-- -- This is file `luacolor.lua', -- generated with the docstrip utility. -- -- The original source files were: -- -- luacolor.dtx (with options: `lua') -- -- This is a generated file. -- -- Project: luacolor -- Version: 2018/11/22 v1.11 -- -- Copyright (C) 2007, 2009-2011 by -- Heiko Oberdiek -- -- This work may be distributed and/or modified under the -- conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either -- version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later -- version. This version of this license is in -- http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt -- and the latest version of this license is in -- http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of -- LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. -- -- This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". -- -- This Current Maintainer of this work is Heiko Oberdiek. -- -- This work consists of the main source file luacolor.dtx -- and the derived files -- luacolor.sty, luacolor.pdf, luacolor.ins, luacolor.drv, -- luacolor-test1.tex, luacolor-test2.tex, luacolor-test3.tex, -- luacolor.lua, -- module("oberdiek.luacolor", package.seeall) function getversion() tex.write("2018/11/22 v1.11") end local ifpdf if tonumber(tex.outputmode or tex.pdfoutput) > 0 then ifpdf = true else ifpdf = false end local prefix local prefixes = { dvips = "color ", dvipdfm = "pdf:sc ", truetex = "textcolor:", pctexps = "ps::", } local patterns = { ["^color "] = "dvips", ["^pdf: *begincolor "] = "dvipdfm", ["^pdf: *bcolor "] = "dvipdfm", ["^pdf: *bc "] = "dvipdfm", ["^pdf: *setcolor "] = "dvipdfm", ["^pdf: *scolor "] = "dvipdfm", ["^pdf: *sc "] = "dvipdfm", ["^textcolor:"] = "truetex", ["^ps::"] = "pctexps", } local function info(msg, term) local target = "log" if term then target = "term and log" end texio.write_nl(target, "Package luacolor info: " .. msg .. ".") texio.write_nl(target, "") end function dvidetect() local v = tex.box[0] assert(v.id == node.id("hlist")) for v in node.traverse_id(node.id("whatsit"), v.head) do if v and v.subtype == node.subtype("special") then local data = v.data for pattern, driver in pairs(patterns) do if string.find(data, pattern) then prefix = prefixes[driver] tex.write(driver) return end end info("\\special{" .. data .. "}", true) return end end info("Missing \\special", true) end local map = { n = 0, } function get(color) tex.write("" .. getvalue(color)) end function getvalue(color) local n = map[color] if not n then n = map.n + 1 map.n = n map[n] = color map[color] = n end return n end local attribute function setattribute(attr) attribute = attr end function getattribute() return attribute end local LIST = 1 local LIST_LEADERS = 2 local COLOR = 3 local RULE = node.id("rule") local node_types = { [node.id("hlist")] = LIST, [node.id("vlist")] = LIST, [node.id("rule")] = COLOR, [node.id("glyph")] = COLOR, [node.id("disc")] = COLOR, [node.id("whatsit")] = { [node.subtype("special")] = COLOR, [node.subtype("pdf_literal")] = COLOR, [node.subtype("pdf_save")] = COLOR, [node.subtype("pdf_restore")] = COLOR, -- probably not needed -- TODO (DPC) [node.subtype("pdf_refximage")] = COLOR, }, [node.id("glue")] = function(n) if n.subtype >= 100 then -- leaders if n.leader.id == RULE then return COLOR else return LIST_LEADERS end end end, } local function get_type(n) local ret = node_types[n.id] if type(ret) == 'table' then ret = ret[n.subtype] end if type(ret) == 'function' then ret = ret(n) end return ret end local mode = 2 -- luatex.pdfliteral.direct local WHATSIT = node.id("whatsit") local SPECIAL = node.subtype("special") local PDFLITERAL = node.subtype("pdf_literal") local DRY_FALSE = false local DRY_TRUE = true local function traverse(list, color, dry) if not list then return color end if get_type(list) ~= LIST then texio.write_nl("!!! Error: Wrong list type: " .. node.type(list.id)) return color end local head = list.head for n in node.traverse(head) do local t = get_type(n) if t == LIST then color = traverse(n, color, dry) elseif t == LIST_LEADERS then local color_after = traverse(n.leader, color, DRY_TRUE) if color == color_after then traverse(n.leader, color, DRY_FALSE or dry) else traverse(n.leader, '', DRY_FALSE or dry) color = '' end elseif t == COLOR then local v = node.has_attribute(n, attribute) if v then local newColor = map[v] if newColor ~= color then color = newColor if dry == DRY_FALSE then local newNode if ifpdf then newNode = node.new(WHATSIT, PDFLITERAL) newNode.mode = mode newNode.data = color else newNode = node.new(WHATSIT, SPECIAL) newNode.data = prefix .. color end head = node.insert_before(head, n, newNode) end end end end end list.head = head return color end function process(box) local color = "" local list = tex.getbox(box) traverse(list, color, DRY_FALSE) end -- -- End of File `luacolor.lua'.