local log = logging.new("joincharacters") local charclasses = { span=true, mn = true, } local function update_mathvariant(curr) -- when we join several elements, they will be rendered incorrectly -- we must set the mathvariant attribute local parent = curr:get_parent() -- set mathvariant only if it haven't been set by the parent element if not parent:get_attribute("mathvariant") then -- curr._attr = curr._attr or {} local mathvariant = "italic" -- the joined elements don't have attributes curr._attr = curr._attr or {} curr:set_attribute("mathvariant", mathvariant) end end local table_count = function(tbl) local tbl = tbl or {} local i = 0 for k,v in pairs(tbl) do i = i + 1 end return i end local has_matching_attributes = function (el, next_el) local el_attr = el._attr or {} local next_attr = next_el._attr or {} -- if the number of attributes doesn't match, elements don't match if table_count(next_attr) ~= table_count(el_attr) then return false end for k, v in pairs(el_attr) do -- if any attribute doesn't match, elements don't match if v~=next_attr[k] then return false end end return true end local function join_characters(obj,par) -- join adjanced span and similar elements inserted by -- tex4ht to just one object. local par = par or {} local options = get_filter_settings "joincharacters" local charclasses = options.charclasses or par.charclasses or charclasses local get_name = function(curr) return string.lower(curr:get_element_name()) end local get_class = function(next_el) return next_el:get_attribute("class") or next_el:get_attribute("mathvariant") end local is_span = function(next_el) return charclasses[get_name(next_el)] end local has_children = function(curr) -- don't process spans that have child elements local children = curr:get_children() or {} -- if there is more than one child, we can be sure that it has child elements if #children > 1 then return true elseif #children == 1 then -- test if the child is an element return children[1]:is_element() end return false end local join_elements = function(el, next_el) -- it the following element match, copy it's children to the current element for _, child in ipairs(next_el:get_children()) do el:add_child_node(child) end -- remove the next element next_el:remove_node() end local function get_next(curr, class) local next_el = curr:get_next_node() if next_el and next_el:is_element() and is_span(next_el) then return next_el -- if the next node is space followed by a matching element, we should add this space elseif next_el and next_el:is_text() and get_next(next_el, class) then local text = next_el._text -- match only text containing just whitespace if text:match("^%s+$") then return next_el end end end obj:traverse_elements(function(el) -- loop over all elements and test if the current element is in a list of -- processed elements (charclasses) and if it doesn't contain children if is_span(el) and not has_children(el) then local next_el = get_next(el) -- loop over the following elements and test whether they are of the same type -- as the current one while next_el do -- save the next element because we will remove it later local real_next = get_next(next_el) if get_name(el) == get_name(next_el) and has_matching_attributes(el,next_el) and not el:get_attribute("id") then join_elements(el, next_el) -- add the whitespace elseif next_el:is_text() then local s = next_el._text -- we must create a new node el:add_child_node(el:create_text_node(s)) next_el:remove_node() real_next = nil else real_next = nil end -- use the saved element as a next object next_el = real_next end end end) -- process elements obj:traverse_elements(function(el) local function get_next_mi(curr) local next_el = curr:get_next_node() if next_el and next_el:is_element() then return next_el end end local function has_no_attributes(x) return table_count(x._attr) == 0 end -- join only subsequential elements with no attributes if get_name(el) == "mi" and has_no_attributes(el) then local next_el = get_next_mi(el) while next_el do local real_next = get_next_mi(next_el) if get_name(next_el) == "mi" and has_no_attributes(next_el) then join_elements(el, next_el) -- set math variant to italic -- (if the parent element doesn't set it to something else) update_mathvariant(el) else -- break the loop otherwise real_next = nil end next_el = real_next end end end) -- join text nodes in an element into one obj:traverse_elements(function(el) -- save the text local t = {} local children = el:get_children() for _, x in ipairs(children) do if x:is_text() then t[#t+1] = x._text else return nil end end el._text = table.concat(t) return el end) return obj end return join_characters