tmpfile..'.tex' ) os.remove( tmpfile..'.log' ) os.remove( tmpfile..'.pdf' ) os.remove( tmpdir ) end overwrite = false end i=i+1 end -- -- -- End of file `pfarrei.tlu'.