local M = {} -- find if tex4ht.jar exists in a path local function find_tex4ht_jar(path) local jar_file = path .. "/tex4ht/bin/tex4ht.jar" return mkutils.file_exists(jar_file) end -- return value of TEXMFROOT variable if it exists and if tex4ht.jar can be located inside local function get_texmfroot() -- user can set TEXMFROOT environmental variable as the last resort local root_directories = {kpse.var_value("TEXMFROOT"), kpse.var_value("TEXMFDIST"), os.getenv("TEXMFROOT")} for _, root in ipairs(root_directories) do if root then if find_tex4ht_jar(root) then return root end -- TeX live locates files in texmf-dist subdirectory, but Miktex doesn't local path = root .. "/texmf-dist" if find_tex4ht_jar(path) then return path end end end end -- Miktex doesn't seem to set TeX variables such as TEXMFROOT -- we will try to find the TeX root using trick with locating package in TeX root -- there is a danger that this file is located in TEXMFHOME, the location will fail then local function find_texmfroot() local tex4ht_path = kpse.find_file("tex4ht.sty") if tex4ht_path then local path = tex4ht_path:gsub("/tex/generic/tex4ht/tex4ht.sty$","") if find_tex4ht_jar(path) then return path end end return nil end function M.get_selfautoparent() return get_texmfroot() or find_texmfroot() end function M.get_xtpipes(selfautoparent) -- make pattern using TeX distro path local pattern = string.format("java -classpath %s/tex4ht/bin/tex4ht.jar xtpipes -i %s/tex4ht/xtpipes/ -o ${outputfile} ${filename}", selfautoparent, selfautoparent) -- call xtpipes on a temporary file local matchfunction = function(filename) -- move the matched file to a temporary file, xtpipes will write it back to the original file local basename = mkutils.remove_extension(filename) local tmpfile = basename ..".tmp" mkutils.mv(filename, tmpfile) local command = pattern % {filename = tmpfile, outputfile = filename} print(command) local status = os.execute(command) if status > 0 then -- if xtpipes failed to process the file, it may mean that it was bad-formed xml -- we can try to make it well-formed using Tidy local tidy_command = "tidy -utf8 -xml -asxml -q -o ${filename} ${tmpfile}" % {tmpfile = tmpfile, filename = filename} print("xtpipes failed trying tidy") print(tidy_command) local status = os.execute(tidy_command) if status > 0 then -- if tidy failed as well, just use the original file -- it will probably produce corrupted ODT file though print("Tidy failed as well") mkutils.mv(tmpfile, filename) end end end return matchfunction end -- This function moves the last added file matching function to the first place -- in the execution order. This ensures that filters are executed in the -- correct order. function M.move_matches(make) local matches = make.matches local last = matches[#matches] table.insert(matches, 1, last) matches[#matches] = nil end M.get_texmfroot = get_texmfroot M.find_texmfroot = find_texmfroot M.find_tex4ht_jar = find_tex4ht_jar return M